Useful properties of corn grits for humans. Corn porridge: benefits and harms

Greetings to all!

Today the topic of our conversation will be the benefits of corn porridge for the human body. After all, many people have some doubts about this, and this is not without reason. Because not everyone can eat it.

For example, for people who have increased blood clotting, who have no appetite, who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract or individual intolerance, corn porridge can cause a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, irritation of the walls of internal organs, or an exacerbation of chronic pathologies.

However, despite the uneven influence of this product on our body, its valuable characteristics still prevail. It is easy to digest and low allergenic, which have made it a fairly popular food product.

Because of this, corn grits are successfully used to prepare dietary, children's and healthy foods. And among supporters of a raw food diet, such a natural product as sprouted corn is an exclusive delicacy in their diet.

Therefore, in order to understand all the intricacies of one of such everyday food products as corn porridge, I will tell you about the secrets of its popularity, composition and properties. You will also learn how to prepare it correctly, how to consume it and what products are best combined with it.

Dishes made from corn grits are popular among many peoples of the world. And the porridge made from it is recognized as the “queen of the table.” Among its varieties are Italian polenta, Cossack national mamalyga with milk, temalis from Mexican cuisine with coconut, meat or.

Here in Russia, we love corn porridge because it is inexpensive, versatile, tasty and quick to prepare. Nutritionists recommend including this unique product in the diet of children, the elderly, pregnant women, especially in the first trimester, to relieve the unpleasant sensations of toxicosis, and for those who want to lose weight.

In addition, its constant use promotes in the human body:

  • Removal of waste, toxins, fats, pesticides, radionuclides;
  • Prevention of neurological diseases, diabetes, hypertension, anemia;
  • Regulating cholesterol levels;
  • Normalization of digestive functions, blood microcirculation and lipid metabolism;
  • Improving skin condition;
  • Strengthening the cardiovascular and nervous systems;
  • Reducing bloating and other symptoms of flatulence;
  • Increased performance;
  • Losing excess weight;
  • Restoring vitality;
  • Preventing fermentation processes in the intestines;
  • Slowing down the aging process;
  • Reducing the risk of developing cancer.

At the same time, I want to focus your attention on the fact that corn grits during the cooking process retain all of its healing and beneficial characteristics of natural grain.

What is the richness of corn grits?

The calorie content of corn porridge, depending on how the cereal is cooked, with water or milk, will always be ambiguous at the end. Nutritionists believe that it is extremely difficult to theoretically calculate this indicator, since it is necessary to take into account fat content, the amount of milk and the cooking recipe.

Therefore, in the approximate calculation, only the energy value of ground grain cereals should be taken into account, as an initial dry product, 100 grams of which contains 362 kcal.

Taking into account the cooking technology and diluting the cereal, for example with water in a ratio of one to three or four, respectively, the calorie content of 100 grams of porridge can be reduced to 80 kcal, which makes it possible to use it as a dietary product in a diet for weight loss.

  1. Plant proteins.
  2. Fiber.
  3. Folic and pantothenic acid.
  4. Unsaturated fatty acids linolene, arachidone.
  5. Beta carotene.
  6. Vitamins from group A, PP, E, B.
  7. Antioxidants.
  8. For microelements, among which the leading positions are occupied by:
  • Phosphorus;
  • Nickel;
  • Copper;
  • Magnesium;
  • Calcium;
  • Silicon;
  • Sodium;
  • Selenium;
  • Iron;
  • Zinc.

A unique bonus of corn grits is the complete absence of gluten, which can harm the body of people with an autoimmune disease such as celiac disease.

Therefore, for those whose body suffers from intolerance to products made from wheat, rye or barley, corn porridge becomes a real “lifeline” for their life, giving them a feeling of fullness.

How to cook corn porridge

Of course, it is best to use polished grits for preparing corn porridge. It is a crushed grain that is subjected to special processing, so its output particles have a rounded shape.

This fraction is best suited for cooking. Porridge based on it can be prepared using the following as the main liquid:

  • Milk;
  • Water;
  • Meat, mushroom or vegetable broths.

The technology for preparing this porridge is quite easy and does not require much effort. Everything is very simple here.

  1. First you need to rinse the cereal.
  2. Pour it into boiling liquid.
  3. Stirring constantly, bring to a boil.
  4. Then reduce the heat and cook until done, again, remembering to stir from time to time so that no lumps form.

To speed up the preparation time, coarse grains should be ground at home in a coffee grinder. And in order to get a rare porridge at the end, you need to add more liquid to it.

On u-tube I found the following detailed video recipe.

Now let’s look at some nuances that should be remembered, considering the purpose for which corn porridge will be used.

Use for constipation

The fairly common problem of constipation today worries not only children, adults, the elderly, but also pregnant women. Therefore, it is extremely necessary for them to include corn porridge, which is rich in fiber, in their diet in order to cleanse the intestines and normalize stool.

To treat constipation, you need to understand that insufficiently cooked cereal can worsen a person’s condition and lead to increased gas formation. At the same time, in order to get rid of constipation, the cereal should initially be filled with only water.

You should not put butter, cream in the finished dish, or initially cook it with milk. Vegetable oils of olive, mustard seeds or flax are best suited for dressing here.

To improve the beneficial and taste characteristics of the porridge, you can add:

  • Apples;
  • Pumpkin;
  • Flaxseeds.

These ingredients not only look bright against the general background, but also give the finished dish an amazing taste.

Use for weight loss

Everyone knows that depending on the density and high water absorption of corn grits, the energy characteristics of the finished porridge are significantly reduced compared to the dry base product. Therefore, this property of corn grain is an excellent solution for weight loss.

So, for example, in 4 days on a corn diet you can:

  1. Lose up to 5 kilograms of excess weight.
  2. Remove excess water from the human body.
  3. Give his digestive system a rest.

Nutritionists consider this diet to be quite satisfying and nutritious. The main thing here is: for 4 days, forget about salt, flour products, sugar, animal fats or sausage, which can harm the body. At the same time, per day with this diet you should eat porridge prepared from 200 grams of cereal.

The resulting volume should be divided into three doses adding to:

  • Breakfast: one fruit such as an apple, grapefruit or orange;
  • For lunch - a small piece of boiled chicken breast;
  • Dinner - a glass of kefir, yogurt or yogurt.

Concluding my story, I would like to advise you, when buying corn grits, to give preference to a product with a bright yellow tint. Don't buy it for future use. After all, it tends to go rancid, absorb moisture and foreign odors.

Remember that corn porridge cooked for breakfast is an excellent energy drink for humans. However, people with chronic pathologies should still consult a doctor before including this natural product in their daily diet. Since this step will protect them from harming their health.

The main thing is that it’s delicious and follow moderation in everything.

Bon appetit! See you!

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To lose weight, many women make sacrifices. They are ready to go on exotic diets, spending a lot of money and experiencing constant hunger. But there is a way to avoid such stress - corn porridge, which is available in every store. We'll tell you how to properly prepare it for a slim figure.


Recently, the use of cereals in dietary nutrition has been gaining popularity. Their main advantage is suppressing the feeling of hunger. Let's look at what components help in the fight against kilograms.

Complex carbohydrates

They give the product a relatively high calorie content (328 kcal per 100 g). At the same time, time and energy are spent on their splitting. Glucose (the end product of carbohydrate breakdown) enters the blood in small portions and is maintained at a constant level. The brain does not lack carbohydrates, there is no feeling of hunger. This paradox has long been used by nutritionists to “deceive” the body with the help of “slow” carbohydrates.


The benefits of plant fibers are as follows:

  • swell in the stomach, creating a feeling of fullness with a relatively small amount (decreased appetite);
  • pass through the digestive tract unchanged, removing toxins and many toxic substances that have settled there (for example, pesticides and heavy metal salts that come to us with poor-quality vegetables and fruits).

Cleansing the body with corn porridge is used not only for weight loss. Doctors prescribe this dish for many diseases, since such “cleansing” is more physiological and safe.

Unsaturated fatty acids

Contains arachidonic, pantothenic and linolenic acid. These are “golden” substances that are important for many processes:

  • reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood;
  • reduce the accumulation of fat cells and stimulate lipolysis (the breakdown of fats);
  • When combined with regular exercise, they lead to muscle growth.

People who follow traditional diets that limit fatty foods and meat products do not get enough of them. Corn porridge completely solves this problem.

Essential amino acids

Tryptophan, histidine, lysine, cysteine, arginine - normalize metabolism, because most “regulators” (hormones and enzymes) have a protein structure. Why is this important for weight loss? Only a healthy body can maintain optimal body weight for a long time. If your metabolism is disturbed, then you can lose kilos, but they will quickly return with a normal diet.

How to cook

Corn grits are not so popular, so the recipe for its preparation is interesting to many housewives. Let's give some tips:

  • It is better to use coarse grains. To speed up cooking, you can soak it in cold water overnight.
  • You need to cook for a long time (if you don’t soak it, about an hour), after preparation you can finish it in 20-30 minutes.
  • Water is poured in a ratio of 1:3, the fire is minimal, as the dish burns quickly.

In the oven

Cooking any porridge in this way is more healthy and convenient. The risk of burning is greatly reduced and more nutrients are retained. Corn porridge is very “capricious”, so it is better to cook it according to this recipe:

  • Rinse a glass of cereal with cold water;
  • pour into a saucepan with a tight lid and pour in 2.5 cups of water;
  • add a little salt and .

Place in the oven at 90°C for half an hour. For those who like an appetizing crust, you can remove the lid for a few minutes at the end of cooking.

With pumpkin

Anyone who has tried this combination can confirm - it is very tasty! The weight loss benefits are only increasing. Pumpkin contains unique substances:

  • vitamin T - “accelerates” the metabolism, products are broken down and absorbed faster, with greater energy expenditure, lipolysis is activated;
  • fiber - getting rid of waste and toxins;
  • water (95% of the vegetable consists of it) improves cleansing and provides minimal calorie content.

The sweetness of pumpkin allows you to completely avoid sugar. It's delicious and very healthy.

  • fry a glass of corn grits in a dry frying pan;
  • pour hot but not boiling milk (3 cups) for half an hour;
  • We clean the pumpkin, cut it into small cubes and simmer a little until a porridge-like consistency is obtained (the vegetable releases juice well);
  • mix with the swollen cereal, bring to a boil;
  • remove and wrap for evaporation.

Add salt to taste, for weight loss it is better in minimal quantities.

With dried fruits

This recipe came to us from the East. It feels more like a gourmet meal than a regular breakfast. Preparation procedure:

  • Dried apricots and raisins (100 g each) are pre-washed and soaked for several hours. Dried apricots are cut into cubes.
  • Mix water and skim milk (2 cups each) in a saucepan, bring to a boil, add salt.
  • Gradually add a glass of cereal, stirring constantly.
  • Cook for 15 minutes until thickened.
  • Then they are transferred to a pot (clay or cast iron), alternating with layers of dried fruits.
  • Close the pot tightly and send it to simmer in the oven for an hour (temperature 90 °C).

This porridge can be eaten not only in the morning, but also at the holiday table.

With milk

The combination is traditional for preparing porridges. But in our case, cooking cereals immediately in milk is fraught with severe burning. Proven recipe:

  • first cook in water (ratio of 3/4 cup to 2 cups of water);
  • stir constantly;
  • as soon as almost all the water is gone, add 2 glasses of milk, salt, a little sugar;
  • cook for another 20 minutes.

It is better to take skim milk; butter is excluded.

Diet options

To lose weight, two approaches are used - fasting days and diets. There are many menu options, let's focus on the most popular ones.


The duration is short, only 4 days, during which you can lose 4 kg of excess weight:

  • On the first day you can eat 400 g of porridge, one tomato, and.
  • On the second day - the same thing.
  • On the third day: 200 g of porridge for breakfast and dinner, a salad of fresh cucumbers and tomatoes for lunch, add 100 g of boiled chicken breast.
  • On the fourth day we repeat the third.

Do not forget about a sufficient amount of liquid (water, rosehip decoction) - up to 2 liters per day.


It is good because it requires limiting only completely harmful foods: sweets, baked goods, fried and fatty foods, smoked foods. For breakfast - corn porridge, prepared in any way, but without oil. Otherwise we stick to our normal diet. It’s difficult to call this a diet, but according to reviews, such a diet eliminates up to 5 kg per month.

Fasting day

We prepare corn grits without additives. For the day, pre-cook 100 g. Each meal consists only of porridge. We drink a lot of water. Such a strict restriction can be repeated for three days in a row, because the product contains most of the substances necessary for the body. The effect is impressive - minus 5-7 kg.


The harm from regular consumption of corn porridge is minimal, since the product is balanced in all essential nutrients. The contraindications are as follows:

  • chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • monthly bleeding (copper contained in corn can intensify it and make it painful);
  • kidney disease (due to high copper content).

It should be remembered that the product has a slight laxative effect, so people with a tendency to diarrhea should use it with caution.


In our age of GMOs and preservatives, more and more people are puzzled by the problem of healthy eating. It would seem that there is such a rich selection of products on the shelves, but which of these will be beneficial and which will be harmful cannot always be said unambiguously.

As a result, recipes that had begun to fade into oblivion began to return to the menu.

From time immemorial in Rus', porridge was considered the main dish on the table. They cooked it in a Russian oven, flavored it with oil, and the result was an excellent nutritious product that gave strength and health.

Today, porridges from various types of cereals have begun to return to the diet of many families. This also includes corn, which can be cooked in water or milk, simmered in the oven, or made into a casserole.

Our article tells you about the benefits and contraindications, the benefits and harms of corn grits porridge for the human body, its caloric content and its beneficial properties for weight loss.

Features of cereals

This product is obtained by processing corn grains, as a result of which the following types of cereals are distinguished:

  • polished– formed by separating the grain core from its shell and subsequent crushing and grinding;
  • large– comes out of purified crushed grain without grinding;
  • small– crushed grain with additional grinding.

It is believed that the larger the grain, the healthier it is. But its most important feature is the absence of a protein compound called gluten, which is found in large quantities in wheat, barley, rye, and oats.

Gluten is completely contraindicated for people who are allergic to it or have an intestinal disease called Celiac Disease.

Another feature of the cereal is its resistance to heat treatment. Even after cooking, its main value remains. The same applies to canning.

So you don’t have to be a raw foodist to get your share of benefits from eating this golden product.

Corn grits cannot be called a leader among cereal products, but, nevertheless, it also contributes to the richness of the diet.

Both old and young enjoy eating not only corn porridge, but also bread, sweet sticks, popcorn, cereal, and other goodies.

Nutritional value and chemical composition

Surprisingly, corn grits are in a class of their own considered a very high-calorie product. Per 100 grams of dry product there are approximately 320-330 kcal.

People watching their figure need to be careful when using this product.: do not overeat every day, but eat in moderation, maintaining a feeling of slight hunger.

In this case, you won’t be afraid of extra pounds, but your strength and energy will remain for quite a long time.

The cereal contains a sufficient amount of protein– 8.3 grams, carbohydrates – about 71-75 grams, and fats only about 1 gram (of which approximately 80% are unsaturated).

There are amino acids– tryptophan, lysine, histyrine, cysteine ​​and arginine, without which protein synthesis in the body is impossible. It also contains fiber, B vitamins, retinol, and tocopherol.

From trace elements this includes manganese, tin, titanium, boron, molybdenum, nickel, aluminum and cobalt.

One of the contraindications is high blood clotting.

If you have any doubts about including this product in your diet, you should consult a specialist.

Rules for eating

  • for an adult – 50-70 grams of dry product;
  • during pregnancy - about 60 grams;
  • during lactation – about 70 grams;
  • children's norm (up to 3 years) – 15-20 grams.

Due to its nutritional value Corn dishes should be eaten warm in the morning. The frequency of administration depends on the indications of the body's condition.

Application in cosmetology

Today, corn grits have found their application in the production of facial scrubs and peelings.

Also it is used for health masks that can be done at home. Such masks remove blackheads, relieve swelling, make the skin more youthful and toned.

Since grain particles are very hard, this product should be used in cosmetology in accordance with the recommendations of cosmetologists, as well as the instructions for use of cosmetics.

At home face masks are advisable do it no more than once a week.

In folk medicine

Corn silk is the most commonly used, which have hemostatic, choleretic and diuretic effects.

Infusions, decoctions, and powders are made from them, which are taken for inflammation of the appendages in women, as well as diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract in people of all ages. An infusion of stigmas is valued for hepatitis and cholangitis.

A Healing oil is made from the germ of corn kernels, helping with headaches, migraines, diabetes, bronchial asthma, atherosclerosis.

Decoctions of corn columns and stigmas used in the complex treatment of cardiovascular diseases, in dietetics and cosmetology.

Cooking recipes

The particles of corn grits are quite heavy in weight, so during the process of preparing the porridge, it must be constantly stirred so that it does not burn.

Traditionally in Russian cuisine, porridge is prepared with milk.. Bring 3 cups of milk to a boil in a saucepan, then add 1 cup of washed corn grits, ½ teaspoon of salt and 1 tablespoon of sugar.

All this is cooked for 25-30 minutes with frequent stirring. Then remove from heat, season with butter and cover with a lid. After 15 minutes you can eat the porridge. For variety, you can add steamed raisins or dried apricots.

For cooking in a slow cooker pour 1.5 liters of milk into it, add one and a half glasses of peeled and washed corn grits and a little salt. All this simmers for about an hour and a half. Then it is seasoned with butter, feta cheese and finely chopped cheese.

Prepare delicious milk corn porridge:

Corn fritters are delicious. To prepare them, you need to mix 1 cup of corn flour and 0.5 cups of wheat flour, ½ tbsp. milk, soda on the tip of a spoon, salt and sugar to taste. If desired, you can add ground pepper and dill.

All this is mixed well so that there are no lumps left. Fried in vegetable oil on both sides until golden brown.

From this cereal you can prepare many more wonderful dishes for every taste. And they will all be healthy and tasty.

Each housewife will choose the recipes that are most suitable for her family. But exactly porridge is the product that is the basis any traditional cuisine.

In contact with

In our technologically advanced times, everyone is already accustomed to the fact that any product contains chemicals. But there are natural, without any additives, very tasty, containing many elements necessary for health, grain products. These include, for example, corn porridge, the benefits and harms of which will be discussed further.

What does it contain and what is the nutritional value?

Maize porridge is a healthy diet, and it can be prepared with any composition - milk, water or broth.

Important: heat treatment does not destroy any beneficial substance.

Cereals for porridge are produced by crushing grain, the final product comes in different sizes, divided into 5 types. The finest grinding is considered class 1 and is suitable for preparing a delicate dish with a viscous consistency. Everyone's favorite corn sticks are made from it.

The main feature of this cereal is the absence of gluten, which is found in abundance in cereals such as wheat, barley, oats and rye.

Corn and any products made from it are very high in calories - 330 kcal per 100 g, so people watching their weight should use them with caution. The cereal contains 8.3 g of protein, up to 75 carbohydrates and only 1 gram of fat, 80% of which is unsaturated. The porridge also contains amino acids such as tryptophan, lysine, histyrine, cysteine ​​and arginine, which are responsible for protein synthesis in our body.

The richness of the cereal does not end there:

  • fiber, B vitamins, retinol and tocopherol;
  • folic acid;
  • disaccharides and ash substances;
  • trace elements - zinc, iron, manganese, copper, tin, molybdenum, boron, nickel, cobalt and aluminum;
  • macroelements - calcium, potassium, sulfur, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus and silicon.

About the last one on this list, I would like to say that it is very important for teeth, having a positive effect on the enamel.

About beneficial properties

The benefits of corn porridge for the body are, naturally, due to its composition. If you regularly consume the dish, your body will receive a lot of positive benefits, and this applies to both adults and children.

Benefit for adults

Excellent ability to quickly digest in the gastrointestinal tract even with existing problems in this area, as well as:

  1. Getting rid of toxins and waste.
  2. Eating porridge regularly will strengthen your immune system.
  3. The structure of hair and nails will improve, filling them with strength and beauty.
  4. The absence of allergens in the composition allows even small children to consume the dishes.
  5. Despite its high nutritional value, it promotes weight loss due to its fiber.
  6. Improves intestinal motility, relieving constipation.
  7. Prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases and the formation of blood clots and plaques, effectively coping with “bad” cholesterol.
  8. A large amount of folic acid makes corn porridge beneficial during pregnancy.
  9. It has a preventive effect against the appearance of various types of neoplasms. This effect has been scientifically proven for all orange and yellow grains.
  10. The dish also has a positive effect on the hematopoietic system due to the iron and copper it contains, which are responsible for the level of hemoglobin in the blood and protect against anemia.

If we are all familiar with corn as a food product firsthand, then corn porridge cannot be called an ordinary dish on the tables of our country. But this is one of the healthiest and most delicious porridges.

Corn porridge is a traditional dish in the cuisines of many peoples of the world. Primarily in Central and South America, also in Europe.

Corn porridge - composition and calorie content

In order to better understand why corn porridge is so useful, you need to know what vitamins and microelements are included in its composition. And there are really a lot of useful substances in this aromatic porridge:

  • B vitamins - B9 (folic acid), Vitamin B1 (thiamine), Vitamin B2 (riboflavin), Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), Vitamin H (biotin),
  • vitamins A, E, PP
  • biotin
  • minerals: phosphorus, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, zinc, manganese, etc.

Carbohydrates: 71 g.
Proteins: 8.3 g.
Fat: 1.2 g.

Calories: 328 kcal per 100 grams of product.

What are the benefits of corn porridge?

Corn porridge extremely easy and healthy, especially for those on a low-calorie diet. Due to the high content of vitamins and minerals, corn porridge:

  • Improves the appearance and condition of our skin thanks to the combination of vitamin A, E and copper, which together participate in the production of elastin;
  • Removes toxins:
  • Reduces blood cholesterol levels, and hence the risk of cardiovascular diseases;
  • Regulates intestinal function;
  • Improves metabolism;
  • Helps get rid of extra pounds, removes fat from the body.

Corn porridge - contraindications and harm

Unfortunately, there are practically no products that are equally beneficial for everyone without exception. However, corn porridge has virtually no contraindications. Compared to other porridges, it is not very high in calories, does not contain gluten, and is therefore a dietary product. Of course, if you cook it in water.

However, those with stomach ulcers should refrain from consuming corn porridge. Since it quickly causes a feeling of fullness, while not being a high-calorie product, it is not recommended for those who are underweight, for whom it is vital to gain weight.

As you can see, corn porridge has very few contraindications and harm, so you can safely cook it for your family from time to time and diversify your daily diet.

It is equally useful for pregnant women and children.

How to choose corn grits

Depending on traditions, habits, and characteristics of national cuisines, corn porridges are different. Corn grits usually differ in grain size and color. It depends on the methods of its production and on the type of corn.

In Romania and Moldova, it is believed that good corn grits should have a bright yellow, almost orange color. After all, delicious porridge is obtained only from certain varieties of corn.

In addition, it is extremely important that the cereal is as fresh as possible; the fresher it is, the tastier and more aromatic the porridge made from it will be.

Another selection criterion is the size and uniformity of the grains. The most delicious porridge is obtained from cereals in which the particles are approximately the same size, it is clean, without traces of husk.

How to cook corn porridge correctly

Everything is fine with corn porridge, there is only one problem, it is very finicky to prepare and requires constant stirring. This is not an exaggeration, the slightest separation and it will stick to the sides and bottom of any surface and burn.

How to avoid the formation of lumps?

Method one. This is probably the most reliable method. It is what is used by Moldovans who know how to make hominy (yes, not everyone knows how to do this, only a few).

The method is quite simple: if porridge requires approximately 3 cups of water per 1 cup of cereal, then to begin with, only 1.5 - 2 cups of water are poured into the cauldron. When the water has boiled, add a pinch of salt and slowly begin to sprinkle in the cereal. It turns out that the porridge is initially too thick, but this is the very moment when if lumps have formed, they are very easy to crush and stirring to give the porridge a uniform consistency. Then all that remains is to slowly add all the remaining water.

Method two: This method is clearly described in the video at the end of the post (polenta recipe from Elena Chekalova). The idea is also simple: despite the fact that everyone advises to wait until the water boils before adding the cereal, in order to avoid the formation of lumps, you need to pour the cereal carefully, like semolina, but in hot, not yet boiling water.

Classic corn porridge recipe

The most important thing you need to know before you start preparing corn porridge is that it is very capricious and sticks to almost any surface. So, take a cauldron or saucepan with the best non-stick coating you have in your kitchen.

The main rules for preparing corn porridge:

  1. There should be 3 times more water or milk than cereal. You can use a little more liquid if you like thinner porridges.
  2. Corn porridge must be stirred all the time, from the beginning to the end of cooking, otherwise there is a risk of sticking to the bottom and the formation of lumps.

Pour water (3k1) with a pinch of salt into a saucepan or cauldron, put it on high heat and wait until the water/milk boils. Then you need to reduce the heat to low and add the cereal a little at a time, stirring all the time. From this moment you cannot leave the stove; if possible, you need to stir all the time for about 20 minutes until the porridge is cooked. At the end add a piece of butter.

Italian polenta recipe

It is prepared in the same way as porridge, but almost always with water and without adding sugar, just salt.

In fact, Italian polenta is absolutely no different from hominy, only Italians probably eat it more elegantly. Now you will understand why:

Mamaliga with meat, cheese and sour cream

Grilled polenta with eggplant, bell pepper and arugula. Olive oil and balsamic vinegar dressing.

In general, Italians love beauty and that’s it! I personally like the Moldavian version better, I know from my own experience how tasty it is.



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