15 obstetric week. When will the baby start pushing? How many kilograms do you need to gain by this time?

While waiting for the baby, changes occur in the outline of a woman's silhouette. major changes. Every week the baby in the mother's womb increases in size, due to which the belly also grows expectant mother. In addition, a woman’s figure changes in a number of other parameters.

In this article, we will look at what size belly an expectant mother should have at 15 weeks of pregnancy, and what sensations she may experience during this period.

Women may begin to feel false abbreviations, called Braxton-Hicks contractions, during the 15th week and throughout the rest of pregnancy. These contractions are usually gentle and may not be painful. The uterus may tighten during movement and last for several seconds. They can be distinguished from real contractions because they do not occur sequentially or become stronger and closer together over time.

Any labor symptoms that occur before the 37th week of pregnancy are considered preterm labor. At 15 weeks the risk premature birth small, but women should apply for medical care if symptoms develop. Such symptoms include vaginal discharge that is watery, mucous, or bloody. Other symptoms include pelvic pressure, low pain in the back, stomach cramps with or without diarrhea and regular contractions. Regular contractions occur in a regular manner, becoming stronger and closer. During the 15th week of pregnancy, medications may be prescribed and may be prescribed bed rest to prevent progression of work. Sprained ligaments In the second trimester, which begins from the 14th week, the muscles and ligaments that support the uterus begin to stretch. Around the 15th week, a woman's belly will begin to appear. This is because the uterus is developed enough to extend from its normal position. The ties, or rigid strips of fabric, must stretch to accommodate growth. This can cause pain in the abdomen and pelvis. Some women may recognize this as muscle pain, but for other women it may feel like menstrual cramps. The pain may be more frequent on one side of the body over the other. Moving, for example from bed or coughing, can activate the pain. Resting and moving more slowly are the best ways to relieve discomfort. Premature labor. . At 15 weeks pregnant, you may already look quite pregnant.

Size and appearance of the abdomen at 14-15 weeks of pregnancy

Since the baby has grown noticeably by this time, in most cases it also visually increases in size. This is especially noticeable among those women who are expecting the birth of a second or subsequent child. Meanwhile, don’t be alarmed if your belly doesn’t grow at all at 15 weeks of pregnancy.

Causes of heavy sensation in the abdominal cavity at 15 weeks of pregnancy

If you don't show, your belly may feel more bloated. Remember that every woman is different and every pregnancy is different. Don't worry if you don't look too pregnant yet. Later in your pregnancy, your caretaker will begin measuring your uterus to check your baby's growth at each prenatal appointment. These measurements are called "foundation height measurements." Base height measurements are taken by measuring from the top of the pubic bone to the top of the uterus.

Until this time, many women do not see any changes in their figure, with the exception of the “disappearance” of the waist. However, it is after the 15th week that the belly often bulges immediately, after which its growth continues quite rapidly.

In some cases, on the contrary, women at 15 weeks of pregnancy have too big belly. As a rule, it has a triangular shape, which is due to the location of the baby in the uterus. If the abdominal circumference does not exceed 80 cm, the expectant mother has nothing to worry about. Otherwise, you should consult your doctor about polyhydramnios.

Is pain normal at this stage?

The measurement corresponds to the number of weeks you are pregnant. Now your emotions are still going crazy. It's common to feel a little anxious or shy about this change in your life. At 15 weeks pregnant, you start to feel and look more pregnant. Usually, you start experiencing some unwanted and even unusual side effects of pregnancy.

Gas is a common symptom of pregnancy. You have a tendency to gass when you're expecting, due to more high levels progesterone, which relaxes the muscles in your gastrointestinal tract. This hormonal change can slow down digestion and cause gas and bloating. While it may not be desirable to have flatulence and belching unexpectedly, gas is a common symptom that can be anticipated throughout pregnancy.

In addition, at 15 weeks of pregnancy, a dark mark often appears on the belly of the expectant mother. Typically, at this time it is located closer to the bottom, but after a few weeks its size will increase, as a result of which it will be noticeable starting from the navel. There is no need to worry about such changes - after giving birth, this strip will disappear by itself, and not a trace will remain after it.

Week - What happens in the body

Insomnia and difficulty sleeping are another common experience. More than 70% of all maternal suffering is from sleep disorders. It may be becoming increasingly difficult to sleep due to other pregnancy discomforts such as leg cramps, frequent urination, interrupting your sleep, and syndrome restless leg. As your belly grows, you may also find it difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position.

To help you sleep better, try purchasing a pregnancy pillow as these special pillows offer support in all the right areas. Getting a massage before bed or trying other relaxation strategies may also help you with insomnia.

Feelings in the abdomen during pregnancy 14-15 weeks

Multiparous women during this period may already notice the baby’s movements. If future mom is expecting the birth of her first child, she will have to wait quite a long time. Meanwhile, the vast majority of women at 15 weeks of pregnancy note that their stomach hurts or feels tight.

Heartburn may start to affect you for the first time now. The burning sensation you feel in your chest is typical symptom in the second and third trimesters. This is another unpleasant experience of pregnancy due to higher levels of progesterone, which relaxes the lower esophageal sphincter. When this valve does not close tightly enough, stomach acid may flow back into your esophagus. This may cause a burning sensation just behind your breasts.

Other pregnancy symptoms at 15 weeks pregnant

Although heartburn is common, it is not desirable. To minimize your discomfort, try to avoid any foods, such as spicy or fattening foods, acid products and carbonated drinks and beverages. A tired nose and nasal congestion are also common. This pregnancy symptom is caused by swelling in the mucous membranes of the nose, mainly the result of increased hormone production. The feeling of being packed can exist without signs of illness or due to a cold. This symptom will come and go.

This occurs due to stretching of the muscles of the uterus and, although usually this pain is quite tolerable, it gives the expectant mother a lot of discomfort. Meanwhile, if low-intensity contractions join it, bloody issues or It's a dull pain in the lower back, you should definitely consult a doctor. There may be a threat of miscarriage, which can be very dangerous at this stage of pregnancy.

Excessive salivation may accompany heartburn. You may find that you spit more than usual and may even find yourself spitting into your scarf repeatedly. Although excessive salivation is very strange side effect, nothing to worry about. Hormonal changes may contribute, and it is also possible that you are making more saliva to fight heartburn. Salvia reduces the effect of stomach acid.

Possible deviations from the norm

Weight gain at 15 weeks of pregnancy can range from 6 to 7 pounds. However, it is completely normal if you receive more than this. Some women gain more, while others tend to gain weight more slowly. If you're pregnant with twins or multiples, you may have far exceeded this typical weight gain.

The 15th week of pregnancy is the stage when all organs begin to function fully, and the fetus becomes completely similar to small child. But the most important thing at this stage is the first movements and formation of the cerebral cortex.

The wonderful time of the second trimester of pregnancy is the time when a woman can fully enjoy her position: the absence of toxicosis, a barely rounded tummy, which does not cause any trouble, and the first, timid movements of the baby - what could be better?

The usual weight you should gain is generally between 25 and 35 pounds by the time your baby is born. If you bring twins and you are typical size, you will be aiming for a weight gain of 37 to 54 pounds. Your baby's ovaries or testicles develop entirely inside their body, while their genitals form outside their body.

When will the baby start pushing?

Where the swelling was between the legs will now be a penis or clitoris, although you usually won't be able to tell your baby's sex when ultrasound scanning at this stage. At 14 weeks, the baby is approximately 85mm long from head to base. Around now the baby begins to swallow small pieces of amniotic fluid, which pass into the stomach. The kidneys begin to work, and the swallowed liquid returns to the amniotic fluid like piss.

Pregnancy is often associated with anxiety and worry. For many women, expecting a child is a special time. The time when everything and everyone fades into the background, and the expectant mother trembles with anticipation. And it doesn’t matter whether this is the first pregnancy or 5. The sacrament of birth excites and worries everyone equally.

Around this time, your baby will begin to hear—she or he may hear muffled sounds from the outside world and any noises your baby makes. digestive system, as well as the sound of your voice and heart. The eyes also begin to become sensitive to light. Even if your baby's eyes are closed, they may register bright light outside your tummy.

Weight gain

The baby's facial muscles can now move and facial expressions begin. Your child cannot control them. The nervous system continues to develop, allowing the muscles in your baby's limbs to flex. Around this time, your baby's hands can reach each other - they can form a fist and hold each other when they touch.

The second trimester is exactly the stage when waiting brings only joy. The belly at 15 weeks of pregnancy is barely noticeable. If this is the first child, then there may not be one at all. But the mother herself is simply blossoming, because the restructuring of the body is over and her health is excellent.

The second trimester begins at week 14 and lasts until week 26. During this time, the expectant mother will experience a lot of new discoveries and experiences. But pleasant changes are associated not only with the baby’s development, but also with general health moms. The woman is no longer bothered by toxicosis, her health is excellent. Hormonal changes has already ended, and therefore the mood is stable and normal. If there are no pathologies, then sports in this trimester is not only acceptable, but also necessary. Some representatives of the fair sex at the 15th week of pregnancy are just beginning to have a barely noticeable tummy, but there are also those who by this time already have a pronounced roundness in the waist area.

Your body at 4 months pregnant

You will notice a slight growth as your uterus grows and moves upward. If you've been feeling the urge to pass urine more frequently over the past few months, it's because your uterus is pressing on your bladder. Contact your doctor if you notice pain when urinating. Urinary infections may occur during pregnancy and it is important to treat them quickly to reduce the risk of kidney infection.

Getting headaches during pregnancy is common, but if they are severe, they could be a sign of something serious. Your teeth and gums need a little extra care during pregnancy, and dental care free for pregnant women up to one year after your baby's due date.

The uterus is quite high. If desired, it can already be felt at a distance of 7-10 cm down from the navel. During this period, many women develop a vertical stripe that runs from the beginning of the abdomen to pubic bones. Don't let it bother you - this is one of the symptoms of pregnancy; it will disappear soon after birth. Another feature distinguishes the second trimester – the appearance of nevi. Many of us have one or another number of moles. In most cases, they appear in childhood and accompany us throughout life without causing concern. There are also malignant neoplasms, the decision on which is made by the doctor. Therefore, it is important that an oncologist and dermatologist give a conclusion about the type of nevus. At the 15th week of pregnancy, due to a powerful hormonal surge, a woman may develop new moles. Don't worry - they are completely safe. In fact, this is just evidence that your hormonal system works as it should.

Meet who's on the maternity team and learn more about each of your roles during pregnancy. Learn about infections that may be harmful to you or your unborn baby and how to protect yourself from them. Includes information on toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus and rubella.

You can save your to-do list online to keep track of everything you need for your pregnancy. Find out what is happening to you and your child. Many women feel so good at this point in their pregnancy that they begin to experience increased libido. Some pregnant women may not want sex at all, and on the opposite end of the spectrum, others may have the highest sex drive they can remember!

15 weeks of pregnancy: what happens to mom

Along with a lot of positive aspects, there are also a number of difficulties that can cause discomfort.

  1. Nasal congestion and nosebleeds
    This is not the most common sign of the second trimester, however, it happens. The fact is that during pregnancy, the volume of blood and fluid in the mother’s body increases by 50%. Rhinitis in pregnant women – safe, but unpleasant disease caused by excess blood in the mucous membranes. It does not require treatment and will go away as unexpectedly as it appeared.
  1. Calcium deficiency
    If you notice that your hair has become dull and falling out, and your teeth have suddenly become more sensitive or even started to hurt, then do not be alarmed - everything is fine with you, your baby just needs more calcium than you consume.
  1. Dry skin
    If you have problematic skin, then your time has come - upper layer the epithelium will become smooth, even and flawless. No rashes or oily shine. But if you have dry or normal skin, then an unpleasant discovery awaits you - cracks, peeling, roughness and tightness - this is an incomplete list of what will happen. It is impossible to prevent, but with hydration and nutrition you can get rid of the symptoms. This condition is caused by hormonal changes and potassium deficiency. It will go away in the third trimester, but for now it makes sense to consult a doctor about an increase daily dose potassium

So, we found out what mom feels like at 15 weeks of pregnancy. But besides this there is also ominous symptoms which should not be ignored.

Medical examination of a pregnant woman

If you have normal pregnancy, it is completely safe to have sex during this time, and it can be good for your relationship. Ultimately, how you experience sex during pregnancy varies from person to person—some women find sex more enjoyable, and some simply aren't interested.

If your partner is resistant to sex while you're pregnant, it may be that he feels weird when the baby is so close to action. Reassure him that the child cannot feel or feel what is happening. You may need to be proactive in this department until he becomes more comfortable with it.

Pathology of pregnancy at 15 weeks

  1. Placental abruption
    Normally, the location of the placenta is standard for all pregnant women - bottom, anterior and back wall uterus. Premature detachment- Very dangerous diagnosis, threatening life of both the fetus and the mother. The main sign of detachment is heavy or light bleeding. The fact is that the uteroplacental vessels rupture, causing bleeding. Blood collects in the hematoma, thereby continuing and intensifying the separation of the placenta. There are partial non-progressive abruption, progressive and complete placental abruption. In the first two cases emergency appeal seeking medical attention can save the life of the fetus.

You may begin to experience some new pregnancy symptoms during this time, such as nosebleeds. Thanks to the pregnancy hormones progesterone and estrogen, your blood vessels expand more easily. Your blood supply has increased and this puts pressure on the small capillaries found in the lining of your nose and gums, causing nosebleeds and bleeding gums.

Try to avoid drying out your nose, especially if you spend a lot of time in centrally heated areas. Running a humidifier in your home can help. Lubricating the nostrils can also help relieve nosebleeds. May I help. During this time, you take good care of your teeth and gums, as you may be prone to gingivitis during pregnancy. Uncontrolled left gingivitis can cause periodontitis, and research has shown that it is a risk factor for preterm birth. Good hygiene oral health care is a must, so contact your dentist at the first sign of problems.

  1. Late toxicosis
    Usually, by the 15th week of pregnancy, no trace of toxicosis remains. But this doesn't always happen. A number of pregnant women experience nausea and vomiting, swelling, high blood pressure and dizziness. This borderline state between classic toxicosis and gestosis. It is very important to identify the cause and eliminate the symptoms.
  1. Frozen pregnancy
    It’s sad to admit it, but even at this stage the fetus may die. This is usually caused intrauterine infection, developmental defects, if any. Diagnosed by ultrasound - there is no fetal heartbeat and a blood test for hCG levels.
  1. Low water
    In fact, the diagnosis of “oligohydramnios” is not made. Most often there are some reasons for this: leakage of amniotic fluid, infection, opening of the cervix. In order to understand exactly what is happening, you need to undergo an ultrasound and consult with a specialist. He will determine the causes and prescribe effective treatment.
  1. Painful sensations
    Are you 15 weeks pregnant and your stomach hurts like contractions? Then immediately see a doctor. At this stage painful sensations- a sign of a threat of premature delivery. There are many reasons for this: lifestyle, uterine tone, hormones. The optimal solution is inpatient treatment.

Tests at 15 weeks of pregnancy

Despite the fact that the first screening is already behind us, and the second is still early, a number of tests aimed at identifying pathologies or defects are also possible this week.

15th week of pregnancy: Ultrasound

Ultrasound examination is the most popular type of examination. At the 15th week of pregnancy, an ultrasound will reveal a lot of information:

  • number of fruits;
  • size, weight, presentation of the child;
  • condition of the placenta - its thickness, maturity, location relative to the edge of the internal os;
  • condition of the cervix and pharynx;
  • quantity and condition of amniotic fluid.

15th week of pregnancy: triple test

The triple test is a test that everyone is recommended to take. Especially for those with a history of frozen pregnancies, pathologies of fetal development, or developmental defects in the family. The analysis consists of three parts: free Estriol, AFP, hCG. In fact, this test does not give exact result, it only shows the risk share. For example, a ratio of 1:350 is quite dangerous indicator. Doctors usually prescribe more accurate and dangerous invasive tests. Most often, such an analysis allows us to identify the risk of Down syndrome in a child. The older the expectant mother, the more likely the chromosomal defect is.

The ratio of healthy children and babies with Down syndrome depending on the woman’s age:

  • up to 25 years – 1:1200;
  • up to 30 years – 1:900;
  • up to 35 years – 1:365;
  • up to 40 years – 1:100;
  • up to 45 years old - 1:32.

Thus, the chance of having a child with chromosomal abnormalities gets taller with age. And the older the woman, the higher the chance. This is due to the fact that the age of the eggs is equal to the age of the woman. And the older the organism, the more defects can be detected in the egg.

15 weeks of pregnancy: what happens to the baby

While external changes in a woman’s appearance and well-being are insignificant, a sea of ​​the most amazing events happen to the baby. Firstly, it is no longer so tiny - its size is equal to the circumference of one medium orange, and this is not small at all.

15th week of pregnancy: development of fetal organs

At the 15th week of pregnancy, the size of the fetus ranges from 99 to 103 mm, and its weight is about 50 grams. In addition, during this period, differentiation of the genital organs occurs and, with a certain amount of luck, parents can find out the gender of the baby. Organs continue to develop. Now stronger the cardiovascular system The fetus pumps about 28 liters of blood during the day. The kidneys begin to work more actively. It regularly empties the bladder, and the liver secretes bile, which stimulates the work gastrointestinal tract. This bile will later become the original fetal feces - myconium. At this stage, a male child also begins to produce male hormone– testosterone. And also glands appear and function internal secretion: greasy and sweaty. But the most an important event at the 15th week of pregnancy - the formation of the cerebral cortex begins. The hemispheres of his brain become similar to the classic brain - they are covered with grooves and convolutions. At the same time, it is formed nervous system, which will control the body. Division nerve cells occurs very actively throughout the month.

During the entire 15th week, the fetus actively develops and trains its organs: it performs breathing movements lungs, drives blood, empties the bladder and rectum. The stool passes directly into the amniotic fluid, but this is not dangerous because amniotic fluid updated up to 10 times a day. Also during this period, the child’s glottis opens.

Appearance of a baby at 15 weeks of pregnancy

By this time, the fetus is becoming more and more similar to little baby. His hair becomes thicker and denser, eyelashes appear on his eyelids, and eyebrows appear above his eyes. The density of the skin also increases - the baby already has several layers of epithelium, but it is still thin and red, and blood vessels are visible through the skin. Your baby's body changes its shape. Now it's stretched out and more head. That, in turn, becomes rounder. The legs stretch out and become longer than the arms. Visually, the fruit completely replicates appearance a newborn baby, only a smaller copy.

She is active and energetic. During the day, the fetus makes hundreds of somersaults and millions of movements. His inert system becomes stronger, joints appear and muscle. That is why, at the 15th week of pregnancy, even those for whom it is their first pregnancy begin to feel movements. The baby is already strong enough to physically remind of his existence. Just a little more and he will learn to hiccup and listen. While he has formed ears, but he doesn't hear yet. But the baby is quite capable of tasting the food that the mother eats, so try to pamper your baby with healthy and tasty foods.

15 weeks of pregnancy: photo

In order to have a more complete understanding of exactly what your baby looks like, you can turn to specialized resources and sources. Thus, photographs of the baby’s development will clearly show exactly what the baby looks like at this stage. There are also specialized videos, whose main function is to provide future parents with complete and comprehensive information on the topic of what exactly happens in their body and how the baby grows.

Pregnancy is a whole 9 month wait. It is important that the expectant mother knows exactly everything that concerns the development of her baby. This way you can protect yourself from unnecessary worries and react in time if necessary.

Recommended restrictions at 15 weeks of pregnancy

The development of pregnancy at week 15 is individual for everyone, but we have already discussed what is normal and standard. Besides positive aspects in the second trimester there are also a number of restrictions that make sense to observe. A pregnant woman should be careful the following types activities.

15th week of pregnancy: taking a hot bath

Hot water warms and softens muscles. This is an excellent remedy for combating cramps, fatigue, muscle pain after sports or physical labor. But during pregnancy, this type of rest can be dangerous. The fact is that the cervix also softens, and hot water can become a catalyst for bleeding and cause premature birth.

15th week of pregnancy: sudden upward movements, prolonged stay in a bent position, sleeping on your back

Accept that tinkering in the garden for the next six months is not for you. Even if you are an avid summer resident, refuse to work on the land. In this situation you find yourself additional load on lumbar region, and also presses on the veins, reducing the level of oxygen supply to the fetus.

Vena cava compression syndrome in pregnant women - common occurrence. A woman may feel a lack of oxygen, dizziness and pain while lying on her back. This is due to the fact that the uterus with the child presses and compresses the veins, and the position on the back exerts additional pressure from the outside. The longer the pregnancy, the more obvious the problem is.

15th week of pregnancy: lifting weights

On the Internet you can find photos of female bodybuilders who continued to engage in heavy sports even while deeply pregnant. But this practice is not only unhealthy, but also downright dangerous for the child’s life. Try to avoid heavy objects, lifting children and heavy load. You are not sick, but you are expecting a baby.

What should be done for the harmonious development of the fetus at 15 weeks of pregnancy

The second trimester is considered the most favorable for various kinds travel and activities. But you shouldn't be overzealous. The main thing is a reasonable approach and moderation.

15th week of pregnancy: sports activities

If you still don't go to the pool, yoga for pregnant women or easy complex to stretch, then it's time to start. This will allow you to strengthen tissues and muscles, make your skin more elastic and give you great mood. In addition, sport is an excellent prevention of obesity and overweight, which happens very often during pregnancy.

15th week of pregnancy: marital relations

Sex during the 15th week of pregnancy is possible in the same way as at any other time. Don't limit yourself. Allow your desires to find a way out, then both you and your spouse will be completely satisfied and happy while waiting for the birth of the baby.

15th week of pregnancy: nutrition

Proper nutrition has probably already entered your life. In the second trimester, it is important to finally give up unhealthy fast food and processed foods, eliminate sugary carbonated drinks and increase protein-rich foods in your diet. Calcium is a building material for bone and muscular system. Its deficiency is fraught with consequences in the form of loss of teeth and hair.

15th week of pregnancy: travel

At 15 weeks pregnant, you are still free to travel. After all, you have the most favorable time for this. The baby is developing, you are still active and energetic. Toxicosis and mood swings of the first trimester are left behind. Now the best thing you can give your baby is proper nutrition, positive emotions, good mood And sufficient quantity oxygen, and therefore, if a trip is in your plans, then go boldly, as long as your doctor has no objections to this. Of course, diving to the bottom of the ocean or a dashing descent from a mountain should be postponed for the time being, but there is no need to lie without readings.

Beneficial actions at 15 weeks of pregnancy

15th week of pregnancy: clothes

Very soon your wardrobe will be too small for you. This is especially true for trousers, dresses and skirts. It makes sense to choose in advance a couple of sets of beautiful outfits that you will wear when your belly gets bigger.

15th week of pregnancy: photos and videos

Photo and video shooting of your baby. The fact is that the 15th week of pregnancy will allow you to take a photo of the fetus of maximum quality. It is at this stage that the baby is already fully formed. He has arms and legs, eyes and hair, but at the same time he is still very small. This opens up excellent opportunities for creating a real photo session, where the whole baby will be visible in its entirety. In addition, the video clip at this stage will also be as descriptive as possible. Later the baby will be larger and so full picture It will no longer be possible to photograph his movements and facial expressions.

15th week of pregnancy: literature

It's time to start studying useful literature. Stories about childbirth, pregnancy, child care - all this is very necessary and important. Theoretical knowledge, gleaned from books, will allow you not to get confused in difficult situation and choose the right and competent solution. In addition, this will make it more clear to you what exactly is happening inside you. Books on family psychology will also be useful. It is known for certain that the first year after the birth of a child is incredibly difficult for husband and wife; by being prepared, you can avoid many problems associated with the distribution of responsibilities, overwork, and insomnia in the first year.

The fetus at 15 weeks of gestation is growing and developing. Mom feels much better. Left behind were unpleasant sensations, acute excitement and superstition. Every day you have more and more confidence that everything will be fine. And how could it be otherwise? After all, a new one grows and develops in you, young life and it depends only on you what it will be like. The best thing an expectant mother can do is to provide her baby with only positive feelings and emotions. Remember: the baby senses the mother’s mood and can already distinguish the taste of what you eat.

Nine months of pregnancy will fly by quickly and unnoticed. More than once you will mentally return to this wonderful time, when another tiny heart beats under your heart - the heart of your own son or daughter. It is very important that the husband also supports his wife during the waiting period. Try to unobtrusively and enthusiastically tell him about your feelings, show him a photo of the baby, and involve him in an ultrasound. In this way, you gradually accustom your life partner to the role of a father. This is especially important if it is your first pregnancy.

15th week of pregnancy. Video



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