What to cook for a pregnant wife for breakfast. Homemade bread with bran

When a woman is pregnant, she needs to keep track of absolutely everything: what she eats, how she feels, what her mood is and, of course, it’s not easy! Today we will try to make your task easier by talking about what to eat for lunch during pregnancy, so that it is both tasty for mom and healthy for the unborn baby. We offer simple and quick recipes so as not to waste time cooking, because at any time, standing at the stove for a long time is not always pleasant!

Nutrition principles

To begin with, let's remember general principles nutrition of a pregnant woman.

Fractional meals 5-6 times a day

It is especially important both in the first terms and in the last. In the first case, due to toxicosis, it is difficult for a woman to receive required amount calories and small portions can be a real way out. In the second - the grown uterus squeezes the rest internal organs and the stomach is not able to stretch to the previous volumes.

You should not risk getting heartburn - it is better to eat a little bit, adding a couple of snacks to the usual breakfast-lunch-dinner.

The ratio of proteins-fats-carbohydrates

We follow the rule: eat not for two, but for two, and remember that trace elements, vitamins and fatty acid, obtained from food, are absorbed much better than any multivitamin.

Taking care of coloring, we do not neglect animal fats. Pregnancy is not the time to stick to a low-fat diet or switch completely to vegetable oils. High-quality butter and cream are extremely useful!

We avoid pickles, smoked meats, fried and synthetic products

Mom doesn’t need heartburn, not to mention overworked kidneys, pancreas and liver, and the baby doesn’t need carcinogens from chips or french fries that go straight into the amniotic fluid.

But do not think that all that remains during pregnancy is to gnaw raw carrots for lunch, eating it with steamed chicken breast. In the end, this is not gastritis, but just motherhood!

The greatest emphasis on the menu at any time should be done on fresh vegetables and fruits milk protein, complex carbohydrates and lean varieties meat.

Other restrictions

IN moderate amounts we use potential allergens: citrus fruits, mushrooms, nuts, red berries.

We limit spices, spice products, chocolate and completely exclude alcohol. In any case, you need to feel your body, focus on taste preferences and remember that a single use of a product will not cause much harm.

Cooking dishes is best steamed or baked in the oven. Stewed and boiled foods are less useful, and frying is in third place, the less such food in your diet, the better.

So, we have an impressive list of products from which we can make a great menu for a pregnant woman for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Once per table future mother V without fail should get fresh vegetables, let's start with salads!

seaweed salad


  • Seaweed - 200 g;
  • Cucumbers - 1 pc.:
  • Beets (boiled) - 150 g;
  • Quail eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • Vegetable oil- 1 tbsp.


  1. Boil eggs and beets until tender.
  2. Cut the cabbage, if the seaweed is too long, cucumber. We clean the beets and three on a grater.
  3. Salt everything, season with oil and mix. Cut the eggs in half and arrange on top.

All is ready!

Of course it is basic recipe and you can change the components at your discretion. For example, add 100 g of canned corn or defrosted peas to this amount. If desired, you can put ½ chopped onion half rings. You just need to scald it with boiling water to remove the bitterness.

Lightly salted salmon goes very well with seaweed - for this amount it is enough to cut 2-3 slices into strips and red beans. For 200 g of cabbage, add 150 - 200 g of beans without liquid.

And you can cook a cabbage mixture: sea and white cabbage go well with each other. Add sweet peppers, dill greens to them, season with oil and you're done!

However, a salad can be an excellent substitute for a full meal if you include a protein component: 100 - 150 g of tuna or a couple of large chicken eggs and some complex carbohydrates.

Let's prepare the following dish for lunch: salad with pink salmon and rice. We take 100 g of baked or steamed fish, mix with 2 tbsp. boiled rice, chopped egg and 200 g seaweed. We refuel everything olive oil, salt and mix.

Such a salad can replace both the first and the second for a future mother's lunch.


  • Pink salmon fillet - 400 g
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Lemon - ½ pc.
  • Greens - bunch
  • Salt, spices - to taste


  1. If we have a fillet, nothing needs to be done, if the carcass is whole, we remove the skin, remove the bones and the head - it will be possible to cook the ear out of them. Cut the meat into portions and squeeze 3-5 drops into each lemon juice, add and set aside.
  2. We chop the onion into half rings, sprinkle with vinegar, cut the tomato into circles.
  3. We tear off several identical sheets from the foil according to the number of pieces of fish. We divide the onion and tomatoes into equal parts so that there is enough for each piece. We spread the onion on the foil first, then the fish, and on top of 1-2 mugs of tomato.
  4. You can add half a lemon wedge if you like.
  5. We wrap all the pieces well so that there are no gaps left, and set to bake for 30 minutes at 220 ° C.

Serve the finished fish with greens - salad mix, cherry tomatoes or steamed vegetables.

And you can cook vegetable risotto. We make it in water or vegetable broth.

  1. In the latter case, we need to boil 300 - 400 g of fresh vegetables: broccoli, carrots, onions, Bay leaf- boil them in a liter of water until tender.
  2. The resulting broth is filtered, salted and left on a small fire, we need it boiling.
  3. We wash 1/3 cup of rice in several waters, transfer it to a deep frying pan or stewpan, immediately pour part of the broth so as to close the rice by half a centimeter, put 2 garlic cloves cut in half on top.
  4. We leave to languish under the lid, and we ourselves turn to vegetables: we cut into cubes 1 carrot, 150 g of pumpkin, 20-30 g of leek and cut into halves 3-4 heads of Brussels sprouts.
  5. Simmer the vegetables in another pan until soft. First, carrots and onions, after 10 minutes add pumpkin and Brussels sprouts, after another 10 minutes, stir in 1/3 cup of frozen green peas.
  6. Continue adding broth to the rice as it cooks. It is prepared for 25 - 30 minutes and 5-7 before the end, mix it with vegetables, add the rest of the liquid, let it sweat and remove from heat.

We keep the finished risotto under the lid for another 5 minutes and serve! As you can see, there is not a single gram of extra oil in this dish, so we fill each plate with 1 tsp before serving. olive.

  1. If we want dinner to be cooked faster, soak 1 tbsp before cooking. lentils for 1 - 1.5 hours.
  2. Pour the soaked cereal into a liter of boiling salted water and leave to boil.
  3. Meanwhile, we simmer 1 chopped onion in olive oil - we do it under a lid and on a very low heat so that the onion does not fry, but is stewed.
  4. We scald and peel 2 medium tomatoes, finely chop and send to the onion, add the spices of turmeric, coriander, cumin. Optionally, mix in 1 tbsp. tomato paste.
  5. Keep on low heat for 10-15 minutes and transfer to a saucepan with soup.

Cook for another 5 minutes, add ½ bunch of chopped herbs, bring to a boil and serve! Before serving, this soup can be supplemented with a few drops of lemon juice, dripped directly into the plate. The taste will be more interesting and subtle.

It is also good to eat pumpkin soup for lunch. Potassium contained in the pulp of this vegetable is necessary for pregnant women.

Pumpkin puree soup


  • Pumpkin - 500 g;
  • Vegetable broth - 700 ml;
  • Onion - 1 pc.;
  • Cream 20% - 2 tbsp per serving plate;
  • Nutmeg, allspice, salt - to taste.


  1. Bring the broth to a boil and put the pumpkin pulp cut into pieces. As soon as it boils, put the chopped onion into half rings and cook until the vegetables become soft.
  2. Puree everything with an immersion blender, add salt and spices, let it boil and turn it off.

Serve hot with cream and croutons. You can add the first pumpkin seeds, pouring them directly into the plates on top of the cream.

If cooked separately vegetable broth seems complicated, you can add some potatoes to this soup. This will make the taste softer and richer, and add satiety to the dish. For this amount, you will need a couple of potatoes and a glass more water.

At the end, add a little greens and, if desired, sprinkle with grated cheese. If the cream seems too rich addition, use natural yogurt without additives! It is an excellent substitute for sour cream in hot dishes.

Cottage cheese casserole with banana

To make our pregnant lunch complete, let's prepare a small healthy dessert!

  1. Stir 100 g fat-free cottage cheese, 1 egg, 2 tbsp. sugar and 1 tbsp. butter until the grains of sugar disappear.
  2. We spread 3 bananas cut lengthwise in a baking dish and pour the curd mass.
  3. We put to bake for 15 - 20 minutes in a hot (200 ° C) oven.

We let the finished casserole stand for 15 - 20 minutes so that the hot cottage cheese seizes and does not drip. Serve with berries and fruits!

Now we know what to eat for lunch during pregnancy! It's tasty, satisfying and very healthy!

For the full development of the baby and wellness expectant mother, pregnant women need to adhere to certain nutritional rules. In addition, following all the recommendations will help not only to endure healthy child but also to keep the figure slim and beautiful. Proper nutrition for pregnant women good health baby and successful pregnancy.

Basic principles of nutrition for pregnant women

Expecting a baby is a great time to switch to a healthy diet and rethink your habits. The first thing that will have to change is the number of meals and move from 3 meals a day to 4-5 meals a day.

As the number of meals increases, the amount of servings should be reduced. The expectant mother does not need to eat for two - except for the extra pounds gained and additional problems due to overweight during childbirth it will not bring.

You need to eat often and in small portions.

Products must be only fresh and natural: no preservatives and synthetic products. The diet should contain fresh vegetables, fruits, berries and greens, which perfectly cope with the problem of constipation and contribute to the normalization of the intestines, as well as meat, fish, dairy products - the main sources of protein and the prevention of anemia and lack of calcium in the body.

How to eat right during pregnancy

  1. Do not abuse large amounts of food, do not overeat, so that there is no feeling of heaviness in the stomach. It is not recommended to skip meals. If you feel hungry, it is better to have a snack in the form of an apple or yogurt;
  2. It is necessary to have breakfast immediately after waking up. Nutritious cereals: oatmeal, buckwheat, corn, rich in trace elements and vitamins, ideal for a morning meal;
  3. Varied menu - important condition nutrition for expectant mothers. Each product is useful and will only benefit the child. The use of the same dishes can lead to a lack of certain useful and nutritious substances in the body;
  4. You should limit the number of sweets, confectionery and flour products in your menu. Sugar can be substituted useful honey, sweets - fruits, raisins, nuts;
  5. The first half of the day - best time for protein meals, afternoon and evening time- perfect for the use of dairy, sour-milk, as well as vegetable products;
  6. Proper nutrition during pregnancy involves drinking enough water to avoid swelling in pregnant women. Berry fruit drinks, compotes, jelly, rosehip broth and weak tea are useful;
  7. Give preference to food that is steamed, stewed, boiled or baked. For fried foods, use as little fat as possible;

Important! Abuse flour products and baking can cause fermentation in the intestines and lead to discomfort and discomfort.

Proper nutrition of a pregnant woman: menu


As the first meal after waking up, muesli with milk with various cereals, pieces of fruits and berries, nuts is suitable. Such a breakfast will saturate the body, energize and provide calcium and phosphorus.

Fresh seasonal fruits filled with homemade yogurt or frozen, which do not lose their flavor when defrosted, will also be useful. useful properties. A variety of cereals, eggs in any form, toast: with cottage cheese, cheese, bacon, vegetables, cottage cheese casseroles will be an excellent breakfast and provide proper nutrition during pregnancy.


Second breakfast - a snack before lunch with fruit, yogurt, a milkshake with the addition of a piece of fruit or a handful of nuts and dried fruits.


Lunch is a complete meal. Include soups, boiled, baked or stewed meat in the diet, fish is useful. Boiled potatoes are suitable for garnish, vegetable stew, vermicelli or pasta. Don't forget about vitamin salads with olive oil, herbs. After dinner, you can drink a glass of juice, compote or herbal tea.

afternoon tea:

The afternoon snack allows you to satisfy the feeling of hunger before dinner and energize the body, cope with the afternoon sleepy state. Suitable fresh vegetables and fruit juices, cake or bun with honey or jam, curd mass or curd dishes.


For dinner, stews with meat and vegetables, fish dishes, egg dishes and fresh salads. You can also eat a bun with milk or yogurt.

Second dinner:

The second dinner, as a rule, falls on more late time. In order not to burden the stomach before going to bed and satisfy the feeling of hunger, a glass will help warm milk, you can with honey, a piece of cheese with dry cookies or a handful of dried fruits or nuts. Any will do dairy products: fermented baked milk, yogurt, kefir.

Prohibited foods with proper nutrition during pregnancy on the menu:

  • avoid eating half-cooked fish and seafood, such as sushi;
  • vegetables and fruits must be washed well under running water to prevent infection with toxoplasmosis;
  • It is worth avoiding the use of blue cheese varieties during pregnancy (dor blue, camembert), which contain the listeria bacterium, which is dangerous to the health of the baby.

Proper nutrition during pregnancy by week

First 4 weeks pregnancy is the time when the expectant mother realizes that now she should take her health more responsibly: eat differently. You should give up quick snacks "on the go", forget about fast food (hot dogs, french fries), smoked meats, and switch to vegetable salads, sour-milk products and fresh fruits.

Proper nutrition during pregnancy early dates should provide the body of a pregnant woman with sufficient calcium, necessary for the formation strong bones future child. Calcium is rich in all dairy, sour-milk products, especially cottage cheese, green vegetables, broccoli.

Also, the body of the expectant mother needs manganese and zinc contained in eggs, oatmeal, bananas, turkey, spinach and carrots.

Toxicosis - common occurrence in pregnant women, so proper nutrition in the first trimester of pregnancy in the period from 5 to 10 weeks It consists in the exclusion of foods that can provoke vomiting. This applies to high-calorie and fatty foods. With nausea, you should eat in small portions, lemon is useful, sauerkraut, rosehip decoction, rich in vitamin C, as well as dried apricots, especially at bedtime.

11-12 weeks of pregnancy- a period of unusual taste preferences in food during pregnancy. Do not deny yourself even the most daring combinations of products. enough.

13-16 weeks the time of completion of the formation of the fetal skeleton. The use of milk, cottage cheese, kefir will benefit the unborn baby.

During 17-24 weeks the formation and development of the organs of vision and hearing in the child. These weeks, foods rich in vitamin A are useful. B large quantities it is found in cabbage, carrots, and bell peppers.

WITH 24 to 28 weeks expectant mothers may experience unpleasant feeling heartburn, which is associated with the pressure of the stomach on the uterus, which has increased significantly by this time in size. Avoid fatty and spicy food, sauces and seasonings, give up carbonated drinks. With heartburn, cereals are useful, especially oatmeal and buckwheat, low-fat vegetable puree soups, boiled meat and stewed vegetables.

29 - 34th week of pregnancy- the period of formation and development of the child's brain. The diet should be dominated by red fish, dairy and sour-milk products, nuts and eggs. Proper nutrition for pregnant women during this period is especially important!

Beginning with 35 weeks- the time of preparation of the body for future childbirth, it needs energy. The source of energy and strengthening of the body are fresh and boiled vegetables. Reduce the amount of meat and fish dishes, eggs, as well as foods rich in calcium - the body does not need calcium before childbirth.Its excess will harden the bones of the baby's skull and make it difficult for it to pass through the birth canal.

Important! More attention needs to be paid to the use vegetable fats, dress salads with vegetable oil, add to vegetables. Vegetable oil helps to increase muscle elasticity and is an excellent prevention of hemorrhoids.

Pregnancy is a time when a woman can allow everything in her diet, but observe the measure, adhering to the basic rules of nutrition. Having organized proper nutrition during pregnancy for weeks, a woman should not deny herself small pleasures - a source of positive emotions, so necessary for the baby.

More than one hundred articles have already been written about the fact that nutrition should be right. And this is no coincidence. After all, our health and even life expectancy depends on how we eat. But you have to give Special attention nutrition during pregnancy and compliance. future mommy now it is necessary to take care not only about yourself, but also about the health of the new little man who will be born very soon.

The duration of each of them is three months. And this division is not accidental, since the development of the embryo occurs "according to plan." Particularly important changes that have occurred with the fetus in any period can tell about the correctness of its development. In order for the baby to receive everything necessary at each stage of its development, the mother needs to adjust her menu. Moreover, it is important that food that is useful in the first trimester may be banned in the second or third. That is why the menu varies by trimester. But there are a number general rules for the entire period of pregnancy:

  • Eating 5-6 times a day in small portions chewing diligently is ideal;
  • Last meal 3 hours before bedtime
  • Alcohol is prohibited!
  • We refuse fried, smoked foods and various pickles, it is better to eat boiled, stewed, steamed or baked in the oven;
  • The priority is eating only healthy food - fruits, vegetables, cereals, vegetable oil is also useful;
  • Accept vitamin complexes throughout your pregnancy!

Diet and nutrition in the 1st trimester

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the embryo develops into a fetus. Already at 3 weeks you can hear the beating of a tiny heart, and at 4 weeks eyes appear, the spine is formed, nervous and circulatory system as well as the intestines. At the same time, the brain is born and the embryo gradually “turns” into a fetus. These are the most serious weeks in the development of the unborn baby, so it is especially important that the fetus receives everything necessary for full development. In the first trimester, a pregnant woman should choose products especially carefully.

Good to know! To reduce risk congenital pathologies the fetus in the mother's diet should contain proteins, folic acid, zinc, selenium, copper. Iodine, cobalt and vitamins of groups C and B will reduce the manifestations of toxicosis in a woman, and will also help proper formation thyroid gland at the fetus.

Proteins not only reduce the risk of fetal pathologies, but are also a building material for embryonic cells. Folic acid (vitamin B9) promotes timely cell division and is responsible for nervous system baby. A deficiency of these elements in the body of a pregnant woman in the first trimester can lead to irreversible consequences for baby after birth. To prevent this, the diet of a pregnant woman in the 1st trimester should include foods rich in these elements daily:

  • lean meat and eggs
  • legumes,
  • cabbage, lettuce, peas,
  • bread coarse grinding(high in fiber and vitamin B)
  • cheese, cottage cheese (these products should be low fat),
  • seaweed,
  • freshly squeezed juices, especially apple and celery;
  • liver.

The health of the unborn child depends on what you eat in the first three months of pregnancy, therefore give up everything that can negatively affect the development of the fetus, and you will not bring tangible benefits:

  • products fast food and fast food
  • crackers and chips,
  • carbonated drinks,
  • canned food,
  • coffee (completely exclude, as there may be bad consequences from increased pressure to miscarriage),
  • vinegar, pepper, mustard.

Give preference to vegetables and fruits - they are much healthier for you and for the unborn baby.

Menu in the first trimester

Days of the week meal Menu: products and dishes
Day 1BreakfastMuesli with milk
Lunchlow fat yogurt
DinnerSoup with meat broth
afternoon teaVegetable Salad
DinnerRice with stewed cabbage
Before bedtimeA glass of milk
Day 2BreakfastMilk porridge (oatmeal or rice)
LunchSandwich with butter
DinnerFish soup
afternoon teaCottage cheese - 100 gr.
DinnerPasta with liver baked in kefir
Before bedtimeVegetable salad with seaweed
Day 3BreakfastCottage cheese - 100-150 g, green tea
LunchTea with biscuits
DinnerVegetable soup (pumpkin or broccoli soup)
afternoon teaFruits
DinnerSteam cutlet of chicken fillet, mashed potatoes
Before bedtimeYogurt
Day 4BreakfastBuckwheat porridge with milk. Any juice
DinnerCauliflower or broccoli soup, bread.
afternoon teaapple or pear
DinnerSalad with tuna, avocado, tomatoes and spinach leaves
Before bedtimeCranberry juice
Day 5BreakfastBread with cheese and tomatoes. Kefir or ryazhenka.
DinnerPasta with meatballs. Vegetable salad.
afternoon teahandful of walnuts
DinnerBaked potatoes with sour cream. Herb tea.
Before bedtimeKefir
Day 6BreakfastCheesecakes from low-fat cottage cheese. Herb tea
LunchDried apricots - a small handful
DinnerVegetable soup with chicken pieces. Whole grain bread
afternoon teaGrated carrots with apple
DinnerGreen salad with soft cheese and tomatoes.
Before bedtimeA glass of milk
Day 7BreakfastOatmeal with milk and apple. Juice
DinnerChicken soup. Tomato salad. Tea
afternoon teaAny fruit of your choice
DinnerSteamed chicken cutlet with vegetables.
Before bedtimeYogurt

You can make such a menu yourself, the main thing is to follow the basic rules of nutrition in the first (1st) trimester, and of course, all the doctor's prescriptions.

Diet and nutrition in the 2nd trimester

In the second trimester of pregnancy, almost all critical systems and the organs are already formed and their active development is underway, the mass of the brain increases, the fetus begins to breathe, so it is necessary not only to include in the menu products that contribute to the processes of growth and development, but also to ensure the supply of a sufficient amount of oxygen.

In the same period, the rudiments of teeth are laid, the skeletal system, therefore, it is necessary to provide enough calcium entering the body. However, calcium is effectively absorbed only in combination with vitamin D, so foods should be consumed in the right combination, or just eat foods that are rich in both calcium and vitamin D:

  • dairy products,
  • spinach,
  • pollock liver (or other marine fish)
  • raisin,
  • egg yolk,
  • butter.

At this stage, it is important to reduce the amount of salt and control the amount of fluid entering the body, as well as control the intake of carbohydrates, as their excess can lead to excessive weight gain. Very helpful walks fresh air(remember that oxygen is now especially needed by the baby).

  • spicy and smoked
  • fried and fatty foods
  • sausages and sausages,
  • floury and sweet.

Good to know! In the 2nd trimester, eat foods that are allergenic (citrus fruits, exotic fruits, strawberries), eat them rarely and in small portions so that the child is not born allergic.

In the fetus during this period, it is already almost formed genitourinary system, and the mother's liver is especially prone to stress, cleansing the body of toxins. Help her by simply eliminating certain foods. Flour and sweet can provoke an uncontrolled weight gain, but not the baby, but yours, which threatens with varicose veins and pain in the legs.

Menu in the second trimester

Days of the week meal Menu: products and dishes
Day 1BreakfastSandwich with cheese and tomatoes. Fried egg.
LunchCurd with raisins
DinnerVegetable soup
afternoon teaYogurt
DinnerVegetable salad with lettuce and avocado
Before bedtimeRosehip infusion
Day 2BreakfastOatmeal with milk
LunchBanana, apple, nuts
DinnerChicken soup
afternoon teaCottage cheese - 100 g.
DinnerVegetable stew with lean meat.
Before bedtimeA glass of kefir or yogurt
Day 3BreakfastOmelette
Lunchlow fat yogurt
DinnerMeat or fish soup
afternoon teaFruits to choose from
DinnerMilk porridge
Before bedtimeVegetable salad or fruit
Day 4BreakfastCheesecakes with raisins and sour cream
LunchHandful of almonds or walnuts
DinnerLentil soup
afternoon teaapple or pear
Dinner. Boiled rice. Tea
Before bedtimeYogurt
Day 5BreakfastOmelet with a sandwich
LunchA glass of tomato juice
DinnerVegetable stew of seasonal vegetables with meat
afternoon teaPeach or other seasonal fruit
DinnerSpaghetti with tomato sauce
Before bedtimeHerb tea
Day 6Breakfast
LunchBread with a piece of cheese
DinnerBeef stew with buckwheat. Vegetable salad. Green tea
afternoon teaJuice or favorite fruit
DinnerChicken breast baked with tomatoes. Vegetable Salad
Before bedtimeA glass of milk
Day 7BreakfastCorn porridge in milk with dried apricots
Lunchlow fat yogurt
Dinnercabbage soup. Salad of tomatoes and cucumbers
afternoon teaGuest of dried fruits or nuts
Dinner. Rosehip decoction
Before bedtimeYogurt

Diet and nutrition in the 3rd trimester

Nutrition in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy should be organized according to the principle - less is better, but better.

Carbohydrate Demand Doesn't Mean Excessive Absorption high-calorie food. Quite the contrary, you need to control their intake into the body, otherwise you will experience a large increase in weight. And on later dates it threatens not only prolonged labor, but it can also be dangerous to the life and health of the baby. In addition, we must not forget that in the last three months, the need for calcium remains. Therefore, foods consumed in the second trimester should not be excluded from the menu of a pregnant woman. During this period, it is better to give preference to:

  • fish,
  • fruit,
  • nuts
  • fresh vegetables,
  • vegetable soups
  • boiled or steam fish and meat.

In connection with the approaching birth and the end of the formation of most systems of the fetal body, it is recommended to be especially careful about the diet of the 3rd trimester. To avoid edema, late morning sickness, heartburn, and depressive fatigue, limit the intake of the following foods:

  • fat meat,
  • fats (beef, pork, etc.) and lard, leave only butter and vegetable oil in the diet.
  • fried foods,
  • yolk,
  • saturated broths (meat and fish),
  • meat sauces,
  • pickles.

Meat consumption should be limited to 3-4 times a week, and in the last month to 1-2 times a week.

Good to know! In the third semester, limit your water intake to no more than 1 liter per day (including soups and other liquid foods). Also, keep salt intake to a minimum (5 grams per day), it retains water in the body.

If you exclude dishes from the diet that give a big load on the stomach and liver, you will feel much better and will be able to avoid unpleasant manifestations of pregnancy, enjoying only your “interesting” position.

In addition, it is useful to spend fasting days 1-2 times a week, on such days you can eat cottage cheese, kefir and apples. Such fasting days will bring the body into tone and prepare it for childbirth. But, such days can only be arranged on the recommendation of a doctor!

Menu in the third trimester

Days of the week meal Menu: products and dishes
Day 1BreakfastMilk porridge
LunchRaisins, dried fruits
DinnerVegetable soup
afternoon teaRyazhenka or kefir
DinnerBuckwheat porridge with a steam cutlet
Before bedtimeFruit
Day 2BreakfastTea with milk or dry biscuits
LunchYogurt or fruit
DinnerPasta with vegetables
afternoon teaVegetable salad with spinach, tomatoes and olives
DinnerDiet pilaf in a slow cooker
Before bedtimeRyazhenka or kefir
Day 3BreakfastTea and butter sandwich
LunchLight seaweed salad with egg
DinnerFish soup
afternoon teacottage cheese
DinnerPuree with fish or lean meat
Before bedtimeFruit salad or juice
Day 4BreakfastBread with butter. boiled egg. Herb tea
LunchFruits to choose from
DinnerBorscht, vegetable salad.
afternoon teaapple or pear
DinnerSalad with rice, egg and tuna
Before bedtimeYogurt or fruit
Day 5BreakfastCottage cheese with jam or grated berries
LunchOrange juice
DinnerRoast beef with vegetables. Herb tea
afternoon teaAny seasonal fruit
DinnerSteamed rice with vegetables.
Before bedtimeKefir
Day 6BreakfastOatmeal in milk with dried apricots
LunchSandwich with slightly salted salmon
Dinner. Chicken breast baked with tomatoes
afternoon teaSmoothies from berries and kefir
DinnerBoiled fish with rice
Before bedtimeRyazhenka or kefir
Day 7BreakfastCheesecakes with sour cream
DinnerFish cutlet with pasta or rice. Vegetable Salad
afternoon teaFruits to choose from
Dinnerlazy cabbage rolls
Before bedtimeHerbal tea or a glass of milk

Good to know! IN last month pregnancy, it is better to exclude light carbohydrates from the diet: sugar, flour, jam and honey, and refuse fatty foods. This will prepare for childbirth, reduce the weight of the fetus and facilitate its birth.

You can skip porridge or tea and biscuits, but don't skip soup. Let it be simple vermicelli, cooked on meat or chicken broth your stomach needs hot food and no drink will replace it. The general principle of nutrition during pregnancy, regardless of the trimester - Eat more often, but make smaller portions. If you really want something, eat a little, because most often during pregnancy you want something that is not enough in the body, for example, zinc, which ordinary seeds are rich in.

Another nuance that should not be forgotten. No matter how fully organized the diet during pregnancy, get everything necessary substances only from products is impossible. Therefore, doctors prescribe special vitamins for pregnant women and preparations containing iodine, magnesium and, if necessary, iron. This precautionary measure reduces the risk of a fetus not receiving vital important vitamins, micro and macro elements.

A video about nutrition during pregnancy will briefly talk about nutrition and give useful tips:

Pregnancy - special condition female body, which is associated with various changes hormonal background, metabolism and even the physiology of internal organs.

Due to the restructuring of all systems during this period, a woman often experiences discomfort- Nausea, heartburn, constipation. It is impossible to predict their appearance, but you can reduce the risk of manifestation to a minimum. To do this, you just need to follow a diet.

morning sickness:

Morning sickness, as one of the manifestations of toxicosis, can be caused not only by changes associated with the restructuring of the body. You can reduce the risk of these sensations. To do this, after waking up, you do not need to immediately and abruptly get up. Lie down for a few minutes, wake up completely, and only after that get out of bed.

Another simple recipe - you should eat no earlier than an hour after getting up, and avoid overeating in the evening (if possible, do not eat hearty meat dishes at night).

Heartburn during pregnancy:

The cause of heartburn is hyperacidity stomach. To avoid unpleasant bitterness heartburn, exclude black bread from the menu, fresh White bread, fried foods, sour and spicy foods and also kefir. Low-fat milk will help relieve heartburn that has already appeared. In no case should you drink soda diluted with water!

Constipation during pregnancy:

Constipation - unpleasant phenomenon, which a pregnant woman is especially susceptible to in the third trimester. The grown fetus compresses the intestines, making it difficult for processed food to pass through. In addition to discomfort for mom, constipation is dangerous for the baby. With untimely cleaning of the intestines, toxins begin to be absorbed into the bloodstream, inevitably entering the fetus, and can cause intoxication (poisoning).

  • cabbage,
  • apples,
  • leaf salad,
  • Bell pepper.

For normal functioning intestines eat more raw vegetables.

Edema during pregnancy:

This is another nuisance that a pregnant woman is often exposed to. The appearance of edema is caused by an imbalance in the fluid in the body. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the difference between the volume of the drunk and the excreted liquid is no more than 200 ml. Ideally, these figures should be equal. To prevent swelling, you should reduce the amount of salt, as it contributes to fluid retention in the body.

If swelling has already appeared, a simple exercise will help alleviate the condition. Lie on your back so that your legs are above the level of your head (you can lean on the wall or the back of the sofa). At intense thirst drink in small sips and little by little.

The idea that pregnant women first need to rebuild their diet has firmly entered the minds of every woman, especially mothers and mothers-in-law are zealous in this: now there are two of you, you need to eat for two. The first thing I want to start discussing the topic of the “menu for pregnant women” is a strict and categorical statement: don't eat for two.

And in general, changing the diet of a woman during pregnancy is an important matter, but it must be done, like everything else during this period, with caution. In fact, if a woman had previously adhered to the principles healthy eating, then she will not have to seriously change her diet.

Separately, I would like to say about those women who, before pregnancy, were actively engaged in their figure: they went to fitness, were on a diet, and took various dietary supplements. They will need to contact a nutritionist for a menu for pregnant women, since it is simply impossible to predict the reaction of an organism that is accustomed to stress and food restriction to a sharp change in diet.

Composing sample menu for a pregnant woman, it must be taken into account calories, as well as the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The ratio between these three components and in ordinary times is the basis proper nutrition, well, and during pregnancy, you can’t close your eyes to him at all.

Squirrels, as you know, are the main material for the construction of cells, tissues and organs. Therefore, they are especially necessary during pregnancy: it is from the proteins that the baby’s body will be “built”.

Carbohydrates- this is the main source of human energy, and without them any activity is simply unthinkable. Lack of carbohydrates leads to fatigue. In addition, it is carbohydrates that make a person feel full.

Fats are also used as a source of energy, in addition, they contribute to the absorption of certain vitamins and trace elements. Fats are the most high-calorie component of food, so they must be consumed with caution.

The menu for a pregnant woman should be 30% fat, 20% protein and 50% carbohydrate. Separately, you need to remember that carbohydrates are simple (sugar) and complex. simple carbohydrates very quickly split into components, including glucose, which immediately enters the bloodstream. Moreover, during pregnancy, sugars are broken down faster than usual, which provokes an abrupt change in blood glucose levels.

An increase in glucose levels, in turn, provokes the release of insulin, which is produced in the pancreas. Frequent and jumps glucose seriously increase the load on the pancreas.

Please note that all of the above applies to both the mother and her unborn child. As a result of such loads, the expectant mother may develop, and the baby may develop from excess weight. Both will seriously complicate the delivery process. Diabetes, in most cases, goes away after childbirth, but the complications caused by it can stay with you forever.

Thus, sweets and starchy foods, the main source of sugars, must be abandoned almost completely. Their place should be taken by whole grain cereals and vegetables. The calorie content of pregnant women and their menu should be 2000-2500 kcal.

Features of the nutrition of a pregnant woman

What rules should be followed when compiling the menu of a pregnant woman? Almost all of them, as already mentioned, are comparable to those that we know from a balanced diet.

First of all, it is worth adhering to the principle fractional nutrition: that is, eat not the standard 3 times a day, as we were taught before, but at least 5-6 times a day. Of course, portions should be smaller than in the case of three meals a day. This approach will eliminate the feeling of hunger, which means gaining excess weight.

All vegetables are best V fresh . Not excluded, of course, heat treatment, however, most of the useful substances. It is also worth being aware that freshly prepared food is always healthier and tastier than the one that was in the refrigerator and was warmed up.

The last rule is difficult to fulfill in the modern rhythm of life: a woman can hardly cook fresh food while at work. But at least on weekends and holidays, it makes sense to allow yourself to eat fresh food.

For pregnant women, more than for anyone else, the need to eat with feeling, sense and arrangement, and not on the go, as is now customary, is relevant. The food must be thoroughly chewed.

What should a pregnant woman eat? First of all, vegetables and fruits, almost any. Salads, cuts, stewed vegetables, vegetable soups - all this will be appropriate in your "pregnant menu".

You can not refuse animal food. For an unborn child, it is simply vital animal squirrels. So meat, fish, dairy products should also be present in your diet. Of course, they should not be too greasy.

Not to do, of course, and without a variety of cereals. Especially those made with whole grains. They are extremely rich in carbohydrates and trace elements. Unfortunately, they cook much longer than flakes or crushed cereals. To speed up the cooking process, you can soak the grits before cooking overnight.

Unloading days for pregnant women

Menu for pregnant women overweight and those who gain it during pregnancy is a separate issue. In the conventional sense, it is impossible to lose weight and diet during pregnancy. And you want to stay in shape, and for pregnancy, being overweight will not be a plus. How to solve this problem without harm to your health and the health of the baby?

The ideal option would be to introduce fasting days for pregnant women into your diet. The menu on such days, of course, is not too varied and nutritious, however, it does not harm the health of the mother and baby. Of course, if they are carried out wisely and without excesses.

Experts recommend holding such fasting days every 10 days. Please note that there are unloading days and contraindications. Therefore, you should definitely consult with your doctor about whether you need to carry out "unloading" and how useful it will be.

There are three various options fasting days for pregnant women:

  • kefir - 1.5 liters of kefir per day;
  • apple - 1.5 apples per day;
  • cottage cheese - 600 fat-free cottage cheese and tea without sugar: 2 cups.

A categorical no!

It's time to talk about what pregnant women should not eat. When compiling a diet during pregnancy, keep in mind that the menu for the day should be completely free from coffee, chocolate, smoked meats, fatty foods, pickles, and so on. Ideally, a woman's diet should not contain food containing chemical preservatives and dyes, flavor enhancers, and the like. The latter, unfortunately, is difficult to achieve, but it is still worth striving for.

Under the strictest prohibition located alcohol. And not only because of the harmful effects of the alcohol content directly. Wine boosts arterial pressure and beer increases the load on the kidneys.

Separately, it is worth talking about allergens. These traditionally include chocolate, citrus fruits, strawberries, nuts, seafood, various exotic products. These foods should be avoided by all pregnant women. If a woman or her relatives have an identified allergy, then those allergens that cause a reaction in them should also be discarded.

Reading such lists, women often become discouraged: it turns out that practically nothing is impossible for pregnant women. But, firstly, this is not at all the case, women can do a lot, a lot, all of this is listed above. And secondly, remember one little trick: everything listed above, except, perhaps, alcohol, absolutely cannot be used systematically, and a single use of any product simply cannot physically pernicious influence on fetal development. So sometimes, rarely and very little, but favorite dish you can still afford it.

It also happens that a pregnant woman, especially in the early stages, is drawn to various strange dishes, including those that are not recommended. So the question arises: what to do?

It makes sense to listen to the wishes of your body, but it is far from always necessary to fulfill them literally. It is better to think about why a woman is drawn to this particular product. As an example, one can understand the craving for pickles, since she has long been included in all the jokes. Salt retains water in the body, so maybe it's water that your body needs?

How to cook food for pregnant women?

Menus and nutrition for pregnant women should be not only from the right products but also properly prepared. It is best to cook food by steaming or baking in the oven.. These two methods of preparation ensure the preservation most useful substances.

In second place is boiling and stewing. This is already a more aggressive treatment, but still quite acceptable for pregnant women. Moreover, both methods allow you to cook a lot of delicious dishes.

Subject to certain rules, a pregnant woman can afford to use and fried foods. In order to preserve as many useful substances as possible, and at the same time not get harmful, certain rules must be observed. In particular, the products should be cut as small as possible and fried quickly - within 3-4 minutes.

An example of a daily menu for pregnant women

If you wish, you can create a menu for pregnant women for a week or for every day. This is true if you doubt that you can immediately get used to a new diet. But, as a rule, this is only the first month, a maximum of two. Then the woman will probably get used to the menu for pregnant women.

But by trimester, the menu for a pregnant woman makes sense to share. After all, on different terms A woman needs different amounts of nutrients. For example, we give one menu per day for different trimesters. Based on these menus and their explanations, you can create a menu for yourself.

Menu for pregnant women 1 trimester

  1. Breakfast: muesli with yogurt and freshly squeezed pear juice.
  2. First snack: salmon sandwich.
  3. Dinner: mushroom soup, kaput salad, herbal tea.
  4. Second snack: whole grain bread with cheese.
  5. Dinner: carrot salad and vegetable risotto. You can drink everything with kefir.

In the first trimester, it is very important that a woman receives with food a large number of folate and vitamin B6.

Menu for pregnant women 2nd trimester

In the second trimester for pregnant women, the presence of omega-3 acid, calcium, vitamin D and iron in the diet is important.

  1. Breakfast: oatmeal in milk with apple and cinnamon, chamomile tea.
  2. First snack: almonds with prunes.
  3. Lunch: lentil soup, seaweed salad, cranberry juice.
  4. Second snack: sandwich with herring.
  5. Dinner: omelet with mushrooms and yogurt.

Menu for pregnant women 3rd trimester

Here special role play carbohydrates and vitamin K.

  1. Breakfast: pancakes with cream cheese and curdled milk.
  2. First snack: whole grain cheese sandwich.
  3. Lunch: fish hodgepodge, tuna and greens salad, rosehip broth.
  4. Second snack: cheesecake.
  5. Dinner: fish with rice and ryazhenka.

Proper nutrition is the foundation proper development fetus, so treat so important questions need with full responsibility.

I like!

Whole grain, it is a complex carbohydrate, and your body digests it quite slowly. Complex carbohydrates keep you feeling full for longer, so you don't feel sluggish and tired until next appointment food. bowl of oatmeal fresh fruit is enough nutritious breakfast, which will supply fiber and vitamin C to your body. Oatmeal also contains folic acid - nutrient which helps prevent some birth defects. Eating whole grains for breakfast during pregnancy will help your body maintain the optimal amount of iron needed to maintain a healthy blood supply to your baby. Slice of bread or whole grain bagel with low content fat are excellent nutritional ingredients for breakfast during pregnancy.


Calcium is an important nutrient during pregnancy because it is directly involved in the formation of your baby's bones and teeth. In addition, it supports healthy tone muscles and nerves. During pregnancy, breakfast containing dairy products is one of the the best options to get calcium. A bowl of whole grain low fat breakfast cereal and milk is healthy way adding calcium to your morning meal. A pack of yogurt with chopped nuts and fresh fruit is also a calcium-rich breakfast. A glass of natural orange juice is rich in calcium, it supplies vitamin C, a nutrient that helps immune system your child to develop.


Protein is essential for the proper development of your unborn baby. For you, this nutrient is especially important during the second and third trimesters, when your baby is growing at a much faster rate. Hard boiled or scrambled eggs are a healthy way to add protein to your breakfast. When planning your breakfast during pregnancy, do not forget about cheese, which contains a lot of protein. A bowl of cottage cheese with fresh fruits for breakfast and your body will receive the protein required for your pregnancy.

Fresh fruits

One of the main benefits of eating fresh fruit for breakfast is the amount of fiber you get. Fiber helps keep you feeling full and will give you more energy in the morning. It also helps prevent constipation, which is a common complaint among most pregnant women. Fruits will supply your body with a portion folic acid, vitamin C and potassium so necessary for you during pregnancy. Sliced ​​banana, serving of yogurt or cottage cheese with peach slices, fresh berry puree, or 100 percent Orange juice. All of these ingredients are nutritious and rich in vitamins, minerals, protein and fiber. Don't forget about them while eating breakfast!

Breakfast is especially important during pregnancy important role, it energizes you and your unborn baby for the whole coming day, so you should pay special attention to eating in the morning!



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