Afobazole analogues are cheaper. Afobazol: analogues and substitutes, cheaper and more expensive, Russian and imported

This page provides a list of all analogues of Afobazol by composition and indication for use. A list of cheap analogues, and you can also compare prices in pharmacies.

Cheap analogues of Afobazol

# Name Price in Russia Price in Ukraine
1 8 rub 300 UAH
Similar in indication and method of use
23 rub. 35 UAH
3 bromodihydrochlorophenylbenzodiazepine
Similar in indication and method of use
40 rub --
4 bromodihydrochlorophenylbenzodiazepine
Similar in indication and method of use
60 rub --
5 Similar in indication and method of use 179 RUR 86 UAH

When calculating the cost cheap analogues of Afobazol taken into account minimum price, which was found in price lists provided by pharmacies

Popular analogs of Afobazol

# Name Price in Russia Price in Ukraine
1 bromodihydrochlorophenylbenzodiazepine
Similar in indication and method of use
23 rub. 35 UAH
2 aminophenylbutyric acid hydrochloride, hyprolose, colloidal silicon dioxide, lactose, magnesium stearate
Similar in indication and method of use
8 rub 300 UAH
3 bromodihydrochlorophenylbenzodiazepine
Similar in indication and method of use
60 rub --
4 Selank
Similar in indication and method of use
446 RUR 441 UAH
5 Similar in indication and method of use 179 RUR 86 UAH

The list of drug analogues based on statistics of the most requested drugs

All analogues of Afobazol

Analogues by indication and method of use

Name Price in Russia Price in Ukraine
bromodihydrochlorophenylbenzodiazepine 23 rub. 35 UAH
Selank 446 RUR 441 UAH
aminophenylbutyric acid hydrochloride, hyprolose, colloidal silicon dioxide, lactose, magnesium stearate 8 rub 300 UAH
bromodihydrochlorophenylbenzodiazepine 60 rub --
mebicar -- --
bromodihydrochlorophenylbenzodiazepine 40 rub --
lavender oil -- 7 UAH
179 RUR 86 UAH

Different composition, may have the same indication and method of use

Name Price in Russia Price in Ukraine
phenazepam -- --
phenazepam -- 35 UAH
diazepam 128 rub. --
diazepam 38 rub. --
diazepam -- --
diazepam 27 rub. 20 UAH
diazepam -- --
diazepam -- 20 UAH
chlordiazepoxide 809 RUR --
oxazepam 165 RUR --
tofisopam RUR 319 530 UAH
tofisopam -- --
-- 7 UAH
gidazepam -- 41 UAH
247 RUR 75 UAH
hydroxyzine -- --
buspirone -- 7 UAH
buspirone 579 RUR 7 UAH

To compile a list of cheap analogues of expensive drugs, we use prices that are provided to us by more than 10,000 pharmacies throughout Russia. The database of drugs and their analogues is updated daily, so the information provided on our website is always up to date as of the current day. If you have not found the analogue you are interested in, please use the search above and select the medicine you are interested in from the list. On the page of each of them you will find everything possible options analogues of the sought-after medicine, as well as prices and addresses of pharmacies where it is available.

How to find a cheap analogue of an expensive medicine?

To find inexpensive analogue medicine, generic or synonym, first of all we recommend paying attention to the composition, namely the same active ingredients and indications for use. The same active ingredients of a drug will indicate that the drug is a synonym for the drug, pharmaceutically equivalent or a pharmaceutical alternative. However, do not forget about inactive components similar drugs, which may have an impact on safety and effectiveness. Do not forget about the instructions of doctors; self-medication can harm your health, so before consuming any medical product Always consult your doctor.

Afobazole price

On the websites below you can find prices for Afobazole and find out about availability at a pharmacy near you

Afobazole instructions

on the use of the drug

1 tablet contains:
morphodihydrochloride – 5 or 10 mg;
Additional substances: potato starch, microcrystalline cellulose, milk sugar (lactose), povidone, magnesium stearate.

pharmachologic effect
The active ingredient of the drug is a selective anxiolytic that does not belong to the class of benzodiazepine receptor agonists. Prevents the development of membrane-dependent changes in receptors sensitive to gamma-aminobutyric acid. The effect of the drug is not accompanied by hypnosedative effects. It does not have muscle relaxant properties or have a negative effect on memory and concentration. Even with long-term use Afobazole does not develop drug dependence, there is no withdrawal syndrome. Due to the stabilization of membranes in GABA receptors, it has a dual effect on the human body, simultaneously providing an anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) and mild stimulating effect. Decrease psychological discomfort caused by anxiety (preoccupation, bad feelings, apprehension, irritability) and the consequences of nervous tension (fearfulness, tearfulness, anxiety, inability to relax, unreasonable fear, insomnia) lead to an improvement in the general condition of the body, including an improvement in physical condition.
The state of psychological well-being leads to improvement in various somatic, autonomic and cognitive disorders. Including eliminating muscular, sensory, cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal symptoms at somatic disorders. Reduces the frequency of occurrence autonomic disorders, including dry mouth, sweating, dizziness. The drug increases the ability to concentrate and improves memory. Improvement is observed on days 5-7 of taking the drug. Maximum effect is achieved at 4 weeks of treatment and persists after discontinuation of the drug for an average of 1-2 weeks, depending on the metabolic characteristics of each individual patient. It is more effective to use the drug in the treatment of patients with predominantly asthenic personality traits. Such people are usually characterized by suspiciousness, uncertainty, increased vulnerability and emotional lability. The drug is well absorbed from intestinal tract, has a high degree of binding to plasma proteins and a high degree of affinity for body cells. The drug belongs to the category of drugs that are quickly eliminated from the body, thus reducing the likelihood of developing an overdose of Afobazole. The half-life is 0.82 hours.

Indications for use
It is used in adults for anxiety conditions: generalized anxiety disorders, neurasthenia, adaptation disorders.
For somatic diseases: bronchial asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, systemic lupus erythematosus, hypertonic disease, ischemic disease heart, arrhythmias.
If indicated for dermatological and oncological diseases.
In the treatment of sleep disorders, neurocirculatory dystonia, premenstrual syndrome.
For the treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome, and relief of withdrawal syndrome when quitting smoking.

Mode of application
Taken orally, preferably after meals. The dose of the drug is selected individually. The initial single dose of the drug is 10 mg, the daily dose is 30 mg. If necessary, the dose is increased to 60 mg per day. The course of treatment is 2-4 weeks; if indicated, the attending physician can extend the course to 3 months or prescribe a repeat course after a certain period of time.

Side effects
Allergic reactions, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may develop.

Children under 18 years of age;
Pregnancy and lactation period;
Individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
Lactose intolerance (hypolactasia).

The use of the drug during pregnancy is contraindicated. The drug is excreted in breast milk, so when prescribing the drug, it is necessary to raise the question of stopping breastfeeding.

Drug interactions
Mutual potentiation is observed when simultaneous administration drug Afobazol and diazepam. Enhances the anticonvulsant effect of carbamazepine. It has no effect on the narcotic effect of ethanol and the hypnotic effect of thiopental.

With a significant overdose, a sedative effect may occur, as well as increased sleepiness without manifestations of muscle relaxation. There is no specific antidote. As emergency care It is allowed to use caffeine benzoate-sodium 20% solution in ampoules of 1.0 ml 2-3 times a day subcutaneously.

Release form
Tablets of 10 tablets in strip packs of 3, 5 or 10 strip packs in a cardboard box;
Tablets, 25 tablets in a blister pack of 2 or 4 blister packs in a cardboard box;
30, 50 or 100 tablets in a polymer jar with a lid.

Storage conditions
In a place protected from light and moisture, at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees Celsius.
Shelf life – 2 years.

Pharmacological group
Medicines acting primarily on the central nervous system
Psychotropic medicines
Sedatives, tranquilizers

Active substance:

All information is provided for informational purposes and does not constitute a basis for self-appointment or changing medication

When choosing remedies to eliminate anxiety states, neurasthenia, as well as for complex treatment some somatic diseases the patient often does not know which medicine to choose. After all, many popular drugs have similar action or they have generics - essentially the same medications, but from a different manufacturer, often having a different name. Of course, when making a diagnosis, a doctor must prescribe appropriate treatment. But many people prefer to study how this or that remedy works on their own. In this article we will look at two drugs so that readers can decide what to choose - the drug “Afobazol” or “Grandaxin”. We will discuss how these drugs work, what indications and contraindications they have, and how they are characterized by doctors and patients themselves.

The drug “Afobazol”: pharmacological properties, release form

This product is produced in Russia under the name Afobazol. He has a pronounced sedative effect, and, what is important, its use does not cause addiction in the patient. The drug has a mild anti-anxiety effect, eliminates nervous tension, causeless fear, tearfulness, insomnia, and also has a slight stimulating effect on the nervous system. In addition, the medication helps increase concentration and improve memory. Its effect can be observed already on days 4-7 of use, and the maximum effect occurs after 4 weeks of use of this medicine. The drug “Afobazol” is available in the form of tablets, in contour packaging containing 10 or 25 pieces. And also in jars of 30, 50 or 100 tablets, each containing 5 or 10 mg active component. This medicine should be stored for no more than 2 years in a dark and dry place. Next, we’ll talk about how to use Afobazol tablets correctly. Instructions for use, price of the drug and possible side effects will be discussed a little below.

Indications for use

Doctors use this drug for the treatment of patients with the following diseases or states:

  • causeless anxiety, neurasthenia, ;
  • bronchial asthma, hypertension (as an auxiliary element in complex therapy);
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • coronary heart disease and arrhythmia.

Contraindications and possible side effects

For some people, it is not recommended to use the drug in question, or the tablets can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor, strictly following the dosage indicated by him. So, the drug “Afobazol” is contraindicated:

  • children under 18 years of age;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • at individual intolerance components included in the drug;
  • if the body is lactose intolerant.

When taking the drug Afobazol, side effects can be observed quite rarely, but some may experience allergic reaction, nausea or vomiting, and diarrhea begin. An overdose of the drug is not life-threatening: a large number of tablets taken at one time may cause excessive drowsiness and confusion. As an emergency in this case, doctors administer a 20% solution of caffeine benzoate-sodium 1 ml 2 or 3 times a day.

The drug “Afobazol”: instructions, price

Unless otherwise prescribed by the doctor, Afobazole tablets are used 2 times a day, daily dose in the first days should not exceed 30 mg, one-time - 10 mg. Next, the doctor analyzes the patient’s condition and can increase the dosage to 60 mg per day. On average, the course of treatment is from 2 to 4 weeks. If necessary and according to indications, this period is increased to 3 months. We have already mentioned that a distinctive and very good feature of the drug is that it is not addictive.

The cost of a package (60 pieces of 10 mg each) starts at 200 rubles. Actually, that's all important information about the drug “Afobazol”: instructions for use, price, indications and contraindications for use are discussed in detail above. Now let's pay a little attention to drugs that have a similar effect.

The drug “Afobazol”: analogues

Every popular medicine has its own analogues. Essentially, these are drugs that have similar action and often having the same composition. What is the difference from the original? Often - in price, manufacturer, release form (tablets, capsules, injection solution, and so on). The drug “Afobazol” has the following analogues: the drugs “Adaptol”, “Neurofazol” and “Afobazol GR”. The well-known natural remedy“Novopassit”. The named drugs are characterized by almost identical properties, but, for example, the drug “Neurofazol” is available in the form of a solution for administration through a dropper, that is, its use at home is difficult. Adaptol is cheaper than Afobazol, but is just as effective and does not cause dependence or drowsiness after taking the tablets. But in any case, therapy must be prescribed by a doctor. It is highly undesirable to use medications of this kind on your own.

The drug “Grandaxin”: pharmacological properties

This drug belongs to the so-called “daytime” tranquilizers, that is, after taking the drug you will not experience drowsiness, lethargy, or impaired consciousness. It does not have a muscle relaxant effect and does not have an anticonvulsant effect. The drug is available in the form of tablets for oral administration, the weight of one piece is 0.01 grams. The package contains 50 pieces. The drug can also be purchased in the form of granules for preparing a suspension. The fact that the drug has several forms of release, including for children, may influence the decision of those who doubt what to choose for treatment - the drug Afobazol or Grandaxin.

Indications for use of the drug

So, before comparing drugs, you need to consider to whom doctors recommend taking Grandaxin. As a rule, medication is prescribed in the presence of the following pathologies:

  • neuroses and neurosis-like conditions;
  • unreasonable fear, anxiety;
  • states of apathy, decreased activity;
  • acute alcohol withdrawal syndrome (with treatment alcohol addiction).

Since the drug does not have pronounced hypnotic and muscle relaxant properties, it can be used by elderly people, as well as debilitated patients. This medicine is not recommended for use during the first trimester of pregnancy, but further use is possible if the medicine is prescribed by a doctor.

Contraindications to the use of Grandaxin, possible side effects

This drug should not be used during lactation and in the first trimester of pregnancy (as already mentioned). Also, doctors prescribe the medicine with caution to patients when treating alcoholism, since it may not provide the desired sedative effect. In addition, it is not recommended to use the medication in the following cases:

  • at deep depression(strong drugs are required here);
  • with sleep apnea syndrome;
  • in case of respiratory failure in the stage of decompensation;
  • with intolerance to galactose, glucose and galactose;
  • in case of hypersensitivity to any component of the drug.

Side effects from taking this medication may include insomnia or headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or, conversely, constipation. Rarely there is a decrease in appetite, itchy skin, muscle pain or respiratory depression. When identifying negative reaction It is better to stop taking the drug.

Medicine “Grandaxin”: instructions for use, price

This remedy should be taken 1-2 tablets 1 to 3 times a day. Maximum dose, safe to take within 24 hours, - 300 mg. Elderly people and patients with renal failure the indicated dosage is usually reduced by 2 times. An overdose of the drug is not life-threatening. Vomiting, confusion, coma, or respiratory depression may occur if a large dose of medication is taken at the same time. To neutralize these symptoms, doctors prescribe gastric lavage, use Activated carbon, injections of the drugs “Dopamine” or “Norepinephrine” are prescribed.

The price of the drug “Grandaxin” is 200-250 rubles per package. Typically, such drugs are dispensed in pharmacies with a doctor's prescription. Manufacturer of this medication- JSC Pharmaceutical factory“EGIS”, Hungary. Although packaging is possible in Russia, which is necessarily indicated on the package with the drug.

Above we talked about the drug “Grandaxin”. Instructions for use, price, indications and contraindications for use are also presented in as much detail as possible. Now let's turn to patient reviews.

Customer opinions about the drug “Grandaxin”

Here is what those who used this drug for treatment according to indications say:

  • the medicine acts very quickly, and a lasting effect is observed after just a couple of days of use;
  • the drug relieves nervous tension well;
  • The tablets have a neutral odor and taste and are taken without problems.

As for side effects, people indicate nausea after taking the pills; many noted lethargy and dizziness, especially with a sudden change of location. These are the reviews that “Grandaxin” received. The price has not caused any complaints from those who use the drug - it costs about the same as other similar medications. The only thing is that it is still recommended for use in severe, pronounced states of anxiety and restlessness. If you're just nervous, you premenstrual syndrome or stress, doctors suggest using drugs with a milder effect, such as Novopassit or valerian extract.

When using Grandaxin (tablets) for treatment, the instructions for use warn of possible side effects, you should be very careful with the dosage; ideally, it should be selected by a specialist. The manufacturer indicates only the approximate number of tablets that a patient can take per day. The final decision must be made by the doctor.

In this article you can find instructions for use medicinal product Afobazole. Reviews of site visitors - consumers of this medicine, as well as the opinions of specialist doctors on the use of Afobazole in their practice are presented. We kindly ask you to actively add your reviews about the drug: whether the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, what complications and side effects were observed, perhaps not stated by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Afobazole, if available structural analogues. Use for the treatment of neurasthenia, anxiety disorders, withdrawal syndrome in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. Indications, contraindications and side effects of taking the drug.

Afobazole- a derivative of 2-mercaptobenzimidazole, a selective anxiolytic that does not belong to the class of benzodiazepine receptor agonists. Prevents the development of membrane-dependent changes in the GABA receptor.

The drug has an anxiolytic effect with an activating component, not accompanied by hypnosedative effects (sedative effects are detected in doses 40-50 times higher than the ED50 for anxiolytic action). The drug does not have muscle relaxant properties or a negative effect on memory and attention. When using the drug, drug dependence does not form and withdrawal syndrome does not develop.

The effect of the drug is realized primarily as a combination of anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) and mildly stimulating (activating) effects. Reducing or eliminating anxiety (preoccupation, apprehension, apprehension, irritability), tension (fearfulness, tearfulness, restlessness, inability to relax, insomnia, fear), and, consequently, somatic (muscular, sensory, cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal) intestinal symptoms), autonomic (dry mouth, sweating, dizziness), cognitive (difficulty concentrating, weakened memory) disorders are observed on days 5-7 of treatment with Afobazole. The maximum effect is achieved by the end of 4 weeks of treatment and persists in the post-therapeutic period for an average of 1-2 weeks.

The use of the drug is especially indicated in persons with predominantly asthenic personality traits in the form of anxious suspiciousness, uncertainty, increased vulnerability and emotional lability, a tendency to emotional stress reactions. Afobazole is non-toxic.


Anxiety conditions in adults:

  • generalized anxiety disorders, neurasthenia, adaptation disorders;
  • in patients with various somatic conditions (bronchial asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, SLE, ischemic heart disease, arterial hypertension, arrhythmias), dermatological, oncological and other diseases;
  • anxiety-related sleep disorders;
  • cardiopsychoneurosis;
  • premenstrual tension syndrome;
  • alcohol withdrawal syndrome;
  • to alleviate withdrawal symptoms when quitting smoking.

Release forms

Tablets 5 mg and 10 mg.

Instructions for use and dosage regimen

The drug is prescribed orally, after meals. Single dose is 10 mg; daily dose - 30 mg, divided into 3 doses during the day.

Duration course application the drug is 2-4 weeks.

If necessary, the daily dose of the drug can be increased to 60 mg, and the duration of treatment up to 3 months.

Side effect

  • allergic reactions
  • increased individual sensitivity.


  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period (breastfeeding);
  • age under 18 years (the drug is contraindicated for children);
  • increased sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The drug is contraindicated for use during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding).

Drug interactions

At simultaneous use Afobazole has no effect on the narcotic effect of ethanol (alcohol) and the hypnotic effect of thiopental.

With simultaneous use, Afobazole potentiates the anticonvulsant effect of carbamazepine.

With simultaneous use, Afobazole causes an increase in the anxiolytic effect of diazepam.

Analogues of the drug Afobazol

Structural analogues of the active substance:

  • Afobazole GR;
  • Neurophazol.

If there are no analogues of the drug for the active substance, you can follow the links below to the diseases for which the corresponding drug helps, and look at the available analogues for the therapeutic effect.

Afobazole is a tranquilizer with special effects: active substances influence certain receptors in the brain. Selective exposure allows you to quickly suppress anxiety without slowing down the nervous system. The product cannot be called budgetary and, if necessary, you can select analogues of Afobazole.

General features of the drugs

The main task of the product is to restore the sensitivity of brain receptors, stabilizing them, and normalizing VSD. The drug has stimulating and calming effects, allowing a person to cope with anxiety, cognitive disorders and disorders of the autonomic system.

Indications include the following pathologies:

  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • neurasthenia;
  • alcohol syndrome;
  • adaptive disorders;
  • arrhythmia;
  • sleep disorders;
  • asthma;
  • ischemic disease;
  • lupus;
  • hypertension.

The original is prohibited for use by minor children, pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding. This is where Afobazole analogues come to the rescue, some of which have fewer contraindications.

Also, the drug is prohibited in case of intolerance to monosaccharides and galactose, or lactase deficiency. This also needs to be taken into account when selecting analogues - some of them may differ favorably in composition, and the prohibitions can be circumvented.

Possible analogues

When selecting analogues, you need to pay attention not only to the main indications, but also to the composition of the drugs. If possible, it is better to consult with your doctor before use.

Even though medications may have few side effects, it is very difficult to predict their effect on the body.

  • Alprazolam

Indications for use of Alprazolam are almost similar to those of Afobazole. These also include depression, phobias, withdrawal states, organic and psychiatric anxiety disorders and alcohol dependence syndrome. The active substance is a benzodiazepine derivative belonging to

The drug is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract within two hours. It can penetrate into breast milk and overcomes the placental barrier, so pregnant and lactating women, as well as those suffering from acute kidney and liver diseases, glaucoma or severe respiratory failure, will have to avoid using it.

  • Phenazepam

Phenazepam is a relatively cheap analogue, but is available only by prescription. Indications include epilepsy, muscle rigidity, autonomic dysfunctions and reactive psychoses. Contraindications are similar to those of the drug Afobazol.

The daily dosage and course are prescribed by the doctor and depend on the underlying disease for which the drug is needed. The recommended duration of use is two weeks: the product causes drug addiction and loses its effectiveness over time. If Phenazepam is discontinued, the dose should be reduced gradually.

The drug can only be used under the strict supervision of a doctor; it has an extensive list of side effects, including dysmenorrhea, breathing problems, muscle spasms and hallucinations.

  • Elenium

Additional indications for Elenium include insomnia and psychoorganic syndromes, which often cause neurasthenic disorders. Lactation and the first trimester of pregnancy are clear contraindications; during the second and third trimesters, use is possible if the doctor deems it appropriate.

The effect of the drug can be enhanced antihistamines, neuroleptics, analgesics and antiepileptic drugs. Elderly people should take half the recommended dose. Stop using Elenium the better whose work requires increased concentration.

  • Strezam

The advantageous difference between Stresam is the absence negative influence on psychomotor reactions, which allows it to be used as a daytime tranquilizer. The drug does not cause addiction, and there is no “withdrawal syndrome” typical of many sedatives. Peak action occurs within two hours after taking the tablet.

Average duration course - from a month to 12 weeks, during the first days a side effect is possible - dizziness, it goes away without the intervention of specialists. If the patient has a hypersensitivity to etifoxine hydrochloride, allergic reactions are possible. skin reactions. In this case, consultation with a specialist is necessary: ​​the doctor will help you choose another drug.

  • Tenoten

Tenoten is available in the form of lozenges; it has no unwanted muscle relaxant or hypnotic effects. Thereby homeopathic remedy you can get rid of constant stress, clinical depression or alleviate serious psycho-emotional stress, as well as normalize the activity of the central nervous system during hypoxia or intoxication of the body.

Tenoten Children's is used for children and adolescents (up to 18 years of age). Adults should take up to two tablets twice a day, the average course duration is up to three months. If necessary, the time is increased, and after a short break the therapy is repeated.

  • Mebicar

The analogue of Afobazole Mebicar is effective not only for the correction of phobias, anxiety and depressive disorders, alcoholic or nicotine addiction. It is also recommended to use it for emotional instability and chronic overstrain. The product improves oxygen supply to myocardial tissue and normalizes blood cholesterol balance.

The only contraindication is hypersensitivity to active or excipients. Side effects - allergies, decreased blood pressure or increased body temperature - are normalized without the intervention of specialists. Duration of the course – from a week to three months, for correction psychiatric diseases- up to six months.

  • Persen

Persen is one of the safest herbal medicines with sedative effect. However, the indications are quite limited: the remedy is effective only for irritability, nervousness and sleep disorders. There are many more contraindications - pregnancy, lactose or fructose intolerance, diseases of the biliary tract.

You need to take Persen 2-3 times a day, 1-2 tablets. Continuous use should not exceed two months; it is recommended to take at least a month's break. At long-term use stool disturbances are possible; other side effects include allergic skin reactions, dermatitis, and bronchospasms.

  • Adaptol

Thanks to Adaptol, you can not only calm the nervous system with unspecified anxiety, neurotic or phobic anxiety disorders, but also to remove adverse reactions that appeared after taking other antipsychotic or antipsychotic drugs.

This analogue can be taken during the day; it does not affect concentration during work or study. The drug has no drowsy effect, but in combination with a sleeping pill, night sleep is normalized. At correct use there is no stimulation of psychopathological disorders, it improves mental performance and cognitive functions.

  • Notta

Notta refers to homeopathic medicines, which are used to improve sleep and reduce psycho-emotional excitability. The product is available in the form of drops or tablets, and can be used even by children under 12 years of age. The composition includes only natural ingredients. No adverse reactions were recorded.

The drug should be taken an hour after meals, the course is up to four months. When correcting the consequences of a traumatic situation, the duration of treatment is reduced to 1-4 weeks. The dosage is determined by the attending physician; after noticeable improvements appear, the number of drops or tablets is reduced.

  • Sedavit

The biologically active substances of Sedavit consist of extracts of medicinal plants and have positive impact not only on the nervous system, but also on the cardiovascular system. Vitamins (B6 and PP) normalize the functioning of the peripheral and central nervous systems and improve carbohydrate and fat metabolism.

The drug can be used even if you have diabetes; it is also permitted for minors over 12 years of age. Daily dosage – two tablets three times a day. If nausea occurs after the remedy, the following doses are taken only during meals. If inhibition occurs, the daily dosage is reduced to one tablet.

  • Sibazon

“Additional” indications for Sibazon – menopause female condition, premenstrual tension, nervous spasms and convulsions. The attending physician should calculate the dosage, highest value has a goal that must be achieved through the use of a drug.

Among the contraindications are: acute intoxication, individual sensitivity to the components of the drug, pregnancy and age - Sibazon is allowed for children, but it is better not to give it to infants. As adverse reactions drowsiness, high fatigue and dizziness appear, less often - a feeling of euphoria or depression.

  • Stress Veda

The product has a mild sedative effect and belongs to herbal medicines used to rejuvenate the body. There is also stabilization nervous system And emotional background. The product is also used for preventive purposes - to strengthen the immune system and improve concentration and memory, without causing drowsiness and lethargy.

The course is one month, you need to drink one capsule three times a day. If necessary, the “treatment” can be repeated after a pause of 3-4 months. There are usually no side effects, but an allergic reaction is possible if you are hypersensitive to the components.

  • Lotusonic

Active components of Lotosonica – medicinal plants and seed extracts, this sedative It has vegetable origin. Suitable for eliminating stress, overwork, insomnia, neurasthenia. Some substances improve metabolic processes and have a vasodilating effect.

Lotusonic can only be used by adults, one tablet twice a day. To correct sleep disorders, take a tablet an hour before bedtime. The drug enhances the effects of drugs that depress the nervous system, analgesics and antihypertensive drugs. It is first necessary to reduce the dosage of such drugs.

  • Homvio-Nervin

Homeopathic complex Homvio-Nervin is used to treat neuropsychiatric disorders functional type. It is also suitable for psychotic and neurotic disorders during changes hormonal levels age-related – adolescence, menopause. Components of the drug in in rare cases cause an allergic reaction.

At chronic diseases You need to take a tablet three times a day, for exacerbations - a tablet every hour. The maximum daily dose is 12 pieces. If you are taking the drug for prophylaxis stressful situations, a “one-time” use is enough - two tablets an hour before the alarming event.

  • Biopassite

Biopassit is produced in the form of syrup and is suitable for the treatment of diseases of the nervous system, insomnia, panic attacks and headaches. The composition contains mainly natural ingredients. Only adults are allowed to take the product daily dosage– 10 ml (two teaspoons) twice a day. The average course duration is 14 days.

People suffering from alcoholism should refrain from taking it: the components enhance the effect of ethanol. Another contraindication - diabetes: Biopassit contains sucrose. When side effects(allergies, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation) from next appointment It is better to refuse and consult your doctor.

Price does not always affect the effectiveness of the drug: often inexpensive means help to cope with the problem, if not better, then certainly no worse than their expensive Afobazole analogues. But when choosing any medicine, you should not rely on the advice of a pharmacist or relatives.

Only the attending physician can take into account all the nuances of the action of a particular drug. The mechanism of action of drugs, their contraindications and possible side effects that negatively affect the patient’s quality of life are taken into account.

Any drug for the treatment of a disease can be produced by different manufacturing companies, each of which indicates the cost of the finished product.

On this moment It has become very fashionable to be treated with foreign medicines, but there are many domestically produced analogues, which are much cheaper in cost and no different in quality.

The drug Afobazole is no exception. Let's look at this medicine and its analogues.

The main substance of the drug does not allow membrane-dependent changes to develop in brain receptors. Also, the use of the drug does not have a hypnosedative effect.

This makes it possible not to influence memory or in any way affect the patient’s concentration. Afobazole can be taken for long period time without causing addiction.

Thus, a person who stops taking the medicine will not suffer from withdrawal symptoms.

The effect of the drug is aimed at:

  • Significant reduction in psychological discomfort in the patient;
  • Reducing the state of some anxiety and fear;
  • Helps you relax and unwind without unnecessary worries;
  • Helps improve general state body, both moral and physical.

The influence of the main substance helps the patient to completely improve his condition. This is due to the fact that improving morale will help normalize the functioning of the body.

When the autonomic, cognitive or somatic functions of the body are disrupted, other systems, such as the gastrointestinal or cardiovascular, also suffer.

Basic positive functions drug:

  • Normalization of concentration;
  • Improving the patient's memory.

The tablets should be taken for at least five days, only after this time the first signs of the drug’s effects are observed. For full recovery To maintain the results, you must take it for at least a month.

During this time, the patient recovers completely and after discontinuation of the drug, the result will remain.

A substance may be perceived differently by each person depending on their personality and emotional stability.

Basically, these pills are prescribed to suspicious and insecure individuals who are prone to depression and sometimes suicidal tendencies.

The drug has some contraindications for use. First, the use of this medication is not recommended to treat children or adolescents under the age of eighteen. Secondly, these tablets are not recommended for use during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

If at the time of breastfeeding the benefits of the drug are greater than the harm, use may be permitted, but feeding is suspended.

Third, the patient should carefully study the composition of the medicine and if there is an allergic reaction to any of the components, this drug is categorically not recommended for use.

The price of this medicine is more than four hundred rubles, but you can find analogues from a domestic manufacturer, the cost of which will be much cheaper.

Russian analogues

Ukrainian substitutes

  • Adaptol. In addition to the drug Afobazole, there are substitutes or, as one might say, cheap analogues of the drug that perform all the same functions, but their cost is much lower. Such a remedy is Adaptol.

    Basics active substance also belongs to the group of antisiopilic drugs. The main activity is focused on relieving anxiety, reducing anxiety and normalizing the functioning of the nervous system.

    This medicine has indications for the treatment of sleep disorders, despite the fact that the composition does not have a hypnotic effect.

    It is cheaper than the previous one, but performs almost all functions and is a medicine Russian production. The cost of the drug is 338 rubles.

  • Mebicar. Another analogue that will join the list of tranquilizers is Mebicar. It is the cheapest among similar options. Country of origin of medicines: Ukraine.

    The components of the medicine have enough strong impact on the human body, but do not affect coordination of movements and do not have hypnotic effect. But, despite the fact that it is inexpensive, it is popular in Russia due to the fact that it is the best among analogues.

    Mebicar has a stronger effect on the nervous system than other similar medications and helps eliminate anxiety. Just like imported products, it helps to improve sleep with long-term use.

    But improved sleep and sleeping pills are not synonymous. Using modern developments, the medicine is improving emotional condition, the absence of anxiety helps to speed up falling asleep and prolong sleep.

    In addition to treating the nervous system, Mebicar can be used for diseases of cardio-vascular system, due to the fact that it normalizes the functioning of the heart and improves myocardial traffic.

    Taking these tablets is not addictive. Mebicar is good replacement on the cheap, but under no circumstances worst drug Ukrainian production. The cost of the drug is 251 rubles.

  • Tranquilar. The best priced drug is Tranquilar. If you are looking for a replacement for the drug Afobazol, pay attention to this remedy.

    The main active ingredient belongs to the group of anxiolytics. In general, cheap drugs may not give such an effect, but not this one. Tranquilar is popular Russian drug thanks to qualitative influence on the patient's body.

    It does not cause drowsiness, does not impair coordination of movements and, most importantly, does not cause addiction to the nervous system. But, like more expensive analogues normalizes sleep, has an antidepressant effect on the body.

    It exceeds the quality of Belarusian analogues. The Russian equivalent of such a medicine will be much more expensive. If you are looking for something cheaper, pay attention to Tranquilar. The cost of the drug is 146 rubles.

Belarusian generics of this drug are not widely popular and are not cheaper in price than the drug Afobazol.

Thus, when carrying out treatment, you can find a number of products that are not inferior in function and are much cheaper in price.

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