How do magnetic waves affect humans? The effect of electromagnetic waves on humans

Kraft Evgeniy, Dyachkova Elena

Since the 60s of the last century, the scientific and technological revolution began. It was at that time that the first computers and radiotelephones were invented, and the first satellite communications were developed and launched. In parallel with these innovations, the number of sources of electromagnetic radiation common at that time increased: radar stations; radio relay stations; television towers. Around the same time, advanced industrial countries began to become interested in the effects of electromagnetic radiation on human health. Now electronics, which we can no longer do without, accompany us around the clock both at work and at leisure. Televisions, microwave ovens, mobile phones, computers, on the one hand, help us, but on the other hand, they pose an invisible but sure threat to our health - electromagnetic smog - a set of EM radiation from man-made instruments and devices. Most people are exposed to EMFs of varying levels and frequencies on a daily basis. The greatest danger to humans is the influence of electromagnetic radiation with a frequency of 40 - 70 GHz, which is due to the commensurability of the length of EM waves with the size of human cells. Now it’s no secret to anyone that a person is capable of absorbing the energy of electromagnetic waves of a wide range of frequencies, which subsequently leads to heating of living structures and cell death. Scientists propose recognizing the impact of the electromagnetic field on human health as one of the most dangerous factors and taking strict measures to protect the world's population.



MBOU Matyshevskaya Secondary School

Physics Research Paper

on the topic

"The influence of electromagnetic radiation

on the human body"

Completed by: Kraft Evgeniy, 11th grade student,

Dyachkova Elena, 10th grade student

Head: Kalinina N.V.

2011/2012 academic year Year

Goal of the work:

Study the influence of electromagnetic radiation on the human body.

Tasks :

1. Find out how electromagnetic radiation interacts with the human body.

2. Study how electromagnetic radiation affects the human body.

3. Identify the main harmful factors of the influence of a computer, mobile phone and microwave oven on the human body.

4. Conduct your research:

a) Find out the availability of computers for secondary school students,

b) Determine the influence of PC on students’ attention, memory, and vision.

  1. Problem.

  2. The influence of electromagnetic radiation on the human body.

  3. Harm from microwaves, cell phones and computers.

  4. Consequences of working on a computer.

  5. Our research.

  6. How to protect yourself from electromagnetic radiation.

  7. Conclusion.

  8. Applications.

  1. Problem

Since the 60s of the last century, the scientific and technological revolution began. It was at that time that the first computers and radiotelephones were invented (the first mobile phones weighed about 50 kg and were carried in cars), and the first satellite communications were developed and launched. In parallel with these innovations, the number of sources of electromagnetic radiation common at that time increased: radar stations; radio relay stations; television towers. Around the same time, advanced industrial countries began to become interested in the effects of electromagnetic radiation on human health.

The greatest danger to humans is the influence of electromagnetic radiation with a frequency of 40 - 70 GHz, which is due to the commensurability of the length of EM waves with the size of human cells.

At the beginning of the 21st century, the highest frequency communication was with satellites (11 GHz) and although the power of the transmitted signal was high, only microwatts reached the Earth's surface. In 2009, mobile operators presented city residents with another surprise - by increasing the communication frequency between base stations to 25 GHz (to increase the amount of transmitted data and provide better quality mobile communications). Thus, the influence of electromagnetic radiation on the human body at frequencies of 40 - 70 GHz has once again increased sharply and we can only hope that the results will not be very sad. The widespread use of electronic devices in the national economy began around the middle of the last century, but after 10 years, leading scientists realized that it would not be possible to use their advantages with impunity. After all, everything that is plugged into an outlet and conducts electric current is a source of an electromagnetic field, which is not harmless to the body. Over the past 20 years in the world, the number of devices and devices that use electricity has increased thousands of times. Now electronics, which we can no longer do without, accompany us around the clock both at work and at leisure. Televisions, microwave ovens, mobile phones, computers, on the one hand, help us, but on the other hand, they pose an invisible but sure threat to our health - electromagnetic smog - a set of EM radiation from man-made instruments and devices. Most people are exposed to EMFs of varying levels and frequencies every day, for example:

  1. all day you work with a personal computer, irradiating you at frequencies of 10 - 70 GHz with a very weak electromagnetic field;
  2. in the evening at home you are in EMF created by household appliances, etc.

As a result of experiments in the 60s, it was established that electromagnetic waves are capable of interacting with living organisms and transferring their energy to them. Now it’s no secret to anyone that a person is capable of absorbing the energy of electromagnetic waves of a wide range of frequencies, which subsequently leads to heating of living structures and cell death. Scientists propose recognizing the impact of the electromagnetic field on human health as one of the most dangerous factors and taking strict measures to protect the world's population.

That is why the problem of the impact of electromagnetic fields on the human body is relevant today.

  1. The influence of electromagnetic radiation on the human body

We are all full-fledged residents of the modern world, and we notice the accelerated pace of development in the electronics industry. This is primarily due to rapid technical and scientific progress throughout the world. For ordinary people, such changes resulted in the appearance of a large amount of electronic equipment in everyday life. For example, in every person’s home you can find a microwave oven, a refrigerator, a TV, an automatic washing machine and other useful devices, not to mention such little things as a hair dryer, an electric razor, and even a shoe dryer that consumes electricity. In just a short time, our apartments have turned from a zone of peace and comfort into concrete chambers with an increased level of electromagnetic radiation. But it is hardly possible to escape from an overabundance of EMR in the workplace, because according to statistics, about 30% of the population spend most of their working time at the computer. It has been established that the electromagnetic radiation of all human-made devices on the planet exceeds the level of the Earth’s natural geomagnetic field by millions of times! Field strength increases especially sharply near power lines, radio and television stations, radar and radio communications (including mobile and satellite), various energy and energy-intensive installations, and urban electric transport. Currently, advanced scientific centers all over the world are conducting research into the influence of electromagnetic fields on the human body. The obtained facts forced the World Health Organization to recognize the threat of the influence of electromagnetic fields as fundamental to human health and life. Here are some of them: studies conducted by scientists from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm showed that children under the age of 15 are 2.7 times more likely to develop leukemia when exposed to a magnetic field stronger than 0.2 μT. And if the field is more than 0.3 µT, children get sick 3.8 times more often. The results of their research were confirmed by scientists from the Swedish National Institute of Occupational Diseases, proving that the influence of electromagnetic fields from power lines leads to an increase in the number of cases of blood and brain cancer in children and adults. Statistics from the World Health Organization (WHO) show that when working on a computer, children's vision deteriorates at a rate of 1 diopter per year. In a 10-year-old child, negative changes in the blood and urine appear 15-20 minutes after starting to work on the computer, in a 16-year-old child - after 30-40 minutes, and in an adult - after 2 hours, bringing the composition of their blood closer to the blood of cancer patients . At the same time, negative changes also occur in the immune, endocrine and central nervous systems. A strong negative impact of computer electromagnetic fields has been noted on the reproductive function of both women and men. Swedish scientists have found that pregnant women who work on a computer are 1.5 times more likely to have miscarriages and have a 2.5 times higher risk of having children with congenital disorders of the central nervous system and heart disease. Therefore, pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers are strictly prohibited from working on computers, and women planning to become pregnant are recommended to reduce the time they work with a computer to a minimum or completely abandon it 2-3 months before the proposed date of conceiving a child. There is a direct correlation in the development of malignant tumors in those people who constantly work with video display terminals, cordless phones or radio transmitters. Thus, a high number of brain cancer cases was recorded among American police officers, and the reason for this was the harmful influence of the electromagnetic fields of radio transmitters that they constantly used.According to experts from the World Health Organization, the result of prolonged exposure to electromagnetic fields, even at relatively weak levels, as proven by studies conducted in a number of countries, can be: cancer, behavior changes, memory loss, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases, sudden death syndrome of an apparently healthy person ( more often this is observed in the subway, trains or near powerful electric power plants), suppression of sexual function, an increase in the number of suicides in large cities and many other negative conditions. The most dangerous influence of electromagnetic fields is for the developing organism in the womb, children, as well as people susceptible to allergies diseases.

  1. Interaction of electromagnetic radiation with the human body.

Often when communicating with people the following questions are heard:

  1. Is electromagnetic radiation really harmful?
  2. how exactly does the process of influence of electromagnetic radiation on the human body occur;
  3. why over the past three to four years electromagnetic smog has become the number 1 threat throughout the world.

Let's look at how electromagnetic energy can interact with the human body in general. Scientists have identified several types of effects of electromagnetic radiation on humans.

Firstly, the human body is sensitive to electrical current flowing through the body. Any electrical device that creates a powerful magnetic field (hair dryer, power lines, household appliances) has this effect on a person. For example, while in a subway car, a person is inside a strong magnetic field, which causes electric currents in the body that pose a serious danger to human health. It is against this type of impact of electromagnetic radiation that public organizations that protect human health are fighting, tactfully keeping silent about other, much more harmful, types of impact of electromagnetic radiation on the human body.

Secondly, certain trace elements in the human body are capable of absorbing electromagnetic energy of certain frequencies from the external environment. We can observe this effect when heating food in a microwave oven - electromagnetic radiation of high frequencies (2.4 GHz) resonates with water molecules in food, transferring energy to it and heating it. Likewise, various structures in the human body absorb electromagnetic energy from EMR over a huge range of frequencies. It turns out that all electronic devices created by man somehow interfere with the human body from performing its functions.

But the most dangerous is the third type of influence of electromagnetic radiation. Everyone knows that a person consists of the smallest living structures - cells. Chemical processes take place inside each cell that determine a person’s emotions and thoughts at every single moment in time. As a result of certain chemical reactions, human cells produce an electrical current necessary for communication between cells and the nervous system and the correct performance of the functions of the human body. Electric currents, in turn, create an electromagnetic field around each cell, and by merging from all cells together they form an electromagnetic field (aura) around a person at certain frequencies (40-70 GHz). And if a person is exposed to external electromagnetic radiation at these frequencies, the power of which is above a certain level, then the person’s own electromagnetic field is destroyed, as a result of which disturbances occur in the chemical processes in human cells. As a result, it turns out that even a small amount of electromagnetic radiation leads to serious disorders in the human body, weakens the immune system and causes all kinds of diseases.

  1. Harm to health from microwave ovens.

In the process of life, a person is constantly in the zone of action of the electromagnetic field (EMF) of the Earth. This field, called background, has a certain level at each frequency that does not harm human health and is considered normal. The natural electromagnetic spectrum covers waves with frequencies from hundredths and tenths of Hz to thousands of GHz. Power lines and strong radio transmitting devices create an electromagnetic field that is several times higher than the permissible level. To protect humans, special sanitary standards have been developed (GOST 12.1.006-84 regulates the impact of electromagnetic radiation on humans), including those that prohibit the construction of residential and other facilities near strong sources of electromagnetic radiation. Often more dangerous are sources of weak electromagnetic radiation that operate over a long period of time. Such sources mainly include audio-video and household appliances. The most significant impact on the human body is exerted by mobile phones, microwave ovens, computers and televisions.

More than 90% of homes have Microwave Ovens (MOUs). Cooking in them is very convenient, fast, and economical in terms of energy consumption. Most people don't even think about the safety of food cooked in a microwave oven for human health. Now there is research that proves that cooking food in microwave ovens is not natural, healthy, not healthy and much more dangerous than we can imagine. Each microwave oven contains a magnetron, which creates an electromagnetic field with a wavelength of approximately 2450 MHz (or 2.45 GHz). These waves, in contact with food molecules, change their polarity from + to - and back for each wave cycle, i.e. millions of times per second. As a result of the influence of electromagnetic radiation on a substance, ionization of molecules is possible, i.e. an atom can gain or lose an electron - the structure of the substance changes. Molecules are deformed and destroyed. However, microwave ovens are manufactured, sold, and politicians ignore all the facts and evidence of the harmfulness of microwave ovens. And people continue to use microwave ovens without knowing about their negative effects and health hazards. And given the fact that such a useful device can easily fit into any kitchen, the popularity of microwaves is only increasing every day. And official government agencies do not investigate the safety of microwave ovens.

Mobile phone damage.

Compared to any other household or office equipment, a mobile phone is more harmful because... creates at the moment of conversation a powerful stream of electromagnetic radiation directed directly to the head. Therefore, in the United States, which was the first to acquire mobile phones, today there is a record surge in brain cancer. Electromagnetic radiation of the radio frequency range generated by the tube is absorbed by the tissues of the head, in particular, by the tissues of the brain, the retina of the eye, the structures of the visual, vestibular and auditory analyzers, and the radiation acts both directly on individual organs and structures, and indirectly, through a conductor, on the nervous system " Scientists have proven that when electromagnetic waves penetrate tissues, they cause heating. Over time, this adversely affects the functioning of the entire body, in particular, the functioning of the nervous, cardiovascular, and endocrine systems; electromagnetic waves have a detrimental effect on vision. Studies conducted in Russia have shown the negative impact of the electromagnetic fields of a working mobile phone on the lens of the eye, blood composition and sexual function of mice and rats. Moreover, these changes were irreversible even after exposure to them for more than 2 weeks. If you use your mobile phone as a regular home phone, that is, indefinitely, your immunity is at serious risk.

Scientists warn that children who use mobile phones are at increased risk of memory and sleep disorders.

The effect of harmful electromagnetic radiation is similar to radio interference, the radiation disrupts the stability of body cells, disrupts the functioning of the nervous system, causing headaches, memory loss and sleep disorders. Even the most ordinary non-working mobile phone, if it is just lying next to your bed, can prevent you from getting enough sleep. The fact is that electromagnetic radiation from a mobile phone, even in standby mode, negatively affects the central nervous system, disrupting the normal alternation of sleep phases. As it turns out, it’s not just electromagnetic radiation from a phone that can pose a danger to human health. More recently, a new round of debate on this topic was caused by events in China, where several people were injured by a lightning strike on a cell phone. In France, the meteorological service also warned all residents of the country that it is dangerous to use mobile phones during a thunderstorm, since “they are conductors of electrical discharge and can cause lightning to strike a person.” At the same time, you don’t have to call on it; it is enough that it is turned on. In Sweden, they officially recognized the existence of allergies to mobile phones and took an unprecedented step: all mobile allergy sufferers can receive a substantial amount from the budget (about 250 thousand dollars) and move to remote areas of the country where there is no cellular communication or television. In Russia, a national program to study the harmful effects of mobile phones on human health should be adopted in September. However, “one must understand that the study of long-term consequences will take more than one year. We will be able to put an end to the discussion about the degree of harmful effects of cellular communications only in a couple of decades.” Indeed, in the immediate vicinity of the most important human organs, when talking on a mobile phone, electromagnetic energy is emitted, the power of which is greatest in the near zone. The same energy is emitted that rotates electric motors and cooks chicken in the microwave. Naturally, this energy penetrates the head and affects the brain and other human organs. Therefore, we should expect some kind of response from them to this impact. Moreover, this reaction can be either immediate, simultaneous with the impact, or delayed and appear later, perhaps after hours, days and years. In this case, it is necessary to take into account many factors: a person’s age, the presence of pathologies, his heredity, physiological state in general and, especially when using a mobile phone, time of day, seasonal phenomena, temperature, atmospheric pressure, phase of the moon, the presence of drugs and alcohol in blood, type and brand of mobile phone, cellular standard, call duration, frequency of calls, number of calls per day, per month, etc., etc. It is also necessary to add: the size and shape of the ears, the shape and material of the earrings, the presence and composition of dust on the ears and behind the ears,….

Believe me, this is not a joke...

Today, mobile phone manufacturers warn users on the devices themselves or in passports about possible harmful effects (they were finally forced!) and always indicate the relative power level of electromagnetic radiation SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) measured in watts per kilogram of human brain mass. In most countries, the maximum permissible level is 1.6 W/kg. And now you won’t find cell phones with SAR levels greater than 2 W/kg. About 5 years ago, the first cell phones of the old standards had more powerful transmitters and significantly exceeded these levels, but now these values ​​​​are usually less than 1.5 W/kg, and the most advanced ones have this value below 0.5 W/kg. Expert of the Ecology Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences A.Yu. Somov scientifically proved that of the 32 cell phones he tested, not a single one meets the stated criteria security.

Useful effects of a mobile phone. It is a myth?

Over the past few years, information has been popping up on the Internet about the benefits of a mobile phone for people who are sick with certain diseases. Israeli scientists from Ben-Gurion University suggest that electromagnetic radiation from cell phones may be beneficial for health. Laboratory experiments have shown that in some cases it slows down the development of cancer. During the experiment, scientists transplanted cancer cells into laboratory mice and then controlled the rate of development of the tumor node. Some animals were exposed to electromagnetic fields similar to cell phone radiation. Analysis of the results showed that in animals exposed to electromagnetic radiation, tumors developed much more slowly than in those individuals that were not exposed to any influence. After the end of the experiment, scientists concluded that prolonged exposure to electromagnetic fields had the same effect on the test subjects’ bodies as vaccines used to prevent infectious diseases. Electromagnetic radiation causes cell damage, which leads to the activation of the body's defense systems. And if at this moment a malignant tumor begins to develop in the body, then it is exposed to powerful effects from the immune system, which slows down its growth. The research is good, but either something is left out, or the conclusions are drawn incorrectly. First, electromagnetic radiation damages ALL cells in the body, especially those located close to the source of radiation, which is why cancer cells die. Secondly, and most importantly, the immune system is also damaged. Consequently, as soon as the radiation ends, the cancerous tumor will grow even faster.

We can conclude -electromagnetic radiation from a mobile phone has such a strong effect on the human body that even healthy cells die
To fully answer questions about the dangers of EMR to human health, it will be necessary to conduct research for 15 - 20 years. During this time, the results of all experiments, of which several hundred have already been planned, will be collected, the data obtained will be combined into an overall picture, in order to ultimately say with 100% accuracy exactly how electromagnetic radiation affects (or does not affect) human health.

The influence of a personal computer on the human body

Microwave ovens operate mainly for a short time (on average from 1 to 7 minutes), televisions cause significant harm only when located at a close distance from viewers. Against this background, the problem of electromagnetic radiation from a PC, that is, the influence of computers on the human body, becomes quite acute due to several reasons. The computer has two sources of electromagnetic radiation (monitor and system unit).

In addition, there are several secondary factors that aggravate the situation, these include working in a cramped, unventilated room and the concentration of many PCs in one place. The monitor, especially its side and rear walls, is a very powerful source of EMR. And although every year more and more stringent standards are adopted to limit the radiation power of the monitor, this only leads to the application of a better protective coating on the front part of the screen, and the side and back panels still remain powerful sources of radiation. According to recent studies, the human body is most sensitive to the electromagnetic field located at frequencies of 40 - 70 GHz, since the wavelengths at these frequencies are comparable to the size of cells and a small level of the electromagnetic field is enough to cause significant damage to human health. A distinctive feature of modern computers is an increase in the operating frequencies of the central processor and peripheral devices, as well as an increase in power consumption to 400 - 500 W. As a result, the level of system unit radiation at frequencies of 40 - 70 GHz has increased thousands of times over the past 2 - 3 years and has become a much more serious problem than monitor radiation.

  1. Consequences of working on a PC

Increased electromagnetic background largely ensures the impact of PC on human health. As a result of prolonged work at the computer for several days, a person feels tired, becomes extremely irritable, often answers questions with unambiguous answers, and wants to lie down. This phenomenon in modern society is called chronic fatigue syndrome and, according to official medicine, cannot be treated.

Today, at least 3 main types of influence of a computer on a person are known.

  1. The first of them is a disruption in the functioning of certain body systems due to sedentary work. This significantly affected the musculoskeletal, muscular, circulatory systems, etc.
  2. The next type of impact is when the user concentrates on the monitor screen for an extended period of time, that is, damage to the computer can manifest itself in various problems with the visual system.
  3. The third and final type of interaction between a computer and a person is harmful electromagnetic radiation, which, according to recent research in this area, may be one of the most dangerous factors for human health.

And although over the past 10 years, manufacturers have significantly reduced the level of radiation from the front of the monitor, there are still side and rear panels, as well as the system unit, the power and operating frequencies of which are constantly increasing, and therefore the level of dangerous high-frequency electromagnetic radiation is also increasing. Although manufacturers make statements such as: harm to a computer is an unsubstantiated fiction, you must be careful with this electronic device, otherwise you may be at risk To your health .

Electromagnetic radiation has the greatest impact on the immune, nervous, endocrine and reproductive systems. The immune system reduces the release of special enzymes into the blood that perform a protective function, and the cellular immune system weakens. The endocrine system begins to release more adrenaline into the blood, and as a result, the load on the body’s cardiovascular system increases. Blood thickening occurs, resulting in cells not receiving enough oxygen. In a person exposed to electromagnetic radiation for a long time, sexual attraction to the opposite sex decreases (this is partly a consequence of fatigue, partly caused by changes in the activity of the endocrine system), and potency decreases. Changes in the nervous system are visible to the naked eye. As noted above, signs of the disorder are irritability, fatigue, weakened memory, sleep disturbance, general tension, people become fussy. Very serious illnesses can occur under the influence of electromagnetic radiation. These are cases of blood clotting disorders, hypotension, dysfunction of the spinal cord, etc. No scientist or doctor is now able to name all the consequences and symptoms. At the moment, this threat is considered much more dangerous than the effects of half-life products and heavy metals after the Chernobyl accident.

These are the consequences of the influence of electromagnetic radiation from a computer on human health.

Protective measures include regular walks in the fresh air, ventilating the room, playing sports, exercising your eyes (Appendix 4), following the rules of working at the computer (Appendix 1), working with good equipment that meets existing safety and sanitary standards. It is also important to know the rules for working on a computer (Appendix 3)

  1. Our research
  1. Studying the influence of PC on attention and memory

Nowadays, life without a computer has become impossible, and it has become necessary in work and study. Not so long ago it was believed that since the effect of a computer is not visible, it means that the computer does not affect the body at all.

Our own research observations indicate that, most likely, the computer causes significant harm to health.

This work was carried out in two stages

Stage 1: survey and analysis of questionnaires.

Object of study: students of secondary education school (from fifth to eleventh grade).

Subject of study:the provision of schoolchildren with computers, work on computers and the well-being of schoolchildren after working on a computer.

Methodical research procedure: This sociological study is not continuous, but selective, since not all children have a computer at home. It makes sense to interview several people from different classes in order to get a general, detailed understanding of the issue under study.


General population – students (from 5th to 11th grade) of a secondary school

Sample population – 10 people: students of 10th and 11th grade.

The age of the respondents is from 10 to 16 years.

Social groups – high school students.

Education – incomplete secondary school.

Survey instruments: questionnaire.

Stage 2:

A study of attention in 10 schoolchildren before working on a computer, after one hour of work, after three hours of work using methods described in more detail in the relevant chapters.

Equipment and materials: attention study tables, stopwatch.

Discussion of survey results(Appendix 5)

79 people took part in the survey. 53 students (67%) have home computers. In addition, another 23 people use computers from friends or relatives (29%).

In total, the provision of computers at school is 67%!!!

22% of respondents answered – 2-3 times a week. 8.9% - occasionally, 69% - every day.

The answers to this question were very varied: from 1 hour to look on the Internet to 8 hours.

The vast majority of respondents (96.2%) named all three answer options and only 3.8% of respondents said that they are not connected to the Internet. 30 hours – addicted to games, 51 hours – engaged in educational activities, 50 hours – “surfing” on the Internet

6. Do you know the rules of working with a computer?

2 people, which is 2.5%, do not know the rules of working with a computer. The rest answered that they knew, but they could not answer all of our questions about these rules. Only 1 person correctly named the basic requirements for working at a computer.

60 people (76%) respondents answered that sometimes the computer helps (for example, in writing essays), and sometimes interferes with their studies.

Only 73% confidently answered that the computer affects health, 14% of children found it difficult to answer this question, and 13% believed that the computer does not affect health at all.

56% of students are concerned about their own health.

The sum of the indicated percentages does not equal 100, since it was allowed to mark several options.

Thus, in a small school, where mainly children of not very wealthy parents live, the number of computer users is 67%.

In addition, we conducted an additional study of the vision of students in grades 5–11. Of the 79 people, 22 people have poor vision (15 of them are high school students), which is 27.8%. About a third of them (16 people) associate their vision deterioration with sitting at the computer for a long time.

2) Study of the influence of a computer on the stability of attention in schoolchildren in grades 10 and 11.

To perform this part of the work, we used Landolt's technique. It allows you to quickly and fairly quickly, under conditions that ensure students’ increased interest in the content of the tasks being performed, evaluate such indicators of attention as its distribution and stability at the same time. The latter circumstance is important if psychodiagnostics is carried out on adolescents who are extremely mobile and, as a rule, are not able to perform relatively uninteresting test tasks for a long time without distraction.

Stage 1 – control.

Methodology for assessing the distribution and stability of attention

using 25-digit single-color numeric tables

The stimulus material for this technique are 5 black and white 25-digit tables presented in Fig. In the cells of these tables numbers are placed in random order - from 1 to 25.

The procedure for applying the technique is as follows. The subject looks through the first table and finds, indicating in it all the numbers from 1 to 25. Then, he does the same with all the other tables. The speed of operation is taken into account, i.e. The time spent searching for all the numbers in each table. The average time spent working with one table is determined. This is done by calculating the sum of the time required for all five tables, which is then divided by 5. The result is the average time spent working on one table. It is a numerical index of the child’s attention distribution.

In order to evaluate the stability of attention using the same method, it is necessary to compare the time spent viewing each table. If from the first to the fifth table this time changes slightly and the difference in the time spent viewing individual tables does not exceed 10 seconds, then attention is considered stable. In the opposite case, the conclusion is made about insufficient stability of attention.

A, B, C, D, E – Matrices for the method of assessing the distribution and stability of attention.

Stage 1 – control:

time spent working with cell A

time spent working with cell B

working time with cell B

time of work with cell G

time spent working with cell D

45 sec

39 sec

46 sec

47 sec

39 sec


The results obtained are within the age norm. Sustainability of attention is good.

Stage 2 – after one hour of work at the computer:

time spent working with cell A

time spent working with cell B

working time with cell B

time of work with cell G

time spent working with cell D

Average time to work with cells

56 sec

37 sec

48 sec

59 sec

51 sec


The time spent working with each cell has increased quite significantly. Sustainability of attention is good.

Stage 3 – after three hours of working with the computer:

time spent working with cell A

time spent working with cell B

working time with cell B

time of work with cell G

time spent working with cell D

Average time to work with cells

91 sec

69 sec

95 sec

94 sec

106 sec

91 sec

The time spent working with each cell has increased significantly. In addition, the difference in time when working with each subsequent cell is 11 seconds or more, which indicates very strong fatigue. Of the 10 subjects, all showed a deviation from the norm after 3 hours of work on the computer.Thus, working on a computer affects the stability of attention in schoolchildren.

  1. Studying the influence of a computer on attention span

for schoolchildren in grades 10 and 11.

To perform this part of the work, we used the Munstenberg technique. The technique is aimed at determining the selectivity of attention and can also be used to diagnose concentration and noise immunity.


Among the set of letters there are words. The task is to find and underline these words as quickly as possible

The study group consisted of 10 people. The study was carried out in three stages.

Stage 1 – control.

Stage 2 – after one hour of working at the computer.

Stage 3 – after three hours of working at the computer.

Münstenberg technique form

First option


Second option


Discussion of the results obtained

Stage 1 – control.

The average time spent on this job is 116.8 seconds. There were no missing words.

Stage 2 – after one hour of working on the computer.

The average time spent on this job is 136.5 seconds. Among the ten subjects, there were 3 unfound words.

Stage 3 – after three hours of work on the computer.

The average time spent on performing this work is 185 seconds, i.e. more than three minutes!

Thus, working at a computer significantly affects the mental processes of a student, in particular the distribution and stability of attention.

4. Conclusions

1. Availability of computers even in schools, where families, as a rule, have a small income - 67%.

2. The main harmful factors when working at a computer include: sitting for a long time, exposure to electromagnetic radiation from the monitor, stress on vision, the spine, overload of the joints of the hands, respiratory diseases, allergies, mental disorders.

3. 27.8% of students in grades 5–11 have poor vision, about half cite the reason for their vision deterioration as prolonged “sitting” at the computer.

4. Working at a computer significantly affects the mental processes of a student, in particular the distribution and stability of attention.

  1. Conclusion

In conclusion, we can say that many hypotheses are now being built about the effect of PC on health. It is even suggested that radiation causes cancerous tumors. But this has not yet been proven. BYE... But if this is proven true in 5-10 years, then those who neglected the simple rules of their own safety will no longer be able to be helped. So a lot of people need to think about the future.

Another hypothesis, also not yet proven, is that the computer affects the structure of the chromosomal apparatus and leads to mutations. If this is so, then in 50-100 years there will not be a single healthy person left on Earth.

All this makes you wonder what will happen next. And should you sit in front of a glowing screen for extra hours?

You can replace or repair a computer that has become unusable, but this does not happen to the body. Therefore, when buying another PC, think about what is more important to you and, in addition to the performance of your electronic assistant, take care of yourself. You need to take care of your health now so that you don’t experience excruciating pain in the future.

This work aroused extreme interest among all students at our school. Perhaps someone lied in front of his classmates when he said that he had a computer. But, all the same, we did not at all expect such a provision of computers for modern schoolchildren.

Children from the entire school showed interest in this work, and in the process of research they themselves became convinced of the harm that a computer causes to the health and psyche of a child.

In addition, many have finally learned the rules of working on a computer, which makes our work even more valuable and relevant.

Annex 1

Rules for working on a PC

1. Install an optical filter on the screen (if there is no built-in one).

2. The top edge of the monitor should be at eye level, and the bottom edge of the screen should be approximately 20 degrees below eye level.

3. The computer screen should be at a distance of 40-75 cm from the eyes.

4. The illumination of the screen should be equal to the illumination of the room.

5. When working with the keyboard, the elbow joint should be at an angle of 90 degrees.

6. Every 10 minutes, look away from the screen for 5-10 seconds (for example, towards the window).

7. Do not work on the keyboard continuously for more than 30 minutes.

8. At the first sign of hand pain, consult a doctor immediately.

9. Organize work in such a way that the nature of the operations performed changes during the working day.

10. The duration of direct work with a computer depends on the availability of skills and the severity of the work and is: for schoolchildren - 1 hour with a break of 15-20 minutes; for adults - 4 hours with a break of 20 minutes every 2 hours.

Appendix 2

Here are some useful tips:

1. Correct posture.When working at a computer, you should sit directly in front of the screen, so that the top of the screen is at eye level. Under no circumstances should you work at a computer while lying down. You cannot work at a computer while eating, or sit slouched, otherwise the normal functioning of your internal organs will be disrupted.

2. Distance from eyes to monitorshould be 45-60 cm. If you play on a TV set-top box, the distance from your eyes to the TV screen should be at least 3 m.

3. Protective means.If you or your child wears glasses, they should also be worn while working on the computer. You can also use special safety glasses with filter lenses.

4. Proper lighting.The room where the computer is located should be well lit. In sunny weather, cover the windows with curtains to prevent glare from the monitor.

5. Well-being. You should not work at a computer if you are sick or weakened. This will further tire the body and slow down the healing process.

6. Maintain a work and rest schedule.From time to time you need to look at foreign objects in the room, and every half hour take a break for 10-15 minutes. When we watch TV or work at the computer, our eyes blink 6 times less than under normal conditions, and, therefore, are washed less often by tear fluid. This can lead to drying out of the cornea.

7. Special gymnastics.During the break, it is recommended to do eye exercises. You need to stand by the window, look into the distance, and then quickly concentrate your gaze on the tip of your nose. And so 10 times in a row. Then you need to blink quickly for 20-30 seconds. There is another exercise: look sharply first up, then left, down and right. Repeat the procedure 10 times, then close your eyes and let them rest.

8. Nutrition. It is very useful to take vitamin A. It is responsible for the sensitivity of the eyes to bright light and sudden changes in image. Just follow the instructions exactly: excess vitamin. And it doesn’t lead to anything good.

Appendix 3

Standards for working on a computer for children

Option 1 - these are standard standards developed by the Ministry of Health based on computer classes equipped with ordinary school furniture and computers manufactured earlier than 1997 - with outdated displays, simple software and the absence of dynamic games.

Option 2 - these are more modern standards, focused on lyceums and approximately corresponding to a specialized home workplace. They require a high-contrast display, special furniture, air conditioning and dust collection systems.

Option 3 - This is a top-class option that provides for working on a computer with a liquid crystal display.


Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

Working on a computer is prohibited

30 minutes per week

45 minutes per week

30 minutes per week

45 minutes per week

45 minutes per week

1 hour per week

1.5 hours per week,

no more than 45 minutes a day

2 hours a week,

no more than 1 hour a day

2 hours per week

2.5 hours per week,

no more than 1 hour a day

2.5 hours per week,

no more than 1 hour a day


4 hours a week

6 hours a week,

no more than 1 hour a day

7 hours a week

no more than 1 hour a day

Children under three years of age are not recommended to work on a computer or play computer games.

A preschool child is allowed to spend no more than 30 minutes a day at the computer.

Appendix 4

Gymnastics for the eyes when working on a PC

After performing each exercise, it is advisable to close and relax your eyes (for one minute).

1) Frequent blinking of the eyes. Blink quickly and easily for 2 minutes.Helps improve blood circulation.

2) Close your eyes tightly for 3-5 seconds, and then open your eyes for 3-5 seconds. Repeat 7 times.Strengthens the eyelid muscles, improves blood circulation, and helps relax the eye muscles.

3) Exercise “exercise bike for the eyes”: move your gaze in different directions (in a circle - clockwise and counterclockwise, right - left, up - down, figure eight). The eyes can be open or closed, as desired. If your eyes are open, then when you move your gaze, pay attention to the surrounding objects.Strengthens the eye muscles.

4) Using three fingers of each hand, lightly press on the upper eyelids, after 1-2 seconds, remove your fingers from the eyelids. Repeat 3 times.Improves the circulation of intraocular fluid.

5) Exercise “near - far”: attach a small picture or coin to the window (or find any point on the window), look at the picture for 4-5 seconds, then the same amount at a distant object outside the window. Repeat 10 times.Relieves fatigue, facilitates visual work at close range.

Appendix 5

Questionnaire for students

Dear respondent!

To find out the availability of computers for secondary school students and the impact of a computer on your health, we ask you to answer the questions presented in this questionnaire.

Thank you in advance for participating in the survey!

1. Provision of computers for school students

a) has his own

b) I use my friends’ computer

c) I use my parents’ computer at work

d) in an Internet cafe

d) other options

2. How often do you sit at the computer?

a) every day

b) 2-3 times a week

c) occasionally

d) other options

3. How much time do you spend at the computer?

a) 1 hour b) 2 hours c) 3 hours d) more

4. What kind of work do you do on the computer?

a) for educational purposes

b) play

c) surf the Internet

d) other options

5. Do you know the rules of working with a computer?

a) yes b) no

6. Do you follow these rules?

a) yes b) no

6. Do you think that sitting in front of a computer affects your performance at school?

a) yes b) no

7. How does a computer affect academic performance?

a) better grades

b) grades are worse

c) sometimes the computer helps, sometimes it interferes with studying

8. Do you think that sitting in front of a computer affects your health?

a) yes b) no

c) find it difficult to answer

9. If yes, are you concerned about the deterioration of your health after working at the computer?

a) yes b) no

10. How do you feel after working at the computer?

a) headache

b) eyes hurt or see worse

c) dizziness

d) back hurts

e) hands hurt or go numb

g) other options

Thank you very much for your assistance in conducting this sociological research!

The work was completed by: Evgeniy Kraft, Elena Dyachkova Supervisor: physics teacher MBOU Matyshevskaya Secondary School Kalinina N.V.

Research work in physics “The influence of electromagnetic radiation on human health”

Purpose: Find out what effect electromagnetic radiation has on the human body. Or should we not be afraid of anything?

Objectives: 1. The influence of electromagnetic radiation on the human body. 2. Interaction of electromagnetic radiation with the human body. 3. Harm to microwave ovens, mobile phones and computers. 4. Consequences of working on a computer and how to protect yourself from EMP? 5. Conduct your own research.

Main sources of EMR 1. Electric transport (trams, trolleybuses, trains,...). 2. Power lines (city lighting, high-voltage,...). 3. Electrical wiring (inside buildings, telecommunications,...). 4. Household electrical appliances 5. Television and radio stations (broadcasting antennas). 6. Satellite and cellular communications (broadcasting antennas). 7. Radars. 8. Personal computers.

Relevance of the topic: We can no longer imagine our lives without cellular communications, microwave ovens, televisions, and computers. Currently, the problem of the impact of electromagnetic waves on the human body is relevant.

A person consists of the smallest living structures - cells. Chemical processes take place inside every cell. As a result of chemical reactions, cells produce current. Electric currents, in turn, create an electromagnetic field around each cell, and by merging from all cells together they form an electromagnetic field (aura) around a person. And if a person is exposed to external electromagnetic radiation, then the person’s own electromagnetic field (aura) is destroyed, as a result of which disturbances occur in the chemical processes in human cells. Aura of a healthy person. Aura of a sick person.

Microwave cooking is not natural, it is not healthy, it is not healthy, and it is much more dangerous than we can imagine. Most people don't even think about the safety of food cooked in a microwave oven for human health. Microwave – is it fashionable?

There is a situation of global exposure of the entire population to electromagnetic fields.

Scientists warn that children who use mobile phones are at increased risk of memory and sleep disorders.

Cellular communications and children's health EMFs are especially dangerous for children. During the period of growth, the body is more sensitive to EMR than an already formed adult.

Harm to a computer Although manufacturers make statements such as: harm to a computer is an unsubstantiated fiction, you must be careful with this electronic device, otherwise your health may be at risk. Very serious illnesses can occur under the influence of electromagnetic radiation. These are cases of blood clotting disorders, hypotension, dysfunction of the spinal cord, etc. At the moment, this threat is considered much more dangerous than the effects of half-life products and heavy metals after the Chernobyl accident.

Our research Studying the influence of a PC on attention and memory Nowadays, life without a computer has become impossible, and it has become necessary in work and study. Not so long ago it was believed that since the effect of a computer is not visible, it means that the computer does not affect the body at all. Our own research observations indicate that, most likely, the computer causes significant harm to health. Subject of the study: students of a secondary school Subject of the research: provision of schoolchildren with computers, work on computers and the well-being of schoolchildren after working on a computer. Methodological research procedure: this sociological study is not continuous, but selective, since not all children have a computer at home. Survey instruments: questionnaire. This work was carried out in two stages

2) Study of the influence of a computer on the stability of attention among schoolchildren in the 10th and 11th grades. Stage 2: Study of attention in 10 schoolchildren before working on a computer, after one hour of work, after three hours of work using the methods of Landolt and Munstenberg. Equipment and materials: attention study tables, stopwatch. .

Survey results: Among the students surveyed, the average conversation time for boys was 1 hour per day, for girls it was 2.5 hours.

Cell phones, computers and various household electrical appliances are like fire. As long as you use them carefully and follow all the rules, they bring benefit and joy. . Conclusion:

Protective measures include: regular walks in the fresh air, ventilating the room, playing sports, exercising your eyes, following the rules of working at the computer, eating well, working with good equipment that meets existing safety and sanitary standards. It is important to know the rules of working on a computer.

Protection from electromagnetic waves in the classroom.

Thank you for your attention!

26.06.2017 14:08:00

Electromagnetic waves of various ranges are widely used in industry, science, technology, medicine: in the heat treatment of metals, wood and other materials, in radio broadcasting, television and communications, for heating and welding dielectrics, etc. Electromagnetic waves of ultrahigh frequencies (microwaves) have found significant application in radar, radio meteorology, radio astronomy, radio navigation, space research, nuclear physics, etc.

Sources of radio wave radiation are tube generators that convert direct current energy into high frequency alternating current energy. In modern workshops of electric vacuum factories where vacuum tubes are produced, a significant number of high-frequency generators are concentrated. High frequency currents are used to remove gas from metal parts and may not always have proper shielding. In the working premises of radio and television stations, sources of high-frequency fields can be insufficiently protected transmitter units, isolation filters and radiating antenna systems. In physiotherapy rooms, during the operation of medical equipment, electromagnetic fields arise, to which the personnel are exposed.

Microwave fields have the most pronounced biological effect. It has been established that centimeter and millimeter waves are absorbed by the skin and, acting on receptors, have a reflex effect on the body. Decimeter waves, penetrating to a depth of 10-15 cm, can directly affect internal organs. In all likelihood, UHF waves also have a similar effect.

Radio waves - electromagnetic fields of radio frequencies - are part of the broad electromagnetic spectrum with wavelengths from a few millimeters to several kilometers. They arise as a result of fluctuations in electrical charges. The higher the frequency of oscillations of electric charges, the shorter the wavelength. There are short, ultra-short (KB, VHF), as well as high and ultra-high frequency waves (HF, UHF). Electromagnetic waves travel at the speed of light waves. Like sound, they have a resonating property, causing coinciding oscillations in an equally tuned oscillatory circuit.

The magnitude of the field created by generators is characterized by both the electric field strength, measured in volts per meter (V/m), and the magnetic field strength, measured in amperes per meter (A/m). The unit of measurement for the intensity of irradiation of centimeter waves is the intensity expressed in power flux density values ​​(the amount of wave energy incident on 1 cubic cm of body surface per second). The strength of electromagnetic fields (EMF) in a room depends on the power of the generator, the degree of shielding and the presence of metal coatings in the room and varies widely (10-500 W/sq. m), but decreases with distance from the source.

The mechanism of action of radio waves. The study of the biological effects of radio waves from artificial sources began only after radio technology had reached a certain level of development. This dates back to the 30s. XX century The first experimental studies of the biological effects of radio waves were carried out by domestic scientist V.Ya. Danilevsky five years after the invention of radio by A. S. Popov.

It has now been proven that electrical energy absorbed by the body can cause both thermal and specific biological effects. The intensity of the latter increases with increasing power and duration of EMF action, and the severity of the reaction mainly depends on the radio frequency range, as well as on the individual characteristics of the body. Intense irradiation first causes a thermal effect. The influence of high-intensity microwaves is associated with the release of heat in a biological object, which leads to undesirable consequences (heating of organs and tissues, thermal damage, etc.). At the same time, when the EMF is below the permissible level, a peculiar specific (non-thermal) effect is determined, expressed in the phenomenon of excitation in the vagus nerve and synapses.

When exposed to currents of high (High-frequency) and ultra-high (microwave) frequencies, an accumulation of biological effect is observed, resulting in functional changes in the nervous and cardiovascular systems, disorders in the body under the influence of various ranges. The effects of low-intensity radio waves also have different directions. The special sensitivity of the nervous system, then the myocardium, the presence of dystrophic changes in the testes and a lag in the development of animals have been experimentally established.

Microwaves, when exposed to the body, can exhibit a maladaptive effect, i.e. disrupt previously acquired resistance to various unfavorable factors, as well as pervert some adaptive reactions. The general pattern of EMF action is a two-phase reaction, reflecting the stimulating effect on the central nervous system of relatively low intensities and the inhibitory effect of high intensities. Consequently, the mechanisms of changes under the influence of microwaves on the body are: direct impact on tissues, a primary change in the functional state of the central nervous system with a violation of neurohumoral regulation, reflex changes in a number of organs and systems, including the cardiovascular.

Clinical picture. Depending on the intensity and duration of exposure to radio waves, acute and chronic forms of damage to the body are distinguished.

Acute defeat. Occurs only in case of accidents or gross violation of safety regulations, when a worker finds himself in a powerful EMF. A temperature reaction is observed (39-40 °C); shortness of breath, a feeling of aching in the arms and legs, muscle weakness, headaches, and palpitations appear. Bradycardia and hypertension are noted. Severe autonomic-vascular disorders, diencephalic crises, attacks of paroxysmal tachycardia, anxiety, and repeated nosebleeds are described.

Chronic exposure. The leading place in the clinical picture of the disease is occupied by functional disorders of the central nervous and cardiovascular systems. Changes in the nervous system are characterized by the presence of asthenic, neurotic and autonomic reactions.

Most often, patients complain of general weakness, fatigue, decreased performance, sleep disorders, irritability, sweating, and headache of undetermined localization. Some are bothered by pain in the region of the heart, sometimes of a compressive nature, radiating to the left arm and shoulder blade, and shortness of breath. Painful phenomena in the heart area are more often felt towards the end of the working day, after nervous or physical stress.

Individuals may complain of darkening of the eyes, dizziness, weakening of memory and attention.

During an objective examination of the nervous system, many patients experience instability of vascular reactions, cyanosis of the extremities, sweating, persistent, often red, dermographism, tremor of the eyelids and fingers of outstretched arms, and revitalization of tendon reflexes. All this manifests itself in the form of asthenovegetative syndrome of varying severity.

Among the most characteristic reactions of the body to the influence of microwave electromagnetic fields are shifts in the parasympathetic nervous system. They are expressed in arterial hypotension and a tendency to bradycardia, the frequency and severity of which depend on the intensity of radiation. At the same time, low severity of skin-vascular reactions can be determined in the study of dermographism, distortion of vegetative-vascular tests. Those working with microwave generators may experience disturbances in thermoregulation and other phenomena of vegetative-vascular or diencephalic pathology, low-grade fever, and thermal asymmetry. There is often a decrease in skin sensitivity to ultraviolet rays. In rare cases, diencephalic syndrome is observed.

In the cardiovascular system, when exposed to radio waves, functional disorders are noted. Objective examination reveals an increase in the borders of the heart to the left, muffled tones; A systolic murmur is often heard at the apex. As a rule, such patients experience bradycardia and arterial hypotension. Pulse and blood pressure are unstable, asymmetry of blood pressure indicators is often detected, and there may be a tendency towards arterial hypertension.

Disorders of the cardiovascular system in persons exposed to microwaves develop mainly against the background of functional disorders of the central nervous system.

Endocrine metabolic disorders also appear against the background of functional disorders of the central nervous system. Often there are shifts in the functional state of the thyroid gland towards increased activity, and clinical signs, as a rule, are not detected. In severe forms of pathology, the activity of the gonads is disrupted. There is information about dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. Changes in the function of protein and pigment synthesis are possible.

Exposure to radio waves is accompanied by changes in peripheral blood parameters, and their instability and lability are often noted. Shifts are especially often observed when exposed to short and ultrashort waves. There is evidence of an increase in cholesterol levels and a decrease in the amount of chlorides, as well as disturbances in mineral metabolism.

Microwaves under particularly unfavorable working conditions have a damaging effect on the eyes, causing clouding of the lens - microwave cataract. Changes may progress over time. Turbidity detected during biomicroscopy is noted in the form of white dots, fine dust, individual filaments located in the anteroposterior layer of the lens, near the equator, in some cases - in the form of chains, plaques and spots. Cataracts can develop either as a result of a single powerful irradiation of the eye, or with prolonged systematic exposure to microwave energy of the order of hundreds of milliwatts per 1 square meter. cm.

When diagnosing occupational diseases, the syndromic classification of microwave field lesions proposed by E.A. is used. Drogichina and M.N. Sadchikova.

There are five syndromes:

1. Vegetative. Observed at the initial stage of the process. For
it is characterized by the direction of autonomic and cardiovascular disorders with an increase in the tone of the parasympathetic system.

2. Asthenic. Often occurs in the initial stage of microwave exposure. It refers to nonspecific reactions of the body and is manifested by headaches, increased drowsiness, fatigue, and is often accompanied by vegetative shifts.

3. Asthenovegetative. It is usually detected in stage II of the process, when the vegetative symptom complex is combined with more pronounced symptoms of asthenia.

4. Angiodystonic. Observed in more pronounced stages of the process (in II and III). It is characterized by a predominance of vascular dysfunction, and attacks of severe headaches, significant fatigue, sleep disturbance, and emotional instability may occur; hypotension and bradycardia are replaced by sharp lability of pulse and blood pressure with a tendency to hypertension.

5. Diencephalic. Observed with pronounced forms of microwave exposure. It is characterized by attacks that occur as crises with headaches, with short-term disturbances of consciousness, sharp tachycardia, pallor of the skin, pain in the heart, anxiety, chills, and a feeling of fear.

There are three stages of the disease: initial, moderate and severe. The initial stage is compensated, characterized by mild asthenia or a mild vegetative syndrome. At a moderately expressed stage, a combination of asthenic syndrome with more pronounced symptoms of a disorder of autonomic function is observed. The severe stage is manifested by disorders of vascular tone and angiodystonic or disorders of the central nervous system. Disorders of the nervous and cardiovascular systems at all stages are usually combined with changes in hematopoiesis, metabolic, endocrine and other changes.

N.V. Tyagin proposes to call this symptom complex “radio wave disease.” The clinical symptom complex of chronic exposure to EMF on the body is not strictly specific; the clinical manifestations present may be due to the influence of various factors (overwork, infection, unfavorable living conditions). Therefore, diagnosis is based on a thorough comprehensive examination, analysis of the dynamics of the development of the pathological process, as well as a detailed study.

Source: Occupational diseases: textbook. aid for students higher textbook institutions studying in the specialty 033300 “Life Safety” / author.-comp. T. Ya. Bindyuk, O. V. Besschetnova. - Balashov: Nikolaev, 2007. - 128 p.


Modern life is practically impossible and not even conceivable without the use of electricity - the most convenient source of energy and means of transmitting information. Homes and industrial areas are literally crammed with all kinds of electrical equipment, and the walls, ceilings and even floors of buildings are stuffed with devices for consuming, transmitting and controlling the flow of electricity.

Our close contact with existing electrical devices began more than 100 years ago. Man realized relatively long ago through his own sad practice that electricity should be treated with the utmost caution. True, at first the person realized the danger of direct contact with electricity. This refers to artificially created electricity, and not natural electricity in the form of lightning, the danger of which man learned simultaneously with the knowledge of other formidable natural phenomena.

Humanity has felt the danger of the invisible and imperceptible indirect influence of electricity relatively recently, although the very fact of the presence of electric and magnetic fields created by active electrical conductors has been known for a long time, especially to specialists in the field of electrical engineering. First of all, data appeared on the undesirable influence of electromagnetic fields on technical devices sensitive to them. A special direction of radio engineering has emerged - “electromagnetic compatibility” (EMC), which has been studying the operation of radio engineering devices in conditions of their mutual influence, that is, the possibility of coexistence in “device-to-device” systems. As information accumulated, the problem of safe operation of “device-person” systems arose, that is, from a purely technical area, the EMC problem moved to the area of ​​biophysics, radiobiology, sanitation, hygiene and healthcare.

That cell phone radiation is harmful is no longer news. Scientists have been talking about this for 10 years: they explain, prove and try to convey to ordinary cellular consumers that it is necessary to limit communication on mobile phones. Otherwise, there is a high risk of contracting electrowave sickness and a bunch of other troubles. But it’s not only cell phones that irradiate our lives...

Wi-fi and other advances attack our brains around the clock. What could this mean for human health in the future? Oleg GRIGORIEV, Director of the Center for Electromagnetic Safety, Deputy Chairman of the Russian National Committee for Protection against Non-Ionizing Radiation, member of the scientific advisory committee of the WHO International Electromagnetic Project.

The main sources of electromagnetic energy in the radio frequency range in industrial premises are unshielded RF units of installations (generator cabinets, capacitors, RF transformers, magnetrons, klystrons, traveling wave lamps, waveguide paths, etc.). The main sources of RF electromagnetic energy emission into the environment are antenna systems of radar stations (RLS), radio and television and radio stations, including mobile radio communication systems, overhead power lines, etc.

The current stage is characterized by an increase in the power of RF EMR sources, which, under certain conditions, can lead to a deterioration of the electromagnetic situation in the environment and have an adverse effect on the human body.

What would the world be like without the influence of electromagnetic waves? Take your time to answer this question, because our planet has existed for millions of years surrounded by radiation. The Earth's natural magnetic field, natural electric field, radio emission from the Sun, atmospheric electricity - these are electromagnetic waves that have surrounded us since time immemorial. Living nature is impossible without this physical phenomenon. However, thanks to human activity, a problem has emerged such as electromagnetic pollution, the source of which is household appliances, computers and components, construction power tools, mobile phones, high-voltage power lines, and radio stations. What is the influence of electromagnetic waves of anthropogenic origin and how to minimize it?

Comfort zone

For normal life, a person needs environmentally friendly conditions from the point of view of the influence of electromagnetic fields. Studies have shown that a person experiences the same stress both in conditions of severe electromagnetic pollution and in the absence of natural sources of radiation (shielding from natural sources of EMF occurs in confined spaces bounded by metal or reinforced concrete, for example, in vehicle interiors, elevator shafts and other premises ).

Ideal conditions from this point of view are located away from populated areas, in places where no electrical appliances are used. And since the majority of the planet’s inhabitants cannot provide such living conditions for themselves, a situation arises where each of us, to one degree or another, experiences the influence of electromagnetic waves of anthropogenic origin.

In some cases, this effect does not exceed normal limits and is compensated by the body. In other situations, the influence of electromagnetic waves on the body can lead to the development of unpleasant consequences, from harmless ones, such as increased skin blood flow, to a whole range of symptoms.

Negative effects of electromagnetic waves on the body

According to various studies, exposure to electromagnetic pollution can cause the following symptoms in humans:

  • From the nervous system: changes in the electroencephalogram, neurasthenia, finger tremor, dysfunction of the central and autonomic nervous system, sweating;
  • From the cardiovascular system: unstable blood pressure and pulse, cardiovascular and vagotonic disorders;
  • General symptoms: headache and dizziness, weakness, decreased performance and concentration, fatigue, shallow sleep that does not bring vigor, decreased potency, a feeling of internal emptiness, unstable body temperature, allergic reactions.

The influence of electromagnetic waves on humans is noted at the level of cells, organ systems and the body as a whole. It is believed that the nervous, immune, endocrine and reproductive systems react to this kind of pollution, and the range of diseases also affects such serious ailments as leukemia and the appearance of tumors. However, to date, fundamental research has not been carried out to prove the direct carcinogenic effect of electromagnetic waves on the body.

Some experts are inclined to believe that chronic fatigue syndrome is associated with an increase in electromagnetic pollution. And although the reasons for this phenomenon have not been fully studied, it is noted that the disease is typical for developed countries and its prevalence is increasing every year.

Are the changes caused by the influence of electromagnetic waves on the body reversible? Symptoms from the nervous and cardiovascular systems, as a rule, disappear after the influence of EMF is eliminated, but with constant exposure to a harmful factor, the disorders become stable and lead to diseases.

However, the situation is not without irony, and one of the results of the negative influence of electromagnetic waves on a person is electromagnetic phobia. An obsessive sense of threat forces people to avoid antennas, even those that are used not for broadcasting, but for receiving radio broadcasts, and also attribute the properties of radiation radiation to electromagnetic waves, buy devices for supposedly decontaminating premises and territories, etc. However, competent explanations from specialists that correspond to the patient’s level of education can help people with such phobias.

Be that as it may, the influence of electromagnetic waves on humans is considered potentially pathogenic. The symptoms caused by this factor are collectively termed “radio wave disease.”

The influence of electromagnetic waves within the apartment

The greatest concerns of environmentalists and medical specialists are caused by high-voltage equipment - power lines, transformer stations and substations. However, the level of their electromagnetic impact on the environment is regulated by SanPiN standards; moreover, such structures are located, as a rule, at a distance from residential areas, due to which the influence of electromagnetic waves on humans is minimized. Of much greater interest to all of us are the household appliances that are in our apartment.

The modern lifestyle involves a high concentration of household appliances in a limited living space. Electric heaters, fans, air conditioners, additional lighting systems, computer equipment, vacuum cleaners, hair dryers, blenders, a constantly running refrigerator and microwave oven and many other devices that are located in close proximity are quite capable of creating a powerful electromagnetic background. Do not forget about household electricity distributors, which, like a web, entangle the entire apartment. When household appliances are turned off, this network creates an electric field; when the appliances are running, a magnetic field of industrial frequency appears. Moreover, the influence of electromagnetic waves from such devices is felt even if they are located in a room behind a wall.

How to protect yourself from the influence of electromagnetic waves

With a modern lifestyle, it is impossible to completely isolate yourself from the effects of anthropogenic radiation, but you can reduce it to a minimum. For example, stay as far as possible from a microwave oven or electric oven when they are working, as well as from office equipment, washing machines, etc. Turn off appliances when not needed. In this case, it is advisable to completely de-energize the device and not leave it in sleep mode.

It is difficult to limit the influence of electromagnetic waves from phones, which serve as alarm clocks, communication tools, navigation devices and many other functions. However, experts recommend not giving phones to children under the age of 5-8 years. When purchasing this gadget, choose models that use the GSM 1800 communication standard, use a headset to reduce the amount of radiation, and do not place the phone near your head when you go to bed. The less you are near working electrical appliances, the less impact they have on your body.

Technological progress also has a downside. The global use of various electrically powered equipment has caused pollution, which is given the name electromagnetic noise. In this article we will look at the nature of this phenomenon, the degree of its impact on the human body and protective measures.

What is it and sources of radiation

Electromagnetic radiation is electromagnetic waves that arise when a magnetic or electric field is disturbed. Modern physics interprets this process within the framework of the theory of wave-particle duality. That is, the minimum portion of electromagnetic radiation is a quantum, but at the same time it has frequency-wave properties that determine its main characteristics.

The spectrum of frequencies of electromagnetic field radiation allows us to classify it into the following types:

  • radio frequency (these include radio waves);
  • thermal (infrared);
  • optical (that is, visible to the eye);
  • radiation in the ultraviolet spectrum and hard (ionized).

A detailed illustration of the spectral range (electromagnetic radiation scale) can be seen in the figure below.

Nature of radiation sources

Depending on their origin, sources of radiation of electromagnetic waves in world practice are usually classified into two types, namely:

  • disturbances of the electromagnetic field of artificial origin;
  • radiation coming from natural sources.

Radiations emanating from the magnetic field around the Earth, electrical processes in the atmosphere of our planet, nuclear fusion in the depths of the sun - they are all of natural origin.

As for artificial sources, they are a side effect caused by the operation of various electrical mechanisms and devices.

The radiation emanating from them can be low-level and high-level. The degree of intensity of the electromagnetic field radiation completely depends on the power levels of the sources.

Examples of sources with high levels of EMR include:

  • Power lines are usually high-voltage;
  • all types of electric transport, as well as the accompanying infrastructure;
  • television and radio towers, as well as mobile and mobile communication stations;
  • installations for converting the voltage of the electrical network (in particular, waves emanating from a transformer or distribution substation);
  • elevators and other types of lifting equipment that use an electromechanical power plant.

Typical sources emitting low-level radiation include the following electrical equipment:

  • almost all devices with a CRT display (for example: payment terminal or computer);
  • various types of household appliances, from irons to climate control systems;
  • engineering systems that provide electricity supply to various objects (this includes not only power cables, but related equipment, such as sockets and electricity meters).

Separately, it is worth highlighting special equipment used in medicine that emits hard radiation (X-ray machines, MRI, etc.).

Impact on humans

In the course of numerous studies, radiobiologists have come to a disappointing conclusion - long-term radiation of electromagnetic waves can cause an “explosion” of diseases, that is, it causes the rapid development of pathological processes in the human body. Moreover, many of them cause disturbances at the genetic level.

Video: How electromagnetic radiation affects people.

This is due to the fact that the electromagnetic field has a high level of biological activity, which negatively affects living organisms. The influence factor depends on the following components:

  • the nature of the radiation produced;
  • how long and with what intensity it continues.

The effect on human health of radiation, which is of an electromagnetic nature, directly depends on the location. It can be either local or general. In the latter case, large-scale exposure occurs, for example, radiation produced by power lines.

Accordingly, local irradiation refers to exposure to certain areas of the body. Electromagnetic waves emanating from an electronic watch or mobile phone are a vivid example of local influence.

Separately, it is necessary to note the thermal effect of high-frequency electromagnetic radiation on living matter. The field energy is converted into thermal energy (due to the vibration of molecules); this effect is the basis for the operation of industrial microwave emitters used to heat various substances. In contrast to its benefits in production processes, thermal effects on the human body can be detrimental. From a radiobiological point of view, being near “warm” electrical equipment is not recommended.

It is necessary to take into account that in everyday life we ​​are regularly exposed to radiation, and this happens not only at work, but also at home or when moving around the city. Over time, the biological effect accumulates and intensifies. As electromagnetic noise increases, the number of characteristic diseases of the brain or nervous system increases. Note that radiobiology is a fairly young science, so the harm caused to living organisms from electromagnetic radiation has not been thoroughly studied.

The figure shows the level of electromagnetic waves produced by conventional household appliances.

Note that the field strength level decreases significantly with distance. That is, to reduce its effect, it is enough to move away from the source at a certain distance.

The formula for calculating the norm (standardization) of electromagnetic field radiation is specified in the relevant GOSTs and SanPiNs.

Radiation protection

In production, absorbing (protective) screens are actively used as means of protecting against radiation. Unfortunately, it is not possible to protect yourself from electromagnetic field radiation using such equipment at home, since it is not designed for this.

  • in order to reduce the impact of electromagnetic field radiation to almost zero, you should move away from power lines, radio and television towers at a distance of at least 25 meters (the power of the source must be taken into account);
  • for CRT monitors and TVs this distance is much smaller - about 30 cm;
  • Electronic watches should not be placed close to the pillow; the optimal distance for them is more than 5 cm;
  • As for radios and cell phones, bringing them closer than 2.5 centimeters is not recommended.

Note that many people know how dangerous it is to stand next to high-voltage power lines, but most people do not attach importance to ordinary household electrical appliances. Although it is enough to place the system unit on the floor or move it further away, and you will protect yourself and your loved ones. We advise you to do this, and then measure the background from the computer using an electromagnetic field radiation detector to clearly verify its reduction.

This advice also applies to the placement of the refrigerator; many people place it near the kitchen table, which is practical, but unsafe.

No table can indicate the exact safe distance from a specific electrical equipment, since radiation may vary, both depending on the device model and the country of manufacture. At the moment, there is no single international standard, so standards in different countries may have significant differences.

The radiation intensity can be accurately determined using a special device - a fluxmeter. According to the standards adopted in Russia, the maximum permissible dose should not exceed 0.2 µT. We recommend taking measurements in the apartment using the above-mentioned device for measuring the degree of electromagnetic field radiation.

Fluxmeter - a device for measuring the degree of radiation of an electromagnetic field

Try to reduce the time you are exposed to radiation, that is, do not stay near operating electrical devices for a long time. For example, it is not at all necessary to constantly stand at the electric stove or microwave oven while cooking. Regarding electrical equipment, you can notice that warm does not always mean safe.

Always turn off electrical appliances when not in use. People often leave various devices turned on, not taking into account that at this time electromagnetic radiation is emanating from electrical equipment. Turn off your laptop, printer or other equipment; there is no need to expose yourself to radiation again; remember your safety.



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs