Very cool people. Who is the strongest person

Showing your coolness with the help of a checkmate is possible only in chess.

Aphorisms about life

Coolness is when everyone has phone numbers, something like 877777777,

or 8555555555, and you have 817654209, but all your friends know it by heart.

Coolness as a quality of a person is the ability to live according to conscience, so that even enemies respect you, and at the same time succeed, achieve high status, the highest professionalism, significance and influence; to be without complexes, to have a strong-willed, purposeful character, to act tough, confidently and decisively.

... Once, one man bought the keys to the “ Mercedes-600", with a keychain. I went everywhere with them, twirled them on my finger, caught the admiring glances of the girls on myself, and felt incredibly cool. Probably, this would have gone on forever, but one fine day, this man met another man - with the keys to the Hummer H2 ...

Two "cool" people are talking. One says: - The lads talk that the wind is walking in your pockets ... - They are bazaar on business. I bought a wallet with air conditioning.

Coolness comes in three forms. One is under the influence of the energy of goodness, the other is under the influence of passion, and finally the third is under the influence of the energy of ignorance.

Coolness in ignorance is the sourness of the brain from the constant proving by force, violence of its significance and importance. Don't care about the law. False ego of the tough in ignorance entirely preoccupied with the confirmation of their own prestige. In the world of criminals, there is a constant struggle in the context of who is cooler. This is a world of ignorance and degradation.

For the “cool” in passion, the main thing is to show off, put on airs, cause envy in the eyes of others, compare with them everything that is available to demonstrate their physical or moral superiority. Every person has a false ego. It is part of the subtle body. Together with the mind, mind and soul, it forms the consciousness of a person.

The mind lives in the “pleasant-unpleasant”, “like-dislike” mode, in a word it is preoccupied with the search for pleasures and pleasures. The mind is designed to control the mind and feelings, it works in the “useful or harmful”, “necessary - not necessary”, right or wrong, it can be done or absolutely impossible.

The false ego identifies itself with the personality, it is completely preoccupied with its own significance and importance, significance and prestige, that is, for it the main thing is what Princess Marya Alekseevna will say, what others will say about him, what assessments will give. God forbid they stick any offensive labels, give offensive "drives". False ego makes a person forget about spiritual growth and commands him to spend all his strength and time on gaining prestige.

Vain and terribly ambitious, false ego compels a person to participate in a continuous insane race called "Who has more, cooler." I have a house in an elite area, a cool car, a mistress with legs from her ears, and my friends don’t have this. In a word, there is a game going on: “And from our window, Red Square is visible. And from your window, only a little bit of the street.

Let’s remember Ellochka the Ogre from Ilf and Petrov’s novel “The Twelve Chairs” and see how the false ego works in the context of coolness: “Ellochka noticed four years ago that she had a rival across the ocean. Misfortune visited Ellochka on that joyful evening when she tried on a very nice little crepe de chine blouse. In this outfit, she seemed almost a goddess ... At such a great hour, Fimka Sobak came to her. She brought with her the frosty breath of January and a French fashion magazine. On the first page, Ellochka stopped. The sparkling photo showed the daughter of the American billionaire Vanderbilt in an evening dress. There were furs and feathers, silk and pearls, an unusual lightness of cut and a breathtaking hairstyle. This solved everything.

- Wow! Ella said to herself. It meant: "either I, or she." The next morning found Ellochka at the hairdresser's. Here she lost her beautiful black braid and dyed her hair red. Then they managed to climb one more step of that staircase that brought Ellochka closer to the shining paradise, where the daughters of billionaires walk, not even suitable for housewife Shchukina. A dog skin representing a muskrat was purchased with a work loan. It was used to decorate an evening dress. Mr. Schukin, who had long cherished the dream of buying a new drawing board, became somewhat depressed. The dress, trimmed with a dog, dealt the arrogant Vanderbildiha the first well-aimed blow. Then the proud American was dealt three blows in a row. Ellochka bought a chinchilla tippet (a Russian hare killed in the Tula province) from Fimochka Sobak, a domestic furrier, got herself a pigeon hat made of Argentinean felt, and altered her husband's new jacket into a fashionable ladies' jacket. The billionaire swayed, but apparently, her loving dad Vanderbilt saved her. The next issue of the fashion magazine included portraits of the accursed rival in four forms: 1) in black-brown foxes, 2) with a diamond star in her forehead, 3) in an aviation suit (high boots, the thinnest green jacket and gloves, the bells of which were inlaid with emeralds medium size) and 4) in the ballroom (cascades of jewelry and a little bit of silk). Ellochka mobilized. Papa-Shchukin took a loan from the mutual aid fund. They didn't give him more than thirty rubles. A new powerful effort undercut the economy at the root. I had to fight in all areas of life. Photographs of Miss in her new castle in Florida have recently been received. Ellochka also had to get new furniture. She bought two upholstered chairs at an auction. (A successful purchase! It was impossible to miss it!) Without asking her husband, Ellochka took money from the lunch sums. There are ten days and four rubles left until the fifteenth.”

Coolness in passion is a race for show-offs.

Village. An unshaven man in a dirty quilted jacket is sitting on a bench, stroking a tired cat and gloomily saying to himself: “Cool men are now in cool cars with a personal chauffeur, in chic suits, with grandmas going to a nightclub ... And I’m sitting here like a fool ... Here in a fairy appears in the air next to him. - Hello, Vasya! Remember me - I'm your godmother. And I will help you. You will also go to a nightclub. Touches the bench - it turns into a limousine. Touches the cat - the cat turns into a driver. He touches his quilted jacket - and here is a man in a haute couture suit, shaved, perfumed, there are countless money in his pockets. The man, feeling cool, delighted, kisses his godmother and breaks into the car. She followed him: - Have fun, but remember: exactly at midnight your car will turn into a bench, the driver - into a cat, a suit into a padded jacket, and you yourself will turn into a pig! “Not what a story,” says the instantly stunned man. - And why am I a pig? - But because closer to midnight you are all there - cool, get drunk like pigs!

Coolness in passion is built on arrogance, on the eternal desire to be higher and better than others in material terms. Spirituality for this kind of coolness is Cinderella at best and empty at worst. The more a person, in pursuit of coolness, attaches importance to external tinsel and show-offs, the more striking is the narrowness and superficiality of his inner world.

Coolness in passion and ignorance is a beautiful candy wrapper, behind which, as a rule, turns out to be worthless, weakling, coward and lazy.

Elevator. The lady and two tough ones go up. On the way to the right floor, the lady is announced that they are going to rape her. - Guys! So steep and suddenly the elevator, unsanitary conditions. Are you crazy - at home bed, drink, and other comforts? Can we get there? The cool ones agreed.

The lady opens the door. And there is an ambal husband. “Vasya,” he says, “they were just about to rape me. Two blows to the jaw - both lie down. He takes the first one - takes off his pants and pays in the same coin. Then he takes the second one - takes off his pants and tries to do as with the first one. Does not work. - Wife, bring a knife, you need to cut it! Cool comes to his senses and says: - Listen, man! I ask you as a brother - try again!

Coolness in goodness is a haven of nobility, honor and dignity. If you want to find something real and reliable, look for it in benevolent coolness. A cool man in goodness lives as if God is always present behind him. He lives according to his conscience, honestly and nobly. He is respected even by his enemies. They respect him for the fact that he behaves in the same way in all life situations, that is, nobly. And on a desert island, and in space, and in a hot desert, he always acts nobly towards all living beings.

A cool person in goodness is strict and demanding of himself and others, he is purposeful, stubborn and persistent. He always acts decisively and confidently, makes decisions in a timely manner and takes responsibility for them. He is reliable and obligatory.

A steep in goodness knows how to control his mind and feelings. Moreover, he is independent of the attempts of his false ego to prove to someone his importance and significance. False ego independence is really cool. The person becomes self-sufficient. He no longer seeks to show self-sufficiency to the outside world. Show those who do not have it. A cool person does not live in goodness for the sake of demonstrating coolness, he is full of activity and creation.

In a word, a real man. Every woman's dream.

June 3rd, 2016

Whether it's a soldier, explorer, pirate, or athlete, a person always looks up with reverence to someone he considers tough, tough, and unyielding. In some cultures, of course, this phenomenon is more pronounced than in others. For example, the ancient Spartans were extremely obsessed with the desire to be the toughest, harshest and most courageous on the planet. And while society has become a little more reserved about it these days, we're still subdued by those we consider tough, those who fall under the definition of "flint man."

Of course, and perhaps not surprisingly, many people have made their place on this list due to their exploits on the battlefield. This was probably the fastest and surest way to take root in the public consciousness as a person known for his strength, strength, rigidity.

Some of the people listed below were not soldiers, but they were almost impossible to kill. Others were generals and warlords, and one of them was even a princess who gained her notoriety for forcing her would-be suitors to fight her. Whatever the story, these are very interesting and definitely cool people.

So, before you - 25 of the coolest people who have ever lived on our planet!

25. Man against tanks

There are few things cooler than being unarmed in the way of a column of tanks.

24. Subday

The military strategist and ally of Genghis Khan was perhaps one of the most ruthless warriors in history. He swept away two continents on his way, as if they did not exist.

23. Khutulun

This Mongol princess (by the way, the great-great-granddaughter of Genghis Khan) demanded that potential suitors fight her, because she would only marry someone who could defeat her in a fight. And in case of a loss, such a person must give her 100 horses. She supposedly won about 10,000 horses.

22. Jack Churchill

Nicknamed "Mad Jack" by his fellow soldiers, during the Second World War, this Briton decided to use a bow and arrows and a sword (Scottish broadsword) as weapons, rather than a gun.

In 1945 he was sent to Burma, where there were battles with Japan, but by the time he got there, Japan had already capitulated. This caused him dissatisfaction, which he expressed by the words: "If it were not for these damned Yankees (referring to the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki), we could have fought for another ten years."

21. Simo Häyhä

Known as the "White Death", this Finnish sniper has killed over 500 people, becoming one of the most successful snipers in history.

20. Frederick the Great

The King of Prussia, which included Austria, France, Sweden, Poland, part of Russia and several small German and Italian city-states, managed to unite the German-speaking people into an entire empire that was the most powerful on Earth before the First World War.

19. Theodore Roosevelt

US President Theodore Roosevelt was shot during a speech. The bullet hit his chest but missed his lung, so he refused to go to the hospital, continuing to perform for an hour and a half. The coolest thing was what he said right after he was shot: “Friends, I will ask you not to make noise. I don’t know if you understand that I was just shot at, but you can’t just kill a moose ... Bullet is in my body now, so I won't be able to talk for long, but I'll do my best."

18. Stanley "Swede" Vejtasa

Probably one of the craziest American pilots during World War II, he shot down an enemy plane after he ran out of ammunition, directing his combat aircraft at him. And survived.

17. Audie Murphy

During World War II, he stumbled upon a machine-gun nest full of Germans who pretended to surrender but shot his best friend. Then he grabbed a machine gun and shot all the Germans within a radius of 100 yards (91.44 m).

16. Lauri Törni

The Finnish soldier fought under three flags, starting the fight against the Soviet Union in the Soviet-Finnish War. After the signing of the Moscow Peace Treaty, he joined the German army to continue his work. After World War II, he emigrated to the United States, where he joined the Special Forces under the name Larry Thorne. Died in Vietnam in a helicopter crash during a thunderstorm.

15. Witold Pilecki

A member of the Polish resistance during World War II, Witold voluntarily surrendered to the Germans in order to infiltrate the Auschwitz concentration camp and receive information. He led successful intelligence activities and escaped from the concentration camp three years later, along with two comrades.

14. Leo Major

After losing one eye in an explosion, he went on to fight against the Germans during World War II, saying that he only needed one eye to look through the scope.

This Canadian soldier of French origin single-handedly liberated the city of Zwolle, occupied by the Germans, and also independently captured 93 enemy soldiers.

13. Grainne Mhaol

Known as Grace O'Malley, this Irish woman cut off her hair to become one of the most feared pirates on the high seas.

12. Daniel Inouye

A senator from the state of Hawaii during World War II was seriously wounded during one of the battles in Italy, defending one of the important "heights". Firing back from the Germans, he was wounded in the stomach. Ignoring this, he destroyed one machine-gun nest, then, together with his fellow soldiers, and the second, after which he lost consciousness from loss of blood. Waking up, he managed to crawl to the third machine-gun nest, but when he was about to throw a grenade there, he tore off most of his arm. Pulling a grenade from his lifeless hand, he managed to throw it with the other before losing consciousness.

11. Albert Jacka

Australian soldier during the First World War. The defensive line of his part was attacked by the Turks in the early morning. Rallying with the seven comrades who survived the battle, he went on the attack on the Turks, who were trying to surround them. They managed to repulse the enemy and retake the defensive line.

10. Boudicca

After the Romans tried to invade her domain, publicly flogged her and raped her two daughters, the troops of Boudicca, the queen of an ancient Celtic tribe, fought off the overwhelming Roman army. She not only won the victory, but also burned to the ground Londonium (Londonium) (modern London), founded by the Romans.

9 Christopher Lee

It is assumed that the character of James Bond was partially "copied" from this British actor, whom many know for his roles in the films "The Lord of the Rings", "Star Wars" and many others. However, before his acting career, he had a distinguished military career during World War II, during which he almost died several times.

8. Grigory Rasputin

The adviser to the Romanov royal family was almost impossible to kill. He survived when he was poisoned with a dose of poison capable of killing five people, then they shot him, beat him, and then, when he was still alive, they tied him hand and foot and threw him into the icy Neva, where he already died.

7. Genghis Khan

If Subedei can be called a madman, then Genghis Khan was simply the king of madness. He conquered the vast majority of Asia and Europe, doing it extremely cruelly and mercilessly.

6. Louis Zamperini

An American long-distance runner during the 1936 Olympic Games in Germany completed the race so quickly that, impressed by the result, Adolf Hitler wished to meet him personally.

Later, during the war, his plane was shot down over the sea, but he managed to survive by drifting for more than a month on a makeshift raft. He was captured by the Japanese and spent several months being tortured in a POW camp. Years later, during a trip to Japan, Louis Zamperini wanted to meet his most cruel tormentor, but he refused to meet him.

5. Andrew Jackson

American President Andrew Jackson was such a tough nut to crack that you need to write a separate article for that. Suffice it to say that at the age of 60, he beat the alleged killer with his cane, bringing him to a hospital bed.

4. Hannibal

The Carthaginian general, considered one of the greatest generals in history, led a huge army across the Alps to conquer Rome. Despite the fact that he did not succeed, he won many victories during his military career. He ended his life by suicide, not wanting to surrender to the enemy.

3. Hugh Glass

During the expedition, the hunter Hugh, moving away from the camp, unexpectedly stumbled upon a grizzly bear, which attacked him before he could grab his gun. Defending himself from the predator, who inflicted deep wounds on him with her claws, he called for help, and the comrades who came to the rescue killed the beast.

Hugh Glass lost consciousness, and the head of the expedition, thinking that a man after such wounds was unlikely to survive, left two people with him who were supposed to bury him when he died. However, after five days of waiting, being afraid of meeting with local Indians, they left him alone, leaving nothing - no food, no water, no equipment. In addition to deep wounds on his back, reaching to the ribs, he also had a broken leg.

After recovering, washing his wounds and wrapping them in a bearskin instead of a bandage, he set off in search of civilization, and he crawled for most of the six-week journey. He managed to fight off the wolves and build a raft on which he was able to swim across the river.

Like Rasputin, Michael refused to die. He was a homeless 60-year-old man, fired from the fire department for drunkenness, whose life was going downhill. Five acquaintances persuaded him to insure his life for a large sum in exchange for an unlimited amount of booze, and then tried to get him drunk to death in order to get money. They planned to kill him by constantly drinking him for 1-2 weeks.

Their plan didn't work. Therefore, they added antifreeze, turpentine, horse ointment and, finally, rat poison to alcohol. Nothing helped: every morning he came back to the bar for a drink. Then they decided to take him outside into the cold (-26°C), opened his clothes and doused him with cold water... The next morning he came back to the bar and ordered a drink.

They then arranged for him to be hit by a car, but he escaped with fractures after spending three weeks in the hospital. Finally, they managed to kill him by putting a hose from a gas water heater in the mouth of a drunken old man and letting the gas run for an hour. Subsequently, they suffered a well-deserved punishment in the form of execution in the electric chair.

1. Adrian Carton de Wiart (Sir Adrian Carton de Wiart)

British military officer who participated in the Anglo-Boer, World War I and World War II. He was repeatedly wounded: in the face, stomach, head, thigh, leg, ankle and ear. He survived a plane crash... twice. He escaped the camp by digging and even cut off his fingers after the doctor refused to amputate them. When asked about the First World War, he replied: "To be honest, I enjoyed it."

Under the "coolness" of a person, it is customary to understand certain qualities, features or characteristics that distinguish a certain person from others. Of course, such definitions are highly arbitrary. But still, we can safely say that there are the coolest people in the world to whom this concept applies without any doubts and conditions.

The most famous, richest, self-sufficient, successful, whatever one may say, are the coolest people in the world. At the same time, they built their lives from scratch on their own. Without the financial support of parents, without the guardianship of wealthy patrons. And today it is they who are at the head of huge global holdings and brands.

Perhaps we will combine them in the top 10 coolest people in the world.

1. Lillian Betancourt

And let's give up the honorable first place to an incredibly strong and, no doubt, successful woman?! - Founder and sole owner of the world famous company L'Oreal, which also owns such brands as Vichy, Maybelline, Anais-Anais. She is one of the richest women in the world and the richest woman in France.

2. Bill Gates

Of course, it would be unfair if the second place was not given to the coolest person in the world, the planet, billionaire Bill Gates. And what can we say, his place was supposed to be the first, but Bill, like a true gentleman, gave way to his lady. One of the people who has fabulous sums of money in his accounts is actively involved in charity work and in 2010 even suggested that all the world's millionaires give half of their financial fortunes to charitable foundations.

3. Ortega Amancio

Owner of Confecciones Goa and manager of the largest international chains Zara, Bershka, Medved. Fulfilling his dreams one by one, Ortega Amancio turned from a simple clerk into a billionaire, occupying a leading place in the Forbes list. At the same time, he leads an absolutely normal lifestyle, familiar to every average Spaniard, and tries not to stand out among his fellow citizens.

4. David and Charles Koch

The next line was shared by the Koch brothers. They are co-owners of the largest holding Koch Industries. The company owns the pipelines that transport most of the required fuel in the States. And also at their enterprises, the production of synthetic fibers, paper towels, toilet paper and even carpets has been established - Lycra, Brawny, Angelsoft, Stainmaster.

5. Michael Bloomberg

108th mayor of New York. It occupies its usual place at the beginning of the second ten of the Forbes list. The title "The coolest man in the world" and the 5th line of the rating, Michael gets more than deserved. In addition to his political activities, he is an excellent financier and founder of the Bloomberg news agency. One of the richest people in America.

6. Bernie Ecclestone

The honorary member of the top ten, like many of his famous comrades, began his ascent to success at the age of 16, leaving school and delving into his favorite motorcycles, which eventually made him a world-famous racer. And subsequently, Bernie founded the most famous race in the world - "Formula 1".

7. Richard Branson

One of the most influential and successful entrepreneurs in Europe. Richard's business acumen is innate. And it was she who helped him found the Virgin record label and other companies with consonant names. In addition to his business activities, Branson can be proud of the seventh place in the list of "The Coolest People in the World" and for his writing and public speaking skills.

8. Mikhail Prokhorov

It would be completely unforgivable not to include Russian participants in the top 10. The coolest person in the world, whose history has a huge number of awards and achievements, is Mikhail Prokhorov. Billionaire, politician, entrepreneur, athlete, pet of the fair sex. All the advantages cannot be counted. Hearing Prokhorov, women languidly roll their eyes, and men silently envy. Bravo, Michael, and welcome to our rating.

9. Yuri Milner

Russian billionaire, entrepreneur, founder of,, His investments are present in projects such as Twitter and Alibaba. Yuri Milner is the most successful and wealthy person in the field of technology and the Internet. Agree, it's nice to have such countrymen!

10. Elena Baturina

Who is the coolest person in the world closing the top?! I would like to give the final place, as well as the first one, to the lady. To the wonderful, successful representative of Russian entrepreneurship - Elena Baturina. Elena takes first place in the Forbes list among Russian women. He is the president of Inteco Management and is also involved in charity work.

In fact, not all the coolest people in the world are represented in this rating. Yes, and it is quite difficult to compile a complete list of the most and women of Russia and foreign countries. After all, new names and new achievements are constantly appearing. Every day in the world someone earns their first million. Who knows, maybe you, the reader, will someday find your name in the top 10 coolest people in the world. And you will get to the first lines in Forbes. Dare, because everything is in our hands!

“Cool men don’t lie on the road” - because most of them are collected in this rating! Today's list includes a variety of cool people and male characters (some even inanimate), so get ready for unpredictability, unexpected twists and do not forget to add your options in the comments.

Muhammad Ali

The heavyweight who has defeated the most champions in boxing history. Yes, being able to fight is cool. He also ignored the draft for the Vietnam War, as he believed that it was unfair. He was called a coward and banned from boxing for three years. After three years, everyone realized how wrong they were about the coward. Three years later - about the war.

Woody Allen

The man who proved that women love frail, bespectacled, funny and ugly. Plus he plays the clarinet professionally! Not to mention a genius.

Ostap Bender

He was witty, like a Soviet kitchen intellectual, and at the same time embodied all his secret fantasies: a powerful neck, an eagle eye, pressure, the ability to earn a living in any situation and anywhere in the USSR, the gift to conquer charming widows and Komsomol members ... But most importantly - absolute freedom.

robot bender

"Foul-mouthed, alcoholic, heavy smoker, lover of pornography for robots (in the form of electrical circuits) and cooking (however, it turns out something inedible, if not poisonous)." Yes, Wikipedia says in clear text that the Bender robot from Futurama is our man!

Chuck Berry

He rode onto the stage on a small, one-wheeled toilet. He created rock and roll, served time in prison, got into sexual scandals. And at 83, he lights up on stage like ... like Chuck Berry!

Humphrey Bogart

A heroic cynic with a scar above his lip (an echo of the First World War) and a cigarette in his mouth, he was from that breed of real men that died out with the world wars. And in general, this man starred in "Casablanca" - the best film of all time according to the American Film Academy.

James Bond

If it didn't exist, it seems inevitable that one day it would emerge from the closet in Maxim's editorial office as an emanation of our unspoken desires.

Niels Bohr

The creator of modern physics, perhaps even more so than Einstein. Physics is a thing! And one more thing: do you know a lot of the creators of modern physics, who in their youth were football players of the national team?


Of course, speaking nasty things is stupid, and talking nonsense is disgusting. However, even the ancient Greeks assured that both are very useful for society. So nice too! Therefore, we unequivocally vote for a person who boldly does all this for the whole world.

Joseph Brodsky

“What a biography they make for our redhead!” - said Akhmatova, when Brodsky was sent into exile for being anti-Soviet. She was right. A caressed genius is valued ten times cheaper than an exiled one. Especially if he, almost the only one of those expelled, could become a full-fledged citizen of the world.

Vladimir Bukovsky

For a decade and a half in prisons and special hospitals, this principled fighter against the USSR managed to learn biology and English, so now he is a professor at Cambridge. Even admirers of the Soviet system often treat it with respect, since the intellect, will and willingness to suffer for one's beliefs in such a concentration are rarely found in one person.

Michael Bulgakov

Even if you do not take into account the "Masters" and "Heart of a Dog", to serve as a rural and regimental doctor, get off morphine, be the husband of three beauties at once - this is already an enviable biography!

Anatoly Wasserman

The great monk of brain activity, whom we respect as a being of a completely different nature. Perhaps an alien.

Simon Wiesenthal

If we consider Hitler as an absolute evil, then the “Nazi hunter” Wiesenthal will be the main savior of the world for us. Like Superman. Only instead of a blunt square jaw - a cunning Jewish squint.


Although evil, we certainly love too. Especially if it appears as such an elegant, intelligent gentleman, and even with such a brilliant retinue.

Vladimir Vysotsky

From the same breed as Humphrey Bogart. Only ours, native, pokonny, vodka-kitchen and with a guitar.

Serge Gainsbourg

A singer who became famous as a master of verbal shocking. Although, by and large, his face was enough to shock. And with that face, the man became the lover of the most beautiful French women, including Brigitte Bardot and Jane Birkin!

Terry Gilliam

Perhaps the director of "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" will answer in our list for the psychedelic. He will also act as an honorary authorized representative of Monty Python.

Paul Gauguin

At the age of 37, to leave the prosperous life of a bourgeois to become a poor unrecognized genius and die in a thatched hut in Tahiti, painting it with divine pictures that will soon disappear forever ... Even if this is crazy, it is incredibly beautiful.

Robin Hood

Of course, robbing the rich and giving to the poor is naive. But archery and living with a gang in the woods is great anyway!

Salvador Dali

By nature, he was much more normal than any van Goghs and Vrubels, but he diligently struggled with this. For example, he fell asleep with a silver cup in his hand and, when his fingers dropped a heavy object, he woke up and quickly sketched sleepy delirium until he forgot. He wondered a lot and diligently. And in the end almost went crazy actually. Our applause!

Gerald Durrell

Despite the killed moose and kittens torn to pieces during editorial experiments, we actually love animals! Although, of course, in a somewhat ironic way, like old Darrell.


Whoever did not fence with twigs in childhood was not born in this country! Horses, fights, friendship, Burgundy, “Ikuku beauties”… There was no such concentration of hedonism and drive in one life. Oh, sorry it's fictional.

Robert Downey Jr

The man who tried weed at the age of seven from the hands of his father, made a dizzying acting career, served three times in prison for possession of cocaine and heroin, found himself at the very bottom, tied up and swam. That is, we mean that everyone has a chance.

Steve Jobs

Even if we do not go into details about the delights of a bitten apple, nevertheless, it is to him that we owe the fact that we have the opportunity to choose.

Sergey Dovlatov

Probably no one wrote better about journalists. And he lived, too, it must be admitted, curiously and in some places severely.

Richard Dawkins

You and I are just miserable containers in which immortal genes live, copulate and breed. But there is no God. That means we can do whatever we want! It's all Dawkins came up with.

Inspector Drebin

Great hero of The Naked Gun. Always be self-confident, emerge victorious from any binding - and at the same time remain a complete idiot! Isn't this the dream of every thinking person?

Venichka Erofeev

A small but unbroken man, going to that city where the jasmine never fades... Let him be weak, let him. May he never come. But the impulse!

Sergey Yesenin

Alas, a dead (as it is meant to be) illustration of the tempting principle "Live fast - die young!". Indeed, he did everything.

Mikhail Zhvanetsky

It's not that difficult to write funny and smart things - it's much harder to find someone who will understand everything and laugh while reading them. The audience of intellectual satirists usually tends to zero. Zhvanetsky was loved by millions.

Thom Yorke

The leader of Radiohead, a lively and fully functioning rock star of the first magnitude. Since he himself is a singer, a guitarist, and even a drummer in some places, Tom depends little on his bandmates, and the decline of his career is not expected. And he was the first to offer to download his music for free.


Here is a human being, whose charisma is enough for a good regiment of heroes of any caliber!

Garry Kasparov

He is smart. Located on the right side of the barricades. Rich and married three times. In addition, one of the strongest chess players of all time, if not the most.

Jim carrey

Even for one comic role - a solid yes! So after all, he also moved into the dramatic - and flashed!

Stephen King

Without him, this world would not be so terrible. Downright ingenious, devilishly creepy! And somewhere very far from our quiet, nice sofa. Well, fees of 30 million dollars also inspire respect.

Kurt Cobain

The last real rock idol, whose replacement for seventeen years the planet has not found. It was not his wife or heroin that ruined him, but the fame that he so avoided. Evil rock - in every sense.

Kostik from the Pokrovsky Gates

He himself is not so much good (although, of course, too), but hospitable, professorial, friendly and so naive Moscow, in which he reigns in all the splendor of his youth and wit.

James Cameron

Of course, a Hollywood blockbuster is a very dubious pinnacle of modern culture. But what is it. And Cameron is definitely the king of that mountain. If anyone forgot, then the addition: "Terminator", "Aliens", "Titanic", "Avatar" - after all, wherever you spit, he is everywhere!

Johnny Cash

Cash played a special country music, from which even rockers were pinned. He turned his life into ruins, but, touring prisons, he gained new strength, with which he lasted until the 2000s, when he became a sensation for the hundredth time in his life.

John Lennon

Lennon or McCartney? We choose less commercial, though more dead. Yes, perhaps it was because of him that the Beatles ceased to exist. But he was the bearer of the ideology. Bespectacled, never afraid to do something hitherto unseen.

Evgeny Leonov

Perhaps, it can be described with just one word: kind. Even when Leonov played villains, there seemed to be something good about them. There are no absolute villains in the world. And this feeling is worth it. Ku!

Egor Letov

The toughest punk rebel who was not afraid to send three letters of the CPSU in his songs back in the early 1980s. Short and puny, Letov could single-handedly make a revolution. And perhaps he did.

Bruce Lee

The man who declassified the secret Chinese martial art of kung fu, so that all sorts of Keanu Reeves waving their limbs with a smart look, and everyone else believed that even small and skinny ones could beat everyone!

Mikhail Lomonosov

The founder of the glorious tradition of arriving in Moscow with a fish convoy and a bright head, in order to later become an international luminary or, at worst, a billionaire.

Jack London

At first, he personally tried everything, from selling newspapers to gold prospecting, so that later he could describe it with skill. But now other people can easily compose adventure articles without leaving the computer, simply by coping with its prose.

Randle McMurphy

Ken Kesey's best character, the psychopathic simulator from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. If you hear us, Randle, know that your work lives on! We, too, are constantly trying to arrange an orgy with alcohol and girls in this damn hospital!

Groucho Marx

The main master of jokes among the progenitors of the film comedy of the Marx Brothers. At a minimum, he has every honorable right to be on our list as a “friend of friends,” since he was considered their teacher by Terry Gilliam, Dali, Nabokov and Woody Allen at once.

Marcello Mastroianni

The face of Italian post-war cinema, the alter ego of Fellini, Antonioni, Visconti. Created an image of the intellectual European elite - refined, always slightly absent-minded and elegant.

Dr. House

The evil doctor Aibolit, who does not break the rules, he simply ignores them. On dark lonely autumn nights, when old barley begins to whine, one especially wants to believe that such a doctor exists.

Physically strong people have always attracted everyone's attention and admiration. For girls - this is the ideal of a real and unique man, for guys - an object for worthy imitation, for the elderly - an indispensable assistant and protector. In our article we will try to figure out who is the most powerful person in the world.

We present to your attention the TOP 10 strongest people on the planet.

10th place. Becca Swanson

This woman is hard to attribute to the weaker sex of humanity, because she can easily cope with several adult and strong men. The American athlete has long been the proud title of "the strongest woman on the planet." She holds many powerlifting records, including world ones. It is quite difficult to believe that she was able to master the weight that many men cannot lift. However, more about everything.

In 1996, Becca began bodybuilding, and later realized that she wanted to devote herself to powerlifting. As subsequent events showed, this choice turned out to be more than correct. In 2002, the girl was already demonstrating her abilities with might and main at the competition "the strongest woman."

With a weight of 110 kg and a height of 1 meter 78 cm, Becca broke the record. After all, she managed to lift a barbell weighing 387 kg in the squat, 310 kg in the deadlift, and 270 kg in the bench press.

Now the woman is already well over 30, but she actively continues to do her favorite thing.

9th place. Mark Henry

This man is also worthy of the title "the strongest man in the world." Mark Henry is a powerlifter, weightlifter, wrestler, Olympian and film actor. To this day, he continues to do his favorite thing - he conquers previously unattainable peaks.

In 1992, Mark took 10th place at the Olympic Games in the weightlifting competition. Four years later, he tried his hand again, but only reached 14th place. In the Pan American Games, the weightlifter won a silver medal.

In 2002, Mark defeated Randy Orton and became the new heavyweight champion. Later, this most powerful man in the world defended his title several times, fighting Big Show. Their last fight ended with Henry disqualified for hitting an opponent in the groin. After some time, Daniel Bryan called him to the fight, but Mark again turned out to be unshakable and won the title. In 2011, in a fight with Big Show, Henry lost, and his opponent got the title of champion.

8th place. Jon Paul Sigmarsson

Jon Paul Sigmarsson was awarded the title of "the strongest man in the world" four times. The photo of this hero proves how long he had to train to achieve such a result.

At the beginning, Sigmarsson devoted himself to powerlifting and bodybuilding, and already in 1984 he became the champion of Iceland in bodybuilding. Several times the strongman won in various European competitions. His records: bench press - 222.5 kg, squat - 357.5 kg.

In 1983, the already famous bodybuilder was invited to participate in the World's Strongest Man competition. Sigmarsson agreed and immediately took second place. The next participation brought him the coveted and more than deserved victory. After several defeats in 1986, Sigmarsson again won such a title as "the strongest man in the world", thanks to the lifted wagon weighing 495 kg.

7th place. Bruce Wilhelm

In addition to the title of "the strongest man in the world in history", Bruce is the author of many books about weightlifting. Wilhelm also won the World's Strongest Man twice, served on the Anti-Doping Committee, the Athletes' Advisory Council, and served on the executive board of the US Olympic Committee.

Bruce studied at the Fremont School, where he was seriously involved in athletics. Even in his youth, he became a shot put champion. Then Bruce studied at Stanford University, where he was engaged in wrestling, discus throwing and shot put.

In 1975, Wilhelm became the US weightlifting champion and also won a silver medal at the Pan American Games. In 1976, he placed 5th at the Montreal Olympics.

In 1977 and 1978, Bruce became the honored champion of the World's Strongest Man.

6th place. Yuko Ahola

Yuko holds world records in Hercules hold - 197 kg, 45.7 s and in Atlas Stones - 215 kg. Also in 1998 and 1999 he was recognized as the strongest man in Europe.

Yuko won the World's Strongest Man for the first time in 1997. After that, he was able to defend the championship title in 1998.

Now Yuko can sometimes be seen among the members of the World's Strongest Man judging panel and in the movies.

5th place. Benedict Magnusson

The strongest man in the world, whose photo we will provide a little lower, in 2011 set an incredible record in deadlift - 460 kg. Benedict dreamed for quite a long time to break the record of the famous strongman Andy Balton, and finally his dream came true.

The future record holder started in a regular gym at the age of 16. Even then, his coach saw in him the ability to deadlift. Benedict started with a weight of 120 kg, and after a couple of days he reached the mark of 180 kg with a body weight of 140 kg.

In 2003, Benedict placed 10th at the World Powerlifting Championships. In 2005, he placed sixth at the WPO European Semi-Final in Finland.

4th place. Brian Shaw

The most powerful people in the world, the pictures with which we provided in our article, as a rule, began to show great promise even in childhood. This also applies to the famous Ryan Shaw, a native of the United States of America.

The boy grew up quite strong, and by the end of school his weight had reached 110 kg, and his height was 2 meters. At the same time, he was very fond of water sports and basketball.

Later, the young man realized that he was craving for lifting heavy objects, which is why he decided to devote his whole life to this hobby.

In 2009, he took 3rd place in World's Strongest Man, and in 2010, Brian was already second. Exactly a year later, Shaw defeated Savickas himself and took away his champion title. In 2012, Brian lost ground, but by In 2013, he again won the coveted title.

3rd place. Vasily Virastyuk

Vasily is a native of Ukraine. He studied at the College of Physical Education in Ivano-Frankivsk. After graduating from an educational institution, the future record holder went to the track and field coaches.

Until 2000, he was engaged in shot put. During this time, Vasily was awarded the title of "Honored Master of Sports of Ukraine".

In 2004 and 2007, he became the strongest man on the planet, breaking all world records.

2nd place. Mariusz Pudzianowski

Our TOP of the most powerful people in the world continues Mariusz Pudzyanovsky. This is the only person who has become a five-time World's Strongest Man winner. Mariusz is a 4th dan in karate, enjoys powerlifting, rugby, and is also a fairly successful MMA fighter.

Mariusz started with karate, and at the age of 13 he became seriously interested in powerlifting. By the age of 15, the interests of the future champion changed, and he devoted himself to boxing.

In 1999, Mariusz takes first place in the competition called "Strongman", and in 2012 he receives the title of "the strongest man in the world", which he then manages to defend 4 more times in a row.

In 2010, Mariusz challenges Zydrunas Savickas himself, but loses to him by a small margin.

1st place. Zydrunas Savickas

The first and well-deserved place in our ranking is occupied by Zydrunas Savickas. This man became the winner of the Arnold Classic Strongest Man competition twice in a row, several times the strongman won the World’s Strongest Man. Savickas has broken more than 20 world records in powerlifting and power extreme sports.

Zydrunas became interested in sports at the age of 14. In 1992, he took part in the Strongest Man for the first time and finished in 10th place. In 1998, he earned the right to participate in the World Extreme Power Championship. There, he received a serious knee injury, but quickly recovered and returned to the competition.

In 2002, 2003, 2008, Zydrunas became the second in World's Strongest Man. In the same period, he several times became the champion in the Arnold Classic Strongest Man and extreme power competitions.

2009, 2010, 2012 are happy years for Savickas, because he is the champion at World's Strongest Man.

The strongest man in the world in history - Masutatsu Oyama

The brightest representative of the martial arts that ever existed on the planet, Masutatsu Oyama, who possessed the 10th dan of the Kyokushinkai style.

He was born in 1923 in Korea. Masutatsu began to engage in sports in early childhood - from the age of nine. By the age of 13, the young man had already become a well-deserved black belt in Chinese kempo.

After 2 years, Oyama went to Japan, where he became a military pilot. For all the time that he spent in the Land of the Rising Sun, the young man achieved great success in studying samurai traditions. For the sake of this hobby, he even subsequently left the service. In addition, Oyama decided on a hermitage on a mountain called Shinobu. Such a step was not easy for him, but the desire to bring his fighting skills to perfection overcame all doubts.

For almost a year, the man trained tirelessly. It took him 12 hours a day to hone his skills. Upon returning to his hometown, Oyama felt invincible and invincible.

He called the best martial artists to fights. But no one could resist Oyama. Some fighters gave up immediately after the first blow, which the master delivered so deftly that no one was able to block it.

Oyam could break 17 layers of tiles and 4 bricks, split cobblestones in half, demolish the necks of bottles with his clear blow, and also fight with fifty bulls.

To prove his incredible power, Masutatsu challenged the most powerful animals on the planet, but the government forbade him to kill animals in order to demonstrate his strength to everyone.

In 1964, Oyama opened a martial arts school called Kyokushinkai, which eventually became 12 million members.

The great fighter and strongman died in 1994. Thousands of people attended his funeral. In honor of Oyama, films such as "The Warrior of the Wind" and "Doomed to Solitude" were made.

As you can see, heroes exist not only in epics, but also in real life. The strongest people in the world, whose photos we provided in our article, are real strongmen who have proven their true strength in all kinds of international competitions. Whether it is worth imitating such people is up to you. But this is much better than devoting your life to addictions and unnecessary entertainment.



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