How much meat does a shorthaired pointer puppy need per day? You should know this

The shorthaired pointer is a cheerful and friendly dog. She will be happy to take part in children's games or “help” her owner with his work. But since dogs of this breed are very active, if they play too much, they can cause a lot of trouble - knocking them down, breaking their favorite vase, or hunting the neighbor's chicken.

You should not have a Shorthaired Pointer as a companion if you cannot provide him with the necessary exercise, both physical and intellectual. Hunting is in the blood of these dogs, they are smart, resilient, they need to run a lot and work mentally. Lack of attention and stress will lead to mental disorders; the dog may become aggressive, disobedient or fearful.

It is necessary to walk at least 2 times a day, and preferably 3 times. The duration of the walks is 1-2 hours. At this time, you need to play with the dog, train it and let it run around without a leash.

Mental training is just as important as physical training. The dog must be constantly busy with something - games, training, walks.

Having such a dog as a companion, and even in a city apartment, is abuse of the animal. Of course, if you are a pensioner who loves long walks outside the city, then this is quite possible. Kurzhaar will make a great friend.

Another important feature is that the shorthaired pointer needs a strong, authoritative leader. It is better for people with mild characters not to get a dog of this breed. A smart and headstrong dog will quickly realize that his owner can be controlled. As a result, you will get a dog that is disobedient, mischievous and the leader in your relationship. Kurzhaar will not follow commands and will begin to manipulate and set his own rules. From a puppy on, he needs to be accustomed to who is boss in the house. This dog recognizes only a strong, confident and fair leader.

It is advisable to entrust the training to a professional who will have enough knowledge and time. But the shorthaired pointer should be taught order and discipline from a very early age, and this should be done by its owner.


Undemanding in care. The only thing they need is regular brushing, several times a week. During molting daily. Bathing should only be done when necessary.


Feeding a puppy up to 1 year

When picking up a puppy, you need to ask the breeder in detail about its feeding plan and stick to it at first. Changing a place is already quite stressful for a small dog; you shouldn’t make the situation worse by changing your routine. The breeder will explain how and what to feed the pet, what size the portion should be and other nuances.

Up to 3 months

The puppy is given boiled lean meat and offal. To make it easier to chew, the meat is cut into small pieces. But you shouldn’t feed it with minced meat - your dog won’t have to chew it. In this case, the teeth do not get the necessary work, and the minced meat itself is harder to digest, which can lead to health problems. Kurzhaar needs to be given a sufficient amount of dairy products - kefir, cottage cheese (low fat), milk. This is very important, since the puppy’s bone structure is intensively developing at this time. You should also include boiled vegetables, fruits, and definitely porridge in your diet. Feeding frequency: 4 - 5 times a day.

From 3 to 6 months

Starting from three months, the amount of dairy products in the diet is reduced, and meat products are increased. Milk is excluded completely. Everything else remains the same. From 6 months, the puppy begins to be fed three times a day. At 1 year of age they are switched to two meals a day. Throughout the year, the serving size grows with the pet.

What to feed an adult shorthaired pointer

The diet of an adult dog differs from the diet of a puppy mainly in quantity. The shorthaired pointer is an active, well-developed working dog. She needs a complete diet, including all the necessary substances - proteins, vitamins, calcium, etc.

The dog is fed lean meat, offal, vegetables, and cereals. Sometimes your pet can be given boneless fish, calcium, vitamins and microelements.
In order to properly balance your diet, it is better to consult a specialist on this issue. Or choose a special factory food that is suitable for your pet.

Feeding shorthaired pointer with dry food

A dog of this breed can be completely switched to dry food. It is better to do this from puppyhood. Until six months of age, the puppy is fed granules soaked in water, milk or kefir. At 5-6 months they begin to feed dry, making sure that there is always fresh water in the drinking bowl.

What you should pay attention to

  1. Dry food should be introduced gradually.
  2. Choose only premium or super premium food.
  3. Choose a shorthaired pointer food designed for active or sporting dogs.
  4. When choosing, take into account individual characteristics - age, health, gender. It is best to consult a veterinarian.
  5. Do not give your dog vitamins or other supplements along with dry feeding. This food is completely balanced, the dog gets everything he needs. An overdose can lead to deterioration in your pet's health and even serious illness.

The dog should not be fed food with a strong smell, such as smoked meats. It might ruin her sense of smell.

Kurzhaar. Character traits, care and video content

Article: Kurzhaar. Characteristics, care and maintenance

The shorthaired pointer is a hunting breed originally from Germany. In addition to the qualities of a hunter, it has the makings of a good watchdog, gets along well with children, but recognizes only one person as its owner.

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The Shorthaired Pointer is a breed that can be kept both in an apartment and in a yard. The pet is smart and peaceful, but requires increased attention. In order to raise a devoted and obedient dog, you should approach training with the utmost seriousness.

Keeping a pet such as a shorthaired pointer is a simple and easy task for the owner of an apartment. The dog has short hair, which makes it convenient to keep in a small room - cleaning will not be carried out more often than usual. The animal should be given its own corner in the apartment - this could be, for example, a warm and wind-protected place in the bedroom, living room, or a closet that is definitely not locked. The dog must be walked 2 times a day for 1–2 hours.

On the street

How do you cope with winter?

In winter, a dog can only be kept outside at above-zero temperatures. The shorthaired pointer can live outdoors if the temperature is not lower than +7 ºС. During the cold season, it is advisable to put hay in the booth. It needs to be replaced 2 times a week, the booth should be washed once a week.

IMPORTANT! You cannot keep a dog indoors for a long time, otherwise it will become embittered and aggressive. Kurzhaar needs freedom.

Mating and birth

Puberty begins at 8–12 months, and complete physical development occurs by 2–3 years. A physically healthy female dog goes into heat twice a year. But there are dogs that are empty once a year or 3 times every 2 years.

The emptying period lasts about 25 days. The main symptoms of its onset are swelling of the external part of the genital organ and bleeding. On the eighth day, the discharge decreases, and the bitch allows the male.

By stroking the dog with your hand, they check whether it is ready for mating with a male - when she is ready she turns her tail to the side.

Important! The bitch and the dog must be on leashes when mating. If a girl bites, it is best to put a muzzle on her.

Coitus lasts approximately 15–20 minutes. You can repeat the mating a second time only after 24 hours have passed after the completion of the first one.

Gestation of puppies lasts 2 months, during which time the dog owner needs to prepare for the birth of puppies. The first thing to do is prepare an area for the puppies. A box or box is suitable for this, in which you need to lay a soft bedding. Several beddings should be prepared; they will become dirty. The second is items to help with delivery: scissors for cutting the umbilical cord, a heating pad and a cloth to dry the puppies.

Childbirth in dogs lasts up to 24 hours. Before giving birth, the animal begins to behave nervously - fidgeting in its place, worrying. Prenatal contractions are accompanied by the release of mucus from the vagina. The puppy appears in a bubble, the mother must chew it, if this does not happen, then the owner must intervene.

As a rule, the dog itself licks the mucus from the puppy, but during the first birth it may become confused. Veterinarians advise stretching the bitch's nipples before giving birth - this will make it easier for newborns to suck on the breast. After giving birth, the animal needs to replace the bedding and attach the puppies to the chest.


Basic vaccinations against distemper, enteritis, hepatitis and rabies are given at 2.5 months. At 4-5 months, puppies' teeth begin to change, and at this point it is best not to vaccinate. Throughout the year, you must undergo a course of vaccinations, adhering to certain time intervals.

IMPORTANT! You cannot vaccinate a dog if it feels unwell or is sick with something.


The most common diseases of shorthaired pointers are:

  • bloating;
  • otitis externa;
  • cataract;
  • melanoma;
  • entropy;
  • hip dysplasia and hot spots (eczema).

Advice! If you notice that the animal has become lethargic, has not eaten for 24 hours, is feeling sick or vomiting, then this is a signal to urgently contact a veterinarian.


Dogs need to be trained from an early age. First you need to accustom the animal to its place of sleeping and feeding. The puppy should be taught not to be afraid of personal hygiene procedures - combing the coat, cutting nails, cleaning teeth, ears and eyes. The pet does not need frequent bathing - once a month is enough. In the summer, dogs love to swim in ponds. Puppies in an apartment should be taught to relieve themselves in straw, sand or newspaper.

IMPORTANT! Under no circumstances should a dog be taught to relieve itself on rags or any material, otherwise the puppies will “go” on the carpet, clothes, etc.

Puppies must be taught from an early age to interact with other animals. This breed of dog does not like to be alone, so leaving it in an apartment for a long time is not recommended.

The main thing is to determine the character of the pet and build on this in terms of education. During training, you should not be irritated, hit or shout at the dog. If an animal grows up in a nervous environment, it may become an aggressive animal. The shorthaired pointer is a breed of energetic dog, so you need to walk them a lot and spend personal time with them.

What to feed an adult dog?

The shorthaired pointer is a fairly large hunting breed with strength and endurance. The pet can be fed natural food or dry food. If you feed your pet dry food, then you need to choose granules for energetic and active dogs that are appropriate for the pet’s age.

High quality dry food contains vitamins and microelements that are important for the dog’s body, therefore, there is no need for additional additives.

If the animal is fed natural food, then the owner needs to know that 50% of the diet is chicken, beef, pork and offal.

Important! Smoked meats in the form of sausages and frankfurters are harmful to dogs - they negatively affect the functioning of the liver.

The menu should include vegetables, both raw and boiled. Potatoes, radishes, pasta, sweets and peas are harmful to dogs. Fish, eggs and dairy products can only be given once a week.

Your dog should not be given food from the refrigerator or directly from the stove. The food should be warm; in addition, you need to provide a bowl of water. During the cold season, a pet living on the street should increase its diet. In cold weather, it is advisable to feed the animal food rich in calories. Oil can be added to food and supplemented with vitamins A, B and E.

IMPORTANT! For a dog living in an apartment, the menu does not change.

What to feed the puppy?

Feeding puppies will begin on the 21st day after birth, they are fed 3 times a day with warm milk, and milk porridge and meat broth are added per month - 1 time per day.

On day 90, you need to add cartilage and offal to the diet. Ryazhenka, cottage cheese or kefir are allowed among dairy products.

Puppies are given food in small portions. We must ensure that they do not overeat.

Feeding the puppies:

  • every 2 hours - from birth to 2 months;
  • 5–6 times - from 2 months to 3 months;
  • 4 times - from 3 months to 6 months;
  • 3 times - from 6 months to 10 months;
  • 2 times - from 10 months onwards.

What do you feed a nursing mother?

After childbirth, the mother's diet should consist of dairy products, cereals and omelettes. The bitch needs to be fed 6 times a day. The mother should not be fed animal proteins for 10 days. Afterwards you can give meat broths and soups. Vegetables and offal - chopped heart and liver - are added to the porridge. While the mother is feeding the puppies, the milk diet should prevail over soups.

If you have free time, then you can afford a shorthaired pointer, but if you work from morning to evening, then it is better not to get such a breed. This pet requires attention and long exercises in the fresh air.

A born hunter, the Shorthaired Pointer, also known as the German Pointer, enjoys considerable popularity in Europe and in our country.

Standing ability that does not need to be taught, makes the dog an ideal companion when hunting fur-bearing animals and game.

It is believed that the ancestors of the breed were bird hunters in Asia, who were transported to the Mediterranean countries, and then to Germany. Here, after a long crossbreeding with hounds and pointers, the elegant German we know appeared. Close relatives of this wonderful breed are the Langhaar and the German Bracket and the Russian Pointer.

The most important quality of these dogs was the ability to stand. The demand for a standing dog increased after the production of the first double-barreled shotgun (1750). Game birds were shot in flight in front of the dog. This was the beginning of the transition from a pure standing pointing dog to an all-around gun dog.

Since 1897, the “Stud Book of the German Shorthaired Pointer” has appeared - a decisive document for the formation and breeding of the breed. Prince Albrecht zu Solms-Braunfeld established the characteristics of the breed, the rules for evaluating the exterior, as well as simple rules for testing hunting dogs.

Description of the breed

FCI Standard No. 119 dated April 25, 2001 “German Short-haired Pointing Dog.”
Group 7 "Cops".
Section 1 “Continental Pointers”.

The shorthaired pointer breed standard limits height range at withers:

  • males 62 - 66 cm;
  • females 58 - 63 cm.

There are no weight restrictions.

How long does the shorthaired pointer live? Under proper conditions of detention Life expectancy ranges from 13-16 years.

Shorthaired Pointer: description of the breed contains p proportional physique with strong bones and developed muscles. A somewhat elongated wedge-shaped head, the forehead is not wide, smoothly transitioning to a narrow, elongated muzzle. The neck stands at an angle of 40º in relation to the body, arched at the top.

The defect is a hunchback or slightly sagging back.

The hanging ears, lying close to the cheeks, reach the corners of the lips. Dark brown eyes are tightly closed with eyelids. You can determine the color of a young pet by the color of the nose: a chestnut nose means brown, a dark nose means black, and so on.

The coat of the German Pointer is thick, dense and short. On the ears and face the coat is shorter and softer, as is the case on the limbs. The following colors are allowed:

  • solid brown, no marks;
  • brown with small white markings or specks on the chest or paws;
  • dark brown roan with a brown head, brown spots or specks;
  • light brown roan with a brown head, brown spots, speckles or no spots;
  • black color with the same shades as brown or brown-roan.

Tan markings are acceptable.

Wool is similar to the feathers of waterfowl: it does not get wet and helps maintain body temperature.

Character, abilities, skills

Sometimes it seems that this dog’s “batteries” never run out, he has such inexhaustible energy. If they need a hunting partner, then from puppyhood they are taught to restrain their emotions.

For those who do not like hunting, the shorthaired pointer can skillfully cope with both protecting property and participating in running competitions.

Dogs of this breed are imaginative and intelligent, and have a large number of innate skills and abilities. With this, the dog can become a watchman, a tracker, and a swimmer.

The main characteristic of the shorthaired pointer breed is instinctive ability to take a hunting stance for birds and small fur-bearing animals. At this moment, the shorthaired pointer is like an arrow: its head is lowered low, its paw is raised, its tail is straightened, and its gaze is fixed on the eyes of the victim.

It should be noted that this breed is for an experienced owner. It should be firmly established from a very young age on the puppy who is the real owner of the entrusted territory.

A cheerful character is fraught if there is a small child at home. The dog will not harm the baby, but may accidentally drop him during play.

The love of barking is one of the weaknesses of the breed.

Kurzhaar or drathaar, who to choose? These breeds are very similar, but there are significant differences depending on their working functions.

The shorthaired pointer is distinguished by a more developed sense of smell, high speed of movement. But the drathaar's swimming skills are higher. This dog is more resilient, but less graceful.

Dog owners note that when kept in an apartment shorthaired pointers are less whimsical and leave less dirt and fur. Drahthaars can live outside the home and are not whimsical to the attention of the owner, but if you need not only a partner for active recreation, but a faithful friend, then the choice of the shorthaired pointer is obvious.

Care and maintenance

The best place to live for a pet is a private home, but keeping a shorthaired pointer in an apartment is also possible. You should walk your pet at least 2 times a day, releasing its energy. The chance to explore the surroundings without a leash and have plenty of frolic in the yard will be the key to an obedient and healthy animal.

They bathe the shorthaired pointer as necessary, when it becomes very dirty, and should be combed at least once a week.

A short and hard coat will not protect against severe shedding.

It is necessary to keep the ears and eyes clean, carefully removing any discharge. Kurtshaara nThey don’t leave him alone for a long time - communication is very important to him. If it is deficient, the dog will become hyperactive and uncontrollable. It is better to provide your pet with toys so that they do not become slippers and personal belongings of the owner.

We should not forget about and.

What to feed the shorthaired pointer? The diet of a puppy or adult dog consists of either natural food or dry food. Mixing the two types of feeding is extremely undesirable for your pet’s digestion.

When choosing dry food, you should use premium class nutrition and higher (super-premium, holistic). The natural menu includes dairy products, lean meat, offal, cereals and vegetables. Portion sizes should be moderate as the breed is prone to obesity.

The basic rule for any breed is unhindered 24/7 access to drinking water.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the breed include:

  • activity and friendliness;
  • universal hunting and guard skills;
  • intelligence, ability to train;
  • lack of predisposition to diseases (,);
  • relatively long lifespan.

Disadvantages of the breed:

  • need for regular active walks;
  • innate energy may affect relationships with other pets;
  • More suitable for hunting than for regular house keeping.

Innate hunting qualities, combined with excellent guarding talent and the loyalty of a true friend, make the shorthaired pointer a desirable pet. Bring this smart and affectionate animal into your home - and life will become brighter!

Additionally, check out the video about German pointer shorthaired pointers: description of the breed, disadvantages and advantages, and much more.

To grow and gain strength, shorthaired pointer cubs must receive a varied and balanced diet.

Important! For the glands responsible for metabolism to function properly, the puppy must receive at least 50 grams of raw meat daily.

At this age, children are introduced to boiled sea fish. Meat and fish are given along with porridge.

Any cereal is suitable except pearl barley. They need to be fortified with grated vegetables.

It is useful to add vitamins to food. And from 3 months of age you need to give 2 teaspoons of fish oil daily.

You should not feed puppies sharp bones, especially chicken bones. Babies do not know how to eat them and choke, and fragments of chicken bones can injure the puppy.

Up to 2 months of age, puppies are fed 6 times a day, 4 months old - 5 times, 6 months old - 3 times.

A one-year-old shorthaired pointer is transferred to an adult diet and diet.

Feeding the shorthaired pointer with ready-made food simplifies the situation.

Special foods take into account the puppy’s need for all elements and vitamins.

Accustoming to neatness

If the little shorthaired pointer lived in a kennel, then he has no concept of neatness.

Breeders keep dogs on bedding that absorbs moisture. Puppies tend to go straight there.

But as soon as the baby comes into the house, you need to teach him to be neat.

Shorthaired pointers living in multi-storey buildings can be trained to walk on sand, straw or newspaper.

Important! You should not train your pet to wear diapers or rags. The little Kurt will quickly get used to it and will perceive any heap of clothes, carpet or sofa as a latrine.

As soon as the puppy starts to worry and look for a place to go to the toilet, you need to take him to the prepared sand.

After the baby does his business, he should be praised.

At night, from the “toilet” with sand to the sleeping area, you need to lay a “corridor” of screens so that the baby can only get on the sand.

After just 3-4 days, the puppy will get used to doing its business in the right place. Only the sand should always be clean and dry.

A serious disadvantage of this method is the difficulty in further training the puppy. After all, retraining is always more difficult.

At 3-4 months, the chicken should already be taught to fulfill its physiological needs on the street.

To do this, early in the morning, before he wakes up, he is taken out into the street.

If you repeat this procedure regularly 2-3 times a day, then by 6-8 months he will get used to doing all his business outside.

Shorthaired Pointer puppies are very cheerful companions. They show their joy with a smile like this

If it is possible to take your puppy outside often, then it is better to immediately teach him to do his business in the yard.

It is advisable to do this immediately after feeding and after sleep. Then he will quickly learn to ask to go outside at the right time.

What you should never do is scold your baby - he is not able to control his body like an adult dog.

Read more about how to train your dog to use the toilet outside:

Some puppy owners put up with puddles without risking taking their dog outside without vaccinations.

The fear of infecting your pet with infectious diseases is not a sufficient reason to leave it without walking.

On the contrary, in isolation the baby will develop worse and become sick.

Of course, it doesn’t hurt to be careful when walking shorthaired pointers. In order for the animal not to wear, it is worth wearing.

Vaccinations for shorthaired pointer puppies

Up to 2 months, puppy owners do not have to worry about vaccinations.

Until this age, shorthaired pointer babies, like Cane Corso puppies preserve maternal immunity.

Raising a shorthaired pointer puppy

Friendliness, increased emotionality and energy are the main qualities of the shorthaired pointer breed.

Buying a puppy is not difficult, but raising it will require patience and composure.

Shorthaired Pointer cubs love to work with humans.

Important! The difficulties of raising temperamental dogs are just a myth. When training active breeds, stimulation is simply necessary.

As a reward, you can use cookies, candies, pieces of meat or any other treat.

They are so touching, these funny shorthaired pointer puppies.

Photos of these intelligent, easily trained and well-socialized dogs adorn the walls of hunters' homes.

They also quickly learn commands and happily carry out their owner’s orders.

Hunting Shorthaired Pointers must undergo indoor and field training. Companion dogs need good training.

At 6–8 months, puppies must come to the owner’s call, follow the prohibiting command, walk nearby, know the commands “place”, “lie down”, “sit”, “fetch”.

At 4 months, the puppy's baby teeth begin to change.

During this period, which can last up to one and a half years, the dog trains its teeth on various objects.

The puppy chews everything he sees. Punishment in the form of spanking will not help.

It’s better to keep your baby busy with toys and leave valuables where he can’t reach them.

You can read about how to make a dog toy with your own hands in the article

Exercise stress

Without serious loads, shorthaired pointer puppies can turn the whole house over.

Its deficiency can lead to aggression, shyness or other deviations.

But the puppy should not be overloaded. You need to leave him enough time to rest.

  • Frequent, short-term exercise is better than rare, exhausting walks.
  • The puppy must receive exercise systematically; he does not have weekends or holidays.
  • Play with your puppy off-leash only in protected and safe areas.
  • Loads are increased gradually.
  • Even when raising a working dog, you need to know when to stop. For a shorthaired pointer, any work should be a joy.

Contact with the owner

A dog is a pack animal. It is important to show the puppy from the first days who is the leader in the house.

If the owner fails to establish leadership, the dog may become out of control.

Full contact and a strong bond between the owner and the shorthaired pointer are established in puppyhood.

During this period, you need to spend as much time as possible with the puppy.

You should not send a puppy or young dog with its family to the countryside if the owner remains in the city.

Time spent with the owner will bear fruit over time.

The shorthaired pointer remains a puppy until old age. He reacts equally joyfully to the attention of his owner both at a young and at an advanced age.

The owner's task is not to lose this trust. After all, friendship is built on mutual understanding.

Shorthaired Pointer puppies: a devoted friend in the house and a reliable assistant on the hunt

Shorthaired Pointer puppies. How to train a Shorthaired Pointer to be neat? Does a puppy need vaccinations and where to start training? These and other questions are of interest to new owners. Tips for caring for a puppy will help you figure this out.

The German shorthaired pointer is a short-haired pointer originally from Germany. One of the most popular gun breeds in the hunting world. In Russia, shorthaired pointer puppies are in demand among Amur hunters, in the Kuban, and in the middle zone of the country. But getting such a large, energetic dog to keep in an apartment as a companion is a bad idea. The shorthaired pointer must exercise its innate hunting instincts, otherwise you will end up with a mentally unstable pet.

External standard

The shorthaired pointer is a large breed. Males weigh from 25 to 32 kg, height at the withers is 63-65 cm. Bitches have slightly smaller dimensions. The head of the cop is elongated, the skull is wide, and the forehead is slightly convex. The shorthaired pointer's jaws are powerful so that the dog can easily grab game. The nose has a small hump, wide, large. The eye color is dark, the iris is brown. The ears are drooping and set high.

The shorthaired pointer has an athletic build. Muscles are visible throughout the torso. The dogs have a square body with a tucked belly and a deep-set chest. The limbs are high and strong. The tail is medium, tapering towards the end. The skin is smooth, unwrinkled. The coat is short, very dense, and tough.

Color - from light to dark coffee shades. A combination of color and white is acceptable. Admixtures of black and yellow are considered disqualifying defects.


Shorthaired pointers are born hunters. But they remain gentle, friendly pets. Character traits such as curiosity and irrepressible energy stand out. Therefore, kurtshaars require a lot of time and attention. It is necessary to study and play with them, otherwise he will direct his energy to destroying the apartment.

Hunting dogs are pets of “one owner.” But he will also love and protect the rest of the family members. Children are treated very well. The Shorthaired Pointer will make a nanny who will never allow the child to be offended either by herself or others.

Representatives of the breed have high intelligence, so they tend to be self-willed. But they also like to please their owner. They get along well with other animals if they grow up with them. But these dogs will still perceive small animals as prey - instincts take over.

Choosing a puppy

The main rule when purchasing is to make it from a professional breeder or a reputable nursery. There you can evaluate the appearance and behavior of the litter of its parents. If a bitch and a dog have no deviations either physically or psychologically, then their offspring will also be strong and healthy.

Neither parents nor puppies should show any signs of cowardice or aggression. If dogs are sociable, they themselves come into contact with people and other animals with curiosity, then there are no vices in their character.

The average price of breeding class puppies is 30-40 thousand rubles. These dogs come with all the necessary certificates and a passport. Professional breeders will answer questions and help you choose a suitable shorthaired pointer puppy. If you need a top-class show dog, then prepare an amount of around 60 thousand rubles. Future champions will have titled parents and maximum compliance with the standard in all respects.

The Internet is replete with advertisements for the sale of shorthaired pointer puppies for 2500-3000 thousand rubles. Such “Germans” are mestizos and are obtained from unscheduled matings, which means that no one can vouch for their mental balance and physical health.

Baby care

Before you bring a puppy into your home, you need to arrange its future home. Buy or make a bed out of an old box and blanket. Dogs of this breed do not tolerate dampness and drafts well. The sleeping place must be placed where it is dry and warm at any time of the year.

Take care of drinking and water bowls, toys, walking accessories and fur brushes. Buy hygiene products at the veterinary pharmacy. The breed is considered unpretentious, but basic care procedures will have to be performed. Moreover, the shorthaired pointer is accustomed to them “from a young age.”

These are smooth-haired dogs, but they shed a lot. The process is year-round, so you will have to comb it every day, starting from the moment the dog appears in the house.

The ears should be inspected weekly and wiped with a damp cloth. To treat the eyes, use a weak tea brew - do this once a week.


In the first month of life, the shorthaired pointer's diet consists of one ingredient - mother's milk. Gradually, cottage cheese, yogurt, and kefir are added to feeding. Starting from three months, milk is given less and less - the main emphasis is on solid foods. They help replace the young “hunter’s” teeth.

During this period, puppies must be fed cartilage and offal, but it is better to wait with minced meat. It can cause indigestion.

Dishes made from any cereal (except pearl barley) cooked in meat broth will be healthy. Salt and potatoes should be avoided.

Gradually, the shorthaired pointer's menu should become more diverse. The presence of fiber is required. There is a lot of it in zucchini, pumpkin, and cabbage. For the first five months, the shorthaired pointer puppy is fed five times a day. From six months this number is reduced to three. Starting from 12 months, the “teenager” is transferred to an adult diet - twice a day.

Sweet, spicy, smoked or fried foods are unacceptable for the puppy. It is also necessary to exclude flour products and tubular bones. Instead of “natural” food, you can give ready-made food for large breed puppies, but only premium class or higher.


During the first two months of life, dogs have maternal immunity, so no injections are given during this time. Up to a year, shorthaired pointer puppies are vaccinated three times. The first vaccinations are given at 2.5 months. The injections are given in fractions - twice with a weekly interval. Then after changing teeth (six to eight months). The last time is when the pet turns one year old. Then he is considered an adult, and they have their own schedule.

All dogs, regardless of breed, must be vaccinated against:

  • parvovirus and coronavirus enteritis;
  • hepatitis A;
  • plague;
  • leptospirosis;
  • rabies.

Deworming is carried out two weeks before injections. During this entire time, the dog must be absolutely healthy. If even the slightest symptom of poor health is observed - loss of appetite or fever - the vaccine cannot be administered. After vaccination, quarantine is required. It is necessary to avoid swimming, drafts and overwork.


Raising a shorthaired pointer puppy and its training are closely related. Command training is built on the basis of friendship between a dog and a person. Without proper upbringing, it is impossible to acquire a devoted friend.

The first thing to do is to accustom the baby to his bed and bowl. He must learn where his place is. No matter how cute and defenseless he may seem, do not allow the puppy to climb onto the table or bed, even if he begs and whines.

Teach him to calmly endure hygiene procedures. While trimming nails or examining ears, constantly praise and treat him with a treat. Then he will begin to associate procedures with something good.

Straw, newspaper or sand are used as a toilet for the little friend. Do not train him to “walk” on rags, otherwise in the future the dog will perceive carpets and clothes as a place to relieve himself.

Early socialization is important for Shorthaired Pointers. From childhood, accustom them to other animals and people. Then you will have a sociable and friendly dog.

The breed needs hyperactive physical activity. Games, sports, hunting - this is the only way to cope with the irrepressible energy of the shorthaired pointer. The dog will be active from childhood. She is still small for intense exercise and hunting, but she already needs games and active pastime. You can go on a short hike or jog along the alley. Your pet will be happy with everything you do together.

Exercise should be short but frequent so that the baby does not get tired. Any activity should be a joy for him. Don't make him chase a stick for an hour. Kurzhaars are smart, and even in childhood they quickly lose interest in the same type of tasks.

The important point is regularity. Train every day and gradually increase the load on your pet. Introduce new sports into your entertainment, such as agility or Frisbee.


There is no consensus among dog breeders about when command training should begin. Some believe that not earlier than six months. Others insist that 3 months of shorthaired pointer training is the best time to learn simple commands at home. At this age, the puppy can be taught to sit, lie down, stand, give a voice and fetch a stick (“Fetch”). But everyone agrees that the main command that the baby must learn is “Nearby.” It is indispensable during walks.

Closer to six months, training a shorthaired pointer puppy includes working on hunting commands. There are even special huntsmen-trainers who help hone the instincts of cops.

During training, the owner should not allow himself even a hint of irritation. There is no question of assault. One hit is all it takes and you will disappoint your pet forever. You can't raise your voice. The speech is commanding, but calm. Attempts by the Shorthaired Pointer to dominate must be immediately stopped.

For each correctly performed exercise, the pet must be praised, petted and treated with a treat. Training is like a game, not like a military drill.

Health and longevity issues

Shorthaired Pointers are hardy dogs. They can easily climb into cold water to catch game while hunting. The breed is endowed with good health, but is prone to diseases such as otitis media, eczema, epilepsy and hypothyroidism. Among them, hip dysplasia, melanoma and cataracts are common, but they occur in old age. Puppies should be protected from colds, since their immunity is not yet fully formed until they are one year old.

Prone to bloating in the abdomen and intestines. To avoid these problems, maintain a balanced feeding schedule.

Shorthaired pointers live on average from 12 to 14 years. These dogs retain their vigorous energy and activity until old age.



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