The cough goes away with the treatment of tuberculosis. How to distinguish a regular cough from a tuberculosis cough? Bear fat for cough in tuberculosis

This is an infectious lung disease that has its own specifics. Tuberculosis cough is caused by acid-fast mycobacteria. An interesting fact is that tuberculosis can have various clinical and radiological manifestations, it is characterized by diversity in pathogenesis, and the outcome after the onset of the disease can also be very different. It is worth noting that cough has an unusual character specifically during tuberculosis. Cough in tuberculosis: appearance and characteristics - this is exactly the sign of this disease It's worth considering in more detail.

Cough in tuberculosis: characteristics of the disease

Cough with tuberculosis does not manifest itself constantly. If there is focal form illness, no cough at all. In the case of miliary tuberculosis, it can be very pronounced. Typically, patients with tuberculosis have a dry cough and when it appears, a small amount of sputum is released. For tuberculosis with destructive form, the cough is muffled and is characterized by a high metallic timbre. This sound occurs due to the resonance of the cavity.

Cough with tuberculosis: the appearance of a symptom

Cough in tuberculosis occurs mainly in morning time, when taking a vertical position after getting out of bed. During sleep, the sensitivity of the mucous membrane decreases significantly, so by the morning it accumulates great amount sputum, which actually spews out when getting out of bed. It is necessary to take into account the fact that slight cough can cause a whole reaction and last for long time, until acceptable lung cleansing. In addition, contemplating and listening to a cough is quite an infectious thing. For example, if one person in the room coughs, then other people present in the room will definitely support him.

Cough during tuberculosis will help in diagnosis

By the nature of the cough during tuberculosis, one can judge the processes occurring in the lungs. For example, in children with tumor-like tuberculous bronchoadenitis, the cough sound has a metallic tint and has some convulsiveness. In medicine it is called bitonal. This sound occurs due to a change in the speed of air entering the lungs due to an increase lymph nodes large bronchi.

With tuberculosis of the larynx, there is insufficient closure of the glottis. The cough in this case is silent, hoarse and has a special specificity. According to patients with this disease, the throat feels as if it is filled with fluff.

For any persistent cough that has no specific external reasons, you need to consult your doctor and undergo fluorography and X-ray examination lungs.

Signs of tuberculosis can be very diverse. Symptoms of tuberculosis largely depend on the type of development, location, form, infection, as well as on the individuality of the patient’s body. The variety of signs makes it difficult to recognize tuberculosis, which in turn is the reason for late contact with a specialist with all the ensuing consequences. Cough with tuberculosis and the danger of hemoptysis is the topic of this article.

Cough with tuberculosis - features of the problem

Cough due to tuberculosis is constant symptom this lung disease. At the beginning of tuberculosis, the cough is persistent and dry, which worsens at night and in the morning. With further development of tuberculosis, the cough may eventually become wet and produce mucus. With tuberculosis, the cough is chronic, so the presence of a cough for more than three weeks should alert a person and become the primary reason for visiting a doctor.

With acute respiratory infections, pneumonia or bronchitis, a cough may also occur, but in contrast to a cough with tuberculosis. The cough in the case of these diseases does not last so long and has a very different character.

Tuberculosis is called a disease with many masks. Signs and symptoms of tuberculosis can indeed be very different and often pose as symptoms of other diseases.

First of all, the sign of tuberculosis is determined by its localization in the patient’s body infectious process. It is clear that pulmonary tuberculosis and tuberculosis, for example, skin or pseudotuberculosis, proceed differently and do not have common reasons and consequences. In such cases, the symptoms of the disease generally depend on the activity and severity of the infectious process.

Cough with tuberculosis: danger of hemoptysis

Hemoptysis is one of the main signs of tuberculosis. Usually, this symptom noted when infiltrative tuberculosis. In most cases, this symptom makes itself felt immediately with a coughing attack. When you cough, in addition to phlegm, fresh blood also comes out in small quantities. In such cases, pulmonary hemorrhage may well occur - very dangerous condition may even be the reason fatal outcome. If it develops, you urgently need to call an ambulance. But it is important to know and distinguish between hemoptysis with this disease, with heart failure or with such dangerous illness, How lung cancer.

Tuberculosis amazes various departments respiratory system: intrathoracic lymph nodes, pulmonary parenchyma, bronchi, pleura, larynx. Depending on the affected structures, the nature of the cough may vary:
  1. Tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes– dry cough of varying intensity;
  2. Damage to the pulmonary parenchymaslight cough or quiet cough;
  3. Bronchial tuberculosis– annoying, loud cough;
  4. Pleural damage- dry, painful, scratching cough.
  5. Tuberculosis of the larynx– dry cough, accompanied by hoarseness and pain when swallowing.

How does cough change depending on the stage of tuberculosis?

  1. Initial stage of tuberculosis– (in children the lymph nodes are most often affected) – dry intermittent cough With small highlight white frothy sputum;
  2. Progressive stage– wet persistent cough with the discharge of mucous or whitish sputum, sometimes streaked with blood;
  3. Lung collapse– (for this stage pathological process characterized by cavities, that is, cavities in the lung) – deaf moist cough with highlighting large quantity yellow-green sputum due to the addition of a bacterial infection.
There are often cases when there is no cough at all.

In children of the first three years of life with tuberculosis of the bronchopulmonary lymph nodes, an obsessive, loud cough appears, similar to that of whooping cough. The child begins to cough, while exhaling, but not inhaling air. Children in their first year of life turn blue. Such an attack is called a reprise. It is dangerous for young patients because hypoxia (lack of oxygen) adversely affects brain development. Sometimes the cough ends in vomiting.

If a child has a cough that is not associated with an acute respiratory infection, lasting more than a month, combined with weakness, lack of appetite, night sweats, chills, you need to contact your pediatrician. The Mantoux test or Diaskin test will help confirm or refute the diagnosis of tuberculosis.


When does cough occur in children with mycobacterial infection?

Most often the cough occurs in the morning. This is due to the fact that phlegm accumulates during the night. When the child gets up, it flows into lower sections lungs, irritating cough receptors bronchi. The cough is not seasonal, that is, it is present in both winter and summer. It has been bothering children for many months.


How to treat cough due to tuberculosis in children?

Cough- This is just a symptom of a terrible disease. No illness - no cough. On modern stage development medical technologies– Tuberculosis is a curable pathology.

  1. For a cough of tuberculosis origin accompanied by copious sputum, you should not take antitussive medications. This is fraught
  2. For dry, painful cough in case of damage to the pleura or larynx, mucolytic agents are indicated - Ambroxol, Lazolvan, Mucaltin.


How to cure cough due to tuberculosis?

Cough in tuberculosis is the main symptom of the disease and occurs due to infectious mycobacteria. It can be dry, with slight sputum production, and may be accompanied by hemoptysis. Features of cough depend on location, age, general condition body.

If the cough does not go away for more than two weeks, you should contact your medical institution. The pediatrician will conduct a diagnostic examination and prescribe drug treatment. Timely diagnosis will help cure the patient.

Tuberculosis infection is an insidious and common disease, so it is important for every person to know what a cough is like with tuberculosis.

The first symptom is a morning cough; after the night, sputum accumulates, which a person seeks to get rid of as soon as he gets out of bed. When the lungs are affected, it can be long lasting.

As the disease progresses, the cough becomes wet, possibly with hemoptysis. The sputum may be green or yellow. The nature of the cough will help the specialist determine the diagnosis, but it is confirmed after complete diagnostic examination sick.

During the period of treatment, the patient is placed in a tuberculosis dispensary, he is under the constant supervision of doctors, where he takes pills in combination with other drugs. It happens that chemotherapy after long-term treatment does not prove effective, the patient undergoes surgery.

The symptoms of laryngeal tuberculosis are different; the cough is hoarse, and in children it is a little convulsive.

Children are more vulnerable, this is due to age structure body, fluctuations in immunity. It is more difficult to detect the disease in children; it can be confused with a common cold. Children who are too young cannot complain, so everything depends on the parents' attention.

You should pay attention to the following symptoms:

  1. Violated nervous system due to organ intoxication.
  2. The child constantly cries for no reason.
  3. Sleep is disturbed increased sweating at night, after sleep.
  4. Crashes in digestive system cause loss of appetite.
  5. Cough with tuberculosis is protracted.
  6. Lymph nodes are enlarged.

To mom small child In case of such symptoms, it is necessary to consult a specialist; self-medication causes serious complications.

In older children, the symptoms are similar to bronchitis; only an experienced doctor will determine the correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment. It is important not to miss time to cure the disease. It is necessary to consult a doctor and have an x-ray examination.

Distinguish general symptoms diseases:

  • cough lasts more than two weeks;
  • pain in chest;
  • sputum is produced, possibly with blood;
  • the patient quickly loses weight;
  • high body temperature;
  • sweating increases;
  • the desire to eat food disappears;
  • observed general weakness, lethargy of the whole body;
  • There may be a complete loss of performance.

But there are cases when the disease passes without pronounced symptoms; tuberculosis can be detected during routine fluorography. An infectious disease can be cured only in the first stages.

Nature of the disease

When a cough appears, this is a sign of concern, because for a long time the disease may not cause symptoms. The nature of tuberculosis cough depends on the form of the disease. At first it is dry, appears in the morning, then becomes intense and systematic. The patient's health deteriorates and the body temperature rises.

Without timely treatment attacks will develop. In children, the disease progresses faster than in adults, so it is important to be especially careful.

Often the patient has sputum mixed with blood. This serious sign which requires immediate appeal to the doctors.

It is possible to cure tuberculosis, but if the disease is diagnosed in a timely manner and, after examination, treated proper treatment. The nature of the cough after the x-ray will help the doctor make an accurate diagnosis.

Cough with tuberculosis is enough common occurrence and with timely consultation with a doctor, the risk can be significantly reduced further development diseases.

Pulmonary tuberculosis is one of the most dangerous infections respiratory disease, which until the end of the 9th century was considered incurable. Its causative agent, Koch's bacillus, was isolated in 1882 in one of the German clinics.

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Types of cough reflex

The nature of the cough during the disease is influenced by the location of the source of infection and the stage at which the disease occurs.

The main route of transmission of infection is airborne droplets, so anyone coughing, or even talking loudly, is potentially dangerous to others.

However, not all forms of the disease are contagious; in order to infect others, the concentration of bacteria in the patient’s body must be such that it is released with saliva and sputum when coughing.

Characteristic features of the cough reflex during various forms tuberculosis:

Foma tuberculosis Distinctive features Danger of infection when coughing
Hidden (latent) Characterized by minor changes lung tissue. The cough may be dry or produce a small amount of sputum. Does not pose a threat to others.
Infiltrative Small vessels of the lung tissue are damaged, and significant amount infiltrate. With coughing, mucus with bloody streaks comes out. Dangerous.
Cavernous Large vessels of the bronchopulmonary system are affected. Accompanied by wheezing, discharge of pus and blood. Dangerous.
Cirrhotic Total destruction of lung tissue occurs. The cough is excruciatingly painful. Dangerous.

In the initial form of pathology

After a bacterium enters the body, the disease does not appear immediately; sometimes the microbe does not make itself felt for years, and its owner becomes the owner. hidden form diseases. For tuberculosis early stage infection of others has not yet occurred, but it is important to start treatment on time, since the disease can progress quickly with weakened immunity.

It is possible to cure the pathology completely and without consequences at this stage, therefore an annual x-ray examination, which helps identify organ disease, is a must for everyone.

The cough with tuberculosis at this stage has a peculiar character - the person coughs all the time, as if he has a sore throat. As a rule, it is dry, but as the disease progresses, sputum begins to form and cough up.

Typically, attacks are worse at night and in the morning, which is explained by big amount mucus accumulated during sleep. Based on this feature, you can already suspect something is wrong and contact a phthisiatrician for further diagnosis.

How does it manifest in children?

In children, it most often manifests itself systemic lesion lung tissue, and tuberculous bronchoadenitis.

Lung tissue in this form of the disease changes minimally, but inflammation of the thoracic lymph nodes occurs at the root of the lung, causing:

  • non-productive obsessive cough;
  • wheezing in the chest due to pressure of the lymph nodes on the bronchi;
  • absence high temperature indicating another infectious disease.

Particular attention should be paid to the duration of the child’s cough. If it is present for more than three weeks, then this may indicate the development of pathology.

Additional signs

Coughing and sputum are not the only signs of the disease.

At tuberculosis process There are a number of symptoms, paying attention to which one can suspect pathology:

  1. Constantly present low-grade fever, staying within 37 degrees. At first, it rises only in the evenings by 1-2 degrees, but as the disease progresses, such thermometer readings become constant.
  2. Bright blush on the cheeks, unnaturally shiny eyes.
  3. Rapid weight loss regardless of appetite.
  4. Excessive sweating during sleep.
  5. Pain in the chest, arising both from the front and from the back. Possible when inhaling stabbing pain in the lungs.
  6. Fatigue and weakness with minimal physical activity.
  7. Shortness of breath, heavy breathing.

It is impossible to diagnose pathology based on these signs alone; with pulmonary tuberculosis, the symptoms are often similar to other diseases. Correct diagnosis based on laboratory research waste sputum to determine the degree of bacterial concentration. Analysis is carried out using the polymer chain reaction method.

After illness

Normally, after treatment, cough should not bother the patient. But if it is present, a natural question arises whether this is a sign of an undertreated pathology.

The fact is that therapy for this disease must be carefully selected and thought out in order to not only stop the proliferation of bacteria, but also completely destroy them. As a rule, treatment for tuberculosis lasts at least 6 months.

But often there are drug-resistant forms of the disease that are difficult to respond to. traditional therapy, and require individually selected drug regimens. The prognosis of this form of the disease can be completely unpredictable, so to eliminate all doubts, the tuberculosis test is repeated.

With sputum production

Normally, sputum (tracheobronchial secretion) performs bactericidal and protective function. When cells are damaged by bacteria immune system trying to kill the infection, which affects the number and quality composition secret. That is why laboratory analysis sputum is one of the main methods for diagnosing tuberculosis.

At different stages of the disease and with its different forms, sputum looks different:

  • vitreous, white clears throat on initial stage diseases, sputum may produce more than 1 liter per day;
  • greenish purulent sputum indicates tuberculous pleurisy, focal or infiltrative form of the disease;
  • mucopurulent profuse sputum is a consequence of cirrhotic tuberculosis.

Streaks of blood present in the sputum indicate the beginning of a destructive process in the lungs caused by the pathogenic effect of bacteria. At this stage, the sputum is viscous, thick, high content dead leukocytes.

The appearance of a dry cough

On early stages the disease may not manifest itself special symptoms, or "masquerade" as various diseases respiratory system (bronchitis, pneumonia). The cough reflex is rare at first; it is dry and intrusive.

In the future, attacks occur more often due to impaired ventilation and gas exchange of the lungs due to mucus accumulated in the bronchi. Attacks intensify if a person is in a smoky or dusty room, with physical activity when breathing quickens.

With bleeding

Hemoptysis is a sign of infiltrative tuberculosis when the infection affects small vessels circulatory system in the lungs. Can be as small blood streaks, so profuse blood scarlet color, secreted with sputum.

Infection large vessels respiratory system can lead to pulmonary hemorrhage– a condition that is extremely dangerous and requires immediate medical attention.

On the other hand, with tuberculosis, the walls of the blood vessels become thinner, and a small effort or cough is enough for the vessel to burst. As a result, blood fills the trachea and bronchi to such an extent that the person cannot breathe normally. Such bleeding threatens death from suffocation, so the patient must be provided with timely assistance.

Bitonal view

In some cases, attacks of the cough reflex during tuberculosis have a convulsive character, and the sound contains metallic notes. This is usually observed in children with tuberculous bronchoadenitis.

In medicine, such a cough is called bitonic. This sound occurs due to disruption of gas exchange in the lungs due to the increased pressure on them from enlarged lymph nodes. At first, a low sounding timbre is heard, which gradually turns into a whistle. The cough itself is deep, hysterical, which causes severe pain in the sternum.

Self-medication for any type of cough reflex is unacceptable. It may not be just a cold, but a more serious infection. Therefore, the first thing that is recommended to do is consult a doctor so as not to miss time and start treatment in a timely manner.

Tuberculosis is infectious disease, which affects the human respiratory system. Cough in tuberculosis is one of the first and main symptoms. The reason for its appearance is acid-resistant microorganisms. This disease may manifest itself in different ways, there may be several pathogens, and the outcome is unpredictable. In tuberculosis, cough has an atypical manifestation.

The first thing you should know is that coughing due to lung disease occurs periodically. If tuberculosis is in the form of a focus, then the cough may not appear. If tuberculosis is of the miliary type, then the cough will be pronounced. What is a cough like with tuberculosis? Many patients note that it is very dry, but with small amounts of sputum.

If the cough starts in early time days when a person just gets out of bed and takes vertical position, this is a sure sign of tuberculosis. The reason for this lies in the fact that at night, when a person sleeps, the sensitivity of the mucous membrane becomes less and sputum accumulates during the night, which is released in the morning. When coughing with pulmonary tuberculosis, you need to remember that it can not stop for many hours until the lungs are cleared at least a little.

Cough with pulmonary tuberculosis helps with diagnostic procedures. Depending on the nature of the cough, conclusions are drawn about the processes that occur in respiratory organs person.

With tuberculosis in children, which has a tumor-like form, the cough is a little convulsive and gives off a quiet metallic echo. The root cause of this phenomenon lies in the speed of air entering the respiratory organs. It varies depending on the size of the bronchial lymph nodes.

Laryngeal tuberculosis is characterized by poor closure of the glottis. In this situation, the cough symptoms are slightly different from the above. It has no sound and is hoarse. It feels like your throat is filled with fluff.

Therefore, every person needs to seek help from a doctor as soon as he notices that he has prolonged cough for no apparent reason. The specialist will prescribe fluorography and x-ray examination lungs.

Tuberculosis may have various signs. They mainly depend on the type of disease, location, type of pathogen and form, as well as the strength of the person’s immunity. The following main features can be distinguished:

  • severe cough that does not stop for 2 weeks;
  • with tuberculosis, chest pain;
  • cough may be accompanied by bloody sputum;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • body temperature rises sharply;
  • excessive sweating at night;
  • loss of appetite;
  • weakness of the whole body;
  • painful subcutaneous nodules in the lower leg area.

If the lesion is small, tuberculosis may occur without cough or fever.

At the initial stage of the disease, the cough is dry and persistent. It often worsens early in the morning and at night. As the disease progresses, the symptom becomes chronic form. Some people confuse it with a cough that occurs during acute viral diseases or bronchitis. However, the cough is not very long and has a completely different character.

Hemoptysis - very warning sign tuberculosis of the lungs. This symptom manifests itself with the development of the infiltrative form of the disease. A cough that produces sputum with blood is a very dangerous phenomenon, because there is a risk that bleeding may open in the lungs. This can cause death.

But hemoptysis can also occur with other diseases. For example, heart failure or lung cancer. In any case, if blood appears during a cough, you should call an ambulance.

The first signs and onset of the disease

Tuberculosis can develop in different ways at the initial stage. Acutely or gradually, slowly and practically asymptomatic. And the entire disease can occur with periods of exacerbation inflammatory process or its slow fading.

Most people noted that their disease developed gradually, the symptoms were almost invisible. Their illness was not always accompanied by a cough. But doctors note that in the last few years the number of patients in whom pulmonary tuberculosis begins immediately with acute form. And the disease in such patients develops in a destructive form.

In addition, disseminated disease has become increasingly common. It is expressed in the diagnosis of acute miliary pulmonary tuberculosis. In severe cases, the disease can be complicated by meningitis.

The process of diagnosing tuberculosis includes the following steps:

  • studying the patient's medical history and complaints;
  • patient study using various methods(examination, palpation);
  • examination using medical equipment.

Treatment of tuberculosis

The main focus of therapy is healing foci of inflammation and reducing symptoms.

The advanced form is difficult to treat. Therefore, it is very important to undergo fluorography once a year: it will help identify problems that have arisen in the absence of other symptoms.

The duration of therapy varies, but usually not less than one year. It combines methods of physiotherapy and drug treatment.

The first stage of treatment is carried out in a tuberculosis clinic. The goal is to stop the release pathogenic bacteria. Next comes outpatient treatment.

After a course of therapy, a person who has had pulmonary tuberculosis, you definitely need to visit special medical sanatoriums.

Surgical treatment methods are prescribed if there is serious complications and when conservative therapy did not give the expected results.

Timely completion preventive examinations will help identify the disease at an early stage and begin treatment on time.



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