Is it possible to sunbathe with hypertension? Do the older generation need a tan? Exercise therapy for hypertension

If we talk about general principles nutrition of patients with hypertension, then one of the first things we pay attention to is reducing the amount of salt. Salt is sodium chloride, and sodium attracts water, causing fluid retention and an increase in its volume in vascular bed. We always ask the patient: do you add salt to your food? It's no secret that there are people who, when they sit down at the table, the first thing they do, without even looking, is salt everything. This is classic hypertensive behavior. And all other things being equal, this person is more likely to become hypertensive!

Some people are more sensitive to table salt, others less sensitive, but in any case, its use directly affects the level blood pressure(HELL). Table salt in small quantities is necessary for normal functioning human body, but increasing salt intake may be harmful, especially if arterial hypertension. Typically a person consumes about 10 g of table salt per day.

Cooking with reduced content salt will be beneficial for all family members. In some cases, with low blood pressure, just reducing the consumption of table salt can already lead to normalization of blood pressure. In people with higher blood pressure, these measures may improve the effectiveness of treatment and reduce the dose of medications. What advice can you give here?

Firstly, you should not add salt while cooking or keep a salt shaker on the table - the temptation is very great. At first, of course, the food will not seem very tasty, but soon you will get used to it and stop noticing the lack of salting.

Second, use more raw food products: fresh vegetables, fruits, fish, poultry and meat, as they contain very small amounts of salt.

High sodium content: ham, bacon, tongue, sausages, smoked fish, tomato sauce, tomato juice, most cereals, biscuits and cheeses, olives, canned vegetables, pizza, chips.
Moderate sodium content: bakery products, margarine, some types of cheeses (ricotta), some mineral waters.
Low Sodium: rice, oats, coffee, tea, fruits, vegetables, potatoes, fresh meat, poultry, fish, bran, alcoholic beverages.

We must not forget that a number of products contain sodium in the form of other salts (for example, benzoate or monosodium glutamate), and not just in the form of sodium chloride. Monosodium glutamate is widely used in Food Industry to give taste qualities. In general, MSG does not significantly increase total sodium intake. On the contrary, combining monosodium glutamate with regular table salt, you can achieve a reduction in sodium intake of up to 40% as a result of enhanced flavor.

It should be noted that sodium is contained in a number of medications, for example in some antacids and antibacterial drugs in the form of salts. However, the short duration of use of these drugs and their low sodium content make their effect on blood pressure in patients with hypertension unlikely.

Is it necessary to reduce cholesterol and how to do it?

One of the factors that accelerates the development of atherosclerosis, and therefore multiplies cardiovascular risk, is an increase in cholesterol. If you have hypertension, be sure to check your cholesterol. If your blood pressure is high, then in addition to blood pressure medications you will need to take medications called statins. But for now let's talk about changing nutrition.

Fats are an essential component of the normal human diet. However, fat consumption in most developed countries of the world exceeds reasonable limits, which causes a number of negative consequences, including those associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular complications. Fats should make up no more than 30% of the total energy value food, with saturated fats - no more than 10%.

Patients with hypertension need to reduce their total fat intake, primarily animal and saturated fats, and increase their intake of plant-based, unsaturated fats. Foods rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are especially beneficial. Omega-3 fatty acid V large quantities found in fish and fish oil Omega-6 fatty acids are found in vegetable oils, such as soybean oil.

Try to buy products with a reduced fat content: milk and fermented baked milk 1.5%, kefir 1 and 1.8%, sour cream 10-15%, low-fat cottage cheese and yoghurts, lean meats and fish. Avoid fatty foods: smoked meats, lard, mayonnaise, margarine, fatty meats and fish, expensive fatty cheeses (more than 40% fat content), butter, canned food Fry with minimum quantity oil or no oil at all, in a non-stick frying pan or on a wire rack. When cooking, remove the skin from poultry and remove visible fat from meat. Try not to season salads with fatty sour cream or mayonnaise; use vegetable oil or salad dressings.

Do hypertensive patients need nutritional supplements containing potassium, calcium and magnesium?

Usually there is no such need, you just need to balance your diet so that your daily diet includes enough foods containing potassium, magnesium and calcium with a low sodium content. These products include fresh vegetables (asparagus, corn, beans, zucchini, potatoes, broccoli), fresh fruits(bananas, oranges, peaches, apricots), fresh meat and fish, soy flour and soy protein, etc.

Is it possible to drink coffee and drinks containing caffeine if you have hypertension?

The consumption of coffee and drinks containing caffeine is considered individually in each specific case. Massive studies have not yet provided evidence that coffee consumption is accompanied by an increased risk of cardiovascular complications in patients with hypertension. There is also no evidence that coffee contributes to a persistent increase in blood pressure. At the same time, some people have an increased sensitivity to caffeine, and drinking coffee in them will be accompanied by a short-term increase in blood pressure in combination with tachycardia and episodes of heart rhythm disturbances. For such people, it is better to replace coffee with special coffee drinks containing chicory, barley or rye.

Can a hypertensive person drink alcohol?

It's always very scary to discuss this topic. I will now say that alcohol in small doses is safe, and most people will immediately exclaim: “Hurray, you can drink it!” Strictly speaking, the relationship between alcohol consumption and cardiovascular disease has the form English letter"J". In other words, when drinking small amounts of alcohol, the risk cardiovascular diseases decreases, and then it increases dramatically.

This safe dose alcohol approximately corresponds to 50 milliliters of strong alcohol or a glass of red wine. This is the daily portion and should not be exceeded. But the most important thing: if you haven’t drunk alcohol all week, this doesn’t mean at all that now you have to drink the entire “missed” dose immediately on Friday or Saturday evening. No, comrades, the “benefits” do not add up. And the quality of the drinks is also very important, because all these studies were carried out in countries with a good culture of drinking wine, where there is guaranteed good alcohol, good snacks. And, of course, we never recommend that those who have never used start drinking.

We never consider small doses of alcohol as a method of preventing or treating cardiovascular disease.

Unfortunately, it is very easy to cross the safe threshold. The problem of “under-drinking” alcohol in our country does not exist. Therefore, traditionally we still consider alcohol as a factor that increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases. We do not prohibit it completely, like smoking, but we ask you to limit its consumption as much as possible.

The most unfortunate alcoholic drink for hypertensive patients it is beer. Beer always means a large volume of liquid consumed, an abundance of salty snacks, swelling in the morning, the risk of heart damage... In a word, beer is not for hypertensive patients.

Why is smoking a risk factor for vascular diseases? The fact is that smoking causes inflammation of blood vessels. Just imagine that all, all, all the vessels are inflamed. Moreover, this inflammation does not hurt; it can only be seen with the help of special tests. So for these inflamed vessels Cholesterol “lays down” very well and a plaque forms. Therefore, quitting smoking is one of the mandatory conditions successful treatment hypertension.
Should you stop smoking when long experience smoker? Necessarily. It has been proven that at any age, with any smoking history, quitting smoking will only be beneficial.

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In general, I believe that, as you know, hypertension is organic disease, so it needs to be treated, not prevented - otherwise you will break your head. The main thing is the correct diagnosis.

Very good article, Thanks a lot! If you have hypertension, you really need to follow a diet. And my mother also drinks the drink hypertofort, to normalize her blood pressure and does so without pills. Spicy, salty, fatty foods were excluded from the diet.

Comment on the article “Hypertension: do’s and don’ts. 5 questions: salty food, coffee, alcohol"

Is it possible for a pregnant woman to drink drinks containing caffeine? Low blood pressure is not easy bad feeling, but I also developed low blood pressure with the onset of toxicosis. I started drinking a cup of coffee in the morning and gave up green tea. I have high blood pressure...


I add half a teaspoon of golden root tincture to the tea (my mother makes it). When her tincture runs out, I buy tincture of Rhodiola rosea (this is another name for golden root) at the pharmacy. It acts in much the same way as lemongrass, i.e. tones + adaptogen.

I either boil ground chicory in a geyser coffee maker (it’s just better to give it a separate coffee maker), adding ground cardamom to it (this is not necessary, but it’s boring without cardamom), or I take instant chicory, but here you need to make sure that the jar is no less than 90 -100 rubles, I don’t like the cheaper one at all.

Girls, if you have a headache and stuffy ears, what is the pressure? decreased or increased? can I drink coffee? I don’t care, but Girls, you’re in Moscow Atmosphere pressure reduced, that’s why it’s pawned. Almost a common occurrence for those who...


Girls, you have low atmospheric pressure in Moscow, that’s why it’s pawning. Almost a common occurrence for those who have problems with blood vessels.

My ears are blocked from problems with the blood vessels in my head. At the same time, my blood pressure is normal (or rather low, but it has not changed all my life).

I haven’t drunk coffee for 12 years and I feel good. The problem with coffee is not the caffeine, but its effect on the stomach (increases acidity). I don’t know if these berries can be found in Moscow. About medicines for you better doctor will say, and you can also ask about coffee.


I won’t scare you, but my child has been drinking instant coffee since he was 2 years old!

I started around the age of 14. My boy loves coffee, and since he was 12 he’s been drinking all sorts of lattes, frappes and other crap in coffee shops. He doesn’t drink coffee at home, he says I make it too strong.

I don't see anything wrong with this. Mine has days when, with a weight of more than 50 kg, the pressure is only 70/50, and he just collapses, I give him coffee to drink.

Low pressure. Need some advice. Weight loss and diets. How to get rid of excess weight, lose weight after childbirth, choose suitable diet and from low pressure very good Exercise helps. Now I exercise less regularly and I’m almost back to normal.


From low pressure very. Exercise helps. Now I exercise less regularly and I’m almost back to normal. Well, if it was somewhere around 90-60, now it’s 110 to 70.
As for hemoglobin (is it iron, or am I confusing something?) - you need to eat pomegranates, meat, apples. All this is not too high in calories, especially if the meat is not fatty and fried with a minimum amount of oil, or even steamed.

I have low blood pressure and low hemoclabin.... very low... as soon as I sit down strict diet I understand.. that I have no strength at all... I try to stick to a balanced diet... often a little at a time... a minimum of fried, smoked, salted... more vegetables, fruits... I mainly eat apples... and vitamins- vitamins... I drink MERZ tablets... even during diets, my hair and nails do not lose their appearance...
If you feel dizzy, take some dark chocolate with you (a bar is enough for me for a week or two) or a banana - yes, this is contraindicated on diets... but THIS is better than a bun or something harmful!

Tea increases blood pressure. And the balm too. And cognac. Yes, I have no skill in this matter. at all. The pressure began to rise only after a year and by a little bit. I didn’t even see a doctor about this and didn’t take any pills. I can go to bed and sleep. relax. a day goes by...

A visit to a solarium can help a hypertensive patient lower their blood pressure. This conclusion was reached by experts from the Universities of Southampton and Edinburgh. Scientists have found that ultraviolet radiation changes the level of nitric oxide, information carrier molecules, in the blood and skin. These kinds of changes make it possible to significantly reduce blood pressure. CanIndia wrote about this. But actually this is .

How the system works

During irradiation, nitric oxide is transferred into the blood from the skin. It lowers the tone blood vessels. Take into account, take into account.

Why is this necessary?

If a hypertensive patient manages to reduce blood pressure to normal, the risk of stroke or heart attack becomes lower. Along with this, a lot of experts advocate reducing the level of ultraviolet radiation - this is necessary to prevent skin cancer. You need to understand: this kind of strategy also threatens cardiovascular diseases.

Proven by experiments

The scientists made their conclusions using the example of twenty-four healthy volunteers. The subjects were asked to go to the solarium (each session lasted twenty minutes). First, the volunteers were exposed to heat and ultraviolet lamps, and then only heat lamps. In the end it turned out that it was ultraviolet irradiation It was possible to dilate blood vessels and significantly lower blood pressure. The level of concentration of nitric oxide metabolite in the blood also changed. Along with this, the level of vitamin D did not change at all. True, it’s worth paying attention again.

A person diagnosed with hypertension should have a lifestyle that differs from the lifestyle of a healthy person, if not radically, then significantly.

Firstly, sufficient space in the daily routine should be given to feasible physical activity (including breathing exercises) and health procedures. Secondly, it is important to shoot regularly emotional stress, that is, to engage in psychological unloading.

Lifestyle with hypertension: psychological relief

One of the basic rules of life with hypertension is to protect your psyche from unbearable stress. Psychological relief for hypertensive patients is constantly necessary. First, you need to reduce as much as possible the probability conflict situations, both at work and at home. Do not worry about or without reason, learn to be tolerant of the shortcomings of loved ones and colleagues, and also reduce your emotional response to unusual situations in public transport, on the street, in communication with neighbors, etc. An instant reaction to a stimulus provokes a surge of adrenaline. As a result, this leads to deterioration in the health of hypertensive patients. However, you can’t push emotions inside either. For this, there are completely “peaceful” ways of detente.

Observing correct image life during arterial hypertension, you can relieve emotional stress by communicating with pets. Usually they themselves feel that the owner needs help, and readily respond to communication. Take your pet for a walk in the park - pleasure and benefits will be guaranteed. If you have a summer house, then caring for the garden will bring you peace of mind. You can use auto-training in any situation. In order to truly relax, you need to learn how to relieve physical tension. As long as your muscles are tight and tense, relaxation will not work. One by one, mentally giving the command to relax parts of the body, determine where the “clamp” is located. With the power of thought, you can make your body fill with heaviness and warmth, and then imagine its extraordinary lightness. If muscle tension cannot be removed, then you can first try to tighten the tense parts of the body even more, holding the tension for a few seconds, and then relax.

Classical music with a slow tempo is very relaxing for hypertension. You can also choose modern music pieces specially created for relaxation. The main musical background in them is the sounds of nature - the sound of the sea, rain, chirping of birds, etc.

Dancing gives a wonderful release to the body. Smooth movements accompanied by music normalize breathing, heartbeat, bring emotional pleasure.

Communication based on interests also distracts from external stimuli. A culinary studio, a sewing or knitting group, a car enthusiasts club - you can choose what you like and devote several hours a week to your hobby.

For older people diagnosed with hypertension, lifestyle should not be reduced to constant rest. Great pleasure brings communication with grandchildren. Not only can they feel younger, but they can also pass on useful experiences. Openness in communication with younger family members and participation in their lives increases trust, and this brings peace of mind and confidence. Explore the world as if you were still 10, 20, 30 years old - interest in new things will not let you get hung up on the disease.

Exercise therapy for hypertension

A lifestyle with hypertension must include light to moderate physical activity - it is very good for the heart. They not only film muscle tension, but also normalize emotional background, improve mood, increase the overall endurance of the body. Physical therapy for hypertension should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

At initial and middle stage diseases usually apply a general set of preventive measures:

  • morning exercises (can be done at home);
  • Physical education classes for hypertension necessarily include therapeutic exercises (exercises while sitting, lying down, standing; with a ball, etc.);
  • measured walking;
  • walking on uneven terrain (terrenkur);
  • training on a simulator;
  • therapeutic swimming;
  • elements of sports games.

A complex of physical therapy for severe hypertension should be prescribed by a doctor individually. The most commonly used exercises are in a sitting position. If there are no complications, then these exercises can be done at home, remembering that real benefit Only regular classes can bring.

What set of physical exercises to do for hypertension (with video)

This set of exercises for hypertension is performed in a sitting position.

1. Sit on the edge of a chair. Place your hands on your hips. Begin to bend your right leg, straightening your left leg at the same time, and then vice versa (without lifting it off the floor!). Try to breathe in and out calmly. Repeat the exercise 5 times.

2. Make a circular motion forward with your right hand and then back. Change your hand and repeat the same exercise again. Repeat it physical exercise for hypertension 5 times.

3. As you inhale, stretch your arms forward and then out to the sides. As you exhale, lower your arms. Repeat the exercise 5 times.

4. When inhaling, place your hands on the seat, and as you exhale, straighten your leg up, while leaning so that your back touches the back of the chair. Repeat the exercise with each leg 5 times in turn.

5. Relax. As you inhale, raise your arms up, then lower them, take them back and lean forward. Exhale without lowering your arms. Repeat the exercise 5 times.

6. To perform this exercise for hypertension, while inhaling, spread your arms to the sides, then use your hands to pull your knee to your chest, while exhaling. Repeat the exercise 5 times.

7. Place your hands on your waist. As you inhale, turn your head and move your right arm to the right and back; as you exhale, return your arm to its original position. Do the same with your left hand. Repeat the exercise 5 times.

8. Stand on your toes. As you inhale, stretch your arms forward, and as you exhale, lower them onto the chair.

Watch the video “Exercises for Hypertension” to better understand how the treatment complex is performed:

Dosed walking for hypertension

Dosed walking for hypertension should be done on level ground and when the temperature outside is comfortable. The first walks should not exceed a distance of 1 km. Gradually, when the body gets used to the loads, the pace and distance are increased. This occurs approximately on the fifth day of the period of regular classes, and sometimes earlier. Then the distance increases to 2 km, and after another 5 days - to 3 km.

In the first days, very slow walking is recommended - if you have hypertension, you need to take no more than 60 steps per minute, then just slow (70 steps per minute), then medium (90 steps per minute) and finally fast (120 steps per minute).

At the second stage hypertension the pace should not exceed 70 steps per minute.

Breathing while walking should be through the nose. If you want to start breathing through your mouth, reduce the pace. In this case, it is necessary to measure the pulse; as a rule, it will become faster, and this indicates an excessive load on the heart. It is not recommended to fully load the heart; in any case, there should be a small “reserve”.

In addition to regular walking, in sanatoriums, at a certain stage of rehabilitation, walking on uneven terrain (terrenkur) can be prescribed as physical therapy. Usually such routes are marked within the sanatorium. In combination with the previous method - walking on flat terrain - this type of walking trains the heart well, improves muscle and vascular tone, and improves metabolic processes.

Terrenkur is characterized by increased physical activity and is intended for patients with early stages of hypertension.

An easy path is limited to a distance of 0.5 km, an average one - 1.5 km, and an extreme one - 3 km. The load may increase depending on the angle of elevation, as well as the pace of walking. The maximum pace is no more than 100 steps per minute. Getting used to the health path is carried out gradually. In this case, every 200 m you need to stop and measure your pulse, note uncharacteristic changes in breathing and heart function. All loads associated with such walking are monitored by a doctor and a specialist in physical therapy.

Physical activity for hypertension: exercise in the gym

Physical activity for hypertension can include exercise in the gym - such workouts provide good help in strengthening the heart and blood vessels. The body becomes more resilient, the cardiovascular system gets used to certain loads.

Exercising in the gym with hypertension is contraindicated for the following concomitant diseases:

  • moderate to severe heart failure;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • tachycardia;
  • exacerbation of angina pectoris;
  • acute infectious diseases.

The load on the heart should be the same as when walking - no more than 80%. It is necessary to take 10-minute breaks during the lesson to measure the pulse: it should be below 30% of the maximum norm for the patient’s age.

You need to start and finish exercises on the simulator slowly, noticeably relaxing towards the end. It is recommended to exercise on the simulator no more than 30 minutes a day, 3-5 times a week. If you plan to conduct training at home, then you need to establish constant contact with your doctor so that he can monitor your condition. It is advisable to record heart rate and blood pressure readings during training on the simulator in a diary.

Therapeutic massage for hypertension and contraindications

Massage for hypertension is most useful on initial stage diseases when it serves as one of the ways of relaxation. It can also be used for non-progressive hypertension, when a person passes regular treatment and prevention.

The most problematic areas for blood circulation in hypertension - collar area, as well as the scalp and frontal part of the head. Massage for arterial hypertension in these areas can bring tangible relief, reducing tension and establishing normal blood circulation. Massage movements should be soft, smooth, with a certain rhythm and in no case intense. On the head, the occipital protuberances and the area between the eyebrows are first massaged. You should spend no more than 15 minutes a day on massage. The course should be carried out for 20-25 days.

Body massage- the area of ​​the chest and upper back - should be carried out using the method of soft and light stroking in a certain rhythm. During a therapeutic massage for hypertension, you can use relaxing oils.

General contraindications for massage:

  • hypertensive crisis and 3-4 days after it;
  • severe stage of hypertension;
  • diseases (including chronic ones) in the acute stage;
  • inflammatory processes any localization;
  • increased bleeding, capillary fragility;
  • internal bleeding or tendency to it;
  • blood diseases;
  • skin diseases and damage to the skin;
  • fungal diseases;
  • varicose veins veins;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • impaired patency of peripheral arteries;
  • violations cerebral circulation(including against the background of atherosclerosis);
  • aneurysms of blood vessels;
  • inflammation lymph nodes and lymphatic vessels;
  • enlarged lymph nodes (including painless ones);
  • severe physical and nervous fatigue;
  • benign and malignant tumors;
  • severe mental illness;
  • strong pain;
  • dysfunction of the kidneys, liver, of cardio-vascular system.

Acupressure for hypertension (with video)

A type of massage is acupressure. The good thing about it is that you can influence the active points to reduce pressure at home. But before that you need to consult your doctor.

Contraindications for acupressure for hypertension are:

  • coronary insufficiency, which is accompanied by frequent attacks of angina and cardiac asthma;
  • aortic aneurysm;
  • atrial fibrillation, arrhythmia, paroxysmal tachycardia;
  • spicy inflammatory diseases myocardium and membranes of the heart;
  • circulatory failure of the 2nd and 3rd degree;
  • hypertension of the 3rd degree;
  • late stages of cerebral atherosclerosis;
  • active phase of rheumatism;
  • thrombosis;
  • significant varicose veins with trophic disorders;
  • enlarged, painful lymph nodes;
  • acute cardiovascular failure.

If you are doing acupressure, then to do this you need to sit down, relax, and establish an even rhythm of breathing. The massage can be performed with the pads of only three fingers - thumb, index or middle. If an asymmetrical massage is performed, it is performed with the index finger of the left hand.

The treated area is first kneaded, then circular vibrating pressure is applied. The points are massaged with small circular movements in a clockwise direction; the degree of pressure should gradually be increased, and by the end of the procedure, loosened. You need to do approximately 35-40 massage movements.

Reflex points for the treatment of hypertension are located in the neck, parotid area, in the area of ​​the forearms and feet.

The main options for acupressure are as follows.

1. Thumb with your right hand, feel for a place in the area on the right lower jaw, where the carotid artery pulsates, and with your index finger on the left, press lightly, count to 10, release, inhale and press again. You should feel the pulsation of the treated area all this time. After performing the massage three times, apply light pressure movements to the points on the front and side of the neck.

2. Using your middle fingers, press 3 times on the points at the back of the skull, moving towards occipital protuberance. Count to 10 with each approach, gradually increasing the pressure.

3. Simultaneously press with three fingers of both hands on the pits on the right and left from the spine on the back of the neck downwards. Count to 10 with each approach, gradually increasing the pressure. Repeat 3 times.

4. Massage those points that are 4 fingers below kneecap (both on the left and right leg) at the same time. The procedure time is 5 minutes.

5. Massage reflex points for 5 minutes, which are 4 fingers above the edge inside ankles.

A properly performed massage will cause a feeling of warmth in the massaged areas and a slight tingling sensation.

There are other ways to help reduce blood pressure.

First way: Feel the depression behind your earlobe and, applying light pressure, draw a straight line to the collarbone. Repeat the exercise 10 times, both with the left and right side neck.

Second way: Massage the point between the eyebrows for a minute.

On the video " Acupressure for hypertension" shows how the basic techniques are performed:

Treatment of hypertension with breathing: therapeutic breathing exercises

Breathing exercises for hypertension- relatively the new kind disease prevention. The main emphasis is not on the exercises themselves, but on breathing techniques. The main thing is to gradually develop a breathing rhythm.

Particularly effective breathing exercises for hypertension using the method of A. N. Strelnikova, which is adopted by specialists, adapting it individually for each patient.

The principle of this type of gymnastics is as follows: starting with a short, noisy inhalation through the nose, you need to exhale freely without focusing on it. This technique is repeated 4 times, after some time the number of inhalations and exhalations doubles, ultimately reaching 32 breaths.

Except breathing exercises To treat hypertension at home, short respiratory relaxation is also recommended - it helps reduce blood pressure caused by heavy mental or emotional stress. You need to lie down, relax as much as possible, and not think about your experiences.

Inhale arbitrarily and hold the exhalation for about 8 seconds. You need to perform breathing exercises for 3-4 minutes.

As therapeutic breathing for hypertension, the technique of diaphragmatic breathing, used in physical therapy, is also recommended. It is based on helping hypertensive patients control breathing rhythm. This method allows you to saturate the body with oxygen, strengthen blood vessels in the diaphragmatic area, improve blood supply to the heart, and regulate blood flow.

To treat hypertension with breathing, lie on your back, bend your knees, relax your abdominal muscles. Place your hands on your stomach to feel the air movement. Inhale through your nose and “inflate” your stomach. When exhaling through your mouth, release the air slowly (in small portions), while simultaneously “blowing out” your stomach.

Baths and wraps for hypertension

For hypertension, special baths are useful. They can be general (when the whole body is immersed in water) and local (when arms or legs are immersed in water).

General baths are divided into those that can only be taken in medical institutions, and those that are taken at home. Baths in a clinic (sanatorium, dispensary) are taken under the supervision of a specialist. There are several types of baths that are intended for the prevention of hypertension in the different stages: mineral (chloride, sodium, magnesium, calcium, hydrocarbonate, sulfate and their mixed types, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide), nitrogen, salt (including radon), mud. The listed types of baths may not be suitable for all patients due to individual intolerance and undetected body disorders. This may not appear immediately, so if you feel worse while taking a bath or immediately after it, you should inform your doctor.

At home, baths for hypertension with the addition of pine extract are recommended, which give a calming effect. Baths with the addition of essential oils of pine, fir, cedar, lavender, citrus fruits, and roses have a good effect on the nervous system. The water in the bath should not exceed 37 °C, since too hot water will cause reverse effect- excess load on blood vessels. Before adding essential oil (20 drops) to water, you need to dissolve it in 1 tablespoon of milk so that it does not irritate the skin. The bath should take no more than 10-15 minutes.

Can also be used for baths sea ​​salt with pine needle extract.

Of the local baths, mustard is most often used - for the feet. The water temperature should not exceed 40 °C. Baths with mustard are good for reducing blood pressure. They can be used as first aid for hypertensive crisis. The duration of the bath is no more than 20 minutes.

In a hospital setting, in the initial or middle stages of hypertension, local Gauff baths can be used to improve blood circulation in the heart - for the arms and legs at the same time. It can be difficult to use them at home. Hands and feet are immersed in water heated to 37 °C and the temperature is raised to 42 °C for 15 minutes, after which the water temperature is maintained at this level for about another 15 minutes. The course of treatment with Gauffe baths is 10-15 procedures.

Baths for hands and feet differ from general baths in that they are hot, i.e. their temperature is higher. This is done so that the source of activation of blood circulation is further from the heart, while there is no excessive expansion of the cardiac arteries and no load on the heart itself. Due to peripheral vasodilation, the heart rate slows down and blood pressure decreases.

Varicose veins are a contraindication for local baths.

As another useful water procedure use a wet wrap. A wet, wrung-out sheet is laid out on top of a flannelette or woolen blanket, the patient is placed on it and asked to stretch out his arms. Then they wrap one end of the sheet around the patient, lower their arms and cover them with the other end of the sheet. They wrap him in a sheet almost up to his shoulders and wrap him in a blanket. In this case, the temperature of the water for soaking the sheet should be about 30 ° C, and the wrapping should occur quickly so that the person does not have time to freeze and does not experience vasospasm. The procedure lasts approximately 55 minutes. For hypertensive patients with normal weight, 45 minutes is enough. Wet wrap has a great effect on the central nervous system, improves blood circulation, strengthens the heart, and normalizes metabolism.

Treatment of hypertension with essential oils: hypertonic compresses

Compresses with mustard are most often used for hypertension. For this purpose in warm water dilute mustard, moisten a bandage or towel with the solution and apply it to the calf muscles.

Hypertonic compresses with sea salt help reduce blood pressure and improve blood circulation. The base is prepared in the same way as in the previous case. Compresses are placed on the forehead, closer to the area between the eyebrows. You need to keep the compress for 15-20 minutes. To obtain a noticeable effect, you need to do this procedure for at least a week.

Can be used for compresses essential oils, just first they need to be diluted with milk or water (1 tablespoon) so as not to irritate the skin. Place the compress on the forehead close to the area between the eyebrows and keep it there for no more than 20 minutes. For aromatic compresses when treating hypertension with oils, the following combinations can be used.

1. Tangerine oil (3 drops) + lemon or lime oil (2 drops) + fir oil (1 drop).

2. Geranium oil (2 drops) + lavender oil (1 drop) + cypress oil (1 drop) + lime oil (1 drop).

3. Tangerine oil (3 drops) + ylang-ylang oil (1 drop) + marjoram oil (2 drops).

For hypertension, essential oils can be combined with salt compresses.

In warm water (about 200 ml) you need to dissolve sea salt, add 2 drops each of marjoram, lavender, ylang-ylang, mandarin and geranium oils. Soak a towel or a bandage folded several times in this mixture and apply to the calves or the lower part of the back of the head.

Reflexology for hypertension: acupuncture treatment

Acupuncture (acupuncture) is widely used in oriental medicine. This method of therapy has also found its application in the prevention various diseases Worldwide. Treatment of hypertension with acupuncture involves influencing active points of the body.

Acupuncture has a positive effect both on the functioning of organs and systems of the body, and on the entire body as a whole, depending on the selected method for treating a specific disease. Acupuncture is most effective in the early and middle stages of hypertension.

Reflexology for hypertension using acupuncture has the following contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • heat;
  • acute febrile conditions;
  • acute inflammatory processes of any localization;
  • skin damage in the treated area;
  • acute hypotensive and hypertensive crises;
  • severe diseases of the cardiovascular system (ischemia, post-infarction and post-stroke condition, grade 3 hypertension);
  • active form of tuberculosis;
  • syphilis;
  • benign and malignant neoplasms;
  • pain of unknown nature on palpation of the abdomen;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • the period of preparation for surgery and after it;
  • severe mental illness;
  • individual intolerance to metals contained in the needle.

In a clinical setting, to treat hypertension with acupuncture, you need to contact a good reflexologist who can choose the right complex just for you.

Summer is the period that most people dream about. But not everyone brings joy to the warmth and bright sun, because for those who suffer from high blood pressure (BP) on hot days it is a test of endurance.

Excessively high temperatures impair heart function and completely healthy people. If a person suffers from heart failure, stuffy weather may well cause an attack of tachycardia. The question arises: how to make sure that hypertension does not turn your summer vacation into sheer torment.

Let's consider useful tips, tested in practice more than once:

  • All information on the site is for informational purposes only and is NOT a guide to action!
  • Can give you an ACCURATE DIAGNOSIS only DOCTOR!
  • We kindly ask you NOT to self-medicate, but make an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!
  • water is the source of life, and the shower is no exception;
  • to effectively lower blood pressure, you need to take a warm, refreshing and invigorating shower;
  • It is important that the water is not cold, since this factor can cause a heart attack.
Nutrition With this disease, special attention should be paid to your diet. The following products should be completely excluded from the menu:
  • salt;
  • semi-finished products;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • flour;
  • fat;
  • fried.

It is important to know that sick people should not drink more than one and a half liters of liquid per day, so as not to provoke an increase in blood pressure.

Bathing procedures are quite a serious stress for the heart, so people with hypertension are not recommended to take a steam bath. However, if tolerated well, a person can visit the bathhouse if he first consults with his doctor. In addition, there are the following rules for visiting the bathhouse for people with increased performance HELL:
  • the temperature in the steam room should not be more than ninety degrees;
  • after steaming, you should not take a refreshing shower or swim in a cold pool;
  • do not drink a lot of liquid in the bath;
  • do not drink any alcoholic beverages;
  • At the first sign of dizziness or other symptoms, you must immediately leave the room and go out into the fresh air.
Climate change
  • With the onset of summer, there is often a desire to visit other countries, especially those that have different cultures and customs. However, the question immediately becomes clear: is it possible to sunbathe with hypertension or go south?
  • Cardiologists are of the opinion that people suffering from frequent attacks of hypertension should not suddenly change the climate in which they live, as this may adversely affect their health.
  • This is explained not only by the fact that in another country it can be unbearably hot for a sick person, there is another reason: he will have to change his diet, and this will also not be beneficial.
Exercises useful in that it helps dilate blood vessels. It is necessary to carry out loads for preventive purposes, avoiding moments when the pressure is higher than normal. The following gymnastic exercises are considered the most effective:
  • Walking on your toes (two minutes).
  • Feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the lower back. As you inhale, squat down and stretch your arms forward, and as you exhale, slowly return to the starting position. Repeat five times.
  • Leaning your hands on a chair, make five circular rotations with your leg at the hip in one direction, and then in the other.
  • Close eyes. Raise your right leg up and stretch it forward. Stretch your arms to the sides and remain in this position for ten seconds. After that, repeat this exercise with your left leg.

Folk remedies for hypertension during heat

Hypertension is not a death sentence for a person. It can be effectively combated with the help of various herbs, berries and products that were made from them.

Carrot tea and balm

Carrot tea should be prepared as follows:

  • plant carrot fruit;
  • cut and dry the tops when they begin to bloom;
  • chop the tops and store in a glass container;
  • Brew like regular black tea.

Drink the mixture all year round. In this case, follow this scheme: drink one month, take a break the next.

Another remedy for lowering blood pressure, as recommended by doctors, is carrot balm.

Hypertension itself and heat are incompatible, since people with this disease have headaches much more often on hot days, fainting states and dizziness

The technology for its preparation is as follows:

  • mix a tablespoon of honey with a spoon of fresh carrot juice;
  • add a spoon beet juice and the same amount of grated horseradish;
  • pour in forty milligrams of vodka;
  • leave for 24 hours, then add a little lemon juice;
  • drink one tablespoon three times a day before meals for two months.

Herbal baths

You need to do the following steps:

  • collect nettle, chamomile, mint, wormwood and lemon balm;
  • chop all the herbs;
  • pour ten liters of boiling water over them and leave for three hours;
  • strain the tincture and add it to the bath. In this case, the water temperature should be no more than thirty-six degrees;
  • take a bath for fifteen minutes. This will help lower your blood pressure.

Despite their medicinal properties, similar procedure Contraindicated for the following diseases:

  • pneumonia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • ulcer;
  • heart attack;
  • excessively high blood pressure levels;
  • liver failure.


Hawthorn infusion is very popular, especially as a remedy for blood pressure.

During the cooking process, you should be guided by the following rules:

  • Grind three tablespoons of hawthorn fruit and pour in a liter of boiling water;
  • add two tablespoons of rose hips and a handful of raisins;
  • simmer for half an hour over low heat and leave for another two hours;
  • strain and add a spoonful of honey.

You need to drink half a glass of infusion three times a day, thirty minutes before meals.


Horseradish remedy should be prepared according to this principle:

  • grate half a glass of horseradish;
  • add a kilogram of sugar and five hundred grams of orange crushed in a meat grinder;
  • pour in a liter of red wine;
  • cook in a water bath for one and a half hours;
  • let the broth cool and put it in the refrigerator.

Drink two tablespoons an hour after meals, once a day.

Herbal infusions

Herbal medicine is a natural method of treating high blood pressure. All herbal mixtures must be prepared according to the same principle: pour two tablespoons of dried herbs or berries into a liter of boiling water and leave in a thermos overnight. In the morning, strain the liquid.

You need to drink these infusions several times a day in small sips. The general course of treatment takes from six to eight months.

Important: you cannot take the same infusion all the time.

Moreover, after each new collection you need to take a break for a week, after which you start drinking another

To prevent a crisis

To prevent a hypertensive crisis, you need to do the following:

  • Wet napkins with a 6% vinegar solution and apply them to your feet for ten minutes.
  • Mix motherwort, valerian, dill and caraway seeds in equal proportions. Pour a liter of boiling water over all this and leave for forty minutes. Drink two spoons twice a day.
  • Mix one tablespoon each of chopped lemon, honey and rose hips. Fill with a liter hot water. Drink one teaspoon after meals.

Herb tea

This drink is prepared as follows:

  • mint, thyme, chamomile, linden and motherwort are mixed in equal proportions;
  • pour a liter of boiling water over it all and leave for half an hour;
  • then add 0.5 liters of brewed green tea and a tablespoon of honey;

Aloe juice

Helps alleviate the condition high blood pressure. You need to take the juice five drops on an empty stomach, which were previously diluted in a liter of water. The course of treatment is two months, after which the pressure returns to normal.

Before you start taking it, you should familiarize yourself with the diseases for which aloe juice is not recommended to be consumed:

  • haemorrhoids;
  • illnesses gastrointestinal tract(ulcer, cholecystitis, gastritis, pancreatitis);
  • allergy to this drug;
  • vascular diseases;
  • renal failure.

During pregnancy, this remedy is also contraindicated.


The recipe for this remedy is:

  • chop a bunch of parsley;
  • pour it with one liter of red wine;
  • add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar;
  • put on fire and boil;
  • add a spoonful of honey and boil again;
  • leave for twenty minutes, then put in the refrigerator.

Drink a teaspoon twice a day before meals until the infusion runs out.

Garlic and oil

It has long been considered effective means to lower blood pressure, as it tends to inflame the blood.

To prepare a garlic-based product you need:

  • peel a few heads of garlic;
  • grind them to a mushy mass;
  • pour a tablespoon of olive oil into the garlic.

You need to drink the product twice a day, one teaspoon, seizing it with a piece of lemon.

Thus, hypertension and fever are completely compatible concepts if you choose the right approach to treating the disease and adhere to the simplest rules that help lower blood pressure.

Scientists from the University of Edinburgh report that UV rays emitted by the sun can lower blood pressure.

The effect of radiation is explained by a change in blood flow under their influence - nitric oxide enters the blood. Nitrogen has the property of dilating blood vessels, after which blood pressure drops.
You should not abuse such a pleasant treatment, because radiation leads to diseases such as skin cancer.

Richard Weller, who led the research, said that the findings regarding UV rays do not yet have a solid basis and it is not yet worth asserting that hypertension can be treated with sunbathing. In the near future, scientists will analyze the risk of heart disease, as well as skin cancer. Scientists confidently prove that the benefits of UV rays are much greater than the risks.

An experiment was conducted that showed that after twenty minutes of being in a solarium, blood pressure decreased and remained this way for an hour. Gives warmth too positive result, but not for long.

Sun and hypertension

Astrophysicists testify that the Sun is central body solar system, chemical composition of which: hydrogen - about 90%, helium - 10%. The source of solar energy is the nuclear transformation of hydrogen into helium in the central part of the Sun, where the temperature is approximately 15 million degrees Kelvin (corresponding to Celsius). There is an approximately 11-year periodicity in the intensity of plasmatic processes on the Sun (solar activity cycle), which has a noticeable impact on many terrestrial processes, including morbidity. The Earth, located at a distance of 149 million km from the Sun, receives about 2"1017 W of solar radiant energy.

The quantitative and high-quality composition solar radiation, and therefore the magnitude of the slope sun rays The ancient Greeks characterized weather conditions as climate (in Greek, “climate” means “inclination”). The change in the voltage value depending on the angle of incidence of the sun's rays is based on the recommendations of balneologists to place the sunbather with the side surface perpendicular to the direction of the rays in the cool period and the foot end of the trestle bed towards the sun in the warm period.

In ancient times, the harmful properties of the sun were also known, which our contemporaries often forget about in their pursuit of a chocolate tan. Highly appreciating the virtues of solar irradiation, the scientist and encyclopedist Abu ibn Sina, known throughout the world as Avicenna, wrote in his Canon (c. 980-1037)

No one should stay too long in the sun, otherwise his body will become dry, hard and rough, for the sun burns the pores of the skin and prevents the flow of imperceptible evaporation...

Heliotherapy (solar treatment) received sufficient scientific justification only in the middle of the 19th century. Observations have established that frequent and prolonged sun exposure can lead to serious illnesses collagenous in nature, which include lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, dermatomysitis.

This is explained by the fact that after prolonged sun exposure, accompanied by skin burns, dangerous changes occur in the body when proteins are broken down, and their breakdown products acquire the properties of autoantigens - substances alien to the body. At the same time, on the surface of the cellular substance, the body reacts by producing counteracting agents - autoantibodies, which entails the formation of autoimmune processes that contribute to the development of various allergic diseases.

It's well known what to avoid possible complications Sunbathing is not a big deal. Solar irradiation in small and gradually increasing doses, not accompanied by skin burns, has a beneficial effect on many vital processes of the body.

Solar radiation has a powerful biological effect and causes a variety of reactions from organs and systems, depending on the predominance of one or another form of radiation (ultraviolet or infrared thermal), and most importantly, on the wavelength of the radiation.

In the ultraviolet part of the solar spectrum they differ different kinds the biological effect of these rays depending on the wavelength, the nature of reactions on the part of the body and the physicochemical transformations taking place in it. Short-wave bactericidal rays are destructive to pathogenic microbes, vitamin-forming rays with antirachitic action ensure the formation of vitamin D in the body and the restoration of impaired metabolic processes.

Erythemogenic rays are so named because they cause erythema (redness, a slight burn of the skin). Biological effect ultraviolet rays different wavelengths are shown in Figure 9. At the site of sun irradiation, the skin produces complex highly active substances that irritate nerve endings and spread throughout the entire circulatory system, to which the body reacts with various physiological changes. Tanning protects the body from excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays, preventing them from penetrating deeply into tissues. At the same time, pigmented skin absorbs more heat rays, which adversely affects the body's heat metabolism.

A physiological measure of protection against overheating is considered to be thickening of the stratum corneum, roughening of the skin, which increases the reflectivity of the body. It is known that ordinary window glass can block erythemogenic rays, but transmit, however, rays that cause pigment reaction(tan) without erythema (redness). The advisability of prescribing sunbathing for patients with cardiovascular diseases has remained controversial for a long time.

Such restraint of doctors in this regard was completely justified, given that uncontrolled excessive sun exposure of cardiac patients (hypertension, angina pectoris) can cause very serious complications (myocardial infarction, stroke) due to increased blood clotting properties and pronounced changes in the circulatory system.

Sun hardening for hypertension

Main healing properties ultraviolet rays in the solar spectrum. If you live in the north, you probably experience sun starvation. It manifests itself in a lack of vitamin D, impaired phosphorus-calcium metabolism and general exchange substances, deterioration protective properties skin, dysfunction endocrine system, anemia, general weakness, fatigue, disorders vascular regulation and, as a consequence, the development of hypertension.

This condition is most pronounced in late winter and spring. It is enough to expose at least your face to the life-giving sun every day for it to have the necessary biological effect. Only to the south of Tbilisi-Frunze (42.5 parallel), where there is a zone of ultraviolet excess, ordinary everyday exposure to the open air is sufficient. Residents of most of the territory of our country, as can be seen from these data, need systematic hardening by the sun or artificial sources of ultraviolet rays. Because of all the hardening procedures sunbathing- the most potent ones, then they need to be taken very seriously. For example, you cannot sunbathe for a long time while working in the garden. Subjective feelings can be deceiving.

Before exposing your body to the sun, you need to lie naked in the shade, for example, under an awning or trees. This achieves adaptation to air temperature. After such preparation, you can lie down in the sun, protecting your head. Please note that the chest, stomach, and back are most sensitive to ultraviolet rays.

It is better for adults to sunbathe for 5 minutes first. Every day the procedure is increased by 5 minutes, but not more than 2 hours. After visiting the bathhouse and washing your face with soap, you should not go out into the sun - there is a greater risk of burns.

But what if even a short stay in the sun causes a burn? Then you need to get used to the effects of ultraviolet rays gradually. During the first procedure, the sun should act only on the feet for 5 minutes, in the second - another 5 minutes on the feet and legs. For the third time, you can open your legs completely to the sun, including your hips. In this case, the duration of the bath is 15 minutes for the feet, 10 minutes for the legs, and 5 minutes for the thighs. On the fourth day, the stomach is irradiated, on the fifth - the chest, on the sixth - the back. The duration of the procedure for each area of ​​the body should be increased accordingly.

If you feel lethargy, apathy or, conversely, irritability, increased excitability, stop the procedures immediately. They should not be taken when elevated temperature bodies, acute diseases lungs, upper respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, severe exhaustion and heart defects, anemia and some skin diseases.



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