How to get rid of a tumor? Proven folk method! How to remove swelling after bruises at home Using a contrast wash.

Tumors represent the proliferation of cells of tissues and organs and are divided into benign or malignant.

Symptoms: At the beginning, the disease is asymptomatic, then different symptoms appear, depending on the quality of the tumor, location and stage of its development. Pain and discharge usually occur.

What's happening?Benign tumors They grow slowly, without growing into surrounding tissues, are surrounded by a capsule and, when removed surgically, do not relapse. Angiomas consist of blood and lymphatic vessels. These are vascular birthmarks and soft warts. Myomas grow predominantly in muscle tissue. Fibroids, including polyps, affect the skin, tendons, mucous membranes, muscles, periosteum and uterus.

Malignant tumors(cancer and sarcoma) are a pathological form of growth of cells and tissues of the body that have special biological properties. These tumors not only destroy the surrounding tissue by growing into it, but also have a general adverse effect on the body, releasing toxins into it and causing side diseases. They grow quickly and often reappear after surgical removal, which is only possible in the initial stages of the disease. Cells from these tumors are carried in the lymph and blood to other parts of the body, where they grow and form new tumor nodes, called metastases. As a rule, malignant tumors arise due to chronic diseases (ulcers, polyps, warts, birthmarks, other benign tumors), as well as untreated injuries.

What to do?

Cancer treatment is successful in the early stages, so it is very important to see a doctor in a timely manner!

Drink as much kefir and yogurt, carrot juice as possible;

Drink a decoction of viburnum berries and an infusion of calendula flowers;

Drink an infusion of potato flowers (infuse 2 tablespoons of potato flowers per glass of boiling water in a thermos for at least 3 hours) half a glass in the morning and evening half an hour before meals;

There are large quantities of onions.

In order to prevent the degeneration of a benign tumor into a malignant one, it is important to undergo periodic medical examinations, as well as promptly treat emerging diseases.

Neoplasms, which are excessive tissue growth due to distortion of normal cell growth and reproduction. The distinctive biological properties of tumor cells are the ability to reproduce for a long time and quickly, pushing away surrounding tissues and growing into them. When such cells are transported by blood and lymph currents to distant organs, they multiply there and produce growths, so-called metastases.

There are benign tumors (fibromas, fibroids, angiomas, etc.) and malignant (cancer, sarcoma and etc)

Benign tumors usually grow slowly; they do not grow into surrounding tissues and organs, but only push them apart and displace them. These tumors are surrounded by a capsule; they are usually easily removed surgically and do not metastasize.

Malignant tumors grow quickly, growing into neighboring tissues and organs, destroying them. Radically, through surgery, it is possible to remove these tumors only in the initial, unadvanced stages. Malignant tumor cells are transported by blood and lymph to other parts of the body and form metastases (new tumor nodes) there.

The development of cancer is always preceded by some chronic disease, on the basis of which it arises (ulcers, polyps, some benign tumors).

Modern medicine can offer three methods of treating cancer: chemotherapy, surgery, radiation.

Traditional medicine for skin cancer:

1 . Juice fresh plant bedstraw real (honey cake, yellow porridge, brisket) is drunk as a metabolism-improving agent for skin cancer.

2. Hare cabbage(creaky). Crushed fresh herbs are recommended to be applied to skin cancer tumors.

3. Mix two parts of juice (not infusion) of the herb yarrow, 2 parts carrot juice and 1 part hemlock grass juice. Take a tablespoon a day of this mixture with milk. While the wound is not open, apply a mixture of chopped carrots and hemlock grass, changing 3 times a day for a new one. If the wound opens, then apply gauze moistened only with juice (the same as for drinking), changing the bandage 5 times a day.

4. Water the wound several times a day with thick yeast, Cover the top with a bandage, also moistened with yeast.

Traditional medicine for the treatment of stomach cancer:

1. Great celandine(warthog, yellow spurge, cleanweed).

Traditional medicine has used celandine as an antitumor agent since ancient times. A decoction of the herb is taken for stomach cancer.

Korean recipe. Mix mint drops (60 ml), liquid aqueous celandine extract (20 ml), rosehip syrup(300 ml) and take 6 spoons per day.

2.5 g celandine herbs(a tablespoon) place in an enamel bowl, pour a glass (200 ml) of hot boiled water, close the lid, heat in a boiling bath for 15 minutes, strain. Squeeze out the cooled raw materials. Bring the volume of the resulting infusion to 200 ml with boiled water. Store the prepared solution in a cool place for no more than 2 days. Drink 1/3 - 1/2 cup 2 times a day for 15 minutes. before meals.

3. For stomach cancer, drink a decoction or infusion birch oak forest, otherwise called birch sponge. You need to scrape off a light-colored sponge (like a cone), but not yellow, from the birch trunk, pour boiling water over it, let it brew and drink a little.

4. If you have stomach cancer, drink infusion of birch lye. You need to burn birch firewood, take the ash from it, add clean water at the rate of 1 part by weight of ash to 5 parts of water. Place this mixture on the fire in a clay, glass or enamel bowl (but not metal!) and boil for 10 minutes. Strain through cheesecloth, pour into bottles, seal and keep in a cool place.

Use this way: take 8 teaspoons of this alkali, mix with milk or fruit juice and drink before meals. Do this 3 times a day. The taste of alkali is very nasty, but it certainly delays the development of cancer. In this case, you cannot eat meat, but only vegetables, fruits (oranges) And dairy products.

5. Peony evasive. Collect roots in May. After drying, prepare a decoction or infusion and take 100 ml 3 times a day.

6. Complex drug for the treatment of stomach cancer. 2 tablespoons aloe juice(from a flower at least three years old) combine with 0.5 l cognac Separately 3 fresh leaves from the flower pelargoniums pour 3 tablespoons of boiling water, place in a hot water bath (pan of boiling water), wrap it up, leave overnight. Strain the resulting infusion of pelargonium into cognac with aloe juice and add 3 drops of iodine tincture. Take a small glass on an empty stomach 2 times a day - in the morning and at night. In the first days, pain may appear (especially at night), and after 2 weeks, bloody discharge will appear along with the stool, after which there will be an improvement.

Traditional medicine for the treatment of throat cancer: 1. Take 3 glasses bay leaf, chop the leaves, pour 1/2 l vodka. Leave for 12 days in a dark place. Take a tablespoon 3 times a day until healing.

For the treatment of uterine cancer:

1. Field Yakutka(toadgrass, bug grass). An infusion of the herb is drunk for uterine cancer and inflammation of the ovaries. Pour 1.5 tablespoons of dried herb with a glass of boiling water and leave for 4 hours in a tightly sealed container, strain. Take a teaspoon every 3-4 hours 4-5 times a day.

Contraindicated for pregnant women (it has an abortifacient effect).

2. Peony evasive(Maryin root). Pour a tablespoon of finely chopped roots into 3 cups of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. in a tightly sealed container. Take a tablespoon over 10-15 minutes. before meals 3 times a day. In Tibetan medicine, peony roots are included in antitumor drugs. In folk medicine of Siberia, they are used in the treatment of uterine and stomach cancer, erosions.

3. True bedstraw(breast milk, yellow porridge, honey grass). 2 teaspoons of dry herb with flowers (collected during flowering), leave for 2-3 hours in a glass of boiling water in a tightly sealed container, strain. Drink 1/4 cup warm 3-4 times a day before meals. A decoction in the form of douching is used for uterine cancer and cervical erosion. Lotions made from fresh juice are used for skin cancer and ulcers in Bulgarian folk medicine.

4. Infusion of thistle leaves. Pour a tablespoon of leaves into a glass of boiling water, leave until cool, strain. Drink 1/2 glass 3-4 times a day. Tested in the treatment of uterine cancer.

Breast cancer treatments:

1. Bark decoction oak from young, strong branches, dry and chop. Brew a tablespoon of bark with a glass of boiling water, boil twice, and steam for 3 hours under a pillow. When it cools down, soak a thick rag in the cold broth and apply it to the chest where the swelling is. Cover the top with a dry towel, bandage it, put on a warm jacket. Keep for 2 hours in the morning and evening. Oak bark has the property of dissolving non-inflamed hard tumors and also cures goiter.

2. Cleavers(hemorrhoid grass, Velcro). Infuse 4 teaspoons of chopped herbs in 2 cups of boiling water for 2-3 hours, strain. Drink hot 1/2 cup 4 times a day in small sips. In folk medicine, infusion of the herb and fresh juice of the plant are used for breast and tongue cancer.

For the treatment of lung cancer:

1. Herbal tincture (or powder) small duckweed. A teaspoon of fresh, well-washed herbs (chopped) per 50 ml of vodka. Leave for 3-4 days, strain. Take 15-20 drops in 1/4 glass of water 3 times a day.

In German and Chinese medicine, the plant is popular in the form of an alcohol tincture drop by drop, in particular for tumors of the upper respiratory tract.

Folk remedies for sarcoma:

1. Tincture of aloe leaves (agave). Finely chop 5 fresh large aloe leaves, pour 1/2 liter of vodka. Leave in a warm place for 12 days, shaking daily. Take a tablespoon 3 times a day 2 hours before meals. If you have an upset stomach, take a break for 5 days.

2. Whole plant tincture Artemisia vulgare(Chernobyl). A teaspoon per glass of boiling water. Evaporate to half. Drink 30 ml 3 times a day before meals.

Treatment of malignant neoplasms:

1. Angustifolia fireweed. Leave one tablespoon of dry herb in a glass of boiling water for two hours, strain. Take 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day. But eat this infusion after 20 minutes. boiled roots. A 10% infusion or decoction of the leaves has a strong analgesic property for any inflammatory processes of the mucous membranes.

2. Spider burdock, or big. 50 g burdock root powder, 50 g honey, 59 g alcohol leave for a week in a dark place, strain. Drink a tablespoon, wash down with burdock juice. .

3. Take equal parts of burdock seeds, leaves and roots, pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiled water at room temperature, and place in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, bring to a boil over low heat, strain. Drink 1 tablespoon.

4. Great celandine. Herbal decoction 1:30. 20 g of rhizomes and roots are infused for 8 hours in 1 liter of water and drunk By 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day.

5. Common burdock. To prepare the decoction, pour a tablespoon of the whole plant (herb, root) into a glass of water at room temperature, leave overnight in the refrigerator, bring to a boil over low heat in the morning and boil for 2-3 minutes. Take a tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

6. St. John's wort. St. John's wort oil is very helpful for stomach ulcers. To do this, 500 g of St. John's wort herb is infused for 4 days in a dark place in 500 ml of 40% alcohol, then the alcohol is evaporated. Take a tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach.

7. Viburnum common. IN In order to prevent stomach cancer with low acidity, leafy tops (flowering parts), fresh viburnum berries and an infusion of them are used. To do this, take equal parts of leafy tops, brew berries and a tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, drink 1/3 glass 3 times a day.

8. Carrot. For stomach cancer, especially with reduced gastric secretion, you need to take carrot juice. It should be consumed from 0.5 to 3-4 liters. It contains the richest source of vitamin A, which the body quickly absorbs. This juice also contains a large amount of vitamins B, C, D, E, PP and K. At the same time, the juice noticeably cleanses the liver, and the substance that clogs the passages dissolves.

When drinking carrot juice, any food containing concentrated sugar, starch, or flour should be completely avoided.

Oncological diseases, radiation sickness

1. Tincture hemlock from cancer. Spotted hemlock, popularly called yoke, looks like elderberry, but has nothing in common with it. A fiercely poisonous and life-threatening plant. But it is a strong stimulator of the blood-forming organs, which allows it to be used for leukemia. It is also a strong pain reliever, which is important for cancer. Living cells of the body adapt well to it and, when taken in moderate doses, calmly tolerate its presence. But it is harmful to the diseased cells that make up the cancerous tumor. That is why it has gained fame and is considered a reliable remedy in critical and often hopeless situations.

Here is the method of using hemlock, proposed by a traditional healer Valery Tishchenko(the easiest, safest and, in his opinion, the most effective).

It is necessary to collect fresh hemlock inflorescences during flowering (early June). The crushed flowers should be placed in a bowl, filling it to the top. Also pour vodka into the dishes to the top (the volume of the dishes does not matter). Seal the container tightly and place it in a dark (cool) place for 18 days. After this period, the hood is ready for use.

Treatment method. In the morning on an empty stomach, an hour before meals, drink one drop of tincture with 1/2 glass of water. On the second day at the same time, drink 2 drops of the tincture - so increase the dose daily, bringing it to 40 drops. After this, you need to gradually reduce the dose by one drop daily and return to the original one drop again. Repeat this 2-3 times.

According to V. Tishchenko, the technique is very effective. There have been cases when hopeless people were completely cured of cancer (cancer of the breast, digestive canal, liver, and cancer in general in extremely severe forms is suppressed by hemlock).

Only strict adherence to the technique will help you gain health! Overdoses are unacceptable!

2. For cancer prevention: take a tablespoon tansy flowers, white mistletoe(taken from fruit trees) and celandine herbs(fresh - 2 tablespoons), pour 0.5 liters of water over the raw material, bring to a boil, leave overnight, strain. Drink in sips throughout the day.

Choose the dosage yourself, focusing on how you feel.

3. Leukemia. A tablespoon of leaves and twigs lingonberries pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes. and drink 50 g 3 times a day before meals.

4. To remove radionuclides from the body. Chamomile flowers, string grass, tricolor violet, St. John's wort, great plantain, yarrow, yellow sweet clover (an obligatory component!) are mixed in equal parts. Brew a tablespoon of the mixture with 2 cups of boiling water, cook for 1 minute, leave for 30-40 minutes. Drink 15-20 minutes before. before meals 3 times a day, 1/2 cup. The course of treatment is 1 month. 2 such courses must be conducted per year, and once a quarter for those working in the nuclear power plant area.

4. To cleanse a living cell the body from radionuclides, chemical inclusions, allergens and other toxins, before any course of treatment, brew a glass of flax seeds with 3 liters of boiling water, simmer in a water bath for 2 hours, cool to 40 ° C, strain. Take during the day without limitation for 2 weeks.

5. Inhibits the growth of tumors and gradually kills them with an infusion of fresh (tablespoons) or dry (1 tablespoon) dandelion root. Grind the root, pour a glass of boiling water, simmer in a water bath for 50 minutes, cool to 40°C, strain. Drink 1/2 glass 3 times a day before meals.

6. Cancer stomach. In 1 l milk simmer in a steam bath for 4 hours or longer a tablespoon of fresh yellow sunflower petals, until 0.5 liters of liquid remains. Strain the prepared broth and drink a tablespoon 3 times a day before meals. A course of treatment requires 4 such servings of decoction.

7. Liver cancer. Take equal amounts of fresh grass yarrow, horsetail, wild chicory, birch buds, crushed rose hips, mix everything well. Brew a tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, leave for 30-40 minutes. Drink the infusion warm, 100 g 3 times a day before meals.

8. For the treatment of uterine cancer, prevention of metastases after removal of malignant tumors, as a blood purifier and as a means that relieves the patient’s depression and gives him vigor. Chopped grass common tartar, or thistle(2 tablespoons), cook for 10 minutes. over low heat in 500 ml of water, cool, strain and drink the resulting infusion in several portions a day.

9. Uterine fibroid, ovarian cyst. Brew and drink, like tea, a mixture of herbs crushed in a coffee grinder or meat grinder yellow gentian, galangal root, yellow arnica flowers, crayfish root(snake root) and cat's paw herbs. The course of treatment is 15-20 days.

10. Mastopathy. Infuse a glass of thin partitions walnuts in 70% alcohol (1.5 cups) for 14 days in a dark place. Then strain and drink 2 teaspoons,

times a day (morning and evening) until the product runs out. Immediately after finishing taking this tincture, take 30-40 drops 2 times a day of fruit tincture co-phora Japanese on 70% alcohol (1:2) for at least a month.

11. Laryngeal papillomatosis. Lubricate laryngeal papillomas with a preparation that is a boiled mixture of juice and infusion celandine to the consistency of sour cream.

12. Intestinal papillomatosis. A rare mushy mass of green grass minced in a meat grinder celandine(dilute 50 g of mass in 200-500 ml of hot water) as an enema and administer for 30 minutes. into the colon once every two days. The disintegration of papillomas begins after 2-3 enemas.

13. Gastric papillomatosis. Consume 30-50 g of chopped fresh herbs celandine inside. Benign polyps of the stomach and intestines are also separated.

Use of dry mushroom - chaga for tumors

1. Dry mushroom pour boiled water and leave for 4 hours (do not pour out the water). Pass the soaked pieces through a meat grinder or grate. For each part of the mushroom, add 5 parts of boiled water at a temperature of 50°C and leave for another 2 days, drain the liquid, squeeze out the sediment and add the water in which the chaga pieces were infused. Store in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days. Take 1 glass 4 times a day before meals. For tumors in the pelvis, it is recommended to do therapeutic enemas with a volume of 50-100 ml 2 times a day. During the treatment period, it is necessary to adhere to a dairy-vegetable diet and not to consume canned food, sausages and spicy seasonings.

2. Piece dry mushroom pour warm boiled water for 4 hours (to soften), grind on a grater or meat grinder. Pour 1 part of the crushed raw material into 5 parts of boiled water (40-50°C), leave for 48 hours in a dark, cool place, strain the infusion, and squeeze out the rest.

Take 1 glass 1-3 times a day. During treatment with chaga, a vegetable-dairy diet is recommended; Sausages, canned food, animal fats, and spicy seasonings should be excluded from the diet (however, a cancer patient needs such a diet in any case). The use of penicillin and intravenous glucose is contraindicated.

Effective means:

1. St. John's wort (herb). Pour 1 tablespoon of herb into 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours and strain. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day after meals.

For breast cancer, mastopathy and external tumors In addition to oral administration, you can use the infusion as a lotion.

2. Common heather(grass). Pour 4 tablespoons of herbs into 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Take 1 glass 3 times a day. For external tumors, apply steamed herb. There are no contraindications.

3. Well-known specialist in the field of traditional medicine V. K. Totrov recommends for cancer and pulmonary tuberculosis next recipe.

Infuse one glass of red earthworms in 1 liter of alcohol or 0.5 liters of vodka for 5 days. Filter And drink 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals.

He also advises for stomach cancer:

4. Get fresh burdock root, peel, rinse well and grate on a fine grater. Eat it every day like horseradish with bread during meals.

May burdock is considered the best. Take burdock root until complete recovery.

V. K. Totrov gives several folk recipes for healing benign and malignant tumors.

1. One lemon, medical glycerin - 100 g, mineral water- 0.5 l. Mix finely chopped lemon with glycerin and add mineral water. Take a teaspoon three times a day for 30 minutes. before meals. After five courses there is a break of 5 months. Then repeat everything.

2. Place ripe berries in a three-liter jar red elderberry, add 200 ml vodka, leave for 7 days, then pound the mixture in a mortar, transfer to the same jar and leave again for 7 days. Take 1 dessert spoon three times a day. Before taking the medicine, you need to drink 50 ml of distilled water. The course of treatment is 45 days.

3. Carrot juice - 250 ml., red beet juice - 25 ml., black radish juice - 250 ml., garlic juice - 250 ml., lemon juice— 250 ml., honey— 250 ml (glass), Cahors wine- 250 ml.

Combine all ingredients in an enamel bowl, mix with a wooden spoon, transfer to a two-liter jar and store closed. V refrigerator. Take 3 times after meals, 1 tablespoon. After each course there is a break of 1 month (5 courses in total).

With low hemoglobin additionally take 0.5 liters of milk daily, 0.5 liters of carrot juice with one egg yolk for 40 minutes. before meals.

4. Birch buds, calendula, celandine, chaga (birch mushroom)- just one part at a time. Chaga is washed, poured with boiled water so that it is completely immersed in water, and left for 4-5 hours. Then the chaga is grated or passed through a meat grinder. The water in which the mushroom was soaked is used for infusion. One part of the crushed mushroom is poured with 5 parts (by volume) of water remaining after soaking the mushroom, heated to 50°. Leave for 48 hours. The water is drained and the sediment is squeezed out through several layers of gauze. The resulting thick liquid is diluted with water to its original volume. The prepared infusion can be stored in the cold for 3-4 days. A tablespoon of the first three components is poured with 200 ml of boiling water and left for 6 hours. Strain and add 100 ml of chaga infusion.

Take 100 ml three times a day before meals. If hemoglobin decreases, take 0.5 liters of carrot juice without nitrates, the same amount of milk and one egg yolk daily.

5. Rosehip roots, prepared in late autumn or early spring (20 sticks, 4 cm each), chop, cook in 3 liters of water for 1 hour over low heat. Add boiling water to the volume of evaporated water and keep it warm for a day. Take 100 ml 3 times a day an hour before meals. Store the infusion in the refrigerator. The course of treatment is 2 months. Treatment courses can be repeated at intervals of 2 months for two years.

6. In early June, collect spotted hemlock inflorescences and some young leaves to make half a half-liter jar. Transfer to a three-liter bottle and pour in 0.5 liters of vodka. Shake the dishes until the raw materials are completely wet. Close very tightly, seal with plastic, tie. Place the dishes in a cool, dark place for 14 days. In emergency cases, it can be used after 3-5 days.

For current consumption, pour out the required amount and put the rest in the refrigerator. In the morning on an empty stomach, an hour before breakfast, drop 1 drop into half a glass of water, on the second day - two drops, and so on up to forty drops. Then reduce the dose by one drop every day to zero. And one more cycle - the second, which consolidates success, but after 40 drops you need to stop taking the hemlock extract.

In the morning, take natural royal jelly on the tip of a glass rod under the tongue for 30 minutes. before food.

7. For lung cancer The following remedy is recommended: badger fat - 0.5 kg, five year old aloe juice— 0.5 l, honey natural - 0.5 kg. Mix the mixture well, transfer to a two-liter jar, and store in the refrigerator in the lower compartment. Stir with a wooden spoon before use. Take 1 tablespoon one hour after meals.

8. For cancer of the stomach, rectum, uterus it is good to use this remedy: herb sagebrush(chernobyl plant), collected during flowering. Pour 2 tablespoons of herbs into 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Take 3 times a day, 100 ml for 30 minutes. before meals. Break for two weeks. Take for a long time (3-4 courses).

9. For the same diseases it is used root wormwood. Pour 2 tablespoons of dried root into a glass of boiling water and cook for 10 minutes. over low heat, cool for 40 minutes, filter and take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals.

10. For uterine cancer additionally do douching with the indicated decoction of the roots: 1 cup of decoction per 4 cups of boiled water.

11. For leukemia drink the following infusion: in the summer, collect the tops of flowering buckwheat and dry them in the shade. One tablespoon is brewed with two glasses of boiling water for 30 minutes. Strain. Take 100 ml 3-4 times a day half an hour before meals. Since fresh grass—buckwheat leaves and flowers—causes poisoning, it is recommended to consume it in dried form.

12. Any cancerous tumor. Take May honey - 3 cups, aloe juice- 1 glass, Cahors wine- 2 glasses; combine in one two-liter jar, keep in the refrigerator for 5 days. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day for 5 days. In the following days - 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon an hour before meals. Before preparing the medicine, wash the cut aloe leaves, wrap them in a white cloth and squeeze out the juice after 21 days. The duration of treatment is from 3-4 weeks to 1.5 months. The same remedy is recommended for treatment pulmonary tuberculosis and stomach ulcers. Flu and sore throat are cured in one day with this remedy.

13. For the prevention of benign and malignant tumors. Sliced dried apricots and figs(pre-soaked in cold water for an hour), ground kernels walnuts- all three components in a ratio of 1:1, 1-2 lemon medium-sized, cut with peel, place in a three-liter jar and fill with honey. If the honey is thick, then the crushed products must first be mixed with honey. Take 1-2 tablespoons 3 times a day before meals, sprinkle with kefir.

14. Young nettle gather in a clean place at sunrise. Soak for one hour in cold water. Cut, pound in a wooden or porcelain mortar and combine with crushed young garlic(everyone determines the quantity according to their taste and the state of their stomach). Add chopped spinach, sorrel(in a 1:1 ratio with nettle), dill, parsley, boiled egg whites, season with any vegetable oil with lemon juice, or apple cider vinegar.

15. Painkiller for colon cancer: mumiyo 5 g, pharmaceutical forms of alcohol tinctures: calendula- 2 bottles, motherwort— 1 bottle. Combine in one container, take in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed.

V. K. Totrov gives a universal remedy for treating cancer - the drug Todiki, but since its preparation is very complicated, I refer everyone to his book “Unique recipes for curing cancer and other diseases”, Moscow, 1994.

Specialist in Tibetan medicine and oriental healers, white Lama of the East, Doctor of Tibetan medicine Viktor Fedorovich Vostokov recommends the following recipes for malignant neoplasms:

1. Birch, buds and leaves. 3-4 g of dry buds or 6-8 g of dry leaves per 50 ml of boiling water, boil for 15-20 minutes, leave, strain. Take 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day.

2. Plantain. Plantain juice (pharmaceutical preparation): 1 tablespoon per 29 minutes. before meals. Fresh juice is the same.

3. Horsetail. Infusion: 20 g of dry crushed raw materials per 200 ml of boiling water, infuse, strain. Take 1/2-1/4 cup after meals.

4. Burdock, roots. 10 g of dry crushed roots per 200 ml of water, boil for 15-20 minutes, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

5. Dandelion, roots. 6 g of dry crushed root per 200 ml of water, boil for 10 minutes, leave for 20 minutes, strain. Take 1 tablespoon before meals.

6. Oregano. Infusion: 2 teaspoons of dry crushed herbs per 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain. Drink warm 20-30 minutes before. before meals, 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day.

7. Stinging nettle. Infusion: 7 g of dry crushed raw materials per 200 ml of boiling water, steam, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

8. Lungwort, grass. Infusion: 10 g of dry crushed raw materials per 200 ml of boiling water, steam, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

9. Clover, flowers. Infusion: 5 g of dry crushed raw materials per 200 ml of boiling water, steam, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

10. Wormwood. Infusion of wormwood (pharmaceutical preparation): 10 drops before meals. Infusion: 1 teaspoon of dry crushed herb per 400 g of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain. Take 1/4 cup 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

11. Thyme.(Creeping thyme, Bogorodskaya herb). Infusion: steam 15 g of dry crushed herb per 200 g of boiling water, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day.

12. Garden dill. Use it in any form. Fruits in their pure form, 1 teaspoon before eating, steam with 1/4 cup of warm water.

13. Black currant. Berries in any form. Leaves: 3-5 g of dry crushed leaves (or 10-15 g of fresh) per 250 ml of boiling water, steam for 15-30 minutes. Drink as tea 2-3 times a day.

14. Peppermint. Infusion: 10 g of dry crushed herb per 100 ml of boiling water, steam, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

Also widely used dog-rose fruit in any form, pumpkin pulp, rowan, horseradish, white cabbage, parsley, celandine(juice and ground part), all types Highlander

V. F. Vostokov recommends taking each plant for 3-4 weeks. Then move on to something else. Having tested the largest number of plants from the proposed list, choose 3-4 of the most effective, suitable (at least according to the principle of “like or dislike”) and the use of which is not accompanied by unpleasant consequences.

Treatment should continue continuously (with appropriate changes of plants every month) until the main signs of the disease disappear and plus another one to two years. After this, “effective” plants are transferred to the “food” category.

1. Chickweed (herb). Pour 1 tablespoon of raw material into 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain through two or three layers of gauze, squeeze and bring the volume of the resulting broth to the original volume with boiled water. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day before meals.

2. Noble laurel(leaves). Bay oil can be prepared at home: leave 30 g of finely chopped leaves in a warm place for 6 days in 200 ml of sunflower oil, then strain.

3. Viburnum common(berries). Pour 3-4 tablespoons of berries into 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 2 hours - daily dose.

4. Viburnum common(flowers). Brew 1 tablespoon of flowers with 1 cup of boiling water, boil for 2-3 minutes. in a sealed container and strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

5. Fragrant violet(leaves). Pour 15 g of leaves with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 1 hour and strain. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day with meals. The same infusion is used in the form of lotions in the treatment of wounds, boils and other skin lesions. Freshly steamed leaves are used for purulent wounds, boils and dermatitis. However, you should be aware that in large doses, violet preparations cause diarrhea and vomiting.

Traditional healers for tumors in the throat

1. Sticky alder(leaves). Decoction: pour 10 g of crushed raw materials into 1 glass of hot water, boil in a closed enamel container in a water bath for 30 minutes, strain while hot and bring the volume of the resulting decoction to the original volume with boiled water. Take 1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day before meals. Local decoction is prescribed for inflammatory processes of the skin, burns and for rinsing the mouth and throat.

2. Large plantain(leaves). Plantain juice (fresh). Use for rinsing.

3. Cleavers(grass). Infuse 4 teaspoons of chopped herbs in 2 cups of boiling water for 2-3 hours, strain. Drink hot 1/2 cup 4 times a day in small sips.

For duodenal cancer:

a) great celandine(grass) - 1 part, pharmaceutical camomile(flowers) - 1 part, three-leaf watch(leaves) - 1 part.

Grind and mix, pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture with 1 glass of boiling water, leave, covered, for 1 hour, strain. Take 1/2 cup 2 times a day - in the morning And in the evening 1 hour after eating;

b) horsetail (herb) - 10 g, kidney tea - 10 g, knotweed(grass) - 20 g, stinging nettle— 10 g.

Brew 2 tablespoons of the mixture with 2 cups of boiling water, leave, covered, for at least 5-6 hours. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day before meals, warm;

V) celandine(grass)- 10 g, peppermint(leaves) - 10 G, golden capillary(grass) - 10 G.

Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture with 1 glass of boiling water, leave, covered, for 1 hour, strain. Take 1 glass in the morning and evening 30 minutes before meals;

G) knotweed(grass) - 1 part, corn silk- 1 part, beans dwarf forms (pods) - 1 part, smooth hernia(grass) - 1 part, bear ear(grass) - 1 part.

Pour 15 g of the mixture with 1 glass of boiling water, leave, covered, for 1 hour, strain. Take warm throughout the day. For cancer stomach:

1. Centaury umbellata(grass). Pour 1 tablespoon of herb into 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours and strain. Take 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals.

For stomach cancer, take the infusion warm.

2. Calendula(flowers). Alcohol tincture of flowers: pour 25 g of dried flowers into 100 ml of 70% alcohol or vodka, leave for 15 days, strain, filter. Take 1 teaspoon in 1/2 glass of warm water 3 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals.

For skin cancer applied externally.

3. Common wormwood(roots). Pour 2 tablespoons of roots into 1 glass of hot water, boil for 10 minutes and strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals as an additional remedy in the treatment of cancer.

Externally used to treat ulcers, non-healing wounds and pustular skin diseases.

4. Burdock big(roots, leaves). Take root powder infused with equal parts alcohol and honey for a week or drink burdock juice.

Fresh crushed roots or juice from them are used to treat purulent ulcers, cuts, abscesses, tumors, ulcers and burns.

5. Burdock(roots). The root powder, infused for 7 days with equal parts of 70% alcohol and honey, is taken for stomach cancer.

Take 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day 1 hour before meals.

6. Large plantain(leaves). Mix finely ground leaves with an equal amount of granulated sugar and leave in a warm place for 2-3 weeks. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals.

7. Large plantain(seed). Pour 1 tablespoon of seeds into 1 cup of boiling water and heat for 14 minutes. - daily dose. Can be taken with the seeds without straining.

8. White cabbage(juice). Take cabbage juice 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day warm 1 hour before meals, often with honey or sugar. The course of treatment is 1 month.

9. White cabbage (leaves). Fresh crushed leaves.

10. Calendula (flowers). Take the powder from the flowers 0.3 3 times a day, wash down with water.

11. Peony evasive(roots). Pour 1 tablespoon of finely ground dry roots into 3 cups of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. in a tightly sealed container. Take 1 tablespoon every 10-15 minutes. before meals 3 times a day.

12. Horsetail(grass). The alcohol tincture is prepared at a ratio of 1:10 with 70% alcohol. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.

Naturopathic doctor at the St. Petersburg clinic “Folk Medicine” I. I. Nesterovsky makes recommendations By taking carcinobiostat and beet juice for the treatment of malignant tumors in the book “Home Medicine”.

1. Carcinobiostat is an alcohol tincture sophora japonica, stopping the growth of malignant tumors regardless of location. First take 20 drops over 20 minutes. before meals 3 times a day and wash down with 150 g of slightly warmed beet juice. Then, 1 drop per dose is added daily to carcinobiostat, gradually increasing to 50 drops. Subsequently, 50 drops are taken 3 times a day and washed down with 150 g of beet juice for 3 months - 1 course, the 2nd course is repeated after a month and is carried out in the same way. In total, treatment requires 3-4 courses. One lasts about four months.

2. Accept beet juice in the amount of 600 ml 3 times a day, 150 g With carcinobiostat and 150 at night. You can eat black bread, a roll, sauerkraut, etc., and wash down the drops with some other juice.

3. Never drink freshly squeezed juice - it contains volatile substances that act poisonously and cause nausea, vomiting, hiccups, general weakness, a drop in pulse and blood pressure, even to the point of shock. Before drinking, the juice should stand for 6 to 10 hours in the refrigerator. Taking fresh juice causes absolute intolerance to consuming it in the future.

4. In addition to taking the prescribed amount of beetroot juice with carcinobiostat, it is recommended to eat about 200 g of boiled beets per day for lunch and dinner as a side dish. It retains the substance acting against intoxication - anthocyanin betoin.

5. In the future, carry out treatment with beet juice for a long time without interruption.

Bladder tumor antigen in urine

Bladder tumor antigen (BTA) is not normally detected in urine.

Bladder cancer is the fourth most common cancer in men and ninth in women. One in five patients currently die from this disease within 5 years. Determination of BTA in urine is a screening method for diagnosing bladder cancer, as well as for dynamic monitoring of patients after surgical treatment. Ag is detected in 70-80% of patients with bladder cancer at stage T: -T 3 and in 58% with cancer in situ. With effective surgical treatment, BTA disappears in the urine; its appearance indicates a relapse of the disease. A test to detect tumor Ag of the bladder can be false-positive in case of glomerulonephritis, infections and injuries of the urinary tract, due to blood entering the urine. Currently, diagnostic test systems have been developed for the qualitative and quantitative determination of BTA in urine.

In addition to the BTA test, there are a number of nonspecific and specific markers for bladder cancer. These include growth factors, immune complexes, tumor-associated proteins, tumor marker B-5, AT M-344, NMP-22, determination of the concentration of PDF in urine, urine telomerase, Hb chemiluminescence in urine and a number of others.

Thyrotropin-secreting pituitary tumors

TSH-producing pituitary adenoma develops very rarely. A pituitary adenoma secretes excess amounts of TSH, which stimulates the thyroid gland. As a result, the concentration of cT 4, T 4, T 3 in the blood increases and symptoms of hyperthyroidism develop. The main signs of a thyrotropin-secreting pituitary tumor are a sharp increase in the concentration of TSH in the blood (50-100 times or more compared to normal) and the absence of a TSH response to TRH.

A tumor that appears on the face is a big nuisance for every person, which sometimes greatly spoils not only their mood, but also their life. After all, such a problem cannot be completely eliminated even with the help of the best decorative cosmetics. What should men do who don’t use blush or powder at all? An unattractive aesthetic appearance may well provoke the birth of psychological complexes.

And here the question certainly arises: “How to remove a tumor from the face?” Fortunately, there are many ways to fix this problem. They vary depending on the cause of the swelling.

Accumulation of fluid in the body

Many people suffer from a problem that they discover when they look in the mirror in the morning. A swollen face clearly indicates excessive accumulation of fluid in the body. This is observed in cases where a person could not resist eating salty or smoked food at night, or drank a lot of water before going to bed. Swelling of the skin is significantly increased by heart and kidney diseases, metabolic problems, hypertension, blood clots, etc.

Swelling of the face often occurs in hot weather. When a person is thirsty, he begins to drink a large amount of liquid, which subsequently stagnates in the body. Another reason for facial swelling is the hormonal changes that occur in a woman during pregnancy and before the start of the menstrual cycle.

The ideal option to eliminate this unpleasant phenomenon would be to consult a doctor. He will advise how to remove swelling from the face, based on the existing problem.

How to remove swelling from the face caused by fluid accumulated in the body? A good remedy in this case are compresses that include herbal decoctions. They must be applied to the swollen area in the morning.

A tumor that appears under the eyes can be easily removed with ice cubes containing tea or medicinal herbs.

There are other effective ways to answer the question: “How to remove a tumor from the face?” To eliminate swelling and get rid of accumulated fluid in the body, it is advisable to ventilate the room. The skin, having received the required amount of oxygen it needs, will simply “deflate”.

A quick remedy for swelling is a glass of water with a slice of lemon. Drinking liquid with citrus acid almost instantly removes swelling from the face. Washing with cool water, the temperature of which does not exceed 20 degrees, will also be beneficial.

How else to deal with excess fluid in the body, which provokes facial swelling? A certain balanced diet can correct the situation. A positive bonus will be getting rid of excess weight.

The use of lingonberries and herbs based on green tea will help remove fluid and reduce swelling. Decoctions of rosehip and hawthorn, as well as herbal infusions with bearberry, ivy, lemon balm and nettle, will also be useful for solving the problem. It is recommended to include drinks that have a diuretic effect, fruit drinks and decoctions in your daily diet. At the same time, do not forget about sorrel and watermelons, honey and green apples, celery and melon. Diuretic products will remove fluid and tidy up your face.

Video on the topic


No one is immune from such trouble. And it is not at all necessary to participate in “fights without rules.” You can get a hematoma, a simple bruise or contusion on your face every minute. The reason for this is sometimes a fall, emergency braking of a car, etc. Such danger awaits a person everywhere. And at home, and at work, and in nature. As a result of the resulting blow, soft tissue damage occurs. In this case, the epidermis, the top layer of our skin, may not be damaged. Bruising and swelling, sometimes accompanied by severe pain, occur due to rupture of muscle fibers and blood vessels.

How to remove swelling from the face after a blow? Let's look at the actions that need to be taken immediately.

Emergency help

Immediately after the impact, the integrity of not only the subcutaneous tissues, but also the capillaries located in them, occurs. Lymph and blood begin to accumulate under the epidermis, which flows from damaged vessels. This process must be stopped or minimized. To do this, you must immediately apply something cold to the site of impact. The ideal option is ice, which can be taken from the freezer and wrapped in a linen napkin or plastic bag.

If this is not possible, then apply a napkin to the site of the bruise, first moistening it in cold water or green tea. This compress will need to be refreshed more often. A copper or any other coin will help to quickly remove swelling from the face after a blow. It is also applied to the site of the bruise. You can use any other metal object.

It is worth keeping in mind that taking such measures is possible only if the integrity of the epidermis is preserved and there is no danger of wound infection. The most rational use of cold is to apply it in the first minutes after an injury occurs. If at least a quarter of an hour passes, subcutaneous hemorrhage cannot be prevented.

How to relieve swelling from a blow on the face if emergency assistance did not help? In this case, you will need to contact a specialist. The fact is that the problem is sometimes much more serious than a simple bruise. It is especially recommended to pay attention to this if a hematoma has formed on the face. The doctor will recommend a special ointment for swelling and write a referral for physiotherapy and massage.

Getting rid of the bump

How to remove a swelling from the face after a blow, if the accumulation of blood clots and tissue swelling has resulted in a dense formation rising above the surface of the skin? You can also get rid of a bump that appears very quickly. However, folk recipes are unlikely to help in this case. It is recommended to lubricate the bruised area:

Ointment "Troxevasin";

Heparin ointment;

Iodine mesh.

Compresses with magnesium will also be effective. To speed up the process of eliminating a large seal, it is recommended to apply a cabbage leaf to the sore spot, which is first scalded with boiling water and lubricated with honey. This compress is bandaged with a towel and left for two hours.

Carrying out a puncture

A bruise or hematoma with swelling that appears on the face after a bruise, as a rule, does not require a visit to the doctor. They can be treated independently. However, if the hematoma is large, then examination by a specialist becomes mandatory. Sometimes accumulated blood can only be removed during a puncture. The surgeon, after applying local anesthesia, opens the wound. After that, he puts a tight bandage on it. Sometimes the operation is performed several times until the hemorrhage completely stops.

For more effective treatment of hematoma on the face, allowing to eliminate swelling and pain at the site of the bruise, it is recommended to use an anti-inflammatory ointment, gel or cream. It could be:

- "Indovazin";

- "Dolobene";

- "Fastum gel";

- "Ketonal" and others.

To eliminate the pain symptom that bothers you after a blow, you can use an analgesic in the form of tablets. These are drugs such as Pentalgin, Citramon and Solpadeine.

Bruised lips and eyes

This nuisance also causes swelling on the face. But in this case, the actions taken should be somewhat different than those carried out in other areas. The fact is that the lip and eye area is very sensitive. This is the reason for the limitation of actions, many of which cannot be taken even if there is only a bruise.

This is especially important to know for those who are wondering: “How to remove swelling from the face after a fight?” After all, “meetings” with fists most often lead to injuries to the lips and eyes. Such wounds bleed for a long time, and it becomes quite difficult to eliminate the problem. To speed up treatment, the following methods are recommended:

Treating the injury site with antiseptics;

Applying ice to help relieve swelling;

Application of wound healing ointment;

Lubricating damaged areas on the lips with olive or sea buckthorn oil;

Application of propolis and honey ointment;

Using hygienic lipstick before going out.

In case of serious injury, treatment must be carried out by a surgeon. He will stitch up existing lacerations and carry out recovery and rehabilitation measures.

Sometimes after a severe injury, vision is impaired. Unpleasant sensations arise in the eyes and the image appears in two. Such phenomena indicate a violation of the structure of the organ of vision and necessitate contacting an ophthalmologist. Based on the research carried out, the specialist will prescribe appropriate treatment. Severe cases require hospitalization of the patient. For the eyes, optometrists often prescribe antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drops to clear up the infection.

How to quickly remove swelling from the face? A proven remedy for eliminating edema is badyaga. This product is the skeleton of a freshwater sponge crushed into powder.

Traditional methods

How to relieve swelling from a bruise on the face? Traditional medicine offers for this:

Raw potatoes, which are applied to the swelling, cut into thin slices or grated;

A decoction of wild rosemary and coltsfoot, which is applied in the form of lotions;

Iodine with an Analgin tablet dissolved in it, applied to the site of impact in the form of a mesh;

Butter, which is applied to the tumor area.

Another way to relieve swelling after a bruise on the face? Traditional healers recommend applying a compress of pre-chopped cooked beans to the site of impact.

Hangover symptom

One of the causes of facial swelling is drinking alcohol the day before. This symptom indicates the presence of ethanol intoxication. In this case, leveling out the resulting edema is possible only after the body returns to normal functioning. A healthy person gets rid of such symptoms by noon. However, in the presence of insufficiency of the functions of individual organs and chronic diseases, the recovery process becomes much longer. How to speed it up and how to remove swelling from the face after drinking? For this you will need:

Activate the process of removing toxins from the body that are products of the breakdown of ethanol;

Restore metabolic processes and electrolyte balance;

Try to cleanse the skin pores of toxins and take care of its tone.

So, if your face is swollen after drinking too much alcohol, how can you remove the swelling? The most effective ways to do this would be:

Physical activity, taking a contrast shower and rubbing with a towel, which will cleanse the skin and restore its elasticity;

Drink plenty of fluids to neutralize dehydration, for which purified or still mineral water is suitable;

A light breakfast that normalizes metabolic processes, with a predominance of protein foods (for example, fried eggs and chicken broth);

Green tea without sugar with lemon, sauerkraut or pickle juice, which normalize electrolyte balance;

- "Enterosgel" or activated carbon, which neutralize the intoxication of the body.

If within 2 hours after such anti-hangover measures the swelling of the face has not been eliminated, then additional measures will be required. In this case, the chosen method will depend on the system or organ in which the intercellular fluid is retained.

So, if a person’s appearance is spoiled by bags under the eyes, then they, as a rule, indicate a violation of the kidneys. This phenomenon is eliminated by taking decoctions of diuretic herbs, lingonberry leaves, corn silk, rose hips, knotweed, kidney tea or hibiscus.

If swelling of the face is accompanied by bluishness and redness of the skin, then this problem is caused by heart failure. It can be eliminated by taking Validol, Valocordin or Corvalol. Herbal decoctions of coltsfoot, hawthorn, corn silk, marigold, chamomile, mint and stevia will also help stabilize blood pressure.

For swelling of the face caused by dysfunction of the liver or pancreas, the herbal decoctions listed above are used. In this case, hepatoprotectors are added, and the protein breakfast is replaced with fermented milk.

Dental cause of swelling

If a tumor that has arisen on the face due to a tooth does not go away within 2 days, then this symptom is a clear indication of the presence of an inflammatory process in the oral cavity. What to do in this case? How to remove swelling from a tooth from the face? It is worth keeping in mind that various methods can be used to reduce swelling, but their use should not be the reason why a person refuses to visit the dental office.

If the swelling occurred after the surgeon removed the wisdom tooth, then rinsing with sage, Chlorhexidine or chamomile is recommended. A product in the form of a soda or saline solution, which has, among other things, an antiseptic and analgesic effect, is also effective.

How to remove swelling from the face from a tooth that is just emerging in children? In this case, dentists recommend using special cooling creams, ointments and gels, which can relieve the baby of pain and relieve swelling of the cheeks.

If a tumor appears on only one side of the face, it is recommended to use a cotton ball, first soaking it in aloe or Kalanchoe juice. This remedy is applied to the inner surface of the cheeks or gums.

Many ladies, waking up in the morning, are afraid to look in the mirror, because from there they see something swollen and unattractive. This is a common occurrence after a stormy party, but if swelling becomes regular, then it’s worth thinking about. To avoid health problems, you need to consult a specialist. Many ladies know simple ways to get rid of swelling of the face and eyes. But the list of solutions is extensive. And we offer to replenish it.

Causes of swelling on the face

The accumulation of fluid in the tissues causes swelling of the facial skin, which can occur because someone could not resist eating smoked or salty food late in the evening or drinking a lot of water at night. Kidney and heart disease can significantly increase swelling of the facial skin due to accumulated fluid. To avoid puffiness under the eyes, you need to give your body enough sleep. If you often spend the night in the company of friends, drinking alcohol, suffer from insomnia, sleep on an uncomfortable bed, fall asleep late and wake up early, a swollen face will become the norm.

In the heat, swelling of the eyelids may increase. Fluid consumption increases and it begins to stagnate in the body. The face swells in the morning in women on the eve of the menstrual cycle. Metabolic disorders and lack of vitamins can contribute to the appearance of edema. Hormonal changes during pregnancy are another reason for the accumulation of fluid in the tissues of the body. Swelling can be a consequence of injury and an allergic reaction.

What to do for swelling of the face and eyes

The ideal option is to consult with doctors in case of undesirable consequences with the skin. He will tell you how to get rid of puffiness and accumulated excess moisture. A good remedy is lymphatic drainage massage. Compresses with herbal infusions will help get rid of swelling on the face in the morning. If you are thinking about how to quickly relieve swelling under the eyes that has arisen due to accumulated fluid, then do not tire yourself with long thoughts; ice cubes, which can be made using medicinal herbs or tea, will do.

Effective methods for eliminating swelling

To quickly eliminate swelling and get rid of accumulated fluid in the body, ventilate the room you are in. Having absorbed the oxygen it needs, the skin “deflates”. A glass of water with lemon is a quick response to swelling and relieves it almost instantly thanks to the acid contained in citrus fruits. It will be useful to wash your face with cold water, the temperature of which will not exceed twenty degrees. So, below we will look at detailed tips on how to deal with “swollen” facial skin and excess water in the body.

Balanced diet

To reduce swelling and increase fluid output, it is recommended to follow a certain diet. A positive bonus is that it will help you lose excess weight. To reduce swelling and remove fluid, it is recommended to include teas, green tea, and lingonberries in your diet. Useful:

  • hawthorn decoction;
  • rosehip decoction;
  • herbal mixture with horsetail, bearberry, nettle, lemon balm.

In the “for facial skin” menu, enable:

  • all drinks that have a diuretic effect;
  • decoctions;
  • fruit drinks.

The body will be grateful. Don't forget about:

  • watermelons;
  • sorrel;
  • green apples;
  • cucumbers;
  • melon;
  • celery.

Diuretic products that will tidy up the skin of the face, promote the removal of fluid, and remove potassium. To make up for this loss, it is recommended to take supplements that contain it. A lack of potassium can have a detrimental effect on:

  • heart;
  • vessels.

If you have facial swelling, an apple diet will be helpful. These fruits help remove toxins and excess fluid accumulated in the body. To achieve the greatest effect, you need:

  1. Consume two kilograms of unsweetened apples per day.
  2. Do not exclude juice from these fruits to remove excess moisture.

For those who have obesity, diabetes or heart failure, an oat diet will be beneficial for their facial skin:

  1. Boil the flakes in water without oil or salt.
  2. You need to eat at least five hundred grams a day.
  3. Wash it down with decoctions and tea without sugar.

A potato diet would be appropriate for swelling. You should consume up to 2 kilograms of potatoes per day, boiled or baked in their skins. The cucumber diet will involve consuming two dozen green vegetables per day. If hunger persists, you can add a little boiled beef or a soft-boiled egg. This will not affect your facial skin. A vegetable diet will allow you to consume no more than 1.5 kg of vegetables per day. Do not forget about individual intolerance. This may affect the skin and fluid removal may be slower.

Do not decide to go on a diet or give up foods out of passion - consult a therapist first so as not to cause harm to the body. To reduce swelling of the eyelids, you should forget about the following products:

  • salt;
  • beets;
  • green beans;
  • Dutch cheese;
  • champignons;
  • tomatoes;
  • canned food (and other semi-finished products containing many other substances and preservatives that prevent the removal of liquid).

Cosmetology procedures

Whatever causes the swelling, it gives rise to only one desire - to get rid of it as soon as possible. Sometimes a long course of various procedures may be required for good-looking facial skin. To get rid of excess fluid, you will have to go to a beauty salon. A qualified specialist will carefully examine the state of the body, find out individual characteristics, what will be effective and what is contraindicated, and then offer a carefully designed course to improve the skin:

  1. Mesotherapy. The procedure involves subcutaneous injections of medication into the desired areas of the face. Often homeopathic medicines and vitamins are used as solutions for injections, the composition of which is formed individually by a cosmetologist after a thorough examination of the patient and helps to remove fluid accumulated in the body. The procedures are done once every 7 days for several months. Medicines are administered using the back-trace or mesh method, after which there are no needle marks on the face.
  2. Cryolifting. To achieve the desired result, the removal of fluid accumulated in the body, extreme cold is used, causing specific, precisely calculated and controlled damage. In the area where manipulation is carried out, the properties of the skin change significantly, which helps the medicines penetrate deeper and be more effective. Cryolifting is a possible replacement for mesotherapy if it is not possible for some reason. The effect of cryolifting is long-lasting and noticeable, and the facial skin is “blown away” by swelling.
  3. Application of mineral waters and mud. The particles and substances contained in the therapeutic mud have a beneficial effect on the skin, restoring its strength and flexibility, helping to eliminate swelling, eliminating excess moisture from the body. Swelling is reduced due to the influence of certain irritants: the temperature of the applied substance, chemical components.


Diuretics for facial swelling will invariably be effective. You should find out the possible causes of swelling of the face at an appointment with a specialist. If these are problems with internal organs, then the use of diuretics will be justified. If the problem of accumulation of excess water is caused by lifestyle, diet or bad habits, then you can do without a pill for facial swelling, giving up everything harmful.

A diuretic may eliminate swelling, but not the cause. Upon completion of the course of such medications, excess fluid will again accumulate in the body. To eliminate the cause, a full examination is required. In some cases, the doctor may prescribe synthetic drugs, but such drugs act entirely on the entire body, leading to dehydration and even loss of substances it needs. If the cause is an allergic reaction, then antihistamines such as Suprastin and Tavegil will help get rid of the swelling.

Diuretics. Furosemide is considered the strongest diuretic. It is often used for swelling of the face, helping to relieve even severe manifestations, promoting the removal of fluid. Being a very powerful remedy, it requires caution in use, as it leads to dehydration and rids the body of important microelements. In case of slight swelling of the eyes, there is no need for such strong drugs; potassium-sparing diuretics can be used. This is “Veroshpiron”, the effect of which appears only after five days.

Cosmetics for home use

Top manufacturers of cosmetics for facial skin will not leave you bewildered; the choice is huge: masks, gels, creams, etc. These “things” will instantly put your appearance in order. Which brand to give the palm to is up to you. You don’t have to shell out money for expensive cosmetics, but use natural ingredients to create your own beauty. Many people like hand-made products. Below we will look at how to get rid of unwanted swelling of the face and eyes.

  1. To relieve swelling, you should prefer those products used by professionals; you can also choose them in a regular cosmetic store, but do not ignore the letters on the packaging indicating the composition. It should include: minerals, antioxidants, mud, vitamins, algae. If the cream contains ivy extract, this means that it will actively help remove fluid accumulated in the body and make the skin smooth. It will be absorbed faster if you wet your eyelids a little before applying.
  1. If your face and eyes swell in the morning, a mask of cucumber and lemon will help; it easily eliminates swelling and removes excess fluid from the body. This mixture is recommended for use on normal to oily skin. For dry you need to use half the amount of lemon juice. Ingredients of the mask: fresh cucumber, 25 milliliters of “yellow” nectar. Mix the latter with the vegetable chopped in a blender. Apply the mixture to your face for twenty minutes.
  2. If you have normal or oily skin, then you can get rid of swelling and remove excess fluid accumulated in the body using a coffee or cocoa mask. It will require fifty milliliters of yogurt, thirty milliliters of lemon juice, twenty-five grams of ground coffee or cocoa powder. For dry skin, you can make a similar mask, but use vegetable oil instead of yogurt, and honey instead of juice. Keep the mixture on the skin for 20 minutes.


  1. Soda lotions will help get rid of swelling of the facial skin and remove excess moisture from the body. Add a teaspoon of baking soda to half a glass of strong black tea and mix. Soak cotton pads in the liquid, place them on your eyes and hold for no more than fifteen minutes. If the swelling affects a large area, then you can do a ten-minute relaxation session with a lotion on the entire face. Compresses on the eyelids to remove fluid can be made from infusions of chamomile flowers, dill, birch leaves, and parsley root.
  2. A good remedy is grated potatoes mixed with beaten egg white. It removes excess water, and the protein provides a lifting effect. Tea bags are a simple and effective remedy to relieve puffy eyes. You should hold the cool compress on your eyes for fifteen minutes - and the wow effect is guaranteed.
  3. To relieve swelling, you can make an ice compress. Place the cubes in a bag and place on the swollen area for half an hour. You can wipe your face with them in the morning. Do not write off the magical properties of cucumber. Circles of this vegetable, placed on swollen areas, along with getting rid of swelling, will tighten the skin and give it a lighter shade. An effective remedy for removing fluid is a compress with calendula decoction. After 15 minutes, the skin will glow.

Exercise and massage

You can relieve swelling and remove excess fluid with massage. Lightly pinching and stroking the skin, move along the lines running from the nose to the outer parts of the face. Then from the middle of the neck to its sides. Along the forehead from the top to the bridge of the nose and eyebrows, down from the eyes, from the nose to the temples. With this massage, the blood supply to the skin improves, the removal of moisture increases, which eliminates swelling. It is recommended to combine it with sports; a set of exercises to remove excess fluid should include:

  • active movements of arms and legs;
  • stretching;
  • flexion;
  • extension;
  • rotational movements;
  • sharp swings;
  • tilts.

This will lead to warming up of the muscles and activity of the joints located near the lymph nodes. There are exercises for bags under the eyes; doing them regularly, after a couple of months you can forget about droopy eyelids:

  1. Rotate your eyes left and right, keeping your head straight.
  2. Close your eyes, then open your eyes sharply. Repeat 10 times.
  3. Alternately close and open your eyes.

How to relieve swelling from the face and eyes using folk remedies and herbs

  1. Parsley root. A simple recipe for those who don’t know how to quickly get rid of swelling of the face and eyes, and excess fluid. The root should be crushed, mixed in equal parts with the tea leaves after drinking the tea, mixed thoroughly, applied to the skin of the eyelids, and left for ten minutes. You can use parsley root without adding tea, this also enhances the removal of fluid from the body.
  2. Bear ears. The prepared decoction will be very useful for swelling. For this you will need: a glass of boiling water, one tablespoon of bear ears, which will have to steep for two hours. The decoction should be drunk no more than three times a day before meals.
  3. Chamomile. Throw a tablespoon of dried flowers of this plant into a glass of boiling water. Leave to infuse for 15 minutes, and then wipe the skin of the eyelids with a cotton swab soaked in the infusion for the same amount of time. In a similar way, you can make an infusion of mint, eyebright or linden blossom. Chamomile can be used together with tea; then, along with one teaspoon of chamomile, pour boiling water over the same amount of black or green tea. And you can forget about swelling!
  4. Birch leaves. Throw five leaves into a glass of cold water, preferably mineral water, and leave overnight. You can pour boiling water over the leaves and leave for two hours. After straining, moisten the skin of the eyelids, spending at least a quarter of an hour on the procedure. Voila – there was no swelling.
  5. Horsetail Throw one tablespoon of dry ingredient into a glass of boiling water and boil for twenty minutes. After waiting for the broth to become warm, make compresses on the eyes and hold for as long as you prepared. Horsetail helps fight not only swelling of the facial skin, but also eye fatigue, nervous tics, and removes excess water from the body.


Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Almost every person at least once in his life has encountered such an unpleasant problem as facial swelling. Swelling on the face can occur in both women, men and children.

In most cases, swelling appears in the morning. But since it is insignificant, it goes away quickly, in about an hour. Sometimes swelling is a consequence of alcohol, severe lack of sleep, or drinking fish or large amounts of liquid before bed. This swelling goes away quickly, so few people attach special importance to it.

But it happens that swelling on the face, in particular in the eye area, occurs against the background of serious diseases. This type of swelling requires immediate treatment. Moreover, therapy must begin with eliminating the root cause, that is, treating the pathology. There are many ways to get rid of swelling on the face. But first of all, with severe and slowly disappearing facial puffiness, it is necessary to identify the cause.

What is edema and what are the causes of its occurrence?

Edema is a rather unpleasant ailment characterized by excessive accumulation of fluid in the body. The water that is in the human body is distributed evenly: 2/3 of the total volume is localized inside the cells, and the remaining 1/3 is in the intercellular space. With an increase in this third, the appearance of edema in the tissues is noted.

To remove swelling, you must first determine the cause. It should be understood that you can get rid of facial puffiness only after eliminating the provoking factor.

You can ask a qualified specialist about how to remove facial swelling. To identify the cause of the disease, you need to remember your daily routine and diet recently, past illnesses and other aspects of life. The occurrence of edema can be caused by both diseases and poor lifestyle.

  1. Malfunctions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. In this case, swelling on the face is not the only manifestation. Often shortness of breath, as well as the appearance of an unhealthy complexion, is associated with a puffy face.
  2. Impaired kidney function. If the kidneys do not perform their functions 100% and have difficulty removing fluid from the body, this will manifest itself in the form of swelling in the eye area.
  3. Liver pathologies.
  4. Violation of metabolic processes.
  5. Disruptions in the functioning of the thyroid gland and endocrine system.
  6. Vitamin deficiency.
  7. Allergic reaction. The addition of swelling to rashes, difficulty breathing, frequent sneezing, watery eyes - all this indicates an allergy.
  8. Damage to nerve fibers.
  9. Injuries, blows, wounds on the face.
  10. High blood pressure.
  11. Obesity.
  12. The presence of benign or malignant neoplasms.
  13. Infectious processes: mumps, sinusitis, conjunctivitis, barley.
  14. Improper daily routine, including insufficient sleep.
  15. Improper and unbalanced diet: abuse of fatty, fried, salty and spicy foods, snacks on the run, late dinner.
  16. Hot weather.
  17. Chronic fatigue, overwork.
  18. Having bad habits.
  19. Improper drinking regime.
  20. Pregnancy.
  21. Operations.

It is important to analyze your lifestyle. This is the only way to identify the cause. Every person who often encounters this problem should understand that swelling is not a cosmetic defect. This is a signal about the presence of problems and failures in the body.

Only after clarifying the root cause can you look for ways and means to get rid of swelling on the face. There are many techniques and tools that will help eliminate the problem. In the fight against puffiness, you can use both folk remedies and masks and compresses. A good effect can be achieved using hardware techniques.

Elimination of facial swelling in the salon

Of course, salon procedures designed to eliminate swelling are not cheap. And the course of treatment will also be quite long. However, the result is worth it. Salon treatments are effective. They will help not only in eliminating swelling, but also in improving the health of the dermis and improving its condition. The most popular and effective methods that will help get rid of swelling on the face include: electrical stimulation, microcurrents and LPG massage.

Electrical stimulation is an ideal way to normalize the condition of the dermis. The action of the technique is based on the effect of low-frequency currents on the skin. Thanks to this, the muscles are toned and strengthened, and swelling goes away. Several procedures are enough to achieve the desired result. The procedure cannot be performed during pregnancy, epilepsy, or oncological pathologies. The technique should not be used by people who have recently undergone surgery.

As for microcurrents, the procedure involves exposing the dermis to small currents. This helps improve lymph and blood flow, as well as minimize signs of inflammation. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure if you are pregnant, have a pacemaker, epilepsy, central nervous system pathologies, or infectious diseases.

There is another effective way to get rid of swelling on the face - using LPG massage. In terms of its effect on the dermis, LPG massage is a vacuum-pinch procedure. The dermis is treated with hardware rollers: first, one gently grabs the skin, pulls it slightly, and then the second smoothes it. The entire procedure is accompanied by a constant supply of vacuum, the power of which is regulated by a specialist.

According to the principle of action, the technique is similar to conventional massage, however, LPG massage helps to more quickly eliminate facial puffiness. Salon procedures are very expensive and not every person can afford such pleasure. Especially if multiple sessions are required. In this case, proven and effective unconventional methods, masks, compresses and massage will come to the rescue.

How to remove swelling from the face at home

If the cause of facial swelling is identified, and it is not a bruise, not a disease, or tooth pain, then masks, compresses and other means can be used to eliminate the puffiness.

It is not necessary to use expensive procedures. You can remove swelling from your face at home. The most popular and effective methods of eliminating puffiness include the use of contrast washing, masks, massage, and compresses.

In addition, in order to remove excess fluid from the body, you need to adjust your daily routine, nutrition and drinking regimen.

Using a contrast wash

Experts recommend washing your face with cold water more often. Moreover, it is important to alternate warm water with cold - you need to wash your face with cold water for 10 seconds, then the same amount with warm water. Two such alternations must be made. This procedure will help stimulate blood and lymph circulation, as well as quickly relieve swelling.

Application of compresses and masks

There are many remedies that can help cope with the problem. You can ask a cosmetologist about how to remove swelling from the face and what products are best to use. One of the most effective ways is to use compresses.

  1. Cold compresses to combat swelling. It is necessary to moisten a gauze napkin in cold water, then squeeze it a little and apply it to the face for a couple of minutes. When the gauze becomes warm, the procedure must be repeated. Water can be replaced with decoctions or infusions of medicinal herbs: chamomile, lingonberry.
  2. Hot compresses against facial puffiness. You need to soak a gauze pad in hot water and apply it to your face for a few minutes.
  3. Application of contrast compresses. It is necessary to alternately apply a cold and hot compress to the face. Apply gauze to your face for a minute.

You can remove swelling from your face using masks. There are a huge variety of them.

The most effective include the following:

  • You need to take fresh dill, chop it and mix 10 grams of greens with 20 grams of sour cream (preferably with a high fat content). The product is applied to the face for twenty minutes. The procedure must be carried out every day.
  • It is necessary to judge the freshly brewed tea leaves. Next, you need to moisten gauze folded in several layers and apply it to your face. As soon as the base starts to heat up, it needs to be moistened again.
  • Potatoes are also effective in combating edema. One potato needs to be peeled, cut into slices and applied to the face. The duration of the procedure is until the potatoes are heated.

Application of massage

Massage is one of the most effective home remedies to help quickly relieve swelling. The procedure can be carried out independently. Professional training or a diploma, in this case, is not needed. Experts who know how to remove swelling from the face advise, first of all, to use massage to combat the problem.

  1. It is necessary to relax and tap with your fingertips along the dermis in all directions along the massage lines.
  2. Next, you need to lightly, but often enough, pat your cheeks, chin and forehead with your palms.
  3. You can also lightly pinch your facial skin. This will help in improving blood circulation and eliminating puffiness.


It is easier to prevent the appearance of swelling than to eliminate it later.

In order to prevent the problem from occurring, cosmetologists advise:

  • minimize the consumption of salty foods;
  • Avoid drinking liquids before bed;
  • normalize daily routine and nutrition;
  • rest more;
  • promptly treat concomitant diseases;
  • refuse late dinners;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • avoid stressful situations.

Bruising is certainly one of the most common types of injuries. Varying in severity and location, it is always accompanied by unpleasant symptoms such as swelling and swelling.

But you don’t have to wait for them to go away on their own. There are a number of simple measures you can take to help reduce swelling at the site of the impact.

First aid for bruises

The first symptoms after an impact are caused by rupture of small vessels, blood from which seeps into the soft tissues and accumulates in them. A cold compress can significantly relieve pain and reduce swelling at the site of a bruise. It reduces the amount of blood entering the injured area and prevents the development of severe swelling.

It is optimal to apply ice wrapped in a rag or bag, or a cold heating pad to the affected part of the body. If this is not possible, you can moisten a small towel or handkerchief in ice water, but in this case the compress will have to be cooled quite often.

If a joint of an arm or leg is bruised, an iodine mesh applied directly to the site of the blow helps to reduce swelling. And in case of significant injury with a pronounced hematoma, doctors recommend using a mixture of iodine, apple cider vinegar and salt diluted in water as a lotion. The resulting composition is soaked in a compress applied to the affected area.

Medicinal first aid methods include drugs whose active ingredients are natural oils and herbs: Bodyaga, Traumeel, Troxevasin, etc.

Traditional healers advise using herbal infusions of plantain, yarrow, St. John's wort, wormwood or common heather as impregnation for lotions. You can choose any plant from those listed, available in your home medicine cabinet, or use several at once.

To prepare the impregnation, a couple of tablespoons of crushed dry collection are steamed in 200-220g of boiling water, kept for two hours and cooled. Important: these methods will be less effective if used long after the injury.

Treatment of bruises in different areas

We get bruises and abrasions every day, but their treatment can vary greatly depending on the location of the injury.


The knees are most often affected, especially in people who lead an active lifestyle and regularly engage in sports. In this case, standard cooling as an emergency aid should be accompanied by immobilization of the victim. If you are indoors, try to lie down and put a high pillow under your thigh.

When arriving on the street, after hitting your knee, be sure to sit down on a bench or parapet and raise your leg so that your shin is higher than hip level. Among the medications after a knee joint injury, doctors recommend using Collagen Ultra cream. It has chondroprotective properties, reduces swelling and accelerates the recovery of damaged parts of the joint.


Injury to the lower leg in areas where the muscles are maximally adjacent to the bone tissue is considered one of the most dangerous. In the periosteum of this area, as in the elbow joint, there are special pain receptors, so a strong blow, in addition to swelling, can cause a painful shock.

In addition, the swelling of this part of the leg is characterized by an increase in symptoms: over time, a minor swelling that you did not pay due attention to turns into a serious problem. Applying a special cream after a cold compress will help relieve swelling.

You can choose a pharmaceutical drug or make the ointment yourself. For bruises of the periosteum of the elbow and shin, the optimal effect on the tumor is provided by juice or freshly squeezed puree of an aloe leaf mixed with honey, which allows the active substances to quickly and deeply penetrate the tissue, relieving swelling.


The peculiarity of a foot bruise is the frequent fractures of small bones that accompany it. To eliminate their likelihood, after the blow you should carefully palpate the affected area. The presence of sharp pain in one specific point is a good reason to take an x-ray to prevent complications. Cooling bandages on the first day and warming ones on the second to fifth day, as well as the use of pain-relieving ointments and immobilization of small joints will help relieve foot swelling.


A long massage with an ice cube immediately after the injury and complete lack of exercise for the next few days will help reduce swelling on the finger if it was hit. A bruised finger is much easier to treat, but if your leg is injured, it is better to temporarily give up walking and tight closed shoes.

People suffering from diabetes should pay special attention to such injury. They should not resort to cooling the affected area, and special medicinal ointments will help relieve swelling.


If you have a mild hand bruise, simple over-the-counter medications and folk remedies will help you avoid swelling: vinegar compresses, a bandage with crushed beans (for 2-5 days), a cabbage leaf tied to your hand, which has a cooling and anti-inflammatory effect.

If after 40-60 minutes of applying cold to the injured part of the wrist, the pain does not subside, a dislocation or fracture is possible and you should definitely visit a doctor.

Face area

The most acute problem is eliminating swelling in the case of a bruise of the face. Applying alternately Traumeel and Troxevasin ointments at intervals of 2-3 hours will help get rid of swelling and bruising in the area of ​​the nose or eye as quickly as possible. For lovely ladies, there are also a number of gels containing a toning enzyme (for example, Sinyakoff). They not only combat the unpleasant consequences of a blow, but also make them temporarily less noticeable.

When choosing a method for treating edema, remember: a bruise of any part of the face can be accompanied by visually invisible, but very serious consequences, such as concussions of varying severity or internal bleeding.

How to speed up recovery?

You can significantly reduce the time required to rehabilitate the area affected by the impact using special medications.

  1. If the bruise is severe, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication may be required. Diclofenac, Analgin and Ketanov are considered the optimal representatives of this category of medicines.
  2. It is worth using ointments and creams with a pronounced restorative function: Fastum gel, Traumeel, Lyoton and a number of others.
  3. The affected area needs rest. To do this, you should apply a fixing bandage, especially if you have injured the joints of the foot, and temporarily minimize physical activity.

Folk remedies for bruises and swelling

Among the abundance of traditional medicine recipes that promise quick healing from swelling after a stroke, the most popular are:

  • Tea brewing. After steaming, it should be squeezed out a little and cooled, wrapped in a gauze compress and applied to the affected area.
  • Onion juice. It helps not only reduce swelling, but also reduce pain from a bruise.
  • Cottage cheese. A compress is formed from it, laid out on a thick cloth, and sent to the freezer for 5-7 minutes. Then apply it to the bruise. Cottage cheese perfectly retains cold for a long time, and lactic acid components lighten the skin, eliminating bruises, and relieve swelling.
  • Bandages made from ground plants. The most commonly used are plantain and wild garlic roots, which are crushed and applied to the area of ​​injury, leaving for a long time.

And finally: the maximum duration of swelling of the bruise site is 3 weeks. If after this time the tumor continues to bother you, be sure to visit a traumatologist!



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