A clot remained after a medical termination of pregnancy. Discharge after medical termination of pregnancy

Pharmacological abortion is the most gentle and least traumatic method embryo extraction. Let us consider in this article what discharge should be expected after medication interruption pregnancy in order to promptly recognize a complication due to the procedure.

Features of pharmabort

This type of abortion is performed on early stages without surgical intervention, with the help of special medications.

Two types of drugs are used, one of which contains Mifepristone. Its purpose is aimed at stopping the action of the hormone progesterone, which is responsible for maintaining the vital functions and development of the fetus. Once in the body, this substance leads to the death of the embryo. The second drug causes contractions of the uterus and miscarriage of a dead fetus. They are produced in the form of tablets.

With the help of medical abortion, it is allowed to terminate an unwanted pregnancy only in the early stages (up to the seventh week). Pharmabort has a number of contraindications, which include:

  1. Previous violations menstrual cycle.
  2. Ectopic pregnancy.
  3. Age under 18 and over 35 years.
  4. Gynecological ailments (in particular, polyps, endometriosis, tumors).
  5. Anemia, hemophilia.
  6. Liver, kidney, adrenal failure.
  7. Diseases gastrointestinal tract inflammatory in nature.
  8. Lung diseases.
  9. Cardiovascular disorders.

Discharge after medical abortion (normal)

Despite the absence of surgical intervention, characteristic discharge can be observed for quite a long time after this procedure. This is due to the growth of the fetus during pregnancy and the enlargement of the uterus. It begins to shrink in size due to the extraction of the embryo, acquiring its previous forms and purifying internal cavity.

The first few days after a medical abortion, bleeding occurs profusely. Immediately they can be in the form of dark red blood clots, over time they become scanty and brown, then disappear altogether. It happens that bleeding does not begin immediately, but only after 2 days, gradually increasing in intensity.

Discharge after a medical abortion is accompanied by weakness, and the stomach may tug. To reduce pain, doctors recommend drinking No-shpa. Nausea and even vomiting often occur when taking abortifacient pills.

How long does discharge last after medical termination of pregnancy?

Bloody discharge can last from several days to a month. It all depends on what week of pregnancy it was terminated, as well as the woman’s health status, her age, the presence concomitant diseases.

It should be taken into account that, unlike surgical intervention, such an abortion is carried out with the help of aggressive hormonal medications that cause such a strong “shock” to the woman’s body that, although thoroughly determined to maintain the pregnancy, it is still unable to resist them.

In this regard, failures of all systems may occur, and the artificially caused imbalance of estrogens and progesterones in each failed mother will return to normal individually. For this reason, it is impossible to give an exact answer as to how many days bleeding can last after a medical abortion.

Reviews from specialists and women mostly indicate a period of 2 to 7 days.
Sometimes, as a result of the procedure, following a decrease in the intensity of discharge, a slight spotting is observed, the duration of which extends until the onset of menstruation.

Pathological discharge

Despite the fact that medical abortion is considered the first in terms of safety, complications resulting from it occur no less. Although not precise definition, duration of discharge, approximate characteristics of the norm indicate a period of up to 7 days. If heavy bleeding lasts more than 3 days, with severe stomach pain, the pad is completely saturated with blood in an hour or two, then the fetus is not completely rejected. In such a case, the uterine cavity is cleaned. Find out about the duration in the article at the link.

If this symptom is accompanied by an increase in temperature, general malaise, nausea, discharge that has acquired a brown, yellow purulent color and smell, and the pain in the lower abdomen intensifies and radiates to the side or back, then we are talking about an inflammatory process. It can develop due to an incompletely removed dead embryo. Its dead particles provoked sepsis of adjacent tissues, which endangers not only the health, but also the life of the woman.

If you notice such symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Scanty discharge

The low intensity of the blood coming out also indicates a deviation from the norm, however, if we are talking about discharge after taking Mifepristone (the first tablet), then the sign most likely indicates the effect of the drug and the abortion that took place. A woman may notice intense mucous discharge, a yellowish secretion, or a slight spotting.


Heavy and increasing bleeding with pain also occurs due to the development of endometriosis, because inner fabric The uterus, the endometrium, is primarily affected during fetal rejection.

Infections and bacteria

Hormonal changes and chemical attack with medabortion drugs put a huge burden on the body, significantly reducing its resistance, immunity and disabling metabolism. At this point, when the genitals are an open wound, they are especially vulnerable to attack pathogenic microorganisms. The balance of the microflora of the mucous membrane and vagina is disrupted. Its composition begins to be dominated by opportunistic bacteria located there in Everyday life V moderate amount. When they received reinforcement from the outside, it is impossible to avoid the development of the inflammatory process against the background of bacteria, infections and viruses.

If they become yellow, gray, dirty white, and there is itching and burning in the vaginal mucosa, then there is a possibility of developing bacterial vaginosis. It often occurs during surgical and drug interventions in reproductive system.


Bloody and whitish mucus with a cheesy consistency and sour milk smell indicates the development of Candidiasis. This fungal disease it is transmitted sexually, and is also a consequence of stress on the body, including medication. Most often, thrush occurs due to the prescription of antibiotics.

Brown discharge after medical abortion

Immediately as a result of an abortion using pills, bleeding appears, reminiscent of heavy menstruation. After some time (approximately 5–7 days), it gives way to brown discharge. This type of secretion should not frighten a woman, since it has the same nature of occurrence, but due to a decrease in the intensity of secretions, now the blood has time to clot and comes out of the vagina in this color.

Red-brown and indicate restoration of the uterus if they are not accompanied by other signs.

When a woman notices changes in color and the secretion acquires a brown-yellow, brown-green hue, or has white lumps, the gynecologist should be informed about this, since we are talking about one of the pathologies described above.

Recovery period

The duration of discharge after pharmaabortion directly depends on how the rehabilitation proceeds. After all, 70% of complications arise due to the patient’s incorrect attitude towards her weakened body, which has been subjected to severe stress.

If you follow simple rules after a pill abortion, you can notice the absence of discharge and an improvement in well-being within a few days.

  1. After release ovum do not delay visiting the doctor and ultrasound for more than 3 days to make sure that the fetus is completely rejected.
  2. Eliminate physical and emotional stress.
  3. For the first 2–3 days, stick to bed rest.
  4. Avoid alcohol, saunas, solariums and swimming pools.
  5. Do not take a bath, wash in the shower with water no higher than 37 C.
  6. Avoid drinking hot drinks for several days.
  7. Eliminate for at least 2 weeks sex life.
  8. Wash yourself with quality products intimate hygiene, without dyes and flavors, maintaining the acid-base and water balance of the mucous membranes.
  9. Take general strengthening medications.
  10. It is advisable to consult a doctor for recovery hormonal levels.

Rarely does a woman herself decide to take such a responsible step as an abortion, and most often the reasons for terminating a pregnancy are very significant, for example, pathology that does not allow to a normal woman give birth. Unfortunately, this is happening more and more often, so many people have an abortion using medication and a medical method. Typically, such operations result in the appearance of many pathologies and abnormalities. Often a symptom of complications is bleeding after a medical abortion.

Many women throughout their lives ask themselves the question: why exactly is medical abortion dangerous? The thing is that this procedure is carried out in such a way that the fetus is removed by scraping the walls of the uterus. However, there is a strict limitation for such a procedure - early pregnancy, up to twelve weeks. Moreover, the most safe period For abortion, the period is considered to be the sixth or seventh week.

Postoperative rehabilitation is carried out within the hospital.

The abortion procedure is carried out using a special instrument that expands the canal, after which. Since the procedure is very painful, it is performed under general anesthesia. For warning possible complications, the woman is under the supervision of a specialist for some time after the abortion.

Do not be mistaken that abortion seems to be a harmless procedure, which in theory cannot be carried out with complications and so on. But this process is more dangerous as a means of abortion than many others. Complications after an abortion in this case are more of an obligatory factor than a deviation, because many people know that abortion in most cases even causes infertility. At next pregnancy There may be some deviations, diseases and pathologies that threaten the life of the mother and child. The result does not depend on the clinic and the conditions of the operation; the consequences can be very different.

Abortion obviously sets us up for possible complications, in the form of blood clots, which affect the physical and psychological health women:

  • After some time, you may notice an increase in aggressiveness;
  • May appear ;
  • The functioning of some glands is disrupted;
  • Disturbances are also observed in the functioning of the uterus and the appearance of scars;
  • Many women experience bleeding after a medical abortion;
  • being rebuilt;
  • Subsequent infertility may occur.

This list is, of course, not exhaustive. This is just the most frequent symptoms, found in women who have had an abortion. Everything depends only on individual reaction body.

Abortion is a procedure that is deliberately intended to cause damage, as a result of which the woman’s internal genital organs are severely injured. As a result, it occurs, especially during surgery.

This is not the most common phenomenon that is noted during this procedure, but it is very serious and requires emergency care- up to . If this symptom occurs, you should strictly follow the doctor’s instructions. The inability to stop bleeding after an abortion leads to the appearance of blood clots - this is extremely serious symptom, which can lead to removal of the uterus.

Abortion is not the most accurate operation, it is done based on special calculations, so the appearance of blood after an abortion is a consequence of damage to large blood vessels. Even a specialist with great experience may make a mistake, no one is immune from this.

Pathology or normal

It goes without saying that after such an operation there will be bleeding, but the main thing is to ask the question in time - is this a pathology or the norm? Since there are many types of abortion, the norm for each of them is different.

If the girl’s abortion was carried out with the help of medications, then bleeding simply means, among which there will be a fertilized egg. Normally, everything goes the same way as in critical days, but the first day can be quite plentiful. Sometimes it happens that there is a short pause between bleeding cycles, on the second day. In this case, there is already a certain reason for concern, since such bleeding is likely to drag on for a long time, and this will have a very negative effect on the body.

Bleeding after an abortion is very dangerous for the body, because when a large amount of blood is lost, the proper functioning of organs is disrupted and even life is endangered.

In fact, there are many causes of bleeding, so only the most common of them are presented below:

  • Low quality of the fetal removal operation performed.
  • Low activity of the uterus after the procedure.
  • Possible infection during and after surgery.

Regardless of the statute of limitations for the procedure, you need to contact a specialist if any suspicious symptoms are noticed. Blood will definitely flow after a medical abortion, but this may be a process of cleansing the body, or it may be a consequence of organ dysfunction. If you have any suspicions, it would be a good idea to conduct an examination and diagnosis by a doctor, since the operation carries a very high risk of disrupting the functioning of the uterus.

One of the main tests after an abortion prescribed by doctors is an ultrasound () to ensure complete removal of the fertilized egg and complete cleansing uterus so that nothing interferes with its recovery.

In some cases, along with after an abortion, bad feeling And elevated temperature bodies. This is quite serious and indicates a progressive infection, the treatment of which cannot be delayed.

And yet not only after the offensive serious consequences, but even before the operation itself, examinations and tests are necessary to prevent the occurrence of infertility and possible complications. With help ultrasound examination it turns out approximate period pregnancy, which determines the possibility and outcome of the operation. After the ultrasound, it is best to also have a urine test, a blood test to check your blood group and rhesus, an HIV test and others that may be prescribed by your doctor.

When carrying out a medical abortion, bleeding is considered normal for a period of no more than 2 weeks, with various impurities such as clots and others. It is possible that there may be mild to moderate pain and bleeding, but if severe and very noticeable pain occurs, it is better to consult a specialist for advice. Preventative treatment in this case, it will be taking antibiotics or special injections that will affect the source of inflammation. All this must certainly be prescribed by a doctor; self-medication is under no circumstances recommended, as this can cause much more harm.

On intimate relationships a strict taboo must be imposed until the end of the bleeding. It is advisable to begin sexual activity around the fourth week. During this time, in the most common cases, full recovery after operation. If you break this rule, then it is worth remembering that there is a very high risk of infection, which can cause great harm to the health and fertility of a woman. In addition, we must not forget that there is a risk of getting pregnant even for the first time. menstrual cycle after an abortion.

Below is a list of cases in which abortion is not recommended:

  • Within 2 years after the operation - caesarean section - it is strictly prohibited to have an abortion;
  • High risk of infertility;
  • If tests show a low level of hemoglobin or very pronounced inflammatory processes in internal organs;
  • Disturbance in the functioning of the secretory organs, that is, deviations in hormonal levels;
  • For disorders of the genital organs and disorders of the uterus.

This list is not complete; only the most important ones are presented here. frequent cases why a woman should resist thoughts of abortion. Of course, all these factors are individual for each woman and the reaction to them can be any, but it is often detrimental to health.

If this is the first pregnancy or for some reason the woman does not breastfeed, then after an abortion there is a very high risk of developing breast cancer. This fact does not depend on age, but the danger is even greater during menopause.

To prevent new pregnancy, it is worth choosing the right means of protection. To do this correctly, it is worth consulting on this matter with the specialist who performed the operation.

Specific contraceptives for pregnancy may be special medical supplies, and . Intrauterine device is placed exclusively if there are no more children planned in the future. Blood after an abortion is like the formation of a new cycle, so next month your period should come in accordance with the day of the operation. In this case, a long delay is also a reason for concern and contacting a specialist.

If a woman has had an abortion and thinks that she never wants to have children again, then a logical question arises: what to do to prevent an unplanned pregnancy? Well, only a specialist can answer this question. This is due to the fact that each organism is very subtle and individual, therefore universal remedies does not exist and they need to be selected for each individual.

Concerning medications for abortion, then selecting them yourself is very dangerous - most of them are hormonal and have a serious impact on health.

There are others effective means contraception, which a specialist can help you choose. The final choice, of course, falls on the shoulders of the woman. The choice is truly great and the doctor can only narrow it down to the individual characteristics of the person. To do this, you need to undergo research, pass necessary tests, and then consult a specialist.

But it’s also worth asking your man about the issue of contraception, because most of the means for this were created specifically for the stronger half of humanity. This will save a woman from the need to constantly risk her health and not worry about the possibility of getting pregnant. Since sexual intercourse is an action in which two people participate, it is necessary to select means of protection taking into account the characteristics of both parties. Even contraceptives can be safe. I should forget about sexually transmitted diseases.

Medical abortion is used not only for termination purposes unwanted pregnancy, but also if women have certain diseases, preventing normal development and fetal formation. Applicable drug tactics termination of pregnancy only in the early stages of gestation - up to 6 obstetric weeks. Later this method is not used due to the fact that it may not lead to positive result. After an abortion, all women experience copious bleeding from the vagina. By its nature and quantity, you can tell how successful the procedure was. Now you will find out what kind of discharge after medical termination of pregnancy is normal and how long it should be observed.

How is medical abortion performed?

Before talking about how many days the discharge lasts after termination of pregnancy, it is necessary to first tell how it is carried out. this procedure. In its implementation, special drugs are used that block the synthesis of progesterone (the hormone responsible for the normal course of gestation) and reduce its level in the body to a minimum. As a result of this, the following happens:

  • Stopping the development of the embryo.
  • Detachment of the fertilized egg.

After a medical abortion, many doctors prescribe pills to their patients that speed up the recovery of the uterus, which have a contracting effect. They enhance the contraction smooth muscle organ, thus facilitating its complete cleansing of the fertilized egg.

The exit of the embryo from the uterine cavity is accompanied by the discharge of scarlet or red blood clots and lumps from the vagina. Pink colour. And as soon as it comes out completely it opens slight bleeding, which, as a rule, is not accompanied by severe abdominal pain.

However, some deterioration in the patients' condition is noted. After an abortion, there is a sharp change in hormonal levels, which can affect mood and general health. emotional background. Just like after any other abortion, patients experience an increase in temperature (no more than 37.4 degrees) and slight weakness. But already 1–2 days after the drug abortion, the condition returns to normal.

It should be noted that many women are confident that medical abortion is the most safe method termination of pregnancy. However, it is not. Despite the fact that during this procedure the uterus is not exposed mechanical impact, there is a real hormonal storm in the body. And this can cause not only disruption of the cycle after an interrupted gestation, but also the appearance of other health problems.

How long does it take to recover after a medical abortion?

It is difficult to say exactly how quickly recovery will take place after a medical termination of pregnancy and how much bleeding will occur during the rehabilitation period. After all, each body is individual and its complete recovery takes different times for everyone.

The appearance of blood clots on the first day after medical termination of pregnancy is considered normal. Their occurrence is caused by the release of the fertilized egg. And the opening of bleeding during this period is observed due to the fact that after the onset of gestation, the pelvic organs are actively supplied with blood and after its interruption it begins to come out.

If a medical abortion was carried out correctly, then copious bleeding is not observed for long, since in fact there is no mechanical damage the mucous membranes of the uterus and its vessels did not occur, therefore, no open wounds were formed in the organ.

And speaking about how recovery goes after a medical abortion and how many days bleeding can be observed, it should be noted that in the absence of complications, the woman’s condition should normalize after 2-3 days. After this time, the blood begins to be released much less. She acquires brown tint, which signals good level blood clotting and the successful completion of the recovery period.

The duration of brown discharge varies among women. But, as a rule, daubing in this case is observed for 5–10 days, no more. After a woman stops smearing from the vagina, after some time another menstruation may occur, which is also quite natural, since the body undergoes serious hormonal shocks, and the occurrence of menstruation several times a month does not indicate the development of pathological processes.

It should be noted that the longer the gestational age at which the medical abortion was performed, the longer the recovery period will last. Normalization of hormonal levels takes a long time - up to 6 months. And at this moment, shifts in the menstrual cycle and some changes in the nature of the blood released during menstruation may be observed.

But do not forget that cycle disruption is also typical for various pathologies, and therefore, if menstruation occurs very often and lasts longer than usual, you must definitely visit a doctor and do an ultrasound to make sure there are no complications.

In what cases is it necessary to consult a doctor?

After a medical abortion has been performed, the woman is prescribed a second ultrasound examination 5–7 days after the completed manipulation. However, in some situations, complications that arise make themselves felt much earlier than an ultrasound is performed, which requires immediate appeal see a doctor, and sometimes emergency hospitalization patients.

If after a medical abortion, after 2-3 days a woman continues to bleed profusely, a bloody clot is periodically released from the vagina, an unpleasant odor appears or the stomach begins to pull, this is no longer considered normal. All these signs indicate the presence of complications that require immediate treatment.

The most dangerous are bloody discharges accompanied by:

  • An increase in temperature above 38 degrees.
  • Dizziness.
  • Reduced blood pressure.
  • Severe weakness.
  • Pallor of the skin.

The presence of all these symptoms is a sign of discovery uterine bleeding. His distinctive feature it is believed that when it opens, the discharge retains its scarlet color for a long time (normally, within a day it should become darker) and they are released in a very large quantities, which is why a woman has to change sanitary pads more often than once every 1.5–2 hours.

If bleeding lasts more than 12 hours, the body loses a lot of blood, which causes a decrease in the amount of blood received. nutrients to its tissues, among which is oxygen. On the background oxygen starvation The functionality of the cells is disrupted and most of them die, which entails the occurrence of irreversible processes in the body. Therefore, it is so important to promptly notice the opening of uterine bleeding and immediately call an ambulance.

Important! To stop bleeding, doctors administer a hemostatic drug intravenously. This is carried out only in a hospital setting, since the body’s reaction to it can be unpredictable.

If a woman already has scanty periods on the 3rd or 4th day, but at the same time there are blood clots in them, you should not hesitate to consult a doctor either. The appearance of bloody clots only during the first 24 hours after an abortion is considered normal; then their occurrence has nothing to do with the norm.

Usually, blood clots arise due to incomplete exit fertilized egg from the uterine cavity, resulting in the need for surgical cleansing of the organ (curettage). After all, if this is not done, the remnants of the fertilized egg in the uterine cavity will begin to rot, which will lead to not only severe inflammation, but also the development of necrotic processes, which may be followed by an abscess and sepsis.

No less dangerous is the presence light pink discharge, in which there are streaks of blood. Their occurrence indicates a disruption in the flow of blood from the uterus due to obstruction of the cervix. Often this condition is observed against the background of the formation of a blood clot in the cervix and it should also be removed immediately, since it causes the formation of blood clots in the uterine cavity. congestion, which lead to severe inflammation and the development of purulent processes.

To eliminate stagnation and normalize the flow of blood from the uterine cavity, both medications and surgical methods treatment. It all depends on the severity of the process and the general condition of the patient. After the cervix is ​​cleared of the clot, the woman also begins to bleed. It can be observed for 10–12 hours, but if it lasts longer, then it must be stopped with the help of special medications.

Other possible complications

Every woman should understand that termination of pregnancy is a serious stress for the body, and therefore, after an abortion, conditions may arise that require additional treatment.

As already mentioned, after an abortion, women often experience disruptions to their menstrual cycle. But this is not the only thing to expect after the procedure. Stress causes decreased immunity and exacerbation of chronic diseases, therefore, during rehabilitation, a woman should be attentive to her condition.

In addition, during this period there appears high risk development infectious processes in organism. The reason is neglect of the doctor’s recommendations regarding the need to abstain from sexual intercourse for the first few weeks, as well as insufficient hygiene.

The main sign of the development of infectious processes is the appearance yellow discharge having a pungent and unpleasant aroma. The yellowish tint and smell are given to them by substances that bacteria secrete during their life processes.

When infections develop, vaginal secretions are released in small quantities, but are often accompanied by:

  • Itching and discomfort in the perineum.
  • Increasing temperature.
  • Nagging pain in the abdomen.

Provocateurs for the development of infectious processes in the body are streptococci, staphylococci, chlamydia, gardanella, etc. If a woman was diagnosed with chronic infections, which are permanent (for example, thrush), then they can also worsen after the procedure.

In other words, medical abortion can be complicated not only copious discharge blood from the vagina, but also other conditions that cause a lot of harm to the female body. Therefore, after terminating a pregnancy (no matter what method), you should be attentive to all the “bells” of your body for several weeks and if you suspect the development of complications, immediately go to the doctor. When they are eliminated in a timely manner, there is a high chance of avoiding the occurrence sad consequences and stay healthy for many years!

Abortion is the artificial killing of an embryo by mechanical or chemically. Bloody discharge and clots after an abortion may continue for 10 days. This discharge is not called menstruation - it is rather the body’s reaction to termination of pregnancy and cleansing of the uterus.

Blood clots and menstruation after an abortion after an abortion

It is believed that clots after an abortion are completely normal phenomenon, because the body needs to remove unnecessary substances. Great importance plays a role in the nature of the discharge and its frequency. It’s abnormal when the clots are very large and there is discharge along with them. a large number of blood. You should also pay attention to general health, a woman should not have any heavy bleeding With large clots If in doubt, better consult your doctor.

The main thing is to understand that discharge and blood clots after artificial termination of pregnancy are an integral part of the rehabilitation of a woman’s body. This is due to the fact that the removal of the embryo in any case occurs with damage to the walls of the uterus, where the great amount blood vessels.

Why do clots appear after a medical abortion?

At medical abortion The method of removing the fertilized egg is significantly different from other methods. In this case, spontaneous rejection of the embryo occurs. In this case, the discharge comes out along with the embryo. The embryo is like a small compaction of light pink color. With a medical abortion, bleeding continues for up to 14 days and gradually becomes spotting.

Why does menstruation appear after a vacuum abortion?

If carried out vacuum abortion then the discharge appears on the first/second day, it is similar to menstruation, but it has a different function. The duration of bleeding can last up to 7-10 days. At this time, you should take care of yourself, do not lift anything heavy, do not engage in active activities, do not drink alcohol and, of course, do not have sex, as you can get an infection.

During a mini-abortion, discharge may appear both on the first day and the next - this is absolutely normal. In appearance, such discharge resembles menstruation, but it has a different function. They can last up to 10 days. At this time, it is advisable not to actively engage in sports, not to become overcooled, not to drink alcohol, and to give up intimate life.

Blood clots and menstruation after surgical abortion

At surgical abortion The discharge lasts about 10-12 days. This type of abortion is quite dangerous for a woman’s health. If the bleeding stops immediately after the abortion, this can be dangerous for the woman’s life; it is possible that due to the narrowing of the cervix, the blood stopped coming out and remained to accumulate in the uterus. If these symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor. If the bleeding is too heavy, urgent hospitalization is necessary.

When does real menstruation begin after an abortion?

The menstrual cycle after an abortion is restored differently for everyone. It also depends on

  • physiological characteristics of a woman,
  • her hormonal levels,
  • the type of abortion that was performed,
  • gestational age and so on.

Many people, of course, are concerned about the question of why there are no periods after an abortion. Often, after an abortion, minor bleeding is easily confused with menstruation, and there is no reason to see a doctor.

No matter how an abortion is performed, it remains a traumatic procedure. This especially applies to abortions that are performed using the dilation and extraction method. Each such operation can result in organ damage abdominal cavity and, as a result, bleeding.

After an abortion, it takes two to four weeks for the uterus to recover, because it is in a state of bleeding wound. In the period from three to ten days, a woman may have discharge after an abortion. They will differ in intensity and this depends on the stage of pregnancy at which the abortion was performed, gynecological diseases that a woman might have, the characteristics of her body and the method of terminating the pregnancy.

What to do if there is no menstruation for a long time after an abortion?

Restoring the menstrual cycle after an abortion depends on many factors.

Sometimes after the operation it gets confused, in this case there is no need to panic, the most important thing is to monitor the nature of the discharge. If the abortion was performed without complications, then menstruation should resume 3-4 weeks after the operation. This largely depends on the woman's menstrual cycle.

Special attention During this period, pay attention to contraception, since the egg may mature before the onset of menstruation.

If there is no menstruation for a long time or, on the contrary, it started too early, you need to contact your doctor.



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