Vasoconstrictors for the nose. What vasoconstrictor drops can pregnant women use? Afrin Clear Sea

Vasoconstrictor nasal agents are one of the most popular groups of drugs. All of them belong to alpha-adrenergic agonists and are used to treat various diseases of the nasopharynx, with allergic edema, before surgical intervention. What are there vasoconstrictor drops into the nose, what is their difference, as well as a review of popular drugs, read on.

Concept and mechanism of action

The name “vasoconstrictor drops” speaks for itself. Everyone knows that such drugs constrict blood vessels, as a result of which swelling of the mucous membranes decreases, nasal congestion disappears, air circulation improves and recovery free breathing. However, that's not all. Vasoconstrictor drugs have a systemic effect:

  • cause spasm of small vessels;
  • reduce the permeability of capillary walls;
  • reduce mucus secretion;
  • increase blood pressure;
  • reduce the intensity of the inflammatory reaction.

If we delve deeper into medicine, drugs with a vasoconstrictor effect for the nose belong to pharmacological group alpha adrenergic agonists. The result of their action is determined by the excitation of specific protein molecules - alpha-adrenergic receptors. Adenoceptors (α-1, α-2, β-1, β-2, β-3) are present in all tissues of the body and are located on the surface of cell membranes. α1 receptors are found predominantly on small vessels, including the nose. Stimulation with alpha adrenergic agonists triggers complex biochemical mechanisms, as a result of which the effects stated above are observed.

Existing types

Despite belonging to the same pharmacological group, vasoconstrictor nasal drops come in several varieties. Separation occurs according to the active substance. Yes, there are drugs.

  1. Based on naphazoline. Have relatively a short time action - about 4 hours. They contribute to drying out of the mucous membrane more than others. Can call discomfort when used.
  2. Based on phenylephrine. They act quickly, but congestion disappears in only 2-4 hours. Soft, gentle, more suitable for children than adults.
  3. Based on xylometazoline. The group of drugs that is most widely represented. The average duration of action is 6 hours. Quite gentle, they are often produced with additives that additionally treat and moisturize the mucous membrane.
  4. Based on oxymetazoline. They have the longest effect - from 8 to 12 hours. The effect on the mucous membrane is relatively gentle.

In addition, there are various shapes release: nasal drops, sprays, gels and creams. For adults, it is more effective to use drugs with a spray; they are better distributed throughout the mucous membrane, penetrate deeper into the nasopharynx, and do not flow down the back wall throat. In addition, sprays allow you to use the medicine in precisely dosed doses, while when using drops it is not always possible to control the dose.


All alpha adrenergic agonists have a similar effect. The difference between vasoconstrictor nasal drops lies in the aggressiveness of the action, the speed of onset and duration of the effect, as well as the presence of additional components.

Some drugs act harshly, causing dryness of the nasal mucous membranes. They become addictive very quickly. Other products have a milder effect.

Availability in the composition various oils, sea ​​water reduces the likelihood of side effects, makes treatment more enjoyable and productive.

Brief overview of popular tools

Nasal vasoconstrictors have huge assortment, in which it is not surprising for the common man to get confused. We offer for your information a list of the most popular products with a list of features, analogues, as well as an approximate price.

Important! A physician or otolaryngologist (ENT) must prescribe this or that drug. It is impossible to say which drops are the best, even after reading the reviews. The choice of vasoconstrictor should be based on a specific diagnosis, individual tolerance components.


A popular vasoconstrictor, which is available in the form of drops and gel. The main active ingredient is xylometazoline.

Medicines similar in action and composition: Xylometazoline, Rinorus, Tizin Xylo, Otrivin, Xymelin, Dlyanos.


Another vasoconstrictor that everyone hears about. The active component of Naphthyzin is naphazoline.
The drug acts quickly and helps get rid of nasal congestion, even if it is very severe. There are also disadvantages. The duration of the effect rarely exceeds 4 hours. In addition, Naphthyzin is quite aggressive agent, often dries out the mucous membranes, and after 5 days of use it becomes addictive.

But these are the most inexpensive drops. The price at the pharmacy starts from 5 rubles. An analogue of Naphthyzin is the drug Sanorin.


A well-known drug based on oxymetazoline. Available in different dosages and forms (nasal drops, spray). It is distinguished from other vasoconstrictors by its maximum lasting effect – 8–10 hours. In this case, improvement in nasal breathing is observed within 10–15 minutes.

The price for Nazivin starts from 80 rubles per bottle. There are several drugs similar in composition: Nazol, Noxprey, Nesopin.


The mildest and safest vasoconstrictor drops based on phenylephrine. Often prescribed to infants.

Vibrocil relieves swelling of the nasal mucosa 10 minutes after use, and its effect lasts for 2–4 hours.

Along with eliminating congestion, the drug improves the tone of the vascular walls, reduces the formation of mucus, therefore it is often used in the treatment of allergic and vasomotor (caused by addiction to vasoconstrictor drugs) runny nose.

The price of medicine starts from 150 rubles. Available in nasal drops, gel, spray. Similar drugs with phenylephrine - Nazol Baby and Nazol Kids.


The substance xylometazoline acts as a vasoconstrictor component. When nasal congestion occurs, the effect of the medicine is noticeable within 10–15 minutes. The effect lasts up to 6 hours. The drug is available in nasal drops and spray, and its cost is 100-160 rubles.

Xymelin Extra

Two-component vasoconstrictor nasal drops. Contains xylometazoline, ipratropium bromide. Thanks to this combination, even severe nasal congestion is eliminated, and the amount of mucus produced is also reduced. The bottle is equipped with a dispenser, which promotes good distribution of the medicine.

The price of Ximelin Extra varies from 150 to 330 rubles.

Lazolvan Rino

Potentially new drug, which is just starting to gain popularity. Main active ingredient vasoconstrictor drops Lazolvan Rino is a tramazolin.

The speed of onset of the effect after application does not exceed 5 minutes and lasts from 8 to 10 hours. At the same time, the drug is considered quite gentle, additionally moisturizes and soothes the nasal mucosa due to the content of eucalyptus, mint and camphor oils. Its only drawback is the relatively high price, from 230 to 400 rubles per bottle.

Advice. For the best effect, instillation or injection of vasoconstrictor drugs for the nose is carried out after first cleansing the nasal passages. Hygiene is performed with a 10 ml syringe with saline solution (without a needle) or pharmaceutical products with sea ​​water. When processing, the head tilts forward and to the side, opposite from instillation.

Danger and harm

Nasal vasoconstrictors are not harmful if they are used as directed, according to the instructions and on the recommendation of a doctor. Despite the impressive list of side effects for each of the drugs, in most cases they are all well tolerated. Reported violations are rare. The most common are transient dryness in the nose, burning sensation, discomfort during use, fragility of blood vessels (appearance of blood streaks when blowing your nose).

Vasoconstrictor drops and nasal sprays pose a real danger when they are used for too long or in high dosages, or in case a person neglects existing contraindications. In such situations, the following may occur:

  • irritation and dryness of the nasal mucosa;
  • allergic reaction;
  • palpitations, heart rhythm disturbances;
  • headache;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • addiction, chronic congestion nose, atrophy of the mucous membranes, occurrence.

Vasoconstrictor drops should not be used when individual intolerance components, with simultaneous administration drugs monoamine oxidase inhibitors, during the recovery period after brain surgery.

TO relative contraindications arrhythmias and hypertension, diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism, glaucoma ( closed form), atrophic rhinitis, advanced form of atherosclerosis, pregnancy.

Important! Without prescription by a specialist, vasoconstrictor drops are allowed to be used for no longer than 3–5 days.

Drops with a vasoconstrictor effect are classified as emergency aid and are indispensable for acute respiratory diseases, sinusitis, allergies. They can quickly relieve swelling and eliminate nasal congestion. However, such drugs only relieve the symptom, but do not solve the problem. If after 3-4 days the nose still does not breathe on its own, you should stop taking the vasoconstrictor drops and consult a doctor.

Vasoconstrictor drops are the easiest way to treat rhinitis or other inflammatory process in the area of ​​the upper respiratory tract. They can be used at almost any age. With proper use, patients do not have to worry about side effects or the body becoming accustomed to the active ingredients. The principle of operation of drops or sprays is quite simple. It is enough to introduce the medication into the nasal cavity, after which the medication enters the mucous cavity, starting its work.

Immediately after using the drug, the patient feels relief in nasal breathing and a general improvement in well-being. Patients note a decrease in swelling, normalization of functions breathing apparatus, as well as other positive actions. But to achieve such a result, you need to use only proven products, and it is best to use nasal drops without xylometazoline.

There are nasal drops various types, so choosing a medication today is not difficult. It is important to choose the medicine that has the least pronounced side effect and is ideal for your case.

The main effect of nasal drops is vasoconstrictor effect and improved nasal breathing.

In addition, medications of this kind are responsible for improving the removal of mucus from the nasal cavity and reducing swelling.

Another effect of such drops is a decrease in the amount of mucous secretion produced.

You can use such medications almost from birth, but it is important to understand that the human body quickly absorbs the active components and after three days the medication ceases to be effective.

Therefore, treatment with nasal drops should be strictly dosed and carried out only with a doctor’s prescription.

If you use nasal medications correctly, there will be no side effects. But if the treatment rules are violated, the patient may develop dependence of the vessels in the nasal cavity on the sprays.

As a result, the patient may develop medical rhinitis, as well as headache, nausea and vomiting, bad feeling, dizziness and other symptoms. In this case, it is recommended to consult a doctor for further treatment.

Often patients with colds are concerned about the question, which nasal medications are best to use? Doctors have been arguing for many years about the need for various drugs, but experts agree on one issue.

It is best to treat a runny nose with drops that do not contain xylometazoline.. It is quite difficult to choose a medication without this active ingredient, so we offer a list for you to study.

One of the most effective drops for rhinitis - Adrianol. The active component of this drug belongs to the sympathomimetic group, which affects the source of inflammation. Immediately after use, the patient notes the effect on Airways. It should be noted that there is no negative factor on beta-adrenergic receptors, which is especially important when treating young children.

Adrianol has a vasoconstrictor effect and also relieves swelling in the nasal mucosa. When applied to the nasal mucosa, only small arterioles narrow, which causes an immediate reduction in swelling. In addition, this effect of the drug allows you to reduce the amount of liquid or mucous secretion, restoring nasal breathing.

The effect of the drug begins two minutes after application and lasts for eight hours.

Adrianol can be used in case of mucous membrane and swelling in patients suffering from inflammation of the nose in case of rhinitis or pharyngitis. In addition, the medication is prescribed for sinusitis, sinusitis or hay fever.

Do not use this medicine in case of special sensitivity to the components of the drug, as well as for rhinitis without mucous discharge, which is also called dry runny nose.

Other contraindications to the drug include the presence of closed glaucoma.

Do not use the product in case of arrhythmia, heart problems, metabolic disorders, diabetes, if you are using MAO inhibitors or other medicines which can cause an increase in blood pressure.

Adrianol should be used as follows:

  1. When treating adults, it is necessary to administer four drops five times a day.
  2. For children, three drops should be administered three times a day.

In some cases, your doctor may change the dosage.

Another drug that does not contain xylometazoline is Salin. Its action is aimed at reducing swelling and restoring respiratory function. Salin has a pronounced anti-congestive effect and is considered a harmless drug for the treatment of children. In addition to the vasoconstrictor effect, the medication has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Salin should be used in case of long-term rhinitis. Its main effect is to improve nasal breathing during copious discharge mucous secretion.

Liquefying thick mucus, active substance The drug removes secretions from the body. In addition, Salin moisturizes the mucous cavity and softens the formed crusts.

In addition to the described effect, Salin has an antiseptic effect.

The bactericidal effect allows the product to be used for rhinitis, inflammation of the paranasal sinuses and other inflammations in the upper respiratory tract.

In addition, doctors often prescribe this medication in case of atrophic, infectious and allergic rhinitis. complex therapy with inflammation of the sinus area.

Salin is necessary for patients whose professional activity associated with constant contact with dust, building materials, and also in an office where the air conditioner is often running.

It is important to note that this drug has virtually no contraindications or identified side effects.

  1. To treat children, one spray into each nostril three times a day is sufficient.
  2. For therapy in adults, up to two injections at a time three times a day are prescribed.

Do not use the product in case of severe acidosis, as well as hypernatremia and extracellular hyperhydration.

For the treatment of rhinitis, a drug from the clinical-pharmacological group of anti-inflammatory action is suitable - Pinsol. A local drug for the treatment of rhinitis is prescribed in case of acute course illness.

In addition to the anti-inflammatory effect, the medication has antimicrobial effect. Plant origin The drug allows you to use the product from the age of two.

The medication relieves swelling, and thanks antiseptic effect destroys the cause of inflammation, improving the overall well-being of the patient. Therefore, this remedy is effective in the following cases:

  • coryza;
  • chronic rhinitis;
  • atrophic runny nose;
  • acute inflammation in the nasal mucosa and nasopharyngeal cavity;
  • dry mucous membrane;
  • copious secretion of mucous secretion;
  • in case of rehabilitation after surgery.

For treatment with Pinsol The following dosages must be adhered to:

  1. When treating children, it is enough to administer two drops of the drug.
  2. For adults, four drops are usually prescribed.

The product must be used once a day. Dosage should not be violated, as side effects may occur. If dizziness, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms of overdose occur, call an ambulance.

Vasoconstrictor medication for local application without xylometazoline – Vibrocil.

This drug has an alpha-adrenomimetic effect, which causes vasoconstriction.

This effect reduces swelling, improves nasal breathing and restores the functions of the upper respiratory tract.

This medication will be useful for those who do not tolerate contact of medications with the mucous membrane.

Its effect reduces sensitivity and removes mucus from the nasal cavity. The medication reduces the effect of irritation of the cavity during rhinitis, as well as in the case of long-term treatment antibiotics. In addition, Vibrocil is prescribed in case of long-term treatment with drops containing xylometazoline.

The effect of the drug begins after two minutes, after administration of the drug into the nasal cavity. In therapeutic concentrations, Vibrocil does not provoke the mucous membrane and improves nasal breathing. That's why doctors prescribe this drug in the following cases:

  • sinusitis;
  • hay fever;
  • acute rhinitis;
  • respiratory inflammation;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • chronic rhinitis;
  • eustachitis;
  • with inflammation of the middle part of the ear with increased swelling of the mucous part in the nasopharynx cavity;
  • when preparing the patient for surgery.

The product must be used as follows:

  1. For the treatment of children under five, one spray is prescribed in each nostril up to three times a day.
  2. When a child between five and eleven years of age has inflammation, it is necessary to administer two sprays into each nasal passage.
  3. For the treatment of adults, three injections three times a day are sufficient.

Do not use the product more often than prescribed. Remember to administer the drug immediately before bedtime.

Treatment of rhinitis takes place over the course of one week, but if you follow all the rules, you can get rid of mucous discharge after three days. Therefore, do not violate the dosage and monitor general health patient.

During the autumn-winter period common problem your nose gets runny. It may be present alone or together with other colds. To restore the free flow of air into the lungs, many resort to various means pharmaceutical market.

They most often choose a medicine without consulting a doctor, relying on their own knowledge or experience. But you need to be aware that medical drug has a complex chemical composition, the action of which must be understood, so the selection safe means For a runny nose, you should contact a specialist, and not a pharmacy worker.

Harm from vasoconstrictor medication for nasal congestion

Most often, when nasal congestion occurs, people resort to with vasoconstrictor effect. Today they are produced in two forms: drops used for small children and sprays designed for children over 6 years old and adults. They act quickly, so the patient feels relief fairly quickly. Removal of edema occurs due to a sharp contraction of the vessels of the upper respiratory tract. Breathing becomes easier due to a decrease in the volume of blood flow, which reduces the rate of mucus formation, making it thick and tightly located to the walls of the mucous membrane.

Most people use nasal drops for nasal congestion based on vasoconstrictor components. But many of us do not know that this group of drugs is designed for short term application, because otherwise addiction and abnormal reactions of side effects occur. In the instructions for these drugs you can read that vasoconstrictors not used for more than 3 days.

The thing is that the vessels are under the influence chemical substances begin to narrow in urgently. If the patient starts dripping drugs into the nose every day for a week, addiction to the medicine will occur. Since the drops have a short period of action, the stimulant substance constricts the blood vessels for a while, as soon as the medicine evaporates, the swelling returns. In all cases of addiction, to maintain as much as possible longer effect the product needs new everything high dose.

But the problem lies not only in getting used to the vasoconstrictor drug, but in the fact that if drops or sprays are used frequently, the vessels will atrophy and will not “notice” the stimulation of constriction at all. In some situations, the opposite effect is observed, when the swelling becomes even more pronounced. Even if the drug is used infrequently, when chronic course runny nose against the background of visible improvements in the condition and the disappearance of swelling of the mucous membrane, a gradual violation metabolic processes , which leads to thinning of the walls of blood vessels. As a result, frequent nasal bleeding occurs due to increased pressure or minor injuries.

It is necessary to mention side effects if the patient overdoses. This list is filled with the following symptoms:

  • Heartbeat.
  • Headache.
  • Nausea.
  • Hypertension.
  • Sleep disorder.
  • Depressive state.

Contraindications to the use of vasoconstrictor drops and sprays are glaucoma and atrophic rhinitis. Before using vasoconstrictors that are addictive, you should consult your doctor if you have high blood pressure , problems related to the activity of the heart and thyroid gland. You cannot do without consulting a pediatrician, and in situations where it is necessary to treat children for a runny nose, it is worth finding out about a remedy with a vasoconstrictor effect and visiting a therapist for a pregnant woman or nursing mother in this case.

Rules for using drops and sprays with vasoconstrictors:

  1. The drugs cannot be used constantly, but only once in cases where nasal breathing is completely blocked, in order to quickly restore it.
  2. Do not use such drops and sprays at the first sign of congestion. Better try to restore capacity to the airways exercise and breathing exercises.
  3. Children should not use medications with an effect of up to 4 hours, since during the period of activity the child may not use nasal breathing, and temporary swelling will disappear due to protective forces body. Medicines with an effect of 8 to 12 hours are used for sleep.

In any case, try to use drugs with a vasoconstrictor effect as rarely as possible. As a rule, the most severe runny nose occurs at the beginning of the illness, then there is an improvement in the condition. Therefore, do not use them immediately after the condition of the nasopharynx improves. It is better to fight a runny nose by rinsing the nose with saline solution or using inhalations.

The vasoconstrictor substances of known drops and sprays include:

  • Xylometazoline,
  • Oxymetazoline,
  • Naphazoline.

Drops for nasal congestion with a moisturizing effect

Moisturizing drops will help with nasal congestion, but they are not intended to treat the symptoms and causes that caused it. They are, rather, an auxiliary means to speed up the process of mucus removal. Many doctors prescribe them as part of a set of measures for nasal congestion and consider them mandatory for use. Moisturizing the mucous membrane is required to maintain its integrity, since during a runny nose they use various drugs, which often dry it out and injure it, this especially often happens with atrophic chronic rhinitis.

Moisturizers are made from sea or mineral water. They contain many useful natural substances:

  • Calcium,
  • Magnesium,
  • Potassium,
  • Iron and others.

These components stimulate mucus movement epithelium and normalize the functioning of glandular cells of the mucous membrane. Typically, moisturizers do not contain active chemicals, so the preparations have no side effects and are approved for use up to several times a day.

As a rule, the airways during a runny nose are blocked by mucus, so there is no reason to use vasoconstrictor drops.

If a lot of mucus has accumulated and there is no swelling, then it’s better apply saline solutions that contain drugs:

  • Aquamaris.
  • Marimer,
  • Salin,
  • Aqualor.

Medicines for edema and allergies

Remedies for eliminating the symptoms of allergic rhinitis provide complex impact. Thanks to the vasoconstrictor and antihistamine action, the condition of the nasopharynx improves. They quickly relieve swelling and make breathing easier, and also prevent allergic manifestations. Drops and sprays of similar action are used to treat runny noses of an allergic nature and colds. Popular combination drugs for the treatment of allergic rhinitis include:

  • Vibrocil. This remedy is well tolerated even by very young children, which is why pediatricians often prescribe it.
  • Sanorin-Analergin belongs to the combination drugs used for rhinitis of allergic origin. Side effects of the drops are drowsiness and lethargy, so it is used at night.
  • Rinofluimucil has a mild effect and contains vasoconstrictor, antihistamine and mucus-thinning components.
  • Koldakt for allergic rhinitis has a side effect - drowsiness.
  • Orinol tablets are often prescribed for the treatment of allergic rhinitis.

Nasal decongestants with antimicrobial action

Drops and ointments, which contain not one active ingredient, but two or more, have an antimicrobial effect. They are made on the basis of natural ingredients and are able to cope with fungal and bacterial rhinitis by stimulating the restoration of the mucous membrane and the subsidence of edema. Popular products in this group include:

  • Dr. Theiss Nazoline contains xylometazoline as a vasoconstrictor component. In addition, it contains eucalyptus essential oil, which has antibacterial properties.
  • Pinosol is a drug that contains a complex of various medicinal herbs with a natural effect against microbes. The product is produced in the form of drops, creams, ointments, and bath capsules.
  • Bactroban is a nasal ointment made on the basis of antibiotics. Finds application in staphylococcal infection, which is characterized by purulent secretion.
  • Polydex with Phenylephrine contains antibiotics and is available in the form of a spray. The composition contains anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictor substances that are good at helping to cope with the cause of a runny nose - bacterial infection, as well as alleviate its negative symptoms. For viral rhinitis, the drug should not be used; children under 3 years of age, pregnant women, and people with renal failure should be protected from it.

Hormonal drops

Allergic rhinitis In addition to antihistamines, they are also treated with hormonal drugs. A common form of release is a spray, since the effect occurs locally, which does not disrupt hormonal balance the entire body system.

The most popular means are:

  • Baconase.
  • Flixonase.
  • Nasobek.
  • Nasonex.

Hormonal sprays quick effect, as after the use of vasoconstrictors, do not give, for example, Nasonex is considered the fastest-acting, the result after its use occurs in 12 hours. This drug is indicated for the treatment of allergic rhinitis in children over three years of age. Nasobek and Beconase are approved for use only after 6 years.

Hormonal drugs are prescribed exclusively by doctors. They are prohibited for bacterial and fungal rhinitis, as they can reduce local immunity of the mucous membrane and also cause reproduction pathogenic microorganisms which lead to complications.

Plant drops

This group of drugs is designed to refresh the mucous membrane with essential oils. This effect is due to the incoming basic substances, most often this is oil peppermint, eucalyptus and pine oil. Complex drugs do not eliminate swelling, do not constrict blood vessels and do not change the properties of the secretion. Popular remedy is sinupret. This combination drug stimulates the outflow of mucus from the sinuses, due to its anti-inflammatory, mucolytic and secretolytic properties. It moisturizes, soothes irritation, improves the condition of the body, making it resistant to biological and physical influences. It can be given to a child from two years of age, in the form of release: drops and tablets.

Homeopathic remedies

Acute rhinitis caused by viral infections, are often treated with drops and sprays based on natural homeopathic substances. They act widely: relieve swelling, fight viruses, activate the immune system. As a rule, the treatment regimen is selected based on age. The drug is taken every day every 15 minutes within 1-2 hours until cure.

A homeopathic medicine is prescribed by a homeopathic physician individually. WITH various kinds The following medications can quickly treat a runny nose:

Euphorbium compositum nasal spray.

Edas-131 drops for nasal congestion.

Antiviral drugs

This type of drops is used for prevention and treatment viral diseases nose Pharmaceutical drugs are made from donor cells or based on genetic engineering. The products are able to combat the proliferation of viruses. They are accepted at high risk infection, during the first signs of ARVI and until complete recovery:

  • Gripferon is a solution for instillation into the nasal passages.
  • Tamiflu and Arbidol capsules.
  • Rectal suppositories Viferon and Kipferon.
  • Remantadine tablets.

Today there are a lot of remedies for treating a runny nose and making a choice is not difficult. But we must remember that they must be prescribed by a doctor, after diagnosis, since taking the wrong drug will not only not improve the condition, but can also lead to complications, one of which is drug-induced rhinitis.

Dear friends, hello!

When you do the same thing for many years, you do some things automatically. You know the active ingredients, dosages, release forms, but some subtleties of the action of the drugs are erased from memory. And sometimes there is simply not enough time to get into the annotation and refresh the nuances.

The period of sneezes and snot is just beginning, so I would like to continue the conversation about colds and invite you to the farm. a circle dedicated to drugs for the common cold. How to choose the right drug for every “wrong” nose?

I have already said that a runny nose and a runny nose are different. Therefore, when I hear that with a runny nose, without any questions, the buyer is offered vasoconstrictors, my heart bleeds.

So, let's remember what remedies for the common cold are available in pharmacies. They can be divided into groups:

  • Vasoconstrictors.
  • Mucolytics.
  • Moisturizing.
  • Vegetable.
  • Homeopathic.
  • Antibacterial.
  • Antiallergic.

Drugs short acting . They last on average 3-6 hours.

Medium-acting drugs. After them, the nose breathes for an average of 6-8 hours.

Long-acting drugs. Their action lasts 10-12 hours.

All these vasoconstrictor drops act on the alpha receptors of the vessels of the nasal mucosa and cause their narrowing.

But receptors are also different. There are alpha1 and alpha2 receptors.

Of all the above, only phenylephrine acts on one type of receptor: alpha1. All others - for both types.

What's better?

On the one hand, the effect on both types of receptors gives a more pronounced effect. This seems to be good.

On the other hand, have you ever wondered why phenylephrine is included in many children's drops?

Because the effect is only on one type of receptor more safely for the nasal mucosa. Fewer vessels constrict, which means less oxygen starvation cells of the nasal mucosa.

Phenylephrine is less effective than other active ingredients, but safer.

Why do you need to narrow the blood vessels in the nose?

Because when colds the vessels of the nasal cavity are dilated, while the liquid part of the blood leaves the vessels and causes swelling of the nasal mucosa.

The swelling shrinks the nasal passages and the person cannot breathe.

How to help your nose?

Narrow the blood vessels, reduce swelling, “clear” the passages for air flow.

...when the nose can't breathe!

Therefore, ask the buyer how a runny nose manifests itself. If your nose is “running,” completely different medications can and should be recommended.


...that under the influence of the above listed agents, blood vessels narrow not only in the nose. It is no coincidence that they are contraindicated for hypertension, atherosclerosis, arrhythmias, thyrotoxicosis, and glaucoma. And there are many side effects: tachycardia, increased blood pressure, headaches, dizziness, etc., etc.

Therefore, be especially careful when recommending these products to older people.

Be wary when they ask you antihypertensive drugs and at the same time vasoconstrictor drops in the nose.

Explain to your clients what this entails.

Some manufacturers are foaming at the mouth to prove that these products do not have a systemic effect. In this case, please explain to me why their annotations include this killer list of contraindications and side points for 10?


...the buyer that you can drip a vasoconstrictor drug for a runny nose for no more than 5 days.

You get used to it very quickly.

I remember my dad, who at one time became firmly hooked on ephedrine for the rest of his life. Those who are older probably remember that there used to be such drops in the nose.


...that the use of vasoconstrictors for more than 5 days leads to the fact that it is no longer possible to “get off” these drugs.

I know it from myself. Once I bought the most modern vasoconstrictor spray and sprayed it for a week. That's all! The nose categorically refused to breathe without this poison!

Why is my nose constantly stuffy after taking these medications for a runny nose?

Because constant narrowing of blood vessels leads to oxygen starvation of nasal cells. Without nutrition they atrophy. But a holy place is never empty. Mucous tissue is replaced by connective tissue. This is why atrophic and hypertrophic rhinitis occurs after vasoconstrictors, in which the nose stops working normally.

To reduce the harmful effects of vasoconstrictor drugs, manufacturers combine the active ingredients with other substances, for example, eucalyptus oil ( Sanorin with eucalyptus oil), moisturizing component ( Snoop) etc. This, of course, saves, but not much.

Which drug is better?

Now let's turn on the head. Which vasoconstrictor is better: short-acting, medium-acting, or the longest-acting?

Buyers, of course, will prefer the longest one: spray in the nose and forget about it for 12 hours. But they don’t realize that mucosal cells are deprived good nutrition and oxygen for as long as 12 hours!

Therefore, personally, I would choose the golden mean, that is, xylometazoline-based products.

No! Because they cause vasospasm of the placenta, and therefore oxygen starvation of the fetus.

But when a woman cannot live without them, we choose the lesser evil, that is, children's dosages.

These include Rinofluimucil. Contains mucolytic acetylcysteine ​​and a vasoconstrictor component.

Its task is to liquefy mucus and facilitate its removal.

At thick discharge from the nose (rhinitis, sinusitis).

Has the same side effects as vasoconstrictors. So be careful when making recommendations!

As a rule, these products are made based on sea water ( Physiomer, Aqua Maris, Aqualor and etc.). They moisturize the mucous membrane, thin the mucus, and it is easier to remove. Sea water mechanically cleanses the nasal cavity from viruses, bacteria, allergens, and reduces swelling due to its salt content.

For any runny nose.

By the way, before dripping a vasoconstrictor, you need to clear the nasal cavity of mucus and crusts so that it “reaches” its destination.

Therefore, do not forget to recommend a moisturizer along with the vasoconstrictor drug.

These drugs have undeservedly received the reputation of “not working,” although in fact they are the most therapeutic.

good old Pinosol. It gets its name from the Latin “Pinus”, meaning “pine”, because it contains pine oil.

And a few more vegetable oils medicinal herbs that relieve inflammation of the nasal mucosa, restore it, have a mild vasoconstrictor effect, and at the same time also act on viruses and bacteria.

And for those who do not like drops, you can offer ointment or cream Pinosol.

For a “cold” runny nose, when there are other signs of ARVI.

For a runny nose that is accompanied by sinusitis, another herbal preparation for oral administration Sinupret. It relieves inflammation and improves the flow of secretions from the paranasal sinuses. It is recommended when nasal discharge is thick and often yellowish-greenish in color (a sign of a bacterial infection).

The most common in this group are: Euphorbium compositum And Edas-131.

As usual, it is not clear why they act, but they do.

It is too medicinal drops. As you understand, an ambulance cannot be used. Homeopathy is good, but most often it is slow.

When asked for something “natural”.

Vasoconstrictor nasal drops are used in many cases, because they exist great amount. But there are also drops that dilate blood vessels. Therefore, it is important to know what exactly you need to choose in each specific case. It is especially necessary for parents and pregnant women to understand this, because there are a number of serious contraindications.

What nasal drops constrict blood vessels?

The insidiousness of treatment with vasoconstrictor drugs is that they provide instant relief after administration. But subsequently, the patient develops a stable addiction and develops drug-induced rhinitis. In order to choose the right vasoconstrictor drops, you need to understand their varieties, the use of which depends on the specifics of each specific case.

If the vessels in the nose are dilated, this contributes to swelling of the nasal mucosa. As a result, the free space of the nasal passage is significantly reduced and it becomes difficult to breathe. This happens both with a normal runny nose and with more serious illnesses, such as inflammation of the maxillary sinus, otitis and various sinusitis. Swelling of the nasal mucosa may also occur with various allergies, but then it is treated in a different way.

All drugs that constrict blood vessels belong to the group of alpha-adrenergic agonists. They act on receptors located in the nasopharynx, resulting in muscle spasm. This in turn leads to a narrowing blood vessels in the nose. Minus similar drugs is a short-term effect. On average, the vasoconstrictor effect lasts 4-8 hours. And all the drugs have absolutely no effect on the secretion, which also makes normal breathing difficult.

There are hundreds of vasoconstrictor drugs. They differ in the duration of action, the presence of side effects and price. But all drugs are divided into three large ones subgroups:

  • Naphazoline preparations.
  • Xylometazoline preparations.
  • Oxymetazoline preparations.
The most famous representatives of the first group: “Naftizin”, “Sanorin”, “Rinazin”. They have a short duration of action (from 3 to 6 hours), and therefore are inconvenient to use. With prolonged use, they dry out the mucous membrane and quickly become addictive.

The second group is represented by such drugs as Galazolin, Rinostop, Tizin, Xylitol and many others. They are characterized by twice the duration of action compared to the first group and fewer side effects. They are often complex preparations and usually contain sea water.

The third group includes the following drugs: “Nesopin”, “Afrin”, “Nazol”, “Vicks” and others. Apply only twice a day and save long lasting effect. They have virtually no side effects.

In this video, Dr. Komarovsky explains in detail the causes of a runny nose and when it is worth treating it with vasoconstrictors. He also talks about which products are safe to use.

Vasoconstrictor nasal drops for children

For small children, it is better to use medicines based on sea water. The most the right decision will consult a doctor before using any medications, as the causes of a runny nose may be various diseases, which you may not know about. In children of the first year of life, a runny nose is often a manifestation allergic reaction on foods they ate for the first time.

Children from one year of age are prescribed vasoconstrictor drops, the active ingredient of which is phenylephrine. This drug can be taken for no more than 5 days due to the development of tolerance and the possibility of adverse reactions. The most common drugs used for children are: “Naphthyzin”, “Sanorin”, “Nazol baby”, “Tizin”, “Otrivin baby”, “Nazivin” and “Sanorinchik”.

It is important to remember that the use of vasoconstrictor drops is absolutely contraindicated for children under one year of age due to the risk of side effects. Before use, you must carefully study the composition of the drops, as there are complex preparations that are not recommended for children. For example, drops can be hormonal, which precludes their use at an early age.

What children's nasal drops do not constrict blood vessels?

There are other drugs used for runny nose. These are oil solutions and preparations based on sea water. There are also silver-based preparations, but they are used extremely rarely. Safe medications for children- This:
  • Moisturizers containing an isotonic solution. Its action is to flush the nasopharynx from mucus and unfavorable bacteria, as well as moisturize the mucous membrane. The disadvantage of such drugs is their short-term effect, compared to vasoconstrictor drugs. It is not necessary to buy such solutions at a pharmacy. They can be prepared at home using boiled water and sea salt (at the rate of 1 teaspoon of salt per liter of water).
  • Among the popular pharmaceuticals The following drugs can be called: “Aqua Maris”, “Aqualor”, “Salin”. These drugs can be used for an unlimited amount of time, as they are not addictive. Doctors also recommend using them for prophylaxis to prevent drying out of the nasal mucosa, especially in newborns.
  • Another type of drops for children are immunomodulatory drugs made on the basis human interferon. It is important to use them from the first day of illness, as they have antiviral effect. It is also possible to use it for the purpose of prevention, especially in the autumn-winter period and during influenza epidemics. However, you should consult your pediatrician before using these medications.
  • Another one large group drugs that do not have a vasoconstrictor effect are oil solutions. The disadvantage is that such drugs do not act immediately, but the effect of taking them is long-lasting and they are not addictive. Also, oil solutions do not dry out the nasal mucosa. They are not recommended for children under one year of age due to the fact that some oils may have too harsh an effect and may also be allergens for newborn babies. The basis of oilseed preparations is often eucalyptus, tea tree And sea ​​buckthorn oil. Another plus in favor of oil solutions is that they are natural extracts medicinal substances, not synthetic compounds. Such preparations can be easily prepared at home. All essential oils are quite affordable. The most popular oil preparation is Pinosol.

It is important when taking oil preparations that no more than 2 drops of solution get into each nostril, since when more essential oils may enter the lower respiratory tract.

Vasoconstrictor nasal drops for pregnant and lactating women

Pregnant women are not recommended to use vasoconstrictor drops at all, since the effect of such drugs affects the entire body, which can negatively affect the health of the fetus. If you still decide to use them, it is better to consult your doctor before doing so. The safest ones for pregnant women are: Tizin, Vibrocil and Galazolin. They can be used only once a day for three days. It is advisable to use these medications only in the third trimester, and in the first and second trimesters use saline solutions and traditional methods.

How to narrow the blood vessels in the nose without drops?

If you don’t have nasal drops on hand, or you find that you have contraindications to all medicinal products, and your condition requires immediate action, then they will suit you following methods constriction of blood vessels in the nose:
  • thermal procedures for hands and feet in the form of baths, possibly with the addition of mustard;
  • aromatherapy using essential oils that have irritant effect on the nasal mucosa, as a result of which the blood vessels will narrow and swelling will decrease;
  • warming ointment on the bridge of the nose;
  • thermal procedures for the bridge of the nose in the form of heated salt in a bag;
  • nose bridge massage;
  • inhalations with medicinal herbs;
  • warm shower lasting no more than 10 minutes.

However, these remedies are useful if you have a common runny nose, or immediately after you have caught a cold. And when your runny nose is caused, for example, by sinusitis (read more about that), then you will only harm yourself with thermal procedures. Therefore, be careful when choosing a treatment method.

Traditional medicine offers a large number of means for combating nasal congestion with a vasoconstrictor effect:

  • Everyone knows about healing properties aloe plant juice. Aloe leaves are washed, dried, squeezed out the juice, and then a few drops are dropped into each nostril. You can add a few more drops to the juice if you are not allergic to it.
  • Garlic juice or garlic tincture in water is good for a runny nose. To do this, carefully chop the garlic clove, then add 10 ml of water and leave for an hour. The strained solution is instilled into the nose, three drops 3-4 times a day.
  • Another recipe home treatment is a mixture of tea and soda. This medicine can only be used warm, 2-3 drops up to 5 times a day.
  • Also ethnoscience suggests using products based on beet juice, honey, and onion to narrow blood vessels. Herbal inhalations also work well.
  • In the first days of a runny nose, foot baths with the addition of mustard help.
  • Traditional medicine recommends rubbing the area chest warming ointments for a runny nose.

Contraindications to the use of vasoconstrictors

There are cases in which the use of vasoconstrictors is not recommended. Contraindications to the use of vasoconstrictor drops are:
  • diabetes;
  • arrhythmia;
  • glaucoma;
  • hyperthyroidism.

Pros and cons of use

Pros The use of vasoconstrictor drugs is considered:
  • fast action;
  • relatively long-lasting effect;
  • ease of use.
Among cons The following disadvantages can be identified:
  • quick addiction with long-term use;
  • relatively many contraindications;
  • impossibility of long-term use;
  • manifestation of side effects (nosebleeds, dry mucous membranes).

What nasal products dilate blood vessels?

Vasodilators are the same as vasoconstrictors, but with a very short duration of action. That is, they first constrict the blood vessels for a short time, and then provide long-term dilation.

This action is sometimes very undesirable, especially with allergic rhinitis and bacterial diseases respiratory organs. These drugs include Naphthyzin, Sanorin, Galazolin, Xymelin and Otrivin.

Whatever means you choose to treat a runny nose, remember that for proper treatment it is necessary to understand the causes of the disease. You cannot treat a runny nose that lasts more than three weeks on your own. The best way out would be to contact a doctor who will diagnose accurate diagnosis and will prescribe the necessary course of treatment for you.

Vasoconstrictor nasal drops or so-called adrenergic agonists are not uncommon. After all, almost all drugs that are used for a runny nose have such properties.

Operating principle

Vasoconstrictor nasal drops are not intended for treatment. They are used only for relief unpleasant symptoms colds. As you know, with this disease, a runny nose begins, which, in turn, leads to difficulty breathing. This is due to the fact that a large amount of mucus accumulates in the patient’s nose. Thus, the principle of action of vasoconstrictor drops is the rapid narrowing of the vessels of the mucous cavity respiratory organ. As a result of this, the patient notes a significant decrease in mucus production, a decrease in swelling and an improvement in nasal breathing. This brings significant relief. Moreover, eliminating edema frees auditory tube, thereby restoring normal aeration of the middle ear. After some time, the effect of the drug ends and the course of the disease returns to its normal course.

Negative sides

Despite the fact that vasoconstrictor nasal drops bring significant relief to the patient, such “treatment” is still temporary. And sooner or later you have to pay for free breathing. As a rule, after regular use With such drugs, patients experience noticeable drying of the nasal mucosa. This is due to the fact that nutrition is disrupted and blood vessels become fragile and thin. Moreover, long-term use These medications can lead to nosebleeds. It is also worth noting that the patient often becomes accustomed to this “treatment” of a cold. As a result, an even larger dose may be needed to further relieve swelling and reduce mucus production. That is why vasoconstrictor nasal drops are recommended to be used to ease breathing for only a few days.

Side effects

When using medications for the common cold, you should remember that, like all medications, vasoconstrictor drops also have side effects. These include the following:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • increased heart rate;
  • headache.

Types of pharmaceutical drops

The difference between all existing vasoconstrictor drugs is only in the duration of the course of treatment and the time of action. Thus, in modern pharmacy chains You can purchase short, medium, and long-acting remedies for runny nose and allergies. It should be noted that with the same principle of “work,” nasal vasoconstrictors can have completely different compositions. To understand which drops are the most effective and popular, let’s look at their list in more detail.

Pharmaceutical products for the nose

The most proven, famous and inexpensive drops the drugs “Sanorin” and “Naphthyzin” are used in the nose. Their duration of action usually does not exceed 4 hours. It is recommended to use such drugs for no more than a week. Other vasoconstrictor drops include the following:

Other means

In addition to the above vasoconstrictor drops, we can also name the following effective drugs for the nose, such as “Grippostad Rino”, “Rinorus”, “Galazolin”, “Nazol”, “Nazivin” and many others. With the help of these drugs, a rapid constriction of blood vessels is caused, the formation of mucus is reduced, as a result of which normal breathing is immediately restored.

Nasal drops for long-term use

If you need a long-acting drug that can be used for one and a half weeks without harm to health, you can purchase Xylometazoline drops. This remedy will help you breathe freely for more than ten hours. You can also note Tizin drops, which begin to act after just a few minutes. This drug retains its effect for up to eight hours. However, manufacturers do not recommend using it for more than 4 days. The drug "Oxymetazoline" is drops convenient for use before bedtime. Their effect is up to 12 hours.

Drops for the little ones

It's quite difficult to choose for your child. safe drug. And experts note that Nazol Baby drops are just that. However, they should only be used by children aged 1 year and older. In addition, we can note such cold remedies for children as “Rinza” and “Coldrex”.

Nasal drops for allergies

Allergies can rightfully be considered the most annoying disease. After all, its symptoms are quite unpleasant: swelling, itching, redness, decreased hearing, bronchospasms, swollen nose and runny nose. Help to cope with these signs can help very quickly special drops for the nose. Currently, the following types of such drugs exist:

  • Combined nasal medications (for example, Sanorin-analergin). Such drugs have two components: one is aimed at relieving swelling, and the second is against allergies. But using them for longer than 10 days is highly not recommended. Such drops are prescribed not only to adults, but also to children.
  • Anti-inflammatory vasoconstrictor drugs (for example, Vibrocil). This tool for allergies, suitable even for infants, pregnant and nursing mothers. In addition to drops, this drug is also available in the form of a spray and gel. The dose should be adjusted according to age and used only for up to 14 days.
  • Hormonal or steroid drops in the nose against allergies.

Traditional methods for narrowing the blood vessels of the nose

IN alternative medicine It is recommended to get rid of allergies or a common runny nose only with the help of natural remedies. These include sea buckthorn and peach oils. It should be especially noted that these are not only vasoconstrictors, but also products that soften and restore the nasal mucosa. By the way, a mixture of peach oil, menthol or peppermint oil is used quite successfully for nasal instillation. This self-prepared drug softens the mucous membrane, acts as a vasoconstrictor and has an antiseptic effect.

Some diseases of the nose are accompanied by severe swelling of its mucous membrane, which leads to difficulty breathing and the appearance of moist discharge from it. To reduce unpleasant symptoms in such situations, medications are used that cause narrowing of the capillaries in the affected area.

At the same time, blood flow in the treated area decreases, which leads to a decrease in fluid perspiration through vascular walls and relief of edema. For this purpose, vasoconstrictor drops are dripped into the nose for sinusitis, ethmoiditis, frontal sinusitis, rhinitis and other diseases.


Indications for prescribing drugs from this category are all diseases accompanied by swelling of the nasal mucosa:

  • infectious rhinitis (in other words, runny nose);
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • chronic runny nose;
  • sinusitis (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis);
  • some types of otitis;
  • before rhinoscopy;
  • sometimes to stop nosebleeds.

It must be borne in mind that due to the mechanism of action, vasoconstrictor drugs for these diseases do not in any way affect their cause, but only eliminate the symptoms. Namely, they make breathing easier and temporarily reduce the secretion of mucous secretions.


Depending on the main active substance all vasoconstrictor nasal drops can be based on:

  • phenylephedrine;
  • oxymetazoline;
  • xylometazoline;
  • naphazoline.

They also differ in duration:

  • short-term action (eliminates swelling for 4-6 hours);
  • medium duration (6-10 hours);
  • prolonged action (more than 10 hours).

For short-term effects, naphazoline and phenylephedrine are used. Xylometazoline has a medium-lasting effect, and oxymetazoline has a long-lasting effect.

The most popular vasoconstrictors for runny nose and sinusitis are presented in the photo below:

Drops based on naphazoline

Drops that constrict blood vessels for the nose based on naphazoline are short-term remedies. The most popular drugs from this series:

  • Naphthyzin;
  • Sanorin;
  • Imidine;
  • Rinazin et al.

They are approved for use in children over one year of age, but are not recommended for pregnant women. These drops are also not used during lactation. There are safer remedies for such conditions.

The main advantage of drugs from this group is low price. But because unwanted effects(dryness and irritation of the nasal mucosa) they are not often prescribed.

Phenylephedrine drops

Drops for vasoconstriction with phenylephedrine as an active ingredient are safe and are actively used in children of all ages. These are ideal vasoconstrictor drops for babies. Pregnant and lactating women are also recommended to use them when they have a runny nose.

Of this group, the most popular and effective are Vibrocil vasoconstrictor drops. This universal drug for children and adults. It can be used right from birth, but the dosage varies depending on age.

Other means of similar action:

  • Nazol Baby;
  • Nazol Kids;
  • Adrianol;
  • Mezaton.

From this series, two drugs need to be distinguished separately:

  • - a combination product containing, in addition to phenylephedrine, neomycin, polymycin (have antibacterial activity) and dexamethasone ( hormonal drug). Due to the antimicrobial and hormonal component, this drug not only eliminates nasal congestion, but also fights infection, and also reduces inflammatory phenomena. It is used in cases persistent rhinitis and sinusitis (with sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, etc.), as well as with a runny nose with confirmed bacterial nature when regular drops without an antibiotic do not help.

  • "Mezaton"− this is a solution on the basis of which vasoconstrictor drops are prepared in the nose with the addition of dioxidine and hydrocortisone. This creates a combination drug with an antibiotic and a hormone in its composition. They resort to its help in difficult cases when the disease cannot be cured with conventional medicines. But such hormonal drops cannot be used without a doctor’s prescription, since they have many side effects even if not correct use cause addiction with subsequent withdrawal syndrome.

Drops based on xylometazoline

Xylometazoline is a drug that causes capillary spasm due to its action on adrenergic receptors. Nasal drops for constricting blood vessels based on it last up to 10 hours, so it is enough to instill them 2-3 times a day, which is very convenient. But in children, due to side effects, they are used with caution.

Pharmacies from this group sell:

  • Galazolin;
  • Xymelin;
  • Rhinonorm;
  • Xylene;
  • For nose;
  • Rinorus et al.

Spray "Snoop" - nasal drops with xylometazoline and sea water in the composition. This drug has slightly less long-term action(up to 6 hours), but it is very economical in consumption, and the sea water in the ingredients protects the nasal mucosa from drying out.

Drops based on oxymetazoline

Long-acting drops for the common cold are produced on the basis of oxymetazoline. They act for at least 10-12 hours, so they need to be instilled only 2 times a day.

Of these products, the most popular are Nazivin, Nazol, Vicks, Sialor, etc. Most of them are approved for use from birth, but dosages vary for infants, children over one year of age, and adults.

Features of application

For sinusitis, it is better to use drugs with an antibacterial component in the composition. With their help, you can cure a runny nose faster and more effectively. Therefore, for this disease, Polydexa becomes the drug of choice.

Drops for infants are suitable based on phenylephedrine and oxymetazoline. But at the same time, we must not forget about selecting the correct concentration and the resulting addiction to the drug if you use it for more than 5 days.

The need to use vasoconstrictors during lactation and pregnancy often arises. There is even a type of rhinitis - “runny nose of pregnant women”. In such situations, it is better to use drugs with phenylephedrine. They have a good effect, and at the same time, are quite safe.

For allergic rhinitis, it is recommended to use hormonal rather than vasoconstrictor nasal drops. Since they not only relieve swelling and inflammation, but also affect reactions immune system, reducing their reactivity. Also in these cases good effects turn out to be antihistamines in tablets.

Hormonal drops for runny nose

If there is no treatment desired effect, addiction has arisen, and the patient is concerned about why vasoconstrictor drops do not help, it is worth prescribing instead hormonal agents. They are also becoming the drugs of choice for allergic rhinitis.

Such drops not only relieve swelling, but also quickly stop inflammation. Among them, Flinconase, Avamys, Nasonex are used, and vasoconstrictor drugs will not be needed.

But you should not use drugs with hormones in all situations, as they have more serious side effects than drugs that constrict blood vessels.

More detailed information O hormonal drops with a runny nose, you can learn from the video in this article.

Side effects

Despite the apparent safety of these medications, they must be prescribed by a doctor, as they have a number of side effects. The main one is addiction.

If used incorrectly, they cease to have the desired effect, which forces patients to increase the dosage. As a result, atrophy and drying of the mucous membrane occurs, which can be difficult to correct.

In addition, pathological fragility of blood vessels develops, which is manifested by frequent nosebleeds. And also decreases local immunity, that leads to frequent runny nose and colds. Therefore, these drugs should not be used for more than five days.

If addiction does occur, to relieve swelling you need to use a diluted drug or non-vasoconstrictor drops for the common cold. The dosage of the usual remedy must be constantly reduced, and gradually (but as quickly as possible) completely abandon it.

When treating rhinitis and sinusitis, you need to remember that there are no vasoconstrictor drugs, not addictive. If long-term therapy is necessary for such diseases, it is necessary to use medicinal drugs from other groups, for example, based on herbal ingredients(Pinosol), sea water (Aquamaris, Marimer), saline and etc.

They are also effective in treatment and can be used for a long time. But they will not help quickly remove nasal congestion and make breathing easier for a long time. Other side effects When used correctly, they almost never occur.

But if you use excessive dosages, the following unpleasant symptoms may develop:

  • Headache;
  • Increased blood pressure;
  • Sleep disorders;
  • Impaired consciousness;
  • Poisoning of the body, etc.

Therefore, it is important not to neglect the doctor’s recommendations during treatment.

Vasoconstrictors are excellent first aid for nasal diseases with difficulty breathing. They quickly clear the nasal passages of mucus accumulation and swelling.

After using them, literally in a few seconds a person can breathe freely again, which is very important if you have to endure an illness at work. But we must not forget about possible development habituation and do not use vasoconstrictor nasal drops for more than five days. If long-term treatment is necessary, it is better to give preference to other drugs.



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