Porridge with water recipes for weight loss. Diet porridge for breakfast

Exists great amount ways to lose weight. On the Internet you can find methods that do not require any effort from you, they say, just take a miracle pill and your sides and belly will disappear somewhere. But in reality, everything is not so simple and you should not take pills at all, they only make things worse. But the right thing is what you need. Let's talk about what kind of cereals you can eat while losing weight, and look at several popular recipes.

About the benefits of cereals

It is simply necessary to include porridge consisting of cereals in your diet. This applies to people involved by force sports, and simply those who want to make themselves slimmer. After all, since childhood we have been told that eating porridge is healthy, and this is true. Just look at the young people of the mid-60s and 70s who served in the army. In their daily diet included porridge. But this is about the set muscle mass. However, cereals are used with the same effectiveness for weight loss.

The main feature of any cereal (or almost any) is that it contains a large number of microelements and fiber. Our body needs all this to obtain energy and vitamins. But the main property of cereals, which allows you to lose weight and not gain weight, is the removal of waste, toxins and, along with them, fatty deposits from the body.

You are probably wondering what kind of cereals you can eat while losing weight. It is extremely important to formulate the question correctly. And you really need to eat “porridge”, not “porridge”, so the point is the variety of cereals. It wouldn’t be superfluous to say that you can prepare a completely independent dish from the grains you have at home. And if you try hard, you can make a side dish or dessert. In principle, all porridges go well with foods such as meat, fruits and vegetables.

Oatmeal is our everything

Everyone has probably heard that you need to eat oatmeal in the morning. It's really good for the body. The fact is that it contains a huge amount of complex carbohydrates. Consequently, our stomach digests such a product for a long time, so it creates a feeling of fullness for a longer time. In England, for example, this is a traditional breakfast for many. Nourishing and very healthy. In addition to the fact that porridges such as Hercules are rich in fiber, they contain vitamins such as E, B, PP and others.

As for mineral elements, oatmeal contains a large amount of them. There is phosphorus, iron, calcium, zinc and many other useful substances. However, consuming oatmeal large quantities not recommended. The grains are very rich in fats. Consequently, if you eat quite a lot of such porridge or overeat it, then there is a risk of gaining weight, not losing weight.

Another important point. Don't confuse Hercules and oatmeal. In fact, these are somewhat different things. If we talk about “Hercules”, then yes, it’s also oatmeal, but instant cooking. This grain has already passed heat treatment and was peeled. Namely, the shell contains the most fiber. In addition, “Hercules” helps increase blood sugar and, conversely, causes a feeling of hunger, rather than suppressing it.

Be sure that any consultation with a nutritionist will end with him talking about the superior benefits of simple oatmeal over Hercules. It contains more fiber, however, it needs to be boiled for some time. Therefore, if you are going to add this grain to your diet, then choose unprocessed grains.

Is buckwheat healthy?

To feel good throughout the day, our body needs energy. You can get it, as we have already figured out, from cereals. One of best sources protein and complex carbohydrates are buckwheat. Essentially this is unique product, which is very useful and extremely easy to prepare. In addition, even a relatively small portion of buckwheat porridge will keep you full for a long time. At the same time, the porridge does not cause heaviness in the stomach. As for vitamins, there are plenty of them here. This includes group B, P, and RR. Among the minerals, there is an element we need such as iron, as well as phosphorus, calcium and magnesium.

If you don’t know what cereals you can eat while losing weight, then eat buckwheat. It is useful not only for diet, but also for people suffering from stomach diseases, diabetes mellitus and so on. There is quite a lot of protein here, so if you are active image life and periodically consume buckwheat, you can quickly bring your appearance in order. Iron, which is abundant here, will help deliver as much as possible to all organs. If you think you need to consult a nutritionist, you can go to one. But rest assured, they will advise you to include a cereal such as buckwheat in your diet.

About barley groats

The key feature of most cereal crops is that they have low calorie content. That is why they are so valuable for those who want to lose weight. Of course, apples or lettuce too, but whether your body gets enough of them is a moot point.

One of the most nutritious and affordable cereals in terms of cost is barley. Many nutritionists say that no matter how many calories there are in this type of porridge, you will not gain weight from it. Although it contains carbohydrates, they speed up metabolism and prevent fat deposition. Usually, in order to avoid snacking during the day, you need to eat breakfast barley porridge. A little later we will talk about how many calories are in each type of porridge, and you will understand what suits you best.

Barley contains vitamins such as B, D, E, PP. Properly prepared porridge will improve heart function, as it contains the appropriate minerals for this - phosphorus and potassium. In addition, the cereal is rich in calcium and manganese. We all know very well that the hardest thing is to choose the right diet for any disease. Especially with diabetes. So, for diabetics this is a real salvation. It not only does not increase, but also lowers blood sugar. Such porridge will also be useful for people leading sedentary image life. Cereals effectively relieve constipation and other intestinal problems.

Wheat groats

Porridge prepared from this cereal should definitely be present in the diet of those who want to look better and have a toned body. In principle, for those losing weight this is one of the best options, since there are really very, very few calories here.

If you have not yet created your own nutrition menu, then include wheat porridge in your diet. Research conducted by specialists has shown that this cereal crop helps regulate fat metabolism in the body, helping to remove excess fat and cholesterol. These beneficial features directly affect blood circulation, improving general state and body tone.

But the power supply diagram must be drawn up correctly. You can't eat just one dish all day. As noted above, the key to success lies in the variety of cereals. Therefore, eat this porridge no more than 1-2 times a day in small portions and alternate it with others.

By the way, problems with brittle hair, condition of nails and skin often arise. Wheat porridge, which contains a large amount of useful microelements and fiber, will help improve the situation. Experts note that this cereal helps slow down the aging process and improve immunity.

Millet groats and its features

Here we come to the last cereal, the usefulness of which we will talk about. It is worth drawing your attention to the fact that millet groats are somewhat similar in properties and composition to wheat. It will also help remove excess fat from the body and get rid of cholesterol. There are some here healthy vitamins such as E, B, PP, as well as minerals - sulfur, phosphorus, calcium, etc.

When you choose such cereals in the store, pay attention to its color: the brighter it is, the better. This will indicate that such millet contains a large amount useful minerals. Studies have been conducted according to which a group of people ate only millet porridge for some time. During this time, almost each of the participants lost from 3 to 5 kilograms within a week. If you are in no hurry, then it is enough to eat millet porridge several times a day.

You already know a little about the benefits of millet porridge. Calories contained in this product, and there are only 90 of them per 100 grams, they are not stored in fat. You can gain weight by eating millet porridge, but only because you prepare it incorrectly. If you want to lose weight, then add as little salt and sugar as possible, and also use low-fat milk (2.5%).

The harm and benefits of porridge, or who can and who can’t

We have looked at several really good porridge, which must be included in your diet. Of course, a little later we will look at several recipes for rice, semolina and other healthy products. But now I would like to talk about useful and harmful properties croup

As for the beneficial properties, we have already figured this out. All cereals are great for weight loss. Please note that the diet in this case is not too strict. You won’t have to sit for 5-6 hours waiting for the next salad leaf, no, everything is much simpler here. You can eat porridge any time you want. The main thing is fractional meals small portions and proper preparation.

For example, millet porridge will not be very useful for those people who suffer from frequent constipation, low acidity And various problems with the stomach. However, this harm can hardly be compared with the benefits of this product.

Buckwheat, for example, is oversaturated with proteins, so consuming it excessively will not lead to good things. If you eat buckwheat every day, try to reduce the amount of sweets in your diet, as this product helps increase blood sugar.

Rice - true leader by the content of complex carbohydrates among all cereals. But often this product is treated with chemicals, due to which its beneficial properties are lost and it becomes practically useless. In principle, the harm and benefit of porridge are incomparable things. Believe me, a glass of Coca-Cola will cause much more damage than a serving of semolina or buckwheat.

with milk

For many, rice is the main product that helps them lose extra pounds. It perfectly removes toxins from the body and contains a large amount of B vitamins, as well as various microelements. But all these beneficial properties can be lost during the cooking process. Firstly, you need to be able to choose the right type of rice. If you are planning to cook porridge, then stop at round-grain starch varieties.

Let's look at the process of preparing rice porridge with milk. There is nothing complicated here. The dish must be cooked for 10-15 minutes.

Pour the rice into a saucepan and fill it with water so that it covers it by about 1 cm. Cook over medium heat until the water is absorbed into the grains. After this, you can add a little milk and reduce the heat on the stove to low. So it is necessary to bring the mixture to a boil and stir constantly. As the dish cooks, add milk a little at a time. If necessary, add salt and sugar. Although if you want to lose weight, then it is better not to do this. After all, there are great foods like honey and raisins.

This rice porridge with milk contains a small amount of calories, but is very filling and healthy for both adults and children.

Oatmeal helps you lose weight easily

We have already figured out what kind of cereals you can eat while losing weight, and we have concluded that there are quite a lot of them. But despite this, as noted above, it is extremely important to be able to prepare them correctly. If you add a huge amount of sugar to millet porridge and butter and wash it all down full fat milk, it is unlikely that the desired effect will be achieved. A properly prepared dish, in particular oatmeal, can work wonders on your figure.

To save large quantities nutrients Oatmeal needs to be cooked for several minutes, usually no more than 7. For example, take one glass of oat grains for 2 cups of water. By the way, you can use low-fat milk instead of water. This way the dish will turn out to be a little higher in calories, but will become much tastier. Let the grains boil for 5-7 minutes, then turn off the heat and cover the pan with a lid. You can first add a spoonful of honey, a few raisins and a chopped apple.

You will get a very tasty and at the same time dietary oatmeal porridge. Calories in this case will be 100 kcal per 100 grams (if it is oatmeal). It is advisable to eat this dish once a day for breakfast. Many nutritionists do not recommend losing weight with oatmeal, but using this cereal is extremely useful for fasting days.

A little about calories

You already know how to prepare diet porridge. It should contain minimal amount salt and sugar and maximum nutrients. Now I would like to say a few words about the calorie content of this or that cereal. Least preferred in this regard semolina. The calories per 100 grams of product are significant, about 360 kcal. Although if you eat this porridge correctly, you can achieve good results in terms of weight loss. There are other, more preferable options. For example, buckwheat porridge. Calories per 100 grams of product - 160 kcal.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that to effectively burn fat, you need to consume more calories than you consume per day. To do this, it is advisable to draw up a detailed nutrition schedule, which will outline the number of calories consumed and expended. Sport in this case will be a salvation. In particular, we can talk about fat burning aerobic training and cardio exercises. This is running, stretching, breathing exercise and so on.

In principle, proper balanced nutrition is the path to success. But here you need it. Otherwise, no one is stopping you from experimenting with diets; moreover, this can turn out to be a very useful activity.

There is nothing supernatural in this kitchen process, you just need to follow some important points The cooking process is the ratio of cereals and liquid. Cereals, depending on their fiber content, can be viscous, used for making cutlets, various fillings, or crumbly.

What kind of dietary porridge it should be, which one will be more beneficial for your body, depends on the method of its preparation.

If you like sticky porridge, it needs to be cooked longer, stirring continuously while cooking. For lovers crumbly indispensable condition is correct cereal proportion and liquids which must be adhered to. If there was not enough liquid, the porridge would cook a little dry, and if there was too much, it would become sticky. The most common ratio is 1:2 , but it also happens 2:3 .

Verified by everyone known method - this is when cereal is poured into salted boiling water. Distributed and another method- pour pre-boiled water over the cereal and then add salt. Boiled diet porridge in a saucepan with a lid over low heat. It is best to use utensils made of stainless steel, since in this case the process of boiling liquid from the bottom of the pan occurs more evenly and equally Every grain is heated cereals

An important role for the quality preparation of dietary porridge is played by the rule - porridge that is cooked in boiling water, or porridge that swells in a tightly closed container, should not be touched under any circumstances.

At her constant stirring, at opening or closing the lid - the porridge loses steam, which means she does not receive what is due to her heat and moisture. In such conditions it's a mess turns out dry, and when we correct our mistake by adding water to it, it turns into a mess. After end of the process cooking porridge It is necessary to keep warm. To do this, place it in a warm place under a tightly closed lid. Such a place could be: an oven, a water heater, or grandma’s proven method - wrapped up her in "pillows".

The first thing you need to do to make dietary porridge tasty is to sort through the cereal, removing low-quality grains from it, and then rinse it. It must be remembered that when washing cereals, it absorbs and retains a certain amount of liquid.

In this regard, in order to correctly maintain the ratio of cereal and liquid, do this:

  • Pour the required amount of water into the bowl;
  • after the water boils, add the already washed cereal grains;

Measure the resulting volume of the contents of your pan and compare it with the predetermined volume. If received volume is larger- surplus pour and vice versa, add hot water up to normal if the volume is less.

This is how the balance in the cereal-liquid ratio is achieved, regardless of how much moisture remains in the grains when they are washed.

Cereal porridges that cannot be washed

Buckwheat, Hercules, semolina are prepared in the following way. Required amount Pour the liquid into a container, add there, as well as the ingredients provided for in the recipe. After boiling pour liquid over cereal. To make the porridge tasty and visually beautiful, add a small amount to a pan of water. vegetable oil, and only then they put in the cereal.

If you are preparing porridge from toasted cereals, pour some water more, since during frying the cereal loses some of its moisture. The cereal, sorted and washed before putting it into the pan, pour into boiling water. water, carefully stirring so as not to damage the grains by lifting them from the bottom wooden spoon or spatula. For better readiness, a pan of porridge place in oven. At very high temperature In it, a pan of porridge can be placed on a baking sheet with water.

When preparing semolina porridge, the cereal must be poured into boiling water in a thin stream and stirred at the same time.

Cereals such as rice, millet, pearl barley do not boil well in milk. In order to cook from these cereals milk diet porridge, they must be pre-boiled no more than 10 minutes in boiling water. After that drain the water, and the remaining cereal is added milk and boil over low heat until ready.

Friable dietary porridge In most cases cooked from raw cereals that have not undergone heat treatment. In such porridges, the grains must be well cooked, retain their shape and separate from each other. Such porridges are cooked with various ingredients. They included in diets dietary nutrition , How as a side dish, So and an independent dish.

Rice is served as a side dish with poultry, beef or lamb.

Hot dietary crumbly porridge is served with a small amount of vegetable oil, chopped eggs, etc. Cold porridge - with milk and a sugar substitute.

To avoid the stickiness of crumbly porridges made from buckwheat, barley, rice or millet, they are pre-washed warm water, and then hot. Starch from grains is removed from the surface with warm water, and fat that appeared on grains during storage is removed with hot water.

We offer ways to prepare dietary rice

Rice cooked in a steamer.

The sorted, washed rice is poured into a special bowl, which is located in the steamer, and poured in a 1:1 ratio. If desired, you can add spices and cook for 40 minutes. Somewhere in the middle of the cooking process, stir the contents so that the herbs are evenly distributed.

Rice cooked in microwave oven.

The cooking process is the same as in a saucepan. Rice is poured into a bowl that is used in a microwave oven and water is added in a ratio of 1:1.5. Ready time is 10 minutes at maximum oven power, and then 15 minutes at half power. After this, it should stand for 15 minutes. Diet porridge is ready to eat.

Cereals are processed plant grains, sources of fiber, carbohydrates, proteins, minerals and vitamins. The human body is genetically adapted to digest cereals, receiving maximum benefits for itself. Each type has its own calorie content and nutritional value, but they are all used in therapeutic and dietary nutrition. Let's talk about the benefits of cereals in more detail.

The benefits of cereals

People knew about the benefits of cereals back in ancient times, because they have high nutritional value. But they are also used for weight loss, since cereals are the main supplier of complex carbohydrates and useful substances for the body of a person on a diet. Almost all cereals contribute to:

  • weight loss;
  • removal of cholesterol;
  • improving heart function;
  • normalization of the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract and liver.

People whose diet includes at least 5 meals a week from whole grains reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer. These are the most suitable products for dietary nutrition, which is why doctors prescribe them for serious illnesses to maintain the patient's strength. Cereals are combined with vegetables, dairy products, fruits, dried fruits. They are included in first, second courses and desserts.

Rating of cereals for weight loss by usefulness

Dietary cereals are often used for weight loss. This is the most affordable and useful way getting rid of excess weight. But not all people know which cereal is the healthiest for weight loss. We have prepared for you a rating of the usefulness for weight loss of the most popular cereals among the people in order, indicating their calorie content.

Millet cereal

Millet is millet grains that have beneficial effect on the body. People call millet porridge “bird porridge” because it is used to feed poultry. But it is useful not only for birds. It’s not for nothing that we gave it first place, because millet helps remove fat from the body and prevents its deposition. Millet porridge cleanses out toxins and antibiotics, saturating cells with vitamins B, E and minerals: phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sulfur.

When buying millet, choose bright yellow millet grains, because the brighter they are, the more preserved useful elements. To lose weight, cook millet porridge with water in a 1:1 ratio and eat up to 6 times daily. Nutritionists allow millet to be diluted with dried fruits, linseed oil or sesame seeds. Millet calorie content – ​​348 kcal/100 g.


Buckwheat is rightly called “golden grain”, because it contains a large amount useful components. This is the most ecological and low-calorie crop, because it is grown without the use of chemical fertilizers, which are not needed - buckwheat kills weeds on its own. Buckwheat porridge prescribed for weight loss and to prevent anemia due to iron content. It contains vitamins B, P, PP and rutin, which compensates for the lack of all vitamins at once. There are two options for buckwheat weight loss:

  1. Fasting days.
  2. Weekly (two-week cycle).

In the first option, you choose any day of the week on which you cannot eat anything except buckwheat porridge and water. Refilling with low-fat yogurt and fresh herbs is allowed. In the second option for losing weight, buckwheat is used at every meal without restrictions, but without adding sugar, salt, or spices. Allowed to be entered into daily ration vegetables, a couple of slices of whole grain bread, green tea or herbal decoction. Calorie content of buckwheat – 306 kcal/100 g.

An important advantage of the buckwheat diet is the absence of lethargy, weakness and fatigue. You will not be haunted by the feeling of hunger due to the presence of complex carbohydrates that the body absorbs for a long time.

Wheat groats

Wheat porridge takes third place on the list for weight loss. This is the best product for boosting immunity, reducing high cholesterol regulating fat metabolism. Wheat porridge is rightfully considered the best dietary dish for weight loss, because it helps the body eliminate body fat in the abdominal area, slows down the aging process, improves the condition of hair, skin, and nails.

Diet for wheat porridge in a week it will help you lose up to 5 kg of excess weight. Cook the dish without spices, salt, milk, butter, sugar. During the week, nutritionists recommend including fruits (except bananas and grapes), fresh or steamed vegetables (except potatoes), green tea with honey and low-fat vegetables in your diet. dairy products. Calorie content of wheat cereal – 316 kcal/100 g.


Semolina reminds every person of the taste of childhood, because our mothers raised us on this porridge for a reason. It is characterized by high health benefits and excellent taste characteristics. IN Lately Information has appeared on the Internet about the uselessness of semolina for weight loss, but this is not so. In fact, semolina contains more potassium and vitamins B1 and E than rice. It is a source of sodium, calcium, potassium, zinc, and iron.

To lose weight, you should not cook it with sugar or milk with high fat content. It is better to cook it with plain water and add 1 tsp. honey and cinnamon. During the weekly semolina diet, vegetables and fruits are allowed, but semolina should be consumed for breakfast, lunch and dinner. This is the most delicious diet among others, which is why it takes an honorable fourth place in our ranking. Calorie content of semolina – 326 kcal/100 g.

Oatmeal (rolled oats)

Contains protein and complex carbohydrates, therefore satiates the stomach for a long time. People who want to lose weight believe that oatmeal is not very suitable for weight loss, because it is the fattest of all cereals. But of particular interest to those losing weight is its ability to cleanse the body due to its high fiber content. Oat groats contains a huge amount of useful microelements and vitamins.

On oat diet It’s easy to lose up to 5 kg in one week if you eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner, but cook without butter, milk, or spices. You can eat it on a diet and you don’t have to cook it - just pour boiling water over the Hercules flakes and let it brew. It is allowed to add fresh or frozen berries and fruits, except grapes or bananas, in the first half of the day. Calorie content oatmeal– 345 kcal/100 g.

Barley grits

Barley is made from barley, which is rich in vitamins B, PP, E, D. Barley is useful for weight loss high content phosphorus, which helps metabolism. Yachka is the champion among cereals in terms of calcium, potassium, and manganese content. Barley porridge quickly fills you up, so those who are losing weight will not overeat. This is an excellent opportunity to lose weight for people suffering from diabetes, because barley porridge lowers blood glucose levels.

In seven days barley diet you can lose up to four extra pounds. During the diet, egg will be the main dish. Additionally, you are allowed to consume low-fat fermented milk products and vegetables. To cook porridge, pour half a kilo of cereal into boiling water and cook until thick. When losing weight, do not consume salt, sugar, or spices. Calorie content of barley groats – 322 kcal/100 g.

Pearl barley

In seventh place in the ranking is pearl barley. Like barley groats, it is made from whole grains, which contain the whole complex vitamins and minerals. In addition, pearl barley contains lysine, an amino acid that helps the body produce collagen, which is responsible for youth. skin. When cooked, pearl barley increases in volume up to 5 times, so it is considered the best for weight loss, because it is so easy to “deceive” the stomach.

The pearl barley diet is allowed for up to 10 days. On average during pearl barley weight loss up to 1 kg is lost daily if not added to the diet high-calorie foods. Like other cereals, pearl barley goes well with dairy products, vegetables, berries, and fruits. During weight loss, weight goes away due to the removal of fluid, so you will immediately feel unprecedented lightness in your body. Calorie content pearl barley: 324 kcal/100 g.

Don't forget that before you board limited diet nutrition, be sure to consult your doctor about possible contraindications And side effects while losing weight on cereals.

Corn grits

In Russia corn grits is not very common, but this does not reduce its benefits for weight loss. In countries where corn porridge is often served, people practically do not suffer from cardiovascular diseases, because it is the most non-allergenic and inhibits the processes of putrefaction in the intestines. It is useful for weight loss because corn proteins are poorly digested, so the actual calorie content is lower than stated.

The corn porridge diet involves consuming a cooked product in water in 6 divided doses over 3-5 days. During this type of weight loss, you should drink plenty of fluids. You need to cook the porridge in water at a ratio of 1:4. To reduce cooking time, soak the cereal the night before. During the corn diet, it is easy to lose up to 5 kg in 3 days. Calorie content of cereal – 325 kcal/100 g.

Pea cereal

People are afraid to eat legumes when losing weight, as they supposedly help increased gas formation, but in vain. Pea cereal sanded and polished, in the process she loses it unpleasant property. It is rich in fiber, vitamins, mineral salts, antioxidants. Bodybuilders always include pea porridge in their diet for accelerated growth muscle mass.

The pea diet is designed for 7 days. It is forbidden to eat canned, fatty and fried foods with porridge. Pea porridge should be served for lunch every day. During breakfast and dinner, you are allowed to eat other non-calorie foods. With a hearty weekly pea diet, you can easily lose up to 4 kg. The calorie content of pea cereal is 315 kcal\100 g.

Rice cereal

It is not surprising that rice groats are in last place in terms of benefits for weight loss, because in terms of the content of nutrients, the usual polished white rice is inferior to all other cereals. Only useful brown rice, which all nutritionists in the world advise to include in the diet.

But white rice also helps to get rid of extra pounds if you follow the rules of a balanced diet. When losing weight, use rice cereal in combination with vegetable side dish and greens. You can season rice with soy sauce to make the food edible. Rice diet not too rich in minerals and vitamins, so it is not recommended to “sit” on it for more than a week. During this period in mandatory drink vitamin and mineral complexes. The calorie content of rice cereal is 333 kcal/100 g.

Hello my dear readers. I think everyone eats cereal. They can be boiled and eaten as independent dishes. It can also be used as a side dish for meat, poultry and other products. But what kind of porridges are suitable for weight loss and burn fat? Let's figure out which grains you can eat on a diet and which you shouldn't.

Despite the fact that all cereals are rich in carbohydrates, they are still suitable for weight loss. It is important to understand that there are different types of carbohydrates. Fast carbohydrates - sweet fruits, cakes, sweets - are quickly absorbed. Increases blood sugar levels and stimulates appetite. Because of this, we get better.

Of course, not all cereals are low-calorie and suitable for weight loss. Plus we add calorage ourselves with full-fat milk, butter and sugar :)

What to look for when choosing cereals

For dietary nutrition, pay attention to the content of high-protein foods. Also very important indicator is GI.

The usefulness of cereals for porridge is determined by:

  • GI (glycemic index) the lower the better;
  • The presence of macro- and microelements - the more diverse, the healthier the porridge;
  • Vitamin content, ;
  • Amino acid content - these substances are necessary for muscle tissue. The more varied the quantity beneficial amino acids, the better the cereal.

According to these indicators, the leaders of the most useful are buckwheat, oatmeal, and barley (barley). Below I will show you why these 3 grains are the best for your diet.

What porridges are good for weight loss

Oat groats

The calorie content of oats is 366 kcal per 100 g. dry product. Protein 11.9 g, fat 7.2 g, carbohydrates 69.3 g. Glycemic index rolled oats - 55. It may vary depending on the cooking method. Oatmeal is rich in fiber, which makes up 10% of the total.


It is believed that buckwheat is the most useful for weight loss. The calorie content of the cereal is 313 kcal. Moreover, the cereal contains as much as 12.6 g of complete protein. For product plant origin this is very impressive.

Moreover, the protein has an almost complete set of useful amino acids. The cereal also contains fats - 3.3 g, and carbohydrates - 62.1 g. The glycemic index of buckwheat is 50-60. It can be lowered the right way preparations. I have written below how to do this. Therefore, read on :)

Buckwheat is also rich in fiber, so it satisfies hunger well. Thanks to it, you will eat less and will not be hungry for a long time. It is rich in iron, so it helps a lot with iron deficiency. I recommend trying green buckwheat for a change. This is the same grain that has not been roasted.

Barley (barley)

The GI of pearl barley is only 20-30 units. It is one of the leaders among cereals in terms of GI. But, if you cook it in milk, it will easily turn into 50-60. Calorie content - 320 kcal, it contains 9.3 g of protein, 1.1 g of fat. And also 73.7 g of carbohydrates. This is a very healthy cereal containing a large amount of vitamins and minerals.

Pearl barley is a very powerful antioxidant. It contains three times more selenium than rice. It is also rich in essential amino acids, such as lysine. An amino acid such as lysine is involved in the production of collagen. But it is he who prevents the appearance of wrinkles.

Flax seed

I would also like to say something about flax seeds. This kind of porridge is not yet very common in Russia. Although we forgot that it is our original native dish. In Europe, it has gained popularity under the “superfood” brand and is often added to smoothies and other dishes.

Flax seeds contain a lot of complete protein - 28.9 g. At the same time, fat is 11 g, and carbohydrates are only 17 g. Calorie content is 295 kcal. In addition to beneficial amino acids, flax contains a large amount of Omega-3. These fatty acids it contains 10 times more than buckwheat. Flax is also rich in B vitamins.

40% of the cereal is fiber, which improves digestion. Flaxseed porridge has a huge amount of useful substances. You could say this is our superfood. Watch Malysheva’s educational video about this product.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Russia occupied a leading position in the production of linseed oil. But on economic indicators Sunflower was much more profitable to produce. And gradually linseed oil replaced. Now it is sold under the slogan of “healthy eating.”

The most harmful cereals

If you are watching your figure, it is better not to eat some cereals. This does not mean that these foods cannot be eaten at all. They are simply of little use. Personally, I don’t see the point in eating something that is not healthy.

One such product is semolina. A dish that they loved to feed us in kindergartens and schools. Semolina porridge also includes couscous, bulgur, and semolina. In addition to the really high GI of 70, porridge is rich in phytic acid, which prevents calcium from being absorbed. And this is not good, especially for young children. When the body develops.

When purchasing, remember that light-colored cereals contain the least minerals

Semolina is completely cleared of its shell, where the most nutrients and microelements are stored. In the purified grain, only starch and protein remain. Consider it the same flour. Why eat such a product when you can eat whole grains.

White rice - another cereal that has minimal benefits. Rice porridge is often consumed by athletes during the loading period. For men who are engaged strength exercises it is a fast source of carbohydrates. It helps them recover after training. White rice is digested very quickly and contains only 1-1.5 grams. fat However, it is not the best choice for weight loss.

This cereal, like semolina, is completely cleared of the shell, so there is no useful fiber in it. But as much as 80% of polysaccharides. The GI of cereal increases from 60 to 80 when cooked.

If you really like rice, buy brown or wild. They have a lower GI, fill you up quickly, and are perfect as a side dish. Brown rice has a GI of 50, and wild rice has a GI of 35. I noticed that you can’t eat too much brown rice. And after 3-4 hours you feel full. A couple of tablespoons as a side dish will be enough. So it is quite suitable for weight loss.

How to cook properly

The most healthy porridge for weight loss - properly prepared. The glycemic index of cereals may increase during cooking. I'll list you the most probable reasons increasing calorie content and GI of cereals:

  • Cooking time- at long cooking starch swells greatly. One of its molecules binds 10-20 water molecules. The more you cook, the more water contacts. Due to these properties of starch, the GI increases.
  • Cooking in the microwave– cooking in a microwave oven increases GI by 20-30 units. Under influence magnetic waves starch is quickly neutralized. Digesting such food does not require much energy. Complex carbohydrates become more accessible to enzymes. As a result, we get a more high-calorie dish. Although at work, if you want to eat, you cook rice in the microwave or boil buckwheat.
  • Adding oil- it not only increases calorie content. Oil reduces the beneficial properties of fiber. It's so delicious though :)
  • Boiling with milk– the exception is low-fat. Any other increases the calorie content of the dish.
  • Adding sugar, salt(if there is a lot) - an excess of the latter disrupts natural metabolism and stimulates swelling. A small amount of salt can be consumed. But when losing weight, no one needs fluid retention. And sugar increases the calorie content of the dish, GI and stimulates appetite. Within 30-40 minutes after such porridge you will want to eat something else sweet.

In order for porridge to really help you lose weight, try not to cook it for a long time. This is easy to do with cereals that swell in water. Fill them up in the evening hot water in a ratio of 1 part cereal to 2 parts water. And leave to swell. In the morning, let it cook, adding water until the required level cooking and bring to a boil. Then turn off the heat, leaving it covered until fully cooked.

This method of preparation will preserve fiber, more vitamins and microelements as much as possible. For flavor, add fresh or frozen berries. You can use dried fruits, some nuts, fresh fruits.

Porridge diets

Now you know what cereals you can eat while losing weight. This dish is best eaten for breakfast or lunch. It is better not to eat porridge before going to bed. For greater effectiveness, do not forget to take fluids. Fiber will cope better with its functions if you drink at least 2 liters of water a day.

Today, there are many proven diets based on cereals.

If you are going to buy cereals, buy the most common ones. Cereals with the “Organic” sticker are now available for sale. This regular products, which are no different from cereals without a sticker. The weight loss effect will not improve just from one inscription. And you will overpay 2-3 times more.

So we figured out what cereals you can eat while losing weight. Lose weight correctly and be healthy. Be sure to subscribe to updates. Join me on in social networks. Bye everyone!

Greetings, dear losers! Some people who want to lose excess weight are contraindicated. strict diets. Their body needs balanced diet, so the issue of losing weight can cause certain problems. Nutritionists say that to cope with extra pounds The cereals everyone is familiar with will help. There are weight loss cereals that will not allow you to torment yourself with strict restrictions.

From the article you will learn:

What are some weight loss cereals that burn fat?

Nutritionists have long understood that dietary cereals make it possible to cope with extra pounds. These are products that can energize you. They keep you full, so you won't have to snack as often during the day.

Porridge for weight loss

Weight loss porridges that burn fat, like flour products, contain carbohydrates. But the pastries are rich harmful substances, and cereals are healthy. In addition, cereals contain those micro- and macroelements that necessary for the body person. But remember that eating just one type of dish for too long is not recommended.

The benefits of cereals for losing excess weight are obvious. Such products make it possible to:

  • stabilize intestinal function;
  • make skin healthier;
  • normalize digestive processes;
  • prevent dangerous diseases gastrointestinal tract;
  • normalize blood cholesterol or sugar levels in diabetes.

Thanks to these positive aspects some people switched to a diet based on the consumption of some kind of cereal. But you need to understand which cereals will allow you to achieve the desired result.

Basic list of cereals for weight loss

Various cereals for weight loss, a list of which you will find below, differ in their individual properties and effects on the body. The following products are considered the most common and in demand:

  • buckwheat;
  • oatmeal;
  • millet cereal;
  • pearl barley;
  • corn grits.

It is worth understanding the features of each type in more detail.


This is the best cereal that will make it possible to cope with overweight. If you are looking for what cereals you can eat while losing weight, then Special attention give this option a try. Buckwheat contains very special slow-acting carbohydrates that can saturate the body with valuable energy. The components also make it possible to restore the muscles of people who play sports. Buckwheat contains a lot of protein, which makes it possible to preserve whole muscular system. Protein instantly satisfies appetite and prevents a person from eating a lot of sweets. Also characteristic of buckwheat:

  • positive effect on hemoglobin levels in the blood;
  • stabilization of the functioning of the nervous systems.

Oat groats

Oatmeal contains a lot of microelements, as well as fiber. Your body will benefit exclusively from:

  • the body is charged with energy, so this is the best option for breakfast;
  • your well-being will improve significantly;
  • inflammation in the internal organs is excluded, since they will be protected by a special film.

Millet cereal

This is a product that will remove dangerous components from your body. The product makes the fat burning process faster. It also enables the body to resist various diseases. This is due to the fact that the composition of millet is rich in various microelements.

Pearl barley

Such cereals for weight loss and fat loss are rightfully considered a satisfying dish, because they allow you to cope with hunger even if you consume a minimal portion. It has the following effects on the human body:

  • antioxidants make it possible to tidy up the condition of the skin and hair;
  • the intestines are quickly cleared of feces, which avoids constipation.

Corn grits

The product protects the internal digestive organs from all kinds of purulent processes. The cereal contains all the necessary components that allow you to cope with excess weight in a short period of time.

These are the healthiest cereals for weight loss that will allow you to lose weight. Add these cereals to your menu to enjoy their effective effects.

What is the lowest calorie porridge for weight loss?

The most low-calorie porridge- rice

Experts have long told people which porridge is the lowest in calories for weight loss at home. This is rice that is familiar to everyone, which is included in various dishes.

This product contains a minimum amount of calories - 323 kcal per 100 g of product. Buckwheat is characterized by an indicator of 329 kcal, and millet cereal – 334 kcal. As you can see, the difference is not very big, so you have the opportunity to focus on your taste preferences.

Rice is the healthiest porridge for weight loss, which has the following effects on the body:

  • the product makes it possible to stabilize the functioning of the digestive organs, as well as protect them from negative influences;
  • you can drink strong rice water to cope with diarrhea and indigestion;
  • this is the most dietary porridge, which is rich in B vitamins, which can improve the condition of hair and nails;
  • Rice contains a lot of potassium, which makes it possible to cleanse joints;
  • The product contains practically no salt, so you can lose weight much faster by eliminating fluid stagnation in the body.

As you can see, the lowest-calorie cereal for weight loss can bring many benefits to your body. That is why you should definitely add rice to your diet, as it will allow you to achieve the desired result faster.

Is it possible to eat instant porridge while losing weight?

On the shelves of supermarkets and small stores you can see instant oatmeal, as well as other cereal options. But is it possible to eat instant porridge while losing weight? The answer is clear: you should avoid such products.

Nutritionists say that the dish must be prepared correctly. You must follow certain technologies in order for the cereal to yield effective result. If you simply pour boiling water over the product, it will not be tasty enough. Also similar product will not make you feel better, because it does not contain useful components.

Healthy cereals for women's weight loss

Oatmeal is rich in fiber, as well as vitamins of almost all groups. Mineral elements - zinc, magnesium, phosphorus - are also necessary for your body. You can become the owner slim body without strict diets. However, you should not overeat, because high-calorie product may add extra pounds to you.

Among the useful cereals for women's weight loss, buckwheat can be distinguished. The product contains not only complex carbohydrates, but also protein. A small portion will allow you to recharge with energy and vigor for the rest of the day. Buckwheat contains iron, which can increase hemoglobin in the blood.

Barley porridge also belongs to healthy cereals for weight loss for women, which can be consumed regularly without harming your figure. It makes it possible to stabilize metabolic processes and also prevent fat deposition. It is better to eat barley porridge for breakfast, as it gives you a feeling of fullness throughout the day, which will protect you from unplanned snacks.

A dish made from millet is a valuable option for women losing weight. The low-calorie product makes it possible to stabilize fat metabolism, as well as remove dangerous components from the human body. Thanks to this, blood circulation improves, so useful microelements will enter all internal organ systems.

Millet resembles wheat groats in its main characteristics. The product removes dangerous components from the human body. Fat also begins to be actively burned. Millet contains all microelements useful for humans. You can eat millet porridge to cope with five extra kilos in short period time. Be sure to include this cereal in your diet to get an ideal figure.

These are the most best products for weight loss at home. If you want to become the owner slim figure, be sure to include them in your menu. It is very easy to prepare such porridges, because the process will not take much of your time. The main thing is that you do not add seasonings, salt, sugar and other ingredients.

A diet that contains all the cereals for weight loss

There are women who cannot go on a diet whose menu includes only one type of cereal. That is why experts have developed a diet for such representatives of the fairer sex. different types porridge.

This diet should last no more than 10 days. You need to change the cereal daily so that your body gets the maximum valuable microelements and nutrients.

Diet days Nutrition method
First Eat oatmeal, which is prepared without adding all kinds of seasonings.
Second Eat rice cereal cooked in the same way as described above.
Third Add delicious buckwheat to your diet.
Fourth Eat bright millet porridge yellow color, because it will saturate the body with many useful components.
Fifth You can only eat barley porridge without seasonings.
Sixth Eat porridge made from pearl barley.
Seventh Eat millet porridge.
Eighth You can start eating oatmeal again.
Ninth Switch to rice grains again.
Tenth Eat buckwheat porridge throughout the day.

If you want the results of a diet that contains all the cereals for weight loss to last for a long time, stick to simple rules after such a diet. Avoid eating fatty and fatty foods for a month. spicy foods. You should also not overeat, smoke or drink alcohol.

Be careful about your diet, eliminating everything from it harmful products. Remember that fried, smoked, overly salted and too sweet foods are harmful to your body. Toxins accumulate in it, which interfere internal organs function stably.

The right way out of the porridge diet

When the diet is completed, it is necessary to gradually exit it so that the body does not get stressed. It is necessary to gradually introduce those products that were not in the above menu. But remember that you should start with small portions, gradually increasing the amount of products:

  • vegetable soups, hard-boiled or soft-boiled eggs;
  • boiled chicken meat, kefir with minimum percentage fat content;
  • homemade cottage cheese, fresh fruits;
  • hard cheese, slightly dried bread.

If you do everything gradually and carefully, you can return to your usual diet. Your body will receive sufficient quantity microelements and vitamins for the stable functioning of all organ systems.

Main contraindications to cereal diets

There are very few contraindications for this diet, but you need to read them carefully. You should avoid this diet if you suffer from the following problems:

  • presence of problems with the digestive system;
  • if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you cannot follow this diet;
  • give up cereals if you are diagnosed with diabetes;
  • people with various diseases kidneys that regularly get worse should also give up such nutrition;
  • It is forbidden to go on a diet if you have problems with the functioning of your heart.

If you take into account the state of your health, then cereals will only bring benefits to your body. You can consult with a specialist before starting such a diet so that it will allow you to improve your health.

Various weight loss cereals will allow you to cope with extra pounds without much difficulty. The main thing is that you stick to this diet without making concessions to yourself. Only in this case will you have the opportunity to become the owner of an ideal figure.

Video: What cereals help you lose weight

Take care of your health and be beautiful!


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