Vet dermatologist. Everyone needs a doctor! What happens at the appointment with a veterinary dermatologist

Sometimes a skin problem occurs suddenly in pets and can cause suffering or obvious discomfort. Therefore, if your dog or cat itches non-stop, please do not put off a visit to the doctor. This itch can be very debilitating.

Also, the reason for an emergency visit to a doctor can be a pronounced reddening of the skin, the sudden appearance of blisters, swelling of the muzzle, and other rapidly growing manifestations of the disease.

In acute cases, qualified assistance for skin diseases can be provided in our clinic by a general veterinarian.

If you observe hair loss in an animal that is not associated with molting, occasional rashes or discoloration of the skin, mild itching, active licking, inflammation of the ears, but this does not cause obvious discomfort to the pet, then we recommend making an appointment with a veterinarian, as skin symptoms that are similar in appearance may have different causes and require different treatments.



For the correct diagnosis, special skin examinations are used: trichoscopy, scraping microscopy, cytology, luminescent diagnostics, etc.

After examining the animal, the doctor will determine which studies are appropriate to conduct in each case.

Usually these studies are carried out by our dermatologists at the initial appointment, which allows you to get results immediately, and not in a few hours or days, and, accordingly, quickly prescribe the necessary treatment.

Blood tests are rarely informative in skin diseases. However, if endocrine disorders or diseases of the internal organs are suspected, a specialist may recommend them. In addition, blood tests can be used to assess the state of the internal organs during long-term use of drugs or after their withdrawal.

In the case of a persistent course of infectious processes, bacteriological and mycological cultures are carried out with the determination of sensitivity to antibiotics.

If necessary, any tests can be taken in our veterinary clinic. However, we do not recommend doing this in advance, as a veterinarian will help you choose the really necessary ones in order to avoid unnecessary financial costs.

Sometimes the diagnosis can be simple and quick, in other cases, on the contrary, it requires painstaking work and a long time. But even in such a situation, your pet will be helped to reduce the manifestations of the disease.

Not all dermatological diseases are curable once and for all. Some require maintenance therapy for a long time, sometimes for life. However, in most cases, it is possible to achieve a significant improvement in the quality of life and save the animal from the suffering caused by itching and inflammation of the skin.


In order to make the visit to the dermatologist as informative as possible, try not to treat the affected areas of the skin and not to clean the ears of the animal, so that the veterinarian can see the real picture of the ongoing processes and obtain reliable laboratory data.

Do not distort information about animal care and feeding. This will allow you to quickly diagnose and help your pet.



The cost of admission consists of two components - the cost of direct admission (including the collection of anamnesis, examination of the animal and giving recommendations) and the cost of additional studies necessary for making a diagnosis. Additional studies may be different for different diseases. This affects the total cost of admission.

As a rule, the initial visit requires a more detailed examination of the patient than repeated ones, and therefore it can be somewhat more expensive than a repeated visit.

The portal provides information about veterinary clinics in Moscow, where you can find a specialist in the treatment of skin diseases in animals: a veterinarian-dermatologist. We have collected the contact numbers of clinics, the cost of visiting doctors, and presented all this in tables that are visual and easy to compare. Feedback from veterinary clinic customers who have already entrusted their pets to specialists will also be useful.

Veterinary dermatology is a truly complex and unique medical field. A veterinarian who specializes in it has to deal with a wide variety of skin diseases that are very common among animals. Since the coat and skin are always visible, their untidy appearance will remind the owner and tell others about the presence of existing skin problems. A veterinary dermatologist not only diagnoses and detects skin diseases in animals, but also selects the most effective treatment and successful prevention methods.

Skin diseases in cats, dogs and other animals - symptoms and diagnosis

Based on their knowledge, a veterinarian dermatologist not only diagnoses skin diseases. Some diseases are direct symptoms of disorders in the functioning of organs and organ systems. For this reason, it is very important that the doctor has a consistent logical thinking, patiently listens to the complaints and comments of the owners of cats and dogs. It is these criteria that provide half the success in making the correct diagnosis. He will need to choose the right sequence of dermatological tests in order to save the owners from unnecessary costs.

The cost of an initial appointment with a veterinary dermatologist, as a rule, consists of the price of a call (if assistance is required at home), examination, collection of primary tests and selection of the necessary materials for subsequent research.

Treatment of skin diseases and diseases in pets: features of procedures

Many owners believe that in order to cure skin diseases of cats, dogs and other pets, it is enough to simply use special creams periodically. Meanwhile, almost every disease also requires active adherence to dermatological diets. This is especially true for chronic diseases. For this reason, if a dermatologist at a veterinary clinic for the treatment of animal skin recommends thinking about changing his diet, it is worth buying another food and choosing a suitable diet. Many experts prefer to simply prescribe a course of various drugs that are not always able to completely rid the pet of all skin manifestations.

Dermatological diseases in rare cases can seriously harm animals, however, manifestations such as unpleasant odors, hair loss, severe itching and similar symptoms can cause considerable anxiety to owners. The unpleasant features of such diseases include the duration of the recovery period, since the skin is a very large organ. For its full recovery, the body will need to spend a lot of resources and, accordingly, time. Therefore, in the presence of skin pathologies in a pet, the owner will have to be patient. And if you follow the recommendations of a dermatologist veterinarian, success will come soon.

How to choose a veterinary clinic with a dermatologist in Moscow?

Our portal provides visitors with detailed information about veterinary services in Moscow. The tables show the price and cost of animal dermatologist services, in particular for the most popular procedures and treatment of skin diseases. Addresses and phone numbers of veterinary clinics will help you choose the most suitable territorial option, as well as clarify all the most important points when calling. Additional convenience is offered by feedback from pet owners who have already contacted the veterinarian-dermatologist of the selected clinic.

It's no secret that skin diseases in pets are very common, are the most annoying problems, as they are usually associated not only with changes in the appearance of the pet, but also with significant anxiety.

Often dermatological diseases lead to itching, which interferes not only with the animal itself, but also with its owners.

Some diseases can be transmitted from dogs and cats to people, which poses an additional risk.

See also: Allergies in animals Demodicosis in dogs Lichen (dermatophytosis) Pyoderma (purulent inflammation of the skin) If your animal itches Otitis in animals Hemorrhages on the skin

Fortunately, unlike many other specialized areas of veterinary medicine, in the field of dermatology life-threatening diseases are not so common, however, on the other hand, not many dermatological diseases can be cured once and for all.

A second common problem, especially in dogs, is the aggravation of the original skin disease by bacterial or fungal inflammation. This creates difficulties not only in treatment, but also in diagnosis, since with the development of these complications, many diseases look very similar. Even special tests carried out at the initial stage of the examination do not always help to detect which pathology is primary, and therefore requires a longer and more thorough treatment.

Despite the fact that all processes and organs in the body are interconnected, the skin, such as the liver and kidneys, is an independent, largest organ in the body, and has “its own”, namely “skin” diseases, and not only reflects the state of the body generally. Therefore, when a skin disease appears, first of all, it is necessary to examine the skin, and not the blood, for example. And only when the doctor finds signs of illness on the skin of another, internal organ, it is reasonable to conduct blood tests or other diagnostic measures to identify a specific pathology.

It is important to remember that the main tool of a veterinary dermatologist is his head and knowledge, and analyzes provide only additional, albeit important, information.

Unfortunately, veterinary dermatology in Russia has practically not developed for many years, and therefore the knowledge accumulated in this area has to be drawn mainly from foreign sources. In this regard, in the dermatological department of our clinic, we actively study English (this is a necessary condition for the work of a dermatologist in our clinic), purchase and study English-language literature on veterinary dermatology, attend international dermatological conferences held in other countries, train in the world's leading veterinary universities.

The principles of diagnosis and treatment of dermatological pathologies in animals, which we use in our work, are the principles adopted as the basis of dermatology in Europe and the USA - countries with the highest level of development of veterinary science today, and in particular, dermatology. Our conclusions issued to animals traveling abroad often meet with approving and respectful feedback from foreign colleagues.

We strive to ensure that the overall level of veterinary dermatology in Russia is steadily rising, not only within our clinic. Therefore, our doctors regularly conduct master classes, give lectures at various veterinary conferences in Russia and the CIS countries, and willingly advise doctors on the treatment of dermatological pathologies.

Unfortunately, participation in international conferences, foreign professional literature, trips to other countries for internships are very expensive. Therefore, the cost of services in our department may be slightly higher than the average cost of a doctor's examination in Moscow. However, we hope that we will compensate for this difference with the knowledge gained and the ability to make a correct diagnosis for your pet faster and often at a lower cost for research, and therefore prescribe the appropriate competent treatment faster.

You can register your pet by phone: 8 495 150-55-58 or via the registration form

What happens at the appointment with a veterinary dermatologist?

First of all, the doctor will examine the skin of the animal, the condition of the coat, ears and paws. To do this, before visiting a doctor of animals, it is recommended not to wash or clean the ears.

In doing so, you will need to remember and answer a number of questions:

  • When did the animal's skin problems start?
  • Have you had skin problems before?
  • If the disease lasts a long time - does it have a seasonal severity, that is, does it worsen in any seasons of the year?
  • Are there other animals in the house and do they have skin problems?
  • In what conditions is the animal kept (private house, apartment)?
  • Is it treated for fleas and how often.

Please bring test results, if any, with you to your appointment. You must also remember:

  • Has the animal received any treatment for this pathology and what helped.
  • What is your pet's diet, including treats?
  • What diseases did the animal have in the past and are there any health problems now, except for skin problems?
  • What medications is your pet currently taking?

In other words, a veterinarian dermatologist collects an anamnesis.

Establishing diagnosis

Sometimes, after collecting an anamnesis and examining the animal, it is already possible to make a preliminary or final diagnosis. But in many cases, skin tests will be needed - scraping, cytology and trichogram. Many skin diseases have a similar clinical picture, and tests help confirm or rule out a particular diagnosis. Such analyzes are performed by a dermatologist right at the reception. At the same time, you do not waste time waiting for test results and immediately begin treatment.

Some hormonal diseases have skin symptoms. If the doctor suspects this or that endocrine pathology, blood tests for hormones will also be necessary. In some cases, you will also need a complete blood count and biochemistry.


Treatment is prescribed strictly individually and depends on the diagnosis. It is often necessary for the owner to have certain skills. Such as: processing the external auditory canal, bathing your pet, the ability to properly use care products. You will be taught this in the clinic, at the appointment with a veterinary dermatologist.

Also, if necessary, the doctor will select the right diet.

Often, owners are very superficial about skin diseases in their pets. And either they self-medicate, or they are guided by the advice of breeders and acquaintances. What is a serious mistake!

At the same time, the most common diagnosis that owners make to their animal is a food allergy. Allergy is indeed the most common disease in veterinary dermatology, but it is to food that an allergic reaction is the rarest. Other types of allergies are much more common. As a result, the owners select food for years and miss the time necessary for successful treatment, and the disease progresses.

Do not forget that skin diseases can be contagious not only for other animals, but also for humans. Such pathologies are especially important to diagnose and start treating as early as possible.

In veterinary dermatology, diagnosis and treatment have their own specifics. Dosages of drugs, terms of treatment are often very different from therapeutic. Such knowledge and skills require a certain qualification of a veterinarian. Therefore, with skin lesions, it is better to immediately contact a veterinary dermatologist.

Our doctors

Leonova Anastasia Vadimovna therapist, dermatologist, ch. doctor (Belanta-Shcherbinka)

Diseases of the skin and its appendages are widespread among dogs, cats and other animals that live not only on the street, but also in the apartment. At the same time, a significant part of skin diseases is transmitted through direct contact between a person and a pet, which creates a risk of infection for all family members. Timely detection and treatment of dermatological diseases is within the competence of a veterinary dermatologist.

Directions of work of a veterinary dermatologist

During the initial appointment, a veterinary dermatologist examines the patient, collects an anamnesis, asking the owner in detail about the features of feeding and walking, and possible contacts of the pet with other animals. Based on the results, he appoints the necessary research. The latter may include:

  • blood biochemistry;
  • scraping;
  • luminescent analysis;
  • leukogram;
  • trichogram and others.

After receiving the results, the veterinarian dermatologist will carefully analyze them, make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Also, the doctor will give detailed advice on pet care, feeding habits (if necessary - changes in diet, diet), show how to care for damaged skin areas.

When to See a Veterinary Dermatologist

A veterinary dermatologist will be needed if your pet is experiencing symptoms such as:

  • severe itching;
  • change in the surface of the skin (peeling, redness, the appearance of sores or weeping spots);
  • hair loss or brittleness;
  • bad smell and others.

Modern laboratory equipment and reagents used in veterinary dermatology allow, in some cases, to obtain the result of the studies carried out within 15-30 minutes after taking the material. This makes it possible to start treatment of the animal on the first day of treatment. The price for the services of a veterinarian-dermatologist in Moscow depends on many factors: the number and characteristics of the tests performed, examination, the use of medications, and others.



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