Licorice extract syrup instructions for use for children. Licorice for the lymphatic system

In the article we discuss licorice root. You will learn what useful properties it has, how to prepare various medicines based on it, how to use it for coughing, and what contraindications it has. You will also find out which dosage forms ah they produce licorice, and can it be used during pregnancy.

Licorice has long been used in folk and official medicine in many countries. IN medicinal purposes use the rhizome of licorice naked (smooth) or Ural. Appearance(photo) Licorice plants. Licorice - herbaceous plants from the Legume family, which are included in the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation as medicines. In the people, the root of the plant is also called licorice, licorice, licorice or yellow root.

Medicines based on licorice root have therapeutic effects:

  • liquefy viscous sputum when coughing;
  • relieve spasm of smooth muscles;
  • inhibit development inflammatory process;
  • have a laxative effect on the intestines;
  • increase the secretion of sebaceous and sweat glands;
  • have a moderate irritant effect on the mucosa;
  • heal wounds, ulcers and abscesses;
  • inhibit the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • render antiviral action;
  • reduce body temperature;
  • stimulate immune reactions organism;
  • have a diuretic effect;
  • reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood;
  • clear vessels from atherosclerotic plaques.

Medicinal properties roots are due to the content of a large amount of organic acids, saponins, flavonoids, tannins and other biologically active natural compounds. Licorice is used in the treatment of diseases respiratory tract accompanied by lingering cough with difficult expectoration. In addition, in folk medicine licorice is used in the treatment of diseases of the urinary, endocrine, lymphatic and digestive systems.

chemicals in the root

The root of the plant has the following chemical composition:

  • glycyrrhizic acid;
  • succinic acid;
  • fumaric acid;
  • wine acid;
  • Apple acid;
  • salicylic acid;
  • ferulic acid;
  • essential oil;
  • fatty acid;
  • saponins;
  • steroids;
  • alkaloids;
  • coumarins;
  • tannins;
  • plant polyphenols;
  • aliphatic hydrocarbons;
  • higher alcohols;
  • natural disaccharides;
  • starch;
  • resinous substances;
  • pectin substances;
  • cellulose;
  • vitamins;
  • minerals.

The benefits and harms of licorice root

In addition to the benefits, preparations with licorice root, if used incorrectly, can have harmful effect on the body. First of all, this is a negative impact on hormonal backgroundlong-term treatment with the help of licorice can cause weakening erectile function in men, since glycyrrhizic acid suppresses the production of testosterone.

In women, this acid increases the level of the hormone prolactin, which can lead to a shift menstrual cycle, weight gain and difficulty conceiving a child.

Preparations with licorice, if taken uncontrolled, can cause the accumulation of a large amount of fluid in the body, increase blood pressure and a decrease in the concentration of potassium ions in the blood.

For this reason, licorice is contraindicated in patients with cardiac dysfunction. However, even when healthy heart, when taking licorice root for more than 1 month, it is necessary to strictly control the level of blood pressure.

For more information about the dangers of using licorice, see the following video:

Licorice can also cause the following side effects:

  • headache and dizziness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • partial violation motor function muscles;
  • decrease in visual acuity.

Licorice root - instructions for use

Appearance (photo) of licorice root. From fresh and dried licorice root, decoctions and infusions are prepared, which are taken for diseases of the upper respiratory tract and lungs, gastritis, gastrointestinal ulcers and arthritis, as well as a diuretic and laxative.

Licorice should not be used for dry cough, as its action is primarily aimed at liquefying stagnant sputum.

Licorice root is usually prescribed when the cough has become productive.

Dried root is sold in the form of crushed raw materials in 50 g packaging or in filter bags. average price- 50 rubles for a crushed root and 70 rubles for a pack of filter bags.

How to use licorice root for cough

When coughing, a decoction is prepared from the roots of the plant.


  1. Licorice root - 10 g.
  2. Drinking water - 200 ml.

How to cook: Boil water, pour medicinal raw materials with boiling water, cover with a lid and put on water bath for 20 minutes. Remove from heat and let steep for 2 hours. Squeeze out the roots, filter through cheesecloth and make up boiled water up to 200 ml.

How to use: Take 1 tablespoon half an hour before meals 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is 10 days. Children give syrup 0.5-1.5 teaspoon, depending on age.

The decoction is also taken for constipation and rheumatoid arthritis. Dosage for adults - 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day. The time of taking the decoction does not depend on the time of eating.

From gastritis

For the treatment of gastritis, juice from fresh licorice root is used.


  1. Licorice root (fresh) - 1 pc.
  2. Drinking water - 100 ml.

How to cook: Grind the root with a blender, place it in a gauze napkin and squeeze out the juice. Boil and cool the water to room temperature. Mix 1 g of juice with water.

How to use: Divide the remedy into three doses and drink throughout the day between meals. The course of treatment is 1 month.

Licorice Root Syrup

Licorice root syrup is used for wet cough and sputum stasis in the upper respiratory tract in children and adults. The drug is available in dark glass bottles of 100 ml. Some pharmaceutical manufacturers sell syrup with a measuring spoon included. The average price is 50 rubles.
Appearance (photo) of licorice root syrup. The composition of the drug includes the following substances:

  • licorice root extract - 4%;
  • sugar syrup - 86%;
  • ethyl alcohol 90% - 10%.

Indications for use

The drug is prescribed for the following diseases respiratory system:

  • bronchitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • acute and chronic tracheitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pneumonia;
  • abscess pneumonia;
  • bronchogenic pneumonia.

Syrup is also used in the composition complex therapy with hyperacid gastritis, gastric ulcer and twelve duodenal ulcer, as well as in violation of the secretion of corticosteroids by the adrenal glands.

pharmachologic effect

The action of cough syrup is as follows:

  • saponins have a moderate irritant effect on the mucous membrane, due to which the secretion of the upper respiratory tract increases;
  • glycyrrhizic acid stimulates the activity of ciliated cells of the ciliated epithelium of the mucosa and facilitates sputum discharge;
  • plant polyphenols have an anti-inflammatory effect and relieve spasm of the smooth muscles of the bronchi.

Instruction for adults

Adults are prescribed 15 ml of syrup 3-4 times a day after meals. The course of treatment depends on the severity of the disease. Usually the medicine is taken for 10 days, then the doctor may extend the course of treatment.

Instruction for children

When treating cough in children, observe the following age dosage syrup:

  • from 1 year to 3 years - 2.5 ml;
  • from 4 to 6 years - 2.5-5 ml;
  • from 7 to 9 years - 5-7.5 ml;
  • from 10 to 12 years old - 7.5-10 ml;
  • from 12 years old - 10-15 ml.

Give syrup to children three times a day 30 minutes after meals. Medicine must be taken big amount liquids - tea, boiled water or juice. The course of treatment should not exceed 10 days. Before using the syrup, consult your pediatrician.

Compatibility with other drugs

Treatment with licorice should not be combined with the following medications:

  • antitussives;
  • diuretic;
  • antiarrhythmic;
  • laxatives;
  • cardiac glycosides;
  • adrenocorticosteroids.

Other Uses for Licorice Root

Licorice root is also used to cleanse the lymphatic system, get rid of puffiness and excess weight. Below are recipes that will help in the treatment of these ailments.

Prescription for edema

To eliminate puffiness prepare water infusion on medicinal herbs with licorice root. This recipe should not be used in case of stagnation of fluid in the body associated with acute heart or kidney failure.


  1. Licorice root - 10 g.
  2. Stalnik (root) - 10 g.
  3. Juniper (dried fruits) - 10 g.
  4. Lovage (root) - 10 g.
  5. Drinking water - 200 ml.

How to cook: Mix and grind medicinal herbs in a mortar. Boil water and cool it to room temperature. Take 1 tablespoon of the collection and fill it with water. Cover and let steep for 6 hours. Pour the infusion into an enameled ladle and put on medium heat. Boil the infusion under the lid for about 15 minutes. Cool and filter.

How to use: Take 50 ml 4 times a day. The course of treatment is prescribed by the attending physician.

Recipe with enterosgel for cleaning the lymphatic system

For cleansing lymphatic system licorice root syrup is used in combination with enterosgel. Licorice contributes to the liquefaction of the lymph, thereby increasing its circulation in lymphatic vessels, and toxins accumulated in the tissues enter the circulatory system. Enterosgel, in turn, adsorbs and removes these toxic compounds from the body.

The course of purification lasts 2 weeks. Carry out the treatment according to the following scheme:

  1. Dilute 1 tablespoon syrup in a glass boiled water and take 30 minutes before meals.
  2. 1.5 hours after eating, take 1.5 tablespoons of enterosgel in pure form, washing it down with plenty of boiled water.
  3. Take the drugs according to this scheme three times a day.

Before a course of cleansing, be sure to consult a doctor and take necessary tests to detect disorders of the lymphatic system. If you feel unwell during the course, stop treatment immediately and consult a doctor.

Another way to cleanse the lymphatic system, see the following video:

Recipe for weight loss

To get rid of excess weight, an infusion is prepared. It should be taken only in the absence of contraindications, as well as in combination with a dairy-vegetarian diet and complete failure from products containing fast carbohydrates- sugar, products from wheat flour, fast food, carbonated drinks, etc.


  1. Licorice root - 1 tsp
  2. Drinking water - 200 ml.

How to cook: Boil water, pour medicinal raw materials with boiling water and let it brew for 1 hour. Filter the infusion.

How to use: Take 1 tablespoon before each meal.

Recipe for the face (for pigmentation)

Licorice is also used in cosmetology. With the help of a lotion based on licorice root, you can get rid of age-related age spots on the face and hands, as well as lighten freckles.


  1. Licorice root - 1 tsp
  2. Food alcohol (40%) - 50 ml.
  3. Distilled water - 200 ml.

How to cook: Place medicinal raw materials in a glass container, fill with alcohol, tightly close the lid and let it brew for 14 days in a dark, cool place. Filter the infusion through cheesecloth and mix it with distilled water. Store lotion in the refrigerator.

How to use: Wipe areas of skin with unwanted pigmentation daily - morning and evening.

Additional dosage forms of the root

Licorice root is also available in extract and tablet form. Indications for the use of these dosage forms are the same as for other drugs based on licorice.

Licorice root extract

Licorice extract is a highly concentrated infusion of licorice root. It is used as medicine and is also used in cooking as a sweetener. Before use, the extract in the required dosage is diluted in boiled water.

Licorice root extract is sold mainly in packages of 1 kg or more. The average price is 2600 rubles. You can buy it in online stores specializing in the sale of medicines and food additives vegetable origin.

Licorice root tablets

The tablets are made from compressed licorice powder, sometimes with extracts from other medicinal plants. Take 1 tablet 3-4 times a day before meals. The average price is 120 rubles per pack.

Can Licorice Root Be Used During Pregnancy?

Medicines with licorice are contraindicated at any period of bearing a child, since glycyrrhizin from licorice root can cause accumulation excess fluid in the body and cause swelling of the extremities. Also, licorice can disrupt the hormonal background of a pregnant woman and increase blood pressure.

At breastfeeding preparations with licorice can be used only on the recommendation of the attending physician and with extreme caution. During lactation, all drugs are selected individually so that the treatment does not harm the child who is on breastfeeding.


Medicines based on licorice root have the following contraindications:

  • individual intolerance;
  • pregnancy at any time;
  • hypokalemia;
  • violation of cardiac activity;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2;
  • dysfunction of the adrenal glands;
  • liver failure, cirrhosis;
  • acute or chronic form diarrhea
  • acute kidney failure;
  • thrombocytopenia.

Where to buy licorice root

All medicines (except extract) based on licorice root can be purchased at a pharmacy.

What to remember

  1. Licorice root is not used to treat dry barking cough.
  2. Licorice is contraindicated during pregnancy.
  3. Before treatment with licorice, consult your doctor.

Very often, at the first sign of a cold, some parents give licorice root syrup to their child. It helps to quickly cope with a cough, improve the discharge of accumulated sputum.

The plant base is one of the reasons for the popularity in the treatment of young patients. Is it just an expectorant?

Is it equally suitable for all children? To answer the questions, you should read the composition in more detail.

Composition of licorice root syrup

The active ingredient is licorice extract. One of the stabilizers is sugar. The composition does not include a large number of 90% ethyl alcohol(up to 10 g per 100 g of medicine).

Has a brownish color. The smell is specific, fragrant.

Release form

Packed in glass bottles with volumes of 60, 100, 125 g. To protect from direct light, increase the shelf life, the containers are made brownish.

Medicinal properties of syrup from licorice root. What cough?

At what cough do they give a herbal remedy? Its main task is to improve the discharge of bronchial mucus.

Can be used to convert a dry cough into a productive one. Indications include a wet cough with sputum difficult to separate.

Treatment should be comprehensive, consistent with the underlying cause of the disease. The plant will help to cope with an unpleasant symptom, but despite mild antimicrobial and antiviral activity,

How does it affect the child's body?

The main action is due to the presence of glycyrrhizin. One of the normal sputum excretion mechanisms is the flickering of the ciliated epithelium in the bronchi towards the exit from the respiratory tract. The substance increases the activity of these cells.

Glycyrrhizin stimulates the secretory activity of the bronchial mucosa. This allows you to turn an unproductive cough into a wet one. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, which is especially important at temperature.

Liquiritozide relaxes smooth muscle. This helps to cope with the spasm of the inflamed bronchi.

Plays some positive role for immunity. Enhances the body's nonspecific resistance to infectious pathogens. It has antiviral and antimicrobial activity (especially against staphylococci).


Promotes healing of stomach and duodenal ulcers. It has antithrombotic activity by reducing the aggregation ("gluing") of platelets. It has a mild laxative effect due to the stimulation of the smooth muscles of the intestine.

The plant indirectly reduces the conversion of cortisol to cortisone (hormones of the adrenal cortex), providing mineralocorticoid effects. Due to this, the concentration of potassium in the blood decreases, the amount of sodium increases.
Source: website These changes lead to a delay in intravascular and tissue fluid some increase in blood pressure.

Do not be afraid to give licorice syrup to a child. Concentration active substances not high enough to have a pronounced systemic impact.

Licorice root syrup for children: indications for use

Despite the predominant use in respiratory diseases, the list of indications includes not only them. The main types of pathology:

Diseases of the respiratory system. In acute and chronic bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis. To improve sputum discharge, it can be used in the complex treatment of pneumonia. Drinking licorice for coughing is recommended as an expectorant and antispasmodic for bronchial asthma (outside the recurrence of the pathology).

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Licorice heals the mucous membrane with chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and 12 duodenal ulcer without exacerbation. Helps to cope with constipation against the background of reduced intestinal motility.

Endocrine diseases. Complementary Therapy with insufficiency of the adrenal cortex. One of similar pathologies is Addison's disease.

For a children's solution, we are talking only about the first group of indications. The remaining two points are relevant for other forms. In particular, for infusions, decoctions (without alcohol).

Indications for use are determined by the attending physician individually. Before treatment, it is necessary to consult a doctor so as not to miss the disease, against the background of which children are forbidden to use licorice root.

Contraindications: when should you refrain from taking?

Do not use during an exacerbation bronchial asthma, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. Children should not take licorice root when coughing if there is hypersensitivity to any of the components.

Parents who are trying the drug also need to exercise caution. It should not be used during pregnancy and while breastfeeding.

Possible side effects

As with the use of any other medication, an allergy is possible. Some patients develop diarrhea.

Hypokalemia can lead to heart rate. On initial stage it can be a rooted pulse, a rare extrasystole (extraordinary contractions of the heart).

In the event of any adverse event you need to consult your doctor about possible correction medical tactics.


Because of ethyl alcohol, it is necessary to give licorice to a child strictly according to the instructions. It is important for patients with diabetes to take into account the high sugar content in the solution.

Licorice syrup instructions for use for children. Dosages

How to take licorice syrup for children? Despite the same composition, in the annotations different years There are differences in terms of use. The dosage for a particular medication is determined by the official instructions attached to it.

It is not recommended to self-administer to children under one year old. This is due to the presence of alcohol and the development of the respiratory system. small child. If necessary, use only under medical supervision.

How to breed according to age? All calculations are given in drops and teaspoons. Basic principles of admission:

  1. At 1 year appoint 1 drop in 1 spoon of water. Multiplicity of reception - 3 times a day.
  2. At 2 years old, use from 2 drops 3 times a day. Pre-diluted in 1 tablespoon of water.
  3. At 3 years old, 2-10 drops are shown three times every day. The dilution is the same (1 spoon).
  4. At 4 years old, the reception is identical. Use with water.
  5. At 5 years, one dose is also 2 to 10 drops. Take three times every day.
  6. From 6 to 12 years, the dosage increases significantly. Recommended daily intake 50 drops up to 3 times a day. One dose is diluted in half a glass of water.

How to drink licorice root when coughing for children from 12 years old? To avoid inconvenience with the calculation of drops, daily appoint half a spoon three times. Pre-dose is diluted in 1 tablespoon of water.

General rules of treatment

How many days can you drink? Reception is usually prescribed for 7-10 days. The duration depends on the underlying diagnosis.

How to give your child licorice root syrup? Preferably after a meal to avoid irritation of the walls of the stomach with alcohol.

To improve sputum discharge during the course, drink as much liquid as possible. It is advisable to take it no later than 18.00, so as not to aggravate or cause a nocturnal cough.

Licorice root for babies. Is it possible?

The doctor prescribes the remedy to the baby only if there are good reasons. Just like that, "for prevention" you should not drink it. The bronchi in young children are poorly self-cleaning, so excessive stimulation of mucus secretion can lead to congestion in them.

Can it be considered an immunomodulator?

It is believed that the plant really strengthens the immune system. For this reason, it is sometimes used even in the absence of a cough.

Can children be given a solution to maintain immunity? Officially, it is not intended for this.

In pharmacies you can find a considerable number of dietary supplements (for example, Licorice). They should be treated with caution. Before taking it, you need to make sure that any of them has passed the necessary multi-stage check.

If a child often has a cold despite all preventive measures, you should not try to “improve” him folk recipes and dubious additives.

It's better to show little patient immunologist. It will help eliminate any dangerous diseases, will tell you which immunomodulators and at what age you can drink.

Analogues. Alternative plant-based cough syrups

For some reason, like individual intolerance or low efficiency, it may be necessary to replace the agent. As an alternative, it is allowed to select other herbal remedies. Replacement options:

Herbion with plantain. Helps with dry cough, reduces the severity of the inflammatory process. Does not contain alcohol, but only allowed from 2 years of age.

Thermopsis with licorice. The composition is supplemented with potassium bromide, sodium benzoate, ammonium chloride. Assign to patients from 3 years.

When buying any of the analogues, you need to carefully read the description. Despite the general expectorant effect, each of them can have additional effects on the body.


With the ineffectiveness of phytochemicals, they can be replaced. One alternative is Ambroxol. You can meet it under several trade names: Ambrohexal, Lazolvan, Ambrobene.

To a greater extent, he is a mucolytic, but not without an expectorant effect. Normalizes sputum secretion without a significant increase in volume. One of the most used for coughs in pediatric practice.

The second replacement option may be acetylcysteine ​​​​acid (). It has a direct effect on the already formed sputum. Liquefies even pus.

Compatibility with other cough medicines

Licorice root syrup is a stimulant of bronchial mucus secretion. For this reason, it should not be taken simultaneously with drugs that suppress the cough reflex. An example is butamirate (Sinekod, Omnitus).

Combination with mucolytics (ambroxol, acetylcysteine) enhances sputum excretion. Sometimes a joint appointment is even justified. But if the action of one drug is enough, it is better to do with only them.

Compatibility with other means

When taken with certain diuretics (furosemide), hypokalemia may occur. On electrolyte balance may affect cardiac glycosides (digoxin), antiarrhythmics (quinidine).

If the child is receiving any treatment at the time of illness, it is imperative to inform the doctor. This will help to adjust the dosage or avoid misuse.

How to store?

Licorice cough for a child is safe, but accidental intake of large amounts is best avoided. For this reason, it must be kept as far away from children as possible.

Direct light destroys active ingredients, so the bottle must be kept in a dark place (at least in a carton). Optimum temperature– from 5 to 20 °С.

If properly stored, it can be used within 2 years. After the expiration date, it is not suitable for treatment, as it loses its therapeutic properties.

It's not just a "herb" for a cough. Despite the over-the-counter sale, the medicine can be used only strictly following the instructions and recommendations of the specialist.

It should be understood that cough is a symptom of several diseases, which may have significantly different approaches to treatment. You can use an expectorant only after a reliable diagnosis and examination by a doctor.

Pharmacy price

Release form Package Manufacturer Price
Bottle 100 g Tatkhimfarmpreparaty, Russia 35 rub.
Bottle 100 g Flora of the Caucasus, Russia 30 rub.
Bottle 100 g Tatkhimfarmpreparaty, Russia 30 rub.

Licorice - medicinal herb containing the set useful substances. A syrup is produced from its root, which has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, emollient and antimicrobial activity. Most often, this medicine is used in the treatment of throat diseases.

Licorice Root Syrup

Licorice naked is official name a plant that is used in the manufacture of licorice root syrup. This small shrub from the legume family has a thick, woody root that contains many medicinal substances, vitamins and minerals, as well as essential oils. Medicinal action licorice root confirmed official medicine. This plant is part of many preparations, mainly intended for the treatment of the upper respiratory tract.

A syrup is made from licorice root, which has a pronounced sweet taste - it is given by the glycyrrhizic acid contained in the plant. This tool has several useful properties: anti-inflammatory, emollient, immunostimulating, regenerating, expectorant and others. The healing effect of the syrup allows you to quickly heal and disinfect small wounds in the pharynx, which often appear in diseases of the throat.

Licorice root syrup destroys many pathogenic microorganisms: it effectively fights mycobacteria, staphylococci, and also stops the development of tumors. The tannins in this product improve performance gastrointestinal tract- such a "side effect" of cough medicine will not hurt anyone. This syrup has almost no harmful side effects, sometimes there are allergic reactions.

When to take licorice?

Licorice root syrup is taken for diseases of the throat, bronchi and other respiratory organs. It is prescribed for tracheitis, pneumonia, acute and chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis, asthma. This remedy helps well with dry and wet coughs observed during infectious diseases. It softens and eliminates sore throat. In some cases, it is taken for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is very important not to drink the syrup for more than ten days. Contraindications to its use are sensitivity to this product, gastric and duodenal ulcers, it is also undesirable to drink licorice syrup for patients with diabetes mellitus.

How to take licorice root syrup for different ages?

Licorice root syrup is actively used in pediatrics - it is harmless to babies, and many children like its pleasant sweet taste. The syrup should be drunk three times a day. But when treating people of any age, it is important to follow the dosage correctly, especially when giving it to young children because of the alcohol content.

Babies under two years old add one or two drops of the product to a dessert spoon of water, for children from two to twelve years old, half a teaspoon of syrup should be diluted in a quarter glass of water. From the age of twelve, you can give one teaspoon in a quarter glass, and adults can use a dessert spoon at a time.

It would seem that in modern world so much effective drugs actively eliminating cough in adults. But not everything is so simple. Not all of them have a positive effect, as the manufacturer claims. And the reason is not that they are of poor quality, it’s just that each person has a cold in his own way. Here you can find a list of drugs for dry cough. It is described here allergic cough in adults.

A unique preparation is a syrup based on licorice root. She actively fights the disease, reducing the intensity of coughing and actively removing sputum.

The action of the drug and its components

Licorice root is a herbal preparation. It contains components such as:

  • glycyrrhizin (6 to 12%);
  • glycyrrhizic acid and its salts;
  • flavone glycosides;
  • isoflavones;
  • derivatives of coumestan;
  • hydroxycoumarins;
  • steroids;
  • essential oils.

A component such as glycyrrhizin activates the ciliated epithelium, and enhances the secretory function of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. It actively removes accumulated sputum, diluting it. In addition, it is characterized by the provision of antiulcer, anti-inflammatory action, platelet aggregation is reduced.

On the video - instructions for the use of licorice root syrup by adults:

Licorice actively affects the body, as a result of which it is possible to reduce the amount of cortisone released. Glycyrrhizic acid and metabolites contribute to the achievement of a pseudoaldosterone-like effect. Liquiritozide allows you to eliminate spasms that have arisen in smooth muscles.

Licorice syrup belongs to effective means From cough. In the composition of the syrup, you can find the following components:

  • licorice root - 4 g;
  • alcohol - 10 g;
  • sugar syrup - 86 g.

It is this composition that will contribute to the fact that it is possible to achieve a stable therapeutic effect. The taste of this medicine is very sweet and pleasant. The syrup is characterized by a specific medicinal smell. The color of the licorice root is brown.

The presented medicine allows you to successfully eliminate the mucus that has accumulated in the bronchi due to the defeat of the body by a cold. In addition, the syrup helps to strengthen the body's defenses, as a result of which it will be able to overcome the resulting inflammatory processes.

His unique composition allows you to successfully overcome all pathogenic microorganisms, microbes, viruses that infect the human body during a cold.

The use of licorice syrup is indispensable during the period of winter-spring seasonal ailments. The reason for such a wide demand for this medication is that its components actively increase immunity, as a result of which it becomes resistant to disease vectors.

The presented medicine is very popular not only among the therapist, but also among pediatricians. Many doctors prescribe a remedy for young children, even in the first days of life. No wonder this drug is called universal, because in addition to coughing, it can be used in the treatment of gastrointestinal ailments, and also acts as an antipyretic. Licorice root and syrup prepared on its basis is natural product, which can be given even to a baby and not worry that this medicine will somehow harm him.

But not in all cases, licorice syrup should be used in the treatment of cough. There are a number of contraindications, if not observed, you can significantly aggravate your situation and cause a number of complications. Based on this, the medicine should not be used for the following diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcer);
  • an allergic reaction that occurs to one of the components that make up the drug.

With extreme caution, syrup should be taken by women in position and those who are still breastfeeding their child. If you have bronchitis and pleurisy in acute form, then you need to take the drug only on the recommendation of a doctor.

There are times when this medical preparation can provoke allergies, as well as cause an increase in blood pressure. Syrup should be stored in a cool place and out of the reach of little pranksters. Before using medicines, be sure to read the instructions so as not to take a medicine that has already expired.

Learn how to treat tonsillitis in a child.

What to do if the child coughs when going to bed.

Reviews of cough syrup Dr. Mom:

How to take, drink

Today many people do not trust modern drugs and for this reason, they begin to prepare syrup from licorice root on their own. Many doctors do not support this idea. The reason is that the drugs home cooking do not have a clear shelf life, and if they are stored incorrectly, they deteriorate very quickly and lose their healing properties. It is better to go to the pharmacy and purchase a ready-made drug. You should not worry about the naturalness of this medication, since it contains only natural elements.

On the video - more information about the use of licorice root for the treatment of adults:

To provide poisoning of the body, it is necessary to carefully study the instructions before use. In addition, the drug must be used exactly in the dosage indicated in the instructions or determined by the attending physician. Otherwise, you can earn side effects that manifest themselves in the form of nausea and vomiting.

Adult patients should use this syrup in the amount of a tablespoon, which must be dissolved in a glass of boiled water.

It is necessary to take the medicine for 7-14 days. When using this syrup, it must be borne in mind that it contains ethanol. For this reason, with prolonged use of the drug, edema may occur.

Follow the link to read how to take licorice syrup for children. You can store licorice syrup for 2 years in a cool and dry place. Although the drug contains natural ingredients before using it, consult a specialist. If you strictly follow all the predictions and dosage, then you can heal your body from a cold, improve your mood and strengthen your immune system.

Licorice syrup - effective medicine against cough, which is actively involved not only in pediatrics. The drug has its effect during the treatment of colds in adults. The main advantages of the syrup are not only its naturalness and effectiveness, but also its low price, so each patient can buy licorice syrup and start treatment. Of the budget funds for the treatment of cough, thermopsis tablets are also used (here you will find instructions), children's dry cough medicine, and furatsilin is used for angina. Follow the link to read how to properly gargle with furacilin for angina.

Licorice Root Syrup

Licorice root syrup is very useful for coughing adults and children.

Licorice Root Syrup Instructions

Licorice root syrup is an excellent cough remedy.

In its composition you can see:

  • 4 grams of licorice root * extract);
  • 10 grams of ethyl alcohol (96%);
  • 86 grams of sugar syrup.

It is thanks to this composition that this syrup has excellent medicinal properties.

Licorice root syrup has a pleasant sweet taste. It has a specific medicinal smell. The color of licorice root is brownish.

Licorice root syrup helps to rid the bronchi of mucus that occurs as a result of a cold.

Also, the syrup helps to strengthen the immune system of the patient, and rid the body of inflammatory processes.

Thanks to the composition, which includes medical preparations, syrup helps to destroy pathogens, viruses and microbes that are present in the body with colds.

Licorice root syrup should not be taken by patients who have:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • bronchial asthma disease;
  • disease of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcers);
  • if the patient has allergic reactions to one of the components that is part of the syrup.

Also, licorice root syrup should not be taken by pregnant women;

  • breastfeeding mothers;
  • patients who have acute diseases of bronchitis and pleurisy.

Licorice root medication can cause an allergic reaction in the body, and increase blood pressure. blood pressure. Licorice root syrup should be stored in a cool place. It must be kept out of the reach of children. Before use, you should read the instructions, and do not take after the expiration date of the drug.

licorice root application

Licorice root helps to cure the disease if the patient has a wet or dry cough, bronchitis, sinusitis, pleurisy (without complications). It is used for pneumonia, and acute respiratory diseases.

Licorice root syrup for children

The syrup can be used for children who are already 12 years old. Thanks to good taste And beautiful color children are happy to take this medicine. It helps to cure the disease and relieve cough during colds.

For children under 2 years old, licorice root syrup is used, very rarely, if others medications do not help, cope with the disease. Syrup should be prescribed to small children by a specialist, after a thorough examination of the child's body.

How to take licorice root syrup

In order to avoid poisoning the body, before using the syrup, you must carefully study the instructions.

Children who are already 12 years old can dilute a teaspoon of licorice root syrup in a quarter cup of cold boiling water.

For children aged 2 years to 12 years, it is recommended to dissolve half a teaspoon in 50 grams of cold boiled water.

For the use of the drug for children under 2 years of age, the dose should be prescribed by the attending physician, no more than 2 drops of syrup per 10 grams of boiled water.

Licorice Root Cough Syrup

The syrup is very effective in helping to cope with various types cough. Usually, the course of treatment with this medication should not exceed 10 days. Children, even strong cough It is not recommended to take the medicine without a prescription from a specialist, as it contains ethyl alcohol. When coughing, mucus is formed in the bronchi, to remove it, the composition of the syrup includes medicinal components. They help push mucus out and clear the bronchi.

Licorice root syrup price

This medication can be purchased at any pharmacy or medical institution over the counter. Its cost is from $1. Since the syrup is not particularly expensive, many people buy it to treat various colds. However, before using, you should consult a specialist.

Licorice root syrup reviews

For a long time (especially in the winter-spring period), I had colds, which were accompanied by a strong wet cough. I have tried many different medications. Once I bought licorice root syrup in a pharmacy. The drug helped to get rid of bronchitis within two weeks. I recommend this medication to everyone. It is not expensive and effective.

The child at school often had bronchitis. Permanent reception expensive drugs, gave no results. We were advised to take licorice root syrup. We not only cured the cough, but also strengthened the immune system. Would recommend to anyone with kids over 12.

With acute respiratory infections, the baby refused to take medications because of the bitter taste. Licorice root is sweet, and the child perceives it as a children's sweet drink. It also helps us with colds. I recommend to all parents.

A syrup made from licorice root is very commonly used to treat coughs. Moreover, doctors prescribe this drug of natural origin not only to adults, but also to children.

pharmachologic effect

Syrup made from licorice root vegetable origin which explains the safety of its use. It has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and expectorant effect. They are used for dry cough, if there is thick and difficult to separate sputum, this expectorant not antitussive. In addition, the use of this drug promotes the healing of ulcers of the duodenum and stomach.

In the body, the drug undergoes metabolic transformations, providing an ISS-like effect. The syrup boosts nonspecific resistance organism, that is, it increases its resistance to various pathogenic factors. Licorice root also has an antimicrobial effect (mainly in relation to staphylococcus aureus).

Licorice root syrup contains many biologically active substances that affect the patient's body in several directions at once. This remedy thins mucus and promotes its discharge from the respiratory tract. In addition, it has a disinfecting effect and accelerates the healing of very small wounds in the throat area, which are often formed with a dry, painful cough.


The syrup helps to cure both wet and dry coughs. Therefore, it is prescribed for the treatment of various infectious and inflammatory diseases that affect the respiratory tract: tracheitis, acute and chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheobronchitis, etc. In addition, this drug is used as part of complex therapy for pathologies such as peptic ulcer 12 duodenal ulcer or stomach, as well as hyperacid gastritis.


Despite the fact that the drug is of plant origin, it also has contraindications. Therefore, before treating them with a cough, especially in children, it is recommended to consult a doctor and ask him if the syrup can be used.

This medicine is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to its components, as well as during pregnancy. In addition, it is forbidden to take it simultaneously with antitussives. Patients with diabetes can drink this syrup only under the strict supervision of the attending physician.

Side effects

This drug can provoke allergic reactions, in the event of which it is worth stopping its use and inform the doctor about it, who will select another medicine. With prolonged use of the syrup, blood pressure may rise, and peripheral edema may also occur.

How to take syrup?

The medicine is taken orally in a warm form in an infusion of 100 ml or as a syrup of 5-10 ml 3 times a day after meals. Moreover, the syrup must first be diluted in 200 ml of water or tea. It should be noted that the duration of treatment with this drug should not exceed 10 days.

To prepare the infusion, you need to put 2-5 briquettes of licorice root in an enameled pan or bowl, pour 200 ml is enough hot water, and then cover and heat in a water bath for half an hour, stirring occasionally. Then the infusion should be cooled for 10 minutes and filtered, squeezing out the remaining raw materials. The volume of the infusion should be brought to 200 ml with boiled water.

If the child is less than two years old, then the syrup should be given to him 3 times a day, adding two drops of medicine to a teaspoon of water. For children 2-6 years in a teaspoon warm water drip 2-10 drops of the drug three times a day. And for a child of 6-12 years old, doctors prescribe 50 drops of syrup, diluted in half a glass of water, three times a day. And for children over 12 years old, as well as adults, it is recommended to take the medicine in a teaspoon 3 times a day.

Licorice root for cough: use in the treatment of children and adults

During treatment respiratory diseases accompanied by a cough, many people use traditional medicine. Especially popular among them is licorice root, or licorice. Initially, the plant was used as a laxative and expectorant, but over time, they began to use licorice root for coughs.

What is the use of the plant?

The medicinal properties of licorice root have been used for a long time and are valued by many. It helps to get rid of not only coughs and colds, but will also be effective for rheumatism, asthma, eczema, gout. However, in folk medicine, licorice occupies a special place due to its healing properties, allowing to cure a cough in a child and an adult.

Licorice for cough is used in the form of decoctions, infusions and syrups. They work well for dry cough that occurs with many respiratory diseases, whooping cough, viruses and infections that enter the respiratory tract.

Licorice has a beneficial effect on the entire body: it affects hormonal system, promotes liquefaction of sputum, improves immunity, facilitates human breathing in case of respiratory diseases. The plant is endowed with a pronounced antipyretic and antiviral effect.

The composition of the licorice root includes bioflavonoids, after they enter the body, muscle pain is weakened. Also this folk remedy fights with the simplest helminths, which can also be the causes of dry cough.

The most common use of licorice is in the treatment of respiratory diseases. It is used for asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia. Means based on the extract of this plant have become the most common in pediatrics, as they are made from natural raw materials that are safe even for small children.

Licorice is characterized by a rich composition, due to which a high effect is achieved from the treatment of cough with this remedy. Glycyrrhizin, present in the root of the plant, increases the secretory activity of the respiratory tract, it activates the ciliated epithelium on the walls of the trachea and bronchi. In addition, this substance gives the plant an enveloping and expectorant effect. Flavonoids - another component of the plant, allows short time relieve spasms of smooth muscles of the bronchi, thereby eliminating pain when coughing.

Application in pediatrics

Pediatricians prescribe licorice root for cough for children in the form of a syrup for diseases such as:

Also, the drug helps to cure the child from bronchiectasis.

In the treatment of these respiratory diseases with licorice root cough syrup, the following effect is observed:

  1. The sputum is liquefied and removed from the bronchi and lungs;
  2. Facilitates the process of expectoration of sputum;
  3. Relieve coughing fits;
  4. There is disinfection and healing of the respiratory tract and wounds that occur with a strong cough;
  5. The body's defenses increase;
  6. The antiviral effect of the drug is noted.

Licorice root syrup increases the body's defenses of the child

This safe remedy allows you to get rid of respiratory diseases, preventing the development of complications. True, if the disease is neglected or its rapid development is noted, licorice cough is prescribed for children and adults in combination with other drugs.

The syrup can be given to children immediately after birth, because the medicine is absolutely safe. In addition to strengthening the respiratory tract, the tannins that make up the root of the plant will improve the functioning of digestive system baby. Another advantage of this medicine is its pleasant sweet taste, so children take it with pleasure. For babies, it is better to dilute the syrup with a small amount of water.

Despite the safety of treatment with this antitussive, with a dry cough, licorice can only be prescribed by a pediatrician. As a rule, the course of therapy is 10 days, but if necessary, the attending physician can extend it.

In some cases, children who are prone to allergic manifestations, when treated with syrup based on licorice root, may experience side effects- itching, redness and rash on the skin.

Licorice root syrup can be prepared at home: take 4 g of licorice root extract, 10 g of alcohol and 80 g sugar syrup.

In the treatment of cough, you can use a syrup prepared by yourself. To do this, take 4 g of licorice root extract, 10 g of alcohol and 80 g of sugar syrup. Mix all components, place in a glass container, close the lid and store in a cool place. It is necessary to give such a medicine to a child in the same dosage as the remedy bought at the pharmacy.

Given all the beneficial properties of licorice, do not forget about some contraindications to its use. It is contraindicated in childhood obesity, high blood pressure, diseases of the liver and kidneys, diabetes, violations of the water-salt balance in the body.

Competent use useful properties licorice root will help cure a cough quickly and without dangerous consequences.

Diseases of the respiratory system are the most common among the population. Adults and children suffer from them. Licorice root syrup will help get rid of a cough - this is natural preparation based herbal ingredients with expectorant and antitussive properties. The instructions for using licorice syrup will help you get acquainted with the properties of the product.

Application of licorice syrup

According to the accepted classification, licorice syrup is a drug used in the treatment of respiratory pathologies accompanied by cough syndrome. It is used for pathogenetic and symptomatic therapy, it facilitates the removal of thick sputum from the lungs, reduces the severity of cough due to softening properties.

Composition of licorice syrup

Licorice root syrup is produced in the format of a thick brown liquid with a sweetish taste. The composition of the drug:

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The expectorant works due to the glycyrrhizin component, which enhances the secretory function of the mucous membranes. In addition to glycyrrhizin, which contains 6-12% in licorice root, the product is rich in glycyrrhizic acid and its salts, flavonoids (liquiritin), isoflavonoids (formononetin), coumestan derivatives (isoglycerol), hydroxycoumarins (gerniarin), steroids (stigmasterol) and essential oils.

Glycyrrhizin increases the activity of the ciliated epithelium, exhibits anti-ulcer and anti-inflammatory effects, reducing platelet aggregation. Due to this, the drug inhibits the enzyme dehydrogenase in the kidneys, which reduces the synthesis of cortisol to cortisone. Cortisol has a mineralocorticoid effect, which leads to a decrease in the concentration of potassium and an increase in the content of sodium in the blood serum. Violation of this activity leads to a decrease in edema (fluid retention in the body decreases), a decrease in body weight, and normalization of pressure.

Metabolites of glycyrrhizic acid inhibit the peripheral metabolism of cortisol, causing a pseudoaldosterone-like effect. One of the components of licorice root, liquiritozide, has an antispasmodic effect on the smooth muscles of the respiratory system, relieves increased tone. In addition, the instructions indicate the following properties of the plant:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • regenerating;
  • immunostimulating;
  • antispasmodic;
  • antiviral;
  • antibacterial (kills staphylococci, mycobacteria, pathogenic infections, destroys their walls);
  • antitumor.

Indications for use

According to the instructions, licorice syrup is used in the treatment of diseases. upper divisions respiratory system, which are accompanied by cough, inflammation, thick, viscous, difficult-to-separate secret from the alveoli of the lungs. These are such diseases:

  • bronchitis, laryngitis, pneumonia;
  • tracheitis;
  • atelectasis with blockage of the bronchi with a plug of mucus;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • bronchiectasis;
  • cough caused by long-term use nicotine;
  • sanitation bronchial tree before surgery and after surgery.

How to take syrup

The instructions for use of the drug indicate that it is intended for oral intake.Adults should take by mouth a teaspoon diluted in half a glass of water thrice a day. Children over 12 years of age are shown taking half a teaspoon, diluted with a teaspoon of water, three times / day. The course of taking the medication lasts 7-10 days. You can repeat the course with the permission of the doctor. If the patient's sputum is difficult to separate, warm plentiful drink help the process of expectoration.

special instructions

Licorice root syrup is used with caution in diabetes mellitus, the instruction warns that the drug contains a lot of sugar. Long-term use medication can lead to hypokalemia, hypernatremia, edema, functional disorders heart and arterial hypertension. The syrup can not be used to treat dry cough, it will not work. Taking the drug may slightly slow down psychomotor reactions.

During pregnancy

Due to the presence of ethanol in the composition, the use of licorice root syrup during pregnancy and breastfeeding (lactation) is prohibited. Also included in the plant active ingredients are able to relax smooth muscles, which during childbearing can lead to an increase in the tone of the uterus, the risk of developing premature birth or I'll throw out.

Licorice syrup for children

According to the instructions, the use of licorice syrup for children is prescribed with caution due to the presence of ethyl alcohol in the composition. Start taking respiratory agent available in the following dosages:

Child's age, in years

Amount of syrup, drops

Amount of water to dilute, teaspoons

Multiplicity of reception, times / day

Admission course, days

drug interaction

Instructions for use do not recommend the use of thiazide diuretics simultaneously with licorice root syrup - this increases the risk of developing hypokalemia. Long-term use of the drug leads to hypokalemia, which potentiates toxic effect carbohydrate cardiac glycosides. The combination of licorice and glucocorticosteroids can increase the half-life of cortisol from the body.

Side effects and overdose

Rarely, side effects of licorice syrup may occur. The instruction highlights the most common: allergic reactions (burning, itching, hives, burns), dyspeptic symptoms (heartburn, diarrhea). Long-term use of excessive dosages can cause hypokalemia, increased blood pressure, the appearance peripheral edema, violations water-salt metabolism, disorders of the reproductive system. With the appearance of enhanced adverse symptoms you need to stop taking the medication and seek help from a doctor.


Instructions for use highlights a number of contraindications that prohibit the use of the drug. Prohibitions include:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • exacerbation of bronchial asthma;
  • violations at work immune system;
  • gastritis;
  • peptic ulcer of the duodenum or stomach;
  • chronic hepatitis;
  • liver disease with cholestasis, cirrhosis;
  • severe renal failure;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • hypokalemia.

Terms of sale and storage

The drug is dispensed without a prescription, stored in a dark place at a temperature of 5-20 degrees for two years.


Drugs with expectorant or antitussive actions, on a natural or synthetic basis, can replace the medication. Popular analogues of the drug are:

  1. Gedelix - based on ivy leaf extract. It has expectorant, mucolytic and antispasmodic effects. Taken in one scoop (5 ml) thrice/day.
  2. Evkabal is a herbal remedy with an expectorant effect. Contains liquid extracts of plantain and thyme, used for tracheitis, bronchitis, 1-2 tablespoons several times a day.
  3. Prospan - based on dry ivy extract. It has antitussive, expectorant and antispasmodic effects. Taken 2-3 teaspoons three times/day.

Licorice syrup price

The tool is inexpensive, you can buy it on the Internet or standard pharmacies without a prescription from a doctor. The cost will be affected by the volume of the bottle, the level of the trade margin. Approximate prices for the drug and its analogues.

You know my attitude to licorice root. Tested on myself and I have excluded this root from my life forever! And who cares what happened to me before reading this article: “How to drink licorice root and what to be afraid of,” I strongly recommend that you read my old publication. This . Nevertheless, this drug exists, it helps someone, but if you decide to take it, then you must do it correctly.

Theme of medicinal plants and various drugs one of them haunts me for a very long time. pharmaceutical industry, of course, does not doze off, from new names, sometimes quite curious, it even dazzles in the eyes, but in the old fashioned way I prefer life-tested medicines.

Here is licorice - my mother bought it at a pharmacy when one of us started to cough, and until now its rich, slightly sugary taste I associate with school, winter, icicles outside the windows and my mother's raspberry jam.

So many years have passed - has anything changed?

Has changed a lot! How to drink licorice root when coughing, and does it help with other ailments? I will try to find answers to these and other questions for you.

2. Cough, go away!

The most well-known use of licorice root in syrup is for coughs. This drug can be taken by both adults and children. Today's pediatricians are reluctant to prescribe this mixture, either because they are personally interested in the turnover from sales of "fashionable" expectorants, or because they believe more in chemistry than in traditional medicine.

Licorice root syrup is useful for both dry and wet coughs, it has an antimicrobial, antibacterial, analgesic effect. Viruses are afraid of him, he relieves spasms, strengthens the immune system. That's how many useful properties an inexpensive nondescript syrup has!

Disputes often arise on the forums about what kind of cough they drink licorice. This product is truly versatile! It does not suppress coughing, making it possible to produce sputum and stimulating its expectoration. Unlike many mucolytic mixtures, licorice does not cause excessive thinning of the lung mucus, in which the patient simply chokes when coughing.

Such drugs, by the way, are very dangerous, especially when self-medicating. Licorice syrup acts gently, making breathing easier, relieving a debilitating cough. This property is especially useful for children. younger age who, due to physiology, still do not know how to cough correctly. The syrup can be stored for a long time after the cough was gone.

3. Magic Licorice Root

But the properties of the root are not limited to the treatment of cough only. It also applies to:

  • Violation of the stomach and intestines, helps with heartburn, promotes weight loss;
  • infusions and herbal teas protect the gastric mucosa, preventing the occurrence of peptic ulcer;
  • Decreased immunity acts as a powerful immunomodulator;
  • the fight against viruses, causing herpes(this is generally a unique property of this plant!);
  • Violation of sexual functions to reduce testosterone;
  • Regulation of the liver;

Combat skin diseases like eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis.

As you can see, the use of licorice is very diverse. But I want to focus on one important aspect.

4. Licorice root and pregnancy

I very often come across such a misconception: during pregnancy, in case of malaise, women are afraid to take medicines, including those prescribed by a doctor. Their fears are understandable: what if the recommended drug will have an impact on the unborn child, cause deformities or, even worse, rejection of the fetus by the mother's body?

In this case, even the potential threat posed by viruses and microorganisms that caused the disease is not frightening. But on the forums, future mothers willingly give each other "kind" advice: "Drink grass, they won't get worse, it's not some kind of chemistry."

And the hand reaches out to the syrup of licorice root, familiar from childhood, if it gets stuck in the throat and a cough appears. Why not, because it is prescribed for young children ...

This is where the danger lies! Among the contraindications, the first is pregnancy!

Licorice leads to miscarriages and women in position are strongly discouraged.

In addition, the instructions advise:

Do not get involved in this drug for men with hypertension, eye diseases, suffering from kidney failure.

Medicines containing licorice reduce the level of potassium in the blood, after 6 weeks of continuous use, they can lead to poisoning of the body.

5. How to drink licorice root. Or not to drink?

That is the question. If you have no contraindications, then I will tell you how to drink licorice root correctly.

Prophylactic: Licorice tea is prepared by pouring 2 teaspoons of herbs into a glass of boiling water. You can add chopped mint or lemon balm to licorice, in which case the decoction will help with abdominal pain. You should drink one glass of this tea after a meal.

Cough remedy: If you pour 50 g of crushed root with white wine (0.5 l) and let stand for 10 days, you can get a tasty and useful tincture. Take 30 drops 2 times a day with water.
It is best to consult your doctor about how to take the medicine. He will also give recommendations on how many days to drink syrup. Even despite the seeming harmlessness of this drug, self-medication can do harm, it is not worth the risk.

6. Licorice root with enterosgel

To cleanse the lymphatic system, a recipe from licorice root with enterosgel is very popular:

  • We put a container in a water bath in which 10 grams of licorice root are poured with 200 grams of boiling water
  • We are waiting for half an hour
  • Cool the broth, filter and bring with boiling water to a volume of 200 grams
  • We drink a decoction every 5 times a day. One serving - 5 tablespoons
  • After each intake of the decoction, after 30 minutes, we drink a tablespoon of enterosgel. It will catch the toxins that licorice will "expel" from the lymphatic system
  • You can eat food 1.5 hours after taking the drug.
  • The total duration of treatment is two weeks.

Separately, you can read about cleansing the body with enterosgel

By tradition, let's watch a video on a given topic with Elena Malysheva:

Today you learned how to drink licorice root. On this I say goodbye to you, until we meet again, and all the best! In order not to miss new articles, you can subscribe to my blog and be aware of the news. Feel free to share the articles that you like with your friends through social networks.

7. P.S. with Inspector Varnicke and the story "There will be no catastrophe"

At the end of the article, by tradition, we are engaged in the activation cerebral circulation. Why are we meeting with my childhood friend Inspector Varnike.

Today we have a difficult task from the story:

Please send your versions of answers in the form of comments to the article. The correct answer will be posted next Friday 16 September 2016.



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