Standards for issuing PPE. Standards for issuing personal protective equipment by profession Standards for issuing workwear by profession

Standards for issuing workwear - 2016 by profession

What are the standard standards for issuing workwear - 2016 by profession?

For workers employed in harmful and dangerous working conditions, standard standards for the issuance of workwear - 2016 by profession are established taking into account the order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 9, 2014 No. 997n. Currently, the list of professions for which protective equipment is required includes 195 items.

At the same time, you can establish your own standard standards for issuing workwear - 2016 by profession, if they improve the protection of workers compared to the standard ones. In this case, the procedure for issuing workwear must be enshrined in the company’s local documents (clause 6 of the Rules, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated June 1, 2009 No. 290n, art., Labor Code of the Russian Federation). For example, in employment contracts. If this is your case, then you need to check each of them. If there are conditions in the contracts that do not comply with current requirements, changes will need to be made to these clauses. To do this, it is necessary to draw up additional agreements to the contracts.

But the most convenient way is to draw up one common document for everyone and familiarize employees with it. For example, this could be a provision on the issuance of protective equipment or a provision on labor protection. You can call the document that - the procedure for issuing protective clothing. After all, it is easier to make changes to one such document than to draw up additional agreements for each employment contract every time the legislation changes. In the internal procedure for issuing workwear, please consider the following.

List of professions. The list of professions and positions subject to mandatory issuance of protective equipment has expanded significantly in the past year. Until May 28, it included only 94 items, after this date - 195. For example, cashiers-controllers appeared on the list - they are required to wear a suit to protect them from contamination and gloves. Or waiters, for whom a suit and apron are provided. Therefore, check to see if there are workers on the list to whom the company has not previously provided special clothing. Then you need to review the local list in force in the company.

If a company uses standard standards for issuing workwear - 2016 by profession from Order No. 997n, then it does not matter whether it conducted a special assessment of workplaces. But its results are necessary if you have approved increased standards. Otherwise, there is a risk that tax authorities will consider the costs of additional workwear to be unjustified (letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 25, 2014 No. 03-03-06/1/59763).

Double standards. According to the rules, a company can immediately issue an employee two sets of personal protective equipment with double the wearing period (clause 5 of Order No. 997n of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 9, 2014). This way, things will wear out more slowly, and employees will look neater. For example, an elevator operator is entitled to one protective suit and 6 pairs of gloves per year. This means that he can be given two suits and 12 pairs of gloves at once for two years.

Until May 28, there were no such provisions in the standard regulations. Of course, the employer could establish such a procedure in internal documents. But then this would be considered increased standards for issuing protective equipment. And without a special assessment report, writing off the costs of a second set of clothes would be problematic. Now such problems should no longer exist.

In addition, it is now possible to issue additional protective equipment to workers combining professions. Such employees are additionally issued special clothing provided for the combined profession (clause 4 of the Notes, approved by Order No. 997n). For example, a maid is required to wear a robe or suit and gloves. And if she also cleans the area on the street, then the employee must be given another suit, an apron, rubber boots and gloves.

Additional protection. According to the rules, in the spring and summer, workers are additionally provided with protective equipment against mosquitoes and ticks, including a set of repellents - ointments, emulsions and other repellents. This applies to all professions and positions named in the standard standards, even if employees work in an office (clause 7 of the Notes to the Model Standards, approved by Order No. 997n). If there is no position in the norms, for example an accountant, then ointment and other protection are not issued.

Separate protective measures are provided for workers working in explosive and fire hazardous conditions. Regardless of their specific profession, they are given special clothing made from fabrics and special protective materials, and a so-called self-rescuer - a gas mask-type device (clause 8 of the Notes to the Model Standards, approved by Order No. 997n).

How to register standards for issuing workwear - 2016 by profession in company documents

Check the documents that specify the procedure for issuing protective clothing and protective equipment, as well as all papers that contain references to such standards. For example, orders and, of course, personal clothing registration cards. If your personal cards contain references to outdated standards, you need to close these cards and issue new ones.

Please note: companies that issue workwear to employees usually have established procedures and standards for issuing them on a yearly basis. In order not to redo such an order every year, write down only the date from which it will take effect. Instead of the names of the employees, list their positions. This way, even if someone leaves or a new one comes, the order will not need to be changed. And you won’t get confused when you write off income tax expenses. A sample order is given below.

What does a company face if the rules for issuing workwear are violated?

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation requires the issuance of workwear. If it is violated, the company can be fined up to 50,000 rubles. (Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

In addition, administrative liability is provided for the failure to issue protective equipment that belongs to the second risk class in accordance with the Technical Regulations approved by decision of the Customs Union Commission dated December 9, 2011 No. 878. These are, say, shoes to protect against punctures and cuts, safety helmets or welder's glasses. The fines in this case will be (part 4 of article 5.27.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation):
— from 130,000 to 150,000 rubles. — for organizations;

— from 20,000 to 30,000 rubles. - for a company manager or entrepreneur.

Failure to provide employees with protective equipment when necessary may result in them stopping work. And the employer will be required to pay for downtime (

Workers in certain professions, when performing their professional duties, expose their lives and health to negative factors. To minimize and/or eliminate them, personal protective equipment (PPE) is successfully used in world practice. Let's consider what PPE is, as well as what standard standards exist for issuing workwear in 2017 by profession.

What are personal protective equipment?

PPE are protective elements that protect a person from exposure to poisonous and toxic substances, infection, injury, falls, and in practical life they are presented in the form of protective clothing, shoes, gloves, belts, respirators and gas masks, goggles and masks.

In addition to protection from actual exposure to negative factors, PPE allows its owners to prevent the occurrence of occupational diseases.

Legal framework regulating the basic standards for issuing PPE

What regulatory documents stipulate the requirement to provide personnel with personal protective equipment? First of all, this is the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, namely Art. 221 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This document discloses the requirement for mandatory and free issuance of PPE. In this case, the issuance concerns only funds that have undergone mandatory certification and declaration. The procedure for providing workers with protective equipment, that is, the actual actions of the employer, in accordance with the standard standards for issuing PPE, is prescribed in Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 290n dated 01.06.09. As for the standards for issuing personal protective equipment, this information is disclosed in Order of the Ministry of Labor No. 997n from 09.12.14

Standard industry standards for issuing PPE

Organizations, in order to determine which protective equipment and in what volume should be provided free of charge to personnel, in their activities should be guided by Order of the Ministry of Labor No. 997n dated 12/09/14 (hereinafter referred to as Order No. 997n), which established standard industry standards for free issuing special clothing. This document reveals the standards for issuing PPE in 2017 by profession.

The rules can be structuredly presented in the form of fourteen sections, each of which provides information on standard standards for issuing PPE:

  1. The first section defines:
    1. list and industry standards for issuing workwear for a number of professions in all sectors of the economy;
    2. standards for issuing PPE in the form of warm clothing and shoes, depending on the climate zone in which the company operates;
    3. providing personnel with clothing that provides increased visibility.
  2. The second - Fourteenth sections serve to reflect the standards for issuing PPE for professions in basic sectors of the national economy, such as agriculture, chemical industry, metallurgy, mechanical engineering, energy, construction, trade and others. The full list can be found in Order No. 997n.

Thus, in accordance with paragraph 53 of the standard standards for the issuance of personal protective equipment, the cashier must have a suit for protection against pollution and polymer gloves, the fitter must have a suit for protection against pollution, gloves with polymer and dot coating, and safety glasses. You can download the full standard standards for issuing PPE below.

In addition to the document that established what means of protection should be provided to employees of each profession, in 2009 the above-mentioned Order No. 290n dated 06/01/09 was approved, which outlined the basic rules that should guide Russian employers. Let's consider some provisions of this document:

  • every employer with any legal status must not only provide staff with protective equipment, but also monitor their mandatory use;
  • all personal protective equipment used must be certified and declared, and all documentation confirming this fact must be available;
  • the employer must organize a record of the protective equipment used in the company. This can be done in practice both in paper and electronic format;
  • all PPE issued to employees must be appropriate for gender, age, size, and the nature of the duties performed;
  • personnel must be instructed on the rules for using personal protective equipment;
  • If the employee does not have protective equipment or is not ready for use, it is prohibited to begin performing professional duties.

Thus, the standards for issuing workwear in 2017 by profession are concentrated in Order No. 997n.

Standards for issuing workwear 2016 by profession are designed to protect workers from harmful working conditions and guarantee safe work.

Chapter 34 “Occupational Safety and Health Requirements” of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation contains all the standards that guarantee the employee safe working conditions and protect him from harmful influences in the workplace. But the standards by which the employer determines what protective equipment (clothing, special footwear) and in what quantity must be issued are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation and the relevant departments.

We will analyze the current standards for the issuance of special protective equipment, and also find out for which categories of employers such standards are mandatory.

In what case must the employer provide the employee with protection?

The need for protective equipment arises when harmful or dangerous conditions are present in the workplace. For example, high temperature, increased noise or pollution. This is revealed during special job evaluations.

This is where the employer needs to know standards for issuing workwear in 2016 by profession, in order to provide the employee with special protection. Moreover, the employer must do this at his own expense (Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

At the same time, labor legislation requires compliance with certain standards according to which clothing or shoes must be issued to the employee (Article 221 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). This norm is mandatory for all employers who use hired labor; there are no exceptions (Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated June 1, 2009 No. 290n).

What are the standards for issuing special protections are in effect now

The Russian Ministry of Labor approved the Appendix “Standard standards for issuing workwear in 2016 by profession"(order dated December 9, 2014 No. 997n). This appendix contains a table that indicates for each profession what protective equipment should be provided to the employee.

Please note that in your company, there will probably be an employee who needs to be given a special product. protection, for example, a suit from general pollution. Such protective clothing is needed by the driver, the watchman, and the cleaner. Here are the standards for the most common professions:


Type of protective equipment

Issue rate (piece/pair)

Driver (depending on the type of transport)

(either dot coated or rubber)

Loader driver

Suit for protection against general industrial pollution and mechanical impacts

Polymer coated gloves

Personal respiratory protection equipment, filtering or insulating

before wear

Janitor (room cleaner)

Suit for protection against general industrial pollution and mechanical impacts

Apron made of polymer materials with bib

Rubber boots with protective toe cap

Polymer coated gloves

Dispatcher; merchandiser;

Suit for protection against general industrial pollution and mechanical impacts

Bathrobe for protection against general industrial pollution and mechanical influences

Polymer coated gloves

Suit for protection against general industrial pollution and mechanical impacts

Polymer coated gloves

What else accountants standardize in 2016

To keep records correctly, the accountant normalizes other indicators. Read more about:

  • Fuel consumption standards for 2016: Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, latest edition
  • What is the standard rate for hospitality expenses in 2016?
  • Depreciation rate for fixed assets in 2016

Standards for issuing PPE by profession (order 1104n)
The standards for issuing PPE by profession establish a list of protective equipment that must be issued when performing work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, in special temperature conditions or associated with pollution.
According to Article No. 221 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer must provide personal protective equipment to its employees working in dangerous and (or) harmful working conditions. Issued PPE must be certified or have a declaration of conformity, and issuance must be carried out strictly in accordance with the established Model Standards.
First of all, the general rules for providing personnel with protective equipment are regulated by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated June 1, 2009 No. 290n “On approval of Intersectoral Rules for Providing Workers with Special Clothing, Special Footwear and Other Personal Protective Equipment.” Inter-industry standards for the issuance of PPE prescribe the procedure for allocating, using and storing protective equipment to employees.
Important! In accordance with Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 201n dated April 29, 2016, starting from 2017, it is possible to reimburse the costs of purchasing personal protective equipment for employees from the Social Insurance Fund at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund only if they were produced on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Standard standards for issuing PPE 2017 by profession - order 997n
Order of the Ministry of Labor dated December 9, 2014 No. 997n approved the standards of personal protective equipment for workers in cross-cutting professions and positions of all types of economic activities who are employed in the following works:
- with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions;
- in special temperature conditions or associated with pollution.
The document contains standards for the provision of protective equipment for 195 professions.
This document was adopted in 2014, but is also valid in 2018, and employers should follow it. In addition, standard standards for issuing PPE 2018 by profession are approved by regulations by type of economic activity.

End-to-end standards for issuing workwear - order 997n
What are cross-cutting standards, and who is covered by the requirements of intersectoral rules for the provision of PPE?
Cross-cutting professions are professions found in various sectors of the economy. According to Intersectoral Rules No. 290n, when compiling a list of workers who are subject to provision of protective equipment, the employer should first of all refer to industry standards, since they take into account the specifics of a particular production. If the employee’s specialty is not specified in industry standards, Order No. 997n should be followed.
Thus, paragraph 79 of the Standard Standards for the Issue of PPE should be applied when determining the types and quantities of protective equipment issued to the operator of washing machines, but only if the enterprise is not, for example, one of the railway or motor transport enterprises for which the standards approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia apply dated June 22, 2009 No. 357n.

Industry standards for issuing PPE by profession
Let's look at examples of industry standards and standards for specific professions.
Order No. 1104n The Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated December 14, 2010 establishes standards for the free distribution of personal protective equipment to workers in mechanical engineering and metalworking industries engaged in work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions.
Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated October 3, 2008 No. 543n approved standards for providing protective equipment to housing and communal services workers whose work activities contain harmful or dangerous factors.

Standards for issuing PPE in construction
The standards for issuing personal protective equipment in the construction industry are regulated by two regulations.
Firstly, this is the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated July 16, 2007 No. 477, which is used for construction, construction, installation and repair work. The second document is Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated December 7, 2010 No. 1077n. It should be used to ensure the safety of personnel involved in the construction of subways, tunnels and other underground structures for special purposes.

PPE for welders - standard standards
Standards for the provision of protective equipment for this profession can be found in various industry documents, for example:
- Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated November 1, 2013 No. 652n - for the mining and metallurgical industry;
- Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated December 9, 2009 No. 970n - for the oil industry;
- Standards for the professions of gas welder, electric gas welder and electric welder are also presented in the Standards for issuing PPE for cross-cutting professions 997n.

Standards for issuing PPE for slingers
What safety equipment should be issued to slingers can be found in Order No. 477 of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated July 16, 2007, which defines the relevant rules for the construction industry, as well as in the PPE Standards for general professions 997n.

Industry standard standards for PPE adopted in 2017
1. On March 9, 2017, the “Model standards for the free issuance of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment to employees of pulp and paper, hydrolysis, timber chemical and wood processing industries engaged in work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, and also performed under special temperature conditions or associated with pollution", approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2016 No. 665n.
New standards for the issuance of personal protective equipment in 2018 cancel Appendix No. 6 to the Standard Industry Standards for the free issuance of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment to workers for woodworking production and Appendix No. 6 of the Model Standards for the issuance for pulp and paper, hydrolysis and forest chemical industries.
Important! If a position or profession is indicated in the canceled documents, but there are no such positions in the new Standards, the employer should be guided by Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of December 9, 2014 N 997n.
2. On June 19, 2017, Order of the Ministry of Labor No. 507n approved standard standards for the free distribution of protective equipment to workers in the aviation industry. Changes in the standards for issuing PPE should be the basis for:
- Unscheduled briefing on labor protection - in accordance with clause 2.1.6 (paragraph two) of the “Procedure for training and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations”, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Ministry of Education of Russia on January 13, 2003 No. 1/29.
- Unscheduled special assessment of working conditions - on the basis of clause 5 of part 1 of Article 17 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On special assessment of working conditions”, approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 28, 2013 No. 426-FZ. An unscheduled special safety assessment must be carried out at those workplaces where changes have occurred in the list of means used, within 6 months after the Standards enter into force.
The organization has the right to establish its own standards for the free issuance of PPE to employees, which improve the situation of employees compared to the Standard Standards.

Attention! The Ministry of Labor is developing new rules for providing workers with personal protective equipment. According to the Ministry of Labor, instead of standard standards, employers will need to use a methodology based on assessing production risks. In addition, the sectoral division of PPE standards for the same professions will be abolished. The new rules will be approved no earlier than the end of 2018. There will be a transition period during which employers will be able to choose which standards to use - new or old.



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