What to play together. What can you play at home with your brother? Fanta-flirting Resort romance - we go to the sea

Children's holiday at home: fun and entertaining fun games for children and adults. Old games of the 19th century, long forgotten and now being revived. Interesting ideas for a joyful mood during the holidays.

Soon New Year and Christmas! And of course, these days we meet with friends, relatives, go to visit, receive guests. Games at home are one of the oldest and traditional winter activities for children and adults. What games can you play with kids and friends? What did our great-great-great-grandmothers and great-great-great-grandfathers play in winter? How to give yourself and your children the joy of a holiday and fun? Why does a child need fun, and not just “serious” educational games? You will learn about this from this article. And also take a trip to the 19th century by playing old pre-revolutionary children's games.

Children's holiday at home: why do children need fun games?

Educational games are what every family knows now, what they write about in magazines and books, what they show in videos and TV shows. But fun games ... Do we know fun games for children? How often do we play them? Do we include them in our family holidays? For some reason, these fun games for children are often forgotten and are not so common in modern families. It's a pity. After all, they not only create a special atmosphere of a family holiday, comfort, warmth, emotional support, interesting communication, but also develop a child no worse than “serious” educational games. And besides, it is so nice to play them for both adults and children! It is fun games that develop ingenuity, imagination, speed of reaction, flexibility of behavior, independence, the ability to quickly find a way out of a new situation and give the child a cheerful, cheerful mood - the basis of his successful development.

Why does a child need funny funny games? Why does a child need games with other children or games in a friendly circle of children and adults? Why won't the "educational game" of the child "alone" (with a computer or with chips and a playing field) replace games with other people? Let's look into history and find the answers to these questions.

Here is how Yegor Arsenievich Pokrovsky wrote about children's games in the 19th century in the book “Children's Games, Mostly Russian. In connection with history, ethnography, pedagogy and hygiene "(1887):

“There are also views that are practiced regarding education in a certain part of the public and have a lot of harmful influence on the success of the development of children's games ... Due to these views, for example, fast, impetuous movements of children during play are recognized as impossibly rude, too provincial, masculine; heartfelt fun in games, which only children are capable of, about which even the saying “Rejoices like a child” has developed, is considered completely inappropriate, indecent, trivial. Simplicity in dress, which is required for the most part for many free children's games, is also considered unacceptable, degrading the child to the level of a craftsman, etc., but meanwhile, it is dressed-up children, like dolls, according to a fashionable French magazine ... and you can’t send them to the game, because such clothes will interfere and run freely, and wrestle, etc.

Obviously, there are no joys in the games of such children .. Meanwhile, from absolute abstinence from games, look at what sad consequences can occur: children in this case do not learn, while playing, a lot of tricks that are necessary and useful in life, do not learn reasonable attitudes towards their own kind, and in the end they often come out strange, inept, often evoking only laughter and mockery at themselves. It is rightly said that “he is more likely to be cut with a knife who has not learned how to handle it from childhood ...” Along with this remark, let us recall the caustic mockery of the ancient Kornsad, who expressed the idea that the sons of wealthy parents can do nothing by way of it, except for riding, yes and this is because only horses do not flatter them, but, on the contrary, immediately throw them off if they do not comprehend the art of riding. The deep meaning of this mockery has been fully preserved to this day.

There are relatively few games that are designed for a solitary activity, on the contrary, most games require the complicity of more or less other children. In this distribution of games, no doubt, lies the goal so that by using them, on the one hand, it is better teach children to communicate among themselves, mutual services, mutual preservation of their interests; on the other hand, to accustom to the excitement of competition, mutual criticism, recognition of dignity or shortcomings, encouragement of those who showed greater dexterity, art, dignity in the game, and vice versa, censure of those who somehow blundered in the game.

Often here a well-gifted child leads a less capable one, one helps another to improve, and in the end everyone helps each other; but at the same time, everyone, in essence, remains in the same rights ... In the end, all this leads children to the closest mutual communication, unity and friendly work ...

No family circle, no school can give anything like that, but meanwhile in games this is achieved so easily and simply.

Let's play! And let's give each other a good mood!

Fun games for kids and adults: let's play together.

Children's games at home: old Russian games

Game "Dergachi"

A “vodnik” is chosen (now we call it “leading”, and even now children often speak in the old fashioned way with an emphasis on the first syllable - “water”). The vodir is blindfolded.

The rest of the participants in the game are players. In this game, they are called "twitchers".

Game rule: players are not allowed to leave their seats. If this rule is violated, the player becomes a "Water".

Game progress: The blister stands in the center of the room blindfolded. Players enter the room and sit near the walls. The viper begins to walk around the room.

Players attract the attention of the vodka, "pull" him. For example, they say “Derg-derg” or rustle their feet on the floor or rustle their clothes in turn. Here someone pulled the vodka by the hem. And then from the other side they whispered: "Derg-derg", and after that a new sound - someone slaps on the knees. The vodir needs to guess who pulled him (that is, he said or clapped or made some kind of sound). If he guessed right, then he transfers his role to the tugger. Then the twitch, who was unraveled, becomes a water-dweller in a new game.

The task of the players is to confuse the vodka so that he cannot guess who it is. Therefore, they may not speak in their own voice - squeaky or vice versa bass, etc.

The game "Blind Man's Buff at the Wall"

Very fun and funny game. Such a fun game is very good in the New Year! After all, it is carried out with a candle and in the dark. And it brings unforgettable impressions, laughter and joy. In addition, children so enjoy playing with shadows and coming up with their own ideas about how to “trick” the leader of the game. Whom only they do not dress up! And how they laugh when they are confused with ... their mom or dad !!!

This is how this old game is played. In the “blind-blind against the wall”, the leader is not blindfolded, on the contrary, he will need to look very carefully “in both eyes”.

You will need a light wall (it can be a wall in a corridor or in a room). If your walls are dark, then you can hang a sheet. A table or chair with a burning candle is placed at a distance from the wall. A chair for the driver is placed between the candle and the wall.

Players will walk past the candle behind the driver so that their shadow appears on the wall. Players take turns walking slowly along the wall, and the driver must guess by the shadow who passed it.

All players try to confuse the driver. They can wrap themselves in a cloak, put on someone else's hat, go crouching to the floor or, on the contrary, go on tiptoe, stretch their neck or pull it in, hunch over, limp, bend over three deaths, mix up, intertwine arms or legs, walk in pairs, etc. The player's task is to figure out how to confuse the driver and how to pass without being recognized.

The driver is forbidden to turn his head back and, when guessing, look at the person, and not at the shadow. If the driver made a mistake, then the phantom pays (performs the task - tells a joke, sings a verse of the song, congratulates everyone, etc.). The driver is replaced when he guessed one of the players or when everyone passed.

For the game, I advise you to prepare the necessary simple items that you can dress up in - an old sheet that you can wrap yourself in, takes or a hat, mask, scarf, cardboard box, costume elements such as hare ears, etc. And you can make it easier - to come up with your own “suit” for playing all together and at the same time allow you to use all the contents of the closet.

Game "Even-Odd"

A great game to share gifts or small surprises for guests.

Prepare small surprises in advance - sweets, stickers, small calendars or pictures, badges or postcards, toys, pencils, cookies, waffles, etc. You can ask all guests to bring some surprises with them and use them for a common game.

So, having collected all the surprises brought and collected by you, we begin to divide them into heaps. The heaps will be different - in some heaps there is an even number of gifts, and in some there is an odd number. Heaps are covered on top with opaque scarves. This is an old version. And now we can just put the gifts in opaque bags - and then scarves are not needed.

We start to raffle gifts. The first player points to one of the heaps with his hand and asks: "Even or odd?". The second player answers either "even" or "odd". We count the gifts in this pile. If the second player guessed right, then he takes a bunch of gifts for himself and asks the question to the third player (along the chain): “Even or odd?”. The third responds, and so on. In this game, kids will not only receive surprise gifts, but will also learn to count gifts with pleasure :).

The game "Okhlopok"

A very simple game. Everyone stands in a circle and throws a piece of cotton wool up (you need to fluff it up, throwing a roll of cotton is useless - it won’t fly :). The task is to keep the cotton from falling. The player, near whom the cotton falls, pays a fant (sings a song, crows, reads a poem, etc.). Therefore, everyone is trying to quickly blow the cotton from themselves to their neighbor. The cotton flies either higher or lower, so the players either squat, then stand on tiptoe, then bend over. Usually a very funny picture is obtained.

If there are few players, then the game is played at the table. They throw up a clap, and keep their hands under the table. Next to whom the cotton “landed”, he pays a fine - a phantom.

Game "Wing"

The leader is chosen. The rest of the participants in the game are players.

The players sit at the table and under the table in a circle pass each other an object tied to a thread. At the same time they say:

Ah, wing, hurry up,

Don't stumble and don't break

Don't look under the table

And that will be trouble.

It is necessary to pass the object on a thread so that the driver does not guess who has the “wing” now. Therefore, the players, even without having a wing, pretend that they are passing it, wink at each other and try in every possible way to confuse the driver.

On the last word in the text (this is the word "trouble"), the "wing" stops at one of the players. The task of the driver is to guess who has the wing, where it stopped.

If he guessed right, then this player with a wing in his hands in the next game becomes the driver. If not, then the driver pays a phantom. The redemption of a fanta is a song, dance, riddle, congratulation or trick.

It is important not to break the thread when transferring an object on a thread. Who broke the thread also pays forfeit.

Birds fly game

All players sit in a circle at the table. One hand is on the table. The leader of the game begins the story:

“I traveled a lot in different countries. And I came to such a wonderful conclusion: all living beings covered with feathers fly. All birds fly." On the last words, the host raises the index finger of the hand up and everyone repeats after him. The rule of the game is reported: if it is a bird and it flies, then you need to raise your index finger up. Then the host continues: “And the ducks fly (the leader and the players raise their fingers for each correct phrase), and the geese fly, and the tits fly. And the lions fly.” Many players will automatically give a thumbs up. And they'll be wrong.

The game must be played at a fast pace, alternating birds, animals, fish, insects (they also fly, but they are not birds, and therefore you don’t need to raise your finger), flying objects - autumn leaves, an arrow (you don’t need to raise your finger, because this is not bird)

Everyone who made a mistake at the end of the game pays forfeits - they perform simple tasks.

Game "Pull-let"

A very simple and very fun attention game in which even adults often make mistakes and laugh at it. She is very funny and beautiful. You will need wide satin ribbons about a meter long. How many players in the game - so many tapes you need.

The host of the game becomes in the center of the room, and around him the players sit on chairs. The chairs are arranged in a circle. The driver in the center of the circle holds all the ribbons. He gives the second end of the tape to each player. Ribbons with rays of the sun go from him to the players.

The leader at a fast pace says “Pull”, then “Let”. And what is the "highlight" of this fun game? And the fact that the word "pull" you need to release the tape. But on the word “let” you need a tape, on the contrary, pull it! There will be many mistakes!

In this game, you can collect forfeits for mistakes. And you can vice versa - play for the winner, who will receive a small prize for not making a mistake.

The game "Apartments to change"

Everyone is sitting on chairs. The driver shouts: “Change apartments! Change apartments! At these words, everyone jumps out of their chairs and looks for a new place. And since the driver has already taken one place, then someone may not have enough space. That's all in a hurry, run, hurry. Who did not have time to take a place - pays forfeit. As soon as the phantom is paid, immediately (before everyone has time to gather their thoughts) a new command sounds “Change apartments! Change apartments! The game is played at a fast pace.

Game "Plate"

Players stand or sit in a circle. Each player calls himself the name of some animal. For example, "I am a hare." “And I am a fox,” etc. When everyone has memorized each other's new names, the game begins.

Take a wooden (old version) or plastic plate or bowl (modern version) and spin it hard so that it spins (Many other modern items can be used instead of a plate, for example, a roll of stationery tape. The main thing is that the object can be twisted)

As the plate is spun, immediately shout out the name of one of the players. For example: "Hare, catch!". The hare must have time to intercept the spinning plate before it falls. Now the hare spins the plate and calls the other player: “Catch the bear!” etc.

In this game, reaction speed develops, all players need to be very agile, attentive and tenacious.

Anyone who did not manage to grab a plate pays a forfeit.

Game "Korchaga"

The driver in the game is a korchaga. It is covered with a scarf on top and planted in the center of the room.

A senior player is chosen, who, secretly from the korchaga, gives names to all other players. For example, the names of flowers: “You will be a camomile. And you are a rose. And you are forget-me-not."

Players stand around the pot. The senior player calls them, calling the name of the flower. For example: "Chamomile, come here." Chamomile comes up to Korchaga and lightly touches his back with his hand, quickly returns to his place and claps his hands.

The senior player removes the handkerchief from the pot and asks: “Who held it?” If the driver guesses who touched him, then the guessed player becomes a korchaga in the next game. If he did not guess correctly, then he will still have to be in the role of a korchag

Games - riddles, puzzles, charades, puns.

Such games have also been known for a long time and are ancient. They played them for fun. You won’t guess - pay a forfeit, cheer everyone up. You can also play in a different way - on the winner, who guessed the largest number of puzzles. Here are some 19th century assignments:

1. Why is a chicken more likely to eat a serving of oats than a horse? (Because chicken doesn't eat horses)

2. Is it possible for dogs to run into the room and eat up the entire floor? (pun: eaten = from spruce). Answer: Maybe if the floor is spruce.

3. “Young girls are willing to visit the first one; the second is not necessary for girls, but for boys it is necessary for many games. It’s nice to leave the stuffy room for the whole ”(Answer to the charade: ball + con \u003d balcony) Other possible charades that you can easily compose by analogy yourself: com + pass \u003d compass. Steam + hell = parade. deg+us=degree. Agility + bone = dexterity. Air + spirit = air.


And then - a surprise for all readers of the site. And for me too 🙂 I want to introduce you Sorokin Tatiana- a regular reader of the Native Path. Tatyana works as a speech therapist teacher in Krasnodar. She prepared a small surprise gift for all of us - puzzles that can be given as a riddle at a children's party and solved by ourselves. Well, let's try to figure it out, shall we?

Puzzles for children and adults from Tatyana Sorokina.

Guess what words are encrypted in these puzzles. Couldn't solve the puzzle? Write your question in the comments - Tatyana will tell you what it is. Honestly, I didn’t guess puzzle number 5 right away :). And you?

And finally, a rebus from me: as a gift for Tatyana and for all readers of Native Path. Rebus on the topic of this article. Can you guess? Answers or questions can be written in the comments.

You will find interesting ideas for the New Year's holiday in the articles:

Modern children perceive the phrase "play at home" as a synonym for playing on the computer and spend long hours at it. Almost all parents are unhappy with this. This begs the question: how did we live before, when these “hellish machines” did not exist, what did we play at home?

There is a huge variety of home games for all ages that adults can participate in, or they can “start” the game and leave the children to continue it.

Games for preschoolers

These include exciting board games:

  • cubes;
  • rpg games with tossing chips;
  • dominoes;
  • coloring and drawing;
  • puzzles and Lego;
  • simple constructors,

as well as other exciting games:

  • role-playing games: mother-daughters with dolls, children's furniture and dishes, a hospital with a doctor's set, games of princesses and knights, a shop with a toy cash register and products, etc .;
  • finger games for the development of fine motor skills;
  • puppet show;
  • lotto;
  • modeling from plasticine and clay;
  • "edible-inedible";
  • hide and seek;
  • blind man's buff;
  • twister (for all ages);
  • cars, airplanes, construction of houses and garages, airfields;
  • “dress up the doll” with inventing and drawing outfits for a cardboard doll and much more.

For preschoolers, you can come up with a quest that will take place directly in the apartment. Hide, for example, carved stars in various places, and leave a note there with a hint where to look for the next star. For example: “look for something that warms your feet in the winter on the street” (put an asterisk in a boot or boot), or “look where things become clean” (in or on a washing machine). Children 5-7 years old are delighted with such search tasks, and you can keep them busy for a long time. For older children, tasks can be complicated.

Games for schoolchildren

Now there is less time for home games. But sometimes it’s so good to sit at the table with the whole family and play, for example, such games:

  • monopoly is a rather difficult but exciting game;
  • jenge - the construction of towers, which requires sleight of hand;
  • mafia - if a lot of people gather.
  • tic-tac-toe;
  • sea ​​battle;
  • table hockey or football;
  • cards.

You can read a lot more useful information about children's leisure.

You can start teaching your child to play chess, checkers, backgammon, and don't be surprised if he starts beating adults soon. Schoolchildren also really like thematic sets such as "Young Chemist", "Young Naturalist". It is only important to help the child figure it out at the very beginning, so that an explosion does not inadvertently turn out.

Now there are hundreds of types of kits for children's creativity on sale in stores. Let the child learn to draw on glass, and then make beautiful stained-glass windows on the country veranda.

Late in the evening, you can arrange a fortune-telling, or tell scary stories that excite the mind. Just look, do not overdo it, otherwise children may not sleep well.

You can play chef with the permission of your parents, and cook, for example, pizza, or cook a delicious soup, make an unusual salad, or try to make a milkshake or ice cream yourself.

Universal Games

  • You can arrange a quiz for the most erudite, having prepared tricky questions in advance;
  • The sea is agitated;
  • Believe - do not believe;
  • Cold - hot;
  • Balda;
  • Words (animals, cities, products, etc.);
  • Darts;
  • Truth or Dare, etc.

Home theater and other entertainment

Children also love games in cities, associations. You can recall the old games: ringlet, “The lady sent a toilet”, burime, “gallows”. Families are known where they like to read books aloud together and play music at home. And if you organize a home theater? Write a script “on the topic of the day”, assign roles, sew costumes, and when everything is ready, invite guests and assemble a whole “auditorium”.

Most home games can be played with two people without the need to dive into the world of online games. Above are a lot of games that can diversify the rest and make the pastime emotionally rich.

Games for two

Board games, such as Monopoly or Business, will make home entertainment more diverse. In addition, they will serve as an excellent training of memory, attention, thinking. All this will later allow you to work more efficiently, increasing your income.
Sports and entertainment games will suit lovers of fun and dynamic recreation. A large number of entertainments can be included in the program: from the well-known "Twister" to "Balance on the Line" or "Don't Drop the Stick". Home sports games do not require a large space, special equipment, they are distinguished by simple rules. They allow you to get rid of the emotional stress accumulated during everyday work, and develop physical skills.

It is only important that adults are sincerely interested in the general fun. And this requires some preparation, effort, imagination. But children will certainly be infected with your enthusiasm, and family leisure will become much richer and more varied than watching TV and sitting at a computer monitor.

Out of order computer? Everything around immediately becomes boring and uninteresting. But what about games? After all, choosing the time to play with a loved one (both a baby and an adult), you make a mutually valuable gift: your days will be filled with happiness and the joy of communication, and memories of the time spent together will become bright and warm.

Important: classics of the genre - all kinds of board games and puzzles (each age category has its own level). Drawing, coloring anti-stress pictures or needlework will perfectly brighten up the time.

Games for two at home without a computer for girls

The choice of activities, first of all, depends on the temperament of the child.


Homemade puzzles

Postcards or beautiful candy box lids are great for making puzzles. Just cut the image you like into several pieces and your puzzle is ready.


Among children, even the smallest, all kinds of challenges are gaining more and more popularity. The most challenging challenge that can be held for a child is a game with drinks.

For the challenge you will need: juice or any other drink (5-10 small bags/bottles with different flavors), identical kraft paper bags for snacks (by the number of drinks), long cocktail tubes (also by the number of drinks).

Pre-insert straws in all drinks. Bags / bottles with drinks carefully pack in paper bags. Place the packaged drinks on the table and invite the child to drink the drink through a straw and guess what exactly he is drinking.

It's not as easy as it looks, but it's a lot of fun.

Origami Fortune Teller

Invite your guest to make a fortune teller out of paper. Go to and read the detailed MK on this topic.

Paper games

Tic-tac-toe is another wonderful and unfairly forgotten answer to the question of what to play with a child.

See the photo for the rules of the game.

To make the tic-tac-toe game more interesting, try using cookies, nuts, and candy together with tic-tac-toe. The winner, of course, takes all the goodies. The playing field can be painted directly on the table using masking tape.

Games for two at home without a computer for boys

Boys are unlikely to want to make button chokers. But thematic jigsaw puzzles may well interest young supermen. How to make puzzles from improvised materials, see at the beginning of the article.

Tower construction

  • In addition, the boys will be happy to build towers of cookies or donuts. Candy, coins, sea or any other pebbles, etc. are also suitable for building a tower. The one whose tower is higher wins.
  • From plastic or paper cups, you can build not only towers, but entire cities. In addition, with the help of cups, you can diversify walks in the fresh air (see photo below).


Invite older children to play reversi. Instead of chips, the game uses two-layer cookies (64 pcs.). And the playing field (8x8 squares) is graphed directly on the table using masking tape. In the center of the field, 2 light chips / cookies and 2 dark ones are placed diagonally.

See the photo below for the rules of the game.

Rules of the game "Reversi"

Rock Paper Scissors

Another gambling game that does not require long preparation is Rock-Paper-Scissors. Depending on the age of the child, you can use a game of 3 elements (rock, scissors, paper), 5 (stone, scissors, paper, lizard, Spock) and even 25!

Rules of the game "Rock-Paper-Scissors"

How to show game elements: (clockwise from top): scissors, paper, rock, lizard, Spock.

Airplanes in the technique of origami

Paper airplanes are a classic children's game. Go to and read the detailed MK on this topic.

Games for two at home without a computer for adults

Any of the above children's games can be used for adults.

Card games

If many consider card games unacceptable for children's leisure, then for an adult they are quite acceptable. In addition to "Fool" or "Poker", you can play "Akulina". Another name for the game is "Witch", "Sorceress". The rules of this card game are so simple that even a child can play (see photo below).

Rules of the card game "Witch"

Match games

A box of matches will also help brighten up the evening. No, this is not about the MC for making fires. In this case, we will talk about the game "11 matches". See the photo below for the rules.

If desired, you can increase the number of matches up to 27 pcs.

Another game also called "11 Matches". However, the rules are different from the previous one (see photo below).

The number of matches required for the game, 11 pcs. One of the matches needs to be marked. For example, paint with a felt-tip pen.

Rules of the game "11 matches" (II option)

Linguistic games

Word games will also help brighten up the evening. Perhaps they have too original names and rules, but in this part of the article we are talking about adults with an appropriate sense of humor.

The first of the proposed games is "Gallows". The rules of the game are in the photo below.

Rules of the game "Gallows".

Step-by-step example of the game "Gallows"

The second linguistic game "Balda".

The playing field consists of a grid of 5x5 squares. In the middle horizontal row, the word "balda" or any other five-letter word is written.

An example of the playing field for Balda

See below for detailed game rules.

Rules of the game "Balda".

Mobile games for two at home without a computer

Little fidgets require movement. Perhaps one of these games will become your favorite.

sumo wrestling

Fun mobile game. Will give pleasure to both players and spectators (if any).

For the game you will need pillows (2 for each player) and large T-shirts. Then everything is extremely simple: put on T-shirts, put pillows under them and start the fight. The one who manages to push the enemy out of the conditional circle will win.

Sumo wrestlers game

hide and seek

Try playing hide and seek. If you don’t really want to hide yourself / it’s convenient, hide an object.


If you practice yoga, have your child repeat a few simple asanas after you. Exercises can be accompanied by words from the famous game “The sea worries once ...”, slightly changing them (see photo).

The obstacle course will please not only kids, but also adults.

What can you play at home with a friend? What can you play at home with your sister?

Any of the above games is suitable for both girls and girls. If none of the options above suits you, take up divination for love. You will find options for simple fortune-telling by going to.

What can you play at home together with a girl? What can you play at home with your boyfriend?

Now there is just a huge selection of board games for lovers. But if it is not possible to purchase a ready-made game, play the game suggested below. An unforgettable evening is guaranteed for you.

What can you play at home with your wife?

Any of the above games can be used for a pleasant pastime in the family circle. It all depends on what exactly you mean by a pleasant pastime and what your ultimate goal is.

What can you play at home with your brother?

Any of the proposed games is suitable for both adults and children.

What can you play at home together with a child of 5 - 9 years old?

It is worth dwelling on this topic in more detail, since children need a constant change of activity.

  • Yes/no game. One player thinks of a word (something that he sees in a room, in an apartment, on the street). The other tries to guess what the first one is up to. The player who guesses the word can be asked leading questions, but he can only answer “yes” or “no”.
  • "False mirror". One player makes a face - the second tries to repeat it.
  • Game "Grandfather's story". One player says: “I went hunting and saw…”. At the same time, he must name any object with the letter “A”. The second player repeats: "I went hunting and saw ..." At the same time, he must name the item that the first player chose and add his own. But the items should be named in alphabetical order.
  • Invite your child to name all the words that begin with the letter "T" or any other letter.
  • "Nonsense". One of the players says a word. The other must make a sentence, each word of which begins with a letter of this word. For example, someone said the word "MOSHKA" - the second makes up the sentence "Marina Wears a Scarf to a Square Orange."

Video: Paper Games: TETRIS - Season 1 Episode 2

The article will offer you several options for interesting games for a fun time together.

Games and entertainment "on paper" are familiar to a person from school desks. They are distinguished by their simplicity and the fact that they are able to capture and interest from the first minutes. For such games, you only need a piece of paper (depending on each: in a cage, line or blank), as well as a pen or pencil.

Games "on paper":

  • Tic-tac-toe - a classic game for which you need to draw a grid of 9 cells. Decide with your partner who and what will draw (tic-tac-toe). Start the game, each move is one sign. The winner is the one who managed to draw three identical signs horizontally, diagonally or vertically.
  • Sticks - For this game you will need a checkered sheet. On it you need to draw a geometric rhombus. The task of each player is to draw sticks inside the rhombus that would occupy one side of the cell. If someone manages to find a non-closed cell (that is, sticks on three sides), he immediately draws a fourth one, and inside his own sign - a cross or a zero. The one who draws the most symbols in the playing field wins.
  • Hand - you will need a piece of paper in a box (you can also use it in a line). Circle your hand, inside its outline you should paint the numbers from 1 to 100 in different places (tangled). Your partner does the same on his sheet. Then you exchange sheets. The task is to take turns finding a number from 1 to 100 and circle it after finding it. While you are looking for him, your partner draws zeros around the outline of the arm. The one who draws a full sheet of zeros in the "free territory" will win.
  • Sea battle - in order to start the game, you should draw two battlefields (each player). The field looks like a square 10 by 10 cells each (the top line is indicated by letters: from a to u, and the left vertical from 1 to 10. Inside the field, each player draws ships: 1 of 4 cells, 2 of 3, 3 of 2 -x and 1 single). Your task is to shoot at the enemy's field, naming the coordinates, for example: "a-10" or "g-7". The one who first "sinks" all the enemy ships will win.
  • The words - a long word is written on a piece of paper. The task of each player is to come up with as many small words as possible from a long word. The one with the highest number wins. For example, the word "parallelogram" and from it the words: "pair", "gram", "lego", "goal", "frame" and so on.
  • Word Crossword - Write a long word in the middle of the sheet. Your task is to add small or other words that would consist of several letters of the original. The winner is the one who makes the maximum number of words (1 word - 1 point), long word (more than one letter - 2 points).

Video: "6 games on paper"

What can you play cards with?

Many people like to play cards, because they allow you to completely forget about time and have fun.

Interesting card games:

  • Fool - This is an old and familiar game. There are two types: "Ordinary Fool" and "Flip". The task of the game is to beat a card of an older one of the same suit or any trump card. Each player receives 6 cards and replenishes his set as they are discarded. Whoever runs out of cards wins.
  • The Queen of Spades - Players must have an equal number of cards. All of them must be in pairs. In turn, each player draws a card from a partner without looking and, adding a pair to it, discards it (for example: 9 cross and 9 diamonds). Among all the cards there is one - "Queen of Spades". The one who has this card left (it is the only one that does not have a pair, since 1 queen is discarded from the deck immediately) and its owner at the end of the game will become the losing side.
  • Trump card - place the deck face down in front of you. Designate a trump card (any suit) in advance and turn over one card at a time. The one who is lucky enough to put a trump card takes the entire stack of cards turned over. The one with the most cards will lose.
  • Drunkard - place the deck face down in front of you. Start turning over the cards one at a time. The one with the highest card must take the entire flipped pile. The loser will have more cards at the end.

Mobile games for two at home without a computer: what to play?

An alternative to "harmful" computer games can be interesting mobile games that can be played at home or outdoors.


  • Edible or not edible the task of this game is simple: everyone should guess what object the partner will call him. Depending on this, he either catches or hits a small ball. The one who beats off the “edible word” or catches the “inedible” loses.
  • Crocodile - is a simple and very interesting game in which everyone has to show the word with gestures and movements. It is impossible to pronounce a word and make sounds. The one who doesn't guess the word loses.
  • Cold or hot - your task is to hide some object at home or on the street. The partner is looking for him, and you help him to do this, reporting "hot, warm or cold" as he approaches the hidden thing.
  • A note - the game is simple and interesting: one participant writes words on the back of his partner with his fingers, and he guesses the letters and makes a word. The one with the most words wins.
  • Broken phone - This game will require a large number of children. Everyone sits in a row. The first child comes up with a word and tells it to his neighbor, but quickly and quietly. He conveys it exactly as he heard it. The latter speaks the heard word loudly. If the word ended up being “spoiled”, everyone voices what they heard and thus the loser is revealed.

What games can adults play at home, in an apartment together, without a computer?

Adult games are characterized by more complex thought processes, as they are mainly designed for logic.


  • Backgammon - for this you need bones, checkers and a special field for the game. The winner is the one who first throws the checkers in a circle and returns to his place.
  • Chess - logic game, the meaning of which is to capture foreign territory and destroy the "enemy army".
  • Checkers - the game is designed for white or black checkers to move to the opposite field and "destroy" the opponent's checkers.
  • Guess who I am (Tarantino) The game is very simple and exciting at the same time. The names of world personalities (actors, singers, politicians) are written on pieces of paper. The leaves are mixed and everyone, without looking, chooses one for himself, then fastens it to his forehead. The task of everyone is to guess what kind of personality he got by leading questions.
  • Mafia - a complex turn-based game in the detective genre. In the game, you should use ordinary or special cards, you can not do without the help of the host.

Video: " Educational film on the game of Mafia. Description. Rules"

What games can be played at home, in an apartment together without a computer for a husband and wife?

  • Lotto - a classic game with which time literally “flies unnoticed”. To do this, you will need a special set of tickets and a bag of kegs. The first person to fill out their ticket with numbers wins.
  • is a logic game in which you have to remove blocks from the built tower by taking them out of the middle. The task is not to break the tower, the one whose tower crumbles will lose.
  • Truth or lie - each of the players tells two stories, one of which is fiction, and the second is true. The task of the second player is to find out what is what. The one who knows his partner best will win.
  • Associations - your task is to think of a word and name all associations with it to your partner so that he guesses it. Whoever guesses the most words wins.
  • "What movie?" — for this, players should be real moviegoers. Describe the story of the main character without naming him, and your opponent will guess the movie. The more correct answers, the more points.

What games can be played at home, in an apartment together without a computer for a guy and a girl?


  • Townships- the task of each player to name the city with the letter that was the last in the already named word. You can also change the theme of the game, for example, not the names of cities, but the names of flowers or dishes.
  • Strip cards - for a young couple, even the usual "Fool" will be much more interesting if everyone takes off their clothing items in turn.
  • Puzzles - buy a big jigsaw picture and try to spend time together putting it together piece by piece. At this time, you can discuss many life issues and tell interesting stories.

Collecting puzzles is an interesting pastime

What games can you play at home, in an apartment together without a computer with a friend?


  • Divination for the betrothed - an interesting pastime for two young girls, especially since there are many fortune-telling options at the moment: on cards, wax, coffee grounds, by phone call, and so on.
  • I believe, I don't believe your friend asks you a question, to which you must answer correctly and incorrectly, and her task is to choose the right answer. The winner of the game will be the one who has the most correct answers.
  • "Weak" in any game (whether it be cards, loto or hands) there can be "weak". This is the punishment that should be done. As a rule, this is a funny or shameful activity that is not easy to carry out.

What games can you play at home, in an apartment together without a computer with your brother?


  • Domino - An interesting and exciting game of folding bones.
  • Mosaic - you can put a lot of interesting pictures together.
  • Constructor - build castles, houses or entire cities together.
  • active game with a special playground.

What games can you play at home, in an apartment together without a computer with your sister?

  • Monopoly - interesting, exciting logic game with many tasks and elements.
  • Modeling from plasticine or plasticine dough - modern modeling dough or plasticine will allow you to create interesting figures and have fun.
  • Puppet show - funny stories with toy characters will certainly amuse you and help you have an interesting time.

What can two boys and girls aged 10-14 play together without a computer if they are bored?

  • paper dolls - for the game, you should draw and cut out the dolls, as well as come up with paper clothes for them.
  • I'm a designer - girls really like the game, as it makes you feel like a real designer, creating fashion collections and arranging a show for your girlfriend.
  • In rubber - is a fun and moving outdoor game.
  • At the hairdresser creating hairstyles and style for your girl friends is very interesting.

What can you play in the hospital together?

  • Guess the melody - you need to sing a familiar song with your voice, and your partner in the game must guess it.
  • Coloring and drawing - a fun and relaxing pastime that everyone will enjoy.
  • In the questionnaires compiling interesting questions about hobbies and answering them.
  • Poetry- each of the players writes one line, which continues the previous one in rhyme.

Video: "Board games: what to play with friends?"

Mobile and exciting educational games, which children played for days on end a few decades ago, are gradually forgotten and become a thing of the past. And in vain! Many of them contribute to the development of logic, dexterity, endurance, and also instill in the child such important qualities as cohesion and mutual assistance. And no gadget will teach this and will not replace these games.

We invite you to remember your favorite yard and board games. Play with your kids!

hide and seek

First determine the driver. He stands facing a wall or a tree and counts out loud to 20 or 100 until all players hide.

The main thing is to hide so that the driver does not find it. And the driver must find all those hiding.

When the driver finds someone, he must run back to the wall and knock on it. If the player comes running first, he must say: “Knock-knock I” and exit the game. Whoever the driver caught first, he becomes him next time.


The driver is chosen by the counting room. The players form a circle, the command “I am a tag!” is pronounced, then everyone scatters in different directions. You can specify the conditions, for example - “Do not run out over the fence”, etc.

The driver needs to catch up with one of the players and touch him with his hand. Whoever he touches, he now becomes a "feed", and the driver becomes an ordinary player.

Gorodki (Baker)

For this game you need: sticks, bats, chalk, a tin can or a plastic bottle.
First, they prepare the platform for the game, drawing it with lines parallel to the short side of the platform: the first line is a pawn (soldier); the second is a lady; third - kings; fourth - aces, etc.

The rank zone is located from the beginning of the site to the last line. And the territory of the baker - from the last line to the end of the site.

At a distance of 5 meters from the last line, a circle is drawn, in the middle of which they put a ruffle (you can on a brick).

They appoint a “Baker” and determine who will take turns knocking down the ryuha. The “baker” becomes “behind the can”, the players are at the first line. The players then take turns trying to knock out the ryuha. Then the "storm" begins - the players run up and pick up their bits, return to their original position. The “baker” takes the ryuha, puts it in its place and protects it. The main task is to prevent the stick from being stolen from your zone. The one touched by the "Baker" becomes the "Baker" in the next game.

For each shot down, the player rises in rank.


A rectangular field with 10 squares is drawn on the asphalt with chalk. Players take turns throwing a pebble at the first square. Then the first player begins to jump from square to square and push the pebble behind him.

On the square with the number 1 - jump on one leg;
2 - with one foot;
3.4 - left for 3, right for 4;
5 - with two legs;
6 and 7 - left for 6, right for 7;
8 - with one foot;
9 and 10 - left for 9, right for 10.
Then they make a 180 degree turn and jump back in the same way. If the player stepped on the line or stood on both feet, the move goes to another one.


First, the “bouncer” is determined (2 players can be on both sides). They stand opposite each other at a distance of 10-15 meters. The rest stand in the center of the platform.

"Dodgers" must hit all the players with the ball (if the player is touched by the ball, then he leaves the court).

"Knocked out" can catch the ball on the fly and try not to let go of it. If the ball hits the ground, the player is considered "knocked out".

rubber bands

This game was played mainly by girls. You need 3-4 meters of elastic, which is put on the legs of two players and stretched, forming two parallel lines, through which the third player must jump. The elastic band moves from the level of the ankles to the neck.

At each level, a certain set of jumps is performed: runners, steps, a bow, an envelope, a boat, etc.

Cossack robbers

Players are divided into two teams - "Cossacks" and "robbers". They choose the "ataman" and determine the "battlefield". The Cossacks determine the location of the headquarters, and the robbers come up with passwords (one is correct, the rest are not).

The purpose of the robbers: to capture the headquarters of the Cossacks. The purpose of the Cossacks: to catch all the robbers and "find out" the correct password.

On command, the robbers scatter and hide, drawing arrows on the pavement as clues. The Cossacks at this time come up with "torture" for prisoners. After some time, the Cossacks go to look for the robbers. If they find them, they put them in a “dungeon”, from where they cannot escape. The robbers are trying to capture the "headquarters".


The game includes a special set with 24 cards with numbers written on them. As well as a bag with kegs, which are numbered from 1 to 90, and chips for closing duplicates.
The driver shakes the bag of kegs to mix everything well, and begins to take out the kegs in turn, calling the numbers written on them.

The driver and players are not allowed to peek into the bag. Players follow the numbers - if they have this number on their card, then the player takes the keg for himself, placing it on the corresponding number. If two players have the same number, they put special chips on these numbers.

sea ​​battle

A square is drawn on a piece of paper in a box and "ships" are drawn. Then the players take turns “shooting”, naming the squares according to their “coordinates”: “A1”, “B6”, etc. If a ship or part of it is on the cell, then it is considered “wounded” or “killed”. This cell is crossed out with a cross and another shot is fired. If there is no ship in the named cell, a dot is put in this place and the move goes to the opponent.

The game is played until the complete victory of one of the players.


Players throw the ball to each other, naming any object. If something edible is named, the player to whom the ball is thrown must catch it. If the named item is inedible, then the ball is discarded.

The player who accidentally caught the ball becomes the driver.


Pioneerball requires 3 to 8 players on each team. First, it is determined whose team will serve the ball first.

Teams stand on both sides of the net, the ball carrier moves to the far end of his court. Then the player makes a serve - tries to throw the ball over the net. If he succeeds, the players of the other team catch the ball and throw it back.

The player who caught the ball cannot take more than 3 steps towards the net. Only one transfer is allowed within one command. Teams toss the ball until it falls on the opponent's territory.


A leader is chosen, the rest are divided into pairs, clinging to hands. Players stand behind each other, raise their hands up, forming a corridor.

The driver gets into the corridor from one end and goes to the other end, choosing a mate along the way. Having chosen a player, he takes his hand, separating the standing pair. The new couple goes to the end of the "brook" and stands there, raising their hands up.


First determine the territory - the battlefield. Participants are divided into two teams and prepare for battle.

The task of the players is to attack and incapacitate opponents by throwing snowballs at each other. They play until everyone is tired or bored.

Swan geese

First, a “goose house” is drawn with chalk - geese and the owner live here. On the other side of the site they draw a “field” - geese will go there for a walk. Between the "goose house" and the "field" they denote the "lair" of the wolf.

The owner says the words, referring to the geese:

Geese, fly into the field, take a walk, do not fall into the paws of the wolf.

The players run away.

Then the owner and the geese have a dialogue:

Geese, geese!
- Ha-ha-ha!
- Do you want to eat?
- Yes Yes Yes!
- Well, fly home!
- The gray wolf under the mountain does not let us go home.
- What is he doing?
- He sharpens his teeth, he wants to eat us.
- Well, fly as you like, just take care of your wings!

Geese "fly" home, and the wolf tries to catch them. Caught geese are out of the game.

Higher feet off the ground

This game is played in places where there are many trees or horizontal bars so that you can climb or jump without touching the ground.

First, a leader is chosen. The game starts like regular tags, only in this game the escaping player can sit on a swing, a log and raise his legs or hang on a horizontal bar. The main condition is that the legs do not touch the ground.



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