Homeopathic treatment of gynecological diseases. Women's health problems and homeopathy Indications for use

Estrogens are hormones that support the functioning of the entire female body. After 40 years, estrogen secretion decreases and hormonal levels change. In an organism deprived of hormonal support, the functioning of all organs is disrupted. Not all women tolerate this period well; sometimes they require hormone replacement therapy. Phytoestrogens for women after 40 can improve the condition.

Mechanism of action of phytohormones

The world learned about phytoestrogens almost a hundred years ago, but only in recent decades has their effect been appreciated. It all started with a study of the characteristics of menopause in women after 40 years in Europe and South Asia. Researchers were interested in the fact that Asian women tolerate menopause well, while in European women it is often accompanied by menopausal syndrome .

It was found that this is due to the nature of the diet: in Asian countries they consume a lot of soy products containing high levels of isoflavones. Further research found that isoflavones bind to cell receptors and act on them in the same way as estrogens, but have a different chemical structure and are not hormones.

Soy isoflavones began to be used to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of menopause. For mild to moderate climacteric syndrome, they do an excellent job. But in severe menopause, it is necessary to prescribe synthetic hormonal drugs, since the effect of phytohormones is several times weaker.

Not only soy isoflavones are used as plant-based hormone substitutes. Phytoestrogens of various chemical natures (ligans, steroidal saponins, phytosterols, etc.) are found in many plants and foods. To relieve menopausal syndrome, both infusions and decoctions of these plants, as well as pharmaceutical preparations and dietary supplements prepared on their basis, are used.

Everything about phytohormones in one video

Indications for use

Indications for the use of plant hormone-like substances are the initial signs of menopause. Even if a woman tolerates this condition well, the lack of estrogen in the female body affects her appearance: she begins to age quickly. This is very clearly visible in the condition of the skin and mucous membranes. The skin loses water and becomes dry. Due to metabolic disorders, little elastic proteins - collagen and elastin - are produced, the skin stretches and wrinkles, and deeper wrinkles form.

Dry mucous membranes can manifest in visual disturbances (dry eyes), vaginal dryness (inflammatory processes, problems with sexual intercourse), and urinary tract (frequent cystitis).

Estrogens take an active part in mineral metabolism, and when their deficiency occurs, bones begin to lose calcium (tendency to fractures), and an excess appears in the blood, which contributes to the development of convulsive readiness.

All these problems in the early stages of menopause can be solved with the help of phytoestrogens. They also eliminate mild neuropsychic disorders in the form of irritability and anxiety, and solve problems with insomnia. Therapeutic effects of phytohormones:

  • elimination of manifestations of menopausal syndrome: hot flashes, fever, changes in blood pressure, neuropsychic disorders;
  • suppression of the progression of mental retardation;
  • suppression of the progression of metabolic disorders - atherosclerosis and osteoporosis;
  • reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases;
  • reducing the risk of developing cancer of the genital organs and mammary glands.

Contraindications and side effects

Phytohormones are well tolerated by women. But sometimes the following side effects still occur:

  • from the digestive system: nausea, vomiting, transient liver dysfunction;
  • weight gain;
  • headache;
  • tingling and feeling of fullness in the mammary glands;
  • allergic reactions.

Contraindications for taking phytoestrogens:

  • oncological diseases (under the influence of phytohormones they can progress);
  • increased blood clotting and tendency to thrombosis;
  • liver diseases with impaired liver function;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • individual intolerance to drug components.

The intake of phytohormones should be agreed with a doctor after a blood test for hormones. If this is not done and you take the medications on your own for a long time, you can achieve persistent hormonal imbalance and associated menstrual cycle disorders, hormonal disorders of the mammary gland, etc.

Plants containing phytohormones

Plants containing phytoestrogens include:

  1. Soya beans. Contains the highest concentrations of phytoestrogens. In total, 6 different types of these biologically active substances are isolated in soybeans, so soybean preparations are considered the best; they are prescribed to relieve the symptoms of menopause. Several medicines and dietary supplements (dietary supplements) have been produced based on this plant. But in recent years, studies have begun to appear on the consequences of long-term use of such drugs, and they are not always positive. Sometimes long-term use without control laboratory tests leads to hormonal disorders.
  2. Flax seeds. They contain ligans - substances that bind to cell receptors and stimulate certain biochemical reactions. There have been no studies on the long-term use of phytohormones, but they have been found to be safe for everyone except pregnant women. Flax seeds are especially indicated during menopause.
  3. Hop cones. They contain flavonoids that bind to estradiol receptors (one of the estrogens) and have a similar effect. After 40 years, hop cones are prescribed to relieve the symptoms of menopause.
  4. Red clover, alfalfa, Japanese Sophora. All of these plants contain isoflavones and steroids. Infusions and decoctions based on these plants are prescribed for severe vaginal dryness and restoration of blood circulation in the pelvic area.
  5. Licorice roots. Contains isoflavones and steroids. It has a positive effect on the female body during menopause and normalizes liver function.
  6. Wild Yam (Dioscorea). Contains phytohormones that restore the synthesis of female sex hormones.
  7. Sage grass– contains steroids, helps restore the normal state of the vaginal mucosa in case of severe dryness that prevents sexual intercourse.
  8. Tribulus terrestris tops. They contain steroidal phytoestrogens and help restore hormonal balance during menopause.

List of the best pharmaceutical drugs (Top 8)

At the pharmacy you can buy phytoestrogens for women over 40 (medicines and dietary supplements). The best safe drugs:

(Bionorica, Germany)

A medicinal product based on dry extract of black cohosh rhizomes. The phytoestrogens it contains suppress the secretion of gonadotropic hormones from the pituitary gland. Taking the medicine leads to the elimination of the main manifestations of menopausal syndrome. Take one tablet 2 times a day for a month.

(Evalar, Russia)

A medicinal product based on dry extract of black cohosh rhizomes. Indications for use are the same as for Klimadinon.

Remens(Richard Bittner, Austria)

A homeopathic medicine containing three plants containing phytohormones. Regulates the activity of the neuroendocrine system, eliminates menopausal symptoms. Take the drug 1 sublingual tablet or 10 drops three times a day for six months.

(Regena Nye Cosmetics, Germany)

Price tag: from 6950 rub.

Dietary supplement based on dry extract of hop cones and aqueous extract of red clover, also contains vitamins and minerals. The product effectively eliminates mild and moderate climacteric syndrome.

(Laboratory Innotec International, France)

Price: from 855 rub.

Dietary supplement from soybeans containing genistin and daidzin. Acts selectively, has an estrogen-like effect. from 392 rub.

Dietary supplement based on soy isoflavoids. Also contains a complex of vitamins and calcium. Take the drug 1 tablet per day with meals for a month or more.

Estrovel(Valeant Pharma, Belarus)

Dietary supplement based on extracts of soybean seeds, chaste vitex fruits, rhizomes with dioscorea roots. Well relieves negative symptoms of menopause. Take 1-2 capsules per day for 8 weeks.


Some foods also contain phytohormones. A woman's consumption of such products is the best and safest way to restore hormonal balance.

The most phytohormones are found in legumes and cereals: soybeans, beans, lentils, wheat, oats, barley. Bean dishes can be alternated with oat and wheat porridges.

There are fewer phytohormones in vegetables; they are found in all types of cabbage (especially cauliflower and broccoli), potatoes, carrots, garlic, asparagus, and garden herbs (especially parsley).

Apples, cherries, plums, pomegranates, and green tea are rich in phytohormones.

Phytoestrogens are natural biologically active substances that can, to some extent, replace female sex hormones and have a beneficial effect on the female body. But we should not forget that the hormonal system has a complex structure and may not always respond adequately to the intake of such substances. That's why even dietary supplements with phytohormones should be prescribed by a doctor after an examination.

Modern pharmacology offers a wide range of medications. Among the drugs in pharmacies, homeopathic ones are also available, which are quite popular. What is the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies, why are they dangerous, and why the Academy of Sciences recognized homeopathy as a pseudoscience, we will discuss in this article.

Homeopathy - an alternative medical practice

Homeopathy arose in the era of magicians and sorcerers, when knowledge in the fields of chemistry, biology, anatomy, and genetics was inaccessible to humanity. It seemed to scientists then that matter was infinitely divisible, so it was assumed that solutions could be diluted to any degree, successively reducing the concentration of the active substance, until it completely disappeared from the resulting “solution.”

The main principle in homeopathy is the principle of “similarity”: in each case, an ultra-small dose of a medicine is prescribed, which itself can cause symptoms of a given disease. According to the founder of homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann (1755–1843), the principle of “similarity” originates from the practices of witchcraft, which were built on the idea of ​​a supernatural magical connection between similar substances.

Homeopaths believe that “traces” of the medicine and “memories” of it stored in water have a healing effect. However, research in the field of physics and chemistry of the 17th-19th centuries, which discovered the atomic-molecular structure of matter, debunked these ideas.

What is more effective: homeopathy or placebo?

Multicenter, double-blind scientific studies have been conducted over the years with homeopathic medicines. Thus, the Science and Technology Committee of the British Parliament in 2010 and the Medical Research Council of Australia in 2015 came to the same conclusion: homeopathy is no more effective than placebo.

In 2016, the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) concluded: “Claims regarding the effectiveness of traditional over-the-counter homeopathic medicines are supported solely by homeopathic theories and provings that are not accepted by modern medical experts and do not provide reliable scientific evidence of effectiveness.” On this basis, the FTC proposed to limit the advertising of homeopathic remedies, since the consumer must be informed that the drug has no proven therapeutic value.

In February 2017, the Commission for Combating Pseudoscience and Falsification of Scientific Research under the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) issued a memorandum in which it stated: “Treatment with ultra-low doses of various substances used in homeopathy has no scientific basis. This conclusion is based on a thorough analysis of scientific publications, clinical trial reports, summaries and systematic reviews. Homeopathic methods of diagnosis and treatment should be classified as pseudoscientific.”

The dangers of homeopathy

So, as we found out, homeopathy is pseudoscientific, and its effectiveness is based only on the “memory” of water, that is, on self-hypnosis. But why might this be harmful? The danger of homeopathy is that its proponents neglect effective medicines. This often leads to adverse outcomes, including the death of patients, primarily in pregnant women and children.

I will not describe the mechanism of action of homeopathic remedies, since, according to manufacturers, they help against all “illnesses.” The same “medicine” treats both infertility and oncology, and at the same time improves mood, although it contains virtually no substances – only the “memory” of water. This approach is not available to my power of suggestion! In addition, as a gynecologist, I know how many “circles of hell” women with infertility and miscarriage go through, even if they use the most modern technologies in medicine (in vitro fertilization, genetic diagnostics) and effective drugs. The choice of homeopathy instead of medications by such patients significantly lengthens the path to their cherished dream - to become a mother.

I consider the recommendations to use homeopathic medicines during pregnancy to be especially dangerous if complications arise - threatened miscarriage, incipient miscarriage and uterine bleeding, that is, in cases requiring urgent consultation with a doctor and medical treatment, and sometimes surgical intervention. In such cases, spending time experimenting with homeopathy means risking the life of the child and your health.

Miscarriage is a very pressing and serious problem of modern medicine. Women with recurrent miscarriage are often depressed and fearful of the upcoming pregnancy, therefore, they need specific preparation and special management. The “memory” of water will not be enough to solve such problems, and refusal of traditional treatment can lead to another collapse of motherhood.

I'm not even talking about the price: when buying a homeopathic remedy, the patient, for a lot of money, acquires the effect of his own self-hypnosis! I often encounter patients who have a negative attitude towards modern medications, but at the same time, they are happy to use alternative methods. However, in my opinion, paying for a placebo is very unreasonable. Advice: if you prefer the effect of self-hypnosis, then it’s better not to throw money away, but use a free placebo.

Free placebo

So, I suggest you forget the way to the homeopathic pharmacy, where “self-hypnosis” in beautiful packages is on the shelves, and stay at home and take advantage of the free placebo. I would like to immediately note: self-hypnosis can be taken without prior consultation with a doctor by all women, including pregnant women!

So here's my placebo recipe. I prescribe: take 3 smiles, add the words “thank you” and love,” spread in 5 hugs and 7 kisses, mix well, take 2-3 times a day, on March 8, increase the dose to 5-10 times!

In conclusion, I would like to say: use internal placebo methods, love yourself and your loved ones, create a positive attitude. But if you have any complaints (especially for pregnant women), do not waste time and money on placebo-like treatment: seek help from a doctor, not a homeopath.

Love yourself! Value your health! Spring holiday!

Always with you, Olga Pankova

If you have questions, you can ask me PERSONALLY during a remote consultation.

I talk about how to take care of your health without medications or medication in my books and webinars:

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When the cycle is regular, it is easier to plan your life, but I could never boast of regularity. Either a week later, but a week earlier, then a month late - such a floating cycle brought me anxiety.

In adolescence, the gynecologist said that these were hormonal changes and that when the transition period passed, everything would return to normal.

Then they said: “When you get married, everything will be like clockwork!”

She came out, and nothing changed, but new hope appeared: “If you give birth, then the cycle will normalize!”

I gave birth, and for about six months the really critical days passed day after day, but then the chaos returned.

After marriage, I moved to another city and accordingly changed my gynecologist.

When I came to an appointment with cycle problems, she said that it urgently needed to be treated and certainly with hormonal contraceptive pills, which you can, and even need, buy from her.

I said that I didn’t have any money with me, and I never returned to this gynecologist.

I found another, she said that birth control pills cannot be taken in my case (I have a predisposition to varicose veins), but she advised homeopathic Cyclodinone.

I decided to try, if they don’t help, then there’s definitely no harm.

Indications for use:

Cycle disorders;

Mastodynia or mastalgia

Like any other homeopathy, Cyclodinone must be taken for a long time - at least 3 months. I don’t remember how much the drug cost 3 years ago, but now a course of treatment will cost a pretty penny.

1 package (30 tablets) costs about 300 UAH. (705 rub.), i.e. for a course for 3 months you need to pay 900 UAH. (RUB 2115).

Expensive, but is it effective?

I chose cyclodinone tablets; it’s easier and faster for me to take 1 tiny tablet once a day than to drop 40 drops.

What is the power of cyclodinone? In what it contains twig extract (vitex)

Vitex has been traditionally used to treat women's ailments for centuries. One of the first records concerning the medicinal use of this plant belongs to Hippocrates and dates back to the 4th century BC. Currently, chasteberry is one of the most commonly recommended herbs for reducing the symptoms of PMS, scanty or absent periods, anovulatory cycles, cycle disorders after the use of contraceptives, some forms of infertility, and chest pain.


Active substance: dry extract from the fruits of common twig (Agnus castus). Additional substances: povidone, Si oxide, potato starch, lactose monohydrate, microcrystalline cellulose, Mg stearate, talc, Ti oxide, Fe oxide, indigotine varnish, macrogol, polyethyl acrylate, trimethyl ammonicetyl methacrylate chloride.

My feelings:

I didn't finish 15 tablets out of 90, but the cycle returned to normal in the second month of use and was regular for another six months (an absolute record for me) after finishing taking the pills. In theory, then the course should have been repeated, but I categorically disagreed with this.

And the whole point is side effects:

- mood swings, irritability, outbursts of aggression, which was completely out of character for me, a mega-calm person, some kind of incessant PMS;

Twigweed is the most famous herb for affecting hormones, but it does not suppress sexual desire

- but no! Suppresses, and how! It’s not even something that suppresses, but a disgust that arises, which could not but affect the relationship with her husband.

By the way, at first I didn’t connect this with taking the pills, only in the 3rd month of taking the pills did suspicions arise, so I didn’t finish the course. Sexual desire returned approximately 2 weeks after stopping cyclodinone.

Time passed and I was lucky enough to meet an adequate gynecologist. True, she came with another problem - cervical erosion, but in passing she also complained about the irregularity of her cycle.

And this is the first doctor who did not prescribe anything, but immediately sent me for hormone tests.

They turned out to be normal, although all my life I thought that my hormones were fluctuating.

The ultrasound results were also normal. That is, in All female organs turned out to be functional and worked in their own individual mode. According to the doctor, this cycle is my norm and there is no need to force the body with any cyclodinones.

- Amazing! - I said. – Why didn’t anyone tell me before that this could be the norm?

- It's business, baby! – the gynecologist grinned.

To strengthen women's health (but not treat!), the doctor advised:

Anyone can drink brewed nettle (a course of 3 weeks, 2 times a year);

Take vitamin E, but according to my individual course.

Agree, there is a difference, spending 900 UAH. (2115 rub.) or 70 UAH. (165 rub.) – a pack of nettles 10 UAH. (in spring and summer at the dacha - free) + vitamin E (60 UAH)?

Girls, I do not encourage anyone to self-medicate! Irregularity of the menstrual cycle can be a symptom of a serious disease that cannot be cured with weed and vitamins! But if all tests and studies are normal, and they are trying to treat you, think about it!

Result: Cyclodinone regulates the cycle, but temporarily; an expensive course is required to be repeated. Side effects turned out to be a significant drawback for me.

Thanks for stopping by! Be healthy and happy!

Today there is a tendency to solve gynecological problems with the help of homeopathy. How effective is this approach?

Consults with Candidate of Medical Sciences, assistant at the Department of Clinical Pharmacology of the Voronezh State Medical Academy named after. N. N. Burdenko Olga Alekseevna Mubarakshina.

– What gynecological diseases does homeopathy help with?

– Disorders of the menstrual cycle, ovarian dysfunction, and premenstrual syndrome respond best to homeopathic treatment. Traditionally, this method is widely used for menopause. Some homeopathic medicines relieve gynecological pain during menstruation and endometriosis. One of the most famous drugs for the treatment of mastopathy, Mastodinone, is also homeopathic. If medications are taken regularly and in the recommended dose, their effectiveness is quite high.

– Previously, it was believed that only hormones could help with menstrual irregularities and health problems during menopause. Nowadays, therapy with homeopathic medicines is increasingly recommended. Why?

– Unlike hormonal drugs, homeopathic remedies act gently on the body and, in many cases, are no less effective. The homeopathic approach is based on the fact that everything in a person is interconnected. Therefore, homeopathic medicines correct hormonal imbalances, affecting the body as a whole. At the same time, they have virtually no side effects and extremely rarely cause allergies.

However, in case of serious hormonal imbalances, doctors still recommend hormonal treatment.

– One of our readers complains that a homeopathic remedy “for menopause” does not help her, but for a friend it significantly alleviates her symptoms. Why does this happen?

– In recent years, when prescribing homeopathic medicines, there have been two fundamentally different approaches.

The first one is traditional. Homeopaths who use this approach do not accept the traditional classification of drugs, believing that there are no “laxatives” or “painkillers” homeopathic drugs. They select each remedy strictly individually, based on the patient’s lifestyle, appearance, habits, and symptoms. There are so-called constitutional types, according to which the medicine is prescribed.

Already at the first appointment, the homeopath asks many unexpected questions: for example, does a person cry often? How does he react to pain? Which side does he sleep on? In this way, the doctor determines what constitutional type the patient belongs to. There are about 80 such types in total.

Here, for example, is a description of the constitution of a lady on whom homeopathic chamomile remedies will work best.

Women of this type are irritable, sensitive and changeable, always unhappy with everything. They do not tolerate pain well, suffer from sleep disorders, experience a feeling of heat in their soles, so when they sleep they always stick their feet out from under the blanket. "Daisies" are prone to functional disorders of the biliary tract.

Thus, in the traditional homeopathic approach, the doctor usually selects one medicine according to the type of patient. With the correct selection of the drug and compliance with the rules for its administration, the effectiveness of treatment is high. However, the task of choosing a drug is very difficult and requires a highly qualified doctor.

The second approach is more understandable to ordinary doctors and patients. In the second method, ready-made homeopathic preparations are prescribed mainly based on the symptoms of the disease. Thus, menopause and menopause help get rid of irritability, hot flashes, headaches, and sleep problems during menopause. Traumeel S, which has an anti-inflammatory effect, is used in the treatment of adnexitis, cracked nipples, and mastitis.

In this case, homeopathic remedies are allowed to be combined with traditional medicines; they are easier to select. But the effectiveness is still somewhat lower than with the classical selection of the drug.

By the way, even such ready-made homeopathic preparations should be recommended by a specialist. Because people may react differently to the prescribed remedy.

Lifestyle is also of great importance. For a woman who drinks several cups of strong coffee a day and eats very spicy food, the effectiveness of homeopathy may be zero. If you take into account the characteristics of the body, the likelihood of the phenomenon “it helps one, but not the other” will be reduced to a minimum.

– Many people believe that the main thing in homeopathy is self-hypnosis. How right are they?

– Of course, the patient’s faith in the medicine plays a big role. But homeopathy is an objective medical discipline. The effect of drugs entering the body does not depend on your mood. This fact is confirmed by the fact that homeopathy is successfully used in newborns and is widely used in veterinary medicine.

– Can homeopathy help with infertility?

– It all depends on the reason. If infertility is caused by adhesions and the fallopian tubes are blocked, homeopathic remedies are of no use. But for infertility caused by ovarian dysfunction, this method can be effective.

– What about pregnant women?

– Pregnancy is not a contraindication to the use of most homeopathic remedies. However, they may contain substances that are contraindicated during pregnancy - for example, rue. Therefore, expectant mothers should not take homeopathic complexes without consulting a doctor.

It is accompanied by many symptoms - hot flashes, increased sweating, dizziness, surges in blood pressure and others. In order to reduce the intensity of menopausal symptoms, many women take hormonal medications. But this doesn't suit everyone.

Homeopathy for menopause is an alternative treatment. It is aimed at activating a woman’s immunity and has virtually no side effects. In this publication we will look at the most popular homeopathic remedies for menopause.

Traditional medicine does not consider homeopathic remedies to be full medicines. Homeopathic treatment is based on two main principles: firstly, like can be cured by like, and secondly, very small doses of the active substance are needed for therapy. Therefore, an infinitely small dosage of natural substances is introduced into the body, which, in large doses, can provoke the development of the disease.

Thus, a homeopathic medicine, entering the body, triggers an immunocorrection mechanism, which allows you to restore damaged processes, and thereby promotes recovery. Official medicine believes that the positive results that treatment with homeopathic remedies gives is solely the placebo effect - the power of faith in recovery.

But, in practice, in many cases, homeopathy has given positive results for many years. It is used in the treatment of diseases of organs of the following systems: respiratory, gastrointestinal, endocrine, immune and hematopoietic.

Recently, more and more women prefer to treat the symptoms of menopause with homeopathy rather than hormones. But, despite the fact that such a product contains a minimal amount of active substances, you cannot take them yourself. They should be prescribed by an experienced homeopathic specialist.

What you need to know about homeopathy

One should not expect from homeopathic remedies that they will be able to cure a woman from complex diseases or pathologies of the cardiovascular or musculoskeletal systems.

But with the proper selection of drugs, which involves taking into account the individual characteristics of the female body, it is possible to eliminate menopausal symptoms completely or make their manifestations less pronounced, as well as normalize the cycle and significantly improve the general condition by strengthening the immune system.

Definition of the term.

The positive aspects of homeopathic treatment during menopause include:

  1. Completely natural composition of drugs.
  2. Virtually no side effects. Some women may be allergic to some components of the medicine.
  3. Mild effect on the body due to the fact that the active substances are in very small doses.
  4. A very small list of contraindications for use. As a rule, individual intolerance to some component of the product.
  5. Good effect in treating symptoms of menopause and recovery.
  6. There is no addiction to the drugs, which allows women, if necessary, to take them for a long time without harm to their health.
  7. The relatively low cost of such drugs.

Homeopathic therapy provides that the effect on the body is carried out smoothly, and therefore, the course of treatment lasts on average 3 months, and some tablets need to be taken for six months, but the first results will already be noticeable after taking the drugs for two weeks.

Important nuances

What is this treatment method?

Homeopathic therapy has the following disadvantages:

  • the need for a paid consultation with a homeopathic doctor;
  • ineffective for severe diseases and pathologies;
  • cannot be combined with taking medicinal herbs.

Not all doctors involved in traditional medicine recognize the effect of using homeopathic medicines. Some people consider homeopaths to be charlatans. Others prescribe homeopathic tablets to strengthen the immune system for.

However, when choosing a treatment method, the patient always has the final say. If in doubt, it is advisable to seek additional advice from another specialist.

Homeopathic medicines used for treatment are available in different dosage forms: tablets, granules or drops. They come as single drugs or as special complexes in which the effect of one component enhances the effect of the others. They contain only natural ingredients: immunostimulants and natural estrogens, which are found in some types of plants, as well as beekeeping products, lachesis - snake venom and extracts from other animals.

Five of the most popular drugs

The full list of homeopathic remedies for menopause includes over 1,500 items, but we will consider only the first five most popular medicines.

This popular homeopathic remedy is produced by the domestic company Materia Medica in two dosage forms that have the same composition and therapeutic effect: spherical granules and lozenges.

The drug has the following indications for use: treatment of symptoms and conditions. It is prescribed to normalize the menstrual cycle in the first menopausal stage.

The product includes:

  1. Phytoestrogen is an extract of black cohosh that normalizes hormonal levels and thereby eliminates the symptoms of menopause - hot flashes, sweating, insomnia and other sleep problems, dizziness and headaches.
  2. Bee venom helps cope with depression. It eliminates frequently occurring swelling of the limbs and reduces the intensity of pain.
  3. Lachesis is snake venom. It has a positive effect on blood composition. As a result, the functioning of the cardiovascular system improves, hot flashes disappear, as well as their accompanying excessive sweating.

Take 5 granules twice a day or 1 tablet 15 minutes before eating. The product, regardless of the medicinal form, must be kept in the mouth until completely dissolved. If symptoms are severe, the doctor may increase the daily dose of the medicine: 5 granules or 1 tablet 3-4 times throughout the day.

The minimum course of treatment with granules is 1-2 months, and with tablets – 6 months. After completing the course, a two-week break is taken, during which it is necessary to take blood tests and undergo a gynecological examination. If necessary, the doctor prescribes a second course of therapy.


Complex homeopathic medicine from the German company Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH. Available in the form of lozenges.

Consists of 7 active ingredients, 3 of which are of plant origin:

  • Sanguinaria canadensis – eliminates hot flashes and headaches;
  • Ignacy bitter – fights mood swings and headaches;
  • cedron - helps get rid of neurological manifestations.

Animal Components:

  • substance from the ink sac of cuttlefish - effectively eliminates hot flashes and excessive sweating, irritability and depression;
  • Lachesis is the venom of the surukuku snake, the effect of which is aimed at eliminating headaches and hot flashes.

Mineral components of the drug:

  • sulfur – to combat hot flashes and excessive sweating;
  • metal tin is an effective remedy for neuralgia.

Take one tablet three times a day, a quarter of an hour before meals or an hour after meals. The course of treatment is from 3 to 6 weeks.

The product contains the phytoestrogens we reviewed: black cohosh and sanguinaria. In addition, the secretion of the cuttlefish gland and lachesis - snake venom, which is a powerful immunostimulating component.

Taking the drug allows you to eliminate the symptoms that its active substances fight. It is taken to normalize hormonal levels and the menstrual cycle, increase immunity, improve the functioning of the reproductive system and the condition of blood vessels.

Ladies especially appreciate this remedy because it prevents the increase in fat reserves against the background of reduced levels of sex hormones. The first days take 30 drops or 3 tablets per day at different times. After this, reduce the dose to 20 drops and 1-2 tablets per day. The course of treatment is six months.

The domestic company Talion A produces Sepia Comp Matrona drops for women. They include: cohosh extract, a substance from the glands of cuttlefish, as well as lachesis - snake venom.

This homeopathic remedy can be taken during hormonal therapy, combined with the intake of vitamins and microelements.

Take 8-10 drops half an hour before meals for up to 2 months. After a month's break, the course of treatment is repeated.

This therapy helps eliminate pressure surges, hot flashes, headaches, strengthen the immune system, prevent depression and stabilize the functioning of the nervous system, coping with emotional manifestations.

Complex homeopathic remedy from the Russian pharmaceutical company “V-Min+”. It is considered one of the best drugs for eliminating menopausal hot flashes. It does not contain lachesis, but only plant components - extracts of black cohosh, wild yam, nettle leaves and soy isoflavonoids, as well as provitamins.

With the help of the drug, they effectively treat menopause, in particular, they normalize hormonal levels, eliminate psycho-emotional manifestations, promote the elasticity of blood vessels, and prevent calcium from being washed out of the bones.

Thus, the product prevents the development of osteoporosis and diseases of the cardiovascular system. In addition, it improves immunity and eliminates heavy periods during perimenopause and restores the cycle.

Bottom line

Homeopathic remedies activate a woman’s immunity and allow her to eliminate menopausal symptoms or reduce the intensity of their manifestation, as well as prevent possible complications.

Therapy with such drugs lasts longer than with hormonal drugs. They consist only of natural ingredients and are not harmful to health and are not addictive. The article provides a list of the most popular means. We wish you good health!

What homeopathic remedies do you consider effective for menopause?



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