How long will it take for your period to come after cleaning? When does your period come after cleaning the uterus?

The female body recovers differently after intervention in the reproductive system. But menstruation after curettage must begin at a certain time. Therefore, it is necessary to know when to expect menstruation, what it will be like, and what indicates the occurrence of irregularities.

When to expect menstruation after curettage

If curettage does not produce any complications or unexpected consequences, menstruation may occur within 4–5 weeks. The beginning of the cycle is counted from the date of curettage.

But even doctors are not able to say when exactly your period will start after curettage. Everything will depend on the female body’s ability to recover and the reasons for the operation. Minor delays and premature bleeding are allowed. Normally, these deviations do not exceed 3–5 days.

The maximum permissible period of absence of menstrual flow is two weeks. The exception is abortion and miscarriage. After them, the cycle can be restored within several months.

Second, third and subsequent menstrual bleeding arrive on time. If cycle disruption continues to bother the woman, then it is necessary to additional diagnostics, get tested. The following may cause a failure:

  • external negative factors;
  • consequences of scraping;
  • new diseases;
  • violation of gynecologist's instructions.

The doctor can guess when your period will start after cleaning the uterus. The specialist takes into account the nature of the pathology, general health patients and features of the intervention. The date is calculated approximately, since a deviation of several days is allowed for any woman, regardless of surgical intervention.

How long does the discharge last?

The duration of bleeding should remain within normal limits. Menstruation, which lasts from three to seven days, should not cause concern. But it is important to take into account the intensity of the discharge and its characteristics before surgery.

If heavy bleeding continues for a week, you should consult a doctor. The same situation occurs when short periods, when only a spot appears, reminiscent of the end of menstruation.

Nature and quantity of discharge

The first periods after curettage come according to the usual schedule and have the same characteristics:

  • natural shade;
  • normal amount;
  • usual duration;
  • minor pain.

Modification of monthly bleeding is allowed only in better side. After all, the purpose of cleaning or scraping is aimed at eliminating disorders of the reproductive system. Therefore, women who are accustomed to abundant or long periods, take positive changes in the cycle for pathology.

Menstrual flow as a result of curettage can:

  • maintain your usual volume;
  • become meager;
  • increase your number;
  • develop into bleeding.

In a normal situation, a change in the amount of discharge has positive character due to the elimination of a negative factor (disease). You should be alarmed by spotting on the pad or heavy bleeding.

Cycle after diagnostic curettage

The easiest way to determine when your period will come is after diagnostic curettage. Minimal tissue trauma and fast deadlines recovery has virtually no effect on the cycle.

You need to pay attention to the reason for diagnostic curettage:

  • uterine bleeding;
  • violation menstrual cycle;
  • cycle without ovulation;
  • suspicion of endometrial neoplasm;
  • other violations.

Problems with menstruation may arise if the following pathologies were confirmed during diagnosis:

  • polyp of the endometrium or cervical canal;
  • proliferation and thickening of endometrial tissue;
  • cancer diseases;
  • endometritis;
  • endometriosis;
  • benign formation in the uterus;
  • pathology of the cervix.

The best option in such circumstances is separate diagnostic curettage (SDC). The first day of the cycle in this case is the date of the procedure.

Menstruation after an abortion or frozen pregnancy

After abortive curettage Your period may take a few months to start. A similar situation arises when eliminating a frozen pregnancy. The female body need more time to recover due to severe stress and hormonal imbalance.

Blind curettage is fraught severe damage tissues or incomplete removal of the embryo. Therefore, recovery of the body may take longer. Vacuum abortion is safer for women.

Delayed menstruation or bleeding after curettage (abortion, miscarriage) can be caused by several factors.

Hormonal disbalance

The female body begins to suffer from restructuring, even if conception did not end with the birth of a child. The gynecologist can also prescribe hormonal oral contraceptives to prevent pregnancy during the recovery period.

It is necessary to take care of your health. Any violation of the doctor’s instructions can cause inflammation, infection and other negative factors that cause menstruation to be delayed.

Poor cleaning

If during the intervention the specialist left fetal particles in the uterine cavity, then severe bleeding and cycle disruption cannot be ruled out. That is why similar procedures need to be carried out with modern instruments that allow you to control the entire process so that the particles ovum, the placenta did not remain inside.

Menstruation after endometrial cleansing

When, after cleaning the endometrium with hyperplasia, menstruation begins, largely depends on the experience of the doctor who performed the curettage. In a normal situation menstrual flow begin no earlier than a month after the intervention.

The delay is most often caused by:

  1. Deep impact. Only removed during surgery functional layer mucous membrane. If the doctor also touched the basal layer, there is a possibility long-term recovery and lack of menstruation.
  2. Hormonal therapy. For hyperplasia, hormones are prescribed that control the functioning of the ovaries. When taking medications that reduce estrogen synthesis, expect critical days not worth it. They will begin when the gynecologist cancels the therapy.
  3. Other factors. A delay can be caused by stress, taking antibiotics, the disease itself, or non-compliance with recommendations. Complications are possible, which will be signaled long absence menstrual flow.

Knowing when menstruation will begin after cleaning the uterus, and why cycle disruptions may occur, it is easier for a woman to monitor changes in the reproductive system. If the delay does not disappear after cancellation hormonal pills, then you need to go to the hospital. After all, hyperplasia is insidious disease, on last stage which even the uterus is removed.

Disorders after surgery

The following menstruation is a reason to go to the hospital:

Heavy periods

The appearance of heavy periods after curettage indicates complications.

Heavy bleeding (one pad is not enough for an hour) can be caused by:

  • uterine atony;
  • incomplete curettage;
  • the remainder of parts of the placenta or fertilized egg;
  • endometrial detachment;
  • uterine perforation;
  • uterine tear.

The main symptoms are decreased performance, fatigue, dizziness, pallor skin and low blood pressure.

No discharge

When there is no menstruation after curettage, the reasons may be as follows:

  1. Onset of pregnancy. Even after such an intervention, conception is possible. Doctors advise avoiding sex until the body recovers and then using contraception.
  2. Damage to the mucous membrane. The damaged layer of the endometrium is one of the most dangerous complications. The uterine lining does not regenerate, which is why menstruation does not last for a very long time.
  3. The occurrence of inflammation. After curettage it is necessary to take antibiotics. The absence of these drugs causes inflammatory processes, discharge with an unpleasant odor, high temperature body, delay.
  4. Formation of hematometra. Due to cervical spasm or scarring menstrual blood accumulates in the uterine cavity. Therefore, doctors often prescribe antispasmodics to patients to prevent such a complication.

A woman needs to know how many weeks after cleansing her period begins. A long delay is not the norm, so if alarming symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor and not self-medicate or read the forum. Only in this case will it be possible to avoid complications and serious problems with reproductive organs.

Curettage is carried out with therapeutic, diagnostic purpose and as an abortion. In the latter case, menstruation may be absent for up to 2 months. Early return of menstruation is a sign of pathology.

How long does it take for menstruation to resume after curettage?

Discussions on the topic: “Menstruations after curettage” - quite common occurrence on women's forums. Before starting to consider this issue, you need to get general ideas about curettage itself and indications for it.

A woman's uterus is multilayered muscular organ. When scraping, the internal slime layer endometrium. There are two types of scraping:

  • separate;
  • hysteroscopy.

Separate cleaning is carried out blindly using tools. During this procedure, the uterus is cleansed and. During hysteroscopy, a special device is inserted into the uterus, and the doctor observes how the endometrium is detached.

The reasons why curettage may be performed are:

  • endometrial pathology;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • cervical diseases;
  • frozen pregnancy;
  • miscarriage.

Cleaning may also be prescribed after normal childbirth in the case when parts of the placenta remain in the uterus.

When will your period start after curettage? What is the norm and deviation? Why ? These questions should definitely be discussed with your doctor.

Discharge immediately after brushing

They don't appear right away. Within a week after cleansing, a woman may observe discharge, which decreases every day. They appear due to trauma to the inner layer of the uterus. Bloody issues, smoothly turning into brownish, are indicators of the norm.

The following situations are considered deviations:

  • discharge for more than 10 days;
  • copious discharge;
  • severe pain in the lower abdomen;
  • sudden cessation of discharge;
  • hyperthermia (increased body temperature);
  • yellow or green discharge;
  • the appearance of an unpleasant odor of discharge.

If you detect at least one of these symptoms, you should immediately seek medical help.

First menstruation after curettage

No one can answer for sure how long it will take to get your period. Returning the cycle to normal directly depends on the method of cleansing, the reason for which it was carried out, and the individual characteristics of the body.

After diagnostic curettage, the time when menstruation should begin should not exceed six weeks. The menstrual cycle and menstruation itself return to normal in within three months.

When cleaning is carried out due to a miscarriage, medical abortion, or frozen pregnancy, menstruation may begin after 2 months. The reproductive system takes some time to restore normal functionality. The discharge itself may be more intense in nature and last much longer than usual.

Menstruation after curettage in the first three months is more painful than usual.

This is the norm. In this case, painkillers will come to the rescue. However, strong and sharp pain- this is already a reason to sound the alarm and go to the doctor. When your period begins with heavy discharge with an unpleasant odor, this is also a deviation from the norm.

Delayed menstruation after curettage

If the appointment for curettage was not due to pregnancy, and menstruation did not occur within seven weeks after the procedure, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor. It could be as simple as individual feature body, and a sign of serious pathology. After cleaning, cervical spasm may occur. In this situation cervical canal does not allow blood to pass through and exfoliated endometrium.

Failure to provide assistance at the right time can lead to very serious consequences up to sepsis.

I would like to note that the onset of menstruation during the first two weeks after the procedure is also a reason to consult a doctor. This situation may indicate a serious hormonal imbalance.

Complications after curettage

Do not forget that curettage is a serious surgical intervention that can lead to many complications:

After cleaning, which was carried out blindly, a complication in the form of uterine perforation is possible. It poses a huge danger to a woman’s life. If this pathology is detected, the uterus is sutured; in more severe cases, it is extirpated (removed).

If the forceps come off during the procedure, a tear may form on the body of the uterus or cervix. In case of such damage, sutures are applied to the gap.

When, after curettage, bleeding occurs with great intensity, one may suspect uterine bleeding. With this pathology, the discharge will be abundant with the presence of clots. Damage may result large vessels or remnants of the placenta, elements of the endometrium. Treatment consists of prescribing; it may be necessary to scrape it a second time.

After cleaning, the uterus remains open wound, where infection can easily get into and an inflammatory process can develop. Symptoms of inflammation are:

  • hyperthermia;
  • pain in the lower abdomen, in most cases throbbing in nature;
  • foul odor of discharge;
  • color atypical for discharge;
  • a large number of discharges after their absence.

Treatment requires antibiotic therapy, and some cases may even result in repeated curettage.

The inflammatory process can also begin due to spasms of the cervix. Blood accumulates in the uterus, and the process of decay begins. Without medical care You can't cope in this situation.

A long-term consequence of complicated curettage is infertility. Scars form on the wall of the uterus, which will prevent the placenta from attaching in the future and functioning fully. Infertility can also occur due to obstruction fallopian tubes, which developed due to prolonged inflammation. If you notice at least one of these symptoms, you should definitely come for help.


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Gynecological cleansing is the procedure for removing the top layer of the uterine mucosa. IN Lately The procedure is used to diagnose/treat diseases of the female reproductive system.

When is cleaning necessary? This is done to all women with a frozen pregnancy.

Vacuum curettage is safer than using instruments - curettes. But any intervention leads to undesirable consequences– inflammation, irregular menstruation, infertility. Therefore, the diagnostic curettage procedure is not resorted to unless necessary.

Normal menstruation

As after any other operation, a woman needs time to recover after cleaning. And during this period you should pay attention Special attention first menstruation.

No special reasons worry if your period goes as usual. But if the delay exceeds several days, consult a doctor.

How many days does it take for menstruation to start? Menstruation after curettage is short and light. They should begin in 28–36 days. That is, the cycle duration does not change. If the reason for the cleansing is a frozen pregnancy, then monthly bleeding begins a few days earlier, after 6–7 weeks.

After diagnostic curettage, menstruation should not be accompanied unpleasant sensations. If they are absent for a long time or they are abundant, consult a gynecologist.

Menstruation disorders

If the first menstruation after curettage is heavy, or the discharge is too small and does not have the best nice smell– urgently go to a specialist.

The same warning signs are considered severe pain lower abdomen, temperature. After all, during an abortion, parts of the fetus could remain. To eliminate them, repeated intervention will be required.

A girl should suspect something is wrong if she doesn’t get her period on time after curettage. After cleaning, cervical spasm could occur. If this is true, then blood has accumulated in the uterus. It is impossible to cope with this on your own, so you need the help of a doctor. Even a few days of lack of treatment leads to serious consequences.

During a frozen pregnancy

A frozen pregnancy is when the embryo stops developing. There are many reasons due to which fetal death occurs: infection, disease, virus, hormonal disorders etc. If this happens, the woman begins to take antibiotics and hormonal drugs, and the fetus is removed from the uterus by cleaning.

After cleansing, many girls experience disruptions to their menstrual cycle. When there is no period after curettage after 7 weeks, you should urgently consult a doctor.

After curettage of a frozen pregnancy, menstruation comes 4–5 weeks later. Bloody discharge that appears almost immediately after surgery is not menstruation after a missed pregnancy, as many women assume. These are the consequences surgical intervention.

Four weeks is optimal time, after which the first menstruation should occur. But this period is approximate, because each woman’s body is individual. In addition, medications prescribed by the doctor may also have an effect. But you should focus on this time.


Gynecological cleansing is a serious intervention in a woman’s body, which can lead to problems. Therefore, it is very important to monitor your health at first, and at the slightest suspicion of a deviation, consult a doctor.

The causes of pathology are different. The main ones should be considered:

  • Failure or change in hormonal levels. After curettage, it is prescribed contraceptives. They will prevent new pregnancy and will affect menstruation, or rather, their recovery.
  • Infection or inflammation may occur inside the uterus. This will also affect the first periods after surgery. They may be scarce and begin several days later than necessary. They will be dark in color and have an unpleasant odor. Often occurs due to early cessation of antibiotics.
  • If after the operation there are fetal particles left inside the uterus, then the discharge will be abundant. It is impossible to skip this process if you follow the doctor’s exact instructions for recovery and do an ultrasound on time.

Cleaning is an unpleasant procedure, and complications often arise after it. They try to avoid it, but in some cases it is necessary. To avoid consequences, you must follow the doctor’s instructions.

  • Give your body time to recover.
  • Avoid sexual relations at first.
  • Be more careful when choosing contraceptives.

Pregnancy can occur 10–14 days after surgery, and this is extremely undesirable. Through early pregnancy the body will receive heavy loads, never recovering. In this case, there is no reason to believe that pregnancy and childbirth will be successful. How long should we wait? The shortest recovery period is six months.

Why might problems occur during recovery? Most often, it is the woman herself who makes the mistake by stopping visiting the doctor and stopping drinking. necessary medications. Even wellness does not indicate a successful operation.

  • Use hygiene products other than sanitary pads.
  • Allow water to get inside the vagina. Even with heavy discharge, and under other circumstances, avoid douching.

Take care of your body and let the wounds heal. Do not have sex for a couple of weeks after curettage.

After curettage, it is very important to monitor your health, because problems may arise. severe consequences, even infertility. Follow all doctor's recommendations and contact the slightest sign violations.

Many representatives of the fair sex undergo the procedure of curettage of the uterus. The essence of this manipulation is to remove the top layer of the uterine mucosa. Regardless of its type, abortive or diagnostic, a disruption occurs in the functioning of the body. As a result of the intervention, in some cases complications may arise, which will be indicated by an altered nature of the menstrual cycle, as well as the appearance of discharge unusual for the normal state.

If it is necessary to carry out curettage, every woman should know about the timing of the onset of the first menstruation, their nature, what can provoke a delay, and also in what cases to seek help from a specialist.

How does the procedure affect menstruation?

Last time Vacuum curettage is most often used, since this method is the most secure compared to manual. When cleaning is done with a curette, it is possible that the uterine wall is injured and the muscle layer is broken, which can provoke the development of pelvioperitonitis. IN medical practice cases have been recorded when the procedure ended in an inflammatory process.

The uterus has three layers:

  • serous;
  • myometrium;
  • endometrium.

In this case, the latter is divided into basal and functional. The basal one acts as an assistant to the second layer. It promotes its growth, that is, the renewal of each cycle. With the maturation and compaction of the functional layer, unhindered attachment of the fertilized egg to the uterine wall occurs, which has a beneficial effect on the development of the embryo in the future.

Sometimes, a woman is forced to perform curettage of the endometrium of the uterine cavity as a result unwanted pregnancy or for therapeutic and diagnostic purposes. But this one surgical procedure can lead to a number of significant complications. After an abortion or diagnostic curettage, menstrual irregularities often occur. Let's try to figure out when should menstruation start after curettage?

How does normal menstruation proceed after curettage?

Theoretically, normally, the first menstruation after a diagnostic curettage or abortion occurs on days 28-35. If diagnostic curettage was performed, hormonal background has not been changed. Therefore, no disturbances should occur during the cycle. However, in practice, much depends on the individuality of the menstrual cycle and general condition the patient's body.

If a woman did surgical abortion, a delay in menstruation after curettage is quite possible. Reproductive system must recover from an unexpected pregnancy loss. In any case, it is worth remembering that intervention in the uterine cavity carries a potential threat of the development of infectious and inflammatory processes. Therefore, you need to carefully consider how the first menstruation will proceed after curettage.

Disturbances during menstruation after curettage

Heavy or, on the contrary, scanty periods after curettage serve as a good excuse to visit a gynecologist. Pay attention to how often you change your pads during your period. Heavy periods after curettage are considered to be those during which you change hygiene product need once every 3 hours. Indicator heavy bleeding It may become necessary to change the gasket at night. As a rule, bleeding becomes more passive during sleep, since the woman practically does not move. Scanty menstruation after curettage, accompanied by an unpleasant odor, dark in color - alarm signal. Especially if menstruation occurs against the background of bad general well-being, elevated temperature, pain in the lower abdomen. It is possible that after an abortion, some particles of the fetal membrane remain in the uterine cavity. In this case, you should donate blood to determine hCG. At positive result Repeated curettage is recommended. An unpleasant odor during menstruation confirms the presence infectious process, for example, endometriosis.

Usually, the second period after curettage comes on time. But full recovery the menstrual cycle may be delayed. The norm is the restoration of the usual course of menstruation within 2 to 3 months. In the absence of menstruation for three months after an abortion or diagnostic curettage, you must consult a doctor, since we can talk about something like this serious violation like infertility.

After a diagnostic curettage performed during a frozen pregnancy, miscarriage, in order to remove polyps or take tissue for histology, menstruation does not normally differ in duration or abundance.

However, the absence of menstruation on time can be a sign of serious pathology. Why is there no menstruation after curettage in this case? Most likely, during the recovery period after surgery cervical spasm occurred. As a result, bleeding accumulate in the uterine cavity, forming a fairly dense clot. In such circumstances, you should consult a doctor immediately.



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