Dog fat is contraindicated. Dog cough oil

ethnoscience It has great experience in the use of dog fat. This natural remedy Our ancestors were saved from many ailments, and they are still being treated with it. Due to its composition, dog fat is considered unique healing agent. It should be noted that this product contains a large number of polyunsaturated fatty acids, whose role in maintaining human health is invaluable.

These substances are involved in the creation of new cells, with their participation the process of formation of phospholipids and connective tissue. They help the body, the excess of which provokes the occurrence of heart and vascular diseases. As you already understand, today we will talk about dog fat, its use, useful qualities and contraindications of this substance. Let's find it all out:

Use in folk medicine

According to experienced healers, the benefits of using dog fat are indeed very great. His medicinal properties can be compared to or . Primarily, the product is used to treat respiratory diseases. But in the treatment of other ailments, its effectiveness is obvious.

It can be used both internally and externally. In any case, before using it, you should warm it up a little in a water bath so that the fat is pleasantly warm. For the purpose of preventing diseases, maintaining health, increasing general tone body, to strengthen the immune system, take it 1 tbsp. l. It is better to do this between meals, twice a day. To improve the taste of the product, you can mix it with bee honey.

How prophylactic it should be taken regularly, but in small quantities (do not exceed the recommended doses). This way you will provide your body with fat-soluble vitamins, polyunsaturated acids and others very much valuable substances. The preventive course is exactly one month. You can conduct 2-3 such courses in a year, with mandatory breaks between them.

Treatment recipes

Pulmonary tuberculosis

The use of dog fat in this case dangerous disease really gives good results. But treatment should be carried out regularly, and it should begin immediately, immediately after detection. How longer illness progresses, the less chance of recovery.

Antibiotics are usually used and treatment is supplemented with immunomodulating drugs. But often antibacterial treatment turns out to be insufficiently effective. To supplement and enhance treatment, after consulting with your doctor, you can take dog fat.

The substances included in its composition have bactericidal properties and effectively kill the tuberculosis bacillus. Thus, fat enhances the effect of medications. To treat tuberculosis, heat it in a water bath, take 1 tbsp. l. 2-3 times a day. It is better to do this 1 hour before meals. To enhance the effect, you can add perennial aloe leaf juice and bee honey to the fat.


The benefits of using dog fat for this disease are obvious. Of course, replace medications prescribed by a doctor, he cannot, but will significantly increase the effectiveness of treatment.

Application: Wash 5 lemons under running water. Grind them together with the skin using a meat grinder, put them in a 2-liter jar. Now add 5 raw, very fresh eggs to them. Stir, refrigerate for 3 days. After this, add to the mixture 200 g of slightly heated dog fat, 1 liter of liquid bee honey, 1 glass.
Mix everything and store in the cold. Take this medicine 2 tbsp. l. in the morning and before bed, 1-2 hours before or after meals.

General exhaustion of the body

Heat 1 cup of fat slightly in a water bath. Then pour it into a bowl, add 2 tbsp. l. bee honey, 2 tsp. , 1 tbsp. l. freshly squeezed aloe leaf juice. Mix the mixture thoroughly and store in the cold. Take in the morning, an hour before breakfast.

Peptic ulcer stomach

Also slightly heat the fat in a water bath, add 1 tbsp. l. bee honey, fresh juice aloe. Mix everything well and put it in a jar. Eat in the morning, when, 1 tbsp. l.

External use

The benefits of dog fat in the treatment of wounds, skin ulcers and other injuries are known. For this purpose, fat is used externally. To do this, apply a layer of fat on a gauze napkin, apply it to the damaged area, and bandage it.

Dog fat– harm

Dog fat, the benefits of which are invaluable in many cases, like any medicine, has certain contraindications. In particular, it should not be taken orally during exacerbations. Pregnant women and nursing mothers should not be treated with it. It should not be given to children under 12 years of age.

You need to understand that dog fat as a medicine is not suitable for everyone and not always. Therefore, if you are going to be treated by taking this product, consulting your doctor will not be superfluous. Be healthy!


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Dog fat is recommended to be taken at the most various diseases. The product has an incredible effect and leads to recovery human body. However, it is worth understanding that dog fat has some contraindications. Please read them carefully before use.

Dog fat is absolutely natural product, which is easily absorbed by the body. It's filled with vitamins useful substances that eliminate diseases.

If previously dog ​​fat was used mainly in Asian countries, now this product has become popular in European culture. It can be used both externally and internally. It is used in the form of ointments, and medicinal tinctures are prepared.

The product has many useful properties:

  • Eliminates diseases respiratory system.
  • Helps restore the body and strengthen it.
  • Relieves spasms.
  • Heals cuts, burns, wounds.
  • Fights stomach diseases.
  • Boosts immunity.

Dog fat contains:

  • Organic acids.
  • Micro- and macroelements.
  • Vitamins E, A, B.
  • Fatty acid.
  • Mineral salts.

What cures fat?

Are there any harms and contraindications?

Contraindications for the use of the product include:

  • Pregnancy.
  • Lactation.
  • Childhood.
  • Dermatitis.
  • Tendency to allergies.
  • Increased sensitivity.
  • Individual intolerance.
  • Exacerbation of liver and gall bladder diseases.
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the digestive organs.

Directions for use for adults and children

To get rid of bronchitis and pneumonia must be taken three times a day this product a teaspoon during meals. If a person cannot eat fat, it causes disgust, you need to add the product to soup, or spread it on bread.

If it is necessary to cure tuberculosis, it is recommended to add a tablespoon of the product to a glass of milk. The mixture should be drunk once a day. The duration of treatment is ten days.

For pneumonia getting ready remedy. To prepare it, you need to grind five lemons along with the peel using a meat grinder. The mixture is placed in a 2-liter jar. Add five to the container raw eggs. The components are mixed and stored in the cold for three days.

Next, 200 g of slightly heated dog fat, 1 liter of liquid honey and a glass of cognac are added to the mixture. The ingredients are mixed again and stored in the cold. You need to take the medicine twice a day: two tablespoons in the morning and before bedtime. The product should be taken two hours before or after meals.

Cure the stomach You can also use dog fat. For this purpose a medicine is prepared. Mix heated fat, a tablespoon of honey, sea buckthorn berry oil and the same amount of aloe juice. The components are mixed and placed in a jar. The product should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach, one tablespoon at a time.

Can cure wounds, burns, scratches with this product. They usually appear in children due to carelessness. To make wounds heal faster, you need to apply a little fat on a napkin or a cotton pad and apply it to the damaged area of ​​skin. The compress is kept for at least twenty minutes, after which the napkin is removed. The procedure must be carried out 1-2 times a day.

General exhaustion of the body Treated with dog fat. To do this, heat a glass of the product in a water bath, then pour it into a container, add two tablespoons of honey and two teaspoons of beeswax to the fat. royal jelly. A tablespoon of aloe juice will not be superfluous. The components are mixed and stored in the cold. The medicine should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach, an hour before breakfast.

If you have a cough, spasms of the respiratory tract occur, you need to take the medicine daily, a teaspoon 1-2 times a day. It is better to use the product with food. The duration of treatment is ten days. Patients usually manage to recover during this time. The product should not be taken for more than two weeks.

Dog fat is prescribed and as a preventive measure. To strengthen the body and prevent the occurrence of diseases, it is recommended to take the product orally twice a day, a tablespoon an hour before meals. The course of prophylaxis is one month.

Recommended for respiratory diseases rub your back and chest with this product. It is used in small quantities before bedtime. According to experts, it warms up the lungs, promotes their recovery, and improves a person’s well-being.

Reviews of the folk remedy

Daria, 37 years old:“I caught a bad cold after a winter walk. She was dressed too lightly. As a result, a severe cough appeared. The specialists at the hospital told me about bronchitis. Expensive medicines The pharmacy didn't help me. I was completely desperate and upset. Bronchitis only got worse.

A friend advised me to use dog fat. At first I couldn’t believe that he was helping. However, I decided to try this remedy. I took it regularly, as stated in the instructions. Gradually my health improved, my cough began to subside. When I visited the doctor ten days later, it turned out that I managed to recover.”

Vitaly, 28 years old:
“I had stomach problems due to poor nutrition. Constant pain in the abdomen was exhausting and did not allow me to work or carry out errands. A friend suggested using dog fat. I had not used it before, so I was skeptical.

However, I dared to try the remedy. The pain began to subside within five days. A few more days passed, when my condition improved and I recovered. Now I eat right and use the same product to prevent diseases. It helped me a lot, so I advise everyone to use it.”

Anastasia, 20 years old:“I was seriously injured. There was quite a wound on my hand that caused itching and discomfort. I understood that the wound needed to be treated and certain remedies needed to be used. On the Internet I found a miraculous recipe made from dog fat.

I applied it to the wound every day and kept the compress on. After five days, the burning stopped and the damage decreased in size. After another week there was no wound, the skin was restored. I'm very happy about this. This product really worked."

Marina, 45 years old:“I encountered pneumonia. I felt bad and had to seek help from a doctor. Medicines were urgently prescribed, but they had little effect. The doctor recommended additional use of dog fat. I took it internally and also applied it to my chest and back before going to bed.

Within ten days my health improved significantly. The doctor advised me to use the product for a few more days. Some time passed and I really felt a lot better. The hospital said that I had recovered, which I am very grateful for.”

Dmitry, 30 years old:“I got seriously injured at work. The scratch was deep, I panicked, so I started looking on the Internet for recipes that would help the skin recover. I found out that dog fat helps. I started using it daily and it helped after just five days. Skin covering recovered. I’m surprised that the product turned out to be so effective, so I recommend it to everyone.”

Traditional medicine offers dog fat to get rid of many ailments. It has unique medicinal qualities, due to its rich composition.

Dog fat: medicinal properties

Dog fat has a general strengthening, bactericidal and restorative effect on the human body. In addition to poly-fatty acids, it contains various vitamins. This product improves protective properties body and restores strength.

With the help of dog fat, you can cure diseases such as bronchitis, tuberculosis, colds, laryngitis and others. This product is used for internal use and for external use.

Another positive benefit of dog fat is that it speeds up the healing process of wounds, reduces the severity of inflammation and helps cope with skin damage. Due to this, it can be used for: eczema, cuts, frostbite, hemorrhoids and anal ruptures, fistulas, burns, bedsores and other similar problems.

Dog fat: contraindications

Like any product, dog fat has a number of contraindications. When using it for treatment, the indicated dosage should be strictly observed, since failure to comply may lead to negative consequences. Other contraindications to the use of this remedy are:

  1. Pregnancy period.
  2. Lactation.
  3. Childhood.
  4. Exacerbation of liver and gall bladder diseases.
  5. Allergic dermatitis.
  6. Pathologies of the digestive system.

Dog fat for children

Can children eat dog fat?

Dog fat is contraindicated for children under three years of age. Children whose age is in the range of 3-10 years can use it to treat various diseases only in extreme cases and with the permission of the pediatrician. All children are allowed to use dog fat externally for treatment colds accompanied by a cough.

How to give dog fat to children?

Rubbing or compresses with dog fat can only be done if the child maintains a normal temperature. Before rubbing your baby, you should bathe him and then apply a small amount of heated fat to his back and chest. After this, it must be thoroughly rubbed. This procedure warms up the child’s body, which can cause him to sweat, so you need to make sure there are no drafts and the possibility of hypothermia. After rubbing the baby, put on clean, dry clothes.

Dog cough oil for children

External use of dog fat is allowed for the treatment of cough in children. This product has a warming and antiseptic effect, helps soften cough and accelerate its transition to the productive stage. You can make a rub or compress from this product. The fat should be preheated in a water bath until warm. After this, they rub it on the child’s chest and back or apply it to a piece of cloth or gauze and apply it to the bronchial area. Then the baby is wrapped in a warm blanket, and you can give him a drink of hot tea. After 30-40 minutes, the compress is carefully washed off warm water, after which the child is put to bed.

How to take dog fat

In its structure, dog fat is quite hard, in addition, it has bad taste. Therefore, for oral administration it should be heated, and a small amount of honey can also be added to it. Accept medicines based on dog fat better courses. So, to strengthen the body and restore immunity, they are consumed for a month. For the treatment of colds, tuberculosis, bronchitis, pneumonia and similar ailments It is most effective to combine oral administration and external procedures with dog fat.

How to drink dog fat

Before you start drinking dog fat, you should consult your doctor. You can also discuss with him the compatibility of this remedy with the medications you are taking.

Dog fat should be taken by first shaking and heating it. For bronchitis and pneumonia, adults are recommended to drink 6 g of this remedy per day, dividing this amount into 2 doses. Patients with tuberculosis should take a large spoonful of it four times a day. For preventive purposes and to strengthen the immune system, dog fat is taken one spoon in the morning and evening for a month.

Duration of use of dog fat

The duration of use of dog fat for treatment depends on the severity of the condition and disease. For coughs, the duration of the course of such therapy is 10 days, after which a break is taken for 3-5 days, and then the course of treatment is repeated. You should drink dog fat for no longer than a month, after which you need a break of at least 30 days. Throughout the year, you can carry out 3-4 courses of treatment with this remedy.

Dog fat: treatment

Dog fat for tuberculosis

For tuberculosis, taking products made from dog fat is quite effective. Treatment in such cases is carried out in courses, with breaks between them. You need to start drinking such drugs immediately after identifying the first symptoms, because the sooner treatment is started, the greater the chances of recovery.

Comprehensive treatment of tuberculosis usually includes antibiotics, immunomodulatory agents and other drugs. This therapy can be supplemented with dog fat, which has bactericidal properties. To treat this disease, the fat should be melted and taken in a large spoon an hour before meals, twice a day. To increase the effectiveness of the product, you can add a little aloe juice or honey to it.

Dog fat for bronchitis and asthma

For the treatment of bronchitis chronic form and asthma, you can use the following recipes:

  1. In a blender, mix dog fat and honey, taken in equal quantities. A large spoon of this mixture should be taken in the morning and evening.
  2. Heat 200 g of fat in a water bath, adding 2 large spoons of honey. After removing from the stove, 30 g of aloe juice and a spoonful of propolis are also added to this mixture. You should drink this remedy half a large spoon every morning.
  3. 2-3 medium lemons are washed well, doused with boiling water and crushed in a blender. Drive 2 into the resulting mass chicken eggs and put in the refrigerator for 2 days. Then add 200 g of honey and 100 g of dog fat. This remedy is taken when severe cough a large spoon three times a day.

Dog cough oil

To cope with a cough, you can rub with dog fat. This procedure has a warming and stretching effect. To carry it out, the fat needs to be melted so that it becomes liquid, applied to the skin in the chest and back area and rubbed thoroughly.

Dog fat for cancer

Treat cancer Just don't use dog fat. But this remedy may be included in complex therapy on par with reception medications. It helps improve immunity and improve the patient's condition. To strengthen the body, you need to rub your back with dog fat every day. It is also drunk dissolved in warm milk or tea three times a day before meals.

Dog fat for hemorrhoids

To get rid of hemorrhoids, you can prepare a product based on dog fat and cedar oil. These ingredients are taken in equal parts and mixed with each other. Then, using a cotton swab and a rectal needle (it can be replaced with a wire bent in the form of a loop), lubricate the resulting product hemorrhoids. Repeat this procedure in the morning and evening.

Dog fat for pneumonia

When treating pneumonia, products with dog fat will be a wonderful addition to the main therapy. To prepare this product, several lemons are crushed together with the skin and mixed with 2-3 raw eggs. This mass is placed in the cold for a couple of days. Then 200 g of heated fat and a glass of cognac are added to it. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and stored in a closed container in the refrigerator. You need to drink 2 large spoons in the morning and in the evening.

Where to buy dog ​​fat

You can buy dog ​​fat in some stores that specialize in dietary supplements. This product is also widely available in various online stores and online pharmacies.

Dog fat: price

The price of dog fat is quite low. It differs depending on the city where the product is purchased, the manufacturing company and the delivery method. average cost of this product can range from 50 to 300 rubles per bottle.

Dog fat: reviews

Reviews about the use of dog fat for coughs, bronchitis, colds and other diseases are mostly positive. This remedy allows you to cope with a lingering, chronic cough, and also helps strengthen the immune system and restore the body's strength. At the same time, dog fat is a natural remedy and does not cause harm. However, there are also negative reviews on the use of this product. In them, people note insufficient efficiency and bad taste dog fat.

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During the off-season it is difficult not to get infected at least once respiratory infection. In the fall it is damp outside, and in the spring the immune system is weakened due to a lack of vitamins, so it is much easier to get a cold or ARVI. Due to irritation and swelling of the mucous membrane, a runny nose appears, then the phlegm drops and the person begins to suffer from a dry cough. Chemical pharmaceutical drugs to combat unproductive cough do not always give a quick effect. The patient needs additional warming procedures - dog fat will come to the rescue in this matter.

The benefits of dog lard

It is more difficult to cure the disease with phlegm-removing syrups and tablets alone. That's why dog ​​fat is used for various diseases respiratory tract. While medications act locally, this remedy leads to recovery, strengthening the entire body. The fact is that the subcutaneous fat layer of dogs contains vital important vitamins and acids in an amount that can maintain immune system.

This natural product is rich in such unsaturated fatty acids, such as oleic, stearic, palmitic, etc. B vitamins contained in dog fat have a beneficial effect on nervous system and brain function, and vitamins A and E improve metabolic processes and trigger the cell regeneration mechanism. This natural remedy, rich in useful substances, treats bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis and even lung cancer.

Properties of dog fat

Dog subcutaneous fat is used not only for pulmonary diseases– it effectively helps with arthrosis, muscle strain, ligaments and joint pain. Medicinal properties of dog fat:

  • has a warming effect. When coughing, dog fat is rubbed on the chest and back, and for problems with joints and sprains, it is smeared on the sore spot. After this, the rubbed area is well wrapped and the fat begins to release heat and nutrients through the skin;
  • works as an antiseptic. Vitamins and nutrients contained in dog subcutaneous fat strengthen the immune system, making it more resistant to viruses and bacteria;
  • makes dry cough productive, dilutes mucus and removes it out;
  • relieves and minimizes coughing attacks;
  • removes irritation and inflammation from mucous membranes;
  • saturates the body with vitamins and minerals, which increases its resistance to various kinds infections.

Dog lard is a remedy alternative medicine, which can only help in combination with the main drug treatment. It is highly undesirable to prescribe this remedy on your own without consulting a doctor.

Dog fat for bronchitis

At lingering cough, the cause of which is bronchitis, it is better to treat it with dog fat both externally and internally. Rubbing is done at night, when the patient is ready to sleep and does not plan to get up. The procedures can be repeated until the patient stops coughing. Dog fat for bronchitis will help with the following use:

  1. The patient's chest and back are rubbed, while trying to avoid the heart area. After this, he is wrapped in a woolen scarf and dressed warmly.
  2. The product will help if you sleep with it all night and do not go out into the cold for 3-4 hours after the procedure.
  3. It is not recommended to cover the rubbed area with film, as the skin underneath will sweat. Gauze is better suited for this.
  4. For more quick effect the patient can rub his feet and put on woolen socks.
  5. The next morning, wipe off the remaining product with a napkin. You should not take a shower for at least 6 hours after waking up, otherwise the effect of the procedure will be minimal.
  6. Before use, lard is melted in a water bath, as it is quite refractory and hard, so it is difficult to spread it over the body.

You need to drink dog fat 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day. The result will be noticeable faster if you take it 40 minutes before meals. However, there is one nuance here - the subcutaneous fat of animals has a special taste and smell, so not everyone dares to take it in pure form. Fortunately, there is a way out of this situation - mixing fat with other foods or hot drinks. Here are some useful tips in this regard:

  • add dog lard and spread it on bread. Chewing such a healthy sandwich will be more pleasant than swallowing a pure product;
  • mix fat with honey or jam. This method of “killing” the specific taste and smell of the product is also quite worthy;
  • add it to the soup. Only in this case, the broth should not be fatty, especially if this dish is offered to a child;
  • mix lard with milk, tea, cocoa or rosehip decoction. It will work out vitamin cocktail, which will saturate and warm the respiratory system.

Children up to three years This medicine should not be taken. They still have a weak gastrointestinal tract, and the liver is unable to break down fats in such quantities. But rubbing is indicated for such babies and will definitely bring benefits. Among adults there are also contraindications to the use of this remedy: weak liver and kidneys, increased level cholesterol, drug intolerance.

Dog fat for coughing is used less frequently than badger and bear fat. It is harder and needs to be heated in a water bath before use, which is an additional hassle. Nevertheless, it helps to cope not only with coughs during bronchitis, but also promotes the separation of sputum during pneumonia and tuberculosis.

Dog fat for pneumonia

With pneumonia, sputum discharge is much worse than with bronchitis and tracheitis. Therefore, treatment must be comprehensive: antibiotics, mucolytics, antipyretics, vitamins and folk remedies. From people's reviews, it can be understood that it is advisable to take dog fat for pneumonia from the very beginning of the disease, until inflammatory process just started. You can take dog fat for pneumonia as follows:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons per day of dog lard in its pure form for a month;
  • a tablespoon of fat is dissolved in milk or tea with the addition of honey, raspberries or currants;
  • according to a special recipe: 3 lemons are crushed in a blender, after which 3 eggs are driven into them. This mixture should brew - two days in a cold place will be enough. 200 g of dog lard and 1 liter of honey are melted in a water bath, after which this is added to the lemons and eggs. IN last resort A glass of cognac is added to the medicine. Take 1 spoon half an hour before meals for a month, and store it in the refrigerator.

As for the external use of dog fat, in case of pneumonia you can rub it already at the stage of recovery. When there is an inflammatory process in the lungs, rubbing can only intensify it.

Tuberculosis and dog fat

Dog fat for tuberculosis is used in both ways: external and internal. People who suffer from this disease are often exhausted, and the dog’s perinephric fat, rich in vitamins and acids, nourishes the cells and restores appetite.

The remedy is taken internally in the same way as for other pulmonary ailments - 1 tablespoon, but it is better to gradually increase the daily dose to the maximum - 3 tablespoons per day. The medicine is drunk by analogy - if the patient cannot stand its unpleasant taste, it is washed down with milk or tea or dissolved in a warm drink. Rubbing for tuberculosis has good help, because when warmed, blood flows to damaged tissues, and they recover faster.

Canine perinephric fat helps with coughs and diseases of the respiratory system. It is used both internally and externally and helps to quickly cope with such serious ailments as bronchitis, tuberculosis and pneumonia.

It is recommended to take dog fat for a variety of diseases. The product has an incredible effect and leads to the recovery of the human body. However, it is worth understanding that dog fat has some contraindications. Please read them carefully before use.

Dog fat is a completely natural product that is easily absorbed by the body. It is filled with vitamins and beneficial substances that eliminate diseases.

If previously dog ​​fat was used mainly in Asian countries, now this product has become popular in European culture. It can be used both externally and internally. It is used in the form of ointments, and medicinal tinctures are prepared.

Useful properties and chemical composition

The product has many useful properties:

  • Eliminates diseases of the respiratory system.
  • Helps restore the body and strengthen it.
  • Relieves spasms.
  • Heals cuts, burns, wounds.
  • Fights stomach diseases.
  • Boosts immunity.

Dog fat contains:

  • Organic acids.
  • Micro- and macroelements.
  • Vitamins E, A, B.
  • Fatty acid.
  • Mineral salts.

What cures fat?

  • Tuberculosis.
  • Silicosis of the lungs.
  • Cold.
  • Chronical bronchitis.
  • Laryngitis.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Laryngotracheitis.
  • Low immunity.
  • Stomach diseases.

Are there any harms and contraindications?

Contraindications for the use of the product include:

  • Pregnancy.
  • Lactation.
  • Childhood.
  • Dermatitis.
  • Tendency to allergies.
  • Increased sensitivity.
  • Individual intolerance.
  • Exacerbation of liver and gall bladder diseases.
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the digestive organs.

Directions for use for adults and children

To get rid of bronchitis and pneumonia It is necessary to take this product three times a day, a teaspoon during meals. If a person cannot eat fat, it causes disgust, you need to add the product to soup, or spread it on bread.

If it is necessary to cure tuberculosis, it is recommended to add a tablespoon of the product to a glass of milk. The mixture should be drunk once a day. The duration of treatment is ten days.

For pneumonia a remedy is being prepared. To prepare it, you need to grind five lemons along with the peel using a meat grinder. The mixture is placed in a 2-liter jar. Five raw eggs are added to the container. The components are mixed and stored in the cold for three days.

Next, 200 g of slightly heated dog fat, 1 liter of liquid honey and a glass of cognac are added to the mixture. The ingredients are mixed again and stored in the cold. You need to take the medicine twice a day: two tablespoons in the morning and before bedtime. The product should be taken two hours before or after meals.

Cure the stomach You can also use dog fat. For this purpose a medicine is prepared. Mix heated fat, a tablespoon of honey, sea buckthorn berry oil and the same amount of aloe juice. The components are mixed and placed in a jar. The product should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach, one tablespoon at a time.

Can cure wounds, burns, scratches with this product. They usually appear in children due to carelessness. To make wounds heal faster, you need to apply a little fat on a napkin or a cotton pad and apply it to the damaged area of ​​skin. The compress is kept for at least twenty minutes, after which the napkin is removed. The procedure must be carried out 1-2 times a day.

General exhaustion of the body Treated with dog fat. To do this, heat a glass of the product in a water bath, then pour it into a container, add two tablespoons of honey and two teaspoons of royal jelly to the fat. A tablespoon of aloe juice will not be superfluous. The components are mixed and stored in the cold. The medicine should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach, an hour before breakfast.

If you have a cough, spasms of the respiratory tract occur, you need to take the medicine daily, a teaspoon 1-2 times a day. It is better to use the product with food. The duration of treatment is ten days. Patients usually manage to recover during this time. The product should not be taken for more than two weeks.

Dog fat is prescribed and as a preventive measure. To strengthen the body and prevent the occurrence of diseases, it is recommended to take the product orally twice a day, a tablespoon an hour before meals. The course of prophylaxis is one month.

Recommended for respiratory diseases rub your back and chest with this product. It is used in small quantities before bedtime. According to experts, it warms up the lungs, promotes their recovery, and improves a person’s well-being.

Autumn and winter are traditional times when colds become more active. As a rule, most of these diseases are accompanied by severe attacks cough. They interfere with night sleep, have Negative influence on the entire body, and in some cases can cause serious harm to the upper and lower respiratory tract. Using remedies from the arsenal of traditional medicine, many unjustifiably forget that dog fat when coughing is one of the best options treatment. And for that there is whole line reasons.

TEST: Why do you have a cough?

How long have you been coughing?

Is your cough combined with a runny nose and is most noticeable in the morning (after sleep) and in the evening (already in bed)?

The cough can be described as:

You characterize the cough as:

Can you say that the cough is deep (to understand this, type more air into your lungs and cough)?

During a coughing attack you feel pain in your stomach and/or chest(pain in the intercostal muscles and abdominal muscles)?

Do you smoke?

Pay attention to the nature of the mucus that is released during a cough (it doesn’t matter how much it is: a little or a lot). She:

Do you feel dull pain in the chest, which does not depend on movements and is of an “internal” nature (as if the center of pain is in the lung itself)?

Do shortness of breath bother you (during physical activity Do you quickly become out of breath and get tired, your breathing becomes faster, followed by a lack of air)?

The healing properties of dog fat

If normal cough can be easily cured with milk, butter and honey, but for tuberculosis, pneumonia and bronchitis such products will be ineffective. In this case, dog fat will help with cough. It has excellent healing and disinfecting properties. This tool is one of the most powerful natural antiseptics, which includes the following useful components:

  • vitamins E, A, B;
  • active minerals;
  • stearic, oleic, palmitic acids, etc.

In addition to treating coughs, dog fat is good for relieving pain in muscles and joints. It has virtually no contraindications and can be used internally and externally, for rubbing. The product is suitable for children and adults.

The effect of using dog fat is as follows:

  1. Relieving dry cough.
  2. Relief and minimization of attacks.
  3. Antiseptic effect.
  4. Warming effect.
  5. Relieving irritation of the mucous membrane.
  6. Acceleration of the formation and removal of sputum from the body.

Features of using the remedy

For a medicine to have the desired effect, it must be used correctly. Animal fat can be used in combination with pharmacological drugs and physiotherapeutic procedures. At the same time, the only an important condition applications this tool It is mandatory to warm dog fat to a comfortable temperature immediately before use.

How to take this product correctly? Fat is best consumed three times a day during meals, one tablespoon.

Helps to get rid of unpleasant taste:

  • adding honey;
  • eating dog fat with bread (like butter or pate) and salt.

There are a lot of options for using animal fat, but you shouldn’t get carried away with it (after all, we are talking about medicine). Best effect achieved when internal reception This product is combined with rubbing. This procedure can significantly speed up the rehabilitation process and reduce coughing attacks.

After use, it is recommended to tightly close the jar of dog fat and place it in a dark place where it does not penetrate sunlight. Optimal temperature storage of the product - from -20 to +5 degrees. In such conditions, the product will retain its beneficial properties for as long as possible.

For inflammation of the bronchi

Chronic bronchitis is not a disease that can be easily cured with conventional pharmaceutical syrups. Try to get rid of bronchospasms with dog fat, which can be consumed with soups or milk. Don't be afraid to experiment to get rid of the unpleasant taste of fat. At the same time, do not forget that this medicine cannot be used for pleurisy.

Fat treatment for babies

For children under 3 years old, this product is suitable for internal use contraindicated. At such a young age, fat absorption is still not good enough and very slow. That is why when coughing in children it is better to give preference external use in the form of rubbing. But you can massage with dog fat only when normal temperature body (don't forget the warming effect of dog fat).

It is better to apply the fat to the child's chest and back after bathing. You can rub the product into your baby's feet. After that little patient need to be well wrapped in blankets and put to bed at night. At the same time, do not forget to make sure that the baby does not become hypothermic after sweating. After the massage, it is advisable to dress the child in pajamas made from natural fibers ( perfect option- cotton fabric).

Although dog fat does not have any side effects, it should be used in doses. Yes, it is harmless to the body. But do not forget to take into account when treating age factor. In addition, people suffering from allergies should avoid using this product.

Duration of therapy

Dog fat should be treated until the cough completely disappears. You can use the following diagram: distribute a two hundred gram glass of fat over 10 days, consume the product three times a day with meals. Next, we take a break for 3-5 days and repeat the course of treatment.

Amazingly, when using dog fat, the patient himself does not notice how he gradually stops coughing. Symptoms disappear imperceptibly, the disease recedes.

Dog fat: history of use

Many people know that with prolonged bronchitis and other pulmonary diseases, up to tuberculosis, traditional medicine recommends the use of dog fat. The point is that, for example, according to Chinese medicine, a dog, as a food product, is a “hot” product and helps to expel “cold” from the body, which is the cause of diseases such as bronchitis, etc. In our culture, it is not customary to eat dog meat, but in China and other Asian countries dogs are eaten to until now, and among these peoples eating " best friend person" does not cause any criticism or condemnation. However, in China, dog meat is eaten exclusively in winter, which confirms the fact that this product warms the body during the cold season.

So what to do when syrups for a debilitating cough do not work, when for the third time this winter you have to take sick leave with a diagnosis of " Chronical bronchitis"or even worse - "pneumonia"? You should try using dog fat. The treatment is very simple - you need to take one tablespoon of fat three times a day with meals. Not all people find it easy to take and eat a spoonful of fat like this. Therefore, it is recommended to do this is taken with a meal or, for example, spread the fat on bread, add salt and eat. It can also be added to soup. There are recommendations to add fat to milk with honey and take it in this form. This is allowed. Only, for example, with such a disease, as pleurisy, it is recommended to exclude milk from the diet. A little ingenuity in this matter will not hurt. Take fat in such a way that it does not cause discomfort, because you also need to be able to be treated with pleasure.

Treatment of children with dog fat

Separate recommendations concern the use of dog fat for small children under three years of age. The fact is that the digestion of fats at this age is not yet complete, so babies need to be rubbed with fat. Attention! It is recommended to do this only if there is no fever. After bathing the child at night, rub his chest and back, as well as the soles of his feet, with fat. The baby is wrapped warmly and put to bed. It is imperative to ensure that the child, having warmed up and sweated, does not cool down. In this case, he should be changed into dry clothes. Such body rubs will be very useful for adults. The healing process will go faster and it is easier if you rub yourself with fat and take it orally.

Tuberculosis is one of the terrible diseases of our century. No one is immune from it, and its consequences last a lifetime. Traditional medicine offers, as one of aids, in the treatment of tuberculosis, use dog fat. It is used for this purpose both internally (1 tablespoon per cup of milk once a day) and externally - in the form of a rub.

Duration of use

The duration of treatment with dog fat depends on the disappearance of the symptoms of the disease. This recommendation applies especially severe conditions. One glass of fat is distributed over 10 days of intake (three times a day, as mentioned above), then a three-day break is taken (a break of up to five days is allowed), and everything is repeated again. And so - for three months. In general, with bronchitis such long-term use Dog fat will most likely not be needed, the symptoms of the disease will go away faster. The person simply stops coughing and doesn’t even notice it. And if there is any fat left after treatment, you need to put it in the refrigerator until the next time; it can be stored for quite a long time.



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