How to properly instill ear drops. Proper procedure for instillation of a drop in the ears

“Squeezed lemon,” people hear and ask themselves, what kind of condition is this? Does it refer to the body or the spirit? Today we will analyze what it is, as well as how to overcome the state of a squeezed lemon.


The meaning of the expression "squeezed lemon" is not difficult to guess: this is a person who has worked hard for a long time and now feels as if he had been put through a juicer. Everything he had, he gave to work. Mentally compare fresh citrus and the one that went through the juicer - and you will understand what is meant.

And yes, you need to understand that the state of "squeezed lemon" is not just its ultimate degree. For example, a person has not rested, has not been on vacation for 5 or 10 years. And he is so sick of work that he no longer finds any hidden reserves for its fulfillment, and such a state appears to consciousness as the ultimate degree of laziness. Therefore, if a person does not want to do something, then it's time to think, or maybe the matter is not so simple, and he has long been in a state of used citrus?


It must be said that expression is extremely democratic and does not need to be divided into physical and intellectual labor.

Life squeezes a person out in different ways: it could be a nanny who looked after children, and by the end of the day she was so exhausted that she fell on the bed without hind legs. Who will say that the nanny has not reached the state of "squeezed lemon"?

There is another example: the teacher checks the notebooks of the students, of course, there school essays. And he works tirelessly, but it still takes strength to correct mistakes. Imagine if he does this for five or eight hours straight? Inevitably, you will feel exhausted.

M. A. Bulgakov and phraseology

There is also an example that is well known to those who love filmed classics. M. A. Bulgakov in the novel "The Master and Margarita" has a chapter "The Great Ball at Satan". Woland attracted Margarita as the hostess of the evening. It is not known exactly how long she received the guests of the prince of this world, but it can be said for sure that after that the girl felt like a squeezed lemon (the meaning of the idiom is discussed a little higher), although, of course, this is not directly mentioned anywhere, but it is implied.

It was not for nothing that Margarita's escorts (Fagot and Behemoth) said that it was impossible to think of anything worse than such work. Neither working with an ax somewhere in the village, nor serving people in public transport. Yes, that's right. To take endlessly selected scoundrels - the work is still the same. If we draw modern parallels, then even work in the office cannot be compared with it, which is easy physically, but completely exhausting mentally and intellectually.

From theory to practice. Causes of a state of constant fatigue

Naturally, a person who thinks: “I feel like a squeezed lemon” would like to know not only the meaning of the expression, but also how to get rid of similar condition. We are ready to inform you, and absolutely free of charge, that is, for nothing. After all, the condition under consideration speaks of the incorrect construction of a person’s life, not in the moral, but in the physical sense - the daily routine, for example.

So let's briefly discuss the reasons:

  • Physical causes (diseases that do not have pronounced external signs).
  • Psychological reasons (overwork, stress, conflicts at work, insomnia or restless sleep).

Ways to Avoid the Squeezed Lemon Condition

The reasons are more or less known to everyone, but what to do?

  • Dinner, lunch and breakfast at the same time. Accordingly, going to bed and getting up is also necessary, obeying the schedule.
  • Shower 2-3 times a day. This, of course, does not imply that it is necessary to wash. This shower is taken in order to relieve tension, stress and fatigue, drowsiness. For those who work at home - 3 times a day, for the rest - before and after work.
  • healthy, balanced diet. This point, probably everyone is tired, but it is impossible not to say about it. Perhaps the state of constant fatigue, which the expression “squeezed lemon” (phraseologism) conveys, is dictated by the lack of vitamins in food, so this balance must be replenished.
  • Control your weight, as obesity is often the cause of nighttime snoring. In turn, snoring does not allow a person to get enough sleep, and he, having already woken up, feels like a “squeezed lemon”.
  • If a person feels tired, then he needs to properly load his body, go to the gym or do physical education. As strange as it may seem, but best holiday- this is not lying on the couch in front of the TV, but a change of activity. After work - to the gym, there at least an hour physical activity make a tired person a cheerful and contented person.

This may sound strange: a person feels like a “lemon squeezed” not because he works hard, but because, most likely, he does not like what he does. Therefore, you need to find a hobby that will bring joy. If you didn’t manage to realize yourself in work, you need to find yourself outside of it.

Another cardinal way to feel the taste of life is to go on vacation

As Oscar Wilde said, the only way to conquer temptation is to succumb to it. Therefore, if a person wants to be lazy, then one should give in to this desire. Laziness arises as a reaction to overwork and extreme satiety with work. And if every day a person feels tired, then it’s worth considering, but how long has he been resting? If the answer to the question causes difficulties, then we urgently need to pack our bags and go to hot countries, bask on the beach, start holiday romances. In a word, get out of the circle of the linear route "work-home". In general, a change of scenery greatly tones up a person if he has the opportunity at least once a year to leave in an unknown direction away from everything.

"Squeezed lemon" - a person who suffers from chronic fatigue who lacks vitamins and a strict daily routine, as well as regular physical activity. “Squeezed lemon”, in principle, it would be good to return the taste to life, to saturate existence with impressions. Routine and satiety, of course, are not hunger or thirst, but they also kill a person, families, even entire states (remember the fate of the Roman Empire).

We hope the reader will forgive us the liberty that we have not only talked about the meaning of the expression, but also about the state that lies behind it.

Avitaminosis, that is, a lack of vitamins, can be diagnosed quite easily even by a person who is far from medicine. If you are attacked constant colds, the skin peels off, pimples are constantly present on the body, the nails become brittle, the hair splits and falls out, you feel constant fatigue and nervousness, which means it's time to come to grips with your health and make up for the deficiency of vitamins.

According to the encyclopedia "Healing Plants":

The benefits of lemon juice

The body reacts extremely painfully to a lack of ascorbic acid or vitamin C. This fact is indicated whole line signs: swollen, bleeding gums, joint pain, slow healing of wounds, bruising at any touch to the body, etc. If at least some of similar symptoms take place, urgently include in your diet zucchini, radish, green onion, chokeberry, strawberries, wild strawberries. In winter, they will come to your aid sauerkraut and germinated grains of wheat or rye, but the record holders for the content of vitamin C are undoubtedly citrus fruits, and, in particular, lemon, or rather - lemon juice.

Lemon juice has long been used for beriberi: sometimes in pure form, sometimes - diluted with water and honey. Connoisseurs of herbal medicine advise for the prevention and treatment of vitamin deficiency caused by a lack of vitamin C, drink daily from 5 to 35 ml lemon juice(1-2 tablespoons).

But, attention! This remedy can be dangerous for those who have problems with stomach acid. In this case, it is recommended that you first consult with your doctor: perhaps he will advise you to replace the lemon with some of his close "relatives".

Well, if everything is in order with acidity, stock up on citrus fruits in the nearest grocery store - we will cook lemon juice. But first…

To getting lemon juice has not turned into a too complicated and time-consuming procedure for you, remember:

  • if you hold a lemon for just a few minutes in hot water, then the juice will be squeezed out much faster and more completely;
  • you should not crush the lemon with all your might: this way you will damage the mezra - inner part crusts, and the juice will have an unpleasant bitter taste;
  • if you need a little lemon juice (for example, for salad dressing), it is not at all necessary to cut the lemon: just pierce its crust with a toothpick and squeeze it lightly. Then plug the hole with a toothpick or sharpened match. Store the lemon in the refrigerator - it will preserve its freshness and medicinal properties for a long time.

Well, if you need a lot of juice at once, then you will need knowledge about how to get lemon juice fast and, if possible, without loss.

Lemon Tricks

We have already discovered one trick - warm the lemon. You can do this not only in hot water, but also by placing the lemon in the microwave for 10 seconds - after that juice will be squeezed out much easier.

Want to get even more juice? Then put your lemon in the refrigerator, wait until it is completely frozen, and then microwave for about a minute. The juice is squeezed out almost without residue.

Tip for the lazy: just roll the lemon on the table, pressing hard on it, and then cut it. Now the juice is squeezed out without any effort.

And finally, you can just buy a juicer!

Preparing drinks with lemon juice

Well, the lemon juice is ready! God, what sourness, it even reduces the cheekbones, how can you drink it? And let's cook based on it vitamin drink- it will be both tasty and healthy, even healthier than pure lemon juice. Here are a few recipes for adults and children based on:

Recipe 1: mix the juice of pomegranate, carrots and medium-sized beets, add the juice squeezed from a small lemon. Put the resulting cocktail in the refrigerator for about half an hour - this is necessary in order to remove the beetroot juice substances that can damage the gastric mucosa. Drink an hour before meals for 2, maximum 3 tbsp. spoons.

Recipe 2: prepare a decoction of licorice root (2 grams of root per 50 grams of water, boil for about 10 minutes), add the juice squeezed from the fruit of Chinese magnolia vine (2 tsp), half a glass of orange juice, two tablespoons of lemon juice and 2 teaspoons honey. Take in the morning half an hour before breakfast, and in the afternoon - before lunch, 1 glass.

Recipe 3: boiled water(300 ml), 2 large spoons of honey, juice of 1 medium-sized carrot and juice of 1 lemon mix. Drink during the day. An excellent vitamin drink for children (according to G. Lavrenova), if allergic reactions are not observed.

Recipe 4: mix a glass of mineral water, juice from half a lemon, honey to taste.

I have three girls. The eldest went to kindergarten at 2.5 years old with reluctance and still complains that she doesn’t want to go there ( Last year stayed until school). There were two kindergartens with different teachers. The middle daughter went to the garden at the age of 1.9 with pleasure, it seemed like she missed all her girlfriends, but as soon as the door closed she was in tears, where is mom, it went on like this whole year, on the next year already without tears, but in the morning you can’t collect, tantrums and scandals with dressing. By the time we reach the garden, everything is already like a squeezed lemon ...

1) This is how you squeeze slices (bites :-)) of lemon into a cup, I drink tea with lemon and just have to squeeze it with my fingers, all these lemon squeezers do not press, more complex devices like a kitchen combo should be washed later. I took 2 Tescom lemon presses, but they don't pull lemon...


1. about a lemon, the thought of steaming would never have occurred to me, I squeezed it out with a spoon and forgot it, my husband presses it with his fingers and forgets.
2. The garlic crusher is the most common, we scrape the garlic with a knife with a brush, but I like to grate, I bought a miniature grater in Auchan and don’t worry.
3. about diets, I realized that to hell with them, you just need to eat right, eat less and move more.
4. I never understood Japanese upbringing, although I heard about it 20 years ago. but I am more impressed by the version that the character and upbringing of a child is laid up to three years. (There is still a suspicion that this works.)
5th number again did not understand what you were boiling about, a teapot with tea and no silicone caps

I have had this garlic press for a hundred years [link-1] . For me it's perfect, I'm not looking for anything else. unpeeled slices can be laid in it, and then the skin is easily removed.
I just put a slice of lemon in a cup, I didn’t even suspect that some other special manipulations with it were needed.
I brew tea only in a teapot (from tillotama, by the way :)

Cabbage salad with lemon juice white cabbage you will need 1 medium-sized lemon, 100 g refined vegetable oil, salt, sugar, dill. Shred the cabbage into very thin strips. Salt, mix well and leave for 20 minutes to release the juice. Then squeeze out the juice. Peel the lemon from the zest and squeeze the juice from the fruit. Grate the zest on a fine grater. Now you need to season the cabbage with it, pour in the lemon juice and add sugar to taste. Mix and serve...

May - the beginning of picnics in the forest and on the grass. My grown-up children once had one favorite game: "Journey to a Far Country" (that's what they said). In fact, the country where the guys and I went for a picnic was not so far away - a large clearing 40 minutes walk from our dacha. But we were going very seriously - like a real trip. We went with backpacks and certainly took food, a portable grill and coals with us. We were preparing a big Sunday dinner in this forest clearing...

Like in the movie of the same name. Only a slightly different message))))) wow, and a week zadalaaaaas! A child with a temperature under 40 for 2 days, then a break for a day and drunkenness. I had to carry on myself, not to sleep at all, my chest burns from her torment. Before this active preparations for Easter, cooking and cleaning. Plus, how could it be without fitness)))) as luck would have it, everyone must be replaced at once, training 4 times a week. What about clients at work? Regular consultations, work is in full swing! I'm squeezed like a lemon. I'm writing 2 hours before...

strength is will there is - there is no willpower. however, on buckwheat diet I made up my mind. when you quickly approach size 48, you start looking for ways to retreat. 1 day. survived with difficulty. a glass of steamed buckwheat seemed to me like a bucket of steamed buckwheat. for the whole day I stretched 200 ml of slightly sweetened coffee and this buckwheat. The second half of the day passed almost unconsciously. the head is spinning, the brain refuses to think categorically. ate half a pack last night fat-free cottage cheese. drank the rest of the ice ...

For those who lead healthy lifestyle life and appreciates your time, Tupperware ® has developed an innovative product "MicroGourmet" that allows you to cook steam in microwave oven. "MicroGourmet" does not allow microwaves to come into contact with food: they are sent to the water tank, and the resulting steam processes the food. The result is tasty and healthy. You can cook two dishes at the same time. The eight serving containers that are included in the kit will help...

Create a jar of vitamins! (Adults and Children) Two recipes for immune boosting mixes for adults and children. 1) Pass through a meat grinder 1/2 cup raisins, 1 cup kernels walnut, 0.5 cup almonds (very good to add pine nuts- super raising immunity), the peel of 2 lemons. Squeeze the lemons themselves into a mass, while passing the peel through a meat grinder separately. Next, add 0.5 cups of dried apricots and the same amount of prunes, 150 grams of honey. Infuse for 1-2 days in a dark place, store ...

Please don't ignore my request! PLEASE READ TILL THE END! PLEASE REPOST! In the city of Samara, a little girl HAPPENED A BIG TROUBLE - two-year-old Yesenia Fadeeva was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer (neuroblastoma). To say that this is a mortal fear, horror and severe pain for her relatives and family friends is to say nothing. Now the girl has started treatment in the onco-hematology department and has completed the first course of chemotherapy. She and her family have just embarked on this path, they are not yet...


Dear friends!

On June 1, Children's Day, Zagorodny Park (Samara) will host a charity Photo Carousel.

Each participant can contribute any amount for their photos, there is only one limitation, the minimum amount is 200 rubles. Everyone can participate!

All funds will be transferred to the treatment of little Yesenia Fadeeva!

The photo session will take place from 17.00 to 20.00. We are happy to invite you all!

Event page: Charity Photo Carousel "Let's Help Yesenia": [link-1]

By the end of the workout, I was completely like a squeezed lemon and felt that my coordination sucks (however, I knew this for a long time), and the trouble with endurance.: (But in the end I really liked it!


Tasha, have you always been so athletic? Or at one fine moment, quietly, lightly began and reached such a level of endurance? It's just that when I do my light morning run, I feel like a terrible nag. Do I have a hope even a millimeter closer to the professionals? Or is it not available to ordinary people? :)

Interesting, Natasha! Well done! Thanks for the story!
Me too recent times I want some new physical activity - here good example. We need to see if we have takoE in jim :)

I make sea buckthorn and ginger. I rub the sea buckthorn from the pack a little with a pestle, a couple of tablespoons of sugar, let it boil, and take it off. I throw the lemon zest on a fine grater, squeeze the lemon. a couple of sprigs of mint and let cool. I add ice when serving...


We blend 2 lemons with sugar at home, pour sparkling water, and you're done :)
In a restaurant, they cook without sugar, but they serve it with bags of honey and sugar.

classic lemonade
three lemons
remove the zest, pour 1.5 liters of water, 100 g of sugar, cook for 15-20 minutes, cool
pour the juice from these three lemons, strain everything into a jug, send it to the refrigerator to cool

Yesterday, having found cottage cheese in the refrigerator, I decided that it was necessary to somehow attach it to food. Cheesecakes, casseroles and other food is already fed up. Decided to get creative. Creative cheesecake. So, the dough is shortbread (ready), in general, I prefer to do everything myself from beginning to end, but here the dough was, therefore I decided to implement it) . The defrosted dough was laid out with a silicone mold. Immediately I will explain why silicone. I used to give preference to metal structures, but after trying ...

Now, apparently, an advertising campaign for Ochakovskaya kvass is going on somewhere, and I was lucky to get a press release with cocktail recipes developed especially for this new year by Vlad Scandalli and Leonid Falcari (I don’t know who these people are). Here are the cocktail recipes: RUSSIAN SAUER Jameson whiskey - 50 ml Ginger root - 15 gr Egg white Lemon juice - 30 ml sugar syrup– 25 ml Orange bitter – 1 drop Kvass “Ochakovsky” Preparation: In a mixing glass, crush the ginger root and add the egg white...

I only have lemon juice. Maybe someone knows - how much lemon juice will replace 0.5 tsp. this acid? Usually, when cooking jam, lemon juice is added to taste. 1 lemon = 4g citric acid. (member with a slide = 8g).


Usually, when cooking jam, lemon juice is added to taste.
1 lemon = 4g citric acid. (member with a slide = 8g).
Better try to be pleasant taste with sourness. It seems to me that one lemon is a bit much, although they also come in different sizes, maybe a small one will be just right;)

After all, lemons are also all of different acidity, and apricots are not all equally sweet)
I would do it to taste, and if apricots are sour, then without any additional. acids.

1 part freshly squeezed lemon juice, 1 part cheap but preferably blue agave tequila, 1 part Triple Sec or Coinntreau liqueur, 1-3 parts ice rocks or crashed. 1, Squeeze juice, freeze in ice cube trays. 1-2-3-4-5 cubes make a wonderful lemonade if you add...


It may be late, but do you want another recipe? You have already been written about squeezing juice and molds. You can add stevia instead of sugar, this is a herb as a sweetener, that is, it does not affect the X figure. Here, catch it.
freeze like this - wash, dry, and then rub with a blender, add syrup, you can probably replace the blender with a meat grinder, but I have not tried it. It looks like raw jam. Pour it into vessels and containers and freeze. And then eat like ice cream, not even melted well, or for lemonade.
Stevia syrup. Here, I copied it for you.
When preparing an infusion of repeated use, 20 g of stevia leaves are poured into 200 ml of boiling water, brought to a boil, boiled for 5 minutes, the container is removed from the heat, covered with a lid and, no later than 10 minutes, the entire contents of the container are transferred to a prepared heated thermos. Infusion in a thermos is carried out for 10-12 hours, the infusion is filtered into a sterilized vial or bottle. The remaining leaves of stevia are poured into a thermos with 100 ml of boiling water, insisted for 6-8 hours. The resulting infusion is added to the first and shaken ...
Stevia is used in the form of crushed herbal powder, concentrated infusion, tea, syrup and as an additive to others herbal teas.
Stevia leaf powder can be added to all dishes where sugar is traditionally used: cereals, soups, drinks, teas, milk, kefir, yogurts, confectionery and etc.
Stevia infusions are added to compotes, teas, jellies, dairy products taste.

the topics of non-food use of lemons and alcoholic beverages remained undisclosed :)
1. An artistically organized bunch of lemons on a beautiful dish is an excellent interior decoration, much better than a fruit dish, because no one will eat or bite anything :)
2. stick a clove into a lemon as much as you like or don’t mind, put it on beautiful saucers-plates or small baskets and arrange it around the rooms, including non-residential premises(pantries, baths, toilets). deodorizes well and repels flies, moths and other animals :)
3. Margarita cocktail. 1 part freshly squeezed lemon juice, 1 part cheap but preferably blue agave tequila, 1 part Triple Sec or Coinntreau liqueur, 1-3 parts ice rocks or crashed.

Getting lemon or lime juice is not that hard. But we - life hackers - are used to taking from life, and in this case, from citrus fruits, everything! And if you want to squeeze a lemon from cover to cover and get the most out of it, then there are a few tricks on how not to lose a drop of juice.

1. Lemons and limes need to be run in

This is a classic but effective technique for getting lemon juice. We roll citrus fruits on a kitchen board or directly on the countertop, pressing hard with the wrist. As a result of this, the membranes around the capsules inside the fruits, which contain the juice we need, will collapse. If you are going to squeeze citrus fruits with your hands, and you do not have special tools for this, then this method will greatly facilitate and speed up the process of obtaining juice.

2. Hold citrus fruits for a couple of seconds in the microwave

Try placing citrus fruits in the microwave for literally 10 seconds before squeezing juice, and the result will amaze you! The process is somewhat similar to the rolling method. Why is this happening? One explanation is that the microwave accelerates the water molecules in the fruit pulp so that they rupture the membranes around the juice capsules. As a result, the fruit becomes like a ball of juice, when cut, the liquid without special problems spills out.

Another explanation for effectiveness this method, which is more likely: heat and mobile water molecules make the membranes around the juice capsules and the skin of the fruit softer and more pliable to deformation - cutting or squeezing.

3. Freeze citrus, then reheat in the microwave

Water expands when it freezes. It is a fact. Respectively thin membranes around the juice capsules will rupture or become quite brittle. And later, when heated in the microwave, they will burst even easier. Then you will definitely get a juicy ball covered with zest, which is super easy to squeeze and get the necessary juice to the last drop.

The only downside to this method is time. If the microwave does its job quickly - 30-60 seconds, then it takes hours to freeze lemons and limes. So for a sudden desire to taste a refreshing lemonade, this technique is not suitable. However, it is very effective.

What do you think of the above juicing techniques - are they effective? Own tricks and know-how left in the comments are welcome! Suddenly you know special secrets about how to squeeze the maximum juice from citrus fruits that no one else even knows about ...

Ear infections occur in both adults and children. The latter encounter them especially often, because their immunity is not always able to quickly cope with the infection that has entered the body. As the rules, the ears are striking infectious diseases, for example, in addition, wax plugs can form in the ears. Such problems can be eliminated if properly used special preparations in the form of drops.

Varieties of effective drops for the ears

Exists a large number of ear drops with different medicinal properties.

Used in the treatment of ear diseases, normalizes blood circulation in the affected area and accelerates metabolic processes, eliminating excess interstitial fluid in tissues. This helps to restore the patency of the auditory canal. Camphor oil- a wonderful tool for the regeneration of affected tissues.

The underlying drug is a powerful antiseptic that eliminates harmful microorganisms. Boric alcohol used in the treatment acute otitis media without complications. Such a medicine warms up the affected area well.

- this is disinfectant widely used for the treatment of ENT diseases. It is used to soften sulfur plugs in the ear and disinfect the ear canal itself. Experts advise cleaning the ears with peroxide in situations where they have a lot of solid and difficult to remove sulfur.

Medicine in the form of drops, which includes:

  • carbolic acid, which has disinfectant properties;
  • phenazone;
  • lidocaine.

The last two components are able to increase the duration anesthetic effect during treatment, completely eliminate the inflammatory process and shorten the recovery time.

An antibacterial drug that cannot be used to treat viral or fungal diseases.

Tsipromed, Otinum, Otofa

All three medicines have approximately the same properties - they destroy bacterial infections. Only a specialist who has made a correct diagnosis to the patient, taking into account his age, can prescribe such drops, because small children are forbidden to be treated with certain medicines.

Antibacterial drops used to treat external inflammation and. Normax renders bactericidal action, completely killing harmful microorganisms.

As a result, the inflammatory process is suppressed, and the patient recovers. Part of the drug affects only the area of ​​application, and the rest is absorbed into the blood. The drug is excreted through the kidneys.

How to bury ear drops in an adult

If the doctor has already diagnosed and prescribed a specific drug, treatment can begin. Sometimes cleansing may be required ear canal. This procedure must be carried out with maximum care to remove pollution from only the desired areas. If discomfort occurs during such manipulation, it must be stopped.

The main condition for how drops should be instilled is to preheat the medicine before instillation. Cold means will make the sensations unpleasant, and can also increase inflammation. Usually the drops are heated by placing them in a bowl of warm water. If you need to soften or rinse the ear with peroxide, it can be at room temperature. Boric alcohol is necessarily warmed up, since it itself is a warming agent.


  • the person lies on one side so that sore ear was on top;
  • the auricle rises and is pulled to the side;
  • in a pipette or dropper is typed right amount medicines, after which as many drops are instilled into the ear as prescribed by the doctor;
  • during the procedure, you need to make sure that the drops flow down the ear canal;
  • the treated organ is closed with a cotton swab (if you need to drip the second ear, this condition is necessary);
  • the patient can turn on the other side or stand up only after 2-3 minutes, the best option– after about 15 minutes.

After getting up, the patient may have discomfort in the ear, dizziness, slight malfunctions in the respiratory system, and so on. In such a situation, a person needs to lie down or just sit quietly in a comfortable position for him.

How to bury ear drops in a child

An adult patient must understand how important it is to bury the ears in the presence of any disease, but it is quite difficult to explain this to a child, especially a worried one.

First of all, you should calm him down, for example, take a toy and show, using its example, how badly the ears hurt and how they can be cured. After the baby calms down, he is laid on his side with the sick ear up and they continue to talk about the actions taken. This way you can avoid stressful situations.

If the affected ear is contaminated, it is cleaned before the drops are instilled. To a small child you can clean your ear with soft cotton turundas to avoid dangerous damage ear canal and even eardrum. If the child resists, screams and twitches, experiences discomfort, there is no need to insist on cleansing, the medicine itself will cope with this.

Ear drops should be thoroughly warmed up. A too nervous baby can first be dripped on his hand so that he understands that it does not hurt to bury his ears. The actions are similar to those carried out for the treatment of adults: the ear shell is pulled back, and ear canal 3-5 drops are instilled.

If the child is very active, or the medicine is warming, it is necessary that the ear canal be closed with cotton. No need to shove it deep. Eliminating otitis media and others inflammatory diseases, it is recommended to make “bunny ears” from fabric and a warming filler, and such actions can be explained by a game. Usually children do not mind such bandages, which serve for good warming and fast elimination diseases.

Benefits of ear drops

Any inflammatory processes in the ears are always accompanied painful sensations, burning, irritation - all this greatly affects the quality of life of the patient. It is necessary to apply local preparations- ear drops, the fastest acting in the treatment of ear diseases.

The main advantages of drugs in the form of drops:

  • reduction of inflammation;
  • direct effect on the infection and its elimination;
  • elimination of symptoms of the disease;
  • action exclusively in the focus of inflammation;
  • low absorption into the blood;
  • possibility of use by children and pregnant women;
  • budget price;
  • slow consumption;
  • availability in pharmacies.

Almost all patients with ear inflammation are prescribed ambulatory treatment, so they must know how to properly bury . This will help to avoid various mistakes and speed up recovery.

Video: How to properly instill drops in the ears of a child



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