How to conceive a child the first time: effective methods, methods and recommendations. Proper planning: when is the best time to conceive a child?

Raising a child is full of surprises. It doesn’t matter how many books or children’s forums you read, how many educational videos you watch, nothing will prepare you 100% for the arrival of a child in the family. But there are 10 fundamental things you should know before you become a new parent.

1. Giving birth to a child is simple - only at first glance

Some breed like rabbits. Others just can't do it. Many naively believe that all you have to do is want to have a child, stop using contraceptives and bam! This will happen. In fact, it’s not a faaakt. After all, our body is not simple. If you are thinking about adding to your family and want to plan your pregnancy for a certain period, give yourself enough time and try not to worry throughout the entire period.

2. The first months are real torture

Perhaps the cries of babies are so annoying, their sleep is so light, and breastfeeding is so painful - only to strengthen the spirit of parents. Because if you survive the first months of this crazy kids' camp without losing your mind, you - the heroes - can handle anything.

This time is a living hell for those who love sleep, showers and comfort. It is useless to explain how difficult it is. It's impossible to describe what it's like to wake up every two hours at night for months. Or trying to calm an inconsolably screaming child. Or feel like you are in a body 3 sizes larger than usual (by the way, future dads get fat along with future mothers). Or feel out of sorts for months or maybe even years.

There are some positives in all this chaos. In particular, no matter how bad things get, you will overcome all difficulties. Just don't be afraid to ask for help, especially if you're suffering from postpartum pain.

The first months after the birth of a child are not only suffering and chaos. These are also amazing moments full of bliss and tenderness. After some time, you may even begin to feel sad for this pleasant period of life and (oh, crazy people!:) want to experience this torture again.

3. Forget about sleep. You will miss him

Whether you have a baby in your arms or a growing toddler, you will have trouble sleeping. Either nightmares, or the child sleeps between you. And how difficult it is to get children up on time to go to school... Well, and so on.

Watch your habits! If you're not prepared to put up with them all the way to university, don't vaccinate them - like letting your baby into your bed in the middle of the night.

4. Children's utensils and things: you don't need a lot of them

Strollers, car seats, playpens, swings, air mattresses, play mats, teething rings, bibs... It seems like kids need tons of equipment. Dear life hackers, let me save you money! You don't even have half of these things.

For some reason, many new parents believe that their child will certainly become bored, or that he needs constant stimulation of his brain. In reality, the baby sleeps most of the time; When he wakes up, he screams to be fed, then after feeding he falls asleep again. You don't need a lot of extra ways to keep him busy. For a small child, everything around is interesting.

As a rule, children tend to stop being interested in toys before you even have time to purchase them. Isn't it easier to buy wooden cubes or make trinkets with your own hands from available materials?

Likewise, there is no reason to buy so many children's clothes, at least new ones. On the one hand, family and friends love to give adorable outfits (who can resist buying tiny booties or bonnets?!). On the other hand, children are growing by leaps and bounds. They don’t have time to properly wear some things before they become too small for them. Try to purchase wardrobe items that wear out the fastest at sales or second-hand stores. The more dirty your kids get, the more often you will have to buy new things. But until the need to purchase new clothes arises, avoid the children's equipment departments.

5. Children = a lot of unexpected expenses

Diapers are something you will constantly need in the first years of your baby's life. Mountains of diapers. This, of course, is no secret to anyone. But chances are you're grossly underestimating how many you'll end up having to buy. So coupons, discounts, and promotions on diapers will no longer seem so ridiculous and will be very useful to you.

Other unplanned expenses may come out of nowhere. For example, music lessons, babysitting services, out-of-town trips with a class, even medical expenses can take you by surprise. But perhaps the biggest money sucker is day care. Of course, he allows you to work at your job, but his content is sometimes so great that you can even get a second job!

Bottom line: spend less money on clothes that will wear out quickly anyway, and be mindful of unexpected (or unexpectedly high) baby expenses that could cost you a pretty penny.

6. You can work from home with your child (during certain periods)

There are two periods when working from home with children is more or less comfortable. Before they start walking (when the child learns to occupy himself, mainly due to fine motor skills of the hands), and also when they are old enough and understand that you may not be available on time. If your child has no problem keeping himself entertained, then working from home is easy. But there is a slight feeling of guilt that you cannot pay attention to him all the time.

It’s hard to tell your child “No. I'm busy)." several times a day. So even if you are lucky enough to work from home, you need to plan to care for your children until they are older and no longer require your full attention.

7. Don't panic when your child doesn't reach common developmental milestones.

The books say that all children should begin to walk by one year, and if this does not happen, you need to consult a doctor. In practice, some babies take their first steps only at the age of 16-17 months. And that's okay. If your child is one year old and still cannot walk, you are naturally worried. Some babies wear diapers longer than others. Rude advice from strangers that it’s time for your child to go potty on his own drives you into even more panic.

Remember: every child develops according to his own internal schedule. It is quite possible that your baby will not start walking because he is using energy for something else - learning to speak, for example. Don't rush your child, forcing him to talk, walk, run, read. Children grow up so fast anyway. It is impossible to teach a child everything in one day. It's better to wait until he or she is ready for this.

8. You won't regret taking too many baby photos or videos.

Photo: Shutterstock

In the early years you will most likely do and videos with your baby all the time. Unfortunately, as children grow older, we begin to less often capture the pleasant moments of their lives. You'll never regret taking too many photos or videos of your growing baby. Moreover, you will always feel like you are missing something.

9. Getting out of the house somewhere is an adventure every time

When you become parents, time shifts occur. What used to take 5 minutes (for example, how long it took you to run to the nearest store) will now take much longer. There are extra minutes to get ready, move around, pack drinks, food and diapers, install a child seat in the car and do many other things.

Eating out will be a completely new experience for you. Food falling on the floor, pencils rolling off the table, visitors and waiters looking unfriendly in your direction... Even if you manage to organize something like a date with your other half, all this time you will most likely be talking about the child or worrying about him.

10. You will never be the same

Parenting will change you. It's predictable. But you have no idea how much it will change you and your view of the world around you. Overnight you won't turn into the same as your parents, mom and dad. But your values, visions and habits are reorganized around one being - your child.

Your habits will change for the better. You will begin to think more about the health and nutritional value of the food you eat, drive more carefully, spend money more wisely, behave more ethically, and think more often about your life expectancy (and how to increase it).

Your relationship with your partner will change. Until it happens, you won't know - for better or for worse. But parenthood makes adjustments to both, even to the way you look at your partner.

You may have to say goodbye to your usual entertainment. Now you are unlikely to be able to watch TV or a series, play games, or spend half a day on the Internet.

From now on there will be no free time left to oneself.

You will have to become more cheerful and... Your to-do list will include tasks such as: making a bunny costume, drawing a horse, cooking something new from oatmeal or peas.

You will experience a strong feeling of affection and love that you could not even imagine before.

None of these facts, no matter how terrible they sound, will bother you in the long run. You will learn a lot about yourself as a parent - something that can make you stronger, but at the same time, more vulnerable.

Making the decision to have a child is extremely important. This is the same as releasing your heart outside your own body. I think many parents would agree that this is true. But it's worth it! Still think about it before than having children.

If you want to conceive a healthy baby faster, then this article will tell you how to do this with a 100 percent result.

“It’s a simple bad thing,” says folk wisdom, and it is often used when talking about how easy it is to “get knocked up.” But when you get acquainted with the process of fertilization in all details, it seems like a miracle that all these biological functions are performed clearly in most cases and the desired pregnancy occurs, and a small malfunction in any part of the conception mechanism leads to years of visiting doctors and persistent struggle for your maternal happiness . What are the conditions for successful conception?

First, to conceive a child you need a lot of healthy, motile sperm.

Sperm motility is one of the most important quality indicators of sperm and conditions for pregnancy. Good sperm motility can compensate for a low sperm count. Sperm in which 50% of sperm have good ability to move is considered normal. A semen sample in which less than 40% of the sperm have good reproductive capacity is considered abnormal.

Normally, sperm movement is linear, in one direction. If the seed filaments have oscillatory or circular movements in one place (pendulum-like or pendulum-like), then such sperm are considered to be inactive.

The second condition for pregnancy is a healthy, mature egg.

The egg is 550 times larger than the sperm and is generally the largest cell in the body. It is protected by an outer membrane and structures called metachondria - these produce energy. Inside the tiny nucleus of the egg are 23 chromosomes, which contain genetic material stored in DNA.
As we age, eggs, like all cells and DNA in the body, become less stable, so younger women have healthier eggs. The number of eggs is determined from birth; they do not increase during life, but only one is released for conception every month during the reproductive period.

It is known that what makes a queen good is her environment. Likewise, the quality of an egg maturing in a woman’s body depends on many factors: these are various external influences (temperature, biochemical composition of the environment, cellular environment), and the precise functioning of intracellular mechanisms that work on the complex path of egg maturation.

Initially, the stem germ cell (the precursor of the egg) carries a double set of chromosomes, which is characteristic of all other cells of the body, and only by undergoing two reduction divisions (in which the number of chromosomes is halved) does it become a real germ cell - an oocyte. During this period, the maturing egg stops its development twice (maturation blocks I and II), and only the following events can “awaken” it: block I is removed by the LH peak preceding ovulation, and block II is removed during the process of fertilization. If any disturbances occur at this level of cellular organization, the process of oocyte maturation may stop at stages I or II blocks.

In addition to the processes of maturation of the nuclear apparatus, structural and biochemical transformations also occur in the cytoplasm of the egg: there is an active synthesis and accumulation of substances necessary for the development of the oocyte and the future embryo - proteins, energy source molecules, RNA molecules, as well as the distribution of cellular organelles throughout the cytoplasm. For example, mitochondria, the “energy stations” of the cell, are distributed in the cytoplasm in a certain way, as a result of which mitochondrial activity in all parts of the cytoplasm is different. It has been shown that there is a direct connection between increasing age of a woman and a decrease in mitochondrial activity in the cytoplasm of oocytes and embryonic cells. The consequence of this is a decrease in the likelihood of pregnancy.

So, a mature egg contains a set of substances necessary for the development of an embryo and at the moment of ovulation it is at stage II of the maturation block, which is removed upon fertilization by a sperm. The morphological characteristics of a mature egg are the presence of the first polar body (formed after the removal of the first block of maturation) and the absence of a cell nucleus (germinal vesicle). An indirect sign of the degree of maturity of the oocyte may be the state of the cumulus (a membrane consisting of part of the cells that surrounded and nourished the egg when it was growing). As the egg matures, the cumulus becomes looser and more viscous.

Third, fertilization requires a successful location of the sperm near the cervix

Inside, the vagina meets the cervix, the narrow base of the uterus. It is a fibrous ring of tissue up to four centimeters long with an opening (the cervical canal) that allows seminal fluid to enter the uterus and blood to exit during menstruation. The cervix contains glands that secrete different types of mucus, depending on the type of hormones produced by the female body.

When sperm is ejaculated into the vagina, it first thickens and then liquefies again after about twenty minutes. Only after this do sperm begin their long journey through the cervix into the fallopian tubes or oviducts. It takes from thirty minutes to several hours and even in the best case, only about four hundred sperm penetrate through the mucous membrane of the cervix and uterus into the tube.

“Friendly” cervical mucosa is the fourth condition for pregnancy

The cervix is ​​located between the vagina and the uterus, being a kind of “corridor” to the uterus. It can be compared to a pear, where the wide part is attached to the lower base of the uterus, and the narrow part is attached to the vagina.

There are two coverings in the cervix: one covers the visible part of the cervix in the vagina (exocol) and the other covers the canal leading into the uterine cavity (endocol).

After ejaculation, sperm mixes with the cervical mucosa. Thanks to the estrogenic preovulatory surge, this mucous membrane acquires all the properties necessary for the high-quality “reception” of sperm. Male cells can live for several days in such mucous membrane. Sperm accumulate near the cervical glands (endocole) and from here gradually move to the site of fertilization. Only upon contact with the mucous membrane of the cervix and the mucous membrane of the female organs do sperm acquire the ability to fertilize (the “capasitation” phenomenon). Dead sperm dissolve in the endometrium. As soon as the corpus luteum begins to produce progesterone, the body temperature rises and the mucous membrane loses its qualities for “receiving” sperm.

The timeliness of sexual intercourse is one of the main conditions for the successful conception of a child.

It is known that the egg lives only twelve to twenty-four hours, and the sperm lives twenty-four to forty-eight hours.

The maturation of the egg in a woman’s body occurs during the menstrual cycle. In fact, the menstrual cycle is necessary for the maturation of the egg and the preparation of the uterus - the main reproductive organ of a woman - to receive the embryo. Eggs mature in the ovaries - paired female sex glands located on both sides of the uterus.

In the menstrual cycle, the maturation of one of the oocytes begins, which ends with ovulation - the release of a mature egg from the follicle - a special formation in the ovary within which the eggs are located and mature. After ovulation, the oocyte enters the infundibulum of the fallopian tube, then into the fallopian tube and there it can be fertilized by a sperm. While the egg is in the fallopian tube, the follicle from which it came out is transformed into the so-called corpus luteum - the part of the ovary that produces progesterone, a hormone under the influence of which the endometrium (epithelium of the uterus) changes in a certain way for implantation of the embryo.

Thus, the period of ovulation is the most successful period for conceiving a child. In this regard, it is important to be able to determine when it occurs. You can do this yourself at home, for example, by measuring your basal temperature. Special devices have also been developed (for example, ClearPlan Easy Fertility Monitor), which can more accurately determine the moment of ovulation based on the hormone content in a urine test. More accurate determinations can be made in a clinical setting, for example, by ultrasound monitoring the growth and development of the follicle and determining the moment of its rupture.

Sixth. To get pregnant, a woman must have open oviducts through which the egg and sperm can move

The fallopian tubes (oviducts, fallopian tubes) are a paired tubular organ. In fact, the fallopian tubes are two thread-like canals of standard length 10 - 12 cm and a diameter not exceeding a few millimeters (from 2 to 4 mm). The fallopian tubes are located on both sides of the uterine fundus: one side of the fallopian tube is connected to the uterus, and the other is adjacent to the ovary.

The main job of the fallopian tubes is to connect the upper part of the uterus to the ovary. The fallopian tubes have dense, elastic walls. In a woman’s body, they perform one, but very important function: in them, as a result of ovulation, fertilization of the egg with sperm occurs. Along these lines, the fertilized egg passes into the uterus, where it strengthens and develops further. The Fallopian tubes serve specifically for fertilization, carrying and strengthening the egg from the ovary into the uterine cavity.

The mechanism of this process is as follows: an egg matured in the ovaries moves through the fallopian tube with the help of special cilia located on the inner lining of the tubes. On the other hand, sperm move towards her, having previously passed through the uterus. If fertilization occurs, the division of the egg begins immediately. In turn, the fallopian tube at this time nourishes, protects and promotes the egg to the uterine cavity, with which the fallopian tube is connected by its narrow end. This advancement occurs gradually, approximately 3 cm per day. If any obstacle is encountered (adhesions, adhesions, polyps) or a narrowing of the canal is observed, the fertilized egg remains in the tube, resulting in an ectopic pregnancy.

The seventh condition for successful conception of a child is the prepared endometrium of the uterine body

One of the conditions for implantation (attachment) of an embryo in the uterine cavity is a kind of “readiness” of the uterine mucosa to accept the embryo. After ovulation, the resulting corpus luteum secretes the hormone progesterone, which prepares the endometrium for a possible pregnancy. At the same time, special structures (protrusions) are formed in the mucous membrane of the uterus, which ensure contact between the embryo and the endometrium. Accordingly, any changes in the structure of the uterine mucosa cannot provide optimal conditions for embryo implantation.

The most common cases in clinical practice are endometrial hyperplasia and polyps.

Endometrial hyperplasia is a diffuse (widespread) thickening of the uterine mucosa with a change in its structure. Polyp is a local (in one area) thickening of the uterine mucosa. In turn, there may be one polyp, or there may be several.

The causes of hyperplasia and polyp are hormonal disorders in a woman’s body, which in turn are often found in patients with infertility.

The clinical manifestations of these conditions are varied. They may be asymptomatic and detected during an ultrasound scan, or a woman may be bothered by menstrual irregularities (bleeding, spotting, heavy and prolonged menstruation), pain, or infertility.

Chronic inflammation of the uterine mucosa - endometritis, leads to changes in the structure of the mucous membrane, its thinning, which disrupts the process of embryo attachment. In addition, endometritis can lead to the formation of adhesions in the uterine cavity, as mentioned above.

The eighth condition is that a sufficient amount of progesterone is necessary to maintain pregnancy

After fertilization, the development of the embryo requires an efficient communication system from the endometrium to the egg membrane, ensuring sufficient progesterone production to support pregnancy for at least two months until the placenta is formed.

The period of organogenesis and placentation continues from the moment the fertilized egg is introduced into the uterine mucosa until 10-12 weeks of pregnancy, when all the organs and tissues of the fetus are fully formed, as well as the placenta (the baby's place is the connecting link between the fetus and the maternal body, through which processes occur nutrition, metabolism and respiration of the fetus in the womb). This is a very important period of intrauterine life, because At this time, the formation of all organs and tissues of the fetus occurs. Already on the 7th day after fertilization of the egg, the mother’s body receives a signal of pregnancy thanks to the hormone chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), which is secreted by the fertilized egg. HCG, in turn, supports the development of the corpus luteum in the ovary. The corpus luteum secretes progesterone and estrogens in quantities sufficient to maintain pregnancy. At the initial stage of pregnancy, before the formation of the placenta, the corpus luteum takes on the function of hormonal support of pregnancy, and if for one reason or another the corpus luteum does not work fully, then there may be a threat of miscarriage, miscarriage or a non-developing pregnancy. The entire period of organogenesis and placentation is also a critical period of intrauterine life of the fetus, because the fetus is highly sensitive to the damaging influences of the environment, especially in the first 3-6 weeks of organogenesis. This critical period of pregnancy is especially important because... under the influence of unfavorable environmental factors, the embryo may die or develop developmental abnormalities.

A structurally healthy uterus is the ninth condition for successful fertilization

Uterine disorders that can lead to infertility are divided into congenital and acquired. Congenital disorders include malformations of the uterus that arose during the period of intrauterine development. Acquired factors can occur at any age. These include adhesions in the uterine cavity, endometrial hyperplasia (thickening of the uterine mucosa), polyps, chronic inflammation of the uterine cavity (endometritis).

Among the wide variety of congenital malformations of the uterus, the most common in clinical practice is the saddle shape of the uterus and a septum in the uterine cavity. In the first case, the fundus of the uterus is somewhat “pressed” into the cavity itself, which upon examination resembles the shape of a saddle. In the case of the formation of a septum, the latter protrudes into the uterine cavity to varying depths. In some cases, a bicornuate shape of the uterus is formed, with the uterine cavity formed by two “halves” connected to each other in the lower part.

Duplication of the uterus and vagina may be asymptomatic. With sufficiently good development of both, or even one half of the uterus, menstrual, sexual and reproductive functions can remain normal. Pregnancy can occur in one or the other uterine cavity; It is quite possible for a normal course of labor and the postpartum period. However, this type of defect is often combined with underdevelopment of the uterus and ovaries, which leads to disruption of menstrual, sexual and reproductive function. Any type of uterine malformation can lead to miscarriage and infertility.

Adhesions (synechia) are thin strands of connective tissue that form in response to trauma and/or inflammation of the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity (endometrium). Traumatization of the endometrium occurs during curettage of the uterine cavity (termination of pregnancy, diagnostic curettage), surgical interventions on the uterus, and intrauterine contraception (intrauterine device). Also, the inflammatory process of the endometrium leads to the formation of adhesions in the uterine cavity. Inflammation can be caused by various microorganisms after complicated childbirth, abortion, or surgery. Very often there is a combination of factors - mechanical trauma with associated inflammation.

Clinical manifestations of the adhesive process in the uterine cavity are very diverse and depend on the severity of the lesion. In mild cases, the woman does not complain, and adhesions are detected as a finding during hysteroscopy. With a pronounced adhesive process, disturbances of the menstrual cycle occur in the form of a decrease in menstrual blood loss, a delay in menstruation until its complete cessation - amenorrhea. In addition, synechiae in the uterine cavity can lead to infertility and miscarriage.

The tenth condition is a healthy, closed cervix capable of maintaining the full term of pregnancy

On the side of the uterus, the cervix has an opening that leads into the uterus. It is this opening that expands during childbirth, allowing the baby to come out. During pregnancy, the cervix performs a protective function - its glands form a thick mucous plug that protects the fetus from all kinds of external infections.

There are many known reasons that lead to spontaneous miscarriages. One of them is isthmic-cervical insufficiency, that is, a condition when the isthmus (in Latin “isthmus”) and the cervix (“cervex”) of the uterus cannot cope with the increasing load (growing fetus, amniotic fluid) and begins to open prematurely.

For many families, the question “How to conceive a child?” doesn't exist at all. But there are couples for whom pregnancy becomes an acute problem.

Don't worry too much about this! You just need to carefully study this process, thoroughly prepare for it and adhere to some simple rules.

How does the process of conception occur?

During sexual intercourse, 3-5 ml of sperm containing from 300 to 500 million sperm are poured into the female vagina. The strongest sperm begin to reach the egg. They must travel through the uterine cavity to enter the fallopian tube.

The sperm are given 2-2.5 hours for this. They can remain in the fallopian tube from 2 to 7 days. One seed may not overcome all the obstacles on the way to the egg, so from 100 to 350,000 sperm rush to attack, but only one of them manages to reach the egg!

When a male sperm and a female egg meet, fertilization occurs. Then, over the next 12 hours, an embryo is formed, consisting of just one cell. It is called a zygote.

The newly born embryo begins its journey through the fallopian tube to its place in the uterus. While the zygote is moving forward, its cells are dividing. Already on the 11-12th day after the union of two cells, the embryo attaches to the soft layer of the uterus and begins to develop.

How to properly prepare for pregnancy?

To increase your chances of conceiving, you need to follow a few simple rules.

Medical examination

An examination by a specialist involves an examination of the expectant mother or both spouses. The doctor will give useful recommendations regarding your health and the health of your unborn child. For example, you will learn what vitamins you need to take so that your baby is born healthy and you remain strong and strong.

Healthy lifestyle

Principles of a healthy lifestyle for an expectant mother

In order to properly conceive a child, a woman who plans to become pregnant soon needs to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

What does this concept include?

Balanced diet

Proper nutrition with sufficient amounts of fruits, cottage cheese, vegetables, meat, fish. The body of the expectant mother should receive all the necessary vitamins and nutrients, and without abuse.

Moderate physical activity

Systematic exercise, walking or fitness.

Complete cessation of smoking and drinking alcohol

Women and men who smoke are less likely to have healthy offspring. Alcohol addiction contributes to the birth of a sick child who is lagging behind in mental development, and other pathologies are possible. Is it worth risking the normal development of your baby?

Healthy lifestyle for the future father

Men must also comply with a number of conditions in order to preserve their reproductive qualities:

  • give up tight-fitting clothes (do not wear too tight swimming trunks and jeans);
  • Use the sauna less frequently and wear seasonally appropriate clothing to avoid overheating. Overheating of the testicles reduces the release of normal semen,
  • remove your mobile phone from your trouser pockets.


This is not about starvation. Fasting is generally contraindicated. It is necessary to lose excess weight that interferes with pregnancy. Severe thinness will also not lead to the desired result. Therefore, a balanced diet is the best way to conceive a healthy child.

A woman should divide her diet into 6 meals, which means she needs to eat 6 times a day, most of the menu should consist of vegetables and fruits. Do not forget that some fruits and berries, such as citrus fruits and strawberries, can cause allergies.

Conditions necessary for conception to occur

It’s good if every woman watches her monthly cycle and knows the right days to conceive a baby, that is, the ovulation phase.


What is the ovulation phase characterized by?

Firstly, vaginal discharge becomes transparent, viscous, and more abundant. Sometimes blood threads can be seen.

Secondly, when the follicles mature, minor pain appears in the lower abdomen.

Thirdly, a woman’s sexual desire intensifies, as the body shows that it is ready for fertilization.

When does ovulation occur?

Most often on days 12-14 after the start of the menstrual cycle. Every woman needs to know that the period most likely for fertilization lasts only 6 days: 5 before the release of the egg and 1 after it.

This process occurs approximately in the middle of the cycle. It can be established by measuring the so-called basal temperature. After the egg is released, the temperature rises by 0.2-0.4 degrees.

How to measure basal temperature?

The temperature should be measured at the same time by inserting a thermometer into the rectum about 5 cm.

During the measurement process, the following conditions must be met:

  • you need to measure your temperature in the morning, without even getting out of bed;
  • You need to hold the thermometer for 6-7 minutes;
  • Be sure to write down your readings in a notebook.

If you keep a graph of changes in this temperature, you can calculate the most favorable days for pregnancy.

Stopping the use of contraceptives

If you are ready to have a son or daughter, you should stop using birth control. In some women, pregnancy may not occur for three to four months after stopping birth control, but this is considered normal.

Moreover, after getting rid of intrauterine devices, you need to refrain from planning a pregnancy for 2-3 months so that the uterus and fallopian tubes are restored. This will make it possible to reduce the risk of miscarriage.

Stop searching for the ideal position during intercourse

Is it worth coming up with special positions to quickly conceive a child? As practice shows, none of them works 100 percent. Just relax and have fun.

Rest after intimacy

After sexual intercourse, you do not need to immediately run to the shower, that is, take a vertical position. Behave correctly: lie quietly for about thirty minutes. Many people advise raising your legs up. It won't do anything. Just lie still, then the sperm will definitely fall into the cervix.

Dosage of sexual intercourse

Intimacy without a break during the period of ovulation is harmful. If you are too close, you can significantly reduce your chance of getting pregnant. Why? The thing is that the more a man ejaculates, the more each subsequent sperm loses its rudimentary qualities.

For successful conception, it is enough to have sex once a day and no more than 3 times a week.

No stress

Staying calm is one of the conditions for conceiving a healthy child. Stress quietly but surely kills a person. Therefore, in order to give birth to a healthy child, even the most minor stress should be avoided.

How does a woman’s body react to stress? Even the most trivial stressful situation can prevent the follicle from releasing an egg for fertilization. And a man during stress will not be able to perform sexual intercourse at all, which means the couple will again have to wait for the next month.

Choosing the optimal time of day and season of the year

Time during the day can also have an impact on successful fertilization. It is believed that couples who indulge in lovemaking in the afternoon, at approximately 5:00 p.m., have a greater chance of getting pregnant, since during this period of the day the “tailed creatures” are especially active.

For everything to work out, you need to choose the right season for conception. It is believed that the beginning of autumn is the time to think about offspring. The fact is that in winter, with short daylight hours, as well as in summer, during the hottest months, ovulation in some women simply may not occur.

What to do if you can’t get pregnant quickly?

Do not panic!

If you can’t get pregnant the first time, this is not a reason to despair and think a lot about this problem. Thoughts about pregnancy become so intrusive that it turns into prolonged stress and becomes a real obstacle to achieving such a desired goal.

According to experts, pregnancy may not occur in healthy couples for several months or up to a year. And only after a year of attempts have passed, potential parents begin to be checked for infertility.

Change position for intimacy

There is an opinion that the position of a woman “on top” can interfere with fertilization. You can try changing it to a more traditional “missionary” position.

Also, it should be remembered that it is very important for the expectant mother to experience orgasm. During orgasm, the cervix contracts strongly, and sperm is drawn into the uterus.

Go on vacation

What else can be done if conception is successful the first time? The best option would be to relax and relieve emotional stress, for example, go on vacation.

In addition to this, you can use traditional medicine recipes, for example, drink boron uterus or sage (after consulting a doctor).

Minimize contact with household chemicals and reduce the dosage of medications

Take a course of folic acid and multivitamins

Importance of folic acid for the fetus

When planning a pregnancy, you need to pay attention to the most important component - folic acid. It is enough to take up to 400 mcg of folic acid per day to reduce the possibility of offspring with spinal defects and nervous system defects.

Folic acid is contained in fresh greens, vegetables, and it is found in nuts, seeds, and bran. It can also be bought in a pharmacy in a synthesized form.

The influence of a number of vitamins on conception and the health of the future baby

In addition, vitamins C, E and iodine are extremely important for successful conception. A lack of iodine can affect the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. In women whose thyroid gland has reduced function, the process of ovulation occurs extremely rarely.

In addition, iodine deficiency can adversely affect the intellectual development of the baby. In order for your future baby to be born healthy, you need to take multivitamins recommended by your doctor 2-3 months before planning a pregnancy.

There comes a time in the life of every couple when partners think about adding to the family. Such an important step requires great responsibility and awareness of the importance and complexity of raising a future baby, therefore, before having a child, it is necessary to lay the foundation, so to speak, the ground for a correct and healthy conception. When planning a pregnancy, many factors and principles should be taken into account, which we will talk about in more detail. For convenience, we will divide all questions about how to properly conceive a child into three main stages: the moral and physical preparation of partners, the process of conception itself and possible nuances, and finally, possible ways to increase the likelihood of pregnancy.

Mental and physical preparation

For men

Just as raising a child depends on two parents, the process of conception is regulated by two partners, so it is important to get in shape before starting pregnancy. How to conceive a child correctly, what are the requirements for men? Men have their own physiology; under the influence of many factors, sex cells are produced differently. For the fertilization process, sperm must be mobile and fast. The following recommendations will help achieve this result:

  1. Spend more time outdoors and avoid unnecessary stress.
  2. Before important sexual intercourse, it is necessary to abstain for about three days; sperm quality decreases noticeably with frequent ejaculation.
  3. Approximately two weeks before the planned day of conception, you need to include in your diet such foods as: meat, fish, nuts (this type of food increases sperm motility).
  4. Completely give up alcohol within 3-5 months.
  5. Do not overwork yourself with heavy physical activity, this also affects the quality of sperm.


It’s no secret that a woman’s body is not only an excellent weapon for seducing men, but also a future “house” for 9 months for a child. In this regard, preparing the female body is not limited to simply preparing for conception. For a woman, this is also the beginning of a long period of bearing a baby; this process is more complex and requires careful monitoring. What points should girls take into account when preparing for pregnancy:

Visit doctor

  • First of all, for personal peace of mind, you should undergo a full medical examination and donate blood for the presence of various types of diseases that can be transmitted to the baby. One of the recommended doctors will be a dentist. The fact is that girls in this position are more sensitive to dental treatment, so by taking care of your health in advance, you will avoid unpleasant treatment procedures.
  • Carefully read doctors' prescriptions, exclude antibiotics from the list of medications, which is also important if you were taking contraceptives, then do not forget to take a break of 1 to 2 months before conception. It is better to switch to barrier methods of contraception.
  • Be sure to check for a number of required vaccinations so that antibodies can be produced and block viruses.


  • From the first days you decide to become a mother in the future, you need to monitor your weight, because overweight or underweight causes hormonal imbalance. Therefore, we take control of the weight.
  • One of the favorite drinks of many ladies is coffee. However, it is caffeine that delays pregnancy. The sooner you give up coffee, the faster you can get pregnant.
  • As for nutrition, you should introduce more fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet, and give up very fatty, sweet and spicy foods.

Quitting habits

  • How to conceive a child correctly to ensure good health in the future? First of all, avoid even small doses of alcohol before, during and after pregnancy; alcohol can cause mental and physical abnormalities in the child.
  • Following alcohol, we give up smoking once and for all. In addition to irreparable harm to your health, from the first days of your baby’s existence you are dooming him to similar dependence, heart and lung failure, and also developmental problems.
  • We reduce physical activity, as this can cause a miscarriage. If you are deeply into sports, then you will have to forget about it for a while.

Attention to your body

  • Monitor your cycle in advance to see if it is regular, try to keep a calendar and note all the changes that happen to you.
  • And perhaps the most important thing is ovulation. Ovulation is the most favorable time for conceiving a child. After you calculate the day of ovulation (to do this, follow the link: how to calculate ovulation) - it will be much easier for you to choose the time to conceive.

Attention, many doctors say that it is best for women to have their first child before the age of 30, since the birth itself and the pregnancy process are much safer and do not promise major complications. As for men, the quality of their sperm over the years loses its former mobility and speed. The age recommended by doctors for men is up to 40-45 years, although it can vary depending on the lifestyle of the young man or man.

Conception process

Undoubtedly, having sex is not just the process of conceiving a child, but also a way to express your feelings to each other. Be that as it may, there are a couple of tips that will help you bring the act of love to the desired goal, namely pregnancy.

  • Pose. On the threshold of new technologies, humanity has not yet revealed to the world the most effective position for conception, but many recommend the usual missionary position, in which the girl’s hips are slightly raised. For girls with a curved uterus, a position in which the man is behind the lady is more suitable.
  • After completing sexual intercourse, there is no need to immediately jump up and do household chores; it is advisable for the girl to be in the missionary position for 20-30 minutes, placing a pillow under her hips.
  • The quality of sperm decreases noticeably if you engage in oral sex, so you will have to do without this fun.
  • In some cases, girls can douche with a solution of soda; this will significantly reduce the acidic environment, which can be caused by various kinds of inflammatory processes.
  • And after sexual intercourse, try to avoid stressful situations for the first 2-3 days, as the fallopian tubes will be subject to contraction and sperm may not reach their target.

Factors contributing to pregnancy

  1. No stress.
  2. Taking vitamins (with prior consultation with a doctor).
  3. Taking folk remedies (some types of herbs: sage, boron uterus, red brush).

Getting pregnant is just one of the small steps towards creating a strong family. It is important to always remember that a child will grow up healthy and strong only if his mother and father love him. We wish you to become parents quickly, because now you know how to conceive a child correctly!

You may say that conceiving a child is easy, but it is not. A large number of married couples, throughout their usually short family life, try to conceive a child. Trips to doctors, fortune tellers, trips to remote villages to see grandmothers to start talking - all to no avail. As a rule, the inability to conceive a child becomes the cause of quarrels, conflicts, betrayal and, as a result, divorce.

In order not to repeat the fate of most married couples, read our article on how to conceive a child, and maybe it will help you save your marriage.

How to conceive a child correctly

Mom should know

The expectant mother is required to clearly determine the day of ovulation. In addition, it’s not even worth mentioning that mommy should be absolutely healthy and take care of her health. If mommy has a regular menstrual cycle, then determining ovulation is very simple. Subtract 14 days from the cycle length. It is on the last day of the cycle that there is a high probability that conception will occur.

Sperm can live in a woman’s body for up to 5 days.

You should not wait for this exact day to conceive a child; try starting 5 days before ovulation and 5 days after. If you have an irregular cycle, make a schedule and calculate day “X”. But the easiest way is to purchase a test at the pharmacy that determines the onset of ovulation.

Dad should know

High-quality sperm is required from the future father. To provide it you need to lead a correct lifestyle. Doctors have found that sperm is renewed every two months. Therefore, for two months, the future father must give up all his bad habits: do not drink alcohol, do not smoke, take daily walks in the fresh air for at least one hour, eat right. Do not wear tight underwear, avoid saunas, steam baths and hot baths.

The quality of sperm depends on the frequency of sexual intercourse.

British scientists have found that if you have sex every day, the quality of sperm improves. But then the sperm count will decrease, and we don’t want that. What to do? The answer is very simple. To conceive a healthy baby, have sex once every three days, and don't abstain for weeks at a time - it will harm your sperm.

How to quickly conceive a child

In order to conceive a child quickly, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

Time of conception

The easiest time to conceive a child is in late autumn. In autumn, the human body is at its peak of health. During the spring and summer you consumed a lot of vitamins and were often outdoors. Having gained positive energy during this time, the body will be ready for conception. The best time of day is morning. So have sex in the fall mornings!

Ideal weight for conceiving a child

Forget about diets. Now your first priority is to bring your weight to the ideal weight for conception. A few months ahead of time, adjust your weight. Those who are very thin or very curvy may have problems not only with conceiving a child, but also with pregnancy. This rule also applies to men. With a sudden loss or weight gain, fewer sperm are produced.

Bad habits

There is no point in telling you that smoking and alcohol are harmful to your health; you yourself know this very well. A man who smokes has weaker sperm, and women who smoke have a 40% reduced chance of conceiving a child. You will have to give up both coffee and caffeine-containing products. You can simply switch to decaffeinated coffee, but the best option is to switch to tea.

Balanced diet

You've probably heard about special nutrition for pregnant women. So, there is a special diet that will help you conceive a child. It would be good for the expectant mother to eat more greens and vegetables, foods containing folic acid, cereals, and bread. If a woman has problems with ovulation, she should take foods containing iron, such as meat and legumes. Men should take fish, meat and nuts during this period. These products have a good effect on sperm formation and motility. Everyone should give up sweets and starchy foods: both men and women.

No drugs

If you want to have a healthy baby, you should stop taking medications. Even from antibiotics. If you are taking medications as prescribed by a doctor, be sure to consult your doctor before using them and ask how this may affect conceiving a child.

No chemistry

You should know that household chemicals affect your health. You should avoid going to the store for household chemicals. You should not be in a room where there are fumes from paints, glues and other toxic substances. Avoid intimate cosmetics and lubricants. They have a bad effect on sperm.

No stress or depression

It has long been proven that the psychological and mental state directly depends on whether a woman can conceive a child or not. Therefore, you should monitor your mental state. Protect yourself from stress and depression. The best thing to do is yoga. Music will save you at home, just turn on the light relaxing one you love. Classic is good. Or take a bubble bath. Going out into nature is also a huge charge of positive emotions.

The correct position for conceiving a child

There is no specific position after which you will definitely get pregnant. Most experts recommend choosing the missionary position to conceive a baby. In this position, sperm reach their target faster.

For women with a curved uterus, it is better to choose a position when the man is behind.

And other positions can be used as a way to quickly conceive a child, but again no one gives a 100% guarantee.

After sexual intercourse, do not write off taking a shower immediately or running about your business. It's better to put a pillow under your hips and rest for about ten minutes. While you are resting, the sperm are doing their job.



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