What foods contain vitamin D3? Vitamin D rich foods

Vitamins are very important for human health. For example, if you want to have strong hair and nails, sharp eyesight, then consume foods that contain vitamin A, and ascorbic acid for general strengthening of the body. Vitamin D (or calciferol), which is responsible for growth, should also occupy an important place in the diet.

What it is?

Vitamin D is a compound of cyclic unsaturated high molecular weight ergosterol, which is soluble in fats. This property allows it to accumulate in fatty tissue and liver. That is why the human body always has a certain supply of vitamin D - it is used as needed.

Calciferol performs several important functions in the body. This helps in the absorption of dietary calcium and phosphorus and maintains them at proper levels, suppressing the release of parathyroid hormone, that is, the one that causes bone resorption. Vitamin D also promotes the body's absorption of magnesium and normal heart function, participates in the formation and growth of bones, and accelerates the elimination of harmful lead.

The appearance of calciferol in the human body in a natural way is associated with its production under the influence of ultraviolet rays. The amount of sunlight needed to synthesize it in sufficient quantities varies and depends on age, skin color and health problems. But the volume of this vitamin in the body is determined not only by the process of synthesis under the influence of UV rays. Its supply can be increased. To do this, you need to eat foods containing vitamin D.

It should be taken into account that if the body lacks calciferol, vitamin deficiency develops. But at the same time, excessive sunbathing and a monotonous diet, including only foods containing vitamin D, can lead to hypervitaminosis. Next, we will talk about the signs of such conditions.

Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency

Calciferol deficiency occurs when the body depletes its reserves. This happens if a person does not consume foods rich in vitamin D in adequate quantities or does not consume them at all. Some people may have no symptoms of vitamin deficiency despite low calciferol levels. But there are still general signs indicating that the body urgently needs to replenish vitamin D reserves:

  • feeling tired;
  • general muscle weakness;
  • joint pain;
  • muscle cramps;
  • weight gain;
  • restless sleep;
  • low concentration;
  • headaches;
  • bladder problems;
  • constipation or diarrhea.

What diseases can vitamin D deficiency cause? A lack of calciferol in the body can provoke the development of diseases such as:

  • osteoporosis and osteopenia;
  • hypertension;
  • obesity;
  • diabetes;
  • arthrosis;
  • bursitis;
  • gout;
  • infertility;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • depression and seasonal affective disorder;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • periodontal disease;
  • psoriasis.

Symptoms of vitamin D hypervitaminosis

This condition is even more dangerous. When there is an excess of calciferol in the body, calcium accumulates in the blood and solid salts are deposited.

The manifestation of signs of vitamin D hypervitaminosis depends on the degree of it.

I degree of intoxication is accompanied by mild poisoning without toxicosis, which causes symptoms:

  • nervousness;
  • constant thirst;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • sweating;
  • stopping weight gain;
  • constipation;
  • frequent urination;
  • pain in joints and muscles.

II degree of intoxication, which is characterized by an average degree of poisoning with moderate toxicosis, manifests itself:

  • losing weight;
  • periodic vomiting;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • a decrease in magnesium levels in the blood.

III degree of intoxication is characterized by a severe form of poisoning with severe toxicosis, which has the following manifestations:

  • sudden weight loss;
  • lethargy and drowsiness;
  • physical inactivity;
  • frequent vomiting;
  • dehydration;
  • pale skin;
  • the appearance of periodic seizures;
  • high blood pressure;
  • systolic murmur;
  • attacks of arrhythmia;
  • cold hands and feet;
  • shortness of breath;
  • bacterial infections (eg, pancreatitis, pneumonia, myocarditis, pyelonephritis);
  • depression of the central nervous system.

Group of vitamins

It is necessary to understand that vitamin B is not one substance, but a whole group of biologically active components that are characterized by the activity of sterols. Some of them are produced under the influence of sunlight, while others enter the body only with food.

Today the group consists of five substances: D2, D3, D4, D5, D6. The names begin with two, since vitamin D1 does not exist in its natural form, and it can only be obtained through chemical synthesis.

Vitamin D2, or ergocalciferol, appears under the influence of UV radiation on certain types of fungi. Cholecalciferol (D3) enters the body with food from animal products. Dehydrocholesterol (D4) is found in human skin, and there, under the influence of sunlight, is synthesized into vitamin D3. Replenishment of sitocalciferol (D5) and stigmacalciferol (D6) reserves is associated with the inclusion of wheat grains and other plant products in the diet.

Requirement for calciferol

The Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States has determined the required daily dosage of vitamin D in micrograms (mcg) and international units (IU).

What foods contain vitamin D?

In order to maintain the required level of calciferol in the blood, it is necessary not only to take sunbathing, but also to eat properly. You should include food supplements and foods containing vitamin D in your diet. The former provide the body with the necessary amount of calciferol and are recommended for both adults and children. If you don't want to constantly think about what foods contain vitamin D and whether you are eating enough of them, then taking supplements is the best option. They are especially relevant in the autumn-winter period, when the vitamin reserves created in the body in the summer run out.

It is recommended that children take calciferol supplements for several days after birth. Adults between 20 and 60 years of age should use them as needed. But older people are recommended to take supplements year-round.

But the best option for maintaining a healthy body is to make it a rule to consume foods containing vitamin D. The list of them is quite large and varied. However, not everyone can answer the question of which products contain vitamin D. And even more so, very few people know how much calciferol is present in a particular ingredient. This can result in vitamin deficiency or hypervitaminosis. So in what quantity and in what foods does vitamin D contain? We'll talk about this later.

Animal products

Products containing vitamin D (table)


Amount, mcg per 100 g

Fish fat

Cod liver

Atlantic herring

Fish (sea bass, mackerel, salmon, tuna, eel, flounder)

Sprats in oil

Bifidolact dry; milk mixtures (dry)

Egg yolk


Beef liver

Liver (pork, poultry)

Cheddar cheese

Powdered milk

Milk cream

Cow's milk

Powdered milk

Products of plant origin

The list of foods containing vitamin D is not limited to fish, liver, milk and sour cream. Plant sources of calciferol are cereals, nettle, horsetail, alfalfa, parsley, algae, yeast, mushrooms, vegetable oil, white cabbage, citrus fruits, nuts. In these products, the dose of vitamin is not so shocking, so the danger of developing hypervitaminosis is much less.

To cover the daily requirement of calciferol, it is enough to eat a little parsley, dill or vegetable oil. Be healthy!

It is important to know which foods contain vitamin D. Its deficiency is dangerous, especially for children and the elderly: the element is involved in phosphorus-potassium metabolism, stimulates muscle growth, and promotes the formation of strong bone structure.

Vitamin D is important for your body

The role of vitamin D for the human body

Vitamin D (calciferol)– a fat-soluble element, performs the functions of a vitamin and a hormone, was synthesized in 1936 from fish oil. The main sources of production are animal products and sunlight.

Main forms of vitamin D:

  1. D2 – ergocalciferol. It is formed when certain types of fungi are exposed to ultraviolet rays. This substance is obtained synthetically and added to infant formula, cereals, and some types of bread.
  2. D3 – cholecalciferol. A natural substance found in some animal products.
  3. D4 – dehydrocholesterol. Provitamin D3, found in the human epidermis, is converted to cholecalciferol under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.
  4. D5 – sitocalciferol. It can only be found in wheat grains.
  5. D6 – stigmacalciferol. Present in small doses in some plant species.

The human body is capable of synthesizing vitamin D - it is enough to be in the sun for several hours every day in order not to experience a deficiency of this element.

Why does the body need calciferol?

The main purpose of vitamin D is to ensure proper growth of all bone groups in accordance with age and the formation of a strong musculoskeletal system.

What is calciferol used for?

  • prevents the development of osteoporosis;
  • provides an influx of calcium to tooth enamel and bones, strengthens them;
  • reduces the risk of heart pathologies, atherosclerosis, arthritis, sclerosis;
  • prevents the formation of malignant tumors - it is necessarily included in complex therapy for the treatment of many types of cancer; it is also useful for preventing the development of these diseases;
  • helps strengthen the immune system
  • coordinates the synthesis of insulin, influences blood sugar levels - prevents the development of diabetes;
  • normalizes arterial parameters.

One of the functions of vitamin D is protection against osteoporosis and rickets

This element prevents the development of rickets, accelerates the process of recovery and recovery from injuries, bruises, and fractures.

Calciferol ensures the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, is necessary for good blood clotting, and prevents muscle weakness. The substance is responsible for a good mood, eliminates symptoms of chronic fatigue and inflammatory processes, and increases endurance. Vitamin D3 is used externally to treat psoriasis.

Why is vitamin D deficiency dangerous?

Calciferol hypovitaminosis is most dangerous for young children and the elderly. In infants, against the background of a deficiency of this element, teething begins to delay, the fontanel slowly overgrows, and rickets develops.

How does a lack of vitamin D manifest in the body?

  • osteoporosis develops, teeth begin to crumble;
  • Appetite and quality of sleep deteriorate, vision decreases;
  • there is a constant burning sensation in the mouth and larynx;
  • weight decreases sharply, weakness appears;
  • sweating increases.

Osteoporosis may occur due to a lack of vitamin D

With a severe deficiency of calciferol, the body stops absorbing calcium and magnesium from foods and vitamin complexes - this causes the development of caries, arrhythmia, and bone fragility increases. If there are signs of vitamin D deficiency, you should urgently ask your doctor what foods or medications will help eliminate the problem.

Excess calciferol is also very dangerous - if it is supplied in large quantities, intensive absorption of calcium begins, and deposits of solid salts appear in the internal organs. In case of an overdose, severe heart pathologies, arrhythmia, hypertension develop, and the functioning of the nervous system is disrupted.

What contains the most vitamin D?

The most calciferol is found in fish oil, cod liver and smoked eel - 4500–8500 IU per 100 g. It is enough to consume 5–10 g of these products daily to get the required amount of vitamin D.

List of foods high in calciferol

The more calciferol contained in foods, the higher their cholesterol levels.

Vitamin D content in eggs, dairy and meat products

Dairy products are often additionally fortified with calciferol, especially if they are intended for baby food. Meat tenderloin contains practically no vitamin D; its source is offal.

Vitamin D tolerates high temperatures well, and its amount practically does not decrease during heat treatment.

Is there calciferol in plant foods?

Food of plant origin cannot serve as the main source of calciferol, so among vegetarians there are many who are deficient in this substance. Mushrooms contain the most vitamin D; under the influence of the sun they synthesize this element.

For better absorption of calciferol, a lot of fat and bile are required, so foods that contain the vitamin
D, should be consumed together with fats.

Daily intake of vitamin D

Since calciferol accumulates in tissues, and its excess is as dangerous as its deficiency, it must enter the body in a certain amount; consumption rates depend on the person’s age. The maximum permissible daily dose is 15 mcg.

Calciferol consumption table

Pregnant and lactating women need to consume 15 mcg or 600 IU of vitamin D. In higher doses, calciferol should be consumed by residents of northern regions, industrial cities, people who often have to work at night, bedridden patients, and those with chronic pathologies of the intestines, liver, and gall bladder.

If the child is completely bottle-fed, then giving him additional cholecalciferol is strictly prohibited, since all formulas contain the required amount of this element.

Vitamin D is a useful and necessary substance for the normal growth and development of a child; with regular and reasonable consumption, the likelihood of developing many serious diseases is reduced. Calciferol is found in fish oil, animal products, fermented milk products, and very little in fruits and vegetables.

Vitamin D is a group of vitamins that are an essential part of a healthy person's diet. The daily need for this vitamin from 1 year to 80 years of age varies from 400 to 800 IU (international units). Also, it is most necessary in the treatment and prevention of rickets and many other diseases.

What foods contain vitamin D?

As mentioned above, vitamin D is a group of vitamins. There are six in total:

Vitamin D1 - ergocalciferol and lumisterol, in a ratio of 1:1;

Vitamin D2 - ergocalciferol;

Vitamin D3 - cholecalciferol;

Vitamin D4 - 2,2-dihydroergocalciferol;

Vitamin D5 - sitocalciferol;

Vitamin D6 - sigma calciferol.

Doctors and pharmacists, when talking about vitamin D, mean two - D2 and D3. These vitamins are formed when the skin is exposed to ultraviolet (sun) rays. The more sun there is in a given region, the lower the risk of deficiency of this vitamin in the body.

This vitamin is found in the following foods:

Eggs, or rather egg yolk - approximately 27 IU/100 g;

Butter - no more than 35 IU/100 g;

Cheese - less than 0.5 IU/100 g;

Milk - from 0.5 to 3 IU/100 g, depending on fat content;

Corn oil - approximately 10 IU/100 g;

Meat - 15 IU/100 g;

Animal liver - less than 50 IU/100 g;

Fish oil - approximately 160 IU/100 g;

Fatty fish varieties - from 45 to 280 IU/100 g, depending on the type;

Caviar - from 100 to 200 IU/100 g.

Some types of mushrooms grown in natural (natural) conditions (for example, chanterelles) - approximately from 80 to 1600 IU/100 g.

Vitamin D is also found in some plants:

Alfalfa (shoots) - approximately 192 IU/100 g;

Nettle - 180 IU/100 g;

Parsley, dill - approximately 27 IU/100 g.

Vitamin D is also found in other herbs, but in much smaller quantities. And since humans are not able to digest large amounts of grass, they are not particularly interesting as a source of the “sunshine” vitamin.

How to consume foods containing vitamin D

Vitamin D is fat soluble. Therefore, it must be consumed with fat-containing supplements. Therefore, dishes need to be seasoned with various oils, as well as sour cream or full-fat yogurt. They will promote the absorption of vitamin D into the blood and its proper distribution.

Fish and its derivatives (caviar, liver) can be consumed plain, without additives.

Dairy products, Although they contain vitamin D, they do not always help replenish it in the body. Milk contains a lot of phosphorus, which interferes with the absorption of this vitamin.

Even if you follow a proper diet containing the daily required amount of vitamin D, without spending the required amount of time in the sun, this vitamin will not be absorbed normally. Therefore, every day you need to be in the sun during its activity, that is, from approximately 9.00 to 13.00 hours of the day. The lighter the skin, the less sun exposure is required. But even in the sunniest countries, a lack of vitamin D can occur. This deficiency occurs in dark-skinned people, overweight people, the elderly, and also in those who cover their limbs.

How to store foods containing vitamin D

Like most foods, it must be stored in the refrigerator. Of course, fresh produce is best. But not always and not everyone has the opportunity to purchase just such.

Since this vitamin is fat-soluble, it is practically indestructible. But when defrosting food, you need to give it time to thaw naturally, rather than doing it using a microwave, hot water, etc.

But when storing food in the light and with access to oxygen, vitamin D may be destroyed.

How to prepare foods containing vitamin D

For proper nutrition, it is better to steam or stew. Although high temperatures do not affect the amount of vitamin remaining in the finished product.

Scrambled eggs are best for winter breakfasts. If possible, a raw egg will replenish the daily required amount of vitamin D. In addition, you can add a bun with butter to your favorite coffee a couple of times a week. Oatmeal also contains vitamins, but you need to cook it in water, adding a piece of butter or seasoning it with corn oil (if you are on a diet).

For lunch or dinner, you can eat a dish of fatty fish. And if you flavor it with cheese, it will be a storehouse of vitamin D.

But all these delicious dishes must be alternated, since not only a deficiency, but also an excess of vitamin D is dangerous.

Signs of vitamin D deficiency

The main signs of vitamin D deficiency are:

Excitation of the nervous system;

Decreased appetite;

Constant feeling of thirst;

Frequent urination;

Deterioration of vision.

In addition, you may feel worse, lower blood pressure, and increased heart rate.

Diseases that occur due to vitamin D deficiency

The most important disease accompanying vitamin D deficiency is rickets. It can occur both in early infancy and in adulthood, especially in old age. In addition, due to its deficiency, calcium absorption deteriorates, which increases the likelihood of fractures and impairs bone healing.

In children with rickets, the following symptoms are observed:

1. Later than most peers teething, the fontanelle closes;

2. Legs are bent, pelvic deformation is possible;

3. Deformation of the bones of the facial skull;

4. Deformation of the skull as a whole (the so-called “square head”);

5. Changes in the chest (“chicken breast”);

6. Sweating, nervousness, tearfulness, sleep disturbance.

For treatment, you need to take at least 1500 IU of vitamin D. For this, 2 tablespoons of fish oil per day is enough.

Hypervitaminosis: excess vitamin D

Lack of vitamins is very dangerous. But excess is no less harmful. The main symptoms in this case are:

Weakness, loss of appetite;



Muscle, headache, joint pain;

Increased blood pressure, fever, convulsions.

Also, hypervitaminosis can occur when a large amount of not only vitamin D, but also calcium enters the body. In this case, ossification occurs, the deposition of calcium salts in the kidneys, liver, cardiovascular system and other organs. In this case, the functions of these organs are disrupted.

Interactions with drugs

When vitamin D is taken simultaneously with various medications, its absorption may deteriorate. You should not take it at the same time as laxatives and diuretics. The former prevent calcium and vitamin D from being absorbed normally, while the latter wash out these vitamins.

Also, various hormone-containing drugs help wash out vitamin D from the body. Cholesterol-reducing drugs also interfere with the normal absorption of the vitamin. This happens because vitamin D is fat-soluble, and these drugs remove excess fat.

But vitamin D itself can interfere with the treatment of something else. For example, it interferes with the absorption of iron, since it promotes the absorption of calcium in the intestines, and, as you know, calcium and iron are “rivals”. Therefore, when treating anemia, it is better to limit its consumption. In addition, it reduces the effectiveness of cardiac glycosides, which is no less dangerous.

Therefore, vitamin D should only be taken as prescribed by a doctor, even if it is absolutely necessary.

Probably every adult remembers how, as a child, he was given tasteless and disgusting fish oil so that his bones would grow and his teeth would be strong. After all, it is in fish oil that it is most abundant. Other products containing vitamin D cannot boast such amounts of this vitamin. But still, what products contain it?

All about vitamin D

Vitamin D is synthesized from provitamins under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. The vitamin D group includes:

  • Ergocalciferol, or vitamin D2, isolated from yeast. Its provitamin is ergosterol;
  • Cholecalciferol, or vitamin D3, isolated from animal tissues. Its provitamin is the substance 7-dehydrocholesterol;
  • Vitamin D4, or 22, 23-dihydro-ergocalciferol;
  • Vitamin D5, or sitocalciferol, isolated from wheat oil;
  • Stigma-calciferol, or vitamin D6.

But a person only needs vitamin D2 and D3. These are fat-soluble vitamins that can withstand high temperatures.

Vitamin D synthesis in the human body

Vitamin D is synthesized in plants and animals. Plants and animals contain substances called provitamins. They are converted into vitamin D under the influence of sunlight. But this vitamin is most found in animal foods. Plant foods are less rich in it.

A healthy adult needs about 10 micrograms of this vitamin per day. In children, the daily requirement goes beyond this to 15, and sometimes 20 micrograms during the period of active growth. Products rich in vitamin D should be increased in the diet of pregnant and lactating women.

Part of the daily requirement for the vitamin can be met through its synthesis in the body from provitamins. So, you can satisfy half the daily requirement. But vitamin D is synthesized in different quantities depending on the following factors:

  • Solar wavelength. The spectrum of waves received during sunrise and sunset has a beneficial effect on the synthesis of vitamin D;
  • Age. The older a person is, the less vitamin is synthesized in his body;
  • Air pollution. Dirty air prevents the penetration of the desired spectrum of ultraviolet rays;
  • Skin pigmentation. A person with fair skin will receive a large portion of vitamin D.

Benefits of vitamin D

Vitamin D is a substance responsible for the normal formation and growth of bone tissue. The vitamin regulates phosphorus and calcium metabolism in the body. It normalizes heart function and blood clotting processes. With its help, the removal of lead and other heavy metals harmful to health from the human body is accelerated. In combination with ascorbic acid and vitamin A, it helps resist colds. It helps absorb calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and vitamin A.

With the help of vitamin D, diseases such as tuberculosis, psoriasis, conjunctivitis and epilepsy are successfully treated.

Compared to other biologically active substances, the effect of vitamin D is very narrow. But if there is a lack of it in the body in children:

  • Sleep is disturbed;
  • Increased sweating appears;
  • The fontanel closes;
  • It takes a long time for teeth to erupt;
  • Irritability appears;
  • Muscle tone weakens;
  • The bones of the spine, lower extremities and ribs soften and become deformed.

In this case, in adults, only softening of the bones is observed, as a result of which the risk of a fracture increases.

If you are deficient in vitamin D, you must include foods containing it in your diet. Animal products contain it in greater quantities. It is rarely found in plant products.


This disease is very rare. If you have too much vitamin D:

  • Fatigue sets in quickly;
  • Weakness appears;
  • Headache;
  • The functioning of the heart and kidneys is impaired;
  • Blood pressure increases;
  • Eyes become inflamed;
  • Itchy skin;
  • Nausea and vomiting appear;
  • The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted;
  • Weight loss rapidly.

In this case, it is necessary to avoid taking medications with vitamin D, and also to review the diet. If the foods you eat contain this vitamin, then such foods should be excluded.

What products contain this substance in the greatest quantities?

Table of foods with vitamin D

Below is a table showing the vitamin D content of foods per 100 grams of edible portion. The table also contains information about how many grams of a certain product you need to consume to meet your daily requirement for the vitamin.

This table will tell you what foods you need to eat in order not to suffer from a lack of vitamin D. It is very useful to include them in the diet of children, for whom this vitamin plays a very important role.

  • Every person needs vitamins, otherwise his body simply will not be able to function. Without these substances, serious problems with the skin, internal organs and nervous system can occur. In the article we will talk about vitamin D (or calciferol), its benefits for adults and children, and what foods contain it.

    About the benefits

    Calciferol in Greek means “lime-bearing” and is a substance in general. It has a cumulative effect, so its reserves are consumed by the body for a long time. This substance is useful for bones, and it also has a beneficial effect on hair, nail plates and teeth, strengthening them. In addition, vitamin D is important for the condition of the heart and blood vessels, skin (treats dermatitis), gastrointestinal tract (treats gastritis) and respiratory organs. It reduces stress, normalizes sleep, and also prevents cancer and diabetes, as it regulates blood sugar levels. In addition, calciferol strengthens the immune system, protecting the body from viral infections. Where is vitamin D found in the greatest quantity?

    There are two ways for calciferol to enter the body: through sunlight and foods containing vitamin D.

    Scientists noted that taking this substance in tablets will not give an effective result, because the medicine is quickly eliminated from the body without having time to be properly digested. Therefore, it is best to get this vitamin by walking in sunny, warm weather and eating the right foods.

    About nutrition

    Besides the fact that you need to be in the sun more often, for absence, it is necessary to adjust your diet. An adult needs four hundred IU of calciferol per day. Most of it is found in fish oil. Accordingly, the substance is also found in fish, liver, and. Don't forget about dairy products (for example, cheese or kefir). When we drink kefir, an acidic environment is formed in the stomach, thanks to which the body absorbs calcium better. Milk in the amount of one cup will provide thirty percent of the daily dose of calciferol, salmon in the amount of eighty-five grams is one hundred percent of the norm, an egg with liver is ten percent, you also need to make sure that it is not in the body. We offer you a table that tells you which foods contain vitamin D.

    This list of products can be supplemented with grain crops, orange juice and some... It is good for the skin, for example, to eat black bread spread with butter. Vitamin D is found not only in food, but also in sunlight, so be outside more often when it’s warm.

    Calciferol deficiency sometimes occurs and in this case, the doctor recommends consuming not only foods containing vitamin D, but also a number of medications. For example, these could be capsules or oil solutions and creams for topical use. It is important to remember that you cannot buy these medications yourself, otherwise you risk exceeding the dose of calciferol in the body, which is also extremely harmful and can lead to unpleasant consequences. And it is worth knowing that these drugs have a number of contraindications, these include: tuberculosis, stomach ulcers, kidney and liver failure, and some heart diseases. In any case, consultation with a doctor is necessary.

    Calciferol is necessary not only for adults, but also for children, starting from newborn age. First, babies receive this substance through mother's milk, and then through products containing vitamin D. It is important to spend time with the baby in the fresh air so that he receives the substance from sunlight. If you spend a lot of time within four walls, your child will develop a deficiency of this substance, which can lead to a serious disease called rickets. Therefore, it is extremely important to saturate the baby’s body with calciferol so that it grows properly and its bones are formed without any deviations. And remember that the darker the skin, the more vitamin D it needs. You can read the relevant literature about the connection between skin color and the absorption of calciferol.


    So, we took a detailed look at foods rich in vitamin D, as well as their benefits for the body. Next, we want to offer you a list of delicious and healthy recipes that you can easily prepare at home yourself.

    Thus, we told you what foods contain, why they should be consumed, and also shared delicious recipes for dishes that will be beneficial for the body. Take care of yourself, walk more often, eat right, stock up on the necessary microelements, and you will always be cheerful and healthy!



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