Ointments ichthyosis causes treatment symptoms. Why “fish scales” appeared on the skin: congenital and acquired ichthyosis

Good day, dear readers!

In today's article we will look at such a skin disease as ichthyosis, as well as the causes, symptoms, forms, treatment and prevention of ichthyosis.

What is ichthyosis?

Ichthyosis– genetic, which is characterized by a violation of the processes of keratinization of the skin. The main symptom of ichthyosis is scaly skin that resembles fish scales.

Synonyms of ichthyosis: diffuse keratoma. The pathological process in which scales form on the skin is called hyperkeratosis. Ichthyosis is part of a group of skin diseases called -.

The severity of ichthyosis varies - from minor roughness of the skin to serious pathological changes epidermis, incompatible with human life. In addition, a fairly large variety of forms of ichthyosis have been identified (about 28 forms), but according to statistics, all of them are mainly of a hereditary nature, i.e. the disease develops during prenatal period, or immediately after birth. Acquired ichthyosis is rare.

Course of ichthyosis

In the case of ichthyosis, the process of keratinization of the skin is accompanied by the accumulation of keratin in the epidermis, which has an altered structure, which leads to a very slow rejection of dead cells. At the same time, the patient has impaired metabolism, thermoregulation, normal functioning thyroid gland, adrenal glands, reproductive and sweat glands. Disturbances in the functioning of the sweat glands, against the background of impaired absorption of vitamin A (retinol), enhance the processes of keratinization of the skin.

The soreness of the skin, which is caused when trying to separate and remove the “scales,” is provoked by the accumulation of amino acid complexes between them, which literally cement the scales.

It has been established that the course of ichthyosis worsens in winter, especially if a person lives in places with a dry, cold climate. IN warm regions With high air humidity, ichthyosis is much easier to tolerate.

Ichthyosis - ICD

ICD-10: Q80
ICD-9: 757.1

Main cause of ichthyosis– a hereditary gene mutation caused by a violation of the metabolism (metabolism) of proteins and fats.

Among the factors that can trigger the process of ichthyosis are:

  • Impaired functionality of the thyroid and gonads;
  • Adrenal gland dysfunction;
  • Lack of vitamins in the body, especially (and);
  • Increased levels of “bad” cholesterol in the blood;
  • Skin involution in old age;
  • Diseases of the hematopoietic system;
  • Asocial living conditions.

The main symptom of ichthyosis- scale-like surface of the skin. Other symptoms include: splitting nails, dull and brittle hair, frequent diseases, retinitis, myopia.

The remaining symptoms are somewhat different and depend on the form of ichthyosis. Let's look at them in more detail:

Vulgar ichthyosis (simple form of ichthyosis). It is the most common form of ichthyosis. Most often observed in newborns under 1 year of age.

Symptoms of vulgar ichthyosis: dry, flaky skin, covered with small scales tightly adjacent to each other, white or grayish. The skin on the feet and palms is folded. In this case, the skin in the following places remains unaffected: armpits, elbow and knee bends, groin and buttocks.

Vulgar ichthyosis has its own subtypes:

  • Mild ichthyosis – the skin surface is dry, there is slight peeling skin;
  • White ichthyosis - small, white, mealy scales;
  • Brilliant ichthyosis - the scales look like a mosaic, and the disease spreads mainly to the arms and legs;
  • Horny ichthyosis - the scales are very dense and rise above the surface of the skin;
  • Serpentine ichthyosis - the horny scutes are dense, separated from each other by grooves;
  • Bullous ichthyosis - blisters constantly develop on the skin;
  • Lichenoid ichthyosis - in different parts of the scales are located in small localizations, according to appearance resembling lichen.

X-linked ichthyosis. It is characterized by large brown scales that fit tightly to the skin, as well as affecting newborns only males. With age and winter periods the patient's condition usually worsens.

Linear circumflex ichthyosis. Characterized by redness surrounded by scaly swelling Pink colour. Looks similar to .

Spiny ichthyosis. Characterized by large spiky layers.

Epidermolytic ichthyosis. It is a severe form of ichthyosis, the main symptoms of which are the formation of blisters and wounds on the skin, which peel off over time, and in their place pathological neoplasms form again. The skin on most affected areas is bright red, while on the palms and soles it is white and thick. At the 3rd and 4th year of a child’s life, concentric ridges form on the skin of his joints.

Ichthyosis of the fetus (Harlequin fetus). The most severe and fatal form of ichthyosis. With this diagnosis, a child dies in the womb, or in the first days/weeks after birth. Symptoms of the Harlequin fetus are very dry, “armor-like” skin, eyelids are turned inside out, ears, mouth and nose are completely deformed, there may be deformation of the head, arms and legs of an irregular shape.

Diagnosis of ichthyosis

Diagnosis of ichthyosis is established based on the following examination methods:

  • Clinical course of the disease;
  • General urine analysis;
  • Histological examination of skin scraping;
  • Fetal skin biopsy (between 19 and 21 weeks of pregnancy).

At the moment, an exact treatment regimen for ichthyosis has not been identified, which is due to the fact that the disease itself and its exact etiology (causes of gene mutation) have not yet been fully established. And therefore, treatment of ichthyosis, as of the end of 2016, comes down to maintenance therapy.

  • Maintenance therapy for the treatment of ichthyosis includes:
  • Maintaining the required level of humidity in the room where the patient is being treated/lives;
  • Moisturizing the skin;
  • Complete, vitamin-enriched nutrition;
  • Strengthening the immune system;
  • Leather processing by special means with a healing effect;
  • Treatment of concomitant diseases;
  • Compliance with preventive measures that are aimed at eliminating already known factors that can cause or aggravate the course of ichthyosis.

Skin hydration

Dry skin with ichthyosis tends to crack. In places of cracking, liquid begins to ooze, and the damaged area begins to hurt. In addition, in places of “break”, the cracks are deep enough for various infections to get into them, and aggravate the course of the disease.

To prevent this, the skin is constantly moisturized. This, firstly, helps to soften keratinized tissue, i.e. giving them relative elasticity. Secondly, a more or less softened surface minimizes cracking of the skin, and, accordingly, the general soreness of the affected areas.

To soften the skin, it is treated several times a day with special products, which are best applied to the skin after water procedures.

Well proven water treatments, in the form of taking baths with sea salt, a weak solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate), carbon dioxide baths. At resorts specializing in the treatment of skin diseases, for ichthyosis, applications based on silt, peat and mineral mud are applied to the skin. Such applications help not only moisturize the skin, but also nourish, cleanse, heal and normalize it. metabolic processes.

To moisturize the skin, you can use products based on Vaseline, lanolin, vitamins (especially A, and), vegetable oils, almond oil, naphthalan, urea, salicylic acid etc. These products moisturize and nourish the skin, promote its healing, and the separation of the top layer of keratinized dead cells/scales.

To make the effect last longer, it is advisable to humidify the air in the room where the patient is located. To humidify the air, you can use a humidifier.

Important! Since the skin with ichthyosis is already dry and needs to be moisturized, do not allow it to dry out further. This can be caused by products such as soap, detergents. To care for your body if you have ichthyosis, try to use special moisturizers - soaps, gels and shampoos.

Removing the upper dead scales from the surface of the skin

Keratolytic therapy is used to remove dead scales from the surface of the skin.

Keratolytic therapy involves treating the surface of the skin with special products (creams, ointments) that soften dead epidermal cells, after which they are easier to remove.

Products designed to remove dead cells usually contain the following ingredients: salicylic and lactic acids, urea, boric petrolatum, propylene glycol, ethanol, extracts medicinal plants, for example, Japanese Sophora.

For improvement general condition skin, as well as accelerating its healing, sunbathing has a beneficial effect, which provides the skin surface (calciferol). However, overheating in the sun is strictly prohibited, otherwise it will only worsen the situation.

Skin treatment aimed at renewing it

To speed up the healing and renewal of the skin, as well as for other skin diseases, it is necessary to focus on additional intake of the following vitamins and microelements: vitamin A (), C (), E (), PP (), iron.

Among the remedies for ichthyosis are: “Acitretin”, “Isotretinoin”.

Strengthening the immune system

To strengthen the immune system, which performs protective functions body, it is necessary to focus on eating food enriched with microelements, move more, avoid, try to have good mood, add more laughter to your life. At the same time, it is necessary to strictly abstain from smoking and alcoholic beverages. An exception may be taking red wine, but not more than 50 g/day.


Antibacterial agents are used only if a secondary infection is associated with the disease, and strictly after consultation with a doctor. This is also very important so as not to aggravate the course of ichthyosis. The fact is that antibiotics reduce the body’s immune properties, making it more difficult for it to cope with the disease.

Hormonal agents

In especially severe cases, if general treatment measures do not give the desired result and relief does not occur, the affected areas of the skin can be treated hormonal agents. Wherein, general events treatment continues.

Psychological therapy

Bad mood, frequent stress, experiences, bad relationship with other peers, tense relationships and quarrels between the child’s parents - all these situations can cause developmental, psychological instability in a child or adolescent, nervous breakdowns and other health problems. It is noted that such situations and living in such an environment also harm the human immune system and can be catalysts for the appearance of.

I would also like to draw your attention to the fact that Solomon wrote in his parables (17:22): “A cheerful heart does good as medicine, but a sad spirit dries the bones.”

If it is difficult for you to change your attitude towards certain situations, adjust right relationship in your family and/or with the outside world, you can turn to a priest who can help you find God’s peace. If you do not have the opportunity to contact a clergyman, you can contact a psychologist.


Sometimes situations happen when modern medicine completely helpless - when the doctors send the patient home to live out the days that the doctors have allotted to him - when the doctors themselves say that only God can help the patient. These are precisely those situations in which it is apparently time for a person to truly turn to his Creator. There are many testimonies on the Internet, various printed Christian publications, through which people testify how God miraculously healed them from cancer, AIDS, and other diseases. And all they did was turn to the Lord. Think about it, is it possible that your way out and healing is in Christ Jesus?

Ointment for ichthyosis. In a 5 liter saucepan, place 250 g of butter (preferably homemade) and 100 g of ground beeswax, gradually stirring, bring the mixture to a boil, then add 100 g of oleoresin (pine resin), boil, stirring the product, for another 10 minutes and add it contains 30 g of crushed . Boil for another 5 minutes, then add 500 g of oil to the mixture, mix well and add 30 g of crushed chalk. Mix everything thoroughly and simmer for about 2 and a half hours, after which we add 50 g of propolis to the mixture, mix, simmer for about 30 minutes, remove from heat and let the product cool and brew for about 12 hours. After this, put the pan with the product on the fire and bring it to a boil again. After boiling, the product must be filtered, for which gauze folded in several layers is well suited. Cool and apply the prepared ointment to the affected areas of the skin.

Drinking for ichthyosis. For internal use, for ichthyosis, you can prepare the following drink: Carefully chop 4 parts of the roots of creeping wheatgrass, 2 parts of tansy flowers, 2 parts of leaves, 1 part and 1 part. Pour 500 ml of boiling water over the crushed plants, let them brew for 60-90 minutes, then strain the product. We do not throw away the remaining herbs, because... they can be used in the following recipe. You need to take the infusion 1/3 cup 3 times a day - morning, afternoon and evening. The course of treatment is 1 month, after which it is done week break and the course is repeated.

Ointment for ichthyosis 2. The remaining strained plants from the previous recipe can be used to prepare next ointment: add olive oil to the plants, in the same volume as the number of plants, mix everything, and put the product to cook in a water bath for 2 hours. Next, strain the product and treat the skin areas affected by ichthyosis with it.

Healing baths. In the treatment of skin diseases, various baths have proven themselves, which are best alternated with each other. For example, on day 1, take baths with the addition of sea salt, on day 2 – with the addition of borax and glycerin, on day 3 – add soda, on day 4 – starch, on day 5 – add infusions of black and green tea. After taking a bath, treat your skin with a cream containing vitamins A and F.

Important! Before using folk remedies, consult your doctor!

Prevention of ichthyosis

To prevent ichthyosis and other skin diseases, follow these recommendations:

  • If possible, change your place of residence to a warm, humid climate;
  • In your living room, humidify the air, for which you can use a humidifier;
  • In food, give preference to foods rich in vitamins and microelements;
  • When preparing food, give preference to steaming foods. Try to eat vegetables and fruits raw, because... at heat treatment products, most vitamins are destroyed;
  • Eliminate smoking and alcohol from your life, and minimize consumption harmful products nutrition;
  • Avoid ;
  • Try to relax at specialized resorts at least once a year.

Which doctor should I contact for ichthyosis?

- This is a hereditary skin disease that occurs as a dermatosis. It is characterized by a diffuse disorder of keratinization and manifests itself in the form of scales on the skin that resemble fish scales. The main cause of ichthyosis is a gene mutation, the inherited biochemistry of which has not yet been deciphered. Disorders of protein metabolism, when amino acids accumulate in the blood and disorders fat metabolism, which are manifested by elevated cholesterol levels, are the main manifestation of the gene mutation that leads to ichthyosis.

Recessive ichthyosis occurs only in males, although it is inherited on the X chromosome and differs in that the cause of the disease is a defect in placental enzymes. Clinical manifestations appear in the second week of life, less often immediately after birth. Horny layers of skin look like large dense scales of black- Brown and resemble shields. The skin between the scales is covered with cracks, so it looks like the skin of a crocodile or snake. Children with recessive ichthyosis often have mental retardation, abnormalities in the skeletal structure, and epilepsy. Juvenile cataracts and hypogonadism occur in 10-12% of cases.

Congenital ichthyosis develops in utero at 4-5 months of pregnancy. At birth, the baby's skin is covered with thick horny scutes of gray-black color. With congenital ichthyosis, the scales can reach up to 1 cm in thickness; the scales have different shapes, smooth or jagged, the skin between them is covered with furrows and cracks. Due to the dense, well-cohesive scales, the baby's mouth is either stretched or sharply narrowed so that the feeding tube barely fits. The ear openings are deformed and filled with horny scales, the eyelids are everted due to stretching. Almost all infants have skeletal anomalies - clubfoot, clubhandedness, many children with a congenital form of ichthyosis have interdigital bridges on the feet and palms, and sometimes missing nails. Pregnancy is often premature, and the rate of stillbirth is quite high. Since there are anomalies incompatible with life, most children with the congenital form of ichthyosis die in the first days of life.

Epidermolytic ichthyosis is a form of congenital ichthyosis. The baby's skin is bright red, as if scalded by boiling water. Nikolsky syndrome is positive, as in neonatal pemphigus - with a slight touch, rejection of the epidermal scales is observed. The skin on the palms and soles is white and significantly thickened. In some cases, with the epidermolytic form of ichthyosis, there may be hemorrhages in the skin and mucous membranes. This is an unfavorable sign; if hemorrhages occur, children most often die. With milder clinical manifestations of ichthyosis, the blisters become smaller over time, but throughout life the disease recurs in the form of outbreaks, and during a relapse of ichthyosis the temperature often rises to high levels. By the fourth year of life, horny layers appear in certain areas of the body in the form of thick dirty gray scales, which are localized mainly in places of natural skin folds.

There are often defects in the nervous, endocrine and other body systems; many children with congenital ichthyosis are later diagnosed with mental retardation. spastic paralysis, the cause of which is the accumulation of phytanic acid in tissues. Polyneuropathy, anemia, and infantilism complicate the course of ichthyosis. The mortality rate is very high due to associated complications and associated diseases.

Diagnosis of ichthyosis

In most cases, clinical manifestations are sufficient to diagnose ichthyosis. In congenital forms, it must be differentiated from erythermoderma and other diseases. Histological examination of the skin confirms the diagnosis.

Treatment and prevention of ichthyosis

Treatment of ichthyosis, depending on the severity, is carried out by a dermatologist on an outpatient basis or in a hospital. Vitamins of group A, E, B, vitamin C and nicotinic acid are prescribed in high doses in long, multiple courses. Drugs that have a lipotropic effect soften the scales. These are preparations containing lipamide and vitamin U. To stimulate the immune system, plasma transfusions, gamma globulin, preparations containing iron and calcium, as well as aloe extract are indicated. If there are lesions of the thyroid gland with the development of hypothyroidism, then thyroidine is indicated; if there is hypofunction of the pancreas, insulin is indicated.

In severe cases and with congenital ichthyosis, hormone therapy is immediately prescribed; if there is eversion of the eyelids, then an oil solution of retinol acetate is instilled into the eyes. After normalization of the condition, the dose of hormonal drugs is slowly reduced until completely discontinued. During the period of remission, blood tests are periodically performed to monitor the patient’s general condition and prevent the development of complications. Nursing mothers are advised to take all the same vitamins as children with ichthyosis.

Local therapy consists of taking general baths with a solution of potassium permanganate and lubricating the skin with baby cream with the addition of vitamin A. Adult patients with ichthyosis are shown salt and starch, general or local baths, depending on the location of the process. Vitamin A, sodium chloride and urea are added to the water.

UV irradiation in suberythemal doses, thalasotherapy and heliotherapy, resorts with sulfide and carbon dioxide baths stimulates metabolic processes in the dermis. Silt and peat muds are recommended already at the stage of resolving the relapse of ichthyosis and as a preventive measure. Aromatic retinoids, due to the fact that they restore the functioning of dermal cells and normalize metabolic processes, have recently received wide use in the treatment of ichthyosis.

The prognosis of ichthyosis is always unfavorable, since even with mild forms of the disease, the addition of systemic pathologies and the progression of metabolic diseases lead to complications. The main prevention of ichthyosis is counseling before pregnancy to determine the degree genetic risk. If fetal ichthyosis is detected during analysis of amniotic fluid, then termination of pregnancy is recommended. For couples whose risk of having a child with ichthyosis is quite high, it is better to refrain from pregnancy in favor of adopting orphans.

genetic disease, in which keratinization of the skin is disrupted. Hard scales are formed, reminiscent of fish scales, and keratin with an altered structure accumulates in the epidermis. The prevalence of the disease is 1:3000 - 1:4500. Etiology unknown.

Ichthyosis most often manifests itself in early childhood or even immediately after birth, less often the disease becomes acquired. The cause of ichthyosis is a gene mutation, the inherited biochemistry of which has not yet been deciphered.

Protein metabolism disorders, when amino acids accumulate in the blood and fat metabolism disorders, which are manifested by increased cholesterol levels, become manifestations of a gene mutation that leads to ichthyosis.


Symptoms of ichthyosis

The patient’s body becomes covered with scales, and between them accumulate amino acid complexes that are not absorbed by the body. Stagnation of substances gives a cementing effect on the skin, as a result of which dead cells tightly adhere to each other with healthy cells. The separation of scales causes severe pain to the patient.

Other symptoms:

  • the appearance of severe dryness and roughness of the skin;
  • palms become covered with mucoid peeling;
  • the skin pattern is clearly visible;
  • decrease in the intensity of metabolism and functioning of hormonal glands;
  • dystrophic changes in hair, nail plates and teeth;
  • violation of thermoregulation;
  • the appearance of hyperkeratosis;
  • malfunction of the sweat glands;
  • chronic or, hereditary.

In addition, there is a decrease in immunity, which causes allergic reactions and purulent infections go to chronic course, in advanced cases, chronic liver dysfunction develops.

Treatment of ichthyosis

Vitamins A, E, B, vitamin C and nicotinic acid are prescribed in long and repeated courses. Preparations with a lipotropic effect soften the scales. These are preparations containing lipamide and vitamin U.

To stimulate the immune system, blood plasma transfusions, gamma globulin, preparations containing iron and calcium, as well as aloe extract are indicated. If damage to the thyroid gland occurs with the development of hypothyroidism, then thyroidine is indicated; if there is hypofunction of the pancreas, insulin is indicated.

In severe cases and with congenital ichthyosis, hormone therapy is immediately prescribed; in case of eversion of the eyelids, an oil solution of retinol acetate is instilled. After normalization of the condition, the dose of hormonal drugs is slowly reduced until completely discontinued.

During the period of remission, blood tests are periodically done to monitor the patient’s condition and prevent the development of complications. Nursing mothers are advised to take vitamins, the same as for children with ichthyosis.

Local therapy consists of taking general baths with a solution of potassium permanganate and lubricating the skin with baby cream with the addition of vitamin A. Adult patients with ichthyosis are shown salt and starch, general or local baths, depending on the location of the process. Vitamin A, sodium chloride and urea are added to the water.

UV irradiation in suberythemal doses, thalasotherapy and heliotherapy, resorts with sulfide and carbon dioxide baths stimulates metabolic processes in the dermis. Silt and peat mud are recommended already at the stage of resolving the relapse of ichthyosis and for prevention.

Aromatic retinoids, which restore the functioning of dermal cells and normalize metabolic processes, have become widespread in the treatment of ichthyosis.

Congenital or Harlequin ichthyosis

Develops during pregnancy, most often in the first or second trimester. Harlequin ichthyosis is dangerous for the life of the fetus or newborn child.

Immediately after birth, large keratinized layers of thick gray-brown skin are present on the baby's body. There are cracks between the scales, the child’s face is usually deformed:

  • the mouth is stretched or so narrowed that the feeding tube can barely fit into it;
  • the baby's eyelids are everted;
  • the ears are filled with scales.

The skeleton of such children also has anomalies:

  • no nail plates;
  • clubfoot is noted;
  • there are no bridges between the phalanges of the fingers.

If the fetus has Harlequin ichthyosis, there is a high risk of miscarriage or premature birth. In cases where a child is born with this disease, there is no chance of survival.

The causes of death are:

  • pathological process spreading throughout the body;
  • the body's inability to regulate water balance;
  • lack of thermoregulation;
  • weakness and defenselessness of the newborn against pathogenic infections.

If a child diagnosed with Harlequin ichthyosis does not die immediately after birth, then until age 12 the survival rate becomes 3%. Only 1% of patients survive to 18–20 years of age. It is believed that Harlequin ichthyosis is incompatible with life. During intrauterine development It is difficult to diagnose this anomaly.

Causes of ichthyosis

The cause of the disease is a gene mutation that can be transmitted through generations. Scientists have not yet solved biochemical process, which underlies the disease.

Classification of ichthyosis

The term “ichthyosis” includes diseases that occur in early childhood, continue until the end of life and are characterized by widespread keratinization of the skin.

Ichthyosis is classified according to the degree of skin damage as follows.


Mild ichthyosis is characterized by dry skin and the appearance of small pityriasis-like peeling on the skin. The scales appear as a powdery white stripe when rubbed over the skin with a fingernail. Small, pinhead-sized, greyish, pale pink or bluish nodules appear, located on the extensor surfaces of the limbs and buttocks.

Follicular ichthyosis

It is manifested by the roughness of the skin, the development of horny plugs at the mouths of the hair follicles, pierced by a hair in the center; localized on symmetrical areas of the posterior surfaces of the upper and anterior surfaces lower limbs.

Shiny ichthyosis

Dense horny scales of a dirty white, “marble” color form on the skin, most often located on the extremities and at the mouth hair follicles. The scales shine with a characteristic shine, reminiscent of mother-of-pearl. The scales on the periphery peel off, the edges are raised.

Black ichthyosis

It is localized in the abdomen, lower back, on the posterior surfaces of the upper and anterior surfaces of the lower extremities, on which black horny plates are formed and normal skin on the face, in natural folds, on the lateral surfaces of the torso and the medial surface of the extremities is preserved.

Lamellar ichthyosis

Characterized by thick and keratinized scales. The skin is dry, brownish-gray scales form dense, rectangular or oval plates, up to 3 cm in size. The plates are separated by grooves, slits, and cracks. In addition to the extremities, ichthyosis serpentina affects the front of the body, back and face. Silvery scales are often found on the head, as in dry seborrhea. Often with this form of ichthyosis, the ears are deformed, attached to the scalp, the eyelids are shortened and inverted; Gothic hard palate.

Hystrixoid ichthyosis

A severe type of ichthyosis proceeds as follows: dense and thick accumulations of horny plates appear on the surface of the skin, dirty gray in the form of conical protrusions, spikes or needles, sharply (5-10 mm) protruding above the skin level. The plates are separated by grooves. This type of ichthyosis is rare.

Diagnosis of ichthyosis

Diagnosis is based primarily on clinical data.

Prenatal diagnosis of congenital ichthyosis is carried out with an appropriate family history. A fetal skin biopsy performed between 19 and 21 weeks reveals thickening of the stratum corneum, which is not normal until the 24th week.

This corresponds to lamellar ichthyosis, epidermolytic hyperkeratosis, “Harlequin fruit”. When culturing amniocytes and chorionic cells, it is possible to identify mutations in keratins 1 and 10. This enzyme deficiency occurs in X-linked ichthyosis.

Differential diagnosis

  • psoriasis;
  • seborrheic dermatitis;
  • xeroderma.

Forecast and prevention of ichthyosis

The prognosis of ichthyosis is unfavorable, since even with mild forms of the disease, the addition of pathologies and the development of metabolic diseases lead to complications.

Prevention of ichthyosis - counseling before pregnancy to determine the degree of genetic risk. If fetal ichthyosis is detected during analysis amniotic fluid, then termination of pregnancy is recommended. For couples who are at high risk of having a child with ichthyosis, it is better to refrain from pregnancy in favor of adopting orphans.

Ichthyosis is a disease in which remission cannot be achieved, so prevention of the disease is similar to treatment. In addition to keratolytic and moisturizing therapy, patients with ichthyosis are recommended to use indoor humidifiers or, if possible, move to a warm city with high air humidity. In addition, they use cool water for washing and visit specialized resorts.

How is ichthyosis inherited?

The mechanisms of inheritance of ichthyosis depend on the type of disease.

Ichthyosiform erythroderma nonbullous and lamellar (lamellar) ichthyosis are inherited in an autosomal recessive manner.

Parental consanguinity increases the risk of disease in children. The manifestation of an autosomal recessive disease in a child of healthy parents becomes a consequence of newly emerging spontaneous mutation recessive allele.

Ichthyosis vulgaris, Darier's disease and ichthyosiform erythroderma bullosa are inherited in an autosomal dominant manner.

Questions and answers on the topic "Ichthyosis"

Question:Tell me, if my husband has congenital ichthyosis (he has mild peeling of the skin), then the unborn child may inherit the same form of ichthyosis or may be born with some other, more severe one?

Answer: Hello. The mechanism of inheritance depends on the type of ichthyosis. You need face-to-face consultation genetics for research.

Question:Hello. My daughter has a skin disease: ordinary ichthyosis. Tell me how to sunbathe correctly? Do I need to use sun protection? How long can you stay in the sun? After all, with this disease, sunbathing is necessary. How to take care of your skin after sunbathing so that it doesn't look too flaky?

Answer: Hello. It all depends on how old your child is and what phototype the baby’s skin belongs to. If the child is under 3 years old, then stay under direct sun rays contraindicated. If your child's skin is very fair and he has light hair and eyes, this is another additional factor to avoid the sun. Protective agent must have good moisturizing properties, for example, milk for children. One more important stage Skin care in the summer when you are ill is to deeply moisturize the skin after sunbathing.

Question:Hello. My son is 12 years old. Skin problems. A diagnosis of ichthyosis is made. Tell me who can help him and how?

Answer: Hello. You need to consult a dermatologist who will prescribe complex treatment according to the type of this disease.

The main cause of ichthyosis is gene mutation(the biochemistry of which is still unknown), transmitted hereditarily. Ichthyosis, as a rule, manifests itself when protein metabolism is disrupted, when human blood amino acids accumulate and fat metabolism is disrupted, which leads to increased content cholesterol, which in turn provokes the development of a gene mutation.

In the body, metabolic processes decrease, thermoregulation is disrupted, but the activity of enzymes involved in oxidative processes, on the contrary, increases. In people susceptible to a gene mutation leading to ichthyosis, they either increase gradually or appear immediately decreased activity gonads, adrenal glands and thyroid gland, and there is an increase in the deficiency of cellular and humoral immunity.

A decrease in the functionality of the sweat glands, together with a violation of the absorption of vitamin A, leads to a violation of the skin keratinization towards hyperkeratosis. This happens due to the excessive production of keratin, which has a changed structure, which, together with the inhibited process of rejection of the keratinized layers of the epidermis and leads to the manifestation of ichthyosis.

With a disease such as ichthyosis Between the keratinized scales, amino acid complexes with cementing properties accumulate. For this reason, the scales adhere tightly to each other and the process of separating them from the body causes sharp pain.

Ichthyosis. Treatment of disease with ointment from medicinal plants

A disease such as ichthyosis can be treated with folk remedies, for example, ointment from medicinal plants prepared at home. For cooking this tool, helping cure ichthyosis, you will need: 100g beeswax, 500g St. John's wort oil, 100g pine resin (resin), 30g chalk powder, 30g celandine (crushed), 50g propolis and 250g butter.

Getting ready ointment for ichthyosis in the following way. First of all, you need to place the butter and mashed butter in a saucepan. beeswax. Next, stirring continuously, bring this mixture to a boil and add pine resin to it. Boil all this for 10 minutes. Then add the crushed celandine and boil for another 5 minutes. Then pour in St. John's wort oil, stir thoroughly and add chalk to the mixture.

The resulting mass should be simmered over low heat for 2.5 hours, then add propolis to it and simmer for another 30 minutes. Then remove the resulting remedy for ichthyosis from the heat and let it cool. After at least 10 hours (maybe a little more) ointment for ichthyosis needs to be boiled again. After boiling, strain the product through cheesecloth folded in layers, let it cool and lubricate all affected areas with it.

Ichthyosis. Treatment of disease with herbs

To cure ichthyosis Traditional medicine suggests using all kinds of medicinal herbs. Eg, ichthyosis treated with the use of motherwort, mountain ash, peony, sea buckthorn, leuzea, tansy, high aralia, Eleutherococcus senticosus, greater plantain, oats and many others. etc.

Traditional medicine recommends preparing medicinal drugs for the treatment of ichthyosis both from any one medicinal plant, and from their mixture. For example, a fairly effective means from ichthyosis is prepared in this way. Take motherwort in a volume of 1 part of the total composition, 2 parts of tansy color, 2 parts of plantain leaves, 4 parts of roots creeping wheatgrass and 1 part horsetail. Grind all ingredients thoroughly, mix and pour half a liter of boiling water. Let it brew for at least an hour and strain the resulting infusion.

Healing infusion for ichthyosis You should drink 1/3 cup three times a day (morning/afternoon/evening). The duration of the course of treatment using this method is 1 month, after which it is necessary to interrupt for 7 days and repeat it again.

The herb left over after straining can also be used for the treatment of ichthyosis, only externally. To do this, it must be mixed with olive or corn oil in equal proportions and left for 2 hours. water bath. After this, strain the resulting product and lubricate the affected areas of the skin with it.

To treatment of ichthyosis these methods were more effective, it is recommended to supplement it with the use of vitamins A, E, C and group B. You can also additionally carry out physical and restorative procedures, take sunbathing in the morning, take baths with sea salt and borax or with the addition of borax and glycerin.

Be healthy!

Ichthyosis is a hereditary skin disease that is characterized by a violation of the processes of keratinization of the skin.

As a result of this disease, the patient's skin becomes covered with scales that look like fish scales. Ichthyosis is characterized by its early onset (the first 3 years of life). Ichthyosis leads to excessive peeling of the skin, which looks like fish scales (from the Greek ichthys - “fish”). The severity of the symptoms of the disease depends on many factors. Sometimes ichthyosis causes virtually no discomfort and a person can live with it all his life. But sometimes congenital ichthyosis can lead to severe lesions on the child’s skin, which can cause fatal outcome(fetal ichthyosis).

Various forms of ichthyosis occur in humans due to genetic mutations that are still not fully understood. Recently, the main cause of this disease has been called vitamin A deficiency, as well as the appearance of diseases of the endocrine system. Basic pathological process is excessive production of keratin (skin protein).

Types of ichthyosis:

The following forms of ichthyosis are distinguished:

  • vulgar ichthyosis;
  • lamellar ichthyosis;
  • X-linked ichthyosis;
  • Darier's disease;
  • ichthyosiform erythroderma.

Ichthyosis vulgaris

Vulgar, or also called ordinary, is the most frequent form ichthyosis. According to statistics, vulgar ichthyosis occurs in people in approximately 75 - 95% of cases among all forms of ichthyosis. In most cases, children suffer from this form in the first years of life (from 1 to 3 years).

The main cause of vulgar ichthyosis is genetic mutation, which is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner. This type of inheritance means that a genetic disease will manifest itself in a child when he inherits a mutant allele (one of the forms of the gene that leads to alternative option development) from at least one of their parents. It is important that this type of hereditary disease does not depend on the gender of the child and occurs in girls and boys with the same frequency.

Pathological disorders are generalized and spread to almost the entire skin. The skin becomes very dry, flaking appears, and the skin thickens. The skin glands (sweat and sebaceous) practically do not function. Main feature ordinary ichthyosis is a lesion of the extensor surfaces of the upper and lower extremities. The extensor surfaces of the elbows, ankles and feet are most often affected. knee joints, as well as the sacral region. In children, facial skin is often affected - forehead and cheeks. Depending on the severity of the disease, horny scales can be transparent and thin or dark and massive. With vulgar ichthyosis, plugs of horny scales often form, which can clog the openings of the hair follicles (follicular keratosis) and sebaceous glands. Mechanical pressure These horny plugs lead to atrophy (reduction in the number of functional cells) of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles. With this clinical form of ichthyosis, hyperkeratosis (thickening of the stratum corneum) is observed, as well as a decrease in the granular layer of the epidermis. In addition, degenerative processes occur in the germ layer of the epidermis.

It is worth noting that with this form of ichthyosis, the flexion zones elbow joints, armpits, popliteal fossa, as well as the groin area are not affected.

The main clinical forms of vulgar ichthyosis include:

  • Xeroderma. Xeroderma is the easiest form of vulgar ichthyosis. Xeroderma leads to dryness and slight roughness of the skin, which most often appears on the extensor surfaces of the extremities.
  • Simple ichthyosis. Simple ichthyosis is characterized by mild symptoms. The main symptom is dry skin, combined with flaking. Horny scales look like bran (pityriasis scales). The difference from xeroderma is that not only the limbs are affected, but also the torso. You can often see damage to the scalp. The horny scales are small in size, and in the center they are tightly connected to the deep layers of the epidermis.
  • Brilliant ichthyosis. Shiny ichthyosis is characterized by a large accumulation of translucent scales on the extensor surfaces of the limbs, which are especially numerous in the area of ​​the hair follicles. Rarely do horny scales resemble a mosaic in appearance.
  • Serpentine ichthyosis. Serpentine ichthyosis is characterized by the appearance of ribbon-like scales of brown or gray color. In serpentine ichthyosis, the horny scales are surrounded by deep grooves that resemble a snake's cover.

Note that the symptoms of ichthyosis become weaker during puberty due to changes hormonal levels. This genetic disease lasts a lifetime. Exacerbations of ichthyosis occur in winter.

Lamellar ichthyosis

Lamellar ichthyosis occurs due to a defect in the transglutaminase protein. This protein regulates the process of keratinocyte differentiation. A defect in the transglutaminase protein leads to hyperplasia (excessive growth) of the basal layer in which fast growth keratinocytes and their transition from the basal layer to the stratum corneum.

With lamellar ichthyosis, the child's skin is redder and completely covered with a thin yellow-brown film. Sometimes this film transforms into large horny scales, which completely disappear after a short period of time. But most often the scales remain with a person for the rest of his life.

As a rule, with lamellar ichthyosis, hyperkeratosis only intensifies with age. At the same time, regression of erythroderma is observed (redness of the skin decreases). The most severe damage occurs in skin folds. In most cases, the skin on the face is redder, tighter and flaky. As a rule, there is increased sweating, especially in thick areas of the skin.

X-linked ichthyosis

X-linked ichthyosis is recessive skin disease. This type of disease affects only men, and women can only be carriers of the defective gene. X-linked ichthyosis results in congenital steroid sulfatase deficiency. This enzyme is needed for transformation steroid hormones from inactive to active form.

According to statistics, X-linked ichthyosis occurs in approximately one in 2,500 to 6,000 men. Manifests this form ichthyosis already at 2 weeks of life. X-linked ichthyosis is similar in appearance to serpentine ichthyosis - many dense horny scales appear on the skin dark brown, around which cracks and grooves form. Boys with X-linked ichthyosis are often diagnosed with mental retardation, as well as various anomalies in the development of skeletal bones.

Darier's disease

Darier's disease (follicular dyskeratosis) is one of the clinical forms of congenital ichthyosis. Darier's disease leads to mental retardation in the child and also affects the thyroid and gonads.

Darier's disease is characterized by hyperplasia of the granular and stratum corneum. As a result of a defect in one of the enzymes involved in the keratinization process, abnormal bodies and grains appear in the germ layer.

The main symptom of follicular dyskeratosis is a skin rash with a scaly surface. Many dense nodules (papules) form on the skin spherical shape. The size of papules most often does not exceed half a centimeter. Very often, the nodules merge, forming weeping lesions. The development of subungual hyperkeratosis is also characteristic, which leads to thickening of the nails. It is also worth noting that Darier's disease can affect the mucous membranes.

Ichthyosiform erythroderma

Ichthyosiform erythroderma (Broca's disease) is characterized by the synthesis of defective keratin, as well as impaired growth and differentiation of keratinocytes. IN upper layers epidermis is formed a large number of grains and vacuoles (vesicles), and a strong thickening of the stratum corneum occurs (acanthokeratolytic hyperkeratosis). One of the differences between ichthyosiform erythroderma and vulgar ichthyosis is the presence in the dermis inflammatory infiltrate(accumulation of leukocytes).

Ichthyosiform erythroderma is an autosomal dominant disorder. It leads to thickening and swelling of the skin. Many blisters and weeping spots appear on the skin. Broca's disease is also characterized by inflammatory phenomena that occur in the dermis. Nails are often thickened and deformed. It is worth noting that the symptoms of the disease most often regress (decrease) with age.

Symptoms of ichthyosis

The symptoms of ichthyosis are many and varied. Each clinical form Ichthyosis is present whole line symptoms characteristic manifestations. The severity of symptoms depends on the severity of the disease:

  • Dry skin– this is a direct consequence of a violation of the water-salt balance. When you have ichthyosis, the epidermis is unable to retain fluid. Dry skin directly depends on the amount of fluid lost.
  • Peeling- appears due to excessive detachment of horny scales from the surface of the epidermis. In ichthyosis, the rate of corneocyte desquamation is greatly increased.
  • Redness of the skin (erythroderma)– occurs in ichthyosiform erythroderma. Skin color can vary greatly and depends on the severity of erythroderma.
  • Nail deformity– occurs due to a defect in the synthesis of keratin (the main protein of the nail plate). Nails may thicken, peel, and sometimes become significantly deformed. It is worth noting that nail damage is not necessary for vulgar ichthyosis.
  • Thinning and brittle hair– occurs due to atrophy of hair follicles and exposure to horny plugs. Thinning hair also occurs due to a defect in the synthesis of keratin, which is found in large quantities in the hair shaft.
  • Pyoderma (purulent-inflammatory skin disease)- occurs secondary to a decrease in local immunity. The affected skin is very vulnerable to pathogens. Most often, pyoderma occurs against the background of microtrauma of the skin, as well as in the event of itching.
  • Conjunctivitis– a number of forms of ichthyosis may appear various lesions eye. The most common form is an inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the eye (conjunctivitis). An inflammatory process is often observed at the edges of the eyelids (blepharitis) and in the retina of the eye (retinitis).
  • Pronounced skin pattern on the palms and soles– This is one of the most common symptoms of ichthyosis. A pronounced striation of the skin pattern indicates a hereditary skin disease.

Important! With fetal ichthyosis, children are often born much older ahead of schedule, such newborns are not always viable.

Causes of ichthyosis

Ichthyosis is hereditary disease, so the main cause of this skin disease is a gene mutation that is passed on from generation to generation. The biochemistry of the mutation has not yet been deciphered, but it is known that the disease is manifested by a violation of fat and protein metabolism. The result of this pathology is that excess amino acids and cholesterol accumulate in the blood, which leads to the appearance of a specific skin reaction. Patients who have a gene mutation that leads to the development of ichthyosis experience:

  • violation of the body's thermoregulation;
  • slowdown of metabolic processes;
  • increased activity of enzymes that take part in the oxidative processes of skin respiration;

Patients with ichthyosis also experience a decrease in work endocrine glands– reproductive, thyroid, adrenal glands. These symptoms may appear immediately or increase gradually as the disease progresses. The result is that patients become increasingly deficient cellular immunity, the ability to absorb vitamin A also decreases and the activity of the sweat glands is disrupted. This increases the chance of detecting diseases of the sweat glands such as hydrocystoma, syringoma, and eccrine spiradenoma.

Important! If a patient is diagnosed with an acquired form of ichthyosis, he should be referred for additional examination. The purpose of these examinations should be to exclude the presence of malignant neoplasms.

Treatment of ichthyosis

Treatment of ichthyosis is prescribed by a dermatologist. The treatment regimen depends on the form of the disease and the severity of its course. Most often, treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis, but severe forms illnesses of the patient may be admitted to the hospital.

The following methods are suitable for the treatment of ichthyosis:

Vitamin therapy. Patients with ichthyosis are prescribed courses of vitamins of groups A, B, C, E, as well as nicotinic acid. Vitamins are prescribed in large doses (this depends on the age of the patient). Taking vitamins leads to softening of the scales on the skin.

To increase immunity in patients with ichthyosis, it is prescribed taking iron and calcium supplements, aloe extract, gamma globulin.

Patients with ichthyosis are prescribed blood plasma transfusions.

At bad work thyroid gland, pancreas, adrenal glands characteristic of this disease, the doctor selects hormone replacement therapy. Hormones are used to treat severe forms of ichthyosis, especially in newborns.

For children whose eyelids are inverted, it is prescribed burying oil solution retinol acetate. The dosage of hormones and the schedule of administration are prescribed by the doctor for each patient separately, it depends on the severity of the disease. Nursing mothers of children with ichthyosis are prescribed the same treatment as their infants.

Under local treatment ichthyosis in children, the purpose of baths with a solution of potassium permanganate is understood. Adult patients are prescribed baths (local or general, depending on the location of the skin lesion) with the addition of sodium chloride, starch, urea.

To soften the skin with ichthyosis, the doctor prescribes use of ointments and creams, which contain lipamide and vitamin U.

Patients with ichthyosis are also advised physiotherapy. Effective procedures for this disease include thalassotherapy, ultraviolet irradiation, carbon dioxide and sulfide baths, and heliotherapy. During periods of remission of the disease, peat and silt baths are prescribed for preventive measures, and the use of aromatic retinoids is also necessary.

Treatment using traditional medicine methods

Along with the therapy prescribed by the doctor, it is recommended to additionally use medications prepared on the basis of medicinal herbs for the treatment of ichthyosis.

Healing ointment.
St. John's wort oil is the main ingredient for cooking healing ointment. To prepare this medicine for ichthyosis, you will need the following substances:
  • 500 ml of St. John's wort oil (this product can be purchased at the pharmacy);
  • 250 gr. butter or pork fat (remelted). Oil for preparing the medicine should be used at home;
  • 100 gr. pine resin, the so-called resin;
  • 100 gr. beeswax;
  • 50 gr. Propolis;
  • 30 gr. fresh celandine grass, crushed to a pulp;
  • 30 gr. pure crushed chalk (sieve through a strainer).

To prepare a cure for ichthyosis, you need to make a water bath - place dishes of a smaller diameter in a bowl of boiling water. Place in the top saucepan pork fat or butter and wax well ground with a wooden spatula. Bring the mixture until completely melted, stirring continuously without stopping. After this, add the resin and cook for another 10-15 minutes, just remember to stir with a wooden spatula. Then add celandine and cook for another 5-10 minutes.

Then pour in St. John's wort oil, add chalk. Next, mix everything, then close the lid and keep on low heat for about 2.5 hours. After this, mix again and add propolis. Cook for another 25-30 minutes.

Then remove from heat, cover the dish with a lid and wrap in a blanket. After about 12 hours of infusion, put the ointment back on the fire and boil. Strain the hot product through a sieve or several layers of gauze and cool. Store the ointment in the refrigerator. Use it 2-3 times a day to lubricate affected skin.

Herbal infusion

To prepare a medicinal infusion for ichthyosis you need to take:

  • creeping wheatgrass (root) - 200 gr.;
  • tansy (flowers) - 100 gr.;
  • plantain leaves - 100 gr.;
  • horsetail (grass) - 50 g;
  • motherwort cordial - 50 gr.

Mix all the raw materials, pour into glass jar and seal tightly. You need to keep the jar in a dark place. Then take 2 full spoons of the mixture and pour half a liter of boiling water, leave for at least 2 hours.

Healing oil

For cooking healing oil mix the herb with the same volume of olive, almond or peach oil and place in a water bath. Warm over low heat for at least 2 hours. After which the oil must be filtered, use it to lubricate areas of diseased skin.

Rowan berries

Berries common rowan used to treat ichthyosis. Also, for the treatment of ichthyosis, in addition to the listed remedies, you can use phytoraw materials such as: rowan berries; oats; sea ​​buckthorn berries (dry berries can be used to prepare an infusion, and oil based on them can be used to lubricate the skin); evading peony; Eleutherococcus; high aralia; Leuzea.

All of the above plants can be used to prepare infusions that will help in the treatment of ichthyosis, and they can be used either individually or in combination with each other.

General strengthening methods of traditional medicine

To improve skin condition with ichthyosis traditional healers recommended for patients: Short-term sunbathing. Take them in the morning before 11 o'clock.

Sea baths

When it is not possible to go on vacation to the sea, patients with ichthyosis can carry out procedures right at home, using sea salt purchased at a pharmacy. Baths for the treatment of skin affected by ichthyosis can be alternated. On the first day you can take a bath with the addition of sea salt, on the second - with the addition of glycerin and borax. After taking a bath, you need to lubricate the sore skin with a rich cream that contains vitamin A.

Pine baths

No less useful pine baths, baths with a mixture of teas and hay dust. To prepare a tea bath for the treatment of ichthyosis, it is recommended to mix black and green tea in equal proportions. For 1 liter of boiling water you need to take 2 full spoons of tea mixture. Pour the prepared infusion into a bath filled with warm water, while pre-straining.

Local preparations

Used to treat ichthyosis various drugs local action, which can moisturize the skin, and they also help exfoliate horny scales (keratolytic effect).

  • Petrolatum- ointment for external use. It softens and moisturizes the skin in affected areas, while having a moderate dermatoprotective effect.
  • Dermatop- cream for external use, which has a membrane-protective effect (protects the membranes and organelles of epidermal cells). It also reduces the production of biologically active substances, triggering the inflammatory process. Dermatop affects the epidermis, moisturizing it, and also increases the elasticity of the skin. In moderation, the drug saturates the skin with lipids and has a moderate antiallergic effect.
  • Salicylic acid- a solution for external use, which has a moderate anti-inflammatory effect and has a keratolytic and disinfecting effect.
  • Akriderm- ointment for external use, which has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect by reducing the synthesis of inflammatory mediators (cytokines). It also has a moderate anti-edematous and anti-allergic effect.
  • Diprosalik- ointment for external use. Betamethasone dipropionate has anti-inflammatory, vasoconstrictor and antipruritic effects.
  • We see- ointment for external use, it has a membrane-protective effect, promotes the process of skin regeneration and significantly reduces the process of keratinization. When it penetrates deep into the skin, it helps saturate the tissues with vitamin A.
  • Physiotherapeutic methods of treatment.

    Sometimes physiotherapeutic procedures are used to treat ichthyosis. Such procedures help moisturize damaged skin and also enhance tissue metabolism. The effect of treatment is observed after 1 week of the course. It should be noted that physiotherapeutic treatment methods must be selected and prescribed by a doctor, who will be based on the clinical form and severity of the disease.

    The following physiotherapeutic procedures are used to treat ichthyosis:

    • Therapeutic baths calm and provide good effect nervous and cardiovascular system person. Therapeutic baths improve metabolism in affected areas of the skin. Depending on the main component, there are different types of medicinal baths. It is important that the purpose medicinal baths contraindicated in acute inflammatory process or exacerbation chronic disease, for blood diseases, as well as for cancer.
    • Oxygen baths They are a type of gas bath. The main substance is oxygen, which is in dissolved form. The temperature of the water in the bath should be from 34 to 36ºС. Add 200 ml of a 2.5% solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) to the water, after which the water must be thoroughly stirred. Then add 40 ml of 20% sulfuric acid solution and 200 ml of hydrogen peroxide solution, then mix. Within 10-15 minutes the patient can take an oxygen bath. The duration of the procedure is from 15 to 20 minutes. Course of treatment: 12-15 baths.
    • Salt baths are the easiest to prepare. To prepare a salt bath, you need to take 250 - 300 g of salt per 200 liters of water (bath with a very low salt concentration). Water temperature: no more than 38ºС. Duration of the procedure: 20-25 minutes. Course of treatment: 10 baths.
    • Starch baths consist of fresh water, the main component of which is starch. To prepare a bath, add 1 kg of starch to the water, while for a local bath, 200 g is enough. First mix the starch with a small amount of cold water, and then pour this mixture into the bath. Water temperature: from 34 to 36ºС. Duration of the procedure: no more than 25 minutes for adults, and no more than 10-12 minutes for children. Course of treatment: 10 baths.
    • Medium wave ultraviolet irradiation(SUV irradiation) in suberythemal and erythemal doses has a beneficial effect in the treatment of ichthyosis. This physiotherapy procedure helps to produce vitamin D in the skin, as well as vitamin D2. In addition, SUV irradiation stabilizes metabolism and saturates the body with vitamins A and C. It has now been proven that SUV irradiation increases the concentration in the body of some biologically active substances that directly affect the action of the endocrine system. Also, mid-wave ultraviolet irradiation helps to increase the body's resistance functions and stimulates the human immune system.
    • Thalassotherapy is a comprehensive method of healing the whole body, which includes the use various factors sea ​​or ocean (therapeutic mud, sea water, algae, silt). IN sea ​​water contains many microelements and macroelements, such as iodine, iron, calcium, manganese, phosphorus, fluorine, they are needed for proper operation various organs. The combination of several thalassotherapy methods leads to long-term hydration of the skin, which helps to reduce the severity of symptoms.
    • Heliotherapy based on application in therapeutic purposes solar radiation. Heliotherapy helps the formation of vitamin D and stimulates the immune system. This procedure is done using sunbathing. Patients are placed on high couches, their heads must be covered with a hat or kept in the shade. In order for the exposure to solar radiation to be symmetrical and uniform, it is necessary to periodically change the position of the body. Heliotherapy is carried out at a strictly defined time. IN morning time from 8 to 11 o'clock, in the afternoon from 16 to 18 o'clock. Air temperature: not lower than 20ºС. First heliotherapy session: no more than 15 minutes. Every 3 days you need to increase your exposure to the sun by 3-4 minutes. After 1 week you need to take a break of 2 days. Maximum exposure time to sunlight: no more than 1 hour.
Important! If there are cases of ichthyosis in the family, determining the degree of genetic risk is mandatory.


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