Why do women have blue circles under their eyes? Why do blue circles appear under the eyes? Blue circles around the eyes

Not only acne or skin that has lost turgor, but also suddenly appearing blue circles under the eyes can ruin your appearance. What can cause their appearance and how to get rid of this defect are the main questions of people faced with this problem. But before deciding how to remove blue circles under the eyes, you need to accurately determine the cause of their occurrence.

Why do blue circles appear under the eyes?

In fact, there can be many reasons why blue circles appear under the eyes. Among the most common are the following:

  • Blood vessels located close to the skin. If this is the cause of blue circles under the eyes, then to get rid of the problem you will need laser correction or lymphatic drainage massage.
  • Skin pigmentation disorder. Bleaching agents will help get rid of this cyanosis. cosmetical tools and homemade whitening masks. It is important to perform such procedures regularly, over several months. Only in this case can a good result be achieved.
  • Kidney and heart failure. If blue circles under the eyes are caused by health problems, you will need to consult doctors who will provide appropriate treatment. Masking circles without qualified therapy will not have any effect.
  • Age-related changes. With age, the skin loses its former elasticity, sags and acquires a bluish tint. This problem can only be dealt with through plastic surgery.
  • Consequences of diet. Women over 35 who are trying to lose weight often face the problem of blue circles under their eyes. This is due to the fact that at this age the skin can no longer quickly tighten after quick loss weight, so unattractive bluish bags form under the eyes.
  • Bad habits. Excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, sleepless nights - all this is not in the best possible way affects health, and first of all, appearance suffers: cyanosis appears around the eyes. This problem can be dealt with at home by leading a healthy lifestyle.

Symptoms, signs and diagnosis

Anyone can detect the presence of bruises under the eyes. Another thing is to identify the reason for their appearance, and this can only be done qualified specialist. Therefore, in order to correctly determine the way to deal with this cosmetic defect, you need to make an accurate diagnosis.

How to remove blue circles under the eyes using traditional methods?

If the appearance of blueness under the eyes is not associated with a malfunction internal organs, then you can try to remove blue circles under the eyes at home. They will help with this folk recipes, of which there are quite a lot.

Parsley root

  1. Wash and chop the parsley root.
  2. Apply the prepared mixture to areas of cyanosis for 20 minutes.
  3. Rinse with water.

Jacket potatoes

  1. Boil potatoes in their skins and cool.
  2. Cut the potato in half and apply it to your eyes for 40 minutes.

Cosmetic ice

  1. Brew any of the herbs (chamomile, St. John's wort, string) according to the recipe: 1 tbsp. l. for 1 tbsp. boiling water
  2. Cool and pour into molds.
  3. Rub the prepared ice around the eyes twice a day.

Prevention of blue circles under the eyes

You can prevent the appearance of blue circles under the eyes if you lead a healthy lifestyle, where there is no place for bad habits, stress and poor diet. It is advisable to use only high-quality cosmetics, or use homemade recipes to prepare them yourself. If blue circles have already appeared, then you should not delay visiting a doctor - you need to determine the reason why the blue circles appeared, and based on the diagnosis, look for ways to solve this problem.

Dark spots under the eyes are one of the signals of our attitude towards our body. You can try to hide them every day under a layer of makeup, or you can return them to your face beautiful colour simply by eliminating the source of the bruises. There can be dozens of reasons for the appearance of bruises under the eyes, and only by identifying the one that caused the bruises can you get rid of them very quickly.

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Why do bruises appear?

Reasons for the appearance of blue circles around the eyes there are many and they happen both physiological and psychological. To the most significant reasons bruises under the eyes are usually attributed to:

  • stressful lifestyle;
  • insufficient night rest;
  • chronic overload, both physical and mental;
  • lack of vitamins, or rather vitamin C;
  • poor nutrition;
  • greater strain on the eyes, especially due to sitting at the computer;
  • genetic characteristics;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • presence of kidney and heart diseases;
  • Vessels can narrow due to smoking and give the skin a blue tint.

Some of these reasons goes hand in hand with residents of large cities because of their lifestyle, others are doomed to always mask dark spots due to the structure of thinned skin and dilated capillaries.


Blueness under the eyes is a consequence of decreased tone of the skin and blood vessels in the eye area. Over time, the vessels begin to grow in diameter and become visible through weak skin. This is a slow process that can take months.

But if circles under the eyes appear quite suddenly, this may be a sign of a serious illness for which you should immediately consult a doctor.

Diseases that cause blue circles

The cause of bruises under the eyes can be diseases that disrupt the smooth flow of our lives. Your local doctor or dermatologist will help you identify them. You should not delay your visit to the doctor, because sometimes only spots under the eyes are the only signal of a serious disorder.

With diseased kidneys, bruises appear along with the very first symptoms along with bags on lower eyelids(often in the morning, appearing after waking up), frequent trips to the restroom, pressure surges. Sometimes all other symptoms may not be present - a number of processes can take place in renal tissues asymptomatic until a certain period.

For severe bruises under the eyes The cause may be pancreatic diseases, which are accompanied by pain in the area of ​​the gland, changes in the skin (it may become oilier or drier), and the appearance of age spots. In case of exacerbation, you should expect vomiting and nausea, sharp cutting or nagging pain.
Worms are no less often the cause of bruises around the eyes. This is accompanied by difficulty bowel movements, bloating, pain, problems with attention, irritability and decreased self-control.

With the syndrome chronic fatigue the areas around the eyes take on a bluish tint, there are constant bruises under the eyes, the causes of which can be both physiological and psychological. And the person himself feels drowsy, his sleep-wake cycle is disrupted, rapid fatigue and attention problems appear. This most often affects people who work night shifts. Over time, such conditions can lead to the appearance of mental disorders.

Metabolic disease often accompanied by unsightly blue circles and occurs due to unbalanced diets, lack of food, sudden losses adipose tissue, lack of vitamin intake.

Only a doctor should always determine the cause of bruises under the eyes, treatment and prevention, otherwise irreparable harm can be caused to the body.

What color is the diagnosis?

Doctors believe that depending on the color of the dark circles under the eyes, they can determine what caused them to occur.

Reasons red bruises under the eyes there may be two: an allergic reaction or kidney dysfunction and urinary system. Many people begin to treat such problems on their own, not knowing that improper intervention can cause malfunction and even tissue necrosis. Similar problems Be sure to discuss this with your doctor.

Yellow bruises an indicator of contamination of the body, especially the blood and liver, with toxins. In such cases, doctors prescribe cleansing bile ducts and blood. The reason for brown bruises under the eyes is the same: the more polluted the body, the darker the circles. So, brown spots in the eyes may occur due to fatty or other damage to the liver. With such a diagnosis, you need to urgently consult a doctor.

Reason purple bruises under the eyes there is a serious lack of oxygen in the body. There may be several sources for this: problems with lung function, low level vehicle for oxygen - hemoglobin, lack useful substance gland.

Often, black bruises under the eyes, the causes of which may be allergies or eye strain in the sun, go away quite quickly: it is enough to get rid of the irritant and the skin color around the eyes will return to normal.

Thus, the causes of bruises under the eyes can be very different and be in the nature of mild disorders or serious diseases that require the intervention of qualified doctors. Don't leave your body's processes to chance, and he will thank you with his health.

Video about bruises under the eyes:

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Dark circles(bruises) under the eyes is a disadvantage that is most often combated with the help of cosmetics (correctors, salon procedures etc.). However, according to doctors, the skin around the eyes is an indicator of many disorders in the body. Recognize them on early stages, finding out the reasons dark spots under the eyes - important task. Timely detection and eliminating the disease underlying the cosmetic (at first glance) problem will prevent undesirable consequences for good health.

One of the common causes of dark circles is an unhealthy lifestyle, which also leads to damage to blood vessels and sensitive skin under the eyes. Provoking factors are bad habits(smoking, drinking alcohol, sedentary lifestyle life, unhealthy eating, late night entertainment). Darkening of the skin around the eyes can be caused by stress and insomnia. Tissue hypoxia, toxin poisoning, vitamin deficiency are common prerequisites for the appearance of dark circles under the eyes.

In these cases, the cosmetic defect can be easily eliminated if you begin to adhere to healthy image life: play sports, walk in the fresh air, increase the share fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet.

Source: depositphotos.com

Sometimes bruises around the eyes are genetic. The cause of dark circles in this case is thin skin with a network of capillaries shining through it. The structural feature is usually noticeable from birth (most often in the form of a bluish or greenish tint closer to the inner corner of the eye) and can be aggravated due to allergic reactions, improper care for facial skin, prolonged exposure to the sun. People with deep-set eyes and fair skin are most prone to bruising.

Eliminate such dark circles traditional ways(a healthy lifestyle, nourishing masks) is not possible. In this case, it is most justified to use cosmetic products: concealer, whitening creams, salon treatments.

Source: depositphotos.com

As a person ages, the skin around the eyes dries out and its fat layer thins, exposing the mesh. blood vessels. In addition to age-related changes, they weaken the effect of the skin sun rays and washing with soap. To prevent the appearance of circles under the eyes for these reasons, it is worth using moisturizing creams, nourishing masks, contrasting washes, compresses from herbal infusions.

Source: depositphotos.com

Bruises under the eyes are a clear symptom of dehydration, a manifestation of the intoxication caused by it. If this is accompanied by thirst, a feeling of dry mouth, lethargy, it is necessary to eliminate the fluid deficiency in the tissues by restoring water balance. To do this, you need to drink at least 2-2.5 liters of pure water per day. drinking water, giving up the usual tea and coffee.

Dark circles and puffiness under the eyes caused by dilation of blood vessels are evidence of stagnation of fluid in the body, which can occur when smoking, excessive consumption salt and some diseases of internal organs. When bruises under the eyes are combined with swelling of the legs, varicose veins veins, shortness of breath, weight gain, you should consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

Source: depositphotos.com

Circles under the eyes are a frequent companion (and sometimes the only one for a long time) of many chronic and acute diseases of the internal organs. It is especially worth paying attention to this symptom, if it arose suddenly, without any reason - or, on the contrary, it bothers you constantly, for example, every morning. Circles under the eyes are accompanied by many ailments, including life threatening. These include:

  • kidney diseases. Accompanied by morning swelling under the eyes, pressure changes, and urination problems;
  • metabolic diseases. They may occur when following a diet, fasting, or anorexia. In this case, the circles are usually bluish in color;
  • pancreatic diseases. Accompanied by a change in skin type (to dry or oily), the appearance of age spots, nausea, pain in the left side;
  • liver diseases. The yellowish-brown color of bruises is due to intoxication of the body or fatty damage to the organ;
  • vascular and heart diseases. In case of disturbances in the functioning of the endocardium and myocardium, causing delay blood in the vessels and veins, capillaries under the skin of the eyes are more noticeable. In this case, bruises often appear in the evening, disappearing by the morning;
  • helminthiasis Circles under the eyes bother me along with periodic pain, bloating, weakness, stool disorders;
  • infectious diseases (usually adenovirus);
  • anemia. Purple circles under the eyes are associated with a lack of hemoglobin, which is a carrier of oxygen to tissues and organs;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome. Also accompanied by drowsiness, decreased attention, and forgetfulness.

Unsightly blue circles under the eyes can accompany a person throughout his life or appear at the most inopportune moment. It depends on what reason provoked their appearance. Regardless of age, bruises under the eyes can appear. Quite often, this phenomenon is the result of an improper and unbalanced diet, severe fatigue, or the presence of helminths. However this is not full list reasons that could lead to such an unpleasant phenomenon. Comprehensive and correct treatment will help get rid of dark circles under the eyes and restore healthy looking face.

What do dark circles under the eyes mean?

Blue circles under the eyes - these are vessels and capillaries, visible through the thin epithelium on the eyelids. When poor circulation In this area, blood stagnation begins, and its color changes.

Dark circles under the eyes are a serious problem that greatly spoils appearance. A person with such a cosmetic defect looks exhausted and tired, much older than his age. Most often, middle-aged women suffer from this problem. The point is that it is in female body the epithelium is much more subject to thinning. As a result, vessels and capillaries begin to appear through the skin. The blood that stagnates in them begins to darken and ugly blue circles appear under the eyes. However, this problem does not mean that there is a malfunction in the body, it is only a cosmetic flaw.

Also, the appearance of blue circles under the eyes can be caused by the individual characteristics of the body, including health problems. Therefore, it would not be a bad idea to go through the full preventive examination in the clinic.

Blue circles under the eyes: cosmetic factors

There are often situations where there are unsightly dark circles under the eyes, but it is not possible to accurately determine the cause of their appearance. In this case, bruises may be a sign of a genetic predisposition to this phenomenon or individual feature skin.

If with early childhood there is this problem, while the shade and color of the circles do not change with age, to combat such a flaw you need to use only cosmetics. Traditional methods may also be useful.

Unsightly dark circles under the eyes can be the result of smoking, excess salt and alcoholic drinks. In this case, it will be enough to simply remove these “irritants” and adhere to a healthy lifestyle. After just a few days, dark circles become less noticeable and soon disappear completely.

Blue circles under the eyes: medical reasons

If slight blueness under the eyes gradually becomes more rich shade or a large area is affected, these are the first signs of a medical cause for this problem. This is why you should seek help from a doctor and undergo a complete medical examination, and only after that start looking for a cosmetologist.

Blue circles under the eyes may indicate a malfunction of the internal organs. This primarily applies to the kidneys, liver, circulatory system and stomach. First you need to pass general analysis blood and urine. If the indicators are within normal limits, but the progression of the defect continues, it is necessary to consider possible reasons pathologies - for example, severe nervous exhaustion, stress, lack of vitamins, etc.

It is worth considering the fact that in order to get rid of dark circles under the eyes caused by health problems, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment under the strict supervision of a specialist. In each case, therapy is selected individually.

Causes of blue circles under the eyes

Dark circles under the eyes are a sign indicating a disorder in the body. For example, in an adult, such a defect can only be of a cosmetic nature, since with age the skin around the eyes thins and it becomes almost transparent.

Blue circles may appear under the eyes due to translucent vessels and capillaries circulatory system. This phenomenon can be very dangerous for a child. Most harmless reason a genetic predisposition is considered. But most often, blue circles under the eyes indicate development certain disease, disruption of the body or intoxication that has occurred.

Why do blue circles appear under the eyes of children?

The most common causes of dark circles under the eyes in children are:

  • Helminths. In young children, dark circles under the eyes can be the result of severe intoxication of the body with waste products of helminths. Immunity deteriorates and a feeling appears severe fatigue, the child’s appetite and activity decreases. Only drug treatment will help remove helminths from the body and improve its functioning.
  • Staphylococcus. There are cases when blue circles under a child’s eyes are the first sign of the presence of staphylococci in the body. If a child is severely hypothermic or overheated, favorable conditions for bacteria that begin to multiply intensively. As a result, it provokes bacterial disease. If not only dark circles appear under the eyes, but also the child often has a sore throat, scratches and wounds take a long time to heal - these are sure signs of staphylococci.
  • Anemia. In the case where the bruises under the eyes are of a bright shade, this may be a symptom iron deficiency anemia. In this state, blood begins to stagnate in the vessels and capillaries, which takes on a darker shade. To determine anemia, a blood test is performed to determine hemoglobin levels. For treatment, iron supplements are prescribed.
  • Caries. This serious illness teeth, which can provoke various infections. There is a risk of entering the general bloodstream harmful microorganisms As a result, the blood condition worsens and the immune system weakens. Unsightly dark circles appear under the eyes.
  • Genetic predisposition. If your relatives have thin skin under the eyes and dark bruises, this feature can be passed on to the child. In this case, there is no need to carry out any special treatment, it is enough to constantly monitor the child’s condition. It is necessary to adhere to proper nutrition, maintain a daily routine and do not forget to take vitamin complexes.
  • Adenoids. Dark circles under the eyes and adenoids have a close relationship. If adenoids are present, the child may not receive oxygen due to difficulty breathing. This also leads to a decrease in blood oxygen saturation. Blood circulation slows down, causing the blood to become darker and thicker.
  • Not proper nutrition or severe fatigue. Increased load leads to serious fatigue. The body works to the limit of its own capabilities, premature wear of blood vessels begins. The skin becomes dry, thin and lifeless. The condition of the skin also has a negative impact poor nutrition. A lack of valuable microelements and vitamins in the body leads to a deterioration in the general state of the immune system. As a result, unsightly dark circles appear under the eyes.
  • Allergy. In any form allergic reaction Blue circles may appear under the eyes. This phenomenon is the result of accumulation of allergen and intoxication in the body. In this case, it is carried out complex therapy, in which they are used antihistamines and sorbents.

Causes of blue circles in men and women

IN mature age such unpleasant phenomenon, like dark circles under the eyes, can be the result of problems or changes in health. Most often women suffer from this problem. This becomes the result of certain cosmetic problems - for example, the use of incorrectly selected or low-quality cosmetics, a sharp decline weight, thinning skin, unbalanced diet, etc.

In men, blue circles under the eyes may be the first sign of wrong image life, smoking, poor nutrition, various diseases allergies and lack of sleep.

The most common causes of dark circles under the eyes in women and men are:

  1. Kidney failure. The first sign of kidney dysfunction is an almost imperceptible blue discoloration under the eyes, which over time acquires clearer contours and a darker shade. When fluid is poorly removed from the body, it begins to accumulate in the intercellular space. As a result, the liquid begins to put pressure on small vessels, there is a violation of proper blood circulation. Bruises can appear not only under the eyes, but throughout the body.
  2. Anemia. This disease can manifest itself in both children and adults in the form of dark circles under the eyes. As a result, iron deficiency leads to changes in the density, composition and concentration of blood. Turns out Negative influence on the functioning of all body systems.
  3. Liver dysfunction. When the circles under the eyes have acquired a bluish-yellow tint, it is worth checking your liver function. If the functioning of this organ malfunctions, it simply cannot cope with the cleansing function and blood circulation is disrupted. Bile is released into the body in a large volume, which leads to the onset of intoxication.
  4. Skin pigmentation disorder. Various types of skin may appear as you age dark spots. Also, bruises around the eyes act as one of the options for age-related pigmentation.
  5. Close proximity of blood vessels around the eyes. This problem does not lead to serious negative consequences, except for the deterioration of appearance. If the vessels are too close, bruising may be noticeable from early childhood, or the problem may appear with age when the skin thins and becomes almost transparent.
  6. Insomnia, nervous tension and stress. These conditions have a negative impact on work nervous system. The body begins to suffer from severe nervous exhaustion, the functioning of all organs and systems is disrupted. Dark circles under the eyes in this case will be the least of the problems.
  7. Rapid weight loss. Accelerated weight loss leads to human body simply does not have time to adapt to work in new conditions. The skin begins to tighten, becomes less elastic, and blue bags begin to form under the eyes. This condition is often encountered by women after 30 years of age.
  8. Working at the computer for a long time. If you sit in front of a computer monitor for too long, your eyes are almost always directed at only one point, and your body moves little. As a result, the eye muscles get tired much faster, and an unsightly blue discoloration appears under the eyelids.
  9. Various bad habits. These include alcohol abuse and smoking. This leads to the body losing valuable vitamins, absorption is impaired nutrients. The skin becomes too thin and acquires an unhealthy bluish tint.
  10. Lack of vitamin C in the body. It is this substance that is associated with the work of all immune system and plays important role V metabolic processes, occurring in the body. If there is a lack of it, the skin becomes less elastic, which is very noticeable in the area around the eyes - dark bags appear.

How to get rid of blue circles under the eyes?

Blue circles under the eyes are a medical or cosmetic problem. In the latter case, folk remedies and cosmetics can be used to remove them. If dark circles under the eyes are the result of deteriorating health, you need to seek help from a doctor and undergo full examination to determine the disease that caused this problem. Then a comprehensive treatment is prescribed, after which the skin returns a healthy, attractive shade.

How to remove blue circles under a child's eyes?

If parents notice dark circles under their child’s eyes, they should consult a pediatrician before starting to look for a remedy to get rid of the problem. IN childhood Blue circles under the eyes can be the main sign of the onset of a certain disease. It is also a symptom of a genetic predisposition or severe overwork.

If a child develops blue circles under his eyes, the pediatrician prescribes the following tests::

  • general urine analysis;
  • stool analysis for worm eggs;
  • general blood analysis;
  • blood for immunoglobulin;
  • culture of the nose and mouth for staphylococci.

Thanks to the results of these tests, it is possible to accurately identify the disease and remove it, at the same time getting rid of the problem of dark circles under the eyes. Only by medication treatment is being carried out staphylococcal infection, anemia, helminths and others medical reasons. Taking into account the severity of the disease, the doctor selects treatment, and also takes into account general state body, age and external characteristics of the small patient.

If after the examination the disease was not determined, but there is a problem of dark circles under the eyes. This phenomenon may be caused wrong mode day, unbalanced diet or genetic predisposition.

In this case, simple recommendations will help solve the problem.:

  1. For the child, you need to organize unloading for several days so that he can rest.
  2. The child should get a good night's sleep.
  3. Walking in the fresh air, which should last at least 2 hours a day, is beneficial.
  4. A balanced and proper diet is important - the child’s diet should contain as many fresh fruits and vegetables as possible. It is worth minimizing your food intake complex carbohydrates. Boiled beef and porridge will be useful.
  5. You can give your child pharmaceutical vitamin complexes.
  6. If the child long time is engaged in sitting position, you need to take a short break every 30 minutes.

How to remove dark circles under the eyes of adults?

When unsightly dark circles under the eyes become the result of cosmetic problems, they will help you get rid of them various ointments, masks, creams, salon and folk remedies.

Cosmetics against blue circles under the eyes

The most effective will be proven cosmetics, the most effective of which are:

  • Cooling roll-on gel for the skin around the eyes Nivea Visage. This product has a cooling effect on delicate skin around the eyes and removes unsightly dark bruises. The cost of the product is about 220 rubles (100 UAH).
  • Cooling cream against blue circles under the eyes cooling Eye Illuminator Idealist, Estee Lauder. This remedy helps to quickly remove swelling of the eyelids and increases blood flow in this area. As a result, dark circles under the eyes disappear much faster. The cost of the product is about 2000 rubles (800 UAH).
  • Anti-Fatigue Smoothing Eye Gel, Darphin. This tool It becomes simply an invaluable find in emergency situations when you need to relieve signs of fatigue. In just a few minutes, the skin is smoothed and its tone is evened out. The cost of the product is about 2200 rubles (900 UAH).

Folk remedies against dark circles under the eyes

To get rid of unsightly dark circles under the eyes, you can use simple but effective techniques folk cosmetology:

  1. Tea brewing. You need to take 2 tea bags and pour boiling water over them, leave for a while until the leaves open completely. The bags are removed from the water and wrung out a little, after which they are applied to the eyelids. The compress is left for 15 minutes.
  2. Fresh cucumber. The cucumber is washed and cut into rings about 0.5 cm thick. The circles are applied to the eyes and left for 15 minutes. This procedure It is recommended to do this as often as possible.
  3. Bread and milk. The bread crumb is crumbled and filled with milk, then squeezed out a little. On closed eyes gauze is applied and bread thawed in milk is placed on top. The compress is left for 15 minutes.
  4. Chamomile ice. First you need to prepare a chamomile decoction, cool and filter. The broth is poured into ice trays. As soon as the decoction freezes, it is used to wipe the skin around the eyes.

How to remove blue circles under the eyes - watch the video:

Regardless of what reason triggered the appearance of unsightly dark circles under the eyes, you need to immediately begin searching for it. Only after elimination this factor You can restore a beautiful and attractive appearance to your facial skin.

The site podglazami.ru today will talk about very current problem and ways to solve it. After all, perhaps the most common problem associated with the area under the eyes is blue circles. They appear at the most different circumstances, so it is important to learn to understand whether they are a symptom of more serious problems and how to quickly remove blue circles around the eyes.

Blue circles under the eyes: causes

"Bruises" - in any case alarm signal, a sign that the body is not working as it should.

The most simple reason– lack of sleep, fatigue. Moreover, you can spend one sleepless night(especially in at a young age), and not get blue circles, but you can systematically lack sleep every night for an hour or so - and the circles are right there! The recipe in this case is simple and very pleasant - finally get some sleep!

Sometimes a woman gets blue under the eyes as by-effect joyful event– care excess weight. When a person loses weight (especially sharply, after short term Having gotten rid of serious kilograms), then the skin of the face does not have time to “tighten to a new standard.” You get not only bruises, but also “bags” - this phenomenon is usually noticeable after 35, when the skin lacks elasticity.

The most unpleasant option why blue circles around the eyes is medical problems. For example this accompanying symptom heart problems, blood pressure. Kidneys that cannot cope with their work can also have this effect.

And it is possible that the blue around the eyes is yours natural feature. It happens that a person capillary mesh is located under the skin close to the surface (people say “thin skin”), and it looks like permanent under-eye circles.

There is also a violation of the pigmentation of the skin itself in this area. Well, no matter how you look at it, you can’t cross it off from the list of causes of blue circles under the eyes age-related changes. Skin changes with age vascular network may become more noticeable...

Blueness and circles under the eyes: photo

How to remove blue circles under the eyes?

So what can you do to make the hateful circles disappear? Tips from the site:

  • Get enough sleep! And don’t lie in bed until one o’clock in the afternoon and go to bed at three o’clock in the morning, but so that you get a “beauty sleep” - go to bed before midnight! Well, yes, it’s children’s time, we understand, but at least several times a week!
  • Breathe fresh air, move more.
  • Quit bad habits. Cigarettes, beer and other “life’s pleasures”, even coffee, affect the skin around the eyes.
  • Practice contrasting washes (in the morning) - as you already understood, we're talking about about variable water temperature while washing.
  • In the evening, contrasting herbal compresses are good. Make an infusion of herbs in advance - for example, sage or chamomile, cool one part of the infusion in the refrigerator, the other, on the contrary, keep warm or heat before use. Dip cotton cosmetic swabs alternately into warm and cold infusions, and place them on your closed eyes for two to three minutes (then change the compress to a compress that contrasts in temperature). The duration of the procedure is at your discretion, but you need to start and end it with a cool compress.
  • For tired eyes and accompanying bruises, a compress of cold black tea is good. You can soak a cotton sponge in the strong, cooled tea leaves, or you can cool it and apply tea bags to your eyes (the main thing is that they don’t burst and the tea leaves don’t get into your eyes!).
  • To get rid of circles, you can apply it to the area around the eyes. different products(chilled, of course) - cottage cheese, grated parsley root, in its uniform, cut into two parts...
  • If the problem is the pigmentation of the skin under the eyes, and not the blood vessels, then you need to make whitening face masks. These are considered to be a cucumber mask, a white clay mask, etc., you can also look at ready-made masks in a store or pharmacy.
  • Massage, especially lymphatic drainage, can help.

But if the problem is the proximity of blood vessels to the surface of your skin, then there is no need to engage in amateur activities, most likely it will be ineffective. Contact your doctors - they may recommend laser removal of this feature.

Dasha Blinova - especially for the project Under the Eyes.ru



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