Passive business without investments. So, more about the types and methods of creating passive income

What are the ways of passive income? Many people have heard of the concept of passive income. Many people imagine this as something magical, when you don’t have to do anything, and the money will fly into your pocket on its own. Others do not believe in the existence of passive income at all. In their understanding, there is no place for the fact that you can earn money without doing anything. Today we will analyze in detail whether there are ways of passive income, and if so, how you can get it.

How To Create Passive Income That's Right For You!

First you need to understand the very concept passive income. At its core, this is a long-term receipt of dividends from previous work or investments. At its core, it turns out that passive income is not so passive. To make a good profit, you will need to do a lot of quality work, spending a lot of time and effort in doing so. The second option is to make large monetary investments, in which case the money will work for you.

The amount of profit will depend entirely on the amount of money invested. But if you approach this process wisely and create several sources of passive income, and gradually increase the most profitable and successful ways of them, then at one fine moment it will be possible to completely abandon active income. If you want to switch immediately to passive income, then you need to operate with very large amounts.

passive income methods. Top 15 ideas for quick money!

Today we will consider a fairly large number of ways to receive passive income that will suit all categories of people. Everyone will be able to choose several ways of the most interesting and suitable specifically for him.



REIT investment. Money work for you!

REITfunds are a type of mutual funds. The main direction of such organizations is work with foreign real estate. The principle of operation is quite simple:

  • - The management company creates a common fund and attracts investors to it.
  • - In the future, commercially attractive real estate is acquired.
  • - Income from the sale of real estate and renting it out is divided among all participants in the investment fund.

The simplicity and transparency of the work of such REIT funds ensures their efficient operation.

Traditionally, real estate is considered one of the most reliable assets, which not only does not lose value, but over time, the price only grows. All this ensures the attractiveness and reliability of such investment methods.

If we talk about passive income, then a lot depends on the specific fund and its conditions. If we take the largest Russian fund REITINVEST as an example, then we will see the following conditions:

  • - Deposits are made in British pounds.
  • - Payments are 5-7%, depending on the amount of the deposit.
  • - Payments are also made in British pounds.
  • - Shareholders of the fund, whose investments amount to more than 10,000 pounds, are given the opportunity to use the resort facilities of the fund.
  • - All members of the fund are exempt from paying property taxes.

The offer is interesting enough for anyone who wants to receive a high, stable income in a reliable foreign currency. For more details, you can follow the link

Minimum costs! Create your own blog

The previous method requires you to make a financial investment. But what if you simply physically have no way to tear off part of the funds from the budget? You can try to create your own blog and lead him.

At first, the costs will be minimal and absent altogether. You can take advantage of free offers, of which there are a fairly large number on the Internet. All this is not the main thing, the main thing is what will be in your blog.

You must be able to write beautifully and interestingly. It is necessary to choose not only a relevant topic, but also to present it in such a way that it would vividly interest the reader, so that it would be interesting to him. The most striking indicator of this will be comments and discussions under your blog.

If you manage to interest readers and get a permanent audience. Then you can start monetizing your blog, there are a lot of ways. It can be both direct advertising integrations and displaying advertising banners.

If we talk about any specific amounts, then it is quite difficult to estimate the income of the most popular bloggers. But you can go in and see how much they charge for advertising or mentioning themselves in an article. The amounts there will be very large.

This way of getting passive income is suitable for those who have something to talk about, who want to write and who have time for this. In any case, the method is very interesting and attractive and does not require any cash costs at the start.

bank deposits. Income deposits

If we talk about passive income, then it is impossible not to touch on the most popular and most affordable way - bank deposits. Almost everyone has a bank deposit: salary cards, credit cards, savings for a rainy day. Only now Russian banks have begun to introduce such a thing as an account balance. As a rule, it fluctuates around 2-3% for ordinary debit accounts. This is an extremely small amount, let's consider whether it is possible to get higher interest from banks.

You can get them, and they are available on special profitable deposits. Yes, there are a number of restrictions on such deposits, for example, simply withdrawing your money at any time may not work, you should always remember this. Let's see what kind of passive income you can get from such bank deposits:

  • - If we talk about deposits in Russian rubles, then the average interest rate is from 7.5 to 9.5%.
  • - Deposits in more stable currencies have a lower interest rate. It ranges from 1 to 4.5% depending on the currency and bank conditions.

In general, bank deposits are a fairly reliable way to get a stable income. But when compared with REIT funds, in order to make a profit at the level of mutual funds, you need to invest much more money.

Popular Internet way! Create your own video blog

A little higher, we examined the possibilities of a text blog, but video blogs are no less popular on the modern Internet. Unlike their textual variants, they require a much more serious approach:

  • - You need a good camera to shoot material for your blog. A few years ago, a good camera from a phone was enough, but in modern realities it is no longer suitable.
  • - You have to pick up interesting material, which is sometimes more difficult than with text blogs.
  • - In addition to the fact that you should be able to write scripts for your videos well, you should also be able to speak well and beautifully.

You can choose any topic for a video blog: games, travel, health and beauty, music, movies. There are a lot of options.

If we talk about possible earnings, then here you can operate with more real numbers provided by the YouTube service. According to these data, the largest earnings of a video blogger amounted to more than 50 million dollars, if we talk about the Russian-speaking segment of the Runet, then the maximum earnings are about 10 million dollars. All these figures do not take into account direct advertising integration, which is quite often present in the video.

Highly liquid shares. Investment

Speaking of passive income, one cannot fail to mention securities, and more specifically, shares of companies. A lot of films have been made, a huge number of books have been written. And in fact, anyone can earn on highly liquid stocks.

The principle of earning is quite simple. Such companies have a high capitalization, while showing constant stable growth, thereby ensuring an increase in the price of their shares.

It is rather difficult to name any figures, since this market is influenced by a large number of different factors. It is simply impossible to predict them all. At some point in time, the shares of such companies may show rapid growth, in which case the income may be 15-20%, but after a while a sharp decline may begin and you will lose 5-10%.

In order to protect your passive income from such fluctuations, it is worth working with shares of several companies at the same time, this will secure your money. Professional investors call this risk diversification. In this case, you can count on a stable passive income of 5-10%.

Get a good shot! Earnings on photos

This may seem surprising to many, but you can really earn money from your photos by receiving passive income. It should be understood that your family photos can be very good, but no one will pay for them. First of all, we are talking about professional photographs.

There are several services that provide the opportunity to post professional photos. In the future, they can be used in various print and online publications. And you will receive the deductions due to you for this.

In order to make money in this way, you need to have high-quality photographic equipment and the talent of a photographer. In this case, you can fully realize yourself - Do what you love and earn passive income from it. There are many photographs that brought millions to their owners, just enough to catch a good shot.

Renting out real estate. From passive income to reliable investments

As mentioned above, real estate is one of the most reliable investment assets. You can earn passive income from real estate on your own. There are several options here:

  • - Rent out real estate that you own. Most often these are apartments inherited.
  • - If you have a large amount of free funds and can invest them in the construction of new real estate or purchase on the secondary market. In the future, it is also rented out, and you receive passive income.
  • - Sublease work. Here the principle is quite simple: you can rent large areas and rent them out in parts on more favorable terms. For example, renting a floor in a shopping center and renting out shopping pavilions separately. In the case of residential real estate, this has a slightly different connotation. The apartment is rented for a long time, and rented by the day.

The first method can be called ideal, since you do not need any financial investments. In the second one, you will have to spend a rather serious amount, but this can be considered a long-term investment, since gradually the apartment will pay for itself and you will gradually begin to receive only net income.

If we consider the option of subleasing, then calling it a full-fledged way of passive income will not work, since you will need constant work: finding customers. This can already be considered an active business. But with a successful scenario, this whole process can be minimized.

Income at the limit of risk! Earnings on bets

Sports betting, as such, cannot be called a full-fledged passive income, it is more gambling entertainment that helps to experience the thrill and at the same time earn money. But people who approach this issue with a cool head can earn good money.

There is such a thing as betting surebets. These are bets on a match in which, regardless of the outcome, the player remains in the black. Let's look at a simple example of how this works in practice. Bookmaker 1 gives odds of 2.1 for Team A to win. Bookmaker 2 gives odds for Team B to win of 2.05. Regardless of the outcome of the match, team A or B will win, the bettor will be in plus 5 or 10%, depending on the outcome. The process is described rather crudely, but it captures the essence.

In order to consistently make money on surebets, you need to be well versed in many aspects:

  • - the rules of the sport you are going to bet on;
  • - rules for accepting bets in each bookmaker's office;
  • - rules for calculating results.

Not knowing one of these points can lead you to lose all your savings. In addition, you need to have a large enough amount to be able to safely work with betting surebets. But for a knowledgeable person, this can be a good source of passive income.

Credit funds. Loans to organizations and individuals

Another type of mutual investment companies are credit organizations. The principle of operation is similar to REIT funds, only investments will not go into real estate, but into loans to various organizations and individuals.

If we talk about the profitability of this method, then a lot depends on who the organization works with and in which country, but in general, approximately the following conditions are offered:

  • - For ruble-denominated funds, the yield is 10-12%.
  • - For funds in foreign currency, it is significantly lower from 3 to 7%, depending on the currency in which loans are issued.

The only thing to remember when working with credit companies is liquidity in such companies is below average. If you decide to leave the fund, it may take some time for you to receive your assets. Since, unlike real estate, loans are not always so easy to sell to other credit organizations. But in general, credit funds provide their shareholders with a stable passive income.

Creative flight of thoughts! write a book

Is it possible to receive passive income with the help of your creativity - definitely, yes. You don’t have to go far, just remember the author of the book “50 Shades of Grey”. I want to remind you that initially it was a fan craft based on Twilight. But over time, it grew into an independent work and received a multi-million audience. And the author has multi-million dollar royalties.

But how can a novice writer make money on this? Everything is quite simple, there are a large number of sites on the Internet that will publish your works. You can earn income from reader donations or set a small fee for downloading the electronic version. You can also place your works in stores like Google Play.

The next step is to work with publishers. With successful publication on Internet resources, you yourself may be offered to publish in print, as was the case with the Metro 2033 book, but in most cases this will be an independent search for a publisher.

In any case, this way of passive income is only suitable for creative people who really love to write. For others, it may simply result in a waste of their time and effort.

Bonds. Long term passive income

Bonds are another type of securities. These are debt securities, but the main difference from stocks for us is fixed constant payments. At its core, bonds are a hybrid of securities and bank deposits.

That is, you will have securities on hand that have their own value, while you will receive fixed interest from them. In fact, the pricing mechanism is quite complex to calculate. But before you buy bonds, you need to carefully study them, as they are of several types:

  • - Bonds that can be easily traded on the market. This is the most convenient option, since in addition to receiving interest, there is a chance to profitably sell such loans.
  • - Bonds that cannot be traded, but the borrower can redeem them at any time.
  • - Bonds that can only be redeemed at the end of their term.

Therefore, if you buy the last type of bonds for a period of 30 years, you will be able to receive your assets only at the end of the term.

Let's look at the issue of payouts when they occur. If the bonds are issued for a period of up to one year, then the interest is paid in a lump sum along with the receipt of the principal amount. If the bonds are issued for a period of more than a year, then interest payments occur twice a year.

Become a teacher in your favorite field! Create your own online courses

Every person is an expert in some field. And why not try to earn income from it. There are several services on the Internet that allow you to monetize training courses. These can be courses in cooking, programming, trading on the stock exchange, embroidery - any topic can be in demand. But there are several factors to consider:

  • - Your courses should be interesting and in demand.
  • - The information should be interesting, useful and easy for your listeners to perceive.
  • - Everything should be designed accordingly: video and image quality, competent texts, the presence of all kinds of checklists.

One well-designed training course can bring you passive income for a long time.

Currency speculation. Forex trading

Buy low, sell high is a basic principle that applies to any kind of trading. But he acquired his ultimate form in the Forex currency market. Many have heard and know very well how such a system works. But for those who don't know, let's give a more detailed explanation. Unlike banks, where the exchange rate is fixed for a day, in the Forex market all changes in rates occur in real time. During the day, one currency can manage to go a few points into plus, and then sink by the same amount. It is on this difference that the earnings of speculators are formed.

You can trade for the long term, you can constantly engage in speculation during the day. But the Forex market lives according to its own specific laws, in order to learn how to consistently trade in a plus, you need to study it for a long time. In order to make your income truly passive, you can use the services of professional traders. They will take care of your account, trading currencies for you, while receiving a pre-negotiated reward.

Speculation in securities. Price difference income

We have already considered securities as a way to receive passive income. But speculation implies a radically different approach to this issue. In this case, we are not interested in the growth in the value of securities in the long term. Speculation means making a profit on the difference in rates. Anyone who decides to make money on speculation is faced with a choice:

  • - engage in speculation yourself;
  • - entrust it to a professional broker;
  • - invest in mutual funds specializing in working with securities.

We will not consider the first option, within the framework of the topic of passive income, since independent trading involves a large amount of time. It cannot be called full-fledged passive income.

A professional broker undertakes to trade for you on the stock exchange. You won’t get a fixed income, but if you are interested in a higher income, then perhaps this method will interest you. It is worth noting that experienced brokers start working with at least $10,000 deposits.

The third method is suitable for those who like to receive a stable income. The mutual fund employs many professional brokers. The failures of some are compensated by the successful transactions of others, which provides a stable passive income.

Invest in a young business! Venture investments

This is an investment in a young business. In fact, you not only create a reserve for the future, providing yourself with a full-fledged passive income, but also become a real investor.

In modern realities, the vast majority of venture investments are startups. A group of young, entrepreneurial people have an idea that will make a profit, but they do not have the funds to finance its implementation. They start looking for investors through various platforms and find them quite often.

If you want to try yourself as an investor in a real business, then you have two options:

  • - independent work with startups;
  • - work through venture investment funds.

The first option implies the possibility of making a big profit if the project "shoots". However, independent investments involve a much higher risk.

If you really want to organize passive income, then it is worth working with venture capital companies. They will not be able to provide you with such a high income, but at the same time you will receive your 5-10% consistently.


We looked at 15 different ways to generate passive income. Some of them are very reliable, such as REIT funds or bank deposits. Others have high risks, but can bring big money. And the third are aimed at the realization of creative potential. In any case, passive income at an early stage involves time or financial expenditure.

Passive income is a method of making money that does not require constant effort and work from you, you get your money even when you just sit in front of the TV and drink tea with sweets.

Surely you have noticed that most of the rich and successful people monthly receive not a small profit almost out of thin air. In fact, money doesn’t “drop” into anyone’s bank account just like that. It's all the result of hard work. Let's try to understand this issue together and learn with a minimum of effort with the help of passive income.

What is passive income

A large mass of all people are accustomed to living by standards. The monotonous lifestyle of "home-work-home" suits many. Some men and women, wanting to earn additional income, get a second or third job. But with such an approach, it is hardly possible to become a successful person. In order to live for your own pleasure and not think about whether you will “reach out” to the salary, you need to find a source of passive income.

Passive or residual income This is a type of income that does not require active actions of a person. Simply put, every month a certain amount of money for previously done work is credited to the bank account. That is, you invested money in a business, or successfully sold your creation, and now you receive a reward throughout your life (or several years).

But in fact, it is not easy to organize and receive such income. You will have to put in a lot of effort. This may take years. But it's worth it. And yet what is the point of getting money in this way?

In order to receive dividends or interest, you must have an asset. And it is these types of assets that we will now talk about.

There are several types of passive income.

  • Intellectual. Occurs when a certain intellectual product is created. It can be a book, a song, an invention, a video. Subsequently, the author (rentier) receives a fee and a percentage of each copy sold, a patent.
  • Investment (financial). To obtain this type of passive income, some capital is required, which is invested in real estate, securities, stocks, etc. Such deposits are the source of interest and dividends.
  • Marketing. By creating a marketing network, a personal website or your brand, you can receive a certain amount of money every month.
  • Legal. This is the type of income that many citizens are entitled to by law. Namely, pensions, social payments, material assistance. So, if you are part of a group of people who rely on social services. payments, then by filling out the relevant documents in a state institution, you can regularly receive money without making any effort. We will not talk about this species, because it is already clear to everyone.

A person who lives on money from passive income is called a rentier. He most often owns real estate, which he rents out, financial assets, or intellectual property.

What is the difference between passive and active income

Modern man is accustomed to survive thanks to active income. But this is due to the fact that not everyone knows and understands the difference between active and passive profit. In order to start a new life, or leave everything as it is, let's find out how passive income differs from active income.

  1. Active income is received by an employee, a specialist, an employee for some work done. It can be salary, advance payment, bonus, etc. But if a person stops his labor activity, then he is not paid any money either. Passive income does not depend on whether you worked this month or not, and you receive payments anyway.
  2. In order to receive dividends, interest, you must have initial capital, assets. To receive active income, you do not need to have any valuables.
  3. Active income limits a person's actions. For this type of income, you can work one or two jobs. While passive income does not limit the actions of the owner. Those. financial capital can be divided into several parts and invested in different projects.
  4. The risk of being left without a livelihood is higher with active income. So, when you leave your job, you will no longer receive any payments, i.e. loss will be 100%. Having passive income and investing assets in several projects at once, you will never be left without money. In case of failure of one project, you receive income from the rest.
  5. Active income is preferred by people who do not understand financial matters. Therefore, they most often never achieve financial stability. Owners of passive income live for their own pleasure and do not need anything due to financial independence and prosperity.

Sources of passive income

So, we have already found out what passive income is, what types it is divided into and how it differs from active income. It's time to find out how and why you can create a source of passive income.

Let's take a look at the most popular and affordable ways to get "easy" money together.

Renting out real estate

One of the most popular and common ways to earn passive income. To receive rental income, you must at least have real estate, or a rather large capital, for which you can buy residential or non-residential space.

After acquiring square meters, you will need to work hard to make repairs, purchase the necessary furniture. Real estate can be both residential and commercial. In the first, people live and relax (houses, apartments), and in the second they work (offices, industrial premises).

With this type of income, you receive a certain amount every month, but from time to time you will have to make repairs and monitor the condition of the premises. This can be avoided by using the services of specialized firms. They will take over most of your duties, and in return they will demand about 10% of the rent of the premises.

Leasing of special equipment, equipment for rent

Renting out special equipment as well as renting real estate is a profitable business. Very often, this type of income brings more profit than renting real estate. All due to the fact that special equipment and equipment can quickly pay off. So, for example, if you have any expensive construction tool, then regularly renting it out, it will cover the cost for several months.

You can rent any movable property, the cost of which is higher than the average salary in your city. It can be the most diverse equipment (commercial, industrial, industrial), machines, inventory.

For example, one friend for his factory periodically rents a car with a tower (boom) to repair power supply systems, raising electricians to the desired height to the cables. For a day they give more than 5000 rubles. Calculate the profits yourself.

Owning such equipment, you can live comfortably for more than one year.

Renting advertising spaces

Everyone knows that advertising is the engine of commerce. It is thanks to the bright promotions that trading companies have become successful. Our people are arranged in such a way that they buy and use exactly those products and services that everyone hears about. This is what many advertising companies use. They try to place ads in all sorts of places. It can be cars, public transport, billboards and even residential buildings. So why not make money on it?

Renting advertising space is a great passive income option for lazy people. All because you need a minimum of effort. This is to find an organization and offer your services for advertising on your car, house facade, balcony, etc. After that, an agreement is concluded, you place the specified type of advertising (posters, stickers, etc.) and you receive the agreed amount. The only negative may be the limited terms of your agreement. But you can always find an advertising company that wants to work with you.

Bank deposits (deposits)

One of the least labor-intensive ways to generate passive income is bank deposits or deposits. They require a minimum of effort. You will only have to find a reliable bank with the highest possible interest rate. Everything else is done by employees of the financial institution. The only condition is the presence of a certain capital, which should be invested. The larger the amount, the larger the amount of interest.

If you have several million at your disposal, then having made a profitable investment, you may not work at all. But if the amount is not large, then, accordingly, the income will be minimal. Very often, people with a small income set aside a certain amount every month for several years. As a result, their children have a good passive income.

But this type of income has a significant disadvantage. This is inflation. It is because of her that investors lose up to 10% of their income, because. money depreciates every year. This must be remembered before concluding a long-term contract.

Intellectual or creative product

This type of earnings will appeal to talented and gifted people. It is they who can create some intellectual or creative product. It can be a book, a song, a poem, some invention.

After writing the book, you will need to contact the publisher, where they will accept the manuscript (if it is really worthwhile). After the publication of your masterpiece, royalties will be paid and a percentage of each sold copy of the book will be deducted monthly. It all sounds very nice and simple, but in fact, this type of earnings has very tough competition. Therefore, only brilliant authors who are loved by millions of readers receive the maximum cash payments.

If you create any technology, you will have to patent it. If the invention is useful and its mass production begins, then your children can also receive passive income.

Own business

If you feel the huge potential of a leader in yourself, then you can try. In order for it to bring passive income, it is necessary to work actively for several years.

First you need to understand what exactly you want to do. This should be an area of ​​activity that you know well. Let's give a simple example, if a man is well versed in cars and loves transport, then it would be a great idea to open your own service station.

When the idea is "ripe", get and. Then start the business.

When you realize that your business has become successful and brings a stable income, you can think about how to delegate it (transfer certain powers to another person) and receive passive income.

In order to retire and “skim the cream” in the form of cash, you need to remember that the company you built should work like a well-oiled mechanism, and the person you entrust the management of the company to will not let you down and justify the trust placed in you.

Based on the experience of many companies, we would not recommend completely withdrawing from business. This leads to bankruptcy in 90% of cases.

Selling a franchise and receiving royalties

Owners of large well-known companies can count on such a source of passive income. It does not require any capital, but to obtain it, you will have to work fruitfully for more than one year. Let's take a closer look at franchises and royalties.

In simple terms, a franchise is a rental of a brand, trademark, company management method, slogan, etc. some unknown organization. Thanks to this, the production and sale of its products under the logo of a well-known brand is carried out. As a result, the turnover and income of the start-up firm are rapidly increasing.

After the sale of the franchise, royalties (an agreed amount of money) are regularly paid. It can also be a certain percentage of the income of the firm that bought the franchise.

At first glance, everything seems easy and simple, but in order to receive passive income, in this way, you need to build a large business or a brand that will be heard.

Investing in a third party business

People with solid capital and assets can count on passive income by investing in a third-party business. The more you invest, the more interest you get.

In order to invest in a third-party business, you need to study the business plan well, calculate all possible risks, and regularly monitor the company's activities. Only in this way you will save your investments and not be deceived.

Investing in any business is a very risky undertaking. In order not to lose all the money in case of bankruptcy, do not rush to invest all your savings in one project. It is better to invest in several organizations at the same time. Thanks to this, in case of failure of one project, others will bring passive income.

Creation of a mobile application

In the modern age of progressive technologies, most people have a mobile device that supports various applications. Mobile apps make life easier for millions. Everyone downloads an unlimited number of them and recommends to others. Therefore, anyone can create their own application that will bring decent passive income.

  • First, you need to get an interesting idea. She can help you get rich. Due to the high competition, it is sometimes difficult to surprise users, but if you do succeed, you are guaranteed success.
  • Second, create an application. To do this, you need to contact specialists who, for a certain fee, will be happy to help you.
  • Thirdly, place the finished product on the platforms. For starters, don't overcharge the app. Set the minimum amount. And when thousands of people like it, gradually raise the price. Or make it free, but with paid add-ons or ads.

Creating a mobile application is a fairly simple source of passive income. In most cases, it does not require large investments, and the income received can pleasantly surprise you for several years.

Creating a YouTube channel

Probably every PC user at least once watched videos on YouTube. This is really a very convenient site where you can find any information of interest (master classes, training videos, funny videos, etc.). Millions use this service every day. So why not make money on it?

To get passive income with YouTube, you just need to create your own channel and upload interesting, and most importantly, useful videos. It can be varied, ranging from a video of funny animal behavior to a master class on repairing a washing machine. It all depends on what you can do.

Very often, a start-up company lacks recommendations that will ensure regular sales. If you have a wide circle of acquaintances and close cooperation with a large number of firms, then passive income from recommendations is created just for you.

So, communicating, you will find out that someone needs the services of an electrician or a designer. You can recommend this or that company and receive a monetary reward or a certain percentage for this. The main thing is that in this organization there are payments for recommendations.

Maybe the amounts will not be sky-high, but it's better than nothing. The lack of start-up capital is the main advantage of this method of obtaining passive income.

Passive income on the Internet - your website or blog

I started to deal with blog sites (article sites) a long time ago, but I did not turn them into passive income. I developed them for sale or temporary income from advertising and as a rule they did not stay with me for more than 1 year. But now that I already have several main activities, why not slowly start acquiring assets with passive income. So I created a website a few years ago, which now brings more than 100,000 rubles. only on contextual advertising without my participation. And what's more, I did not stop there and made several more sites that are now generating income.

What is good passive income from websites?

The fact that articles will be read constantly and search for information constantly. Having written an interesting article 1 time, it will bring you a lot of traffic from search engines and will bring readers constantly. And that means income. Blog development is about creating interesting content (articles for example) and attracting readers. When there are readers, you place contextual advertising and earn on clicks on it. It's very profitable. Having swung a blog a little, you will already be making a profit, and with each increase in readers, the profit will grow. And then you can do nothing and only occasionally publish articles, and the money will still drip in this plus. Or you can put the editor in charge of your site or several, as we do.

If you plan to develop this direction, then read the section on. There you will find useful information, and if it is not enough, then ask questions, we will add.

Investments in the purchase of information sites

If you do not want to create a source of passive income in the form of a site, as I described above, then you can buy sites with income. But for this, you must at least understand the topic and go all the way from creating your sites.

Affiliate programs as passive income

I already wrote an article about . And this source of income can be made passive. If you work well in this direction and a lot of people are registered using your affiliate links in those services or stores on whose affiliate program you earned, then all further actions of these people will also be paid to you.

I still get money from many of the services I referred people to a few years ago. This is a small income, but comparable to renting an apartment in Omsk.

We hope that everyone who reads this article has already understood the importance of passive income and the main differences from active income. Now let's try to figure out together how to achieve this coveted financial independence.

  1. Start with yourself and educate yourself. In order to make assets, capital, business work productively, you first need to study the theoretical part. Start reading books by famous financial experts (eg Robert Kiyosaki, Bodo Schaeffer, Robert Allen, etc.). Thanks to this, you will better understand all the nuances and details of financial activities.
  2. In your free time from your main job, start looking for a source of passive income. Maybe you will invent something new, patent your creation and receive monetary rewards all your life, or maybe you have another hidden talent that will help you gain financial freedom. To make your work enjoyable, try to turn your hobby into a source of income. For example, an amateur photographer can sell his work on specialized platforms on the Internet, and a programmer will create an Internet application that will be downloaded by millions of people.
  3. If you still found a way of passive income that suits you, do not stop there. Try to develop and discover new ways of earning. For example, having profitably invested money in a bank, you can still upload videos on YouTube, review existing construction equipment and rent it out.

Why the poor stay poor and the rich stay rich

The subconsciousness of most people of our time contains information that in order to feed their families and provide for themselves, it is necessary to learn some kind of profession, and then plow all their lives in a factory, mine, office, etc. At the same time, to fully relax only once a year on vacation. That is why the plan is moving the average person in our country.

At the same time, more successful and financially literate people have long understood that a decent income can be brought not by active, but by passive income. Naturally, they understand that in order to regularly receive money, putting a minimum of effort, you need to work actively for a certain time. This period may be several years, but such a person is aware that he is working to create passive income that will ensure a comfortable old age.

Poor people work only to satisfy their needs. At the same time, they do not even think about creating some kind of capital that can bring money. In the best case, a person gets a job in another, or additional job.

The difference between the poor and the rich is how they spend their free time. A wealthy person gets richer every minute due to passive income, which brings profitable investments. Low-income people drink beer, watch TV and complain about the life of the people around them.

One well-known businessman and financial analyst said that a person's success is not measured by the amount of a bank account, but by the amount of time that he can not work. It really is. After all, you can deny yourself everything all your life, limit your desires and needs, while collecting savings in a three-liter jar. But such a person can hardly be called happy, successful and enterprising.

How to achieve financial freedom and independence

In order to live for your own pleasure, you need to make money work for you. This is possible if you work hard for a while. During the period of activity, we do not call for work 24 hours a day. It is enough to look for methods of alternative earnings in your free time, which in the future will bring passive income. The more such sources there are, the less work will have to be done.

It can be quite hard at first, but remember that thousands of people like you do not live on a beggarly wage, living on bread and water. They do not know the feeling of hunger and need. And all because they understood in time how exactly you need to make money.


Now you know everything about passive income! You might also find the article on . Do not be afraid to experiment, because everyone has one life. And it depends only on you and me how we will live it. It's never too late to start changing your life. It is within the power of both a teenager and a pensioner. The main thing is to believe in yourself and not give up, and then you will definitely succeed!

The choice is yours! And I'm waiting for comments under the article.

Hello, dear readers and subscribers of my blog about finance. Today we will talk about what types of passive income really work in Russia, consider the original ones, and deal with the question: in a rapidly changing Russian market. Based on experience, I will say that there are a lot of options for additional income. Read about what passive income is in a separate thematic article. My goal is to help you make the right choice just for you way to earn passive income. I won't beat around the bush and get straight to the point.

Ways to earn passive income

First and the simplest option for solving the issue of passive income is receiving a government payment. If you consider yourself to be among the socially disoriented citizens and do not have enough means of subsistence, contact a specialized regional service and write an appropriate application. The state provides material assistance to the disabled, large families, pensioners under the article of one-time or permanent compensation payments. Why not? Many people are unaware of the possibility of receiving compensation payments. Meanwhile, a person has the right to expect to receive preferential terms when buying an apartment, pension or disability payments.

Second a way of earning money that brings in good extra money in addition to the wages of an ordinary clerk - bank deposit. Keeping funds in a depository account is the safest way to increase existing savings, which does not require any knowledge, experience or skills from the owner. In one of the previous articles, I already talked about the myriad of banks currently operating on the territory of the Russian Federation and each puts forward interesting proposals to the consumer.

Benefits of a depository deposit:

  • simple and clear procedure for opening an account;
  • attractive conditions in the form of interest with capitalization;
  • receiving a guaranteed amount of money at the end of the term.

The question arises: how much can you really earn on a deposit? As strange and surprising as it may seem, but practically not at all. The deposit is attractive because saves, not multiplies funds placed in a bank account. Economists know exactly what I mean. Inflation- this is the reverse side of the contribution, which is a good, but far from the best type of passive income. A deposit as a passive income for a retired person is a soft airbag and a source of money for unforeseen expenses, but not for a businessman who wants to climb the top step of the pyramid of life and stop depending on money.


Continuing to describe the types and sources of income, I will move on to the favorite option of my friends-realtors - passive income on real estate lease. Renting even the simplest one-room apartment for rent, my former classmates have a pretty decent salary increase. Not everyone knows that you can rent out not only housing, but also everything that has material value: a car, construction, industrial equipment, retail space and even things. In practice, investing in residential and commercial real estate in Russia brings less income than buying and renting industrial equipment.

In our country, there are activities in which entrepreneurs buy construction equipment and earn on it through rent. You will be surprised, but renting a professional construction hammer, the cost of which is 30 000 rubles, costs tenants 1000 rubles per day.
A simple mathematical calculation will help you understand how much you can receive from equipment simply by renting it out. The advantage of this line of business is quick payback, as a rule, not exceeding thirty calendar days. It is not difficult to make money on renting out real estate, but this type of business requires a high return on time and moral plan from the applicant.

Currency market

PAMM accounts- this is trading in the foreign exchange market performed by a trader; the investor invests his money in his trading account and receives % of the profits on average in a 50/50 ratio: 50% profit for the investor 50% trader. If there is a drawdown, the loss will be distributed in the same ratio.

Advantages of PAMMs- average yield of 40% / year, 4 times more than a bank deposit. Minuses: with such a return, there may be losses in the amount of an average of 15% / year. WITH mutual funds, which, the situation is approximately the same, only the ratio is 2 times less: 25% - income and 10% - the possibility of loss. No one will give you exact guaranteed figures in terms of income and loss. You need to understand the topic in order to choose worthy accounts or funds and not burn out in this matter.

As an investor, it is difficult for me to attribute this type of activity to passive income. By investing your money in this instrument, you receive speculative income, at the same time exposing yourself to risk. A PAMM account provides for the transfer of money to the management of a qualified specialist, which gives a good profit, but with a fairly high level of risk.

Along with PAMM accounts, there are other forms of passive income associated with trust money management: less risky, medium-profit, more reliable. If you are not attracted to this type of income or you are just planning to start as a novice businessman, check out the rating of brokers and companies specializing in trust management by making proposals up to 20% per year. In my opinion, this is the best option for beginners who are interested in stable, safe earnings.

Another option for a quick but risky passive income is hand-made asset trading on a currency or stock exchange. Learn in detail about the speculative activity of a trader in the conditions of the Forex market. As an experienced investor, I note that this type of income has pros and cons, which I voiced in one of my previous articles. I do not work in the currency exchange, preferring the stock market as a highly profitable type of investment activity.

Network Marketing and MLM

This type of business is distinguished by a minimum list of requirements for those who start it. To enter the market where MLM companies operate in Russia, it is enough to have a hundred dollars and a lot of free time. An important requirement for those who plan to distribute products on the principle of network marketing is having organizational skills. If you have experience in dealing with people, you know how to negotiate, your sales skills and convincing people of what you need are at a good level, and in addition to this you have a lot of free time, a network business is what you need.

My acquaintances - the owners of a rare talent for finding a common language with people unfamiliar to them - have an increase in their salary in the amount of five hundred dollars. The main thing in the search and choice of the vector of network entrepreneurship is not to fall for the bait of fraudulent creators of a financial pyramid, carefully concealed as an enterprise engaged in network sales. I will definitely talk about this in one of the following articles. The following is a brief excursion into the topic. business investment covering a fairly wide range of areas of passive entrepreneurial activity with a good level of earnings.

Business courses and specialized knowledge

Good form of passive income creating a business course on a topic in which you understand better than your friends, colleagues and acquaintances. Particularly attractive are courses on business topics in which you are not just an expert, but also have impressive practical experience with confirmation of the results. How to understand where you are an expert and where you are not? Very simple. Analyze, find out and make up the main sources of income for your family. With the money from what kind of earnings do you buy food, household appliances, and basic necessities for the family? You yourself will not notice how the finished business will be in front of your eyes on a silver platter.

Are you into architectural design or art? Amazing! Create your own course for those who do not want to pore over thick college textbooks. Write step-by-step instructions, shoot, mount a video with a training course. Do you know about the secrets of the profession? Share them on your Youtube channel. Sell ​​yourself, your experience, information that you own perfectly. Fortunately, for this you have all the means. The only difficulty in resolving this issue is the distribution of educational materials, but this is not for me to teach you.

Internet business

Great passive income option creating your own website or blog. It may seem surprising to you, but millions of dollars are spinning on the global web. All you need is a little money to start, perseverance and a responsible attitude to work. I will briefly remind you about the options for making money on the blog.

The most promising types of income on the Internet

  • accommodation on your own website contextual advertising, banners;
  • participation in various partner programs, search and attraction of clients;
  • management of advertising projects with income from increasing the number of uniques;
  • sale of own media products, video courses, audiobooks, tutorials.

Establishing, promoting and running your own business projects is always profitable, because you are working for yourself. Opening a company, agency or large enterprise today is not difficult. The law is structured in such a way that Almost anyone can become an entrepreneur.. There are a lot of options for earning money, as I said. For example, we can take the purchase / sale of individual units of goods, the provision of services in a certain area, the distribution of products according to the principle of network marketing. On your own site, you can advertise the product you are promoting, thereby killing two birds with one stone.

Passive income without investments: myth or reality

To everyone I talked to about side income, the idea of ​​starting a business with no down payment seemed crazy. Meanwhile, having small own financial sources for investment, you can start a business from scratch. In order not to confuse you with unnecessary phrases and simply dispel the myth, I will cite as an example an outstanding American entrepreneur John Stith who created the most popular and purchased drink in the world " Coca Cola».
Few people know, but the guy started with ten cents in my pocket, for which I bought a recipe for an unknown drink, consisting of twelve herbs. Today, a product called "Cola" does not need advertising and presentation. You can start earning without investment. The main thing is to have a desire, a little enterprise and a little bit of money.

Where to get money to develop a source of passive income?

This question worries every novice businessman and investor today, especially among those who do not believe in fairy tales about starting a business from scratch. If you are in solidarity with these people and think that a business from scratch is a fairy tale, listen to the following recommendations.

There are two options for solving the question:

  • increase income;
  • reduce costs.

How to increase income?

The conversation is not about finding a second job or part-time job, which is also not bad, but about creating passive income with the help of seemingly completely inappropriate tools for this. Do a general cleaning sell everything you don't need, for example, a long dusty coffee table or an old fan that the air conditioner forced out onto the balcony. Believe me, you will be surprised when you find out how much money is scattered in your apartment and just gathering dust, taking up extra space.

How to cut costs?

“Economy must be economical,” said a wise man. There are such a myriad of options for saving money that if I undertake to list them, an entire feature article would be required. It is easier to reduce expenses than to increase income, I say this with confidence, backed up by personal experience.

Participation in sales, the use of discount coupons, the wholesale purchase of food, the replacement of all light bulbs with energy-saving analogues - this is not a complete list. Love beer and don't want to give it up? Reduce the number of bottles you drink on your day off. It's the same with smoking. A banal analysis of the system of income and expenses - real savings and the transition to a new level of doing business.

Instead of a conclusion

Well, that's it, dear friends. In conclusion, based on experience, I want to recommend you a complete rejection, although it is difficult, of bad habits: smoking, alcohol, gambling, slot machines. Sell ​​unwanted junk that has accumulated in the apartment. By lowering your expenses and increasing your income, you will move up the entrepreneurial ladder faster than you expected, and before you know it, you will find yourself at the peak of financial freedom. Good luck!

Don't forget to subscribe to the blog. Wait for new articles, reviews, reviews. Leave questions if something was not clear.

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Since the publication of the works Tim Ferriss And Roberta Kiyosaki such a concept as passive income"turned into some kind of mystical thing that makes it possible to start a rich and free life for everyone who can get it.

No wonder so many are tempted to get their hands on this Holy Grail. But before you start acting, it is better to consider in detail what passive income is and how it works.

What is passive income and earnings

In simple terms, passive income is creating something ( material or intellectual value), which will allow you to receive money indefinitely without further human participation.

How to create passive income?

The simplest examples of passive income are book authors. They can spend a few months writing a novel and then get paid for decades for every copy of that book sold. They create value, which then works for them.

However, this was too narrow a definition.

According to an authoritative publication Investopedia passive income is "earnings that an individual earns from a rental property, limited liability partnership, or other business in which they are not actively involved."

True passive income is income that does not depend on the obligatory performance of any regular actions and comes even if its owner does nothing at all.

Popular culture in Russia defines passive income in rubles as " any money that can be made lying on the beach and sipping a cold mojito», but this is a delusion.

For example, a well-known US financial coach and expert Todd Tresidder notes that today passive income can be considered any income that requires minimal effort after the initial investment of time or money, and works in accordance with with the Pareto Law - « 20% of effort gives 80% of results».

Before you think about how to create passive income, you need to understand about active income.

What is active income?

Active income is the reward a person receives for the work they do. Regardless of the profession, if a person spends his time and effort in exchange for money, this is active income. Earning options may vary lawyer, doctor, bartender, loader, copywriter, correspondent for a print or online publication), but the principle remains the same.

  • The principle of active income: worked - ate.
  • The principle of passive income: worked - ate today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow ...

The main point of creating passive income is to invest or work hard at some point, and then, without putting much effort in the long run, reap the fruits of your labor. Since there are a lot of different options for passive income, it is worth talking about each of them separately, highlighting a few of the most common and accessible to everyone.

Types and sources of passive income

Today there are a variety of ideas, examples and options for sources of passive income. However, it is important to immediately realize the fact that this will not be so easy to do. Otherwise, most of the hired workers, who are forced to work hard "from start to finish", would have long ago left for free bread. For those who are still determined, it makes sense to pay attention to such sources of passive income as:

  • bank deposits;
  • valuable property and real estate;
  • securities;
  • participation in mutual investment funds;
  • creation of intellectual property;
  • creating and optimizing your own business.

Each of these areas and ideas has its own ways of passive income. And choosing the path closest to him, everyone can get acquainted with them in detail.

IMPORTANT! The biggest and easiest money is earned on the desire of a person not to work, so on the Internet you can find thousands of offers from scammers, so when creating passive income, be guided by its legality, adequacy, reliability and simplicity, where it will not be possible to deceive you.

Stocks as a source of passive income on the Internet

For example, if you start from $3000 and monthly report $300 at 50% per annum, then in 11 years you will already have $1 000 000 !

You invest $3,600 a year for 10 years and get a million dollars in return.

1 year $8,565
2 year $17,362
3 year $30,558
4 year $50,351
Year 5 $80,042
6 year $124,577
7 year $191,381
8 year $291,586
9 year $441,893
10 year $667,355
11 year $1,001,032

Look at the graph of this passive income option on the Internet for clarity:

A stock portfolio is a great option for passive income, it is understandable and adequate, and for most people it will be an interesting way.

Here you can find hundreds of European and American stocks, commodity futures, energy and other assets.

One way or another, stock prices go up all the time, and companies that more and more people know about grow hundreds of times.

Over the past 3 years, only one has grown by 300% . This is the most advanced and legal passive income on the Internet.

Valuable property and real estate

This type of passive income includes:

  • real estate;
  • precious metals and stones;
  • antiques;
  • art objects;
  • collectibles (coins, stamps, books, vinyl records, etc.).

But you need to understand that in order to develop such a business, you need to have not only start-up capital, but also the necessary knowledge. So you have to find experts and at first involve them in business.

How much can you earn this way? Depending on the chosen direction and market conditions, the yield may be from 15 to 70%. It looks good, but keep in mind that investing in real estate, precious metals, as well as luxury items and collectibles are not passive income in the classical sense. yes it can fit Pareto Law, but nevertheless, a person is required to:

  • careful study of current market analytics;
  • ability to choose liquid assets;
  • careful monitoring of tax affairs;
  • the ability to find and attract customers.

There is one more thing - it is desirable to invest for a long time. The real "exhaust" can only be obtained in 5–10 years. During this time, an apartment bought in a new building may rise in price by 30–40%, and various antique values ​​​​and even more. This type of passive income basically does not require anything from you - you bought it and keep it, and after n amount of time you sold it.

For example, Andy Warhol's Lemon Marilyn was bought by an investor in 1962 for $250. After 45 years, it was sold for $28 million.

Earnings on PAMM investment

For those who are not well versed in stock trading, investment solutions from offering such opportunities as either automatic copying of transactions of successful traders or.

The bottom line is to invest in managers on the currency exchange. Traders will not take a large percentage of the profits, but they will also earn money for you. Thus, it benefits everyone.

In order to make it easier for users to choose the most suitable option, all brokers provide a manager's profitability rating, where you can clearly see their success both in the short and long term.

The profitability of investments in traders largely depends on the professionalism and the situation on the markets and may fluctuate from 30 to 150% per annum and you don't have to do anything yourself.

Creation of intellectual property

The most soft for those who want to create a passive income from scratch.

For people with valuable knowledge, experience or good creative abilities, passive income without investment can be obtained through

  • audio creation,
  • video,
  • charts,
  • text materials of artistic or scientific content.

There can be a great many ideas for this part:

  • writing books
  • scenarios
  • music
  • software

with the subsequent receipt of both royalties for the work itself, and royalties, which will be paid whenever others want to use your work.

And although large amounts of earnings do not shine here for everyone, the availability of methods makes this direction very attractive.

Bank deposits

The most popular and simple passive income in rubles is opening a bank deposit.

That is, in principle, you can put money in the bank and live on one percent. The main advantages of this option:

  • extreme simplicity of the process;
  • you don’t have to do anything at all (just come to the bank, conclude an agreement and give the money to the cashier);
  • relatively low risk of loss.

However, there are also negative points. The first is more than modest profitability. The average rate of large banks is no more than 7-8% per annum. Lesser established institutions offer 8–11% in rubles or 2-3% in dollars.

In order to earn at least $1000 per month at a bet in 2% per annum, you must already have 600 thousand dollars, which will always lie on the deposit "dead weight".

Creating and optimizing your own business

Any business is painstaking and hard work. But only for the time being. According to the American financier Tim Ferriss The success of any business is determined by its return.

  1. Its first phase involves a solid cash injection and constant control by the owner. It takes about 4-5 years. In some cases, up to 10 years.
  2. After that, the business evolves into the second phase and comes into line with the already mentioned Pareto Law - it provides its owner with 80% of the result with 20% of the effort. At this stage, there are no problems with how to create passive income based on it.

A business owner can shift the lion's share of worries to the management staff, and he can concentrate on things that are interesting to him or other promising business.

How to get passive income in Russia

It is not much more difficult to organize the creation of passive income in the Russian Federation than in any other country in the world. However, there are also some nuances. Russia, for example, cannot be called " safe harbor”, therefore, investing in shares of Russian companies in the long term requires particularly careful calculations and a willingness to quickly look for new solutions. However, nothing prevents you from buying shares of foreign companies through or.

The real estate market here is also notable for its heterogeneity. For example, if by 70% territory of the Russian Federation, real estate prices behave predictably and in accordance with global forecasts, in regions such as MSC or St. Petersburg predicting price movements is sometimes very difficult. During a period of general boom, relative calm can reign here, and vice versa, when there is a crisis and stagnation everywhere, the volume of real estate transactions in Moscow, for example, can go off scale.

As a conclusion

As you can see, passive income is real, however, it is not always passive on 100% , as some authors of various trainings and training materials who are not too honest at hand like to say.

Nevertheless, in any option of passive income, it will not have a boss in front of you, a work schedule, and in the case of passive income on the Internet like stocks or trust management - a territorial binding.

A lot needs to be done at first initially unpaid) work to get a profit and get a stable inflow of money.

Passive income has many benefits, but like everything else, there are trade-offs. Initially, it is difficult to get a lot of return from it, so you will have to put up with the need to go to a regular job, and maybe even more than one, in order to raise money for a start. And only those who are ready to mobilize efforts and forget what laziness will be able to succeed here.

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October 14, 2015

Greetings! Today I'm starting a new series of articles on personal finance. I'm sure a little motivation and useful life hacks won't hurt anyone. Let's start!

I believe that sooner or later each of us must reach a level where you do not work for money, but money works for you. Unfortunately, in Russia this is not taught either in schools or in economic universities.

But it's actually easier than it looks! And today we will talk about how to organize passive income in Russian realities.

The beauty of passive money is that it no longer depends on our efforts.

Take for comparison the income from employment. Let's say a home appliance sales manager. His monthly income consists of two parts: a fixed rate plus a percentage of sales. By the way, you can earn very decently at such a job. But! As soon as our conditional manager stops selling vacuum cleaners and washing machines, his income drops ... to zero.

Every working day, he exchanges his time and effort for a monetary equivalent. He stopped straining (he fell ill, quit, took to drink) - the money stream immediately dried up.

Employment is a classic example of active income. That is, income that directly depends on the efforts made by a person (like riding a bicycle).

By the way, freelancing and private entrepreneurship are also classified as active ways of earning. Their difference from employees is only that freelancers and individual entrepreneurs work for themselves: they plan the working day, look for clients, advertise, buy goods, pay taxes, and so on.

But the way to get a regular income remains the same: freelancers and private entrepreneurs exchange their time, effort and nerves for money. As a rule, at a more favorable “rate” than office managers, but you still can’t relax.

What is the difference between passive income and active income? A more favorable "exchange rate" of time and effort for real money! If the conditional exchange rate for an employee is 1:1, for a small entrepreneur 1:2, then a good passive source gives a return of 1:50 or 1:100! You work on creating a source of income once, and then the money drips constantly and without your direct participation!

You sleep - the bank account grows. You are on vacation - the electronic wallet is replenished. You travel - and the money only becomes more (well, or at least not less). Ultimately, the attitude towards work changes. Such an autonomous source makes it possible to work for the sake of self-realization or pleasure, and not in order to survive ...

Types and examples of passive income

For Russia, several types of passive income are relevant. In fairness, I note that abroad there are much more options. But we also have plenty to choose from!

Financial (investment)

This is perhaps the easiest way to secure a consistent source of payouts over time. The principle is simple: we invest in various instruments, receiving benefits in the form of interest and dividends.

There are a lot of options for investment income (including on the Internet): bank deposits, mutual funds abroad, securities, as well as income from real estate or car rental.

I want to dwell on securities in a little more detail. In fact, there is a whole article about this tool on my blog, but if you sum them up, then there are only two main types - and bonds. The first ones are a more risky option, but with their help you can earn more. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Dividend shares

Few people know that stocks are not only a tool for speculation, but also an excellent asset for making money: passive and regular. Russian companies have been paying dividends to their shareholders for a long time. On average, the size of dividend payments is now 3-6% per annum. But on the market you can find a bunch of offers and more interesting - 8-10% or more (for example, MTS, Surgutneftegaz, M-Video).

Source: Larisa Morozova

The development of the company guarantees the growth of dividends. And you, as a shareholder, get a "piece" of a promising company and a share of its profits on an indefinite basis. By the way, this approach to shares is also called.


For those who prefer a stable interest (mind you, higher than the bank!) and a low level of risk, .

About 95% of bonds of Russian and foreign companies provide for the payment of coupon income (most often, twice a year). Bonds are a great alternative to bank deposits. They provide a slightly higher yield with the same or even higher level of reliability. Provided that you invest in high-quality, and not in "junk" bonds!

Intelligent, including online

This option implies the presence of creativity and minimal creativity. This includes copyright for a book or logo, or a patent for an invention. It is clear that classical intellectual income is not suitable for everyone and it will not be possible to tell in a nutshell how to create it. But I'll give you a couple of ideas.

On the Web, “tutorials” are sold in a variety of formats: books, video tutorials, personal consultations, webinars, courses, and paid access to materials in closed groups.

Naturally, all passive income on the Internet is associated with the creation of sites or services. Therefore, in order to start receiving such income, you first need to acquire your own project. Let me expand on my idea in more detail.

Participation in affiliate programs

Owners of promoted blogs and sites can passively earn on affiliate programs. In my opinion, this is one of the best income options on the Internet. The bottom line is that when you go and order a product / service via a link from your site, you receive a percentage of the purchase in the form of an affiliate reward.

It is clear that the theme of affiliate programs should correspond to the direction of the site or Facebook group. For example, a "children's" site can put affiliate links to online stores for children's goods, books in the "Labyrinth" or paid courses for young mothers.

In terms of profitability, affiliate programs are also very different. Someone pays more, someone less. Some charge affiliate remuneration honestly, others strive to deceive. Everything is like in life.

Therefore, it is better to select options on specialized sites - with descriptions and ratings of companies. Sometimes a relevant topic is suggested by a forum on investing in the Net. Don't forget to carefully read the reviews about the program!

Create online courses

Each of us is an expert at something. Try to create an online course on "your" topic. Other options for tutorials: video tutorials, e-books, audio files, checklists, interviews with experts, webinars.

  1. The course title should display the result. For example, "Your first book in three months"
  2. Break a long video course into several short podcasts on topics up to 15 minutes long
  3. Consider the "clip perception" of the modern audience: less philosophical reasoning, more vivid images
  4. Take care of a beautiful “picture”: background music, catchy intros at the beginning and end, infographics and slides
  5. Provide feedback. Courses with homework checks usually cost more, but also take up more of the author's time.

Reviews on sites

Bonus point. I warn you right away that earnings on review sites will be scanty. Very few can boast of an income of even 1000 rubles a month. Yes, and to call this way of earning "passive" can be a stretch.

Who will suit?

  1. Those who plan to master the profession of a copywriter and want to earn money writing texts. IRecommend and Feedback is a great opportunity to learn how to write short commercial texts with a catchy title
  2. For those who still do not believe that you can make money on the Web. According to my observations, more and more money from real life "flows" into the Internet. And the winner is the one who will be able to use new opportunities before the rest.
  3. Those who consider themselves an expert in one of the areas. If you are well versed in car accessories, natural cosmetics or books - share your opinion with others. Usually experts like to talk about what they know a lot about. So why not do the same for a reward? Albeit symbolic.

Marketing income

The point here is that you create a brand or a commercial structure, which over time begins to work for you.

A typical example: a built-in MLM network or your own recognizable website. If over time your name becomes a brand (at least at the level of a YouTube star), then additional income is guaranteed through participation in advertising projects and affiliate programs.

“Getting a plus” by trading Oriflame or AVON products is not for everyone. But bring out own website in 6-12 months for an income of $100-200 is quite real! The site owner can earn on affiliate programs, on placing paid advertising articles, on contextual and teaser advertising, on selling links and much more.

Where to get money to create sources of passive income?

Unfortunately, everything in this life “from scratch” and “without investments” happens only in advertising. In principle, everything is logical: in order to “persuade” money to work for yourself, first you need to find this very money somewhere and invest it successfully.

Even in the fairy tale about Pinocchio, Alice and Basilio did not promise that money would grow out of nothing on the field of Fools. Pinocchio had to plant five gold trees in the ground and constantly water them.

All sources of passive income require an initial investment. In MLM, you need to buy a minimum batch of goods. In website building - pay for a domain, hosting and specialist services (design, copywriting, promotion). To create a high-quality educational product, invest in brand promotion.

So, where can you get money now to secure your future in the long run?

There are only two options (and no one has yet come up with a third): increase income and reduce costs. Better yet, do both at the same time!

We increase income

It's not just about finding a second job or part-time job (although that's a good option too). “Extra” money to create passive sources of income can be found in the most unexpected places.

For example, do a general cleaning at home and put up for sale (say, on Avito) all the things you personally do not need. Here is a sample list: branded clothing in good condition, baby products (toys, strollers, cribs), digital and household appliances, collectibles (stamps, coins, old books, records).

You will be surprised how much "money" is just gathering dust in your apartment or country house. Do not spend the proceeds from the sale, but immediately place them in assets!

Well, of course, no one canceled the 10% rule. One-tenth of all cash receipts should be used to create passive income. As Bodo Schaefer writes in his book The Path to Financial Independence: “You will not notice a loss of 10% per month. You will live either as well as before, or just as badly.

Yes, and one more important point! In the process of creating a new source of income, it is much more important not the size of the "replenishment", but their regularity! And until you reach the level of income you set (1,000 rubles, 10,000 or 100,000 per month), you cannot spend your savings for personal purposes!

We cut costs

People came up with ways to save money on a wagon and a small cart: sales, discount sites, wholesale purchases of products, energy-saving light bulbs ... There are so many options that I decided to write about saving.

And now I just want to, so to speak, set the start.

First, close all debts and loans (especially interest-bearing ones) as soon as possible. Debt is like a boat in the middle of a lake that suddenly starts leaking. You spend all your energy on bailing out water and not drowning (in our situation, making monthly payments with interest). And you and I need to move forward, towards, and not spin in one place! Loans and debts are shackling hand and foot, and sooooo much slow down in development.

Second, buy yourself a diary for the past year (or a regular notebook). And every day record income and expenses down to subway tickets and a cup of coffee. For convenience, divide expenses into categories: "Food", "Entertainment", "Nonsense", "Auto", "Communication" and so on. I promise that at the end of the "reporting" month you will be very surprised by the results.

The program not only allows you to record your expenses, but also provides a ton of useful analytical information on your operations: income, monthly charts, various spending scales. Well, the paid version will allow you to keep one budget for the whole family!

For example, you and your spouse keep track of the coinkeeper together, each from their own mobile device. As a result, all data is synchronized and you can always find out how much money from the family budget was spent “on cosmetics” or “in a bar with friends”.

And which ones do you prefer? Subscribe to updates and share posts with your friends on your favorite social networks!



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