Pregnancy and smoking. What happens when a pregnant woman smokes

It is clear to everyone that smoking and pregnancy are two incompatible concepts. Unfortunately, smoking during pregnancy is a pressing problem for many women and not all of them understand the risk to the unborn child. But the harm from this habit can affect not only the unborn child, but also interfere with the very process of conception.

Let's talk in more detail about what is fraught with for the unborn child smoking of the mother before pregnancy and how smoking affects pregnancy.

Pregnancy and smoking. Smoking before conception

Smoking is one of the causes of infertility. Scientists have proven that in a woman who smokes, the eggs die more often, and this happens under the negative influence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, which enter the body along with tobacco smoke. Thus, smoking reduces the likelihood of conception by about half (depending on the woman's smoking experience).

Incidentally, quite often smoking women there is a violation of the menstrual cycle, respectively, ovulation occurs less frequently, but menopause occurs earlier.

Smoking negatively affects not only the health of women, but also the health of men. After all, the quality of sperm in men who smoke is worse than that of non-smokers. It contains a much smaller number of viable spermatozoa. And in general, men who smoke often suffer from impotence. What can we say about the health of future offspring ...

Pregnancy and smoking. Smoking in early pregnancy

If a woman does not plan pregnancy, and does not stop smoking during this period, and also does not follow her menstrual cycle too much, then she may not immediately notice that she is pregnant. What threatens the unborn child smoking on early dates pregnancy? As you know, the first weeks of pregnancy are the most important and dangerous in terms of the development of various complications and intrauterine pathologies. Even the usual climate change can provoke an abortion or fetal fading, what can we say about pregnancy and smoking, especially if a woman smokes more than five cigarettes a day.

Especially great harm can be applied to an unborn child if a woman has a long history of smoking and her age is over 35 years. At this age and without smoking, the risk of having a full-fledged and healthy child decreases. But smoking and pregnancy at this age are very, very dangerous combination, after all, bearing a child involves increased load on the cardiovascular system, and in a smoking woman it is weakened. This leads to a constant exacerbation of chronic diseases and the emergence of new ones.

It is important to know that after each smoked cigarette, the vessels remain in a compressed state for a while, and at this time the child receives an insufficient amount oxygen and nutrients, which in the early stages can even cause the death of a child.

On later dates chronic hypoxia fetus (lack of oxygen) often causes the development of various diseases. It has already been scientifically proven that pregnancy and smoking often cause the birth of children with such congenital physical defects as cleft lip, cleft palate, etc. Often, such malformations are explained precisely by the lack of oxygen during the period prenatal development.

Late pregnancy and smoking

Smoking more than five cigarettes a day during pregnancy provokes this very dangerous complication like placental abruption. With placental abruption in a pregnant woman, profuse bleeding begins, which can only be stopped surgically. In late pregnancy, doctors often resort to an emergency caesarean section, as a result of which the child can be saved. But often such children remain disabled for life, since placental abruption causes acute hypoxia in the fetus.

The combination of "smoking and pregnancy" provokes an exacerbation hypertension and often becomes the cause of gestosis (late toxicosis of pregnant women). This state requires timely treatment, otherwise it threatens the health of the mother and unborn child.

Smoking during pregnancy often causes a woman to be unable to bear a child until the due date. Thus, pregnancy and smoking is a dangerous combination, in which a woman often has premature birth. It is also good if you manage to bring the child to such a period when he can survive. And if not? Is it worth the risk? And it’s probably not worth talking about the difficulties of caring for premature babies, as well as about what health problems they subsequently have.

Women who smoke often have placental dystrophic changes occurring as a result negative impact harmful substances contained in tobacco. And a poorly functioning placenta cannot fully supply the baby with all the nutrients and oxygen it needs. That is why, according to statistics, the children of women who smoke, as a rule, are born with less weight than those of non-smokers.

In especially severe cases, stillborn children are born even in late pregnancy. And smoking plays an important role here. Combined with others adverse factors such as infectious diseases and alcohol, smoking is one of the main causes leading to intrauterine fetal death.

Pregnancy and smoking. What happens after birth?

How smoking affects pregnancy, we found out. But what about in order to figure out what happens to the children, in whose blood throughout the entire period of pregnancy harmful substances? These children have a rather high risk of getting sick with various diseases. lung diseases(pneumonia, asthma, bronchitis). If, after birth, the child continues to inhale tobacco smoke, this risk still increases several times.

Surely, every woman knows what sudden infant death is and is afraid of it. This is when unknown reasons the baby's heart stops beating. Exact reasons of this phenomenon are unknown, but according to several tests, such a dangerous combination as pregnancy and smoking is not the last place here.

Pregnancy and smoking: quit or not?

After we figured out how smoking affects early and late pregnancy, as well as the health of the child after birth, you need to decide if you want a similar fate for your unborn child? But now, on every corner, they say that abrupt throwing is also harmful to the unborn child? Yes, unfortunately it's true. If the mother smokes a lot, then you should not quit abruptly, as this is fraught with severe stress for the mother, which, of course, will not have a positive effect on the fetus. But, nevertheless, it is necessary to quit, you just need to do it gradually. Just remember that nicotine addiction disappears very quickly - just a few days are enough. Of course, it will be much more difficult to cope with the psychological one, but you will agree that your incentive is not weak - the health of your unborn child.

Dear readers, hello! Answering the question in the title, I’ll say right away, of course, smoking during pregnancy is dangerous and can lead to undesirable consequences not only for the unborn child. Perhaps, after reading and understanding the mechanism of action of nicotine on the fetus, the possible consequences of smoking during pregnancy in the early stages, smoking women will accept for themselves correct solution and give up this bad habit in time.

The great mission of a woman is motherhood. Every woman dreams of having a healthy baby. But what will it be future child, depends on whether the woman herself is healthy during pregnancy. I won't talk about now somatic diseases. But how often do you see pregnant women sitting near the gynecologist's office, and then smoking cigarettes near the hospital! What do they think about while puffing on cigarette smoke?

Everyone knows the expression that a gram of nicotine kills a horse. This may be true, but it is worth noting that there are about 800 components in cigarette smoke, of which 30 are poisonous. Among them, carbon monoxide, nicotine, compounds of mercury, cadmium, cobalt, etc. Therefore, when inhaled cigarette smoke Tobacco intoxication will always be a constant companion.

How smoking affects the body of a pregnant woman - this problem has been studied by many scientists around the world. The results of their research are not encouraging.

Smoking is dangerous for any person and causes many diseases, I already told you about one of them, read about it. But smoking a pregnant woman, no matter how old she is, always causes dangerous consequences, because

  • Carbon monoxide prevents the transfer of oxygen from cell to cell;
  • Nicotine constricts small blood vessels, including those in the placenta;
  • Carcinogenic mixtures capable of causing mutation and, accordingly, causing various oncologies;
  • Benzopyrene during pregnancy causes genetic damage and the child may either not be born or be born with various deformities;

Smoking during pregnancy leads to the development various pathologies both in the woman herself during pregnancy and during intrauterine fetal formation, and in children in infancy and in growing children. What are the consequences?

The consequences of smoking in a pregnant woman

As soon as a woman puffs on a cigarette, all the harmful substances from her lungs are immediately absorbed into her blood and carried throughout the body. maternal body and developing fetus is a single organism. All harmful substances circulatory system mothers through the placenta enter the body of the unborn child, leading to vasospasm and oxygen starvation. Moreover, the concentration of harmful substances in the body of the fetus is greater than in the blood of the mother.

What can turn smoking during pregnancy or before its onset? Here are the most frequent problems in women who smoke:

  • miscarriages and premature births;
  • disorders associated with breastfeeding;
  • a more severe course of pregnancy against the background of the development of preeclampsia and eclampsia (increased blood pressure, protein content in the urine, the presence of edema and convulsions), endangering the life of the woman herself and the child;
  • early manifestations of toxicosis and the state of preeclampsia;
  • frequent complaints of dizziness, problems with constipation;
  • develops varicose veins veins or their condition is aggravated;
  • nicotine promotes vitamin C deficiency, which contributes to the strengthening of the walls blood vessels.

Separately, it should be said about the state of the placenta in women who do not stop smoking during pregnancy. As a result of the action of nicotine, the placenta becomes thinner than normal, acquires round shape disrupted blood supply from mother to fetus. All this can lead to premature detachment placenta, profuse bleeding, which can lead to the death of the fetus and even the woman herself.

Harmful substances tobacco smoke lead to spasm of the vessels of the uterus, disrupting the blood supply to the placenta. As a result, due to insufficient supply of oxygen and high content carbon dioxide the fetus develops hypoxia.

When smoking, the absorption of vitamins of group B, ascorbic and folic acid, which are essential after 5 weeks of pregnancy, since in this period the formation of the future central nervous system.

Effects of smoking on a child

Not less than serious consequences occur in children born to women who abuse smoking. While in the womb, the unborn child acts as a passive smoker, which is no less dangerous.

Nicotine addiction prevents the organs of the unborn baby from “ripening”, replacing healthy cells sick. The appearance of defective cells is due to tobacco toxins. Maximum nicotine harm applied bone marrow, which requires a transplant after the baby is born.

But besides this, there are many other negative consequences from such “passive” smoking:

  • the number of births of premature babies with low body weight is increasing;
  • high risk of perinatal mortality;
  • an increase in the number of physical malformations, among them defects in the development of the neural tube (dysraphism), heart defects, cleft lip, inguinal hernia, strabismus;
  • Down's disease and various diseases newborns, more often these are diseases respiratory system;

  • noticeable lag in physical and mental development, anomalies in mental development;
  • in women who smoke, the child refuses breastfeeding, So breast milk acquires a bitter taste, the child has to be transferred to artificial feeding, and why it is dangerous to read;
  • a child born from a smoking mother has many chances to become infertile in the future, this can be the same for both boys and girls;
  • as a result of the effects of nicotine on the brain, newborn children are restless, cry a lot, act up, sleep poorly;
  • children of mothers who smoke women are at high risk of dying in the first year of life from sudden stop hearts for no apparent reason. This risk is more common in women who smoked throughout the second half of pregnancy.

When and how can you quit smoking?

Stop smoking as soon as you find out you are pregnant. Registering for pregnancy with a gynecologist, smoking women are offered to stop smoking, transferring them negative consequences bad habit. Many think and, overdoing themselves, for the sake of the health of the unborn child, give up smoking. But what is the right thing to do and quit smoking so as not to harm the baby?

Doctors do not recommend quitting smoking abruptly if a woman smoked 10 or more cigarettes a day before pregnancy. Why? I have already noted that the fetus in the womb is a passive smoker. And pregnancy itself is stressful for the body. And quitting smoking can cause unwanted changes in your physical and mental health. emotional state women.

Abrupt smoking cessation can lead to bradycardia and activate muscle contraction, including the muscles of the uterus. It is dangerous premature termination of pregnancy.

Doctors' opinion : stop smoking gradually, reducing the number of cigarettes by one each day, later take a few shallow puffs to satisfy the nicotine hunger. This period can be approximately extended by 2-3 weeks.

What to do if you accidentally found out that you are pregnant and are an experienced smoker? If the pregnancy is still in the early stages, the likelihood of negative consequences is reduced: the formation of the central nervous system and internal organs occurs starting from the 5th week.

It should be noted that the responsibility for the health of the unborn child lies equally on both the woman and the man. When planning a pregnancy, you need to prepare for it. For this, it is necessary, of course, to be examined for the presence of pathology in the parents. And for smoking spouses to stop smoking, while quitting smoking should be conscious. Keep in mind that in women who smoke, the passage of the egg is slowed down.

Father's smoking also negatively affects the conception of a child. In a man who smokes constantly, blood vessels constrict, slowing down blood circulation in reproductive organ, which is already an obstacle to simple conception. But after quitting smoking, the body recovers and function normal conception returns.


The most difficult period when you decide to quit smoking is the first day. And you need to have endurance so that you don’t smoke again for company or out of boredom. And if you have an irresistible desire to take a cigarette, then before you light it, remember what is already living inside you new life. Give her a chance to be born into this world a healthy and complete person. .

You should not think that if others smoke, then they did not have any problems either during pregnancy or later. But whoever has such problems, they are unlikely to be frank.

Dear readers, the topic is very topical, because according to the Ministry of Health in Russia, 40% of women continue to smoke during pregnancy. A very sad statistic. We don't want sick children to be born, do we? Let him find out how more people, share the information with your friends. Do not forget to subscribe to blog news, there will be many more interesting things.

See you soon! Taisiya Filippova was with you.

Reading time: 10 minutes

In a woman's life, expecting a child is happy event, but for women who smoke, the time from conception to childbirth is a real test. An experienced smoker often fails in her attempt to quit the addiction. The justification for such expectant mothers is increased nervousness and reviews of those who smoked throughout the pregnancy, but nothing happened to the child. Research and medical statistics say otherwise.

What is pregnancy

The physiological process in the female body, in which, after fertilization of the egg, a fetus is formed that can live in the womb, is called pregnancy. Up to 10 obstetric weeks, the embryo develops. From the 11th week of pregnancy, it is called a fetus. On average, the development of a child in the womb lasts 280 days. It is considered a period of 40 weeks from the date of the last menstruation ( obstetric term) or 38 weeks from the moment of conception (embryonic period). Pregnancy is divided into trimesters, each for three months (1-12 weeks - the first, 13-28 - the second, 29-40 - the third).

The happy course of this physiological process is a pledge proper planning. Increase chance of birth healthy baby complete examination of the couple before conception, delivery necessary analyzes, treatment chronic pathologies, balanced diet, psychological preparation obligatory refusal of bad habits. The first signs of pregnancy:

  • pain in the lumbar region;
  • increase in mucous secretions;
  • bloating;
  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • sensitive breasts;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • increased sensitivity to odors;
  • mood swings;
  • frequent urination;
  • delay of menstruation.

Smoking before pregnancy

Doctors say that a woman's smoking is one of the reasons for her infertility. This statement is based on medical research, which found that due to negative impact aromatic hydrocarbons, penetrating with tobacco smoke into the body, more often the eggs die. If a woman smoked before pregnancy long time, then the probability of conception is halved.

In the presence of this bad habit, menstrual irregularities are more often observed, ovulation occurs much less often, menopause occurs faster. Smoking is dangerous for conception, not only for women, but also for the future father. smoking man It has low quality sperm, as it contains few viable spermatozoa. Smokers, especially those with a history of hypertension, often suffer from impotence.

When can I plan pregnancy after smoking

For successful fertilization, you need to quit smoking at least a year before conception for both the expectant mother and the future father. Smoking affects the development in the womb of a baby not only during pregnancy, but also long before it. With prolonged inhalation of tobacco smoke, a woman inherits many diseases to her child. Regular intake of nicotine in the body accelerates the aging process, therefore female body wears out faster. More than 4,000 harmful substances that a cigarette contains cause harm to all organs and systems:

  1. Respiratory system. Through the trachea, cigarette smoke enters the lungs, lingering for a fraction of a second. This time is enough for part of the nicotine to be absorbed into the blood, and part to remain on inner surface lungs and bronchi. Resins do not lose their activity, even when a woman quits smoking. They are still poisonous a long period time until they are completely out of the body, and this takes months and even years.
  2. The cardiovascular system. Regular smoking increases the heart rate, which harms the main organ. Smokers are at risk of myocardial infarction and other heart conditions.
  3. Digestive system. It includes the oral cavity, nasopharynx, esophagus, stomach, intestines. The harm is obvious: there is an increased risk of deterioration in the quality of teeth, the development of diseases of the esophagus, liver, kidneys and other organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Hair and nails. Women who smoke need much more vitamin C than non-smokers. Cigarette abuse reduces the body's levels of vitamin C, iron and calcium, leading to brittle nails, hair loss and other defects.

Can you smoke during pregnancy

According to WHO, 30% of pregnant women do not give up cigarettes. This creates certain statistics on the impact of tobacco smoke on the health of the fetus. Below is just a part of the list of dysfunctions that smoking gives during pregnancy:

  1. Miscarriage. Among smoking women who are in position, spontaneous abortion occurs in 80% of cases. Reason: incomparable amount of poison with the mass of the fetus.
  2. perinatal mortality. Children who manage to survive in the womb of a smoking mother and be born face a new challenge - 35% of these babies die in the first week of life. Cause of death: neonatal diseases incompatible with life.
  3. Syndrome sudden death. This is the name given to cases when a newborn baby stops breathing during sleep. Respiratory arrest provokes imperfection of the autonomic nervous system, the development of which big influence rendered tobacco smoke inhaled by the mother during pregnancy.
  4. Intrauterine growth retardation. Doctors call this the lag of the fetus in size and weight. The most easy stage malnutrition - a delay of 2 weeks, during which the baby spends his strength not on development, but on restoring body weight.
  5. Premature deposition of the placenta. In a woman who smokes, this can happen in any trimester. If the area of ​​detachment is equal to a third of the total area of ​​the placenta, then the fetus dies.

How smoking affects pregnancy

First of all, the harm of smoking during pregnancy concerns a violation of the structure of the placenta. Compared to the norm, its tissues are significantly reduced and become thinner. Under the influence of nicotine, the placenta undergoes changes in terms of blood supply, acquires a rounded shape. These processes provoke its premature exfoliation, contribute to extensive hemorrhage and death of the child in the womb.

There is such medical concept as "fetal tobacco syndrome". They determine the effect of nicotine on the unborn child. Such a diagnosis is differentiated if:

  • the mother smoked more than 5 cigarettes every day during the formation of the fetus;
  • during the period of gestation, the woman had severe hypertension;
  • at 37 weeks, the fetus showed a symmetrical growth retardation;
  • the newborn has stomatitis, the sense of smell and taste are dulled;
  • the infant has a violation of hematopoiesis;
  • occurs increased clotting blood;
  • the baby has reduced immunity;
  • the child has premature aging skin (appearance of wrinkles).

In the early stages

Doctors say that the danger of tobacco on the development of the embryo manifests itself immediately after conception. Unfortunately, most pregnancies in our country are unplanned. Often a woman finds out about her 1-1.5 months after conception, and before that she continues to lead her life. habitual image life. If she smokes, then nicotine intoxication of the body from an early date affects the development of the child's brain, because it is formed already at 4 weeks. At this stage of gestation, the fetus is not yet protected by the placental barrier, so it is defenseless against any external influence.

What are the dangers of smoking during early pregnancy:

Harm to the child

Smoking threatens physical harm. Cells develop into organs and tissues. The process is controlled by DNA molecules, which “eject” unusable elements from the system. Since tobacco smoke substances can attach to chromosomes, DNA will remove them along with tissues, and the body little man will develop without any limb or other organ.

Nicotine affects the blood vessels in the placenta. If it is present in the mother's body, a vascular spasm occurs, due to which the fetus constantly experiences oxygen starvation(hypoxia). It leads to various complications, starting with a small weight of the child in the womb and the development of early preeclampsia, to psychological deviations baby that will last a lifetime.

At a later date

From the 4th month of pregnancy, a woman no longer has a fetus in her stomach, but complete person. Although it is still very small, it is a fully formed organism with a whole set of systems. Next, the child develops internal organs, there is an increase in the fat layer and muscle mass, weight gain. What are the consequences of smoking during pregnancy in the later stages of the baby in the womb:

Harm to the child

The respiratory, digestive, cardiovascular systems of the baby are included in the work. Nicotine, trapped in an unformed body, strikes at them. The circulation of cigarette smoke clogs the organs of the fetus through maternal blood, inhibits their development.

addiction to nicotine children's body learn how to process the resulting chemicals and acquire nicotine addiction in the womb. After childbirth, the baby loses constant nourishment and experiences real withdrawal. The kid is naughty, sleeps badly, experiences severe emotional stress.

Another danger of smoking in the later period is premature birth. Premature babies have high threshold mortality.

Passive smoking

When a person is near a smoker, he inhales tobacco smoke unintentionally. as show medical research, the effect of nicotine on the fetus with passive smoking is the same as with active smoking of cigarettes by a pregnant woman. Tobacco smoke contains harmful substances: nicotine, carbon monoxide, carbon monoxide, carcinogens, benzopyrene, radioactive components.

When a woman, even at the stage of conception, inhales all this, both her immune system and the embryo (fetus) suffer. The toxic substances of tobacco smoke accumulate in the body, causing placental insufficiency, as a result, the placenta does not perform its functions, and the fetus does not receive normal amount nutrients, the child has elevated hemoglobin levels. Because of this, a baby can be born with various congenital mental anomalies leading to Down syndrome.

Babies are born with low body weight, are often sick, emotionally unstable. On the background passive smoking a pregnant woman sometimes has placenta previa when she overlaps internal os cervix. It prevents a woman from having a baby naturally. Increased risk internal bleeding so the doctors refer her to C-section, which is also dangerous for its complications.

Smoking hashish or marijuana

For the offensive drug intoxication while smoking marijuana or hashish, special substances called cannabinoids are responsible. Once in the human body, they accumulate in the genitals, lungs, brain. Long-term smoking of marijuana or hashish adversely affects intellectual abilities, the processes of learning and memorizing information. When smoking narcotic substances Combustion products enter the body in the same way as when smoking a regular cigarette, which affects the state of the respiratory system.

This suggests that the use of marijuana or hashish during pregnancy is great danger for the development of the child in the womb. Since the drugs are illegal and not sold legally, the woman who buys them cannot know what is in them. Instead of marijuana, the package may contain foreign substances that can provoke not only complications in the bearing of the fetus, but also a threat to the life of the child and the expectant mother.

How to quit smoking

People who smoke are not as dependent on cigarettes as they think. More they are subject to the ritual, which is constantly performed. A cigarette in your hands, a cup of coffee in the morning, evening tea with your favorite TV series - it's hard to refuse. When a woman understands that there is no addiction, it will be easy to quit smoking. Moreover, there is significant reason giving up addiction - the birth of a healthy baby. Here are a few tips to make it easier to quit smoking:

  • remember that this is not a victim, refusal or coercion, you are just a non-smoking pregnant woman who is waiting for a healthy booty;
  • you do this not because of your husband, mother-in-law or mother, but for yourself;
  • do not give yourself a delay, do not look for excuses like: I will start on the first day or on Monday, quit smoking here and now;
  • forget about rituals, don't break cigarettes in pictures, don't throw a pack out the window, theatrical effects won't help;
  • create conditions that will not allow a breakdown to occur, for example, go to the hospital for preservation or go to live with your mother-in-law;
  • replace addiction with another ritual, find yourself any other game that is safe for health.

At an early stage

Women who are not ready to give up smoking, but who understand the need for it in the early stages of pregnancy, come up with different ways to do this not immediately. Advertising offers many remedies to help replace cigarettes, which manufacturers claim are less harmful to health. You should be aware that sprays, chewing gum, patches and tablets containing nicotine are also prohibited from being used while carrying a child. The content of toxic substances in them can cause considerable harm to the development of the fetus.

Electronic cigarettes are not much different from the above-mentioned means. Although bad smell missing, the cartridges still contain nicotine, so smoking them will not add health. You need to quit in the first stages of pregnancy immediately and forever. All aids only take time, and during this period irreversible consequences. All body systems are laid in the first trimester, so for the fetus every day is a huge leap in development. Mom's smoking can at any time produce an irreversible failure in these natural processes.

Can you quit smoking abruptly?

Doctors are divided on this point. You can hear from a gynecologist about the dangers abrupt rejection from smoking during pregnancy. This is due to the stress future mother when trying to fight a bad habit and lack of nicotine in the body. Such a reaction, allegedly, affects the well-being of the pregnancy. If you understand the issue in more detail, then a woman’s body cannot experience more stress when giving up an addiction than, for example, from any other domestic inconvenience.

Nicotine addiction is greatly exaggerated, because the experience of smoking many women does not even reach 5 years. Even with prolonged inhalation of nicotine, the stress of withdrawal is much less than that experienced by the expectant mother when thinking about the possible diseases of her child. For this reason, the other half of doctors are more categorical. They argue that each puff leads to a decrease in the movements of the fetus in the womb, a decrease in its activity, so the process of weaning from a cigarette should be minimized.


Smoking is harmful to everyone, and once again it makes no sense to talk about it. Smoking women do not seem attractive to men, especially when it comes to planning a baby: no man will be happy that his child breathes tobacco while in the womb. However, many women in labor are not stopped by the fact that they personally destroy the fetus, which was not even born. Why are cigarettes dangerous in the early stages?

What enters the body when smoking?

Cigarettes seem to many to be harmless, dried tobacco wrapped in paper. That is why it is not always immediately clear why they are considered so dangerous. This idea of ​​cigarettes is erroneous: their composition is much richer, although this wealth should not be called that.

When a person takes a puff, more than 4,000 types of dangerous substances enter his body. chemical substances, among which:

  • Toxic resins- carcinogenic solid particles deposited in the lungs.
  • Arsenic- the leader in harmfulness among the substances contained in cigarettes. It causes malfunctions of cardio-vascular system and promote the development of tumors.
  • Benzene- a toxic component of organic origin, which causes the most complex forms of cancer.
  • Polonium has a radiation effect on the body.
  • Formaldehyde- another toxic compound that has a detrimental effect on the lungs and respiratory system.

In addition to these, cigarettes contain other harmful substances that penetrate into the bloodstream, into all organs and systems of the body. It is generally accepted that most harm the lungs are exposed, but the smoke with each puff easily penetrates the digestive organs, disrupting the digestive tract.

The most important thing that not everyone knows is that the thinner and "weaker" cigarettes are, the more dangerous components they contain.

Effects of smoking in early pregnancy

- for mother

No woman has become more beautiful by starting to smoke. This is especially noticeable during pregnancy, when the body is weakened, and that's it. negative phenomena traced without difficulty.

Smoking for the expectant mother is fraught with:

  • "antennae" over upper lip, because it changes hormonal background, and from constant exposure to smoke, a black hair path can appear even in those women who did not have it before.
  • Diseases and decay of teeth. The main blow is taken by the teeth and gums, and problems with oral cavity noticeable even when talking. Teeth turn yellow, crumble, collapse, differ in color. The gums look unhealthy.
  • Violation of the respiratory system: resins clog the lungs, which causes shortness of breath, breathing becomes difficult, it becomes more difficult to do the usual things.
  • A change in the quality of blood vessels: they narrow, carbon monoxide accumulates in them, and the risk of thrombosis, atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke increases.
  • Deterioration of well-being, decreased performance.
  • High risk of development oncological diseases. According to statistics, the rate at which cancer develops in ordinary person, 10 times less than the same indicator in a pregnant woman. Smoking can cause overgrowth malignant tumors.
  • Huge load on gastrointestinal tract, because they are aggravated chronic diseases polyps appear.
  • Deterioration of the condition of the tendons and ligaments, which will certainly be noticeable in the later stages of pregnancy, when the weight of the expectant mother will increase significantly.
  • An increased risk of developing diabetes.
  • Deterioration of the skin condition, its discoloration (grayish tint), dryness, premature wrinkles.

Finally, the sight of a smoking pregnant woman is disgusting, and when talking with her, an unpleasant bitter smell of tobacco is felt.

- for a child

The child suffers even more in this situation, because the dose to which an adult is accustomed is fatal for a microscopic embryo.

If a mother smokes, her child may have problems:

  • Oxygen starvation (hypoxia), because when smoking, vasospasm occurs.
  • Lack of nutrients in the cells of the fetus, due to which the child cannot receive vitamins and useful material for the normal formation of organs.
  • Delays in mental and physical development.
  • Hyperactivity and hyperattention syndrome.

These violations are the safest when compared with the main danger - spontaneous abortion. smoking mom risks that a miscarriage will occur, a miscarriage will be detected, or premature birth will begin.

In addition, there is an increased risk birth defects heart, respiratory and skeletal system, disorders of mental activity and mental functions.

When and how should you quit?

Ideally, of course, there is no need to start. But if a woman is still subject to this bad habit, there are three scenarios:

  • Quit smoking before planning a pregnancy;
  • Stop smoking when you become aware of an unplanned pregnancy;
  • Do not quit smoking and face problems and difficulties.

The fact is that women have a certain set of eggs that are consumed throughout their lives. In men, spermatozoa are renewed every 30-40 days, but, alas, the original state of the female germ cells cannot be returned.

It is necessary to quit smoking if you want to bear a child without problems and become the material of a healthy and strong baby. IN best case giving up cigarettes is not necessary at the stage of pregnancy planning.

If the pregnancy has already happened, you can not think for a minute. If willpower allows, you can give up cigarettes once and for all (or at least for 9 months). In the absence of such, it is necessary to gradually reduce the number of cigarettes smoked per day, eventually coming to complete failure from smoking. This method is more gentle, because it is not clear from what the embryo will receive more harm: from tobacco or colossal stress.

Smoking and pregnancy are incompatible concepts, especially if we are talking about the first trimester. During this period, all the main organs and systems of the baby are laid, tobacco smoke and substances contained in cigarettes will inevitably leave their mark on the health of the unborn child. Future mom should responsibly approach the bearing of the crumbs and take care, first of all, of his health.

Especially for Elena TOLOCHIK

At any stage of pregnancy, the inhalation of tobacco smoke causes irreparable harm to both the mother and the baby. loving mother will not risk the health of children for the sake of his death-bearing whim.

Smoking during pregnancy

Nicotine, the main harmful component of tobacco, belongs to neurotropic poisons, easily penetrates the brain and produces changes in it, leading to persistent addiction. The addiction is so stubborn that many pregnant women sacrifice their baby's health for their own pleasure.

Even before the birth of the baby, they are poisoned with the strongest poisons, including carbon monoxide, benzapyrene, ammonia, lead, methane, methanol. A pregnant woman smokes with the baby, intoxicating his brain, lungs, heart with nicotine, causing mutations in the child's genes. And this is not all the consequences of smoking during pregnancy.


For a child

The health of the child is laid before the onset of pregnancy during its planning. A smoking woman before conception deliberately creates unfavorable conditions for the formation of an egg and an embryo.

As a result, the following are possible:

  • In a child, the brain and heart are especially affected by nicotine.
  • The fetus, when smoking during pregnancy, suffers from a lack of oxygen (hypoxia), caused by a violation of oxygen transport, vasoconstriction, with every puff of the mother.
  • The respiratory movements of the fetus in response to the mother's puff stop, which increases the risk of sudden death in children in the first months of life.
  • Long-term consequences of hypoxia during fetal development are developmental delay, hyperactivity syndrome.

Complications of intrauterine oxygen deficiency due to - cerebral palsy, epilepsy, mental retardation. These destructive changes cannot be cured. A child who has survived her entire pregnancy in nicotine-soaked amniotic fluid has little chance of surviving.
On the video about the effect of smoking on the fetus during pregnancy:

For Mom

During smoking, benzapyrene is released - a polycyclic hydrocarbon of the first hazard class, a carcinogen. Benzopyrene causes mutations due to the ability to form complexes with the DNA molecule.

Embedding in DNA, benzapyrene separates the double chain. After that, each chain forms its own double helix, which leads to mutations. Including the p53 gene that causes cancer.
It inflicts huge harm pregnancy, and more precisely, both the mother and her future offspring. Not necessarily a child will be born with a visible mutation. It is impossible to predict in advance how exactly a mother's smoking will affect a child, what genetic disease a caring mother provides her baby.

Since smoking affects the severity of toxicosis, pregnancy is accompanied by headaches, swelling, and high blood pressure.

Alarming statistics

Total number smokers in Russia is 27%, 40% of them are girls school age. The total number increases annually by 1.5%. The lungs of future mothers from adolescence begin to accumulate radioactive polonium-210, lead-210, nicotine, arsenic, methanol, toluene, hexamine.

Here are some more numbers:

  • 40% of smokers do not part with tobacco during pregnancy.
  • In 5% of cases, the pregnancy of a smoker ends with intrauterine fetal death.
  • Risk abnormal pregnancy 2 times higher.
  • Sudden death of an infant in 90% of cases occurs in parturient women who smoke.
  • Premature births occur in women who are addicted to tobacco 2 times more often, miscarriages in the early stages occur 1.7 times more often than in women who do not use tobacco.
  • Spontaneous abortions in smokers occur 4.6 times more often.
  • Stillbirths in smokers are 30% higher, children are born with a lower weight, reduced lung function.

A pregnant smoker supplies her child with 18% of what she receives with every puff. Of these 18%, only 10% is excreted from the fetus, which indicates the accumulation of poisons in the child's body. The content of nicotine in the blood of the fetus is higher than that of a smoking pregnant woman.

The probability of asthma in children of a mother who smokes before and during pregnancy is 1.5 times higher than in a non-smoking parent, and if both mother and grandmother smoked, the risk of asthma in a child increases by 2.6 times.

The risk of mental retardation in a child born to a lover to indulge in a cigarette or hookah is from 50% to 85% if the smoker did not stop poisoning the child until the end of pregnancy. In the latter case, the child will also be deaf.

Doctors' opinion

Academician F. G. Uglov, a famous surgeon who lived for 104 years, who considered smoking a slow suicide, had a negative attitude towards the fashion for female smoking. By the nature of his work, he had to see the consequences of smoking every day, performing operations to remove malignant tumors, observing metastases spreading throughout the body.

Despite a busy work schedule, Fedor Grigorievich Uglov Special attention devoted to the problem of smoking during pregnancy. He drew attention to the fact that a common complication of smoking is spontaneous abortion at a period of up to 36 weeks, in smokers 2 times more often.

The children of a smoking mother lag behind in development, often get sick, and absolutely everyone starts smoking in adolescence. The academician noted an increased mortality during childbirth in women who smoke, a high risk of using contraceptives in combination with smoking.

Reproductologists note the danger of not only active, but also passive smoking both during pregnancy and during its planning. This habit not only reduces the likelihood of natural conception, but later becomes the cause of failure in the IVF protocol at the stage of fertilization of the egg and attachment of the embryo to the uterus.

To increase the viability of the embryos, they are placed in a special anti-stress environment, which increases the chance of a healthy baby being born.

Given the above, we can definitely say that smoking during pregnancy will harm not only the baby, but also the mother herself, complicating the life of both in the future.

How to quit smoking

An attempt to say goodbye dangerous habit at least once in their lives, the most inveterate smokers undertook. To help women, and, it would seem, with good intentions, electronic cigarettes, nicotine-free hookahs appeared on sale.

Electronic Cigarette

When advertising, manufacturers forget to mention that nicotine is the main danger in tobacco, sickening, gene mutations passed on to offspring.

And most importantly, the electronic cigarette does not get rid of mental addiction Nothing changes in a smoker's life. Physical addiction to nicotine will not disappear anywhere either.

A woman who smokes electronic cigarettes has to go through all the same stages of smoking addiction as when using a regular cigarette. The declared composition of the cartridges, as it turned out during the test electronic cigarettes by the American Organization for Quality Control (FDA), did not match the valid one and contained carcinogens.

The danger of using nicotine when using an electronic gadget is not lower than when smoking a regular cigarette. Thanks to the calming effect of advertising, a smoker, switching to an electronic surrogate, will smoke more confidently and more often.


Any way of using tobacco is dangerous. No exception and a hookah with a tobacco mixture or even without nicotine. The most dangerous carcinogen benzapyrene, carbon monoxide is formed during the combustion of any substances.

And inhalation of combustion products of aromatic mixtures of unknown composition or with unknown properties can be no less harmful than smoking tobacco. Such dangerous product combustion, like carbon monoxide, is highly toxic. When smoking one hookah, the same amount of it enters the body as from smoking 20 cigarettes for an hour, so the answer to the question is whether it is possible to smoke in this way during pregnancy, the answer will be a categorical no.

Aromatic additives when smoking hookah with nicotine mask the taste of tobacco. Under the cherry, vanilla taste, nicotine, a dangerous product of its metabolism, cotinine, arsenic, chromium, penetrates into the body.

There are no safe smoking mixtures, therefore, even fearing stress, no matter what the deadline. Human lungs are designed by nature to breathe clean air. No living being will enjoy inhaling combustion products containing poisonous gases.

Smoking while planning a pregnancy

Women who smoke are more likely to experience infertility. This deviation is recorded in them 2 times more often than in women who did not smoke tobacco. Difficulties with conception result from toxic injury ovaries, violations of the formation of the egg.

The outer shell of the eggs (pellucid) thickens in a smoker, and becomes an insurmountable obstacle for the spermatozoon. Having arisen once, this quality of the pellucid is fixed and becomes the cause of idiopathic (inexplicable) infertility.

Even if the fusion of the spermatozoon and the egg has taken place, it is difficult for the fertilized egg to implant in the wall of the uterus, and for the embryo to develop in a thickened shell.

With a thickening of the pellucid, infertility often cannot be eliminated even with the help of the in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedure. For the treatment of infertility in these cases, they resort to the ICSI method - intracytoplasmic injection of spermatozoa into the egg.

Thickening of the pellucid is more typical for women over 35 years old, and when smoking, these phenomena are also observed in young women. The changes are irreversible, because all the eggs in a woman have been laid since childhood.

Smoking causes disorders menstrual cycles shortens the length of childbearing years.

The opinion of doctors about smoking during pregnancy:

What causes nicotine addiction

The amniotic fluid of smokers is saturated with nicotine. Pathologists say that in women who smoke, who died during childbirth, amniotic fluid publish strong smell nicotine.

The child develops in a toxic environment, is born weak, with insufficient birth weight, pathologies of the lungs, heart, and central nervous system.

IN early age the baby receives treatment for endless bronchitis, otitis, acute respiratory infections. Such children are more likely than usual to get pneumonia and take a lot of injections.

In adulthood, shortness of breath awaits them, problems with physical education at school, with study. They, most likely, will have to face infertility, to be treated for a long time in order to give birth to a child.

All these problems are laid down during pregnancy, in each case when a woman takes up a cigarette, taking away the health of a child, reducing his life expectancy with every puff.



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