Pistachios: benefits and harms for the body of children. The benefits and harms of pistachios for women and men

"Tree of Life"- not a biblical fiction, but a real tree on which pistachios, popular nuts all over the world, grow.

They are called nuts in cooking, and from a botanical point of view, pistachios are seeds.

The trees on which these nuts grow received such a great name because of the beneficial properties that pistachios are endowed with.

These nuts were considered a sign of wealth.

In the East, in ancient times, pistachios were even used as currency. But is such a special attitude towards these nuts justified? What more benefit or harm will consuming pistachios bring to the human body? To answer these questions, it is worth studying the composition of these nuts.

Calorie content and composition of pistachios

The beneficial properties of pistachios can be explained by their composition. These nuts contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, water, mono- and disaccharides, starch and ash. Moreover, the largest part consists of proteins, fats and starch. Therefore, the calorie content of pistachios 556 kcal per 100 g. In view of the high calorie content, these nuts should not be consumed in large quantities for those who take care of their figure. In addition, pistachios contain a large number of amino acids.

As for vitamins and minerals, pistachios contain them great amount.

Vitamins found in these nuts:

Vitamin PP

Vitamin B1

Vitamin B2

Vitamin B5

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B9

Vitamin E

Vitamin H (biotin)

One serving of 100 grams of pistachios contains more than half of the daily requirement for vitamin B1 and PP, and more than a quarter for vitamins B5, B6, E and H (biotin).

But one serving of pistachios contains several times more of some micro- and macroelements than a person needs to consume per day.

These nuts contain the following substances:










Impressive list, isn't it? Iron, manganese, vanadium and silicon are contained in one serving of pistachios (100 g) in quantities much greater than daily requirement the human body in these substances. This is why pistachios have many health benefits.

How are pistachios used?

Due to its taste and useful composition pistachios have long won the love of consumers. These nuts are popular. as a snack for beer. But besides this, pistachios are eaten in different types.

Pistachio ice cream, pistachio candies- popular sweets using this nut. Pistachios are combined with meat dishes and salads. They will help add a delicious aroma to any dish.

In addition, pistachios are also used in cosmetology. More precisely, not the nuts themselves, but the oil that is made from them. Pistachio oil helps whiten the skin, so it is included in whitening products that help get rid of age spots and freckles.

For hair used pistachio oil V pure form, or combined with other oils, for example, jojoba oil. Pistachio oil helps make hair shinier and stronger, has a strengthening effect on hair follicles, and therefore helps combat the cause of hair loss.

With the help of pistachio oil, you can get rid of facial wrinkles and refresh your complexion. For facial skin, pistachio oil is used as base oil, to which essential oils are added - chamomile, rose, orange, etc.

Pistachio oil is beneficial and for nails. It is used, as in the case of skin, as a base oil to which other oils are added. The mixture of oils is applied to the nail plate and massaged. This procedure will help strengthen your nails and make them less fragile.

The health benefits of pistachios are as undeniable as they are for appearance. IN old times these nuts were used to treat diseases, but how do pistachios affect various systems internal organs? More on this later.

The benefits of pistachios for the human body

The beneficial properties of pistachios have been known since ancient times, which is why these nuts were previously highly valued. Today, in times of availability of any product, people for the most part do not know what health benefits will come from eating pistachios or any other product.

1. Vitamin PP, which is contained in pistachios, is beneficial for the body. It takes part in digestion and normalization hormonal levels human body. This vitamin is officially recognized medicine and is sold in its pure form in pharmacies. Vitamin PP is involved in the formation of blood and helps remove cholesterol from the blood.

2. Vitamin B1, or thiamine, contained in pistachios, is necessary for people whose bodies are exposed to additional loads– pregnant women, athletes, elderly people and people who perform heavy physical work. This vitamin helps restore strength and activate mental activity. Therefore, it is important to consume this vitamin postoperative period and after illness, so that the body can recover faster. Like other B vitamins, thiamine has a positive effect on nervous system, helps cope with insomnia and depressive states.

3. Riboflavin or Vitamin B2, which is contained in these nuts, is called the beauty vitamin, as it helps the skin remain firm and elastic. In addition, vitamin B2 helps the body convert sugars, fats and carbohydrates into energy. Riboflavin is necessary for tissue growth and has a beneficial effect on the human nervous system.

4. Vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid It is extremely necessary for the human body, as this vitamin helps the absorption of other vitamins. Therefore, older people in particular should pay attention to their diet and avoid vitamin B5 deficiency, since in old age useful material are absorbed much worse. In addition, pantothenic acid helps burn fat, which is why it received the name “architect” slim figure».

5. Pyridoxine or vitamin B6 useful for diabetics, as it helps normalize blood glucose levels and curb sudden increases in this substance. In addition, pyridoxine helps the absorption of fatty acids and improves metabolism in brain tissue. Together with other B vitamins, vitamin B6 has a healing effect on the cardiovascular and nervous system. This vitamin helps prevent the occurrence of atherosclerosis, ischemia and myocardial infarction.

6. Vitamin B9 or folic acid, which is contained in pistachios, is extremely necessary for pregnant women. Indeed, with a lack of this vitamin, severe developmental defects occur in the fetus. Therefore, gynecologists recommend consuming folic acid even at the stage of pregnancy planning. In addition, vitamin B9 helps strengthen the immune system and is involved in the process of hematopoiesis. Folic acid has a positive effect on the liver and digestive system.

7. Tocopherol or vitamin E found in few foods, but pistachios are one of them. Tocopherol helps slow down the aging process in the body. Thanks to the effects of this vitamin, the skin becomes firm and elastic, less susceptible to stretch marks, the risk of scar formation is reduced, and the skin is less susceptible to the appearance of “senile” pigmentation. This vitamin helps improve tissue regeneration, lower blood sugar levels, and improve immunity. Vitamin E helps reduce blood pressure and ensure normal blood clotting.

These are just a few beneficial features pistachios, due only to the presence useful vitamins in their composition. Besides, pistachios are good for the intestines, since they contain a large amount of fiber. These nuts help improve peristalsis and cleanse the body of toxins and waste.

Lutein, which is part of these fruits of the “tree of life,” helps improve visual acuity. Pistachios are a strong aphrodesiac, which can increase sexual attraction.

In addition, pistachios are recommended for consumption by people who suffer from diseases respiratory tract. Noted positive influence pistachios on the heart - if you have tachycardia, eating these nuts will help lower your heart rate.

The benefits of pistachios for the nervous system are undeniable - these nuts are recommended for consumption by people whose work involves increased brain activity and constant stress. Eating pistachios will help normalize sleep, get rid of nervousness, irritability and chronic fatigue.

Are pistachios harmful to health?

Pistachios have many beneficial properties, but will eating pistachios cause harm? It is worth remembering that these nuts are a strong allergen. Therefore, if a person is prone to allergies, you should refrain from eating pistachios, or introduce these nuts into your diet carefully.

Eating pistachios in large quantities will not bring benefits to the body - nausea and dizziness will appear, as this high-calorie product. Just a small amount of pistachios will help lower cholesterol levels. If you eat a large amount of these nuts, it will affect your figure.

Otherwise, eat these healthy nuts it is possible, since the benefits of using them are much greater than the harm.

Pistachios for children: good or bad?

Pistachios are a strong allergen, so you should not include them in your diet. small child. Ideally, nuts are introduced into the diet from age 5. But you can give it a try at 3 years old, starting with one little thing. This should not be done before, since eating pistachios can cause various reactions in the body - from itching to anaphylactic shock.

But pistachios also have many beneficial properties. They contain vitamins and minerals that are essential for normal height and child development. Pistachios have a positive effect on the immune system and nervous system, so these nuts are recommended to be included in the diet of children who interact with other children in kindergarten or school.

What harm and benefits do pistachios bring to the body when consumed? Almost everyone has ever tried pistachios, some people like them unusual taste, it leaves others indifferent, but you can take advantage of the beneficial properties of pistachios for your health in any case...

But many people don’t even know that these nuts can grow on both trees and shrubs. They can be either deciduous or evergreen. But in any case, they are one family - Sumacaceae.

In China they are called “nuts of happiness” growing on the “tree of life”; apparently the locals had reasons for such pretentious names...

Where and how pistachios grow - photo

For the first time, these trees began to be grown in the Middle East and Central Asia; these areas are the birthplace of pistachios. These nuts love warmth, so they are grown in subtropical and tropical zones.

Iran produces 50% of world exports, receiving about 200 thousand tons of this product.
The pistachio tree usually does not grow more than 7 meters in height. It lives for about 300-400 years at favorable conditions.

If a tree grows in an arid semi-desert, then several more stems form inside the tree trunk, making it look like a bush. Pistachio trees begin to bloom in April and the fruits ripen in October.

Composition of pistachios

Pistachios contain large amounts of vitamin B6, so much so that these nuts can even rival liver. Just thirty nuts contain the daily requirement of vitamin B6.

Pistachio nuts also contain vitamin E, which helps rejuvenate cells.

It should be emphasized that pistachios contain important minerals: potassium, magnesium, copper, phosphorus and manganese.

Pistachios stand out among other nuts in that they contain many amino acids, of which 12 are essential and 8 are non-essential.

Useful properties of pistachios

  • Antioxidant;
  • regenerative;
  • choleretic;
  • improving brain activity;
  • lifting general tone and mood;
  • reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases;
  • reduce blood cholesterol levels;
  • improve intestinal motility;
  • have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair structure.

The benefits of pistachios for the body

Due to the large amount of harvest obtained, the nuts are collected only by machine, and they are dried naturally, in the sun. Based on this, we can say that the product is environmentally friendly, without the use of any additives.

An exception is salted pistachios, as they are soaked in salt water before drying.

These nuts contain such a large amount of vitamins that it can be assumed that they can not only satisfy hunger, but also help the human body cope with certain diseases.

  • People prone to heart disease need to add pistachios to their diet. They will help strengthen the walls blood vessels and reduce.
  • They will also help prevent tuberculosis and other lung diseases.
  • With daily consumption of pistachios, liver diseases can be alleviated, its performance can be restored and the bile ducts will be cleared of blockages and will go away. In addition, they help fight jaundice and rubella.
  • Pistachio nuts prolong the life of cells thanks to certain substances, one of which is phenolic compounds. They strengthen cell walls and increase their regeneration. From which it follows that pistachios have the qualities of antioxidants.
  • Thanks to their protein and carbohydrate content, these nuts will help you gain strength after extreme fatigue.
  • In addition, they are full, just 30 nuts can replace a whole serving of oatmeal.
  • In nature, this nut is known as a good antidepressant that helps to relax and relieve fatigue.

What are the benefits of pistachios for women

Pistachio oil has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair, strengthens them and revitalizes them. Using the oil will help remove freckles and age spots from a woman’s skin.

Pistachio oil protects the skin from aging and helps in the healing of wounds and abrasions. It is often added to base oil for massage - it perfectly relieves fatigue and excessive tension.

Pistachios relieve hunger for a long time, so they are suitable for losing weight women who know how to control themselves when consumed 2-3 pcs per day.

What are the benefits of pistachios for men?

Pistachios are recognized good aphrodisiac. This means they are very important for the male gender.

The course of treatment for incipient impotence is 30 grams of pistachio nuts per day for a month. According to reviews quite effective remedy- the erection becomes more complete, and the spermatozoa are mobile.

Harm of pistachios or contraindications

These nuts are a powerful allergen. If you are diagnosed with an allergy, then it is better to refrain from consuming this delicacy to avoid complications: redness or rash on the skin, sneezing, and digestive system disorders.

Sometimes sellers offer to buy salted pistachios. In this case, you should be on your guard (people with high blood pressure), because salt increases blood pressure.

How many pistachios can you eat per day?

Even if healthy man will exceed daily norm, having eaten more than 30 pieces of nuts, the content of essential oils in the human body will increase. This means that he cannot avoid problems such as or, in the worst case, loss of consciousness.

How many calories are in pistachios

Daily consumption of pistachios above the norm can negatively affect your figure. Pistachio calories - 556 calories per 100 grams, which is considered quite a lot. So when losing weight, it is better to cross this product off your menu.

Calorie content of salted pistachios - 600 kcal per 100 grams of product, but the harm of salted pistachios is not so much in the even higher calorie content, but in the fact that with regular consumption of this salty product, the risk of getting gastritis, dysfunction of the liver and gall bladder greatly increases.

In addition, they retain excess fluid in the body.

They will also have a negative impact on the health of hypertensive patients and patients with renal failure.

Can pregnant women eat salted pistachios?

In pregnant women, salted pistachios will cause additional swelling and in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters the possibility of gestosis and a serious increase in blood pressure increases.

Applications of pistachios

Pistachios are eaten fried, salted and raw. They are used:

  • IN oriental cuisine, adding to sweets;
  • A good addition to beer or kvass;
  • They are used to make seasonings for meat dishes;
  • Added to confectionery products;
  • Ice cream with pistachios is very popular.
  • The leaves containing essential oils are used in some medicines. And after pressing them, they are used to feed livestock.
  • The branches also serve as good decoration.

Pistachio oil - benefits

Pistachio oil is in great demand in medicine and cosmetology. It is used in the treatment of many diseases. It also helps fight jaundice and tuberculosis.

It has a positive effect on the skin, eliminating it and other blemishes, providing protection against ultraviolet rays and wind.

It is added to a cream or base oil and used in massage. Oil heals small wounds and amazingly strengthens the hair roots, adding shine to them.

How to choose pistachios

It is advisable not to eat unripe fruits of the “tree of life”, because they contain a large amount of essential oils, therefore, they can be life-threatening.

To insure your life you need to know how to choose pistachios?

  • An indicator that the nut is ripe is the open shell and green color nucleolus.
  • When buying pistachios, it is important to know that the greener the kernels, the more pleasant they taste.

How and for how long are pistachios stored?

In ripe pistachios, the shell opens a little, but at the same time it still does not lose its protective functions.

When storing nuts, it is best to take specimens with shells, because they will have a much longer shelf life.

To extend the shelf life of pistachios, consider the following tips...

  • Should be stored in cool places (refrigerator, freezer).
  • The nuts should not be exposed to sunlight.
  • It is necessary to prevent moisture from entering the pistachios; for this it is recommended to place them in a tightly closed jar.

Now, more specifically, how long pistachios can retain their edibility...

  • At room temperature, the nuts will be fresh within three weeks
  • In the refrigerator, with constant temperature 3-6C, the shelf life will last for six months.
  • Most the best option– store in the freezer. In this case, the shelf life will increase by one year.

Separately, it is worth saying that salted pistachios cannot be stored for so long, because taste qualities the product will deteriorate greatly.


To benefit from eating pistachios, you must follow some rules.

  • Only people who are not hypertensive or allergic can eat pistachios.
  • Be able to distinguish ripened nuts from unripe ones.
  • Eating no more than 30 pistachios per day is the daily norm.
  • Place the remaining nuts in a vacuum container and put them in the freezer.

Pistachio - literally translated from Iranian it sounds like “laughing nut”. He owes his affectionate nickname to a small crack between two shells, which vaguely resembles a smile. However, at one time the nut also had another no less amazing nickname - “magic nut”, which was given to it for increased content vitamin E, and, as a result, a rejuvenating effect on the cells of the body.

History of pistachios

Pistachios very quickly conquered not only Iran, but also the entire Middle East and the Mediterranean coast. There is even a legend on this topic about the Queen of Sheba, who forbade commoners to consume such healthy nuts into food, giving pistachios the status of royal food. The Queen of Sheba was not the only crowned person who preferred this nut. The famous Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar ordered pistachio trees to be planted in his hanging gardens Semiramis.

One of the most revered in ancient world properties of pistachios - their practicality and healing properties. Stocking up on food long term traders, explorers and travelers always took them with them. They were stored for quite a long time, on the road they would be suitable for treating many ailments, and they were also not bad as a coloring agent.

At the end of the reign of the Roman Emperor Tiberius, pistachios first came to Europe (Italy), from where they became known to Spain and Portugal. But in North America, where they are no less in demand, only in the middle of the nineteenth century. In our homeland, the first pistachio trees were planted in Crimea near the city of Sudak. The first 15 of them were planted by the famous and outstanding scientist P. S. Pallas. Unfortunately, wild Asian trees, despite good weather conditions for them, produced fruits that were unsuitable for food.

Interestingly, pistachios can only be harvested at night. This is due to the fact that pistachio trees, due to better solar and elevated temperature secrete specific essential oils, the smell of which causes severe dizziness. But this is not the only one unique feature in the production of pistachios. Only these nuts can be fried and salted even when they are in the shell.

When buying pistachios, it is worth remembering that the nut is stored on average for no more than a year, and at zero air temperature Celsius - up to four years. They must be clean and necessarily a third or a quarter open, i.e. ripe. Tastes like pistachios good quality a little sweet. Under no circumstances should they be moldy or rancid!

Pistachio on our tables

It would probably be much easier to provide a list of those culinary dishes in which under no circumstances can there be pistachios, than to list all those where they are added. They are used in the production of cheese, sausage, and all kinds of confectionery. They are added to many Asian poultry dishes, salads, etc. Pistachios can be eaten not only with beer, but also with dessert or sparkling wine. To do this, they are not salted, but specially processed. lemon juice.

The benefits of pistachios

They contain vitamins and other useful microelements: fiber, selenium, calcium, potassium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, biotin, copper, niacin, tannin, phytosterols, vitamins B and E.

Pistachios are very good for people suffering from problems with the cardiovascular system and diabetes mellitus. The most optimal dose for lowering blood sugar and cholesterol levels is from 10 to 20 kernels per day.

They also help with diseases respiratory system, in particular with serious bronchitis and even tuberculosis. To do this, boil the following mixture in one glass of milk for 30 minutes: 2 dried figs with two tablespoons of crushed pistachio nuts. It is recommended to eat this mixture at least once a day.

For infections oral cavity(stomatitis or sore throat), special rinses based on nut shells are recommended. To prepare the tincture you will need: crushed shells - 2 tbsp. l., 200 g vodka. The tincture is aged for 2 weeks in a dark, preferably cool place. It should then be stored under the same conditions.

The beneficial properties of pistachios are vital for all students and people with constant mental stress. Why? Yes, due to the fact that they improve the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, it significantly increases brain activity, the feeling of constant disappears physical fatigue as if problems and interruptions in liver function disappear by themselves.

Nut kernels are widely used by women and in for cosmetic purposes. This is facilitated known properties pistachios, eliminating age spots and freckles.

It has also been scientifically proven that people after 65 years of age most often lose their vision due to insufficient quantity zeaxatin and lutein, which can more than be found in pistachios. By taking 10-15 nut kernels daily, you won’t have to worry about retinal dystrophy and age-related vision loss.

Calorie content - 556kcal
Protein – 20.27 g
Fat – 45.39 g
Carbohydrates - 22 g
Water – 3.91 g
Vitamin A - 21 mcg
B1 - 0.87 mg
B2 - 0.16 mg
B3 -1.30 mg
B6 - 1.70 mg
B9 - 51 mcg
E - 2.29 mg
C - 5.59 mg
Magnesium - 120.9 mg
Iron - 3.91 mg
Potassium -1024.99 mg
Calcium - 104.9 mg
Phosphorus - 489.99 mg
Zinc - 2.19 mg
Sodium - 0.99 mg

Contraindications for use

Whatever healthy pistachios, we and the editors of the site www.site do not recommend using them in increased quantity, because nut protein is a fairly powerful allergen. They are introduced into the daily diet very carefully, strictly controlled and not exceeding permissible norm. If you do not follow the dosage, you may encounter the following consequences: coughing and sneezing, skin rash, digestive problems. Another disadvantage of the nut is its high calorie content, so the maximum daily norm snack should not exceed 30 g. It’s true, according to materials published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, this dose is sufficient to prevent impotence, obesity and cardiovascular diseases. So, the harm and benefit of pistachios are concepts that go side by side.

So we talked about pistachio nuts, their beneficial properties and contraindications for consumption. I will also add that it is very desirable for pistachios to be eaten separate appointment, and not in a bite with something else. By the way, people who want to completely give up animal products can replace them with pistachios in an affordable dosage.

Humanity has been eating pistachios for 2000 years. Ancient times this product were even attributed magical properties. For example, in Persia, nuts were considered a symbol financial well-being, and were also often used as currency when concluding trade transactions. The use of pistachios has not lost its relevance today. They received wide application V various fields: medicine, cosmetology, cooking. It remains to figure out the benefits and harms of pistachios.


Nuts are distinguished by numerous useful characteristics, which are due to the presence of special components in the product. Pistachios contain:

  • protein, which is the basis of valuable amino acids essential for the human body;
  • fats consisting of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids(linoleic, stearic, oleic and others);
  • carbohydrates;
  • vitamins B, A, and E, starch, glycerides;
  • important microelements: magnesium, copper, iron, phosphorus, manganese.

The calorie content of 100 g of product is 556 kcal.

Beneficial features

The benefits of pistachios for the body include the following properties.

  • Due to their rich composition, nuts are an excellent natural remedy designed to restore vitality, satisfy the feeling of hunger. In addition, the product is considered effective medicine from many diseases.
  • Pistachios are a powerful antioxidant natural origin. This property is especially attractive for representatives of the fair sex who dream of prolonging their youth. The kernels contain large amounts of vitamin E and phenolic compounds. These substances neutralize toxins, preventing them from causing negative impact on cell membrane. All these beneficial properties of pistachios allow women who often enjoy nuts to look younger than their years.
  • The product is recommended for people who regularly visit sports training. Powerful mental stress They will also be more effective if you introduce green nuts into your diet. They are also recommended for patients with a weak, severely exhausted body.
  • Pistachios must be included in the menu during the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system, including in the treatment of such serious illness like tuberculosis.
  • The healing components included in the product help preserve excellent vision, strengthen bone tissue and tooth enamel.
  • Nuts help improve the condition of blood vessels. If they are present in the daily diet, this significantly reduces the risk of developing pathologies of the cardiovascular system.
  • Nuts also become an indispensable product for those who try to maintain liver health. They help strengthen and improve the functioning of this organ, liberate bile ducts when blockage occurs. Pistachios are getting good additional means during the treatment of jaundice and hepatic colic.
  • Nuts are especially rich in vitamin B6, which is involved in the creation of blood cells and the absorption of glucose. Consuming this delicious product helps improve the functioning of the circulatory and nervous systems.
  • The microelements that are important for the body, which are part of pistachios, ensure the natural course of metabolic processes in organism.
  • Fiber is another one compound element nuts These dietary fibers restore the intestinal microflora and help cleanse it. harmful substances. People who love pistachios usually do not suffer from diseases of the digestive system.
  • Many people are interested in the benefits of pistachios for men. She really is. The product acts like an aphrodisiac. Representatives of the stronger sex who regularly consume nuts for a long time protect themselves from manifestations of potency disorders. At the same time, libido remains quite high level. The kernels can even improve sperm quality.

Are pistachios healthy? Listed Properties indicate that nuts not only have pleasant taste. They bring significant benefits to the human body. It is important to use the product in moderation. To improve your health, it is enough to eat 10–15 nuts per day. This amount is enough to enrich the body with useful substances.

Harmful properties

Having learned the benefits of pistachios, it seems that they have no disadvantages. In fact, the product can be harmful to humans.

  • Nuts, as mentioned earlier, should be consumed in moderation. If this rule is ignored, the person may suffer from unpleasant symptoms: dizziness, feeling of nausea.
  • People prone to manifestation allergic reaction, it is worth consulting with qualified specialist, which will tell you whether pistachios can be introduced into the diet. To prevent development skin rash, sneezing, stomach upset, you must approach the consumption of nuts with great caution. The product is a fairly strong allergen. Pistachios can be especially dangerous for children. Delicious and seemingly harmless nuts can provoke anaphylactic shock.
  • Modern stores offer their customers natural, slightly dried nuts, as well as a product with added salt. Last option may be dangerous in hypertension.
  • Although pistachios contain fewer calories compared to similar products, people who want to lose weight should not eat them often. It is acceptable to eat a handful of nuts on a fasting day. When combined with other products, pistachios will not help you get rid of extra pounds at all, so it is not recommended to get carried away with them.

Features of choosing and storing nuts

In the field Food Industry The product has received quite wide application. Nuts are added to hot dishes and salads because they give them a special piquancy and pleasant aroma. Pistachio dessert has many fans around the world.

To choose when purchasing quality product, it is necessary to adhere to several principles.

  • a cracked nut shell is an indicator of its ripeness;
  • the color of the kernels determines the taste and juiciness of the product; accordingly, the greener it is, the tastier it is;
  • there should be no visible traces of salt on the shell, which appear when the nuts are soaked for a long time in the appropriate solution; Many of the healing properties of pistachios are simply lost during this procedure.

The most useful are considered fresh nuts who have not been exposed heat treatment and were not placed in a solution with salt. The product can be stored for no more than 3 months in the refrigerator, always in a tightly closed container.

Pistachios are not only famous for their pleasant taste, but also their benefits and harms. great importance. Unique properties products help strengthen the immune system, improve the health of the body, and improve well-being. Knowing about possible negative consequences, you can avoid them in a timely manner and protect yourself and your loved ones from possible problems.

Pistachio trees grow singly, have a dense, curved trunk and evergreen foliage. The crown is low to the ground, and powerful root system covers an area of ​​40 meters and grows to a depth of about 15 meters. Pistachio trees and shrubs are resistant to drought, as they have the ability to extract about 20 tons of moisture from the soil during one warm season. Under favorable conditions, one tree can bear fruit for 300-400 years.

Pistachio trees mainly grow in Iran, India, USA, Syria, Turkey, Italy and many countries with hot climates. The seeds ripen in the fall, and the ripe nuts partially open and make a sharp click.

Surprisingly, pistachios are harvested by hand in the evening and at night. This unconventional approach to harvesting can be easily explained if you know about special properties foliage of this plant. Under the influence of scorching sun rays The bright leaves of the pistachio tree actively release concentrated essential oils. In small quantities they will not harm the body, but if these substances are inhaled for a long time, a person may experience dizziness, intoxication, nausea and even fainting!

Calorie content of pistachios

Pistachios have an exquisite taste and are direct “relatives” of the cashew nut. The benefits of pistachios for humans lie in their nutritional value, unique combination valuable substances, and in terms of the content of B vitamins, these nuts are superior to beef liver!

Pistachios contain:

  • Organic amino acids (oleic, linoleic, palmitic, stearic)
  • Proteins (about 20 grams)
  • Vitamins of groups E, A, B, PP
  • Starch
  • Glycerides
  • Ash compounds
  • Carbohydrates
  • Alimentary fiber
  • Microelements (Cu, Mn, P, Mg, Fe, K)

100 g pistachios replenish daily deficit vitamin B6 in humans, replenish the body useful amino acids and vitamins. The benefits of pistachios lie in their extraordinary nutritional value and high calorie content. One hundred grams of raw kernels contain about 650 calories, and a handful of nuts instantly satisfies severe hunger and fills the body with energy.


Harm of pistachios

In order for pistachios to bring benefit to the body and not harm, it is better to eat them raw, slightly dried. However, this is very often forgotten by snack lovers who feast on these aromatic nuts in incredible quantities while sitting in front of the TV. The harm of pistachios increases significantly if this product is generously seasoned with salt. Eating salted kernels is dangerous sharp jumps blood pressure and malfunction of the kidneys.

Also, do not forget that pistachios are allergenic products. People who are intolerant to any component of these nuts should avoid eating them.

It is strictly not recommended to give pistachios to children under three years of age who have been diagnosed with allergic manifestations. Eating even a small amount of these nuts can significantly worsen a child's condition and even lead to anaphylactic shock.

To avoid damaging tooth enamel, you should not open pistachio shells with your teeth - it is better to use tools for cracking nuts. With caution and extreme cases nuts should be consumed by people who wear dentures or orthodontic systems.

Harm to pistachios cannot be ruled out if low-quality nuts with mold or a red coating on the kernels were purchased. The seeds of ripe, edible pistachios are covered with a thin green shell. The red crust indicates that the nuts were collected by hand and treated by manufacturers with dyes in order to hide moldy spots. However, such low-quality goods can be found in isolated cases, since today pistachio harvesting is almost completely automated.


Pistachios: benefits

The huge amount of valuable substances that make up pistachios has contributed to the extraordinary popularity of these nuts among people. of different ages. They are included in their diet by athletes, as well as people whose job involves increased brain activity.

The benefits of pistachios today are not questioned. The phenolic compounds contained in their composition promote cell renewal, protect the body from the effects of harmful radicals and help preserve youth. Pistachio oil is used to produce many hair and skin care products, preparations for the treatment of dermatitis, oils for massage and tanning.

Eating nutritious pistachios has a beneficial effect on the entire body. The undeniable benefit of these nuts for humans is the breakdown cholesterol plaques and removal of toxins. In addition, pistachios produce next exposure on the body:

  • A significantly higher concentration of vitamin B6 in nuts promotes cell regeneration, regular renewal of blood cells, normal flow the process of metabolism of fats and proteins in the body.
  • The beneficial microelements contained in pistachios have a positive effect on metabolism, nervous and circulatory system. Eating ripe nuts helps strengthen the heart vessels and calms heart palpitations.
  • Pistachios are very useful for men. The introduction of these nuts into the diet allows you to increase potency, has a beneficial effect on libido, strengthening male strength.
  • Pistachios contain very rare substances - carotenoids. Thanks to them, it strengthens skeletal system, tooth enamel, are improving visual functions.
  • The fiber in which these nuts are rich has a beneficial effect on the intestines, improves peristalsis, and activates the excretion of bile. Useful qualities pistachios have been identified in the treatment of hepatic colic - nuts relieve pain and promote normal operation liver.
  • Pistachios enrich the body valuable substances, give energy and vigor. People who systematically pamper themselves with this delicacy experience strong immunity and increased resistance to stress.
  • Products based on pistachios are used to treat respiratory diseases, and the colossal content of vitamin E in nuts helps fight the aging of the body and reduces the likelihood of cancer.

A pregnant woman should eat no more than 15 pistachios per day. Uncontrolled consumption of these nuts can cause nausea, headaches and even cause premature birth.

Protein, unsaturated acids, beneficial microelements and vitamins actively participate in the development of the fetus, have a beneficial effect on the mother’s body, help cope with the load on the heart and others internal organs. Proper use pistachios will help regulate liver function and relieve toxicosis.

However, despite the benefits, the harm of pistachios should not be completely ruled out.

A pregnant woman should remember a healthy sense of proportion and consume no more than 15 peeled nuts per day. The fact is that pistachios are rich essential oils which can cause nausea and migraines in expectant mother. An excess of these substances in the body can lead to tone smooth muscles uterus and provoke premature birth.

Pistachios during breastfeeding

During the lactation period, a woman should be careful when preparing her diet and exclude foods that can cause colic and allergic manifestations in the baby. Despite the benefits, pistachios are allergens and can cause harm to the child.

Weak digestive system a newborn is not able to assimilate the complex elements that are present in pistachios. Therefore, a nursing mother should avoid eating these nuts until the baby reaches 7-12 months of age.



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