Can a child sunbathe? How to protect the child from the sun? Can a child be allergic to the sun? Harm from solar radiation to children's bodies.

Sunburn in a child Treatment and first aid

The topic of this material is methods of prevention and sunburn treatment in children, as well as correct first aid for a child immediately after a sunburn of the skin.
If you stay in the sun for a long time, a child will develop sunburn because of negative influence ultraviolet rays. Over time
discomfort is felt on damaged skin and pain from sunburn. If it is light, then the skin turns red and “burns” after a couple of hours.
Second degree sunburn accompanied by swelling on the skin. In a particular area, the skin temperature increases, and blisters with a watery component may appear. Painful sensations are intensifying. The child complains about headache, lethargy. Nausea and vomiting, chills appear, and body temperature rises. In extreme situations, shock occurs:
the skin becomes sticky and cold , the baby turns pale, sees poorly, has problems breathing and hearing, and loses consciousness. How to Treat Sun Burns at Home and how to provide first aid to children with sunburned skin?

At the first signs of sunburn in your baby, immediately take him home and bathe him in cool water. A bath with oatmeal powder (oatmeal will do) soothes damaged skin. Making such a bath is simple: take oatmeal and pour it into a small fabric bag. We tie it and lower it into the water, or under running water in the shower. Have your child sit in the bathtub 10 minutes. There is no need to wipe the skin, just blot it slightly and let the oatmeal powder remain on the skin. It will reduce pain, itching and soften baby's skin. The best remedy for sunburn is baby cream or vitamin C lotion.

Next, we treat the sun-damaged area of ​​the body. moisturizer. You can use special sprays with panthenol, or lotions that contain vitamin C, hyaluronic acid, which will have an analgesic effect and help the skin recover.
How to treat sunburn? You can take aspirin or ibuprofen, antihistamines to reduce pain and as an anti-inflammatory.
Burn significantly dehydrates the body , let your baby drink more (water, compotes, herbal teas).
Choose products in which protein predominates, it will help with regeneration skin.

Preventive measures will help prevent sunburn on your baby's delicate skin. Do not allow your child to go outside on clear days in the afternoon (from 12:00 to 16:30) under the scorching sun. In the summer, the baby should walk only in a headdress; a Panama hat or cap will do. The back and shoulders must be covered at all times (risk zone); select appropriate clothing. Children's summer wardrobe It is better to wear light-colored clothing that reflects harmful ultraviolet rays. By following these tips, you will be sure that sunburn will not darken your child’s memories of summer.

We must not forget that sunburn may cause severe harm child health and treatment Second degree burns can take a long time to heal. Therefore, always take precautions in summer sunny days- do not allow the child to be exposed to the sun for a long time without light clothing and a hat, use special protective creams for children or lotions for burns.

Now you know, how to prevent sunburn, and also what treatment with the help of modern and folk remedies most effective if it was not possible to avoid sunburn. You learned how to treat sunburns of the skin of the body and face, how to properly provide first aid for second-degree sunburns.

Next article.

It's no secret that the sun improves mood and increases the body's immune strength. In addition, ultraviolet radiation is a source of vitamin D3, which is essential for improving the health of each of us. But to summer rest benefited the child; it is important to remember and follow some rules.

Valentina Ozhigina, dermatologist, Panacea pro clinic, tel. 67696949

The most awaited time has come - summer! Our “Baltic” summer is short and fickle, so with the onset of the first warm days we all rush to the sea in order to get a boost of energy and tan. Children love to play and splash in the sea; build forts on the banks and dig canals; bury yourself in the warm sand from head to toe, and then run to the water to wash off and swim until you’re blue in the face. However, in order for the summer to be remembered only by good memories, it is necessary to follow some rules.

Three years without protection

Unlike adults, children up to three years do not have full protection from ultraviolet radiation. Children's delicate skin is very sensitive because it cannot fully produce the pigment melanin, which protects us from the sun and gives the color of a tan. This ability is fully developed only by the age of three. Therefore, children's skin is especially vulnerable to sunlight.

Children develop much faster sunburn. Besides the fact that they are painful, there are more serious reasons to protect children from them. There is evidence that the effects of severe sunburn in childhood can affect later life and even lead to the development of skin cancer. Therefore it is necessary to take special measures precautions.

In particular, up to the age of three recommended relax with your child in a familiar climatic environment. After three years, you can take your child with you on hot days. climatic zones, but the duration of the trip is very important here. It must be remembered that traveling is very stressful for child's body, therefore, the first ten days will be spent on adaptation, and only the subsequent period will contribute to the healing and strengthening of the body. That's why optimal duration travel is a month.

Up to three years also Not recommended be with the child in the open sun. Walking in the shade of trees is advisable. Scientists have proven that in order to synthesize sufficient quantity vitamin D, 15-20 minutes of local sun exposure is enough, for example, on the hands and face.

Open air

After three years, you can slowly go out into the open sun, but following certain rules.
- You can be in the open sun from 9 to 11 a.m. and after 3 p.m.
- Sunbathing should be started gradually from 10-15 minutes.
- In the first days, put on your child a shirt made of natural fabrics and light colors.
- If you see that the baby tolerates the sun well, increase exposure by 10-15 minutes. But as much as possible valid time- this is an hour and a half a day. The rest of the time, the child should be under an awning or sun umbrella, resting in the shade of trees.

Take care of your eyes

It is also important to remember to protect children's eyes. Exist children's Sunglasses , their diversity allows you to make a choice for every taste.

High-quality glasses have a special coating, which prevents ultraviolet rays (UVA/UVB) from passing through. Poor quality dark plastic causes the pupil to dilate, but at the same time the glasses allow UV rays to pass through freely, and as a result the sun will hit directly into the unprotected retina of the eye. Without glasses pupils naturally narrow in the light.

If your baby doesn't want to wear glasses, don't insist. Children are recommended to wear Panama hats with wide brims or caps with a visor and neck protection. These hats will protect the child from overheating, and will also protect his eyes from negative impact sunlight.

About water and food

Remember that on hot days the baby should drink more. Give preference to water rather than carbonated drinks or juices. Older children may ask for a drink, but take care of very young ones yourself - give them water as often as possible.

Nutrition on hot days it should be light, try to introduce more fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet.

Water treatments

I would also like to mention water procedures.

Many parents spend hours with their children in the water without thinking about the fact that the light reflected from the water increases the harmful effects of the sun's rays, increasing the risk of sunburn. When swimming in the sea, the child's body is exposed to even greater sun exposure than on land. Reflecting from the surface of the water, Sun rays penetrate into water to a depth of 1 m. After bathing in salt water, it is necessary to rinse the child fresh water, wash off the salt and wipe dry.

Remember: wet baby shouldn't run on the beach! Water droplets and salt crystals act as lenses that magnify the sun's effects, which can lead to sunburn.

Also, be sure to ask your pediatrician if your baby is taking medications that can increase skin sensitivity to the sun.

Burn creams

And most importantly, to prevent your child from getting a sunburn, use sunscreen.

To understand how they work, you need to explain what solar radiation is. We call solar radiation a combination of ultraviolet radiation, visible light and infrared radiation. Thanks to the latter, we bask in the sun rather than freeze. In other words, infrared radiation- this is solar heat. But ultraviolet radiation, thanks to which we tan, is much more insidious. The spectrum of natural ultraviolet radiation includes UVA and UVB rays. Ultraviolet A is practically harmless; only ultraviolet B is dangerous in case of an overdose.

Most children's sunscreens are intended for children over three years of age. For the little ones, it’s worth looking for creams that say “from birth”, “0+”.

Unfortunately, many children's sunscreens only have marks: “for children”, “children”, etc. without specifying age restrictions. By default, such products are considered suitable for children over three years of age. When choosing sunscreen and lotion, be sure to look at the label for sun protection factor (SPF) information. Its values ​​range from 2 to 100 units. The higher the SPF, the higher the degree of protection the product provides.

When buying cream for children, it is better to choose a cream with 30 or more SPF. These numbers show how many times the cream extends the time of safe exposure to the sun, which for a child is approximately 5 minutes. That is, after treating children's skin with cream with SPF 15, the baby can safely take sunbathing within 75 minutes without the risk of getting burned. A cream with a protection factor of 30 extends the estimated time to 150 minutes.

SPF values ​​above 40-50 units are practically never found in children's sunscreen lines. Firstly, despite the above safe time, it is not advisable for a child under 3 years of age to be in the open sun; secondly, such super protection of the cream is usually achieved due to more high concentration included in it active substances(primarily UV filters), which means that the protector itself can cause allergies on children's skin.

Children's sunscreens should contain filters against ultraviolet rays of both type A and type B. An important characteristic of sunscreen is water resistance. For beach holiday you need to use waterproof creams - they are washed off from the skin more slowly, almost without losing their effectiveness even in salt water. Another nuance - on the beach it is more convenient to use solar cosmetics that are resistant not only to water, but also to sand (information about this is also indicated on the packaging). Thanks to the special formula of the sun protector, the sand will not stick to the skin and erase the applied protective layer of cream from it. However, if your baby still spends most of his time in a stroller or prefers leisurely walks and games in the sandbox, then regular sunscreen will be enough to protect his skin.

Important to remember, that the sunscreen does not begin to act immediately, but only 15-30 minutes after application (exact time indicated in the instructions). Therefore, you need to treat your child’s skin with it in advance, taking into account this time even before going for a walk, so that the cream is absorbed and the UV filters start working.

If the child is burned

But if the child is still burned, in the first aid kit must be products containing panthenol. This is an anti-burn agent.

Categorically can not use alcohol solutions, this will only worsen the burn. If blisters and open red wounds have formed on the child’s body, this indicates a 2nd degree burn. If the temperature rises, dizziness and nausea occur - these are symptoms heatstroke. In such situations, you need to urgently consult a doctor.

The rules for relaxing with children on the beach are not at all complicated. Follow them, and then your child, stronger, tanned and rested, will delight his family excellent health all next year!

It's still spring, but the sun is shining like summer: it's time to remember about sunscreen. They are especially relevant for those who plan to conduct May holidays in nature or takes a vacation for this time and goes to the sea. We talk about the features of sunscreen cosmetics for mothers and babies.

Solar radiation: benefits and harm

Sun rays, main natural spring vitamin D, serve as prophylaxis in children, regulate the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus. At the same time, hard ultraviolet radiation has an aggressive effect on the skin. Therefore, the main rule is to enjoy light and warmth without harm to health. This is especially true for pregnant women, women who have recently given birth and young children.

Modern sunscreens protect against two types of rays - A and B. The former accelerate aging upper layers skin, form free radicals and destroy collagen and elastin fibers, producing pigment. May lead to the formation malignant tumor- damaging cells of the dermis and epidermis. It is very important to protect your baby's vulnerable skin from aggressive UV-A rays.

B-rays are not so dangerous, but they also require an effective “line of defense.” Otherwise, you can simply get burned.

Not all products protect against both types of rays. Well-known SPF filters, even 50+, protect only from UV-B rays, that is, from sunburn. They are powerless against A-rays.

How to read the label?

There is no uniform labeling of filters for protection against UV-A rays. To choose an effective cream or milk, you need to be able to decipher the abbreviations on the packaging.

SPF(sun protection factor) - means how much the cream protects the skin from overheating and sunburn. Sometimes there is an abbreviation UVB- a barrier to ultraviolet type B.

PPD- delayed secondary pigmentation. The maximum PPD level is 42. This indicates that during the period when the product is applied, the barrier against UVA rays is 42% stronger than without it.

UVA- Prevents exposure to ultraviolet type A.

How to choose the degree of protection

How much time do you think you can spend in the sun without getting sunburned? The barrier properties of the skin of an adult are enough for 10-20 minutes. The natural skin of the child can withstand no more than 5-10 minutes. If you plan to be outside for longer, you need a reliable shield. These are clothes and cream.

The degree of protection must be selected individually, focusing on the phototype. There are only seven of them. The first category includes people with the fairest and most sun-sensitive skin, usually with freckles. The seventh is among representatives of the Negroid race. In our stripe, the owners of the first four are most often found.

Cosmetologists advise carriers of the first phototype to use creams with an index of SPF 50 and PPD 42. The darker the skin, the lower the number on the package should be.

Cosmetics marked “for children” or “for the whole family” are suitable for children, but always “for sensitive skin" With rare exceptions, the SPF index of such products is high (from 15) and very high (30-50).

Rules for using sunscreens

Any product, even with maximum SPF, is effective for no more than two hours. After this, it must be reapplied. For relaxing on the beach required condition- water resistance of the cream. It will not wash off in water, which is especially important: it is the rays reflected from the surface of the reservoir that are the most burning.

Consistency special significance does not have. There is a wide choice: cream, oil, fluid, spray or milk. It is worth considering the characteristics of the skin. For example, thick, viscous textures are suitable for dry skin, and light fluids for oily skin.

Many creams and oils take 15 minutes to start working, so don't immediately run out of the shade. After swimming in the sea or river, the child should be rinsed in clean water to remove salt, dirt and sunscreen residues. Wipe dry, as droplets remaining on the body enhance the effect of the rays and can lead to burns. If you continue to sunbathe, you will need to reapply makeup.

  1. A month before the start of the summer season should be completed cosmetic procedures: all types of peelings, any rejuvenation courses. After sessions in a cosmetologist's office, the skin is very vulnerable and susceptible for some time. external influence. A month is just enough for her to restore her barrier functions and prepare for sunbathing.
  2. If during pregnancy there are dark spots and after childbirth they did not disappear, creams with enhanced protection are needed. Such skin should be especially protected.
  3. It may be worth purchasing waterproof cosmetics. It will not “melt” on your face under the hot sun and will not flow while swimming. Apply it only to clean, dry skin, otherwise the entire “indelible” effect will be lost due to fats. It is not recommended to use it daily.
  4. The skin needs a set of measures, so creams and lotions with filters alone are not enough. Be sure to saturate your body with moisture - drink at least 2 liters clean water in a day. Pamper your skin with the vitamins it needs - A, C, E, PP.
  5. Hair also suffers from ultraviolet radiation. Moisturizing shampoos, conditioners, and styling products marked “contains a UV filter” or “restores after sun” will come in handy.

  1. Infants under six months are not recommended to stay in direct sunlight. When walking, the stroller must be covered with a special canopy. There is a lot of water in children's skin, and heat exchange is poorly developed, which is why babies overheat so quickly.
  2. Clothes are light, made from natural materials. Panama hat is required. Exposed areas of the body can be lubricated minimum quantity sunscreen for sensitive skin.
  3. Often, summer cosmetics for children are only labeled “for children” or “for children,” without indicating age restrictions. By default, it is considered approved for use after three years. However, in small quantities and if well tolerated, it is used a little earlier. For the little ones, creams “from birth” or “0+” are needed.
  4. Sunscreen only reduces the effects of ultraviolet radiation, but does not neutralize it. During hours of particularly active rays, from 11:00 to 17:00, it is better for newborns and infants to be in the shade, since their skin is not yet capable of producing the pigment melanin.
  5. Children's cosmetics must be resistant not only to water, but also to sand. It sticks to the skin and removes the applied layer of cream from it.

Expert: Tatyana Kotvitskaya, cosmetologist


Thank you. a lot of useful tips for moms

I'll take note of the article. more precisely advice. I still can’t choose normal and effective cream to protect yourself from sun rays. No problem for a child, but not for yourself!!! I’ll buy it and not tan at all, or I’ll buy it and immediately get sunburnt.

Comment on the article "Sunscreen: 5 Tips for Moms and Babies"

Sunscreen for babies. Traveling with children. A child from birth to one year. Caring for and raising a child up to one year old: nutrition, illness Thank you, my eldest and I also use Mustela and Avene, but I’m still not sure that they are safe for the baby...


from the sun: babycoccole cream, + suit.

If the child is not yet walking, then I would also recommend a tent.

Now in Thailand there was a couple of foreigners with us in the hotel, the child was 6 months old, so they set up this tent under a large tree and the child slept, ate, and played perfectly there. Air flows well into the hole on both sides, and even an adult fits into the hole . Mom went to bed with her and fed her.

I really liked bebecoccole. Lotion - easy to spread :) There's a dispenser like the one liquid soap It's soft and smells delicious. And not allergenic.

What sunscreen to buy for a child, which brand is better? Recommend earplugs for the sea. I have taken colastin product more than once for both children and adults, they have it for both adults and children, and they also have a cool little thing - a remedy for...


I have already taken colastin product more than once for both children and adults, they have it for both adults and children, and they also have a cool little thing - a remedy for burns, just a little - we smear it, relieves sunburns, I I’m white-skinned and I’m burning right away, but this little thing helps. But it’s better to take it on the spot, at home, because... in the south it is 3-4 times more expensive.

12.06.2012 00:23:45, Irina NN from dacha link

Thank you!!!

It so happened that both the husband and children extremely successfully used sunscreen, staining quite decent clothes, especially a couple of older comrades. None of the cleaning agents I know will take it. Initially the spots were green...

about tanning products. Vacation with children. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development of household skills. +1 and also Vichy +50 for children, cream. I bought it at 36.6.

Sun cream. Baby care. A child from birth to one year. Care and education of a child up to one year: nutrition, illness, development. The site hosts thematic conferences, blogs, ratings of kindergartens and schools, articles are published daily and competitions are held.

Tanning products: creams, milk and oil Dermatologists are unanimous - and it is worth joining them - should not be stored until About children's sunscreen. Vacation with children. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and...


You can, just keep in mind that the protection factor will decrease.

Tanning products: creams, milk and oil
Dermatologists are unanimous - and it is worth joining them - that you should not store tanning creams and lotions until next summer. In addition, if a woman uses them according to the instructions, then her tanning products should come to an end with the end of the hot season. In this case we're talking about not that the cream or lotion can go bad. These drugs must be exposed to high temperatures. However, over time, the effectiveness of solar filters decreases and skin protection weakens.

The causes of sunburn in a child are long-term exposure to the sun, provided that the baby’s skin is not protected by anything.

The key factors for getting a burn are:

  • Time spent in the sun.
  • Lack of skin protection with fabric or special means.
  • Child's skin type.


The manifestation of sunburn in children is somewhat different from the symptoms observed in adults:

  • Sunburn in children occurs gradually.
  • Areas of the skin turn red, become hot and dry, itch, burn, and feel pain.
  • The child is worried, cries, or, on the contrary, behaves lethargically and constantly wants to sleep.
  • If a child touches the affected skin, he feels pain, and slight swelling may occur at the site of the burn. In case of 1st degree burns, blisters usually do not occur.

It takes approximately 12-24 hours for a sunburn to appear. Redness and unpleasant signs usually disappear after three days, sometimes symptoms persist for up to 10 days. Even minor burns may cause the skin to peel off.

If a child has a 2nd degree sunburn, then in addition to redness and swelling, blisters appear on the surface of the skin. Similar sign usually accompanied by a strong pain syndrome at the site of injury, feeling unwell, migraine, nausea, vomiting, chills and high fever. In the most severe situations, a condition is observed burn shock, which is characterized pale color skin, cold and clammy skin, dysfunction respiratory system, visual impairment, loss of consciousness. Second degree burns can take up to several weeks to heal.

Diagnosis of sunburn in a child

A visual examination of the victim allows diagnosing a burn from ultraviolet rays in a child. All of the above symptoms will help determine not only the presence of the problem itself, but also the severity of the damage to the skin.

If there are blisters on the affected areas of the skin, it is a first-degree burn. In their absence, we are talking about more slight damage- 1st degree sunburn. A third degree burn is characterized by dead skin. Gray tint, charring, more significant pain syndrome. For burns of the 4th most severe Not only the skin is affected, but also the tissue underneath it.


Ultraviolet in large quantities causes serious harm to the skin. This is a direct development factor oncological tumors, the occurrence of melanomas, visual impairment leading to blindness.

The sun's rays are especially dangerous for children with blond hair and skin, blue or green eyes.


What can you do

What to do is the first question that worries every parent faced with a similar situation. If you realize that your child has received a sunburn, you must provide him with first aid, for this you need:

  • Move the victim to a shady place.
  • Call an ambulance or immediately go to the clinic with a corresponding complaint to a doctor.
  • Before the ambulance arrives (if the child has received severe burn) you need to carry out a number of manipulations: to facilitate painful sensations, it is necessary to moisten or sprinkle the affected area with cool water, which will begin to cool the skin as it evaporates. In this case, you need to cover the child’s shoulders with a cloth previously soaked in cool water or wrap him in a damp sheet for 10-15 minutes. This manipulation can be repeated several times with an interval of 30 minutes, the main thing is that the child does not freeze.
  • Affected skin should be treated cosmetic preparations which are formulated specifically for use after sunbathing, or medicines from burns.
  • The child should be dressed in wide-cut, comfortable clothes made from natural cotton material.
  • Offer your child to drink often.
  • If vomiting occurs, the victim must be placed on his right side.

When raised high temperature above 38.5 degrees, it is necessary to place a cool compress on the head, legs, and groin areas for up to 15 minutes. The prepared water for wiping should have a temperature slightly higher than that in the room. You need to undress the baby. The room in which the victim is located must be well ventilated and darkened. You can give him a bath with cool water or a little warm water, diluting it with ½ cup baking soda or wipe unaffected skin with water, diluting it with vinegar.

What does a doctor do

Where to treat similar problem, and how to deal with it, on an outpatient basis or in a clinic, is decided by the doctor in each individual case.

First-degree burns that affect relatively minor areas of the skin are usually treated at home:

  • First of all, drinking plenty of fluids is prescribed.
  • In the evening, fresh “sour milk” is shown. The next day after receiving a sunburn, it is allowed to feed the victim dairy and vegetable products.
  • Prescribed by a doctor, apply to the affected skin. medications in the form of compresses, ointments or aerosols.
  • Three days after the symptoms disappear, the child can again be in the sun, however, with caution.


To prevent sunburn in children, you need to follow certain recommendations:

  • Do not sunbathe between 11:00 and 16:00, even when using sunscreen;
  • Try to protect the child from the burning rays of the sun with clothing that covers the head and shoulders.
  • Half an hour before going to the beach, you need to apply special sunscreen with a sun protection factor of at least 30 to exposed skin.

Articles on the topic

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In the article you will read everything about methods of treating a disease such as sunburn in children. Find out what effective first aid should be. How to treat: choose medications or traditional methods?

You will also learn how it can be dangerous not to timely treatment the disease sunburn in children, and why it is so important to avoid the consequences. All about how to prevent sunburn in children and prevent complications.

And caring parents will find on the pages of the service full information about the symptoms of sunburn in children. How do the signs of the disease in children aged 1, 2 and 3 differ from the manifestations of the disease in children aged 4, 5, 6 and 7? What is the best way to treat sunburn in children?

Take care of the health of your loved ones and stay in good shape!

With the arrival of spring and hot summer, any mother is interested in the question: is there and how does a child have an allergy to the sun? In other words, photodermatosis can be caused ultraviolet rays when the child stays in the sun for a long time. The basis for a negative reaction is also artificial irradiation with ultraviolet rays.

The human skin layer consists of substances that are chromophores. They have the ability to absorb light that hits it. How younger age child, the weaker its protective elements develop, which prevent the accumulation of radiation in the chromophores. This suggests that you are allergic to sunlight in young children it can develop rapidly.

Sun allergy: causes and symptoms

The resulting reaction to sunlight is not always a consequence of exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Otherwise it is called polymorphic allergy. This photodermatosis is characterized by the accumulation of endogenous and exogenous photosensitizers in the dermis.

What happens when a child is allergic to the sun? Depending on the time of exposure to UV radiation, symptoms may vary in severity.

With a single irradiation of the skin layer with solar radiation for 3-6 hours, severe redness of the affected areas can be observed (grade 1), in which large blisters with serous contents form (grade 2). There is no pain when the blisters are touched, although itching is sometimes felt. Changes in the skin as a result of the sun's rays acting on it appear on the arms, upper back, and also on the neck. In case of significant exposure to light, the development of necrosis of the epidermis (grade 3) is possible.

An allergy to the sun that appears on the legs looks like redness, while the legs are swollen and itchy. This is due to the pronounced subcutaneous fat layer in children.

It should be noted that in many situations (heredity, skin color), an allergic reaction on the child’s skin layer will depend on the chromophores in the skin. When in contact with electromagnetic rays, they have the ability to potentiate the effect of the latter.

An allergic reaction, the symptoms of which are mild, is similar in nature to a photochemical reaction. At the same time, it is divided into the following types:

  • slight redness and swelling with small blisters (solar erythema);
  • large itchy blisters ();
  • papules gray(solar prurigo).

The rarest form that a child's allergy to sun rays can take is summer prurigo. The disease is the appearance of small nodules on the skin with blisters on them. This illness continues for a long time, in some cases it also covers the winter period.

How to protect yourself from the sun

The appearance of any allergy is associated with improper activity of the baby’s body. As a result, the dermatologist does not recommend doing self-treatment child, but recommends seeking help from experienced specialists. After the child will pass medical examination, the doctor will be able to prescribe necessary treatment, having previously found out the real reason photodermatosis.

During the spring and summer, the main means of combating this disease is prevention. For these purposes, the child should not be outside for a long time, especially on the hottest days. Experts recommend protecting yourself from the sun's rays, so you need to walk with your child from morning until 11.00 and in the evening from 16.00. During these periods of time, exposure to ultraviolet radiation is not dangerous.

If the use of preventive measures did not help and after the child has been in the sun for a considerable time, he develops allergic signs, then the first thing you need to do is take him to a dark place. After this, the child should be shown to the doctor. After the examination, the doctor may prescribe a course of antihistamines.

In addition, pimples that appear as a result of sun exposure can be treated with an infusion of strongly brewed tea. Due to the tannin it contains, you can quickly relieve painful itching and inflammation.

Parents do not need to panic prematurely, because solar urticaria does not accompany the child throughout his life. It must be remembered that only timely treatment can stop the current process of the disease and get rid of it forever. Although, if the help of a specialist turned out to be ineffective, in this case you should not be upset either. There are cases when an allergy to the sun in children passes through certain time with age.

How to cure photodermatosis?

If the disease has overtaken the baby, then this is enough serious problem. IN infancy Absolutely all diseases occur with similar symptoms- noticeable increase in body temperature, poor appetite or complete refusal of food, diarrhea. At the same time, the baby may begin to become dehydrated, so there is absolutely no free time - the child should be taken to the doctor as soon as possible.

Upon arrival at the first aid station, the baby will be replenished with fluid lost from the body. If a child refuses water, the lack of fluid is replenished through droppers.

For an older child who has initial degree allergies from the sun, wet wraps using infusion are necessary herbal mixture, which includes chamomile, calendula and green tea.

The affected areas of the skin must be lubricated with an ointment such as Panthenol. In addition to it, other ointments containing methyluracil, lanolin, novocaine, zinc paste. Light form photodermatitis is treated with various creams and ointments that contain antihistamines. This could be Fenistil, Psilobalm. In addition, the cream may contain a hypoallergenic agent suitable for children.

When the resulting reaction is severe, treatment is prescribed exclusively by a doctor.

In some cases, hospitalization and bed rest are prescribed.

For chronic photodermatosis, therapy will be the same as for any allergy that occurs quite long time. In this case, the child must be fully examined and the doctor must find out the factors that provoke allergic reaction. These factors include:

  • dysbacteriosis;
  • gastrointestinal disease;
  • helminthic infestation;
  • violation metabolic processes in the body, etc.

Initially you should do active treatment precisely these diseases, after which independent treatment is not excluded. If a problem occurs to a pregnant woman or breastfeeding mother, in no case should you treat it at your own discretion, but should immediately consult a doctor. It should be noted that the most effective treatment against allergies - this is the exclusion of contact with the allergen.

Preventive measures

As previously described, preventive measures It is recommended to practice from the beginning of March or April. In addition, it is necessary to cure existing diseases in the child that provoke the occurrence of photodermatosis.

In spring daily menu the child should not have eggs, chocolate products, spicy food, carrots, figs. This food makes it worse general state child. It is better if the baby consumes kefir, cottage cheese, vegetarian soups, jacket potatoes, berry compotes. An excellent result for prevention is shown by the use of drugs that contain beta-carotene, as well as vitamins C and E. In cloudless weather, the child should be dressed in light clothing made from natural fabrics. The jacket must have exclusively long sleeves, and the child's head must be protected by a Panama hat. It is better to choose the color of clothes red or white shade, as they protect against ultraviolet radiation.

Before you go out Fresh air, the baby’s skin should be lubricated with baby cream that has a sunscreen effect. When purchasing such a product, you should pay attention to age limit. For infants also available special means for their age. Basically, baby cream has a high protective degree, reaching 50+. Cream having low protective function, not worth buying.



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs