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Remember "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"? After all, Alexander Sergeevich described in it a fairly common situation - a henpecked husband, who is humiliated, beaten and literally killed by a tyrant-wife. A fairy tale, as they say, is a lie and a hint in it. Have you ever wondered why the old man resignedly carried out the most absurd demands of the silly old woman? And what to do modern man who got the same eccentric, cruel, mentally unbalanced wife as his wife?

Nothing predicted

“This is not the person I knew before. This is just a tyrant who constantly yells at the child, at me and is unhappy with everything! - writes a desperate man. “She yells and swears in front of a child, at a child, at me everywhere with or without reason. She beats the child because he disturbs her sleep. Such a bestial attitude towards one's family is a blatant crime, ”these are the words of another man who became a victim of a tyrannical wife.

Reading these sad stories, many, obviously, are asking a completely logical question - where were the eyes of these unfortunate people when they went to the registry office? Was it already impossible to calculate how the situation would develop?

This question cannot be answered in one word and unambiguously. It happens that in the character, or rather, the psyche of a woman, metamorphoses occur, associated with certain events, changes in life.

Sometimes, during the bouquet and candy period, she skillfully disguises her hysteria, and then, when there is already a stamp in her passport, she unbelts, not considering it necessary to hide dark sides of his nature.

But it also happens differently. It just seems that no one in their right mind would connect fate with a hysterical, aggressive, eternally dissatisfied woman. In fact, they also marry such people: “I got a girl who almost rushed at me with her fists - she slammed the door, she didn’t wash the cup. At first I joked that she would sign up for boxing to relieve herself, until I myself became a “pear”.

Who do you have to be to voluntarily become a victim?

Voluntary sacrifice

The same man who admitted that his bride used him as a punching bag says: “At first, my father beat me because I was“ not a man, but a musician. ”He could grab me and cut me under the typewriter if he didn’t like my hair. . I went to the institute covered in bruises. " That is, a person was "programmed" from childhood to the role of a victim. And it's not special case- Studies show that men who were beaten as children often become victims of violence in their families as well. Just like the daughters of alcoholics marry alcoholics - not only because they choose a life partner from the same marginal environment in which they themselves grow up, but also because the same program works.

Very often, tyrants get married to men brought up by an imperious, despotic mother - again, creating their own "cell of society", these representatives of the strong half of humanity "copy" the behavior patterns that were observed in parental families.

Of course, in this program, as in any, there are failures. But all the same - if your parents humiliated you, if you grew up in a dysfunctional family and you realize this - contact a psychologist. In your case, this is not a whim and not a waste of time and money. It is very important to get rid of a dysfunctional background, talk to a specialist about all the problems and try to solve them together. If before your eyes your father, under the menacing cry of his mother or under her heavy hand, turned into an unrequited, humiliated creature, this picture cannot but stand before your eyes. You don't want your kids to watch the same thing, do you? For their peace of mind peace of mind you should step out of the victim role.

From a quivering doe to an evil fury

For women who have experienced domestic violence, there are special centers where they are provided with appropriate assistance. But no one has heard of such centers for men. Why? Obviously, the reason is that boys are brought up to be such persistent tin soldiers, suggesting to them that it is a shame to admit one's weakness. As adults, they will never take dirty linen out of the hut, telling that they are beaten, humiliated, oppressed.

What to do if your wife, whom you loved and with whom you dreamed of living a long and happy life, turned into a fury, a monster that does not allow you or your children to live?

To put up with domestic tyranny and endure is like stepping into a swamp: sooner or later it will drag out.

We must act. First, analyze the situation - how far things have gone. If outbursts of anger, rage, aggression are single, there is still a chance that the spouse can be helped. This is especially true if you have a child: postpartum is not an invention of idle ladies, but terrible disease, which can result in anything, including aggression towards loved ones. But to sit and wait for everything to pass by itself is not permissible. If you really love your wife, want to save the family - contact the experts immediately. Depression is a disease, and the disease must be treated.

Break the vicious circle

If the role of a victim of domestic tyranny has been fixed for you for a long time and firmly, do not hide your head in the sand. Recognize that the problem exists and solve it radically - get a divorce. Save yourself and your children. By the way, it is possible that your children, who have heard many times from their mother that you are a “rag”, “an eccentric with the letter M”, “loser”, “henpecked” - are already accustomed to thinking about you this way and they have respect for you for a long time It depends on you whether the vicious circle will break or whether your son will, like you, with his head in his shoulders, listen to his wife from his wife that he is a rag, does not know how to earn money and is generally good for nothing.

To take such a step, of course, is not easy. In this case, there can be only one advice - work with a psychologist who will help you survive the situation, adapt to a new life, and feel like a person again.

And further. Female aggressors are often experienced manipulators. Do not succumb to provocations, do not believe false promises and do not go to the next round.

Remember - this is your life and it is in your hands to make it happy.

There is still quite a lot of negativity in our life today, which is encountered daily. a large number of of people. And one of those bad ones psychological factors- domestic tyranny. How often one hears complaints from women who are literally bullied by their husbands. Moreover, their tyranny is so strong and all-pervading that women for the most part cannot even think about getting rid of this slave position and parting forever with their tyrant husband. Living next to a person who constantly humiliates and insults his wife and other household members is very difficult, but rarely does anyone try to free himself from the oppression of his domestic tyrant and continue to endure all these abuses in silence.

Let's try to figure out what is the secret of such endless patience of women and how to get rid of a domestic tyrant. It is impossible to understand and justify a husband who brings pain and fear to the family. But why women meekly agree to endure such an attitude towards themselves is a mystery. The psychological phenomenon of this phenomenon has long been deeply studied. Modern psychology has already accumulated enough material to comprehend this phenomenon and is trying to adequately resist such shameful manifestations of domestic tyrants of their superiority. On household level to be able to resist the despot. Therefore, you need to know the psychology and signs of a domestic tyrant. What to do with such a husband and how to get rid of him? We will talk about this further.

What are the signs of a tyrannical spouse?

The main feature of people prone to ruthless tyranny can be considered their obvious obsession with a thirst for omnipotence. They passionately desire to occupy a dominant position in the house and control everything around. If your husband is a domestic tyrant, then any attempt to disobey him is extremely annoying, and his open resistance psychological pressure and completely outrageous. He clearly feels complete discomfort when someone slips out of the zone of his total control and subordination. With such a man, one should not have an opinion on a single question, because for him there are only two opinions - his and the wrong one.

Other signs of a domestic tyrant - a man demonstrates his power and bright inadequacy of behavior if someone tries to remove him from his pedestal and debunk his significance. He will do his best to suppress recalcitrant people who pose even the slightest threat to his unquestioned authority. It is important for a tyrant to extend his power as far as possible and put everything under his control - every little thing must be consistent with him and the final decision remains with him too.

The tyrant behaves like a slave owner

Domestic tyranny is a neurotic disease. Its owner does not even know about it. He will never admit mental disorders of health, but under all his oppressive predatory actions he will sum up a suitable plausible reason, which should whitewash his ugly actions and attitude towards others. It would seem that there are all signs of a domestic tyrant. The husband behaves like a slave owner, does not allow anyone to take a step without his obligatory participation, keeps his wife and children in strict obedience - but it turns out that this is how he shows his concern for them. And it doesn't matter that this care looks like a colony strict regime It is impossible to convince a tyrant of this.

The tyrant's opinion is the only right one

And, by the way, to convince him of anything is also impossible. Indeed, in any dispute, the opinion expressed by the domestic tyrant should win. The signs of the disease are manifested in the fact that agreeing with someone else's opinion is beyond his strength. He considers this a manifestation of the weakness of his positions and undermining his authority. Even if this is completely obvious, and you give a bunch of evidence that he was wrong, you still won’t hear the recognition of his wrongness - he would rather break into abuse and defiantly leave his interlocutors than agree with their point of view.

The dependent position of the spouse

Such a spouse sees his main task in putting his wife and household in a position dependent on himself. Characteristic features a domestic tyrant manifests itself in cutting off his loved ones, those whom he considers his property, from other people and views on life and family structure that are different from his. He will definitely strive to ensure that his wife does not work, even if he himself earns not so hot as. It is important for him that she never for a moment fall out of his zone of influence and control, that she does not see another model. family relations and did not want to get rid of his power.

Motivating the demand with concern for the health of his wife and the fact that sitting at home, she will be able to pay more attention to the issue of raising children, the tyrant husband achieves his plan. A psychologist would see in such behavior undeniable signs of domestic madness. After all, it is clear that a non-working woman falls into complete material dependence on her husband. Not having own income, she is forced to ask her husband for money, motivating her every purchase. And in the meantime, he gets an excellent lever of pressure on the personality of his wife, and the children too, reproaching them from time to time by the fact that he feeds and clothes everyone.

What happens to a wife whose husband is a tyrant? Changes in the psychological state of the victim's spouse

Of course, in such a situation, there are few who want to throw off domestic tyranny. Clear signs a domestic tyrant also manifests itself in the fact that a non-working wife after a short period of time will lose self-confidence, the sufficiency of her knowledge and skills to perform a particular job. In psychology, there are enough examples of how a lady who has spent several years at home is afraid to go to work. At the same time, she loses her independence even more, becoming free application to your owner.

But, having discouraged his wife from work, the tyrant will not rest on this and will go much further. He will become dissatisfied with the fact that her relatives and friends go to them. If your husband forbids communication with relatives, neighbors, friends, classmates and other numerous acquaintances from premarital life, these are also signs of a domestic tyrant. A man will begin to dare you from those people who are able to shake his authority at least a little, and will impose on those whom he considers necessary as friends.

Such total control over the environment of the wife provides her with complete isolation from the outside world and past life. Now for her there should be one authority and light in the window - her husband. What to do with a domestic tyrant so that he does not seize complete power over you? After all, this person wants to rule undividedly and completely subjugate his half. He will stubbornly and fiercely defend his power, for its loss for him is similar to the loss of the meaning of life.

With the advent of emancipation in our lives, everything more women resolutely get rid of domestic tyrants. Signs of illness in husbands are quite obvious to them, and most modern girls timely draws attention to the peculiarities of the behavior of their partners. Noticing the attempts of husbands to subdue them and begin to dictate their will, they tear family bonds and forever leave the sphere of influence of the usurper spouse. But these are women who are strong in spirit and soberly look at the world, not closing their eyes pink glasses. They can see these painful symptoms and resist them.

But there are many women who want to believe in the best and try not to notice the signs of a domestic tyrant. What are such stubborn idealists to do, who in a rude and unceremonious attempt to deprive them of work, money, friends, personal opinion and freedom, see the manifestation of concern for the family? How to teach them to respect their unique personality and not let anyone suppress it? Where can they get enough strength to resist the firm will of a tyrant husband? And do they want to resist their beloved protector and master? Maybe they feel loved and protected from external aggression with such an attentive husband?

Stand up for your rights

If you want to preserve your individuality and personal freedom, if you want to live with your own mind, and not be a silent executor of someone else's will, take measures to limit the influence of your husband on you and your children, as soon as you find signs of a domestic tyrant in him. What to do so that your relationship does not go so far that they have to be urgently broken off? First of all, you do not need to reproach all the commands of your husband. After all, by doing this you provoke a hidden neurosis to break out for a while. Your husband at the beginning of family life may not know about his claims to life and it is quite possible to get along with him. But by recognizing his exceptional position and fulfilling all his even erroneous demands, you, by your obedience, convince your husband of his leading role.

After all, the psychology of a domestic tyrant is such that it is very important for him to have a victim, which provides him with the necessary emotions. If you begin to defend your rights from the very beginning of the relationship and do not agree with the role of the victim prepared for you, then you will not allow his distorted signs of a domestic tyrant to develop. What to do in order not to become a victim of an overly ambitious husband? We will talk about this a little later.

The relationship of a domestic tyrant with his victim

Now I want to shed some light on the relationship between a domestic tyrant and his victim. Psychologists classify too obsessive desire for power as a sign of neurosis. And it is typical for a neurotic to divide people into weak and strong. The strong admire him, and he really wants to seem like that to others. But he himself is weak, which is why he needs material confirmation that he is not weak. For real strong people do not need to attract attention or demand admiration. They are confident in themselves, everyone around them also sees this confidence, and it would never occur to anyone to doubt their strength.

Weak people, weighed down by neurosis, try to prove not only to others, but also to themselves, that they are also strong. And for this they need to demonstrate their strength on someone and compare favorably with someone. This is where the finest hour of the victim comes! In fact, she is just a decoration against which the tyrant hopes to look strong and confident - a kind of all-powerful master, manager of hearts and souls. No wonder they say that the king is played by his retinue, otherwise how to understand that he is the king?

For this simple reason, a domestic tyrant is in dire need of victims, and the more of them there are in his environment, the wider the boundaries of his possessions and the larger the “kingdom”. The neurotic is constantly tormented by the feeling of his weakness and worthlessness, because he knows about this and he needs to convince himself of the opposite, first of all. And he achieves this by humiliating and oppressing victims who are completely dependent on him. After all, it is not in vain that, to begin his exaltation and humiliation of his wife, he chooses such difficult period, like pregnancy and the first years of raising a child, when a woman is most weak, vulnerable, defenseless and requires support. This best time to break her will and curb her character.

The neurotic very skillfully manipulates his victim, using both a stick and a carrot. But he is also easy to manipulate - you just need to pretend to be humble and agree with his decisions. He encourages such “reasonable” behavior not only with praise, but also with expensive gifts. So, a smart wife may well turn her ambitious husband around like a gypsy in the sun, and he won’t even understand this. For him, the main thing is to be admired and demonstrated who is the boss in the house, and the fact that his wife cautiously led him to make a decision is already the tenth thing.

But if this coexistence does not suit you, consider helpful tips psychologists about how to get rid of a domestic tyrant. It is better to leave your husband without explanation.

When a woman has learned to manipulate her own tyrant husband, there is no need to fear for her fate. She herself will perfectly cope with this issue, because she is not a real victim, but simply plays her in her own interests. Her psyche is not damaged, and she thinks adequately. But if a woman feels like a victim of tyranny, is attacked by her husband and suffers incredibly from this, but does nothing to defend her interests - this is already sad and sad.

It is difficult to teach a potential victim how to deal with a domestic tyrant. A despot husband is her karma. If he suddenly dies, such a woman will again marry the same tyrant and suffer the same. But she needs to understand one thing - here no one from the outside can help her - either she will learn to respect herself and begin to fight for her rights, or she will remain a victim for life. A woman herself should want to become different - brave, independent, free, only in this case the struggle against a tyrant husband is appropriate. We will focus on those women who have decided to eradicate the victim in themselves and start a new one. free life. Which, however, does not necessarily mean an indispensable divorce - if you can show by the strength of your character that you are no longer a victim, and he will accept it, it is quite possible to continue family life, just don’t give up again - be on the alert and always defend your rights.

Change the psychology of the victim

So, what to do if the husband is a domestic tyrant. The advice of a psychologist will be useful to those who have already understood that simply leaving the husband does not solve the problem. To be happy and free, you need to change your psychology and worldview, otherwise you will go in circles and the next husband will an exact copy the previous one. If you have firmly decided that there is no longer a place for male tyrants in your life, these tips are for you.

Having decided on changes in your life, do not be afraid to be independent and make decisions about how you live your life. Cut the umbilical cord that binds you to your husband and take responsibility.

Having chosen freedom and the desire to be a person, completely reconsider your worldview, make a serious reassessment of values ​​and life priorities. Think about how you would like to build your future independent life, where to live, what to do. Make a step-by-step plan to achieve your dream and start making it small. If you feel difficulties and uncertainty, visit a psychoanalyst. Qualified specialist will help you gain confidence and choose the direction of movement.

We increase self-esteem

After long suppression of your "I", you may initially feel a tendency to underestimate self-esteem. Buy fashionable clothes, do beautiful hairstyle, dazzling makeup and admire yourself in the mirror. Walk down the street - nothing boosts self-esteem like admiring glances from men and envious ones from women. Love yourself and the world around you will change for the better.

Staying with your tyrant husband, succumbing to his persuasion and tearful assurances, do not be mistaken about him - you will not be able to re-educate the tyrant, so you will have to ruthlessly stop all his attempts to dominate so that he does not put on the crown again.

If children are holding you back from taking a decisive step, think about the fact that they also suffer mentally in such an environment. In addition, the constant suppression of personality in childhood gives rise to such severe psychological consequences and incurable complexes that it will be very difficult for your children to enter into normal life.


If your husband is a tyrant, then it's up to you to stay with him or leave. The main thing is to remember that you have self-esteem, which no one should trample on.

Women's Gatherings: Women's Health

Hello my beloved women! Today I have prepared for you material on women's health, which was born during our joint gatherings with leading women - Goddesses and Volkhvins on the subtle and dense planes. We sometimes meet, magic, shaman with a tambourine in the forest near the fire and fly on brooms.

I feel that this time has come, because our visitors have questions, and I hear them. Therefore, this material was organized. Those records that I made for five years, I decided to arrange in one article. Here you will find answers to your many questions, as well as get specific practical medical and healing recipes.

With love, your Vedana

Physiological features of women's diseases

Yin (purely female) diseases always come from the "bottom" - they begin with genitourinary system. The kidneys hurt - this is either the transmitted disease programs from the mother, or fears, or it was the wrong first sexual contact (you need to approach it consciously and prepare, because this is one of the age-related initiations and, as a rule, this is stress for a woman).

Now - this is the process of transmission of infection during sexual contact. The infection goes up - to the bladder and to the kidneys. As a result, there is a decrease in kidney protection. One kidney (left) contains prenatal energy transferred from parents, the second (right) is responsible for the elimination of toxins. When a woman enters family union into sexual contact, then there is a decrease in energy protection. And if the genus is still weak, then the defense weakens even more. Then the infection goes further - pancreas and stomach. Then it goes to the level of the lungs. The lungs do not show infection for a long time, and then tonsillitis and bronchitis begin. If girls have it, then you need to look at the kidneys. If the girl has not had sexual intercourse yet, then it was passed on from her mother. Next, the infection goes to the heart.

It's pure women's development diseases, at men it goes the other way: from the kidneys - clockwise, the liver, the heart (a tendency to heart attacks). A woman most often does not face a heart attack - phytoestrogens protect. If a woman still had a heart attack, this means that she has a lot of yang energies and she is not performing her own - male tasks.

The woman is very connected with. Although the Slavs professed a solar cult, but this is still a masculine approach, a woman, nevertheless, is associated with the moon. normal cycle a woman has 28 days. Normal - 40 weeks of pregnancy. Our Ancestors had the following age gradation: up to 7 years old - a child; up to 14 - childhood; up to 16 (Men) / 28 years (Women) - youth; up to 32 (Men) / up to 49 (Women) - maturity; from 49 to 56 - old age. Global changes in a woman pass from 49 to 56 years - menopausal changes - the cessation of menstruation, the childbearing period ends. If this happened earlier, then biological aging has begun.

The presence of phytoestrogens in the body makes a woman more feminine, young.

Natural phytoestrogens are found in: Clover, licorice, soy, agnus castus - sacred vitex (sacred vitex - good for PMS, menopause, irregular periods; the need for food is also reduced when taking vitex).

During menstruation, all negative things go away in women, a good mood, strength and energy appear. This is normal. If menstruation occurs painfully, the mood is bad, lethargy, apathy, then we look at our subtle plan. female system- where there is something wrong. This may be just the level of the first or second chakra. PMS, ideally, should not be either. Often girls are given programs from their mothers. Mothers do not talk to girls even about menstruation and do not explain anything to them. If PMS and painful periods - look at the liver. The liver removes toxins. And here she can’t cope, she doesn’t remove toxins. 2 times a year we clean the liver - October and March - April. It's better to cleanse the liver. Previously, in "smart books" they wrote methods for cleaning the liver with oil and lemon. I have cleansed my liver several times. I made a conclusion: it is dangerous to clean the liver with oil, it is not suitable for everyone. This swipe by the pancreas. And if suddenly, as a result of this cleaning, the stone goes, the ambulance will not have time to get there ...


From one in the morning until three - the work of the liver. That is why it is necessary to sleep from 11 p.m. to 3 a.m., otherwise irritation will accumulate, cleaning or not cleaning will not help.

From 3 to 5 o'clock the work of the lungs takes place, from 5 to 7 - the work of the large intestine, from 7 to 9 o'clock - the work of the stomach. A chair and a table are better to produce from 5 to 9 o'clock in the morning.

From 9 - 11 am the work of the stomach and pancreas. From 11 to 13 hours - the heart is active. If there is pain in the heart, it is at this time that it is useful to take something that harmonizes the work of the heart. For example, .

Active from 13:00 to 15:00 small intestine and 12 duodenum. After dinner, it is advisable to relax, not work, walk around so that everything settles down in the stomach. If you want to sleep, you need to pay attention to the pancreas and intestines.

From 15 to 17 hours the channel of the bladder.

From 17:00 to 19:00, the kidney channel is active.

From 19:00 to 21:00 - pericardial canal and three heaters.

From 21 to 23 - work endocrine system, at this time it is good to take various drugs, because the body at this time plans for itself which organs and systems to patch up. There is an examination by the hypothalamus, from which information is sent to all organs and systems - to issue a statin or liberin, what needs to be corrected, adjusted. If a person wakes up at the same time at night, you need to watch the work of the kidneys.

Tea for infectious diseases female diseases(good immunostimulant)

1. 2 teaspoons echinacea, 1 teaspoon barberry root, 1 teaspoon vitex seed in 3 cups water. Boil for 15 minutes in a water bath and leave for 15 minutes and take throughout the day. So take 7-10 days.

2. Burdock, nettle leaves, common privet in equal amounts - 45 minutes in a water bath, half a glass 2 times a day.

Yeast infections (thrush/candida)

2. Homeopathic remedies for yeast infections: Borax, dilution 6 or 12, take morning and evening 6 grains under the tongue, separately from meals (30 minutes before and 40 minutes after). Apply for about a week or two. Borax also helps with a sinking heart, fears.

3. Malavit (the drug is available in the pharmacy) - tampons and douching.

4. 1/4 cup vegetable oil plus 2 drops each of lavender, eucalyptus and tea tree, mix all. Make tampons, lubricate the vagina. Even with Malavit all this, if combined, it will be good.

5. Massage such t points: - see fig. 35 (longevity point or point from 100 diseases) and - see fig.36 (from tibia). It is the harmonization of the female endocrine system and ovaries. Especially the first point.At night, it is useful to put the core, buckwheat, fixing with a plaster, on these points. Shoot in the morning. Five days in a row.

Several useful recipes

Stop uterine bleeding quickly - take a thin rubber band and put it between fingers 3 and 4 and around the hill of Venus. So hold on for two hours.

In the morning, it is important to massage all your fingers and toes, sip your fingers straight, straightening the canals on your fingers. Large - lymphatic, large - lungs, medium - colon, nervous system, little finger - small intestine and heart.

What do you need female body at all: B vitamins, magnesium intake mandatory (relieves high blood pressure, hiccups, depression, vascular toning) - taken in the evening, magnesium citrate (produced by "KALM natural") - taken for 2 weeks. Magnesium also found in: beets, pine nuts, cocoa, bran, contains sea ​​kale, all dark green vegetables, herbs; zinc(promotes the resorption of edema) - all seafood, crabs, fish, pumpkin seeds, germinated wheat, parsley, celery; selenium- in addition to iodine, when there is a decrease in function thyroid gland, you also need to take selenium, contains: sea kale, sea ​​fish, lard, bread from sprouted grains, bran, in porridges "Zdorovyak"; potassium- dried apricots, apricots.

- Recipe for alkalizing the body (to relieve acidosis - acidification of the body): Soak 500 grams of dried apricots and eat the whole next day and drink water. There is nothing more. Soda is sometimes recommended - bicarbonate - hard alkalization, inorganic, it is better to use dried apricots.

Another recipe: 100 - 150 grams of dried apricots, 100 grams of dried apples, 60 grams of raisins, 4 cups of freshly squeezed orange juice. Boil dried fruits until soft, cool, chop, add juice, put in a jar and refrigerate. This mixture - jelly - replaces sugar as well. In the morning, half an hour to an hour before meals with a half teaspoon of honey and drink warm water. The body is being cleansed.

Coffee - homeopathic remedy, can be taken if insomnia.

- Inability to wake up in the morning - there is a general decrease in energy. Feelings of lack of sleep. You need to go to bed on time (from 22:00, because from 22:00 to 23:00 there is production of serotonin, the hormone of joy), to cleanse the liver. Staying up late if serotonin is not produced, so there is no joy. And if you go to bed after 23, then irritability and disruption of the gallbladder will begin to appear, from where bile acids will hit the heart and the heart will hurt.

1. Clean up within 40 days. Start with: Nemozol tablets (in a pharmacy) 1 tablet a day for 3 days (repeat it after 2 weeks), for these two weeks: then again Nemozol (for children - suspensions), then again Dragon tea. Take a laxative to avoid constipation.

2. We take cognac, at 2-3 o'clock in the morning with strong sweet black tea: 1 teaspoon of cognac per glass of tea plus 4 teaspoons of sugar, drink from 2 to 3 o'clock in the morning. And in the evening before that, drink a laxative. Plus, after cleansing, drink prebiotics: hillak forte with inulin. Avoid constipation.

Causes of some female diseases

Everything that is formed over the centuries - you need to look at the ovaries. Wen on the eyelids: the left eyelid - the left ovary, the right - the right. It may also be that someone in the family or the person himself had an infection - gonorrhea, chlamydia.

Sleepwalking. These people are souls from other planets, they are not here, part of them are there, on their home planet. It could still be mental disorder and partial introduction (in each case differently).

Vitiligo. The wrong mindset of the mother during pregnancy can give such a phenomenon to the child. You can lubricate these places with infusion of St. John's wort. Healing is lasting.

papilloma virus - at the cellular level has already begun. The reason is the kidneys. We clean the kidneys.

Infertility. It is necessary to look why the child does not come to this couple. It may be that there is no expediency from Above. The main reason is almost always in the man, just as the sex of the child almost always depends on the man. The absence of children can also mean "autumn of the family." You can’t knock on a locked gate if you’ve tried everything, and the child still doesn’t come. A woman should approach this issue carefully: will a man give her healthy offspring, she is fertile soil, what will he sow in her, what will he be able to give her, will he be able to make her happy?

If there are strong moles on the back , which means, in the body - mushrooms. Mushrooms are found in such foods: raisins, grapes, kefir, cheese, beer.

Women's diseases - the main reason is that a woman is at war with a man. The sperm is made up of water, which is programmed. He falls into the bosom of a woman and there is already a war going on. And then illnesses begin, because at the cellular level there is a spiritual war. If a man and a woman live in love and harmony, everything is fine. When a woman accepts a man as he is, she accepts his seed, does not fight with him, and it favorably affects her.

Your letters:

Good afternoon Vedana! I woke up last night with a question about phytoestrogens. I wanted to write to you. In the morning I open your site, and there new topic " Women Health". And answers to my questions. Amazing! and Great! Thank you! 4.12.13

The rhythm of our life leaves its mark on the holy of holies of every woman - this is an opportunity to just chat ... about nothing and everything at the same time.

Happy new year friends!

Let the Dog scare away all enemies with barking, Only leave sincere people side by side, May it give you Courage, loyalty, friendship, So that in life there is everything That is needed for happiness! The Year of the Dog is coming to us, Wait and meet, And boldly see off the badass Rooster! 

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Sometimes being a woman over 50 means being invisible. It's that feeling when you walk into a bar or restaurant and you no longer feel admiring glances directed at you. It's that feeling when people walk past you on the street like you don't exist. If you ask a woman of Balzac age how this affects self-esteem, then […]

March 8 - women's spring holiday of smiles, flowers

March 8 ... Women's Day, as well as a holiday of smiles, flowers and spring. So the long-awaited holiday has come - March 8. With flowers, smiles, gifts. Were you waiting? Of course yes! Ready? Of course! A woman in the mind of a man, as she was the keeper of the family hearth, remained so. Years go by, centuries fly by, and a man still appreciates the boundless love of his mother, wife, sister, daughter, grandmother, […]

Own numerological tarot forecast for 2017

Right now you can find out your own numerological tarot forecast for 2017! What it is? Tarot forecast is a type of numerological forecast. It analyzes your age in the coming year in relation to the symbolism of the Tarot cards. Rather, this is not even a forecast, but recommendations: what to focus on in the coming year, and what to try to avoid. How to count your own […]

Horoscope signs of the zodiac by months for 2017!

On the eve of the new year, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with a brief overview of the horoscope signs of the zodiac by months for 2017. The horoscope with its zodiac circle came to us from time immemorial as cultural heritage and the wisdom of our ancestors. On our birthday, the planets line up in the sky in a unique order for each of us, leaving an imprint on our […]

How to plan a closet. Storing things in small, and in any spaces is a very relevant issue, and convenient storage is a doubly urgent problem. How to plan the most comfortable dream closet? So how do you plan your dream closet? First you need to draw it, and this, as it turns out, is the most difficult. It doesn't matter where exactly you are going to put the closet, the main thing is the arrangement of things. Things should be conveniently located in order to use the closet comfortably and pleasantly. How to plan the most comfortable dream closet? The main steps for competent organization and storage of things in the closets of your home: Step 1. Understand where the closet will stand, for what purpose it is intended and what things will be stored there. Cabinets can be divided according to this principle: - It will be common for husband and wife. - Closet just for him or her. - Wardrobe for children. - The closet is quite common for everyone. - Wardrobe for outerwear only. - Wardrobe for all clothes, excluding top. - Wardrobe with mezzanines or without mezzanines. The first step is very important. Since it is one thing when we plan a closet in the hallway, and quite another - a closet in the bedroom. Don't miss this moment! Step 1.1. Understand the actual size of the cabinet that can fit in a particular room. Since we can think and dream about many things, but our reality will offer completely different options ... Step 2. Sort things for storage. Divide things for storage into those that are stored on hangers and those that are stored on shelves. At first it may seem stupid ... but only in this way you will understand how many shelves you really need for: sweaters, t-shirts, etc. ... and how many hangers you really need. And how much space will they take up? Step 3. Think about how to store bags, hats, small accessories. Review all the options for storing ties, handkerchiefs, bags, belts on the Internet and choose the most convenient for you. Step 4. Consider how and where blankets, pillows, large non-seasonal items will be stored. Step 5. Consider how and where suitcases and large bags will be stored. Step 6. Think over how and where sports equipment is stored - skis, ski boots .. skates and more .... Step 7. Think over the storage of shoes. Step 8. Measure the lengths of the most long dresses, coat, in order to understand which departments to plan for "long lengths". And now, when it is clear how many things you have for permanent storage in cabinets, start drawing the future cabinet. How to plan the most comfortable dream closet? How to plan the most comfortable dream closet? Let's see how much space a person takes up when: he tries to reach the top shelf of the closet, or looks for something on the lowest shelf, or where a person will get if he stands on a stool. How to plan the most comfortable dream closet? It immediately becomes clear that hangers for dresses and coats can be placed at a height of 2 meters, and above that you will have to use a special "lift for hanging". How to plan the most comfortable dream closet? Remember that there should be a supply in the closets to replenish the wardrobe of your dreams. So you have all the dimensions now that are needed in order to draw a closet. How to plan the most comfortable dream closet? This is how your final drawing should look like. All things on their shelves. Everything is clear and comfortable. This drawing is very conditional, and not a guide to action. It shows how much height your cabinet compartments will occupy on average. For example: if you store trousers in a folded state, it will take 120 cm. And if in an extended state, it will be 140-150 cm. The standard depth of a wardrobe with hinged doors is 60 cm. A wardrobe with sliding doors will take up 8-10 cm more space - it depends on the specifications sliding system. The height of the space above the crossbar should be at least 5-6 cm in order to comfortably get things on the coat hanger. A convenient shelf height for low shoes is 17-20 cm if the shoes are stored in the usual position, and not on special stands. For high boots, you will need to leave a free space 50 cm high. Since the average boot height is 40-41 cm. Small items such as socks, handkerchiefs, underwear are best stored in drawers or drawers.

Comments 5

Emotions 112

Meat casserole Just delicious ... Ingredients: - potatoes (6pcs), - minced pork + beef (400g), - mushrooms (100-150g), - onion (1pc), - sour cream (1 cup), - egg, - garlic (2 slices), - salt, pepper. Preparation: Peel potatoes and cut into thin slices. Onion cut into half rings. Mushrooms cut into small cubes, mix with minced meat and season with salt and pepper. For dressing: mix sour cream with garlic passed through a press, add a raw egg, salt, pepper and mix well. In a greased baking dish, put half the potatoes, salt, pepper and put the onion on top. Put minced meat with mushrooms on the onion. Sprinkle mince with grated cheese. Lay a layer of potatoes on top, salt and pepper. Fill the casserole with filling. Bake in the oven at a temperature of 180-200 degrees for 40-60 minutes. 5 minutes before cooking, sprinkle the casserole with grated cheese. Bon appetit!

Comments 1

Meat with potatoes in the sleeve Ingredients: -400-500 gr. meat (I have a pork neck) - potatoes 6-8 medium pcs. - champignons (quantity at your discretion) -1 tomato -1 bell pepper (you can add beans, cauliflower, to your taste). -1 large onion (bulb) -4-5 garlic cloves -soy sauce 3 tbsp. -your favorite herbs (I have oregano, thyme, dill, can be fresh, can be dry.) -Italian herbs mixture -Mill pepper mixture -salt - "sleeve" for baking Preparation: 1. Wash the meat, dry it paper towel. Wash mushrooms and cut into 2 pieces. Cut the meat into pieces (approximately 3 * 3cm). Finely chop the onion or cut into rings, half rings, as you like. We cut garlic greens (if fresh), tomatoes, peppers or other vegetables. 2. Put the meat in a deep bowl. Add to it everything that is listed in the recipe, except salt. Stir and add a little salt, but keep in mind that soy sauce is very salty. 3. We cover our meat with mushrooms and leave to marinate for about 30-40 minutes. 4. At this time, we clean the potatoes, cut them into medium cubes (I do not salt the potatoes.) 5. When the meat is marinated, turn on the oven at 180 degrees. 6. Add potatoes to meat with mushrooms and mix everything thoroughly again. 7. We take the "sleeve" for baking, cut off as much as we need. We fix one end. (I just tie it in a strong knot). We shift our meat with potatoes into the "sleeve" and also fasten it on the other side. 8. We pierce our "sleeve" in several places gently with a toothpick to release steam. I DO NOT recommend using a knife, scissors, or fork for this, you can damage the sleeve and then all the juice will flow out during cooking. Put the sleeve on a baking sheet. 9. We send all this beauty to the oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 1 hour - one and a half. I bake about 1.10. 10. We take out of the oven. Carefully cut the bag in the middle. We lay out the contents on plates (it is desirable that the plates were with a recess), generously pour over the juice that formed during baking.

Comments 1

How to cook thin and strong pancakes? The classic recipe for yeast-free pancake dough Ingredients: Milk or water - 2 cups Flour - 1.5 cups Eggs - 2 pcs. Sugar - 1 tbsp. l. Salt - 0.5 tsp Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l. Secrets and tricks of kneading dough: Sift flour - this will give softness to pancakes. Liquid ingredients should be added in a thin stream to the flour, mixing everything, avoiding lumps. To make pancakes with “holes”, add a little sparkling water to the dough. Also worth pouring into the dough sunflower oil- it will give elasticity, improve the consistency of the dough, so that it will spread better in the pan, and pancakes will not burn during frying. Some tips: 1. Use wheat flour the highest grade of fine grinding. 2. Milk must be warm. 3. Skimmed milk better not to use. 4. For thin pancakes, the dough should be liquid. 5. Than more eggs you add to the dough, the denser and tougher the pancakes will be. Secrets and tricks of frying pancakes: 1. Let the dough rest before frying. Leave it for 15 minutes - this will improve the strength of the pancakes, and they will not tear during the turning process. 2. You need to fry pancakes in a hot pan, lubricating it with creamy or vegetable oil. A cast iron skillet works best. The main thing is that the bottom is even and thick, and the dough does not stick to it. 3. Pour the dough with a ladle, holding the pan in your left hand, and with deft movements quickly spread the dough over the entire area. Our goal is thin pancakes, so you don’t need to pour a lot of dough. Wait until the pancake is golden brown on the bottom and matte on the top, and carefully flip it over with a thin wooden spatula or a knife with a blunt, rounded tip. Lubricate the finished pancake with butter - this will give a little flavor, juiciness, and the pancakes will not stick to each other. Tip: A new cast-iron pan for baking pancakes also needs to be “cooked”. Namely: first pour salt into the pan so that it completely covers the bottom, and heat it, stirring, for 20 minutes. After that, pour out the salt, let cool, and then thoroughly rinse and dry the pan. Next, grease it outside and inside with vegetable oil and bake in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees for about 30 minutes. After the pan has cooled down, it is completely ready to cook thin and beautiful pancakes.

Comments 4

ROYAL CHEESE I almost swallowed my tongue 🙀 The simplest of the simple. Anyone can handle it. Well, in the end - oohs and aahs are provided to you, and "you will swallow your fingers" and "yes, you are the goddess of the kitchen." The main thing is to bake in the evening. Let him stay overnight. And the cottage cheese will seize, and it will be cut evenly. First, the filling: Pour a pound of cottage cheese into one bowl. Add half a cup of sugar. I note right away that we use a 360 ml bowl as a cup. We measure sugar and flour with her. Pick something more suitable for yourself. So, cottage cheese, sugar. There also - 4 eggs, a small pack (teaspoon) of vanilla sugar, a teaspoon of baking powder (you can replace 1/3 teaspoon of soda. And be sure - zest from 1/3 of a lemon. The zest in the finished filling is very in place. All the contents of the bowl are neat stir with a whisk or a mixer.The filling is very liquid, a little thicker than kefir, a little thinner than sour cream)) The filling is set aside - take the second bowl and make the "dough". In fact, the role of the test here is played by sand chips. And it's magical - you don't need to knead anything, roll it out, and so on. The crumb is made elementary: Pour into a bowl one and a half cups of flour, another half a cup of sugar, half a teaspoon of salt and a full teaspoon of baking powder (you can also replace half a teaspoon of baking soda). Then take 150 grams butter or margarine, cold. And a grater. Place the grater directly into the flour. And constantly dipping butter into flour, rub it on a grater. If it is immediately mixed with flour in the process, then it will not stick on the grater in one lump. And then just rub everything into crumbs with your hands. Business minute. Take the form, cover with paper. Lubricate with oil from the inside - for safety)) Pour 2/3 of the crumbs into the mold in an even layer. Slightly crushing with your fingers, blind a small rim around the edges. Pour out the curd filling. And sprinkle the top of the pie gently and evenly with the remaining crumbs. And that's all. Place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. Bake exactly 45 minutes. Then take the cake out of the oven, take it out of the mold, but do not remove it from the paper. Leave on paper overnight. If it seems to you that the cake in the middle is not baked and the filling is watery, then make sure in the morning - it really seemed to you. Overnight everything will fall as it should. Cut into 12 pieces - you can't go wrong. Don't eat yourself. Well, except for a small piece. To confirm to yourself that your hands are golden, and yes, it melts in your mouth. Bon appetit!

Comments 3

12 Super-Effective Ways to Fertilize Houseplants. 🌿 Top dressing with sugar 1 teaspoon of sugar is evenly poured onto the surface of the earth before watering. Or dilute 2 teaspoons of sugar in a glass of water. This feeding is carried out once a week. 🌿 Eggshell feeding Eggshells are rich in calcium, and calcium neutralizes acidity. Therefore, when applying mineral fertilizers, which increase the acidity of the soil, shells are added to neutralize. shell raw eggs washed well, dried and crushed, then added to the soil. Eggshell is a product that decomposes slowly, so you need to add very sparingly. And grind as little as possible. Suitable for fertilizing adult cacti. 🌿 Another way that is suitable for fertilizing seedlings. Pre-washed and dried shells are poured into 3 liters hot water, insist 5 days, then water the seedlings. 🌿 Top dressing with banana skins Banana skins are finely chopped and dried. When transplanting plants, they are poured in a layer or simply embedded in the soil. 🌿 You can use another method. Dried skins are ground in a coffee grinder. It turns out a dark brown powder, which can be poured into a pot with a plant before watering, or diluted with water and used as a liquid top dressing. This banana top dressing is suitable for flowering plants, roses respond well, delight with abundant flowering. Flowering provokes potassium, which bananas are rich in. 🌿 Top dressing with ash For 1 liter of water, take 30 g of ash and insist for a week, stirring from time to time. Then used to water the plants. wood ash contains potassium, phosphorus, calcium. Phosphorus provides energy processes in plant cells and is one of the essential elements required by plants. 🌿 Tea and coffee Drinking tea and coffee dry well. Added as mulch and fertilizer for indoor plants. For feeding seedlings, an infusion is made from sleeping tea. 1 cup of tea is poured with 3 liters of hot water and infused for 5 days, stirring. Strain and use as top dressing. Tea and coffee neutralize the alkaline environment, so it is advisable to use for plants that love acidic soil. When transplanting or transshipping a plant, the remains of tea are laid on the drainage layer, then the soil, and then the plant is planted. Additives in the form of tea and coffee make the earth light. It is highly undesirable to apply such fertilizer if soil flies live in pots, this will only increase their reproduction. 🌿 Water from washing cereals Many housewives use water from washing cereals (rice, buckwheat, etc.) as a fertilizer. This water contains silicon, iron, magnesium, phosphorus. 🌿 Fertilizer with onion peel Onion peel has proven to be a very effective fertilizer for plants. Moreover, an infusion of onion peel contains a substance that destroys pathogenic microflora. Infusion is often used as a foliar top dressing, rich in trace elements and plants perceive it as a complete fertilizer. The infusion is prepared as follows: 10 g - 20 g of husks are poured into 5 liters warm water, insist 4 days. Or in a quick way: pour a liter of boiling water over the husk and boil for 1-2 minutes, leave for 2 hours and can be sprayed from a spray bottle. 🌿 Spraying with infusion of orange peels This is more prevention against spider mites and scale insects. Citrus peels are poured with a liter of boiling water and infused for 4-5 hours, then filtered. Plants are sprayed with a spray bottle. 🌿 Aloe juice is a growth biostimulant. It is used to increase seed germination. When soaking the seeds in water, add a few drops of aloe juice, incubate for 8-20 hours. When watering indoor plants, aloe juice is also added. Use the juice of plants that have reached 3 years of age, after keeping the leaf, for several days in the refrigerator.



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