Why do they smoke an electronic cigarette? Why are electronic cigarettes dangerous?

IN Lately Electronic cigarettes are becoming increasingly popular. Many people are confident that the harm from them will be much less than from ordinary ones. However, in fact, many doctors say the opposite. They believe that the electronic cigarette, the harm or benefit of which is the subject of debate, not only does not help to quit smoking, but also causes negative health consequences.

Liquid composition

This device was invented in Hong Kong at the beginning of this century. Over the past decade, this invention has gained immense popularity among smokers. However, most of them do not even think about the harm these devices can cause.

How dangerous is it to smoke such cigarettes? Many believe that there is no harm, because the device does not release smoke, but fumes. To assess the effect on the body, you need to analyze the composition of the liquid intended for smoking. So, it contains the following components:

  • nicotine;
  • propylene glycol;
  • flavorings;
  • glycerol;
  • water.

Glycerin and propylene glycol are classified as auxiliary components. Aromatic substances dissolve in them and vapors are formed, which imitate smoke during smoking. We will consider the influence of all components on the body below.

Mechanism of operation

Essentially, this device is an inhaler that includes several components:

  • battery equipped with charger included;
  • reusable cartridge – it contains liquid nicotine and a heating device;
  • atomizer - a device for generating steam that creates an imitation of smoke;
  • LED - imitates a light.

The smoking process involves the transformation of liquid into vapor. If you puff, the nicotine evaporates and combines with the air. As a result, a small volume of the alkaloid in its pure form penetrates into the lungs. Its portion is determined by the initial level of nicotine present in the cartridge.

Today there are a lot of them on sale. You can find cartridges with a high concentration of this substance or with its almost complete absence. At first glance, if you smoke such a cigarette, there is no particular harm. However, doctors claim the opposite, assuring users that such a solution is very dangerous.

Harmful effects of nicotine on the body

Regular and electronic cigarettes always contain nicotine. This substance has a pronounced neurotropic effect. This component poses a serious danger to the human body, as it negatively affects the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

In addition, nicotine can be called a drug. If you use it repeatedly, a person will develop dependence, and it is both physical and psychological. Therefore, the use of this component in a device that was supposedly invented to quit smoking raises great doubts.

The volume of nicotine in concentrated types of liquids is 25 mg per 1 ml. If you smoke them in excess, a person will begin to develop poisoning. The lethal amount of nicotine is 100 mg.

If you smoke cigarettes for a long time, there is a risk of developing dangerous conditions. These include the following:

  • hyperglycemia – it is characterized by an increase in blood glucose levels;
  • heart attack;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • tachycardia;
  • angina pectoris;
  • heart failure.

It's not just nicotine that poses a danger to the body. There are other components in the device. At the same time, the lack of regulation by regulatory authorities cannot provide clear confidence that there are no carcinogenic components in this device and liquids.

The effect of glycerin on the body

Many smokers are interested in whether the glycerin contained in such cigarettes is harmful or not. This substance is a trihydric alcohol with a sweetish taste. It is actively used in the food industry to impart viscosity.

In general, glycerin is not toxic. It does not pose a risk if vapors are inhaled. But sometimes the entry of vapors of this component into the upper respiratory organs can lead to allergic reactions.

Exposure to propylene glycol

Most people are interested in whether propylene glycol is harmful or not. This substance is a colorless liquid with a viscous consistency. She has no smell. Propylene glycol is an excellent solvent and is therefore used in the production of medications. It is also used in the food industry.

Since the product is used in products as a stabilizer, it does not pose any particular harm. In a cigarette, this substance plays the role of a flavoring agent. However, it has an irritating effect on the respiratory system. In increased quantities, the substance leads to depression of the nervous system. Sometimes it provokes kidney damage.

Does this cigarette help you quit smoking?

Many addicts are interested in whether such a cigarette can help them quit smoking completely. Since the liquid, without which it is impossible to use the device, contains nicotine, a person will still retain physical sensation. He will poison his body in the same way. In principle, we are not talking about getting rid of the psychological component of the problem.

The conclusion is simple: E-cigarettes do not help you quit smoking. It only brings harm and creates the illusion of safety. If you are going to quit smoking, you need to completely give up any cigarettes.

Harm of nicotine-free e-cigarettes

You can find “nicotine-free” cigarettes on sale. Many people are sure that there is no harm from such devices. However, this is not entirely true.

To begin with, it should be noted that the composition of the device’s liquid does not always correspond to what is stated on the label. Of course, this is considered a violation of consumer rights, but in fact, it is unlikely that anyone will conduct an examination.

In any case, even nicotine-free cigarettes contain harmful components. This is why it is so important to tighten control over the manufacturers of these devices. Until it is there, no one can say with complete confidence what exactly a person inhales while smoking.

Is there any harm to others?

All over the world there is a practice of banning smoking of such cigarettes in public places. So is there any harm from steam or not? Even if the vapors do not contain carcinogens and carbon monoxide, they contain nicotine components, which are certainly harmful to others.

If you smoke a cigarette in a public place, the air will become saturated with harmful compounds. As a result, people around will be forced to breathe narcotic substances. Of course, the concentration of such components is not too high, but they still manage to have a negative effect on the body.

The effect of electronic cigarettes on children

The manufacturers of this device claim that the water vapor present in this device is absolutely safe. However, the presence of nicotine in it leads to unpleasant consequences for children. This substance can enter the body through contact with surfaces exposed to vapor from the device. In addition, smoking is not the best example that parents or others can set for a child.

Different types of cigarettes contain different levels of nicotine. They may have half the volume that is found in ordinary cigarettes, or they may contain the same amount of the narcotic component.

For women during pregnancy and teenage children, such cigarettes pose the same danger as ordinary ones. When harmful components enter the blood of pregnant women, they negatively affect the fetus.

Teenagers can become addicted to nicotine, just like smoking regular cigarettes. Therefore, experts categorically do not recommend starting to use a smoking device, citing imaginary safety.

Now you know what harm will happen if you smoke electronic cigarettes. These devices contain addictive drugs. In addition, they contain additional ingredients that also have a negative effect on the body.

Electronic Cigarette
- the latest invention with a large number of fans. The main purpose of its use is real cigarettes, to get rid of the constant smell of tobacco and harmful smoke. And the question increasingly arises: are electronic cigarettes harmful or not?

To answer the question posed, it is worth considering what an electronic cigarette is? In appearance and mechanism of operation, it is similar to an inhaler and has:

How does it work? The man turns on the cigarette, then takes a puff. Because of this, an air stream appears inside the product, fixing the touch sensor. The processor starts the vaporizer, which delivers nicotine. The substance comes out in the form of steam, causing the light bulb at the end of the device to burn.

Read also: Allen Carr's book: The Easy Way to Quit Smoking

Cigarette safety

Electronic cigarettes are safe for human health. This statement (the safety of electronic cigarettes) is justified by the following provisions:

Today, people who use e-cigarettes feel much better than regular smokers. This is obvious, because in addition to nicotine addiction, a regular cigarette contains a huge number of impurities.

Are electronic cigarettes harmful or not? Many doctors decided to answer this question. Oncologists have found that the liquid used to refill such products is not capable of causing cancer. Cardiologists also expressed positive feedback. They noted that over six months of smoking, people who had previously used regular cigarettes had improved health and overall body tone.

What does an electronic cigarette consist of?

To understand whether electronic cigarettes are harmful or not, it is recommended to consider separately each component included in the composition. There are five of them in total, and they are contained in real cigarettes, but in greater quantities and concentrations. So, the composition:

  1. Glycerol– a food additive made on an alcohol basis. It is added to cigarette liquid to improve its consistency and give it a special flavor. It is absolutely harmless to the human body, and even non-smokers regularly use it;
  2. Propylene glycol– another food additive that acts as a solvent. She is responsible for transporting nicotine. This substance is also not harmful, but can cause individual intolerance and allergic reactions. In this case, it is recommended to switch to special cartridges for cigarettes that do not contain this component;
  3. Nicotine- the only harmful substance. Purified nicotine is used to add to electronic cigarettes, which is not so dangerous to human health;
  4. Flavors– harmless elements, can be artificial or natural;
  5. Water- no comments here.

Influence on others

Are electronic cigarettes harmful or not when used by other people? Scientific studies have proven that they are completely harmless to others. During their use, steam is generated. It leaves the lungs of a smoker and instantly dissolves into the air. There is not a single harmful component in its composition, therefore, the effect of passive smoking is completely excluded.

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For comparison, consider regular cigarettes. When used, tobacco smoke will be released. It contains harmful components, which can be determined even by the smell. Through it, others consume the same harmful substances as the smoker himself. The only difference is the dosage.

Why are e-cigarettes safe?

Are electronic cigarettes harmful or not? This question worries a lot of smokers and even ordinary people. No, they are not harmful. This depends not only on the composition of the product, but also on the production process. The equipment used, quality testing, and the use of advanced technologies in manufacturing - all this determines the benefits of cigarettes.

How to choose an electronic cigarette?

How to choose an electronic cigarette? What to focus on? What does a beginner need to know? When choosing an electronic cigarette, the buyer should not focus on strength. These products differ in many respects, including their shape:

  1. Mini products. They are closest to traditional cigarettes and have the least power. They are recommended to be purchased by people who smoke little, no more than 6 cigarettes per day;
  2. Cigarette in the shape of a pen. In appearance it resembles a pen or pencil for writing. Its power is slightly higher than that of the previous representative. It is recommended to buy for smokers who smoke more than 10 cigarettes per day;
  3. Cigar. It can be equipped with batteries of various capacities. They are recommended to be purchased by people who consume more than a pack of cigarettes per day;
  4. A tube. This variety resembles classic pipes. It usually comes with two batteries;
  5. Modified versions. Such models are recommended for people who have certain preferences. They differ from all others in shape, power and design.

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Cigarettes can be disposable or reusable. For a person who has decided to try this type of smoking for the first time, it is recommended to choose the first option. The cost of disposable electronic cigarettes is about one hundred rubles per piece. It is also recommended to buy disposable versions for emergencies. For example, you are going on a plane trip where smoking is not allowed. Reusable ones are much more economical and convenient.

When choosing, you should focus on the question, where will you use the cigarette? If you plan to smoke only in the workplace, then pay attention to products with automatic operation. However, they have a clear drawback - they operate in a draft. In this case, an excellent option would be a product whose battery capacity does not exceed 250 mAh. For people who use electronic cigarettes everywhere, it is recommended to choose a model with a more capacious battery.

Focus on your own smoking style. If you take short, quick puffs, look for a cigarette with a powerful battery. Otherwise, the model may begin to leak. If you prefer long and leisurely puffs, then choose thin products.

Choosing an electronic cigarette related to how much you smoke? The classic model is smoked in at least ten puffs. You can smoke the product in two ways:

  1. A full smoke break, as in the case of a traditional cigarette;
  2. Occasional tightening during operation.

In both situations, the main thing is not to use more nicotine. Calculate approximately how many puffs you take per day and select a model based on this.

List of additional points that it is recommended to pay attention to when choosing a cigarette:

  • “Similarity” to habitual smoking;
  • Operating period;
  • Ease of transportation;
  • Reliability and quality;
  • Safety of use;
  • Easy to maintain;
  • Comfort when using;
  • Volume of outgoing steam.

How to smoke an electronic cigarette?

After choosing and purchasing a model, the question arises, how to smoke an electronic cigarette? The first step is to prepare the device for use. To do this, you need to insert the battery and a container with liquid. The cigarette can then be used. Recommendation: If you have just filled the container, you should wait a few minutes so that the liquid has time to distribute evenly. Do not use a lighter to ignite. You just need to take a puff, which automatically turns on the device, or press the power button. There are some tips on how to smoke an electronic cigarette. More about them:

Tips for proper smoking of an electronic cigarette:

  • When smoking an e-cigarette, it is recommended to take slow puffs with continuous inhalation;
  • Keep in mind that the more leisurely the puff, the more smoke will be generated;
  • Manufacturers recommend taking a short pause between puffs - 6 seconds;
  • If you use different filling flavors, use different containers. It is a mistake to assume that the liquid is smoked to the last drop every time;
  • When mixing liquids, use products of the same brand;
  • The taste of the vapor released when smoking an electronic cigarette is sweet and pleasant. However, you should not smoke to the point of fanaticism. To avoid overdose, it is recommended to take regular breaks;
  • The product cannot be smoked until the filter, so adjust the number of puffs. Even if you feel like you don't get high after 708 puffs, taking more is not recommended. The feeling of lack of smoking occurs due to the fact that there is practically no nicotine in the absorbed vapor. You'll soon get used to it;
  • Smoking a cigarette in an upright position is prohibited. Otherwise, liquid will leak out of it.

After the smoker takes a breath, the product switches to standby mode, and then turns on with a new puff. At the same time, the evaporator, simulating smoke, begins to heat up. That is why it is forbidden to take frequent puffs, so as not to load the generator and allow it to cool. This will also extend the life of the cigarette itself.

How to properly charge an electronic cigarette?

How to properly charge an electronic cigarette? To do this, you must carefully study the instructions supplied with the device. Find out what signals the product provides at a certain point in use. If the diode at the end of the device blinks or the special button in the middle of the device starts blinking, then the battery charge does not exceed 30% and it needs to be charged.

Process charging a cigarette carried out by connecting the cigarette to an energy source. To do this, you can use the special adapter included in the kit, a charger for standard sockets or a USB cord.


  1. Connect the cigarette to the power source so that the indicator at the tip of the device lights up;
  2. Leave it to charge;
  3. After some time, the indicator will go out or change color. Therefore, the battery is fully charged.

The more power the battery has, the longer it takes to charge it. It usually takes from one to five hours. One battery is designed to be fully discharged and charged five hundred times, then it will need to be replaced with a new battery.

How to turn on an electronic cigarette?

How to turn on an electronic cigarette is very clearly shown in this video.


As a result, we highlight the main points discussed in the article:

  • Are electronic cigarettes harmful or not? No, this device does not harm either the smoker or the people around him;
  • How to choose an electronic cigarette? When choosing, you need to take into account factors such as ease of use, safety, battery power, model shape;
  • Proper smoking of an e-cigarette involves slow puffs;
  • You can use any power source to charge the device.

Vaping is becoming increasingly popular and is taking away the audience from those who distribute regular cigarettes. The harm of the latter has long been proven, but the situation with vaping turned out to be much more complicated. Is it 95 percent safer or still dangerous?

Smoking kills. According to WHO, almost half of smokers die from cardiovascular diseases and cancer, the development of which is provoked by this addiction. To understand the scale: 30 percent of all cancer deaths in the United States are caused by tobacco addiction.

Electronic cigarettes, which appeared in the early 2000s as a safe alternative to regular ones, by 2016 not only found their audience, but were already ready to supplant their older brother. According to experts, in the next 10-15 years they will overtake regular cigarettes in sales.

Despite the optimistic start, people quickly began to doubt the safety of vapes. And in May 2016, the United States completely banned the sale of electronic cigarettes to persons under 18 years of age. In addition, manufacturers were required to register their products and liquids (including their components), simultaneously checking and proving their safety. In New Zealand, vaping liquids containing nicotine are completely banned.

All this happens because the effect of electronic cigarettes on human health has not been fully studied. You shouldn’t completely trust “experts” who claim that “vaping is 95 percent safer than smoking.” Liquids for electronic cigarettes really do not contain carcinogens and tars, which mainly provoke the development of cancer. Nevertheless, vaping may well cause harm to the body for other reasons and in a longer term: scientists simply have not yet had time to establish this. In addition, many people combine vaping and smoking regular cigarettes, which complicates research.

The thermal decomposition of propylene glycol and glycerin contained in the liquid for refilling a cigarette leads to the release of toxic substances - acrolein and formaldehyde. Acrolein irritates the mucous membranes of the eyes and respiratory tract, causes lacrimation, and has mutagenic properties. Formaldehyde, in addition to the above, also has an effect on the central nervous system.

The researchers studied three types of liquid in two different atomizers (vaporizing devices). One of the vaporizers was a component of a cheap electronic cigarette with a single heating coil, and the other had two coils. The scientists used gas-liquid chromatography to determine the chemical composition of the vapor released by puffs lasting five seconds and spaced 30 seconds apart.

It turned out that during the first puff and ten minutes after turning on the cigarette, the concentrations of by-products changed. Their number in a pair gradually increased several times, and the growth rate depended on the battery voltage and the released connection. For example, at 3.8 volts, the first five puffs released 0.46 micrograms of acrolein, but after the device warmed up, this increased to 8.7 micrograms. In double helix devices, the amount of acrolein released was significantly reduced.

Battery voltage and operating time of e-cigarettes also increased the amount of toxic substances. In addition, researchers found that the vapor contained 31 harmful chemical compounds, including probable carcinogens propylene oxide and glycidol. However, this study, published in the journal Environmental Science & Technology, cannot be called large-scale.

Other experts believe that the real danger is not the e-cigarettes themselves, but the components of the liquids used to refill them - including flavorings. Many of them are completely safe for consumption with food, but the processes that occur with them during heating and evaporation are not fully understood. And it will take a lot of time to study each of the constituent elements.

Refilling the vape with liquid

Recently, the international non-profit organization Cochrane Collaboration published a report on the dangers of e-cigarettes, based on all available scientific research. Previously, experts from this organization have repeatedly published materials about the dangers of regular smoking.

The researchers cited three important facts: the use of liquids containing nicotine helps “traditional” smokers get rid of their addiction; in the short term (2-3 years), vaping does not cause significant harm to the body. The most important thing is that some (but not all) vapers experience the same changes in their blood and breathing as those who quit smoking.

Despite this, the results of the original studies vary. Thus, an article published in the journal PLOS ONE states that vaping helps quit smoking, and a review from the authoritative journal Lancet Respiratory Medicine contains the opposite information. In many ways, such contradictions call into question not only the scientists’ conclusions, but also their methods, in particular the randomized controlled trial.

We can definitely talk about the safety of electronic cigarettes in the short term. However, there are circumstances that raise some concerns: for example, it has recently been proven that vaping has the same effect on blood vessels and the heart as smoking cigarettes. But in order to accurately interpret all the available data, we will have to wait for the results of long-term studies.

What harm can come from using an electronic cigarette, and is it possible to quit smoking without its help? Let's figure it out together.

What is an electronic cigarette?

An electronic cigarette is an electronic device intended for inhalation that serves as a replacement for conventional cigarettes. The device can be used not only for smoking nicotine, but also for inhaling aromatic vapor.

During smoking, vapor is generated due to the evaporation of a special liquid applied to the heating element. This creates the illusion of tobacco smoke. This device can be made in the form of a regular cigarette or have a completely different fancy shape. Most often, the process of smoking electronically is called vaping or vaping.

Electronic cigarettes in mass consumption

Today, all smokers have an established opinion that an electronic cigarette is an excellent replacement for tobacco products. An increasing number of people are trying to quit smoking by switching to vaping. For many, this is the easiest and most effective way to quit smoking tobacco products. But it is worth knowing a few important points:

  1. Advertising of electronic cigarettes is prohibited in the world, since it is unlawful to use slogans such as “An electronic cigarette will not harm you,” “Electronic cigarettes are your opportunity to quickly quit smoking,” etc.
  2. These products are internationally equated to tobacco products.

Why do many people choose electronic devices? Sometimes it may seem that this is really the simplest and most harmless way that humanity could come up with. But it’s worth remembering the consequences of an electronic cigarette, because everything is good in moderation.

When vaping, a person finds himself outside the zone of control: he can do it in public places, smoke a huge number of times a day, however and wherever he wants. And almost everyone does this, because there will be no harm! But further we will prove to you that abuse of the device can lead to very serious consequences.

Consequences of an electronic cigarette

An important place in the popularity of these devices belongs to the huge variety of tastes. People who might never start smoking try electronic devices and can no longer deny themselves, because there are so many flavors to smoke! How can you not try all this? And then “favorites” will appear that you will always indulge in.

To summarize the article, I would like to say that the profits of global companies are built on millions of broken or maimed lives. Advertising will always convince us that everything is “cool”, but we must think and remember the risks. The consequences of an electronic cigarette can be very serious, and you will not be able to present anything to the manufacturers, because all the information about the dangers of vaping is in the media, and no one forced you to purchase cigarettes by force.

We should immediately partially debunk the myth that electronic cigarettes emit combustion products into the environment. As a result of the lack of combustion in a cigarette, it is not smoke that is released, but steam. The latter is less harmful to others. How much? Let's figure it out.

It is enough to find out about the composition of the liquid that is used for cigarettes - glycerin, propylene glycol and various flavoring agents. The most harmless of all the named components are propylene glycol and glycerin. The former is converted into lactic acid in the human body. This component is widely used in cosmetics and is approved in all countries of the world. Glycerin, in addition to being used in cosmetics, can also be found in food products.

However, when transformed into a pair, these components cannot have a positive result, but quite the opposite. Therefore, it is worth talking about the dangers of steam both for the steamer and for others.

There is not much to say about nicotine. There is no way to justify him. Nicotine is pure evil, and the word “harmless” is definitely inappropriate here. It is addictive and has a detrimental effect on the body.

Harm from e-cigarette vapor for the vaper

Even if you use “self-mixing” for an electronic cigarette, do not think that this substance will be less harmful. The presence of nicotine and other additives in liquid is not a reason to hear “thank you” from your body. Therefore, it is better to give up cigarette products altogether. Remember, if smoking causes addiction, then electronic cigarettes support it!

In addition, it also happens that the cigarette battery overheats. Consequently, the liquid in the device heats up above normal and its harm to the body of the steamer and those around him increases significantly. Moreover, overheating can cause a cigarette to explode.

Now let's look at the harm and impact of electronic cigarettes on the body in detail. All symptoms and negative effects are confirmed by scientists conducting relevant research. See for yourself.

  • Lungs. Have you heard about popcorn lung disease? It is this disease that haunts vipers (those who smoke electronic cigarettes). Another name for the disease is obliterating bronchitis, caused by a component such as diacetyl. A study of diacetyl was conducted at Harvard University and revealed its far-reaching adverse effects on the lungs.
  • Central nervous system . The functions of the nervous system, or rather the cause of disturbances in its functioning in the regulation of internal organs, are affected by nicotine, which is found in the e-cigarette liquid. It has a particularly harmful effect on the autonomic nervous system. This often leads to cardiovascular system disorders and digestive problems, even among those who prefer vaping to regular cigarettes. The reason for this is regular poisoning of the body with nicotine.
  • Liver. Let us remember that nicotine metabolism is carried out by liver cells. After going through this process, the harmful substance is converted into cotonine, which is very harmful to health. Due to the fact that our body receives another dose of harmful substances from a bad environment during the day, the liver works for wear and tear. In turn, overloads lead to disruption of the parenchymal tissue.

It should also be recalled that nicotine contains a strong acid, which causes irreparable damage to the liver vessels. As a result, circulatory disorders and sclerosis may occur. Nicotine harms the liver, lungs and nervous system!

Harm from e-cigarette vapor to others

Device lovers should remember that vape is also harmful to the health of others. Despite the fact that steam does not contain carbon monoxide and carcinogenic substances that are contained in the smoke of a regular cigarette, there is harm to steam from electronic cigarettes with other components.

During evaporation, the nicotine, glycerin, propylene glycol, and flavorings contained in the liquid are not completely absorbed by the viper and most of the components dissolve in the air. Therefore, people who are near the vaporizer unwittingly become participants in the whole process. It is not surprising that these are for others, and especially for children and pregnant women.

  • For children. A growing child's body reacts worse to nicotine. After all, many organs are not yet fully developed. Therefore, you should think carefully before you start using a cigarette, even an electronic one, with children. In addition, smoking is not the best example of a healthy lifestyle for a child. Read more...
  • For pregnant. Even a small amount of nicotine negatively affects the formation and development of the fetus in the womb. A smoking mother risks causing diseases such as asthma, autism, and mental disorders in the child.

To avoid harm to pregnant women and children, you should not smoke in their presence. Remember that smoking not only kills you, but also those around you. Vaping of electronic cigarettes is also accompanied by the release of harmful substances in the vapor. This could be not only nicotine, but also other substances that the manufacturer simply kept silent about.

Do not forget that if, instead of smoke, an e-cigarette produces odorless steam or is completely invisible, this is not a clear sign that the steam is not poisoning the air with toxic substances. Therefore, a passive vaper may become addicted. If you smoke such cigarettes indoors, nicotine vapor will certainly settle on walls, windows and other surfaces, and this is no longer safe for others.

So, is it steam or smoke?

As we have already said, there is no combustion in an electronic cigarette, so there is no need to talk about smoke. It would be more common and correct to say that the result of the process of smoking this device is steam. From this vapor you can get a hit in the throat at any time during the process of using an electronic cigarette. It is produced by inhaled hot steam. The result of a strong blow is a cough.

In e-cigarettes, voltage is a factor in the amount of vapor produced. Therefore, the higher the voltage, the larger and hotter the steam, and hence the blow.

A strong blow to the throat can occur if the steam is not held in the mouth, but inhaled immediately with the lungs. Smokers often do this. It is not surprising that the results of such influences are various diseases.

What do doctors and WHO say about e-cigarettes?

Modern doctors and employees are actively studying the harm caused by e-cigarette vapors on the human body. Regular research is being conducted all over the world, and there is still no unanimous answer. And will it happen when the forecasts and results are not at all consoling?!

What exactly do medical scientists study? The effect of steam on the human body. The problem is compounded by the fact that there are more than 400 brands and more than 7 thousand unique scents on the market today, which makes conducting research and accounting for them a complex process.

One of the leading researchers in this field, Maciej Goniewicz, discovered that vapor contains significantly less carcinogens and toxic substances than regular cigarettes. Although he made it clear that despite the fact that propylene glycol and glycerin are generally considered safe, no one can say that they are safe if you inhale them daily for a long period of time.

Professor and Doctor of Medical Sciences G.M. Sakharova recalls that electronic cigarettes contain nicotine, and nicotine has the ability to have a negative impact on health and cause cancer, but also damages DNA, and this is a hint of pathology in future offspring. In addition, the substances contained in the cigarette are synthesized when heated, formaldehyde and other carbonyls. In other words, they are carcinogens. Therefore, there is no need to talk about the safety of electronic cigarettes.

Remember that medical nicotine is the same nicotine, but used for medical purposes. It is as dangerous to health as the nicotine we know. Therefore, do not be fooled by the purchase, or rather by its name.



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