City Clinical Hospital 40 gynecological department. Clinical oncology departments

On the territory of modern Moscow there are many municipal institutions where its residents can receive qualified medical care. In the sphere of public services, one of the most important are city hospitals, which provide free assistance to assigned Muscovites in all areas of modern medical practice. These complexes operate under the compulsory health insurance program; In many of them, however, paid receptions are also held.

In the list of the largest medical institutions in the city, one of the first places is occupied by City Clinical Hospital No. 40, located on Kasatkina Street. This hospital is also one of the oldest medical institutions in the capital - it began operating in 1898. Initially, city clinical hospital No. 40 had only 4 beds, however, it quickly expanded and already in 1941 had 200 beds. In the same year, a paramedic and midwifery school was opened on the basis of the clinic, which was later reorganized into a medical school.

Modern City Clinical Hospital No. 40 in Moscow, the official website of which is easy to find on the Internet, is a multidisciplinary health care institution with a total capacity of 1045 beds, which includes a separate clinic, a clinic and a maternity hospital. On the basis of City Clinical Hospital No. 40 in Moscow there are many departments located in the largest institutes in the capital; active scientific activity is being conducted, the latest methods of diagnosing and using patients are being studied, and ways of their most productive use in practice are being considered.

City Clinical Hospital No. 40, whose official website provides detailed information about it, provides not only routine, but also emergency medical care. The hospital provides free diagnostic and treatment assistance to assigned residents, subject to a compulsory medical insurance policy; Here you can also use additional paid services. One of the features of this institution is the presence of its own blood transfusion station.

The staff of City Clinical Hospital No. 40, reviews of which can be found on the Internet, employs doctors with extensive experience who have the title of Candidates and Doctors of Medical Sciences; most of them were awarded the highest category. The institution is equipped with high-tech equipment that allows patients to be treated and diagnosed at the highest level.

City Clinical Hospital No. 40 in Moscow: departments

The clinic has many specialized departments, each of which provides services in a specific area. The structure of City Clinical Hospital No. 40 in Moscow includes:

Consulting department;
- diagnostic department;
- surgical services;
- therapeutic services;
- resuscitation services;
- paraclinical departments.

The largest department is the therapeutic service. The complex of this substructure includes departments of therapy, neurology, cardiology, chemotherapy, radiology and others. The hospital also includes a department of transfusiology, functional, radiation and fluorescence diagnostics, as well as a radiography and ultrasound room. Oncology and gynecology departments operate on the basis of City Clinical Hospital No. 40 in Moscow.

Those wishing to learn more about the work of City Clinical Hospital No. 40 can visit its personal website. On this portal you can find information about the history of the hospital, its departments, the procedure for providing services, prices for additional services and much more.

City Clinical Hospital No. 40 in Moscow is a hospital worthy of respect!



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