Tomsk regional oncology clinic is official. Cancer treatment at the Tomsk oncology clinic

Dispensary address: 634050, Tomsk, Lenin Ave., 115
Dispensary telephone numbers: (3822) 909-500, (3822) 515-208 (fax), (3822) 909-505 (registration), (3822) 909-509 ( paid services)
Email: [email protected]

Tomsk Regional Oncology Dispensary is a treatment and preventive institution that provides specialized medical care cancer patients in Tomsk and the Tomsk region (there are more) within the framework of the compulsory medical insurance program.

Structure of the Tomsk Oncology Center:

Outpatient department,
- Oncology department,
- Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation,
- Branch radiology diagnostics. Cabinet ,
- Radiological Department,
- Day hospital.

An initial appointment with specialists at the outpatient department of the Tomsk Regional Oncology Dispensary is carried out with a referral from a doctor at the regional clinic, insurance policy, standard list results medical examinations. Clinic specialists analyze the patient’s complaints and refer him to undergo the necessary diagnostic studies(X-ray, endoscopic, and magnetic resonance imaging, laboratory tests). Arsenal of diagnostic medical equipment Tomsk Oncology Center is constantly updated and replenished. Final diagnosis placed after cytological and histological examination tumor tissue.

The oncology department of the dispensary deals with complex treatment oncological diseases any localizations. The department's specialists use new modern techniques and technologies for patient care.

Thus, surgeons have mastered the Soring device for ultrasonic dissection, which allows for minimal invasive operations on the liver. The G11 device is actively used for cutting and sealing blood vessels, facilitating gynecological, urological, and abdominal surgical interventions. Treatment is carried out using a laser device that effectively destroys. Tomsk dispensary specialists are mastering intraoperative photodynamic therapy for the treatment of cancer.

The oncology clinic provides a wide range of paid medical services:

Reception, examination, consultation with oncologists,
- ultrasound examinations organs,
- X-ray studies organs,
- endoscopic examinations organs (bronchoscopy, gastroscopy, ),
- surgical treatment benign tumors skin (papillomas, hemangiomas, condylomas, warts, etc.),
- tumors,
- cytological and histological studies.

If cancer treatment oncology clinic Tomsk does not bring results

However, situations may arise when cancer treatment at the Tomsk oncology clinic turns out to be ineffective and the disease begins to progress. In this case, you may be advised to go abroad for treatment to one of the specialized oncology clinics.

Where can I get diagnosed and treated for cancer?

The pages of our website provide information about many medical institutions from European and other countries where diagnosis and treatment can be carried out various forms cancer. For example, these could be centers and clinics such as:

Israeli Medical Center named after Kaplan has in its structure oncology clinic, providing quality treatment almost everyone known types cancer diseases. The main specialization of the clinic is the treatment of tumors of the digestive tract.

Each person is exposed to various diseases in his life, some are cured, and some become chronic. But there are quite scary ones frequent illnesses of our time - oncological. These diseases occur individually in each person. But many species do not have them specific symptoms, which would indicate the appearance of a cancerous tumor in the body. Main and important symptom, which rarely anyone pays attention to, especially women, is a constant malaise. As a result, the disease begins to progress, and treatment may not be effective.

At what age can you get cancer?

It is necessary to monitor your health at any age. If it happens to you sudden loss weight, you quickly get tired and feel constantly weak, then you just need to see a doctor, this, of course, does not mean that you have cancer. But spend thorough examination the body simply needs it. Such an examination can be done at the Oncology Research Institute (Tomsk). The specialists of this research institute have great experience working with patients with this disease. They recommend that all women monitor their reproductive system and mammary glands. According to statistics, a malignant tumor in women can appear on the breast.

Symptoms inherent in cancer

It happens that doctors do not immediately understand that the patient has cancer; they begin to treat some disease, but to no avail. As already mentioned, a number of signs - increased fatigue, loss of body weight in a short period of time may also indicate the presence of a disease. Enlargement or thickening of any part of the body or internal organ, various bloody issues. It can also be observed constantly elevated temperature, watch lymph nodes, they may increase. And specialists from the Oncology Research Institute (Tomsk) call the main reason untimely application for help from specialists. In addition to the main ones, there are a number specific symptoms, they can be individual for each person. Unfortunately, oncology in modern world occupies one of the first places in mortality.

Research Institute of Oncology (Tomsk) on Savinykh

The Oncology Research Institute in Tomsk is located on Savinykh Street, 12/1. This clinic can be called one of the best in the territory Far East and Siberia. The main specificity of all specialists is the research and cure of cancer, as well as the development and implementation of all scientific advances in this field. Oncology Research Institute (Tomsk) conducts a number of professional areas:

  1. A thorough study of the human body, determining the main causes of oncology in order to form high-risk groups.
  2. Studying the patterns and systematization of the appearance of malignant tumors for the prevention and early detection diseases.
  3. Development of new and effective ways treatment of cancer patients using modern equipment and organ-preserving interventions.

Oncology Research Institute (Tomsk) has enough large area, thanks to which there are many research laboratories and inpatient departments. As a result, here you can immediately take a large number of sick. The Oncology Research Institute (Tomsk) has quite positive and good-natured reviews, which allows this clinic to be number one.


Diagnostics is necessary for a comprehensive and in-depth assessment of the state of the human body. Only after complex diagnostics It is possible to make a diagnosis and formulate a treatment strategy.

Radiation therapy

Radiation therapy in oncology has become sufficient effective means in the fight for human life and is widely used throughout the world. Often this technology makes it possible to completely eliminate a malignant tumor, and in severe forms illness – to prolong the patient’s life.

Radiation therapy (or radiotherapy) is a set of procedures involving exposure to various types exposure (radiation) to tissue human body for the purpose of treatment various diseases. Today, radiation therapy is used primarily to treat tumors ( malignant neoplasms). Mechanism of action this method consists of the effect of ionizing radiation (used during radiotherapy) on living cells and tissues, which causes certain changes in them.

During radiation therapy There is no direct breakdown of the cellular structure, but a change in DNA is achieved that stops cell division. The effect is aimed at breaking molecular bonds as a result of ionization and radiolysis of water. Malignant cells are distinguished by their ability to rapidly divide and are extremely active. As a result, it is these cells, as the most active ones, that are exposed to ionizing radiation, and normal cellular structures do not change.


Chemotherapy is a systemic technique aimed at combating malignant neoplasms, when the patient is prescribed special drugs who kill cancer cells.
Along with radiation therapy and surgical intervention, a course of chemotherapy is considered one of 3 effective methods treatment of malignant neoplasms. Often all these methods are combined together. If there are a lot of metastases in the body, chemotherapy is considered the most in an effective way helping the patient.

Chemotherapy treatment allows:

  • before surgery, reduce the size of the tumor;
  • destroy malignant cells remaining after surgery;
  • fight metastases;
  • improve the effectiveness of treatment;
  • prevent cancer relapses.
Chemotherapy for oncology is most often carried out in courses - introduction medicines alternate with breaks in treatment so that the body can recover after the introduction of toxins. The oncologist or chemotherapist selects the most effective scheme, based on the patient's medical history.


Oncologic surgery, also often referred to as “surgical oncology,” is one of the components of cancer treatment and aims to treat malignant tumors through surgery. The spectrum of oncological surgery is very broad, but does not have clearly defined boundaries. In most cases, oncological surgery involves the treatment of tumors and/or organ metastases chest(for example, in the lungs), gastrointestinal tract, endocrine organs, as well as in soft tissues.

Purpose medical operation for a malignant tumor is full recovery patient, i.e. removal of the tumor, excluding the possibility of its reoccurrence (relapse). Palliative surgery is aimed at excluding, mitigating and preventing symptoms from incurable cancerous tumors. The goal of cytoreductive surgery is to maximize complete removal tumor tissue and improving the initial picture for subsequent treatment procedures.

Most often, oncological surgery is part of a comprehensive concept in cancer treatment, which involves specialists malignant tumors in the field of surgery, oncology, pathology and radiation therapy, as well as the attending physician or specialist.



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs