The child coughs frequently. Persistent cough in a child

Coughing in a child always causes alertness and anxiety of parents. What caused the malaise, how and with what to treat the baby - such questions, probably, visited each of us more than once. Some use traditional medicine recipes, others rush to the pharmacy for a miracle cure. Who is right and how pediatricians advise treating cough in children, we will consider below.

Varieties of cough

Many parents know firsthand how difficult it is to get rid of ailments, especially in young children. After all, most medications are prohibited for young patients, and folk remedies often cause allergies. Therefore, the pediatrician should deal with the selection of treatment methods.

Only a doctor is able to make a correct diagnosis, and, depending on the age of the child and the type of cough, prescribe the necessary medicine. But parents also have a lot of responsibility. To facilitate understanding of the pathological process, we will consider the main types of cough in children, find out why they are dangerous and talk about treatment methods.

Physiological cough

Any person periodically has a need to clear the respiratory tract from dust and accumulated sputum. This is a normal reaction aimed at protecting the body from foreign bodies and pathogenic bacteria.

Thus, a natural cough in a child is not a pathology and does not require treatment. It occurs most often in the morning and does not cause significant discomfort to the baby.

Dry or dusty air in the room can provoke a similar reflex. This problem is especially relevant during the heating season.

Pathological cough

Most often, children are worried about just such a cough. Unlike natural, it manifests itself in a very diverse way and depends on the nature of the pathogen. In most cases, these are various respiratory diseases:

  • laryngitis and pharyngitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • ARI and SARS;
  • acute and chronic tonsillitis;
  • flu;
  • tuberculosis.

In general, the causes of cough in children are diverse and far from always have an infectious nature. A similar reflex can be caused by a narrowing of the bronchi, which is specific for bronchial asthma, or a foreign body entering the respiratory system. In this case, the cough develops unexpectedly and is choking in nature. The child loses his voice and has difficulty breathing.

An ailment of an allergic nature has other symptoms - a cough occurs for no apparent reason and is not accompanied by signs of a cold. After removing the allergen, the baby's condition returns to normal.

In different pathological conditions, cough manifests itself differently. It can be productive and dry, barking or harsh, deaf, paroxysmal and spasmodic.

Dry cough

The most obsessive cough in a child. It usually appears at the beginning of the disease and causes a lot of problems for both parents and the baby. Sputum does not separate with it, so the process of coughing up becomes long and painful. With improper treatment, it becomes chronic.

Spasmodic reflex

If a child coughs against a background of bronchial spasm, it is quite possible to develop asthma. At the same time, there is no sputum, the baby suffocates and wheezes. The malaise is paroxysmal in nature and requires mandatory medical supervision.

Croupy cough (false croup)

The most dangerous type of malaise, especially for young children. In this category of children, the anatomical and physiological structure of the larynx predisposes to the development of croup. Even the slightest inflammation can cause severe swelling and suffocation. Therefore, if a child develops a hard, barking cough, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

With the development of a barking cough, the baby must be shown to the doctor

The following symptoms will help distinguish false croup from other ENT diseases:

  • hoarseness of voice, especially after crying;
  • swelling of the larynx;
  • shortness of breath, severe difficulty breathing;
  • blanching or blueing of the skin;
  • possible loss of consciousness.

If the child only wheezes, but does not cough and breathes heavily, these are also signs of an incipient false croup.

In this case, you should not engage in amateur activities and try to help the baby with folk remedies. You will only waste precious time. Laryngeal edema is very dangerous and should be treated by a doctor.

Wet (productive) cough

This, one might say, is an ideal variant of the development of the disease. Such a cough, as a rule, appears at the end of the disease, does not cause anxiety and is quickly cured. With its help, the lungs and bronchi are freed from sputum and remnants of pathogenic microorganisms. How to treat a children's cough of this nature, consider below.

Whooping cough

This is a common infectious disease that most often affects preschool children. At an early stage of the pathology, whooping cough is difficult to distinguish from the usual one. But after a few days it becomes paroxysmal and spasmodic, ending in violent vomiting.

Whooping cough is dangerous for its complications, so if a child has coughing fits, the rhythm of breathing goes astray, cyanosis of the skin appears, medical help is needed. Young children are subject to compulsory hospitalization.

The disease is especially severe in children under 2 years of age. There is no innate immunity to this disease, but after recovery, protection is preserved forever.

Other types of cough

It is quite difficult to independently determine the disease by the nature of the cough. For example, if a child coughs while sleeping, this may be a symptom of both a respiratory disease and asthma or allergies, or a consequence of dry indoor air.

Coughing during sleep can be a symptom of many pathologies.

Snot can also provoke a reflex reaction. Flowing down the back wall of the nasopharynx and irritating the mucous membrane, they easily activate cough receptors. Especially often a cough from a runny nose occurs in a child with rhinopharyngitis.

Tracheitis can cause a similar symptom. This infectious disease develops as a complication of pharyngitis, laryngitis or rhinitis. It is characterized by a dull cough in a child, especially pronounced at night and in the morning or arising from a sharp breath.

Such a variety of forms of malaise should encourage parents to pay more attention to such symptoms and take the necessary measures. So, what to do if the child coughs?


To begin with, it should be noted that home therapy is possible only for dry and wet coughs. All other types of pathological reflex require the help of a doctor.

  • maintain an optimal microclimate in the room where the sick child is located;
  • as much as possible to give the baby warm, unsweetened drinks;
  • if there is no temperature, and well-being allows, allow the child to move more.

It is undesirable to use essential oils in the treatment without the knowledge of the pediatrician. Concentrates can cause bronchospasm, especially dangerous for young children.


Pharmacy medicines will help to quickly cure a cough in a child. They are prescribed depending on the type of ailment - if sputum is present, then it is forbidden to take antitussives. With a dry cough, on the contrary, it is desirable to use this therapy option to the maximum.

The choice of medications for coughing

Modern medicines are available in different forms: tablets, sprays, syrups, drops and lozenges for sucking, powders for preparing solutions. For the treatment of a child, liquid forms of drugs are usually used. They are more comfortable and easy to drink.


This group of drugs is designed to remove sputum from the respiratory tract. Most of the expectorants are made from plant extracts, so the drugs are relatively safe and drink well.

Most often, a wet cough for children is prescribed: with plantain or primrose; Evkabal, Prospan, Alteyka, Prospan, Flavamed, Ambroxol, Ambrobene.

Each of these funds has its own age restrictions, contraindications and adverse reactions. For example, Evkabal and Prospan are allowed to prescribe to babies from 6 months. Other drugs are recommended to be used only after 2 years. Therefore, if a child has a cough with sputum, it is better to entrust the choice of medicine to the doctor.


To thin the viscous and thick mucus that clogged the airways, the following medications are prescribed for small patients:

  • Carbocysteine;
  • Bronchobos;
  • Fluditec;
  • Flavamed.

These remedies help to relieve a child's cough, make him productive and help to eliminate sputum.

Fluditec is prescribed for children to thin and evacuate thick, viscous secretions.


Preparations of this series help to suppress the cough reflex and calm the cough in a child. There are several types of antitussives:

  • narcotic drugs - Codeine, Ethylmorphine. Used only under medical supervision. They are often addictive and have side effects. Rarely used in the treatment of children;
  • non-narcotic medicines - Oxeladin, Sinekod, Glaucin, Butamirat. The most effective and safe drugs, so they are taken much more often;
  • means of peripheral exposure - Prenoxindiazine. The result of its application is significantly lower. The medicine is not able to stop a coughing fit and is rarely prescribed.

The simultaneous use of antitussive and expectorant drugs is prohibited.

In addition, it is dangerous to use antitussive medicines with a wet cough. This can cause accumulation of mucus in the airways and the development of pneumonia.

Sinekod and similar drugs are prescribed for children with a dry cough


These drugs help eliminate bronchospasm and make breathing easier. Medications such as Eufillin, Broncholitin Syrup, or Theophylline are prescribed for coughs if a child has been diagnosed with asthma or progressive lung disease (COPD).

Local funds

Local preparations include warming ointments, mustard plasters and patches. The latter are of different types and have contraindications, in particular, they are prohibited for young children.

The use of warming rubbing Eucabal or Pulmex Baby will help alleviate the cough in a child. They can be used from 6 months of age. The balm of Dr. Theiss is allowed from 2 years.

Babies after 3 years can be rubbed with camphor ointments, Vicks Active balm, Helpex Effect ointment or Doctor MOM.

Folk remedies

In addition to medications, pediatricians often recommend alternative therapies. Alternative medicine helps to cure a child's cough quickly and safely.

However, despite the effectiveness and harmlessness of folk remedies, their use must be agreed with the pediatrician. Young children are often allergic to natural ingredients.

The following cough recipes for children are the most popular:

  • black radish juice with sugar or honey;
  • a drink made from fresh or frozen viburnum berries is recommended to drink instead of tea;
  • anise decoction with honey is perfect for treating babies;
  • fresh carrot juice with sugar can be taken at the time of a coughing attack, 1 tsp;
  • onion gruel with honey will be useful for bronchitis and tracheitis;
  • a mixture of lemon, honey and medical glycerin will help cure a child with a dry, painful cough.

Honey can cause an unwanted reaction, so it is not recommended to give it to children with allergies.

With a huge number of folk recipes, the most widespread and favorite is still hot milk with honey and other additives. The drink has excellent emollient and expectorant properties. Not a single kid will refuse such a delicious medicine.


You can quickly cure a cough in a child with the help of inhalation. For procedures, it is better to purchase a nebulizer. This convenient and safe device will protect the baby from burns. With its help, sessions are carried out both with medicinal herbs and pharmaceutical liquids. Alkaline mineral waters and physiological saline have a good expectorant effect.

Inhalations are contraindicated in children under 2 years of age due to the risk of developing bronchospasm.

Of the medicines for inhalation, the most commonly used:

  • mucolytics - Lazolvan, Pertussin, Fluimucil;
  • Bronchodilators - Berovent;
  • natural medicines - tincture of eucalyptus, propolis or plantain, Rotokan;
  • antitussive agent Tussamag;
  • glucocorticosteroids - Pulmicort or Dexamethasone.

Inhalations are carried out 2 hours before meals for no more than 10 minutes. The therapeutic course consists of 8-10 sessions.

The procedure moisturizes and soothes irritated mucous membranes, promotes deep penetration and rapid absorption of medicinal substances.

For inhalation with herbs, plants with an antitussive and expectorant effect are chosen: coltsfoot, plantain, oregano, pine buds, eucalyptus, licorice.


Another effective remedy that can quickly cure a child's cough. Compresses are very different - dry and wet, oil, honey, vodka and cottage cheese. They are applied to the chest and back, avoiding the heart area. The baby is wrapped in a woolen thing and covered with a blanket.

The following compresses are the most effective and safe:

  • potato. Add a spoonful of alcohol, turpentine and sunflower oil to the hot puree. The resulting mass is applied to gauze and applied for 2–2.5 hours. After the procedure, it is better not to wash off the compress, but to wipe the skin with a damp towel;
  • oil. A piece of gauze or cotton fabric is soaked in hot oil and squeezed, covered with waxed paper (not polyethylene) on top, kept for at least 3 hours;
  • acetic. Apple concentrate is diluted with hot water and honey is added to the solution. The gauze is impregnated with the mixture and applied to the bronchial area. Leave for 20-30 minutes.

The compress can not be applied to the heart area

It is not recommended to do compresses for skin lesions, elevated body temperature and infants. Alcohol application is contraindicated in children under 3 years of age and those suffering from thyroid pathology. It is undesirable to use honey for treatment if the child is prone to allergies.

Another old way to fight a cough is to rub the baby's chest and back with visceral fat. The bear and badger product is especially good. It is advisable to do this procedure at night.

mustard plasters

With a painful cough, mustard plasters will be useful. They have a warming effect, promote a rush of blood and increase the discharge of mucus. It is recommended to put mustard plasters through a cloth or gauze so as not to burn the delicate skin of the baby.

For children under 3 years old, it is better to make a mustard wrap. This more gentle procedure has the same effect as setting mustard plasters.

Knowing how to treat a cough in a child, you can quickly eliminate this unpleasant symptom yourself. Properly selected medications and traditional medicine will improve the baby's well-being and speed up recovery. However, if the child has been feeling unwell for several weeks, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

With a cold, coughing plays the role of a purifier of the respiratory tract from harmful sputum. This is a natural mechanism by which recovery is faster. But when it becomes chronic, it indicates health problems in the child's body. Which manifestations of coughing are considered normal, and which ones signal a possible disease, what to do if the child is constantly coughing - every parent should know the answers.

What is a cough like?

Cough is always caused by the body's desire to get rid of foreign particles. These are foreign bodies, dust particles, allergens that irritate the respiratory tract. The main reason is inflammation in the airways. Distinguish wet (productive) cough and dry, normal and pathological.

To understand whether action needs to be taken, consider which cough is within the normal range

  • morning. It is manifested by several coughing shocks in the morning, when after a night's sleep there is a cleansing of stagnant mucus.
  • when hit by a foreign body. An irritant in the throat will trigger a cough reflex, this is normal. Sometimes this is the only way to get rid of the interfering object or particles.
  • reaction to dust or pungent smell. In such a situation, a sharp spasm can cause a cough.
  • during teething. Occurs due to increased salivation

Physiological cough not accompanied by other pathological symptoms (fever, runny nose, body aches, loose stools, vomiting, irritability and fatigue). It is normal if the child coughs no more than 15 times a day - this is how the respiratory system is cleansed.

Pathological cough has several manifestations. In the acute course of the disease, it lasts up to 14 days. With a protracted nature, it lasts up to three months, and in a chronic form up to a year. The intensity of coughing shocks is also different: in one case it is a slight cough with perspiration, and in the other - a strong, barking cough.

Dry and wet cough.

The nature of the cough also differs in the amount of fluid released. Dry often appears as a sign of an incipient viral infection and brings severe discomfort to the child. Hypnotic, without sputum discharge, it can cause pain in the muscles of the chest and abdomen. Doctors call a wet cough productive, because it produces sputum - pathological mucus from the trachea and bronchi. The production of sputum in the respiratory system is always an abnormal condition, indicating the course of the disease.

With a dry, unproductive cough, vomiting is possible - this occurs from excessive tension in the muscles of the neck, facial, and throat. Such a cough scares both the parents and the child. The kid becomes whiny, afraid that the attack will start again. Vomiting is also possible with a wet cough: thus accumulated mucus comes out. Children under three years of age do not know how to cough up sputum, so vomiting is the only way for the body to quickly get rid of the accumulated secret. Do not be afraid of vomiting - direct efforts to fight the disease that provokes them.

Children's cough without fever signals a foreign body entering the respiratory tract. Be attentive to your child, if this happens, call an ambulance and give him first aid on your own. To do this, lay the child on your knee with his head and face down and, with a sliding motion, make several blows from top to bottom between the shoulder blades.

Why doesn't it pass?

More often, it is a dry cough that occurs as a result of an acute viral infection in the body. After a couple of days, it turns into a wet one, and after some more time (up to 2 weeks) it disappears completely. But what if the main symptoms of the disease have disappeared, and you still observe a constant cough in a child?

The culprits of a prolonged dry cough:

  • weakened immune system
  • dry indoor air, influence of irritating factors (passive smoking)
  • insufficient fluid intake
  • complication in the form of bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia or pharyngitis. Often associated symptoms include high fever and chest pain.
  • accession of a secondary viral infection (the child fell ill again)
  • whooping cough (cough paroxysmal, the child has difficulty inhaling)
  • measles (accompanied by characteristic rashes on the body)
  • false croup (barking cough, hoarseness of voice appears, children who are under 3 years old are more likely to get sick)
  • allergy
  • bronchial asthma
  • worms (migration of ascaris larvae passes through the lung tissue, causing irritation and coughing)

Persistent wet cough.

In the autumn-winter period, parents of small patients with complaints of a wet cough become more frequent. It is normal if it appears at that stage of a viral disease where it is necessary to clear the respiratory tract from sputum. When should you worry?

  • seizures are sudden and persistent
  • the child has difficulty breathing
  • fever for more than three days
  • lack of appetite
  • pain in the chest
  • loud wheezing
  • blood or pus in the sputum
  • cough developed as a result of a cold, but lasts more than 25 days
  • wet cough is always present

If you have even one of the symptoms, you should immediately seek medical help and establish why the symptom persists. There are several reasons, and the type of sputum also differs:

  • obstruction in the bronchi - sputum is secreted profusely
  • pneumonia in remission - sputum that looks like rust
  • allergic reaction or bronchial asthma - viscous, clear sputum, often in the form of lumps
  • runny nose (including with allergies)
  • tuberculosis - an admixture of blood in the sputum
  • lung abscess - sputum with pus, a sharp, unpleasant odor

How to alleviate the condition of the baby?

Cough disturbs and irritates the child, making him capricious, interfering with harmonious development. Sleep is disturbed, eating becomes difficult. Every parent tries to find a way to help the child feel better. For the effectiveness of treatment, it is important to accurately determine the cause of the persistent cough. Treatment will also vary depending on the type of cough.

When should you seek immediate help?

  • in the process of sleep, a strong, incessant cough suddenly began. This is a sign of false croup and swelling of the larynx
  • wheezing and wheezing when breathing. Asthma sign
  • when coughing, the child does not have enough air, he cannot take a breath. This condition is life-threatening crumbs, urgently call a doctor!

Medical therapy

With a wet cough, the main thing is to help sputum to be more easily excreted from the body. Mucolytics cope with this task: lazolvan, ambroxol, ACC. There are also natural remedies that thin sputum: doctor MOM, breast fees, pectusin. Be careful with herbs, they can cause severe allergies and aggravate the condition. It is important to stop taking mucolytic drugs in time: when the child begins to actively move, there will be no point in them, he will be able to clear his throat on his own.

Dry cough in children under two years of age is not recommended to be treated with medication. It is better to speed up its transition to wet - give the baby more liquid and regularly ventilate the room. Older children may be prescribed drugs that block the cough reflex: Robitussin, Delsim. These funds will help block the cough reflex for 10-12 hours.


Steam inhalations with the old-fashioned method will help moisturize the mucous membranes and help sputum discharge. It is still helpful to breathe over a hot potato or inhale the vapors with essential oils. These treatments are more suitable for older children. For babies, nebulizers are increasingly being used in treatment. Unlike steam inhalation, there is no risk of getting burned, and besides, the parent can control the process himself. Inhalation with a nebulizer is not recommended for dry cough. When wet, a solution is suitable Ambrobene or Lazolvan.

If there is bronchospasm (narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi), wheezing, whistling (characteristic of obstructive bronchitis or asthma), then the main task of inhalation with a nebulizer is to relieve spasm and help the child breathe normally. Deal with it Berodual and Pulmicort.

Folk remedies

  1. The most popular way of treatment among the people is radish with honey. The radish is cut and a hole is made in it, in which they put a spoonful of honey. Over time, a healing syrup is formed in the hole, which has antiseptic properties and soothes an irritated throat. The kids love this sweet recipe!
  2. Oiling helps. A piece of cotton fabric is soaked in warmed sunflower oil and placed on the chest overnight. From above they cover with a plastic film and put on a cotton sweater. By morning the throat softens.
  3. Soaring legs is also effective. It is useful to do this with mustard - a couple of tablespoons per bowl of water is enough. The procedure lasts no more than 15 minutes, after which you need to put warm socks on the children's legs and ensure peace. One contraindication is fever.

Preventive measures

It is in the power of parents to reduce the incidence of illness in a child by following simple recommendations. A popular pediatrician Komarovsky advises how to prevent:

  • reduce the temperature in the room where the child is located to 20-22 degrees
  • regular ventilation, use of humidifiers
  • do not overheat the child by over-wrapping him. Dress according to the weather and activity
  • walk more often in the fresh air (at least 4 hours a day)
  • conduct children's bathing in water no more than 27 degrees, this stimulates the child's motor activity and strengthens the immune system and sleep
  • observe the regime
  • do not overload the child's body with excessive amounts of food. It is better to underfeed a little than to overfeed a child.
  • do not strive for sterility, so that the child's immunity adapts to various microorganisms


Any cough should not be left without the sensitive attention of parents. It is important to start treatment on time (and sometimes finish it on time) in order to avoid negative consequences and complications. If you feel worried that your child is constantly coughing, you should immediately seek help from specialists. They will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment for the recovery of your baby.

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src=" 300w, wp-content/uploads/2017/03/71036_01-e1489502622889.jpg 640w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px"> Often, with a cold, it is alarming when a child constantly coughs periodically. The reasons for the occurrence of such a phenomenon are often unclear. It happens that when using the list of medicines, the cough remains the same, unchanged. This not only brings discomfort to the child himself, but also causes trouble and anxiety to his parents.

A long cough torments the child's body, hinders its active lifestyle and development. In order to understand what measures need to be taken for recovery, you will need to determine the cause of the disease. What types of cough is divided into and what does it indicate? Why might he appear? How does the child's body react to persistent cough syndrome?

What does cough mean

The impulsive irritable process of the bronchi, nasal cavity and lungs in medical practice is called a cough. In this case, distinctive sounds appear during the passage of air through narrow respiratory tracts. In essence, a cough is a sharp respiratory movement that clears the respiratory tract from mucous secretions, dust particles, small foreign bodies that spontaneously penetrate the human body. Thus, there is a manifestation of a symptom in diseases of the respiratory system, diseases of the stomach and intestines, metabolic disorders in the body, allergies and other diseases.

Jpg" alt="sick child" width="320" height="210" srcset="" data-srcset=" 300w" sizes="(max-width: 320px) 100vw, 320px"> !} Sometimes the intensity of the cough can increase and lead to hoarseness, gag reflex and even spontaneous emptying of the bladder. A long persistent children's cough affects the mental and emotional background of the baby: he begins to act up, his appetite is disturbed, tearfulness and drowsiness appear.

Features of cough can be different. Acute cold syndrome lasts from 14 days. Protracted coughing is observed from 14 days to 3 months. Chronic cough can last up to 12 months. The intensity of the syndrome may vary: from minor cough urges, similar to the usual sore throat, to a hysterical cough.

The mucus secreted by coughing from the bronchi can be dry and wet. With unproductive cough syndrome, sputum is practically absent. The disease can come unexpectedly, and mucous secretions are observed in small quantities and have a viscosity.

With a wet (productive) cough, active excretion of mucous secretions from the bronchi is observed..jpg" alt=" a small child coughs">!} this type of pathology may be accompanied by whistling, wheezing or other sounds. Mucus is colorless, has a viscous appearance. These symptoms are also characteristic of acute bronchitis.

Read also: Why does it hurt under the ribs when coughing

With a purulent disease of the oral cavity in children, sputum is white. If we are talking about the development of bronchopneumonia, the mucous discharge is distinguished by a greenish-yellow tint. Mucous discharge with blood blotches often occurs with prolonged forms of bronchitis. Almost colorless sputum comes out due to coughing with bronchial asthma.

The occurrence of a cough is associated with an irritable process of the tissues of the respiratory system. In the course of this, the receptors located in them give a signal to the respiratory center of the human brain. Receptors respond to any viral as well as bacteriological attacks.

For infants, not very frequent cough urges are considered to be the norm. So the child shows a reaction to dust particles entering the trachea.

Physiological cough in children

To establish the cause of a persistent cough syndrome in children of different ages and determine the correct therapy, it is important to understand which type of condition is considered normal for a baby. When coughing fits are observed periodically and last a short time, while there are no other symptoms of the disease, parents have nothing to worry about. Such coughing is considered to be a common occurrence for both children and adults. During the reflex contraction of the respiratory tract, they are cleansed of accumulated mucus and dust particles.

If parents notice that the child has a hysterical cough and it does not stop for several days, you should carefully look at the child. The main thing is to assess general well-being and identify emerging data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt=" mother and daughter" width="300" height="201" srcset="" data-srcset=" 510w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px"> !} baby symptoms. The child may suffer from accompanying symptoms such as:

  1. liquid mucous discharge from the nasal cavity;
  2. stool disorder, diarrhea;
  3. heat.

If one of the above symptoms is detected, which is accompanied by a persistent cough in a child, it should be urgently shown to the doctor. If such signs are ignored and the necessary treatment is not provided, the baby may experience complications and health problems.

Types of persistent cough

Parents need to monitor any changes in the cough present in the child, since different ailments are characterized by its different course.

So, they distinguish:

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Read also: Treatment of severe cough to vomiting in a child

Causes of a persistent cough

The main function of coughing is considered not to let pathogenic microorganisms into the body and, together with mucous sputum, to bring them out. However, what if children suffer from a prolonged cough? Initially, it is necessary to determine the true cause of such a symptom. A long history of coughing in a child may indicate the following ailments:

  • colds;
  • the presence of worms in the body;
  • stenosis of vessels;
  • development of asthmatic bronchitis or asthma.

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Most types of prolonged cough in children appear as a result of the development of a viral and bacteriological infection. Concomitant symptoms in these pathologies can be an increased body temperature of the child, pain in the head, chills, etc. If the cough syndrome continues for a long time and does not go away, the child should be shown to the pediatrician. It is likely that an acute respiratory viral infection is complicated by pneumonia or another dangerous respiratory disease.

In the presence of worms in the child's body, a prolonged cough can also be observed. When the number of helminths is exceeded, they are able to form extensive colonies and thereby block the respiratory tract. Vascular stenosis can cause congenital heart disease, which subsequently also leads to a prolonged cough. The lungs do not receive the required amount of oxygen, as a result of oxygen starvation, cough syndrome occurs.

A prolonged cough can also be observed with nervous overwork, as well as systematic stressful situations. In addition to this, the basis data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="(!LANG : examination of the child by a doctor" width="300" height="176" srcset="" data-srcset=" 330w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px"> !} occurrence can be a disease of the nasal cavity of the nasopharynx and the presence of large adenoids.

Cold etiology pathology plays an important role in establishing a reliable medical opinion. In this regard, when collecting an anamnesis, it is necessary to examine in detail all the signs of the disease. An urgent appeal to a pediatrician requires a situation when a foreign body enters the trachea, which leads to a paroxysmal cough urge.

First aid for a persistent cough

Whooping cough that suddenly appears, which lasts for a long time and does not go away, can carry some danger to the crumbs. It indicates the possibility of developing allergies, an asthma attack, or the presence of a foreign body in the bronchi. In the latter situation, the child's cough is dry and manifests itself as frequent attacks. In the event of such symptoms, you should immediately call the ambulance service.

A cough in a child indicates unfavorable processes that occur in his body. Moreover, their scale can be very different - from a speck that has entered the respiratory tract to a serious pathology of the respiratory system and the cardiovascular system. Therefore, competent treatment of cough in children is a rather difficult problem. In order to know how to remove coughing attacks from a baby, one must clearly understand their trigger mechanism and understand the processes that occur in this case in the body.

With different pathologies, seizures will have their own characteristics and differences. If you learn to distinguish between them, then instead of panicking before a child’s sudden illness, parents will be able to understand how to stop a child’s cough and provide effective help to a coughing crumb before the doctor arrives.

Coughing is a reflex protective reaction of the body in response to irritation of the respiratory organs by foreign bodies, pathogens, deviations in the quality of the inhaled air. To know how to determine the cause, you need to understand how the cough reflex can manifest itself.

Depending on the processes that occur in the respiratory organs, there may be such types of cough in children:
  1. Productive. Comes in the period of resolution of the disease. In this form, a lot of sputum can be coughed up, in which the presence of mucus is not excluded. It is the most favorable for the body, because. in the process of coughing, the airways are cleansed of the consequences of inflammatory processes.
  2. Pharyngeal. It is also called throat. Manifested by weak short repetitive shocks. A similar manifestation of the cough reflex is also called a cough. Caused by inhalation of dry air or accumulation of mucus near the larynx. The cause of this type of cough is various pharyngitis, mild bronchitis.
  3. Simple wet. Occurs with heart failure, in cases of irreversible expansion of the bronchi (development of bronchiectasis), with bronchitis. The reason is irritation of the mucous membrane of the bronchial tree. As a rule, this case highlights the discharge of a large amount of sputum in the morning, after which there is a temporary improvement.
  4. Simple dry. Also called obsessive. Normally, it appears in severe frosts when moving from the street to a warm room, then the cough can continue only until the airways warm up. In the case of diseases, this type of cough is manifested in the child by monotony, sputum in this case does not go away. Occurs in the initial stage of development of bronchitis, bronchiectasis, laryngitis, tracheitis. It can occur if the lymph nodes are affected by the tuberculous process. Against the background of complete well-being, it indicates that foreign bodies have entered the respiratory organs, as well as the development of spontaneous pneumothorax.
  5. Interruptible. May accompany headaches, inflammatory processes in the abdominal cavity, chest fractures, pleurisy and pleuropneumonia.
  6. Bitonal. The child coughs with a characteristic double sound. At first there is a low hoarse tone, turning into a whistling high. It is characteristic in the case of the presence of foreign objects, stenotic processes, if mechanical compression occurs due to an increase in the thyroid gland or lymph nodes.
  7. Paroxysmal. This, as a rule, strong cough in a child appears if whooping cough is diagnosed. The cough is in the nature of serial shocks, followed by a long breath with a whistle. During such a coughing attack, there is an increase in pressure in the head vessels, the face turns red, may acquire a bluish tint, and short-term oxygen starvation occurs. During the night rest, the strength of the attacks is stronger than during the day.
  8. Psychogenic. Against the background of a stressful situation, a series of loud dry coughs appears. A provocative factor can be fear, too anxious state of parents, etc. Sometimes such attacks occur to attract attention to themselves and they pass with the normalization of the psychological microclimate.

To know how to get rid of a cough, you first need to be able to distinguish between its different types.

Quiz: Does Your Lifestyle Cause Lung Disease?

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Since almost all of us live in cities with very unhealthy conditions, and in addition to this we lead an unhealthy lifestyle, this topic is very relevant at the moment. We perform many actions, or vice versa - we are inactive, completely without thinking about the consequences for our body. Our life is in breathing, without it we will not live even a few minutes. This test will allow you to determine whether your lifestyle can provoke lung diseases, as well as help you think about your respiratory health and correct your mistakes.

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Time is over

  • You lead the right life

    You are an active person who cares and thinks about your respiratory system and health in general, continue to play sports, lead a healthy lifestyle and your body will delight you throughout your life. But do not forget to undergo examinations on time, maintain your immunity, this is very important, do not overcool, avoid severe physical and severe emotional overload. Try to minimize contact with sick people, in case of forced contact, do not forget about protective equipment (mask, washing hands and face, cleaning the respiratory tract).

  • It's time to start thinking about what you're doing wrong...

    You are at risk, you should think about your lifestyle and start taking care of yourself. Physical education is a must, or even better start playing sports, choose the sport that you like best and turn it into a hobby (dancing, biking, gym or just try to walk more). Do not forget to treat colds and flu in time, they can lead to complications in the lungs. Be sure to work with your immunity, temper yourself, be in nature and fresh air as often as possible. Do not forget to undergo scheduled annual examinations, it is much easier to treat lung diseases in the initial stages than in a neglected form. Avoid emotional and physical overload, smoking or contact with smokers, if possible, exclude or minimize.

  • It's time to sound the alarm!

    You are completely irresponsible about your health, thereby destroying the work of your lungs and bronchi, pity them! If you want to live long, you need to radically change your whole attitude towards the body. First of all, go through an examination with specialists such as a therapist and a pulmonologist, you need to take drastic measures, otherwise everything may end badly for you. Follow all the recommendations of doctors, radically change your life, it may be worth changing your job or even your place of residence, absolutely eliminate smoking and alcohol from your life, and keep contact with people who have such addictions to a minimum, harden, strengthen your immunity, as much as possible be outdoors more often. Avoid emotional and physical overload. Completely exclude all aggressive products from everyday use, replace them with natural, natural products. Do not forget to do wet cleaning and airing the room at home.

  1. With an answer
  2. Checked out

  1. Task 1 of 20

    1 .

    Does your lifestyle involve heavy physical activity?

  2. Task 2 of 20

    2 .

    How often do you have a lung examination (eg fluorogram)?

  3. Task 3 of 20

    3 .

    Do you play sports?

  4. Task 4 of 20

    4 .

    Do you snore?

  5. Task 5 of 20

    5 .

    Do you treat acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza and other inflammatory or infectious diseases?

  6. Task 6 of 20

    6 .

    Do you carefully observe personal hygiene (shower, hands before eating and after walking, etc.)?

  7. Task 7 of 20

    7 .

    Are you taking care of your immunity?

  8. Task 8 of 20

    8 .

    Have any relatives or family members suffered from serious lung diseases (tuberculosis, asthma, pneumonia)?

  9. Task 9 of 20

    9 .

    Do you live or work in an unfavorable environment (gas, smoke, chemical emissions from enterprises)?

  10. Task 10 of 20

    10 .

    Do you or your household use sources of strong odors (aroma candles, incense, etc.)?

  11. Task 11 of 20

    11 .

    Do you have heart disease?

  12. Task 12 of 20

    12 .

    How often are you in a damp or dusty environment with mold?

  13. Task 13 of 20

    13 .

    Do you often suffer from acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory infections?

  14. Task 14 of 20

    14 .

    Do you or any of your relatives have diabetes mellitus?

  15. Task 15 of 20

    15 .

    Do you have allergic diseases?

  16. Task 16 of 20

    16 .

    What lifestyle do you lead?

  17. Task 17 of 20

    17 .

    Does anyone in your family smoke?

  18. Task 18 of 20

    18 .

    Do you smoke?

  19. Task 19 of 20

    19 .

    Do you have air purifiers in your home?

  20. Task 20 of 20

    20 .

    How often do you use household chemicals (cleaners, aerosols, etc.)?

If the child coughs, then there is a certain reason for this. In order to understand how to relieve a specific cough attack, one should act on the cause that caused it.

The reasons for the appearance of a cough in a child are very different, and the attending physician should deal with the diagnosis and prescribing the appropriate treatment.

Common causes of cough in children include:
  1. The child begins to cough when infected with acute respiratory viral and adenovirus infections. The most favorable for infection with these diseases is cold damp weather. Getting into crowded places at such a time of the year, the child is very likely to get sick. Given the mutation of the virus every year, and even during one season, it is difficult to say in advance what type of cough a child will have. It is also impossible to foresee whether the disease will be accompanied by a high temperature or will pass in a form without a temperature. Subfebrile fever is also possible. Therefore, if a child begins to cough in weather favorable for the life of influenza viruses and respiratory infections, the child should be immediately shown to the doctor and the therapy prescribed by him should be started.
  2. Cough attacks can be caused by inflammation of the bronchi. The causes of cough in children against the background of inflammation in bronchitis are of a viral and bacterial nature. With a viral etiology, the expectorated sputum will be transparent or with a yellowish tint. The bacterial nature of the disease will stain the expectorant mucus with pus contained in it.
  3. If a child has a dry or, as they say, barking cough, then we can talk about childhood infectious diseases, such as whooping cough, measles, etc. In order to avoid serious complications that these diseases can end in, adequate therapy should be started as soon as possible.
  4. Bronchial asthma is manifested not only by coughing attacks, but also by difficulty breathing.
  5. In a child, severe coughing spells or coughing can often be caused by allergies. Usually such attacks are not accompanied by temperature reactions. The child begins to cough only after contact with the allergen. It is possible to find out which substance provokes the appearance of such attacks only with the help of allergic reactions.
  6. The reason that there is a frequent cough in a child, especially during a night's rest, can be dry air in his room. In such a situation, humidifying the air with the help of special humidifiers, wet wiping the floors, hanging wet towels or sheets in the room will help.

Therefore, before deciding how to properly treat a cough in a child, you need to understand what causes it.

Why a cough attack occurs in a child and how to treat seizures can only be indicated by a doctor based on the results of the examination.

Parents often ask questions about how to cure a cough in a child. However, relief can be achieved only when the measures taken are adequate. Those. it will be possible to quickly remove a cough attack only if you give the child remedies that eliminate the cause.

Therefore, before treating an incipient cough in a child, it is necessary to determine its trigger, and then proceed to therapy:
  1. Asthmatic attack. More often during a night's rest, convulsive attacks of dry cough appear. Growing in strength, the attack can even reach vomiting. This is a very serious condition, so you should immediately call an ambulance. Before the arrival of the brigade, the simplest means of first aid to the child is to provide him with the maximum flow of fresh air. You can give the body a certain posture. Better sitting or reclining, while distracting him with toys, talking, etc. Also a good way is to make hot foot baths with mustard. This will give a distracting effect, soothe the baby and make breathing a little easier. Also at this time, the child should drink plenty of water. What to give a child for coughing next time, then the allergist will tell in detail after a thorough examination. Data from laboratory tests and allergy tests will help determine how to quickly relieve a child of a cough.
  2. How to help a child with a cough due to inhalation of foreign objects? First of all, you should calm the child as soon as possible so that he does not make sudden movements. Otherwise, further advancement of the foreign body through the bronchi is possible. Have someone call an ambulance. Then you need to put the baby on the table or floor face down and apply a few blows between the shoulder blades. You can also hold the baby, holding the legs, turn it upside down and, shaking it in this position, slap on the back. In the described way, you can remove the cough before the ambulance arrives. In order to prevent aspiration pneumonia, the baby after such an incident must be examined.
  3. What should I do if my child coughs a lot due to a cold or an infectious disease? If such attacks are accompanied by fever, first of all, the child should be provided with bed rest. The sooner you start treating cough in children, the easier it will be for the onset of the disease. At night, a hot foot bath will help alleviate the cough. Mustard plasters on the back will also have a good effect on older children. Helps with cough and inhalation. How to calm a cough in a child in case of a cold, traditional medicine also advises. To do this, you can give a warm drink with honey, viburnum berries, raspberry jam. Usually after that, the coughing attack goes away.
  4. How to treat a cough in a child with bronchitis? What can be given to the child in this case is usually decided by the doctor. Depending on the type of cough, the doctor decides what will help better - expectorants or antitussives. How to soften a dry cough attack at home? Steam soda inhalations help well.
  5. How to quickly get rid of a cough with laryngitis? In this case, only warmth will help until the doctor arrives. You can do steam inhalation, put a warm compress on your neck. How to treat a children's cough with sore throat and what to give so that there are no attacks in the future, the doctor will tell.
  6. How to cure a severe cough with pneumonia? It is often possible to treat a child in this case only in a hospital under the control of tests. And how to soften coughing at home? Preventive measures against congestion in the lungs will help here: regular ventilation, frequent changes in body position in bed. A warm drink will also help a child's cough.

To know how to quickly cure a cough in a child, you need to know the etiology of the disease. This requires a clinical examination.

How to treat cough in children with medications, what cough medicines for children exist? You should not decide on your own how to treat a wet or dry cough in a child. First of all, it should be noted that the child's body differs from adults in the course of diseases and the reaction to medicinal substances. Therefore, in pediatrics, only special children's cough medicines are used, which differ in the composition and dosage of active ingredients. When choosing a cough medicine for children, one should also rely on laboratory and clinical diagnostic data.

In order to quickly remove such a symptom of the disease, cough remedies should be selected in accordance with its characteristics.

You can safely get rid of a cough in a child only by using special products for children.

For children, the following groups of drugs are used for coughing:
  1. Antitussive drugs for children of central action. In pediatrics, potent drugs are not used. Usually, a codeine-like remedy for dry cough for children is selected by a doctor, i.e. antitussives, equal in effect to Codeine and Ethylmorphine, but without their side effects. Such medicines perfectly remove dry cough, suppressing irritation of the cough center. You should not select such drugs yourself, because. the doctor knows best how to relieve a child's cough without harming his health.
  2. Bronchodilator drugs. We treat spastic seizures with drugs of this group. Effective bronchodilators relieve spasms of the airways.
  3. Mucolytics are used to relieve cough. These cough medicines for children will reduce the viscosity of sputum and make it easier to pass.
  4. Expectorants. These cough medicines improve the removal of phlegm and mucus from the bronchi, speeding up recovery.

From the throat and inflammation of the larynx at any age, you can do inhalation. You can add an emollient baby medicine prescribed by a doctor to the nebulizer.

Treating a cough at home without consulting a doctor can pose a serious threat to the health and life of a child! The most effective cough remedy is selected by the doctor individually, depending on the type of cough and the cause of its occurrence.

A sick child should not be given various medications for coughing without a doctor's prescription! Often, only physical methods of examination are not enough to make a diagnosis. Before treating a cough in a child, sometimes it is necessary to pass laboratory tests.

Dry cough medicine for children is usually taken within a maximum of three days from the onset of the disease. Then, after the transition to the wet form, medications are prescribed to facilitate the excretion of sputum, which are taken as long as the cough lasts, i.e. until recovery.

Taking into account age, children are prescribed a different dosage form of medicines. It is preferable for newborns to give drugs in the form of mixtures. From a year it can already be treated with syrups. Children over five years old are already given pills to drink. But it is better to give the doctor a choice of dosage form, as well as how to treat a dry or wet children's cough.

Prevention of cough in children is carried out in various directions.

In order to reduce the risk of coughing attacks in a child, the following recommendations should be followed:
  1. Monitor the humidity in the room where the child stays the longest. Dry air is especially harmful to the child's body. To humidify the air, wet cleaning should be carried out daily. Also, a household humidifier should be placed in the room. His absence can be replaced by hanging wet towels and sheets in the room. You can also often spray water with a spray bottle.
  2. Get rid of allergens in the house. Thorough wet cleaning every day will reduce the amount of house dust in the room. You also need to remove excess carpets, because. they accumulate a lot of dust. If a child is allergic to pet hair, you will have to abandon their content.
  3. During mass epidemics of respiratory viral infections, crowded places should be excluded or minimized. Taking vitamin preparations at this time will increase the resistance of the child's body.
  4. As early as possible, harden the baby. Individual procedures and training will help you choose a doctor in the office of physiotherapy exercises.
  5. Encourage your child to consume fresh fruits, herbs and vegetables year-round.
  6. The best way to prevent a cough is fresh air. Therefore, the child should walk as much as possible in the fresh air. Ideally, if such walks are combined with increased physical activity.

In 90% of cases, coughing in children indicates the onset of a disease. But there are situations in which coughing is an absolutely harmless phenomenon. Consider all the possible reasons why a child has a constant cough and how to eliminate them.

Why is the child coughing

Coughing in a child can be caused by a variety of reasons. Most of them are easily eliminated with little effort on the part of the parents.

Diseases of the upper respiratory tract and SARS

If the baby began to cough periodically, this may be nothing more than the most “banal” cold. You should not postpone a visit to the doctor if coughing attacks are accompanied by:

  • rise in temperature;
  • redness of the throat;
  • the occurrence of wheezing;
  • lethargy, drowsiness, increased irritability of the baby;
  • runny nose, lacrimation.

All of these symptoms point to a cold. It is not recommended to treat it yourself, as this can lead to complications..

Children need to be given medicines according to age. Tablets for adults contain a high concentration of the active substance, so they can lead to an overdose.

Dusty, polluted, smoky indoor air

Every parent knows how important it is to keep the baby's room ventilated. But, unfortunately, not every parent observes this. As a result, the lack of oxygen causes sneezing. At the same time, the child complains that he seems to have a tickle in his throat. But these symptoms disappear immediately after elementary cleaning and airing of the children's room.


Not always an allergic reaction in a child is accompanied by external symptoms (skin rash, redness, itching, small sores). In some cases, the only manifestation of an allergy in a baby is a cough. It passes immediately after all provocative foods disappear from the child's diet, if the symptom is caused by a food allergy.

Dust, pet hair, plant pollen can also act as an irritant. It is important to detect the allergen in time and stop its effect on the body.

Some diseases

If a child coughs all the time, this may indicate various diseases:

  • Bronchial asthma. It is accompanied by a dry cough, which is aggravated by lying down. It is observed mainly at night.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Acid from the stomach is thrown into the esophagus, irritating the neck. It is manifested by constant perspiration and dry cough.
  • Heart defects and chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system. The baby may be pale, periodically lose consciousness. The heart is slightly enlarged and presses on the lungs, causing coughing.

Only a pediatrician can identify or exclude these diseases. Therefore, you do not need to try to make a diagnosis yourself, and after the first signs appear, consult a specialist.

Penetration of a foreign object into the respiratory apparatus of a child

Often a cough in children is caused by a foreign object entering the respiratory tract (toys, scraps of paper, etc.). You should not wait until the trouble goes away on its own, the most correct option is to urgently go to the hospital.

The foreign body will move from the trachea to the lungs, injuring the children's organs. This condition is very dangerous. The baby may suffocate.

Causes of cough in babies

If a baby is constantly coughing, but not sick, this may indicate the following reasons:

  • Increased lactation. If the mother has a lot of milk, the baby coughs only because he does not have time to swallow and digest all that huge “milk flow” normally. In this case, it is better to express milk in a jar, and only then feed the baby.
  • Violation of the swallowing reflex in infants. Most of the vital systems of the baby's body are still very imperfect. Violation of the swallowing reflex, due to which air enters the esophagus of the newborn along with food, is a temporary phenomenon. As soon as the baby grows up a little, all reflexes (including swallowing) will work properly.
  • Sound test. With the help of sounds that imitate coughing (less often - a strong, paroxysmal cough), kids train their vocal apparatus.
  • Accumulation of physiological mucus in the nasopharynx. Often the “provoker” of cough in infants is mucus (snot and saliva), which is produced in excess in the body of a newborn. Once in the upper respiratory tract, mucus provokes a cough.

In this case, it remains to wait patiently until the amount of saliva in the child itself normalizes. This period will come immediately after the baby's teeth erupt.

But if the child not only coughs, but other symptoms are observed, the baby is very naughty, you should immediately check it with a pediatrician.

How to treat children's cough

Children's cough is one of the most common ailments, the treatment of which depends on the degree of the disease, the age of the child, and even the views of adults on this process. But the first thing mom and dad should do is to turn to a professional for advice. Otherwise, only a beginning disease can only be healed or disguised, and soon you will meet with it again, but in a more severe form.

The use of medicines

A visit to the hospital is essential. This is the only way to prevent the development of complications and get an adequate prescription of treatment.

Depending on what type of cough the baby has, drugs are selected for his therapy. So, with a dry cough, the main task is to translate it into a wet form. Antitussives based on codeine (Codelac, Tedeine) do an excellent job with this. But they are not recommended for children under 2 years of age.

And since any treatment should be complex, antiviral (Arbidol, Kagocel), antibiotics (Azithromycin, Clarithromycin) and vitamin complexes are prescribed. All drugs are selected by the doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the child.

Parents should remember that if the treatment is incorrect and prolonged, then the cough can become chronic, and the results can be disastrous.

A wet cough is the next stage that comes after a dry cough. This can be considered the beginning of recovery, but you should not relax. Proper medical treatment will bring results. The doctor prescribes mucolytic and expectorant drugs.

Folk remedies

If the child coughs without signs of a cold, traditional medicine can be used. With a dry cough, a decoction of pine needles, a drink of honey and milk, tea with lemon will help.

And with a wet cough, badger fat, cabbage juice and currant leaves will be very effective. Also, Dr. Komarovsky recommends rinsing the nose with saline solutions (saline or Aquamaris).

But the use of traditional medicine should not be put in the first place. Be sure to therapy should be complex with the use of drugs.


For the prevention of children's cough, the baby must be dressed according to the weather, avoid drafts, and often walk with him. Include fresh fruits and vegetables in his diet. If the air in his room is too dry, it is recommended to purchase special humidifiers. And before going to bed, it is necessary to ventilate the room.

Coughing in children can occur for a variety of reasons. But parents need to remember the main thing - once noticing this or that alarming symptom, do not postpone a visit to the doctor. The sooner you seek help, the less complications there will be..



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