Massage between fingers. Why do fingers go numb and how to help yourself? Communication of fingers and internal organs

Hello dear readers! You have heard many times about healing power and health-promoting benefits of massage.

Today we will talk about such an easy and simple technique as finger massage. This is not an invention of modern physiotherapists and not a publicity stunt for massage parlors.

The practice of hand massage dates back to antiquity. For example, in India during the Vedic era, all women were recommended to massage the palms and fingers of their husbands - every day, especially after dinner. This helped the man to relax, tune in to a good-natured mood, after which the woman could ask her husband for anything.

Contrary to established stereotypes, acupuncture points is not only on the back of the foot. We all remember popular science articles about foot massage in various zones that correspond to organs. This is a proven method of healing the body, and it applies not only to the feet, but also to the hands, in particular, the fingers.

Our fingers are endowed high sensitivity. Even a light touch with the pads allows us to determine the temperature, humidity, topography, roughness and other properties of all objects. The skin of the inner side of the fingers is strewn with nerve endings that send impulses to certain parts of the brain. And they, in turn, are associated with various organs and systems of the body.

Massage is also useful outside the context of reflexology. It can be done with various pathological conditions bones to prevent disease. With arthritis, inflammatory diseases joints (for arthritis), gout and other pathologies, massage is also indicated as the main or auxiliary method of therapy that restores blood circulation in the affected joints.

After a fracture or dislocation, it is necessary to massage the sore finger daily - this will help to quickly restore mobility, relieve pain, restore skin sensitivity in case of numbness due to tightly applied plaster cast.

On the connection of fingers with internal organs and systems

And now actually about reflexology. It is believed that each finger is responsible for a specific organ, and regular massage promises to get rid of many diseases. Indeed, proven beneficial effect this method of influence. Physiotherapists even divide five fingers into various zones influence. Let's look at them briefly.

If you have a cough, you have sensitive lungs, you tend to colds, then you need to regularly massage your thumb, because. he is responsible for the work of the lungs.

Massaging the index finger helps to improve digestion, normalize gastrointestinal motility, improve the liver, gallbladder. And if you regularly massage the fleshy area between the large and index finger, you can improve the work of the large intestine.

If you pay attention to the middle finger, then over time you will normalize blood pressure. Improvement in memory and thought processes will also be noticeable, because. it is associated with the blood circulation of the brain and the work of the cardiovascular system.

To normalize the functioning of the nervous system, a thorough massage of the ring finger is necessary. By regularly kneading it, you can improve your mood, reduce nervous tension, increase stress resistance and even get rid of depression.

The little finger is associated with small intestine, and massage can improve the absorption of nutrients from food.

Massage technique

How to do massage? There is nothing difficult in this. If you have ever had a professional manicure, you remember the movements of the master at the very end of the procedure, when a nourishing cream is applied to the skin.

You can repeat them on both hands:

  • start with gentle strokes of each finger, running your hands over them, as if taking off your gloves;
  • continue with light massaging and rubbing movements, as if you want to warm frozen hands;
  • take one hand in the other and rub with your thumb inside palms, moving up to the fingertips;
  • run your thumb and forefinger over each finger of the other hand;
  • massage the tips in a circular motion, paying attention to the hole, as if you want to move the cuticle.

If you want, you can simplify the task for yourself and buy a special ring. It is worn like a regular piece of jewelry thanks to elastic structure springs. With the help of such a ring, you can make an effective acupressure, rolling up/down and acting on nerve endings.

effect from regular use massage ring will manifest itself differently depending on individual features organism. Someone will feel a surge of strength and a charge of vivacity, someone, on the contrary, will get rid of nervous tension, someone will be able to increase immunity.

It is believed that a well-executed massage can restore health to the whole body. In a sense, this is true: if a person does not have severe chronic diseases, then regular therapeutic effect in this way will help to improve health.

But you should not place high hopes on massage if you have a serious illness, the treatment of which requires full-fledged medical assistance.

Finger massage video

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When creating a person, nature prudently gave him hands - a convenient functional tool that helps to live, develop, study and transform the world. Since then, they have not known peace: every minute they transmit subtle signals from external environment in the human brain, carry out response commands in the form of precisely coordinated movements. Thanks to such painstaking work, we can automatically perform millions of familiar actions: brushing our teeth, fastening buttons, drawing.

Unfortunately, excessive loads cause muscle spasms, ligament wear, pathological changes in the structure of the joints, deterioration of the skin. Massage of the hands in this case becomes a salvation, universal remedy care, a way to relieve fatigue, tension or pain.

It is amazing what a global effect a simple rubbing of the palms or kneading the phalanges of the fingers has on the human body. As a result:

More Chinese philosopher Han Xiangzi said that the procedure that brings such amazing results is recommended for anyone healthy person as a relaxing, soothing, cosmetic or prophylactic. Massage brings particular benefits to those categories of people whose activities are associated with a long load on the hands: office workers, teachers, builders, athletes, musicians, doctors, engineers, artists, schoolchildren. And in some cases, such exposure becomes a necessity and is used as an effective drug. Indications for massage of the wrist, palms and fingers are:

The procedure is prescribed even for newborns to strengthen muscles, increase joint mobility, develop fine motor skills, stimulate the speech centers of the brain, train memory and speaking skills.


Like any other medical procedure, hand massage has a number of prohibitions or restrictions. The most serious of them:

Since the palms and fingers are an active reflex zone, massaging them can adversely affect human health in diseases of the heart, stomach, intestines, genitourinary or nervous system. Before the first session, a doctor's consultation is necessary.

A bit of anatomy

To increase the effectiveness of the procedure without harm to the patient, every massage therapist must remember that the hand is a complex anatomical unit, consisting of three sections:

  1. Wrists, the structure of which includes 8 small bones that make up two rows: proximal and distal.
  2. Metacarpus formed by a complex skeleton of 5 tubular bones different size.
  3. Fingers, of which the large one has 2 phalanges in its structure, and the remaining four - three each: distal, proximal, middle.

All these departments are connected to each other with the help of a large wrist joint, as well as a number of small mobile joints: midcarpal, carpometacarpal, metacarpophalangeal, interphalangeal.

The ability to move the hand is carried out by three groups of muscles, which are located in several layers on the palm, forming its relief:

  1. The first - provides movement of the thumb, forms an elevation called tenar.
  2. The second - reduces-spreads fingers, controls their flexion in the joints.
  3. The third - forms a tubercle in the palm - the hypothenar, is responsible for the movements of the little finger.

Photo: anatomical structure hands

Numerous arcuate, radial, transverse ligaments, due to the high elasticity of the fibers, hold the joints, control the amplitude of their movement, and protect against injuries. Tendons go from the forearm to the hand - very dense muscle fibers, with which the muscles are attached to the bones, and flexion-extension of the fingers is also carried out. They are protected from friction by synovial sheaths located on the inside and outside palms.

Blood vessels permeate all the structures of the hand, forming a single network. They are nourished by radiation and ulnar artery, forming two arcs: deep and superficial. Innervation is carried out by the ulnar, radial, and median nerves, which cross the entire hand and end with many receptors on the fingertips. They are responsible for tactile sensitivity.

The skin protects deep structures and also regulates internal temperature. On the palms it is thicker, on the back - tender. Its elasticity depends on the level of collagen content, the lack of which provokes the appearance of wrinkles, cracks, peeling.

Types of brush massage

Over the 5,000 years of its existence, this popular procedure has accumulated a whole arsenal of diverse massage techniques and technician. They are combined depending on the problem and the individual characteristics of the patient. This explains the variety of types of such massage.

Thematic material:


The purpose of the procedure is to relieve fatigue, muscle tension, give rest to the hands after intense physical exertion or long monotonous movements, soothe nervous system. Most often, this procedure is carried out during a manicure. The patient sits, a roller or a folded towel is placed under the outstretched arm. The relaxation effect is achieved using the following techniques:

Relaxing massage techniques also include shaking the hands while holding the patient by the fingertips.


These more intensive procedures are used to improve blood circulation and lymph flow, to normalize muscle tone, increase the elasticity of the epidermis. To stimulating massage movements include: rubbing with pressure, different types kneading, vibration, light tingling.

The scheme of the massage

From the anatomy course, we know that the muscles responsible for the flexion and extension movements of the fingers are located in the forearm. Therefore, we start stimulating massage from this zone:

  1. Alternately, with the palms, we easily stroke the part of the hand from the base of the fingers to the elbow joint, covering the front and side surfaces.
  2. We perform forceps-like kneading of the forearm area, moving along the course of the lymph.
  3. Circular motion of the pads thumbs we are working on the area of ​​the ulna and radius.
  4. Slightly raising the arm, clasping it, we perform push-ups - light pressure, trying not to hurt the patient.
  5. We make multidirectional stretching of the brush.
  6. In a circular motion, rub the back of the palms, moving up from the wrist joint, trying not to damage delicate skin this zone.
  7. We work out each tendon sheath with spiral movements.
  8. With circular kneading, we massage the joints and phalanges of the fingers, moving from the proximal to the distal region.
  9. We pass with rubbing movements small joints brushes.
  10. We massage the palmar part, using kneading and pinching of the hypothenar, tenar, median muscles.
  11. We knead the wrist with multidirectional circular movements of the thumbs.
  12. We complete light massage strokes.

A good stimulating effect gives the performance of the so-called passive movements. Invite the patient to put his hand on his elbow. Rejecting the palm, lightly press on it from above. Perform the same manipulations in the opposite direction. This exercise allows you to stretch the muscle fibers and ligaments of the hand, increases the mobility of the joints.

Point (su-jok)

The creator of this unique treatment technique is the South Korean professor Pak Jae-woo. He managed to combine the experience of the ancient healers of the East with the achievements of modern medical science. So there was a simple, affordable, and most importantly, very effective health system, which has won recognition all over the world.

It is based on the doctrine that each organ of the human body has its own reflex reflection on the hands or feet. Hence the simple and capacious name of the technique: “su” is translated from Korean as a brush, and “jok” is a foot. Moreover, the body is correlated:

  • With a brush: the head is projected onto the thumb, hands - onto the index and little fingers, legs - onto the middle and ring fingers.
  • With a single finger: the nail zone is considered as the head, the central zone as the chest, and the base as the abdomen.
  • With each phalanx repeating the main projections of the hand.

Having clenched the hand into a fist and examined the surface (yang) facing outward, they find the lines of symmetry - they are located reflex zones different departments spine.

Using these landmarks and knowing the location of active points, you can help any affected internal organ without medication. To do this, it is enough to stimulate the reflex zone on the hand in a special way, by doing:

  • intermittent pressure with one or more fingers;
  • intense friction with a small amplitude;
  • pinching the skin and holding up to appearance of a lung redness;
  • clockwise rotational movements with pressure.

The points are worked out for 1-3 minutes until painful sensations appear. After that, lightly massage them 7 times clockwise and the same amount against.

Su-jok offers another method of acupuncture massage - seed therapy. It can be used at home. To do this, it is enough to rub several grains of millet or buckwheat, peas, beans, apple or pumpkin seeds between the palms with force. One condition - they must be viable. Masseurs claim that the energy of plants is transferred to a diseased organ and heals it. You can learn more about the technique from the lessons:


This medical technique is based on tapping the problem area, which is performed through the palm of the massage therapist.

For this he:

  1. Puts the patient's hand on his knee.
  2. Securely fixes it with one hand to eliminate the risk of injury and swelling.
  3. The other one inflicts painless blows with the fingertips or the edge of the palm, gradually increasing their strength and intensity.

This procedure is very helpful in diseases of the joints, contributing to the destruction salt deposits and growths. Relief comes after the first procedures. You can’t do such a massage too often: one session every two weeks will be enough.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to carry out percussion on the hands on your own. In this case, it is replaced by charging in the form of continuous tapping with fingers on a hard surface.

Self massage

Hand care should not be limited to hygiene procedures. Do not forget about self-massage - affordable and very efficient way support limb health and improve skin. For its implementation it is necessary:

The areas where they appear pain, you need to work out for a long time, but with caution, gradually increasing the strength of the impact. In the morning, it is better to do a short but intense massage that helps to cheer up, and in the evening - relaxing light tricks at a slow pace.

You can learn about other self-massage techniques from the video:

Medicinal properties

It has been scientifically proven that the palm and fingers are the strongest reflex zones. Their stimulation awakens the hidden potential of the body, capable of fighting many diseases.

After a stroke

In medicine, they call it a stroke. acute pathology, the cause of which is a violation of blood circulation in the parts of the brain or adjacent structures. The ischemic form of pathology occurs due to a violation of the supply of tissues with oxygen and nutrients. Cause hemorrhagic stroke there is a rupture of the vessel, as well as the outflow of blood into the structures of the brain, which is fraught with dangerous consequences up to and including disability or lethal outcome. The limbs of the patient are especially often affected. Brush massage in these cases is prescribed to:

  • stabilize blood circulation in the affected limb and throughout the body;
  • restore the mobility of the hands;
  • reduce spasms;
  • prevent the formation of contractures;
  • improve the functioning of muscle fibers;
  • stop pain.

The procedure is prescribed immediately after stabilization of the patient's condition. With an ischemic form of a stroke, this usually happens already on the 2-4th day, and with a hemorrhagic pathology a little later.

Only a specialist should perform massage. The selection of techniques, the duration and intensity of exposure is always selected taking into account the condition of each individual patient.

Although there are a number of rules that should be considered in any case:

  • The patient should sit, lie on his side or back.
  • Massage begins with a healthy limb.
  • They adhere to a certain algorithm of actions, individually prescribed for each patient in the treatment protocol.
  • Manipulations are performed carefully to avoid spasms.
  • To stimulate atrophied muscles, the intensity of exposure is slightly increased.
  • Start with 3-5 minutes, gradually increasing the session time.

Damage to the left hemisphere is often accompanied by a failure of the functioning of the speech centers. By massaging the hands, it is possible to reflexively influence these areas of the brain, activate the transmission of sensitive impulses, fully or partially restore the ability to speak.

With tendinitis

With this disease, the tendons in the hands become inflamed. The cause of its development is excessive physical activity, long-term repetitive movements, injuries or a one-time direct force effect, for example, when lifting weights. Symptoms increase gradually: tingling, numbness or weakness in the arm are replaced by pain, swelling, and limited mobility. In order to prevent the development of degenerative processes in the tendons and muscles of the hand, you should try to immediately remove the inflammation.

To do this, limit the load, ensure the immobility of the limb, take non-steroidal medicines. Only when it's over acute period, the doctor prescribes a massage to improve blood flow and restore damaged structures. The impact is carried out in stages:

All movements are performed without excessive pressure, slowly, so as not to provoke the appearance of inflammation and swelling. The entire session lasts about 10-15 minutes.

For osteoarthritis and arthritis

Pain in the hands can be caused by diseases such as arthritis and arthrosis.


It's inflammation synovium joint, accompanied by secretion a large number fluid (exudate). As a result, articular structures and periarticular structures swell, increase in size. soft tissues, growths form on the surface of the synovial membrane. The cartilage itself at first remains unaffected, and later, in chronic stage disease, its disintegration occurs.

Massage is scheduled as soon as acute stage: pain decreases, swelling and redness go away. The procedure is performed in stages:

The purpose of the procedure is to speed up the lymph flow, remove excess fluid accumulated in the interstitial space. Therapeutic effect strengthened by passive exercises: flexion-extension, adduction-abduction, rotation of the hand and fingers. good act folk remedies: baths, rubbing, compresses.


This pathology is accompanied by deformation and destruction cartilage tissue, which are caused by age-related changes or injury. Bone growths appear on the edges of the joints, causing pain, impaired mobility, as well as deforming fingers, noticeably thickening the joints or bending them.

Massage for arthrosis is aimed at restoring mobility and reducing joint deformity. to basic medical techniques added percussion massage, which we talked about above. It helps to get rid of osteophytes, facilitating movement, eliminating discomfort and swelling.

When a nerve is pinched

injury, prolonged compression, some infectious diseases can cause neuropathy - infringement of the ulnar, radial or median nerve providing sensory and motor reactions in the hand. Most often suffers radial nerve, as it is located particularly close to the surface. As a result, the functions of the flexors and extensors of the fingers are disturbed, pain appears, the hand hangs, becomes numb, immobilized. The patient loses the ability to perform pronation and supination (rotation of the palm up and down), straighten the fingers, clench the fist with force.

95% of all cases of neuropathy are treated conservatively. An indispensable part of such therapy is massage, which involves the impact on the entire arm and even on the spine, since the bundle nerves responsible for sensitivity go out there. upper limbs. It should only be performed chiropractor. Any exposure in the acute period is contraindicated.

At a fracture

Fracture of the wrist and phalanges of the fingers - frequent occurrence. In this case, the patient is put on a cast, which ensures the correct fusion of the affected limb. The treatment lasts quite a long time, during which time in the immobilized structures atrophic changes: blood supply is disturbed, nerve conduction, muscles weaken, decrease in volume.

Massage prevents the development of such symptoms, so it is prescribed for the most early stages rehabilitation. They affect the zones lying in the immediate vicinity of the plaster cast, as well as the cervical-collar spine, which is responsible for the innervation of the upper limbs. At the core medical procedure are classic massage techniques:

  • stroking;
  • rubbing, light and burdened;
  • circular, transverse, longitudinal kneading with fingertips;
  • vibration.

After removing the gypsum, light stroking of the affected surface is added. All movements are performed smoothly, slowly, for 10 minutes. When pain occurs, the procedure is immediately stopped. Rolling balls in the palm of your hand or tapping your fingers on the tabletop, imitating playing the piano, will also help to develop a brush after a fracture.

Photo: A great exercise for city traffic.

After injury

Often, due to a blow or a fall, the soft tissues of the hands are injured, while the bones and skin remain intact. Massage achieves quick recovery damaged structures, as the procedure accelerates blood circulation, improves metabolism, removes excess liquid, contributing to the resorption of infiltrates, activates muscle contractions, preventing the development of atrophy.

If large vessels and the muscles were not affected, massage can be done already 2-3 days after the injury. It happens:

  • preparatory- carried out in areas lying above the lesion. Is being done basic techniques facilitating lymphatic drainage and venous blood from the site of damage.
  • The main one is direct massage of the affected area. It is carried out when the swelling and pain have completely disappeared. To do this, use stroking, pinching, patting, light pressure.

They restore lost mobility by circular rotations with the hands, squeezing and unclenching fingers, rolling the ball with the palm of your hand, exercises with dumbbells, using massagers, picking up small items: buttons, coins, matches.

Materials for massaging other parts of the body:

Massage of the palms and fingers in infants

Visual and auditory analyzers newborn, like him physical activity, imperfect. Therefore, he receives 80% of information about the world around him with the help of tactile sensations through sensitive receptors located on the fingertips and palms. The task of parents is to help the baby overcome congenital hypertonicity, unclench a small fist, provide high tactile activity, strengthen the muscles of the hands, preparing them first to grab and hold objects, and then to perform precise coordinated movements. In addition, it is important to strengthen the child's body, activate the work internal organs.

Photo: baby's small hands also need a massage

They do it with massage.

  • In the first days of life, it is a straightening of the fingers, light stroking of the palm and its back side.
  • From 3-4 months, the movements become more intense, the squeezing technique and light circular rubbing of the surface are added.
  • A little later, kneading, soft pinching, patting, shaking with the hands are used.

Every mother should learn how to massage children's hands and fingers. She is helped by video materials, as well as educational literature.

By stimulating the nerve endings in the small hands and fingers, we contribute to the development of speaking skills, as we provide reflex action on the speech centers of the brain, almost coinciding with the areas responsible for fine motor skills. It has been proven that a child who is good with his own hands remembers better, has more lexicon able to reason logically.

Proper massage of one finger can solve many health problems. Massage of the fingers activates the work of internal organs, stimulates blood circulation, metabolism, work immune system. Moreover, massaging the little finger can have therapeutic effect on the liver, kidneys, stomach and intestines.

Also on the little finger is active points to help cure the common cold. Massage of just one finger - the little finger - can have a calming and relaxing effect.

Finger massage to reduce appetite

Before eating, carefully massage the tip of the little finger. This action is performed differently for men and women. For women, up to 12 hours, the little finger massage must be performed clockwise, and after 12 - against it.

As for men, the opposite is true: up to 12 o'clock it is necessary to massage counterclockwise, and after 12 o'clock - clockwise. The ban on any actions with the little finger - at 12 noon - at this time, massage of this finger is prohibited.

Traditional medicine reveals the secrets of how diseases were treated many years ago. And there is a share of rationalism in these methods. Indeed, on the human body, not only on the fingers, there are many biologically active points, the massage of which stimulates the work of certain organs and systems.

Massage of the fingers for the treatment of the liver

To determine the quality of the liver in the body, it is necessary to do special manipulations with the index finger and palm. It is the index finger that is called the "finger of the liver." To test the health of your liver, spread your palm and straighten your fingers while applying force.

Hold your palm in tension for a few seconds, then try to bend your index finger. If you managed to do this and no more fingers are bent, it means that the liver is working normally. If the rest of the fingers were bent along with the index finger, the liver is working with its last strength and intervention is required to strengthen this organ.

How to strengthen the liver

Every day, massage your index finger and the liver will begin to recover. index finger massage different ways: kneading, rubbing the entire finger or just its tip. You can also make an effort to achieve a better result.

To do this, hook one index finger behind the other and bring them to your chest. Stretch your fingers in different sides trying to disentangle them. Accompany tension and relaxation with appropriate breathing: on inhalation - tension of the arm and stretching to the sides, on exhalation, relax the fingers. Do these manipulations several times a day.

Finger massage for colds

When the runny nose starts thumb of the left hand, you can find a painful area - in the middle of the phalanx in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin curl. Attach a grain of buckwheat or green peas to this place with a band-aid. It is necessary to press on the grain several times a day in order to relieve swelling in the nose.

Massage of the middle and ring fingers for knee diseases

Knees can hurt due to constant physical activity, accumulation of salts, the development of joint diseases. In order to get rid of severe pain and reduce discomfort when moving, massage your fingers.

Attach to the joints of the middle and ring fingers carrot, red pepper, or tomato seeds with a band-aid. Several times a day, massage the seed on the joint, stretching your fingers. Middle finger responsible for the left knee, ring finger - for the right knee.

How to get rid of fatigue with finger massage

When stressed on the brain stressful situations in the workplace or at home, severe fatigue and nervousness massage will help relieve tension and calm. You can do manipulations with the little finger anywhere: at home, sitting in a minibus, at work. Index and thumbs right hand massage the little finger of the left hand.

Use the rubbing and kneading method. Start rubbing your finger with nail phalanx, moving to the base and further to the joint. Do circular rubbing, horizontally and vertically. Such a massage will help get rid of fatigue and feel relief.

In addition, you can massage all the fingers on your hands. Each finger is responsible for well-being various bodies. Therefore, it is possible to strengthen all systems in the body with the help of massage.

The oldest medical knowledge came from China. Scientists, physicians, working for the benefit of mankind, discovered a paradoxical method of treatment, which they called acupuncture. Located on the human body great amount bioenergy points. There are points on the hands that are responsible for the organs and their functionality. The paradox of the treatment lies in the fact that by massaging certain areas, a person can independently improve his well-being. The important thing is the process itself and the technique. Correct movements and work wonders.

We can say that a person's hands are his body, only in a reduced form. On the palm there are biologically active points that are responsible for the front and on the back - for the back.

What is the biologically active point of the hand?

There are many points on the hands, they are all located at a certain distance from each other. Therefore, before starting self-treatment, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the relevant literature.

Existing methods of acupuncture points on the hand allow you to determine with one click. It is impossible to see them with the naked eye, but when you feel the palm, you feel a hollow, a hole. Light pressure can cause pain. It is they who say that biologically active points are found.

Doctors using modern equipment say with confidence that the place of the point is no different from everything skin hands. Only due to exposure to a constant low current was found a sharp decline electroskin resistance in the area of ​​the biologically active point.

Acupuncture of the hand

For normal operation body, you need to clamp or massage several points at once. Existing outlets on the hands, responsible for the organs, when pressed or massaged, they transmit a signal to the brain, and it directly to a specific organ. Professionals oriental medicine without special efforts find a point that controls normal functionality thyroid gland, heart or kidney.


The applied methods of acupuncture make the points on the arm sensitive and receptive. It is enough to remember these places once, so that throughout life a person has the opportunity to independently solve the problems that arise in his body. If, for example, you sharply and strongly press on the point that is responsible for the functionality of the liver, a person will feel nausea and pain in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis organ.

Organs in the hand

The points of the organs on the hand allow a person to maximize a short time normalize disease state of your body. An example is the fold of the upper phalanx of the thumb, this point is responsible for the performance, functionality and control of the thyroid gland. The points on the hands that are responsible for the organs will help cure bronchitis, and not only. By pressing on the fold of the middle phalanx of the middle finger, you can speed up the healing process when coughing. Even the heart muscle is affected if the middle of the lower phalanx of the middle finger is massaged.

Hand acupuncturists can combine the massage of several points at the same time for a quick positive result. At first glance, this is a primitive, simple method of treatment, but it becomes such only if you know the location of the points on the hands and correspond to their organs. Look at the palm. The middle finger has points responsible for all organs, neck, head. The index and ring fingers make it possible to get rid of pain in the hands. There are points on the thumb and little finger, pressing on which, you can cure the legs.


Active points on the hands can be local and general action. The difference between them lies in the method of therapy. In order to achieve results local action, you will have to make an appointment with a doctor and undergo a course of acupuncture. This is because the active points of local action are located next to the organs. Results from local impact can be obtained independently, since the points on the hands that are responsible for the organs, a person has the right to massage or press at any convenient time. In order to correctly press the desired point, it is desirable to know its exact location. Otherwise, a person will think that he is filming himself headache, but in fact it treats a runny nose. Without knowing the exact location of the active point, it is difficult to navigate on your own, you should look into the relevant books or come to an appointment with a professional.

Location of points

Hands are the gate to energy system human body. Much depends on the location of the points, including normal functioning one or another organ separately. If we consider the points on the hands, the photo of which is attached, we can conclude that they are symmetrical. It does not happen that a point located on right hand, was missing on the left. Not only will she be present, but her location will be the same. This allows a person to quickly remember the location of all active points both on the inside and on the

Massaging process

When a person presses on an active point, he encourages action. He, in turn, can regulate the processes respiratory system, heart rate, digestion processes. If, when pressed, there is severe or sharp pain at the location of the active point, it is safe to say that the person has problems with certain body. He needs to seek professional help.

Singular points

Organ diseases can be very different, but what if you have a toothache or insomnia? To solve such problems is on hand.

Point "lao-gong" helps to treat the initial stages of periodontal disease, stomatitis. If it is regularly acted upon, it will alleviate constantly aching pain. It is safe to say that if this point is massaged regularly, problems in oral cavity a person will not have. In addition, appetite will be restored, pain from the heart area will go away, arthritis will stop bothering. If you clench your hand into a fist, you can easily find this point between the middle and

With the help of "nei-guan" you can influence any pain that has arisen, restore sleep, arterial pressure, strengthen the psyche. It is located on inner surface wrist, between tendons.

"Shen-men" helps to calm heart palpitations, prevent the initial stage of sore throat, runny nose and remove inflammation from lymph nodes. You need to massage this point regularly if a person has problems with the work of the heart, blood circulation is disturbed, angina pectoris is observed. It can be found in the center of the carpal crease, between the tendons of the hands.


There are several methods that are used in the treatment various diseases in the human body. To apply them, it is enough to find the points on the hands that are responsible for the organs that require treatment. For prevention or initial stage diseases, you can start applying massages:

  • Spot.
  • Tsubotherapy.
  • Busse method.

Acupressure is similar in effect to acupuncture. It is very easy to use, does not require tools and medical equipment. In order to make it necessary which is placed vertically, locate the required point. Then slowly and effortlessly begin to massage it in a circular motion, gradually increasing the pressure. The skin should move with the finger. In order for the massage to be effective, it is necessary to choose a certain intense rhythm that will be observed throughout the procedure.

Tsubotherapy is a hand massage using metal balls, the diameter of which does not exceed 2 millimeters. They are attached under the patch, in contact with the required area. Periodic pressure on the ball will bring the first results quickly enough.

The Busse method is similar to tsubotherapy, only you need to use not balls, but metal plates made of gold or silver. It does not bring discomfort to the patient, it is often used in practice. The plates are fixed in the necessary places, as the pain subsides, they move or are completely removed. They can also be worn to prevent the occurrence of various diseases, but more often this method is used in advanced conditions, as it is considered the most effective.

No one will deny the fact that massage has a very beneficial effect on human health. Ordinary classical massage has long been part of our lives and is widely used. But its other variety - massage of the palms and fingers is not so popular, but in vain!

It has long been proven that if you massage your fingers, you can influence all the internal organs of a person and even.

Well, are you interested? But in order to be truly good effect, you need to know how to do such a massage correctly and which finger on the hand or a point on the palm is responsible for which organ. It is not difficult to remember after reading this article to the end!

How to properly massage your fingers - video tutorials and useful tips

The fingers on the hands are always massaged in the direction from the nail to the base of the finger. Such a massage should be performed slowly, without haste, carefully and gently kneading your fingers.

You can use circular movements, spiral, and also press directly on the nail plate.

What is the thumb responsible for?

What is the little finger responsible for?

Well, we got to the smallest finger, but very important from the point of view of alternative medicine.

The little finger is directly related to anxiety, nervousness and overwork. It is massaged for problems with the heart, kidneys, with severe nervous disorders.

In addition, by massaging the little finger, you can get rid of the feeling of fear. A thorough massage of the little finger is useful to carry out daily. It greatly strengthens vascular tone, normalizes the work of the heart, and has a positive effect on the endocrine system.

As a result of massage of the little finger, a person begins to react more calmly to stress and conflict situations.

In addition, massage of the little finger helps with, improves blood circulation in the legs, relieves fatigue accumulated during the day. Massaging the joints of the toes is also very helpful. This helps to deal with and.

If, during a massage, pain suddenly arises in any part of the finger, then this is a direct signal that you have a malfunction in the corresponding organ. This finger should be given increased attention and massage it as often as possible, until the pain disappears.

Palm massage

On the palms of a person there are also biologically active points, the skillful impact on which affects human health. For example, a point in the very center of the palm is, according to Eastern healers, the energy center of the entire human body.

Try pressing hard on it. If you are pierced by a sharp pain, then this is a bad signal that your body has problems.

If you feel pain by pressing on the tubercle between the middle and index fingers, then most likely you have diseases associated with the urogenital area.

Carefully study this diagram, it has all the biologically active points located in the palm of a person. By acting on them, you can influence certain organs.

Palm massage is carried out along 3 lines:

  1. from the inner edge of the palm to its base
  2. from the outer edge of the palm to its midpoint
  3. midline from fingers to wrist

Of course, massage of the palms and fingers is not as common in our country as, for example, in China, but why not try it? Perhaps you will like it and you will get a taste? Not all the same to stuff your body with pills?

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