Is it bad to have stray dogs? Myths about stray dogs

“A dog is man's best friend. There is no more loyal animal than a dog"

Specially trained dogs have been helping people for a long time (rescue dogs, guide dogs, hunting, shepherd, guard, search, sled dogs, healer dogs, etc.). But, unfortunately, more and more incidents occur, the cause of which is the aggressive and uncontrollable behavior of dogs, to a greater extent, which occur through the fault of a person. On the streets there are stray dogs, sick, abandoned by negligent owners and offended by people, they roam the city, gathering in rather large packs and pose a great danger. There are many reasons why a homeless animal may behave aggressively at the sight of a person: Hunger; fear; protection of offspring; rabies; intrusion into their protected territory; also, if the dog is not properly trained, it can attack unexpectedly, especially in fighting breeds. In the process of breeding such a breed, the most cruel animals were selected.

Stray dogs are dangerous:

  • If they are aggressive and rush at everything that moves.
  • If they stray into large packs with a leader at the head.
  • If the dog is sick with rabies, because she is very unpredictable, can attack without warning barking.

According to the Center for Legal Animal Protection, 391 people have been bitten by dogs in Russia over 11 years. On average, 3 people per month die from dog teeth, or 35 per year. And, it is clear that these sad figures are not final. The dog is a pack animal. The psychology of dogs is such that she always wants to become a leader, at the slightest opportunity. A pack of dogs is like a pack of wolves. Especially if the dogs have long gone from people. Then there are 2 leaders in the flock: a male and a female. Thousand years of human persecution has led to the survival of those wolves that avoid humans. And the dog, on the contrary, has lived next to us for thousands of years. And knows us. Moreover, the degree of savagery is different: therefore, animals behave differently.

Rules and methods of protection when meeting with a dog or a pack of dogs.

  • Stray and feral dogs are dangerous in a group. The danger is already 2-3 dogs. Especially if there are 4-5 or more of them. If you don't want trouble, stay away from these groups. Leave the conflict zone immediately without panic. When you see a flock or a dog running in the distance, try to change the route without haste. Situations when “showdowns” began in the group, and you were nearby, are distinguished by increased danger.
  • When you meet a stray dog, evaluate how he reacts to your appearance. In some cases, it is enough just to gently walk past the dog without provoking it.
  • If you see that several dogs have sprawled out on the lawn, in no case go through such territory. Because the four-legged consider this lawn as their rightful resting place, which is included in their territory - much like a sofa in your apartment. Well, what will you do if someone breaks into your home and stomps near the place where you rest? Or even climb through it? Approximately so they perceive the appearance of a person at the place where the dog lies. Feeding them or not is, of course, up to you. But be aware that top dressing is far from always able to maintain "good neighborly relations." Quite the contrary: situations may arise when it is an attempt to appease aggressive animals that can turn into a nuisance. Or even misfortune: one will get food, while others are also hungry. Hence the aggression.
  • At night, especially go around wastelands, parks and other similar places. There just are the most "inviolable" habitats of flocks. They then protect them with special zeal.
  • Under no circumstances should you run. You can run only when it is possible to be guaranteed to be out of the dog's reach. For example, quickly run to a tree and climb it, climb the stairs to the roof. · Never touch animals in the absence of their owners, especially while eating and sleeping.
  • Dogs must not be teased. Do not provoke her to aggression.
  • You can not approach and pet an unfamiliar dog.
  • Do not take away their toys or bones from dogs.
  • It is advisable to leave without turning your back, without sudden movements. If at the moment when a dog starts barking, a person, frightened, looks away or turns his back, trying to leave as soon as possible, then such behavior can provoke a further increase in dog aggression. Here the dog may even rush after and try to bite, even if it did not initially have such intentions.
  • Don't look your dog in the eye. No need to be afraid. Dogs react to movement. A sweeping step will help not show fear.
  • Dogs with rabies are very dangerous. She approaches people, flirts, wags her tail, everything is as usual. And only after receiving a bite, you understand that in vain you handed her a piece of bread.
  • Dogs are very sensitive to loud noises. You can make a loud threatening cry, speak louder. You should not make shrill and hysterical tones, dogs will perceive this as weakness.
  • You need to know one feature of the attacking animal, whose instinct tells him to bite his teeth into that part that is closest. Therefore, when attacking, it is best to put some object in front of you - a bag, an umbrella, a briefcase ...
  • When attacked, protect your face and throat.
  • Also, an unfavorable development of events can occur even with an inadequate reaction of people to a dog approaching them with the most peaceful intentions. Indeed, often stray dogs hope to beg something edible from passers-by, while not intending to attack them. However, when faced with the inexplicable behavior of people who begin to scream, back away in fear, swing, the dog can also be frightened and behave unpredictably. The main sign of a peaceful dog is a wagging tail.
  • Try to hide behind any door, climb higher.
  • You can grab a stone, stick or pretend, but only if the dog is small or small! You can pick up a handful of sand and throw it in the dog's eyes. But, if big dogs want to attack you, you don’t need to do this, because. it will only provoke the dogs.
  • If you were attacked by a dog while riding a bicycle, then you need to stop. The dog will most likely stop too, walk a little further and the dog will fall behind.
  • It is important to know that the dog's weak points are: the tip of the nose, the eyes, the bridge of the nose, the base of the skull, the middle of the back, the belly, the transition from the muzzle to the forehead. At the same time, blows to the sides, ears, paws, ribs, although they cause pain, do not always force the dog to retreat.
  • As a means of defense, gas cartridges, pepper spray cans, a stun gun can be useful. If they are not there - deodorants, aerosols.
  • What should not be done. Don't try to handle dogs with your bare hands. Or even feet with boots on. They will bite your hand, but you won’t get it with your foot: four-legged street dogs have an excellent reaction.

Every year the number of people affected by dog ​​bites is growing by 16.5% /
The dog is man's best friend. No matter how beautiful it may sound, but quite often a person betrays even his own kind of friends, not to mention our smaller brothers.
Once on the street, the pet either adapts to the new environment, running wild and angry along the way, or dies.
According to the old memory, the surviving animals strive for food and warmth, so most often they can be found on heating mains near houses, or in yards.

Since the dog is a close relative of the wolf, most often several homeless animals living in the same territory huddle together in a pack.
Every year their number is growing, and not without the participation of “animal advocates”, for whom the life and health of a person is in second place after a dog. Every wild dog is a potential danger to humans.
Because they must first of all be considered as carriers of terrible deadly diseases and as a threat to the life and health of people. Anyone can get hurt by a dog.
Young children are the most vulnerable.
Look at what playgrounds look like! They have turned into beds, "kitchens" and toilets for dogs, not without the participation of illiterate and irresponsible people who feed packs of dogs for someone's misfortune. Playgrounds, where children so love to play, digging in the sand, are simply teeming with a variety of dangerous infections, sometimes even fatal. Dogs are not social creatures, so it doesn’t cost them anything to go to the toilet in the children’s sandbox.

Every year, thousands of people are attacked by wild dogs, for many this does not go unnoticed, in addition to the fact that dogs cause physical injuries, they will also mutilate the psyche. Most of the victims are children who trustingly approach animals or disturb dogs while sleeping, eating, caring for puppies.
The bite is painful and carries the risk of contracting rabies. Therefore, a dog bite requires emergency medical attention and further treatment.

Unfortunately, spaying is not an option, because a spayed dog does not become less dangerous, it can also be a carrier of diseases, it can also bite and attack only with more anger and fury.

Feeding and leaving animals outside means endangering the lives of your own children.
Offer a compassionate grandmother to take a pet home, since she loves him so much, or not to interfere with people cleaning the city from an insane and very real threat.
A dog is a source of increased danger, and a dog without an owner is a source of increased danger cubed.

For a homeless dog, you are the victim and your child is the prey.

What diseases can dogs infect us with?

Rabies- an acute infectious disease that occurs after the bite of an infected animal, occurring with severe damage to the nervous system.
Having entered the human body through a wound caused by the bite of a rabid animal, the virus spreads along the nerve trunks towards the central nervous system, affecting the nerve centers and the cerebral cortex.
A person has hallucinations - visual, auditory, olfactory. As the disease progresses, seizures become more frequent. There is profuse salivation. After paralysis of the upper and lower extremities occurs, the patient dies from paralysis of the heart.

- This is a serious human disease that occurs when infected with toxocar larvae (dog roundworms). They are more common in young children. Toxocariasis is a typical “dirty hand disease”, that is, helminth eggs fall on hands while playing outside. And from dirty hands - into the oral cavity. Unlike the eggs of human roundworms, toxtocars are carried with the bloodstream and "get stuck" in any organ, more often in the eyeball, brain, and lungs. By the products of their vital activity, they cause poisoning of the body, which is manifested by allergic reactions. Often the disease proceeds with severe repetitions - relapses.

Leptospirosis. Dogs can also be infected with leptospirosis, a severe disease caused by bacteria of the genus Leptospira. The source of the infectious agent is sick and recovered animals that excrete leptospira from the body into the external environment along with urine, feces, milk, and secretions from the lungs. The infection can enter the human body through the eyes, nose or mouth, especially if the skin is broken. Leptospira easily penetrate through mucous membranes and damaged skin, and affect the liver, kidneys, and brain membranes. An infected person has a fever, migraine, muscle pain. Possible death.

School of survival. How to behave.

If you meet a stray dog .
Firstly, no matter how sad her eyes look, it’s not worth feeding her, you don’t even need to give her an unnecessary stale crust, because with this gesture of goodwill you can settle the dog at the entrance, or even worse at the apartment, forever. No need to pay attention to a stray dog, just ignore its presence.
Stray dogs are incredibly smart and, first of all, they are looking for a “feeder” that will become their master. Those. they need a person who will sometimes feed them, and whom they will protect. This is exactly what happens so often. Some compassionate old woman feeds a stray dog, and she, in turn, in order to curry favor with the "mistress" rushes at everyone in the district, and she does this only in the presence of the "mistress". If there is a pack of stray dogs on the way, then the best advice is to change your route around the dogs. If this is not possible, then you should walk at a moderate pace, without making sudden movements. Dogs are sensitive to alcohol, so you should not meet with them when drunk, it is better to take a detour, but at the same time save your health, and maybe life.
Of course, dogs don't just jump on people, but dogs can be aggressive for a variety of reasons, and don't neglect your safety, if a stray dog ​​ignored you yesterday, there can be no guarantee that it won't pounce today.

Today's four-legged vagrants are the result of an unthinkable crossbreeding of dogs of different breeds, which at one time ended up on the street at the behest of man. These animals are real mutants who have learned everything in the city: cunning, hardy, smart, daring and aggressive.

The fight against stray animals has passed into the stage when either we have them or they have us. Morality dictates: "Thou shalt not kill!"
And life makes you shoot!

In Russia, stray dogs are an indispensable attribute of any settlement (in the United States, stray dogs, for example, live only on the territory of Indian reservations, they are exterminated outside them).
Stray dogs in Russia are a unique method of neuroticization and intimidation of the lower classes of the urban population. The absolute majority of their attacks are made by dogs, as statistics show, on the weakest and most defenseless: women, children, the elderly, less often on lonely and unarmed men.
There is no exact estimate of the size of the dog tribe, which feels at ease in Russia, which is humane in this area.
Russia, as well as Ukraine, Kazakhstan and other states of the collapsed USSR (with the exception of the Baltic states, where populations of stray dogs irretrievably disappeared in the early 1990s) became a testing ground for working out a mechanism for regulating the number of stray animals, unprecedented anywhere in the civilized world, by trapping, sterilizing (and often without any regulation at all).
The reason for this state of affairs is the state. Indeed, the interests of urban wolves in Russia are firmly guarded by state bodies supported by eco-fascists. Since the end of the 90s of the last century, the British concept of preserving the species of animals inherent in it in urban conditions has been allegedly being implemented in Russia. But there, rabbits, hares, deer, wild boars, and so on are considered such animals ... And in Moscow, this concept was formulated by specialists from the Institute of Ecology and Evolution Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences: academicians decided that stray dogs and cats should be considered an integral part of the urban ecosystem of cities in the Russian Federation.
As shown by Russian, primarily Moscow practice, sterilization in no way affected either the number of four-legged Russians or the reduction of the harm they cause. Moreover, statistics clearly recorded an increase in the number of attacks by stray dogs on people.
According to the Law on Responsible Treatment of Animals, it is prohibited in Russia to capture stray dogs for the purpose of putting them to sleep:
Regulation of the number of stray dogs and cats is carried out by mass sterilization (castration) of animals with their subsequent return to their former habitats in the manner established by the authorized federal government body.
In Moscow, captured dogs are sterilized and then either adopted by their families or released back into their “natural habitat”, that is, onto city streets.
The program of such trapping and sterilization of dogs in Moscow did not give any results. The total costs of the Moscow city treasury for stray dogs amount to tens of billions of rubles a year. The number of attacks by stray dogs on people varies at about the same level with about 20 thousand recorded cases per year.
In St. Petersburg, it is also unknown how many stray dogs live. Estimates vary from 7 to 10 thousand heads, however, if we focus on the number of bites, then their population is only 2 times less than in Moscow - annually from 10 to 14 thousand animal bites are recorded in the city, of which 55-60% are stray dogs .
Samara is considered the kingdom of stray dogs in the Volga region. Its difference from Moscow is that the city still conducts an estimated monitoring of the number of flea-ridden citizens, and the numbers vary from 14 to 18 thousand animals (that is, 1 dog per 65-75 inhabitants). At the same time, stray dogs bite up to 3,000 city dwellers every year (about 2.5-3 thousand more bites occur on pets). Thus, 1 registered bite falls on about 5 homeless animals. The practice of sterilizing stray animals in this city, as one would expect, did not bear any fruit.
Nizhny Novgorod and adjacent areas of the region are inhabited by a flock, whose number is estimated to range from 8-10 to 25-35 thousand heads. In 2011, up to 6 thousand stray dogs were officially caught in the city, but this practically did not affect the overall situation. The exact number of bites in the city is also not recorded, it can be estimated at 20,000 cases. Thus, the number of stray dogs in this city is at least twice as high as in Samara - 55-60% of bites, according to all-Russian and Moscow data, fall on stray animals - therefore, about 25-30 thousand heads live there.
The more garbage dumps in a Russian city, the more eco-fascists there are who “compassionately” feed stray animals, the higher their number and, as a result, the higher the number of their victims.
Officials are aware of the problem, but they can't do anything. They can't violate dog rights.
High-ranking patrons of urban dogs (most zoofascists are not even aware that the population of stray dogs has long been developing on its own and these are semi-wild animals) are not appeased. I think it is useless to ask zoofascists about in which countries the problem of stray animals is solved with the help of exclusively “sterilization”. There is no such country in the world.
Nevertheless, hundreds of millions of rubles were allocated for this, as well as the program for the construction of dog shelters, which implements the concept of life-long keeping of dogs (for some animals, anyway), which is unprecedented anywhere in the world.
Such financial flows are beneficial for officials: the more stray dogs in the city, the higher the cost of their maintenance. One can only marvel at the humanistic appetites of officials who have discovered a real dog Klondike in their city! After all, it is almost impossible to control the expenditure of funds, and dogs have not yet learned to talk ...
This, by the way, is the reason for the disputes between officials and a small but aggressive community of eco-fascists, the latter insist that funding go not only to municipal shelters, but also to their own. While bureaucrats and city lunatics are trying to establish their case, the Europeanized minority in Russian cities has resorted to forced barbarism - dog-hunting - as a defense measure.
Nothing else can be done - neither officials nor animal fascists want to be held responsible for biting and killing people by city wolves.
Officials and zoofascists constantly refer to the opinion of society. However, no city in Russia held a referendum on whether four-legged Russians are needed on its streets. According to public opinion polls, the vast majority of urban residents are against it. However, extremists do not care about the opinion of the majority.
According to Russian eco-fascists, stray dogs are never the first to attack, and if they bite, then only drunk ones.
Only one fact is surprising - this is the fact of the unanimous, stubborn unwillingness of both Russian officials and the so-called "environmentalists" to pay attention to the world practice of solving the problem with stray dogs, as well as to the issue of organizing the existence of dogs in urban conditions in general. In the USA, any ownerless animal caught on a city street must be delivered to a shelter, where it is kept from 2 to 6 weeks (in some states, however, the terms can be unlimited), after which it is euthanized. On the whole, up to 30-35% of stray animals caught in the United States are now euthanized during the first year.
In Europe, the rules differ from country to country, but in any case, no one returns homeless dogs to the streets of cities. In most countries, most of the animals are kept in shelters at the expense of the municipality, as well as on donations for the rest of their lives (in the UK, from 10 to 30% of animals in the shelter are euthanized). It is also important that it never occurs to anyone in developed countries to declare cities as a “natural habitat for stray animals”. That is why on the streets of Copenhagen, Stockholm, Paris, London, Edinburgh, Lyon, Munich, Madrid, Rome, Milan, Prague, Bratislava and hundreds and thousands of other European cities, you will never see packs of stray dogs (with some exceptions - cities of countries with such called Orthodox culture - Bulgaria, Macedonia, Serbia, Romania, Greece). There are no single homeless animals.
In addition to stray dogs, in developed countries they are actively solving the problem of uncontrolled keeping and pets. In many European countries, there are direct bans on keeping dogs of dangerous, fighting breeds - owners face huge fines and even imprisonment. In the UK, there is a list of prohibited dog breeds, and owners of animals of permitted breeds are required to have a special chip on their pet (a similar rule is generally accepted throughout Europe).
In Vienna, owners of fighting dogs are required to pay a tax, as well as register their animals. Otherwise, the animal will be taken to the shelter. The police of Germany, Austria and a number of other countries have the right to shoot any large neglected dog on the street that may pose a threat to other people.
In Germany, up to 35,000 orphan dogs are shot annually outside settlements.
As a result, you can safely walk around any European city without fear of an attack by a pack of homeless people lured by local crazy regiments, and in the same Berlin or Munich, right in the city limits, many species of wild animals live in parks, which are destroyed by dogs (rabbits, hares) in the cities of the CIS , deer, wild boars and so on).
Another thing is that residents and authorities of western cities annually face only dozens, at best hundreds of homeless animals, which were thrown out by negligent owners.
In countries that are not burdened by an excessive number of "humane" zoofascists, this problem is solved simply - for example, in Iraq in Baghdad in 2010, stray dogs were tritely shot.
However, what to talk about, even if the rules for cleaning up dog feces accepted throughout the normal world are a curiosity for Russia (and in New York for not following them you can get a fine of $ 500). In this, our country has its own, special path, which makes it related to the African and most backward Asian states of the Third World.
Citizens who have been bitten by stray dogs should file lawsuits against municipal and state authorities that are required to maintain a civilized urban environment, as well as against Russian eco-fascist organizations that advocate for stray dogs to bite you and your children. In Russia, there were precedents when victims managed to sue officials for compensation for their injuries.

Stray dogs ate almost all wild animals near Ulan-Ude

The society of hunters is sounding the alarm: feral dogs that have bred in the suburbs of Ulan-Ude have destroyed almost all juvenile birds and ungulates

Perverted people love their dogs and kiss them often. And dogs love lips, noses, ears ... However, I believe, fortunately, that in 50% of all cases of dog bites, they bite their owners.

Elephants, tigers, lions, leopards. Their victims every year are 100 people a year.
Wolves kill 10 people a year.
Sharks kill about 10 people a year.

According to a resident of the microdistrict, Galina Ts., the problem with homeless animals appeared a long time ago. According to the woman, the dogs get together in packs and do not allow people to pass. Quadrupeds live near a chain supermarket. There is a spontaneous market next to the outlet, the workers of which also complain about the animals.

- They behave unfriendly, immediately surround, begin to growl and bark. While we scare them away with stones and sticks. It’s impossible to go out with your dog,” she said. "Live Kuban" Galina.

Despite this "dog lawlessness", some compassionate local residents also manage to feed these aggressive animals.

- They made a "feeding trough" for them near the garbage dump, and now the dogs will not leave our streets, even more so, - the Krasnodar woman was indignant.

According to the woman, local residents have repeatedly appealed to the city administration about this problem, but there has still been no response from the mayor's office.

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Quite often, at grocery stores or stalls, you can see stray dogs fed by compassionate citizens. How safe and correct is it? Opinions on this topic divide people into two camps. Someone advocates that it is necessary to feed such dogs, otherwise they will die, others tend to cause the capture of stray dogs, as they pose a danger to others. Which of the options is correct will be discussed in this article.

To feed stray dogs or not

Many animal advocates are very sensitive to the question of whether to feed stray animals or not. They usually argue their arguments with the fact that everyone has the right to life, and such dogs are not to blame for their unfortunate fate. And at the mention of the service for catching stray dogs, the defenders begin to resent, considering them "flayers."

Unfortunately, people themselves are to blame for the multiplication of the population of street dogs. Often, pets turn up on the street, which were not followed by negligent owners or those who were deliberately thrown out of the house. As a rule, pets that find themselves on the street do not live long, as they are not able to compete with those who were born free. They die from cold and hunger, because they do not know how to feed themselves or become victims of wandering relatives.

Those dogs that were born and raised on the street are quite capable of feeding themselves. It never occurs to anyone to feed wolves or other wild animals, everyone believes that they can survive on their own, in addition, no one wants to meet a wolf, well aware of the danger of the situation. Feeding such animals, refusing to call for the capture of stray dogs, people increase the number of stray dogs on the street.

How dangerous are stray dogs?

Homeless animals that are fed by people do not need food. But at the same time, their hunting instinct remains unused. They gather in flocks and begin to hunt for whoever they meet on their way. Street and lost dogs, domestic cats, as well as small dogs suffer the most from hunting dogs. It is worth paying attention to the fact that stray dogs do not eat cats killed by them, they are already full, thanks to the care of compassionate citizens.

But what will happen if on the way of such a flock there is not a cat, but a man? Quite often in the news you can hear about cases of dogs attacking people or, even worse, children. In such cases, they immediately recall the capture of stray dogs. But this situation can be prevented if you follow certain rules:

Homeless animals can become sick with diseases that are dangerous for humans and domestic animals. Rabies is especially dangerous, as it is a fatal disease. Therefore, it is necessary to capture stray dogs and carry out veterinary control to identify sick animals. In addition, by destroying cats, stray dogs contribute to an increase in the number of rats in cities.

How to deal with stray dogs

First of all, be sure to call for the capture of stray dogs. In our country, shooting homeless animals is strictly prohibited. Therefore, there are no "flayers" in this service. A stray animal can be shot at, but it will not be a bullet, but a sleeping pill. Once the dog is caught, it will be sent to the veterinarians for a checkup. If the dog is not dangerous, it is sterilized, vaccinated and sent to a shelter. When the shelters are full, the captured animal will be released to where it was caught. In sterilized dogs, aggressive instincts are suppressed, and it becomes harmless to others.

Where can I apply

Not everyone knows where to go to catch stray dogs, where to find help. In any large city in Russia, there are government services, the addresses and telephone numbers of which can be found on the Internet (and you can immediately leave an application for capture on the site) or in a reference organization. You can also contact the management company if dogs are found in the yards of residential buildings. In villages, you need to contact the local administration for help.

If you want to show mercy to homeless animals, then you need to do it right. Without creating a danger to people and pets and without increasing the number of unfortunate stray dogs.

The eternal and very painful issue of stray dogs in winter is of particular relevance. Four-legged friends of man, who live quite comfortably in the summer and run around the city alone, with the onset of cold weather, they huddle in flocks. And many of them are a real danger.

Mikhail Khaustov

That the attack of dogs on people in the city is not a myth, the correspondent of the newspaper "Chitai! Gorod" was convinced from his own experience.

When I was returning home from work, a dog attacked me in the yard. Small black mongrel mongrel. Moreover, we were “familiar” with her - one of the neighbors periodically fed her, and she took root in our yard. Every day, passing by her, I heard a barking barking after her, but I did not pay attention and moved on. And then she “reached” - she did bite me by the leg. Of course, the word “attacked” is not entirely appropriate here, but I got torn jeans and a bruise on my lower leg. Friends persuaded me to go to the emergency room - "what if she's mad?"

Remembering the terrible stories about 40 injections in the stomach from rabies, I went to the clinic with a heavy heart. It turns out that medicine over the past 20 years has moved forward by leaps and bounds, and these notorious 40 injections have long been a thing of the past. I was given three vaccines - one on the day of treatment, the second on the third day, the third on the seventh. Usually the course consists of six vaccines, but since the dog was in sight and after 10 days did not die of rabies, the doctors stopped the treatment.

In 2010, 1,242 people, including 333 children under 14 years of age, applied to emergency centers in Barnaul for being bitten by stray animals. Data for this year is not yet available.

According to the Rosselkhoznadzor, a rabies quarantine has been introduced in the Altai Territory since the end of November. Since the beginning of the year, cases of rabies have been registered in 41 settlements (among dogs - in six). Barnaul is not among them, fortunately. The quarantine will be lifted two months after the last case of rabies is registered.

The disease is not cured - if the so-called incubation period (the time when the disease does not manifest itself in any way) has passed and it is already in the first stage, there will be no other outcome than death. So if you are bitten by an animal, immediately go to the emergency room. Vaccines in the presence of the policy are administered free of charge.

So far, the problem of "orphaned" dogs that walk by themselves is being solved only by the most radical method - trapping and destruction. At the beginning of this year, in different parts of Barnaul and, in particular, in the village of Yuzhny, dogs were shot en masse. The organization that took over this dirty, frankly speaking, work, Barnaul-Zelenstroy, acted at the request of the administration. The basis for such an application is cases of dog attacks on people.

Today, dog trapping is the responsibility of the Committee for Road Facilities, Improvement, Transport and Communications of Barnaul. “If it is necessary to capture stray animals, residents can contact the district administration at their place of residence or the committee for road facilities, landscaping, transport and communications by phone. 63−29−92 (department for improvement) and leave a request. All stray caught animals are subject to euthanasia,” explained Committee Chairman Alexander Rozhdestvensky.

The destruction of stray dogs is certainly an inhumane way to solve the problem. But there is no other yet. Every year, a certain amount of money is allocated for catching former “friends of a person”, in 2011 the city budget provided 648 thousand rubles for these purposes.

How to deal with stray dogs

Lyudmila Zubkova, President of the Siberian Federation of Amateur Dog Breeding, spoke about how to behave when meeting with a pack of stray dogs.

Ludmila Zubkova,
President of the Siberian Federation of Amateur Dog Breeding:

If you meet a pack of stray dogs on the street, it is best not to draw attention to yourself. Do not show fear or aggressive reaction - in a pack, dogs will stand up for each other. As you go, so go. It is a mistake to think that you need to stop and not move - this can cause a response in dogs, they will be surprised. If you have one dog in front of you, you can try to treat it with something tasty, throw it a little to the side and slightly speed up your step. If the dog starts barking, throwing, it is better to stop. If she is alone, you can pick up something from the ground and swing, most likely, she will get scared and run away. But if a large pack is behaving aggressively, it is better to stop and try to get through to someone so that they will come to your aid. Under no circumstances should you run. Regarding rabies, I will say that it is extremely rare to meet a rabid stray dog ​​in the city. This is a disease that primarily affects wild animals, and hunting dogs have a high chance of getting sick with it. And those who roam the city rarely get rabies. But in any case, if you were bitten by a dog, be sure to give a course of injections - you never know. The first signs of rabies are aggression and foam on the mouth.


In the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation there is article 245 “Cruel treatment of animals, resulting in their death or injury, if this act is committed out of hooligan motives, or out of mercenary motives, or using sadistic methods, or in the presence of minors.” This is punishable by a fine of up to 80 thousand rubles. or in the amount of the wage or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to six months, or by compulsory labor for a term of 120 to 180 hours, or by corrective labor for a term of up to one year, or by arrest for a term of up to six months.



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