Proper nutrition for kidney stones. Urate stones: diet

Kidney stone disease– the most common disease of the human urinary system. The disease is characterized by the presence of calculi (stones) in the kidneys, which gradually form from chemical compounds, dissolved in urine.

Kidney stone disease has chronic course with the presence of attacks in the form acute pain, nausea, vomiting and the appearance of blood in the urine.

Why do kidney stones appear?

The sizes of stones that form in the kidneys from crystals and gradually increase in size are very diverse. The direct causes leading to the appearance of kidney stones have not been sufficiently studied by modern medicine. Factors, affecting the formation of stones, are considered:

  • Hereditary (genetic) predisposition;
  • Metabolic disorders leading to changes in the composition of the blood and, accordingly, urine;
  • Infectious lesions urinary tract;
  • Disturbances in the passage of urine through the urinary system;
  • Chronic diseases of the stomach or intestines (colitis, gastritis, ulcerative pathologies);
  • Diseases genitourinary system(prostatitis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, adenoma);
  • Diseases skeletal system(osteoporosis, osteomyelitis, gout);
  • Long-term (chronic) dehydration of the body;
  • Not balanced diet with a predominance of purine compounds and products that increase the acidity of urine;
  • Lack of ultraviolet radiation and vitamin D.

Each of the above factors, individually and together with others, can lead to the formation kidney stones of one type or another: the appearance of stones rarely occurs without an accompanying disruption in work individual organs or their systems.

What stones can form in the kidneys?

There are several types of kidney stones: priority task the doctor and the patient - to find out exactly what type of stones are in the body. From chemical composition stones depends on subsequent treatment and, in particular, the patient’s diet.

Kidney stones are:

  • Oxalate;
  • Phosphate;
  • Urate - formed as a result of crystallization of salts uric acid for gout;
  • Struvite;
  • Amino acids (cystine and xanthine);
  • Cholesterol.

The most common stones are those with a predominance of calcium, or more precisely, calcium salts - such stones include oxalate and phosphate formations in the kidneys. Calcium stones account for about 80% of all stones. Urate stones are less common - in 15% of cases. Amino acid, struvite and cholesterol stones occur in 5% of cases.

How to eat and what rules should you follow if you have kidney stones?

Mode And balanced diet for kidney stones is an important component of complete therapy. Without a properly selected diet it is difficult to achieve sustainable results.

Adjusted and carefully balanced diet can prevent surgical intervention or other complex therapeutic procedures.

  1. Drink more water . It is recommended to increase the daily amount of fluid to 3 liters (about 2 liters should be clean drinking water). Tea and coffee should be limited in consumption and should not be drunk strong. In the absence of fluid retention in the body, stone formation stops: sometimes small stones even come out of the kidneys in the urine. You should drink liquid throughout the day.
  2. Limit the amount of meat in your diet. Animal protein and especially purine compounds contribute to an increase in salts in the urine.
  3. Increase your vitamin A intake– Pumpkin and carrots are rich in it.
  4. Limit your vitamin C intake– its excess is harmful for kidney stones.
  5. The amount of salt consumed per day should not exceed 2-4 g. You should also replace regular salt with sea salt.
  6. For some types of stones, it is recommended to limit the consumption of dairy products. However, you should not completely exclude foods rich in calcium from your diet: according to the latest scientific data, calcium stones can form not from an excess, but from a deficiency of this element.

Diet options for different types of stones

For oxalate stones

Oxalate stones are characterized by excessive excretion of oxalic acid by the kidneys. This requires excluding foods containing this compound from the menu. Doctors prescribe diet, which implies refusal:

  • Fatty meats;
  • Internal organs of birds and mammals;
  • Thick broths based on meat or fish;
  • Jellied meats and jellies;
  • Canned meat and fish;
  • Smoked meats;
  • Some types of greens - spinach, lettuce, sorrel, rhubarb, parsley, asparagus;
  • Red and Brussels sprouts, beets, fried potatoes, mushrooms, green beans;
  • Cocoa and coffee;
  • Beer;
  • Chocolate;
  • Tomato juice.

It is recommended to consume boiled meat or boiled fish, vegetable and fruit soups, cauliflower and white cabbage, boiled potatoes, sprouted wheat and bran, all types of vegetables not included in the “prohibited” list, fruits, berries and juices. Very useful for oxalate stones herbal decoctions– St. John's wort, lingonberry, black currant.

Stick enough strict diet especially necessary in the acute stage.

For urate stones

For urate stones, products containing purine bases are prohibited. The list of foods that need to be excluded from the diet includes:

  • By-products (kidneys, liver, brains);
  • Fatty meat and meat of young animals;
  • Broths, mushroom and meat soups;
  • Canned fish, salted and smoked fish;
  • Animal fats;
  • Strong tea, coffee;
  • Legumes;
  • Greens (sorrel, spinach).

Dishes made from potatoes, beets, carrots, asparagus, lettuce, rhubarb, and cereals are allowed. Vegetable and fruit soups, cheese, dairy products, and vegetable oil are useful for urate stones. It is allowed to eat any fruits and berries (excluding sour varieties).

Table salt in quantities of more than 4-5 g per dose is also prohibited. If there are no contraindications for urate stones, it is recommended to drink more than 3 liters of fluid daily.

Sometimes urate stones can be completely dissolved with the help of a strict diet.

For phosphate stones

  • Fish (in any form);
  • Dairy and vegetable soups;
  • Smoked, spicy and salty dishes;
  • Milk and fermented milk products;
  • Potatoes, vinaigrettes, vegetable salads;
  • Alcohol;
  • Cocoa.

It is allowed to eat meat, poultry (in any form), bread, any cereals and porridges made from them (cooked without milk), eggs, butter, lard, vegetable oil, green peas, pumpkin, compotes and sour fruits, honey, sugar, sweets, coffee and tea.

For any type of kidney stones, it is useful to use herbal medicine - drink herbal decoctions and infusions different composition. Kidney herbal tea usually consists of horsetail, lingonberries, juniper, corn silk, thyme.

Before using herbal preparations for the treatment of kidney stones, you should definitely talk with your doctor: contraindications are possible.

Video: How to eat properly if you have kidney stones - all the secrets

Diet for kidney stones in women is one of the main components of treating the disease and preventing its complications. It is the diet that has great importance, since all food breakdown products pass through the kidneys. Nephrolithiasis is promoted by poor diet, stress, hard water, drug use in large quantities.

When compiling diet menu the chemical composition of kidney stones is taken into account.

Basic nutrition rules

Proper nutrition for urolithiasis in women is aimed at normalizing metabolism, especially the metabolic processes of purines. In addition, the diet makes the urine reaction alkaline or acidic, depending on the chemical composition of the stones. This promotes the dissolution of stones, prevents the appearance of sediment of uric acid salts and removes them from the body. Properly selected nutrition will correct the functioning of the intestines and normalize a woman’s weight.

According to Pevzner’s developments, in the presence of kidney stones, table No. 6 is prescribed. In general, the diet is normal, but there are some restrictions on the consumption of refractory fats and proteins of animal origin. Up to 80 g of proteins are required per day, of which only half is allocated to plant proteins. The amount of fat per day is up to 90 g, up to 70% of which is animal. Carbohydrates are allowed 400 g, sugar is allowed up to 80 g. The daily calorie intake is up to 2400 kcal.

All the secrets proper nutrition for nephrolithiasis:

Rule Peculiarities
DietYou are supposed to eat up to 5 times a day. Moreover, the portions should be small. This will reduce work load digestive tract, will bring weight back to normal, especially if a woman is obese.

Neither overeating nor fasting should be allowed, since in such cases the concentration of uric acid and other compounds that contribute to the formation of stones increases. You should eat your last meal of the day 3 hours before bedtime.

Heat treatmentAny kind of food is allowed, with the exception of frying. Fish, meat and poultry must first be boiled before cooking. Then half of the purines will go from them to the broth. Products are recommended to be served either big pieces, or chop, but not very finely
Food temperatureIt should be from 15 to 550 C, that is, the food will not be too hot or cold
Amount of salt consumedThere should be up to 5 g per day. Excess product not only increases blood pressure, but also provokes the formation of sand and stones. To control the amount of salt used, it is recommended to add it to ready-made dishes
Drinking regimeIt is recommended to consume at least 2 liters per day. This helps remove sand. Low-mineral or boiled water, juices from fruits and vegetables, herbal infusions. If you drink more of these drugs, the concentration of urine decreases

Alcoholic drinks are not allowed if you have kidney stones - they can provoke spasm of the urinary tract, congestion in the organs, pain syndrome. The concentration of urine also increases, which causes precipitation to form.

An important point for urolithiasis in women is weight control. If you are obese, it must be brought back to normal. If a woman overweight, while the calorie content of the dishes consumed is increased, the concentration of uric acid increases, which leads to deposits in the kidneys.

Permitted and prohibited products

The diet for urolithiasis largely depends on the chemical composition of the stones. If the metabolic processes of calcium and phosphorus are disrupted, the situation will lead to phosphate stones. In this case, doctors prescribe therapeutic diet, which contributes to the acidification of urine.

Oxalates are formed in the body if the concentration of ascorbic or oxalic acid is increased. In such cases, urine alkalization is required.

Uraturia refers to the formation of bladder urates. They form against the background high content uric acid in urine, and it is a product purine metabolism. Urate stones form if the urine is acidic. The diet is also aimed at alkalizing urine, limiting the consumption of foods with high content purines. In general, the diet is of a dairy-vegetable type.

If you have urolithiasis, you should not eat:

  • fatty meat, poultry skin, offal, fatty fish (salmon, herring, mackerel), seafood, broths based on such products;
  • lard, margarine, lamb and beef fat;
  • jelly, aspic, jellied meat;
  • sausages, sausages, smoked meats, corned beef, canned fish and meat;
  • sorrel, spinach, eggplant, beets, rhubarb;
  • citrus fruit;
  • sour berries - gooseberries, currants, lingonberries, raspberries, cranberries;
  • baked goods, creams, fresh bread;
  • sharp and salty cheeses;
  • marinades;
  • eggs, especially the yolk;
  • hot spices - mustard, horseradish, pepper;
  • Coffee and tea;
  • chocolate, cocoa.

Authorized products include:

  • bread made from flour that is not of the highest grade is best suited coarse grind or bran, as they are a source of B vitamins;
  • pasta, but you need to eat it in moderation;
  • cereals (they should also be consumed in moderation);
  • fresh vegetables;
  • potato;
  • lean meat, fish, poultry;
  • dairy and fermented milk products, they should be low-fat;
  • cheese (not salty or spicy);
  • sweet berries and fruits - grapes, plums, apples, pears, watermelons;
  • dried fruits;
  • steamed eggs;
  • honey, marmalade, pastille, jam;
  • Vegetable oils and butter will have to be limited.

Products high in B vitamins and magnesium are beneficial. They are able to remove urate and oxalate stones. It is recommended to enrich the diet with food containing this vitamin, as it promotes the regeneration of the mucous layer of the kidneys and urinary canals.


You can cook it delicious, but diet soup with buckwheat. Recipe:

  1. 1. Take 4 potatoes, 1 carrot and half an onion.
  2. 2. Pour 3 liters of water into a saucepan and boil.
  3. 3. Omit all the vegetables, after washing, peeling and cutting them into small pieces.
  4. 4. Rinse the buckwheat and add it too (about a glass, although you can do it differently - thicker, thinner).
  5. 5. Cook for 15 minutes.
  6. 6. Wait until the dish is infused.

Cereal bread is allowed with this soup. Or make croutons by rubbing them with garlic.

A good option dietary dish- pilaf, but it will turn out sweet, as it is prepared with dried fruits and pumpkin:

  1. 1. Take 300 g of rice per 100 g of pumpkin. Additional 10 g required olive oil, dried apricots, raisins, prunes, barberries, apples, and spices - coriander, saffron and cumin (ingredients can be taken to taste).
  2. 2. Cut the pumpkin and apples into small pieces.
  3. 3. Wash the dried fruits and chop them too.
  4. 4. Pour a third of the rice onto the bottom of the pan, add pumpkin, apples and a little butter, dried fruits (alternate layers).
  5. 5. Pour boiling water, add spices and cook for an hour.

Menu for the week

The diet should be varied, high in vitamins and minerals. Experts advise developing a menu for the week for this:

Day of the week Menu
  1. 1. Breakfast: salad from fresh vegetables, seasoned vegetable oil(from olives or flax).
  2. 3. Lunch: mashed potatoes, boiled fish.
  3. 4. Afternoon snack: 2 apples or bananas.
  4. 5. Dinner: cottage cheese with dried fruits, dry cookies
  1. 1. Breakfast: buckwheat porridge with apples.
  2. 2. Second breakfast: natural homemade yogurt without berry or fruit fillings, but with the addition of a handful of nuts.
  3. 3. Lunch: borscht, potato balls, stewed carrots.
  4. 4. Afternoon snack: millet porridge and apples.
  5. 5. Dinner: carrot casserole with prunes
  1. 1. Breakfast: vegetable salad, boiled egg.
  2. 2. Second breakfast: oatmeal with the addition of dried apricots, raisins, prunes.
  3. 3. Lunch: dumplings with steamed cottage cheese and a little sour cream.
  4. 4. Afternoon snack: a couple of apples.
  5. 5. Dinner: rice, bell pepper and eggplants, baked or stewed
  1. 1. Breakfast: salad of boiled beets, prunes and nuts (all seasoned with olive oil).
  2. 2. Second breakfast: yogurt and vegetable salad.
  3. 3. Lunch: boiled fish and vegetable stew, okroshka is also allowed.
  4. 4. Afternoon snack: fruit salad.
  5. 5. Dinner: potato casserole with sour cream
  1. 1. Breakfast: boiled egg, oatmeal with added dried fruits.
  2. 2. Second breakfast: apple and beet salad.
  3. 3. Lunch: soup based vegetable broth with added potato dumplings; buckwheat porridge and steamed vegetables.
  4. 4. Afternoon snack: a couple of apples or a banana, yogurt.
  5. 5. Dinner: pasta, hard cheese with tomatoes (they need to be stewed)
SaturdayFasting day. Allowed to eat cottage cheese, fruits, drink green tea and water
  1. 1. Breakfast: salad of boiled carrots and beets.
  2. 2. Second breakfast: steamed omelet.
  3. 3. Lunch: carrot and pumpkin cream soup, pancakes and zucchini (add sour cream).
  4. 4. Afternoon snack: vegetable salad, kefir.
  5. 5. Dinner: rice with apples and dried fruits, baked in the oven

You can wash down all meals with tea (green or black with the addition of a small amount of milk), rosehip decoction, and dried fruit compote. Tea, kefir, yogurt, whey with cereal breadcrumbs are also recommended as a second dinner.

Urolithiasis disease ( urolithiasis ) is a metabolic disease and is manifested by the formation of stones in any organ of the urinary system: kidneys, ureters or bladder. The likelihood of developing urolithiasis in people increases hormonal imbalance, hereditarily determined metabolic disorders, the patient’s nutrition, as well as existing anatomical anomalies.

The development of stones is the result of the process of formation of a nucleus and the accumulation of constantly forming crystals around it. The formation of the nucleus occurs when crystals of various salts settle from urine supersaturated with them. The role of certain nanobacteria in this process has been proven. These are atypical gram negative bacteria produce calcium carbonate on the surface of cells urinary system. Substances that maintain salts in a dissolved state and prevent their precipitation include: sodium chloride , magnesium, zinc, manganese ions, hippuric acid , citrates, cobalt. Even in small quantities, these substances inhibit crystallization.

The clinical picture of the disease is quite diverse. In some patients it manifests as a single attack renal colic, and in others it becomes protracted, infection occurs and various diseases kidney: , pyonephrosis , sclerosis of the renal parenchyma and development. The main symptoms of the disease are pain, blood in the urine, urinary disorders and the passage of stones and salt crystals.

Nutrition for kidney stones will depend on the composition of the stones, and therefore may include mutually exclusive foods. Calcium is the basis of most urinary stones. Noted highest prevalence calcium stones (including calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate), urate, consisting of uric acid and magnesium-containing salts. The main role in the formation of calcium oxalate is played by supersaturation of urine with calcium and oxalate.

Initial treatment of any type of KSD is aimed at increasing fluid intake, improving diuresis, changing diet and controlling the acid-base status of urine. Kidney stone disease is a serious problem in urology, since despite the introduction of new, high-tech methods of therapy, there is a high rate of relapse of stone formation.

A rational diet restores normal metabolism and urine reaction, which determines the possibility of stone formation. In an acidic environment, urate stones are formed, oxalate stones in a neutral acidic environment, and phosphate stones in an alkaline environment. The right diet changes pH urine and serves as a criterion for the correctness of the diet. If the level pH in the morning 6.0-6.4, and in the evening 6.4-7.0, then everything is fine in the body, since the optimal level is 6.4-6.5.

Treatment also depends on the composition of the stones and the acid-base state of the urine. “Sand in the kidneys” is expelled generous intake liquids and medicinal mineral waters, holding watermelon days and dietary recommendations. Herbal decoctions (horsetail, lingonberry leaf, madder, goldenrod) and herbal preparations are widely used.

With phosphaturia, foods containing calcium and phosphorus are sharply limited. It is recommended to drink up to 2-2.5 liters of liquid. In the presence of hypercalciuria appoint diphosphonates . You can increase the acidity of urine by drinking sour juices and mineral waters Narzan, Darasun, Arzni, Smirnovskaya.

Taking into account all these points, adjustments are made to the diet:

  • Avoid foods high in oxalic acid: rhubarb, figs, sorrel, spinach, beans, chocolate, parsley, celery. Moderate levels of this acid are found in tea, chicory, carrots, green beans, onions, beets, tomatoes, plums, strawberries, and gooseberries.
  • Consumption with foods is limited: grapefruit, strawberries, lemons, sea buckthorn, gooseberries, currants, oranges, tangerines, rose hips, cranberries, rowan berries, strawberries, wild garlic, bell peppers.
  • A large amount of plant fiber is introduced.
  • A plentiful drinking regimen is observed, which prevents the precipitation of calcium oxalates (3 liters per day). Water is alternated with the consumption of juices (cucumber and other fruits and vegetables), compotes, fruit and vegetable decoctions. Weak solutions organic acids (malic, citric, benzoic and others) contained in them can dissolve oxalates.
  • Alkalinization of urine is carried out by drinking mineral waters: Naftusya, Essentuki No. 4 and No. 20, Truskavetskaya, Luzhanskaya, Morshinskaya, Berezovskaya.
  • Oxalates are removed from decoctions of the peels of apples, pears and quinces, birch leaves, elder flowers, and violet roots.

Diet for urolithiasis in women

More common in women severe forms, For example, coral nephrolithiasis . For coral stones foreign body takes up almost all cavity system kidneys In this severe form, ICD is performed only open surgery. Common cause it is hyperparathyroidism (increased function parathyroid glands). Thanks to modern diagnostics such neglected forms in Lately began to meet less frequently.

The growth of urolithiasis is provoked by: the nature of nutrition (abundance of protein in the diet), physical inactivity, which leads to disruption of phosphorus-calcium metabolism. Unbalanced diet makes the situation worse. For example, a bias towards protein foods with frequent adherence to a protein diet provokes the formation of urate stones. With sand in the kidneys, you need to pay attention to nutrition and urine reaction, since this condition is reversible and can be corrected with nutrition and plenty of fluid intake. You can periodically take diuretics. For urolithiasis in women, you should adhere to the general dietary recommendations described above, since they are no different.

It is also important for women:

All these factors contribute to stone formation.

For pyelonephritis and urolithiasis

In this case, a more strict approach to both treatment and nutritional therapy is necessary. Pyelonephritis is often a complication of ICD. IN mandatory held antibacterial therapy based on the sensitivity of pathogens to antibacterial drugs. At the same time, they are appointed herbal preparations ( , Canephron , ). It must be remembered that only removal of the stone creates the conditions for the complete elimination of the infection.

Treatment phosphate crystalluria aimed at acidifying urine. For this purpose, mineral waters are used: Dzau-suar, Narzan, Arzni and preparations: ascorbic acid . A diet is prescribed with a limit on foods with phosphorus (legumes, chocolate, cheese, dairy products, liver, fish roe, chicken). If there is a large amount of calcium phosphate in the urine, it is necessary to reduce the absorption of phosphorus and calcium in the intestine by prescribing Almaghel . In the presence of tripelphosphates antibacterial therapy is prescribed and uroantiseptics for the purpose of sanitizing the urinary system.

During treatment urate crystalluria child nutrition provides for an exception purine bases. This following products: meat broths, liver, kidneys, nuts, peas, beans, cocoa. Preference is given to products of dairy and vegetable origin. It is important to drink 1-2 liters of liquid. These should be slightly alkaline mineral waters, oat decoction and herbal decoctions (dill, horsetail, lingonberry leaf, birch leaf, clover, knotweed). For supporting pH urine using citrate mixtures ( magurlit , Uralit-U , blemarene , Solimok ).

Stone formation in a child is provoked by conditions that lead to permanent obstruction of the urinary tract: anomalies of development and position, endocrinopathies ( hyperparathyroidism , hyperthyroidism , infant hypercalcemia ), purchased tubulopathies and chronic urinary infection. Of course, it is important to eliminate the main cause of stone formation.

The diet prescribed by urologists and nephrologists for kidney stones cannot be the same for everyone who suffers from kidney stones. Therapeutic nutrition must correspond to the chemical composition of the stones formed in the kidneys.

So, what is the diet for kidney stones? And, most importantly, which one do you need?

Treatment of kidney stones with diet

Although the development of nephrolithiasis (kidney stone disease) is due to a number of reasons, the mechanism of stone formation is triggered by disturbances in the processes of formation and disposal of chemical compounds that make up urine. These compounds include: sodium and potassium salts uric acid (urates), calcium and ammonium salts of oxalic acid (oxalates), calcium salts phosphoric acid(phosphates) and calcium salts of carbonic acid (carbonates).

The fundamental principles on which the treatment of kidney stones with diet is based is to limit the intake from food into the body of precisely those substances whose metabolism is abnormal. Or, as an option, it is recommended to introduce into your usual diet foods that contain substances that help neutralize stone-forming factors.

For example, when purine metabolism is disrupted, urate stones are deposited in the kidneys, since uric acid is the end product of the metabolism of purine bases. A person does not have the enzyme uricase, which breaks down uric acid salts, so an excess of purines leads to an increase in the content (more than 70 mg/l) of uric acid either in the blood (hyperuricemia) or in the urine (urate diathesis or hyperuricuria). Poorly soluble uric acid in water - in the form of sodium urate crystals - is deposited in the joints (with all known gout), and when high acidity urine (pH

In addition, the diet for kidney stones should take into account that the formation of stones is determined by the level of acidity of the urine. Thus, oxalate stones are formed in slightly acidic urine (pH = 5.8-6.5), and alkaline urine (pH > 7-7.5) is a fertile environment exclusively for the crystallization of phosphoric acid salts. On this basis, food products are recommended that can either alkalize urine or increase its acidity.

General recommendations regarding all types of kidney stones boil down to increasing the volume of fluid consumed: you should drink at least two liters, and half of this amount should be water. This is necessary to ensure the therapeutically necessary level for nephrolithiasis daily diuresis. And it is imperative to reduce the amount of salt so that fluid does not remain in the body.

The condition of the mucous membrane of the urinary tract depends on the content of retinol (vitamin A), so its deficiency in the body cannot be allowed. But ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and calciferol (vitamin D) require caution. Ascorbic acid (if consumed in excess) increases the acidity of urine, and vitamin D activates the reabsorption (reabsorption) of calcium in the intestines and phosphorus in the kidneys. Although the relationship between these vitamins and the occurrence of nephrolithiasis is not recognized by all specialists.

Diet for oxalate kidney stones - oxaluria

The diet for oxalate kidney stones prescribes completely eliminating the use of foods that contain a lot of oxalic acid or oxalates: potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes, carrots, zucchini, green leafy vegetables(spinach, sorrel, parsley, celery), green and hot peppers, garlic, beans and soy products, as well as all kinds of nuts.

What should you not eat if you have kidney stones caused by oxaluria? Specialists from the National Cancer Institute (American National Cancer Institute) strongly advise not to overindulge in buckwheat, millet, and maize ( corn porridge) and rye bread; minimize the addition of spices such as black pepper to dishes, ground ginger, coriander, curry, cloves, cinnamon, anise seeds.

The “black list” of oxalate-containing fruits and berries includes: apples and pears; oranges and tangerines; kiwi, persimmon and pineapple; apricots and peaches; dark plums and prunes; raspberries, strawberries, red currants, gooseberries, dark grapes.

Cocoa (and, naturally, chocolate), coffee (including instant), beer, black tea, rosehip decoction, and juices—orange, grape, carrot, and tomato—contain a lot of oxalates.

What can you eat if you have kidney stones? For oxalate stones, the diet may include: meat and bacon; bird; fish (except sardines) and seafood; eggs; milk and cheeses; pasta, wheat bread, rice, oatmeal, mushrooms, sugar, honey. In the list of permitted products, there was a place for cabbage (white cabbage, cauliflower, kohlrabi); cucumbers and green peas; radish and red pepper; watermelons, melons and pumpkins; bananas and avocados; green grapes; apples (without peel) and apple juice. And, of course, green tea.

For patients with oxaluria, doctors prescribe pyridoxine (vitamin B6). In addition, yeast (baker's or brewer's), fish, beef and beef liver, chicken and egg yolks.

Diet for urate kidney stones - uraturia

Since the formation of urate stones from uric acid salts is promoted by increased pH value(pH) of urine, then reducing its acidity (alkalinization) is the basis of the diet for urate kidney stones.

The following are most suitable for this: cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes, peppers, beets, carrots, celery, apricots (fresh and in the form of dried fruits), peaches, apples, cherries, currants, gooseberries, grapes, prunes, figs, watermelon, melon . The acidity level of urine helps balance intake oatmeal, boiled potatoes, citrus juice (orange, lemon), milk (only fresh raw).

It is very important to know what not to eat if you have kidney stones and uraturia. Since an increase in uric acid content is provoked by acidic metabolites of the breakdown of animal proteins (in particular, sulfur-containing amino acids and urea), the diet should be mainly vegetable-dairy. So you have to give up meat (especially red), meat broths, offal, sausages and canned food. Although nutritionists have an alternative for those who are unable to cope with such a limitation: strictly “dosage” the consumption of meat and cook it according to rules that will reduce the amount of toxins.

Firstly, the daily portion of meat should be determined at the rate of one gram for every kilogram of body weight. Secondly, the meat should not be stewed, fried or even baked, but boiled. Moreover, after draining the water after the first boil, fill it with water again and put in a whole onion and small carrots (which are thrown away after the end of cooking).

Diet for phosphate kidney stones - phosphaturia

Considering that crystallization of calcium salts of phosphoric acid occurs with an excess of calcium and phosphorus against the background of alkaline urine, it becomes obvious what kind of diet for kidney stones is necessary in this case.

To reduce the intake of these macronutrients, nutritionists at the US National Kidney Foundation (NKF) recommend not consuming: milk and fermented milk products(primarily cottage cheese and cheeses), sea ​​fish and seafood, buckwheat, pearl barley, oatmeal, eggs, legumes, grapes and garlic, eggplant and cucumbers, lettuce and pumpkin. Beetroot, sorrel, spinach, and chocolate interfere with the absorption of calcium.

Diet for phosphate stones kidneys should simultaneously ensure a change in the reaction of urine from alkaline to acidic, for which you should include in your menu: meat, lard, offal, fats and oils, legumes, cereals, corn, rice, nuts and seeds (walnuts, sesame, peanuts, sunflower), sugar-containing products, tea, coffee, various spicy seasonings. Fried foods are also not prohibited.

Domestic nutritionists prescribe diet 14 - s used for urolithiasis to their patients with phosphaturia good nutrition and limiting alkalizing products. And the list of recommended ones (except for those mentioned above) includes fish, absolutely all cereals, mushrooms, pumpkin, green pea, sour apples and berries.

Diet 7 for kidney stones, recommended by some doctors, is intended for patients with chronic nephritis(inflammation of the kidneys) or for the recovery period with acute form of this pathology. This diet limits salt intake (no more than 7 grams per day) and is aimed at “moderate sparing of kidney function, impact on increased arterial pressure and swelling."

Diet for calcium kidney stones - hypercalciuria

Filtration of calcium cations (Ca 2+) is carried out by the kidneys, and if the content of this macroelement in the blood increases, its concentration in the urine also increases.

A diet for calcium kidney stones involves a maximum reduction in the consumption of foods rich in calcium, and this is, first of all, milk and all products based on it. In addition, it is recommended to limit meat consumption, as animal protein increases calcium levels in the urine. But the fact is that both oxalates and phosphates (as mentioned at the beginning of the section) are calcium stones. So, calcium is present in almost all types of kidney stones, and therefore among professionals therapeutic dietetics The term “diet for calcium kidney stones” is not in circulation. And purpose dietary nutrition in case of nephrolithiasis, it is carried out taking into account the Ca content in stones, however fundamental principle- what acids it reacted with. And since in the majority biochemical processes Since calcium and phosphorus are present in the body in the form of calcium phosphate, then for calcium stones the same diet can be recommended as for phosphaturia (especially since most foods contain calcium in the form of calcium phosphate).

NKF experts argue that for the purpose of prevention, regulating the amount of calcium in the diet can only prevent hypercalciuria in rare cases, since the body does not absorb more calcium than necessary. According to the majority of foreign doctors, contained in food products calcium does not affect the risk of kidney stones. After all, stones are formed when calcium binds with acids, in the case of oxaluria - with oxalic acid, which is one of the strongest organic acids of the carboxylic group. It easily binds cations of metals such as iron and magnesium, not to mention calcium, which is an alkaline earth metal.

By the way, if you are interested in a diet for coral kidney stones, then you need to clarify: there is no such diet. Coral, or more precisely coral-shaped, are concretions of various chemical compositions that have a branched shape similar to colonies of marine polyps. And the shape of the stones - as unnecessary - therapeutic nutrition does not take into account.

To kidney stones did not darken your life, you need to be responsible about what is included in your daily diet. And a strictly followed diet for kidney stones will greatly ease the course of the disease.

Diet for kidney stones in men is one of the main therapeutic measures besides drug therapy And special operation crushing using shock wave equipment.

Nephrolithiasis (kidney disease) is caused by for various reasons: bad environmental situation, stress, poor nutrition, hard water, excessive consumption medicines. All these factors provoke the appearance of kidney stones in men and the exacerbation of diseases. To dissolve stones you need not only to consume special medications And folk remedies at home, but also reconsider your diet.

Basic nutrition rules

Comprehensive treatment for kidney stones includes healthy image life, including proper nutrition. To achieve sustainable results, the diet must be long-term. It is developed individually for each person, depending on the type of stones in the urine.

Diet in the presence of kidney stones will prevent their increase in size and the formation of new ones. In addition, appropriate nutrition will remove accumulated salts, improve the digestion process, and reduce the likelihood of inflammation in the urinary canals.

The basic rules of nutrition for kidney stones in men are as follows:




Eat food 5-6 times a day. Of these, 3 are main meals, and the rest are snacks. As a result, the interval between them will be approximately 3 hours. The last meal should be 3 hours before bedtime

Heat treatment of products

Any options are allowed, with the exception of frying in oil. It is best to replace such dishes with casseroles cooked in the oven.

Food temperature

The optimal option is from 15 to 60 0 C. In other words, you should not eat too hot or cold food

Limiting salt intake

Only 5 g per day is allowed. Excessive amounts cause an increase in stones, an increase blood pressure. It is recommended to add salt immediately to prepared dishes. Then it's easier to keep track daily dose. Best to replace table salt nautical

Limiting intake of foods high in ascorbic acid

In large quantities, this substance is harmful for kidney stones

If you have kidney stones, you will have to avoid foods that contain large amounts of purines. This applies to foods high in animal proteins and fatty acids saturated type.

For kidney stones the following are contraindicated:

  • cookies, desserts with jam, preserves, creams, halva, baked goods;
  • fatty meat and fish, caviar, seafood, sausage, smoked meats;
  • jelly, coffee, cocoa;
  • citrus;
  • sour berries;
  • greenery;
  • egg yolk;
  • salty cheeses with spices;
  • legumes

Allowed foods include:

  • whole wheat bread;
  • porridge;
  • pasta from durum wheat;
  • chicken and turkey;
  • lean fish (cod, pollock);
  • fresh fruits and dried fruits;
  • salads with pickled and sauerkraut;
  • dairy products;
  • mild cheeses;
  • honey, pollen, marshmallow, marmalade.

Recommended consumption more products, which have an alkalizing effect on urine and dissolve urate and oxalate stones. The menu should include fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products containing bifidobacteria. The exception is phosphaturia, when it is necessary to create a special “acidic” environment.

It is recommended to consume more foods containing B vitamins, as they speed up the process of removing urate and oxalate stones. To enhance the effect, you need to introduce food into your diet, rich in vitamins A. It is not only beneficial for the whole body, but also restores the mucous layers of the kidneys and urinary tract.

Menu for the week

When preparing a diet for 7 days, you need to take into account all the secrets of proper nutrition for nephrolithiasis, exacerbation renal pathologies. It is recommended to develop the menu in advance.

An approximate diet for a week is presented in the table.

Day of the week



  • Breakfast: vegetable salad (season with olive or flaxseed oil);
  • lunch: steamed protein omelette;
  • dinner: mashed potatoes and boiled fish;
  • afternoon snack: banana or 2 apples;
  • dinner: cottage cheese with dried fruits, biscuits
  • Breakfast: buckwheat, apples;
  • lunch: a handful of any nuts (you can combine different ones) and a glass of yogurt;
  • dinner: borsch;
  • afternoon snack: millet porridge with apples;
  • dinner: carrot and prune casserole
  • Breakfast: vegetable salad, chicken egg;
  • lunch: oatmeal with dried fruits;
  • dinner: cottage cheese dumplings (steamed), a little low-fat sour cream;
  • afternoon snack: a couple of apples;
  • dinner: stewed rice, eggplant and bell pepper baked in the oven
  • Breakfast: boiled beets with chopped prunes and walnuts with a little olive oil;
  • lunch: yogurt and vegetable salad;
  • dinner: boiled fish and vegetable stew, okroshka;
  • afternoon snack: fruit salad;
  • dinner: Potato casserole (season with low-fat sour cream)
  • Breakfast: boiled egg, oatmeal with dried fruits;
  • lunch: beetroot-apple salad;
  • dinner: vegetable soup, buckwheat porridge and steamed vegetables;
  • afternoon snack: banana or a couple of apples, yogurt;
  • dinner: pasta, stewed tomatoes, cheese

Fasting day. It is allowed to eat fruits from the list of permitted ones and cottage cheese. Take it with water or green tea


  • Breakfast: a mixture of grated boiled carrots and beets;
  • lunch: steamed omelette, biscuits;
  • dinner: carrot and pumpkin puree soup, zucchini pancakes (season with sour cream);
  • afternoon snack: vegetable salad;
  • dinner: apples baked with rice and dried fruits

You can wash down your meals with black and green tea, a decoction of rose hips, dried fruit compote, berry juice, and milk. Before going to bed, it is recommended to drink a cup of kefir or yogurt, low-fat natural yogurt without fruit and berry additives. Additionally, you are allowed to have a snack before going to bed, cereal bread or biscuits.

Nutritional features for different types of stones

The diet may vary depending on the type of stones. Eat general rules dietary nutrition used for any kidney stones, but there are also certain features indicated in the table:

Type of stones


They are common types of stones. This problem is caused by violations metabolic processes with oxalic acid, which affects the formation of insoluble calcium salts in the urine. The main reason their formation is dehydration. This is why it is important to monitor oxalate stones. drinking regime– requires consumption of 2-3 liters of pure or mineral water. Fruit drinks and compotes are suitable.

The next reason that causes the abundant formation of oxalic acid in the internal organs is the consumption of large quantities of products of purple, dark green and red shades. It is recommended to eat more raspberries, blueberries, citrus fruits, mushrooms, cucumbers, apples and leafy greens

Formed due to uric acid salts. This disease is called uraturia. During treatment, you should not consume smoked foods, preserves, or alcohol. To prevent the formation of such stones, it is recommended to eat grapes, watermelons, green apples, and black currants. You definitely need to drink more clean water

The main factors that provoke the formation of phosphate stones are infections, renal failure in acute form, hydronephrosis, kidney shrinkage, colic. It is necessary to limit the consumption of nuts, alcohol, hot spices, cheese, cereals with milk, sour cream, eggs, fruits and vegetables in fresh, smoked meats, pickles


Be sure to monitor your drinking regime and drink up to 2 liters of water per day. Useful various decoctions and infusions based on medicinal plants:

  • burdock;
  • rose hip;
  • wheatgrass;
  • knotweed;
  • Birch buds.

Need 1 tbsp. l. pour a cup of boiling water over the raw materials and leave for a couple of hours. Drink a few sips half an hour before meals. You can add ginger to the drink.



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs