How to treat an intestinal infection at home. Prevention of respiratory infections

Everyone is familiar with the state of malaise when you wake up with a stuffy nose and a feeling of fever, which makes you feel either hot or cold. You may also be coughing, sneezing, or experiencing muscle pain and fatigue. These are the main symptoms of a viral infection. If you are sick, you need to do everything possible to get well as quickly as possible. In some cases, unfortunately, without medical supplies not enough. After reading this article, you will learn how to cure viral infection V as soon as possible and prevent symptoms from recurring in the future.


Restoration of the body

    Make sure you have enough time to rest. The body infected with a viral infection, in addition to its normal work, has to fight the infection. Therefore, he really needs rest. Take sick leave for 1-2 days. Devote time to relaxation and quiet activities that do not require effort on your part, such as watching your favorite movies. Rest will allow your body to focus on fighting the virus. If you can't sleep, get busy the following types activities:

    • Read your favorite book, watch a TV series, listen to music, or call someone.
    • Please note that antibiotics are not effective against viral infections. Therefore, you need to give your body as much rest as possible, thereby allowing it to fight the virus.
  1. Drink plenty of fluids. Viral infections usually lead to dehydration (dehydration occurs due to fluid loss due to fever or sputum production). If the body is dehydrated, symptoms become more severe. This vicious circle can be broken by starting to drink a large number of liquids. Drink water, tea, natural juices, and drinks with electrolytes so that your body receives sufficient quantity liquids.

    Avoid contact with people for several days. If you have a viral infection, you are contagious, meaning you can pass the virus to another person. In addition, by communicating with other people, your body is exposed to other pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms that can aggravate your condition.

    Use a humidifier. Using a humidifier, especially in the bedroom, can help relieve nasal congestion and coughing. Thanks to this, you will sleep better. Good dream- the key to recovery. Keep your humidifier clean. Clean the appliance regularly to remove mold. Otherwise, your condition may get worse. Clean your humidifier regularly, following the recommendations written in the operating instructions.

    Buy lozenges or gargle with saline solution to relieve a sore throat. If you are experiencing painful sensations sore throat, buy sore throat lozenges at the pharmacy. These lozenges contain substances that have an analgesic effect.

    • Gargle with saline solution (dilute 1/4 -1/2 tablespoon of salt in one glass of water). This is another way to relieve a sore throat.
  2. Consult your doctor if you have other health problems whose symptoms may be worsened by a viral infection. Viral infections are usually not dangerous, but they pose a threat to people with weakened immune systems and those with asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. If you have cancer, diabetes or any other immune system disease, consult your doctor if you get a viral infection.

    Changing your diet

    1. Include foods with high content vitamin C. Vitamin C is considered one of the most powerful immune modulators. Therefore, during illness, increase your intake of vitamin C. Vitamin C can be taken in tablets. You can also change your diet to increase your intake of this vitamin. Include in your daily diet the following products:

      Include chicken soup in your diet. Have you ever wondered why children are given chicken noodle soup when they are sick? This is explained by the fact that chicken soup is an excellent assistant in the fight against the virus. Chicken soup has anti-inflammatory properties. Additionally, it helps relieve nasal congestion.

      • Add onions, garlic and other vegetables to the soup. Thanks to this, you will increase the amount of vitamins and minerals that the body urgently needs during illness.
    2. Increase your zinc intake. Zinc regulates immune functions the body and helps it fight viruses. Most people take 25 mg of zinc daily. However, you can increase your zinc intake by including the following foods in your diet: spinach, mushrooms, beef, lamb, pork, chicken and boiled oysters.

      • Taking zinc is most effective at the onset of a cold or flu, in the first two to three days. Increase your zinc intake if you feel yourself getting sick.
      • You can also purchase lozenges that contain zinc. These lollipops can be purchased at a pharmacy.
      • Do not take zinc supplements if you take antibiotics (eg, tetracyclines, fluoroquinolones), penicillamine (a drug used for Wilson's disease), or cisplatin (a drug used to treat cancer). Zinc reduces the effectiveness of the above drugs.
    3. Increase your echinacea intake. Echinacea is a plant that is often used to make tea. In addition, Echinacea is available in the form food additives. Echinacea increases the number of leukocytes in the blood (white blood cells that are responsible for immune reactions) and other substances that allow the body to fight the virus. Echinacea can be consumed in the form of tea, juice, or tablets, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.

      • You can also include eucalyptus, elderberry, honey, reishi and shiitake mushrooms in your diet.

    Drug treatment

    1. Take over-the-counter medications that help reduce fever and painful sensations caused by a viral infection. If you have a cold or flu, you are likely experiencing headache and your body temperature is elevated. Paracetamol and ibuprofen help reduce pain. Paracetamol also helps reduce fever. You can purchase the above-mentioned drugs at any pharmacy.

      Use a nasal spray. Exist different kinds nasal sprays. Saline nasal sprays are safe and can be used by both children and adults. Saline nasal sprays reduce swelling and nasal discharge.

    2. Take cough syrup if you have a cough. When choosing cough syrup, pay attention to its composition. In particular, pay attention to whether the syrup you choose contains decongestants, antihistamines and/or analgesics. This is very important to do to avoid overdosing on one or another substance that is included in the syrup (for example, if a painkiller is included in the cough syrup, you should not take additional painkiller).

      • Over-the-counter medications are safe for use in adults. However, pay attention to the interaction of the syrup you choose with other medications you are taking.
      • Do not use cough syrup on children under two years of age.
      • At wet cough Mucolytic drugs are prescribed, and for dry cough, drugs that suppress the cough reflex.
    3. Get medical help if you have a serious viral illness. In some cases, professional assistance may be required health care. Contact your doctor if you experience the following symptoms:

      • Increased body temperature (above 39.4 °C)
      • Deterioration of condition after short-term improvement
      • Duration of symptoms more than 10 days
      • Cough producing yellow or green mucus
      • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

Cool autumn, frosty winter months or precariously warm spring? Few people seek medical help with cold symptoms; most often they manage with their own knowledge and skills. How accurately does everyone know how to properly treat ARVI?

What to do at the first signs of ARVI?

First you need to figure out what medications will be needed for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infection. And doctors say that the only medications that need to be taken for an acute respiratory viral infection are ibuprofen or. It cannot be taken if you have the disease in question!

To avoid mistakes when doing this, follow the recommendations of experts:

All! Listed activities and there is treatment for acute respiratory viral infection. In 1-2 days, when it passes acute period illnesses and the temperature drops to acceptable levels (this does not have to be the classic 36 and 6), you can safely go for a walk. The only caution is to avoid crowded places: shopping centers, public transport needs to be replaced with a square and alleys.

Call the brigade " Ambulance“If the temperature rises, it’s not worth it, but you need to take advantage of the experience and knowledge of your local doctor if:

  • temperature 39, which does not decrease with ibuprofen and paracetamol for half an hour;
  • there is a feeling of lack of air, shortness of breath is noted;
  • there is intense pain anywhere;
  • swelling is also a concern;
  • rashes appeared on the skin.

Many will certainly doubt the veracity and adequacy of the above recommendations for the treatment of ARVI, especially since the advertising of various medications that can almost instantly relieve cold symptoms is too aggressive. It turns out that everyone is lying? Let's try to figure this issue out...

Useless treatment for ARVI


An advertised, popular drug. And few people think that it should be taken only if it has a severe course, or the patient has a history of,. A severe course ARVI must be determined by a doctor; only he can reasonably prescribe Tamiflu.

If a person with ARVI begins to take it independently and unsupervised this drug, then the following will happen:

Traditional medicine for ARVI

When the first signs of acute respiratory viral infection develop, many begin treatment traditional methods. But there is absolutely no point in using:

  • jars, mustard plasters and pepper plasters;
  • rubbing with oil, vodka, fat and vinegar;
  • boiling water for steaming legs;
  • balm "Star"

Read more about the effectiveness of traditional medicine methods in the treatment of ARVI in the video review:

Incorrect treatment of ARVI

When treating a cold, antibiotics are not needed - they are absolutely useless as a therapeutic and prophylactic, but can negatively affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver. The same applies - they are intended for people with allergies.

It is advisable to take any expectorants (Bromhexine, Ambroxol and others) only for and, and these diseases are treated exclusively under the supervision of a specialist. ARVI is characterized by , and , and they do not require the use of expectorants or antitussives. The only time when taking antitussives (Sinekod or Codelac) is justified is when recovery has almost occurred, but a dry cough is still bothering you.

Herbal medicine and simply “do not work” for acute respiratory viral infection - Pertussin, Gedelix, Tussamag, Anaferon, Aflubin and other similar drugs are not worth attention. Very often, with ARVI, people start taking antiviral drugs- this makes sense, but only if Oseltamivir and/or Zanamivir were chosen. The fact is that only they have real antiviral effect, and all the rest (Arbidol, Ingavirin, Kagocel, Flavozid and others) are an ordinary dummy.

Honey and garlic, vodka, onions, eleuthorococcus, echinacea and in general anything that can be taken orally or spread on the skin will not help in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infection, even if they are used as a first strike. In the same way, absolutely any - nasal or oral - will not help, and interferon inducers (Cycloferon, Amizon, Tilaxin and others) should not be used - it is useless.

It simply does not exist; most likely, the disease will overtake every person. If this did not happen, then either the person ended up in a group of people who were diagnosed in a timely manner, or the disease was present, but in an extremely mild form.

That, perhaps, is all that can be done to prevent ARVI. And a few more points:

  • wear a mask healthy person not necessary - it is intended only for sick people so that they do not spread the infection;
  • such a concept as "

Infectious diseases cause pathogenic microorganisms, penetrating into the human body through the so-called “ entrance gate" For example, the cholera virus can only penetrate through the mouth, and the influenza virus only through Airways. WITH Latin language the word virus is translated as poison, from which it becomes clear that the body is literally poisoned and the immune system unable to resist the effects of a particular type of virus.

All infectious diseases are divided into types. There are several classifications, but in Russia Gromashevsky’s classification is widely used.

Intestinal. Infection occurs through the mouth, fecal-oral route. Diseases that belong to this type of infection: dysentery, cholera, salmonellosis, escherichiosis.

Respiratory tract . People get infected by airborne droplets, i.e. The viral gateway in this case is the respiratory tract. Main diseases: primarily influenza, smallpox, whooping cough, measles.

Transmissible and non-transmissible. In the first case, the virus enters through the bites of insects, such as mosquitoes and ticks. In the second, this mostly occurs at the time of transfusion of blood and its products, injections and other similar cases.

Infections skin . In this case, it is clear that infection occurs through the skin or mucous membranes. And the most insidious in this group are tetanus and anthrax.

There is a classification based on the nature of the pathogen: prion, viral, bacterial, protozoal, fungal(mycoses).

In addition, all human infections are divided into two groups.

Anthroponoses . Infections that spread exclusively among people.

Zoonoses. Infections that we can get from animals. But at the same time, another person cannot become infected from a patient belonging to this group.

The doctor must first make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. But in some cases, it is the doctor who advises the patient to pay attention to traditional medicine.

Intestinal infection

  • If you have such a problem, calamus root will help. Drink half a glass of root decoction five to six times a day. To prepare, grind the roots, weigh thirty grams and cook in a liter of water for ten minutes. Cool and strain before serving.
  • Oak bark will help cope with the problem. The decoction is prepared and drunk according to the previous recipe, with only one difference - you need to take forty grams of the root.
  • Marshmallow root with comfrey is also recommended by folk healers. Grind ten grams of root, pour a liter of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. Add ten grams of comfrey and leave to steep for twenty minutes. Take one glass, strained, four times a day.
  • Pour twenty grams of cinquefoil herb into a one-liter thermos. Pour boiling water, close and leave for an hour. After the prescribed time, drink half a glass three times a day.
  • St. John's wort decoction is simply irreplaceable for solving this problem. Pour one spoonful of dry herb into a glass of hot water and place in a steam bath for half an hour. Drink a third of a glass strained before meals.
  • The main symptom of an intestinal infection is diarrhea. And diarrhea, as you know, dehydrates the body. To replenish fluid deficiency, ethnoscience recommends drinking special water.
  • Option 1 . Per liter boiled water Dissolve eight tablespoons of sugar and salt.
  • Option 2 . In the same amount of water, dissolve eight tablespoons of sugar, one salt, half a teaspoon of soda and pour in a glass natural juice orange

  • Place the whole lemon in a small saucepan, add water and simmer for a while. Cool and squeeze maximum amount juice Add half a glass of honey and two tablespoons of glycerin to the juice. Take a spoonful morning and evening, before bed. This remedy helps with cough.
  • Before the season of infectious diseases respiratory diseases Prepare and keep the following remedy in the refrigerator. Prepare six fresh eggs and ten lemons. Wash the eggs thoroughly and place them in a glass container. Squeeze the juice out of the lemons and pour it over the eggs. Place a bandage over the neck of the jar and leave in a warm, dark place until completely dissolved. eggshells. Then add three hundred grams of honey, preferably linden, to the egg-lemon mixture and add 170 milliliters of cognac. If you are struck by an infection, take a teaspoon three times a day.
  • Peel a medium-sized onion and cut it into small pieces. Boil a glass of milk and immediately add the onion. After two hours, strain. Heat onion milk and drink a glass in the morning and a glass in the evening.
  • If you catch the virus, pour three tablespoons of spruce buds with a liter of hot boiled milk and keep on fire for five minutes. After three hours of infusion, drink a third of a glass three times a day.
  • If you have the flu, drink hot fruit drinks made from cranberries or lingonberries, or in combination. Before bed - a strong decoction of apples with the addition of honey.
  • Do not rush to bring down the temperature with pills. In this case, have traditional healers there are some tips.
  • Weak aqueous solutions vinegar or alcohol. Soak a towel in the solution and rub the entire surface of the skin. In about three minutes the temperature will begin to drop.
  • Bulgarian healers recommend reducing the temperature with a mixture of juices. Juices must be natural, freshly squeezed. Squeeze one hundred milliliters of orange, lemon, apple, 75 tomato and 25 beet juice. Mix and drink until the temperature begins to drop.

  • Make a tincture to reduce fever. It has a long shelf life. Cut young fir branches or, if possible, collect pine buds. Finely chop one kilogram of buds or twigs and half a kilogram of raspberry roots. In a clean, dry jar, begin to place layers of plant materials, alternately sprinkling them with sugar and pouring honey. You should have one kilogram of sugar and half a kilogram of honey. When everything is in place, pour a glass of boiling water on top. After a day, put it in a steam bath and leave for eight hours. Leave for another two days. A bright crimson juice should form in the jar. Drain it into a clean jar and place it in the refrigerator. If your body is infected with a virus, take one spoon four times a day before meals.
  • Homemade powder helps with cough. Prepare 30 g of licorice root and 15 g of dry dill. Grind everything into a fine powder. Add 60 g sugar. Take twice daily. Adults - half a teaspoon, children - the amount on the tip of a penknife.
  • It will help to disinfect the room and prevent infection from settling in it. next tip. Make a mix of 50 ml of soybean or almond oils with the addition of a drop of clove, eucalyptus, cinnamon, pine and najolic oils. Lightly moisten cotton pads, drop five drops of the oil mixture on them and place the pads on heating radiators in the apartment and office.

  • The most dangerous virus related to blood infections is the HIV virus. There is a remedy that is recommended for immunodeficiency traditional healers, but you need to understand that this is not a panacea, but only help the body fight this deadly disease.
  • Prepare a decoction of St. John's wort. Take two spoons of herb, pour a liter clean water, place on the stove and, after bringing to a boil, leave on the fire for one hour. Remove, cool, strain. Add fifty grams of St. John's wort to the decoction sea ​​buckthorn oil. Place in the refrigerator. After two days the medicine is ready. Take half a glass four times a day.
  • Banana kvass will also help the immune system in the fight against HIV. This, at first glance, is a simple remedy, but in fact it is very powerful. Buy ripe bananas. Clean them. Finely chop the skins. You should have three cups of banana peels. Place them in a three-liter jar, add a glass of sugar, and add a teaspoon of high-quality sour cream. Pour boiled and cooled water up to the hangers, lightly warm water. Cover the neck with a piece of gauze and secure with an elastic band. Leave at room temperature for two weeks. After two weeks, the kvass is ready. You should drink a quarter glass before meals. The treatment period is long. You will have to cook and drink it constantly for five to six months.
  • Liquorice root - known remedy to improve immunity. We will also use this property. Chop fifty grams of root. Bring a liter of water to a boil, add the root and leave to simmer over low heat for one hour. After it has cooled, strain and stir three tablespoons of honey into the broth. Drink one glass in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Propolis is an excellent immunomodulator. Drink a quarter glass up to three times a day of a product prepared on its basis. Crush ten grams of propolis as finely as possible and pour half a glass of water. Place in a steam bath for an hour. During this time, propolis should dissolve. Cool and drink a quarter glass three times a day.

  • Berry syrup will increase immunity. Weigh half a kilogram of lingonberries and viburnum. Cut a kilogram of green apples into slices. Crush two glasses walnuts. Combine everything in a saucepan, add two kilograms of sugar and pour in a full glass of water. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. Place on the stove, bring to a boil and simmer for half an hour over low heat. Pour into a jar. In the morning, immediately after waking up, scoop a spoonful of syrup on top and take it with a sip of water.
  • In the morning, every other day, it is useful to drink a glass of water, to which add a spoonful of apple cider vinegar and honey and one drop of Lugol's. IN in rare cases After taking it, you can feel a metallic taste. Then don't add lugol. Water with apple cider vinegar and you can drink honey without Lugol every day.

Skin infections


  • The most effective plant in the fight against skin infections celandine. Its name speaks eloquently for itself.
  • Simple and affordable - treatment with celandine juice. But for this you need to wait until summer. Cut off the stem and release the juice. white lubricate the papillomas. Cover with a band-aid. Also apply celandine juice to the patch over the papilloma. Repeat the juice treatment every other day and you will notice how the papilloma disappears.
  • In the same way, papillomas are removed with the juice of the string.
  • Prepare an oil infusion of celandine. As soon as the celandine has bloomed, pick it and finely tear it. Measure out the same amount of olive oil as celandine and combine. Place in the refrigerator for a month. Lubricate papillomas with infused oil three times a day.
  • An alcoholic infusion of cucumber tops has a very good effect on papillomas. Dry the tops, fill them halfway glass jar volume of one liter. Top up with alcohol. Leave for two weeks in the refrigerator. The infusion is taken orally, one spoonful before breakfast and before dinner.


  • Pick the burdock leaves and squeeze the juice out of it. Soak a cotton pad in burdock juice and apply to the area of ​​inflammation.
  • Treatment with ointment gives positive dynamics in two days. Prepare the ingredients: 200 g aloe, 50 g birch tar, 100 g cedar oil. Mix and heat to about fifty degrees. Then add 100 g beeswax. Strain, cool and lubricate the sore spot three times a day.
  • For prevention, apply grated carrots to basilomas, and squeeze and drink carrot juice every day.


  • For the treatment of lichen ruber the best remedyolive oil. Apply it in the form of compresses for one hour. And drink half a spoonful of oil every morning before breakfast.
  • Beetroot compresses are good for getting rid of lichen. Grate the beets and apply to the area of ​​the lichen. If you do such compresses constantly, the results will not be long in coming.


  • Copes well acetic acid. But when using it, you need to be especially careful. Every day, in the evening, using a pipette, drop one (!) drop onto the wart. It will take several days to get rid of the wart.
  • Another simple remedy that will help remove a wart from your body is Castor oil. Drop a drop of oil once a day, put a piece of bandage on top and cover with a “breathable” plaster. 7 days - and the warts are gone. You can mix castor oil with baking soda to form a paste and apply it to warts.
  • Onions soaked in vinegar will help eliminate old, large warts. Peel the onion, cut it and place a piece that is slightly larger than a wart in vinegar essence. After two hours, attach the onion to the problem area. It is best to do this before bed and leave the bandage on until the morning. In a few days the wart will go away.
  • Raw meat will help with warts that have “settled” on the foot. Before the procedure, keep your feet in hot water, in which soda is dissolved. Then clean your feet with a pumice stone and dry. Place a small piece on the wart raw meat and secure with a waterproof plaster. Leave it for four days. Make sure that the bandage does not get wet. After removing the bandage, soak your feet in water with soda and liquid soap. Once softened, the wart should fall off. If this does not happen, do another procedure.


  • A very simple way to get rid of unpleasant rashes on the lip. Take it onion, grind it to a pulp and lubricate problem areas with juice.
  • Birch ash will quickly relieve the so-called fever on the lips. Burn a small piece of birch bark and collect the ash in a jar. Mix the ash with a spoonful of rendered lard. Lubricate the herpes during the day, and the next day everything will go away.
  • Take a church wax candle. Cut a piece and remove the wick from it. Melt the wax and add the same amount to it vegetable oil. Apply massage movements wax-oil ointment on the lips. By the way, it will not only help get rid of trouble, but will also make your lips soft and beautiful. So, take this recipe as a cosmetic product.

Nail fungus

  • An egg dissolved in vinegar will help prevent nail fungus. How to prepare it was discussed earlier. Lubricate your nails morning and evening.
  • Not very quickly, but horseradish is guaranteed to help get rid of the fungus. Grate it on a fine grater and apply it to your short-cropped nail. Tie and leave overnight. Apply horseradish dressings every day and the fungus will never return.
  • If you have at home tea mushroom, consider yourself very lucky. A piece of mushroom tied to your nail overnight will cure you. The mushroom not only heals, but also tidies up the nails. Rough nails become soft and smooth.
  • Apply tangerine juice to your nails every evening after washing your feet. This simple remedy is very effective.


  • A bay leaf will get rid of scabies if you grind it into powder and combine it with butter, which should be approximately the same volume as the powder. bay leaf. Rub into areas where scabies appear.
  • In a week, the ointment that our great-great-grandmothers used will get rid of scabies. Rub laundry soap, measure out two spoons. Add to the soap the same amount of melted lard, two spoons of sulfur and one spoon of birch tar. Mix and apply to scabby areas for a week.
  • If scabies appears only on the hands, ordinary homemade bread kvass will help. Heat the kvass, dissolve it in it more salt and dip your hands into the hot solution. Keep it as long as you have the patience.
  • Pour half a liter of vegetable oil into a frying pan and heat it. Cut a kilogram of tomatoes and fry them well in oil. Cool and drain the oil into a jar. Apply the prepared oil to the affected areas three times a day, and after a week not a trace will remain.

  • If you eat juniper berries according to the scheme that we will offer you below, you will be cured not only of scabies, but also of rheumatism, gout and scrofula. The scheme is simple, the main thing is to stock up on juniper. Eat berries three times a day before each meal, starting with four pieces in the morning, lunch and evening. In total, on the first day you will eat 12 pieces. The next day, increase the number of berries, one at a time. And so, increasing one berry at a time, on the tenth day you will eat 13 pieces, a total of 39 per day. From the eleventh day, reduce the number one at a time, bringing it to the original four. All! The course of treatment is completed.

Treatment of erysipelas

  • The most famous remedy for erysipelas is applying powdered chalk or rye flour to the inflammation. On top, for some reason, is a red rag.
  • Daily Lubrication erysipelas lard, after two hours, also promises relief from suffering from the problem.
  • If you apply a compress of one glass of millet, crushed to a powder, mixed with the whites of two eggs and secured with a bandage soaked in elderberry decoction, every evening and leave until the morning, you will feel relief within a few days.
  • Scalded burdock leaf and smeared with high-quality sour cream, tie to the inflamed area before bed and leave until the morning.
  • Pumpkin grated on a fine grater also helps. Change the pumpkin dressing twice a day.

  • A well-known remedy is a mark on dishes from a burnt newspaper. Sheets of newspaper with black and white printing, crumple, place on a large plate and set on fire. Let it burn completely. There will be traces of combustion products on the plate, which is what we need for treatment. Immediately apply this mixture to the lichen. Two or three times will get rid of the infection.
  • If you get shingles from animals, run to the store and buy dark, seedless raisins. Take a raisin, cut it and rub the cut area with lichen. Raisins contain a substance that has an effect comparable to that of penicillin. This remedy only helps with lichens transmitted from animals.
  • The most unpleasant lichen is ringworm. And it must be treated mercilessly. Apple cider vinegar is suitable for this. Change the apple cider vinegar dressing six times a day.
  • double lubrication. Spread the first layer butter, the second - mustard. Apply two layers and apply a bandage.

  • Helps in the treatment of psoriasis cabbage pickle. Wet the affected areas of the skin with brine from sauerkraut and leave until dry. Up to five procedures per day.
  • A decoction of chicory root will relieve the aggravation. Grind the chicory root, pour in a glass of boiling water and leave for fifteen minutes. water bath. After infusion and straining, wet the compress cloth and apply to the plaques for thirty minutes. In ten days of such treatment, traditional healers promise to get rid of unpleasant spots.
  • A very extreme remedy - fish scales. As healers say, the more varied the fish from which you remove the scales, the better. Dry the scales and grind them into powder. Make an ointment from the powder by mixing it with fish oil one to one. Apply to sore areas of skin. After two hours, wash off.
  • Nut baths will relieve the exacerbation of the disease. Pour the shells of ten walnuts with a liter of boiling water and leave for an hour. Pour the strained infusion into the bath and immerse yourself in the water for about twenty minutes. Take nut baths for three days in a row and the aggravation will go away.

Enterovirus infection

  • Well treated this type Viburnum infections. Boil 250 grams of berries in a liter of water for ten minutes. Strain and add three tablespoons of honey. Drink a third of a glass three times a day.
  • Viburnum flowers are also used for treatment. It is better to use fresh flowers, but dried ones can also be used. Pour a glass of boiling water over one basket of picked viburnum or a spoonful of dried flowers and boil for ten minutes. Cool, strain and take one spoon three times a day.

Prevention of viral infections

  • First of all, you need to boost your immunity, i.e. stimulate protective forces body. It is also important to review your daily routine and diet.
  • Traditional medicine offers many means to achieve our goal - the prevention of viral infections. Here are a few recipes.
  • Lemon oil will protect you from colds and viral infections. Prepare it and apply it to your nose and mouth before each time you leave the house. In the evening, apply it to the soles of your feet using rubbing movements. ears. Finely chop one lemon without peeling the zest. Mix with half a glass of vegetable oil and leave in the cupboard for a week. The oil is ready to fight viruses.
  • Cut and place bouquets of pine branches in living areas. Let them stand until they smell of pine needles. Then replace with fresh ones. Such bouquets can disinfect the air.
  • If it is not possible to make pine bouquets, peel and finely chop the onion and garlic and place them in small saucers. This will also clear the air of viruses.

Good health to you, and let viruses fly by you!


These antiviral drugs include several groups of drugs. Firstly, these are all interferons (and interferon inducers), for example, Cycloferon, Gossypol, Interferon-a2 and others. All of them belong to biologically active substances, stimulating the body's cell defense system against infections. So these drugs are used, and quite successfully, in the treatment of chronic viral infections (such as hepatitis B).

Now let's move on to the second. It includes abnormal nucleosides (that is, Vidarabine, Acyclovir, Valacyclovir, and so on). They are able to disrupt the synthesis of nucleic acids in viruses, so they prevent the increase in viral particles. Typically, drugs in this group are used in the fight against herpes, the Epstein-Barr virus, as well as cytomegalovirus infection.

Third group medicines includes adamantane derivatives (such as Amantadine or Remantadine). Their essence lies in the inhibition of vital viral particles at various stages. These drugs are often used for parainfluenza (both in treatment and prevention).

Speaking of prevention: its main method is active immunization, or rather vaccination. Its procedure involves introducing particles of an infectious agent (that is, a pathogen) into the body. The vaccine contained in the vaccine cannot cause disease, but it stimulates the body to produce. Thanks to this, it is possible to prevent the disease, not it. By the way, you should take care of vaccination in advance, because the process of developing antibodies can be quite long.

So, back to the list of groups antiviral agents. The last of these groups contains drugs such as Tebrofen, Oksolin, Bonafton. Each of them is used for local and systemic treatment various viral diseases internal organs and skin.

Video on the topic


Treatment of viral infections must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist and in accordance with his recommendations.

AND flu, and colds are infectious diseases of a viral nature, transmitted by airborne droplets. Their symptoms are almost the same, but the medications prescribed are different. Therefore, it is very important not to self-medicate, but seek a doctor’s prescription. In this case, your task is to strictly follow his instructions. With the right actions you can help your body and speed up the healing process.


When the first signs of illness appear, stay home and go to bed rest. To subsequently avoid possible complications, it is important to follow the regime from the first days of illness. You need drinking plenty of fluids, rich in vitamin C. To do this, just add a slice of lemon to each glass of tea. Drinking plenty of fluids will help remove toxins produced by viruses from the body.

If you have a poor appetite, do not force your body - eat less. Go to, which includes only easily digestible foods - vegetables, steamed meat and fish, chicken broth. For drinks other than tea, drink mineral water. still water, fruit drinks, jelly, juices.

In addition to lemon, add honey to tea if you are not allergic to it. Linden honey is considered the most healing. Just don't put it in boiling water or very hot tea- its healing properties

In total, more than 30 infectious diseases are known, primarily affecting gastrointestinal tract(Gastrointestinal tract). There is a group of almost conquered infectious diseases: cholera, typhoid fever and paratyphoid fever. Remains on high level number of poisonings food products which contain bacterial toxins.

Common intestinal infections:

  • Viral: rotavirus, adenovirus and other viral enteritis.
  • Bacterial: salmonellosis, dysentery, escherichiosis, yersiniosis, campylobacteriosis.
  • Protozoans: amoebic dysentery and appendicitis, giardiasis.

Viruses and bacteria enter the external environment from the patient through feces and vomit. In addition, the source of infection is healthy carriers that release pathogenic microbes. Infectious agents are transmitted through dirty hands, food, water, are carried by insects and rodents. Acute intestinal infections are more common in the warm season, when there are more temptations to drink unboiled water or unpasteurized milk, or try unwashed berries and fruits.

Important! Staphylococci, E. coli, amoebas and other opportunistic intestinal inhabitants can become more aggressive, for example, with uncontrolled use of antibiotics.

Microbes cause diseases that occur as acute gastritis - with stomach pain and vomiting. Symptoms of gastroenteritis (vomiting, diarrhea), enteritis (frequent bowel movements), colitis (stool disorders and blood in the feces), enterocolitis, which is characterized by damage to all parts of the intestine, appear.

Not all strains of E. coli are causative agents of the disease, only enteropathogenic ones that produce toxins. Infection occurs through food that has been exposed to bacteria released by sick people. The body loses a large amount of fluid as a result of toxin poisoning. Death can occur due to severe dehydration or as a result of complications. Treatment of complicated forms is carried out in a hospital, where the patient is prescribed injections and drips.

Bacterium Helicobacter pylori amazes different departments stomach. When eating contaminated food, a person can develop acute gastritis. Almost 2/3 of the population is carriers of H. pylori, but not everyone exhibits symptoms of the disease. necessary as soon as possible. According to one of scientific theories, bacteria cause peptic ulcer stomach. If a person frequently takes antibiotics, this increases the risk of developing aggressive strains of H. pylori.

How to act at the first symptoms of an intestinal infection?

The incubation time of the pathogen is 6–12 hours, in some cases it takes up to 2 days. Toxins released by pathogens cause inflammation in the intestines with fever. Some infections are characterized by a predominance of nausea and repeated vomiting, while others are characterized by persistent diarrhea and abdominal cramps. The stool may contain mucus, greens, and streaks of blood.

Summoned bacterial infection or intestinal amoeba, the same as for other causes acute inflammation vermiform appendix rectum. Abdominal pain occurs above or below the navel, nausea, and vomiting. The disease is dangerous due to perforation of the walls, after which the intestinal contents enter the abdominal cavity. This can lead to peritonitis, bleeding, and sepsis.

You need to call a doctor at home. Before the specialist arrives, you need to do the following:

  1. Put a sick child to bed, preferably in a separate room.
  2. It is advisable for the patient to drink 1 liter of water and induce vomiting to wash the stomach.
  3. If the patient is shivering, cover him with a blanket or blanket.
  4. Offer warm tea and give Regidron solution to drink to restore fluid loss.

No-shpa tablets help with spasms and pain. Immediately before arrival, doctors do not give antispasmodic and painkillers. They influence the manifestations of the disease, which are very important for correct setting diagnosis and treatment prescription.

With vomiting and diarrhea, a lot of fluid is lost, which leads to dehydration. This condition is especially dangerous for children. If you do nothing and do not treat the patient, then the functions of the intestines and the entire gastrointestinal tract are disrupted. Please note that in pregnant women, intestinal infections and dehydration have a negative impact on work of cardio-vascular system and kidneys.

It is relatively easy to cope with gastrointestinal diseases caused by staphylococcus, coli, viruses. Present great danger Vibrio cholerae, typhoid bacilli, salmonella. If the patient is not provided with timely medical care, death is possible.

Drugs for the treatment of intestinal infections

Therapy should be comprehensive, including the fight against pathogens and released toxins, and replenishment of fluid losses. Specialists, when it comes to how much to treat infection, are guided by the nature of the pathogen and the properties of the medications used.

Antibacterial agents

Antibiotics are used to destroy harmful bacteria: penicillins, azalides, cephalosporins. If Azithromycin is prescribed, the course of therapy cannot be shorter than 3 days. Levomycetin should be taken for at least 8 days, Ampicillin - from 5 to 14 days. Take medications from this group only as prescribed by a doctor.

Antidiarrheal medications

Metabolic products, toxins of bacteria and viruses, along with vomit and stool, are eliminated from the body. Antidiarrheals such as Loperamide artificially suppress this process. Therefore, in some cases, fighting diarrhea is harmful. On the contrary, you should rinse the intestines and remove toxins with an enema. Only included complex treatment acute diarrhea infectious origin apply chewable tablets Diara based on Loperamide.

Rehydrating salt solutions

Dehydration or dehydration is accompanied by inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. Oral rehydration products will help replenish lost water and electrolytes. Patients need to follow a diet, drink medications that restore normal microflora intestines.

How to take Regidron salt remedy for diarrhea:

  • Dissolve the contents of 1 sachet of powder in 1 liter of freshly boiled and cooled water.
  • Drink 50–100 ml of this liquid every 5 minutes.
  • Daily dose: for mild diarrhea - 50 ml, for moderate diarrhea - up to 100 ml per 1 kg of patient body weight.

Regidron's analogues in composition are rehydrating preparations for children and adults Hydrovit and Hydrovit forte (for oral administration). Such fluids quickly replace the water lost by the body and minerals, can be used at home on early stages diseases. Much more solutions are produced for infusions and intravenous injections containing electrolytes and dextrose.

Intestinal sorbents

Drugs of this group bind and are removed from the gastrointestinal tract pathogenic bacteria and various toxic substances. The products Enterosgel, Polysorb MP, Smecta, in addition to the sorption effect, create on the surface inner wall intestinal film that prevents the attachment of microbes. The release form, methods of administration and dosage of the drugs differ. The dose is usually calculated taking into account the body weight and age of the patient.

Intestinal antiseptics

The drug Sangviritrin is taken for salmonellosis, dysentery, foodborne diseases. This is the remedy plant origin has wide range antimicrobial activity. Available in the form of tablets that dissolve in the intestines. Treatment bacterial diarrhea Enterofuril lasts no more than 7 days. There are two forms of release: capsules and oral suspension.


Drugs in this group restore normal microflora disturbed as a result of the inflammatory process in the gastrointestinal tract. Almost all intestinal infections cause it. Take dietary supplements that contain cultures beneficial bacteria: Narine, Vitabs Bio, Normoflorin. The drugs Sporobacterin and Probifor have an antidiarrheal effect and normalize intestinal microflora, are immunomodulators.


Salmonella produces endotoxin, which causes a condition called " food poisoning. Clinical manifestations very varied, as are the complications of the disease. may differ between children and adults. Usually hospitalized with salmonellosis infants and older people.

The target of bacteria is mucous membrane small intestine. The disease is accompanied by fever, nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, loose stools. If treatment is started on time, salmonellosis goes away within 10 days.

  • antibiotics;
  • rehydration solutions;
  • intestinal sorbents for removing toxins;
  • probiotics to restore the balance of intestinal microflora;
  • diet and vitamin therapy.

Possible complications of salmonellosis: infectious shock, spicy renal failure. Most often, dysbacteriosis occurs against the background of inadequate therapy.

Viral enteritis

Viruses are no less likely than bacteria to cause intestinal inflammation. Enteritis of viral origin is more familiar to many under the name “ stomach flu" The mode of transmission of the pathogen is fecal-oral. One of the main features of a viral infection is its high contagiousness (infectiousness). Therefore, epidemic outbreaks of infectious enteritis often occur.

The most common pathogens of the disease:

  • rotavirus (almost half of all cases of viral enteritis);
  • intestinal adenovirus;
  • coronavirus;
  • enterovirus;
  • astrovirus;
  • norovirus.

Rotavirus infection in adults may be asymptomatic or accompanied by vomiting, flatulence and watery diarrhea. The incubation period of the pathogen is short - from 1 to 3 days. Uncomplicated rotavirus intestinal infection resolves within 5–8 days.

The disease in children can be recognized by classical triad signs: fever, vomiting and watery diarrhea. Cough occurs more often in infants. Symptoms intensify over the course of a week, then gradually disappear. The danger for babies is prolonged diarrhea, the development of dehydration and malabsorption syndrome.

On a note:

  • To prevent the disease, infants are given the Rototec vaccine orally.
  • In case of complications, children are treated in hospital for intoxication and dehydration.
  • Specific treatment viral enteritis does not exist.
  • The risk of transmission of infection persists from 8 to 10 days.

It is necessary from the very beginning to give the patient a sufficient amount of fluid in small portions, saline solutions Hydrovit or Regidron. For babies, rehydrating agents are added to the expressed milk. breast milk or mixture for artificial feeding. A solution of ½ tsp can serve as a replacement for Regidron and Hydrovit. table salt, ½ tsp. baking soda, 4 tbsp. l. sugar in 1 liter of boiled water (chilled).

Symptomatic treatment of rotavirus infection:

  • drugs Smecta, Polysorb MP, Activated Carbon to reduce intoxication;
  • antipyretic syrups/tablets Ibuprofen or Paracetamol;
  • No-shpa tablets for abdominal cramps;
  • antiemetic drugs.

Important! Viral diseases not treated with antibiotics. Antimicrobial drug Enterofuril is prescribed to prevent bacterial superinfection.

Intestinal sorbents are taken to speed up excretion from the body toxic substances. Polysorb MP powder must be mixed with water and only taken orally in this form. This intestinal sorbent can be taken by pregnant women and young children. The dosage is determined depending on the patient’s body weight. Accurate adherence to recommendations helps to cope faster inflammatory process in the intestines and speed up recovery.

In addition to taking medications, it is imperative to replenish fluid losses due to dehydration and restore the gastrointestinal microflora.

Anton palaznikov

Gastroenterologist, therapist

Work experience more than 7 years.

Professional skills: diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and biliary system.



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