To help sputum clear out better, take medications. Mucus thinners and expectorants for children

Treating a cough is a complex and lengthy process; even when all signs of a cold or flu have disappeared, a cough may continue to bother a person for a long time. long period time. It can be dry or wet, sputum discharge is absent or present to a certain extent. But whatever the cough, its treatment is carried out using certain drugs, expectorants. But what to do, when and what means should be used first.

Indications for use

The main and main indication for the use of such drugs is bronchitis. This disease is caused by the discharge of viscous sputum and coughing attacks. The list can include other diseases of the respiratory system that are accompanied by a wet cough.

It is worth using medications:

  1. As part of complex therapy.
  2. If indicated.
  3. On doctor's recommendation.

It does not matter what the nature of the disease is; it can be either acute or chronic . If sputum comes out, specific medications will help ease this process.

A dry cough is not considered an indication for the use of such medications. If the sputum does not come out, then medications are prescribed that suppress coughing attacks.

You may also be interested in information about how exactly it is used

On video - expert opinion about expectorants:

List of diseases for which expectorants are prescribed:

  • bronchitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • other diseases of the upper respiratory tract accompanied by a cough and the discharge of viscous sputum.

And this is what it looks like green sputum when coughing and what products should be used, this will help you understand

Tools Overview

There are several groups of drugs that have an expectorant effect on the body; they “work” in various ways, due to the fact that they contain various components. :

Classification of drugs and expectorant drugs:

  1. Irritant effect of the drug. They influence the receptors of the gastric mucosa, due to which the amount of secretion in the bronchi increases. As a result, the sputum becomes thinner and comes off easier.
  2. Drugs that affect bronchial receptors. These are medications that affect the bronchial receptors, stimulate the production of sputum and the process of its discharge.
  3. Sulfhydryl drugs (group). This includes medications that can destroy the molecular bonds of polysaccharides in the bronchi. As a result, the viscosity of sputum as a secretion is significantly reduced, and the pus is liquefied.
  4. Vasicine alkaloids. These are various medicines that contain synthetic substances. This is mainly bromhexine; when it breaks down, it turns into ambroxol, which has a powerful expectorant effect and suppresses attacks. But what drugs should be used first when sputum with blood appears in the morning with a cough, you can see

This is the main classification of medications; the above groups include various drugs, I suggest you familiarize yourself with them and their effect on the human body:

  • Ambroxol. Available both in tablets and in the form of a suspension, the drug first appeared on the market in the 70s of the last century and immediately occupied a special place . The effectiveness of Ambroxol is due to the fact that it helps to cope with both wet and dry coughs. At the same time, it facilitates the removal of mucus from the bronchi and suppresses the urge. According to instructions this drug 3 times a day, 1 tablet. The drug is also successfully used in pediatrics; it is not recommended for use if there is the following contraindications: hypersensitivity to components, convulsive syndrome, stomach ulcer. But how yellow sputum without cough is treated can be seen in this

    It is important to consult your doctor when using this product.

  • . Another well-known drug to many, available in the form of tablets and suspensions. Bromhexine, after absorption into the blood, under the influence of metabolic processes in the body, turns into ambroxol in a few hours. This means that the indications and contraindications for the drugs are the same.

    It is important to use such products only according to the instructions and strictly follow them.

  • Acetylcysteine ​​and drugs based on it. This whole line medicines that come in the form effervescent tablets, solutions for inhalation and injection. The substance’s ability to break bonds and facilitate mucus discharge makes it possible to use it not only for bronchitis and cold cough, but also for tuberculosis. Medicines in this group have a number of contraindications; they are not used for: hepatic or renal failure, during pregnancy and lactation, with peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum.

    Very effective remedy for the treatment of colds

  • Carbocisteine ​​in expectorants. This substance destroys the connections of bronchial secretions, allowing you to get rid of viscous sputum. Medicines in this group are not used in the treatment of pregnant women. They do not lead to the development of bronchospasm and are successfully combined with antibiotics (you will find the link). They are considered one of the most bladeless, due to the minimal amount side effects.

    Very effectively cleanses the bronchi

List of drugs that have an expectorant effect:

  1. Bromhexine (described in the link).
  2. Ambrosan.
  3. Bronchorus.
  4. Medox.
  5. Acestine.
  6. Fluditek.
  7. Libexin-Muco.
  8. Bronchobos.

These are synthesized drugs, for this reason their use is associated with certain risks. Medicines have contraindications, for this reason it is advisable to discuss their use with your doctor.. Otherwise, the risk of developing unwanted side effects increases.

Products for pregnant women

During pregnancy, most medical supplies use is prohibited. Since substances included in medications can lead to the development dangerous conditions. They can influence the course of pregnancy or the process of development and formation of the fetus.

In most cases, preference is given medicines who have natural composition, they differ minimum quantity contraindications and side effects.

Much depends on the cause of the cough, as well as on the period at which the pregnant woman is pregnant. It is worth noting that the use of drugs that affect respiratory center.

In the second and third trimester, the number of drugs that a woman can be prescribed increases significantly. It is permissible to use medications that provide central action, but they should not suppress the functioning of the respiratory system.

Before use, be sure to read

For many diseases of the respiratory system (acute and chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis, bronchial asthma, occupational diseases– silicosis, lungs) goblet cells of the bronchial mucosa, as a result of infectious, allergic or immune inflammation, begin to intensively produce mucus, called sputum. The function of sputum is protection bronchial tree and evacuation of harmful agents. The nature of the mucus varies depending on these agents - transparent, viscous, “glassy” in case of allergies; liquid transparent or white when viral infection; thick, viscous, yellow to green in color due to bacterial process. Sputum often accompanies the morning cough of smokers and is one of the diagnostic criteria this type of bronchitis. Seeing a doctor is advisable, since sputum discharge when coughing indicates involvement of the bronchi in inflammation and requires adequate diagnostic evaluation and selection of therapy.

Mucus thinners and expectorants

Agents that improve the evacuation of sputum are divided into mucolytics - agents that dilute sputum and mucokinetics - which improve the actual discharge of mucus.

I. Mucolytics. Medications improve the fluidity of sputum without increasing its volume, improve sputum discharge by increasing mucociliary clearance. Act on goblet cells of the bronchial mucosa, reducing increased secretion of sputum. Also normalize biochemical composition sputum.
1. Mucolytics with direct action. Destroy complex chemical compounds as part of sputum.
A) Thiols. Acetylcysteine, cysteine, mistaborn, mucosolvin, mucomist, fluimucil, mesna. These drugs contain a thiol group, which destroys the complex polysaccharides of sputum, thus improving its drainage from the bronchial tree. Acetylcysteine ​​is also an antioxidant, reducing lipid peroxidation while maintaining cell wall integrity.
B) Enzymes. Trypsin, alphachymotrypsin, streptokinase, streptodornase. These drugs break the bonds in glycopeptides. In addition to reducing the viscosity of sputum, they have an anti-inflammatory effect.
C) Drugs with a different active principle. Ascorbic acid, hypertonic solution, iodine compounds (potassium iodide), sodium bicarbonate in combination with marshmallow (mucaltin). An underutilized group.

II. Mucolytics with indirect action.
A) Drugs that reduce the production of mucus and change its composition. S-carboxymethylcysteine, letostein, sobrerol.
B) Drugs that change the adhesiveness of the gel layer. Bromhexine (bisolvone), ambroxol (ambrohexal, lazolvan, ambrobene, chalixol, ambrosan, flavamed), sodium bicarbonate, sodium ethanesulfate.
B) Pinenes and terpenes. Camphor, menthol, terpineol, essential oils pine and fir trees. A group of drugs that are often used in everyday life or are included in combined dietary supplements.
D) Emetics and drugs that act reflexively on the muscles of the bronchi. Sodium citrate, ammonium chloride, ipecac, thermopsis. A group that is practically unused at present.
D) Drugs that reduce the production of mucus by the bronchial glands.
Beta2-adrenergic agonists: formoterol (foradil); salmeterol (Serevent), salbutamol (Ventolin), fenoterol (Berotec), terbutaline (Bricanil). Stimulate mucociliary clearance.
Xanthines. Theophylline. Stimulator of mucociliary clearance.
Antihistamines (ketotifen).
Leukotriene receptor antagonists. Zafirlukast (akolat), montelukast (singulair), pranlukast.
Glucocorticosteroids (prednisolone, metypred, budesonide (Benacort, Pulmicort); ciclesonide (Alvesco), beclomethasone dipropionate (Becotide, Clenil); mometasone (Asmonex), azmocort, triamcenolone acetonide, flunisolide (Ingacort), fluticasone propionate (Flixotide).

II. Mucokinetics. Accelerate the evacuation of mucus from the bronchial tree. Bromhexine (bisolvone), ambroxol (ambrohexal, lazolvan, ambrobene, chalixol, ambrosan, flavamed), sodium bicarbonate, sodium ethanesulfate. That is, drugs in this group combine the properties of mucolytics and mucokinetics.

Due to the fact that in itself advanced education and the removal of bronchial secretions is not independent disease, but only a manifestation of numerous pathologies of the respiratory system, self-administration mucolytics can delay correct diagnosis underlying (sometimes very serious) disease, delay the appointment of treatment aimed at eliminating its cause. However, some drugs from the group that combines the properties of mucolytics and mucokinetics (lazolvan, ambroxol) can be used for a short time to alleviate the condition, for example, with a “cold” cough as over-the-counter drugs.

Cough can bother all people, regardless of age, skin color or religion. Most of all, you don’t want to observe coughing in children, as carefree faces change into sick ones. Therefore, treatment of cough in children should be carried out as efficiently and quickly as possible.

The occurrence of spasms in the lungs and bronchi, which manifest themselves in the form of a cough, is the body’s response to irritation. Having received a similar impulse from the cough center, the brain causes a spasm to clear the airways.

It’s worth mentioning right away that cough there are 2 types: dry and wet. A dry cough is mostly useless and needs to be soothed or suppressed.

Another thing is with a wet cough, which helps the body clear phlegm, pathogenic bacteria, etc.

Thus wet cough only necessary stimulate and make his work easier. To make it easier for the body to remove everything foreign from the lower respiratory tract, it is worth taking expectorants.

They dilute sputum, allow it to separate more easily, and sometimes even change its composition. Then everything extraneous will turn away through a cough and The recovery process will go extremely quickly.

Plant-based mucus thinners and expectorants for children

Herbal preparations have always been more in demand because they are organic and safe for health. Among all the drugs plant origin such drugs should be identified:

  1. Gerbion. The medicine is recommended for children over 2 years of age. The main advantage is that in addition to the expectorant effect, it also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Additionally, the spread of the virus is blocked and its elimination from the body is accelerated. The composition contains thyme, which enhances expectoration, and essential oils soothe the mucous membrane. It is recommended to take for bronchitis, tracheitis and tracheobronchitis;
  2. Gedelix. The effectiveness of the medicine is due to the fact that it contains ivy leaf extract. He calls expectorant effect, thins sputum, reduces bronchospasm and improves the removal of sputum from the body;
  3. Mukaltin. Contains marshmallow root extract and sodium bicarbonate. Reduces the viscosity of sputum and thins it. Thanks to stimulation of the mucous membrane, expectoration is greatly facilitated and a speedy recovery is guaranteed.

Effective drugs for thinning sputum in children

Among all the variety of drugs can be called the most effective Ambrobene, Bromhexine and ACC Long.

Each drug has approximately the same set of properties, although the composition is slightly different.

Important! It is not recommended to use Bromhexine and ACC Long during pregnancy or breastfeeding. These drugs contain inactive ambroxol, which requires placement in a suitable environment (swallowing a tablet). As required additional process digestion, the released substances can harm the fetus.


The best are Gerbion ivy or primrose syrup, Lazolvan, Flavamed And Fluditek.

Lazolvan is a mucolytic type drug based on ambroxol.

It has a bronchosecretolytic and expectorant effect. Prescribed for diseases with difficult sputum discharge.

A similar drug is Flavamed, its action is completely identical Lazolvanu.

Fluditek is a syrup based on carbocysteine. Produces mucoregulatory and mucolytic effects, while stimulating the immune system.

Mucolytic cough suppressants for children

is headed by the drug ACC 100, which is indicated for use in viscous, difficult-to-separate sputum.

Often prescribed for acute and chronic bronchitis, laryngitis, sinusitis and inflammation of the middle ear. Can be used by children at any age, but for those under 2 years of age, only as prescribed by a doctor.

As an alternative it is used Fluimucil, which performs only a mucolytic function and rhinofluimucil, additionally the medicine helps with pulmonary edema.

Medicines with antitussive effects

Antitussives help reduce the aggression of the cough center. This reduces the frequency and strength of chest spasms.

This approach opposite of expectoration and is often used for temporary cough relief.

  • Codelac- This effective medicine for treatment nonproductive cough. It contains the substance codeine, which soothes the cough center and prevents coughing attacks.
  • Stoptussin- This complex drug, which contains the function of blocking the cough reflex at the central level and relieves spasmodic phenomena. It also promotes liquefaction, separation and removal of mucus.

Other medicines to thin sputum in children

There are Althea preparations, such as mucaltin, marshmallow roots, marshmallow syrup. All of them make it easier for the child to cough and remove all foreign matter from the respiratory tract.

Thermopsol- these are tablets for thinning sputum when coughing in children, which have a pronounced expectorant property and stimulate the respiratory center, and the drug is herbal based.

Inhalation treatment

In combination with tablets or syrups, the body should be helped with the removal of sputum and through inhalation. The composition of the respiratory mass requires add special nebulizers.

  • Fluimucil– children 2-6 years old should use 1-2 ml, for 6-12 years old – 2 ml, and 12 years and above – 3 ml. Inhalation should be done 1-2 times a day, the course of treatment is 10 days.
  • Lazolvan, Ambrobene– children under 2 years old should be given 1 ml, 2-6 years old – 2 ml and over 6 years old – 2-3 ml. It must first be diluted with saline 1 to 1. Treatment lasts 5 days.
  • Sinupret. Requires dilution with saline solution depending on age group the coefficient changes: 2-6 years - 1 to 4 ml, 6-16 years - 1 to 2 ml and over 16 years 1 to 1 ml.

Folk remedies for removing phlegm for children

Known for hundreds of years and some herbs and fruits have shown particularly strong expectorant properties.

Most of them can be found in syrups and tablets, as extracts.

  1. Carrot juice with honey. Helps soothe a cough and in the process helps loosen the phlegm somewhat. The only one important nuance is that carrot juice must be fresh. Take 4-5 times a day, 1 tbsp;
  2. Radish with sugar. You need to cut the black radish into small pieces and pour it into a saucepan, cover with sugar. Place in the oven to bake for 2 hours. Strain the liquid from the remaining vegetables. Take 2 tsp syrup. 3-4 times a day;
  3. Lemon with honey. You need to squeeze the juice from the lemon into a glass. Next add 2 tbsp. glycerin and mix thoroughly. Then fill the glass to the top with honey. Take 1 tsp several times a day.

If you take it, then here too big variety: Mother and stepmother, thyme, licorice, chamomile, sage and even plantain. By making tinctures or decoctions of these herbs, you can quickly get rid of a wet cough.


There are no specific contraindications for these medications, except individual hypersensitivity to the components of any drug. It is worth paying attention to the fact that some medicines contain sugar, which must be taken into account when diabetes mellitus. You should also consult a doctor if you have a peptic ulcer or pregnancy.

Please note that you should not take several medications at once, especially those with opposite effects.

Expectorants and sputum thinners are common components of treatment for bronchitis, pneumonia, and tuberculosis. Without their use, clear the airways and ensure normal breathing extremely difficult. Such drugs cannot be used without permission, because they can cause side effects.

In what cases are thinners and expectorants used, and when are they prohibited?

In everyone's bronchi healthy person special mucus is produced. She makes it impossible negative impact microorganisms, dust, allergens that enter with the air. IN in good condition the cilia of the bronchi independently push out mucus with everything “unnecessary”. If an inflammatory or some kind of pathological process in the respiratory tract, mucus begins to change its viscosity. It becomes thick and sticks to lung tissue, there are more microorganisms in it, they begin to multiply, which further complicates the situation. The bronchi can no longer cope with excretion on their own. It is in this situation that products that dilute sputum when coughing and promote its rapid elimination come to the rescue.

Expectorant and thinning medications are often recommended for:

  • bronchitis (both acute and chronic form) ;
  • pneumonia of viral and bacterial origin;
  • COPD;
  • bronchiectasis;
  • tracheobronchitis;
  • emphysema of pulmonary tissue;
  • laryngitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • diseases accompanied by difficulty removing sputum.

Funds of this type have certain contraindications. The latter directly depend on the active substance and mechanism of action. For example, products based on Ambroxol cannot be used in cases of serious violations kidneys and liver, based on Acetylcysteine ​​- for bleeding in the lungs, bronchial asthma, based on plant extracts- at increased acidity, gastrointestinal diseases, gastritis.

In fact, all expectorants and thinners are strictly prohibited when:

  • pregnancy (especially in the first trimester);
  • hypersensitivity to any of the components of the product;
  • in the early childhood(up to 1 year);
  • oncological diseases of the respiratory system.

Mucolytics and their action

Mucolytic drugs are those that are designed to dilute thick mucus in the lungs. Directly or indirectly, these drugs prevent the adhesion of fluid formed in the lungs and have a moderate anti-inflammatory effect.

All mucolytic agents can be divided into 3 large groups:

  • medications that affect the elasticity of the liquid and the viscosity itself;
  • reduce the volume of mucus;
  • accelerate excretion.

Unlike expectorants, phlegm thinners do not cause more mucus in the lungs. They are actually never recommended for dry cough, which often occurs with influenza and acute respiratory infections. You can take mucolytic drugs when the cough is at least a little wet.

You can name 4 active ingredients a, on the basis of which mucolytic drugs are made:

  1. Acetylcysteine. The main representatives are: ACC, Fluimucil, Vicks Active, ACC Long, Expectomed. Products in this group are most often made in the form of tablets or powder. Less commonly in the form of solutions for preparing and performing inhalations, as well as injections. They cope well with liquid thinning and have a moderate antioxidant effect, which makes them able to fight some poisons.
  2. Bromhexine. The following drugs are made on its basis: Nycomed, Bromhexine, Bronchosan. One of oldest drugs mucolytic type. Once in human body, undergoes specific processing, thanks to which it turns into Ambroxol. The latter performs a therapeutic effect.
  3. Carbocysteine. Sold under commercial names: Libexin Muco, Bronchobos, Fluditec. In terms of their direct indications and contraindications, these tablets are very similar to Acetylcysteine. Suitable for use for whooping cough, sinusitis, otitis media.
  4. Ambroxol. It is the main component of such drugs as: Lazolvan, Flavamed, Ambrobene, Ambroxol, Ambrohexal. Today it is considered the most effective substance for fighting cough. Is combined agent, because it simultaneously liquefies and has an expectorant effect. Ambroxol is able to prevent mucus from sticking and enhances the effect of many antibiotics. Given this, it is often recommended for pneumonia.

Expectorant medications and their use

Expectorant drugs have the main task of removing mucus from the lungs. As a rule, before using them or in parallel with them, doctors recommend mucolytic drugs to thin the mucus in the bronchi, as well as inhalations and expectorant massages.

Drugs in this group, according to their mechanism of action, can be divided into 2 main groups:

  • reflex action - affect the gastric mucosa and activate the vomiting center of the brain, as a result of which the production of mucus is significantly accelerated, so the lungs are forced to reflexively get rid of it;
  • direct action- can affect the bronchi themselves.

Drugs of both groups are taken orally and begin to act after successful absorption digestive system. Medicines with reflex action are usually based on plant extracts. Direct action agents can have both natural and chemical composition.

Many products of this type have simultaneously expectorant, thinning, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. The most prominent representatives of expectorants with reflex action are:

  • medicines based on Althea (Alteika syrup, Mucaltin) - especially often used for bronchitis, emphysema; not recommended for children under 3 years of age, in addition, when peptic ulcers Gastrointestinal tract;
  • thermopsis preparations (Thermopsol, Codelac broncho) - are distinguished by their strong mucolytic and expectorant effects;
  • products based on plantain extract (for example: Stoptussin syrup, Gerbion Coldrex broncho) - can be used for various types cough, including dry cough; are distinguished by their mild action and safety;
  • made from thyme (Bronchicum S, Tussamag, Pectusin) - can be used to treat children from 6 months.

Direct-acting preparations often include components such as essential oils, ammonium chloride, and potassium iodides. The main drug in this group can be called Amtersol.

Expectorant and thinning herbal remedies

Some products also help to effectively dilute mucus and remove it from the human respiratory system. herbal remedies, plant extracts:

  • option No. 1 - oregano and coltsfoot particles;
  • option No. 2 - licorice, plantain, coltsfoot leaves;
  • option No. 3 - anise extracts, pine buds, sage extracts;
  • option No. 4 - elements of common chamomile, licorice, calendula herb, violet flowers, wild rosemary,

Additionally, you can use wild rosemary herb. Performs reflex action to the bronchi itself, the central nervous system. Capable of reducing germs in upper lobes organ. Can be used as a gargle and oral cavity, and for oral administration.

Features of the use of thinning and expectorant drugs

Thinning agents and mucolytics today can come in a wide variety of pharmaceutical forms, in particular sold in tablets, capsules, injection solutions, herbal bulk infusion kits, decoctions, teas, syrups, etc.

Important rules that should never be neglected when starting treatment with cough suppressants are:

  • use as a volumetric amount of liquid (for example, warm teas, fruit drinks, boiled or mineral water) - they contribute to faster liquefaction of mucus;
  • categorical refusal of antitussive drugs - if you combine them, you can count on very serious consequences, including pneumonia, necrosis of lung tissue and even death.

Will not effective treatment mucolytics and expectorants, if optimal conditions for the patient are not provided. Be sure to ventilate the room and provide moist air.

When no improvement is observed within 2 days of starting to use the medications prescribed by the doctor, you urgently need to retake the tests and change the medications or their dosage. It is worth remembering that all expectorants and mucolytics are equally safe; sometimes they cause side effects. Among the most common are:

  • stomach discomfort;
  • diarrhea;
  • migraine;
  • skin rashes;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • increased acidity;
  • pulmonary hemorrhage;
  • dizziness.

Most drugs in these groups (especially in tablet form) can cause an overdose. Noticing any of negative reactions, you need to urgently contact a specialist and stop taking the chosen drug.

With well-chosen medications and provided for by the instructions using them, the patient does not experience any negative reactions that could interfere with management vehicles or important technical processes.

Although some expectorants are alcohol-based, combining them with alcoholic drinks not advisable as it intensifies toxic effects on the liver and kidneys.

Considering the above, you should not refuse your doctor’s advice regarding the use of mucolytic or expectorant drugs when you have a difficult cough. A large number of pharmaceutical forms and active ingredients enable the specialist to choose the most convenient and effective option.

Cough is one of the most uncomfortable symptoms colds, inflammatory and tumor processes in organs chest cavity. It is believed that productive coughing is good sign, which indicates active cleansing of the lungs. Meanwhile, it is not always possible to cough up sputum without difficulty, since it can be too viscous or sticky. This is why doctors pay Special attention diluting sputum during coughs with low productivity.

A cough accompanied by expectoration of sputum requires medications that dilute the secretions.

To do this, they prescribe a drug with the property of breaking down mucus formed in the lungs and supplement it with an expectorant-stimulating agent. They are called mucolytics and are prescribed for cough accompanied by scant discharge viscous and thick mucus from the lungs. The patient may experience noise in the lungs, indicating that the bronchi are filled with viscous secretions. Its removal is the main task of mucolytics.

Mucolytics are also prescribed for coughs with a complete absence of sputum, when there is severe irritation mucous membranes due to the body’s hysterical attempts to free the lungs from pathogenic particles.

Why a cough with thick sputum may occur

Before choosing a means to dilute bronchial secretions, experts try to find out the cause of this phenomenon. Normally, a person produces about 150 ml of sputum daily. At the same time, it has a fairly liquid structure and the ciliated epithelium of the respiratory system removes it without difficulty.

Thick mucus makes breathing difficult; it can form in the trachea, bronchi and alveoli, depending on the type of disease

However, there are situations in which the secretion becomes too thick and literally sticks to the walls of the bronchi and alveoli. Most often this happens due to:

  • hitting respiratory system bacteria, fungi or viruses;
  • entry into the respiratory tract of allergens or chemical compounds that irritate the mucous membranes;
  • penetration of foreign bodies into the respiratory system;
  • effects on the respiratory system individual species medical drugs.

In addition, slowing of ciliated epithelial motility can occur when organic lesions organs chest(for tumors, for example), for systemic diseases(asthma, smoker's bronchitis, some congenital pathologies).

Often coughing occurs with asthma or chronic bronchitis

Properties of mucolytic drugs

The main purpose of mucolytic agents is to make unproductive coughing productive. This can happen in several ways, depending on whether there was initially sputum in the lungs or not. In this case, they are used following properties mucolytics:

  1. At complete absence drugs stimulate more active work special cells in the mucous membrane responsible for mucus synthesis. Thanks to this, they begin to more actively synthesize sputum, transforming a dry cough into a wet one.

To facilitate expectoration, mucolytics are used, which thin the mucus.

  1. In the presence of thick and viscous sputum, the drug thins it by destroying molecular bonds, making it easier to expectorate secretions accumulated in the bronchi.
  2. The property of mucolytics to relieve bronchospasm is also intended to facilitate the removal of thick mucus from the respiratory tract. At the same time, the airways expand and their patency increases.
  3. To accelerate the removal of liquefied sputum, the property of mucolytics to increase the activity of cilia on the epithelium of the respiratory tract is useful. They are the ones who “push” phlegm from the deep sections bronchopulmonary system outward, helping to cleanse it and stop coughing.

Mucolytics for initial stage diseases can help cope with cough quickly enough

Experts advise using any drug with a mucolytic effect at the initial stage of diseases accompanied by cough. They will help significantly alleviate the patient’s condition, preventing the occurrence of pain in the sternum, as well as in the throat. In addition, medications in this group prevent the spread of infection to the lower lobes of the lungs.

Cough medicine that thins phlegm should only be used for a short period of time. After the cough becomes productive, they are canceled and they begin taking medications that accelerate the excretion of secretions. If you continue to use them after the patient's condition has stabilized, complications are possible.

After taking a mucolytic, the cough may increase. Doctors consider this process normal, since in this way the product stimulates the natural cleansing of the respiratory tract.

Sometimes, after taking mucolytics, the cough, on the contrary, intensifies, as there is active expectoration of secretions

What medications can be used to thin sputum?

The group of mucolytic drugs includes big number names of tablets, syrups, lozenges and other dosage forms, including solutions for injections. Most of them contain plant and synthetic non-narcotic components. They are sold in pharmacies without a prescription and can be used for coughs without phlegm in adults and children (according to indications).

There is also a separate group of drugs that contain narcotic compounds. They can be purchased only by prescription, and can only be used to thin sputum in adult patients.

You should consult with your doctor about what medicine can be used to remove sputum without the risk of complications and side effects, especially if the child is sick. They, unlike adults, more often have difficulties with the coughing process.

In pharmacies you can find mucolytic drugs in a variety of forms.

List and properties of mucolytic agents that can be used to soften sputum:

Name of medicineMain components and their actionFeatures of appointment and reception
CodelacThe drug is produced in all popular dosage forms: tablets, extract and syrup. Contains herbal ingredients and the narcotic antitussive compound codeine. Thanks to this combination, Codelac stimulates productive cough, but does not cause a temporary worsening of symptoms.The medicine is not prescribed to children under 2.5 years of age, pregnant and lactating women, as it has many contraindications. The product can be addictive, so it is recommended to take it no longer than 5 days. Available only with a prescription!
ACCA medicine containing acetylcysteine, a sputum-thinning component in an easily digestible form. Presented in the form of effervescent tablets, powder for preparing a hot drink, regular tablets and cough syrup.The drug can be used in adults and children over one year of age. It has standard contraindications and is available without a doctor's prescription.
Lazolvan (Ambroxol)The drug contains ambroxol hydrochloride, a stimulator of the activity of epithelial cilia, which promotes the removal of mucus from the lungs. In addition, the substance actively dilutes mucus and expands the bronchi. It is produced in all popular forms: from tablets and syrup to capsules and injection solution.The drug is approved for over-the-counter sale and can be used to relieve cough in children over 1 year of age and adults. It is not addictive, but may negatively affect other organs.
BromhexineThe drug contains bromhexine hydrochloride, a component that thins sputum and stimulates its elimination, which is well absorbed and acts for a long time. Available in a variety of formats, thanks to which even small children enjoy drinking it.Bromhexine brand medications are prescribed to both adults and children. You can purchase them without a prescription, but when prescribing, you should still take into account the existing contraindications. For children, drugs with reduced dosages are available.
BronholitinThree-component drug with glaucine, ephedrine and hydrobromide. The combination of components allows you to dilute sputum and facilitate its removal by dilating the bronchi and activating respiratory tract motility. It also contains plant components that reduce inflammation and have an antimicrobial effect. Available only in syrup form.The medicine can be used for young patients from 3 years of age and for adults. The syrup has contraindications that must be taken into account when prescribing. Available without a prescription.
AmbrobeneA line of ambroxol-based products, which are produced in various forms, including solutions and tablets. The drug has an antitussive and mucolytic effect, quickly relieves paroxysmal cough and removes mucus.Ambrobene in any dosage form It is recommended to use only in the absence of contraindications, of which there are many. Medicines of this brand are approved for use in children from 2 years of age and in adults.
MukaltinA classic antitussive for children with marshmallow. Stimulate the liquefaction of sputum and its removal. Available in the form of brown tablets with a pleasant sour taste.Soft, but at the same time very effective remedy, which does not have a lot of side effects. A noticeable effect occurs very quickly, the tablets are not addictive. Available in pharmacies without a prescription.

The main criterion for choosing medications for coughs with difficult to separate sputum is safety for the patient. Many medications, especially if they contain herbal ingredients, may cause allergic reaction. Also separate funds may adversely affect digestive tract and the central nervous system.

Remember that in any case, drugs to thin sputum must be prescribed by a doctor

It is advisable to select a sputum thinner with the help of a doctor. He will select the most effective drugs and their dosages in accordance with the age and condition of the patient.

The speed depends on how correctly the therapeutic agents are chosen. complete deliverance from the main problem. Sometimes even a small mistake can result in a long-lasting residual cough with or without sputum production.

IN next video you will learn a few folk recipes to thin sputum:



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