Masseur. What does this specialist do, what manipulations does he perform, what pathologies does he treat? When should you contact a professional? Digestive diseases

Masseur is a specialist who uses techniques and techniques as a method of treatment massage. A massage therapist can have both medical and non-medical education. You can obtain a certificate as a specialist in medical massage after professional training, which lasts 2 months. Non-medical massage courses are much shorter and can last only a few days.

Massage is a mechanical method of influencing human soft tissues, which is performed using the hands and feet of a massage therapist or special massage devices. According to the law Russian Federation and other CIS countries, massage is a medical service. This means that if a massage is intended to have a therapeutic effect, then it should be performed only by a specialist with a secondary or higher medical education, regardless of the type of massage.

Depending on basic education, the following massage specialists are distinguished:

  • masseur or masseuse– these are specialists with secondary medical education, that is, nurses ( nurses), paramedics or midwives who have completed courses in massage ( in some colleges massage courses are included in the educational program);
  • massage therapist– a doctor can work as a massage therapist after attending thematic advanced training courses in the specialty “Medical massage”;
  • massage therapist-cosmetologist– master without basic ( middle or higher) medical education, who has completed cosmetology and massage courses and provides only cosmetic massage services ( Such specialists do not have the right to perform medical massage);
  • trainer-massage therapist is a sports coach who graduated from the Institute of Physical Education ( or physical therapy ), received a specialization in the department of massage or completed courses ( provides exclusively training massage).

A massage therapist can work in the following places:

  • medical institutions– hospitals, clinics, medical centers, health resorts and rehabilitation centers (These institutions provide therapeutic massage);
  • sports centers– fitness centers or institutions where professional athletes train;
  • massage parlors– centers where mainly non-medical massage is performed ( cosmetic or hygienic);
  • work from home– Many massage therapists can provide therapeutic or non-medical massage sessions at the client’s or patient’s home.

Medical massage is such a widespread method that the use of massage techniques and procedures, as well as individual elements of massage, is included in the professional responsibilities of doctors of many specialties.

Massage techniques and procedures are also performed by the following medical specialists:

  • rehabilitologist– a doctor who helps a person recover from illnesses, surgeries, injuries;
  • sports medicine doctor is a doctor responsible for maintaining the health of athletes and their recovery from sports injuries;
  • physiotherapy doctor- a specialist under whose guidance the patient performs physical exercise to restore physical fitness and various body functions;
  • physiotherapist- a doctor who uses physical factors as a treatment method;
  • chiropractor– a doctor who reduces subluxations and corrects pathological movement patterns ( clamps or blocks in the body) using hands;
  • osteopath– a chiropractor who uses methods alternative medicine;
  • reflexologist– a doctor who influences reflex points on the body using fingers, needles or physiotherapy;
  • cosmetologist– a doctor who has completed cosmetology courses and is proficient in some non-medical techniques ( cosmetic) massage.

What does a massage therapist do?

The activities of a massage therapist may vary depending on where he uses his skills and what basic education he has. The most important point When choosing a massage therapist, the most important factor is his competence. This means that a professional massage therapist must have a good knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the human body ( especially the structure of muscles, ligaments and nerves), understand what effect should be obtained when using each technique, and confidently master all the techniques and techniques of massage. All this information is called massage theory, which explains the principles and mechanisms of action massage techniques on the human body.

Massage is a type of physical impact on the human body that causes a reflex response that has a beneficial local or general effect on the body.

Massage techniques are used by specialists of other professions who also work with their hands - chiropractor, reflexologist, osteopath. A massage therapist, unlike a reflexologist, does not violate the integrity of skin (needles do not stick into the skin) and does not change the relative position of the bones of the joints relative to each other, unlike a chiropractor ( reduction of subluxations). As for osteopaths, they differ from massage therapists in that they “include” a program of self-healing for the entire body. A massage therapist helps to cope with the manifestations and symptoms of a particular ailment without affecting the cause.

Depending on the field of activity, the following massage specialists are distinguished:

  • sports massage ist– helps athletes withstand physical activity;
  • therapeutic massage specialist– provides massage to eliminate or mitigate the symptoms of various diseases;
  • massage therapist-cosmetologist– provides massage to eliminate aesthetic imperfections and maintain the external beauty of the skin;
  • children's massage therapist– carries out hygienic ( health-improving, preventive) and/or therapeutic massage for children in cases where it is necessary to restore any function or accelerate the growth of the child’s body.

Depending on the level of massage skills, massage therapists are divided into the following categories:

  • massage therapist 3rd category– has the skills to use massage techniques on various parts body and provides hygienic massage ( non-medical, health, strengthening);
  • massage therapist 2nd category– a massage therapist who is fluent in various massage techniques and can evaluate local and overall effect from massage;
  • 1st category massage specialist is a massage therapist who can independently diagnose ( or confirm it), develop a plan and choose an adequate massage technique, in accordance with the diagnosis, perform a massage and obtain a therapeutic effect;
  • specialist in the field of massage of the highest categoryhighest category assigned to a specialist who has developed a massage technique, opened a school or published science articles and books on massage ( specialist scientist);
  • massage teacher- this is a specialist high level, whose original techniques or massage systems have become a new direction and spread throughout the world.

How is the appointment with a massage therapist?

When you come to an appointment with a massage therapist, it is advisable to have information with you medical research and tests, as well as the diagnosis made by the attending physician and the doctor who referred for medical massage. Medical examination before performing a therapeutic massage is a prerequisite, since there are many diseases and conditions ( chronic or temporary), in which massage is contraindicated. Despite the fact that massage may look like a “frivolous” and harmless procedure, if there are contraindications, its implementation is hazardous to health.

Referrals for massage are most often provided by the following specialists:

  • pediatrician;
  • traumatologist;
  • surgeon;

The interior of massage rooms can be different, depending on where the massage therapist works, what techniques and types of massage he uses and what basic education he has. The office of a massage therapist or massage therapist with basic medical education is located in a hospital, clinic or medical center, and therefore has a completely “medical” appearance.

The medical massage room has:

  • doctor's desk;
  • chairs for massage therapist and visitor;
  • medical devices for measuring blood pressure, determining reflexes ( hammers);
  • a cabinet with medicines, creams and ointments that are used during massage;
  • various massage devices ( massagers);
  • massage table or couch.

The couch can be high or low, depending on the type of massage, but most often its height is about 70 - 80 centimeters.

In massage parlors, the interior is designed to create an atmosphere. It contains elements corresponding to the type of massage ( usually eastern), promoting relaxation ( dim lights or candles), pleasant smells and sounds ( music, birdsong, murmur of water). This is especially true for spa salons, where massage is most often performed in combination with other techniques.

At the appointment, the massage therapist performs diagnostic palpation ( palpation), examination, asks the patient about his complaints. It is important to know that such a diagnosis does not replace an examination with a doctor. Diagnostic massage techniques are not an independent type of diagnosis; they allow you to assess the condition of the tissues that the massage therapist is going to massage, and general state patient in this moment.

The massage therapist may ask the following questions:

  • What are the reasons for applying ( pain, chronic fatigue, irritability)?
  • Which accompanying illnesses are there?
  • Do you have a tendency to bleed?
  • How often do exacerbations of chronic diseases occur?
  • How often do complaints occur?
  • What provokes them ( movement, psycho-emotional or mental stress)?
  • Is there currently or has it been observed during last days increase in body temperature?
  • Does your body temperature rise for no reason?
  • Has your weight changed over time? Lately?
  • What medications is the patient taking?
  • What is the main treatment for the disease?

Pathologies and situations in which massage is not performed

Contraindications for massage

(common reasons )

  • any increase in body temperature ( even minor), especially when unknown reason;
  • any sharp or purulent inflammatory diseases;
  • diseases that cause severe pain and require the use of narcotic drugs (for example, myocardial infarction);
  • acute diseases of the heart muscle or pericardium ( myocarditis, pericarditis);
  • rheumatism in active phase and other systemic autoimmune and allergic diseases;
  • combined heart defects, with a predominance of narrowing of the valve openings ( mitral and aortic stenoses);
  • acute heart failure or exacerbation of chronic heart failure ( cardiac asthma, shortness of breath, hemoptysis);
  • unstable angina ( frequent heart attacks);
  • severe arrhythmias ( atrial fibrillation, ventricular) and heart block;
  • very high blood pressure numbers ( above 180/120 mm Hg. Art.);
  • vascular diseases ( thromboembolism, aneurysm, atherosclerosis cerebral vessels, violation cerebral circulation );
  • tendency to bleed ( for example, taking medications that thin the blood);
  • benign and malignant tumors before their surgical removal;
  • skin diseases ( purulent and fungal infections, herpes, flat warts, eczema, rosacea);
  • abrasions and cracks in the skin;
  • trophic ulcers on the skin and gangrene with vascular damage ( varicose veins, thrombosis, vascular inflammation);
  • inflammation lymph nodes and vessels ( enlargement and pain, adhesion of nodes to the skin);
  • active form tuberculosis;
  • chronic osteomyelitis ( purulent inflammation bones);
  • severe thyrotoxicosis ( increased activity thyroid gland);
  • serious illnesses nervous system (inflammation, tumors, hemorrhages);
  • mental disorders with marked agitation and severe personality changes.
  • within an hour after eating;
  • rashes on a limited area of ​​skin;
  • spicy allergic lesions itchy skin;
  • hernias in adults ( );
  • menstruation ( Abdominal massage is not recommended, lumbar region and hips);
  • gallstones ( Abdominal massage is not recommended);
  • urolithiasis disease ( Massage of the abdomen and lumbar region is not recommended);
  • uterine fibroids ( );
  • acute kidney disease ( Massage of the lumbar region and hips is not recommended);
  • postpartum period ( Massage of the lumbar region and hips is not recommended);
  • within 2 months after abortion ( Massage of the lumbar region and hips is not recommended);
  • complicated pregnancy ( Massage of the lumbar region and hips is not recommended).

What pathologies do people consult a massage therapist for?

Massage improves health or helps restore it, so you can contact a massage therapist with or without indications. The main reasons for contacting a massage therapist are symptoms or pathologies that can be mitigated or completely eliminated with the help of manual techniques ( manual) technician. Doctors of traditional medicine refer the patient to a massage therapist for certain indications, because massage is considered medical procedure, despite the fact that it causes pleasant sensations ( unlike many other medical procedures). Massage without medical indications ( in the absence of contraindications) is considered healthy and can be used as a way to preserve youth and prevent disease.

Pathologies for which medical massage is performed


Mechanism of occurrence

Therapeutic effect of massage

Traumatic injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system


A bruise is damage to soft tissues and organs that does not violate the integrity of the skin ( wound surface No). The bruise may manifest itself as swelling ( swelling), bruising or bleeding ( into the joint), rupture of muscles and nerve tissue.

Massage promotes the resorption of hemorrhages and swelling, which reduces mechanical compression and irritation of pain endings and relieves pain. In addition, local exposure improves blood flow and metabolism in tissues, promoting the resolution of swelling and rapid recovery.

Joint sprain

Ligaments can be stretched when trying to perform movements that are not typical for a given joint or when suddenly changing the direction of movement.

Habitual shoulder dislocation

Massage is performed during the rehabilitation period after surgery surgery on the knee joint. The purpose of the massage is to restore the sensitivity of the receptors that coordinate body movements, improve local blood flow and lymphatic drainage, maintain muscle tone that are associated with movement in the knee joint, and also restore full movement in the joint.

Flat feet

Massage helps improve the condition of the muscles that are involved in the act of breathing ( diaphragm, intercostal muscles, muscles chest, neck and forearms), which increases the mobility of the chest and helps push air out of the lungs through the narrowed bronchi.

Digestive diseases

Chronic gastritis

Metabolic disease


Therapeutic effect is due to the restoration of function and tone of the muscles and ligaments that support the kidneys in the same place.

Urolithiasis disease

The formation of stones in the kidneys and urinary tract is facilitated by slower blood flow to the kidneys. Poor circulation disrupts the filtration function of the kidneys. The kidneys begin to leak proteins ( Normally they are absorbed back into the blood), which become the basis of the future stone. In turn, stones can reflexively cause spasm of the renal arteries.

Massage is performed after stone removal or during the initial stages of the disease. Massage eliminates congestion in the kidneys, improving blood circulation in it.

Urinary incontinence

Sexual dysfunction


The causes of impotence in men can be the most various factors– psychological, endocrine, neuro-reflex. The impulse that triggers the process of arousal of the genital organs may not reach its destination due to a block on the way. In some cases, the impulse arrives, but the process is disrupted due to poor local circulation (congestion).

Prostate massage is performed through anus and helps eliminate congestion and stimulate the production of male sex hormones. General body massage calms the nervous system ( eliminated psychological factor ) and improves blood circulation and reflex reactions.

What types of massage are there?

The word “massage” has many meanings, among them there are such options as “rubbing”, “touching”, “gently pressing”, “squeezing with hands”. Massage arose from the assumption that if somewhere hurts, then that place needs to be massaged. At first glance, it seems illogical to put even more pressure on the sore spot, but at the same time, every person instinctively grabs the place that hurts and begins to rub it. It is possible that the body thus turns on the “self-massage” function. It has been found that in some cases pressing pain points connects the body’s anti-pain system, which is activated the more, the stronger the pain impulse ( signals from the source of pain).

Massage is one of the types of physiotherapy - therapy ( treatment) using physical influence. Massage is, first of all, mechanical impact on the human body in a certain dose, which activates the necessary points on the body and through reflex mechanisms leads to a therapeutic effect. Reflex mechanism is the body's response to external influence (in this case for a massage), carried out by the nervous system.

Thus, the mechanism of action of massage includes mechanical factor (massage appointment), humoral factor (change in biochemical processes) and neuro-reflex factor.

The neuro-reflex mechanism of massage involves:

  • analyzer nerve ( sensory or sensory neuron);
  • messenger nerve ( interneuron);
  • motor nerve ( motor neuron).

Every organ in the human body has sensory nerve endings– receptors. The receptor is, in fact, the most end part ramifications sensory neurons (nerve cells), which is needed to obtain information. Information in the language of nerves is a nerve impulse. After receiving the information, that is, the occurrence nerve impulse, the sensitive neuron must transmit data to another neuron - the central one ( in the brain) or insertion ( in the spinal cord), who “know” how to respond to a given stimulus. The central neuron transmits a signal to the motor neuron according to a clearly established plan of action. A motor neuron carries out an act of movement, that is, it puts some structure into action, as a result of which we observe an effect. This process is called a reflex arc, which is most often represented by 3 neurons ( sometimes there are more than 3).

It is known that many diseases internal organs have so-called reflex or referred pain ( reflexus - reflected), which spread along nerve fibers from the diseased organ to any part of the body ( back, arms, shoulder, jaw, legs, spine). Traditional medicine explains this by saying that the skin area ( dermatome) and a specific internal organ receive nerve branches from the same nerve, therefore, by massaging the skin of the area where the pain is reflected, you can influence the diseased organ from where this pain comes.

Massage can be the following types, depending on the scope of application:

  • medical ( medicinal);
  • hygienic ( preventative, health);
  • cosmetic;
  • sports;
  • children's

Depending on the origin or the adopted system of implementation, massage can be:

  • European ( Finnish, Swedish, Russian);
  • Oriental.

Depending on the method used, massage can be:

  • manual;
  • foot;
  • hardware;
  • combined.

Depending on the form, massage can be:

  • general– the whole body is massaged;
  • local– a specific area is massaged;
  • self-massage– carried out independently;
  • couples massage– carried out by two massage therapists;
  • mutual massage– carried out by two people taking turns at each other ( for example, massage with a broom in a bathhouse).

Medicinal ( medical) massage

Massotherapy is a massage that is performed for the purpose of therapy ( treatment), restoration of organ function or rehabilitation after injuries and illnesses. And, if this is a medical procedure, then it must be prescribed by a doctor. Therapeutic massage is prescribed by a physiotherapist, who indicates what kind of massage is needed, where exactly it needs to be massaged and how many massage sessions should be prescribed to obtain the effect.

Therapeutic massage can be:

  • classic– this is a type of massage that includes techniques that are not intended to affect specific reflex zones;
  • reflex-segmental– massage techniques are carried out in a specific area, which is reflexively connected to the spinal cord.

All known and proposed massages with a therapeutic effect can be classified as one of the above types.

Therapeutic massage may belong to one of the following systems:

  • European massage system is a system of classical massage, which includes a set of characteristic techniques, while the massage therapist does not specifically influence any points. European classic massage is a system of not only medical massage, but also hygienic, cosmetic and sports. This means that techniques and methods can be used for different purposes.
  • Eastern massage system developed in Asian countries. The art of massage has been passed down from generation to generation for many years. Oriental massage uses eastern knowledge about the human body, that is, it has its own non-traditional ( philosophical) a look at diseases and methods of their treatment. From this point of view, oriental massage can be classified as osteopathy ( unconventional manual therapy ), but unlike an osteopath, a massage therapist uses only massage.

Varieties of European and oriental massage

Type of massage


European classic massage




In Russian ( domestic) the massage system is dominated by kneading techniques. This means that Russian massage can affect not only the skin, but also other tissues - fascia, joints, muscles, blood vessels and the nervous system. This type massage has a more subtle and dosed effect, allowing the use of interchangeable techniques, which facilitates the actions of the massage therapist, allowing him to rest and conserve his strength throughout the massage session.

Swedish massage

The Swedish system codified the techniques of Greek, Roman and Chinese massage. This massage uses more strong techniques to reach deep tissues. The main emphasis of the Swedish system is on rubbing compactions in tissues, stretching muscles and vascular and nerve bundles. In addition, Swedish massage on the limbs is carried out from the bottom up, that is, the foot is massaged first, then the lower leg and thigh ( the same on the upper limb - hand - forearm - shoulder).

Finnish massage

The Finnish system is characterized by the use of kneading techniques, which the massage therapist uses with the pad of his thumb. The limb massage scheme does not differ from the Swedish system ( foot – shin – thigh).

Eastern massage system

Meridian massage

Meridians are invisible channels through which the life-giving energy “qi” passes, setting in motion the functions of organs. If traditional massage is carried out in the direction of the blood and lymphatic vessels, then oriental massage is carried out in the direction of these same meridians. The meridians of the kidneys, spleen, pancreas and liver run along the inside of the leg, and the meridians Bladder, gallbladder and stomach - according to outside. By outer surface upper limbs the meridians of the thick and small intestine and the meridian of the “triple warmer” ( regulates body fluids and food processing), and along the inner surface - the meridians of the heart, lungs and pericardium ( pericardium).



Biologically located on meridians active points, influencing which it is possible to normalize energy ( Yang or Yin) in one or another organ. Moreover, it is important that the specialist performing acupressure can carry out diagnostics “in the Eastern way”, that is, be able to determine what type of disorder the disease belongs to. In the Eastern concept, there are diseases associated with Yang energy ( masculine energy ) and Yin ( feminine energy). Yin diseases include “growing” processes, that is, diseases in which an organ enlarges ( for example, an increase in heart size with heart failure, an increase in liver size with hepatitis, benign and malignant tumors, obesity, ulcers). Yang diseases are characterized by increased body temperature, severe pain, itching, constant thirst.

Despite the division in the system of classical European massage itself, currently the Russian, Swedish and Finnish systems are constantly being improved, borrowing techniques from each other.

The Eastern massage system has the following technical differences from the European system:

  • direction of massage techniques– massage is carried out both from the center to the periphery and back;
  • massage method– oriental massage is carried out without lubricants, since the oriental system requires a deep impact on the skin, which cannot be done if the massage therapist’s hands slip;
  • execution technique– massage according to the eastern system can be performed with both hands and feet;
  • massage techniques– oriental massage techniques must be performed with significant pressure from the masseur, who uses the weight of his body, and in order to use his weight, the person being massaged must be laid on the floor or on a low couch.

Sports massage

Sports massage is adapted to sports training a type of classic massage, which is one of the components of the training. The purpose of sports massage is to help the athlete quickly achieve the desired sports form and maintain it. Sports massage is performed by a massage therapist or trainer-massage therapist for professional athletes or people who engage in various sports to maintain their health. If massage is carried out as rehabilitation after an injury, it should be prescribed by a sports medicine or physical therapy doctor, as well as a physiotherapist.

Sports massage can be:

  • training– carried out with the aim of strengthening muscles and increasing the physical endurance of the athlete;
  • preliminary– carried out to relieve tension before training;
  • restorative– carried out after training or competitions to relieve muscle and nervous tension caused by heavy physical exertion.

Preliminary massage has the following subtypes:

  • warm-up massage– “warm-up” allows you to quickly increase your performance before training or competition, which is achieved by increasing blood flow to the muscles that need to work;
  • massage in pre-launch states– contributes to achieving the desired state athlete before the start ( combat readiness), that is, it calms down when overexcited ( starting fever) or tones up in a depressed state ( starting apathy);
  • warming– this type of massage is used to warm up muscles and increase their contractility if there is a risk of hypothermia.

Sports massage therapists do not have a fixed schedule; their working hours depend on the training regimen. Naturally, during preparation for competitions, such massage therapists can work in emergency mode.

Cosmetic massage

This type of massage differs from others in that it can be prescribed and performed not only by a massage therapist with a medical education, but also by a cosmetologist. Cosmetic massage is able to tighten the skin, prevent its withering, get rid of a double chin, that is, it pursues purely aesthetic goals. As you know, aesthetic procedures do not affect the body as a whole, that is, cosmetic massage can only be local ( private). Cosmetic massage can be performed with or without creams.

Cosmetic massage can be of the following types:

  • preventive ( health, hygiene) – carried out to preserve the beauty of the skin or improve its condition;
  • medicinal– a conditional name, since this type of massage helps eliminate skin symptoms;
  • plastic– allows you to correct aesthetic imperfections that appear with age.

Hygienic massage

Hygiene is a branch of medicine that deals with the care and maintenance of health ( hygiene - health). Hygienic massage is a healing massage that is performed to strengthen the body, being part of a healthy lifestyle. The difference between hygienic and medical massage It is that hygienic massage, firstly, is carried out for the prevention of diseases ( like morning exercises), and secondly, has no direct therapeutic effects on the body. The last condition allows you to use hygienic massage as self-massage. It turns out that all types of non-medical massage are either hygienic massage, or to cosmetic.

General hygienic massage has the following principles:

  • sequence– depending on the purpose, the massage can be started from both the head and the back, but most often the back is massaged first, since there are many reflex points on the back;
  • time– hygienic massage is carried out in the morning after morning exercises, it can also be carried out a couple of hours before bedtime;
  • conditions– hygienic massage can be done while remaining in light clothing; direct bodily contact in this case is not necessary;
  • age and health status– in older people or those who have had serious disease, more gentle massage techniques are used ( the first procedure should also be gentle).

The neck and back are massaged for 5 - 8 minutes, legs - from 4 to 7, chest - 3 - 4 minutes, stomach - 2 minutes, arms - up to 4 minutes. The total duration of the massage is 15 – 25 minutes, the number of sessions general massage– 2 – 3 treatments per week, private massage can be performed every day.

Types of hygienic massage

A type of hygienic massage



Preventive massage is carried out using massage gels or oils. The massage starts from the head. The massage therapist performs stroking, kneading, rubbing, rotating and pulling joints, thumb massage, “pulling” the hair, stretching the spine and neck, and facial massage.


When performing restorative hygienic massage, the massage therapist uses stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration. More crude techniques are not used so as not to cause an increase in pressure. This massage starts from the back.


Toning massage includes techniques such as kneading, rubbing, striking techniques (tapping, chopping, patting). During a tonic massage, all techniques are performed energetically and at a fast pace. The massage starts from the back.


A soothing massage includes techniques such as stroking, kneading and shaking. It is important that stroking lasts longer than other techniques. A soothing massage also starts from the back.

Baby massage

Baby massage stands out in separate species due to the features childhood and the importance of tactile contact ( touches) for the development of the child’s body. Children's skin is very thin, but has many receptors through which the baby experiences the world. Touching causes a pleasant sensation in the child, contributes to the formation of a stable response to stress, accelerates physical and mental development. A child can be massaged after umbilical wound will heal. The massage begins with soft and light techniques, gradually increasing the intensity and duration of the procedure. During the massage, the child is placed on his back or stomach.

Children's massage is often called orthopedic. This is due to the fact that the main medical indication to children's massage is the pathology of the musculoskeletal system. At the same time, massage is recommended for babies under 1 year of age, regardless of the presence or absence of pathology.

Manual massage

Hands are the main tools of a massage therapist. The sensitivity of the fingers allows you to palpate and evaluate changes in tissues before and after the massage. Massage can be performed with the palm, fingers, elbow, or edges of the hand.

Foot massage

Foot massage still does not have a systematic methodology. In the traditional system, it is used to massage large athletes, since the legs can exert more pressure than hands. Often athletes themselves do mutual foot massage before or after training. The eastern version of foot massage is performed in baths, since the eastern technique requires that the joints and muscles be well warmed up. Foot massage is performed with the heel, toes, and knees.

Hardware massage

Hardware massage is carried out using special devices that have a massaging effect on the skin. Most often, hardware massage is used as helper method at various diseases internal organs. This type of massage is prescribed by a physiotherapist, who also controls the effect hardware massage on the general condition of the patient. Hardware massage is also designed as a method that can be used independently.

Hardware massage, depending on the device used, can be of the following types:

  • hydromassage– carried out using the pressure of a stream of water ( underwater massage shower, Charcot shower);
  • vibrating massage– carried out using devices that transmit oscillatory movements to the skin and underlying soft tissues;
  • pneumomassage ( vacuum massage ) – massage is carried out with a stream of air, while the pressure of the air stream alternately increases and decreases;
  • ultrasonic massage– massage is carried out using a device that sends ultrasonic signals into the tissue, which improve blood circulation, relieve spasms and have an analgesic effect;
  • baromassage– carried out inside a special chamber in which the pressure alternately changes, resulting in an influx and ebb of blood;
  • massage using hand devices and tools– most often used in cosmetic massage.

There are the following devices and tools for massage:

  • massage couches;
  • massage chair;
  • massage belts;
  • foot massagers;
  • massage track;
  • massage brushes;
  • massage sticks;
  • massage mats.

Combined massage

Combined massage is a combination of several types of massage. Most often, a combination massage will include manual massage ( classic or segmental reflex) and hardware. The main time of a combined massage session ( about 2/3) is given to manual influence, with hardware massage performed in the middle of the session. Thus, a combination massage begins and ends with a manual massage. This combination was not chosen by chance. Firstly, switching to hardware massage in the middle of the session allows the massage therapist to relax, and secondly, hardware massage has a deeper and stronger effect, so the massaged area must first be prepared with manual massage.

SPA massage

Spa massage is not a purely massage technique. SPA is a health complex that includes massage, water and physiotherapeutic procedures. The massage itself is carried out using techniques from both the European and Eastern systems. The term “SPA” stands for “Sanus per Aquam”, which is translated from Latin as “health through water”. But, besides water ( steam sauna, shower), spa treatments use mud, plants, salts, stones, facial blowing, aromatherapy and other procedures that represent air and earth and should affect all five human senses.

It is important to note that spa massage does not have a direct therapeutic effect; it is a non-medical massage. Its healing essence allows us to classify this massage as a hygienic massage with an emphasis on the psychological comfort of the client.

What techniques does a massage therapist use?

Today, medical centers and massage parlors offer different kinds massage, but this does not mean that there are actually so many of them. The fact is that the set of massage techniques can be called whatever you like - by the name of the author of the technique, by the name of the country in which the technique originated, by the method and technique of massage, and so on. In the same way, one medicine produced by different pharmaceutical companies, carries various brand names. In medicine, the name of a massage is largely determined by its purpose. If a massage is carried out in the absence of pathology, then it is called hygienic; if it is needed to eliminate symptoms, it is therapeutic or medical; a massage for beauty is called cosmetic. In this case, the massage therapist can simultaneously use the techniques and techniques of classical and oriental massage. What kind of massage is needed is determined by the physiotherapist.

Basic methods of therapeutic massage


Mechanism therapeutic effect

For what pathologies is it prescribed?

Approximate duration of treatment

Classic massage

(medicinal, European)

Under the influence of classical massage, muscles relax, swelling and effusion in joints, and hemorrhages in tissues are resolved. As a result, the compression or irritation of pain receptors stops, and the pain stops. Massage causes blood flow, improves metabolism and speeds up healing and recovery. In addition to local effects, massage has a general calming or tonic effect.

  • bruises;
  • habitual shoulder dislocation;
  • fractures ( after treatment);
  • tendon rupture ( during the rehabilitation period);
  • arthritis, arthrosis;
  • injuries;
  • flat feet;
  • tenosynovitis;
  • bursitis;
  • periostitis;
  • myositis;
  • myalgia;
  • convulsive muscle contractions;
  • burns and frostbite;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • radiculitis;
  • paralysis;
  • scoliosis;
  • neuralgia;
  • neuritis;
  • headache;
  • low arterial pressure;
  • angina pectoris;
  • post-infarction state;
  • heart defects;
  • obliterating endarteritis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • emphysema and
  • pneumonia;
  • chronic gastritis;
  • chronic colitis (constipation);
  • infertility;
  • sexual dysfunction;
  • muscle weakness uterus;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • menopausal syndrome;
  • gout;
  • obesity;
  • skin and hair diseases ( dry seborrhea, acne, baldness, scleroderma, psoriasis);
  • cellulite;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • nephritis and nephrosis;
  • nephroptosis;
  • urinary incontinence.

The number of classical massage sessions is selected individually. Usually massage is carried out every other day. The duration of a general massage in the Swedish system is 35 minutes, in the Finnish system - 50 minutes, and in the Russian system - about 60 minutes. Private massage ( local) is carried out for 3 – 25 minutes.

Segmental reflex massage

The massage “works” on the principle that each internal organ corresponds to a certain area of ​​the skin. The internal organ and the skin receive nerves from the same segment ( level) spinal cord. Such areas are called Zakharyin-Ged zones. If an organ is sick, then in the corresponding area of ​​the skin ( dermatome) sensitivity, blood supply and electrical resistance change. By massaging the diseased organ with a dermatome, it is possible to have a beneficial effect on the function of the latter.

Segmental reflex massage is usually performed 1 – 2 times a week, each session lasts 15 – 60 minutes.

Connective tissue massage

With connective tissue massage, reflex zones are massaged, which are located in the soft tissues under the skin - these are subcutaneous fat and fascia. With diseases of the internal organs, individual zones are reflexively stretched, and their elasticity decreases. The effect of massage on soft tissues helps restore their elasticity, mobility and relieve pain.

  • arthrosis;
  • arthritis;
  • myalgia;
  • neuralgia;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • radiculitis;
  • fractures;
  • dislocations;
  • flat feet;
  • scoliosis;
  • torticollis;
  • tenosynovitis;
  • paralysis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • chronic prostatitis;
  • cystitis;
  • nephritis;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • sexual dysfunction;
  • menstrual irregularities.

Connective tissue massage is prescribed 2 - 3 times a week, the session duration can be from 20 to 60 minutes.


Periosteal ( periosteum - periosteum) massage also refers to acupressure. Massaging the bony protrusions compresses the sensitive receptors of the periosteum, which has an analgesic effect, improves blood circulation in the periosteum and has a reflex effect on the internal organs.

  • arthritis;
  • fractures ( after operation);
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • angina pectoris;
  • heart defects;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pneumonia;
  • emphysema;
  • chronic obstructive bronchitis;
  • chronic gastritis;
  • osteochondrosis.

Periosteal massage is performed 2–3 times a week. One session lasts about 15 minutes.

Su-Jok therapy

Su-Jok therapy is a hand massage ( su) and stop ( Jock) patient. According to Korean teaching, there are many points or projections of internal organs on the hands and feet. It is believed that blood flows from a diseased organ to a specific point. electromagnetic waves, which change the state of the point. If you influence this changed point, then a therapeutic electromagnetic pulse is sent to the diseased organ.

  • angina pectoris;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • post-infarction state;
  • heart defects;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • emphysema;
  • chronic obstructive bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • chronic gastritis;
  • chronic colitis ( constipation);
  • peptic ulcer and duodenum;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • infertility;
  • headache;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • menopausal syndrome;
  • paralysis;
  • neuralgia;
  • arthrosis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • gout;
  • obesity;
  • sexual dysfunction;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • infertility;
  • nephritis and nephrosis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • cystitis;
  • urinary incontinence.

On average, 5–10 sessions are required to obtain the effect. In some cases, 1 – 2 sessions are enough.

Acupressure or Zhen acupressure


and "shiatsu"


Acupressure differs from acupressure in that it uses only pressure. Acupressure points correspond to the acupuncture points into which needles are inserted during reflexology. Each point is located on a specific meridian - an energy channel that is connected to an internal organ. Pressure on the point triggers an energy impulse that reaches along the meridian the desired organ and regulates its function.

  • arthritis;
  • angina pectoris;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • low blood pressure;
  • obliterating endarteritis;
  • radiculitis;
  • neuritis;
  • neuralgia;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • headache;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pneumonia;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • menopausal syndrome;
  • sexual dysfunction;
  • chronic gastritis;
  • chronic colitis;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • bruises;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • muscle cramps.

Acupressure massage is carried out in courses. 1 course usually includes 10 – 15 sessions.

Linear Chinese massage along the meridians

The massage is performed with hands or a device along the meridian lines. Linear massage can be soothing, tonic or neutral ( harmonizing) Effect. An increase in tone is achieved by massage in the direction of the energy flow in the meridian, and inhibition of increased tone is achieved by massage against the current. Harmonizing massage is carried out alternately in both directions.

  • myalgia;
  • convulsive muscle contractions;
  • neuritis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • emphysema;
  • chronic obstructive bronchitis;
  • arthritis and arthrosis;
  • bursitis;
  • tenosynovitis;
  • headache;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • angina pectoris;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • low blood pressure;
  • paralysis;
  • chronic colitis;
  • chronic gastritis;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • sexual dysfunction;
  • weakness of the uterine muscles;
  • nephritis;
  • cystitis;
  • urinary incontinence.

Linear massage lasts 15 – 20 minutes. The number of required sessions is determined individually. The effect can be obtained already in the first sessions.

Ancient Chinese massage "Tuina"

This type of massage involves the use of not only pressure, but also stretching ( tui – press, na – pull). Its principle is the normalization of the direction of life-giving energy “qi” along the meridians. The therapeutic effect is manifested by improved blood circulation, lymph circulation and cleansing the body of toxins.

  • arthritis;
  • radiculitis;
  • convulsions;
  • myalgia;
  • neuralgia;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • menopausal syndrome;
  • hypertonic disease.

The session lasts 30 – 60 minutes.

Hardware massage

Physical impact ( vibration, air or water jet) enhances the massage effect, causes vasodilation, improves blood flow, cardiac and nervous activity, and normalizes blood pressure.

  • Chronical bronchitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • consequences of fractures and injuries;
  • radiculitis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • myositis;
  • endarteritis ( pneumomassage);
  • neuralgia;
  • aesthetic skin defects ( wrinkles, scars, sagging skin);
  • obesity;
  • cellulite;
  • baldness.

The duration of a hardware massage session depends on the chosen method. Vacuum pneumomassage and vibration massage are carried out for 20 minutes, hydromassage – 5 – 7 minutes.

Baby massage

Baby massage improves metabolic processes in the body, stimulates the physical and mental development of the child, has a calming effect, normalizes blood and lymph circulation.

  • paralysis;
  • torticollis;
  • scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis;
  • congenital hip dislocation;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pneumonia;
  • heart defects;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • flat feet;
  • clubfoot;
  • chronic colitis ( constipation);
  • umbilical hernia;
  • rickets.

Massage can be performed daily. Session duration is up to 30 minutes per day.

The help of a massage therapist may be required for people who suffer from disorders in musculoskeletal system, suffered an injury, fracture, muscle strain. If you are worried about migraines, lower back pain, cervical spine spine or back, when a person is regularly overtired, both mentally and physically. The patient may also be referred to a similar specialist for massage for bronchitis, pneumonia, and peptic ulcers.

There are several popular types of massage:

classic massage;


Thai massage;

Anticellulite massage;

sports massage;

relaxing massage.

Massage therapist: how to choose a good specialist

Are all massage therapists in Moscow professionals in their field and how can you identify an experienced, good specialist? A highly qualified massage therapist always knows which massage technique is suitable for a particular problem. The entire course of treatment should be varied, not identical, procedures. He must know when intense tissue work is required during a massage, and when a gentle massage is required to maintain muscle tone.

It is most reasonable to approach the choice of a doctor for consultation, based on the recommendations of people who have had a massage with him. A good massage therapist in Moscow will have positive reviews, as will the rating indicator. Now you know where to find the best specialist.

Our website contains reviews of massage therapists in Moscow. They are left by real patients so that you can understand how effectively a particular massage therapist treats.

The rating of Moscow massage therapists is a relative system for assessing professionalism. To calculate it, they take into account all the recommendations that people leave on the site, which makes it very significant indicator when choosing a specialist for yourself.

Who is a massage therapist?

Everyone knows what a massage is. This method of influencing one’s own body has been known to many since childhood. The specialist who conducts similar procedures, and is called a massage therapist. He has a medical education and is also well versed in human anatomical features.

What does a massage therapist do?

It’s easy to figure out what a massage therapist does. However, depending on the type of massage, the work of a specialist may differ. Thus, manipulations carried out in hospitals are fundamentally different from procedures in beauty salons. Anyway good masseur must be aware of the health status of his patient. It is necessary to know even about diseases suffered previously, because careless movement of a physician can cause complications.

When should you contact a professional?

There are many indications for therapeutic massage. The procedure is necessary for most diseases of the musculoskeletal system (not in the acute stage). In addition, massage can correct disorders of the spine and joints (which is why it is so often prescribed for scoliosis). Such manipulations play a huge role in recovery from paralysis and paresis, which serve frequent consequences strokes and diseases related to the brain. The analgesic effect of massage has long been noted. It is able to eliminate the discomfort that occurs when internal organs malfunction (for example, pain due to gynecological ailments or migraines).

It is worth contacting a massage therapist for those who have to spend a lot of time at the computer. This will relieve muscle tension and protect yourself from the development of many unpleasant diseases, and also relax. Sedative effect massage is useful for everyone whose work involves nerves and psychological stress. It is no coincidence that many salons carry out special procedures using various aromatic oils and pleasant music - this allows you to relax as much as possible both physically and mentally. A special function is performed by the so-called sports massage. It allows athletes to relax their muscles after training, as well as strengthen them and prepare them for new loads.

A huge number of therapeutic and non-therapeutic types of massage allows each person to choose what he needs.

How to become a massage therapist?

The first step towards the desired profession is obtaining a secondary medical education. This can be done at any medical college or school in Moscow, state and not only. It is enough to obtain the specialty of a nurse. Training is carried out on the basis of 9 or 11 grades, you can enroll at any age. After training, you need to take special courses in massage. In most cases, this can be done at the same institution where you received your basic education. You can also learn massage from numerous private organizations. You just need to make sure that the institution you choose has a special license. Suitable options may be, for example, the Master Point training center, the Institute of Massage and Cosmetology, the Institute of Professional Massage, etc.

The option of working as a massage therapist without a medical education is quite controversial. Some organizations offer short-term courses that will allow anyone to learn how to do massage. It is worth remembering what to do in this case healing procedures you won’t be able to, and finding a job can be quite difficult.

Famous Moscow specialists

Massage is one of the oldest medical directions. Over the centuries, numerous specialists have been trained in the art of massage. Today there are hundreds of massage therapists in Moscow. The most popular and in demand are V.S. Eni-Orolunda, Y.P. Moskal, T.N. Kornilova and others.

Masseur- a massage specialist who applies therapeutic techniques, the art of touch, and manual techniques on the human body and organs. Applies a method that allows you to control physiological state body, eliminates psychosomatic diseases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and other internal organs.

What is the competence of a massage therapist?

For each patient, the massage therapist selects an individual massage technique. All actions must fulfill the main task, contribute to successful treatment. The entire treatment course eliminates stereotyping and the procedures should not be repeated.

To raise the overall tone of the body, activate recovery processes, eliminate muscle hypertonicity at the beginning healing process They do superficial tissue massage, as well as soft massage.

What diseases does a massage therapist treat?

Indications for therapeutic massage are:

  • the need for rapid resorption in tissues after the inflammatory process;
  • to improve the functioning of the nervous system and muscles.

Massage is indicated for many diseases:

  • The main indication for massage is a disease of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Massage is prescribed for diseases of the cardiovascular system, hypertension(raise or decrease blood pressure), in case of disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system. It has an effect on nerve endings, restores their conductivity, improves blood supply, nourishes muscles;
  • Massage is recommended for diseases of the motor nerves, convulsions, neuralgia, which are accompanied by painful sensations;
  • Massage is prescribed for scars, cuts, burns, fractures, curvatures of the spine, changes in the shape of joints, torticollis;
  • A special type of massage is prescribed for chronic malnutrition. As a result, metabolism improves, protective forces body, tone;
  • Therapeutic massage is used for diseases of internal organs as an additional remedy. Massage actions are carried out in the back, abdomen, and side of the body. Such actions significantly reduce pain;
  • Massage is prescribed for gynecological diseases(uterine massage) for severe pain;
  • Massage gives positive results for diseases of the nervous system, where it is used as a sedative.

The massage therapist performs correction of the spine and joints, namely:

  • , scoliosis, incorrect posture;
  • osteochondrosis, acute, chronic pain in the back, neck;
  • skeletal diseases;
  • limited mobility of the spine, neck, shoulder and hip joints.

Indications for massage are also headaches, migraine-type pain, and dizziness.

What organs does a massage therapist deal with?

A massage specialist treats the entire body as a whole. It all depends on the patient's complaints. Therapeutic massage is carried out on all parts of the body (limbs, buttocks, back, all parts of the spine, head, face, abdomen).

When should you contact a Massage Therapist?

In some cases, the effect of massage is better than drug treatment. It is recommended to visit a massage parlor not only for acute diseases. Preventive massage will prevent the development of various diseases and keep the body in good shape.

Wellness massage is prescribed for disorders of the nervous system (relaxing or tonic).

Massage is necessary for those who experience constant tension in certain parts of the body (back, neck, lower back).

Twice a year it is necessary to massage those who suffer from osteochondrosis. This will relieve the unpleasant symptoms of the disease and improve the quality of life.
Honey massage, massage with herbal remedies is carried out for diseases of the upper respiratory tract(bronchitis, pneumonia,).
A visit to the massage room will help cope with depression, frequent headaches, stress, and eliminate chronic fatigue, normalize sleep, relieve mental stress.

Massage is prescribed for diseases of the digestive system (gastritis, diseases of the intestines, duodenum, liver, kidneys).

The help of a massage therapist is necessary for bruises, stretch marks, fractures during the healing period, when functional disorders after a dislocation or fracture.

For diseases of the cardiovascular system (angina pectoris, the period after a heart attack, hypertension, hypotension), massage procedures are also recommended.

When and what tests should be done?

There is no need to do any special tests to see a massage therapist. The results of examination by other specialists will be sufficient. It is also necessary to notify the massage therapist if you are sick during the treatment course. If the patient has complaints, a cardiogram, ultrasound, blood test, or x-ray are prescribed.

What main types of diagnostics does a massage therapist usually perform?

No additional diagnostics are required. Massage is carried out healthy patients for the prevention of diseases.

If there is a disease, the massage therapist uses the diagnosis data according to which the massage was prescribed.


At nervous tension A massage will help you. But first, take a warm bath and turn on some calm music. This will allow your muscles to relax before the massage. If someone close to you is nearby, let them massage your shoulders. It is problematic to massage this part of the body on your own. Therefore, if there is no one to help, use a wooden massager. Use relaxing agents that contain helichrysum and wheat germ oil.

Massage and gymnastics are very important for a baby. It brings great pleasure to the child. The procedure has a positive effect on the physical and mental development of the child, the function of all senses and organs of the central nervous system improves, immunity increases, and metabolism improves. Prevention is possible colds. Also, massage and gymnastics improve a toddler’s sleep and promote weight gain. Massage at this age will prevent the development of flat feet, torticollis, and clubfoot.

Light, gentle strokes on the tummy will help the baby cope with intestinal colic, hypertonicity, hypotonicity of muscles, normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Carry out with clean, dry hands, without using talc and petroleum jelly, as well as nourishing, strong-smelling creams and oils. It can cause allergies in the baby. It is enough to lubricate your hands with any baby cream.

It is prohibited to perform massage procedures on a child when high temperature, skin inflammations and diathesis.

The room where the massage session is performed is ventilated before the procedure and the temperature is maintained at least 22 degrees. At the same time, the air is warm and fresh.

The hands of the massage therapist are warm, clean and dry. They should not have any decorations on them to avoid injury. delicate skin baby. There must be contact between the baby and the doctor; the baby should not be afraid of the doctor.

Carry out the massage on a hard surface, laying down a towel or thin blanket. All massage actions are carried out carefully, without causing pain to the little one, accurately and professionally. There should be no sudden movements so as not to disrupt the articular-ligamentous apparatus.

During the massage it is necessary to observe the baby. Notice those actions that bring the child the most pleasure. And start the next session with them.



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs