How does the eye color of a newborn baby change? What kind of eyes will the child have and what does this factor depend on?

Even during her pregnancy, a woman already imagines what the baby will look like. Discussions begin with your spouse about his appearance and character traits. Both parents try to predict from whom the baby will inherit this or that trait. As soon as the baby is born into the world, they peer carefully into the little face of their child. But you should remember that the baby may look completely different from what the relatives expected. The child will change in appearance throughout his life. A particularly noticeable change is eye color in newborns.

Eye color in newborns

Factors affecting eye color

The color of hair, eyes and skin depends on the content of the melanin pigment. And melanin, in turn, saves us from ultraviolet rays and their damage. It is for this reason that people with fair skin tend to burn in the sun much faster than people with darker skin. Because the amount of melanin in light skin is significantly less. The change in color of the iris also depends on the presence of melanin, as well as on the density of its fibers.

The baby's eye color completely stabilizes at 2-4 years. This happens when the pigment melanin appears. And only then the initially light blue eyes gradually become green, brown or gray. The darker the shade of a baby's eye, the higher the level of melanin in the iris. You should also know that the amount of melanin pigment is determined hereditarily.

According to numerous research results, it was revealed that there are a lot more brown-eyed people in the world than light-eyed people. And the reason for this is the genetic dominance of symptoms that are associated with a considerable amount of melanin. As a result, if one parent of a child has dark eyes, and the other has light eyes, then, most likely, the baby will be brown-eyed.

Changing eye color

It is very difficult to predict what color the eyes of a newborn baby will be. Only one thing can be guaranteed: it is likely that the baby will be born with blue eyes (90% of such cases). If we talk more specifically about shades, then the eyes can be dull blue or dull gray. Only rare cases occur when a newborn has dark eyes at birth.

But then parents observe a rather interesting phenomenon: the color of the eyes of newborns changes. By eye color you can determine:

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

  • when a child is hungry, the eyes are like a thundercloud (gray);
  • when the baby wants to sleep - cloudy;
  • when the baby cries - green;
  • when everything is fine - sky blue.

Why do newborns' eyes change color? There have been millions of studies on this topic for many centuries. But until our time, science has not yet determined how this trait is inherited.

A newborn baby has an eye structure similar to that of an adult. This is a system, or it can be called a kind of camera, which contains optic nerves that perform the function of transmitting information directly to the brain. To be more specific, it is precisely in those parts of the brain that receive and analyze what is “photographed.” The eye contains a “lens” - the cornea, “photo film” and the lens - a fairly sensitive shell of the retina.

The eyes of a newborn are exactly like the eyes of an adult; they cannot function fully. The child's visual acuity is reduced; he only senses light, but nothing more. However, over time and with the development of the baby, visual acuity gradually increases, and after almost a year the child has 50% of the standard norm of an adult.

Table of inheritance of eye color in newborns

After the baby is born, doctors check his vision - they observe the reaction of the pupils. In the second week, you can notice how the baby is able to focus his gaze on a certain thing for a few seconds. (

Even when the child is in the womb, his parents try to guess who he will be like. And with the birth of the baby, not only mom and dad, but all relatives begin to compare the appearance and color of the baby’s eyes, arguing among themselves: “Mom’s nose!”, “But daddy’s eyes!”, forgetting that the baby’s facial features will change over time. . This especially applies to the color of the iris, which changes with age in most children. What exactly do such changes depend on? Why is this happening? When is the final color formed? We will tell you about all the features of eye color in this article.

The main factors influencing eye color

  1. Amount of pigment. All babies are born with gray-blue or greenish eyes, since there is no melanin pigment in the iris of a newborn. But gradually it accumulates, and the color of the baby’s eyes begins to change. The shade of the iris depends on the amount of this pigment substance: the more of it in the body, the darker the color. Melanin acts in the same way on human skin and hair.
  2. Nationality. Belonging to one's people is directly related to the color of one's skin, eyes and hair. For example, the vast majority of Europeans have gray, blue and light blue eyes, while Mongols and Turks have green, light brown and greenish-brown eyes. The Slavs have light blue and light gray eyes, the Negroid race has dark brown and black eyes. Of course, there are exceptions, but this is most likely the result of mixed marriages.
  3. Genetics. Related genes play a significant role in how a child will be born and who he will resemble. But you can’t rely 100% on genetics. If mom and dad have light eyes, then the likelihood that the baby will also have light eyes is 75%. If mom has light eyes and dad has dark eyes (and vice versa), then the baby will most likely have a dark color. If both parents have dark eyes, then the baby is unlikely to have a light color.

When does a baby's eye color start to change?

From the moment a baby is born, his eye color remains a dull gray or greenish color for some time. But after six months, the shade of the iris begins to gradually change. And since changes occur slowly, the results are almost invisible to us. Due to melanin staining, a newborn’s eyes first darken, and by six months or one year of age they acquire the shade determined by genes. But this is not the final result. Melanin continues to accumulate and the color will take several years to form. It will become final by the age of 5-10 - this is individual for each child. In any case, the future color of the baby’s eyes can be judged no earlier than six months, and only at one year will it become clear what shade of eye color the child will have.

Can eye color remain the same or change?

  1. Grey. This color occurs quite often at the birth of a child and can vary from a light tone to a dark shade. Most often, babies with gray eyes appear among northeastern peoples. This color is typical for calm and slow children.
  2. Blue. The beautiful heavenly shade can also either lighten or darken over time, especially if the baby is fair-haired and fair-skinned. Children with blue eyes are dreamers, they are not capricious, prone to sentimentality and even pragmatic.
  3. Blue. This color is often found among northern peoples; the blue tint is formed as a result of a large amount of pigment that has already been produced in the body. Kids with blue eyes are vulnerable, touchy and emotional.
  4. Green. Children with green irises are born only to parents with light eyes. According to statistics, residents of Iceland and Turkey have the most green-eyed children. These kids are very demanding, persistent and stubborn - real leaders!
  5. Brown. If a baby is genetically programmed to have brown eyes, he will be born with a dark gray iris, which will change its shade to a brown tone closer to six months. Such children are distinguished by excessive activity, a cheerful disposition, shyness and hard work.

How to determine the final eye color of babies?

To determine the final eye color of the baby, genetic scientists have compiled a table, but its calculations are quite arbitrary. There is always a chance that the genes of some great-grandmother will manifest themselves - it’s rare, but it still happens. Therefore, this table should not be considered as the ultimate truth; it just clearly shows how genetic predisposition can affect the eye color of a little person.

Video about child's eye color

In what cases can there be eyes of different colors?

Very rarely there are pathologies of eye color that distinguish us from other people. They appear from birth and are visible almost immediately.

  1. Albinism. In this case, we are talking about the complete absence of the melanin pigment, as a result of which the eyes acquire a red tint. The main reason lies in the fact that the vessels of the iris are visualized. This pathology is very rare in humans.
  2. Aniridia. This is also a congenital anomaly, which is characterized by the absence of the iris, complete or partial, which directly affects vision. In most cases, this is inherited, and visual acuity is quite low.
  3. Heterochromia. Another hereditary pathology is when the eyes are of different colors. A child may have one eye brown and the other gray or blue. But there may be other options. This mutation does not affect vision or other functions in any way.

Do diseases affect changes in eye color?

Previously, it was believed that if the shade of the iris changed, this certainly indicated that a person had some kind of disease. But research has refuted this theory. However, there are diseases that actually change eye color.

  1. Wilson-Konovalov disease. This disease can be diagnosed in young children and is a metabolic disorder that affects the nervous system. As a result, the ring around the iris of the eye becomes pronounced and distinct.
  2. Diabetes. Eye color can change only if the disease is severe - the iris becomes red-pink. The reason is the formation of blood vessels that appear during the disease. But this does not affect visual acuity in any way.
  3. Melanoma. Any tumor provokes changes in the body, and eye color is no exception. If this disease is diagnosed, the eye color may change to a darker shade. For example, blue eyes can become almost blue.
  4. Anemia. When the body lacks iron, it affects many organs. It often happens that the eye color becomes a shade (or even two) lighter. For example, blue eyes can turn blue, and black eyes can change to a brown tone.

Does eye color affect visual acuity?

It is unknown where these assumptions came from, but for some reason many people believe that eye color is directly related to vision. Does the color of the iris really have any effect on dioptres? No evidence has been found for this. Any baby sees much weaker than an adult - this is explained by the fact that not all the organs of a newborn are sufficiently formed. Moreover: in the very first days of his life, the baby does not see anything at all, he only reacts to light. And only by a month or two or three he can already distinguish objects by 50%, after which his vision gradually becomes sharper.

What else affects the color of a baby’s iris?

Don’t be alarmed if you suddenly notice that the color of your baby’s eyes has become lighter or darker. Babies, like adults, react to external stimuli, which affects the shade of their iris. For example, if the baby’s gray eyes have brightened, this indicates that the child may be reacting this way to the weather (for example, bright sun or rain). If the color of the eyes has darkened, then it is possible that the baby is in pain. It also happens that the shade of a baby’s iris can become almost transparent - do not be alarmed by this. Your baby is simply calm, peaceful and in a relaxed state.

In contact with

Many parents wonder what color their future baby's eyes will be. The answer will not be so simple. Certain genes passed on to the child from the parents are responsible for eye color. The issues of their inheritance, even by modern science, have not been studied well enough to say for sure what facial and character traits a child will inherit from his mother and father.

The pigment melanin, which is located in the iris of the eye, is responsible for eye color. Melanin is also responsible for the color of our skin. Blue-eyed people have the least amount of this pigment, while people with brown eyes have the highest amount. People with different eye colors fall somewhere in between these two extremes. How much melanin will be contained in the iris of the eye depends on hereditary characteristics.

Simply put, a child inherits the genes of both parents, and their combination will determine what color the child’s eyes will be. The child's true eye color may not appear immediately. It is known that all children are born with blue (gray) or brown (black) eyes. If the baby's skin is light, then it is most likely that he will have blue eyes at birth; if the skin is dark, then the baby will be born with brown eyes. As the child grows, he will begin to produce more and more melanin, which will determine the real color of your child's eyes. This process can take about three years. Although, as observations show, most babies acquire their real eye color within six months after birth. It is absolutely possible that a child born with light eyes may become brown-eyed with age. Some people's eye color changes even after 20 years.

It is incorrect to say that brown-eyed parents can only give birth to a child with brown eyes. Medicine knows many examples of parents with dark eyes giving birth to children with blue eyes. Of course, the color of the father's and mother's eyes can predict the likely color of the baby's eyes, but one cannot be one hundred percent sure of this. The same can be said about green (or any other) color. If parents have the same eye color, this does not mean that your baby will have the same eyes.

probable options

1. The most common eye color on the planet is brown, and the rarest is green. Only three percent of the entire earth's population have green eyes. Half of Iceland's inhabitants have green eyes, the other half have blue eyes.

2. The most common eye color among Caucasian residents is blue. Behind him comes brown and gray.

3. Some famous people have eyes of different colors. David Bowie has one blue eye and one green eye. This difference was due to an accident. As a teenager, David was punched in the eye, resulting in a corneal injury. Now the singer complains that his sensitivity to color has almost been lost in one eye. Through his left eye he sees everything with brown tints.

3. Mila Kunis also has different eyes (green and light brown).

actress Mila Kunis suffers from heterochromia

4. Actress Kate Bosworth has both blue eyes, however, she has a brown patch at the bottom of her right eye.

Kate Bosworth

5. Alice Eve refers to people suffering from heterochrony. One of her eyes is green, the other is blue.

Alice Eve

The cause of this hereditary disease is not yet completely clear. However, as the example of David Bowie shows, one of the factors affecting eye color can be corneal injury.

The birth of a child is a small miracle. Even when the baby is growing in the womb, future parents, their closest relatives and friends are actively trying to predict what eye color the baby will have. Sometimes it happens that a child is born with light gray or blue eyes, although his mother and father are brown-eyed. But as the baby approaches one year of age, the baby’s eyes become dark. What is the reason for this phenomenon and how can we explain the presence of different eye colors in newborn babies?

What color are the eyes of newborns?

Eyes are the mirror of the soul. Any eye color is beautiful and has its own characteristics. In young children, the formation of the final eye color may occur during the first three years of life. But if you look at the parents and closest relatives of the baby, you can guess what color the eyes of the already grown-up child will be.

How the color of the iris is formed

During the intrauterine development of the fetus, as early as the eleventh week, the iris of the eye begins to form. It is she who determines what eye color the baby will have. The process of inheritance of iris color is very complex: several genes are responsible for it. Previously, it was believed that a mother and father with dark eyes had absolutely no chance of giving birth to a light-eyed baby, but recent studies have proven that this is not so.

Using this table you can guess the eye color of the unborn child.

The color and shade of the iris depends on two factors:

  • density of iris cells;
  • the amount of melanin in the child’s body.

Melanin is a special pigment produced by skin cells. It is responsible for the richness and intensity of the color of our skin, hair and eyes.

Accumulating in large quantities in the iris of the eye, melanin causes the formation of black, dark brown or brown colors. If it is not enough, children are born with blue, gray and green eyes. People with a complete absence of melanin in their bodies are called albinos.

There is a misconception that all young children are born blue-eyed. In fact, this is not always the case. A baby is born with a certain density of cells in the iris and the amount of melanin in it set by nature, so the eyes appear light. In the process of maturation, growth and development of a child’s body, this pigment accumulates in the iris, due to which a different eye color is formed. Thus, the phenomenon of a baby’s blue eyes turning dark and even black is quite easy to explain. Do not forget that many children are immediately born with brown eyes.

Yellow and green eyes

Green and yellow eyes are a consequence of a small amount of melanin in the iris. The shade of the eyes is also determined by the presence of lipofuscin pigment in the first layer of the iris. The more it is, the brighter the eyes. Green eyes have minor inclusions of this substance, which causes variability in their shades.

The green color of a child's eyes develops closer to the second year of life.

Yellow eyes, contrary to popular rumors, are not an anomaly. Very often, yellow-eyed babies appear from brown-eyed parents. In most cases, this eye color darkens as they get older, but some children remain with yellow eyes for the rest of their lives.

Yellow eye color in an adult is very rare throughout the world

There are several interesting facts about green and yellow eyes. For example, women are more likely to have green irises than men. During the Middle Ages, green-eyed women were considered witches and burned at the stake according to ancient superstitions - perhaps this explains such a small number of people with green eyes at the present time. Yellow eyes are extremely rare, occurring in less than two percent of the world's population. They are also called “eyes of the tiger”.

Red eyes

Red eye color in a child is a sign of a serious genetic disease called albinism. Albinos have practically no melanin pigment: this is the reason for their snow-white skin, hair and red or colorless eyes.

Albinos have red eyes

The reddish tint of the iris is due to the fact that blood vessels are visible through it in the light. Albinism is a rather serious pathology, and a lot of effort will have to be made to raise such a child. You will need to use special glasses and protective creams, and also regularly show your growing baby to a pediatrician.

Melanin, which albinos lack so much, provides protection from sun rays. That is why the white skin of these people instantly burns in the sun. The risk of developing malignant neoplasms in such children is much higher than in others.

It is noteworthy that this pathology is not a mutation, but a consequence of a genetic lottery: the distant ancestors of both parents of a person born with red eyes once suffered from a lack of melanin. Albinism is a recessive trait and can appear only if two identical genes meet.

Albinism is often combined with other congenital malformations: cleft lip, bilateral deafness and blindness. Albinos often suffer from nystagmus - abnormal movements of the eyeball that occur without their intention.

Blue and blue eyes

Blue eyes in newborns occur due to the low density of cells in the outer layer of the iris, as well as due to the low content of melanin in it. Low-frequency light rays completely disappear in the back layer of the iris, and high-frequency rays are reflected from the front, as if from a mirror. The fewer cells in the outer layer, the brighter and more saturated the baby’s eye color will be.

About ninety-five percent of the population of Estonia and Germany before World War II had blue eyes. Blue eyes are more sensitive to light. When a blue-eyed person is happy or scared, their eyes may change color.

Blue eyes can change their shade depending on the lighting

Eyes are blue when the cells in the outer layer of the iris are more dense than in blue and also have a grayish tint. Most often, blue and blue eyes can be found in people of the Caucasian race. But there are also exceptions.

People with blue eyes are less susceptible to the tearing effect of onions when peeling them. Most blue-eyed people live in the northern parts of the world. Blue eyes are a mutation that arose more than ten thousand years ago: all blue-eyed people are very distant relatives of each other.

Gray and dark gray eyes

The mechanism for the formation of dark gray and gray eye colors does not differ from blue and dark blue. The amount of melanin and cell density of the iris is slightly greater than that of blue eyes. It is believed that a child who is born with gray eyes can subsequently acquire either a lighter or darker shade. We can say that gray eyes are a transition point between these two shades.

Gray eyes can often be found in babies

Black and brown eyes

Those with black and brown eyes can boast the largest amount of melanin in their irises. This eye color is the most common in the world. Black or “agate” eyes are widespread among the peoples of Asia, the Caucasus and Latin America. It is believed that initially all people on earth had the same amount of melanin in the iris and were brown-eyed. Completely black eyes, in which it is impossible to distinguish the pupil, occur in less than one percent of the population.

There are more brown-eyed people in the world

Very often, children with brown eyes have dark hair, eyebrows and eyelashes, as well as a dark skin tone. Dark-eyed blondes are a rarity these days.

There is a laser operation with which it is possible to remove part of the pigment and brighten the eyes: the Japanese widely use this method. In ancient times, it was believed that people with brown eyes could see well in the dark, which allowed them to hunt at night.

Multicolored eyes

Different colored eyes are a very rare phenomenon, a genetic mutation called heterochromia. This is due to a change in the gene structure that encodes the pigment melanin: due to this, the iris of one eye receives a little more melanin, and the other - a little less. This mutation does not affect vision in any way, so heterochromia is an absolutely safe phenomenon.

There are several types of multi-colored eyes:

Multi-colored eyes are not a sign of any disease, but a rather interesting and unusual phenomenon that makes the child unique and inimitable in its own way. Many Hollywood stars also had a similar “defect”, which they turned into their highlight.

Famous people with heterochromia:

  • David Bowie;
  • Kate Bosworth;
  • Mila Kunis;
  • Jane Seymour;
  • Alice Eve.

How is a baby's eye color determined?

As you know, the color of a baby's eyes can have different shades. Depending on conditions, mood, weather and even time of day, it may undergo some changes. Various diseases, stress and injuries can permanently change the color of a child’s iris, which is due to the complex processes of healing and restoration of the structure of the eyeball.

When blue-eyed babies cry, their eyes turn aqua

The following factors can cause changes in eye color:

  • long crying;
  • natural or artificial lighting;
  • weather;
  • the color of the clothes the baby wears;
  • infectious diseases of the eyeball and eyelids;
  • child nutrition;
  • lack of sleep;
  • eyeball injuries.

How can you correctly determine the color of a child’s eyes? Wait until your baby is in a good-natured mood: full, happy and cheerful. Bring the baby closer to the light source and look carefully at his eyes. Most often it is very difficult to distinguish between blue and green shades. The difference between them is most noticeable in natural daylight.

If you want to at least roughly determine the eye color of an unborn baby, you should contact a geneticist. He will draw up a pedigree for you, taking into account the color of the iris of your closest relatives. You must come to the appointment with your spouse and photographs of the baby’s grandparents.

Video: inheritance of a child’s eye color depending on the eye color of his relatives

When do newborns' eyes change color?

Typically, the final shade of the iris is formed by the third year of a child’s life. Sometimes there may be exceptions when eye color forever remains the same as at birth, or changes again during puberty. According to some studies, people who are initially born with dark eyes are much less likely to change iris color throughout their lives. In newborns with light and rare eye shades, the formation of the final color occurs much later.

Table: change in eye color of a newborn child depending on his age

When the color of the whites of the eyes indicates pathology

The white of the eye, otherwise called the sclera, is a unique indicator of the condition of a person’s internal organs. Normally, the sclera is completely white and resembles boiled chicken protein, which is where its second name comes from. And it also has on its surface tiny capillaries that carry arterial and venous blood. A change in the color of the eyeball directly indicates a pathology in the body.

Red whites of eyes

If your baby's eyes are red, this may indicate several types of pathological processes occurring in his body. However, do not be too frightened or panic: in most cases, the redness goes away within a few days with proper use of eye drops.

Redness of the eyes indicates corneal irritation

Causes of redness of the white of the eye:

  • ARVI and colds;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • pollution;
  • barley formation;
  • protein damage: scratch or blow;
  • inflammation of the ciliary sacs.

If your baby is restless, constantly tries to touch his eye, or has a fever, you should immediately consult a doctor. If the treatment of this disease does not require special means, you will need to buy special children's drops and put them in the eyes of the crumbs three times a day. If more serious pathologies associated with protein infection are present, the child will be prescribed an antibiotic and eye ointments.

Yellow whites of eyes

When a newborn baby has a yellow color of the sclera, skin and mucous membranes, we should talk about jaundice. This type of pathology is very common in premature babies, as well as in babies whose mother had an Rh conflict.

The yellow color of the baby's skin and whites of the eyes is associated with excess bilirubin

Rh conflict is a situation that occurs when the Rhesus of a woman and a man are incompatible, as a result of which an Rh-negative mother carries an Rh-positive child.

The baby's jaundice is caused by the presence in his blood of a large amount of a special enzyme called bilirubin. The more of it in the body, the more intense the color. Bilirubin appears due to increased destruction of blood cells in the baby's liver. This is due to the fact that when the baby was in the mother’s body, it had a completely different hemoglobin (the protein that carries oxygen to the cells of the body). At birth, infant hemoglobin is replaced by adult hemoglobin, which is associated with disruption of adaptation mechanisms, destruction of blood cells and the formation of jaundice. This condition usually resolves within a few days without treatment.

If a woman with Rh-conflict had a rather difficult pregnancy and had significant complications and pathologies, there is a risk of developing a more severe form of jaundice. Usually, after birth, such children are taken to intensive care, where all the necessary measures are taken to restore balance in the body. The duration of treatment for neonatal jaundice ranges from two to six months.

Blue whites of eyes

Children who are born with blue or bluish whites of their eyes are carriers of a serious genetic disorder called Lobstein van der Heeve syndrome. This is a rather complex and multifactorial disease that affects the connective tissue, visual apparatus, hearing organs and skeletal system. Such a baby will be treated in the hospital for a long time, but will not be able to completely get rid of the pathology.

Blue sclera syndrome is a severe genetic pathology

This genetic anomaly is dominant: a person with this disease will give birth to a sick child. Fortunately, the syndrome is quite rare: one case in sixty to eighty thousand babies per year.

Main clinical manifestations of the syndrome:

  • bilateral hearing impairment associated with underdevelopment of the internal auditory canal and auditory ossicles;
  • frequent bone fractures and ligament ruptures: the connective tissue membrane is not able to withstand pressure, and even a minor blow can lead to serious injury;
  • the blue color of the eyeballs is due to the fact that the thin sclera, transmitting rays of light through itself, reflects the pigment of the iris;
  • significant visual impairment directly depends on scleral pathologies.

Unfortunately, since the disease is a violation of the genetic structure, it is not possible to completely cure it. Doctors usually prescribe symptomatic treatment, which is aimed at reducing the intensity of the main manifestations. And also, once the child reaches a certain age, it is possible to carry out operations that will help restore vision and hearing. Parents of such a baby should be extremely careful not to accidentally cause fractures or other injuries.

Thanks to the achievements of modern medicine and genetics, it is possible to determine the color of your baby’s eyes even before birth. Of course, these results will only be approximate. The inheritance and formation of the color of the iris is a rather complex and interesting process. However, for most parents it doesn’t matter at all what color their newborn’s eyes will be, as long as the child grows and develops without any diseases or pathologies. If you notice that the color of your baby’s eyeballs is different from the norm, you should immediately contact your pediatrician and endocrinologist.

The most interesting thing for future parents is to think whether the baby will be a girl or a boy, whose nose the baby will have and what kind of eyes he will have - blue, like his mother's, brown, like his grandfather's, or maybe green, like his great-grandmother's? With gender, it’s somehow simpler; on an ultrasound, if the mother wants, they will most likely tell who will be born, but what about eye color? After all, I can’t wait to imagine how the baby will be born! With appearance, everything is not so simple, but the “mirror of the soul”... You can guess the color of the child’s eyes. A table for determining the shade of the iris exists and will help with this.

Newborn's eyes

What color the baby's eyes will be is determined in the first trimester of pregnancy, or more precisely towards its end, in the eleventh week. But almost without exception, babies are born with only occasionally dark-eyed newborns. This does not mean that the color will not change. By about a year, sometimes even by three to five, the eyes become the way nature intended them, or, if you want, which genes predominate in the baby. The child's eye color changes just in time for this period of life, starting from 6-9 months. Only in brown-eyed people will it become permanent in the first months. It happens that a baby is born with eyes of different colors. This phenomenon occurs in approximately one percent of cases out of a hundred and is called heterochromia.

Melanin, which is responsible for the color of the eyes and is released when exposed to light, is simply not produced in the mother’s tummy. This explains why all newborns have the same. So, don’t torture yourself trying to discern the color of your beloved baby’s eyes. Be patient, you will soon see what the baby is like.

Child's eye color and genetics

Many people remember how they said in biology classes that brown eye color dominates the rest. This, of course, is true, but even if the eyes of both mothers and fathers are the same, there is still a small chance of giving birth to a child with green eyes or a blue iris. So put jealousy aside, turn on your brains and begin to figure out why, what and why. It’s no secret that some couples break up precisely because brown-eyed parents give birth to a bright-eyed child.

Of course, relying on science, you can understand genetics. After all, it is she who gives the answer to the question of what eye color the child will have. There is an agreement that eyes, like hair, are inherited according to the principle of the predominance of genes responsible for dark color. Gregor Mendel, a scientist-monk, discovered this law of inheritance more than a hundred years ago. For example, with dark parents the children will most likely be the same, but with light parents it will be the other way around. A child born from people with different phenotypes may be average in hair and eye color - between both. Naturally, there are exceptions, but these are rare.

Determining eye color

Everything described above can be presented in table form. Using it, everyone will presumably determine the color of the baby’s eyes.

How to determine the eye color of your unborn child. Table
parents eye colorbaby eye color
browngreen browngreen
++ 75% 18,75% 6,25%
+ + 50% 37,5% 12,5%
+ + 50% 0% 50%
++ 75% 25%
+ + 0% 50% 50%
++ 0% 1% 99%

It is not difficult to understand what the child’s eye color will be. The table according to which this can be done confirms Mendel’s law, but the same exceptions to the rules remain in the form of an insignificant percentage. No one knows what nature will do.

By the way, the fact that dark color is dominant at the genetic level has led to the predominance of brown-eyed people throughout the world. According to some reports, the child will not have light eye color at all in the future.

Blue-eyed people, according to scientists, did not exist at all ten thousand years ago. Everyone with this iris shade has the same ancestor, according to researchers.

Has fewer people than any other. Due to the fact that only every fiftieth inhabitant has this shade, at different times and among different peoples, according to tradition, they were either burned at the stake, or praised and treated with respect, endowed with witchcraft abilities in both cases. And even today people with brown eyes hear that they have an evil eye and can put the evil eye on someone.

Among the various variations of the three main shades of the iris, it is very rare to find people with red eyes from blood vessels. Although they look unpleasant and even scary, they are not to blame for the fact that they were born albinos. Melanin, due to which the irises of the eyes differ in color, is practically absent in such people.

Eyes are the mirror of the soul

And one more interesting fact, some people paid attention to it, some didn’t, but the eye color of most, if not all, light-eyed people changes depending on their mood, well-being, color of clothing, and in stressful situations.

The color of a child’s eyes is no exception. The table above will not tell you about this, and there are no specific rules here. Everything is individual. Basically, when the baby is hungry, the eyes darken. and is capricious - they become cloudy. If she cries, the color is closer to green, and when she is happy with everything, the color is closer to blue. Maybe this is why they say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul.

Many parents of the unborn baby and their relatives try to determine the color of the child’s eyes. The table created for this helps them, of course. But it’s more important that the baby is born healthy. And it is much more interesting to watch how the baby will change and what his eyes, nose, hair will become, and not know in advance. The little one will grow up, and you will see whether he is bright-eyed or vice versa.



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs