Inflamed cat ears. Otitis media in cats: causes and symptoms

Otitis media in cats: causes and symptoms

As with dogs, otitis media in cats is a fairly common disease. The owners consider this ailment almost harmless, but this is a dangerous delusion. If you do not go to the clinic in time, the cat can lose hearing and even die from meningitis or other complications that affect the brain tissue. In order not to miss the onset of the disease, it is important to know the signs of otitis media in cats. And it is even more important to understand what factors can provoke an inflammatory process in the ear.

The cat's ear, like the human ear, consists of three sections - the outer, middle and inner. The most common and most easily cured is otitis externa, in which only the visible sections of the ear are affected. With otitis media in a cat, the chances of a complete recovery are less, but with proper care and treatment, the prognosis is favorable (without treatment, otitis media is likely to turn into chronic form). Inflammation inner ear- the worst option, in which there is a high probability of complete hearing loss, various brain damage and other serious complications.

The typical chronic otitis media in cats is periodic pain, seasonal relapses, course treatments and endless prevention. Exhausting pain turns the cat into an aggressive nervous creature, unable to communicate closely in the phase of an exacerbation of the disease. Chronic otitis media can be progressive (malignant) - in such a situation, you will need surgical intervention, but even the operation does not give a 100% guarantee of recovery. Therefore, the suspicion otitis media in cats - a reason for an immediate visit to the clinic. There is no need to buy medicines in pet stores on the advice of friends or a consultant: only a doctor should prescribe treatment, after a deep examination of a mustachioed patient.

Causes of otitis media

In addition to bacteria, the destructive effect on skin cells is fungi. With various mycoses, fungal otitis in cats can be both a complication (for example, trichophytosis) and an independent phenomenon against the background of high sensitivity and low resistance. If set low immune status, besides specific treatment use immunomodulators and stimulants, without which recovery is delayed for months. When deeply affected by bacteria or fungi, cats often develop purulent otitis media, and the inflammation is localized in the middle ear.

Often typical symptoms otitis in cats are observed after hypothermia, especially if the pet got caught in the rain or was ransomed. The ear can become inflamed after the cat has slept on the windowsill or in a room with an open window. Therefore, while bathing, the ears should be protected with cotton swabs, and after the bath, make sure that the pet is not in a draft. Otitis is provoked by many colds and viral diseases that affect the respiratory system.

Injuries- Another obvious cause of otitis media. In cats that have the habit of climbing trees and fighting with fellow tribesmen, the ears are damaged quite often: scratches, lacerations, foreign objects (twigs, thorns, etc.). As a rule, in such cases, the disease begins with local inflammation, gradually affecting all parts of the ear. Therefore, it is important to regularly inspect your pet, looking into her ears. Especially if the cat goes outside.

Sometimes otitis media in cats is entirely the fault of the owners. The ears of some cats are constantly dirty with sulfur - this is not a disease, but idiosyncrasy. Ears have to be cleaned, and this should be done regularly. If the sulfur clogs the ear canal, over time, local inflammation will begin, which is hello to otitis media. Some owners show excessive zeal, rubbing their ears to a shine - the cat loses its natural protection, sulfur no longer covers the skin thin layer, bacteria and fungi multiply in a favorable environment. In addition, ear otitis in cats develops if sulfur is not properly removed by pushing it inside the ear with a cotton swab: sulfur plugs - local inflammation - chronic otitis media.

Symptoms of otitis media

If the owner is attentive to the pet, it is quite easy to notice the signs of otitis media in cats. At an early stage, the skin looks irritated and reddened, the pet rubs sore ear(or ears with bilateral otitis media) with a paw, keeps the ear folded, pressed to the head. After a while, the ear starts to hurt. If the pain is sharp, “shooting”, the cat suddenly jumps up, screams sharply, looks around in fear. If the pain is aching, the cat does not allow to touch the ear, avoids stroking the head, presses the sore ear against the bedding.

Without treatment, otitis media in cats causes more pronounced symptoms:

  • scratches, grooves, pimples, sores are noticeable on the skin;
  • the cat constantly scratches the ear until it bleeds, shakes its head, does not turn the sore ear to rustle;
  • in defeat facial nerve the eyelid, lip or ear may sag, which indicates partial paralysis;
  • if purulent otitis develops, in cats it flows from the ear, something squishes and gurgles inside, especially when touched. From the cat, especially from the ear, comes an obsessive unpleasant odor;
  • in severe cases, the temperature rises by 1-2 degrees from the norm, the pet loses its appetite, does not want to play and communicate. Many cats become irritable, constantly screaming and meowing.

In some cases, otitis media in cats develops very slowly and with little or no signs of illness: slightly reddened skin, the pet sometimes scratches its ear, sometimes shakes its head, but in general everything is fine. However, the veterinarian must be contacted immediately, as every day the likelihood of perforation of the eardrum increases, which will lead to a decrease or loss of hearing. Don't count on good health pet - seek professional help.

Otitis (inflammation of the ear) in cats and cats

Otitis- this is inflammatory disease cat ears. Owners often treat this disease lightly, not paying due attention to the treatment of the pet. This is an extremely dangerous delusion, a neglected disease can lead to a chronic process and serious complications, up to inflammation of the brain.

Causes of the disease

The ears of cats are an extremely vulnerable place, therefore, the occurrence of otitis in them is quite common. There are a lot of reasons for the occurrence of the disease, consider the main ones:

The cat's ear consists of three main sections - the outer (outer) ear, middle and inner ear. Based on these anatomical features, several forms of the disease are distinguished:

  • Otitis externa - affects the outer part of the ear, the symptoms are usually mild, the most common form of the disease with a good outcome and simple treatment.
  • Otitis media - general symptoms of inflammation appear, treatment is complicated, but in most cases the prognosis is favorable.
  • Otitis of the inner ear is the most severe form, it often proceeds with complications, the animal's well-being suffers greatly. If you do not turn to the veterinarian in time, even the death of a pet from cerebral edema is possible.

With improper or absent treatment, the acute form can become chronic. It is characterized by a long course with periodic exacerbations. Also Special attention it is worth paying attention to careful care and prevention of the cat in order to reduce the risk of exacerbations. maybe malignancy diseases with the development of a purulent process, in these cases, a surgical operation may be required.

With a regular examination of your pet, it is quite easy to see the signs of otitis media. Manifestations differ in the stages of progression of the disease: initial, peak period, recovery or transition to a chronic form.

On the initial stage noticeable change skin auricle - it turns red, with the allergic nature of the disease, weeping is possible. Also characteristic symptom is sharp pain- the cat often lies on a sore ear, does not allow petting on the head, during attacks it can jump up abruptly and show anxiety.

At this stage, it is urgent to start therapeutic measures for the animal, if you do not take action, your pet's condition will deteriorate dramatically.

Characteristic manifestations of the peak period:

  • Abrasions, scratches and crusts on the skin of the ear.
  • General symptoms inflammation - loss of appetite, fever, lethargy, apathy.
  • Constant pain, the cat becomes aggressive, shakes its head, can comb the affected organ until it bleeds.


The course of otitis can often be complicated. It is also possible that the disease progresses slowly, which practically does not cause the main symptoms of the disease. This slow development quite often leads to chronic inflammation of the ear.

  • Paralysis of the facial nerve - change in facial expressions, sagging lips, eyelids.
  • Purulent inflammation - with this complication, an unpleasant odor may come from the cat, fluid begins to stand out from the ear.
  • Meningitis is an inflammation of the lining of the brain. Arises frequent vomiting fountain, the animal is in state of shock, fever.
  • Running inflammation can also lead to pet deafness.


If you suspect otitis media, you can conduct an express diagnosis yourself - just scratch behind the ear of your pet. If there is inflammation, the animal will press the diseased organ to the head and at the same time knock with its hind paw.

In a veterinary clinic, an ear examination is mandatory with the help of a special device - an otoscope. This procedure is the main diagnostic measure and allow the doctor to see complete picture inflammation.

With fungal otitis media general examination cat to recognize the cause of a decrease in immunity, often this can be chronic inflammation internal organs.

If you suspect the development of meningitis, you need to take a puncture of the cerebrospinal fluid.

Before contacting the veterinarian, you can help your pet by conducting a local symptomatic therapy. Make sure that sleeping place the animal is not in the cold or in a draft, ensure peace. Introduce vitamin-mineral complexes into the cat's diet.

Carefully clean the auricles, it is best to do this with special lotions (for example, Ottifri) or antiseptics (miramistin, chlorhexidine), in their absence, washing with saline is possible.

Cleaning the ear canal should be carried out in two stages:

  1. Treat the sink with a cotton soaked cotton swab, removing sulfur, blood, pus and hair. If the ear is leaking, wipe the area around the ear as well. The liquid must be warm and not get inside.
  2. Remove the remaining lotion with a dry bandage.

To relieve pain, you can give the animal painkillers in the form of a suspension of Loxicom.

The rest of the treatment should be carried out only after being examined by a veterinarian and receiving test results. Irrational use of drugs can lead to worsening of the disease. For example, you can not use antibiotic therapy for mycotic inflammation, this will lead to even more reproduction of the fungus.

It is impossible to do warm compresses with purulent otitis media. This will speed up the growth of bacteria!

As a topical therapy, ear drops- otibiovin, otonazole or aurican. Mandatory antibiotic treatment in the form of injections. Penicillins and cephalosporins are commonly used. The course is carried out for at least 7 days, even in the absence of symptoms of inflammation.

With strong scratching, healing ointments are used - levomekol, iruksovitin.

A severe purulent course requires washing in a veterinary clinic, with a serious blockage, a deep surgical treatment of the ear canal.


Regularly clean the auricles, this must be done at least 1 time per month. Provide a warm place for your pet to sleep, avoiding being in a draft.

Be careful when washing - make sure that water does not flow into the ear, you can purchase a special cap or do not wet your head at all.

Spend preventive examinations pet for the presence of inflammatory processes in the internal organs.

Pictures and videos

Picture 1."The anatomical structure of the cat's ear"

Figure 2."Erythema and puffiness in allergic otitis media"

Video 1."Treatment of otitis media in cats and dogs"

One of the most common diseases in veterinary practice is ear inflammation. In fact, otitis in cats is quite dangerous not only for health, but also for the life of the animal. With untimely treatment, the inflammatory process affects not only the ears, but also the meninges, causing meningitis.

Causes of otitis media in cats

Important! More often than others, cats of Scottish and British breeds suffer from otitis media.

  • Another cause of otitis media is banal hypothermia or water getting into the ears when bathing. If the cat is wet and cold, for a long time was in a draft, then she was provided not only with otitis media, but also with viral colds.
  • Some cats have a tendency to produce excessive amounts of earwax, which needs to be removed regularly. The owner, neglecting this procedure, dooms his cat to suffering. The ears of the cat must be cleaned properly, without pushing the sulfur inside. It causes education sulfur plugs and chronic otitis.

A large accumulation of sulfur in the auricle leads to inflammation of the auditory canal and, as a result, to otitis media. But, there is another extreme, when a loving owner cleans his pet's ears too much, depriving him of his natural protection, which allows bacteria to freely enter the ear canal.

Symptoms of otitis media

The first sign of otitis media is itching and restlessness in the affected ear.

How to understand that a cat has otitis media? It is enough just to observe her behavior. After all, the symptoms and treatment depend on the type and stage of development of this disease:

  • The first sign of otitis media is redness inner surface auricle. The cat constantly scratches his ear, rubs it with his paw, tries to scratch himself on protruding pieces of furniture. The animal experiences severe itching, shakes its head and presses its ears.
  • In the future, the ear begins to swell, you can notice dry crusts, scratches on it. The cat suffers from severe pain, which can be both sharp, paroxysmal, and constant, aching. It hurts the animal to open its mouth, therefore, it stops eating, avoids the owner, does not allow itself to be petted. There is a slight increase in temperature, general weakness.
  • At advanced otitis media, the facial nerve may be affected, as a result, the lip or eyelid sags, partial paralysis occurs. With a purulent form of the disease, abundant discharge from the ear is clearly visible, which have a yellowish-green color and an extremely unpleasant odor.

Possible complications of otitis media

A visit to the veterinarian avoids the complications of otitis media.

Sometimes, otitis media can develop almost asymptomatically and painlessly. The cat occasionally scratches its ears and shakes its head, but does not experience much discomfort. It is this course of otitis media that poses the greatest danger. In this case, you should not delay a visit to the doctor, because otitis is fraught with inflammation and rupture of the eardrum and complete hearing loss.

The disease gradually flows into a chronic form and is very difficult to treat. Inflammation of the inner ear, as a rule, ends with meningitis, and purulent otitis media leads to paralysis of the facial muscles and deafness.

Types of ear inflammation

The ear of a cat consists of three parts: outer, middle and inner. Otitis externa is considered the most easily cured disease. It does not cause complications and does not cause much harm to the health of the animal. The inflammatory process affects only the outer part of the auricle, without affecting the auditory canal and the eardrum.

Inflammation of the middle ear is difficult to treat, and often becomes chronic. This is the most common otitis media, in which there is a deep lesion of the eardrum. If you start treatment in a timely manner, you can save the animal from more serious problems.

Discharge from the ear indicates the nature of the inflammation.

Otitis externa is very dangerous inflammation, leading to hearing loss, brain damage and even death of the animal. It affects the deep parts of the auditory canal, nervous system and vestibular apparatus, leading to sepsis and meningitis.

If the cat has only one ear, then this is a common unilateral otitis media. But it also happens that both ears suffer at the same time. Such otitis media is called bilateral, and getting rid of it is not at all easy. In addition, according to the nature of the course of the disease, chronic and acute otitis media are distinguished.

The presence of otitis externa and otitis media is quite simple to diagnose, but inflammation of the inner ear requires a slightly different approach. At the initial stage of the disease, the symptoms of internal otitis are no different from signs of inflammation of the external or middle ear.

In the future, the disease develops, a characteristic feature of which is that the cat walks with its head tilted to one side. When the meninges are affected, paralysis of the facial nerves is observed, the cat cannot swallow and drink water, she begins to involuntarily eye twitch, coordination is disturbed, signs of epilepsy appear.

Otitis externa is diagnosed under general anesthesia.

Treatment of otitis media depending on the type

Before the veterinarian makes a diagnosis and prescribes therapy, you can start symptomatic treatment at home. First, you need to carefully clean the auricle from accumulated secretions with cotton swabs dipped in a slightly warm solution of Chlorhexidine or Miramistin. But the choice of drugs should be entrusted to a professional. After all, the use of certain drugs depends on the cause that caused otitis media and the localization of the inflammatory process.

Drops are the main remedy in the treatment of otitis media.

Purulent otitis. It is necessary to treat such otitis in a cat only in a veterinary clinic. Self-intervention will only aggravate the disease. With a severe lesion, surgery may be required to clear the deep parts of the ear canal from accumulated pus. After such cleaning, the veterinarian prescribes drops from otitis Aurikan, Otonazol, Otospectrin, Amitrazin plus, Otibiovet. In addition, be sure to use antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs, preferably in the form of injections.

Important! Never use warm compresses for purulent otitis, as this will lead to the growth of bacteria.

Fungal attack. Fungal otitis requires a completely different treatment. In this case, you will need special antimycotic ointments or drops. For example, 1% Econazole, Clotrimazole, 1% Amphotericin, which can only be used if the eardrum is intact. Less effective, but also less toxic, are drugs such as Ketoconazole or Salicylic acid. In the treatment of fungal otitis, antibiotics are not prescribed in any case. This can lead to the rapid spread of a fungal infection. Tolnaftat drops, which are used in violation of the integrity of the tympanic membrane, have proven themselves in the treatment of mycotic otitis media. it effective drug which helps to quickly get rid of the fungus.

Disease prevention

Prevention of otitis is important for maintaining the health of the pet.

Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat, and otitis media is no exception. To save your pet from possible suffering, it is necessary to regularly clean his ears at least once a month. This must be done very carefully and carefully so as not to damage the auditory canal.

The animal should be protected from hypothermia and drafts. When bathing, make sure that water does not get into the cat's ears. Periodically show the cat to the veterinarian to exclude the presence of inflammatory and viral diseases.

Otitis in cats: symptoms and treatment at home

Otitis media is inflammation of the ear in cats, dogs, and other animals. In cats, inflammation of the outer and middle ear is most common, inflammation of the inner ear is more rare. In a pet, this disease affects either one or both ears at once, a variety of factors can cause otitis media.

Causes of otitis media in cats

Most often in a cat, otitis media occurs as a result of damage to the external ear (for example, from a tick bite, scratches received by pets after a fight with another cat, or even after an allergic reaction to food, shampoo or medicine).

Symptoms of otitis media in cats

Have you noticed that the cat constantly shakes its head or feels pain when touching the head in the ear area? It is quite possible that these are the first signs of otitis media. To have a better understanding of this disease, let's look at the symptoms of otitis media in a cat in more detail.

Otitis in a cat photo.

  • the skin of the inner part of the ear is reddened;
  • an unpleasant odor comes from the ears;
  • there is purulent / bloody discharge;
  • periodic deafness;
  • it is difficult for a cat to chew dry food (or natural solid food);
  • there is discharge from the eyes;
  • in case of complications, inflammation is observed submandibular lymph nodes, vestibular apparatus, as well as meningitis.

Treatment of otitis media in cats

If your cat has symptoms of otitis media, you should immediately take her to a veterinarian so that he can prescribe treatment depending on the type of otitis media.

  • Purulent otitis in a cat. Pus flows from the ear of the animal (fluid with bad smell). When the advanced phase of purulent otitis occurs in a cat, perforation of the eardrum and ulcerative processes may occur. Antibiotics, chlorhexidine peroxide and hydrogen peroxide are used for treatment.
  • Chronic otitis media is a consequence of infection with bacteria of streptococcus, staphylococcus, Escherichia and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This type otitis must be treated according to the guidelines and under the supervision of a veterinarian. Antibiotics, compresses with dexamethasone, Candibiotic drops are used for treatment.
  • Otitis externa in cats- these are diseases of the outer ear, a sign of which is a bacterial-fungal infection of the auditory canal or inflammation hair follicle accompanied by itching, eczema and swelling. Vetzim drops are used as a treatment.
  • Fungal otitis media in cats also known as otomycosis. It can be not only independent, but also a secondary disease. Due to inflammation, the skin loses its protective properties, as a result, the fungus provokes an infection and otitis media occurs. First there is severe itching, then a large number of sulfur, then the ear turns red - this is the beginning of inflammation. It may be followed by swelling, discharge of pus, an unpleasant odor. For the treatment of fungal otitis, a solution of phosphoric acid is used (the ear is treated with it) and the drug Gaselan 2%.
  • Bacterial otitis media in cats- he meets quite often, can affect both or only one ear. It is accompanied by itching, purulent discharge, redness and an unpleasant odor. With bacterial otitis, Surolan drops are used for treatment.
  • Allergic otitis media in cats- this disease of the auricle is the result of an allergic reaction, but can also be caused hormonal imbalance. A lot of ear wax is released, itching appears. For treatment, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of the allergy.

How to properly clean the ears of a dog (part of the prevention of otitis media):

When long-term treatment and the absence of visible results, the medications were probably chosen incorrectly, which is why the treatment is not effective. Remember that although otitis media for cats can be found in any veterinary pharmacy, it is better that it be prescribed by a doctor after examining the animal.

Once again, we note that the treatment of otitis should be prescribed by a veterinarian who will confirm the signs of otitis media in a cat. The prescribed drugs can be used already at home according to the instructions indicated for them. And if it is not possible to get to the doctor immediately after the symptoms are detected, you can try to help your pet. in the following way:

  • treat the cat's ear with a solution of miramistin or chlorhexidine (the solution is applied to gauze swab and they are already being processed).
  • remove sulfur from the ear using an exudate solution (sold in pet stores).
  • using a clean cotton swab dipped in boiled water, remove the discharge and crusts. If the auditory opening is clogged, clean it with saline using the douching method.
  • after these procedures, ear drops for cats against otitis should be applied (for example, Otinum, Otipax, Sofradex, Anandin plus). How many times to drip a particular product, see the instructions for it.

If after a couple of days after treatment there is no improvement, you need to try other drops, but it is better to visit a veterinary clinic. After all, chronic otitis is treated much longer and harder, so it is better to avoid complications.

Effective treatment for otitis media in cats

Middle ear disease in domestic cats is called otitis media. This is a widespread pathology of the hearing organs. Owners do not always understand the danger of the disease, believing that the disease is easily curable. Such carelessness often leads to relapses, the transition of the disease to a chronic form, and hearing loss in a pet.

Knowing the causes of the disease, symptoms and signs of inflammation in the ear will allow you to immediately seek qualified help and start treatment in a timely manner.

Causes of otitis media in cats

In modern veterinary medicine, inflammatory phenomena of the outer, middle and inner ear are well studied, which makes it possible to identify the following reasons pathology development:

Allergic otitis media

  • bacterial, viral, fungal infection . Microorganisms are the cause of not only local inflammation of the tissues of the auricle, but also lead to a general reaction of the body in the form of fever, intoxication.
  • Injuries, getting into the ear canal foreign bodies . Free-range cats often get injured while climbing trees, in fights with relatives, dogs. The wound surface is an excellent environment for the development of viruses and bacteria and, as a result, the occurrence of an inflammatory reaction.

Otitis externa. The seed of a plant adjacent to the eardrum

  • Irregular hygiene of the ear canal. Some pets are prone to increased sulfur formation, which must be removed periodically. Neglect of this hygiene procedure leads to the accumulation of sulfur in the ear canal, infection with microorganisms and the development of inflammation.
  • Often the cause of otitis media is autoimmune diseases.

Predisposing factors that provoke inflammation in the ear canal of cats are:

  • hypothermia of the body, drafts;
  • water getting into the ears when swimming;
  • low level of immunity, reduced resistance to infections.

Owners of furry pets should also be aware that some breeds of cats have a genetic predisposition to ear infections. Most often, the disease is observed in representatives of the British and Scottish Fold breeds.

Learn more about how to treat pneumonia in cats here.

Symptoms of otitis in a cat

Inflammatory phenomena in the ear canal have characteristic features that will not hide from the attention of the observant owner:

Animal anxiety. The cat often rubs the sore ear with its paw, tries to scratch it on objects (furniture, legs of household members). A sick pet constantly shakes his head. Sometimes the owner can observe how the animal tilts its head to the side. pathological process walks with a crooked neck. Scratching the ear with paws can be bloody due to severe itching.

  • On examination, redness and irritation of the delicate skin of the ear canal is observed.. In some cases, severe hyperemia is noted. The affected tissue has traces of scratching, scratches, dried crusts, scabs are found on it. Severe swelling of the ear canal is often noticeable.
  • Examination of the auricle is accompanied by pain due to inflammation and increased pressure of exudate on the eardrum.
  • The development of the inflammatory process leads to the fact that there is various kinds discharge: serous, purulent. In advanced cases, the exudate has an unpleasant odor, squelching and gurgling of accumulated pus is felt.
  • The physical activity of the animal is reduced. The cat lies more, does not take part in games and entertainment. Apathy is associated with both pain sensations and general intoxication of the body with the products of the inflammatory process.
  • The sick cat's appetite is reduced. Sometimes observed complete failure from feed.
  • In pain, animals often meow and even scream., do not allow you to stroke your head and touch your ears.
  • In some cases, there is increase in body temperature up to 41 C.
  • Otitis media is often accompanied facial nerve injury, which is manifested in the sagging of the jaw or lips.
  • The intensity of the manifestation of certain symptoms largely depends on the severity of the infection, the resistance of the pet's body and the type of inflammation in the ear canal.

    Types of ear inflammation

    Specialists in the field of veterinary medicine in domestic cats distinguish between inflammation of the outer, middle and inner ear. This classification is based on anatomical structure hearing organ and the involvement of certain components of the organ in the pathological process.

    Otitis externa is the easiest and most quickly eliminated type of inflammatory phenomenon. In this case, tissue damage is observed in visible departments ear without extending to the eardrum.

    Otitis media- a widespread type of disease in which the eardrum is affected. This type of inflammation often becomes chronic. With proper treatment, inflammation of the middle ear has a favorable prognosis.

    The most severe and dangerous form of the disease for a pet is inflammation of the inner ear. The lesion affects not only the eardrum, but also passes to the vestibular apparatus. Internal otitis is often the cause of acquired deafness of the animal. Inflammation of a purulent nature is dangerous by the transition to the meninges and the development of sepsis.

    Otitis media can also be unilateral or bilateral. In the first case, one ear is affected, in the second, inflammation is observed in both ears.

    Bilateral otitis due to food allergy

    According to the nature of the development of the process, veterinary specialists distinguish between acute and chronic otitis media.

    Diagnosis of otitis media

    Inflammation of the inner ear, in contrast to the pathology of the outer and middle sections, is characterized by more severe clinical manifestations. In the early stages, the symptoms differ little from external and otitis media. As the disease progresses, signs characteristic of inflammation of the inner ear are observed.

    The sick animal sits with its head bowed. Pathology of the facial nerve develops. A sick cat has blepharospasm, distortion of the muzzle. Due to paralysis of the facial nerve, a sick pet often develops problems with swallowing, quenching thirst.

    The development of such a sign as nystagmus (involuntary trembling of the eyeball) indicates brain damage. Nystagmus can be observed both horizontally and vertically. The fact that the brain is involved in the inflammatory process is indicated by nervous symptoms: impaired coordination of movement, epileptic seizures, cat sticking on objects.

    The veterinarian makes the diagnosis based on the history, characteristic symptoms, otoscopy, laboratory diagnostics. In some cases, the doctor will prescribe a biochemical and general blood test.

    Otoscopy - examination of the ear canal with a special device, usually performed after anesthesia. Manipulation allows you to determine the integrity of the tympanic membrane, to detect the presence of foreign bodies, neoplasms, inflammation.

    Apart from endoscopic examination, in the diagnosis, a study of a smear taken for bacterial culture is used. This procedure also allows you to determine the sensitivity of pathogenic microflora to antibacterial agents.

    Treatment of otitis in cats depending on the type

    Therapeutic measures for any form of otitis media should not be carried out independently. Treatment should be prescribed by a veterinarian, taking into account the form and severity of the pathological process. As a rule, the treatment of inflammation of the ear canal is complex.

    First of all, treatment begins with the removal of impurities and cleansing the ear canal from exudate, crusts, dirt, etc. Do this with gauze wipes soaked in a disinfectant solution. As a home antiseptic fit:

    • 3% boric acid;
    • chlorhexidine solution;
    • 3% hydrogen peroxide;
    • furacilin solution;
    • miramistin solution.

    With severe purulent inflammation in a specialized clinic, a deep surgical cleaning of the ear canal from purulent masses is carried out.

    After cleansing the affected ear from dirt and exudate, treatment with drugs prescribed by a veterinarian can be carried out.

    As ear drops in the treatment of otitis in animals, such medical preparations like Sofradex, Dexamethasone. From veterinary drugs Aurikan, Uricin, Surolan, Anandin, Otibiovet, Tsiprovet, Tsipam, Otovedin are used in cats.

    For information on how and how to treat otitis media in cats, see this video:

    Purulent otitis media

    With a purulent form of otitis media, the pathogenic microorganism that led to the development of the disease is taken into account. If the inflammation is of a bacterial nature, then the sick animal is prescribed antimicrobial therapy.

    Cephalosporins, macrolides, and antibiotics are effective as antibacterial agents. penicillin series. Before use antibacterial drugs sensitivity testing is required.

    A good result is the use of amoxiclav, ampicillin, amoxicillin - antibiotics of the penicillin group. The most commonly used cephalosporins are cefazolin, ceftriaxone, and cefixime.

    Of the macrolides for otitis in cats, erythromycin, clarithromycin, azithromycin, spiramycin are effective. Dosage and course duration antibiotic therapy set by a veterinarian in each case.

    With pronounced pain syndrome the pet is prescribed painkillers or a novocaine blockade is performed. Recovery occurs faster with the use of immunomodulators and vitamin complexes. As drugs that enhance the protective properties of the body, the following are used: nucleopeptide, gamapren, glycopin, salmosan.


    fungal infection

    Treatment of the fungal form of otitis media (otomycosis), in addition to hygiene procedures, involves the use of specific agents aimed at combating mycoses. good therapeutic effect has antifungal ointments based on nystatin: Panologist, Oridermil, Clotirmazol, Nystatin. Apart from local treatment, apply the same antifungal and antibacterial drugs of general action: Amphotericin, Ketoconazole, Amoxicillin.

    Otomycosis in a cat

    The best effect is achieved when carrying out the sowing of pathological material for sensitivity to antifungal drugs.

    In the treatment of any form of otitis, it is important to provide the sick pet with the proper conditions: dry and warm room without drafts, peace, lack of stressful situations.

    And here is more about how to clean your ears at home.

    Prevention of otitis media

    Prevent the development of otitis media various etiologies The following recommendations from veterinarians will help the owner of a fluffy pet:

    • prevent hypothermia, stay of the cat in damp rooms with drafts;
    • regularly clean the ears from dirt and accumulations of sulfur;
    • periodically check the pet's ears for abrasions, scratches, redness, etc.;
    • while swimming, do not allow water to enter the ears;
    • limit the free range of the animal;
    • conduct regular disinfection of the premises, animal care items.

    Otitis in domestic cats is an insidious disease. At untimely appeal per veterinary care there is a risk of developing not only deafness in an animal, but also serious health problems and even a threat to life. Self-diagnosis and treatment inflammatory processes in the ear canal of animals is strictly prohibited. Treatment should be prescribed only after a professional examination.

    To learn how to properly clean the ears of a cat, see this video:

    Otitis in cats - symptoms and treatment

    Otitis in cats occurs quite often and is not a fatal disease if treated in time and eliminated. It is an inflammatory process in one of the ear sections, which provokes pain and tingling inside. This disease exists in three forms, each of which has its own specific features and treatments:

    • External - is the most harmless and easily eliminated, since the disease has time to affect only the visible parts of the ear;
    • Medium - more often than others, it flows into chronic otitis media, since the inflammation falls below and manages to hit the eardrum;
    • Internal - is considered dangerous and critical for the condition of the cat. With this form, the animal almost in all cases loses its hearing and receives a series of additional complications. The infection penetrates the brain and causes irreversible consequences.

    Causes of otitis media in cats

    An animal can get sick in an extremely unexpected way. Many owners are mistaken, thinking that ear otitis in cats can only occur when hypothermia or colds. This ailment has a fairly large range of reasons due to which its occurrence occurs. The auricles of a cat are a vulnerable and easily accessible place, so foreign objects and insects play a huge role in the formation of the disease.

    The following are the main causes of this disease:

    A substance or object to which an animal is allergic can easily and quickly provoke the development of ear disease. Similar phenomenon occurs due to the fact that allergen bacteria, entering the cat's body, completely change the environment in all possible parts of the body. This also includes the ear section. So, an allergic reaction can cause inflammation.

  • Mechanical injuries and bruises

    Any damage to the ears from tree branches, tough plants and thorns is easily inflamed and becomes a breeding ground for harmful bacteria. Such scratches and wounds quickly begin to rot, heal poorly and are a real threat to the health of the ears.

    Fungi and other bacteria thrive in moist, damp environments. The ear, which has undergone any damage and irritation, is an excellent haven for microorganisms. Having multiplied in enough, bacteria easily overcome protective barriers ear and begin to descend to the eardrum and beyond.

  • Foreign Object Damage

    Damage from sharp, cutting objects also causes irritation. They can disturb the animal, leading to scratching and more damage. The wound does not heal and as a result, otitis media begins to form.

  • Contact with other animals
  • Non-compliance with hygiene standards

    Some varieties of cats suffer from copious excretion earwax. It is the responsibility of the owner to ensure that the sulfur does not clog the ears and does not cause inflammation. Strong discharge ear wax is removed with cotton pads soaked in boiled water.

  • Hormones

    Crashes in hormonal balance cause serious skin, ear and eye problems. If such problems are not eliminated in time, they can begin to progress more seriously.

  • Symptoms of otitis in a cat

    The symptomatic signs of this disease are quite easily distinguishable. It is virtually impossible to confuse it with another disease or allergy. But for inexperienced owners or those who have never encountered this scourge, the following information may be useful:

    1. The animal tries to scratch the sore ear, over time, scratching and redness become visible on it;
    2. Characterized by the presence of shooting or aching pain, the pet avoids contact with the owner, does not allow himself to be stroked on the head;
    3. With more complicated otitis media, ulcers and swelling appear;
    4. Possible presence of temperature;
    5. Often there are purulent discharge, there is an unpleasant smell from the ears;
    6. The animal becomes restless, can jump up abruptly and look frightened;
    7. It is possible to refuse food, ignoring treats.

    Treatment of otitis media in cats

    Diagnosis of this disease and its treatment are carried out exclusively under the guidance of a veterinarian. Such measures are necessary, since only a doctor can determine the stage of the disease and its magnitude. With independent and home treatment, it is possible to aggravate the course of the disease, which can provoke the appearance of meningitis and further death.

    The veterinarian prescribes an individual course of treatment for each pet. The main task of treatment is to suppress inflammation and get rid of harmful microorganisms that constantly multiply and complicate the treatment process.

    With a mild form of this ailment, the owner needs to develop a special schedule according to which the ears will be cleaned and processed. So, with superficial damage to the ears, rinsing with furatsilin and hydrogen peroxide 3% is prescribed.

    With otitis media of the middle ear, the doctor resorts to prescribing antibiotics and drugs that relieve inflammation of the ears in cats. If the animal experiences pain, then painkillers are almost always prescribed.

    With a complex form of the disease, a whole complex is prescribed, which is focused not only on curing the cat, but also on saving his life. It is most likely that the animal will become deaf after treatment, as the eardrum and ear canal will be effectively destroyed. Such difficult cases several courses of antibiotic therapy and treatment of the ears with special solutions are prescribed.

    Also, the owner of the animal should take into account that during the period of treatment the cat must be provided with complete rest and rest. Emphasis should be placed on easily digestible food, which will be enriched with vitamins and minerals. This will help the exhausted body to recover faster and bounce back.


    Prevention of otitis and other ear diseases does not include any complex activities and actions. The owner of the cat just needs to keep it clean and clean the ears several times a month with cotton swabs or napkins soaked in the solution.

    If possible, you should not allow the animal to be on a constant walk, as this threatens not only with infection with otitis media, but also with other dangerous diseases.

    Any manifestations of this disease become immediately noticeable. You can easily detect dirt-blackened ears or an unpleasant smell that comes from the canal. Such symptoms should not be ignored. So, you risk depriving your pet of a full life.

    Timely contacting the veterinary clinic will help to provide timely assistance to the pet and save his hearing. Maintaining good hygiene and following a proper diet will keep your pet happy and healthy.

    Symptoms of otitis in cats and its treatment at home

    Inflammation of the ears in cats (otitis media) is a fairly common phenomenon. It causes a lot of suffering to the animal, and in especially severe cases leads to the development of a severe disease - meningoencephalitis.

    Most often, cats have otitis externa. The disease begins with inflammation of the mucous membrane of the organ. Then the tissues of the middle ear are damaged, pus is released. The disease occurs in two forms: acute and chronic. In acute inflammation, perforation of the eardrum can occur, hearing acuity decreases and complete deafness occurs.

    Various factors can provoke the development of otitis media in cats. The main reasons are:

    • damage to the integrity of the eardrum resulting from trauma or ear scratching;
    • transmission of infection from the pharynx;
    • hit foreign objects- insects, thorns and others;
    • tick infestations;
    • accumulation of sulfur in the ear canal;
    • cold water in the ear
    • bacterial and fungal diseases;
    • skin pathologies - eczema, boils, dermatitis.

    Inflammation of the ear in a cat can manifest itself as secondary disease against the background of infectious diseases: rhinitis, pharyngitis and others. The risk of developing otitis media increases in the presence of predisposing factors. They can be: violations of air exchange in the auricle and high humidity, the presence of a narrow ear canal and abundant hairline, the tendency of the animal to allergic diseases as well as endocrine and immune diseases(lack of hormones thyroid gland, pemphigus, discoid and systemic lupus erythematosus).

    Otitis media in cats most often occurs due to an infectious disease of the external ear and when the eardrum is injured. If timely treatment is not carried out, the inflammation passes to the inner ear.

    Otitis in cats is accompanied by severe itching, the animal combs a sore spot, tilts its head. There are symptoms such as:

    • redness of the ear and parotid region;
    • hair loss;
    • violation of the integrity of the skin, its thickening and coarsening;
    • discharge from the ear;
    • copious outflow of pus (in case of damage to the eardrum);
    • ulcers inside the auricle;
    • the formation of crusts;
    • in the case of a purulent form of the disease, the body temperature rises;
    • with inflammation of the inner ear, coordination of movements is disturbed, the cat spins in place, falls;
    • the animal becomes lethargic, appetite worsens, vomiting opens;
    • in severe cases, paralysis of the facial nerve may occur - on the side of the diseased ear, the lip will be distorted.

    When the last four symptoms appear, the cat must be immediately shown to the veterinarian, as a serious complication, meningoencephalitis, may develop.

    Discharge from the ear that appears with otitis media is different. By their appearance, you can determine the type of infection:

    When you press the base of the ear shell in a cat, you can hear a characteristic squelching. At long course The inflammatory process narrows the ear canal, and benign formations appear on the affected areas.

    Before treatment, you need to carefully remove the formed crusts and pus, carefully trim the hair inside the ear. Crusts can be softened with:

    • warm boiled water;
    • 3% salt solution (30 g per 1 liter of boiled water);
    • the drug Epacid-alpha (a cotton swab is moistened with 1-1.5 ml of the solution);
    • special ear lotions.

    Then you should make antiseptic treatment. To do this, the cat's ear is wiped with a cotton swab moistened with a 3% solution of boric or salicylic acid. You can also use the drug Aurikan and solutions of hydrogen peroxide, Iodez, Chlorhexidine, Povidone-iodide.

    Ear drops Aurican with otitis have complex impact- antibacterial, antiseptic, insecticidal and anti-inflammatory. The drug is used not only to treat inflammation of the ears in cats, but also to prevent the disease, as well as during hygiene procedures. In cats, it is instilled 5 drops into the ear canal. After that, the auricle is massaged with light circular movements. Daily instillation is performed during the first week. Then the number of treatments is reduced. Over the next month, the medicine is dripped twice a week.

    If the inflammation is severe, then after drying the cleaned ear, 0.5% prednisolone ointment can be applied. The drug has antisecretory and anti-edematous action. It is the main treatment allergic otitis media in cats. Ulcerative lesions lubricate with Otodepin or Pichtoin ointment.

    Otodepin ear drops should be instilled 2 times a day. This tool should be lubricated and the entire ear. Treatment is carried out for 5-7 days. If the animal is prone to otitis, then preventive treatment should be done every day.

    In the treatment of pathology associated with infection by fungi and Gram-negative bacteria(chlamydia, proteus, enterobacteria), acidification of the ear surface helps with the following means:

    • chlorhexidine;
    • povidone iodide;
    • lactic, salicylic, boric acid;
    • 2% solution of acetic acid, which also affects gram-positive staphylococci.

    Local antifungal treatment of otitis in cats is carried out using Imidazole and Amphotericin B ointments. They are treated 1-2 times a day, the total duration of therapy lasts 10 days.

    For antimicrobial treatment of the surface of the ear, it is recommended to use universal antibacterial agents: Chloramphenicol, a mixture of powders of penicillin, streptocide and synthomycin, Sofradex (2-3 drops, 3-4 times a day, duration of treatment 2-3 days).

    As a general strengthening and maintenance therapy, it is advisable to use Gamavit at a dosage of 0.4 ml / kg of body weight. The remedy is recommended to be given to cats 2 times a day for 3-5 days.

    Since it is difficult to establish the exact cause of otitis in cats at home, it is recommended to treat it in combination with anti-tick drugs: Bars, Amit, Otovedin, Dekta, Decor-2 and others.

    If the disease does not respond to traditional methods of treatment, then the animal must be taken to the veterinarian. The specialist will prescribe antibiotics and antifungal drugs of systemic action.

    Otitis media in cats

    Otitis is a common inflammatory process that takes place in the auricle, affecting both the outer layers and inner part. Without proper attention, it can lead to death.

    Diseases of the auditory organs in pets are quite common. On the initial stages many owners may not notice or pay attention to strange behavior their pets. If possible, you should take the animal to a veterinary clinic and spend medical examination pet for an ear disease. Read more about diarrhea in cats here.

    In the case of diagnosing otitis in the chronic stages, it is imperative that all the prescriptions of the veterinarian be followed, otherwise there is a high probability of hearing loss, and, as a maximum, the death of the animal if the brain tissue is affected. That is why it is so important for any symptoms of the disease to contact a veterinary clinic.

    • external (damage to the visible part, the mildest form, it is quickly treated with timely contact with the clinic);
    • middle ear (over difficult treatment, but the chances of recovery are high, very often it becomes chronic);
    • inner ear ( Great chance complete hearing loss, difficult to treat).

    Causes of otitis media

    There are several reasons for the onset and development of the disease:

    In addition, otitis media may not be an independent disease, but secondary symptom. For example, with ear mites.

    Symptoms of the disease

    In the initial stages of the disease with otitis, the pet begins to clearly protect the ear. The head is often tilted to the side, towards the side of the lesion, perhaps regular shaking. In general, the animal looks restless. Since itching appears, the pet begins to comb the affected area, which leads to a worsening of the situation and further damage to the rest of the ear.

    Most often, the temperature rises locally, which is easily determined by hand. In addition, the site of manifestation of otitis becomes painful, which can lead to a change in the animal's mood for the worse (aggression). Without proper treatment, the disease quickly progresses to next stage and may become chronic.

    In more serious and severe forms of the disease, purulent discharge from the ear and an unpleasant odor are observed, redness or swelling in the ear canal is often formed. If, as a result of the disease, the facial or ocular nerves are affected, then the cat's lip sags, the eyelid drops.

    You can also see the general painful and irritated condition of the pet, he loses his appetite. In the case of a severe lesion, there may be a violation of coordination of movement, prolapse of the third eyelid, fever.

    If the situation worsens, a rupture of the eardrum is not ruled out, which means the complete deafness of the pet. It is painful for the animal to open its mouth, it vomits, asymmetry of the pupils can be observed. Further development disease can lead to the death of a pet.

    Since the primary stage of the disease sometimes proceeds without obvious manifestations (the initial symptoms are not always visible immediately), and the consequences are very severe, that is why it is so important to start treatment on time.

    Diagnosis of the disease

    With early and timely treatment, the diagnosis can be made on the basis of the overall clinical picture, taking into account the observations of the owner, by conducting a general examination and otoscopy. In the process, purulent discharge, inflammation and swelling inside the ear are revealed. Very often, with mild diseases, already at this stage, veterinarians determine the cause and prescribe appropriate drugs.

    But in case of damage to the middle ear, it is also taken cytological smear to more accurately identify the causes of inflammation, assess its degree and select the right treatment. The delivery of such an analysis can be carried out more than once, until the complete elimination of ambiguities.

    It should be remembered that otitis media is not always an independent disease. He can be secondary feature or hide under another disease.

    For example, when veterinarian suspects a cat has demodicosis on top of otitis media, then a scraping is taken and trichoscopy is performed - a study of hair and skin particles. In the case of a very advanced disease, video otoscopy is also performed under general anesthesia. Sometimes x-rays may be prescribed, but magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is much more effective and informative.

    Not only the ear area is examined, but also the nasopharynx, as they are interconnected. Prior to the appointment of treatment, urine and blood tests are also taken, and an antibiotic sensitivity test is performed.

    Treatment of otitis media

    Even before a proper diagnosis is made, you can help your pet. First you need to clean the ears from accumulations of pus and sulfur. This can be done with a solution of chlorhexidine, miramistin, homeopathic ear cleaning lotions (with calendula, green tea), special drops for hygiene care that do not contain drugs (Bars, Otifri, Harts).

    To remove excess, you can use napkins, ear sticks or cotton pads. Be sure to wet the auricle with a dry cotton swab or disc after treatment.

    Depending on the degree of the disease and the severity of the course, drugs are prescribed. Most often, these are veterinary brands: Otospectrin, Otoferonol Gold, Aversectin Ointment, Amitrazin Plus and more. But drugs can also be prescribed from a pharmacy for people: Anauran; Garazon; Sofradex; Otipax; Polydex; Dexon; Otinum; Fugentin; Otofa; Tsipromed; Normaks and more.

    The prescribed drugs are required to be used in a course that is approximately ten days. Individually can appoint up to two weeks. If, over time, changes in better side is not observed, then they can prescribe more strong drug or prescribe antibiotics. Most often macrolides, cephalosporins, penicillins. It is mandatory to complete the entire course, even if the improvement occurs after the first injections.

    In cases allergic reactions or when otitis media itself is a symptom of an allergy, antihistamines are prescribed.

    At advanced stages, when severe itching and soreness are observed, severe scratching in the ear area, then antimicrobial, antifungal, regenerating and wound healing agents are present in the prescriptions of the veterinarian.

    Very often, Surolan is used for this in the form of a suspension, which contains everything you need. But other drugs are also possible. If the cat does not stop scratching the ears, then an Elizabethan protective collar is applied and antipruritic drugs are additionally prescribed.

    Disease prevention

    Prevention is not difficult and boils down to the following:

    • clean your pet's ears regularly;
    • do not leave the cat in a draft and make sure that it does not get cold;
    • make sure that water does not get into the ears while swimming.

    Do not self-medicate, as this can lead to a worsening of the situation. Only a specialist will be able to correctly determine whether your cat has otitis media, whether it is hidden by other diseases.

    In addition, the initial symptoms of otitis media are very similar to those of an ear mite, and if you make a mistake using the wrong drugs, you can seriously injure your pet.

    Otitis in a cat: symptoms, treatment, causes, how to properly clean the ears

    Otitis media is a common disease in cats. These animals more dogs susceptible to the development of meningitis and deafness due to long-term developing inflammatory processes in the ears, so it is important not only to be able to recognize the onset of otitis media in cats (symptoms), but also to be able to prevent this condition.

    Feline otitis: general information and causes

    The hearing organ of a mustachioed pet consists of 3 sections - the outer ear, middle and inner. According to the inflammation of a particular department, there is also a classification of inflammations.

    Most often, external otitis occurs - it is cured most easily, relatively quickly and mostly without complications. But with a belated appeal to the veterinarian or improper treatment, inflammation easily passes into the internal sections.

    With otitis media, recovery occurs without complications only with timely diagnosis and proper treatment. Deep otitis or otitis of the inner ear is the most dangerous pathology that has the most consequences and complications (deafness and meningitis), not excluding cases of death.

    Otitis affects cats of all breeds and ages. There is no particular breed predisposition, but there is a high frequency of cases in old and weakened animals.

    The factors provoking otitis media are divided into:

    This name of pathogens, while maintaining the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes of the ears, does not provoke otitis by itself. They significantly complicate their course by changing clinical picture and significantly lengthening the treatment. Otitis media and internal are not always the result of external complication. There are a number of completely independent causes that provoke inflammation. internal departments directly.

    Causes of medium and deep otitis media:

    • Temporal bone injury or other parts of the skull near the ear canal.
    • Perforation of the tympanic membrane due to external factors (impact, loud noise), and in the form of complications of otitis externa.
    • Cancer growths with penetration into the ear.

    In cats, the vertical and horizontal canals of the ear canal are almost on the same straight line, so any pathological discharge during inflammation easily drains to the eardrum. With purulent otitis, its perforation (rupture or dissolution) is observed, through the opening of which pus and other fluids can enter the head, affecting the brain. In addition to deafness, meningitis (inflammation of the meninges) can develop, in especially severe cases, the animal can die.

    Signs of ear disease

    The very first sign that something is wrong with the ears of a pet is the increased interest of the cat in the ears: she strokes them, scratches them, slightly covers them and tilts her head slightly towards the affected ear.

    These signs indicate otitis externa, and this is already a good reason to go to a veterinary clinic!

    With otitis media and internal otitis observed:

    • soreness of the ears (sometimes does not even allow to touch);
    • an increase not only in local temperature, but also in general;
    • with a long purulent process signs of general intoxication - general depression, lack of appetite, vomiting;
    • the head is tilted towards the affected ear, slightly bent, the cat often shakes its head and at the same time meows;
    • obvious purulent outflows from the ear (especially if the integrity of the eardrum is damaged), a squelching sound is possible when massaging;
    • sagging of the eyelid and lips on the affected side, if the facial nerve is affected by inflammation;
    • in especially protracted cases - purulent dissolution ear cartilage and auditory ossicles;
    • sharp jumps of a cat and fright with unexpected painful backaches.

    When the disease passes into the chronic stage, the clinic may not be so obvious:

    • pet anxiety from recurring pain;
    • thickening of the skin around the entrance to the hearing aid, as well as near the auditory membrane (visible only during instrumental examination with an otoscope).

    Specific symptoms:

    • allergic otitis media are accompanied by hypersensitivity reactions in other parts of the body (urticaria, itching, swelling, etc.);
    • with otitis media caused by ear mites, dirty brown discharge is noted, after cleansing of which bleeding ulcers and wounds may remain. Usually both ears get sick at once;
    • with otitis media provoked by the presence of excess moisture in the ear canal, the discharge will always be of a liquid consistency, regardless of their characteristics (clear or cloudy, serous or purulent);
    • fungal and bacterial otitis media often have a dirty yellow discharge with a specific odor. Ears are hot. The diagnosis is made on the basis of laboratory cultures, when specific pathogens of the inflammatory process are isolated;
    • with otitis caused by excessive hairiness, hair is found deep in the ear canal. Before starting treatment, the hairs are removed;
    • - with tumor inflammation or due to the ingress of foreign objects, the examination reveals immediate causes - in fact, neoplasms and foreign elements. Usually found during examination using an otoscope.

    Photo of otitis in a cat

    Treatment of otitis in cats at home

    Self-treatment using "some kind of otitis media" purchased independently in veterinary pharmacies can lead to irreversible consequences, therefore it is prohibited. You can treat ear inflammation at home only with drugs prescribed by a veterinarian. Improper therapy of otitis media easily translates their course into a chronic form.

    Chronic otitis media is recurrent pain, constant relapses, repeated courses medical therapy and ongoing preventive measures. At the moment of exacerbation, the disease turns a kind and affectionate pet into an aggressive animal, often not even given into hands. This form of otitis media always progresses and in the most advanced cases sometimes requires surgical intervention, which is not a fact that will help. If there is any suspicion that the cat has problems with the ears, it makes sense to immediately take it to the veterinarian.

    What can be done at home:

    • carefully examine the ears, determine if pain is present;
    • gently remove (cut) excess hair from the ear canal;
    • wash with a cotton swab moistened with hydrogen peroxide, the auricle, soak the existing crusts. Lubricate wounds with wound healing antimicrobial ointments or a solution of brilliant green;
    • drip 2-3 drops of Otinum or Otipax preparations: drugs from a human pharmacy with antipruritic and analgesic effects to eliminate possible discomfort in an animal;
    • gently clean the inside of the ears with a solution of boric acid or furacilin. Excess moisture is wiped off with gauze or soaked with loose cotton swabs;
    • drip anti-inflammatory ear drops prescribed by the veterinarian for cats.

    What can not be done!

    1. Trying to clean the ears of an animal if you have never done it before!
    2. It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate!
    3. It is impossible to clean the cat's ear canal without anesthesia with obvious signs of pain (a single pain is enough so that it is not given in the future to examine the ears and treat them).
    4. It is not recommended to use hydrogen peroxide to clean the ears, because. it causes noise during the formation of oxygen foam, which will frighten the animal. This solution is only suitable for external treatment of the auricles.
    5. You can not warm the affected ears.

    We clean our ears properly

    It is better to clean the ears of a cat together, so that the assistant holds the animal for easy access to the one who will clean it. If there is no assistant, you will have to fix the animal by wrapping it in a thick terry towel or blanket.

    Ear infections are diagnosed based on clinical examination with an otoscope and laboratory tests contents from the hearing organs to determine the cause and specifics of the disease. In special cases, x-rays may be needed, as well as urine and blood tests and, in some cases, an antibiogram (to determine the sensitivity of microorganisms to certain antimicrobials).

    Treatment of otitis has some features, depending on the reasons that caused it:

    • in case of inflammation provoked by ticks, acaricidal (from ear mites) agents are preliminarily prescribed;
    • when a fungus is found in the ears of a cat, ear fungicides (antifungal drugs) are used;
    • bacterial and purulent otitis media require treatment systemic antibiotics and antimicrobial drops at the same time;
    • in especially advanced cases, surgical intervention may be necessary - an artificial puncture of the tympanic membrane, deep cleaning and intensive antibiotic therapy;
    • otitis media caused by allergies or hormonal abnormalities in the body are usually treated with antihistamines and corticosteroids.

    List of drugs used to treat otitis media in cats

    In medical therapy ear inflammation The most commonly used drugs are:

    Otitis media in a cat

    Many animals kept at home have diseases that humans suffer from, including ear diseases. The most common disease among ear diseases is otitis media in cats, which, if not properly treated or misdiagnosed, can lead to serious problems, including deafness or, even worse, death.

    Types of otitis media

    Types of ear disease in cats directly depend on the structure of her ear, are divided according to the localization of the disease in different ear sections.

    1. Otitis externa in cats is one of the least dangerous types of the disease, because it affects only the outer, that is, the visible part of the ear.
    2. Otitis media - inflammation of the eardrum and the entire contents of the middle ear is affected. This type of otitis media is more likely than others to take a chronic form.
    3. Internal otitis media is the most dangerous type of the disease, it can take critical forms, often leading to complete hearing loss or brain damage.

    Causes of the disease

    Otitis in cats is easy to detect and promptly start treatment. loving host who pays enough attention to his pet, will certainly notice changes in the behavior of the animal, and will be able to start treating him in time.

    1. The cat becomes more restless than usual, tries to scratch his ear, rubs it with his paw, constantly shakes his head and tilts his head in the direction where the source of pain is.
    2. Redness and irritation of the skin of the affected ear. The skin on the inside of the ear may be hot.
    3. An increase in overall body temperature by more late stages illness.
    4. Swelling of the ear, intense redness, decreased appetite and activity.
    5. Purulent or serous discharge from the ears with an unpleasant odor. The same discharge from the nose and eye of a sick cat is possible.
    6. Otitis media and internal otitis media can give a symptom such as strong pain when opening the mouth.

    Treatment of otitis media

    It should always be remembered that at the slightest suspicion of otitis media, the owner must immediately show the pet to a veterinarian who will correctly diagnose, determine the cause of the disease and prescribe the necessary treatment.

    It is clear that the owner does not always have the physical opportunity to visit the doctor with a cat. Then he himself detects otitis media in cats by symptoms and the owner also prescribes the treatment. But at the first opportunity, it is vital to show the fluffy beauty to a specialist.

    Before visiting a doctor, the cat needs to be given primary care. First, you need to inspect the place where the animal is most often located and make sure that it is warm enough and there are no drafts. You can add vitamins and minerals to your cat's diet.

    Pet ears should be put in order: clean with special lotions or suspensions, gently removing dirt from the ear with a cotton swab or a piece of bandage. In no case should you use ear sticks, they can injure the delicate ear of the animal. After applying special preparations, the ear should be wiped with a dry cotton swab or bandage. You can also give the animal pain medication.

    The doctor usually prescribes a cat with otitis media drops that relieve inflammation, and antibiotics are almost always used for treatment, the course of which is at least seven days, even in the absence severe symptoms illness.

    If the cat scratched his ears a lot, then you need to lubricate the places of scratching with special healing ointments.

    If a cat has a pronounced purulent otitis with discharge from the ears, then it is necessary to wash in a hospital, an unprepared person is not able to independently with this type of disease. If the ear canals are deeply clogged with purulent discharge, then the help of a surgeon will be required.

    Prevention of otitis media

    It must be understood that any animal can get otitis media, but preventive measures are available to humans that can significantly reduce the risk of the disease.

    The main method of prevention is the periodic cleaning of the ears of the animal. Weekly it is necessary to inspect the cat and wipe the ears from dirt and dust.

    Deep cleaning using special means, facilitating the removal of excess sulfur, should be carried out at least once a month. Then the pet will not have inflammatory processes that contribute to the development of otitis media.

    When bathing a pet, it is important not to allow water or soapy water to get into the ears, you need to be very careful when washing the head and muzzle. It is possible to use a special cap that will protect the sensitive ears of the cat. You can use tampons, covering the ears of a fluffy beauty with them.

    After swimming, you need to exclude the possibility of hypothermia. If the cat calmly reacts to the procedure for drying wool, then you can dry it with a warm hair dryer.

    When injuries and scratching of the ears appear, the owner must necessarily disinfect the wounds so that inflammation does not develop.

    The most important thing in disease detection and treatment furry pets- this is timely diagnosis, properly selected treatment, professional assistance of a specialist veterinarian. Self-treatment of otitis media can lead to complete hearing loss in a pet, and in advanced cases, to more serious consequences.


    Lucy-Zerba _

    Approximately, as in humans - penicillin - he is the first in the treatment of otitis media.

    Maria Evseeva

    If your cat constantly shakes his head and scratches his ear with his back paw, then he definitely has otitis media. As a rule, if you started a cat with this disease, then otitis media has already become chronic. 80 percent of all cats suffer from this disease. In principle, there is nothing terrible here, just when she has a complication, she starts terribly just tearing her ears. Take 70% isopropyl alcohol or rubbing alcohol, blot a cotton swab on a stick and clean her ears well. It is advisable to do this twice a day. After cleaning, put 1-2 drops of alcohol into her ears just like that and massage the ears at the base so that the effect comes faster. After a short time, your cat will feel much better and at least she will sleep "like a human being"!
    Try putting two or three drops of hydrogen peroxide in each ear, this is for rinsing. Selling in a pharmacy camphor alcohol or camphor oil, make tampons and somehow adapt them in cat ears. This method was recommended by the veterinarian (with tampons)

    Margarita Borisovna

    Nastya Antonenkowa

    our cat has the same thing (we can’t cure it!

    Rozalia Ismagilova

    cephrodex drops. it is also necessary to do antibiotics bicillin 3 at the base of the ear. stop bathing for a while and avoid getting water into the ears

    Angela Merkel

    Otitis media in pets

    Treatment is carried out depending on the cause and degree of otitis media:

    Cleaning of the ear canals with saline is prescribed;
    - medical drops are used;
    - a long course of antibiotic therapy is prescribed;
    -in the presence of tumor process surgical treatment is performed.

    To prevent otitis media, it is necessary to avoid the causes that can provoke it. Once a week, inspect and carry out hygienic treatment of the ear canal.

    Self-medication can be dangerous for your animals, so a full-time examination and consultation with a doctor is necessary.

    Atitis in cats



    Otitis is an inflammatory process in the ear. Distinguish between otitis externa, that is, inflammation of the part of the ear located outside the eardrum, and middle - inflammation of the middle ear.
    The causes of otitis in a cat can be different, but most often it is an ear mite or a foreign body in the ear.
    A cat with otitis media usually shakes its head and scratches its ears with its paws. Sometimes she holds her head a little to one side with this disease, since any change in the position of the head causes her pain.
    With otitis, discharge from the ears can also be observed, in severe cases even purulent. Inner side the auricle of the diseased ear is bright pink or red, swelling can be clearly visible, there is a smell from the ears.
    Otitis media requires immediate and vigorous treatment, as it easily becomes chronic and can lead to irreversible changes in the organs of hearing.
    In the treatment of otitis at home, 70% isopropyl alcohol or medical alcohol is used, which is used to clean the ears 2 times a day. After cleaning, 1-2 drops of alcohol can be dripped into the ear and massaged at the base of the cat's ears in order to enhance the effect of the medicine.
    If after 3 days there is no improvement, you need to see a doctor.


    What does the vet say?

    Julia Gulidova

    in love with sausage

    It might not be a cold, but an ear mite. Urgently hand over a scraping from the ear to the ear mites. If it's a tick, don't worry. Now there are many good drops, they act quickly and reliably.
    Good luck. But to the vet - rather! Delay threatens the cat with deafness!


    About the disease you have already written. What it is called too. There are ear drops Bars-a complex drug with acaricidal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. It is used for the treatment and prevention of otodectosis (ear scabies) and inflammation of the external ear in dogs and cats.


    Otitis media cannot be cured quickly, especially if the tick has "tried" there. Prepare mentally for a couple of weeks of scrupulously following the advice of a veterinarian, and do not pour anything into your ear yourself - you can simply burn the skin of the ear canal. If it has already passed into a chronic form, and a secondary (secondary) microflora has joined, it may be necessary to pierce antibiotics. Appointments depend on the severity of the lesions and on the type of infection - if there is a tick, then the treatment is one thing, if the fungus is something else, if the allergy is third, etc. Without seeing the beast, and especially on the Internet, you can advise a lot - there is no responsibility. . . Here people also try, and your favorite animal suffers.

    Otitis media refers to inflammation of the outer, middle or inner part of the ear. How to treat this disease depends on which part is inflamed and to what extent. The veterinarian can determine this.

    Causes of otitis media

    Otitis in cats can occur for several reasons. Among which are the accumulation of earwax and its subsequent decomposition; getting into the ear of a foreign body; growth of wool inside the auricle; various injuries of the auricle. Otitis media can also be caused by the presence of ear mites (otodectosis).

    Types of otitis media and symptoms

    The most common inflammation of the outer ear. This is otitis externa. Common symptoms of otitis media in cats are redness or discharge, and odor from the ears. The animal becomes restless, shakes its head, scratches its ear and reacts very aggressively to touching the sore spot. With purulent otitis media, pus, fluid, or blood may be released.

    With inflammation of the middle ear, the pet may experience pain when opening the mouth. In this case, he refuses to eat, as he cannot chew food. If a cat has otitis media, there may be other symptoms, such as strabismus or discharge from the eyes. The animal may tilt its head towards the affected ear.

    Internal otitis occurs when the form of inflammation of the outer and middle ear is advanced. The organs of hearing and balance are located in the inner ear. This is a severe form of the disease, the treatment of which often ends with surgery.

    As soon as you notice the corresponding symptoms in a cat, you should immediately consult a doctor. Before this, it is necessary to wash the animal's ear with saline so that the doctor can determine the degree of the disease.

    How to treat otitis media

    With a mild form of external inflammation of the ear, special drops and ointment for the ears are usually prescribed. In difficult cases ─ antiseptic drugs. There are usually several of them: some are designed to deal with the cause, others ─ with inflammation. Fluid is removed from the ear with 3% alcohol solution salicylic or boric acid.

    For the treatment of otitis in cats, the doctor can prescribe a number of drugs: Dexamezaton, Sofradex, Propolis, Protargol, Trypsin, Tsiprinol. Antibiotics and medicated drops are prescribed to treat inflammation of the middle ear.

    In order to drip drops, it is necessary to remove the hair from the auricle. Then, with a cotton swab, clean the ear canal from sulfur and secretions. Cotton wool should be moistened in a solution of hydrogen peroxide, boric acid (2%) or in a solution of furacilin. Then blot the remaining moisture with a gauze cloth.

    If the doctor does not offer, ask him to take a scraping from the ear for analysis. This is necessary in order to exclude the type of otitis caused by ticks. Because in this case, the treatment can be completely different.

    It is strictly not recommended to treat otitis media on your own! It must be remembered that as a result of untimely and improper treatment of otitis media, the cat may remain deaf for life. And if the inflammation goes to the meninges, then the pet may die.

    A cat has a suspicion of otitis media, how to cure it at home


    Alexey T

    Buy an Otipax and put it in her ears

    Yuna Cth

    or "OtiFree", but it's best to go to the veterinarian first, when my dog ​​had otitis we were given a blockade ...

    Klim Samgin

    Go to the vet. hospital, there they will correctly diagnose and what and how to drip they will say, how did you determine the diagnosis, are you sure of it !?

    Ovsienko Natasha

    Hello! There are very good drops in the ears -OTODEPIN! Get well!


    do not treat a suspicion, but an established disease!

    Call the vet at home, and treat at home.

    Ouch black cat

    Do not run, show the cat to the doctor! If she has otitis, I sympathize with her from the bottom of my heart ... By personal experience when there is continuous cannonade and pain in the ear, it is very uncomfortable. By the way, I ended up with surgery.


    You can also treat at home. even diagnose. If you invite home a vet with a lamp and a microscope. Because otitis is a consequence. The cause needs to be treated.

    Ear drops for cats

    Usually, a cat's ears are buried in two situations - when she has an ear mite or otitis media has developed. What ear drops are needed for cats in each case - find out below.

    Ear drops for ticks

    Ear scabies or ear mites is one of the most common diseases in cats and dogs. Most often they are sick young and old individuals. There can be several reasons for the disease - contact with a sick animal, transmission of the pathogen from the mother, infection from the shoes and clothes of the owners, and so on.

    Treatment consists in hygiene and the use of drops. If you see that your cat's ears are covered with oily, black crusts, she constantly scratches her ears and is nervous, then an ear mite is haunting her. First, clean your ears with ear sticks. Then treat with an anti-mite drug. Even if only one ear is affected, both should be treated.

    As medicinal product you can use ear drops for cats Anandin, Otoferonol, Bars, Aurizon.

    Anandin contains 0.3 mg of permethrin, 20 mg of glucaminopropylcarbacridone (anandin) and 0.05 mg of gramicidin C. First, the ears are thoroughly cleaned of sulfur and scabs with a swab dipped in the preparation, and then 3-5 drops are instilled into each ear canal . The ear is then lightly massaged for more uniform distribution drops. You need to treat 3-7 days.

    Otoferonol-premium contains 0.2% permethrin, dimexide, glycerin, dexamethasone phosphate disodium salt, isopropyl alcohol. Before use, the ears are cleaned of dirt and the effects of the disease with a swab dipped in the preparation, then 3-5 drops are instilled into each ear. After that, the ear is folded in half and massaged at the base. Treatment lasts 5-7 days.

    The effectiveness of Bars drops is based on the antifungal effect of the main substance - dimpilate (diazinon). Before using the drug, the ears are cleaned, then 3 drops are instilled into each ear, massaged at the base of the ears. The course of treatment consists of two procedures with an interval of 5-7 days.

    Aurizon in its composition has marbofloxacin 3 mg, clotrimazole 10 mg and dexamethasone acetate 0.9 mg. 10 drops of the drug are poured into the cleaned auricles, then their base is massaged. The course of treatment is a week.

    Ear drops for cats with otitis media

    If you suspect a cat has otitis media, you should immediately contact your veterinarian. Only after conducting tests and examinations, he will prescribe a competent treatment for your cat.

    To relieve symptoms and alleviate the condition, effective complex drops from otitis media for cats are used - Aurikan, Otibiovet, Otibiovin, Otonazol. These drops relieve inflammation and destroy fungi and bacteria, temporarily becoming a cure for otitis media. But in general, the condition requires an integrated approach to treatment.

    Otitis in a cat. How can you cure otitis in a cat at home? there are no ticks. The ear stinks and pus flows


    Natalia Artemenko

    Why did they launch it like that? Any drops in the ears with an antibiotic, since they were going to treat by the method of poke. And in a good way - you must first pass the tests, then determine the sensitivity of the pathogen to antibiotics, and only then select the drug. The same staphylococcus, if treated at random, develops resistance to antibiotics, and then nothing can help the animal.
    And given your addition - all the more so - first the tests, then the treatment.
    The analysis is not for ticks - but a tank. culture followed by an antibiotic susceptibility test.

    ken laeda

    Powder for ears-yellowish color with an indescribable smell. In the vet.

    nikolay saveliev

    urgently to the veterinarian, otherwise he will go deaf and pus will go to the brain.


    First you need to find out the cause of otitis, it can be both bacterial and fungal. Treatment in these cases is different. Take the cat to the veterinarian, let him take a swab from the ear and give it to the laboratory, where they will determine the pathogen and its sensitivity to drugs. Which drug the doctor recommends - that will be treated at home.


    drop a little alcohol, you can alcohol. kalen solution
    doula 2-3 times a day

    Marina Koltunova

    A thousand times already wrote on this topic. Do not engage in "poke", bring your otitis media to inflammation of the meninges - tryndets to your cat ... Only through a doctor - what he prescribes, that will be treated "at home" ...

    Otitis in cats: symptoms and treatment of ear disease

    Otitis in cats, the symptoms and treatment of which will be discussed in this article, causes great suffering to animals. After all, excellent hearing is extremely important for your graceful pet. Otitis in cats, the symptoms and treatment of which depend on the etiology of the disease, greatly undermines the ability of the animal to navigate in space. Let's list the reasons that can cause this unpleasant disease.

    Otitis in cats, symptoms

    Ear problems can be caused by mites, fungal infections, foreign body ingestion, trauma, or swelling. All of these factors cause an inflammatory process in the auditory canal, which is called otitis media. In cats, the symptoms and treatment of this disease is identified and prescribed by a veterinarian. Damage to the delicate skin of the ear by a tick or fungus gives rise to the disease. The cat feels discomfort, combs its ears with its paws. By doing this, it introduces an additional infection, and also stimulates the increased production of earwax, which is a medium for pathogens. This vicious circle must be broken, because until the itch is removed, the animal suffers. It must be remembered that once otitis media has been diagnosed in cats, treatment must begin immediately. Otherwise, the inflammation will go deeper from the external part of the auditory canal, reach the eardrum, which may threaten deafness in the future. In very advanced cases, otitis media is complicated by meningitis.

    It will not be difficult to list the symptoms of otitis media - these are discharge from the ear, an unpleasant smell of earwax, swelling of the skin of the ear canal and its redness. The behavior of a cat says a lot. She scratches her ears, shakes her head, rubs her sore ear on the ground, becomes depressed, irritable, lethargic. Some animals lose their appetite.

    Otitis in cats: symptoms and treatment

    The first thing a veterinarian should do is to identify the cause of the inflammation and eliminate it. This step may involve removing ear mites, treating a fungus, or removing foreign object from the ear. At the same time, intensive therapy with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drugs is prescribed. The ear canals need to be cleaned regularly, as secretions accumulate in them - a solution of hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine will help with this. Also, the doctor may prescribe a special veterinary lotion. cotton buds you can’t use it for this purpose - no matter how dexterous you are, there is always the possibility of damaging the cat’s ear and aggravating its suffering. Washing is carried out as follows: the animal needs to fix its head, pour an antibacterial drug into the ear, then lightly massage the ear and release the cat. It will shake fluid and impurities out of the ear. You need to be careful not to injure your pet and not let him scratch or bite you. After treatment, it is very important to take time to prevent otitis media - to clean the wax with wet wipes and make sure that the cat does not become infected with ear mites.

    Many animals kept at home have diseases that humans suffer from, including ear diseases. The most common disease among ear diseases is otitis media in cats, which, if not properly treated or misdiagnosed, can lead to serious problems, including deafness or, even worse, death.

    Types of ear disease in cats directly depend on the structure of her ear, are divided according to the localization of the disease in different ear sections.

    1. Otitis externa in cats is one of the least dangerous types of the disease, because it affects only the outer, that is, the visible part of the ear.
    2. Otitis media - inflammation of the eardrum and the entire contents of the middle ear is affected. This type of otitis media is more likely than others to take a chronic form.
    3. Internal otitis media is the most dangerous type of the disease, it can take critical forms, often leading to complete hearing loss or brain damage.

    Causes of the disease

    Causes of ear disease in cats can be very different.

    Otitis in cats is easy to detect and promptly start treatment. A loving owner who pays enough attention to his pet will certainly notice changes in the behavior of the animal and will be able to start treating him in time.

    1. The cat becomes more restless than usual, tries to scratch his ear, rubs it with his paw, constantly shakes his head and tilts his head in the direction where the source of pain is.
    2. Redness and irritation of the skin of the affected ear. The skin on the inside of the ear may be hot.
    3. An increase in general body temperature in the later stages of the disease.
    4. Swelling of the ear, intense redness, decreased appetite and activity.
    5. Purulent or serous discharge from the ears with an unpleasant odor. The same discharge from the nose and eye of a sick cat is possible.
    6. Otitis media and internal otitis can give such a symptom as severe pain when opening the mouth.

    Treatment of otitis media

    It should always be remembered that at the slightest suspicion of otitis media, the owner must immediately show the pet to a veterinarian who will correctly diagnose, determine the cause of the disease and prescribe the necessary treatment.

    It is clear that the owner does not always have the physical opportunity to visit the doctor with a cat. Then he himself detects otitis media in cats by symptoms and the owner also prescribes the treatment. But at the first opportunity, it is vital to show the fluffy beauty to a specialist.

    Before visiting a doctor, the cat needs to be given primary care. First, you need to inspect the place where the animal is most often located and make sure that it is warm enough and there are no drafts. You can add vitamins and minerals to your cat's diet.

    Pet ears should be put in order: clean with special lotions or suspensions, gently removing dirt from the ear with a cotton swab or a piece of bandage. In no case should you use ear sticks, they can injure the delicate ear of the animal. After applying special preparations, the ear should be wiped with a dry cotton swab or bandage. You can also give the animal pain medication.

    The doctor usually prescribes a cat with otitis media drops that relieve inflammation, and antibiotics are almost always used for treatment, the course of which is at least seven days, even in the absence of severe symptoms of the disease.

    If the cat scratched his ears a lot, then you need to lubricate the places of scratching with special healing ointments.

    If a cat has a pronounced purulent otitis with discharge from the ears, then it is necessary to wash in a hospital, an unprepared person is not able to independently with this type of disease. If the ear canals are deeply clogged with purulent discharge, then the help of a surgeon will be required.

    Prevention of otitis media

    It must be understood that any animal can get otitis media, but preventive measures are available to humans that can significantly reduce the risk of the disease.

    The main method of prevention is the periodic cleaning of the ears of the animal. Weekly it is necessary to inspect the cat and wipe the ears from dirt and dust.

    Deep cleaning using special products that facilitate the removal of excess sulfur should be carried out at least once a month. Then the pet will not have inflammatory processes that contribute to the development of otitis media.

    When bathing a pet, it is important not to allow water or soapy water to get into the ears, you need to be very careful when washing the head and muzzle. It is possible to use a special cap that will protect the sensitive ears of the cat. You can use tampons, covering the ears of a fluffy beauty with them.

    After swimming, you need to exclude the possibility of hypothermia. If the cat calmly reacts to the procedure for drying wool, then you can dry it with a warm hair dryer.

    When injuries and scratching of the ears appear, the owner must necessarily disinfect the wounds so that inflammation does not develop.

    The most important thing in detecting a disease and treating furry pets is timely diagnosis, properly selected treatment, and professional assistance from a veterinarian. Self-treatment of otitis media can lead to complete hearing loss in a pet, and in advanced cases, to more serious consequences.


    Otitis media in cats is called inflammation of the ear. Inflammatory processes can take place in the external auditory canal, middle and inner ear. The disease can occur in acute and chronic form.

    Causes of otitis media in cats

    There are several causes of otitis media. The main predisposing factors for the development of inflammation of the outer ear are:

    As a rule, otitis media of the inner and middle ear is a complication of inflammation of the outer ear, purulent pharyngitis. Often this disease occurs in some infectious processes, otodectosis (an invasive disease caused by ticks), purulent pharyngitis, rhinitis. As the disease develops in the ears, an intensive reproduction of pathogenic microflora (streptococci, staphylococci) occurs, which further aggravates the process.

    How does otitis media present in cats?

    It is not at all difficult for an attentive owner to notice that the cat has problems with the ears:

    • She constantly rubs the affected ear with her paws, she can shake her head.
    • In advanced cases, redness and swelling of the auricle is observed, and pus of an unpleasant odor is released from the ear itself.

    In the absence of proper treatment, the animal is depressed, it has no appetite, and the temperature rises. Signs of depression are growing, and the head is constantly tilted towards the sore ear. Sometimes the inflammatory process can go to the brain, which is fraught with the death of the pet.

    How to recognize otitis in a cat

    In order to examine the ear of a cat, it must be turned inside out.

    The diagnosis of otitis media is based on the characteristic clinical manifestations of the disease. In addition, you need to carefully examine the ear. To do this, the auricle is turned inside out.

    • Redness of the skin is observed on the inner surface of the ear, sores may form.
    • When pressing on the base of the ear, the cat begins to get very worried and meow, which indicates the presence of a pain reaction. At the same time, a peculiar squelching sound is heard inside the auricle.

    In addition to a visual examination, the veterinarian should offer to take scrapings from the inner surface of the ear and pus secreted into veterinary laboratory. This must be done to clarify the cause of the disease and develop optimal treatment.

    If otitis was caused by ticks, then therapeutic measures may differ significantly from those for otitis media of an infectious nature.


    At the core preventive measures To prevent otitis media, compliance with the rules for the care and maintenance of cats lies. You need to follow some simple recommendations that can keep your fluffy pet healthy:

    • periodically inspect the external auditory canal and promptly clean it of accumulated sulfur;
    • avoid finding a cat in damp and cool rooms, as a result of which the body can become very cold;
    • while swimming, carefully ensure that water does not get into the ears;
    • since otitis media can be a consequence of ear mites, cats should not be allowed to communicate with homeless and yard animals;
    • Disinfection and decontamination of care items in a timely manner.

    Treatment of otitis media

    The first step is to remove the hair from the inner surface of the auricle.

    • Using a cotton swab, clean the external auditory canal from sulfur accumulated there and purulent discharge. Cotton wool can be moistened in a warm solution of hydrogen peroxide (3%), boric acid (2%) or furacilin solution.
    • Then the moisture remaining from washing is thoroughly blotted with a gauze cloth to dry the ear.
    • Medical drops prescribed by a veterinarian are instilled into the auricle.
    • Sometimes it is required to carry out novocaine blockade to reduce pain. This procedure safe for the health of the pet can only be done by a qualified specialist.

    To suppress the development of pathogenic secondary microflora, a cat with otitis media is prescribed a course of antibiotic therapy for 5-7 days.

    To increase the internal reserve of the body and immunity, the cat must be provided with good nutrition with easily digestible feed. The introduction of vitamin and mineral supplements into the diet is also justified.

    The treatment of otitis media caused by ear mites has been described in detail in earlier publications, which can be viewed.

    It must be made clear that incorrect and untimely treatment of otitis in a cat can lead to serious complications, as a result of which the pet can remain deaf for life, and when inflammation passes to the meninges, it can die altogether.


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    Middle ear disease in domestic cats is called otitis media. This is a widespread pathology of the hearing organs. Owners do not always understand the danger of the disease, believing that the disease is easily curable. Such carelessness often leads to relapses, the transition of the disease to a chronic form, and hearing loss in a pet.

    Knowing the causes of the disease, symptoms and signs of inflammation in the ear will allow you to immediately seek qualified help and start treatment in a timely manner.

    Read in this article

    Causes of otitis media in cats

    In modern veterinary medicine, inflammatory phenomena of the outer, middle and inner ear are well studied, which makes it possible to identify the following causes of the development of pathology:

    Predisposing factors that provoke inflammation in the ear canal of cats are:

    • hypothermia of the body, drafts;
    • water getting into the ears when swimming;
    • low level of immunity, reduced resistance to infections.

    Owners of furry pets should also be aware that some breeds of cats have a genetic predisposition to ear infections. Most often, the disease is observed in representatives of the British and Scottish Fold breeds.

    Symptoms of otitis in a cat

    Inflammatory phenomena in the ear canal have characteristic features that will not hide from the attention of the observant owner:

    The intensity of the manifestation of certain symptoms largely depends on the severity of the infection, the resistance of the pet's body and the type of inflammation in the ear canal.

    Types of ear inflammation

    Specialists in the field of veterinary medicine in domestic cats distinguish between inflammation of the outer, middle and inner ear. Such a classification is based on the anatomical structure of the organ of hearing and the involvement of certain components of the organ in the pathological process.

    Otitis externa is the easiest and most quickly eliminated type of inflammatory phenomenon. In this case, tissue damage is observed in the visible parts of the ear, without spreading to the eardrum.

    Otitis media- a widespread type of disease in which the eardrum is affected. This type of inflammation often becomes chronic. With proper treatment, inflammation of the middle ear has a favorable prognosis.

    The most severe and dangerous form of the disease for a pet is inflammation of the inner ear. The lesion affects not only the eardrum, but also passes to the vestibular apparatus. Internal otitis is often the cause of acquired deafness of the animal. Inflammation of a purulent nature is dangerous by the transition to the meninges and the development of sepsis.

    Otitis media can also be unilateral or bilateral. In the first case, one ear is affected, in the second, inflammation is observed in both ears.

    Bilateral otitis due to food allergy

    According to the nature of the development of the process, veterinary specialists distinguish between acute and chronic otitis media.

    Diagnosis of otitis media

    Inflammation of the inner ear, in contrast to the pathology of the outer and middle sections, is characterized by more severe clinical manifestations. In the early stages, the symptoms differ little from external and otitis media. As the disease progresses, signs characteristic of inflammation of the inner ear are observed.

    The sick animal sits with its head bowed. Pathology of the facial nerve develops. A sick cat has blepharospasm, distortion of the muzzle. Due to paralysis of the facial nerve, a sick pet often develops problems with swallowing, quenching thirst.

    The development of such a sign as nystagmus (involuntary trembling of the eyeball) indicates brain damage. Nystagmus can be observed both horizontally and vertically. The fact that the brain is involved in the inflammatory process is indicated by nervous symptoms: impaired coordination of movement, epileptic seizures, a cat bumping into objects.

    The veterinary specialist establishes the diagnosis based on the anamnesis, characteristic symptoms, otoscopy, laboratory diagnostics. In some cases, the doctor will prescribe a biochemical and general blood test.

    Otoscopy - examination of the ear canal with a special device, usually performed after anesthesia. Manipulation allows you to determine the integrity of the tympanic membrane, to detect the presence of foreign bodies, neoplasms, inflammation.

    In addition to endoscopic examination, a smear taken for bacterial culture is used to make a diagnosis. This procedure also allows you to determine the sensitivity of pathogenic microflora to antibacterial agents.

    Treatment of otitis in cats depending on the type

    Therapeutic measures for any form of otitis media should not be carried out independently. Treatment should be prescribed by a veterinarian, taking into account the form and severity of the pathological process. As a rule, the treatment of inflammation of the ear canal is complex.

    First of all, treatment begins with the removal of impurities and cleansing the ear canal from exudate, crusts, dirt, etc. Do this with gauze wipes soaked in a disinfectant solution. As a home antiseptic fit:

    • 3% boric acid;
    • chlorhexidine solution;
    • 3% hydrogen peroxide;
    • furacilin solution;
    • miramistin solution.

    In severe purulent inflammation in a specialized clinic, a deep surgical cleaning of the ear canal from purulent masses is carried out.

    After cleansing the affected ear from dirt and exudate, treatment with drugs prescribed by a veterinarian can be carried out.

    It is strictly forbidden to drip or smear the ear passages of a sick cat with otitis media! The fact is that inflammation is often accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the eardrum (perforation), therefore, the use of certain drugs in the form of drops is contraindicated.

    As ear drops in the treatment of otitis in animals, medications such as Sofradex, Dexamethasone are prescribed. Of the veterinary drugs used in cats, Aurikan, Uricin, Surolan, Anandin, Otibiovet, Tsiprovet, Tsipam, Otovedin.

    For information on how and how to treat otitis media in cats, see this video:

    Purulent otitis media

    With a purulent form of otitis media, the pathogenic microorganism that led to the development of the disease is taken into account. If the inflammation is of a bacterial nature, then the sick animal is prescribed antimicrobial therapy.

    Cephalosporins, macrolides, and penicillin antibiotics are effective as antibacterial agents. Before using antibacterial drugs, it is necessary to conduct a sensitivity test.

    A good result is the use of amoxiclav, ampicillin, amoxicillin - antibiotics of the penicillin group. The most commonly used cephalosporins are cefazolin, ceftriaxone, and cefixime.

    Of the macrolides for otitis in cats, erythromycin, clarithromycin, azithromycin, spiramycin are effective. The dosage, as well as the duration of the course of antibiotic therapy, is determined by the veterinarian in each case.

    With a pronounced pain syndrome, the pet is prescribed painkillers or a novocaine blockade is performed. Recovery comes faster with the use of immunomodulators and vitamin complexes. As drugs that enhance the protective properties of the body, the following are used: nucleopeptide, gamapren, glycopin, salmosan.


    fungal infection

    Treatment of the fungal form of otitis media (otomycosis), in addition to hygiene procedures, involves the use of specific agents aimed at combating mycoses. Antifungal ointments based on nystatin have a good therapeutic effect: Panolog, Oridermil, Clotirmazol, Nystatin. In addition to local treatment, the same antifungal and antibacterial drugs of general action are used: Amphotericin, Ketoconazole, Amoxicillin.

    Otomycosis in a cat

    The best effect is achieved when carrying out the sowing of pathological material for sensitivity to antifungal drugs.

    In the treatment of any form of otitis, it is important to provide the sick pet with the appropriate conditions: a dry and warm room without drafts, peace, and the absence of stressful situations.

    To prevent the development of otitis media of various etiologies, the following recommendations of veterinarians will help the owner of a fluffy pet:
    • prevent hypothermia, stay of the cat in damp rooms with drafts;
    • regularly clean the ears from dirt and accumulations of sulfur;
    • periodically check the pet's ears for abrasions, scratches, redness, etc.;
    • while swimming, do not allow water to enter the ears;
    • limit the free range of the animal;
    • conduct regular disinfection of the premises, animal care items.

    Otitis in domestic cats is an insidious disease. If you do not seek veterinary help in time, there is a risk of developing not only deafness in the animal, but also serious health problems and even a threat to life. It is strictly forbidden to independently diagnose and treat inflammatory processes in the ear canal in animals. Treatment should be prescribed only after a professional examination.

    To learn how to properly clean the ears of a cat, see this video:



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