Recipes from pine cones - traditional medicine. Medicinal properties and contraindications of pine cones

Unfortunately, experts are currently observing a disappointing upward trend in the incidence of diseases. vascular system and heart muscle among the population of almost all age categories. If just a few decades ago such diseases were considered to be ailments of old age, now vascular pathologies are detected even in relatively young people. Read this article to the end to find out how infusion of pine cones may be useful for vessels.

In order not to join the army of people suffering from vascular and heart diseases, it is recommended to pay attention to treatment methods that are not classified as traditional medicine. Storehouse folk wisdom, collected drop by drop by healers and healers, is incredibly rich in recipes, the use of which in practice will improve health, get rid of existing diseases, and restore joy and fullness of life.

For example, pine and spruce cones for vessels are unique gift nature, which, subject to its rational use, will allow to cleanse the vascular system of toxins, strengthen and increase the elasticity of tissues. How to use this treatment method in practice, are there any contraindications, how to avoid common mistakes? Let's consider these, as well as many other questions, in more detail.

Useful properties of pine cones

Amazing healing properties spruce and pine cones, which make it possible to use this magical remedy for the treatment of many diseases, are due to their rich chemical composition this tool.

List of microelements. Useful and medicinal properties.
Vitamin KIt has a beneficial effect on blood clotting, helps thin the hemolymph and reduce its viscosity.
Vitamin C.Ascorbic acid helps strengthen vascular walls and increasing their elasticity, effectively increases the body's immune strength and increases its resistance.
B vitamins.The combined combination of B vitamins, which includes twelve essential elements, helps improve metabolic processes and promoting health in general.
Tannins.They have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect and help eliminate inflammatory processes, affecting vascular tissue.
Essential oils.Essential oils or phytoncides help strengthen the body's immune forces and have anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects.
Rutin.Rutin or vitamin P helps relieve swelling, normalizes hematopoiesis, strengthens and increases the elasticity of vascular walls.

Pine or spruce cones are used to treat diseases of the vascular system, have powerful immunomodulatory and antiviral effect, help increase the tone of the body and its resistance. Taken together, it is precisely thanks to these properties, which the video in this article also provides, ethnoscience recommends using cones to treat vascular pathologies.

Indications and contraindications

Despite wide range positive properties And amazing benefits pine cones, it is not always possible to use them for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

There are a number certain contraindications, which completely exclude the use of this kind of methodology, including:

  • inflammatory diseases of the excretory system;
  • persons suffering from pathologies of the liver and gall bladder;
  • women in a state of pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding;
  • persons who have reached 60-65 years of age ( this contraindication is conditional, it must be confirmed by the attending physician);
  • childhood and adolescence;
  • risk of developing allergies or other reactions negative character on the components included in a particular home remedy.

It should be noted that almost all of the contraindications given above are conditional, that is, the use of pine cones is theoretically possible, but only subject to approval therapeutic technique specialist.

Advice! To avoid side effects, you should take pine cone products only after consulting a doctor, even if there are no contraindications.

Basic rules for collecting raw materials

Prevention of diseases and treatment of blood vessels with pine cones is carried out mainly through the use of raw materials collected with one’s own hands. Find fir or pine cones in free sale quite problematic, in addition, the price of such a product can be quite high.

To obtain positive treatment results, you should pay attention to Special attention on the rules for collecting cones:

  1. To create remedies at home, both green and red, that is, mature cones, can be used. Raw materials should be collected in certain time year, depending on what type of cones is required.
  2. Green cones should be collected in May or June. It is advisable to take only unopened coniferous fruits, the length of which exceeds four centimeters.
  3. Collection of red or mature buds should be done in August or September.
  4. You should choose a tree that is not too young or old, that looks absolutely healthy in appearance and has no visible damage.
  5. It is strictly not recommended to collect in close proximity to roads or industrial structures.

An undoubted advantage of collecting pine cones with your own hands is the possibility of obtaining truly high-quality and environmentally friendly pure product. These are the cones that should be used in medicinal purposes.

Recipes for strengthening blood vessels

Most popular means for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the heart muscle and vascular system among recipe lovers alternative medicine is an alcohol tincture prepared from young green cones. However, no less effective means There are also those based on other variants of medicinal raw materials.

Infusion of green cones

For getting healing agent based on young green cones, use one of two options for preparing the tincture.

The difference between these drugs lies only in the amount of raw materials obtained at the end of the process:

  1. First you need to thoroughly wash, dry and chop fifteen to twenty medium-sized cones. Cut the prepared raw materials into thin slices, place in a glass container equipped with a tight-fitting lid, then pour in a liter of high-quality vodka and put in the refrigerator. The product will be ready for use in ten days.
  2. Five large cones should be prepared by analogy with the previous recipe, pour a glass of high-quality vodka or medical alcohol, then place the liquid in a glass container of suitable volume and put it in the refrigerator.

Tincture of pine cones for blood vessels gently cleanses the body and activates internal reserves, helps cleanse and strengthen the vascular system. To treat existing diseases, you should drink one teaspoon of the product three times a day.

For getting preventive effect One small spoon is enough. Depending on your goals, you can drink the tincture in courses, the duration of which varies from two weeks to six months.

Infusion of red cones

No less effective properties has a tincture of red or mature pine cones. To prepare such a remedy, you can use cones of any length and width, it is only important that they are already open.

The tincture of cones for blood vessels is prepared as follows:

  • place ten large, pre-washed and dried cones in any glass container;
  • pour the prepared raw materials with a glass of high-quality vodka or medical alcohol;
  • seal the container and leave for two weeks to infuse.

After the tincture is ready, you need to add a teaspoon of natural apple cider vinegar. The product should be taken in accordance with the previous recipe, that is, one to three times a day, one teaspoon.

Advice! The use of alcohol tinctures is strictly prohibited for persons with individual intolerance alcohol or diseases that prevent the use of this substance.

Cone extract in water

If it is not possible to use such an effective remedy as tincture of green pine cones for blood vessels, you can use recipes that exclude the use of alcohol-containing liquids. These include, for example, pine extract.

To prepare it you should:

  • wash thoroughly and cut into small pieces or otherwise chop two hundred grams of green pine or fir cones;
  • pour the raw material with a liter of boiling water, bring to a boil again and cook until three-quarters of the original amount of liquid remains in the container;
  • remove the product from the heat and dissolve half a kilogram of sugar in it;
  • Cool the broth and mix it with half a kilogram of natural liquid honey.

The finished drink should be taken at least three times a day in the amount of one teaspoon. To improve the taste of the tincture, you can add a few cinnamon sticks or lemon zest to it.

Honey from pine cones

An equally useful and very tasty remedy that can be used for treatment and prevention vascular diseases, is natural honey from pine cones. To prepare such a delicacy, which has amazing beneficial properties, you should pour twenty cones with a liter of boiling water, previously mixed with a kilogram granulated sugar.

Pine cone jam

Jam made from pine cones has more pronounced taste and healing properties. This product can be consumed as a treat, but we should not forget that it should be eaten in strictly limited quantities.

To make jam, you need to finely chop or otherwise grind a kilogram of young spruce or pine cones, cover the resulting mass with the same amount of granulated sugar or, which is even more tasty and healthy, a mixture of honey and sugar. Leave the resulting mixture for at least twelve hours, then cook over low heat for two to two and a half hours.

Advice! A tincture of green cones for blood vessels can be successfully combined with jam or honey. A complex combination of such agents will quickly and effectively eliminate existing diseases and vascular pathologies.

Tincture or other remedies prepared by using pine or fir cones have a wide range of useful properties. They can be used to treat not only vascular diseases, but also for general strengthening body, providing antiviral, immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effects.

You also need to know that incorrectly applied dosage of drugs or using them in excessive quantities can cause multiple side effects. Most often, these include the appearance of dizziness and headaches, fatigue, decreased performance, lethargy and apathy.

These rules are especially relevant in relation to such a remedy as tincture of pine cones for blood vessels. Thus, only proper application home remedies will allow you to get positive results and completely eliminate possible negative consequences.

Maintaining health and ensuring longevity are the main tasks of any person, and nature gives us ample opportunities for this. For example, pine cones, which each of us has seen many times in the forest and park, have unique properties, stimulating the body's defenses and protecting against many diseases. To use these powers, you need to somehow remove them and ensure long-term preservation. For this purpose, it is most convenient to fill the cones with alcohol or vodka. What exactly is an infusion of pine cones useful for? In what cases will there be benefits from its consumption?

Infusion of pine cones with vodka - benefits

Today many people know what exactly coniferous trees help in better degree cleanse the human body of stagnation, eliminate the root cause of many pulmonary diseases and restore good health. Pine needles and cones are widely used in folk medicine, coping with all sorts of ailments and restoring strength and energy to patients.

The infusion, which is prepared by infusing pine cones with vodka, has gained considerable popularity precisely because of its rich composition and fairly strong positive impact on the body.

To the most important qualities, which make an infusion of pine cones with vodka useful for a large number of diseases, include the following:

* dissolution of stones that form in the kidneys or gallbladder due to poor nutrition or predisposition;

* quick cleansing blood vessels from deposits accumulated on their walls, destruction of cholesterol “plaques” and therefore excellent prevention of stroke and heart attack;

*improving mobility in joints by dissolving the accumulation of salts of various origins in them;

* excellent removal of mucus from the lungs and provision of “first aid” for bronchitis (even prolonged and difficult to treat), long-term and barking cough;

* prevention of colds by saturating the body with the vitamins it needs, organic substances and minerals that pine cones are rich in.

And this a large number of The beneficial qualities for human health are determined by the composition of pine cones, which should become helpers in every family, because their availability and ease of preparing an infusion with vodka allows anyone who is thinking about maintaining their health to use this natural medicine. Well, of course, children should not take medicine, but adults are a different matter.

Composition explaining the high degree of usefulness

For a better understanding of the high degree of popularity of the infusion of buds with vodka and its high efficiency their composition should be studied.

So, pine cones are rich in the following substances:

1. vitamins - significant amount substance such as vitamin C ( ascorbic acid), which is good for stimulating the immune system; vitamin E - a vitamin of youth that protects cell walls from the negative effects of free radicals; vitamins P, K, D;

2. minerals, providing the body with strength and energy (sodium, potassium, cobalt, phosphorus, and a small amount of iron);

3. phytoncides, which make it possible to quickly dissolve salts in joints and cleanse the kidneys;

4. tannins, which regulate the formation of deposits on the walls blood vessels, preventing the growth of pathogenic microorganisms;

5. pycnogenol, a substance that has a beneficial effect on general state blood vessels, lowering blood pressure and preventing the development of stroke;

The antibacterial properties of pine cones were known to our ancestors, who used them as effective remedy disease prevention respiratory tract, for vitamin deficiency, to improve brain nutrition.

An easy-to-prepare infusion of pine cones with vodka allows you to increase the degree of impact of the cones by increasing the degree of penetration of all the substances they contain into the cells and tissues of the body with the help of vodka.

Raw material collection period

To prepare this natural medicine you should visit the nearest park (of course, it should be located away from the roadway) or forest area and collect young pine cones there. It is preferable to do this early summer when they still have green color and their scales are not revealed.

The collected raw materials are washed, dried and crushed, and then dried at constant temperature no more than 40°C: so they can long time maintain its high efficiency.

Cooking features

Young, freshly harvested cones should be washed, cut and filled with diluted alcohol or high-quality vodka. For five medium-sized cones, take a glass of vodka.

Poured into jars alcohol infusion close the lid and infuse for 2.5-3 weeks in a dark place. Can be put in the refrigerator.

Use of the received medicinal drug depends on the goal and health status.

Infusion of pine cones - application

As a preventive and vitamin remedy, the resulting infusion is used in small quantities and for quite a long time. Every day you should consume about 1-2 teaspoons before meals. The product is used twice a day.

Use of the product for diseases of various nature depends on the degree of neglect of the disease and the patient’s condition:

* after a stroke, you should take 1 teaspoon of infusion three times a day. The course is 4 weeks;

* frequent colds, ulcer duodenum and stomach, gastritis with low acidity- 1 tablespoon twice a day, course - 3 weeks;

* vitamin deficiency, predisposition to decreased immunity - 0.5 tablespoons four times a day;

* improved brain nutrition, increased level cholesterol - 1 tablespoon three times a day, the course is three weeks.

The rich composition and high degree of effectiveness explains the wide range of applications of the drug, because it natural origin allows us to call it the most useful and safe for health. However, pregnancy and allergies to components, the process of lactation and a tendency to alcoholism should be the reason for refusing this drug or taking it, as well as the patient’s condition, should be monitored by a doctor.

In the 18th century, traveler P. S. Pallas noticed that pine shoots treated scurvy, which occurs due to a deficiency of vitamin C. One million people died from the disease in the 17th–18th centuries.

Chemical composition

Pine is known for its phytoncidal effect. Air samples showed that the content pathogenic organisms where coniferous trees grow, it is 10 times less than in a birch forest. Therefore, it is recommended for people with respiratory diseases spa treatment in an area where there is boron. Almost all parts of the tree have healing properties, due to their chemical composition.

The composition of pine cones includes:

  • monoterpene hydrocarbons;
  • lipids;
  • linolenic and oleic acids;
  • bioflavonoids and others.

Properties, indications for use

The cones have an expectorant, diaphoretic, immunomodulatory, wound-healing, cleansing effect, stop bleeding and prevent the growth of tumor formations. Decoctions, tinctures, and other forms of medicine help with arterial hypertension. Studies have shown that blood pressure decreases within 4 days after the start of treatment. The drugs increase the tone and elasticity of blood vessels, including the brain.

Tannins are found in the fruits. These substances stop the death of brain cells during a stroke. American scientists conducted interesting studies. It turned out that it is common for mice to lose brain cells during an acute disorder. cerebral circulation reached 70%. But in rodents injected with tannins, this figure was 20%.

Success is achieved in the treatment of such diseases:

  • bronchitis;
  • inflammation of the respiratory tract;
  • gum disease;
  • avitaminosis;
  • dropsy;
  • stroke;
  • decreased hemoglobin;
  • some liver diseases;
  • thrombophlebitis, varicose veins;
  • tuberculosis;
  • joint pain due to polyarthritis;
  • decreased immunity.

Collection of raw materials

Pine cones take two to three years to mature. Young fruits, first year of life, are harvested in the spring, usually at the end of May. But some sources claim that it is better to stock up on raw materials in August, since then the most useful substances accumulate. Requirements for fruits:

  • soft green specimens that can be cut with a knife or pierced with a fingernail;
  • size - up to 4 cm;
  • the scales are not open, not damaged by pests;
  • collected from healthy trees.

Ripe, lignified fruits for 2–3 years are also used.

Traditional medicine recipes

In folk medicine, remedies prepared according to different recipes. Here are the most popular and easy to prepare.

Green cone tincture

Alcohol tincture preserves the main medicinal properties of pine. It is useful for lung diseases - tuberculosis, bronchitis, tracheitis, gastrointestinal ailments, stroke.

To prepare the product, take 10 pine cones, grind them in a meat grinder, place them in a glass container (preferably dark green or Brown). The raw materials are poured with vodka or pure medical or food alcohol, previously diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2.

Leave the tightly sealed bottle in a warm place out of reach of children. Shake the dishes periodically, and after a week the liquid is filtered.

If you add to the product alcohol tinctures sweet clover, chestnut fruits, verbena, you will get a medicine against vascular diseases - thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, to strengthen the immune system.

Accept pure tincture or herbal balm 5 ml (1 tsp) immediately after meals three times a day. The course of therapy is 6 months.

Use the tincture for compresses for swelling of the joints. For this natural fabric soaked in the product and applied to the inflamed area, wrapped on top with cellophane film and woolen cloth. Therapeutic lotions are given before bedtime, the duration of the course is until complete recovery.

Before taking the medicine orally, you should consult your doctor, especially if you are going to treat children, pregnant women, people with chronic diseases, since alcohol has contraindications for use. Such people should cook better water infusions, if not general ban for the use of the plant. The specialist will take into account side effect, compatibility with drugs in the main line of therapy.

Contraindications for the tincture are alcoholism, hepatitis, pregnancy, lactation, headaches, age under 12 and over 60 years. Allergies rarely occur. If there are no contraindications to the use of the plant as a whole, alcohol-free medicinal products are prepared and used.

Water infusion

Wash 5 young cones, cut into small pieces, place in an enamel bowl, add 600 ml of water. Bring the water to a boil, leave on low heat for another 5 minutes. Then strain the infusion, pour into a dark glass container, and place in the refrigerator. Accept:

  • for prevention - in the morning after meals, a quarter glass;
  • for treatment - three times a day after meals in the same dose.

Decoction with milk

The decoction has medicinal properties against pulmonary tuberculosis. For preparation take:

  • 2 tbsp. l. crushed green cones;
  • milk - 500 ml.

The raw materials are poured with hot milk, simmered over low heat for 30 minutes, and left for 2 hours. The milk infusion is filtered and drunk three times a day.


The jam has an interesting resinous taste that is liked by both adults and children. For the winter, for a family of 2-3 people, it is enough to prepare 2-3 liters of jam, which strengthens the immune system and helps treat flu and colds.

This is how jam is prepared. Pine cones are cleared of debris and needles, spoiled ones are thrown away, and the remaining ones are washed. The raw materials folded into enamel dishes are poured with water in such an amount as to cover them by 1–1.5 cm. The dishes are placed on the fire and brought to a boil, sugar is added (1 kg per 1 liter of liquid). Keep on fire for 1.5 hours, constantly skim off the foam. The jam is cooled. Take 1-2 teaspoons three times a day with warm drinks.

Pine honey

Green cones are washed, cleaned, sorted, and spoiled ones are separated from whole ones. Pour water 1–1.5 cm above the level of the cones and boil for 20 minutes in a saucepan with a lid. Leave for 24 hours, filter, discard the solid part.

Add sugar (1 kg/1 l) to the infusion and cook for 1.5 hours in an enamel bowl. Immediately pour the prepared honey into hot jars. The product is contraindicated for diabetics due to its sugar content.


Syrup strengthens the body, treats diseases respiratory organs, has other medicinal properties.

To prepare the syrup take:

  • 1 part green pine cones;
  • 1-2 parts sugar (honey).

After pre-treatment, as described in previous recipes, the pine cones are cut in half and rolled in sugar.

The halves are placed in an enamel or glass container, each layer, including the top, is sprinkled with sugar. The dishes are covered with gauze and left in dark warmth place, shaking occasionally to dissolve the sugar.

Use 10 ml (1 dessert spoon) of syrup diluted in 100 ml warm water 2 times a day - in the morning before meals and before bed. Store in a cool place.

Medicinal properties increase if honey is used instead of sugar.

Infusion of mature pine cones

The infusion helps with joint inflammation. Last year's mature cones will be required. Collect 120–180 pieces for a course of treatment (depending on size).

Wash 2 large or 3 small cones, put them in a thermos, pour boiling water to cover the fruits, leave until morning. The infusion is filtered and drunk warm 20 minutes before meals. Take two months, if necessary, repeat treatment after two weeks.

Contraindications, overdose

Despite all the beneficial properties, pine cones have contraindications - kidney disease, acute or exacerbation chronic hepatitis. Such drugs are prescribed with caution to pregnant women and children under 12 years of age and adults over 60 years of age.

It is important not to exceed recommended servings: overdose causes headache, inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Also, before starting use, you should make sure that there are no contraindications such as allergies or intolerance to the product.

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It's no secret that she appeared long before the professional one. People have deliberately sought the healing properties of plants for centuries. Unique organic medicines were found through the method of attempts and defeats. Oddly enough, in the era of nanotechnology these are not forgotten. They are passed down from generation to generation and are still used today. One of folk remedies Pine cones remain from various ailments. And in this article we will talk about their benefits.

Chemical composition

The pine cone is a modified form that develops at the ends of the branches of a known tree. This is a derivative of the most common in the world. With its rich chemical composition, it is not inferior to any medicine. Firstly, as a part, the fruit has a resinous content. This is wonderful nice smell and rare valuable substances- terpenes. Secondly, this modified shoot is the source of almost all groups: A, B1, C, E, H, U.

Did you know? Little known and quite rare vitamin Scientists have dubbed group H a “microvitamin.” The fact is that the body needs incredibly little of it, but it is still necessary for normal functioning liver, immune system, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, beauty of skin, hair, teeth and nails.

And lastly, the buds contain calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, borneol, lipids, oleic acid, and essential oils. Thanks to these incredible useful elements, pine cones deserve wide application in folk medicine.

Collection secrets and when to collect

The quality of the fruit is directly affected by the time and method of its collection. Mainly ingredient medicines are green shoots. It is believed that they contain large quantity the above beneficial substances. That is why you need to go to an “old” pine forest in May (in warm climates) or in July-August (in and other cold areas). Our ancestors believed that the shoots would have unique healing or even magical properties, if you collect them on the night of Ivan Kupala.

Important! Pine trees have the ability to “absorb” many toxic substances, therefore, to safely collect shoots, try to choose clean areas that are far from the highway or other air pollutantsfactors.

Many people who have already encountered this process warn that there is still no clear period when it is necessary to collect pine cones. The “ripeness” of a given product is influenced by many factors (humidity, age of the tree, forest density). In order not to miss the ripening of cones, experienced foresters advise monitoring their growth. After all, very small red shoots extremely quickly turn into the necessary green ingredients for folk recipes. But there is an opinion that red pine cones are a wonderful remedy for treating and cleaning blood vessels, so if you have such problems, then you can collect some unripe shoots.

Ideal buds for medicine should be soft, not flaccid, and, as already noted, pleasantly uniform greenish color. In no case can the buds have any visible damage by insects, rotten or other marks indicating spoilage and their inappropriate quality. They will be easy to cut with a knife, but will not crumble. Size does not play a big role; shoots can be from one to four centimeters in length. There is still debate about whether to rinse the buds with water before using them or not. On the one hand, it is believed that consuming an unwashed product is dangerous and wrong.

On the other hand, many housewives insist that when washed, almost half of the beneficial properties of fruits can disappear. Here the decision is yours. To use for medicinal purposes, the cones must be collected early in the morning. It is believed that it is at this time that the process of sap flow begins, which fills them with healing properties. It's no secret that a young cone that dries out will acquire a rich dark color. It is recommended to store it in a fabric bag, cardboard box or paper bag, where moisture and direct Sun rays. Shelf life is one and a half years.

Benefits for the body

The incredibly rich chemical composition pine shoots who served them great benefit for the body, subject, of course, to reasonable use. Cones can lead to the following processes:

  1. Improving blood circulation by strengthening blood vessels.
  2. Significant increase in immunity.
  3. Prevention of stroke, heart attack.
  4. Active skin regeneration.
  5. Enrichment of the entire body with minerals, which promotes rapid bone healing.
  6. Pain relief for ulcers, gastritis, ailments of the genitourinary system.
  7. Normalization of blood pressure.
  8. Resumption of blood after internal bleeding.
  9. Calming and tonic effect (depending on the recipe of the product that includes the shoots).
  10. Positive changes in the functioning of the visual organs.
  11. Accelerates metabolism (very important for people who are trying to lose weight).
  12. Improved hair growth.
  13. Optimization of water-salt balance of the entire human body.

Use in traditional medicine

Scientists could not afford to ignore a wide range of useful action pine cone. Numerous studies have led to the creation of many drugs (from ointments to syrups) based on this ingredient. In most cases, pine shoots in traditional medicine are used as remedies for the following diseases:

  • ARVI, flu, colds;
  • pneumonia;
  • avitaminosis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • bronchitis;
  • cough;
  • polyarthritis;
  • heart failure.

In addition, pine is famous for its phytoncidal properties and, therefore, can suppress growth and development pathogenic bacteria. A decoction of cones can be used for inhalation and administration medicinal baths, take orally.

Did you know? At the end of the 20th century, science proved (experimentally) that the elements inherent in the pine cone tannins in combination with its vitamin components, they have the ability to stop the death of brain cells, which often accompanies the post-stroke condition. Thus, taking this drug, patients get a chance to live exactly the same as before the disease, because thought processes remain normal.

Recipes in folk medicine

People are always inventive, so there are plenty of options and recipes for medicines made from pine shoots. The most current ones have the following instructions:

  1. Medicinal properties of pine cones infusion with vodka well known. It is commonly used for stomach diseases. To prepare healing liquid, you need to finely chop the green shoots, and then pour clean vodka (without any impurities) into them in a glass container in a ratio of 1:10. Older generation performed this procedure using moonshine, which was considered an ideal combination with pine cones. Nowadays, of course, you can use alcohol industrial production. The mixture is infused for one to two weeks in a cool, dark place. Take the drug two to three times a day, one tablespoon before meals. This proportion is designed for a person weighing over 70 kg, but if you weigh less, then the dose should be reduced to one teaspoon.
  2. - a less popular mixture than with vodka, but incredibly healthy. She will help you cope with severe cough, sore throat and pain in the lungs. To prepare the tincture you will have to spend whole month, but it's worth it. The recipe is this: a one-liter jar needs to be filled with small green cones, covered with sugar (about five tablespoons), closed tightly with a lid and left for two days, then filled with Cahors, shaken and hidden in a dark, cool place. We use the elixir twice a day, one tablespoon after meals.
  3. made from pine cones- not just a medicine, but also a magical, delicious delicacy that everyone will definitely enjoy. There are thousands of recipes for unusual jam, as they are used to treat colds, sore throat, flu, ARVI, bronchitis, and are also used for prevention. To make jam, you need to collect one kilogram of the main ingredient. The cones are washed, placed in a pan and poured cold clean water. Add one kilogram of sugar to the container and place it on low heat. Cook for 1.5-2 hours, constantly stirring and removing white foam. The jam should be thick. After cooking, it can be consumed immediately or rolled into sterilized jars, like any other jam. You can eat exotic jam with tea or another drink, but it is advisable to do this in small portions.
  4. Healing decoction of pine cones can be a worthy replacement pharmaceutical drugs for cleansing the skin and general rejuvenation of the whole body. According to legend, this is the secret remedy of oriental beauties. It's very easy to prepare. You need to fill the cones with water in a ratio of 1:3, boil for 3-5 minutes, there is no need to cook longer in order to preserve the vitamins as much as possible. You can drink the decoction warm, like tea, but no more than three glasses a day. And by the way, this product tastes like fragrant herbal tea.
  5. There are also pine cone recipes from such a serious illness as a stroke. You can make a mixture with 70% alcohol. To do this, cut 5 fruits in half and pour a glass of alcohol and leave in a dark place for two weeks. Shake well before use. For prevention, take 1 teaspoon in the morning after meals and every other day, and for treatment - three times a day after meals.
  6. Medicinal tincture of pine cones with the addition of no less healing

Making pine elixir or pine cone syrup, several simple recipes, treatment with syrup various diseases, benefits and applications.

Pine elixir (cone syrup) – a source of health

Pine cone syrup – excellent remedy to strengthen the immune system, increase potency, maintain vitality.

Syrup from sugar and pine cones in folk medicine is actively and widely used for: restoration protective properties body, rheumatism and gout, dropsy and metabolic disorders, in the treatment of colds; respiratory diseases: bronchial asthma, bronchi, tracheitis, various coughs and in general to strengthen the immune system.

This syrup is especially useful in the spring, but I store it and use it all year round. Syrup from pine cones is an excellent vitamin and prophylactic, and absolutely natural. It does not cause an allergic reaction, and young children love it very much. And to protect yourself from spring fatigue and colds, you can take pine elixir morning and evening every day for two weeks.

Syrup from cones is used as a general strengthening and vitaminizing agent. Pine elixir protects against colds and viral diseases in the autumn and spring, and also effectively promotes recovery if the disease is already in full swing.

Syrup recipe

A pine elixir is prepared from green pine cones and honey, this is the most the best option. Less effective sugar-based syrup composition.

Honey is a source of vitamins and microelements, has a bactericidal, tonic and anti-inflammatory effect, significantly activates and supports the immune system, i.e. the body’s ability to resist infections and fight diseases.

Green pine cones are a source of iron, which is involved in hematopoiesis, so pine elixir tap is necessary for blood diseases, anemia, radioactive contamination and diseases of the hematopoietic organs. In addition to iron, pine cones contain: the predominant group essential oils are monoterpene hydrocarbons (a - pinene, (5 - pinene, limonene) - more than 80%, The bulk of the lipids of the core are acylglycerols. The composition of triacylglycerols is dominated by III type compounds, in the molecules of which the 8n - 2 position is acylated by linoleic, linolenic and oleic acids. Their main molecular forms are BP - glycerol - 1,2,3 - trilinoleate, 8p - glycerol - 1 linolenate-2,3 dilinoleate, BP - glycerol - 1,2- dilinoleate - 3 - oleate. The composition of phospholipids in pine cones is dominated by phosphatidylethanolamines and phosphatidylcholines, tannins, bioflavonoids, etc.

Pine elixir (syrup) is usually added to pine balms due to the difficulty of obtaining it: proper preparation takes a long time, up to 3 months, and requires constant attention. In addition, from 1 kg of honey included in the components of the elixir, 700 - 800 ml of syrup is obtained directly, which negatively affects its cost.

Medicinal properties of syrup

However, the product obtained this way has unique healing properties and effectively treats numerous diseases without causing damage to human organs, moreover, healing them in the background. The use of pine elixir, this sweet syrup from cones, is very desirable for children and people suffering from a predisposition to colds, gastrointestinal tract and heart diseases.

The Chinese, the most advanced people in folk medicine, treat all diseases with herbs and their Chinese methods(acupuncture, acupuncture, etc.), delighted with the healing properties of pine. Pine pollen and preparations from pine cones were used by all Chinese emperors, chairmen of the CPC, bonzes and oligarchs.

At that distant time, they also paid great attention to preparations made from pine cones, adding them to the register of drugs used by the emperor, along with pine pollen and ginseng. Hence the conclusion: the uniqueness of the medicinal properties of pine preparations is undeniable and time-tested.

But what are the Chinese to us? This is so, an example. Our folk healers pay great attention to treatment with pine and its gifts, and an example of this are tinctures and balms based on the gifts of pine. The use of pine preparations, in particular pine elixir, guarantees rejuvenation of the body, strengthening of the immune system, and, as a result, cure for many diseases. Children take pine elixir with pleasure, and this is an indicator of its usefulness and relevance for a growing body.

The use of pine elixir increases performance, treats “syndrome chronic fatigue", raises vitality and in general, it has an extremely beneficial effect on all human systems and organs.

Pine Elixir Recipe

On the days of the summer solstice, June 21-22-23-24, young pine cones are collected. Pine cones are placed in a transparent container (for example, a three-liter glass jar), sprinkled tightly with granulated sugar (about 1 kg per 3-liter jar) or honey. The neck of the container is covered with gauze and placed in direct sunlight (for example, on a windowsill) until the autumn equinox on September 21-22-23-24. It is highly advisable to shake the jar periodically, thereby mixing the buds.

If mold appears on the surface of the cones located above the layer of liquid, then these cones should be thrown away and those that peek above the surface should be sprinkled with a layer of granulated sugar.
The resulting elixir is poured into a bottle, capped and stored in a dark, cool place (maybe in a kitchen cabinet). The shelf life of the elixir is 1 year.

My pine cone syrup recipe

I'm cooking
this healing syrup(elixir)
from pine cones like this:

I sort through the pine cones collected before July 15, remove spoiled ones, and clean them of debris, small insects and twigs. I fill three-liter jars with pine cones to 2/3 of the volume, pour 500 grams of sugar on top and pour bee honey(0.5 l), cover with plastic lids. I put the jars on the windowsill, on the sunny side and shake them daily.

They stand and bask in the sun until mid-September. When they run out sunny days, drain the resulting syrup and pour it into jars.
I store pine cone syrup in the refrigerator because... at room temperature it begins to ferment.

With this cooking method, no mold is formed, all valuable and useful material pine cones pass into the resulting syrup.

The syrup is used as a general tonic and vitaminizing agent. For preventive purposes, take 1 tablespoon in the morning 20 minutes before. before the first meal and in the evening before bed. The elixir can be added to tea.

Contraindications: kidney disease in the acute stage.

Pine elixir has a unique taste and smell and is very popular with children. In a few years practical application I took syrup from cones, all colds receded, incl. and the flu, a year later the bronchitis disappeared, which could not be cured by anything.

Berry syrup

Sort the collected berries, remove twigs, stubs, bugs and other debris, as well as those spoiled and eaten by insects. Rinse under running water or shower and dry slightly. If there are seeds, remove them.

Mix the fruits with the same amount of sugar and grind them and put them in the refrigerator. After 7-10 days, when the syrup has settled, strain it, pour it into jars and seal.

Almost the entire complex of microelements and vitamins contained in the raw materials from which it is made passes into the syrup. In this form, the syrup is stored for a long time and does not lose its wonderful taste and medicinal qualities.
In the same way, syrups are prepared from fruits: apples, peaches, pears, bananas, etc.

Use for children to replenish microelements missing from birth, which improves metabolism, strengthens the immune system and thereby prevents many existing problems health of a growing child’s body and prevention of many diseases, including seasonal ones.

Store in a cool place, maybe in the refrigerator.


Slowly dissolve in the mouth, while saliva, enriched with propolis, irrigates the pharynx, destroying microbial-viral infection. This is especially important in the autumn - winter period for the prevention of seasonal colds and their complications.

Ancient Tibetan recipe for immunity and potency

Take 100 g of immortelle, 100 g of birch buds, 100 g of St. John's wort herb, 100 g of chamomile flowers. Grind the mixture, mix, place in glass jar and close the lid. In the evening, pour 1 tablespoon of the collection into 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain through a cloth and squeeze lightly. drink 1 glass of warm infusion in the evening, dissolving 1 teaspoon of honey in it.

After this, do not eat or drink. In the morning, heat the rest (1 glass), dissolve 1 teaspoon of honey in it and drink on an empty stomach. You can have breakfast in half an hour - an hour. The course of treatment is until the entire prepared mixture is finished. Repeat treatment no earlier than after 5 years. Contraindications: allergic reactions to components.

Recipe with celandine for cancer

Another recipe for an immunostimulating tincture, also recommended for benign tumors, prepared from the celandine herb.

Take 1 heaped tablespoon of dry crushed raw materials and pour 1 glass of vodka. Infuse in a warm place for two weeks, filter. taken on an empty stomach with half a glass of cold boiled water according to the scheme: 1 day 1 drop, 2 day 2 drops, 3 day 3 drops and so on, up to 15 drops. If after 4-7 drops you feel unwell, like with the flu, this means that the immune system you are weakened.

In this case, without increasing the number of drops, continue to take the drug for two to three days, and when your health returns to normal, the number of drops increases to 15. From the 16th day, this number of drops (15) is taken for a month. Then every day their quantity decreases one drop at a time. Thus, treatment will take 60 days. If necessary, the course can be repeated 2 months after the end of the first. leaves, flowers and stems of celandine are collected in early May, when the plant is in the budding stage.

Boosting immunity

Take honey with meals, 20-30 grams, three times a day.

Tincture of green pine cones and female pine cones, taken 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals, 1 tablespoon. Protects from viral infections due to activation protective forces body.



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs