After blepharoplasty, a glassy look. Rehabilitation after blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids by day

Many patients are in a hurry to evaluate changes in their appearance almost immediately after plastic surgery, without taking into account the rate of resorption of edema, hematomas and the individual characteristics of healing of injured tissue. Meanwhile, such intermediate results can cause serious stress for an impressionable person.

Eyes of different sizes after blepharoplasty are a frequent cause for concern during the rehabilitation period. Typically, this condition is caused by changes in the shape or relative position of the eyelids, and this can be either an absolute norm or a complication. Is it worth sounding the alarm at the sight of any irregularities and preparing for a repeat operation? We read the material on the site and act as necessary:

Reasons for the development of eyelid asymmetry

The situation when during the first weeks and even months after blepharoplasty one eye is wider and the other is narrower is quite common. Behind the external manifestation of the problem there may be a number of reversible and irreversible changes in tissues:

  • The main and most common cause of differences in the size and/or shape of the palpebral fissures is postoperative swelling. In the case of eyelid surgery, they are quite durable and can dissolve for up to six months, and sometimes even longer. Uneven accumulation of fluid in the area of ​​the right and left eyes almost always leads to the fact that either the eyelids are at different heights, or their shape is deformed, or the incision on one side becomes narrower than on the other. But as the swelling subsides, the eyes will also return to normal and the problem will resolve itself.

More serious factors that may require additional corrective procedures and sometimes reoperation:

  • The appearance of a persistent Due to severe swelling, it is almost always present to one degree or another in the first months of rehabilitation, but normally should gradually go away. Unfortunately, sometimes this does not happen completely, and if ptosis still persists within ~6 months after the operation, it will not go away by itself.
  • Uneven facial expressions, when the muscles on one side are more developed than on the other - this feature could have been present for a long time and became more noticeable after surgery, or developed already during the recovery period (for example, as a result of the ptosis described above).
  • Uneven structure of the facial part of the skull, and this applies to both soft tissues and bone structures. In this case, a slight difference in the size or shape of the eyes was likely noticeable before surgery, but became much more obvious after surgery.
  • The formation of rough scars that unnecessarily tighten the tissues of the eyelids or change the shape of the palpebral fissure. An interesting fact: the slight, barely noticeable difference between the height of the upper eyelid folds may be due to which hand the surgeon uses. Right-handed people make a slightly less careful cut on the left side, and vice versa - but if the scarring proceeds without complications, from the outside everything will look perfectly smooth.
  • Surgeon errors during the preparation and conduct of the operation: excision of too much or insufficient amount of skin, injury to muscle fibers or tendons, careless suturing, etc.

Complication or not? How long does it take for your eyes to return to normal?

The speed at which tissue repair occurs after injury varies from person to person. However, there is a practice-tested general rehabilitation scheme that you can follow and, in case of obvious deviation from it, consult with your plastic surgeon:

The first 10-14 days after surgery

During this period, it is better not to look at yourself in the mirror at all. Tissue swelling goes away slowly and unevenly. Hematomas are “blooming” with might and main. The seams on the eyelids can be located at different levels, once again emphasizing the differences in eye sizes. However, all these troubles are not considered a deviation from the physiological norm. There are no reasons for frustration or tears: most likely the reason is asymmetrical swelling. Factors contributing to its appearance:

  • sleep lying on your side or on your back with your head turned to one side;
  • anatomical features of the location of veins and lymphatic vessels, which determines different rates of outflow of excess fluid from tissues;
  • uneven tissue damage, resulting in more swelling on one side;
  • bending over, lifting weights;
  • non-compliance with doctor's recommendations regarding drinking regime.

Period from 2 weeks to 2 months after eyelid surgery

In the second or third week, swelling begins to actively resolve. This does not mean that the palpebral fissures will immediately acquire ideal symmetry. But normally, the eyelids should gradually level out. If the right eye becomes more and more similar to the left, the excess fluid leaves, and there are no large folds or ridges on the skin around it, then everything is fine, you just need to be patient and allow the tissues to fully recover.

By the end of the second month, it becomes finally clear whether the asymmetry was caused by edema or other reasons that can lead to the formation of a permanent defect. If the result at this stage of the rehabilitation period is not satisfactory, you need to contact your plastic surgeon to:

  • Get checked for more serious complications ( signs of ptosis, problems with facial muscles, etc.);
  • If everything turns out to be in order, get recommendations regarding the care of your eyelids.

Typically, manual and physical therapy procedures are prescribed to speed up the healing process. But you shouldn’t start doing eyelid massage on your own or sign up for hardware cosmetology at a salon. Such amateur activities can, at best, not produce results, and at worst, even cause harm. It is advisable for the cosmetologist to work closely with your plastic surgeon, then the result will be more predictable.

Period from 2 to 6 months after plastic surgery

It is at this time that it finally becomes clear - either the operation was successful, or the eyes will remain different: one is wider, the other is narrower. The following conditions are considered problematic:

  • unequal eye shape: for example, one is almond-shaped and the other is round, or one slit is significantly narrower than the other;
  • the upper or lower eyelids are located at different levels, or on one side they do not fit tightly to the eyeball, do not open or do not close completely;
  • the fold above the ciliary edge of the upper eyelid is deeper or located clearly higher than on the other side;
  • the eyes on one side look more swollen than the other, there are skin deformations around that are not present on the eyelids on the opposite side;
  • there are visible or tactile lumps in the operated area;
  • at rest, the eyelids are the same, but when smiling, a clear asymmetry is visible: on one side the size or shape of the eye changes, skin folds appear.

At the same time, any conclusions should be drawn no earlier than after 4-6 months. In order to assess the real significance of the defect, it is necessary to take a number of photographs in different lighting and from different angles, experiment with decorative cosmetics and ask questions to close people whose objectivity there is no doubt about.

Methods for correcting eyelid asymmetry after blepharoplasty

If you have any concerns or questions regarding the results of your surgery, you should contact your plastic surgeon, get their recommendations, and follow them strictly. If there are reasonable doubts about the qualifications of the operating doctor, you can contact another, more authoritative specialist.

Depending on the reasons for the defect and how severe it is, an appropriate correction method is selected - from decorative cosmetics to repeated surgery. The most effective are considered:

  • Massage. Manual or hardware treatment of the face and eyelids allows you to restore muscle tone and accelerate the outflow of venous blood and lymph. This helps eliminate swelling, remove toxic waste products from the body, which are formed in excess in injured tissues, and provides an influx of oxygen and nutrients, which accelerates healing. It is only important not to prescribe such procedures yourself, but to agree on their type and frequency with the surgeon: a lot depends on the individual characteristics of the body and how the rehabilitation proceeds.
  • . This physiotherapy procedure is most often used when it is necessary to tone muscles and restore their activity. In the case of blepharoplasty, it will help if the difference in the size or width of the eyes is due to uneven facial expressions or unsuccessful scarring, since currents promote the resorption of fibrous tissue.
  • . Botulinum toxin injections allow you to even out the tone of the facial muscles that move the eyelids of the right and left eyes. This is a good alternative to surgical correction if the asymmetry is not very pronounced and is caused precisely by different muscle activity on different sides of the face.
  • . Unfortunately, this is not such a rare thing among those who once decided on blepharoplasty. Almost always allows you to solve problems caused by rough scarring and restore the symmetrical shape of the palpebral fissures. It is much more difficult to correct defects associated with the removal of excess skin. Only experienced doctors can be trusted to perform such an operation, since the likelihood of developing new complications (non-closure or scars, etc.) increases. And the repeated intervention itself is technically always much more difficult than the first.

However, before you think about correction and, moreover, go under the scalpel, you need to determine for yourself whether the eye is actually “somehow different” and the asymmetry is really noticeable to others, or whether the problem is more psychological, associated with inflated expectations and an overly emotional assessment of the result.

Experts' opinions:

In my practice, such a situation has not arisen after the rehabilitation period, but immediately after surgery it can arise due to varying degrees of swelling. To get rid of this condition as soon as possible, there is a set of measures that can effectively resolve the issue, including physical therapy. True, it is necessary to take into account that there is congenital asymmetry, which is really noticeable, but in some cases it can also be corrected.

During the first month after surgery, the difference in eye size can be considered normal. For everything to go well, you must strictly follow all recommendations and do not skip secondary examinations, because... the surgeon keeps the rehabilitation process under control. If at the end of the recovery period there is no positive dynamics, then this is a complication. The first thing the patient should do in this case is to contact his doctor to determine the causes and find a solution. It can be different: revision blepharoplasty, canthoplasty or other types of surgical intervention.

Plastic surgeon, candidate of medical sciences

Eyes of different sizes occur due to inadequate surgical intervention or very asymmetrical facial variations. I believe that first of all you need to choose the right surgeon who has been performing these operations for many years and knows how to do it in order to avoid such a result. Otherwise, the intervention will have to be repeated, which greatly complicates the correction of the consequences.

Plastic surgeon, Doctor of Medical Sciences

Usually, in any person, the eyeball is more recessed on one side, and more protruding on the other and visually appears larger - this is the norm. After upper eyelid surgery, the difference sometimes becomes even more noticeable. Another significant factor is that after the operation the patient examines herself longer and more closely in front of the mirror and finds that asymmetry that she did not notice before. A less pleasant option is that if too much skin around the eyes is removed, then the difference in the depth of their seating may be amplified. And this, unfortunately, is already irreparable.

Leading plastic surgeon at Frau Klinik

Initially, both our skull as a whole and our eyes in particular are asymmetrical. However, almost no patient notices this. After surgery, a difference may appear due to closer attention to the area, as well as the inevitable swelling. In general, the rehabilitation period takes about 6 months, during which time there may be various complaints about the area of ​​surgery that do not require additional intervention. Different eyes are considered a complication if the asymmetry is caused by improperly performed blepharoplasty. In some cases, correction is possible, but its feasibility can only be determined individually, during a face-to-face appointment.

Interesting and important material on the topic: “wrinkles remain after blepharoplasty” with a full description and accessible language.

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    Many patients, seeking help from a plastic surgeon, expect miracles. But modern methods of plastic surgery have their limitations. For example, blepharoplasty is not able to eliminate absolutely all age-related changes. This must be taken into account so as not to be disappointed in the result. If the patient expects that after blepharoplasty the wrinkles around the eyes will disappear or the eyebrow line will rise, he will be disappointed. Blepharoplasty has a slightly different task. But if you use additional anti-aging procedures in parallel, the effect will be greater.

    The main task of blepharoplasty is to remove excess skin and fatty tissue from the eyelid area. This allows you to remove bags under the eyes, make the look more open.

    What is not included in the tasks of blepharoplasty, what should not be expected from this operation?

    It is best to ask your plastic surgeon to explain in detail what changes will be made before deciding to have surgery. The surgeon will explain what changes blepharoplasty can make in your case (this depends on both age and individual skin characteristics). You will clearly imagine the outcome of the operation and will not dream of the impossible.

    Photos before and after blepharoplasty. Plastic surgeon Osin Maxim Aleksandrovich

    Interestingly, misconceptions about blepharoplasty sometimes work in the opposite direction: potential patients think that the surgery will not help them. A common stereotype is to consider blepharoplasty as an age-related operation. In fact, this operation is also indicated for young patients who have excess skin or fat deposits in the eyelid area, read more here. Blepharoplasty, in particular, allows you to eliminate bags under the eyes, and this problem is observed even in people of a fairly young age.

    Blepharoplasty, with a thoughtful choice of clinic, specialists and proper care, gives truly wonderful results: it will get rid of drooping eyelids, eliminate bags under the eyes, remove asymmetry and congenital skin defects, and help bring your appearance to perfection. It is enough to follow simple rules and a healthy lifestyle.

    How long does rehabilitation last after blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids?

    Rehabilitation after plastic surgery of the upper and lower eyelids occupies a special place and completely depends on the patient himself.

    Eyelid correction is one of the operations that is characterized by low risk, where complications are not foreseen and they occur very rarely. However, in any case, this is an operation that has its own rehabilitation period, and it lasts up to 2 weeks.

    Rehabilitation after blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids can last a long time; to shorten this period, you must adhere to certain rules

    You can reduce the rehabilitation period by following all the surgeon’s instructions to 10 days. There are also circumstances that aggravate the situation.

    Factors that can increase the recovery period include:

    • patient age over 45 years;
    • passion for smoking, alcohol;
    • genetic features of skin structure (for example, thick skin);
    • predisposition to edema;
    • personal characteristics due to the individual structure of the skin around the eyes (for example, nearby thin blood vessels).

    All this should be discussed with your doctor before surgery.

    In general, rehabilitation after blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids can last about a month.

    Rehabilitation after blepharoplasty by day

    The healing process can be presented in the form of a table:

    Time after plastic surgery, in days Patient's condition Allowed actions Recommended Procedures
    1 There may be swelling around the eyes. Feeling sore. A trip home accompanied by a relative. Taking painkillers. Applying cold.
    2-3 Diplopia (double vision) is possible. Shower, wash your hair (only carefully, do not get water or detergents into your eyes). Antiseptic drops. Exercise for the eyes.
    3-5 Reducing swelling and diplopia. You can read (preferably books for a short time). Removal of sutures in the clinic (with the exception of self-absorbable sutures).
    5-6 Traces of hematoma (bleeding) and edema in rare cases. Visit to the clinic. The plasters (antiseptic stickers) are removed.
    7 Bruises and swelling are almost invisible. Return to normal life. You can go to permanent work. -
    7-10 Postoperative conditions after edema. Makeup is allowed. -
    10-14 Visually good. You can use lenses. Gradual physical training is acceptable. -
    40-60 Scars after surgery are invisible. Rehabilitation after blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids is completed. The effect is obvious. -

    Note: The table operates with average statistical indicators, and they may vary depending on individual characteristics and external conditions.

    Features of the first days of recovery after blepharoplasty

    Eyelid surgery is a non-traumatic type of surgery, therefore, there is no need for a hospital stay and constant medical supervision. After applying a special medical antiseptic patch, you can immediately return home.

    Preferably with a relative or friend. Since the eyelids are not fully open after the operation, the gaze is blurred and foggy, and walking on your own will not be very comfortable. An accompanying person will help you get home in the first few hours (or be prudent in calling a taxi).

    The pain of the procedure is minor. But if it is present, taking a mild pain reliever will help relieve pain. Applying cold will relieve swelling.

    Some actions may negatively affect further recovery, worsen the result of correction, Therefore, in the first days for better recovery, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

    • in no case Do not touch with your hands or rub the seams;
    • do not strain your eyes reading, give up PC, TV;
    • don't wear lenses;
    • track hygiene of the eye area;
    • dream on a sufficiently high pillow without tilting the head;
    • allowed wash your hair and body hygiene (shower) from the 2nd day after surgery, excluding water from entering the eyelid area;
    • observe water-salt balance – the body needs a moderate amount of salt and water;
    • the next day do special exercises prescribed by your doctor.

    After removing the stitches and bandages, the doctor prescribes an antiseptic ointment that accelerates healing.

    Features of subsequent rehabilitation after blepharoplasty

    In the early postoperative period (the first 2 weeks), swelling gradually subsides and the skin condition returns to normal.

    During this period, you should pay attention to caring not only for the eyelid area, but also for the eyes:

    • Necessarily continue doing eye exercises;
    • drip antiseptic drops (to avoid dryness);
    • protect eyes from bright light with glasses with tinted lenses;
    • abstain from physical activity (to prevent an increase in intraocular pressure).

    Apply antiseptic ointment until wounds and punctures are completely healed.

    Be careful: visiting a bathhouse, sauna, or swimming pool during the rehabilitation period after correction of the upper and lower eyelids is strictly prohibited.

    Natural consequences of upper and lower eyelid blepharoplasty

    Since plastic surgery is an operation that takes place under local anesthesia, The following conditions may occur:

    • moderate swelling;
    • increased skin sensitivity;
    • small bruises under the lower eyelids;
    • feeling of heaviness of the eyelids;
    • increased lacrimation;
    • or vice versa, dry eyes;
    • photophobia;
    • diplopia (double vision);
    • blurred vision.

    Do not panic: such consequences are natural and disappear within 2 weeks. It is very rare for all symptoms to appear at once. Most often, one or two symptoms from the list are identified. These are mainly diplopia and edema, which can remain for a long time. However, with the right approach and skin care, you can reduce the recovery time.

    How to reduce swelling after blepharoplasty

    Swelling (namely, the accumulation of excess fluid) causes not only cosmetic discomfort, but also turns out to be a medical problem. The procedures offered in beauty salons will help to significantly reduce local swelling: microcurrent, lymphatic drainage massage.

    Under the influence of pulsed current (microcurrent), nerve fibers are restored and the movement of blood and lymph improves, the complexion is evened out.

    Lymphatic drainage massage helps eliminate toxins and metabolites by improving the functioning of the lymphatic system (a lifting effect is obtained). Such procedures shorten the rehabilitation period.

    • cold herbal compresses with chamomile infusion;
    • maintaining heads during sleep in a slightly elevated position during the entire rehabilitation after plastic surgery of the upper and lower eyelids;
    • refusal from smoking, alcohol;
    • mixing to a minimum of physical and emotional stress.

    People prone to swelling (with renal failure, diabetes, vasculitis) need to avoid eating salty, smoked, spicy foods and strictly adhere to the advice of a nutritionist, include vegetables and fruits in the diet.

    How to speed up the healing of scars and bruises during the rehabilitation period after blepharoplasty

    After blepharoplasty, the appearance of bruises is common due to disruption of the blood circulation of the smallest capillaries and the accumulation of the corresponding fluid (blood, plasma). This is a natural microphysiological reaction of the body when injured.

    However, a prolonged state of swelling complicates blood circulation due to the pressure exerted on the walls of microvessels, preventing the rapid healing of sutures and wounds. You can reduce hematomas with the help of medications, cosmetics and folk remedies.

    Scars heal on their own and do not require special intervention. In a month they will turn into an almost imperceptible, light, thin strip. Mesotherapy, which is performed optionally after plastic surgery, will make the scars completely invisible.

    Medications: Lokoid, Lyoton are the most prescribed decongestants. The principle of their action is based on restoring skin receptors, reducing permeability and increasing vascular resistance. Prevents the formation of blood clots and eliminates inflammation. Lyoton-gel also has an analgesic effect. Effective even for upper eyelid blepharoplasty.

    Cosmetic preparations: (gel with retinol, gel with caffeine, cream with Chinese mushroom extract) - like all dietary supplements, are not medicines. They improve the overall condition of the skin and metabolic processes in the application area.

    Folk remedies: decoction of sage, chamomile, linden, juice of parsley leaves - used in the form of compresses and improve the condition due to a mild anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect.

    It is important to know: the use and use of any means is possible only after prior consultation and discussion with a doctor!

    Exercises and massage for eyelids after blepharoplasty

    During the entire rehabilitation period, it is necessary to pay attention to special exercises. They are aimed at restoring the functionality of the eyelids and additionally increase blood supply to the skin, returning lost tone to the eye muscles. All techniques are very simple and do not require special training.

    Perform eye exercises in the morning and evening:

    • move your gaze up, down, left, right, repeat 5-7 times;
    • blink for half a minute, raising your face up;
    • close your eyelids, open them wide, looking into the distance, repeat 5-7 times;
    • close the eyelids, use the index fingers to pull the skin from the temple to the sides, do 5-7 times;
    • with index fingers, fixing the edges of the eyelids from below, lift the eyelids up, simultaneously rolling the pupils, 5-7 times.

    Acupressure lymphatic drainage massage of the eyelids can be performed by lubricating your fingers with cream.

    Key points:

    • in the temple area;
    • along the edge of the lower eyelid to the inner part;
    • in the area of ​​the inner corner of the eye;
    • along the edge of the upper eyelid in the direction from the inside to the temple.

    All movements are performed with light pressure clockwise 10 times.

    What not to do during the rehabilitation period after blepharoplasty

    If you follow the advice of specialists and the above recommendations, rehabilitation after blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids goes smoothly, without complications.

    The only thing to focus on is not to subject the operated area to mechanical stress and not to disturb the suture line, to prevent the risk of infection, not to remove the bandages yourself and not to use untested skin care products.

    The use of decorative cosmetics in the first 2 weeks is contraindicated to avoid allergies and irritation. It is strictly forbidden to expose your face to strong heat and solar (solarium) procedures, wind, or frost.

    More and more often, women are using modern methods of rejuvenation, among which plastic correction plays an important role. The effect of blepharoplasty lasts for 10 years, and this is a unique chance to prolong youth and beauty.

    About blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids, before and after, watch in this video.

In 2014, I gave birth to a daughter, and two years later I didn’t recognize myself in the mirror. All this time I had a strict schedule: during the day I took care of the baby, at night I wrote and edited articles. And I don’t know what played a fatal role - eternal lack of sleep, fatigue, stress or hormone fluctuations (I suspect all at once) - but one fine day my appearance horrified me.

Due to sitting in front of the computer for a long time in the “straighten your back and take your hand away from your face” position, the oval of this very face sagged on both sides of the chin. Dark circles and hollows appeared under the eyes; not a single concealer hid them. On the upper eyelids there were overhanging folds, which gave the face a tired expression and made it difficult to apply makeup: eyeliner and shadows were instantly smeared. Moreover, nasolabial folds and creases were revealed.

I don’t want to look older than my 36 years, I don’t consider plastic surgery evil and I can’t stand reasoning in the spirit of “my wrinkles are my wealth.” Thank you, leave the wrinkles to yourself. And I’m going to the Beauty Time clinic for a consultation with a cosmetologist.

It turns out that the overhang of the eyelids cannot be removed either with Botox or with sculptural massage - only blepharoplasty. Dips under the eyes are successfully corrected by lipofilling. Self-massage and hardware lifting will help to tighten the skin of the lower part of the face, and fillers with hyaluronic acid will smooth out the nasolabial folds. All these procedures stretched out for me for almost six months, but the time was not wasted.

July. Blepharoplasty for drooping eyelid creases

Everything happened quickly. On Monday, I talked with a plastic surgeon - the chief physician of the clinic, Otari Gogiberidze. On Tuesday I took tests for local anesthesia: a general blood and urine test, a blood test for HIV, hepatitis and syphilis (if I had chosen general anesthesia, the list would have been longer, including an ECG and fluorography). And on Thursday I showed up for the operation.

I signed a bunch of documents, the anesthesiologist selected a drug for local anesthesia (I am allergic to lidocaine), the surgeon marked the incision lines on the upper eyelids with a marker, the contours for lipofilling on the lower eyelids, and explained how the operation would go. He also said that drooping eyelids are a genetic feature. And then it began - and... it ended very quickly. Excess skin was excised on the upper eyelids, after which sutures were placed that were invisible in the natural crease of the eyelid.

According to my feelings, the blepharoplasty lasted no more than half an hour (in fact, no). What happened on the operating table can be seen in the photo. I still can’t understand how our photographer Nastya managed to remain calm in the face of such manipulations - I myself was ready to faint while I was choosing frames for publication from this photo shoot.

Lipofilling against hollows under the eyes

The lipofilling procedure was performed immediately after blepharoplasty. They took fat tissue from my inner thighs using a blunt cannula, processed it, and then injected it into the area under my eyes. After finishing, strips were glued to the skin of the eyelids - thin sterile waterproof patches that secure the sutures. When the anesthesia wore off, surprisingly, I didn’t have any pain at all, I never even took a painkiller. And already 4 years after the operation, I was riding the subway home in dark glasses.

The next day the temperature rose slightly to 37.2 degrees, the eyelids were very swollen, so that only slits remained from the eyes. On the second day after the operation, the stitches were removed, the swelling decreased, but persisted for about a week. And for about a month there were cute little “pads” under the eyes, like Asian girls. I really liked them.

Eyelid skin before blepharoplasty (top) and five months after (bottom).

I wore the strip patches for nine days, and went to work in this form - those around me did not seem to notice anything, at least they reacted normally. I did not use cosmetics; instead of washing my face, I wiped the skin of the upper part of my face with chlorhexidine. I am incredibly pleased with the result: the upper eyelids are smooth and even, the skin around the eyes is light and dense, wrinkles have decreased. And eyeliner and shadows last from morning to evening. The scars on the crease of the eyelid still remain, but now, five months after the operation, they look twice as pale and thinner.

August. Thermolifting against sagging skin

About two weeks after blepharoplasty, I came to cosmetologist Tatyana Al Sabunchi to tidy up the sagging skin in the lower jaw area using infrared thermolifting using a Joule Sciton device with a Skin Tyte ll attachment. Here everything turned out to be simple: the eyes were protected with dark glasses, a conductor gel was applied to the skin of the lower part of the face, and a nozzle that shone like a Jedi sword was moved over the top. The whole process took about 20 minutes. During this time, infrared radiation warmed the skin so that the synthesis of collagen fibers in the dermis was activated.

During the procedure, a rather intense heat was felt, although the skin did not burn. Immediately after the session, the face turned slightly red, but after about an hour it returned to normal. I saw the lifting effect after about a month and a half: the skin was not much, but noticeably tightened and no longer hung like a bulldog. The oval of the face has become softer, the outline of the chin has become smoother.

December. Plasma injections for correction of nasolabial folds

All autumn I was attacked by seasonal dermatitis, and this condition is one of the contraindications for injections, so I had to wait with the correction of the nasolabial folds. The second contraindication turned out to be... the fillers themselves. At first, Tatyana Al Sabunchi planned to introduce a drug based on hyaluronic acid, but it contains lidocaine, so she decided not to risk it and proposed autologous cellular rejuvenation using the Swiss technology of Regen Lab. OK. And what is it?

The nurse takes blood from my vein. The test tube with blood is placed in a centrifuge, where the plasma is separated under the influence of centrifugal force. Based on it, an autogel is made, which Tatyana injects into my nasolabial folds and fine wrinkles just below the corners of my mouth. The filling of wrinkles is noticeable immediately after the injection of the drug (this can be seen in the photo) and a couple of days after. Then the volume decreases, but the work of restoration and rejuvenation begins to boil in the skin cells. It will continue for about a year: fibrous tissue will form in the area of ​​the wrinkle, and gradually the fold will become less noticeable.

First wrinkles may appear very early, first on the forehead or in the corners of the eyes. This is not yet withering of the skin, but simply a consequence of the activity of the facial muscles - the habit of wrinkling the forehead or squinting the eyes. With age, the soft tissues of the face, due to various reasons, including the effect of gravity (from the Latin gravitas heaviness), sag, sag, and subcutaneous fat is redistributed. At the same time, the contour of the face and neck is disrupted, eyebrows and eyelids begin to droop, the corners of the mouth droop and folds form. It is these complex changes that are an indication for contacting cosmetic surgeons. Cosmetic surgery today offers many options fight wrinkles, let's get to know some of them.


Word " lifting" comes from the English to lift - to lift or pull up. That is lifting, this is the same skin tightening that you can read about in advertising or hear from friends. Lifting- This elimination of wrinkles and folds as a result of stretching the skin and removing its excess. There are various options liftings. Their choice depends on the changes that the patient has, her requirements and expectations, and the surgeon’s opinion. When performing these operations, the surgeon makes skin incisions - in the scalp, in the natural folds of the skin, in front and behind the auricle, that is, where they will be least noticeable. Facelift May be full and limited. When completely eliminated wrinkles and folds of the buccal, temporal and neck regions. With a limited lift, “excess” skin is removed from the temporal or cheek areas. It is also possible to tighten deeper tissues - the superficial muscular aponeurotic system of the face (or abbreviated SMAS, in English it sounds like superficial mascula aponevrotic sustem), which can significantly improve the contour of the face. A facelift can be accompanied by correction of subcutaneous fat: liposuction, that is, removal of fat, often in the chin area, and, conversely, lipofilling - the introduction of fat grafts to the area where it is lacking. In recent years, endoscopic methods have become increasingly popular. liftings, in which the operation is performed through small incisions in the skin using special fiber optics. Optical magnification allows you to see the area being operated on in greater detail and allows for precise muscle dissection to eliminate forehead wrinkles and lift eyebrows. Endoscopic surgery is less traumatic and, therefore, has a shorter recovery period. This type of operation is especially indicated for women with thin, sparse hair who will not be able to hide a scar, albeit small. Liftings Most often performed under general anesthesia. Any aesthetic operation is accompanied by a postoperative period and requires a certain patience from the patient. The severity of swelling and bruising depends on individual characteristics and the complexity of the operation. Physiotherapeutic procedures, massage and drug treatment can shorten this period. Lifting not only eliminates signs of aging, but also prevents their occurrence. The result obtained lasts for 7-10 years, and sometimes longer. Carrying out maintenance procedures with cosmetologists-dermatologists and good cosmetic care will certainly prolong the result. Liftings More often performed on women after 40-50 years of age, sometimes earlier, when patients are highly demanding of their appearance.


The most vulnerable part of the face is the eyelids, and it is problems associated with this area that first bring women to cosmetic surgeons. Surgical methods for correcting wrinkles in the eyelid area include blepharoplasty(from blepharon - eyelid) or aesthetic eyelid surgery. This method helps eliminate excess sagging eyelid skin - “bags” and age-related wrinkles under the eyes. The presence of facial wrinkles in the area of ​​the corners of the eyes ("crow's feet") is not an indication for this operation. There are practically no age restrictions for blepharoplasty. The most common candidates for surgery are women aged 35-60 years. If “heavy eyelids” is a hereditary trait, surgical intervention is permissible at an earlier age. The operation consists of excision of so-called hernias - excess skin and tissue and is performed under local anesthesia. During the operation, it is possible to correct the corners of the eyes and eyebrows - to raise them, and also to reduce the depth of wrinkles in the area of ​​​​the outer corners of the eyes using myotomy - cutting the muscles in order to weaken them and, therefore, straighten the skin located above the muscles. For upper eyelid surgery, the incision is made along the natural fold of the skin; for lower eyelid surgery, the incision is made along the ciliary edge of the eyelid. Subsequently, after 1 - 2 months, the postoperative scar becomes invisible. Through the same incision, it is possible to lift the tissues of the zygomatic and infraorbital areas of the face and increase their volume at the request of the client. Operations on the upper eyelids can be done as many times as desired. Repeated operations on the lower eyelids are performed strictly for medical reasons. Blepharoplasty is a less extensive operation than lifting, so most of the swelling goes away in 4-5 days. Preliminary result blepharoplasty can be assessed within 1-2 weeks after surgery, while the final assessment can be made after several months, when complete healing and recovery occurs. Blepharoplasty can be supplemented with Botox procedures that eliminate fine wrinkles around the eyes or correction with biopolymer gel. After surgery, side effects may occur: redness of the eyes, sometimes dryness or excessive tearing, foreign body sensation, burning, itching, increased sensitivity to light. Prescribing eye drops with anti-inflammatory drugs leads to the rapid elimination of these manifestations. In addition, there may be an allergic reaction to the anesthetic, slight asymmetry in the scars, bruising, temporary difficulty closing the eyes, double vision, and pulling down of the lower eyelids, which will require additional intervention. Contraindications to surgical intervention are chronic diseases of the eyelids and conjunctiva - the mucous membrane covering the inner surface of the eyelids and part of the eyeball.

"Golden Threads"

About ten years ago in Russia, so-called “golden threads” began to be used to correct wrinkles and other age-related skin changes. The result of this operation, which is called reinforcement, is a rejuvenating effect. It is expressed in increasing the elasticity and firmness of the skin, and, consequently, in reducing the depth or eliminating wrinkles. Using a special needle, the doctor inserts a thin gold thread with a diameter of 0.1 mm under the skin of the face and neck, which is “accompanied” by a polyglycol thread. This absorbable polymer base is necessary to properly position the gold thread. The body responds to the insertion of the thread by forming new rows of collagen fibers around it, creating a “framework” that supports the muscles for many years. The use of gold is dictated by the fact that it does not cause allergies, does not oxidize, and does not cause a rejection reaction in the body. With maximum effect, this manipulation lasts up to 40 years. However, the best age for her is 30-38 years old, when the first signs of aging appear, but the reserve capacity of the skin is still great, and therefore the synthesis of collagen and elastin occurs at a fairly high level. Administration procedure golden threads lasts about 30-40 minutes under local or general anesthesia. After inserting the threads, the puncture site is fixed with a plaster for about a day. After the operation, the patient can go home the same day. During the recovery period, as well as after any surgical intervention, soft tissue swelling develops and hemorrhages appear, which disappear after 7-10 days. There are usually no other side effects. The first results are visible no earlier than 1.5-2 months: the complexion improves, wrinkles begin to smooth out, the skin becomes more elastic. After 6 months, you can evaluate the obvious results of rejuvenation. It should be noted that the rejuvenation effect increases over 2 years and can last 8-12 years depending on the characteristics of the body, age, and the initial condition of the skin. For some, the cosmetic effect of the operation is very pronounced and lasts a long time. Others need to combine reinforcement with other types of plastic surgery, gel, braces, etc.


The method of surgical correction of cosmetic defects using the patient’s fat cells is called lipofilling. It allows you to shape the contour of the face, fill folds in the bridge of the nose, corners of the mouth and under the eyes, smooth out wrinkles between the eyebrows, and correct retracted scars. In addition, this is one of the most optimal methods for correcting post-traumatic skin defects. First, in the area of ​​excess fat, usually on the thighs, a puncture is made in the skin and the fatty substrate is sucked out with a thin tube connected to a syringe. Then it is injected into the area to be corrected. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. It should be taken into account that after 6 months the volume of adipose tissue will partially decrease, so if necessary, the procedure can be repeated. After the procedure, swelling may be observed, the peak of which occurs on the second or third day. By the sixth to eighth days the swelling completely disappears. As a rule, there are no bruises. The result obtained is saved forever. Lipofilling Contraindicated for those who suffer from diabetes mellitus or diseases associated with impaired blood supply. In such diseases, the transferred fat cells often die. Therefore, the desired result will not occur. The patient can go home on the same day of surgery, although her social activity may be limited, since the postoperative period is usually accompanied by swelling and hemorrhage.

Gel injections

Another method of treating wrinkles is the introduction of various materials into the skin in the form of a gel using injections. All drugs used for these purposes can be divided into two large groups: long-acting - more than two years, and short-acting - up to two years. Long-acting drugs are called " biogels", implying their bioinertness (the property of a substance not to interact with body tissues). They do not undergo resorption-bioresorption and retain their volume for a long time. Biogels are used to correct only deep wrinkles and folds in the bridge of the nose, corners of the mouth, and nasolabial folds. Most short-acting materials are derivatives of hyaluronic acid. They replenish the missing volume in the wrinkle area and stimulate collagen formation, eliminating one of the causes of wrinkle formation. In addition, preparations with hyaluronic acid are used to correct the shape and volume of the lips, nose, and scars. The preparations are available in varying degrees of viscosity, which makes it possible to treat both fine wrinkles and folds. Repeated administrations are repeated as necessary after 6-12 months. The possibility of a single injection of a non-absorbable substance is very attractive to patients. However, we must take into account the fact that the face is not a frozen system and after some time, under the influence of muscle contractions, the biogel may end up in a different place. In addition, some types of gel promote the formation of granulomas - seals. Today aesthetic surgery has a large arsenal of methods and capabilities, the use of which allows you to achieve significant results. Age-related changes in appearance, being a complex process, require an integrated approach when solving rejuvenation problems, in the cooperation of specialists from different fields: plastic surgeons, dermatologists, endocrinologists, gynecologists. This is the key to successfully achieving the desired result.

Age-related changes in appearance are an inevitable reality for every person. The eyes are no exception and undergo strong metamorphoses over the years. The once attractive, youthful and open look ceases to be as attractive and expressive as in youth. Eyelids tend to become heavy and droop, bags and dark circles appear in the area under the eyes, and a network of expression wrinkles permeates the skin around the eyes. There are other situations when a person wants to change, for example, the shape of the eyes or their shape, remove the fold on the upper eyelid that is inherent in the Asian type of appearance, or simply change their appearance in order to achieve the ideal of beauty.

In addition, in some cases it is necessary to get rid of the consequences of injuries and accidents and restore your previous appearance. Also, some diseases, such as entropion, require the help of a plastic surgeon. In any of the above situations, sooner or later a person decides to resort to eye blepharoplasty. This is a plastic surgery that helps remove sagging skin on the eyelids and distribute fatty tissue evenly over both eyelids to give them a new shape, rejuvenate the look or change the shape of the eyes.

Must be prescribed by a doctor

It must be remembered that eye blepharoplasty is prescribed only by a surgeon. Age-related changes in appearance are not considered the main indication for this operation. Sometimes even young people may need this surgical procedure, for example, in the case of a hereditary predisposition to the formation of bags under the eyes and drooping eyelids. Among other things, each intervention of the surgeon does not pass without a trace, and after it there are internal and external scars and scars. Only a specialist can adequately assess the patient’s readiness for surgery. This is especially true for re-intervention. A consultation with a plastic surgeon will help determine the ultimate goal pursued by the patient, as well as the method of performing blepharoplasty of the eyes.

Indications for surgery

Plastic surgery on the eyelids is a surgical intervention, the purpose of which is to get rid of excess fat or skin layer and other unnecessary formations.

The most common formations on the eyelids that require surgical intervention are:

  1. Xanthelasmas. Benign neoplasm in the eyelid area. The most common location is the inner corners of the eye on the upper eyelid. Xanthelasmas are yellowish, round plaques and often form in diabetics or patients with high blood cholesterol levels. Eyes look different after blepharoplasty.
  2. Wen or lipoma. They are formed where there is a deficiency of adipose tissue. This is a benign formation in the form of a small lump of fat that grows over time.
  3. Papillomas. Benign tumors in the form of long, hanging moles.
  4. Chalazion. This is a cyst on the eyelid, safe at a small size of up to 5 mm; its further increase poses a risk of malignancy. Therefore, it is recommended to remove it to avoid future infections.

Types of eye blepharoplasty

Plastic surgery on the eyelids is divided into the following types:

  1. Blepharoplasty on the upper eyelid. Excess tissue and fatty hernias from the upper eyelids are removed, allowing you to lift and lighten your gaze. This is the most common type of eyelid surgery today.
  2. Blepharoplasty on the lower eyelid. This type of surgery helps remove sagging, bags under the eyes and sagging skin. It also eliminates excessively noticeable This type of surgery is prescribed for patients who want to relieve puffiness under the eyes in the morning or if the transition between the lower eyelid and cheek is too noticeable.
  3. Circular. It involves surgical manipulation of the upper and lower eyelids simultaneously. Surgeons often recommend this procedure, as the result of the operation is a complete aesthetic rejuvenation of the look.
  4. Cantoblepharoplasty. Aimed at changing the shape of the eyes. The operation is performed on patients who want to give their appearance a European type. Blepharoplasty allows you to get a beautiful round eye.
  5. Canthopexy. Aimed at tightening the outer corners of the eyes and fixing them in the position required by the patient.

Basic methods

For all of the above types, there are three main methods of performing eye blepharoplasty surgery:

  1. Classical. An incision is made on the patient's eyelid, through which the operation is performed.
  2. Transconjunctival. An incision is made on the mucous membrane of the eyelid from the inside. This method avoids postoperative stitches.
  3. Combined. At the initial stage, the classical method is used and an incision is made, then laser resurfacing of the periocular skin occurs. This laser treatment eliminates unevenness, small scars, smoothes out small wrinkles, which makes the skin around the eyes fresher, tighter and smoother.

To perform the operation, the patient is given anesthesia, both general and local. Surgeons prefer general anesthesia. The duration of the operation is from one to three hours. This depends on the specific type of eye blepharoplasty (photo presented in the article) and the method of its implementation. The patient's individual health characteristics and the degree of invasion are also taken into account when calculating the operating time.

Choosing a specialist

Plastic surgery on the eyelids belongs to the category of complex surgical procedures, as it involves highly precise work by the surgeon performing it. For this reason, it makes sense to approach the choice of a plastic surgeon with all responsibility, since the result of his work will be on your face. When choosing, you should take into account not only positive reviews of the specialist’s work, but also his high qualifications and extensive work experience.

Blepharoplasty of Asian eyes is very often performed recently.

When choosing a clinic, you should not focus on the low cost of operations; it is better to base your choice on the reputation and recommendations of those who have used the services of this medical institution. The cost of the operation is calculated individually for each patient, taking into account individual characteristics, method of implementation and additional services.

Eye microsurgery and blepharoplasty are often performed together.

Description of eyelid surgery methods

Below we will look in more detail at the different types and methods of surgery.

  1. Fat-preserving blepharoplasty. It is rightfully considered the most advanced method of correcting age-related changes on the eyelids. This method consists of uniformly distributing the pads of fat that surround the human eyeball. In this case, hernias are not excised, in contrast to the classical method. The fat-preserving method prevents skeletonization of the eyelid, that is, the skin adheres to the eye bones. The surgeon evenly distributes the patient’s fatty tissue throughout the periocular space, thus avoiding the eye from sinking into the orbit, and also corrects the tear trough, which significantly rejuvenates the look. After fat-sparing blepharoplasty, excess skin is removed. This method has a stable result. Minimum 6 year warranty.
  2. Transconjunctival blepharoplasty. This is the most sparing plastic surgery in the eyelid area. The essence of the method is to get rid of excess fatty tissue. This type of surgical intervention uses a sutureless plastic method, which significantly distinguishes it from similar operations. The skin of the eyelid is not injured, since access to the skin is gained through the conjunctiva. Thus, the surgeon completely or partially excises the hernia. This method can also be used to correct the shape of the eyelids. The advantages of transconjunctival blepharoplasty are the absence of internal and external sutures and scars, a relatively short rehabilitation period (after a maximum of two weeks, all postoperative traces disappear), minimal risk of complications and a significant aesthetic result.
  3. Contour is an alternative method to surgical intervention. This is a procedure for introducing special injections that eliminate age-related changes in the eyelids and remove deep wrinkles of facial origin. In this case, anesthesia is not required; gels and creams are used for pain relief. Such procedures involve the injection of hyaluronic acid-based preparations directly under the wrinkles on the skin. The method involves restoring subcutaneous volume lost with age. The drugs stimulate the body to produce collagen, which is able to strengthen the tissues around the eyes. Hyaluronic acid helps to smooth small and deep wrinkles, which refreshes and rejuvenates the face as a whole. The advantages of this type of plasty are the immediate effect of a lift, the recovery period after the procedure is minimal, the method is painless and does not leave scars. The disadvantage of contouring is considered to be a short-term effect, so the procedure has to be repeated about once a year. Blepharoplasty removes bags under the eyes forever.

  4. century Refers to radical methods of look rejuvenation. During the operation, plastic surgery of the lower and upper eyelids is performed. Experts consider this method the most effective, as there is a multilateral aesthetic improvement. The look becomes more open, wrinkles are smoothed out, bags and flabbiness are removed. Incisions during the operation are made in natural folds and along the under-ciliary line on the lower eyelid. The surgeon removes the hernia, redistributes the adipose tissue and, if necessary, fixes the muscles in the eyelid area and removes excess skin. Due to the fact that the incision sites are located in areas of natural skin folds, postoperative scars cease to be noticeable over time.
  5. Eyelid resection. This is the excision of a certain part of the eyelid and the connection in the future of the remaining parts. To achieve the maximum aesthetic effect, the operation, as in the case of a circular lift, is performed in natural skin folds. However, even if such a minimal intervention is impossible, you should not worry, since the skin of the eyelids tends to regenerate quickly. If you follow all the conditions of postoperative rehabilitation, then recovery will occur very quickly.
  6. Minimally invasive blepharoplasty. Includes transconjunctival and laser plastic surgery described above. In the latter option, the incision is made with a special laser, which allows the edges to quickly coagulate. This almost completely eliminates blood loss and wound infection. What is blepharoplasty for Asian eyes called?
  7. Oriental. Using this method, the eye shape is given a European type. To make the patient's upper eyelid more expressive, the surgeon removes the epicanthus, or the so-called “Mongolian fold”. It is located in the inner corner of the eyes of representatives of the Asian race. Epicanthus occurs from birth or as a result of injury. This operation removes the “Mongolian fold”, due to which the upper eyelid gains mobility, facial expressions become more lively and natural.

It is not recommended to do eye blepharoplasty for adolescents under 16 years of age, since during this period the formation of the shape and size of the eyes ends. Also, the doctor must examine the patient’s eyes and eyelids and conduct a thorough ophthalmological examination to identify possible eye pathologies. These measures are necessary in order to further avoid possible complications during and after the operation.

The operation generally takes 1-3 hours depending on the volume of the operated area. If eye blepharoplasty is performed on four eyelids at once and is combined with additional anti-aging procedures, then it can last longer than 3 hours.

Important! The day before the operation, it is necessary to do a fasting day. You should not eat or drink directly on the day of surgery. The choice of anesthesia method rests with the doctor.

Photos of blepharoplasty for Asian eyes - before and after - are presented below.


Like any other surgical procedure, blepharoplasty has certain risks. Potential complications of any surgery include:

  1. The body's immunity to anesthesia.
  2. Accumulation of fluid under the skin in the form of seromas and hematomas.
  3. Blood loss and risk of infection.
  4. Scars and scars.
  5. Allergies to drugs, anesthetics or metals.
  6. Changes in skin sensitivity.


Eyelid surgery involves the following possible complications:

  1. Inability to completely close the eye, which leads to damage to the cornea.
  2. Ectropion, or inversion of the lower eyelids.
  3. Asymmetrical look. Different eyes after blepharoplasty are not uncommon.
  4. Vision problems.
  5. Dry eye syndrome or tearing.
  6. Inability to wear lenses.
  7. Rarely - blindness.

Treatment of the above complications may require additional surgery or long-term conservative treatment.

What can happen with anesthesia?

Local anesthesia for blepharoplasty under the eyes, even the most modern, is also associated with certain risks, these include:

  1. Perforation of the eye.
  2. Loss of vision as a result of damage to the nerve ending.
  3. Retinal detachment.
  4. Drooping of the upper eyelid.

In turn, it can cause disturbances in the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Thus, blepharoplasty is by no means a harmless operation, although it has proven itself to be the most effective and non-hazardous compared to other types of intervention.

Blepharoplasty of the eyes: reviews

Most patients are satisfied with the results achieved with eyelid blepharoplasty. But reviews confirm that the effect of the operation is not eternal, it has its own period, and over time the skin will begin to lose its elasticity again. However, for many women this remains the only way to maintain a youthful and fresh face. But still, before you lie down, you should weigh all the possible risks and assess whether the problem with your eyelids is so great as to resort to such a drastic solution. It is equally important to entrust your face to the hands of a proven plastic surgeon with a good reputation.



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