When should menstruation start after uterine curettage? How to distinguish pathological bleeding from normal

Many women have to deal with the procedure of curettage of the uterus. Due to such interference in the work of the most important reproductive organ sometimes complications arise, which are judged by changes in the nature of the menstrual cycle, the appearance unusual discharge. It is important to know when your period should come after curettage and what could be the reason for its delay, change in color and volume. You can avoid complications and eliminate their consequences by consulting a doctor in time.


Why is scraping performed?

Curettage of the uterine cavity is a procedure associated with the removal of the superficial (functional) layer of the endometrium. Subsequently, it is restored due to the division of cells in the deeper (basal) layer. The contents are removed from the uterus using a curette (a special metal spoon) or vacuum. Vacuum cleaning is less painful and traumatic than curettage.

Scraping is performed as intended therapeutic cleansing the uterine cavity, and for diagnostic study material after it has been removed. The procedure is prescribed in the following cases:

  • if it is necessary to study the structure of neoplasms after removal from the uterus, if doubts arise about their benign nature;
  • to determine the cause of bleeding after menopause;
  • For prompt elimination polyps and endometrial hyperplasia (excessive thickening, leading to infertility);
  • with too heavy and prolonged periods;
  • after a miscarriage or frozen pregnancy;
  • for the purpose of artificial termination of pregnancy;
  • when a woman’s general health deteriorates a few days after birth due to incomplete removal of the placenta.

When diagnosing and treating diseases of the uterus, they are used various techniques carrying out cleaning.

Separate curettage is used to collect material separately from the uterine cavity and the cervical canal.

Hysteroscopic curettage is a procedure in which a hysteroscope is used to control the process, which makes it possible to carefully examine the internal surface of the organ.

The diagnostic procedure is carried out a few days before the onset of menstruation. Nagging pain, which occurs in the lower abdomen during cleansing, is about the same as during menstruation, sometimes even stronger. Often the operation is performed under general anesthesia(especially when using a curette).

Video: Menstruation after curettage. Possible complications

First menstruation after cleansing

Women are often worried about when they should wait for their first period to arrive after curettage. It all depends on the purpose of its implementation, individual characteristics the body, the method of cleaning, the presence or absence of complications.

During diagnostic curettage, the hormonal background does not change; only the process of removing the endometrium from the uterus is accelerated (as during menstruation). That's why next menstruation should arrive as expected no later than 35 days.

After curettage in order to eliminate the diseases that caused menstrual irregularities(hyperplasia, polyps), menstruation comes after 28-30 days, if there were no complications during the operation. After a miscarriage on early and abortion, if the uterine cavity has been cleansed effectively, menstruation also occurs after about 1 month, the regularity of the cycle is maintained.

Note: If, after curettage, performed due to a miscarriage or in connection with an abortion, menstruation does not come on time, and there is no pain in the lower abdomen, this is a sign of pregnancy. Healthy woman You can get pregnant within 2 weeks after cleansing. Doctors recommend using by oral means contraception.

When curettage occurs due to a frozen pregnancy, a longer recovery of the body occurs. It takes time for the hormonal levels to return to normal and for the ovaries to begin functioning normally. The first periods come 2-3 months after cleaning, they can be long and irregular.

Possible complications

During cleaning, as with any other surgical intervention, dangerous complications may arise that cause deterioration. reproductive health And general well-being. In this case, the nature of menstruation after cleansing and the time of its onset will deviate from the norm.

Such complications may be:

  1. A tear or cut in the uterine wall surgical instruments. The wall needs to be sutured to prevent internal bleeding.
  2. Hematometra (spasm of the cervix), leading to stagnation of blood in the organ cavity. This condition causes inflammatory process and cycle disorders.
  3. Infection in the uterus, leading to inflammatory diseases internal genital organs (endometritis, salpingoophoritis).

Most dangerous complication is curettage of the basal layer of the endometrium. This leads to infertility due to the inability to restore the functional layer. Depending on how extensive the damage is, your period may take six months to arrive or may not appear at all.

When to see a doctor

For 3 months after curettage, periods may be painful. This is not a pathology. Painkillers (paracetamol) or antispasmodics (drotaverine) can help cope with the malaise. If the pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation is severe, accompanied by an increase in temperature, you need to visit a gynecologist, since most likely the cause is inflammation of the uterus or appendages.

Usually, after curettage, the discharge of blood with clots continues for several hours. Then they normally become scanty brown and develop into regular leucorrhoea. If bleeding continues or, having stopped, appears again a few days after surgery, this indicates that particles remain in the uterine cavity ovum or placenta. Re-cleaning may be required.

The first menstruation after curettage is sometimes too scanty. This indicates cervical spasm. Stagnation leads to the development of infection. Inflammation is indicated by the appearance unpleasant odor in menstrual flow. To speed up their removal from the uterus, injections of oxytocin are prescribed, which enhances contractions.

It is possible that an infection may occur during the procedure itself or if hygiene rules are not followed in the first days after curettage. About availability infectious process in the uterus is evidenced by the appearance of yellow discharge with a strong unpleasant odor and an increase in body temperature. Therefore, after curettage, antibiotics are prescribed for prophylactic purposes to prevent inflammatory complications.

If there is no menstruation for more than 3 months after the cleansing, if there is a change in their nature, or if signs of complications appear, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist, undergo an examination (do an ultrasound, take blood tests for inflammation and infection), and begin treatment.

Curettage, curettage, gynecological cleansing are complex surgery. Its implementation allows you to remove upper layer endometrium with inner wall and cervix. The need for surgery is rare, since this intervention is traumatic and dangerous. In some cases, the procedure requires general anesthesia.

Cleaning can be done separately and. The tool for the first method is a curette; the doctor does the cleaning, relying on his experience, knowledge and skills. The second method is performed using an endoscope, which transmits the image captured by a video camera to a large screen. This way the doctor can control how the endometrium is exfoliated.

Curettage is resorted to in the following cases:

  • with pathology of the uterus, its endometrium and cervix;
  • if the menstrual cycle fails;
  • during frozen pregnancy;
  • in case of involuntary abortion;
  • during a medical abortion;
  • when cleaning again;
  • for diagnostics.

The danger of injury to the walls of the uterus arises because, firstly, the instrument is very sharp, and secondly, it can slip. On the other hand, insufficient cleaning can lead to serious complications. After curettage, there should be no remnants of pathological tissue in the uterus.

It is possible to understand how well the curettage was performed only after several months. It is necessary to monitor after cleaning the uterus when your period begins. The timing of their onset, the quality of menstruation, accompanying sensations and conditions - everything can confirm or deny the success of the operation.

First menstruation after curettage

The most important evidence of a correctly performed operation is the reappearance of menstruation after cleaning. The first menstruation after a diagnostic procedure prescribed due to a miscarriage, frozen fetal development, or removal of a polyp should normally be the same as before curettage. Everything must match - the duration of the cycle, the amount of blood, the composition of the discharge, its appearance, color, consistency, smell.

If after cleaning your period starts too early, the discharge is heavy, or there is a delay in the cycle, abdominal pain occurs, or the temperature rises, an examination by a gynecologist is urgently required. Such violations are associated with emerging pathologies or an incorrectly performed operation. A repeat procedure may be necessary.

When to expect them

It may seem that after a complex and unsafe process it can appear at some indefinite time - in a week or two, or in 9-10 weeks. This is wrong. The onset of menstruation is strictly established; it should not differ in any way from the duration of the menstrual cycle before the procedure. If the interval between ovulations was 27-28 days, then your period will have to start 4 weeks (or a month) after cleaning, because curettage does not affect the maturation of the egg. The procedure does not change hormonal levels.

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The maximum period when menstrual flow should begin after the diagnostic curettage procedure reaches five to six weeks.

The maximum time when menstruation begins after cleansing a frozen pregnancy, as well as after any abortion, for example, during a miscarriage, should not be higher than six to seven weeks. The lengthening of the interval is associated with changes in hormone levels due to the beginning of gestation. To transition to normal hormonal levels the body needs a little time.

If the deadlines are violated, you should come for an examination to a doctor to avoid complications. For example, if your period started after 2 weeks, it may be due to bleeding. Another reason for this phenomenon is hormonal imbalance.

Each woman is individual, so the time of the onset of her first period may vary. The establishment of the cycle, its arrival normally lasts from 3 to 6 months. During this time, your periods are a little more painful than before.

Types of discharge

After the procedure has taken place, it is necessary to pay all attention to the first periods after cleansing and their appearance. IN different situations types of discharge can be as follows:

  • Scanty, dark, pungent and unpleasantly smelling.
  • Abundant, when the pad fills in less than 3 hours, with clots.
  • Changed color, having a yellowish or greenish color.
  • Red, bright color, pouring very strongly.

An unusual type of discharge may appear when particles remain in the uterus that have not been removed. These pieces of endometrium cause very scanty discharge dark in color with an unpleasant odor. Such symptoms are associated with the process of inflammation. If the discharge is extremely strong, with clots coming out, there is also a suspicion that the surface of the uterine wall is not completely cleansed.

Green or yellow discharge caused by inflammatory and infectious processes.

Very large blood losses may indicate damage to blood vessels. In this case, it is not advisable to stop the bleeding by self-medication. You need to see a doctor.

Normally, the discharge should not be abundant, but generally the same in color, without an unpleasant odor or clots. Menstruation after cleansing lasts a little less time than usual.

How to distinguish pathological bleeding from normal

The pathology of the procedure can be indicated by a change in the woman’s well-being during her period after cleansing. Symptoms of the disease are:

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Sharp, severe pain in the abdomen, throbbing pain.

  • Scanty menstruation with odor.
  • Clots in excessively heavy periods.
  • Increase in temperature, its sudden jumps.
  • Weakness, nausea, dizziness.
  • Very heavy bleeding, reminiscent of uterine.
  • Late on long time period.

The most difficult thing is restoring menstruation after cleansing, which was caused by a frozen pregnancy. Stopping fetal development does not allow delay in performing curettage, otherwise death may occur. But during the cleaning process, a small area of ​​tissue lining the uterus may remain. Therefore, the condition of a woman in such a situation must be monitored especially carefully. You may have to wait up to 7 weeks for your period. The exact parameters depend on the features female body.


Possible consequences gynecological cleansing not joyful. Depending on the complexity of the case, the stage of pregnancy and the purpose of the curettage procedure, vacuum cleaning or using a curette can be used. After vacuum cleaning undesirable consequences, usually less. Curettage is more dangerous, as the instrument may slip and damage internal tissues. If they appeared very copious discharge, especially earlier than expected, this almost always means that large blood vessels. After curettage, the following complications are also possible:

  • myometrial perforation;
  • tear;
  • spasm of the cervical canal;
  • infection or inflammation of the endometrium and other tissues;
  • pieces of placenta and endometrium remaining in the uterus;
  • deep damage to the uterine tissue.

If the uterus is damaged, the problem is eliminated by sewing in the organ or removing it. When particles of dying tissue remain unscraped out, repeated cleaning may help.

Delay of menstruation

A long absence of discharge after the curettage process is dangerous; it may indicate pathological results of the procedure. When for a long time no menstruation possible reason, which contributed to the delay, is a spasm of the cervical canal and cervix. In this case, the accumulation of blood and mucous secretions formed in the uterine cavity cannot leave it. This situation requires urgent medical intervention, since the blood changes while in the uterine cavity. It may begin to curl or decompose, which can lead to fatal. On your own, without medical care, the problem cannot be solved.

At the very beginning of the body’s recovery after gynecological cleansing, the uterus remains very vulnerable. She should be protected. We need help to establish normal monthly cycle, allow microdamages to heal. Therefore, it is recommended to abstain from sexual activity. If you don't do this, you may end up pregnant again. New process carrying an unborn child may cause delay or complete absence menstruation. The likelihood of conception occurs as soon as a new egg matures in the ovary. The time for the release of a new egg depends on many reasons, but doctors believe that if you do not give up sexual activity, pregnancy is possible even 8–14 days after curettage.


Abortion is nothing more than surgery or surgery, during which there is a risk of vascular damage and blood loss may occur. When does your period start after curettage? Most often, bloody discharge after this type surgical intervention can last from three to seven days. The first menstruation after curettage should begin within 30 days. However, in reality, there are cases of earlier or later onset of menstruation. In these cases, the help of an experienced and competent gynecologist is necessary. Most dangerous late start menstrual bleeding, as this may indicate damage to the deep layers of the endometrium. Since a medical abortion is accompanied by a sharp disruption in the functioning of the female body, the first menstruation after curettage can manifest itself in the form of rather scanty discharge. This is due to the oppression of work and normal functioning ovaries.

Menstruation after curettage

They usually begin between twenty-eight and thirty-five days from the date of intervention. Often, menstruation after curettage is far from normal in all respects. If the first menstrual bleeding too much - this is a reason to contact a gynecologist. Monitor the amount of blood released. It is worth noting that it is difficult to determine the exact amount of its loss. There may be cause for concern frequent change pads (once every three hours, as well as at night). Heavy menstruation After cleaning, they are easily amenable to drug treatment, which should be determined by a specialist. If menstruation after curettage began somewhat ahead of time and is accompanied by elevated temperature, feeling unwell and pain, you should seek help immediately. Since such symptoms may indicate that pieces of membranes remain in the uterine cavity. Scanty and dark discharge with a foul odor indicates the presence of a disease or the development of inflammation. Urgent examination and further drug treatment on an outpatient or inpatient basis are necessary.

Menstruation after spontaneous miscarriage

In this case, menstruation should begin between 28-35 days. However, it may be accompanied by some cycle disorders. If the discharge is heavy, this may be a sign that embryo particles remain in the uterine cavity. Then cleaning the uterus is necessary. Sometimes it helps to solve the problem intramuscular injection drugs that promote rhythmic contraction of the uterus (followed by the use of hemostatic drugs).

Treatment is carried out under the supervision of a specialist

Any of listed cases requires close attention and supervision by a qualified physician. Only a specialist can deliver accurate diagnosis and schedule a follow-up drug therapy. Self-medication is unacceptable under any circumstances.

How many days after curettage of the uterine cavity does menstruation begin and how to distinguish them from bleeding? Often after cleansing there is a cycle failure - red days may come too early or, on the contrary, may be delayed. In this material we will try to answer all the main questions.

Menstruation after curettage of a frozen pregnancy, miscarriage, abortion

When should we expect them?

Doctors consider the day when curettage (cleaning) was performed as the first day of the menstrual cycle. This means that your period should come at its usual time, equal to length woman's cycle. For example, if the length of the menstrual cycle is 28 days, this should be the period after which menstruation begins. In case of early pregnancy termination, in the first trimester.

If there is a delay

After an abortion and removal of a non-developing fertilized egg, delays occur due to a malfunction of the ovaries. That is why, and for exclusion in the future induced abortions, doctors prescribe oral contraceptives - birth control pills - to patients.

If you do not have your period on time, you must first make sure that there is no pregnancy. Take a pregnancy test or a blood test for hCG. Unusually weak, spotting periods after cleansing a sternum (frozen pregnancy) is one of possible signs interesting situation. Remember that curettage of the uterine cavity does not guarantee the absence of ovulation in the same cycle. Contraception is required.

Too little discharge

If the next menstruation in the absence of pregnancy also came late (cycle length more than 35 days), and they are very scanty, you need to do an ultrasound to exclude the formation of intrauterine synechiae - adhesions. This is a complication of the classic surgical abortion. After vacuum cleaning it practically never occurs.

Critical days began early (cd)

If your critical days began early, 1-2 weeks after surgery, you need to undergo ultrasonography uterus. Perhaps there are fragments of the fertilized egg or its membranes left in it. Sometimes after curettage, a spasm of the cervical canal occurs, and some of the discharge remains in the uterus. They begin to emerge within a few days or weeks. A bad situation that threatens endometritis - inflammation.
At the same time very weak, pinkish discharge 12-16 days after cleansing can be considered a sign of ovulation.

You can find out if you are on your period or have uterine bleeding by the following signs(they refer to CD):

  • at least 21 days have passed since the day of surgery (the most short cycle lasts so long);
  • the discharge lasted for at least 3 days and no more than 7;
  • the total blood loss was no more than 70-80 grams.

Volume of blood loss: norm and pathology

Bleeding immediately after curettage is considered normal, if it is not too profuse - the amount of blood loss is no more than during menstruation. If gaskets have to be changed much more often, including at night, this is a reason to medical intervention, most often - to the prescription of hemostatic drugs, as well as drugs that contract the uterus. We have information about this on our website. You should be concerned if blood loss is more than 80 grams, when more than two super-absorbent pads are used per day, or when pads have to be changed more than once every 3 hours.

For reference: heavy bleeding, when the stomach is painfully pulled, with clots, often occurs after termination of pregnancy at a long term - more than 10 weeks. It’s bad if there are a lot of clots (this is coagulated blood) and they are more than 2 cm in size.

Too scanty discharge immediately after uterine curettage, brown, dirty color is also bad. Perhaps there is stenosis of the cervix, that is, it closed prematurely when the cavity was not yet completely cleared. Against this background, inflammation occurs and body temperature rises.

At normal result Ultrasound, if after a month or two the menstrual flow is scanty, blood loss is less than 40 grams, it is advisable to consult a gynecologist. Perhaps adhesions have formed in the uterus, Asherman's syndrome occurs.

After a medical or mini-abortion, the characteristics of menstruation should not change; this problem most often occurs after a surgical abortion, when the doctor worked as a curette and disrupted the germ layer of the endometrium.

Planning a pregnancy

To plan next pregnancy after curettage it should be 2-3 months, not earlier, you need to give the body a little rest. Although women who became pregnant just 2 weeks after cleansing said that they carried their children normally, without any problems.

If the procedure went well, menstrual cycle is restored immediately. If you haven't had your period for more than 2 months, problems may arise with the onset of pregnancy.

Menstruation after removal of endometrial polyp or endometrial hyperplasia

Diagnostic curettage- most often a planned operation, which is prescribed for women of reproductive age (menstruating) at the very end of the cycle, that is, 2-3 days before the start of a new one. During menstruation, it makes no sense to take the endometrium for analysis due to the impossibility of obtaining informative material for histological examination.

The endometrium, the top layer of the uterus, is removed during the procedure. But the ovaries continue to work, which means bleeding will still occur during menstruation, in response to a decrease in progesterone. But usually these discharges are not abundant.

If curettage was performed as an emergency surgical intervention due to life-threatening women of fortune, for example, uterine bleeding, then again you need to wait for menstruation in the near future. Your period may come in 2 weeks if this minor surgery was held in the middle of the month. For this reason, doctors try to prescribe elective surgeries at the end of the cycle, so that the critical days do not come after postoperative bleeding, but begin even before its completion.

Very heavy and prolonged periods after curettage, which last 10 days or even longer, can occur in women with untreated endometriosis, uterine fibroids and others gynecological pathologies, since in most cases curettage is not a treatment, but diagnostic procedure. With its help, doctors can exclude or confirm an oncological process.

Less painful and scanty monthly discharge is observed after diagnostic curettage (LDV or RDV) performed to remove a uterine polyp, including the placental one. After all, this benign neoplasm in itself is the cause of large blood loss.

How to get your period if it's late

If the delay is less than 2 weeks, doctors advise waiting for the natural onset of your period. But if this does not happen, progesterone may be used. This is a hormonal drug that is injected intramuscularly or taken orally in the form of tablets (Duphaston or Utrozhestan).

The scheme is as follows: for five days, a woman takes 1 tablet of the drug (10 mg of progesterone) 2 times a day. And after the end of treatment, on days 3-7, menstruation begins.

In the future, the doctor may prescribe oral contraceptives (for example, Regulon) to normalize the cycle.

Reviews and comments

    I have a delay in menstruation after a cleansing for a missed pregnancy. I already thought that they cleaned it poorly... But on the ultrasound everything is fine. The doctor said that in this cycle I simply did not ovulate, there was little progesterone, and therefore my periods were slightly delayed.

    Hello, I had a curettage on 02/18/17. 2 weeks passed and my period began. This is fine? An ultrasound showed that everything is fine, please tell me. Please, I'm very afraid

    • What day of your cycle did you have your curettage? But if the ultrasound shows that everything is fine and the discharge is not too heavy, I think everything is fine.

    I am 53 years old. On January 2, my period ended. There were none in February. On March 10, the beginning of menstruation, which lasted sluggishly for 26 days. On April 4, curettage was performed. She underwent a course of antibiotic treatment. Histology: simple non-atypical endometrial dysplasia. On April 21, my period started. Pulling sensations in the lower left. Discharge as usual during menstruation. I'm very nervous.

    Hello! I had curettage (polyp removal) on April 13, 2017. 20 days passed and my period began, but it was scanty, but without any unpleasant odors. The breasts are swollen and tender. Please tell me, is this normal? The gynecologist will see me only in a week, not before.

    Hello. On March 28, I underwent RDV due to uterine bleeding. Histology shows foci of endometrial hyperplasia. My period came on April 28, but it was quite heavy, with clots and painful. Are these possible? My gynecologist will only come out on the 10th and will prescribe treatment.

    • Leah, most likely for you hormonal drugs(oral contraceptives) will be prescribed if you are not planning a pregnancy. They prevent hyperplasia, endometriosis and other female diseases. Your periods will become less abundant...
      If the menstrual loss per month is more than 70-80 grams, then this is not normal in any case.

    Hello! Please tell me, can fibroids decrease in size? I have the following situation: I did an ultrasound, they found a polyp and a fibroid, the polyp was removed, after the RDV they did an ultrasound and it showed the same fibroid, only it was 1 cm smaller. Exactly a month passed between the ultrasounds. Is it possible? And doctors say that it must be removed.

      • I went to a lot of doctors with this question, but unfortunately there is no consensus. Some doctors are for the operation, others are against... So I am at a loss. Of course I don't want to have surgery.

        • There are indications for surgery. Doctors should be guided by them. For example:

          • rapid growth of fibroids (due to suspicion of sarcoma);
          • large sizes (more than 6-7 cm);
          • symptoms caused by it (bleeding, pain);
          • submucosal (submucosal) location or centripetal growth of the node (especially when planning pregnancy);
          • growth of fibroids during menopause (should no longer grow).

          Sometimes before IVF they require the node to be removed. What is your indication? Does this fibroid bother you in any way? Why am I asking, I have fibroids myself. Almost 10 years already. I used to go to doctors, but now I’ve calmed down. I already managed to give birth with this fibroid. There have been attempts at drug “treatment” due to the growth and reduction of the node during lactation.

    Myoma doesn't bother me at all! The ultrasound report says small fibroids. The doctors scare me because she is on a leg. But, again, it doesn’t bother me. My mother also has fibroids. and she gave birth with fibroids.

    • Myomas are very different. Some potentially problematic ones. Due to the thin stalk, there may be torsion, necrosis... But if the fibroid is subserous (grows on the uterus) and small in size, then, indeed, options are possible... If I were you, I would remove it laparoscopically (very quickly, there won’t even be a scar left, since thin leg) if pregnancy is planned.

    Hello. I had a frozen pregnancy at 5 weeks. Partial miscarriage. 05/11/17 05/12/17 They scraped it out. Immediately after the cleansing, we started the Metronidal system for 5 days and antibiotics for 5 days as well. During these five days there was no discharge. But when I finished the prescribed treatment, my period started on the 6th day, is this normal? Today is the second day. Moderately. Everything is the same as before. I read that they were supposed to go on day 28-30. I wanted to go to the doctor in 10-15 days.

    • Purely theoretically, maybe there was a spasm of the cervical canal (cervix), so there was no discharge right away, only now it appeared... But this is definitely not menstruation. You can observe for several days if the temperature does not rise, there is no pain, no unpleasant odor from the discharge, and the bleeding does not increase. And then see a doctor and (or) an ultrasound.

    Hello! On May 2, cleaning was carried out in order to send the material for histology. Initially, I went to the doctor with bleeding, which was caused by the growth of two fibroids. Their sizes are 28 mm and 12 mm. Histology did not reveal atypical cells, as the doctor thought, since there was suspicion during the first analysis. The doctor suggested a hormonal IUD or hysterectomy. The next visit was scheduled in 3 months. On May 20, my period began, very heavy and painful. Should I go to the doctor urgently or wait? I am very worried

    • Approximately calculate your blood loss. If it exceeds 80-100 grams, then you need to consult a doctor, perhaps take hemostatic agents. What type of fibroids do you have? Not submucous by any chance? But in any case, to remove the uterus just because of these two small fibroids... Why? Fibroids can be removed (if this is required at all; it is not yet clear whether they are causing the bleeding at all), and the uterus can be left. Or are there other problems, like hyperplasia? How old are you?

      • Thank you very much for your answer. Blood loss decreased and was significantly less the next day. I am 44 years old, no hyperplasia has been detected, and I do not plan to give birth. Large fibroids are located in the uterus, small ones outside. They began to grow over the last six months, before which they were in a frozen state. And it seems that two more fibroids are planned. The doctor said that they would not cut the uterus. or hormonal IUD or removal of the uterus.

    Is the one in the uterus submucous? If yes, then it is precisely because of her that he is bleeding. It can be removed during hysteroscopy. If it’s intramural (intramuscular), then it’s unlikely that these fibroids have anything to do with that bleeding... If I were you, I definitely wouldn’t remove the uterus because of this, and I would also change the doctor because of the unmodern approach. Even 10-centimeter fibroids do not require removal of the uterus.

    You can put Mirena in... It will also reduce blood loss. For some women, menstruation disappears altogether while using Mirena. Wait until menopause and then remove the IUD. Fibroids should not grow after menopause.

    Have you looked at the uterine cavity with a hysteroscope? There may also be pockets of endometriosis there, and they also cause bleeding.

    • The doctor did not say which fibroids. And she didn’t prescribe a hysteroscopy; the waiting list for this procedure is 3 months. I’ve already thought about changing my doctor, tomorrow I’m going to see a practicing gynecologist surgeon, I hope to receive detailed explanations and prescriptions. I don’t like both solutions that the doctor suggested. I have a bad attitude towards hormones, I have some kind of Soviet prejudice, and I’m afraid to remove the uterus. Thank you very much for your answers

        • Hello! I went to the doctor and now the picture is clear. 31 mm fibroid is subserous, the other 12 mm is intramural and is located at the posterior wall of the uterus. How big it is when sprouted is unknown. The doctor says that the bleeding is most likely due to the fact that intramural fibroids do not allow the uterus to contract properly and, therefore, bleed when it is not necessary. He doesn’t see much point in putting on Mirena, since it will reduce blood loss, but will not solve the problem. Moreover, there are a lot of side effects. So I was leaning towards having a hysterectomy in a couple of months. In the meantime, they prescribed cyclo something (I don’t remember the name) to reduce bleeding. This is the result)

    Hello, on August 25 I had a curettage (there was a suspicion of a polyp in the uterus), the histology results were endometrial hyperplasia. Today is September 24th - still no period (No worries.

    My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for a little over 3 years now, his tests are all normal, mine too (hormones, tubes are passable (one tube is very thin and twisted, but both are passable!), everything is clear. The first birth was easy and spontaneous. The second pregnancy so far it doesn’t work(((After giving birth, 2 years later, the cycle increased - it was 30 days, it became 32-34.

    Today is day 36 of my cycle after cleansing. The test is negative. I'm panicking already

    • There is no reason to worry yet. Delays may various reasons happen. I was “young” (18-20 years old) and they were delayed for a month... And despite this, I easily became pregnant. For now, watch. Perhaps the worst thing that can happen after curettage is Asherman's syndrome. But in any case, it’s too early for you to think about it. Watch. If they don’t start within a week, do an ultrasound and see how thick the endometrium is now. It's bad if it's too thin.

    Hello. I am 44 years old. On September 26, my period began and did not end. 17.10 I went to the doctor. Ultrasound showed endometrium 12 mm, fibrous node back wall 31*21mm, along the front wall in a thickness of 24 mm. Diagnosis of endometrial hyperplasia. October 20. Diagnostic curettage was performed. Cefopectam was given, Vidanol tablets were given. Bloody discharge was moderate and subsiding. On October 26, heavier periods began, similar to menstruation. Could this be? How much are they permissible in this case? Thank you. The histology result is not yet available.

    Hello! I had a frozen pregnancy at 8 weeks, I felt good, but when I had my first screening at 12 weeks, I was informed that it was necessary to do a cleansing. The cleaning was done, if I’m not mistaken, then with a vacuum, and the doctor said that with the first menstruation I should start drinking OK Regulon to restore the cycle. And my period started 11 days later, and I started drinking ok, but now I doubt it’s my period or it’s just crooked... but after two tablets of ok, the discharge all went away. Please tell me what I should do now: stop taking pills and wait until the next month? Or continue drinking? Thank you very much in advance for your answer 🙏

    • Katya, you should have started taking the pills right on the day of cleansing... This is the first day of the cycle. On the 11th day there was no menstruation. If I were you, I would do an ultrasound. Maybe there is something left in the uterus... I think you can continue to take the pills, just not relying on their contraceptive effectiveness in this cycle.

    The stomach hurts after curettage, like during menstruation, but bloody discharge from the vagina no. There is not even a smear, everything is clean. What could it be? The operation was performed on the 26th day of the cycle. Now it's the 32nd. Bleeding after RDV lasted 2 days.

    • It's hard to say... If your body temperature is normal, your period may be about to start. But if the pain continues and intensifies, contact a gynecologist in person for an examination.

    Good afternoon Everything about me is weird. I’m 25 years old, I haven’t given birth, I haven’t had any abortions, miscarriages, or any breast cancer... My husband and I have been together for 6 years, everything was fine, the cycle is on average 28 days.

    I do an ultrasound every six months. In September I went for an ultrasound private clinic. They said that they suspected fibroids, but they were very small. I got scared and went to the state gynecologist, they did a second ultrasound on the 6th day of the cycle, they said: “You have all polyps, plus hyperplasia and fibroids,” urgently for cleaning, otherwise there will be bleeding. The surgery was scheduled for October 12, on the 23rd day of the cycle. I decided to go to a third specialist for a repeat ultrasound (the next day), they also said they suspected hyperplasia, they didn’t see any polyps.

    I waited until 12.10 and went for the operation, I don’t know what I was thinking then, I just believed the doctor (and the doctor was familiar, very good feedback). In general, they did curettage of the endometrium and sent it for histology... The surgeon’s words killed me, I asked if there were polyps, but he probably only had one (and they all said there were polyps). I arrived home, no discharge, temperature 38, vomiting (they said it was a reaction to anesthesia). After 3 days there was discharge, as if a tap had been opened, everything flowed out in 1 minute (as it turned out later, the uterus spasmed and closed). According to histology results: a fragment of the endometrium corresponds to the menstrual cycle. In short, everything is fine and there was no need to do anything.... I am shocked….

    Now it’s day 27 of the cycle after surgery, but there are no periods, is this normal? And when should we expect them? Now I'm afraid that I won't be able to get pregnant..(((((

    • Marina, don’t worry, everything will be fine, you will definitely become a mother. I myself have experienced a couple of “irrelevant” scrapings. It would be better in your case to do office hysteroscopy, not scraping, I think. This is a procedure in which the uterine cavity is examined from the inside using a special optical device. Moreover, the procedure is carried out without anesthesia. Then polyps could be excluded without surgery...

      The doctor who performed the operation on you really couldn’t say for sure whether there were polyps or not... It was only RDV, as I understand it. In hospitals, they usually do hysteroscopy first, and then curettage. That's more correct. Then the patient can be described in more detail right away - what is there in the uterus.

      Wait a couple more weeks for your period. If not, then you can do an ultrasound.
      And if everything is fine, don’t do any more ultrasounds every six months. There is no need for such overdiagnosis. Just unnecessary worries. If the cycle is regular, nothing bothers you, then it’s not worth checking constantly, at least every six months that’s for sure. At least once a year. Look at what’s going on with the fibroid – whether it’s there or not. To diagnose it, you need an ultrasound. This tumor is benign, grows slowly, and many women have it. But it is better not to postpone pregnancy for a long time with fibroids...

      • Irina, thank you very much for your answer!
        I hope all be fine…
        Yes, there was only EDV (endometrial curettage), this was the first time I encountered this, and I was so naive and gullible.
        Girls, everyone who reads this correspondence, be careful, your health and before undergoing such manipulations, go to 3-4 specialists and not in one cycle, like me. And if you still need to do something, check with the doctor what method they are going to do it with (I thought that I would have a hysteroscope, but in fact, like in the old days, the barbaric method was blind curettage)... Good luck to everyone and be sure to become mom!

    The day before yesterday I had a hysteroscopy with diagnostic cleaning. The endometrial polyp was removed. The operation was successful. The discharge was moderate for two days. And today it poured. I've already changed 5 pads since morning. I'm afraid to go to the hospital, what if they scrape again??? What to do? How to stop bleeding? Maybe drink some nettle or tincture water pepper. Please tell me!!! I'm really looking forward to your answer!

    • Polina, if I were you, I would still see a doctor tomorrow if the situation does not change. Most likely, they will prescribe an ultrasound and take a hemostatic drug. "Tranexam", for example. Or some other (here more about different drugs — ). Folk remedies you can try. It won't get any worse anyway.

    Hello. November 1 at 9 d.c. A hysteroscopy was performed. Two polyps were removed cervical canal and one in the uterine cavity. Antibiotics were prescribed for 5 days. They sent me home to wait for histology. At first the discharge was ichor for 5 days, and then light brown. On day 6, pink-brown is scanty and so on until day 14. On the 15th day, scarlet with dark mucous lumps are not abundant, very similar to menstruation. I consulted a doctor immediately. The doctor looked (she didn’t do an ultrasound) on the chair and said that it was most likely her period. And according to the results of histology (c/c polyp - fibroglandular, endometrial polyp - hyperplastic). I appointed Yarina. She said if tomorrow the discharge becomes more abundant, then start drinking Yarina. The next day, the discharge in the morning looked more like menstruation and I took Yarina’s pill. And by lunchtime they stopped. Please tell me, this may not be my period and I drank Yarina in vain. Or is it just such very scanty periods? Is it even normal that we came so early? The doctor said maybe so. I don’t know what to do, should I go to the appointment again? Nothing hurts. Thank you.

    • Alexandra, watch. Maybe your periods will “disperse” and become more abundant. Normally, the minimum duration of menstruation is 3 days, and the duration of the cycle is 21 days. So, it’s not too early for menstruation... If everything has completely stopped, and there will be no discharge until tomorrow, I would go to the doctor in the morning to understand what’s wrong.

      • Thanks for the answer. It seems that in the evening it began to lubricate again) It definitely looks like menstruation. I hope that after the treatment I will have my period for three days))) Well, at least 5 and not 7 as it was 🙏

          • Hello. Sorry to bother you. I wrote earlier that I started drinking Yarina and my period ended and then I started to smear again. But the next day they definitely stopped. I called the doctor. I took her away from work (she had a lot of operations that day. She said go for an ultrasound. She did an ultrasound, everything was fine. The ultrasound specialist said that her period would be here. Still, I didn’t start drinking Yarina correctly before my period. I called the doctor again. She said keep drinking, don't stop. Your cycle will be a little off. I can't figure it out, but now I won't get my period until 7 day break Or will they still go while taking Yarina? My chest hurts. And another question is what will happen to the yellow body? On ultrasound 17mm. Won't this turn into a cyst? I'm worried. Never had a cyst. Thank you very much again for your answer.

            Bleeding will most likely occur during the break. But I can be before discharge(this happens when taking oral contraceptives in the first 3-4 months). Corpus luteum must disappear. Tablets are often prescribed specifically for treatment functional cysts ovaries When taking the pills there will be no ovulation, which means there will be no cysts.

    Good evening! On November 17, we had a hysterorectoscopy, fractional DWI. All procedures were carried out on the 5th day of menstruation, which confuses me, is this correct? Diagnosis: Atypical glandular hyperplasia endometrium against the background of fibroglandular endometrial polyp. The doctor said that we need to have an operation to remove the uterus and appendages within 6 months. And she prescribed Duphaston to be taken continuously.

    On the 4th day after the first dose, my period began, I called her and asked: what should I do? She replied: I don’t know what to tell you. I myself stopped drinking Duphaston, my periods intensified, and I took Tranexam for another 5 days. Today 20.12 started dark brown discharge with clots, my lower abdomen hurts, I don’t know what to do. Tell me something, PLEASE, I can’t find a place for myself.

    Hello, I am now 44 years old, at the beginning of last year I didn’t have my period for three months, it started in mid-April, then in June after my period I started bleeding, an ultrasound showed endometrial hyperplasia and fibroids, cysts, then on November 13 they did a cleaning for histology, my period started On December 28, I bled for 6 days, a week later the spotting started, the doctor prescribed Tranexam and an ultrasound scan after 2 months, according to histology she said nothing was wrong, she didn’t prescribe any treatment, but the spotting didn’t stop.

    Hello. After a frozen pregnancy at 8 weeks (discovered at 10), they did drug interruption. After 14 days of cleaning, because clots and residues remain placental tissue. After cleansing there was practically no blood, scanty discharge for 5 days. The cleaning was done under ultrasound control, the doctor said that everything was normal and there was practically no blood during the operation. On the 10th day after cleansing, my period began. Honey interruption 9.01, cleaning 24.01. Critical days 01.02. (exactly according to the cycle before pregnancy). Should I treat this as bleeding? Or not? Should I start taking Regulon on day 5 of my cycle, as prescribed by my doctor? Thanks in advance for your answer

    Hello, can you tell me whether menstruation with clots can occur on the 3rd day after curettage to remove a polyp, if menstruation was from 02/01/18 to 02/08/18, operation 02/21/18. On February 21, there was almost no discharge of a few drops of blood, on February 22 it was smeared, but intensified in the evening, and on February 23, the pain was like during menstruation and as if it also came with clots, there was no temperature. Thank you

    Good afternoon. Please tell me I had a frozen pregnancy at 6 weeks, but the gynecologist was not attentive; I carried the pregnancy until 11 weeks. Cleaned on March 5th, tell me when should I expect my period and what to expect? When I was discharged, the doctor did not give any recommendations and silently discharged me and that was all. What day should I expect my period? And when they did the vacuum, I had scant discharge, they did the 5th cleansing, and when I was discharged on March 7, there was no discharge at all. Is this normal or not? But they did an ultrasound and said that everything was removed well. I start to panic from the unknown. What to do and where to run? What to expect? And when?

    Hello, the endometriosis cleanse was on April 23, the first period came after 2 weeks, it was scanty, the second came on June 2, very heavy with clots lasting more than 14 days, what could be the reason

    Good afternoon.

    • Yes, or hormonal treatment, or remove the uterus... Consider the option of Mirena. I just don’t know for sure whether it’s possible to combine that IUD with smoking... If I were you, I would quit smoking and start hormonal treatment.

    Good afternoon.
    Cleaning was carried out due to bleeding on December 4, 2 months later a spot appeared for a week. In June, menstruation arrived, it began to flood, and on June 21 they cleaned it again. Glandular cystic hyperplasia. After 2 weeks they came again, it’s the first day, I don’t know what’s next...
    I contacted 5 gynecologists, no one can give specifics, treatment is prescribed to either drink Cocaine and quit smoking, or take pills for menopause. Isn't there something else? I'm 45, help!!!

    Hello, I am now 45 years old. On June 14 (day 11 of the cycle) I had a hysteroresectoscopy, fractional curettage, HF ablation of the endometrium. The doctor said that my periods would stop altogether. But on the 25th day of the cycle, as expected, despite the operation, they began and passed in a moderate form. Why did it happen? Now after the cessation of menstruation, small spotting continues. Should this be so?

    Hello! I am 50 years old. On June 24, 2018, regular periods began and did not end. On July 10, 2018, I went to see a doctor and was sent to emergency hospitalization. On the same day, a diagnostic curettage was performed. The discharge after curettage was scanty and lasted 5 days. An ultrasound on July 16, 2018 showed the presence of fibroids on the anterior wall of the uterus and a cyst inside the left ovary with fibrin threads in the center. Histology: glandular endometrial hyperplasia. The doctor prescribed Klaira for 3 months. Started today bright red discharge. Is this menstruation? Should I start drinking Qlaira today? Please tell me! 07/27/2018 we are leaving for the south, I’m very afraid that something might happen on the road... I’m really looking forward to your answer.

    Good afternoon. I had a diagnostic curettage (my period lasted 12 days), the endometrium was 24 mm. Diagnosis of endometrial hyperplasia. They took histology, the doctor says that everything is normal, only hyperplasia. Upon examination, I saw a small, as she said, neat erosion on the neck. I came for an examination on the 30th day after curettage - my period did not start. The doctor says that everything is visually normal, we need to wait. It’s already 41 days since curettage, but no periods. This is fine? I have been drinking Tazalok for the second month. No further medications were prescribed. She said the erosion needs to be cauterized.

    • Yes, there are such delays. As for erosion, did you have a colposcopy, a Pap test (cytology smear)? Why cauterize? Just based on visual inspection- it is not right.

    Good afternoon, there was a two-week delay, after the start of menstruation there was very heavy discharge with huge clots for 10 days, on the 10th day, January 24, they did a curettage and sent it for histology, the doctor says hyperplasia, there is no result yet, after the procedure there was nothing for 2 days, sometimes pale pink ichor, odorless. The temperature in the evening was 37.3, on the third day it began to bleed with small clots, similar to regular menstruation, the stomach aches as with them. After curettage, they prescribed only metronidazole and on day 5 1 tablet of fluconazole, today is day 5, I have no strength, hemoglobin is 90, the doctor said to pick up the histology result in a week, I’m worried, can menstruation start so quickly?

    • You need to take an iron supplement. Start now and continue for several months (even after hemoglobin normalization). As for the discharge, you need to see a doctor for an examination...

For various reasons, many women are forced to undergo uterine curettage surgery. This procedure is standard, but often leads to various injuries. muscular organ. In this regard, it takes some time to restore the functions of the female reproductive system.

One of important indicators women's health is the menstrual cycle, so it is important after such an operation to monitor the rate of its recovery. When do you get your period after curettage? For what reasons and how long is the delay possible?

Curettage of the uterus: what is it, what types are there?

Curettage of the uterus is a surgical operation that involves mechanical removal the upper layer of the endometrium using special instruments, general anesthesia is applied.

The following principles for classifying the procedure can be distinguished:

  • by method of execution;
  • depending on the use of additional tools;
  • depending on the goals.

The table below shows characteristics of uterine curettage techniques.

Principle of classificationType of curettageDescription
Method of executionNormalThe top layer is removed only from the uterine cavity.
SeparateCleaned out inner surface cervix, and then the endometrium is removed from the uterine cavity.
Using additional toolsStandardDuring the procedure, the doctor works by touch, without seeing the cavity of the muscular organ.
Combined with hysteroscopyA hysteroscope is inserted into the uterus, which allows you to examine the walls of the organ and observe how the cleaning process is progressing.
Purpose of the procedureDiagnosticThe operation is carried out in order to collect biomaterial for further diagnosis of diseases.
MedicinalThe procedure is aimed at removing pathological formations or the fertilized egg.

In what cases is uterine cleaning performed?

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The most common reason for uterine cleansing is abortion. Curettage is carried out if the stage of pregnancy no longer allows it. vacuum aspiration. The operation can also be performed when, after stopping pregnancy with the help of pills, remnants of the membranes remain in the uterus. Other indications for cleaning:

  • Postpartum complications. For example, incomplete exit placenta on last stage birth process. Doctors use a curettage procedure to clear the uterus of the remains of the baby's place.
  • Mucosal hyperplasia. For some violations reproductive functions The endometrium of the uterus becomes very thick. This impairs the ability of the muscular organ to reject the outer unnecessary layer, so menstruation is absent or becomes scanty and profuse. In this case, cleaning helps restore the menstrual cycle.
  • Endometriosis. During curettage, overgrown parts of the endometrium are removed.
  • Neoplasms (for example, polyps).
  • Acute endometritis. Scraping is included complex therapy with inflammation of the uterus.
  • Diagnosis of diseases. Biomaterial (part of the endometrium) is collected in order to exclude or confirm the degeneration of cells into a cancerous tumor.
  • Incomplete miscarriage. Cleaning is necessary if there are remnants of membranes in the uterine cavity.

The first menstruation after curettage

Alarming symptoms:

  • excessive blood loss (replacing sanitary pads more than once every 1.5 hours);
  • appearance in discharge large clots, green or yellow mucus;
  • putrid odor of discharge;
  • increased body temperature;
  • spotting lasting more than 10 days;
  • no periods for 40 days after the procedure.

Recommendations from specialists for restoring the menstrual cycle

For quick recovery After surgery, the woman must follow the recommendations of the attending physician. Need to go full course treatment in accordance with the diagnosis. Menstruation will come faster when the patient follows the following general recommendations:

  • refusal of sexual intercourse for 2-3 months after the procedure;
  • compliance with the rules of genital hygiene;
  • taking vitamins for several weeks;
  • balanced diet;
  • refusal to use sanitary tampons until full recovery functions of the reproductive system;

To eliminate hormonal imbalance, many experts recommend taking hormonal drugs. The duration of hormone therapy should be at least 3 months.



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