Opening the mouth hurts the right jaw. The jaw hurts on the left near the ear and it hurts to chew

The reasons why the jaw near the ear hurts are divided into dental, surgical, neurological. The role of a provoking factor can also be performed by diseases of the ENT organs. If the pain is caused by dysfunction of the maxillary or mandibular joint, serious consequences should not be expected. In the case of the infectious nature of the problem, antibiotics and physiotherapy are prescribed. For differential diagnosis, MRI, radiography, and a general blood test are performed.

When pain occurs in the cheekbone or jaw area near the ear, this may indicate diseases of the soft tissues of the face, inflammation of the lymph nodes, ears, sinuses, gums and teeth. Before you go to the doctor, you need to choose the right specialist: otolaryngologist, dentist or surgeon. First, you should make an appointment with a therapist and tell him about your complaints. For correct diagnosis, laboratory and clinical studies are prescribed.

The reasons why the jaw near the ear on the left and right sides hurts, accompanied by pain when chewing:

  • Pathologies of the temporomandibular joint, gums, dentition. This is a specialization of dentists and maxillofacial surgeons. A dentist-surgeon will also help when it comes to such serious processes as phlegmon and jaw abscess.
  • Inflammatory process in the sinuses. In the lateral region of the nose are the maxillary sinuses. Behind the ear is a cavity. It approaches the process of the temporal bone. The mucous membrane sometimes becomes inflamed, as evidenced by aching pain in the cheekbones. In this case, help is provided by an otolaryngologist.
  • Inflammation of the tonsils, larynx and surrounding tissues. Provokes the disease purulent-inflammatory process. Often, pain appears after an infectious disease, a tumor. In such cases, it is necessary to contact an ENT doctor.
  • Diseases of the peripheral nervous system. An inflammatory process occurs in the nerve tissues. Pain appears, for the treatment of which you should contact a neurologist or therapist.
  • Inflammation of the lymph nodes. Sometimes lymph from the larynx, nose or ears, infected with pathogens, enters the tissues. In adults, such a disease is treated by a therapist. If we are talking about a child, you need to go to the pediatrician.

If you delay the visit to the doctor, more complex pathologies may occur:

  • inflammatory and purulent processes in tissues;
  • infectious diseases of the ears, nose and mouth;
  • electrolyte imbalance and problems with tissue metabolism;
  • tumors of various etiologies;
  • inflammation of the nervous tissue and peripheral vessels.

If the pain in the jaw appeared after visiting the dentist, you should seek help from the same specialist. However, if the problem arose not after the extraction of the tooth, but as a result of the installation of a bracket system, the pain is considered a variant of the norm. This condition resolves on its own within 2 months. If its intensity does not decrease, then the consultation of the attending orthodontist will not interfere.

It is necessary to contact a trauma surgeon if pain in the jaw and cheekbones appeared after an injury. Unpleasant sensations can be the result of both an ordinary bruise and a dislocation, fracture and abscess.

The bone near the ear hurts when pressed

Two options are possible here: inflammation of the nerve endings or dental diseases. If there are pains in the jaw bone near the ears or in the muscles, it may be due to the following reasons:

  • Injury. The integrity of the bones of the face is broken if a person receives a strong blow to the head. At the same time, it is accompanied by constant aching pain, aggravated by pressure.
  • The appearance of a wisdom tooth. When it erupts, painful sensations are not uncommon. Some people experience less discomfort, while others experience significant pain when pressing on the cheekbones.
  • Osteomyelitis of the jaw. Pathology extends to the entire bone. Provoke the onset of pathogenic microbes. They penetrate the root canals. The pain is quite strong, aching.
  • Pulpitis, caries. Pain in these diseases increases in the morning (after sleep) and at night. It is clearly felt when pressing on the cheekbone in the affected area.
  • Arteritis. The pain manifests itself in the jaw area and is usually burning.
  • Violation of the functional characteristics of the temporomandibular joint. Pain is felt not only when pressed, but also when a person opens his mouth, chews food.
  • phlegmon, abscess, fistulas, boils. A common symptom of these ailments is pain when you press the jaw at rest.

Some people have jaw cracking when they yawn. But, besides this, pain sometimes joins. It lasts a long time, manifests itself when chewing food, opening the mouth, and even at rest.

If such pain does not go away the next day, this may indicate the presence of diseases:

  • bursitis;
  • jaw arthritis;
  • dislocation of the jaw joint;
  • sprain in the jaw muscle.

When contacting a doctor with such symptoms, he sends the patient to the picture. If it turns out that the joints are healthy, the patient is referred to UHF or prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Treatment takes a week. Physiotherapy procedures in combination with pain medications contribute to recovery.

It happens that when opening the mouth, a click is heard, accompanied by a feeling of discomfort. This phenomenon is explained by the exit of the jaw joint from the articular bag. He moves to the side. As soon as he manages to return to his place, a crunch is heard.

Often the cause is trauma. Clicking with pain can provoke tension of the jaw muscle during singing and talking, malocclusion.

What to do in this case:

  • Timely diagnosis. To determine the first cause correctly, it is important to seek medical help in time. The specialist prescribes magnetic resonance imaging, arthroscopy and radiography.
  • In case of violation of the function of the jaw joint - consult a dentist. The doctor will carry out long-term work aimed at re-filling the tooth or correcting the bite, replacing prostheses, etc. In parallel, a course of anti-inflammatory drugs will be prescribed.
  • Until you get to a specialist, you can alleviate the condition at home by making a warm compress. If the affected area becomes inflamed, ice should be applied. For the entire period of treatment, coarse food should be abandoned and soft, grated foods should be preferred. It is necessary to talk less and, in general, provide complete rest to the affected joint.
  • Use relaxation techniques. Tibetan hormonal gymnastics and similar methods will help to cope with pain or reduce their intensity.

The method of treating diseases associated with clicking and pain in the jaw joints is determined by the nature of the inflammatory process and the degree of its neglect. The general recommendation is to ensure complete rest for the affected area.

It all depends on the location. For pain in the upper jaw, it can be:

  • Osteomyelitis of the upper jaw. Caused by improper treatment of sinusitis, tooth extraction or extraction, unsuccessful sinus lift and implant placement. The pain may slightly radiate to the left jaw or to the right.
  • Sinusitis. It usually develops on one side. It is provoked by injuries of the nose or skull, prolonged exposure to cold, pulpitis of the upper molars or periodontitis. Unpleasant sensations occur in the jaw, eye socket. A point of maximum sensitivity is noted near the nose. Pus or mucus flows from both nostrils or one of them. At the same time lays half of the nose. The voice becomes nasal.
  • Gingivitis. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the gums leads to an increase in temperature and discomfort. Pathology extends to the entire zone of the jaw. In parallel, there is an unpleasant smell from the mouth.
  • Alveolitis. Pain is due to the fact that after the removal of the tooth, its hole becomes inflamed.

For pain in the lower jaw:

  • Submandibular abscess or phlegmon.
  • Glossitis. Accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the tongue. It is a consequence of burns - thermal or chemical, as well as infection, injury. A person's jaw breaks, he ceases to feel the taste of food. His tongue hurts.

Also, localization under the jaw indicates the possible development of the following ailments:

  • Submandibular lymphadenitis. The lymph nodes become inflamed when a person has a sore throat, conjunctivitis, periodontitis, furunculosis. The diagnosis is confirmed on the basis of soreness and elasticity of the lymph nodes. They are well palpable, mobile. If they are hard to the touch, do not move from their place, an oncologist's consultation is required.
  • Infectious mononucleosis. The disease is viral in nature. It is accompanied by a lesion of a group of lymph nodes located under the lower jaw. The temperature rises, but the symptoms of intoxication are mild.
  • Sialolithiasis. The work of the salivary glands is disrupted. They define solid inclusions. Swelling is found on the right or left. A small amount of pus is released into the oral cavity. A person does not notice this, but his presence is felt by stale breath.
  • Sialadenitis. The salivary glands become inflamed. The temperature rises, the separation of saliva increases. A person's appetite decreases, weakness appears. Painful formation is clearly felt at the angle of the jaw.
  • Pharyngitis. There is inflammation of the mucous membrane of the throat. Cough, pain radiating to the jaw, sore throat appear.

When a person has a respiratory disease, the infection spreads throughout the body. An inflammatory process develops, accompanied by painful sensations. That is why with a runny nose, colds and other viral diseases, the cheekbones and jaw can hurt.

Pay attention to the following facts:

  • If the pain is localized in the cheekbone area almost under the eye, this indicates the development of sinusitis. You need to see an otolaryngologist.
  • If discomfort is localized in the area between the lower and upper jaws, it is possible that a runny nose or a cold is to blame. Viruses and bacteria move into the joint sac, causing inflammation on its surface. As in the previous case, the problem is solved by contacting the ENT.
  • A cold provokes inflammation of the jaw nerve. In such cases, it makes sense to go to a neurologist.
  • With inflammation of the ear, the cheekbones may hurt in parallel. Often this condition is accompanied by an increase in temperature. For treatment, a person is referred to an otolaryngologist.
  • After the extraction of a tooth, there is a slight pain in the jaw. If it does not subside over time, the surgeon may not have completely removed the diseased tooth. It is necessary to contact a more qualified dentist to correct this poor-quality work.

An ambulance should be called when the pain is sharp and unbearable. This happens with a fracture or dislocation of the jaw.

Not only with otitis media, ear pain is combined with discomfort in the jaw area. This also indicates diseases such as:

  • carotidinia. Nerve endings localized near the carotid artery are irritated. There is a paroxysmal pain. It is most felt in the upper jaw and passes to the ear, neck, oral cavity, and spreads to the face. When pressing on the side of the neck and just below the Adam's apple, it responds with acute pain. The syndrome is provoked by migraine, soft tissue tumors located near the carotid artery. Carotidinia is also the result of dissection of the temporal artery;
  • neuralgia of the ear node. The pain is burning, paroxysmal. It starts at the temple and passes through the ear, continuing to the lower jaw and chin. Slightly felt in the teeth. There are clicks in the ear, increased salivation. It is provoked by sinusitis, tonsillitis, and if the face is blown during a walk in windy weather;
  • erythrocytic syndrome. The jaw hurts slightly, but the maximum discomfort is felt in the ear. It blushes. The lower jaw and the back of the head hurt, with the transition to the forehead. The syndrome occurs as a result of impaired function of the temporomandibular joint, cervical spondylosis and damage to the thalamus.

TMJ dysfunction

Functional diseases of the temporomandibular joint are accompanied by pain in the area of ​​the jaw joints near the ear when talking, opening the mouth wide and chewing. They can be recognized by other signs:

  • the amplitude of opening the mouth is limited;
  • the jaw is wedged in an open or closed position;
  • when you try to talk, gnashing, crackling and clicking are heard;
  • increased fatigue of facial muscles;
  • periodically there are sensations that the upper and lower row of teeth do not close correctly;
  • one side of the face is swollen.

Sometimes tinnitus, hearing impairment, dizziness join.

In the diagnosis, the data of the patient's complaints, a full panoramic x-ray of the face, and an assessment of the type of bite help.

With inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, the pain is sharp. She's stinging, sizzling. This is the most sensitive nerve in the face. Some of his fibers are responsible for chewing. If the trigeminal nerve is to blame for the discomfort, the jaw hurts near the ear on the right or left.

If in parallel there is discomfort when swallowing, then laryngeal neuralgia is diagnosed. Symptoms are cough, hiccups, discomfort in the tongue, temporomandibular joint. Salivation increases. The pain in some cases extends to the eyes and even the chest. Characteristic seizure. Patients complain of dry mouth.

Cranial neuralgia manifests itself as a result of long and sharp impulses in relation to the affected cranial nerves. Neuralgia of the glossopharyngeal nerve is rarely diagnosed. Localization of painful sensations is characteristic, coming from the root of the tongue or tonsil and passing inside the pharynx, to the jaw angle and ear. It is provoked during a conversation or eating, sometimes - with the movement of the tongue. Differs in one-sided character, burning, shooting, lasts from 1 to 3 minutes. The attack is accompanied by a dry cough. It can be determined by the characteristic posture of the patient. He tilts his head in the direction that worries him more.


Pain in the jaw near the ear may indicate the formation of a tumor in the bones, osteogenic sarcoma. Before the key signs appear, there is a loss of sensitivity in the nerve endings. The person feels numbness in the muscles. In parallel, slight swelling, discomfort in the bones and joints are noted.

Atheroma is a benign tumor. Gives similar symptoms. Of the most obvious signs: a bump located behind the ear. This is a consequence of an increase in the cervical lymph node. Feels like a moving ball of increased density. It does not pose a particular danger until it becomes inflamed. In this case, pus accumulates in it. Inflammation is formed, sometimes - several lymph nodes. There is severe pain near the ear, which does not go away for a long time. The temperature rises. The person complains of general weakness, headache. Near the inflamed lymph node, redness of the skin is noted. If the disease is not treated, the infection will spread throughout the body and lead to sepsis.

Jaw joint treatment

So, the cause of pain in the jaw joint can be pathologies of ENT organs, articular and soft tissues, nerve fibers, teeth. It is not recommended to resort to self-treatment at home, as this will exacerbate the problem.

Often, such phenomena require the use of antibacterial drugs. UHF and physiotherapy have proven themselves well.

Medication is prescribed by a doctor. In a chronic disease of the cranial bones, the destruction of cartilage tissue is observed. They are deformed. The level of mobility decreases, provoking pain. For pain in the jaw caused by arthrosis, the following are prescribed:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Etoricoxib. They are combined with proton pump inhibitors if a person has a disease of the digestive system. We are talking about such medicines as Omeprazole, Nolpaza;
  • vitamins and minerals: ascorbic acid, calcium, cholecalciferol;
  • means leading to the renewal of cartilage tissue: hyaluronic acid;
  • injections of painkillers (introduced into the joint): Diprospan. Appointed by courses - once every six months.

Women under the supervision of a gynecologist-endocrinologist are prescribed hormone therapy. This is especially important during menopause. Good results are shown by treatment with ultrasound, laser, paraffin. Some patients are recommended massage therapy.

Apitherapy, that is, treatment with bee venom, is most effective for arthrosis of the jaw joint. This substance contains biogenic amines. They have an analgesic effect and soothe inflamed areas.

Tips for using bee venom:

  • Bee venom enters the patient's body. It looks like this: the first day a person is stinged by one bee, on the second - already two. Gradually, the number of bees is brought to 10.
  • Not later than a minute later, an insect sting is removed from the affected area. In total, 55 bees are required for one course.
  • Procedures are carried out every other day. At the end of the first course, take a break for one week. Only after that appoint the second.
  • The second course takes a month and a half. At this time, a person receives poison from 3 insects daily. It is important to constantly change the location of the bite. You can repeat the procedure in the same areas only after 5 days.

The described specific method of alternative treatment has contraindications: allergic reactions, tumors, chronic diseases, diabetes mellitus, hypertension.

Gelatin and honey

Another traditional medicine method involves the use of honey in combination with gelatin:

  • pour a teaspoon of gelatin 0.05 liters of cold water for 12 hours;
  • after swelling of the gelatin, a teaspoon of natural honey is added to it. Pour warm water;
  • the finished mixture is taken before meals for 10 days. Take a break, then repeat the course;
  • treatment with honey and gelatin lasts up to 3 months.

Alcohol tincture

For cooking you will need:

  • acacia flowers - 4 tablespoons;
  • alcohol - 1 glass.

Flowers must be filled with alcohol. If it is not available, vodka is allowed. Flowers are placed inside a container with dark glasses and infused for 7 days. The course lasts one month. During this time, rub the finished infusion into the jaw area.

Shilajit solution

Take a 100% mummy solution. Drip on a cotton pad and rub into the affected area for 5 minutes. With good tolerance, you can increase this interval to 10 minutes. Shilajit can be used not only in the form of compresses, but also taken orally. Here is the prescription:

  • mummy - 0.2 gr;
  • honey - 1 spoon;
  • milk - 250 ml.

Milk is heated and honey and mummy are dissolved in it. Take one glass of the prepared solution daily. The course lasts 2 weeks.

Herbal infusion

An infusion of the leaves of coltsfoot and oregano perfectly relieves acute pain. For cooking you need:

  • 40 grams of herbs;
  • half a liter of alcohol.

Rub the herbs and pour alcohol. Leave for 3 days. As soon as the tincture is ready, filter. Used as a means for rubbing diseased areas. An alternative to the recipe described above can be a compress from a decoction of plantain or wormwood leaves.


To prepare a compress, you will need:

  • chamomile - 3 tablespoons;
  • boiling water - 1 cup.

Soak chamomile flowers in hot water. Insist 15 min. Apply a ready-made compress to the face and leave it for 20 minutes. The procedure is carried out 2 times a day. For a short-term effect, warming with buckwheat and salt is used.

Fir oil

The effectiveness of this natural remedy is due to a good warming effect. Some patients may experience reddening of the skin and allergic reactions. Some experts consider this to be normal. However, modern doctors are inclined to believe that with any adverse effects, it is better to abandon this method.

The oil should be slightly warm or at room temperature. It relaxes tense muscles, relieves spasm and inflammation.


With the permission of a doctor, you can normalize the inflamed tissues of the jaw near the ear. How to do:

  • furrow your eyebrows, and then raise them;
  • squint your eyes and make circular movements with them;
  • inflate your cheeks properly and pull them in;
  • curl your lips into a tube and stretch them out.

Exercises are performed daily in the morning. Each of them is given a few minutes. At the end of the gymnastics, the facial muscles are relaxed and lightly run over them with their hands.

Prevention measures:

  • dress appropriately for the weather, avoid drafts;
  • treat viral diseases in a timely manner;
  • avoid stress;
  • conduct an independent facial massage;
  • eat fully.

If the cheekbone or jaw hurts, treatment is prescribed medication, folk remedies or physiotherapy procedures. Only a doctor can choose the right tactics for treating the disease.

Pain in the cheekbone, jaw, near the ear is a frightening symptom. Such painful sensations may indicate the presence of a large number of diseases in organs and systems. Teeth, ears, gums, lymph nodes, sinuses, soft tissues of the face - diseases associated with these organs lead to pain.

  • If there are discomfort in the cheekbone area, then you should immediately consult a doctor. But it is important to know which doctor to go to: a dentist, an otolaryngologist, a surgeon or another.
  • It is better to first contact a therapist, who will be able to refer you to the necessary specialist. In the diagnosis, doctors are helped by various laboratories, instrumental methods.
  • To understand the factors of pain, you can consider the possible causes using a special algorithm of actions. So, the jaw hurts, it crunched painfully, pain occurs when chewing - what to do in these cases and where to go? You will find answers to these and other questions in this article.

If there is pain in the jaw, then you do not need to console yourself with hopes that this will pass by itself. This symptom occurs when a serious disease appears that needs to be treated. If this is not done in a timely manner, the condition may worsen and the disease may develop into a chronic stage.

Causes of pain in the cheekbones, jaw near the ear on the left and right, and when it hurts to chew:

  • Diseases of the dentition, gums and temporomandibular joint. Dentists, maxillofacial surgeons deal with these problems. If there are jaw abscesses and phlegmon, then an operating dentist will be needed.
  • Inflammation of the sinuses. On the sides of the nose are the maxillary sinuses, and behind the ear is a cavity located inside the process at the temporal bone. The mucous membrane of this cavity can become inflamed and give aching pain in the cheekbone area. An ENT specialist deals with such problems.
  • Diseases of the larynx, tonsils and tissues around them. The disease appears as a result of a purulent-inflammatory process, an infectious disease and a tumor. An ENT doctor can cure such a pathology.
  • Disease of the peripheral nervous system. Nerve cells become inflamed, causing congestion of processes and pain. You should contact a therapist or neurologist.
  • Inflammation of the lymph nodes. They become inflamed if infected lymph from the nose, larynx or ears has entered their tissues. Therapists or pediatricians (in children) deal with diseases of this system.

If the diseases are started, delaying the trip to the doctor, then other concomitant, no less complex pathologies may develop:

  • Purulent and inflammatory processes: abscesses, phlegmon.
  • Infections in the mouth, nose, or ears.
  • Dysmetabolic abnormalities in the balance of electrolytes.
  • Injuries - may occur due to forceful opening of the mouth when yawning, opening bottles and other hard or metal caps with teeth.
  • Benign and malignant tumors.
  • Inflammation of peripheral vessels and nerves.

If the jaw hurts after going to the dentist or removing a tooth, then you should immediately contact this specialist. A consultation may not be needed if a bracket system has been installed. In this case, mild or tolerable pain occurs during the formation of the correct bite. But, if this condition does not go away after 2 months, then consultation with the attending dentist is necessary.

Important: A trauma surgeon should be contacted if the jaw or cheekbone began to hurt after an injury. In this case, pain can occur both from a banal bruise and from a serious fracture, dislocation or abscess.

Such pain can be associated with both dental problems and diseases of the nerve endings. What other causes of pain in the jaw bone near the ear and in the muscles when pressed? Several important factors:

  • Injury- a strong blow to the head area can lead to a violation of the integrity of the facial bone. Constant aching pain, also when pressed.
  • Wisdom tooth eruption. Such a process is almost always accompanied by painful sensations, in some people to a lesser extent, in others to a greater extent. Pain may occur when pressed into the cheekbone area.
  • Jaw osteomyelitis- a disease that affects the entire bone. The cause of its occurrence is active pathogenic microorganisms that make their way into the root canals. The pain is strong and aching.
  • caries and pulpitis can cause pain that worsens at night, especially when pressure is applied to the cheekbone in the area of ​​diseased teeth.
  • Arteritis- Pain in the form of a burning sensation in the jaw area.
  • Temporomandibular joint dysfunction- pain when opening the mouth and chewing food, when pressed.
  • Furuncles, fistulas, phlegmons and abscesses- Jaw hurts when pressed and at rest.

Any discomfort cannot be ignored! In case of pain in the jaw area, when pressed, at night or if the discomfort is permanent, you should consult a doctor.

The jaw often cracks when yawning. But, if the mouth is opened too wide, then in addition to the crunch, pain may appear. It does not go away for a long time, and appears during chewing, opening the mouth, or even at rest. What to do if the jaw cracked and hurts?

If the pain does not go away the next day, you should immediately consult a doctor. These symptoms can occur with serious diseases:

  • jaw arthritis;
  • bursitis;
  • sprain of the jaw muscles;
  • dislocation of the jaw joints.

The doctor will examine and prescribe to take a picture. If the joints are in order, then the doctor may prescribe UHF and steroid anti-inflammatory drugs. Within 5-7 days after undergoing physiotherapy, the pain will pass.

Clicking during opening of the mouth is most often painless. Only discomfort is felt and a characteristic sound is heard.

  • Many people get used to such a crunch and stop paying attention to it.
  • This condition is explained by the fact that the jaw joint during movement comes out of the articular bag. It moves to the side and when it returns to its place, a crunch is heard.
  • This may occur due to injury, malocclusion, excessive tension of the jaw muscles (singing, reading poetry).

What to do if the jaw clicks on one side and the joint of the jaw, cheekbone hurts when opening the mouth? A few tips:

  • Correct diagnosis. Often people go to the doctor with a problem in advanced cases. It is difficult to determine the root cause, because you need to understand how this condition developed. To make a correct diagnosis, it is necessary to consult a doctor when the first pain sensations appear. The doctor prescribes X-ray, MRI, computed tomography and arthroscopy.
  • Dentists treat dysfunctions of the jaw joint. Difficult cases require the consultation of a dental surgeon. For treatment, painstaking and lengthy work is carried out to correct the bite, refill teeth, replace dentures, and so on. Treatment of dysfunction of the jaw joint is carried out by prescribing anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • At home, you can alleviate the condition a little with warm compresses, and applying ice will help with inflammation. Do not load the jaw: soft and frayed food, complete rest.
  • Relaxation techniques to help manage pain. As a prevention of the appearance of such diseases can be used.

Treatment of all diseases associated with clicking of the jaw joints and pain depends on the degree and nature of the development of the inflammatory process. General recommendations in this case are the complete rest of the jaw.

Colds and runny nose are accompanied by the spread of pathogenic microflora throughout the body. Inflammation begins, which is accompanied by pain. Therefore, to the question: can the cheekbone and jaw hurt with a cold, runny nose, tooth extraction, we can answer with confidence: yes.

  • If the pain occurs in the cheekbone area, almost under the eye, then this is inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. Please contact LOR.
  • Pain in the junction of the upper and lower jaw may occur due to colds and runny nose. Bacteria enter the joint sac, its surface becomes inflamed. It will help to get rid of the ENT problem.
  • A cold can inflame the jaw nerve. The treatment of such a disease is carried out by a neurologist.
  • Cheekbones can hurt with otitis. In this case, the pain may be accompanied by fever. Otitis media is treated by an ENT doctor.

Pain in the jaw during tooth extraction may be minor. But, if the pain is severe and worsens over time, then the surgeon may not have removed the entire tooth, so you should immediately contact your dentist.

Often, when pain occurs, people panic and do not know which doctor to contact. If such a situation arises, then you can contact a therapist, and he will already refer you to the right specialist. What other doctor can I turn to if my cheekbone or jaw hurts? You will be treated by the following professionals:

  • dentist;
  • dental surgeon;
  • surgeon, orthodontist;
  • neurologist;

If the pain is sharp and unbearable, as with a dislocation or fracture of the jaw, then an ambulance should be called.

From the foregoing, it is clear that there are many causes of pain in the jaw joint. Diseases can be associated with ENT organs, neuralgia, inflammation of the articular and soft tissues, inflammation of the tissues of the teeth.

  • Therefore, treatment for a diseased jaw joint near the ear or in the cheekbone area should be prescribed only by a specialist.
  • He will be able to make the correct diagnosis or refer you to another highly specialized doctor.
  • Often, in the treatment of pain in the cheekbone area, it is accompanied by the appointment of anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs. In almost any inflammatory process, the doctor prescribes UHF or other physiotherapy procedures.

Important: Do not self-medicate! This is dangerous to health.

Osteoarthritis of the jaw is a chronic disease of the bones of the skull, in which the cartilage in the joints is destroyed, which leads to deformity, pain and reduced mobility.

Drug treatment should be prescribed only by a doctor. Self-medication can lead to a deterioration in the condition and an uncontrolled reaction of the body. The main groups of drugs used in the treatment of jaw pain:

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs - non-steroidal drugs: diclofenac, ibuprofen, etoricoxib, ketorol. If there are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, then drugs are prescribed in parallel that reduce acidity in the stomach: Omeprazole, Lansoprazole.
  • Vitamins - ascorbic acid (vitamin C), cholecalciferol (vitamin D), calcium.
  • Preparations that renew cartilage tissue - hyaluronic acid.
  • Intra-articular injections for severe pain: Disprospan. This treatment is carried out once every 6 months.

Women may be prescribed hormone therapy, especially during menopause, but under the supervision of a gynecologist and endocrinologist. It will also be effective to carry out physiotherapeutic procedures: current, paraffin, laser, magnet, massage, ultrasound.

In parallel with medications, in the treatment of arthrosis of the jaw joint, folk remedies are used. Apitherapy is a therapy carried out with the help of bee venom. It contains biogenic amines, which are analgesic and act as an anti-inflammatory agent. Bee venom is used like this:

This method has many contraindications (allergies, chronic diseases, malignant neoplasms, hypertension, diabetes mellitus). Therefore, before starting treatment, you should consult your doctor.

In addition to bee venom, honey and gelatin can be used to treat arthrosis:

Video: Why does the jaw click?

Sometimes there is such an unusual condition when the jaw does not open completely or does not open well. A person cannot fully eat, talk, and when trying to open his mouth a little wider, pain appears, sometimes of a sharp nature. Trying to sharply open his mouth, a person feels severe pain in the region of the mandibular joint, and it can also radiate to the temporal region. This condition, in which the jaw does not open completely, is called muscle contracture. Problems in the periarticular tissues of the temporomandibular joint can also be the cause of such complaints.

A sharply limited opening of the mouth is observed with ankylosis of the temporomandibular joint. With this disease, complete or partial fusion of the articular surfaces occurs. Normal eating becomes impossible, bite, breathing is disturbed. The face takes on a "bird" look. The treatment of this pathology is surgical. Additionally, massage, exercise therapy, drug therapy and a sparing diet are prescribed.

When a contracture of the jaw apparatus appears, it is recommended to consult a specialist. After additional diagnostic measures, he will be able to determine why the mouth does not fully open, why pain appears, and what to do in this case.

With contracture, there is a sudden difficulty in the mobility of the joint, which is responsible for the movements of the lower jaw, due to pathological processes in the muscle or ligamentous tissue. Often, such processes are provoked by injuries, diseases, reflex sharp muscle contraction.

There are certain reasons why it is impossible or difficult to open your mouth:

  • contracture of the muscles of the jaw apparatus, which occurs due to injuries (for example, after a fall, impact), sprains of the muscular apparatus (with prolonged wide opening of the mouth at the dentist);
  • myositis, which are obtained with the introduction of anesthesia (mandibular or torusal), which is used in the treatment or extraction of units on the lower dentition;
  • inflammatory process in the muscular apparatus, which appeared as a result of hypothermia or infection;
  • rheumatic diseases and, as a result, inflammation in the temporomandibular joint;
  • injury to the joint or surrounding tissues;
  • subluxation;
  • periostitis of the alveolar process and inflammation, which has spread to all structures of the ligamentous apparatus of this area;
  • processes of a purulent nature (phlegmon, abscesses) on the mandibular apparatus, which provoke an inflammatory process of the joint itself or the muscles that move the lower jaw.

All of these conditions can cause a condition in which the jaw cannot be fully opened, and the mouth opening range itself ranges up to one centimeter.

What to do

If the cause of contracture of the muscular apparatus was the introduction of anesthesia, overstretching of the muscle with prolonged opening of the jaw, such conditions usually resolve on their own within a few days and do not require special treatment. If the reasons lie elsewhere, a visit to a specialist is mandatory.

In the event that this pathology is caused by adhesions, scars, tissue fusion, it is advisable to use radical treatment, which involves surgery. Surgical treatment consists in excision of modified tissues, replacement of lost tissue areas. Typically, oral and maxillofacial surgeons perform such procedures.

If there is additional pain

If, in addition to muscle contracture, pain appears during opening of the mouth, there are probable causes of this condition:

  1. Fracture. During it, there is soreness, difficulty with jaw movement, hematoma or bruising. In such a situation, you should immediately visit a specialist.
  2. Osteomyelitis of the jaw. Treatment of the disease should be carried out immediately, since dangerous complications can occur.
  3. Arteritis of the facial artery.
  4. Dysfunctions in the jaw apparatus. They can be congenital (for example, malocclusion), acquired (inflammation of the joint).

Regardless of the cause and severity of symptoms, it is recommended to contact a qualified specialist in a timely manner, who can diagnose, determine the cause and prescribe the correct treatment regimen. If the use of conservative therapy options does not bring the desired result, it is advisable to undergo surgical treatment to restore the full function of the temporomandibular joint.

Sometimes a person is overtaken by a very unpleasant feeling - pain in the jaw. It hurts when you open your mouth, chew and talk. There is pain under the jaw or in the upper jaw, on the right side or on the left, sometimes only the joint hurts, and sometimes the whole mouth. To answer the question why the jaw hurts, a dentist, surgeon or neurologist will help you. But which one should you contact in your situation?

2 style="text-align: center;"> Causes of jaw pain

The fact is that pain in the jaw can have many different causes, it is on them that the choice of a doctor and, accordingly, treatment depends.

3 style="text-align: center;">Jaw injuries

If your jaw hurts, it means that you cannot speak, eat, sleep normally. The cause of this problem should be sought as soon as possible, as there is a possibility of dangerous complications.

4 style="text-align: center;">Bruise

When bruised, only the soft tissues of the jaw are damaged. There is pain, slight swelling, bruising, but these symptoms are not strong, it does not hurt to open the mouth, the patient fully recovers in 2-3 days. What to do in case of injury? It is most effective to use a cold compress and a special diet that will help keep the jaw at rest.

There can be many reasons for jaw pain. Get ready for examinations with doctors of various medical specialties.

4 style="text-align: center;">Dislocation

Dislocation of the lower jaw occurs when the mouth is opened abruptly. It can happen if a person opens a bottle or hard packaging with his teeth. In addition, dislocation threatens people with joint diseases.

When a dislocation occurs in a person, the mouth is fixed in an open position, the jaw is beveled on the right or left side, saliva flows out of the mouth (since there is no way to swallow it). The doctor of the emergency room sets the dislocation manually.

4 style="text-align: center;">Fracture

In the event of a mechanical injury (for example, as a result of an accident), a person may have a fracture of the upper or lower jaw. With a particularly strong impact on the human skull, a fracture of both jaws often occurs at once. The degree of complexity of the fracture depends on whether it is multiple or single, open or closed, and whether displacement is present.

A broken jaw is a terrible thing, and its treatment is an unpleasant business.

Fracture symptoms (other than pain): difficulty chewing, swelling, bruising. Of course, the treatment of a jaw fracture is carried out exclusively by a doctor. With early admission to the hospital, full recovery will take no more than one month. In addition to medical treatment, sufficient attention should be paid to caring for the sick: wash his mouth with warm water with an antiseptic and give grated food.

3 style="text-align: center;"> Osteomyelitis of the jaws

If the pain in the jaw has a pulsating character, a headache and a high temperature are added to it, then it is likely that you have osteomyelitis of the jaws. This is a special infectious disease of the jaw bones, which causes severe inflammation.

The main cause of this disease is an infected tooth, and the doctor makes a diagnosis based on this very tooth (it staggers, it hurts a lot, especially when tapped), an x-ray (it will show how many teeth are already infected) and a general blood test.

Alas, the removal of infected teeth in osteomyelitis is a necessity. In addition, treatment includes a course of antibiotics and general detoxification of the body.

Please note that osteomyelitis of the upper jaw is especially dangerous and can cause serious complications. That is why, with soreness in the upper jaw, you should consult a doctor immediately.

3 style="text-align: center;"> Pain of neurological origin

Trigeminal neuralgia - this nerve is responsible for the connection of our entire face with the central nervous system. When the trigeminal nerve is affected, pain radiates to the jaw. This pain can be characterized as boring or burning, moreover, it comes on in attacks and most often at night. As a rule, the jaw hurts only on one side and never hurts from the back.

The trigeminal nerve, the malfunction of which can cause pain in the jaw.

Neuralgia of the superior laryngeal nerve - in this case, quite severe pain occurs under the jaw (on the right or left side) when chewing, yawning, blowing your nose. Very often, the pain is accompanied by salivation, coughing, hiccups.

Neuralgia of the glossopharyngeal nerve is a very rare disease, it is characterized by pain in the tongue, which turns into soreness under the jaw, in the lower jaw in the larynx, chest. It is aggravated by movements of the tongue, chewing and talking, the attack of pain lasts about three minutes.

The treatment of all pain in the jaws caused by the pathology of the nerves is carried out by medication, and only if it is ineffective, the nerve is surgically suppressed.

3 style="text-align: center;">Wisdom Teeth

One of the most common causes of jaw pain is cutting wisdom teeth. As a rule, such pain increases when opening the mouth. What to do in this situation? You have three options:

  • go to the dentist, he will make a small incision and this will help the teeth grow easier, and if the wisdom tooth has grown, the doctor will remove it;
  • take a strong pain reliever, for example, Dexalgin - often such drugs relieve not only pain, but also inflammation;
  • use folk remedies, rinse your mouth with sage, it will not bring harm.

But not only wisdom teeth can cause jaw pain. Soreness under the jaw or in the jaw itself occurs when you have a tooth decay, flux or abscess. An abscess under a tooth can be enough reason for it to hurt you to open and close your mouth, eat and talk.

3 style="text-align: center;"> Arteritis of the facial artery

If you feel a burning pain under the jaw that reaches the upper lip, nose, or even the corners of the eyes, then there is a chance that you have arteritis of the facial artery. In fact, arteritis is an inflammation of the artery wall, respectively, the treatment of this disease is associated with the suppression of inflammation in the arteries.

3 style="text-align: center;"> Dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint

In this case, it can hurt not only in the joint itself, but also in the temple, cheek and even in the forehead. The pain intensifies when opening the mouth, and with each movement a click is heard.

A clear sign of a violation in the work of the temporomandibular joint is a click when the jaws open.

The fact is that there are many reasons for dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint (from malocclusion to osteoarthritis of the joint). Therefore, you cannot self-medicate, and if you are sure that the pain is associated with the joint, then go to the doctor: he will determine the cause and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

3 style="text-align: center;">Carotidynia

Carotidinia is a type of migraine. The pain occurs suddenly, is concentrated in the upper jaw (both on the right side and on the left side).

Various reasons can cause carotidynia. For example, it can be caused by a damaged tooth, inflammation in the sinuses, or the same lesion of the trigeminal nerve, which was discussed above. Treatment is prescribed by a doctor, but, as a rule, the most effective is the combination of indomethocin with antidepressants.

3 style="text-align: center;"> Pain while wearing braces

Why does my jaw hurt so much while wearing braces? Pain and slight looseness of the teeth in the first days after the installation of the bracket system is a sign that the brackets are installed correctly, the process of teeth displacement and bite formation occurs. In this case, you don't need to do anything.

But if the pain in the jaw and the inability to open the mouth normally are caused by malocclusion, then you should immediately contact the orthodontist.

If in the jaw area - upper or lower, right or left - a rather frightening symptom. It may indicate diseases of a large number of organs and structures. It can be teeth, and ears, and gums, and air sinuses, and lymph nodes, and soft tissues of the face. In the jaw can give pain from inflammation of the internal organs, but few.

To understand the possible causes of jaw pain, we will consider them using an algorithm. This, of course, does not cancel a trip to the doctor, because only a specialist with a medical education can objectively assess the color of the throat, the presence of carious cavities, reflexes, facial symmetry, heart rhythm or other indicators. Several different laboratories, various instrumental methods can come to his aid at the right time.

Main causes of jaw pain

Pain syndrome with localization in the jaw may be due to diseases:

  • dentition, gums, temporomandibular joint, due to which the lower jaw moves, soft tissues under the lower jaw. Such problems are dealt with by dentists of public and private dental clinics, as well as maxillofacial surgeons - operating dentists who solve the problems of jaw abscesses and phlegmon, which has developed as a result of dental diseases;
  • sinuses. In the region of the upper jaw, on both sides of the nose, there are maxillary (maxillary) sinuses, and behind the ear is the temporal bone with a process, inside of which there is a cavity. The mucous membrane that lines them may become inflamed and suppurate; tumors can grow from it. An ENT doctor deals with similar diseases;
  • throat, tonsils, and tissues near the tonsils. Purulent-inflammatory and infectious diseases, tumors can develop here. Otolaryngologists (ENT doctors) deal with such pathologies;
  • peripheral nervous system: inflammation or irritation of nerve fibers and nodes in which processes and bodies of nerve cells accumulate;
  • lymph nodes located along the perimeter of the lower jaw. They can become inflamed when they collect infected lymph from various organs: nose, throat, eyes, soft tissues of the face. They can get cancer cells in malignant tumors of the bones, mucous membranes, soft tissues in the face and neck. Normally, the lymph nodes are not palpable and do not hurt. Their diseases are dealt with by a therapist (in children - a pediatrician).

Depending on the mechanism of development, one of the following types of diseases can develop in each of the localizations:

  1. Purulent-inflammatory pathologies:
    • abscess - purulent fusion of tissue, delimited by a capsule from surrounding tissues; fraught with the development of sepsis - blood poisoning;
    • phlegmon - bacterial tissue fusion, not delimited by a capsule, but tending to spread deep into and along similar tissues. Particularly easy to spread through the fiber.
  2. Infectious pathologies that occur when the bacterium does not cause tissue melting.
  3. Dysmetabolic disorders - associated with a change in the balance of electrolytes or other substances.
  4. Injuries. In the case of the jaw, this is not only a blow or bruise, but also a sharp or strong opening of the mouth, jaw movements aimed at opening bottles or hard packages with the teeth.
  5. Tumors are malignant and benign.
  6. Diseases of peripheral vessels and nerves.

If the jaw hurts after dental interventions

If not even a month has passed since the moment a person was given a bracket system or removable dentures, the lower jaw "has the right" to hurt. In this case, the teeth may become more mobile and headaches may occur periodically. This is due to the formation of the correct bite. If after 2 months this condition does not go away, an examination by an orthodontist is needed.

Neuralgia of the superior laryngeal nerve

The superior laryngeal nerve innervates the root of the tongue, larynx, and upper pharynx. When it is irritated, pain appears, localized under the lower jaw. It is accompanied by coughing, salivation. Pain radiates to the face, ear, shoulder and chest. They provoke an attack of swallowing, coughing, turning the head.

Neuralgia of the glossopharyngeal nerve

Here the pains are felt in the tongue, but are given to the jaw, chest, larynx. Attacks of pain last no longer than three minutes, may be accompanied by drying in the mouth. The pain is aggravated by pressure on the lower jaw. There is no disturbance in the general condition, the temperature remains normal.

Odontogenic pain

Pulpitis (inflammation of the neurovascular bundle, localized inside the tooth), caries (destruction of tooth enamel), incipient periodontal abscess (abscess near the tooth) are manifested by severe pain in the local area of ​​the upper or lower jaw, aggravated at night, having a pulsating character. At the same time, the area of ​​​​the root of the diseased tooth is painful on palpation, it hurts when food bites on the tooth. He also responds with pain when cold or hot drinks fall on him.

Osteogenic sarcoma

It is a malignant tumor, like cancer. Only cancer is called a tumor growing from the mucous membranes, and those that grow from bone, fat, nervous or vascular tissue are called sarcomas. In this case, we are talking about a tumor originating from the bone of the lower or upper jaw. It is manifested by a deformity of the jaw that occurs after a period of pain in the jaw and throughout the face. In addition, you can find a point in the chin area or under the eye, where the maximum pain is felt.

Osteoid osteoma

Pain in one of the jaws is noted almost always only at night. For a long time there are no other symptoms, with sufficient growth of this malignant tumor, asymmetry of the face becomes noticeable.

Arteritis of the facial artery

In this case, the pain extends from the chin and lower jaw to the upper lip. The pain is severe, burning.

If, in addition to pain, the temperature rises

Such a symptom requires a more detailed analysis, depending on the localization.

Pain in the upper jaw

These may be the following pathologies (almost all the symptoms are discussed above):

  • Osteomyelitis of the upper jaw. It is associated with tooth extraction, incorrect tooth extraction, installation of an implant in the upper jaw, incorrect sinus lift. It can hurt either in the left jaw or on the right.
  • Sinusitis. Usually this disease develops on one side - on the right or left. It is provoked by hypothermia, trauma to the nose or skull, pulpitis of the upper molars, periodontitis of the upper jaw. Symptoms of pathology: pain radiates to the jaw, head, eye socket, but you can find the point of maximum pain near the nose. In addition, half of the nose is stuffed up, mucus or pus flows out of it (or from both nostrils), the voice becomes nasal, and mucus flows down the back of the throat.
  • Phlegmon or abscess in this area, accompanied by swelling and soreness of the soft tissues. The disease is preceded by an open (with deprivation of the integrity of the skin) wound of this zone, or treatment of the teeth of the upper jaw.
  • Gingivitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the gums. Inflamed gums, and with them the entire jaw, hurt, the temperature rises, and bad breath appears. Read more.
  • Alveolitis is inflammation of the tooth socket after it has been removed.

Pain in the lower jaw

Pain in the lower jaw with fever may be due to:

  • osteomyelitis;
  • gingivitis;
  • alveolitis - complications after tooth extraction;
  • submandibular phlegmon or abscess;
  • glossitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the tongue, which occurs as a result of its infection during burns (chemical or thermal) or injuries. With this disease, not only does the tongue hurt and the taste ceases to be felt, but it also breaks the jaw;
  • if it is localized near the ear and is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, this is most likely. In this case, there may be a discharge of pus or a clear liquid from the ear, hearing loss. Otitis media is indicated by weakness, fatigue, loss of appetite. A characteristic symptom: the pain increases with pressure on the tragus of the ear (particularly protruding cartilage on the inside).

Ear and jaw pain

A symptom when pain is felt in the ear and jaw speaks of:

  1. temporomandibular joint dysfunction. This disease is more “subject to” people over 30 years old, especially those who have suffered an injury, arthritis of this joint, having a pathology of bite or masticatory muscles. Manifested by a headache in one half of the head, pain in the jaw, which radiates to the cheek, forehead, temple. Jaw movements occur along a disturbed trajectory. With active movements of the jaw in the joint near the ear, a crunch and clicking is felt. The jaw may suddenly jam.
  2. arthrosis of the temporomandibular joint. Here the pain is constant, aching. A crunch is felt when opening the mouth. It becomes painful to open wide, as well as to tightly close the jaw. Chewing on this side is also painful. It is especially difficult to open your mouth in the morning, then it becomes easier.
  3. arthritis of the temporomandibular joint. Leading symptoms: pain near the ear, crackling, noise, clicks, crunching in the joint area, poor mobility, especially in the morning.
  4. otitis, that is, inflammation of the ear: external or middle, located deeper than the eardrum;
  5. carotidinia - irritation of nerve endings near the carotid artery. Such pain is paroxysmal, begins in the region of the upper jaw, radiates to the neck, ear, oral cavity, and spreads throughout the face. Pressure on the lateral region of the neck from the side and slightly below the Adam's apple responds with acute pain. Causes of carotidini:, soft tissue tumors located near the carotid artery, dissection of the temporal artery;
  6. neuralgia of the ear node. In this case, paroxysmal burning pain occurs. This pain goes from the temple, past the ear, reaches the lower jaw, chin, gives into the teeth. There are also clicks in the ear, salivation increases. The cause of the condition is hypothermia, sinusitis;
  7. erythrootalgia syndrome. It hurts more in the ear than in the jaw. The pain radiates to the forehead, lower jaw, back of the head. In addition, the ear turns red. Causes of the syndrome: cervical spondylosis, dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint, thalamus damage and some others.

If pain occurs when chewing

Pain in the jaw when chewing is a sign of:

  • dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint;
  • arthritis of this joint;
  • arthrosis of the temporomandibular joint.

All these diseases are described in detail above.

Also, pain during chewing can be with adamantinoma - one of the benign tumors that develops in the thickness of the lower, less often - the upper jaw. The jaw increases in size, it becomes difficult to chew. At the same time, pain appears and grows.

Pain is felt under the jaw

Pain under the jaw is a sign of many diseases:

  • Submandibular lymphadenitis. This is the name of the inflammation of the submandibular lymph nodes. This happens when an infection gets here with tonsillitis, periodontitis, conjunctivitis, facial furunculosis, carbuncle that appears on the face. In confirmation of the diagnosis, painful, elastic and mobile lymph nodes are probed here. If the latter has a solid consistency, does not move or is painless, you need to look for where the cancer metastasizes from.
  • infectious mononucleosis. This is a viral disease in which many groups of lymph nodes are affected, including the submandibular one. Pathology is accompanied by a rise in temperature, not very pronounced symptoms of intoxication (weakness, drowsiness, nausea, loss of appetite). More about .
  • Glossalgia or tongue hypersensitivity. Here, pains are given to the lower jaw, occur after chewing rough food, as well as taking sour, spicy, hot or cold dishes.
  • Glossitis - inflammation of the tongue. The tongue is noticeably thickened, bright red. If the pathology is not treated, a submandibular phlegmon or abscess may develop.
  • Sialoadenitis - inflammation of the salivary glands located under the jaw. In this case, the temperature rises, weakness appears, salivation increases, appetite decreases. At the angle of the jaw, a densely elastic painful formation is determined.
  • Sialolithiasis. In this case, stones are determined in the salivary glands. Under the lower jaw - on the left or right - a swelling is determined, a purulent discharge is released into the mouth, its amount is insignificant, and the person does not feel it, but the smell in the mouth becomes unpleasant.
  • Pharyngitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the throat. Symptoms: cough and pain that can radiate to the jaw.
  • Angina - inflammation of the tonsils. In this case, the throat is very sore, the temperature rises, it becomes painful to swallow. Sore throat may radiate to the jaw and ear.
  • Tumors of the salivary glands, which are manifested by aching pains of low intensity, localized under the jaw. If the tumor is malignant, the pain becomes more intense, the temperature rises, the submandibular lymph nodes increase, weakness increases, and body weight decreases.
  • Tumors of the larynx that irritate the laryngeal nerve. The pain in this case appears in the throat, it spreads to the chest, the area under the lower jaw, the ear. Also, a person is worried about a lump in the throat, difficulty swallowing first solid and then liquid food.
  • Fracture of the lower jaw. Its symptoms are described below.

If it hurts to open your mouth

Pain when opening the mouth can be:

  1. acute, when it arose sharply and suddenly;
  2. chronic: exists for a long time.

acute pain

Typical for the following cases:

  • Contusion, fracture or dislocation of the joint. Then it occurs after a blow, a strong opening of the mouth, a fall on the face. Characteristic symptoms are described above, in the section "Pain appeared after an injury."
  • Phlegmon, abscess or osteomyelitis. In this case, it occurs after an injury, or against the background of prolonged pain in the tooth, tonsillitis, chickenpox, tooth extraction. Its symptoms can also be found in the section "After a dental intervention" or "After an injury".
  • If the jaw hurts after visiting the dentist, when a person kept his mouth wide open for a long time, this means that effusion formed in the joint- excess fluid produced by the joint membrane. In this case, you need to take pity on the joint for several days, without loading it with chewing solid food. Also, periodically apply cold bandages to the joint area for 2-3 days. If this condition is not corrected, arthrosis, a degenerative condition of the joint, can develop.
  • Arthritis. Pain can occur against the background of hypothermia, a common infectious disease. When chewing, clicks, crunch, noise in the joint are felt. The pain may radiate to the ear.

chronic pain

If it hurts to open your mouth in the morning, then this condition disappears during the day, it may be arthrosis of the temporomandibular joint. It most often occurs in people who are missing molars, and the load falls on the bones, not the teeth. If there are no teeth on the right, it will be painful to open the right half of the mouth. If left, then left.

The dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint and arthrosis of the joint described above are also felt by pain when opening the mouth. It hurts to chew, strongly open the mouth. Movements are constrained in the morning, then it passes.

Trigeminal neuralgia. It is described in the section "When there are no other symptoms besides pain."

When jaw pain is accompanied by a worsening condition

On right Left The temperature has risen Weakness, drowsiness Other symptoms
Pain in the upper jaw Temporal arteritis (large vessels coming from the carotid artery become inflamed) No Yes
  • severe headache, radiating to the back of the head and temples, of a pulsating nature;
  • double vision;
  • transient blindness;
  • decreased clarity of vision;
  • soreness of the scalp when touched or scratched;
  • weight loss
  • swelling, nodules, soreness in the temples.
Osteoblastoclastoma (bone tumor) Yes Yes Pain in the jaw increases, it is found on the skin of the face. A pale pink swelling is visible on the gums
Cancer (a tumor that develops from the skin and mucous membranes) Stays normal for a long time In the last stages Jaw pain that gets worse
Osteomyelitis Yes Yes
Abscess or phlegmon Yes Yes Severe swelling of the jaw, which makes it difficult to open the mouth. There may be nausea and vomiting due to intoxication
Pain in the lower jaw Same diseases as in the upper jaw
No No Pain occurs when walking fast, walking against the wind, accompanied by pain either in the left side of the chest, or in the left hand (or only the little finger). It becomes easier after a short rest, taking a Nitroglycerin tablet
Yes Yes The pain is very strong, localized more in the left half of the sternum, significant in length. It is provoked by emotional stress or physical exertion. May be accompanied by loss of consciousness or arrhythmia
Yes Yes The pain is more on the right under the rib, it gives to the right lower jaw. Bitterness in the mouth, loose stools or constipation, aversion to fatty foods are also noted.

The symptom of pain in the jaw does not belong to the “trifles”, because it can indicate not only caries (which can be complicated by phlegmon of the maxillofacial region). Malignant bone tumors give themselves the same sign. Only doctors - dentists, neuropathologists, otolaryngologists or cardiologists - can accurately determine the cause of pain in the jaw. Even people with a higher medical education that are not included in these three categories go for examination to their colleagues, since it is impossible to establish the etiology on their own.



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