Alternative treatments for cancer. Alternative Cancer Therapies

The desire to use all possible and impossible, scientific and non-scientific ways in the fight against cancer is very understandable. Serious emotional stress, difficult treatment, in some cases the feeling that there is nothing to lose - all this pushes patients and their relatives to alternative medicine. It is closer and more understandable, it is often “natural”, its authors promise a quick and painless cure, they explain the nature of the disease and how to deal with it with their fingers, while doctors use abstruse terms and are not able to tell what caused cancer. But can alternative medicine really replace chemotherapy? What is behind the miraculous healing stories? And when do "natural" methods really help?

How is alternative medicine different from conventional medicine?

To fight cancer, science-based medicine offers three main types of treatment: chemotherapy. radiation therapy and surgery. It has been proven that these methods can achieve a cure in more than half of the cases. Over time, new (targeted) drugs appear that do not cause the side effects that usually occur with chemotherapy. But many patients are not satisfied with these methods and try to use other means. Sometimes in addition to the main method of treatment (this medicine is called complementary medicine), sometimes instead of it (alternative medicine). Complementary medicine is often officially used in hospitals. These are massage, acupuncture, reflexology, yoga, etc. With its help, you can improve the general condition of the patient, get rid of nausea, pain, anxiety, and more.

Alternative medicine involves getting rid of cancer through a variety of means: from hunger to taking kerosene inside. You can often hear stories of how friends of acquaintances were cured of cancer in this way. Many media outlets also like to talk about cases of cure without the participation of doctors. But how much is true in this?

Modern medicine is based on evidence. In order for a drug to be actively used in medicine, it must undergo an independent examination and study on thousands of patients. The stories of patients on the forums in this case are not enough. But it is on them that one has to rely when choosing a method of treatment. alternative drugs. There are also people who claim to have recovered due to some technique and now sell their books and give interviews. There are a lot of them around the world, but when they start to check, it turns out that they did not have cancer, or the cancer has not gone anywhere and over time it kills the patient.

Alternative medicine is medicine that has not been proven to be effective. If she had proved it, then these methods would have passed into official medicine. This happened more than once. For example, aspirin was first obtained from willow bark, and the antitumor drug "Taxol" - from the bark and needles of the Pacific yew. Medicines for various kinds cancer is sought among traditional medicine, and if something is found, then it is sure to be used, but already in a purified form and a strict dosage. The fact is that plants were not formed in order to heal people, so many of the substances that they contain are needed, in particular, to protect against insects, that is, they are toxic. In addition, from plant to plant, the dosage of a certain substance, for example, in one leaf, varies, so it is not known how much and what a person actually receives.

Supporters alternative medicine they like to talk about conspiracy theories, that there is a cure for all types of cancer, it is simple and natural, but mercenary pharmaceutical companies forbid talking about it. These statements do not stand up to scrutiny.

Among the employees of pharmaceutical companies, researchers studying cancer, among their relatives, there are people dying of cancer. Nobel laureate Ralph Steinman, who was involved in the development of drugs for cancer, did not live to see the award due to pancreatic cancer.

All cancers are very different from each other. Even one breast cancer has four different subtypes. And by definition, there can be no single medicine that would kill any cancer cells, a panacea.

What does science say?

Since medical science is interested in alternative methods of cancer treatment, many studies have been carried out with a variety of results. In some cases, we can say with confidence that this method of treatment will only hurt, but sometimes medical science is not so categorical.

Hydrogen peroxide in cancer treatment

In the early 20th century, an American physician suggested that all cancers were caused by a toxin that could be eliminated with oxygen. It turned out that oncological diseases are not caused by a toxin, moreover, cancer is a set of various diseases: different in structure, origin, etc.

Later it became clear that cancer cells need less oxygen than other cells in the body. However, studies have found that an environment containing a lot of oxygen does not affect the life of cancer cells in any way.

However, some people still claim that the oxygen in hydrogen peroxide helps the body fight cancer by boosting the immune system and promoting the production of antioxidants. At the same time, when official organizations begin to investigate cases of cure with hydrogen peroxide, it turns out that no one can provide evidence of their case (supposedly cured patients continue to get sick, flatly refuse to talk about their history, disappear, die or have no confirmed oncological disease in the past ).

Deaths have been recorded from ingestion of hydrogen peroxide. A concentrated solution is especially dangerous, which can cause vomiting, serious burns of the pharynx and stomach, bleeding in the stomach and intestines. Inhaling hydrogen peroxide fumes can also lead to breathing difficulties. But the most dangerous is injections of hydrogen peroxide. With this introduction, healthy cells are damaged, and bubbles can form in the bloodstream, which can provoke, for example, gangrene or blindness.
In other words, hydrogen peroxide is a good disinfectant and nothing more.

Cancer treatment with baking soda

People who promote the baking soda treatment for cancer claim that the tumor is the result of an infection caused by the yeast-like fungus Candida albicans, and baking soda can kill it. This approach is especially actively promoted by the Italian doctor Tullio Simoncini. By the way, his medical license was revoked, he was also convicted of fraud and wrongful death.

Science does not confirm the theory of the fungal nature of cancer: fungi or yeast are not found in tumor biopsies under a microscope. However, after chemotherapy, when secondary immunodeficiency, the development of a fungal infection is possible, but already against the background of an oncological disease.

However, if the cancer was caused by Candida albicans, baking soda would not work - there are other drugs with proven effectiveness for treating yeast and fungal infections.
Anyone who plans to drink soda needs to understand that it is simply not safe. Yes, sometimes use a large number soda does not cause any negative effects. But in some cases, a change in the pH of the blood and subsequent alkalosis is possible - a violation of the acid-base balance in the body, which leads to a deterioration in the functioning of the heart and convulsions.

Oncology and starvation

The idea behind fasting is that it helps detoxify the body. The idea is this: too many toxins and toxins accumulate in our body, which contribute to the growth of the tumor. To bring them out and heal, you need to starve. It is also suggested that the tumor can be "starved to death". The theory of "toxins and toxins" does not find confirmation in science, especially since people who actively promote this idea usually cannot name specific substances that have such negative influence on the body.

Fasting is different. In some cases, a person drinks only juices, sometimes he does not use anything at all, even water. Fasting can cause headaches, fatigue, low blood pressure, etc. In the future, problems can develop into damage to the liver, kidneys and other organs. The tumor, meanwhile, will only grow. Dry fasting rather quickly (within a few days) leads the body weakened by the disease to dehydration and subsequent death.


Beaver stream is a substance secreted from the glands of river beavers. It can be added as a flavoring agent to some foods (eg drinks, sweets). People who sell beaver stream as a medicine insist that it kills bacteria, fungi, improves the immune system, and thus helps treat cancer. However, there is no scientific evidence for this - studies have found that castoreum It has only weak antibacterial activity.

Treatment of cancer with kerosene

In Russia, kerosene is very popular as a treatment for cancer. For the human body, kerosene is a poison. And before it kills the tumor, which is no more susceptible to it than the cells of the body, the person will die. Before that, the patient will be poisoned. Kerosene also affects nervous system(causing irritability, constant agitation, convulsions, headache), and on digestive tract(causing pain, burns, bleeding), and on the cardiovascular system (dramatically reducing pressure). Unlike kerosene, at least chemotherapy is more targeted to cancer cells, causing far fewer side effects.

Graviola (guanabana)

Information is quite actively spreading on social networks that the miracle fruit guanabana cures cancer. In fact, graviola extract has only shown an effect on cell cultures of some cancers. According to statistics, with this result, only a third of the drugs will show their effectiveness and safety in further animal and human studies. And the prognosis for graviola cannot be called optimistic, since patients who used it have repeatedly recorded neurological problems(including hallucinations), and regular use can have a toxic effect on the liver and kidneys.

There are also many other, less popular in Russia, methods and drugs that allegedly fight cancer. Roughly speaking, they can be divided into two groups.

1. There is no evidence of effectiveness

Shark cartilage (in fact, sharks do not have any unique protection against cancer - they also suffer from cancer. Studies have not shown any effectiveness of shark cartilage, but adverse reactions may be - vomiting, hepatitis, constipation);
- Gerson therapy (effectiveness not proven);
- macrobiotic diet (effectiveness not proven);
- green tea (efficacy has not been proven, may enhance the effect of paclitaxel and worsen the effect of bortezomib, side effects - vomiting, insomnia, diarrhea);
- coenzyme Q10 (ineffectiveness has been proven in studies);
- thymus extract (there is strong evidence of inefficiency);
- shiitake mushroom extract (efficiency not proven);
- vitamin C (application high doses failed in studies, may interact with bortezomib);
- modified citrus pectin (effectiveness not proven);
- fish oil (does not even affect the symptoms of the disease);
- homeopathy (effectiveness has not been proven);
- low-carbohydrate diet (of course, a lot of sugar in the diet is not good, since a person quickly becomes satiated, not having time to eat enough fats, proteins, vitamins, trace elements, etc., however, a low-carbohydrate diet has not been proven to affect the effect of cancer treatment);
- antioxidants (according to studies, vitamins A, C, E, beta-carotene, selenium even increase mortality in certain cancers, radiation therapy and the parallel intake of vitamin E and beta-carotene increase mortality from head and neck cancer);
- curcumin (apparently, it is not absorbed, but is excreted from the body naturally, but in theory it can interact with a variety of chemotherapy drugs);
- Essiac herbal tea (effectiveness not proven, may interact with chemotherapy).

2. There are conflicting data regarding effectiveness

This category includes:
- mistletoe extract in studies on cell cultures and animals shows a good effect. Although studies in humans give conflicting results. There are also data on the toxicity of the extract to the liver and the likelihood of developing anaphylactic shock;
- St. John's wort extract (hypericin) probably works if injected into the tumor and photoactivated. It might work for squamous cell carcinoma, bladder cancer. pancreas and prostate. But arbitrarily taking St. John's Wort along with chemotherapy is a very bad idea, since it interacts with almost all such drugs and can cause unwanted effects;
- Chinese herb astragalus, according to its sellers, increases immunity. Some studies have shown that astragalus in chemotherapy improves a person's condition and response to treatment, but interacts with cyclophosphamide.

3. Drugs and methods that help manage symptoms

This category includes:
- a diet high in fruits and vegetables seems to improve general well-being cancer patients;
- melatonin may help alleviate the condition in terminally ill patients;
- Acupuncture seems to treat nausea, but there are some doubts about the impartiality of the people who did the research. As for the analgesic effect, the data are contradictory. But dry mouth with head and neck cancer most likely really disappears with acupuncture;
- hypnotherapy helps to control pain, nausea and vomiting (the latter requires more convincing evidence than is now), and may also be useful to reduce children's fear of procedures;
- cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy helps to improve the quality of life of patients with cancer;
- Meditation, breathing exercises, massage, music therapy, art therapy, yoga, qigong and reflexology are used to reduce symptoms (pain, nausea, fatigue) and improve quality of life. Studies show that these methods help in some cases, although the effect may be unstable;
- five-leaf ginseng and guarana, according to some reports, reduce fatigue in cancer patients;
- moderate physical activity in a number of studies has shown its effect on reducing mortality in breast cancer, prostate cancer and colorectal cancer. However, it is better for the doctor to select a program based on the patient's condition and the latest recommendations from the world medical community.


If you decide to resort to alternative medicine- take various extracts, drink herbal teas or even injecting hydrogen peroxide, don't be afraid to tell your doctor about it. Of course, the doctor cannot support you in this decision, but he must find out how the drug you choose interacts with what he gives you. Some herbs can speed up or, conversely, block the absorption of a chemotherapy drug, due to which it will not affect the disease as planned. The use of certain herbal remedies prior to chemotherapy may impair the response of cells to pharmacological agents. Your doctor should be aware of the nutritional supplements and medications you are taking in order to monitor your treatment.

What you need to know when making a choice in favor of medicine that is not based on science?

  1. Pay attention to the words of the advertisement. Red flags indicating outright deception and reliance on gullible patients are words like "miraculous cure", "secret ingredient", "quick and effective cure for cancer", "no side effects", "ancient medicine" (yes, it could used for thousands of years, but people then actively died until the scientific approach began to be applied), “treats all types of cancer”, “natural remedy” (substances contained in plants may well kill people - remember at least fly agaric).
  2. Don't believe success stories. Personal stories of beating cancer with a miraculous cure or method, told in forums, vendor websites, in advertisements, mean nothing. They may well be voiced by people who are simply paid. Those who used these methods and could not overcome the disease will not write about anything.
  3. Try to use preparations containing one part of the plant. Usually leaves, roots and flowers contain different substances, which can cause unpredictable interactions. For the same reason, you should not take drugs containing many ingredients.
  4. Pay attention to the manufacturer. If it is in China and Russian words are misspelled on the package, then it is better to avoid taking such a drug. The company that produces medicine or nutritional supplement, should have a good reputation, in case of side effects, it should be possible to contact its representatives. Otherwise there is big risk encounter a company that is not responsible for its products: does not control dosages, does not monitor the purity of production (as a result of which the drug may be infected with bacteria), can confuse the plants that form the basis of the product, can really mix effective drugs in a small dosage.

RAK - an alternative way

from other sources:
- 1 table spoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon (1 month, 3 times a day)
- Momordica - Chinese bitter melon (Bitter melon) - eaten raw)
- green tea

Budwig diet:

Dr. Joanna Budwig. She discovered the "Formula of Life" was one of Europe's leading biochemists in the field of research cancer.
She was born in 1908 and died at the age of 95.
For outstanding discoveries in the treatment of cancer, she was nominated seven times for the Nobel Prize ...
Half a century ago, on November 2, 1959, at her lecture in Zurich, Budwig said:
“Free of fatty acids, enzymes that ensure the absorption of oxygen in respiratory system, do not function.
A person begins to suffocate even in the air enriched with oxygen. Fatty acid deficiency undermines vital functions organism."
Budwig noted that the use of low-fat and processed oils / fats in food leads to serious diseases.
And since all food is now artificially fat-free, it poses a threat to both children and adults. Dr. Budwig spent several years studying the blood of cancer patients in depth.
As a result of research, she found that patients in the blood always have a low content of phospholipids and lipoproteins. Also, along with reduced content hemoglobin in the blood, she found unusual yellow-green inclusions.
Another discovery was that in the blood healthy people the level of fatty acids, class Omega3, is much higher than in patients.
According to the results of the research, she began to experimentally select a diet for the treatment of the disease. In the end, she settled on a mixture of cottage cheese (cottage cheese) and organic linseed oil.
Flaxseed oil, more than others, contains omega-3 fatty acids, is easily digestible and does not cause allergies. Cottage cheese also contains a high level of sulfoproteins. Budwig found that this combination of cottage cheese and flaxseed oil made the latter water-soluble, i.e. easier to digest by the body.
The use of only one linseed oil is harmless, but useless. Butter must be mixed with cottage cheese.
To her amazement, Budwig found that after only three months of using her diet, cancer patients improved. Tumors are reduced, strength returns to the sick, and there are no more yellow-green particles in the blood.
The level of phospholipids and lipoproteins returns to normal, the level of hemoglobin returns to normal.
It was possible to save even patients from whom the doctors simply refused.
After many tests, she found the optimal composition - two tablespoons of organic (cold pressed) linseed oil, mix thoroughly with 100-150g. cottage cheese until smooth, once a day.
In 1990, oncologist Dr. Roehm has stated that this diet is the most successful anti-cancer diet in the world. The use of the "Budwig Protocol", as it was later called, in the diet has proven its therapeutic value in the prevention and treatment of cancer, myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis, liver dysfunction, treatment peptic ulcer, arthritis, skin eczema, age-related degradation diseases and autoimmune diseases.
Budwig in his research revealed the harmfulness of the use of "bad" fats for health, in particular, widely used methods of hydrogenation (for example, the production of margarine, very hazardous product for people at risk of cancer).

Budwig's scientific views and ideas throughout her life were attacked, and then agreed by default, by official medicine, connected by mutual interests with the pharmacological and food industries.
As Cliff Beckwith, a former patient of Budwig who was under her supervision for prostate cancer for 10 years, recalled, about 1000 successful stories of cancer cures were documented.
But the pharmacological and oncological industry ignored all the achievements of Budwig. In addition, her scientific findings could deal a serious blow to Food Industry in the production of fats.
Budwig considered unacceptable the use of any refined types of oils, the so-called artificial fats (margarine, mayonnaise), obtained as a result of hydrogenation or partial hydrogenation. All these fats are rejected by the body, the heart muscle, leading to various violations including at the cellular level. In a number of bad fats, Budwig included widely used for cooking confectionery unsaturated fats.
According to her, hydrocarbons containing natural sugar: apples, figs, pears, grapes. It is not allowed to use refined sugar in all forms, pasta, white bread, fatty meats, fried and canned foods.
Almost everyone to save normal health daily consumption of at least 100 grams of cottage cheese with 5 grams of linseed oil was recommended.
According to the Budwig diet, breakfast could include honey mixed in a blender with organic cold-pressed flax oil (such oil should only be kept in the refrigerator), a small amount of fresh fresh milk, (a scarce product in the modern urban environment) and fresh granular cottage cheese.
The addition of nuts (with the exception of peanuts) and a small amount of fresh seasonal fruit was allowed. It should be noted that Joanna Budwig in cases of severe illness used a mixture of 42 grams of linseed oil (3 tablespoons) per 100 grams of fresh cottage cheese.
In normal daily practice use of this combination of products as preventive measure less flaxseed oil is used per large quantity cottage cheese.

Hershey (Canada)


Method 1. Homeopathy

Despite the fact that in Russia homeopathy is considered a pseudoscience, some patients trust it with their health. Homeopathic medicines do not have a clear dosage, unlike medicines, and find out the exact amount active substance in them is impossible. This means that the patient is taking drugs blindly. In this case, taking homeopathy is tantamount to taking a placebo.

Method 2. Cytokine therapy

No matter how strange it may sound, medicine also has its own fashion trends. Cytokine therapy is one of them. This is one type of immunotherapy, in which drugs are injected into the patient's body that stimulate the production of certain substances by immune cells. These substances, in turn, can affect immune system in general and enhance the effect of immune cells on cancer cells. Do not confuse this technique with traditional immunotherapy, in which administered drugs teach immune cells deal with illness on their own.

All traditional methods treatments are based on rigorous clinical research. Their members were carefully selected to receive the most accurate results. Cytokine therapy is not supported by such studies, it is based on in vitro experiments (in vitro). In the course of numerous experiments, it was found that there is a substance that "kills" the tumor, it was called the Tumor Necrosis Factor. High hopes were placed on him as universal remedy from cancer, but it turned out that TNF does not have the desired effect on tumors.

Method 3. Psychological adaptation

There is a theory according to which psychological problems lead to the appearance of tumors. The reason can be anything: childhood trauma, complicated relationship in the family, a crisis at work. To solve them, serious work with a psychologist is necessary. It is impossible to prove the effectiveness of this technique, but the need to consult a cancer patient with a specialist is beyond doubt.

Method 4. Diet and healthy lifestyle

“You are what you eat,” said Hippocrates. He was convinced that human diseases- the result of a violation of nutrition, habits and lifestyle of a person. This aphorism is still relevant today. Patients believe that special diets and a healthy lifestyle will protect them from cancer and help them cope with it. There is no evidence for this either, although changing certain eating habits may protect against the development of cancer, and after removal of the tumor, reduce the risk of recurrence.

If the patient decides to use any of the alternative methods of treating the disease, he must inform the oncologist about this. The specialist will take this into account and will be able to adjust the treatment program and draw the right conclusions about the patient's health status.

How to be treated?

As opposed to alternative methods, there are traditional ones. These include surgical removal of the tumor, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. In most cases, the choice of technique depends on the results histological examination which must be done for each patient. The main way to fight cancer is surgery, most often the operation is done in the early stages of the disease. The doctor may recommend using more than one method, but several at the same time, for example, removal of the tumor and chemotherapy, and an integrated approach is also possible, in which all 3 methods are used.

Chemotherapy may be given before or after surgery, depending on the patient's condition. Currently, targeted therapy (from the word "target" - goal) is being actively developed and used in practice, for which additional research tumors, and in accordance with the results of these studies, the most appropriate drugs are selected. Another type of chemotherapy, immunotherapy, is also used to treat cancer. Do not confuse this type of treatment with cytokine therapy, which was mentioned above.

Unfortunately, no one is protected from such a serious disease as cancer. This thought should be accepted as early as possible in order to take the necessary steps. Even a person with perfect health needs to be regularly examined by specialists, listen to his body. Now there are many clinics, methods and technologies for cancer treatment, but not everyone can afford to use them. One of the ways to protect yourself and loved ones from financial losses in case of illness is cancer insurance. This is a special program that allows you to use the services of domestic and foreign specialists. In Russia, several companies offer cancer insurance policies, you can evaluate and compare the conditions on the website

Thank you for the advice of the oncologist-chemotherapist of the Medscan clinic, consultant of the Onkostrakhovanie company Dmitry Olkin.

For 27 years, 6713 people who were looking for unconventional methods cancer treatment. Of these, 4537 received positive results - 67%.

Treatment of oncology with folk remedies

Usually this phrase is used to mean that these are the most diverse methods of treatment, often completely inadequate, the effectiveness and safety of which have not been proven by the scientific method. Well, it seems that such a treatment is from the realm of fantasy at best, and this can be put an end to. But, unfortunately, with common malignant tumors, there are generally no effective, safe, painless, or proven ways to save cancer patients.

What can oncologists offer in such a situation? Prescribe an inhibitor of tumor growth. Somewhat later, palliative care in a hospice, facilitating and stretching the process of dying over time. Meanwhile, there are quite reliable folk methods cancer treatment. One of them is .

Non-traditional cancer treatment - the real effectiveness is higher than that of chemotherapy

Professor at the University of Pennsylvania

American oncologist-bioethicist I. Emanuel believes that the real effectiveness of experimental and alternative treatment malignant tumors varies from 11 to 27% (average efficiency is 22%).

It is concluded that patients with stage 4 cancer should have greater access to information about alternative treatment programs, and, accordingly, they and their relatives should have the right to know what their real chances are with this or that treatment strategy. In addition, the search for a way out means the continuation of the fight against the disease. And if a person does not give up, then he maintains a higher level of quality of life.

Alternative opinions are rarely listened to

Professor of Clinical Microbiology, University of Western Australia

Marshall and Warren in the 1980s published a hypothesis in The Lancet that the Helicobacter pylori (HP) bacterium causes ulcers and. Barry Marshall wrote: “We have been ridiculed in the medical and scientific communities. Nobody believed us. But although everyone was against me, I knew that I was right.” And they really turned out to be right. In 2005, Marshall and Warren were awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine "for their work on the influence of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori on the occurrence of gastritis and gastric and duodenal ulcers."

So, today it is unequivocally established that Helicobacter pylori (HP) is the cause of the development of two types of malignant tumors of the stomach:

  • Stomach lymphomas low degree of malignancy (malt-lymphoma, from MALT - mucosal-associatedlymphoidtissue)
  • Cancer of the stomach (adenocarcinoma of the stomach). Experts from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) at the World Health Organization ranked Helicobacter pylori as a class 1 carcinogen, which means that HP infection is unconditionally linked to the occurrence of stomach cancer. More than 30 types of Helicobacter pylori are already known, among them there are “calm” and aggressive ones that produce toxins. But both of them control the human immune system, and the body cannot get rid of them on its own.

Why don't all people with Helicobacter pylori develop stomach cancer?

In 2013, we were able to respond to extremely important question: "Why does Helicobacter cause disease not in all infected people?" Half of the world's inhabitants are infected with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. However, only 10 percent of all infected people inflammation develops, leading to the development of peptic ulcer and cancer.

Professor of Microbiology and Toxicology

Scientists from the University of California, led by Karen Ottmann, were able to establish that other types of bacteria that live in the human stomach are competitors to H. pylori, and the microflora of the stomach determines whether the disease will develop or not.

Many doctors, like two hundred years ago, are absolutely sure that the human stomach is practically sterile, but in fact it is inhabited by many bacteria that determine the risks of developing cancer. Moreover, there is research evidence that the presence of Helicobacter pylori in the stomach may be beneficial, for example, to protect against esophageal cancer and even asthma. If we understand which microflora of the stomach reduces the risk of developing the disease, it will be possible to predict which of the infected patients will develop it and treat them in advance for infection, or artificially populate the stomach with optimal bacteria.

The discovery of Professor Ottmann will undoubtedly significantly change the strategies for fighting the disease and the treatment of cancer will be highly effective and alternative to the existing foundations of oncology today.

Inexpensive Antibacterial Therapy Against Chemotherapy for Gastric Cancer

Recently, German scientists from the Heinrich Heine University of Düsseldorf managed to collect data in the course of observational studies, which indicate that in 60-93% of patients with localized well-differentiated B-lymphoma of the stomach, when conducting simple and inexpensive antibiotic therapy aimed at eliminating the infection H. pylori, there is a cure for a malignant tumor, that is, such a simple therapy allows you to abandon the expensive and dangerous specialized antitumor treatment, including radical surgery, radiation or chemotherapy.

Difficult to challenge cancer pharma companies

I would like to draw Special attention extremely important achievement Barry Marshall, he managed to counter the inhumane strategy of pharmaceutical campaigns with evidence that deadly diseases Can . By curing the infection within 1-2 weeks with simple antibacterial drugs, a person is protected from stomach cancer or escapes from lymphoma. Pharmaceutical companies, on the other hand, lobby for the use of extremely expensive drugs and demonize any. Although their drugs do not act on the cause of the disease, and therefore force patients to undergo lifelong.

An important discovery about the true nature of cancer

The orthodox in oncology suggests that cancer is the result of random genetic mutations. However, Paul Davies and Charles Lineweaver believe that the appearance of cancer is caused by a set of genes that was transmitted to humans from the most ancient ancestors and which is responsible for the mechanisms of cell specialization and is switched on in the early embryonic stages of the development of the organism. This set, or associated complex of genes, when exposed to chemicals, radiation or inflammatory processes turns on and in adulthood work incorrectly.

Several research groups around the world provide evidence that there are many similarities between gene expression in a tumor and in an embryo, and this once again strengthens the theory of Davis and Linweaver. Davis emphasizes that a radical new look is needed on the nature of cancer and especially on.

Modern cancer treatment is increasingly losing ground

The modern specialized treatment of oncological patients is based on surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.

The growth of knowledge in the field of cellular and molecular biology significantly advances us in understanding the nature and mechanisms of malignant transformation and tumor growth, which, in turn, increases the number of critical remarks about standard methods treatment of oncological diseases and is increasingly paying attention to.

Important discoveries you need to know

  • First, cancer stem cells have been discovered, biological properties which differ significantly from the properties of the cells of the bulk of the tumor.
  • Secondly, the heterogeneity of tumor cells was revealed. In the fight against the immune system of the tumor host and in the process of overcoming medical attacks on cancer, new variants of tumor cells are selected (selection), which become more and more aggressive and resistant. Heterogeneity is one of the most important factors due to which the community tumor cells able to adapt to the most unfavorable environmental conditions and survive in a living organism - a tumor carrier. New variations of champion cells are constantly emerging. These variants can interact with each other, helping the tumor resist anything that can hinder its growth. There is a so-called tumor evolution.
  • Thirdly, the mechanisms of chemo- and radioresistance, which allow tumor cells to be invulnerable to the arsenal of antitumor agents and effects, have been disclosed. The phenomenon of cross chemo- and radioresistance has been discovered and studied.

Removal of the primary tumor often causes rapid growth of metastases

Sometimes the removal of the primary tumor and surgical trauma even lead to accelerated growth of metastases. This is due to the well-known phenomenon of suppression of the growth of metastatic foci by the primary tumor. And accordingly, when the primary tumor focus is removed, the effect of inhibition is removed and the growth of distant metastases is accelerated. In such patients, the main cause of subsequent mortality is the growth of tumor metastases, which often affect several vital organs.

Radiation therapy for cancer keeps the most dangerous cancer cells alive

Associate Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology

Radiation therapy for breast cancer kills about half of the tumor cells, but the surviving breast cancer cells turn into more aggressive and dangerous cancer stem cells that are much more resistant to treatment. Moreover, these radiation-induced cancer stem cells showed a more than 30-fold increase in the ability to metastasize compared to non-irradiated breast cancer cells before irradiation. This latest study raises the question of whether radiotherapy is appropriate for cancer.

Radiation therapy cannot save a sick person if there are multiple distant metastases or the tumor grows, for example, into the walls large vessels. Moreover, some tumors are initially radioresistance - increased resistance to radiation. This feature is characteristic of tumors. salivary glands, stomach and colon cancer, and skin melanoma. To damage such a tumor sufficiently would require unacceptable damage to the surrounding normal tissue.

Recently, American scientists discovered that the wavelength of X-ray radiation used for transforms tumor cells into much more dangerous cancer stem cells.

Chemotherapy can reduce the size of the tumor, but as it turned out - it does not matter

Previously, it was believed that all tumor cells are fast-growing, but now the most important discovery has been made that the tumor also has slowly dividing stem cells, which, due to their characteristics, . And if in the process of therapy it is possible to achieve a significant reduction in the size of the tumor, for example, ten times, from ten centimeters to one, then this was previously perceived as a great success.

But now it is clear that the size of the tumor is not as important as the ability of cancer stem cells to survive therapy. If the stem cells survive, the tumor will immediately begin to grow again. With each course of chemotherapy, the tumor becomes more and more resistant to treatment, and the patient's health is more and more destroyed. It is possible that due to bad general condition the patient, chemotherapy is not possible, and the tumor continues to progress. In the treatment of, for example, or adenocarcinoma of the pancreas, chemotherapy practically does not give cases of a pronounced positive result.

Chemotherapy only works on the weakest cancer cells.

American scientists from the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in the journal Science published an explanation that chemotherapy primarily acts on dying cancer cells (on the verge of self-destruction), little affecting viable tumor cells. In other words, cancer cells that are on the verge of apoptosis are more sensitive to chemotherapy than others.

"We found a high degree of correlation between cancer cells that were in most predisposed to suicide, and the cells that are most responsive to chemotherapy," said study senior author Anthony Letai. "Many chemotherapy drugs work by damaging cancer cell structures, particularly DNA and microtubules," explains Letai.

No one has been able to prove that chemotherapy is more effective than no treatment at all.

Heidelberg Cancer Research Center (Germany)

Ulrich Abel discovered one of the hidden secrets in oncology. There has never been a study that can prove that as a result of chemotherapy, patients have a better chance of survival. All trials compared only the effectiveness of new toxic drugs, in comparison with existing ones.

A detailed review of the effectiveness of modern chemotherapy

Modern oncology is in the deepest crisis. Chemotherapy is the main method of treatment in oncology, and for advanced tumors it is often the only possible one. Hide minimum clinical efficacy toxic therapy to save cancer patients is no longer possible. In turn, they receive a new impetus for development and deeper research.

Three renowned Australian oncology professors have published in the journal Clinical oncology» the results of their research based on the analysis official documents treatment of adult cancer patients in Australia (72,964) and in the United States (154,971) who received chemotherapy.

  • Graeme W. Morgan, Professor, Division of Radiation Oncology, North Sydney Cancer Center, Royal Hospital
  • Robin Ward, Professor, Principal of the Prince of Wales Clinical School, UNSW, director of the Adult Cancer Treatment Program at the Lowy Cancer Research Center
  • Michael Barton, Professor of Radiation Oncology at the University of New South Wales, Scientific Director of the United Cancer Research and Evaluation of Research Outcomes (CCORE) and the Ingham Institute for Applied Medical Research at Liverpool Hospital

It was concluded that the overall contribution of curative and adjuvant cytotoxic chemotherapy to 5-year survival of adult cancer patients is 2.3% in Australia and 2.1% in the USA. The authors question how it is possible that chemotherapy, which is so insignificantly effective for the survival of patients, can be combined with an increase in cost and successful sale hundreds of billions of dollars worth of chemotherapy drugs?

The effectiveness of chemotherapy in a 5-year survival rate tends to zero in cancer of the pancreas, ovaries, bladder, prostate, kidney, stomach, as well as in soft tissue sarcoma, melanoma, brain tumors, and widespread myeloma.

Shocking discovery about treatments for prostate cancer in 2012

University of Minnesota Professor of Medicine, Coordinating Editor, VA Cochrane Collaborative Review Group for Prostatic Diseases & Urologic Malignancies

Moreover, there is generally no confidence in the correctness of the chosen treatment strategies in modern oncology. One of latest research that shocked oncologists at the 27th Congress of the European Association of Urology (Paris, 2012), began in 1993 under the leadership of Timothy Wilt. It was attended by 731 patients, patients whose health status was monitored for 12 years. We compared the condition of patients with prostate cancer who underwent removal of the prostate, and those who refused the operation, taking a wait-and-see attitude.

It was found that the survival of those who underwent surgery turned out to be 3% higher, while it is possible that the 3% difference is generally a “possible error”. And in the case of slow-growing prostate cancer, the treatment can be much more harmful than it is. oncological disease. Side effects associated with surgery and radiation exposure to the prostate include urinary incontinence, impotence, and severe bowel dysfunction. Treatment reduces the quality of life of patients and incurs serious socio-economic costs. Wilt's research was confirmed in Britain. It has been found that often surgical operations do not improve the survival statistics of patients with prostate cancer. Thousands of patients are undergoing painful operations, but at the same time there is practically no benefit from them.

The main slogan of oncologists "The sooner a tumor is found, the greater the chance of success" questioned

A National Cancer Institute report on oncology presented results that were unexpected and shocked the medical community. The report was compiled by a working group, which included renowned oncologists from leading research institutes US cancer.

  • Brian Reid, Professor of the Department of Genetics
  • Ian M. Thonpson, Professor, urologist and oncologist
  • Laura J. Esserman, professor of surgery and radiology

In oncology, there is a postulate according to which it is necessary to detect a tumor as early as possible and immediately begin treatment. However, the early diagnosis of cancer led to unexpected consequences. There were fundamental shortcomings in the concept of "early diagnosis", since the diagnostic methods used in oncology cannot reliably assess the degree of potential malignancy of tumor cells. The very important conclusion was that misdiagnosis of cancer is one of the main causes of the cancer epidemic in the United States.

Millions of people are exposed to extremely dangerous and costly treatments using the standard set of cancer care - surgery, radiation and chemotherapy, and in fact they do not need such an intervention. Moreover, the complex specialized treatment itself provokes the development of cancer at the site of a potentially life-threatening neoplasm. As a result active treatment a formidable malignant tumor is formed, in some cases killing the patient.

Millions of women wrongly treated for breast cancer

Attention is drawn to rather benign changes in the mammary gland - ductal carcinoma in situ (ductalcarcinomainsitu, DCIS), which would probably never cause any health problems. However, in millions of women, DCIS has been mistreated as breast cancer. Similarly, men with high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (HGPIN) were treated in the same way as cancer of this organ. The working group proposed that DCIS and HGPIN be removed from the list of cancers altogether.

Early detection of a tumor can be disastrous.

Sayer Ji claims that "Even in the case of early detection of a tumor, the use of a specialized cancer treatment leads to an increase in the initially small subpopulation of cancer stem cells within these tumors, and makes the tumor more aggressive and malignant."

Few people remember, but back in 2000 in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Irwin D. Bross wrote:

“On the contrary, according to the results of “early recognition”, there is a sad increase in the treatment of breast cancer. Notice, treatments, but not for breast cancer! The reason is that mammography detects the initial stage of cancer (Ductalcarcinoma-in-situ, DCIS). diagnosis of DCIS, then, as a rule, the detected node is removed operational way, and the chest is irradiated. Sometimes the entire breast is amputated, and the patient undergoes chemotherapy. However, 80% of all early stage cancers (DCIS) never spread further, even if they weren't treated at all! In addition, the percentage of false-positive cancer tests is significant."

This publication did not pass without a trace for the authors. Outraged doctors and experts from the National Cancer Institute (USA) punished Dr. Bross and colleagues for their discovery. Scientists were excluded from the successful national breast cancer research program, financial support was denied for their mathematical research in the field of oncology, and everything was done to ensure that this discovery was not published anywhere.

Breast tumors can go away without treatment

report working group The National Cancer Institute was also preceded by the publication of unique and unexpected results obtained in the collection of statistics on breast cancer at the Norwegian Institute of Health, which were confirmed in a number of studies by colleagues from the United States. The study was conducted by Per Henrik Zahl, Jan Ullevan and Gilbert Welch. Comparing the data x-rays mammograms (mammograms) in women over a six-year period, physicians noted that in a number of cases, visualized changes in breast tissue that could be regarded as a malignant tumor disappeared over time without any treatment. On later mammograms of these women, it was impossible to find even traces of cancer. For the first time, an assumption was made that the disappearance of malignant tumors without a trace can occur, and quite often.

Is screening for early cancer detection worth it?

An expert comparison was made of two large groups (more than 100,000) of women aged 50 to 64 years during two consecutive six-year periods of examination of their breasts.

Existing Methods treatments in modern oncology are extremely primitive, far-fetched and practically ineffective for suppressing the growth of the most common metastatic malignant tumors from which people most often die. For many years, oncologists had a very convenient move. They always said with some regret to the sick: "Well, why did you come to us so late, so if you were constantly examined, followed our recommendations for the early diagnosis of cancer, then everything would be fine". Good option shifting the blame for the inefficiency of an entire branch of medicine on the patients, isn't it? And what is becoming clear now? For example, for early detection breast cancer oncologists say that it is necessary to undergo regular mammograms. And Canadian scientists led by Anthony Miller took and analyzed observations of the state of the mammary glands in 90,000 women aged 45-60 years for as long as 25 years. It turned out that the death rates from breast cancer among women who regularly underwent mammography, and women who did not undergo it at all, were the same!

So, even the early detection of a tumor guarantees absolutely nothing to the patient, and in relation to breast cancer does not give any additional hope for salvation. At the same time, every year the treatment becomes more and more expensive, reaching hundreds of thousands and even millions of dollars for an attempt to save one patient.

This money is spent, among other things, on maintaining the myth of high technology, science intensity and efficiency of modern medical services in oncology. Cancer patients are also faced with the backtracked tactic of pharmaceutical giants to offer continuous, lifelong intake of expensive drugs, in this case chemotherapy drugs that do not act on the cause of the disease (until the patient dies).

So why is there a problem with alternative cancer treatments at all?

The answer is quite simple - the failure of traditional medicine in the treatment of metastatic tumors. However, there are. Not relying blindly on doctors and thinking with your own head is what you should always start any treatment with.

Treatment of cancer with folk remedies and methods - the best choice This is cancer immunotherapy. is a natural anti-cancer center of bee therapy. For 27 years we have been trying to help people with everything. Learn more about, see

Who works with cancer patients so that cancer is not so common and becomes not so overwhelming and scary. But the reality is that there is an urgent need for accurate information, reliable information, and even more relevant for those who want its treatment and prevention. In this article, my goal is to present information about integrative cancer prevention and treatment in a practical and in a useful way so you can make informed decisions based on your specific circumstances and comfort level. You have a choice.

Many researchers believe that the best way to treat cancer is using a multidimensional approach, many of which are mentioned in this article. Don't underestimate the power of lifestyle changes and proper nutrition they have been proven to be key factors in the treatment of cancer and many other diseases.

Accurate Information Is Power Against Cancer

There are many options to get accurate and reliable information. Studies show that "informed patients showed significantly higher levels of hope than those who were not informed." Unfortunately, trying to get the right information can be difficult and frustrating. Integrative Oncology, (the term is now used to describe complementary and alternative medicine in the treatment of cancer) can be described as the responsible blending of applicable traditional, complementary and alternative therapies with appropriate conventional medical tools. Integrative oncology uses the body's own capabilities to heal itself. An integrative approach will support our own patients in protecting and alleviating the side effects of conventional cancer treatments.

Cancer Healing - Mind - Body - Spirit is the approach

There is clear and abundant scientific evidence on the safety and efficacy of diet and lifestyle, on the use of nutrients and herbs for use in cancer prevention and treatment. People heal each other simple ways through listening, acceptance, caring and understanding.

Some cancer survivors have some success with cancer treatment:

Embracing positive and negative emotions with love and non-judgment so we can enjoy the journey no matter where we are on the journey.

Enhance the quality of life—physically, mentally, and spiritually—by connecting mind, body, and spirit in order to grow and find peace. We all spend a certain amount of time on this earth, our goal should be love, peace, love and harmony with the people around us.

Cancer healing success comes in the form of fulfillment, personalization, contentment and grace that cannot be measured by any human instrument. Regardless of the physical outcome, these measures of success are rooted in the heart and soul.

Cancer patients and their loved ones are fighting a multi-dimensional battle against the cancer mammoth. We understand the vast majority of issues are those that accompany cancer. The key to success in the fight against cancer is to get as much information as possible from as many sources as possible.

Traditional cancer treatments

Every person diagnosed with cancer deserves everything. possible methods treatments available to him - paid and free. Most successful approach in the fight against cancer is the prevention of cancer.

There are five major classes of cancer chemotherapy drugs.

alkylating agents. They bind to DNA in cancer cells, preventing the DNA from dividing.

Antimetabolites. They replace the nutrients needed for DNA synthesis with inactive substances, thereby preventing cell division.

Antitumor Antibiotics. They create energize free radicals oxygen, which prevent DNA from dividing and can cause DNA breaks and ultimately cancer cell death.

Hormonal preparations. Block the activity of the hormone in the cell to stop the growth of cancer and signaling pathways.

plant alkaloids. They mix with the architecture inside the cell, thereby preventing cells from dividing.

Chemotherapy drugs for cancer are so toxic that other drugs are used to offset their side effects. Keep in mind that chemotherapy agents do their job not only on cancer cells, but also on healthy cells. Chemotherapy drugs may be combined with one or more other drugs for a synergistic effect or create a different side effect profile. These chemotherapy cocktails may be well tolerated with minimal side effects, or they may be difficult to tolerate and produce significant side effects. Patients receiving chemotherapy may feel much worse during treatment than with cancer.

It is becoming increasingly common for cancer patients to receive targeted drugs with their polychemotherapy. Unlike older chemotherapy drugs, targeted drugs act on specific structures and activities that are more prominent in cancer cells. The goal of targeted drugs is to promote the death of tumor cells with less impact on healthy cells. Some patients feel better during chemotherapy because their tumor lesion gives a reduction, which then reduces some of the symptoms associated with cancer, such as fatigue, loss of appetite, and weight loss. Chemotherapy at low doses over a long period of time is just as effective tool for the patient than one large dose. However, side effects usually happen.

Screening and detection of cancer and its cells

The more we know about cancer, the more more options his treatment and, ultimately, his control in the form of decisions. In most cases, cancer takes years or even decades to develop into a tumor that can be detected with conventional diagnostic tests. Early cancer detection improves survival and improves quality of life. If you have a family history of cancer screening, it can be an important tool to improve your chances of success. If you smoke, quitting may be the single most important thing you can do to prevent some forms of cancer and also prevent coronary artery disease. If you drink alcohol, reducing your alcohol intake can greatly reduce your chances of getting certain types of cancer, such as liver cancer.

Ten ways to prevent cancer and improve your health

Eat more fruits and fresh vegetables, at least five servings a day.

Exercise for at least thirty minutes, four times a week, and then increase as much as you can.

Get enough sleep, for most people, at least eight hours every night.

Practice some form of stress reduction such as yoga, meditation.

Eat organic supplements whenever possible. An organic supplement is highly recommended.

Drink more water (preferably purified), and green tea. Green tea contains chemical substances that help fight cancer.

Avoid or reduce your intake of alcohol, sodium, and also fat. Quit smoking.

Avoid or reduce exposure to toxins.

Love yourself and the people around you.

Communicate clearly, openly and honestly.

The power of food in the fight against cancer

The type of food eaten big influence on health, as well as its quantity, and sometimes more. Indeed, most of the undernourishment in the world can be attributed to unhealthy foods or “empty calories”. It may seem strange, many obese people are actually significantly malnourished. Food has the power of both harm and the ability to heal. Some foods contain important nutrients that help keep your body healthy and perform at peak capacity. A healthy diet will give you the fuel you need to keep your body healthy and prevent disease, including cancer.

Cancer-fighting products include:

Tomatoes contain the powerful antioxidant lycopene, which supports a strong immune system.

Whole grains contain ligans, which have a positive effect on hormonal activity.

Citrus fruits contain flavonoids that boost immunity.

Soy contains sterols, which may reduce the growth of some cancer cells.

Broccoli contains sulforaphane and other compounds that help stimulate detoxification and immunity.

Cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts contain indole-3-carbinol, which has been shown to have anticancer properties.

The skin of an apple contains phenolic compounds that help prevent unhealthy cells from dividing and spreading. The old saying "an apple a day drives the doctor away" has some real truth to it.

cabbage is high content vitamins A and C, and fiber, which are ideal nutrients to help prevent cancer.

Garlic contains several key ingredients that inhibit cancer cell activity and help with detoxification.

Alternative Cancer Therapies

Alternative Methods cancer treatment are already widely used and the society believes in them. Studies have shown that 36% of the population uses some form of alternative therapy to stay healthy and treat illnesses. People believe in these treatments because they get results. From the perspective of cancer patients, people using alternative therapies such as the use of organic foods and natural supplements have had an improved sense of well-being. A recent study of women with cancer found that they often use alternative treatments to reduce psychological stress, physical symptoms of cancer and side effects than traditional treatments. Research conducted by scientists at the University of Manchester in England has shown that the use of herbal preparations in cancer patients, increases recovery by three times after diagnosis.

The domains or categories of cancer therapy are:

Bioactive drugs in practice - with an emphasis on the use of herbs, nutritional supplements and food products.

Mind-body medicine that includes support groups, prayer and meditation.

Manipulative methods based on approaches such as massage, manual therapy and the like.

Energy medicine such as Qigong, Reiki, and the use of magnets.

Alternative medical systems, integrated systems of theory and practice.

Alternative Treatments for Cancer Treatment

Some believe that the only way to cure cancer is to use an integrated, multifaceted approach. Cancer- This complex disease and treatment success is enhanced by supporting all aspects of the patient's health and well-being. Never stop any medication or procedure without first discussing your options with your doctor.

Acupuncture is a type of traditional medicine that originated in China over 5,000 years ago. The premise of acupuncture is that health depends on balance vital energy called qi (pronounced "Chi"), which runs along 12 major pathways in the body called meridians, and that these pathways are connected to the major organs. Research has shown that acupuncture can relieve pain and help restore health.

biological Feedback: using electronic devices, biofeedback monitors certain bodily processes such as breathing, heartbeat, blood pressure and transmit this information to a person to help him learn to consciously influence these systems. Biofeedback can help relieve headaches, control asthma attacks, and repair injured muscles. For cancer, biofeedback can help reduce stress and anxiety and relieve pain associated with or from cancer. cancer treatment.

constitutional medicine A: Healing with this system begins with determining a person's constitution - their strengths, vulnerabilities, metabolic status, or predisposition to certain conditions. Examples of constitutional medicine include Ayuverda, traditional Chinese medicine and Tibetan medicine. The focus of constitutional medicine is helping a person to achieve and maintain a balance in accordance with his constitutional type. In these systems, inner harmony in physical, emotional and spiritual health is paramount.

Creation: many pioneering researchers confirm that creative endeavors help enhance the positive mind-body connection. In addition, creativity is believed to stimulate immune system activity and help reduce the harmful effects of stress. Creative activities that can promote physical and emotional health include art, music, and writing (especially magazines).

Detoxification: the body has systems working together to break down and eliminate harmful substances, a process called detoxification. Detoxification therapy helps the body to eliminate or neutralize toxins. Some practitioners believe that detoxification has a significant impact on health and disease.” The process of detoxification through special cleansing diets, as well as water and juice quickly, is the missing link in rejuvenating the body and preventing such chronic diseases like cancer, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, diabetes and obesity,” says Elson Haas, MD, director of the Marin Medical Prevention Center. Detoxification methods include special diets, fasting, colon treatment, liver congestion, therapy, high doses of vitamin C, and hyperthermia.

Diet and nutrition: the use of diet and nutrition to prevent and treat disease should be cornerstone any plan. The healing power of food is confirmed by numerous scientific research and there is no doubt that some products can heal. tipping the scales in favor healing products nutrition and a plan to promote healthy nutrition, diet and nutritional therapy.

Heat treatment: also known as hyperthermia, thermotherapy artificially raises body temperature to help relieve infection, inflammation, or other illnesses. An increase in body temperature stimulates the release of pyrogens (from bacteria), which in turn mobilize immune cells. In addition, localized hyperthermia treatment can be used to increase circulation of blood and lymph fluid to specific areas without causing a change in core temperature.

Botanical medicine or herbal medicine, throughout history has been used to promote health and help prevent or cure disease. Many pharmaceutical preparations come from medicinal herbs. And these drugs are often used for purposes that are consistent with their use in national cultures. Plants may have little or no effect, depending on the herbs used, whether they are used alone or in combination, and in what form they are used. Because the herbal medicines can have far-reaching implications, research in this area is rapidly expanding. Nutrients and herbs complement conventional methods cancer treatments, alleviate the side effects of treatments, and even aid in the treatment of cancer. Research on these substances is on the rise, and every week the media seems to offer us promising new information about how various nutrients and herbs can help prevent or cure cancer. The buyer should be aware that not everything that is shown on TV or on the Internet will necessarily come true. Inform yourself well before making any decisions regarding any products and always check with your doctor, especially if you are already receiving treatment.

Hydrotherapy: medicinal use Water in all forms goes back to the origins of civilization. Hydrotherapy can be defined as "the use of water, ice, steam, and hot and cold temperature to maintain and restore health." It is believed that hot water can stimulate the immune system and help detoxify the body by releasing water-soluble toxins with heat and cold. Cold water used therapeutically to relieve inflammation. The two contrast treatments are believed to reduce inflammation and pain and help with digestion.

Meditation: this mind is a body and a technique designed to produce a calm, relaxed state and an inert mind. Experts believe that meditation allows you to achieve greater awareness and clarity of human consciousness in currently. It can also help relieve symptoms of stress, anger, fear, anxiety, and depression. There are many ways to meditate, but most methods fall into two categories: concentration meditation and concentrations. Concentrating meditation - focuses on the breath, image or mantra in order to calm the mind. Concentration meditation, involves turning off internal dialogue mind and just getting everything that exists in the environment without judgment. When distracting thoughts, memories, experiences or images arise, the person simply becomes a witness to them without reacting to them.

Movement: aerobic and anaerobic exercises, yoga, tai chi, dance, all movements are considered as methods of treatment. Decades of research have proven that exercise is a powerful healing intervention. For health promotion and disease prevention, the benefits of exercise will be approved by all experts Medical experts say that exercise "has a documented effect on reducing all forms of disease", including high blood pressure, diabetes, osteoporosis, certain types of cancer, insomnia, and chronic pain.

Aerobic exercise consists of activities that increase heart rate and breathing rate, while anaerobic exercise focuses on strengthening the muscles. There is a lot of scientific evidence on the health benefits of yoga, which combines movement and meditation.

Naturopathic medicine: Naturopathic physicians are trained to provide health care to families and emphasize the use of natural therapies to prevent and treat acute and chronic illnesses. Naturopathic medicine is used by people as primary health care and free healthcare. In addition to basic medical sciences and conventional diagnostics, naturopathic methods include nutritional therapy, botanical medicine, homeopathy, natural childbirth, classical Chinese medicine theories, hydrotherapy, natural chiropractic, pharmacology, and other methods.

Self-talk and visualization. Can we convince ourselves of what we need to be healthy? Experts in conversation and visualization believe that these activities can affect health. Preliminary research shows that you can positively influence your health and possibly change the course of illness by giving yourself positive self-image or practicing techniques such as guiding visualization. Patients who used guided imaging tapes prior to surgery recover faster after the procedure. As we learn more about the mind-body connection, self-belief and visualization techniques are likely to become even more important to our healing process.

Additives: designed to supplement the diet and compensate for any shortcomings or stimulate certain naturally occurring processes in the body, biologically active additives consist of vitamins, minerals, herbs, herbal extracts and other nutrients. They may contain one nutrient or a combination and are sold over the counter and are considered food products. Supplement programs may be for general well-being or to support specific physiological systems such as the cardiovascular system, and the immune system. In general, manufacturers are not allowed to make claims that their products can help treat specific conditions.

After a cancer diagnosis, many people feel compelled to move away from traditional treatment alternative therapy or vice versa. If they don't get the results they expected, they may change their treatment. Ideally, a person can get the most ideal results if they use an integrative approach from the start.

Integrative Medicine It starts with prevention and continues with treatment and recovery. The Integrative Approach to Cancer Care pulls all the tools out of the toolbox—regular and free. If you chose traditional medicine, we strongly recommend that you supplement the treatment with various free strategies, including dietary changes, lifestyle changes and related habits. These strategies can help reduce or alleviate the harmful and painful side effects of traditional treatments and improve quality of life—or they can help expand it.

Changing the way we think about cancer diagnosis and treatment requires us to let go of all preconceived notions, including over-promising predictions. When we shift our focus from treatment to quality of life, we are more likely to be able to embrace a wide range of ways to cope with illness. It is an integrative view that embraces the body, mind and spirit. Always remember that you have a choice. Using integrated approach for cancer treatment, you give yourself best chance for recovery. I wish you all the best on your journey, wherever you are, to live every day with passion and no regrets, to fill your days with love and not with remorse or guilt. Better days your life may still be ahead.

Cancer is a very complex and devastating disease and therefore cancer patients need all the tools they can find to fight it in hopes of defeating it.

I hope that after reading this article, your hope will rise. I hope you find it here useful information, which will stimulate the search for more accurate and reliable information.

I encourage you to start by first focusing on lifestyle changes and proper nutrition. Only these two can significantly improve the quality of your life. Remember, you always have a choice and you have friends who will accompany you on such a journey - Live every day with love and passion!



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