To work in another city. Working in a small town: is it possible to find a good option?

Looking for a job in another city can be caused by various reasons. Some are trying to find a job due to a forced move, while others are leaving specifically to build a career. In any case, the applicant is faced with the question - what is important to know for employment and how to successfully pass an interview among many competitors?

Determining the deadlines

Employment for nonresidents raises quite a few problems for which you need to be carefully prepared. Therefore, it is necessary to start your search even before moving - monitor offers from employers and send your resume to companies of interest.

“Technologies today make it possible to conduct an initial interview with a job seeker via Skype, so you need to start looking for a job shortly before moving,” says recruitment specialist Oksana Ismailova. – A typical mistake of applicants in this case is a vague indication of the timing of the move. If your resume does not indicate a specific date when you can start work, then the likelihood of being rejected increases dramatically. If you really cannot name the date of the move with one hundred percent certainty, you need to make sure that you have the opportunity to come for an in-person interview. An employer must see a potential employee as a responsible person who can clearly plan his time.”

When writing your resume, be sure to include as accurate a date as possible when you will be ready to start work. Phrases like “I’m planning to move in the next six months” will not leave you any chance of getting a job in a serious company.

Some job seekers prefer not to think about looking for a job until they move, hoping to find a job immediately after arriving in the city. This is one of the main mistakes. Firstly, the first month will take up a lot of time with housing issues, and secondly, unforeseen difficulties may arise in the requirements of employers. And thirdly, we must not forget that if you move to a large city, and especially to the capital, you will face very high competition.

“It’s rare that out-of-town applicants manage to find a job without a preliminary search within the first month,” says Oksana Ismailova. – Sometimes there is no time left to monitor the market, and quite often difficulties arise with registration. Large companies are wary of candidates without registration, so this issue must also be considered in advance. I really don’t recommend buying a fake registration - in a serious company it will be very easy to figure it out, and your life in the new city will end there.”

Studying the labor market

An equally important issue that you need to be prepared for is supply and demand on the market in a foreign city. Very often, the same industries in different cities have their own specific characteristics, and all your past work experience gained in your region may simply be useless.

“Even just having been on business trips, it’s easy to see that the service market in different regions has many differences,” says Marketing Department Specialist Sergey Ashmarin. – Some of my colleagues left for the capital and returned back after a few months because their experience did not meet the company’s needs, although here they were excellent specialists. Therefore, it is necessary to begin studying the specifics of the market long before moving. Moreover, if possible, this should be not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical. It is necessary to establish the necessary business connections and constantly exchange information. A good option would be to undergo professional training focused on the specifics of the region.”

The information provided by the applicant in the resume will not be convincing if there are no recommendations from past jobs. When applying for a job in another city, this point is especially important, so make sure that your current employer writes a letter of recommendation for you with positive feedback.

“When considering out-of-town candidates, the employer will pay attention, first of all, to achievements in the professional field,” says Oksana Ismailova. “Therefore, the winners will be those candidates who provide letters of recommendations from past jobs. It is also important when filling out a resume to focus on professional achievements and numerical indicators, and not just list previous jobs. Indicate in detail everything that you were able to achieve, what new things you did for the company, how much you increased production or sales, whether you participated in business negotiations, what partners you were able to attract.”

If you previously worked for companies that are leaders in your region, then this should also be noted. But it’s not worth listing those places where you worked for several months and achieved nothing. A potential employer is unlikely to be happy with an employee who could not prove himself even in his own city.

After compiling your resume, you need to send it through the search channels that are most popular in the city where you plan to move.

How to pass a preliminary interview

The first interview with out-of-town candidates is most often conducted via video conference. However, this does not mean that you can take it lightly. You need to prepare for a video interview no less carefully than for a face-to-face meeting, so take care of the appropriate business appearance and carefully think through your speech.

“You don’t need to talk to a potential employer in a dressing gown and with an unkempt appearance, even if this conversation is conducted on Skype,” says Oksana Ismailova. – It is from the first interview, regardless of whether it is in person or conducted in video format, that an impression is formed about a potential employee, which will be quite difficult to change. Therefore, you need to take care of your appearance, as well as the environment that your interlocutor will see. Try to give the impression of a responsible and businesslike person. Also, be prepared for questions regarding your arrival time and the possibility of visiting the city in the next few days. The applicant must understand that when hiring a person from another city, the employer also bears considerable risks. Therefore, if you cannot clearly determine the time frame within which you are ready to start work, then the chance of finding a job is practically zero.”

To summarize: finding a job in another city is associated with considerable difficulties. Therefore, it is necessary to begin studying the labor market long before the expected move. It is especially important to pay attention to the specific features of your industry in a foreign region, correctly compose a resume, listing all your achievements, prepare a letter of recommendation and indicate the time frame within which you can start working. If these recommendations are followed, the candidate has every chance not only to be as prepared as possible for the interview, but also to choose the company that meets his expectations.

The “Great Labor Migration” of Russians began back in 2014. The sudden crisis forced some to leave the country altogether, others to go to work in more “grain-producing” regions.

Residents of Russia aged 17-21 are the most mobile group. Study and work are the most common reasons for moving, and St. Petersburg and Moscow are the favorite cities of internal migrants.

No one is surprised by the trend of “brain drain” to the capitals: here there are more opportunities to assert oneself, develop, and the salaries are corresponding. For example, as of September 2017 in Moscow - 46,700 rubles, when the average in Russia is 31,200 rubles.

However, finding a job in another city is not easy. Especially if the move is still only in the plans, and while careful exploration of the local labor market is being carried out.

What are employers afraid of?

The labor market has developed certain stereotypes and fears about nonresident job seekers. The first and most important phobia of managers is that the employee will not fit in. If you don’t like the team, the new city or the job itself, that’s all - the company loses an employee, time, money and profit.

On the other hand, a visitor is more interested in staying, because he needs to pay for rent and eat something. Therefore, it is believed that a provincial is a diligent worker.

In turn, residents of megacities are perceived as more competent and demanding candidates.

What are job seekers afraid of?

It is important to remember that searching for a job from afar may not yield results. In capital cities, competition is much higher, and while the candidate decides to move and sorts out other related issues, the employer will already find a less problematic applicant. It is better to look for work locally, having settled problems with housing.

But it is also possible to understand the desire of job seekers to protect themselves from impulsive decisions - no one wants to be left in an unfamiliar city without money and work.

A strategy will help make moving less “traumatic”. Participate in conversations on professional forums, attend conferences, engage in freelancing in your free time, ask for an expert assessment of your work - identify yourself in the professional field, and even better - make friends and colleagues in different cities.

In the future, such acquaintances will be useful when finding a job. According to surveys of managers, a review of a candidate from an already proven employee guarantees almost 100% a job offer. Employers will not miss the opportunity to get a proven and experienced employee into their team.

Main questions

The task of a candidate from another city is to convince the HR manager of the seriousness of his intentions and dispel all fears. The employer needs help making a decision; to do this, prepare answers to the following questions in advance: how the first interview will take place, is there an opportunity for a personal meeting, when can you start work, has the housing issue been resolved.

Another important question is why you decided to move. In the case of small towns, everything is clear - no work, no prospects, and so on. But often residents of fairly large cities and even Muscovites are ready to move to remote corners of Russia.

Where to begin

Prepare your resume. Indicate the place of future employment in the “City” column. For example, if you are looking for a job in Moscow, write - Moscow.

You should not indicate several cities, this reduces the attractiveness of the profile.

Typically, the first remote interview takes place over the phone or Skype. Check in advance the serviceability of the equipment and the quality of the connection to the Network. Be sure to agree on a time.

Choose a suitable interior with good light. Despite the fact that the meeting was not personal, no one canceled the dress code and norms of business conduct.

According to statistics, the average time for an employer to recall after an interview is 1 week. Some organizations take months to vet each applicant.

Stay in touch and try to provide the necessary information on time.

One day you will want to start your life, give up everything that has shackled your life: old acquaintances, dead relationships and a hated job that does not give you any prospects. You decide to take a brave step - moving to another city. He could be anywhere. Two hundred kilometers from your home, or maybe two thousand kilometers - in a completely different country. You save a little money, rent a house and are guaranteed to encounter a problem that could easily break you. The point is that you need a new job, and employers need static employees who can be relied on, not guys who "drop everything and start a new life." This is where disagreements, difficulties and refusals to provide work arise.

So, based on the experience of job seekers who started life in a new city, we decided to give you some important tips. We hope they will help you, and everything will be fine and smooth for you.

1. Plan your escape

If you're non-local, many employers will automatically assume that you're either: a) a heck of a risk taker; b) someone who approaches every job spontaneously, without any strategy. You need to break down these assumptions to present yourself in a more favorable light. But in order to break them, you must at least not correspond to them, that is, if you move to another city, then you must clearly understand why you are moving there.

You must have a realistic career plan that you can talk about at the interview. Also in your arsenal there should be facts that support this plan. Describe your professional goals in your resume. Compare “an unemployed man looking for money” to “a social media specialist who moves to St. Petersburg to improve his knowledge and skills at an innovative company.” The second statement, from the hiring manager's point of view, works better than the first, believe me.

2. Head to a new city

Before moving completely, of course.

You can request unused vacation days to visit the town where you want to look for a new job. You will get to know the local color better and understand how the city lives. It would be ideal if you schedule interviews during these days to make the most of your time.

Yes, you will have to waste precious vacation days, but this is a good opportunity to feel the ground under your feet.

3. Do your research

Many people make the terrible mistake of neglecting to do any semblance of job prospect research. The fact is that not all areas will be happy with your profession. You should always look for a city where your specialty is in demand.

The easiest way to analyze job prospects is to look at your local job fair. Also take a look at job search services (like, find out which large companies are represented in the city and what the average salary is in the region. It would be a good idea to contact recruiting agencies to use third-party resources for the search. If there are no wide opportunities, then feel free to choose another city. After all, the sooner you are, the faster you will get back on your feet, which means you will begin to live with dignity.

4. Take advantage of the technological revolution

You're at a disadvantage, so take advantage of every opportunity available to stay competitive. No matter how you feel about video chats or social media, it's time to overcome your fear and benefit from the changing environment.

Many employers will choose to limit themselves to video conferencing as a method for conducting the first round of interviews. Others will write to you on social networks, by email, or somewhere else. So register on all the popular platforms that are out there and use them as an addition to your resume. By the way, maybe your old friends live in the new city. This can be found out by graduations from universities and schools. Such acquaintances can open many doors for you in an unfamiliar city.

5. The reason for moving is important

Employers' fears are mostly true about you. It is not profitable for them to invest in a person who was dissatisfied with his situation, may feel homesick, or wants to return back, succumbing to various sentimental feelings. It is much better, from the company’s point of view, to hire locals: they have an established life in the city, and they have something to lose. How to increase your chances? Become a local, integrate into the city community, understand the essence of the new place and its features. Emphasize that you decided to stay here, you like everything, you are stable, responsible and an excellent specialist. That's when fortune will smile on you.

It doesn’t matter for what reasons you decided to move to another city - in search of a better life or because of the circumstances, first you need to take care of the financial side of the issue, namely, how much money you will use to live in a completely new and unusual place. Of course, you can solve problems as they arise and look for work after you’ve put the last things on the shelves, but it’s better to lay out the straw in advance and come to where a warm workplace awaits you.

Looking for a job in your hometown is much easier - you ask your friends, read advertisements in local newspapers, send or take your resume in person, and then wait for an interview. Finding a workplace in another city is a little more complicated, but even distance can’t stop you from finding your ideal office with the best colleagues and the perfect boss.

Doing it smart

Finding a job in another city can be divided into several main stages, which, in general, are similar to the usual “advertisement-resume-interview”, but with some reservations.

Don’t forget to join special groups on social networks, you can also find something interesting there.

1. Study the labor market the place you are moving to. Of course, you can send your resume to the first advertisement that comes across that is more or less suitable for you, but it is better to know which companies have truly proven themselves and which are just a scam company.

2. Review the advertisements carefully. Most likely, large Internet resources with thousands of vacancies will suit you, although it would be useful to visit city websites, which, as a rule, also have a “Job” section. By the way, don’t forget to join special groups on social networks, you can also find something interesting there.

3. Connect your friends. If you already know people in the city where you are moving to whom you can turn for help in finding a job, then do not miss this opportunity. Just tell the person that you would be very grateful if he informs you about any vacancy that has become available. As they say, they don’t take money for demand.

4. Submit your resume. Once suitable vacancies are found, it's time to send your resume to potential employers. Be sure to indicate in it that you are ready to move. Some companies provide housing for out-of-town employees, if this is your case and if you need it, then also note this on your resume.

A potential employer should not hear phrases like “well, I don’t know how it will work out.”

5. Online interview. If an employer responds to your resume and offers to meet in person, check if it is possible to conduct the first interview via Skype. For many recruiters, this method of interviewing applicants is not new. Be prepared to be asked about the timing of a possible move, and answer the question without hesitation. A potential employer should not hear phrases like “well, I don’t know how it will work out.” Uncertainty will only scare him away, and you most likely will not get the job. By the way, it would be useful to indicate the reasons for the move, of course, if they are not very personal.

6. Reconnaissance in force. If an interview via webcam is not enough for either you or the employer, then take a short leave from your current job and go on a “reconnaissance” trip - personally meet with a company representative, tour the office, talk with employees. Perhaps the picture on the computer monitor seemed much better than it actually was.

What not to be afraid of

1. The unknown. Of course, now you are afraid of everything new, but six months will pass, and the new will become painfully familiar and familiar. Therefore, do not overwhelm yourself in advance; the main thing is perseverance and the desire to move forward. And then you will definitely succeed.

2. Demotions. It is likely that in another city you will have to start in a lower position than you previously held. Do not think that this “downgrade” undermines your self-esteem, especially if you moved to a metropolis. Prepare yourself in advance for the fact that everything will have to start over again and this is not a reason to worry.

3. New team. In the first weeks, it will seem to you that you are not at ease - a different city, different people, and new colleagues are especially hostile towards you, you are a “stranger”. But this is a game of imagination, nothing more. You didn't come from another planet, you speak the same language and want to achieve common corporate goals together. Therefore, relax - now you are not in the camp of the enemy, but just in a new job.

When moving to another city, try not to change your usual field of activity, so as not to aggravate the stressful state in which you will definitely find yourself at first. A new place, new people - all this is already enough to feel uncomfortable. Don’t torment yourself by the fact that you suddenly have to do something completely unusual for yourself. Let at least something remain the same.

Labor market monitoring shows that more and more job seekers are going to another city in search of their dream job. When choosing between their hometown and their career, specialists are increasingly choosing their career.

When changing your job and place of residence, you need to take into account some points, as well as the pros and cons of such a change in living situation. Let's start with the fact that you can look for work in another city in different ways. In general, there are 3 search strategies:

First we look for a job - then we move

This is a scheme in which you search for work while you are employed. You start packing your bags only after an agreement with the new employer. The advantages of this strategy are:

  • There is no risk of financial collapse. You are looking for a new job while still working and getting paid, which gives you confidence.
  • For employers, working applicants are more interesting than unemployed ones.
  • You can choose until you find the vacancy you need, because you have your current job as a safety net.

First we move - then we look for work

Compared to the first strategy, this one loses in convenience and some other points:

  • Having moved to a new place, you find yourself unemployed, thereby risking losing all your financial reserves if the job search process drags on. Excessive risk is fraught with psychological tension, while it is better to look for work in a calm state, without unnecessary problems behind you.
  • The “Employer is looking for you” job search scheme is more profitable than the “You are looking for an employer” scheme. And after dismissal and relocation, you will most likely have to act according to the more aggressive second scheme, that is, first of all you are looking for a job, and not the employer is interested in you. It doesn’t matter, but it does have some impact on the employer’s perception of the applicant.

We actively use vacation

An option for those who have already found another job, but are not entirely sure of the correctness of the decision and the need to move. The trick to this method is that you use the planned or last months of maternity leave to complete the “absentia” probationary period. There is a mutual assessment of you by the employer and the employer by you, followed by a decision to move or continue the job search. The advantage of the strategy is that it is possible to avoid the mistaken dismissal of one’s own free will, the disadvantage is that you have to sacrifice your vacation.

Regardless of the chosen strategy, the search for a job should be carried out as actively as possible, using 3 main search channels:

  • Targeted appeal to the company of your dreams;
  • Active monitoring of vacancies placed by the employer himself, with subsequent submission of resumes;
  • Posting your resume on specialized employment sites.

Skype interviews, despite their growing popularity, do not exclude the need to travel to another city for an interview. Always be prepared for this, since a live interview cannot replace either a resume or Skype. But when accepting an offer from a foreign employer, inquire about possible support in finding housing, especially if your candidacy is very valuable to the company.



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