Alcohol poisoning signs, symptoms and treatment. Acute alcohol intoxication

Alcohol poisoning in Russia occupies a leading position among household poisonings. Alcohol accounts for more than 60% of all fatal poisonings. Most deaths (95%-98%) occur before medical attention is provided. How to recognize alcohol poisoning, and what measures should be taken to avoid tragic consequences?

Ethanol(ethyl or wine alcohol) - a chemical substance of moderate toxic activity, colorless, volatile, flammable. Mixes with water in any quantity, easily dissolves in fats. It spreads quickly throughout the body and easily penetrates biological membranes.

Interesting facts about alcohol

  • Ethanol is a natural substance for our body. Normally, ethanol is formed during the metabolism of various substances, as well as during fermentation in the intestines. However, its concentration is minimal (0.003 g/l) and does not pose a health threat.
  • 20% of the ethanol taken is absorbed in the stomach, the remaining 80% is absorbed in the small intestine.
  • On an empty stomach, half the dose of ethanol taken is absorbed into the blood within 15 minutes. On average, after 1 hour 30 minutes the maximum concentration of ethanol is observed in the blood.
  • Strong (more than 30 degrees) and carbonated alcoholic drinks are absorbed into the blood most quickly.
  • The rate of ethanol absorption increases with repeated doses and in case of stomach diseases (gastritis, peptic ulcer).
  • Food in the stomach reduces the rate of ethanol absorption. In this regard, drinking alcoholic beverages on a full stomach is one of the preventions of alcohol poisoning. As a rule, immediate consumption of 0.5 liters of vodka by adults will cause alcohol poisoning. However, the same amount of vodka drunk during the day will only maintain a state of intoxication.
  • Having a good ability to dissolve in fats, ethanol easily penetrates the body through the skin. Fatal cases of poisoning of children when using alcoholic plant extracts for compresses and wraps have been described.
  • Ethanol easily penetrates the placental barrier and spreads throughout the fetal body. The toxic effect of alcohol on the fetus is much stronger than on the mother's body.
  • The average lethal dose of alcohol is 300 ml of 96% ethanol in a single dose.
  • Ethanol is excreted from the body in three main ways: 1) 2-4% of ethanol is excreted through the kidneys, 2) 3-7% is excreted through the lungs, 3) up to 90-95% of ethanol is processed in the liver, where it is ultimately broken down into carbon dioxide and water.

What are the symptoms and signs of alcohol poisoning?

The first signs of alcohol poisoning

Drinking alcohol can cause three different conditions:
State Characteristic
  1. Alcohol intoxication
4 degrees of intoxication:
  • Lightweight
  • Average
  • Heavy
The patient's consciousness is preserved, but slight disturbances may be observed. At first, a person experiences high spirits, emotional excitement, and euphoria. Then the thinking processes slow down, both mental and physical activity decreases, consciousness is depressed, the person becomes lethargic, slow, and drowsy.
  1. Alcohol poisoning
If coma develops, they speak of alcohol poisoning.
  1. Alcohol intoxication
The toxic effect of ethanol breakdown products on the body, while ethanol itself is not detected in the blood.

The first symptoms of alcohol poisoning and the mechanisms of their occurrence

What is affected? Symptoms Mechanism of occurrence
  • Gastrointestinal tract
  • Abdominal pain
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Vomit
  • Pain is the direct damaging effect of ethanol on the mucous membrane of the stomach and small intestine
  • Diarrhea - impaired absorption of water and minerals, fats; rapid deficiency of the enzyme necessary for the digestion of lactose
  • Nausea is a sign of general intoxication
  • Vomiting - most often has a central character, that is, it is associated with the toxic effect of ethanol on the central nervous system
  • central nervous system
  • Mental excitement
  • Euphoria
  • Delusions, hallucinations
  • Possible seizures
  • Impairment of attention, speech, perception
  • Impaired coordination of movements
  • Violation of thermoregulation
  • Decreased body temperature
  • Increased sweating
  • Pupil dilation
  • Damaging effect of ethanol on nerve cells of the central nervous system
  • Impaired metabolism of nerve cells, oxygen starvation
  • Toxic effect of intermediate products of ethanol breakdown (acetaldehyde, acetate, ketone bodies)
  • The cardiovascular system
  • Cardiopalmus
  • Redness of the face, pallor of the skin (in severe condition)
  • Dizziness
  • General weakness, malaise
During vomiting and diarrhea, a patient loses a lot of fluid from the body. In addition, due to an increase in the permeability of the vascular wall, fluid from the vascular bed passes into the intercellular space. To compensate for the volume of circulating blood, the body includes a number of compensatory mechanisms: increased heart rate, narrowing of peripheral vessels, thus redistributing blood to more important organs.
  • Respiratory system
  • Breathing is rapid, noisy
  • Acute respiratory failure
  • Damage to the respiratory center, metabolic disorders, development of cerebral edema
  • A compensatory mechanism to restore the acid-base balance.
  • Acute respiratory failure - retraction of the tongue, entry of vomit into the respiratory tract, reflex spasm of the larynx, bronchi)
  • Violation of water-mineral balance, kidney damage
  • Increased urination
  • Reduced urine formation up to complete absence (in severe stages!)
  • Ethanol increases urine output by decreasing secretion antidiuretic hormone(a hormone of the hypothalamus that retains water in the body). Ethanol also removes potassium, calcium, and magnesium from the body, interfering with their absorption in the intestines. A deficiency of Ca, K, and Mg occurs in the body.
  • In severe stages, ethanol damages the structural elements of the kidney.
  • Liver damage
  • Pain in the right hypochondrium
  • Yellowness of the sclera and skin
  • Direct damaging effect on liver cells, disruption of intracellular metabolism.

Severe alcohol poisoning

In severe cases, the patient falls into a coma, that is, loses consciousness and does not respond to external stimuli (patting on the cheeks, loud sounds, tingling, etc.). Ethanol concentration in the blood of 3 g/l or more causes coma.
There are 2 phases of alcoholic coma: superficial coma and deep.
Coma phase: Symptoms
  1. Superficial coma
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Reduced pain sensitivity
  • Floating movements of the eyeballs
  • Different pupils on the eyes (constricted on one, dilated on the other)
  • React to irritation by changing facial expressions or making defensive movements
  • The face and mucous membranes of the eyes are often red
  • Excessive salivation
  • Cardiopalmus
  • Dyspnea
  1. Deep coma
  • Complete loss of pain sensitivity
  • Decreased or absent tendon reflexes
  • Loss of muscle tone
  • Decreased body temperature
  • The skin is pale, bluish
  • Possible seizures
  • The depth and frequency of breathing decreases
  • Marked increase in heart rate (more than 120 beats per minute)
  • Lower blood pressure

What determines the severity of alcohol poisoning?

Factor Why?
  1. Amount of alcohol consumed
When large doses of alcohol enter the body, especially at one time, the liver (the main organ responsible for the detoxifying function of the body) simply does not have time to process it. And ethanol, as well as the products of its incomplete breakdown, accumulate in the blood and damage vital organs (brain, kidneys, liver, heart, etc.). A healthy liver of a man weighing 80 kg completely processes only 8 grams in 1 hour. pure alcohol. For example, 100 ml of 40 proof vodka contains 31.6 g. pure alcohol.
  1. Age
Children and the elderly are most sensitive to the effects of alcohol. In children, the neutralization mechanisms have not yet fully formed in the liver. In older people, these mechanisms no longer perform their function sufficiently.
  1. Individual intolerance
Most often, alcohol intolerance and the rapid development of alcohol poisoning occur among people of the Mongoloid race. They have a genetically determined low activity of a special enzyme necessary for the complete breakdown of ethanol (aldehyde dehydrogenase). Intoxication occurs as a result of the accumulation of a product of incomplete decomposition of ethanol (acetaldehyde).
  1. Overwork, malnutrition, pregnancy, liver disease, pancreas, diabetes.
All of these conditions reduce liver function, including its detoxifying function.
  1. Concomitant use of alcohol with medications
The toxic effect of ethanol increases when taken simultaneously with the following drugs: sleeping pills, tranquilizers, antidepressants, painkillers (morphine, omnopon), etc.
  1. Impurities and additives
The toxic effect of ethanol is increased due to impurities and additives: methyl alcohol, higher alcohols, aldehydes, furfural, ethylene glycol, etc.
  1. Alcohol consumption on an empty stomach
On an empty stomach, half the dose taken is absorbed into the blood within 15 minutes.
Drinking alcohol with food, especially with carbohydrate foods, significantly reduces the rate of its absorption and thereby reduces the rapid increase in ethanol concentration in the blood.

How to drink without getting drunk and avoid a hangover? There are many “proven” folk remedies, but, unfortunately, not all of them work as they should. There is a reliable remedy in the arsenal of medicine - PEPIDOL.
With PEPIDOL everything is simple: take 50 milliliters of solution 15-30 minutes before the feast and 50 milliliters in the morning. Intoxication after drinking alcohol, of course, occurs, but due to the fact that PEPIDOL envelops the intestinal wall, this happens much more slowly. In addition, PEPIDOL is an excellent sorbent. It helps remove poisons, toxins, and alcohol metabolism products from the body. You seem to have drunk, but you feel like a “cucumber”. It turns out that PEPIDOL is something like a remedy for a real intelligence officer, when after drinking you can easily control everything.
It should be noted that PEPIDOL also works when a hangover has already set in. In this situation, you also need to take 50 milliliters of the solution and 50 milliliters after three hours.

Poisoning with alcohol substitutes

Alcohol substitutes
- these are various types of liquids that are not designed for internal consumption, but they are used instead of alcoholic beverages to achieve a state of intoxication.
Types of surrogates:
  • Colognes, lotions, various medicinal tinctures (hawthorn, motherwort, etc.)
  • Technical fluids (brake fluid, antifreeze, windshield wipers, etc.)
  • Methyl alcohol and ethylene glycol are the most dangerous surrogates.
In general, the symptoms of poisoning with alcohol surrogates are similar to ethanol poisoning. First of all, these are: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, malaise, general weakness, impaired coordination of movements, lethargy, drowsiness, impaired consciousness. However, poisoning with methyl alcohol and ethanol has a number of features and is particularly severe.

Methyl alcohol poisoning

Methyl alcohol is found in: car window cleaners and solvents. In the body, methyl alcohol is oxidized to formaldehyde and formic acid, which carry out the main toxic effect. Symptoms of poisoning occur 12-24 after consumption. Symptoms: headache, nausea, persistent vomiting, abdominal pain, dizziness, malaise, visual impairment(floaters, fog before the eyes, double vision, blindness). Methyl alcohol poisoning often affects the retina and optic nerve, which in many cases leads to blindness. Persistent dilation of the pupil during poisoning is considered an unfavorable prognostic sign. In severe cases, death occurs from respiratory paralysis and impaired cardiovascular activity.

Ethylene glycol poisoning

Ethylene glycol is found in: brake fluid, antifreeze, solvents, glass cleaner. When ethylene glycol enters the body during its breakdown, glycolic and oxalic acid are formed, which determine the severe course of poisoning. Oxalic acid forms insoluble salts that clog the kidney tubules, causing acute kidney failure. Severe symptoms of poisoning occur 4-8 hours after consuming ethylene glycol. Symptoms: nausea, repeated vomiting, mental and physical agitation, tremors, convulsions, depression of consciousness, coma. 2-3 days after poisoning, symptoms of acute renal failure occur: acute pain in the lower back, abdomen, urine the color of “meat slop,” a decrease in the amount of urine.

What to do in case of alcohol poisoning?

Do I need to call an ambulance?

Not really Why?

Yes need!

This must be done as early as possible.

  1. Alcohol poisoning is a serious pathological condition that often leads to death.
  2. Only a specialist is able to objectively assess the patient’s condition.
  3. Treatment of alcohol poisoning requires the administration of a number of medications.
  4. In most cases, treatment of alcohol poisoning is carried out in the intensive care unit.
  5. Untimely and incorrectly provided first aid often leads to death. 95% of all deaths from alcohol poisoning occur before first aid is provided.

First aid for alcohol poisoning

What to do? How? For what?
Ensure airway patency
  1. Take out your tongue if it gets stuck
  2. Clean your mouth
  3. If possible, use a rubber bulb to remove the contents of the oral cavity (mucus, saliva, remnants of vomit)
  4. In case of excessive salivation, administer 1.0-0.1% atropine intravenously
  • Ensure adequate oxygen supply.
  • Prevent blockage of the upper respiratory tract.
Position the patient correctly and fix the tongue
  • The patient should be placed on his side
  • Press your tongue to prevent it from sticking in (you can press your tongue with a spoon or your finger; it is better to wrap a napkin or handkerchief around your finger so that the tongue does not slip out)
  • To prevent vomit from entering the respiratory tract.
  • Recession of the tongue is a common cause of death in an unconscious state.
In case of cardiac and respiratory arrest, perform indirect cardiac massage and artificial respiration
  • 2 breaths and 30 chest compressions constitute one cycle of resuscitation. Repeat until breathing and heartbeat appear or until the ambulance arrives. It’s better to do it in pairs, alternating so that the presses are effective.
  • The method is able to restart cardiac and respiratory activity or support vital organs until specialized help arrives.
Bring to consciousness if the patient is unconscious
  • Bring a cotton swab with ammonia to a distance of 1 cm from the nose
  • Ammonia has an awakening effect and stimulates breathing.

Induce vomiting
(if the patient is conscious!)
  1. Drink 1-3 glasses of salt solution (1 teaspoon per 1 glass of warm water)
  2. Take an anti-vomiting agent (ipecac root), 2 tsp per glass of water.
  • The procedure is effective
for the first time hours after drinking alcohol. Since complete absorption of ethanol from the digestive tract into the blood takes 40-90 minutes (on an empty stomach).
  • Vomiting is contraindicated when the patient is unconscious or in a serious condition. Since there is a high risk of vomit getting into the respiratory tract, which can lead to serious consequences, including death.
Perform gastric lavage
  1. If possible, perform gastric lavage through a tube
  2. Drink as much water as possible, then press on the root of the tongue to induce vomiting. Repeat until the vomit is clear. (Water can be salted for 1 liter 1 tsp.)
  • The method is effective only during the first hours of poisoning. Within 1-2 hours, most of the ethanol is absorbed into the blood. After 2-3 hours from the moment of drinking alcohol, gastric lavage is ineffective.
Warm the patient Place in a warm room, wrap in a blanket, dress, etc.
  • Alcohol causes peripheral vasodilation, which is accompanied by severe heat loss.

Accept adsorbent(a substance capable of absorbing various types of toxins) activated carbon, white carbon, polysorb, entorosgel, etc.
  • White coal:
3-4 tablets, up to 3-4 times a day
  • Enterosgel:
6 tablespoons, once.
  • Polysorb:
Adults: 2-3 tablespoons, place in ¼-½ glass of water.
  • Activated carbon: 1 gram per 10 kg of patient weight, 1 tablet. =0.25 gr. On average 30-40 tablets. appointment. For greater effectiveness, the tablets should be crushed into powder and diluted in 100-200 ml of water. The average daily dose is 20-30 g, 80-120 tablets.
  • Adsorbents are most effective during the first hours of poisoning. Alcohol that has not yet been absorbed into the blood is bound and removed from the body.
Take substances that accelerate the neutralization and removal of ethanol from the body
  • Metadoxyl dose 300-600 mg (5-10 ml), intramuscularly; Or add 300-900 mg of metadoxyl to 500 ml of saline solution or 5% glucose solution and administer intravenously over 90 minutes.
  • Vitamins + Glucose
Traditionally mixed in one syringe: 1) vit. B1 (thiamine) 2ml-5%;
2)vit. B6 (pyridoxine) 3 ml-5%;
3)Vit.C (ascorbic acid) 5-10ml-5%;
4)10-20 ml 40% glucose
Administer intravenously.
  • Bee honey 100-200 grams in 2-3 doses (honey contains a large amount of fructose)
  • Metadoxil is a drug created specifically for the treatment of alcohol intoxication. Increases the activity of enzymes responsible for ethanol utilization. Thereby speeds up the processes of processing and removal of ethanol. Restores liver cells. Improves the mental state of patients. Do not use in cases of poisoning with surrogates (methanol, ethylene glycol), in which case their toxic effect will only increase.
  • Vitamins, glucose, fructose, improve metabolic processes, accelerate the processes of neutralization and elimination of ethanol. Thiamine reduces the risk of alcoholic psychosis.
Restore water-mineral balance Droppers:
  1. Sodium bicarbonate 4% -400 ml
  2. Hemodez 400 ml
  3. Quartosol, acesol 500 ml
Drink up:
  1. Brine (cucumber, cabbage)
  2. Mineral water (0.5-1.5 l)
  • Solutions improve circulation through blood vessels and restore the necessary water and mineral balance. Neutralizes and removes toxins from the blood.
Accept Hepatoprotectors
  • Ademetionine (heptral) 2-4 tablets per day for 2 weeks, 1 tablet = 400 mg
  • Essentiale 1-2 capsules 3 times a day, course from 3 to 6 months. 1 capsule = 300 mg
  • Restore damaged liver cells, improve their function, accelerate the processes of ethanol neutralization.
In case of poisoning methyl alcohol or ethylene glycol drink ethyl alcohol For the first time during poisoning hours, drink high-quality strong alcohol:
  • 200 ml cognac, whiskey, vodka
  • 40-50 ml vodka 40 degrees. every 3 hours
  • 4-methylpyrazole, 10 mg per 1 kg of body weight, together with an aqueous solution of ethanol 200 ml orally, every 3-4 hours
Ethyl alcohol acts as an antidote; it stops the breakdown of methyl alcohol into toxic substances (formic acid and formaldehyde).
4-methylpyrazole (pyrosole, fomepizole) is the newest antidote for poisoning with methyl alcohol and ethylene glycol. The drug reduces the activity of the liver enzyme (alcohol dehydrogenase), thereby interrupting the formation of toxic substances from the above alcohols.

What should you not do if you have alcohol poisoning?

  • Lay the patient on his back, there is a high risk that he will choke on vomit
  • Give alcohol again only if it is not poisoning with methyl alcohol or ethylene glycol
  • Take a cold shower. With alcohol poisoning, thermoregulation processes are disrupted, and the body already suffers from heat loss. A cold shower can only make the situation worse.
  • Force the victim to get to his feet and walk. At the time of poisoning, all organs and systems are working in extreme mode, and any additional stress can lead to damage.
  • Do not leave the patient alone. For example: the victim may lose consciousness at any moment and suffocate if the tongue becomes retracted.
  • Do not induce vomiting, do not perform gastric lavage if the patient is unconscious (at home). There is a high risk of gastric juice entering the respiratory tract and developing acute respiratory failure.

Complications of alcohol poisoning

  • Acute toxic hepatitis
  • Acute liver failure
  • Alcoholic delirium (“delirium tremens”), delirium, hallucinations
  • Mendelssohn syndrome(Mendelssohn syndrome is a serious condition in which acute respiratory failure develops due to gastric juice entering the respiratory tract). With alcohol poisoning, the syndrome often develops when vomit enters the respiratory tract.

Prevention of alcohol poisoning

  • Don't drink alcohol on an empty stomach
  • Do not drink alcohol in large doses
  • Do not drink alcohol if you have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, overwork, or lack of nutrition.
  • Do not drink alcohol while taking medications (antidepressants, sleeping pills, painkillers, etc.)
  • Eat a big meal before drinking alcohol
  • Snack after drinking alcohol
  • Try not to combine different alcoholic drinks
  • Try to take alcoholic drinks in increasing degrees
  • Do not drink low-quality alcoholic beverages
  • The best prevention is NOT to drink at all!

Poisoning by alcohol and cheap alcohol is a real threat that poses a danger not only to lovers of strong drinks. And it is very important to distinguish simple intoxication from alcohol intoxication in time. In many cases, this can save your life or your loved ones. What are the symptoms of alcohol intoxication and what to do if you are poisoned by your favorite alcoholic drink?

Myth: You can’t get poisoned by expensive elite alcoholic drinks...

Truth: even high-quality alcoholic drinks in large doses can cause symptoms of poisoning.

Why does alcohol cause poisoning?

During the digestion of food, 0.4 ppm of alcohol is naturally formed in the intestines. This amount is considered normal. But any excess of this dose acts on the body as a poison and leads to alcohol intoxication. The main toxic substance found in alcoholic beverages is ethyl alcohol (ethanol).

When ethanol enters the body, it suppresses the activity of the central nervous system. The higher its concentration in the blood, the more it inhibits the respiratory and vasomotor centers of the brain. This explains the appearance of characteristic signs of alcohol intoxication and poisoning.

A single dose of alcohol of 4-12 g per kilogram of weight is considered fatal. But this indicator is very individual and depends on various factors: body weight, age, gender, predisposition, strength and quality of the drink, and the general state of human health.

Myth: People become less susceptible to alcohol as they age...

Truth: older people are more susceptible to the effects of alcoholic substances due to the instability of the body's water-salt balance.

For convenience, scientists calculate the norm for each in ppm. This is one thousandth of the substance in the body. The legal limit of alcohol in the blood for drivers is 0.16 ppm. To determine the norm used, it is enough to undergo a blood or urine test, or use a compact breathalyzer, which will show the result right on the spot.

For whom is alcohol poisoning more dangerous? It is difficult for scientists to say for sure who - a man or a woman - is more susceptible to the effects of toxic substances in alcohol. This applies to both original alcoholic drinks and counterfeit ones. It can definitely be argued that children, the elderly, people with diseases of the stomach or cardiovascular system, as well as pregnant women and the fetus during gestation are at risk of death from alcohol substances.

Symptoms of alcohol poisoning

Poisoning with alcohol products is developing rapidly. Therefore, if timely assistance is not provided, a person under the influence of toxins will quickly lose consciousness or even fall into a coma. A person in this state cannot sit, stand, or perceive information independently.

This is radically different from a simple sleeping drunk, because a person in an alcoholic coma cannot be awakened by slapping, screaming or cold water. If he manages to remain conscious, the only sign of functioning will be non-purposeful movements of the head or limbs towards the painful stimulus. There are also other signs of alcohol poisoning that distinguish this condition from ordinary intoxication:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • body cramps;
  • partial or complete loss of consciousness and inability to communicate;
  • slow breathing rhythm (less than 8 breaths per minute);
  • failure of the respiratory rhythm (pauses between breaths for more than 10 seconds);
  • a sharp drop in body temperature;
  • blueness and pallor of the skin.

There are several stages of alcoholic coma, which are accompanied by a number of symptoms:

    with superficial coma the human body is warm and has a more or less healthy color. The pupils of the eyes are constricted, but react to light stimuli. When trying to bring a person to consciousness with the help of ammonia, he reacts with quite active movements of facial expressions and hands, but does not come to his senses. There is also excessive salivation and uncontrolled urination. Blood pressure in this state is higher than expected.

    moderate coma characterized by an increase in the listed symptoms, as well as relaxation of muscle tone throughout the body. The reaction to the test with ammonia is much weaker.

    in deep coma the skin becomes very pale, sometimes blue. Hands and feet become cold. Often there is no reaction to external stimuli. The pupils of the eyes are constricted, and when breathing fails, they dilate. Blood pressure drops to a critical level.

In addition, at any stage of alcohol poisoning, the tongue can become stuck, blocking the airways. Due to lack of air, as well as saliva or vomit entering the trachea, a person may stop breathing and even die.

Also, signs of poisoning from alcohol surrogates depend on the type of toxic substance used in the drink. In particular, there are cases when a person was poisoned by consumed cosmetic and perfumery substances: perfume, cologne and others.

Often dishonest manufacturers use, instead of ethanol, a cheaper but very dangerous substitute for the body - methanol. It is used for batteries in cars and other equipment. The main symptom of methanol poisoning is vision problems that quickly turn into blindness. Later, headaches appear, pain in the limbs, heart function is disrupted and consciousness becomes clouded, uncontrollable symptoms appear.

First aid for alcohol poisoning

It is important to know what to do in case of alcohol poisoning. At a critical moment, this can save your life or the life of someone nearby.

The first thing to do is to carefully place the victim of alcohol intoxication on the bed. It is necessary to force the person to lie on his side. It is dangerous to place him on his back or stomach, as there is a risk of saliva or vomit flowing into the respiratory tract. When vomiting, you need to mechanically clean the oral cavity using available means: napkins, handkerchiefs, towels, etc. Then you need to press your tongue so that it does not stick.

Myth: first of all, in case of alcohol poisoning, you need to take a drug to cleanse the stomach...

Truth: in the first hours of intoxication with low-quality alcohol, especially methanol, activated carbon or similar products will not help due to the rapid development of substances in the body...

If you suspect that stomach contents have entered the trachea, bend the patient over and tap his hand on the back between the shoulder blades. This will cause a cough and clear the airways.

Depending on the person’s condition, the following measures must be taken:

  • Make an attempt to bring the person to consciousness using ammonia. It is not recommended to touch the cotton wool with ammonia or the bottle itself to the skin of the face to avoid chemical burns. If you manage to wake up the patient, you need to give him a drink of warm, clean water (3-4 glasses) with 1 teaspoon of soda per 1 glass. Then you need to induce vomiting by pressing on the root of the tongue with a spoon or in another way. When the vomiting attack ends, the person should drink strong, hot tea.
  • If the patient does not come to his senses under the influence of ammonia, you need to call an ambulance immediately. In this case, it is not recommended to induce artificial vomiting on your own to cleanse the stomach.
  • In a state of superficial coma, the emergency doctor will flush the person's stomach with a gastric tube, and after that he will quickly return to consciousness. In case of a coma of moderate or severe severity, the patient requires urgent hospitalization in the toxicology department. The doctor is also required to give the patient an antidote to neutralize harmful substances: an injection of 4-methylpyrazole, an oral dose of folic acid or 30% ethanol (orally or intravenously).

His life depends on how quickly a person with alcohol poisoning is given first aid.

The question – what is acute alcohol intoxication – is of interest to many drinkers, since this condition appears after drinking a large amount of alcoholic beverages. Alcohol intoxication is severe poisoning of the body with alcohol, which causes irreversible consequences in many internal organs of a person. This condition causes serious problems for the drinker, since the symptoms of alcohol intoxication are not something every person can withstand.

Since this condition is considered poisoning, it is necessary to urgently get rid of it by removing toxins and remnants of alcohol breakdown from the body. At home, treatment of alcohol intoxication is possible only after visiting a doctor - it is impossible to overcome poisoning on your own without taking medications, since they not only relieve the drunkard from the signs of this condition, but also restore the affected organs.

It is known that 3% of alcohol in a person’s blood causes severe intoxication. If a hangover is constantly treated by drinking alcohol, this condition quickly develops into alcohol intoxication. It, in turn, causes breathing problems, short-term hearing loss, as well as a person falling into a coma or cardiac arrest. That is why it is necessary to get rid of alcohol intoxication immediately after the onset of poisoning, which is quite easy to determine in the body. So, how to remove the breakdown of alcohol from the body, as well as quickly get out of a drunken state at home, which causes serious poisoning?

How does intoxication develop in the body?

Poisoning of the body when drinking alcohol proceeds quite quickly, because immediately after entering the stomach, alcohol begins to spread throughout the body using the blood flow. After an alcoholic drinks a large dose of strong drinks, the alcohol begins to quickly and actively be absorbed into the liver cells, resulting in their destruction. Why does the liver suffer from alcohol? The fact is that it is this organ that is responsible for the destruction of dangerous elements that enter the body along with food intake, so it begins the first fight against ethanol, which causes severe damage to it. Along with this, the organ begins to quickly produce special enzymes that can protect it from the aggressive effects of alcohol-containing drinks.

When ethanol breaks down, it creates a strong concentration of acetaldehyde in the body, which... That is why the first sign of intoxication is severe pain in the head.

Important: the level and danger of alcohol poisoning depend on a person’s gender, health status and age.

It is quite difficult to completely overcome alcohol intoxication at home, since this requires taking certain medications that improve the general health of the drunkard. Such medications are prescribed by a doctor after examining the patient and assessing the condition of the internal organs. Self-administration of medications is strictly prohibited, because any incorrectly chosen drug can adversely affect human health!

Symptoms of the development of alcohol intoxication

Before answering the question - how to get rid of alcohol intoxication at home and what to do if it is detected, it is worth correctly identifying poisoning and not confusing it with a hangover. To do this, it is important to familiarize yourself with the main symptoms of the disease, so that if they occur, consult a doctor in time. According to experts, today there are 3 stages of alcohol poisoning, which differ in symptoms.

Signs of stages 1 and 2 of intoxication include:

  • , which often turns into vomiting - in this way the body tries to get rid of toxic components on its own;
  • severe pain in the head, which makes no sense to get rid of - until the intoxication passes, they will accompany the patient;
  • thirst caused by severe dehydration of the body - it mainly appears in the morning and is formed due to the fact that alcohol has a powerful diuretic property due to the production of antidiuretic hormone by alcohol;
  • dizziness that appears during sudden movements - alcohol can negatively affect the state of coordination, which leads to loss of balance.

These signs can be overcome only after visiting a doctor, who will prescribe medications for alcohol intoxication (tablets, dragees), which should be taken at home along with the rules that cause rapid relief from alcohol poisoning.

Important: the second stage of the disease often progresses to the third, the most dangerous to health.

Such alcohol intoxication leads to the appearance of unpleasant and dangerous signs, namely:

  • loss of consciousness;
  • disturbance of movement and coordination;
  • constriction of the pupils, which leads to blurred vision;
  • tremor;
  • profuse sweat;
  • lack of understandable speech.

It will not be possible to provide all the necessary assistance to the victim at home, so the alcoholic must be urgently taken to the hospital. If these signs of alcohol intoxication appear in a drunkard, you should not hesitate, since every minute can play an important role in treatment.

First aid

Intoxication of the body is a serious disease that kills many people every year. Therefore, its elimination should be carried out in a short time. Help with alcohol intoxication consists of the following methods:

  • lay the patient on the bed and place a wet rag on his face;
  • give 10 tablets of activated carbon to drink;
  • Give the alcoholic a glass of warm water every 15 minutes;
  • if possible, take the victim to fresh air;
  • Give a man some brine to drink that does not contain vinegar.

Alcohol intoxication, first aid for which is carried out at home, must be treated according to a prescription prescribed by a doctor - only in this case its manifestation will soon disappear, and the person will quickly restore his own health and normalize the functioning of all damaged organs.

How is poisoning treated?

Treating poisoning is now quite easy, since every correctly prescribed pharmaceutical drug will allow you to overcome the disease in a short time, especially if it occurs in grade 1 or 2. Modern medicine uses several effective methods to treat poisoning:

  • preventing the absorption of ethanol into the bloodstream;
  • using droppers to cleanse the blood of alcohol decay;
  • methods of quick and rapid sobering up.

To quickly prevent the absorption of ethanol through the stomach into the blood, the doctor prescribes the patient to take activated charcoal, after which he will need to rinse the organ.

For the best effect, the patient should be given 3-4 glasses of water. This removal of toxins and harmful substances will allow you to quickly get rid of the breakdown of ethanol, as a result of which they will not be absorbed into the blood, causing a deterioration in the condition. After this, the alcoholic will be induced to vomit and caffeine-based drugs will be injected intramuscularly.

It is also good to remove toxins and normalize health using methods that promote rapid sobering up. For example, you can remove alcohol from the body with the help of thiamine (vitamin). After its administration intramuscularly, the person will begin to sober up. You can also effectively overcome intoxication with the help of nicotinic acid, corazol and phenamine. Within 20 minutes the person’s condition will be restored, and he will begin to think normally - at this time he can be taken home.

Alcohol intoxication, the symptoms of which are characteristic of this condition, can also be treated with the help of droppers, which will contain a whole complex of vitamins and useful elements. Doctors say: “we get rid of intoxication in this way only in emergency and extreme cases.”

Consequences of alcohol intoxication:

  • disruption of brain function;
  • development of blood clots (the resulting picture from this pathology during intoxication is deplorable);
  • worsening of the functioning of internal organs;

Therefore, it is better to remove ethanol breakdown from the body in a timely manner in order to avoid unpleasant consequences for the body. Otherwise, the patient will be prescribed anti-alcohol medications, which can be purchased at any online store.

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Poisoning can be caused by alcohol if it is of poor quality or consumed in large quantities. Other causes of alcohol poisoning are young or old age, individual intolerance and pathologies for which drinking alcohol is prohibited.

Alcohol poisoning involves a complex of symptoms of intoxication when the toxic substance is ethyl alcohol and its metabolites. If a person has taken a surrogate, then the poisoning ceases to be alcoholic: alcohol substitutes, in addition to ethyl alcohol, contain other poisons (acetone, methyl alcohol, antifreeze, brake fluid).

Symptoms of alcohol poisoning

First, understand the effect of alcohol on a person. This will help identify symptoms of alcohol poisoning.

The result of drinking alcoholic beverages is intoxication. Increasing intoxication usually leads to alcohol poisoning.

To the primary signs Alcohol poisoning includes emotional arousal: the initial state is perceived by a person as inspiration and “omnipotence.” A fairly drunk person begins to talk a lot, his sayings are categorical.

To secondary signs include gradual disruption of the central nervous system and brain. As a result, manifestations of disinhibition arise: judgments become bold and illogical, behavior changes to cheeky or aggressive. Body movements become clumsy and incoherent. As alcohol intoxication increases, stupor quickly develops: the person does not perceive reality and does not react to irritation. The end result of the condition is coma.

Typical symptoms vary and depend on the degree of alcohol poisoning (mild, moderate, severe or coma). The gastrointestinal tract exhibits the same symptoms as food poisoning: diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting. Other body systems react to alcohol intoxication in a different way:

  • disturbance of attention, speech, motor-motor function;
  • the appearance of hallucinations;
  • decreased blood pressure and body temperature, increased heart rate;
  • dizziness, weakness;
  • increased urine and;
  • dilated pupils, redness of the face.

First aid for alcohol poisoning

First aid for alcohol poisoning consists of clearing the stomach of harmful impurities of alcohol and disinfecting it. General recommendations:

  1. Allow the victim to breathe ammonia. To do this, moisten a cotton pad or gauze with it and bring it to the nose of the poisoned person. This will sober him up a little or bring him to consciousness. If ammonia is not on hand, use any substance with a strong odor (for example, vinegar or horseradish).
  2. If the poisoned person is conscious, rinse the stomach. Prepare a non-concentrated soda solution (1 teaspoon per liter of water) in an amount of 3-5 liters. Induce vomiting by mechanically acting on the root of the tongue. After the procedure, give any adsorbent (

Everyone knows who a moderately well-fed man is from the popular cartoon. And no one in the post-Soviet space can really explain who a moderate drinker is, even as a joke. Perhaps because the problem had such boundaries that there was no time to help “professional” alcoholics. And those who are still on the “warm-up site”, it seems, have not gotten around to it. And it should. If only because alcohol affects each person differently. And it would be nice to know who got drunk and to what point. Look, someone could have been given a helping hand earlier, or rather, on time.

And sometimes the situation confuses all the cards: the person seems to be not among those who are “addicted”, but has had a little drink and immediately experiences some kind of convulsions, seizures, and loss of consciousness. In rare cases, alcohol poisoning even affects a person who does not drink. We’ll return to this problem a little lower, but for now let’s delve into the literature and try to find out whether someone has figured out the very norm that you can drink. And in general, does such a norm exist?

There is a drinking norm!

Curious Americans studied this problem and found out at what level the waterline is in the glass of a moderate drinker:

  • for men: no more than two servings of alcohol per day;
  • for women: no more than one serving of alcohol per day;
  • a person over 65 years of age – no more than one serving of alcohol per day.

As you can see, there is a difference in gender and age parameters. It is characterized by the presence of water in the body.

How much is one drink of alcohol?

Having said “a” and finding out how much is possible, the researchers went further and clarified how much one serving of alcohol is:

  • dry wine or beer: 0.36 liters (340 g);
  • fortified wine: 0.15 liters (140 g);
  • vodka and other alcoholic drinks: 0.05 liters (42 g).

Everyone can relate to these standards in their own way. Note that they do not apply to people who, for various reasons, should not even approach alcoholic beverages:

  • women on the eve of pregnancy or pregnant women;
  • patients taking medications that are incompatible with alcohol;
  • patients undergoing treatment for alcohol dependence;
  • boys and girls under the age of 21.

Some may argue that our ancestors drank, and even in our time, alcohol is sometimes recommended, for example, red wine, to maintain the functioning of the heart. We don't argue. But if such a “potion” is taken frequently or constantly, then over time an addiction to alcohol will begin to form and, instead of the expected positive effect, problems will arise in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Moreover, the same health-improving effect can be achieved through a healthy diet and constant, or better yet, active sports.

Don't relax

A moderate amount of alcohol really lifts a person’s mood, creating a feeling of euphoria and relaxedness. Troubles and insignificant problems lose their sharpness of perception, stress bursts are smoothed out. This is what attracts a person to alcoholic drinks. But you shouldn’t relax and focus on norms: they affect each person differently.

Unfortunately, the period of euphoria from alcohol consumption has its limit. It is not possible to stay at one level for long. The concentration of alcohol in the blood disables adequate perception of reality in the human body and self-control disappears. From the moment you exceed the limit of moderate drinking, every gram of alcohol entering the body turns into poison. At this stage, signs of alcohol poisoning appear.

Some people may feel worse even after a small dose of alcohol. The reason for this is the body’s individual intolerance to alcohol.

As you know, long-term alcohol consumption affects vital internal organs, which can ruin a person’s life. The limit of permissible drinking for everyone depends on the individual physiological characteristics of the human body. In addition, you should remember the following factors:

  • gender: the male body copes better with alcohol;
  • weight: amount of body fat;
  • traditional dose of alcoholic drinks.

It should be remembered that boys and girls who are beginning to learn the taste of alcohol are at greater risk. They have no drinking experience, but they have no bravado. Alcohol is very dangerous for women in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, when she may not yet be sure of her position. If the expectant mother drinks during pregnancy, alcohol can affect or transmit to the fetus. Then the child will have pathologies for the rest of his life.

Alcohol poisoning is usually caused by ethyl alcohol or drinks with more than 12 percent alcohol content. An ethanol concentration in the blood of more than 8 g/l is considered fatal.

A lethal single dose is recognized to be from 4 to 12 g/kg. These indicators may fluctuate depending on the body's individual tolerance to alcohol.

9 out of every ten people hospitalized with a diagnosis of alcohol poisoning are people dependent on alcohol. Fatal poisoning occurs more often than six times out of ten.

The individual norm does not affect the nature of the signs of alcohol poisoning. They are the same for everyone and occur in three stages.

At the first stage:

  • due to additional blood flow, facial redness is observed;
  • a manic glare appears in the eyes;
  • the person starts talking loudly;
  • there is a decrease in concentration;
  • self-esteem is inflated;
  • personal characteristics that were previously invisible are emphasized.

If at such a moment a glass is taken away from an alcoholic, the next day the poisoning will manifest itself in the form of a hangover.

The second stage will inevitably come if the person does not stop at the first stage and continues to pour in the collar. But such “heroism” will certainly lead to aggravation of the situation.

The third stage, the most severe, has its own symptoms:

  • vomiting appears;
  • the drinker stops really assessing what is happening around him;
  • movements are given with incredible effort;
  • breathing becomes difficult;
  • paralysis of the respiratory center may occur;
  • death cannot be ruled out.

Is there such a thing as bad vodka? There is brake fluid...

Sometimes medical reports contain information about poisoning by bad vodka. Although vodka “experts” claim that there is no such thing as bad vodka. Behind the joke lies a serious problem. The body has great difficulty fighting alcohol substitutes. In addition to alcohol, which is perceived by the body as poison, they contain many substances that actively damage the liver and brain. They lead to severe consequences for the human body.

Surrogates include liquids containing alcohol and used in modern everyday life and industry. Alcoholics drink them when wine or vodka becomes unaffordable or is nowhere to be purchased at the moment, and “the soul is burning and asking.” This category also includes counterfeits of alcoholic beverages, ranging from wine and vodka to low-grade moonshine. In addition to ethyl alcohol, they contain harmful impurities.

Surrogates have their own classification:

For quick and reliable relief from alcoholism, our readers recommend the drug "Alcobarrier". This is a natural remedy that blocks cravings for alcohol, causing a persistent aversion to alcohol. In addition, Alcobarrier triggers restoration processes in organs that alcohol has begun to destroy. The product has no contraindications, the effectiveness and safety of the drug has been proven by clinical studies at the Research Institute of Narcology.

  1. Surrogates containing ethanol or real surrogates:
    • medicines: tinctures of hawthorn and motherwort berries, cologne, lotions, industrial alcohol;
    • household liquids: solvents, various detergents, car brake fluid, antifreeze and even some types of adhesives. All these liquids are dangerous due to the presence of hydrolytic and sulfate alcohols, impurities of methyl alcohol, essential oils, acetone and other toxic substances.
  2. False surrogates. They are also called liquids that do not contain ethyl alcohol, but they can cause an alcoholic buzz:
    • various alcohols - amyl, butyl, methyl, formic, propyl, etc.;
    • various liquids for technical use that contain the above and similar alcohols. High concentrations also carry an increased risk of damage to various internal organs of a person.

Signs of poisoning with alcohol surrogates appear:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • severe headache;
  • abdominal pain.

The patient's condition is no different from the condition after prolonged binge drinking, when alcohol flows like a river. But then the body behaves depending on what was drunk and how much.

Methyl alcohol is lethal even at 100 ml. During the first time after poisoning, a person begins to feel sick and vomit. The skin turns red and dries out. On the second day, the condition worsens, thirst and abdominal pain begin to torment, accompanied by a headache. Contraction of the calf muscles, double vision.

With complications, a person may lose vision.

The muscles of the back of the head tense, convulsions occur, the heart rate becomes erratic, and blood pressure decreases. If a person drinks too much, he or she may fall into a coma. His breathing may become blocked.

Manifestations of signs of poisoning can be lightning fast in one direction - leading to death.

Ethanol is able to partially neutralize methyl alcohol, so in rare cases, ethanol-containing drinks can weaken the patient's condition.

Formic alcohol in the human body causes similar symptoms.

Ethylene glycol is lethal at 150 ml. After a third or half a day, pain in the head, lower back and abdomen appears, then thirst, diarrhea and vomiting, redness and dry skin. In severe cases of poisoning, convulsions begin and the person loses consciousness.

Heart failure, pulmonary edema with acute liver and kidney failure may be the last diagnosis of the patient.

slight hangover

Over the course of many years of drinking practice, humanity not only improved the taste of alcohol poison, but also developed and improved methods for overcoming hangover syndrome. A slight hangover in the morning of the next day after a feast can be “treated” with a cup of some hot drink - coffee or tea. It would be nice to throw a lemon at him. This will help get rid of fatigue and headaches. Anyone who has the opportunity and time allows can take a steam bath in the bathhouse in the morning. Active sweating will help the body cleanse itself of toxins in the body.

Severe poisoning

No matter how one treats doctors, at the first signs of alcohol poisoning it is necessary to call an ambulance. Even with severe forms, there is still a chance to help a person survive. You need to act wisely and know how to help. There is nothing new in this - the actions for any poisoning are the same.

Help before doctors arrive

Having called an ambulance, it is necessary to provide the patient with first aid:

  • cover the patient with something warm, because after drinking alcohol, the blood vessels dilate and the body quickly cools down;
  • take all measures to empty the stomach of the remnants of alcoholic beverages and thus prevent further intoxication. The patient can be prepared with a cold soda solution, forced to drink and induce vomiting. If it is difficult for a person to stand on his feet, it is necessary to lay him sideways so that when vomiting, the mass does not clog the airways;
  • when the stomach is empty, you need to give the patient 20 tablets of activated carbon.

If the patient is very ill and is not able to control his actions, then it is better not to lavage the stomach so that he does not suffocate on the vomit. In an unconscious state, you should wait for the ambulance to arrive and make sure that your tongue does not sink.

Subcutaneous administration of cordiamine or caffeine helps restore respiratory failure. Artificial respiration is performed in cases where breathing has stopped altogether.

A kamatous state is a serious sign of concern. It is recognized by its characteristic features:

  • the appearance of a bluish tint to the face;
  • cold and clammy skin;
  • intermittent breathing;
  • thready pulse.

In a comatose state, the patient needs a resuscitator.

Alcoholic coma can affect the body of a person of average weight and who usually drinks rarely. But I couldn’t restrain myself and took 400-450 grams of vodka per capita during a short feast. In such cases, the blood alcohol concentration jumps sharply to 0.3 percent or higher.

First aid for poisoning with alcohol substitutes

The actions are the same as for regular food poisoning. First of all, it is necessary to induce a gag reflex.

Before the doctors arrive:

  • every two hours, 4-5 times/day. give the patient 50 ml of ethyl alcohol (30%);
  • over the next three days, periodically rinse the stomach, since methanol leaves the body through the gastric mucosa;
  • if the patient is unconscious, you need to monitor the pulse (carotid artery area);
  • if the pulse cannot be felt, the person should be turned over on his back;
  • it is necessary to make a precordial beat;
  • begin resuscitation.

It is important to know exactly what poisoned a person. If the reason is the use of surrogates, then in this case the proverb “knocks out a wedge with a wedge” definitely applies. As you know, ethyl alcohol slows down the breakdown of methanol alcohol, so the patient should feel better:

  • you need to give some vodka;
  • lay on stomach;
  • turn your head to the side;
  • unfasten your belt and shirt to make it easier to breathe;
  • open the window for ventilation;
  • in case of loss of consciousness, give ammonia or vinegar a sniff;
  • lubricate whiskey with ammonia;
  • wait for the ambulance to arrive.

As you can see, everything is quite simple. But I would like life to go on without such “little things.” Of course, it is difficult to do without feasts. However, you should not turn them into some kind of cult and get too carried away with alcohol, and especially alcoholic drinks of dubious origin.



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