What to eat to make milk fatty and nutritious.

If you ask any person what milk is, the answer will most likely be this: milk is a very tasty and useful product food that everyone loves - both adults and children. However, in fact, not all people love and tolerate milk, and even many small children, although it seems to them that nature itself is destined to drink milk, are often capricious and refuse to drink it - especially when boiled.

The number of children and adults who cannot tolerate this product has increased significantly today, and one can only wonder how our grandparents, mothers and fathers “grew up on milk”, and we ourselves grew up on milk porridge - in Soviet kindergartens this dish was the menu was one of the main ones.

Milk, namely cow's milk, is sold all over the world today., and it is sold more than any other animals - goats, sheep, and even more so female camels or reindeer. Science today does not know exactly when man thought of trying animals, but we know that thousands of years ago Asian nomads ate sour milk, butter and cheese - and differed excellent health and endurance. By the way, powdered milk was not invented in the 20th century, as many people think, but during the campaigns of Genghis Khan - he managed to feed his soldiers with concentrated and powdered milk, and his victories over the most powerful armies and states of that time are also known to everyone. As for condensed milk, it was invented around the middle of the 19th century, and during Civil War in the USA it was already present in military rations.

Milk is intended by nature as a product for feeding babies., including human cubs, because we are also mammals. Modern man consumes not only , but also many products prepared on its basis or with its addition - the dairy industry today is one of largest industries food industry.

Is milk good or bad?

There is a lot of conflicting information about milk right now.: some experts claim that it is very useful - in any form, while others explain that this product is not intended for humans at all, but only for calves, kids and other four-legged babies - but for people it is simply harmful.

Chemical composition of milk

First, let's look at chemical composition milk: it, like many other products of our food, contains proteins, carbohydrates and fats - their amount depends on what and how the cows eat, and how this milk is then processed. However, the content of other useful substances also depends on this: organic and fatty acids, cholesterol and natural sugars; vitamins – PP, groups B, C, D, H; macroelements - calcium and potassium - milk contains the most of them; sodium, magnesium, chlorine, phosphorus, sulfur; trace elements - zinc, iron, copper, iodine, selenium, chromium, manganese, fluorine, molybdenum, cobalt, aluminum, tin, strontium. The calorie content of milk depends on its type, and can vary greatly: it can contain from 40 to 70 kcal per 100 g of product.

Why is milk harmful for adults?

The harm of milk, like most food products, most often due to the peculiarities of its use: When people start drinking excessive amounts of milk, deliberately mixing it with other foods, it causes many diseases - in some people sooner, in others later, but health problems are sure to arise. But it’s time to remember that milk is incompatible with almost anything, and it must be consumed separately from any other food - our ancestors knew about this, and called milk food, not drink. Children grew up strong precisely because they drank only natural milk - there was no abundance of products, let alone synthetic ones, like today. If you like full-fat milk (which is not surprising, since it tastes better) and wash it down with other foods, then fat accumulations will not keep you waiting; Many people suffer from digestive problems for years, not realizing that they simply do not tolerate lactose well, and continue to drink milk, eat milk soups and cereals, which causes serious complications.

Many doctors and nutritionists literally shout that milk contains calcium, and therefore its consumption makes strong bones and teeth, protects against osteoporosis and other diseases.

In fact, there is almost no scientific data confirming this opinion, but there is evidence that in the United States there are the most patients with osteoporosis - but in this country the dairy industry is very developed, and literally everyone drinks milk regularly - children, teenagers, young people, adults and old people.

Other consequences frequent use milk were found out during a study conducted by scientists at one of the largest universities in the USA - Colorado State University: it turned out that milk has no less high glycemic index, how White bread, and the composition of the blood changes after just one glass, and it doesn’t matter whether the milk is full-fat or not.

In people who drank milk very often, glucose levels began to fluctuate sharply, weakness appeared, and accumulations of blood around the waist began to accumulate. body fat, and the aging process accelerated. Scientists from the University of Colorado commented on the results and noted that all these manifestations are more observed in adults who regularly consume milk in large quantities, and also suffer from hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, obesity and diabetes.

I must say that natural, and even more so new milk, really very useful if used in moderation and not to mix it with anything, but what we drink today, and teach our children to do the same, cannot be called milk - it is a concentrate or a surrogate, a milk-containing product, and whatever - but not real cow's milk. Cows are not fed today either. natural food, as before, but they don’t see pastures at all if they are raised in large livestock complexes - such great amount it is simply impossible to graze livestock; In addition, cows are constantly vaccinated and added to their feed. various drugs- and all this goes into milk.

Proponents of regular milk consumption usually cite as their main argument that villagers who traditionally consumed a lot of milk have always been more good health than city dwellers. But they forget to mention that milk used to be environmentally friendly, and that in the villages they don’t drink “normalized” or “reconstituted” - they drink milk from a cow and eat fresh sour cream, cottage cheese and other dairy products.

So there is no need to mix one with the other, and in the literal sense: if you are lucky enough to be able to buy from the villagers, drink it separately from all other products, and teach your children to do the same. If you really want, you can also drink store-bought milk, but try to do it less often, and also don’t mix it with other products - they even bring porridge with milk more harm than good, although for decades we have been convinced of something completely different.

Milk is not a drink, so you shouldn't quench your thirst with it, and you don’t need to drink it after eating either - it greatly slows down the normal digestion of food. You can’t drink it cold – this makes digestion even more difficult. After you've had a glass milk, try not to eat anything else for at least 1-1.5 hours - in this case it may benefit you.

There are no good combinations of milk with any foods - there are only acceptable ones, and there are not many of them: cream and butter, starchy vegetables, sweet fruits and dried fruits. That is why you can eat raspberries, strawberries or peaches with milk for an afternoon snack, or wash down boiled potatoes with them, but it is better not to do this too often.

Milk dessert with peaches

You can prepare a milk dessert with peaches at home and eat it not after lunch, but between main meals. Remove the pits from fresh peaches and cook them until soft in a small amount of water. Then rub through a sieve, add sugar, mix and cool. Cold milk is mixed with cream, grated peaches and finely crushed ice - 0.5 cups. The dessert is mixed, slightly cooled and served - you can have it with cookies, although it is better to do without them. Milk and cream - 1.5 cups each, peaches - 0.5 kg, sugar - 4 tbsp. You can use apricots instead of peaches.
Milk is also used in the treatment of many diseases, but this is a separate topic.

Some argue that this “children’s” product is generally contraindicated for adults. Someone insists that only fresh milk is healthy - straight from the cow, and milk from the store is just a drink white. Someone argues that milk can be stored for a long time only due to preservatives, antibiotics and other additives. Let's try to figure it out and debunk some myths.


The healthiest thing is fresh milk.

Yes, fresh milk obtained from a healthy cow is indeed the healthiest and safest. It contains many nutrients, and there are practically no bacteria. But freshly milked milk remains safe for only a short time: after just a couple of hours, the natural bactericidal enzymes it contains are broken down, and bacteria begin to actively multiply in a fertile environment. And if the milk is not cooled immediately, it will quickly turn sour. Therefore, on farms, milk is cooled in special containers and sent for processing in milk tankers with refrigeration equipment.


The best milk is “homemade”, from the market

Only unimaginative people believe this myth. For everyone else, when they see a plastic cola bottle filled with white liquid, a lot of questions arise. Is the cow that gave milk healthy? Who milked her and under what conditions? When was she last seen by a veterinarian? Was she treated with antibiotics? How long did it take after milking, and how long did it take for the milk to “get” to the market? What were (and were they) used to wash these same plastic bottles? And so on. In general, decide for yourself whether it is worth playing “Russian roulette” and buying milk from unfamiliar “private traders”. Especially in spontaneous markets, where no examinations are carried out at all.


Boiling means killing all bacteria, but getting a healthy product

Partially true. Unfortunately, boiling kills not only harmful bacteria, but also many useful material– vitamins, microelements, amino acids. First of all, this concerns the unique milk protein casein contained only in this product. Also, when boiling, calcium and phosphorus turn into insoluble compounds that the body cannot absorb. That's why boiled milk, of course, is much safer than raw, but in terms of usefulness it is hopelessly behind. Therefore, preference should be given to milk that does not require boiling. For example, milk from most children's brands does not need to be boiled, since it has undergone a special heat treatment - ultra-pasteurization.


All store-bought milk comes from the same tank, just the price is different.

This is wrong. There are two main milk processing methods used today: pasteurization and ultra-pasteurization. The first method was developed back in the 19th century by the French microbiologist Louis Pasteur - and gave it his name. This “classic” technology involves heating milk to 75-85 degrees and holding it at this temperature from 10 seconds to several minutes. Harmful bacteria in this case they die, but their “embryos” - the spores - remain “alive”. Over time, spores begin to develop, which is why pasteurized milk has short term shelf life, and should be transported and stored only in the refrigerator. Ultra pasteurization – more modern method, for which only the highest quality raw materials are suitable. The milk quickly heats up to 137-140 degrees, is maintained at this temperature for only 4 seconds, and also cools quickly. Under the influence of high temperature, not only bacteria die, but also more heat-resistant spores, but vitamins, microelements and other useful substances do not have time to suffer - the heating period is too short. Then the milk is bottled into sealed multilayer bags (and the bottling takes place in a sterile environment that excludes the entry of bacteria from the outside) and can be stored in sealed bags for several months. And not in the refrigerator, but simply at room temperature.


Only milk stuffed with preservatives and antibiotics can be stored for a long time.

It is not true. Returning to UHT technology: as a result of short exposure high temperatures All harmful microflora in milk dies. Milk that does not contain bacteria cannot sour - there is no one to start this process. Bacteria from the outside also cannot enter the product - special multi-layer packaging prevents this. That is why milk in a sealed Tetra Pak bag can be stored for a long time, and no preservatives are needed for this. But as soon as you open the package, you should put it in the refrigerator and use it within 2 days, since the seal has already been broken.


If the milk doesn't sour on its own, there's something wrong with it.

This conclusion is sometimes reached by those who try to make cottage cheese or yogurt from packaged milk, but do not add special starters, but simply wait for the milk to sour. There are two points to consider here. Firstly, the process of milk souring is started by bacteria, including pathogenic ones. And, as we have already found out, they are simply not present in UHT milk. And secondly, high quality fermented milk product can only be prepared with the help of the “correct” bacteria contained in the starter, and not bacteria that accidentally “flew” into the milk from the air in your kitchen. Read culinary recipes or, for example, instructions for yogurt makers: milk should be fermented only using starter cultures.


The best container for milk is glass

The glass bottle is indeed a traditional and proven packaging for milk. But it has a number of disadvantages: it is heavy, it can break and, most importantly, it allows sunlight. Today there is a more modern and reliable option - Tetra Pak cardboard packaging. Each such package is a complex and thoughtful design of six layers of three different materials: cardboard, polyethylene and aluminum foil. Each material performs its own function: for example, foil protects the contents of the package from light and air, and also plays the role of a “refrigerator”, preventing the package from heating up. And the package will definitely not break)))

After the birth of a child, the next most important task of a woman is to breastfeed him. The best food does not exist for a baby than breast milk, on breast-feeding Both mother and child are programmed by nature itself.

Almost all women can feed their newborn with breast milk, with the exception of no more than 2-3 percent of women, for whom breastfeeding is contraindicated for health reasons medical indications. Everyone else can and should feed, and this will help invaluable benefits to your child. Breast milk contains all the nutrients a baby needs. They help its growth, strengthen the immune system, and promote brain development. And also, breastfeeding is the most important close contact between mother and child.

Constantly feeling the mother, her warmth and love nearby, the child will be more calm emotionally, have less problems with digestion, and diseases in the first year of life will also bypass him. Breastfeeding is now very widely promoted, and there are many breastfeeding specialists. After all, a nursing mother has initial stage During breastfeeding, many questions arise, for example, how to properly attach the baby to the breast, how often this should be done, and whether the baby has enough milk. These concerns are understandable, since the baby is not yet able to explain his needs, and responsibility for his successful development lies entirely with the parents, so it is extremely important proper care for the child, and properly organized breastfeeding.

Moms often ask how to eat to have more breast milk. First of all, you need to drink as much fluid as possible, at least 1.5, but not more than 2.5 liters per day. Since breast milk is almost 80 percent water, the nursing mother’s body must also receive enough of it. You can drink not only water; tea with milk, freshly brewed, black or green, is very useful to enhance lactation. Even grandmothers used this method to increase the amount of breast milk. Before feeding, drink a glass of this tea 10-15 minutes before feeding, and eat a bowl of soup or a sandwich with cheese. Secondly, herbs such as anise, fennel, cumin, nettle and decoctions from them also have a milk-producing effect. Currently, in departments baby food Special teas are sold to enhance and maintain lactation from various manufacturing companies, both foreign and Russian. Some of the most effective teas for nursing mothers are “Hipp” or “Lactogon”. Food products that are included in the diet of a nursing woman must be both dietary and provide the body with required quantity calories so as not to create a milk shortage. You should eat protein, fish, meat, and vegetable dishes, but be careful with fruits. Undesirable canned food, cakes, pastries, and the need for carbohydrates are better satisfied with bread (bread with cumin is especially useful), grain bread, and cereal cookies. Kefir, porridge, and fermented milk products are required. Previously, doctors' recommendations on how to eat in order to have more breast milk included advice that the mother herself should drink as much milk as possible, but now almost no one recommends doing this, because of the possibility negative influence cow's milk on the composition of breast milk. Many children now often experience the phenomenon of allergies to cow protein, this means intolerance to cow's milk.

It is assumed that the body of a nursing mother will independently form the composition of breast milk that is optimally beneficial for the baby. To make her milk nutritious, the mother should eat more natural foods with high content vitamins To get more breast milk, put your baby to your breast more often, this is the basic rule. By constantly stimulating the functioning of the mammary gland, the baby will thereby help produce the amount of breast milk that he needs. There is no need to limit the duration of feeding; when the baby is full, he will release the breast on his own. The technique of putting the baby to the breast is no less important - there should be no slurping sounds during feeding, so that as little air as possible gets into the baby’s mouth, then he will not be tormented by belching and increased gas production.

While breastfeeding, you should eat in such a way as to consume as little as possible. allergenic products. If the mother has allergies to certain products, then most likely the child will have it too. No need to eat seasonings with strong odor, garlic, a lot of onions. This may give the milk bad taste which the child will not like. Products that increase lactation are cheese, carrots, dill, parsley, walnuts. Very useful squeezed carrot juice, mixed with milk, this should be drunk warm before feeding. However, you need to carefully monitor whether your child is allergic to carrots. You can also buy specialized nutrition, which is produced for pregnant and nursing mothers. In many antenatal clinics They issue coupons for its free purchase to all women at their request.

Such nutrition helps saturate milk with essential nutrients, supports and strengthens the body of a nursing mother. But, if it is not at hand, then there is no need to worry. If breastfeeding is organized correctly, the nursing woman does not go hungry and eats regularly and drinks sufficient quantity There will always be enough liquid and breast milk for the baby. When so-called lactation crises occur, they can also be dealt with proper nutrition, a calm emotional environment, and in necessary cases taking lactogenic teas. However, you should not constantly consume these teas, since you can even make breast milk production excessive, and it will be much more difficult to reduce it.

It's no secret that village milk is much healthier than factory milk. However, in urban conditions it is quite difficult to get such milk. Buying bottled milk at spontaneous markets is risky; it may be contaminated. One way out is to buy milk from the store.

Should you drink milk? The issue is controversial, and experts have not yet come to a consensus regarding the benefits or harms of this drink. Some doctors consider milk beneficial. Others, on the contrary, consider milk to be the main culprit in childhood allergies and even osteoporosis, which at first glance may seem strange.

But here we will not touch on the issue of the feasibility of dairy products. If you regularly drink milk, then you have the right to know about the product you purchase in stores.

Natural and store-bought milk - what's the difference?

Fresh, unprocessed milk, fresh from the cow, contains a lot useful components. These include various enzymes, vitamins, amino acids, and also fresh milk contains a lot of lactoferrin, a protein that has positive influence on immune system and has anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties.

Unfortunately, store-bought milk simply does not contain all these beneficial substances, since they are all destroyed during processing.

Milk homogenization

An interesting question: how is milk processed? The cows are first milked and the resulting milk is poured into large vats and then into tanks for homogenization. Raw milk contains approximately 4% fat, most of which is concentrated in small droplets. Homogenization is necessary to “break up” these droplets and distribute the fat evenly throughout the milk. However, during homogenization, fats come into contact with air, resulting in their oxidation. Oxidized fats, entering the intestines, contribute to the growth of pathogenic microflora and the development of inflammatory processes.

Reader Questions

18 October 2013, 17:25 Hello my baby is 2 months old I am feeding her cow's milk she has a rash and vomits everything she eats!!! what should we do? Is it possible to mix milk and formula?!

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Pasteurized or sterilized?

If you do not have the opportunity to buy high-quality village milk, then you have to choose between pasteurized and sterilized store-bought milk. Which one to choose?

Pasteurization involves heating milk to 65-70 degrees. At this temperature, pathogenic microbes die, and some of the beneficial substances are preserved. The shelf life of such milk is several days.

As for in this case, milk is processed at 130-140 degrees. After such treatment, not only bacteria, but also spores die. True, there is practically nothing useful left in such milk. Sterilized milk can be stored for months.

Manufacturers of ultra-pasteurized milk with tempting names offer consumers an outright counterfeit instead of a natural product. One thing is good: no antibiotics were found in the 15 samples tested.

At the end of April, Rosselkhoznadzor decided, as stated on the official website of the department, “to become a source of positive information” and published a “list of honest milk producers.” True, the first attempt to contrast something with the “universal smearing of black paint on domestic milk processors” turned out to be lumpy: only 19 were included in the list Russian companies, and only two from St. Petersburg. In response to the reasonable indignation of other dairy farmers, Rosselkhoznadzor responded that “the list will be constantly updated and replenished, you just need to wait a little.”

St. Petersburg public organization“Public Control” did not wait for consumers and went on another raid on the stores of the Northern capital, where 15 samples of ultra-pasteurized milk were purchased. The samples were delivered for research to the testing laboratory "PETERSBURG-EXPERTIZA" (IL "PETEX"). The audit showed that four trademarks do not correspond mandatory requirements, and two of them turned out to be fakes.

“This is a scam of the consumer”

The Rosselkhoznadzor list became a kind of response to the problem raised by one of the agricultural producers during the direct line President Vladimir Putin, held on April 14. Addressing the head of state, the farmer complained that honest dairymen are not able to compete with those who, under the guise of milk, sell drinks with added palm oil.

– If dairy products contain a lot of palm oil, and the seller advertises it as natural product, the consumer is being cheated, - he was indignant Putin and added that it is necessary to oblige the manufacturer to write what is contained in food products. – The consumer has the right to know what he is consuming.

As the latest “dairy” inspection of the “Public Control” showed, two companies must write in large letters on the packaging of their products that they contain vegetable fats: Molmarket LLC from the Kaluga region and OJSC "Saratov Dairy Plant". True, then at the same time they will have to abandon the “GOST” marking and tempting names that mislead consumers - "Milk from our own farm" And "Just what you need". After all, as laboratory tests have shown, these products cannot even be classified as dairy drinks, since the cat cried out of milk fat in them.

In search of milk fat

Fat phase "Milk from our own farm"(sample purchased at the supermarket "Season" on Sizova Ave., 28) on 95% consisted of fats of non-dairy origin! Other indicators also do not stand up to criticism: the mass fraction of protein is 1.8% instead of the “at least 3%” required by GOST, the mass fraction of dry nonfat milk residue (SMR) is 7.6% instead of the norm of 8.2%.

– If there is less protein in milk than it should be, then the SOMO indicator will be lower than required by GOST. Where does the protein come from if the product consists almost entirely of vegetable fats? - says Tatyana Pilipenko, professor at the Department of Expertise of Consumer Products at Peter the Great Polytechnic University. – And most likely, in this sample even dry skim milk no, because the protein still remains in it. Apparently used cheap substitute– whey, which does not contain protein. This is an outright fake!

Milk sample "Just what you need" (private label trading network "O'Key", purchased in a hypermarket on Bogatyrsky Prospekt, 13) from Saratov consisted of 54% fats of non-dairy origin. The mass fraction of protein is 2.6% instead of 3.0% according to GOST.

– Apparently, the manufacturer diluted the powdered milk with water, added vegetable fat and received a falsified product, says Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Biotechnology at St. Petersburg ITMO University Anatoly Brusentsev.

- “I would like to draw the attention of consumers that one of the counterfeit milk products was produced under the private label of a large retail chain,” says the chairman "Public control" Vsevolod Vishnevetsky. – Unfortunately, today this is an established practice when hypermarkets place orders various products under their own brands in food production with obviously low consumer properties. Many manufacturers agree to this deal because otherwise they have no chance of getting their product on the shelf. For the sake of a store’s private label, they are ready to sacrifice their trademark and even their reputation if, during a public inspection, gross violations of the requirements of GOST or Technical Regulations are revealed. Therefore, I recommend choosing products that bear the brand of the manufacturer itself, and not the retail chain. Even though these goods are 5-10% more expensive, the buyer will have less chance of purchasing a fake. Products made to order from stores must have a corresponding inscription - always carefully study the packaging! And, of course, pay attention to the price: today the fair price for a package of milk on a store shelf cannot cost less than 50 rubles. Our next check showed: cheaper products can be classified as best case scenario to “milk drinks”, at worst – to counterfeits. It is the second group that includes counterfeit milk products. “Just what you need!”(price 43-99 rubles per 0.9 l) and "Milk from our own farm"(38.90 rubles for 0.95 l).

Which milk is healthier?

There are many myths about UHT (sterilized) milk. For example: there is nothing healthy in this drink.

Actually this is not true. This milk, in particular, is recommended to be given to children, since pasteurized milk is not always suitable for them. Scientists have even conducted studies and found that babies who drink UHT milk develop faster and gain weight better compared to children who drink simply pasteurized milk. Moreover, UHT milk contains enzymes necessary for the absorption of nutrients and the proper absorption of milk proteins. Without them, the body is unable to digest proteins, which can cause gastrointestinal upset.

True, not all milk can be ultra-pasteurized.

“It should only be of the highest quality – fresh and natural,” he clarifies. Tatiana Pilipenko. – The peculiarity of heat treatment is that raw milk is first very quickly heated to 160 degrees and then cooled just as quickly, after which it is hermetically packaged. As a result, all microbes in milk die, all harmful microflora disappear, and the nutritional value product, trace elements and vitamins remain.

Ultrapasteurization can significantly increase the shelf life of milk. It does not spoil for a long time even at room temperature. If the package is opened, the milk must be consumed within three days.

– The usual shelf life of such milk is from 6 to 10 months, b O I haven’t seen any longer shelf life, and there’s no particular point in it,” says Tatiana Pilipenko.

But the activists of “Public Control” were lucky - in the Dixie supermarket on Komendantsky Prospekt, 35, building 1, they found milk under a private label "D" with a shelf life of 12 months! Produced this drink LLC "Agrodairy plant "Ryazansky".

- Year? – he clarified in surprise Anatoly Brusentsev. – The expiration date is set by the manufacturer. He is obliged to document that, subject to storage and sales conditions, the milk can withstand such a long shelf life.

Alas, you cannot attach documents to every package of milk, and the consumer can only trust in the integrity of the manufacturer and seller. And they, as the milk examination showed, trademark "D" This trust is not always justified and, under the guise of milk of the highest quality, they offer the consumer a product that does not comply with GOST.

Where did the protein go?

Milk brand " D" failed the examination on two indicators at once: SOMO (7.2% instead of 8.2%) and “mass fraction of protein” (2.7% instead of “at least 3%”).

- Diluted with water! - categorical Anatoly Brusentsev.

“Perhaps the manufacturer used powdered milk, the protein was poorly restored and did not give the indicators required by GOST,” he suggests Tatiana Pilipenko.

Similar irregularities were detected in the milk sample. "Honest Cow" from Bashkir Chekmagushevsky Dairy Plant LLC. The mass fraction of protein in it was only 2.4%, SOMO - 7.7%.

“This is also falsification,” he believes Tatiana Pilipenko. – The protein level in milk is standardized by GOST. If there is less of it in milk than normal, we have counterfeit. Perhaps the milk was diluted with water or the raw materials were originally with low rate squirrel. But the company couldn’t help but know this. Almost all factories are now equipped with a very simple device, which within five minutes gives the four main indicators of incoming raw materials - density, fat content, protein and SOMO. If the plant received raw materials from reduced content protein, the manufacturer must have used it for some other product. For example, cottage cheese, during the preparation of which both fat content and protein can be adjusted. But there is no way to make UHT milk from such raw materials, which should only be of the highest quality.

Samples from Ryazan and Bashkiria are milk drinks, not milk, sums up Vsevolod Vishnevetsky. – However, if the Bashkir milkmen offered “ reasonable price» for their product (42 rubles for 0.9 l), then Ryazan together with the network "Dixie" decided to “cheat” buyers “to the fullest” by asking for their milk drink the price of high-quality milk (59-90 rubles per 0.925 l). This misleading behavior further undermines trust in private label products. This is already a double “swindle,” to use the language of the President of Russia.

As reported in « Public control» , currently Rospotrebnadzor authorities in different regions Russia, including St. Petersburg, is conducting administrative investigations against unscrupulous milk producers and sellers.

You can buy!

The above-mentioned list of “honest producers” of Rosselkhoznadzor includes Wimm-Bill-Dann OJSC, whose milk “Vesely Milkman” was successfully tested in the PETEX laboratory. It would be fair if in the near future the St. Petersburg Piskarevsky Dairy Plant, which invariably remains the leader in the “You can buy!” section, will also join the list: UHT milk “Clover” has also successfully passed tests. As well as the products of Galaktika LLC (Leningrad region) under the “Sudarynya” brand.

According to the results of the examination, the products of eight more dairies complied with GOST: Pyatigorsk Dairy Plant LLC (Pyatigorsk), Belgorod Dairy Plant OJSC (Belgorod), Opolye Holding Company CJSC (Vladimir region), Danone JLLC -Pruzhany" (Belarus), PJSC Voronezhsky (Voronezh), CJSC Avida Dairy Plant (Stary Oskol), as well as OJSC Pavlovsky Dairy Plant (Nizhny Novgorod region) and OJSC Milcom ( Izhevsk).

Irina Golubenko


No need to boil - just take it and drink!

Ultra-pasteurization at one time became a real breakthrough in the field of food technology. It made it possible to completely protect the milk, preserving most of the vitamins, proteins and minerals. With such processing, all useful substances remain and, most importantly, natural calcium, which is necessary for bones. This milk does not need to be boiled!

Word to the expert

Larisa Shapovalova, head of the department for quality control of products and services in response to consumer requests from St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution “Center for Quality Control of Goods (Products), Works and Services”:

– Today, retail chains offer customers a huge selection of brands of ultra-pasteurized (sterilized) milk.

It is exposed heat treatment at a temperature of 120 to 160 degrees for 30 minutes. With this technology, bacteria are killed, milk can be stored whole year, but its nutritional value compared to pasteurized milk is significantly reduced. UHT milk can be stored at temperatures from +20 to +25 degrees.

As with any type of milk, the buyer should carefully inspect the packaging of the product - it should not be dirty, wrinkled, and the labeling should be readable. After opening the package, the milk must be consumed within three days.

When implementing the project “Don’t buy it!” state support funds allocated as a grant are used in accordance with the order of the President Russian Federation dated April 1, 2015 No. 79-rp and on the basis of a competition held by OOD “Civil Dignity”.



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